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File: 14 KB, 198x240, n9iwudcn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13638310 No.13638310 [Reply] [Original]

I absolutely hate it when every nice product sells out within a week, no re-runs, and then there are hundreds of assholes selling them on ebay with astronomical asking prices.

I recently got into Kill la Kill and thought this could be a nice mousepad.
It's now some kind of collector's item that sells for 150 dollars on ebay.
Why do you do this? This product cost 30 dollars on AmiAmi just a few weeks ago.

>> No.13638319

I fucking want that oppai mousepad but there's no way in hell I'm giving some guy 150 dollars for it just because they don't make them anymore.

>> No.13638329

>I fucking want that oppai mousepad but there's no way

>> No.13638332

Because they're not high-demand items and it's not profitable to make more than you can sell.

>> No.13638335

>>I fucking want that oppai mousepad

>> No.13638343

>>>I fucking want that oppai

>> No.13638348


If it's not a high-demand product, then why doesn't the price go down by time but instead it goes up like it was a fucking collectible?

I'll play the waiting game and offer the ebay guys 50 bucks in a few years.

>> No.13638368

Go to yahoo auctions you fucking gaijin faggot

>> No.13638381


>21st century

>even remembers Yahoo

>> No.13638383

Why would collectables be high-demand items?

>> No.13638389

Collectables aren't high-demand items.

>> No.13638391



I have no idea which one they're selling here or what the fuck is said on the page but this could be what you're looking for.

I don't speak Japanese and I'm proud of it.

>> No.13638415


I'd bet my ass these Japanese weeaboos don't ship outside Japan.

>> No.13638416
File: 252 KB, 600x839, 14ef41878ff1712eaa105f47924b903f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have no idea which one they're selling here
Both. The auction's going to shoot up in price as it gets closer to the time, you should find a proxy and bid right away if you really want it.

It'll be cheaper than eBay, too.

>> No.13638427

>Japanese weeaboos
My head hurts.

>> No.13638435
File: 107 KB, 1267x283, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese weeaboos
No shit they don't ship outside Japan. You should just pay the $150 ebay price before you cost yourself more money from dumb mistakes.

>> No.13638443

my dad works at the oppai mousepad factory so i've got every one sorry op

>> No.13638457


So uhh, how exactly do you Americunts order from Yahoo auctions?
I have one Japanese friend on Skype but he's probably not gonna help me on this one.
We rarely speak, it's always awkward, he hates anime and thinks I'm pushy.

>> No.13638465

>literal blog
You're going to hurt your brain trying to order it, just buy it on ebay you stupid bitch

>> No.13638470
File: 866 KB, 2233x1443, paris-street-scene-sept-2005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All I can make out of your pic that the last letter is "n".

I'm too busy studying French, can't be bothered with weeaboo languages.

>> No.13638484

It's like you're really Japanese.

>> No.13638494


Japs have this delusion that France is the land of dreams, kinda like westerners have the delusion that Japan is where anime becomes reality.

>> No.13638498

>want specific daki of a specific character
>its old, rare, and costs 300+ usd
>can't bootleg bc no scans
>all other dakis of said character are lewd or crudely drawn
It hurts

>> No.13638503

looks like there's a listing on fleabay at $68 BIN

>> No.13638510

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13638520

Dwath himself

>> No.13638530

I could use someone like you to explain all my jokes.

>> No.13638531


Nah too high. It was 30 dollars on AmiAmi just a week ago.
I'm not gonna double some idiot's money.
Plus there will be import taxes because I live in Finland.

>> No.13638563


Sorry I'm from Finland so I say weird shit all the time.

>> No.13638575

This explains everything.

>> No.13638578

From time to time I ask myself why buyfag threads are on /a/ and not on /jp/, now I know the answer.

Take this shit thread where it belongs.

>> No.13638595

I'll sell you mine for 75 dollars, OP. I only hotglued it twice.

>> No.13638624
File: 10 KB, 250x241, sammakko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>hotglued my Ruiko twice
>hot fuckin glued

You are scum.

regards, OP

>> No.13638632

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13638666


Greentext is inner monologue, not quoting

>> No.13638685

It's not like that here, froggyboi.

You are in /jp/ space.

>> No.13638841


Wut WÄT?!

>> No.13638864


>> No.13638870

訳語 get out

>> No.13638886


>> No.13638931


do you have a picture?

>> No.13638947
File: 6 KB, 423x444, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture.

>> No.13638953


too lewd, no clothing at all

>> No.13638975

Where do you think you are?

>> No.13639169

Get out saten.

>> No.13640483
File: 199 KB, 508x385, reimu-facepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese weeaboos

>> No.13640615

>kill la kill fag is a casual and a retard

No surprise there. fuck off.

>> No.13641733
File: 8 KB, 217x250, 1417950100955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you just buy a mousepad then sell it for $151 then buy the one you want for $150.

>> No.13641907

>150 dollars on ebay
You think that's bad, check out a current ebay listing that has one for US $999.00. I shit you not.

ebay is comedy.
