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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13617346 No.13617346 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>13560360
The Tag extra stage songs have been unlocked for anyone playing DDR2013

>> No.13617493
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>> No.13618097

IIDX needs more touhou music

>> No.13618848
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>tfw IIDX is finally dead
It is a good feel.

>> No.13618864

how do i mess around with the offset in spada

>> No.13618872

It's Start -> Effect -> VEFX in Tricoro. Can't imagine they changed it.

>> No.13618890


>> No.13618980

>tears for the time still not playable in a bemani game

All of my why

>> No.13619027
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>> No.13619192

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13619399

why did iidx go downhill

>> No.13619404

how the fuck do people do this

>> No.13619427

you're doing it wrong

>> No.13619434

By getting gud.

>> No.13619435

He's quoting the feeling he gets when IIDX is finally dead, it's always worked like that
You're trying too hard

>> No.13619555

That song isn't even hard though.

>> No.13619575

>In the Trash
lol fuck off.

>> No.13619733

Nice, I had a rough time with this one. What's next? I've been trying for the Max 2 AM3P, it's super annoying.

>> No.13620571

what's with the rift between itg and ddr players

>> No.13620586

their moods are perpetually poor because of their inferior music games

>> No.13621060

>tfw you will never git gud at rhythm games
guess i'll just be playing 9's and 40s for the rest of my life.

>> No.13621062

Me and you both man

>> No.13621086


it's just a matter of playing a lot. and if you play a lot and still aren't improving, then you just need to trouble shoot what the problem is

virtually no one is simply incapable of being decent at iidx and pop'n. the only exceptions are people with cognitive or bodily problems that stand in their way

>> No.13621153

you're saying the only way I can AA beach side bunny is if I kill myself until I'm reborn less retarded?

>> No.13621244

hello friends first time posting on /jp/ here what are some of these games that I can play on pc please? are there any on gabe newell's steam?

>> No.13621295

get lunatic rave 2, there's a setup guide on leddit
get bms from bms.bemaniso.ws
get out

>> No.13621695

not him but
>have wrist problems
>can't play every day and when I do, it can't be for very long
9s it is, then

>> No.13621718
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Why isn't he banned yet? How much does it take?

>> No.13621729

even if he was banned again they would just let him back a couple months later like they always do

>> No.13621744
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What's the best way to store a soft dance mat? The right arrow stopped working on mine after a few weeks, and all I did was fold it up. It's magically started working again, but I'm afraid to put it back in storage now.

>> No.13621759

How does that happen? Everyone's told me the place is super strict with bans and they're a life sentence

>> No.13621782

probably because he whines to whoever he can about it because he's such a pathetic excuse of a human and eventually they get tired of him bugging them so they just let him back with another slap on the wrist.
aubs should just be banned from life tbh.

>> No.13621882

Bemani games will never be on Steam unless Konmai magically starts giving a shit about their international audience, and even then they make way more money off arcade releases than home releases.

DJMax Trilogy, Stepmania, and Lunatic Rave 2 are all decent starting points, in order of difficulty to set up. The last one likes to crash though, and decent replacements will take a while to be released. Ignore Osu if you can't put up with 90% weeb shit and having to dig for decent songs.

>> No.13622150

tfw u will never be the poodle from poodle

>> No.13622628

can we talk about how empress was the best style

>> No.13622684

To be honest, the brony was a retard

>> No.13622727

But someone being a retard does not give you a free ticket to act like 10x more of a retard.

His profile says he was invited by "nobody" and he's been there for over 9 years, does that mean he was one of the originals? Is he an admin's friend or something?

>> No.13622773

Read the fucking thread. L0k mentions something aubs said to him in person

>> No.13622784

empress was 16 not 13

>> No.13622796

you mean lincle

>> No.13622854

I did you fucking asshat, that doesn't directly confirm or deny anything I'm asking
That comment is what led me to ask if he had known him prior

>> No.13622867

best cs style fo sho

>> No.13622874

why would he be proud of his post count when they're all of a similar quality to that

>> No.13622970

who the heck likes lincle

>> No.13623095

He's been around the Bemani community a LOOOOONG time so yes, he is one of the originals.

>> No.13623286
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Does your mother refuse to buy you a controller?

>> No.13623313

jesus christ

>> No.13623381

hope he's saving his pocket money ;^}

>> No.13623386

and then there goes venny like a dumbass not even reading the post

>> No.13623432

>>have wrist problems
fuck i know that feelio

>> No.13623488

lr2 stops crashing if you get a decent theme and disable all videos

>> No.13623891

Hey man its got nhato in it. That's worth something

>> No.13623914

Lincle wasn't that bad really. The UI was shit but I find myself playing quite a few lincle songs when I play IIDX (it was also the last game where you could do stuff like change your hi speed and all that before you got to the song select screen)

>> No.13623935

>The UI was shit

That was my main problem with it. The songlist was actually pretty decent. Wish they got more guest artists but it seems they're sticking with the tano*c guys for good now

>> No.13623940

I don't really mind the tano*c stuff. I mean the games music has to evolve with the times. I still find though that my lincle folder has the most clear lamps of them all (closely followed by tricoro and then spada)

>> No.13623956

I don't mind them either and I was pretty stoked when seeing noriken and usao making iidx songs, but you had guest artists changing with each style it seemed. Like how sirius had guys like ben franklin and mad child, or how resort anthem had all those uk hardcore guys and hiroshi watanabe, or how tricoro had u1 and hideki naganuma for example. The tano*c guys staying is fine but it doesn't seem like there's been much else when it comes to guests lately.

>> No.13623966 [DELETED] 

Konami can be a bit all over the place with stuff like that. I mean, at the very least the stuff the tano*c people put out is pretty high quality (pendual has a brilliant song list)

>> No.13623974

Konami can be a bit all over the place with stuff like that. I mean, at the very least the stuff the tano*c people put out is pretty high quality (pendual has a brilliant song list)

>> No.13624636

Do I have shit taste for liking Dirty Androids?

>> No.13624644

Not at all anon

>> No.13624878

what is it about pop'n that attracts tumblrites to it

>> No.13624887

lots of cute characters pulls in the gigglesquee crowd

>> No.13624888

Cute, simple characters that anyone can draw or ship together or whatever.

Also animal characters that appeal to furfags.

>> No.13624889

quirky looking cartoon characters

>> No.13625212

how to get good at accuracy? I can't get that many A's

>> No.13625250

try to hit the buttons at the right time until you do

>> No.13625309
File: 77 KB, 725x388, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fucking faggot
Why isn't he banned yet?

I remember when I shit-posted for post-count on my first online forum.

>> No.13625367

Has he ever contributed anything that wasn't a filler post?

>> No.13625828

what's a good theme for that? no matter what i've done it always ends up crashing at some point

>> No.13626026

How do I change the echo, eq only and etc properly and change the numbers? I've seen a video of someone playing with echo 5 but no matter what I mash with the VEFX button, I only swap between OFF and Echo 1. Also, how does the different settings affect the music exactly?

>> No.13626030

you move the sliders

>> No.13626699

This is the theme I use: http://www.geocities.jp/red_without_right_stick/rb.html
I also use the gold select music + it's result screen + light pop for 9key and haven't had a single crash.

>> No.13627105

He uploads, that's something.

>> No.13627296

it's one of the best bemani games and also happens to put a lot more emphasis on its art than the others. "hey that's a nice art" goes a long way, especially on tumblr where reblogging cool art or funny pictures or etc is like, most of what people do on it
and i don't wanna see anybody frontin' like they don't like lapistoria's art lmao

(i play iidx tho)

>> No.13627323

is that you tizzy

>> No.13627379

nah, but from what i've seen they seem pretty aight

>> No.13627390

Tizzy is a tranny dude. Shit is not aight at all

>> No.13627421

thanks for the heads up, now i'll be ready for whatever happens should i ever put my hands down their pants

>> No.13628042
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muh fuggin diiiiick

>> No.13628061
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>> No.13628066

Virgoo iidx asc fucking when

>> No.13628069

tuxdude looks a lot less autism than i thought he would

>> No.13628071
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>> No.13628093
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>> No.13628096

tfw sweaty from ddr

>> No.13628099
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>> No.13628106
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>> No.13628110

little girls don't have any right having thighs like those

>> No.13628121


>> No.13628204
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>> No.13628226
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>> No.13628229
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im gonna die

>> No.13628257

tfw you're an out of condition piece of shit and still beat everyone's ass in ddr at the local arcade.

>> No.13628302
File: 672 KB, 1726x568, 20150609_233732-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks dao

>> No.13628330

how in the FUCK do i get these anime qts in my game

>> No.13628332

You mean XXDao, right?

>> No.13628336

Wait did they finally add that to the result screen in Pendual?

>> No.13628339

Well, is not like we have a time travel plot in this game, you know.

>> No.13628345

Thanks ZZTao.

>> No.13628349

Is there an easier way to adjust from the transition from homepad to arcade pad without dropping like 100 bucks for sets to get better? I just started going to my local arcade after finding out they had a working extreme cab, and I simply cannot keep my feet positioned correctly without fucking up a couple steps and having to readjust myself. Do I just need to play more?

>> No.13628359


>> No.13628375

Play more. It'll take less than a couple of weeks and you'll be up and running on arcade pads just as well as at home, and eventually the change won't affect your game. Of course, having an AC pad for home is a great idea, but most people don't have the money or space.

>> No.13628424

You can build a doubles pad for the same price as one of those shitty no solder precision pads.

I'll give you space though, AC style pads are big as fuck

>> No.13628449
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All ESP/CSP in Extreme 5 Greats or less now.

>What's next?

>I've been trying for the Max 2 AM3P, it's super annoying.
What part of it is annoying. I guess it has those notes that go to nothing during silent parts along with those 24th gallops.

>> No.13628696

What is denpa?

>> No.13628707


>> No.13628837


>> No.13628839


>> No.13629425

>no chronos/kairos
what the fuck man xd

>> No.13630231
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>> No.13630235

what does this mean? how do i do that

>> No.13630288

It's gonna be shit. When the fuck is the loc test anyway

>> No.13630380

The Safari щ(゚Д゚щ)

>> No.13630580

The sliders below the LED ticker on the front of the cab. I guess they might be hard to see if you don't have eyes.

If you don't have a cab it's not supported, it also requires Windows XP with a particular driver for the effects to work.

>> No.13630899

Anyone who's ordered a Turbocharger recently, like within past few weeks, have you gotten a shipping update on your controller? Going almost finishing my 2nd week of waiting without any update on shipping, and no response on Ebay or Facebook.

>> No.13631107

new prim song when

>> No.13631853

wch 2dx loli wld ufq

>> No.13631922

Try to contact them again. They didn't respond on my first message but they responded pretty quickly on my second attempt

>> No.13632176
File: 229 KB, 440x500, tumblr_naycghWJ6k1qh8espo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hottie

>> No.13632342

where the *uck is my loli lilith...

>> No.13632426

Not sure if there's a way to bind slider controls, but I'm sure you're aware there are sliders on actual machine. Those are the ones you'd want.

Man up. Keep practicing in general and you'll get it eventually. Don't focus on it. It's totally pointless even if people say say grinding is good. It's stupid and gets you further no faster than just playing and progressing naturally.

>> No.13632432

Be Quiet щ(゚Д゚щ)

>> No.13632434

yeah i just tried that dan course with it at the end today and failed it miserably
need to lvl up and start passing tens before i attempt it again

>> No.13632446

I think they're working on adding sliders to bemanitools

>> No.13632485

Dan courses are mostly shit anyways. Stupid songs with unnecessary gimmicks, but you'll get past them eventually. Don't worry about it too much.

Oh that's cool. For time being it's probably easier to cheat engine if someone's really desperate.

>> No.13632498

I did, once on Ebay and twice on Facebook.

>> No.13632535

Any good mods you can do with the uskoc?

>> No.13632555

Throw it out and buy Dao.

>> No.13632557

Wax paper and tape for the turntable are essential.
Google that shit, I'm pretty sure danadamkof has a quick tutorial on it.

>> No.13632560

Penny mod, wax paper turntable mod, USB mod with USBemani (or arduino). If you don't mind using tools you can install sanwas in yours.

>> No.13632595

i hated the pennies/dime mod personally but i really liked the turntable once i removed the spring in it

>> No.13632668

>le anyone can clear 12's meme
I just played a few 12s and there is no way in hell I would be able to do that no matter how long I played. I can't even process the chart and my fingers cant move that fast

>> No.13632702

Been playing for a month now and am moving up into the 7s. However many of the songs I can clear, but with a B, getting an A every now and then. Should I focus on accuracy or clears?

>> No.13632718


>> No.13632731

accuracy just comes over time

>> No.13632950

You will. Give yourself some time. Think back how you got as far as you are. How did you get here? By practice. It really comes down to mostly hours as long as you practice in a sensible way. Not rushing or going too easy.

As said, clears. You can however start paying more attention to pgreats and trying to develop the habit of trying to get them. As charts get harder and more dense you won't of course be able to do that, but if you want try to still keep it in mind while playing and if there's say slower part go for pgreats. In general keep playing and eventually you'll get the feel for it. If it doesn't bother you much think about it like this: consistently being able to clear 12s is the beginning of the actual game where scoring becomes the main factor.

>> No.13633000
File: 63 KB, 300x274, Rhythm_Tengoku_the_Best_Plus_JPN_3DS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who Rythm Fucking Tengoku here?
The .cia is uploaded even

My penis is so hard it hurts.

>> No.13633009

Does Tokyo Attack have official eamuse?

>> No.13633021

Fuuuuuck, and I don't even have a gateway, welp, I hope someone on twitch or youtube uploads some gameplay to watch it at least.

>> No.13633024

Isn't there a cfw you can use?
I'm not sure it would work using the newest encryption though.
Check gbatemp just in case dude.

>> No.13633029

Iirc it doesn't work in the new firmwares, I will check anyway, it doesn't hurt, right?

>> No.13633061


>> No.13633073

how do they run their legitimate copies of modern styles then

>> No.13633081

ealocal, eamuemu probably

>> No.13633145

doesn't look like the machines have that ticker that says the server is in maintenance so probably a locally run version of their pw/psun server

>> No.13633794

Tuxdude does it again!

>> No.13633815

>shares data to try and get some pussy
>surprised when the bitch doesn't care
>guis, just stop, pls
Big surprise

>> No.13633841

He didn't actually share any data. If you look back a few pages he explains what that chatlog was all about.

>> No.13633872

drop the scoop

>> No.13633897

Just all the usual drama, memeposting, and quote pyramids. Nothing to see here.

>> No.13633942

yeah but its still hypocritical to go on some massive rant trying to jam as many fucks and bitches into your spiel against her in a chat to be hxc
and then proceed to tell everyone they are being immature and need to shut up

>> No.13634022

Who's hype for BemaniGirl 2nd Style?

>> No.13634079

voxandra is the only woman i have eyes for

>> No.13634524


I used to run game rooms at a local con with my pop'n ASC and PS2 games. pop'n is a magnet for teen cosplayers. Hell, even the times I didn't run the game room and someone had HDD still got girls failing "only my railgun" in record time.

I'd bring my omni to the con again, but restrictions and stuff. Though from the sounds of it Momocon game staff said "Fuck it!" and had a Sunny Park, didn't it?

>> No.13634581

tfw taking forever to go up in levels because im trying to play iidx popn and sdvx at the same time
they are all so fun though

>> No.13635174 [DELETED] 

Has anyone got one of these yet?


>> No.13635182

Anyone get one of these yet?


>> No.13635383

How cheap can these knobs be if you have to pay 140$ extra for the arcade ones?

>> No.13635499

What are you favorite styles of

>> No.13635637


>> No.13635995


>> No.13636219

4th mix
9th style
pop'n 8

>> No.13636554

It is possible to run them if you make your own server, i know that there's a china only psun like server.

>> No.13637142

It was also via Tokyo attack / bemani invasion. thus it was fine.

>> No.13637539
File: 376 KB, 419x430, KJCP7iC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Slowly getting closer to clearing songs that used to mulch me two months ago
>Clearing two or three new twelves weekly and started clearing several of them consistently
>Hard clearing 11s, mid-high AAs on 10s, and FCing 9s
I'm quoting myself

>> No.13637734

Does anyone else like eurobeat or is it just me?

>> No.13637743

i f*ckin love eurobeat

>> No.13637745

Its like I'm really in the youtube comments section

>> No.13637749


>> No.13637873

Take My Life is one of my favorite tricoro tracks.

>> No.13637919

that godfeel when your hands suddenly start moving on their own and you clear a section your eyes can't even decipher

>> No.13638290

how do i use clickagain properly

>> No.13638311

It has a lot of fucking dialogue. I don't remember the other games in the series having a story.

>> No.13638797

yeah that shit is surreal when it happens
its like someone else steps in and takes control of your hands for a short burst

>> No.13638835

And then you get fucked when you snap out of it

>> No.13639160

Choking. Afters years of practice automatism will develop. If you then try to play hard song doing very well any attempts to be aware of your hands will only confuse the brain and mess you up. It happens only in the early stages of automatism. As time goes by you begin to "trust" your hands more without interfering.

It does take a lot of time to come to a point where even very strange patterns are automatic. Like where you need to move your hands out of position or play one handed.

>> No.13639164

Just wait until you start seeing very dense patterns super clearly and almost in slow motion when to others it seems ridiculous.

>> No.13640364

Reminder that playing rhythm heaven will make your accuracy in iidx better

>> No.13640617

Tfw u think its out of sync but ur accuracy is shit anyways

>> No.13640641

Don't be shit and get a CRT

>> No.13641019


>> No.13641045

reminder that the new rhythm heaven is a pretty big letdown

>> No.13641202

I have a crt monitor but no vga port on my graphics card
I guess once I move into my new house I'll whip up a bemani pc since those seem convenient

>> No.13641287

Are you guys talking about an older style of iidx? Don't most newer versions like tricoro and spada use LED TV's in their arcades?

>> No.13641551

idk whenever i play spada it feels offsync even with +0.2 to try and compensate for audio lag thru my monitor

>> No.13641557

how about playing with audio directly to your computer friend

>> No.13641565

well then i would have to plug my headphones back into my monitor for console games

>> No.13641647

they've been using lcds since troopers

>> No.13641653

so why would people play on crt's then

>> No.13641662

because they're better

>> No.13641895

idk, I just forced a stable framerate for the data and now it feels exactly like cs timing

>> No.13641923

Don't be a lazy fuck, i have to move my entire setup around every time i'm changing games.

>> No.13642028

don't tell me what to do?!?

>> No.13642060

+ makes the timing window earlier. If you're compensating for lag, you should be doing -.

Also 0.2 is less than 4ms offset, so it's basically doing nothing anyway.

>> No.13642994

Why the fuck do you bother playing w/o JGreats? How bad are you?

>> No.13643063

whats a jgreat

>> No.13643066

Yeah if you want crap leaked copies.

Don't even bother, there's no songs to play in SDVX since it's the initial data. The IDs in ea3 xml are fucked up too so good luck running it.

>> No.13643341

I stopped playing because I'm utterly shit at 2DX. I can't pass anything harder than 9s with Auto scratch and 8s in general.

>> No.13643346

DDR: 3rd Mix Plus, DDR Max 2
IIDX: Empress

>> No.13643755

Whos the best konami composer and why is it nekomata?

>> No.13643793

Taka and Nekomata at the top. Pretty much anyone except Ryu is good.

>> No.13643799

ryu is better than yoshitaka

>> No.13643857

starmine and rainbow rainbow are good, all his other stuff is boring

>> No.13643897

What is Plan 8

>> No.13643934

i like his auridy stuff and go beyond

>> No.13643954
File: 28 KB, 208x282, dj right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this guy more nowadays, but Nekomata's up there too


>> No.13644048

ill give it another listen

>> No.13644052

fuck meant for >>13643897

>> No.13644065

That's a weird way of spelling U1

>> No.13644339

when i first got my koc 7 years ago i played for a month, got to barely doing level 4s with autoscratch and quit because it didn't seem like i'd ever be able to get to a high level, especially with scratching

eventually i saw the controller on the shelf, decided to stop letting it go to waste and had another go
now, a year and a half after that, i have about 40 11s cleared with a new one being added every few days
and whenever i see some bullshit song where i finish with a 2% gauge, i just think back to the first time i quit and keep on practicing

>> No.13644342 [DELETED] 

delete this

>> No.13645715
File: 352 KB, 913x730, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neat but meaningless

>> No.13645969

what is that, 9th style? what songs are in that 9dan?

>> No.13645993


first three songs are random between
Macho Gang
Your Body
Logic Board
Really Love

last song is random between quasar and Usual Days-remix

i got quickening, 5pm eternal, logic board, quasar

>> No.13646156

If pop'n players are always tumblrites, what are sdvx players?

>> No.13646160

anitwitter fags

>> No.13646326

ex-osu players who try to act superior to other osu players

>> No.13646334

Because almost every single + song is great and he has been pretty consistent throughout.

>> No.13646387


>> No.13646480

Fuck I really hate that pop'n has that stigma. It's my favorite bemani game.

>> No.13646525


it doesn't actually have any stigma. it's one of the highest tier bemani games

>> No.13646835

I don't even remember how i even found SDVX in the first place, i just remember seeing it and going "oh hey that looks cool" and then i proceeded to download K-shoot mania... Which lead to me getting into rhythm games.

>> No.13647081

do you play osu

>> No.13647173

Is the SVSE5 any good?

>> No.13647219
File: 153 KB, 816x612, psmo2g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was pretty unhappy about getting this song while selecting Random since I already got a new good score recently, but I can't be too upset over another improvement.

I try to play the Random Caprice nonstop course a few times every time I go to the arcade. I try to aim for a 99M score for the course, but I probably only succeed about half of the time because my MA sucks. Beyond that, I don't have much choice.

>> No.13648453

Next IIDX style reveal when?

>> No.13648530

the series is over dude, even dj taka and yoshitaka have abandoned it by now

>> No.13648834

Beatmania IIDX: Pachinko Style, along with Slot Slot Revolution, will likely be seeing location testing once gambling legislation has been passed, you can thank Abe for that one.

>> No.13648850

dont forget about jewbeat

>> No.13649883

Only ever played it when my pop'n wasnt working and found it online, god damn the scoring system is shit.

>> No.13651885
File: 63 KB, 596x210, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13652202

>Shitty beatstream crossovers
>Beatstream getting FLOWER
Is flower the biggest meme song in bemani?

>> No.13652517

fuck yeah prim

>> No.13653891
File: 84 KB, 810x660, beatmania TRICORO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iidx 23

>> No.13653916

>tfw you will never go to a loctest

>> No.13653926

>tfw you will never even see footages of a loctest
it isn't like people are gonna skip the game because they saw some video of it, goddamn

>> No.13654174

so rb4 looks like trash

>> No.13654232

No shit dude even the new GH looks better. At least they attempted to innovate and do something new

>> No.13654374

so is there any way to buy used sanwas from japan? I checked yahoo auctions but couldn't find any pop'n buttons. I guess it's kind of not something that would be sold very often so maybe I should just give up on ever playing with sanwas for less than $200?

>> No.13654470

Why buy used? Just get new ones directly from Sanwa's Rakuten store, it won't cost you $200.


What exactly are you after?

>> No.13654501

they're $35 each, 9 of them add up to over $300 + shipping

>> No.13655327

your best bet for second hand pop'n buttons is a machine that's being parted out

>> No.13655345

that's sort of what inspired my post. I saw the ones that are being parted out on sows, but there's already like 5 people that wanted the buttons so I didn't bother asking for them.

is it possible to find machines being parted out on my own, or do I need to wait for matvei to do this again? from what I can tell this doesn't really happen very often

>> No.13655372

if you want to find your own then look for arcades that are going out of business
in regards to matvei i was under the impression only one machine actually got any reservations, you may as well ask after the others

>> No.13655497

Lol, bet you haven't even 100/256'd extreme.

>> No.13656715

Could someone tell me a rhythm game that is similar to Osu, I like the whole point and click aspect of it.

>> No.13656995

project Diva I guess

>> No.13657609

tfw hardest difficulty of a song you really like is only level 8

>> No.13657766

So, just a couple of days ago i could play Sunny Park with no issues, now every time i try to launch it it just tells me to insert a disk into drive "D:"

>> No.13657879


>> No.13658088

>finally get SDVX set up
>get to main screen
>"insert coin"
>press every button on keyboard

/jp/, how do i insert coin?

>> No.13658096

Enable free play

>> No.13658113

did you try inserting a coin

>> No.13658133

tfw plan 8 hyper is a 10 but the light is only a 6

>> No.13658235

Trust me you'll get to play Plan 8 another until your ears vomit and it will sound terrible because timing.

>> No.13658793
File: 5 KB, 607x271, freeplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13658799

Press + or some shit when the game starts up i think

>> No.13659203
File: 223 KB, 960x720, pend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol this pic is from feb 11 and they just now put it in the game

>> No.13659308

Getting error 5-2000-0000 when i try to play Spada, running it with eaLocalserver.

>> No.13659315

Shit, meant to type tricoro, not spada.

>> No.13659604

>no "YEEEAHH" heard in the song
fucking kors k

>> No.13659917

Daily reminder to never give up, no matter how bad you think you may be.

>> No.13660111

Daily reminder to suck my cock, no matter who you may be.

>> No.13660581

does anyone like REFLEC BEAT here




>> No.13660660

never played it

>> No.13660689

Here you go:

That doesn't even look that hard (I used to play pump it up).

>> No.13660707

true but I feel so left behind
last ddr I tried to take seriously was extreme, that had me dying and barely passing 9s. Now everyone is playing 13s and 16s n shit

>> No.13660731

Perhaps your problem is lack of stamina? That was one of the things holding me back when I played PIU.
I also noticed that I got slightly better after taking short breaks from playing, but I rarely did that because it was so much fun to play.

>> No.13660733

any stepmania players in here?

>> No.13660866

yeah, I'm really out of shape but getting back into dance games and jogging more has helped
it'd be nice to have something other than my best to hell foam pad also

>> No.13660869

the only mousegrope machines in the country are in commiefornia

>> No.13660986

Are there any decent Pendual BMS files out? Bemaniso only has up to Spada.

>> No.13661016

yeah why

>> No.13661272

I play regularly on a machine in a local arcade, simply because i have no money for a cab or even a dance pad ;_;

>> No.13661384

buy a shitty $10 pad
save up money by playing for free until you can afford something good

is it really that hard?

>> No.13661584

there's some unkeysounded ones floating around on sows

>> No.13661775

I have a PS2 pad right now... But i don't have a PS2. And i am saving money for a proper pad, if stuff goes well i might just buy a cab. Plus the cab i use at the arcade is actually pretty cheap, it's 6 pesos (literally like half a dollar) for every 3 songs.

>> No.13661912

cant believe how long psun is taking to get back up

>> No.13661991

It never went down, just the website.

>> No.13661999

Thank you for playing.

>> No.13662020


>> No.13662326

if i can get it working sure

>> No.13662426

I only play it when Im really bored tbh

>> No.13662435

wow these iidx songs
konami really can't be arsed anymore huh

>> No.13662642

What do you have? I have nerve and tendon pains that come and go in waves, I'm hoping it's vitamin D related but getting your levels back up takes a long time

>> No.13662654

idk but if I play for too long my right wrist starts to hurt like a mofo, and recently at work when I lift stuff up with my right hand my wrist kinda hurts
I'm hoping it's nothing bad, I guess I could take vitamin d supplements but I wish I could go to a doctor just to be safe

>> No.13662658

>one difficulty is just below the point you can have fun playing
>next difficulty is two levels above what you can play

>> No.13662661

I play it when everything else has a line

>> No.13662678

>but I wish I could go to a doctor just to be safe
Why can't you?
Get a blood test for low vitamin D if you can, I've been taking supplements for a few months now and I still have my problems but they're nothing even close to what they originally were. I'll be good for a week or two, then sorta bad for a few days to a week, and then it repeats. Originally I could barely even aim around in an FPS without my arm feeling completely dead.

Vitamin D can cause this kind of stuff, if you do some research you'll see tons of miracle stories of people's problems all vanishing after they got their levels back up

>> No.13662694

poor/no insurance

>> No.13662718

running tricoro just gives me a black square taking up half the screen, any solution?

>> No.13662723

reinstall video codecs

>> No.13662769

installed CCC but no luck, it goes fullscreen then back to the black square, looks like its running normally but just not displaying anything

>> No.13662840

>still no virgoo iidx controller
i'm mad as fuck

>> No.13662851


>> No.13662862
File: 38 KB, 960x609, 10616301_694945553915284_5010297417495401536_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the new one dude

>> No.13662884


>> No.13662928

is it supposed to be cheaper than a dao or something?

>> No.13662937

With that kick ass design, I would have thought it would cost more money.

>> No.13662939

nobody knows yet. probably more than the fp7 since it has the wrist rest thingy.
maybe i'll just get an fp7, i'm getting sick of waiting

>> No.13663096

how much do zyp's arcin boards even cost for him to buy? dude must be making a fucking fortune off of those things

>> No.13663337
File: 103 KB, 500x750, 20150617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13663346

Konami should start getting Virgoo to design their cabinets, they're clearly doing a better job at making their controllers look aesthetically pleasing

>> No.13664317

You need to uninstall one of the windows updates that messed with the .wmv files

>> No.13664440

oh boy

>> No.13664464

it's freaking guitar hero

>> No.13665459

From what I've heard not a lot, but I don't think he's making that much money. Quite a few have been bought, but demand seems to be low atm.

>> No.13665475

Taking any kinds of supplements is stupid without blood test. Vitamin D can influence uptake of other minerals/vitamins and just popping pills in high dosage could make things worse. So kids don't be stupid.

>if you do some research you'll see tons of miracle stories of people's problems all vanishing after they got their levels back up
You're on the internet. This goes for pretty much anything from magnetic straps to idiotic juicing and other bs like that. Take acupuncture as an example. Cures everything, but has only shown moderate effect in an actual study for IBS which was a kinda biased. So again kids, don't be stupid going around the internet believing every story especially if those are self-reported or try to sell you something. If you're not able to read actual studies and understand them well enough to determine if they're valid and properly set up don't read them and go to a doctor if you're having problems.

>> No.13665480

Keep in mind they probably want things to die down a bit. Even if everything's done who knows how long they'll wait.

>> No.13665782

sows needs spoiler tags so we can shitpost harder

>> No.13666110

just what sows needs, more shitposting!

>> No.13666128

There's no harm in taking a daily dose supplement of something like vitamin D. It's in most daily multivitamins.

>that entire post
Get off your fucking high horse.

>> No.13666248
File: 71 KB, 600x800, CH0UhL2UEAA2D51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look like museca is gonna be touch based after all.

>> No.13666251

Do whatever you want. Not here to convince anybody, because even in the face of facts people would still do stupid things. Like playing non-ran.
In any case if it doesn't harm you (which isn't always easy to determine in short or long term) go ahead. Placebo can still be valuable to many people even those suffering from bigger problems.
The guy with wrist problems should be careful. Even if he'd take some supplements and feel better the problem may still be there and getting worse without professional help.

As for your vitamin D few studies have shown detrimental effects in short term at moderate dosage in certain areas. Others have shown it to help, but meta studies generally show little help for most cases it is recommend for. Make sure you're feeling alright in general and keep popping as much as you want. Vitamin D is mostly harmless, but your attitude isn't. Stay healthy.

>> No.13666270

fuck u non ran is fun

>> No.13666396

What's it like having autism?

>> No.13666515

class mode gauge should be selectable just like easy and hard gauges tbh

>> No.13666521

You should know already

>> No.13666550
File: 59 KB, 600x1066, XxLfTRm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13666555

it's fucking neon fm lmao

>> No.13666562

good 1 konmai

>> No.13666587

Trips for truth.
It's a fucking downgraded popn.

>> No.13666643

but what if they're not buttons
what if they're spinny things

>> No.13666761

I honnestly thought this was a joke, an anon's shoop. Is this really the new bemani rhythm game?

>> No.13666767

Yes, it's real
Even japan is making fun of it on twitter

>> No.13666775

I don't understand how they could make such a thing. It really looks like a piece of crap compared to a iidx or sdvx machine

>> No.13666783

Well we don't really know how it plays yet, it could be something really unique. It's definitely ugly though, I'll give you that

From what I can piece together from translated tweets they are buttons but they do also rotate and it has DDR style pass/fail

>> No.13666928

Seeing as spinny spinny things were what made IIDX and SDVX fun I wouldn't be so quick to judge it either.

The buttons are ugly as shit though. They also look way too closely placed in that picture.

>> No.13667091

Spinny spinners confirmed, it's literally the same as the turntable in iidx, but in every single one.

>> No.13667096

It's 5k beatmania x pop'n
Guaranteed to be dumb as shit

>> No.13667128

anybody buying from http://www.gamo2.com/en next week? they are going on sale

>> No.13667140

yeah probably gonna grab an fps. i'm mad as fuck that i bought a pop'n controller last month tho

>> No.13667170
File: 184 KB, 896x576, promo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats what i think ill be buying too
i have never put much time playing iidx, i dont know how to go around customizing it. seeing as i dont know which player side is good, which microswitches are worth it.

i also want FP7 just to make it look like IIDX Empress

>> No.13667177

iirc 100g are arcade spec but 50g play like broken in 100g, might have it wrong but i dunno. my rbc2+ has 49g switches and i really like them

>> No.13667297

50g + sanwas or 100g + dao buttons works for me

>> No.13667326

fp7 needs to be $30 off like the fps
i want muh metal style silvery and black words

>> No.13667339

Also on everything but the real edition you can switch the player side whenever you want by flipping the key panel around so that's not an issue

>> No.13667408

Cant decide between Pop'n ASC or FP7.

>> No.13667427

Right now I have a pop'n controller and a koc. Pop'n is a hell of a lot more fun tbh, though I still like iidx.

Besides the fp7 is only like $20 off, you can just get one later

>> No.13668508

new thread when

>> No.13668512

when this one dies

>> No.13668516

it's already dead inside

>> No.13668522

your already dead
*teleports behind u*

>> No.13668542

ok *cums*

>> No.13669124

where were you when kors k died

>> No.13669145

He was long dead. Time to look to returning external artists.

>> No.13669353

rhythm games...
so you guys are the ones responsible for this.
gj peods


>> No.13669357

pls dont bully pedos

>> No.13669548

I tried doing doubles for the first time today... I got a D and a bunch of elementary school kids where making fun of me.... Then they had to shut their mouths and ended up going "oh fuck" after i got an AAA on I'm so happy (singles this time)

>> No.13669585

i think doubles is pretty stupid. at that point you should just play the piano or something

>> No.13669822

It's a bit awkward to be honest, it doesn't feel very DDR-ish

>> No.13669837

oh thought you were talking about iidx

>> No.13669891

so with the upcoming sale, is it better to get virgoo sdvx controller or svse5? how are the knobs on the virgoo and how are the default/$30 extra knobs on the svse5?

>> No.13669947

I guess i didn't say i was playing DDR.

>> No.13669968

museca confirmed for massive flop
bemani is folding

>> No.13670079
File: 25 KB, 850x197, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's official.

>> No.13670113

so still no museca videos or what

>> No.13670115

do nips hate it as much as we do?
why can't bemani make good games anymore? they haven't made a single worthwhile game since pop'n

>> No.13670118

No recording allowed at test locations.

>> No.13670124

This is why we need google glass

>> No.13670200

So I finally looked up this game now that everyone is shitposting about Museca being a ripoff and from what I see Neon FM really is just 5 key pop'n. Like literally. No original gameplay whatsoever. Just hit buttons. Why are we calling Museca a ripoff again? Because the buttons are similar in size? Are Western rhythm game fans really that desperate for attention?

>> No.13670204

venny is a memebitch

>> No.13670250

venny is my chubby underage waifu

>> No.13670282

Stop posting sows data outside of sows, you're getting a ban.

>> No.13670436

>page 10

>> No.13670545

Couldn't even wait until the thread died. Had to make sure that you got your meme thread in before anyone else.

>> No.13670567

at least it's not as bad as a few months back when someone made a new thread because the current one had just hit 300 posts, then tried migrating to /vg/ because /jp/ was too slow

>> No.13670857

Why? Do they not want people to get excited about it?

>> No.13670873

It's probably to keep the hype actually, if everyone gets to see the game when it's being tested and is a disappointment they will loose much more money than if they get to put the game in thousands of arcades and then let people realize it's a disappointment.
