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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 34 KB, 388x650, Donut-House.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13612329 No.13612329 [Reply] [Original]

If you somehow went to Gensokyo, what would you do for a living?

Treasure/Bounty/Monster hunter

Open a Coffee and Donut shop
giving them the joy and wonders of donuts and coffee prepared in all styles

Their tastebuds will dance with joy from my donut confectionary and they can wash it down with rustic and bold cowboy coffee to delightful and dainty lattes

I will even serve liqueur coffee for my alcoholic loving patrons in all its forms.

Outsiders will be given discounts

>> No.13612338 [DELETED] 


>> No.13612388
File: 135 KB, 601x569, 1360090650043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically? Memorize everything from this chart and revolutionize Gensokyo.

>> No.13612396
File: 495 KB, 1280x1380, infographic21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, wrong image. I don't know why I saved that one.

>> No.13612450

This shit is supposed to be useful? It's all so basic it won't teach anyone how to do anything. Your cum image is infinitely superior.

>> No.13612462
File: 114 KB, 700x700, 662768-patchouli_knowledge_326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn magic, become a Youkai Magician and do as I please.

Realistic: Become a doctor, I am already experienced in treating physical injuries. The only thing I would have to learn is Gensokyo specific diseases and their treatments.

and learn magic on the side because its Gensokyo.

>> No.13612577

Unrealistically: Try to get one of the occasional visitors to the human village to teach me how to participate in spell card duels. Keine might do it, and she'd probably love to hear about the human world. Marisa might do it too if you butter her up enough.
Realistically: I'd try the first part, but if it fails I'd see if I could get a job at the SDM.

>> No.13612594

The only things I could successfully do with that level of technology is teach the kids or work at the SDM. Not sure if Keane could use an assistant, though.

Maybe I could apprentice under Eirin and learn medicine. That'd be useful.

>> No.13612616

Learn enough alchemy to turn dirt into iron
from there, manufacture iron tools, implements, that sort of thing.

realistically, professional youkai food

>> No.13612633

1. Cast Wall of Iron, creating a wall 55ft*5ft*2in=45.83cu ft of iron. This step costs 50gp in material components.

2. Cast Fabricate, converting 11 cu ft per cast into masterwork daggers. With 14 ranks in Craft (Weaponsmithing) and a wizard's crazy Int, you can't fail. Repeat until only 1-2 cu ft of iron remains. (4 casts). This consumes your 5th-level slots for the day, and takes 4 and a half minutes. The density of iron is 491lbs/cu ft. Thus 44 cu ft of iron weighs 21604 lbs. A dagger weighs 1 lb. Thus we create 21604 masterwork daggers, which sell for 151 gp each. That's 3,262,204 gp. Over 3 million gp. At level 11.

3. ????

4. Profit!

>> No.13612642

OP here

Lets make things more interesting

Roll a random power


This will be your latent power
Here's mine

It's shit

>> No.13612669
File: 151 KB, 680x780, DemonicFortress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>User become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. by war and all forms of conflict including mental, physical, spiritual and conceptual ones, regardless of the area and numbers involved, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. Some users may be able draw sustenance from the conflicts or even slow or stop aging.
I win.

>> No.13613024
File: 24 KB, 364x360, IMG_20150605_093546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute intellect

>> No.13613504

>It's shit

>> No.13613528

It makes me a little uncomfortable knowing that someone took the time to write all that up and probably thought they were being funny and/or clever.

This one's pretty cool.

>> No.13613545
File: 104 KB, 540x810, tumblr_nn65223ZHW1qjsn9po1_540_zpscrv2klc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food industry somehow. Pointless yet calm and sustsinable lifestyle with a smsll group of friends maybe

Friendless NEET.

>> No.13613564
File: 20 KB, 167x170, 5202588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semen Slave/Tentacle Husband/Hair Ruffler

Thrall/Youkai Dinner

This is ok.

>> No.13613609

First roll and I get this
The hell do I do with this? Invade the moon?

The only thing I want to do is learn how to shoot magic bullets and fire them from a gun as if I were using actual bullets, but they're not because it's ....

Yeah, it's stupid.

On a side note,
Unrealistic - Bounty hunter, no matter how stupid or pointless it may be
Realistic - Youkai food or I get a job doing something in the human village. Maybe a guard?

>> No.13613617

Computer repair

I update every adobe flash player in gensokyo and give everyone google ultron

>> No.13613636

i would start an apothecary to sell medicines to all those in need.

topkek. that has been my dream, to bring back wikipedia. overeducated myself and now it is all those feels.

>> No.13613650
File: 127 KB, 500x650, purple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> realistically
remilia's server room

>> No.13613737


Even the wiki knows Im a fat fucking loser ;_;

>> No.13613750

Roll 2: http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Life-Force_Ball_Projection
We Touhou Ball Z now

Roll 3: http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Inner_World_Creation
Sounds useless

Roll 4: http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Creation_Magic
Sounds like another god mode to me

>> No.13613767

A life of luxury

Dying in the woods before I can even get to Eirin to treat my disabilities

>> No.13613874

Realistically. Any of you guys would probably get fed if you did some physical labor. Rinnosuke would also be interested in you and the SDM would probably take you in for physical labor.

>> No.13613923

Fucking my favorite 2hu

Fucking your favorite 2hu


>> No.13614004

>wizard 11
>not chain binding Efreeti to farm wishes
it's like you're not even trying

>> No.13614080

The Great Unmoving Sysadmin

>> No.13614084
File: 437 KB, 1100x770, 1299166210401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13614130

If vancian magic existed in gensokyo, having a vocation would be a moot point because most everybody is a caster of some sort and industry would be meaningless if you could just summon entire feasts or building materials or force an elemental to do all your building for you.

I just know iron is really rare in Japan, and in a town as small as Gensokyo I could pretty much corner the market on, say, nails, or iron cookware.

>> No.13614155

An eleventh level wizard could corner the market on nearly anything physical with Fabricate and some creation spells.

>> No.13614162

It's actually a T-shirt design by Ryan North, the guy that made Dinosaur Comics and Project Wonderful, the ad service that pretty much every webcomic uses

>> No.13614165

Like I said, vancian magic.

>> No.13614294
File: 743 KB, 752x1062, 03b0715c268054a6893382bd33130f73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roll 1: http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Food_Manipulation

User can create, shape and manipulate food and other edible substances, including their shape, amount, taste, appearance, etc.

I can solve the Youkai eating Human problems now, put nearly all the human village farmers out of work by creating endless amount of delicious food and giving it out for free, or go on to work for Yuyuko or whoever wants to hire a guy with food manipulation powers.

Roll 2: http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Victory_Manipulation

The user is able to manipulate the rate of victory and failure in the events orchestrated by the user or others. This ability allows the user to turn the tide of flow towards an enemy's chances of victory and create a result that works in the user's favor.

I'm going to defeat Yakumo Yukari, and take over the human village as its one true god.

Final Roll 3: http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Difficulty_Manipulation

The user can manipulate difficulty of any a task/action is, making most difficult tasks easy and make the easiest tasks hard. They can bend logic for themselves to make things easy and/or make it impossible for others to do what they could normally do.

Go out and defeat all of Kaguya's impossible tasks, and instead of her hand in marriage get the Hourai elixir from Eirin.

>> No.13614346
File: 55 KB, 575x384, 389479575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realisticly: I would start a steel mill and have kanako back me up and sell it.


>> No.13615129

Realistically: Working for the Kourindou selling scrap.

Unrealistically: Working with the Kappas or anyone wanting to upgrade/update their mechanical technology.

>> No.13615167

Realistically: Join up with Kourin, he identifies the good's use, I teach people how to use them.

Unrealistically: Join up with Eientei and become honorary lunarian master race. Enjoy guns, space bitches and space bunny bitches.

>> No.13615170

Porn star

>> No.13615220

Now post what you would realistically do that doesn't involve people laughing at your micro-penis.

>> No.13615239

Unrealistically: Die quickly.
Realistically: Die slowly.

>> No.13615259

where will you get the coffee?

>> No.13615277

Unrealistically: bootstrap the industrial revolution, get to the point where I can make advanced semiconductors and start selling computers to people in gensokyo. I then start distributing bullet hell shooters based upon a different fictional world and build up a big enough fanbase that will eventually ask this same question.

Realistically: gensokyo isn't real.

>> No.13615309 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 544x400, 1433665627328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice dubs

also spider,an thread

>> No.13615345

Go back to /b/ or troll /pol/, we don't accept your mind here.

>> No.13615370
File: 54 KB, 370x501, dud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this power
So literally an yokai

>> No.13615457

Shouldn't Patchouli's library have books that contain that info? Not that memorizing that stuff is useless.

>> No.13615499
File: 543 KB, 1000x1000, 6fd82ac350fef199fd9b1243f2a02c91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goal would be to become Marisa's apprentice, failing at that I would try to make my way to the SDM to get a job.

>> No.13615504

Well that seems really edgy. Maybe I should try rerolling?
Well I'm doomed to have edgy dark powers, I guess. >>13615499 is still my goal.

>> No.13615611

Become NEET.

>> No.13615649

Unrealistically: House Husband

Realistically: Beggar

>> No.13615878

half-frame glasses but not red. 6/10.

>> No.13616257
File: 67 KB, 388x650, Another case solved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess. You saw this picture and read it as "Touhou" despite it clearly reading "Donut House" because of the angle the words are put together. Then your mind wandered a bit, thinking of touhou, donuts, and this very thread which you eventually made. You don't actually want to make a donut shop in Gensokyo, you just needed an excuses to post that picture. The picture that started it all. The mind is a mysterious thing.
Unless you are like me and can read it like an open book.
Anyway, I would use my vast knowledge and superb problem solving skills to help Reimu and Marisa solve mysterious incidents.
Unrealistic: I would use my vast knowledge and superb problem solving skills to help the kappa design all sorts of wonderful contraptions. This is unlikely because kappa do not like being outsourced by new blood.

>> No.13616424

It's shit, but I guess I could do something with it. Maybe I could borrow some ofuda from Reimu and start hunting youkai.

But really, if I ended up in Gensokyo, I'd probably just find some job in the human village and learn magic in the meantime.

>> No.13616590

I can move around slightly better now
which doesn't fucking MATTER BECAUSE ALL THE 2HUS FLY

>> No.13617464 [DELETED] 

and here we have the mind of a psychopath. people like you used to be strung up by the neck. fukken libs enabling this behavior.

>> No.13617950


>> No.13618904

This poster is totally useless if you didn't know. Pretty much everything in it except for Pasteurization is completely impossible for the average person to reproduce.
The average person doesn't have the woodworking skills to produce a lightweight aerofoil out of wood, nor would they be able to make the mechanisms to mechanically rotate their control surfaces.
They wouldn't be able to find an electromagnet, much less iron at reasonable cost, because at sufficiently dated civilizations, most people got their iron from meteorites or the iron sands in rivers and lakes.
The fuck would anyone find tungsten?
"just like, bounce electronic waves onto surfaces I'm sure you know how to make an antennae some fraction of the wavelength you're looking for"
"Oh dude you can totally mass produce this penicillin, you're totally not going to run into issues getting the wrong mold, and you totally have microscopes around"

>> No.13618931

For your information:
Magician is not an occupation, it's a money sink since you're always buying new reagents and components.

So while I'm studying magic, I... could maybe administrate the tengu & kappa computer network?

>> No.13618987

This is why it might be a much better idea to study physics and thermodynamics/have the help of whatever incredibly brilliant scientist created your time machine, go back to an actual major civilization (example: rome, italy, 150 AD), use this knowledge to get in good with someone powerful (or possibly mysteriously know the future or a detail of said person's personal life) and become the country's greatest engineer as you invent gunpowder and the cannon, vastly improve metallurgy, then invent the steam engine, reinforced glass and concrete laced with rebar, copper wire and steel cable, modern rubber and plastic, glasses, telescopes, microscopes and binoculars, mechanical computers, electricity into electronics, and everything else you can possibly memorize.

Honestly if you went to anytime in the past with wikipedia, project gutenberg, wikitionary and as many other important knowledge sites as you can fit on a small solar-charged computer, it would be uncannily similar to having the alethiometer from his dark materials.

>> No.13619074

buy replica sunglasses from alibaba & sell them at a profit

maybe it will catch on with the girls

& then i can spend my nights getting drunk with wriggle

>> No.13619172


that's all well and good but I just wanna open a bar/restaurant and take it easy with my waifu

unfortunately I'm useless because suika could just produce an infinite quantity of sake and put me out of business

maybe before that happens my 2hu will have visited my restaurant and fallen madly in love with me and can just support me with her millions

>> No.13619181

Who's your waifu, anon?

>> No.13619201

komachi, the prettiest, coolest, best girl in the universe

doublepost time thanks comcast

>> No.13619273

komachi a shit

>> No.13619311

I am gonna beat you up

>> No.13619379

do it~

>> No.13619432
File: 213 KB, 600x750, tmp_19165-5c8c382ad7ad41ab0bf42ab373cfc2f0-640650431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unrealistic: Become a literal Sunlight Warrior and defender of the realm. If I make it to the underground I take Okuu as my wife and power source.

Realistic: If I survive making it to the village I hope Keine can teach me Japanese. Then, maybe work as a local medic, buying medicine from Reisen to use in emergencies. Maybe help with a fire brigade since I bet those wooden houses get lit up a lot when danmaku gets thrown about.
