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File: 154 KB, 638x696, 1431159287699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13603346 No.13603346[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How are you NEETs even making the bucks to live anyway, or are you just leeching off parents/family?

>> No.13603352 [DELETED] 


I don't feel like answering this right now.

Maybe later.

>> No.13603375
File: 128 KB, 952x477, manga girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it so much when they try to bring things like piss and shit and body hair into pure manga girls.

>> No.13603385 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 454x455, 1411417244362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How are you NEETs even making the bucks to live anyway
I do it by not being a NEET.

>> No.13603417


>> No.13603923
File: 100 KB, 485x871, neet is murder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am running out of money and will probably starve to death. Since I need to finish my backlog, surviving is one of my immediate priorities right now.

>> No.13604203

custom programming.

More of a shut-in than a NEET though. So in a way, I AM leeching off my parents too, because without them, I couldn't even get what I need from the store.

>> No.13604227 [DELETED] 

NEETs are always in interrogation in jp

>> No.13604715

mak monie online

>> No.13604741 [DELETED] 

Have any of you tried selling things on ebay? I've got boxes full of video games I don't need, because I can emulate them all. Is it hard to do?

>> No.13604745

How are you going to get your stuff shipped, if not by going outside and meet people who will look at you with menacing eyes?

>> No.13604760 [DELETED] 

I'm a job having normie. I'll drop by the post office on my way from work. I just need to know how to get started.

>meet people who will look at you with menacing eyes
>being afraid of people that are dumber than you

>> No.13604764

Amazon you can ship off inventory and have them do it for you when your stuff gets bought. And I also you can pay for someone pick up your stuff.

>> No.13604810

Leeching. I feel very bad about it and I'll be going to Gensokyo one of these days when I gain the courage.

>> No.13604816

Welfare system

>> No.13604868

If your parents are letting you leech off of them, they care for you. Even if you're not happy about letting you leech off of them.

You going to Gensokyo would be even a meaner thing to do than leech off of them.

Look, here's a trick: learn how to program. For example, make easy android games with python and kivy.

Download an easy but good practical python book, like Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner.

Once you read it in full and do the exercises, get a good and easy pygame book, like Al Sweigart's Making Games with Python & Pygame (dude even has the full pdf in his website for free).

And once you can make relatively interesting games on pygame, get kivy and the kivy documentation, because it allows you to make android and ios packages of python+pygame applications.

Then, just sell your shit. If disgusting trannies are doing the same and making a fair living, there's no reason for you not to do the same.

If you apply yourself, you can start making a serious game in a month or two, because python is piss easy.

>> No.13604890 [DELETED] 

damn i would get into this if i had any drive whatsoever

>> No.13604895

Just do it when you're not feeling like doing anything else.

Programming is gets pretty damn fun once you get all the basics down, specially in easy as fuck languages like python. You make your computer do anything you like, how couldn't that be fun?

>> No.13604903 [DELETED] 

dont really have the time for it between work, school, and shitposting

>> No.13604904

Depression and anxiety.

>> No.13604923

>paying for someone to pick up your stuff

>> No.13604976

the government pays me money to watch chinese cartoons and contemplate suicide all day

>> No.13605144

Then use a dropoff box and don't make free shipping on stuff until you saved up enough to ship new stuff out every month by pick-up. They have boxes outside buildings you can just dump in there without having to go inside.

>> No.13605151

Im an employed neet

>> No.13605184

Wouldn't you be a NET then

>> No.13605234
File: 969 KB, 1250x1250, 46150192_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is probably a freelancer. Not actually employed, but doing odd jobs here and there.

It can be hell, but by god, is it wonderful to just say "fuck it" and reflect on existence all day.

>> No.13605400

One day a billionaire will come along and give me riches, I just gotta keep waiting

>> No.13605424

I dream of winning a lottery, but never buy any tickets.

>> No.13605430

I do that too, makes me wanna buy tickets

>> No.13605743

The USPS will actually pick stuff up from your house, so you could leave it on the porch step. You actually save a few bucks that way, too.

I'm selling some old trading cards and some western collectables now.

The best thing you can do to start selling is to actually buy 10 little cheap things with free shipping to get positive feedback so you look legit.

You probably should head over on /biz/ and lurk in the eBay thread.

>> No.13605824
File: 535 KB, 1024x961, 102496173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently found out I'm the inheritor of several millions. When I get the money, I'm going to purchase a /jp/sie and keep him around as a pet fuccboi. Who wants to be first?

you'll get a roof to sleep under, free meals, plenty of cute frilly clothes to crossdress with, not to mention an easy way to sustain your neet lifestyle!

>> No.13605850

I would do this, if only

>> No.13605860

sounds like too much work

>> No.13605888

Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?

>> No.13605900 [DELETED] 

Maybe you should put that money to better use and get you're gay fixed.

>> No.13605905

Get out of 4chan Lana!!!

>> No.13605937

>If disgusting trannies are doing the same and making a fair living, there's no reason for you not to do the same.

Thanks for the motivation.

>> No.13605975
File: 1.75 MB, 3072x2304, 1382736669788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living the dream

>> No.13606016


Can I use ebay to monetize my old collection of pogs?

>> No.13606018

I'm deaf and I leech off the government

thanks america

>> No.13606068 [DELETED] 

Are weeb pogs a thing yet? Plenty of untapped potential there.

>> No.13606203 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 200x200, 1432764590112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm legally autistic so i get paid by the government to stay alive

>> No.13606211 [DELETED] 

What's the most absurdly autistic thing you've ever done?

>> No.13606214 [DELETED] 

applied for autism bucks without being actually autistic

>> No.13606220

getting welfare is actually not hard unless you're a druggie

>> No.13606318

Not all neets don't work anon

>> No.13606360

You might be right. Cute faces in various expressions on caps, an Ohayou series, puffy vulvas drawn by different ero artists, some nerd invents a way to have boob milk caps while still being able to stack them(just alternate sides), ones with logos like LO on them and stuff.

>> No.13606473 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 331x331, pls respond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard you can obtain Autismbux, but how?

I'm a NEET who wants to gain money for free.

Someone explain this to me.

>> No.13606530 [DELETED] 

figure it out yourself loser

>> No.13606535 [DELETED] 

Maybe later.

>> No.13606545 [DELETED] 
File: 784 KB, 1200x1301, 1388804815063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretend to be an autist? Read up on how they act and what they typically do to test it, maybe on a vpn or something just in case. If you have no friends or job, or are even better a neet, they'll probably believe it. Otherwise give yourself a disability or something.
Maybe listen to loud music for a few weeks straight and see if you can pass it off as >>13606018.
All that being said I think sudoku sounds better than any of that and is what I've chosen so don't take my word on it.


>> No.13606551

i'd rather die than become a slave to a faggot like you

>> No.13606570
File: 186 KB, 1023x1025, nyanko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are forgetting the first step.
Get gud at crossdressing.

Those people dont get paid because they are making games.
They get paid because they are female or are pretending to be one

>> No.13606588

How rude!

>> No.13606628

This picture is amazing, thank you for posting it.

>> No.13606641

NEET sustaining itself by being the living onahole of a rich person here, can confirm it's pretty great

9/10 would recommend

>> No.13606674

I've always wondered: Do any of you guys on welfare ever think/post/say anything bad about minorities and poor people with a dozen kids on welfare?

If only you were a rich loli instead.

>> No.13606706

It'll probably be hard to pass off as deaf, they have subtle personality differences and reactions to certain things.

>> No.13606749 [DELETED] 

You don't have to be completely deaf, partial deafness still counts.

>> No.13606756

Im mooching rn. I hate trying to get a job. I mostly hate the application process. I just want to walk in somewhere and work, but the application process and interviews always hold me back since my applications say i have no experience

>> No.13606781 [DELETED] 

i'am french, i get 450€ per month plus free bus/train and free wealthcare. (RSA google it)
Ilive with my parent but if i was alone i could get a free apartment (the state help people like me to pay the rent)
I just have one meeting per month and i act like i am looking for job but i don't do shit.
I am considering playing the autist card to get more money and less meeting. France is a paradise for all the social parasite.

>> No.13606801
File: 188 KB, 1100x945, 1398122743668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If only you were a rich loli instead.
I wish a rich loli hime-sama would dominate me...

>> No.13606803 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 800x800, 6cafcf5b6078875fd2080b9dbbe1f1af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it yurops. Curse my forefathers and their quest for freedom or whatever the hell else they thought they'd find.

>> No.13606805
File: 652 KB, 840x1200, comic_megastore_2006_02_259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feelio when a loli ojousama will never use me as a living dildo

>> No.13606834
File: 167 KB, 384x258, bully.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can dream.

>> No.13606855

Lolidom is the highest form of love.

>> No.13607306

>I just want to walk in somewhere and work, but the application process and interviews always hold me back since my applications say i have no experience
I hate that shit.
What kind of qualifications do I need to flip fucking burgers? Assholes.

>> No.13607326


>> No.13607376

This is an old post, but really, people dumber than you are the ones you should fear the most.

The dumber people are, the more worthy of fear people are. If they are smart, they will realize that sudden and brutal violence against you is unwarranted and without significant benefit.

It is the very stupid who you should look on with fear. Keep it secret though, do not agitate stupid people.

>> No.13607433

NET. Is that a thing?

>> No.13607471

Let me give you some /adv/ice. In this bullshit social world, you need to know someone to get your first job. I applied for several retail jobs to stores where I didn't know someone/didn't put anyone down. Know how I got my first job? I mentioned 3 people who work there. I know that's what kept my application out of the bin - she asked how I knew 2 of them! Wakaru?

After your first, you have experience on your resume & are mostly set.

>> No.13607485

Technically, and according to my government's unemployment statistics, I'm not NEET.

See, they pay me to apply for jobs every month. So it's not like I'm NEET or anything.
