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13600271 No.13600271 [Reply] [Original]


You walk into a bar and this guy slaps your imouto's ass

What do?

>> No.13600290
File: 139 KB, 264x349, Miguel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Miguel might be a homosexual.

>> No.13600305

Yes it's a given

>> No.13600312

Is it a fun read if my standards are extremely high when it comes to VNs?

>> No.13600323

Do you know japanese? If not, how do you even find translated titles that conform to your high standards?

>> No.13600339
File: 121 KB, 484x272, main21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they're cute or have a really good plot I like them.

>> No.13600399
File: 126 KB, 640x480, gFiSBHb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same author as higurashi, umineko, higanbana but minus the horror and mystery.

plot begins with a whorehouse after ww2

>> No.13600418

so neither cute nor a good plot?

>> No.13600420
File: 333 KB, 500x414, 021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not dumb.

I love Higurashi and I have fond memories of reading the manga before it was animated, but everything that wasn't a direct continuation or alternate telling of it horrified me.

I don't know who to blame, r07's Japanese fanbase, him or me for any expectations after that.

Am I supposed to take Rose Gun Days serious?

>> No.13600456
File: 685 KB, 640x480, Capitalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filthy fucking Americans.

>> No.13600474

Was the answer no?

>> No.13601307
File: 326 KB, 640x480, 1398837621188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rip the goddamn Ushiromiya insignia off his belt because obviously he didn't have enough desire to eradicate criminal syndicates across Tokyo.

>> No.13601317

That's a nice suprise. Haven't been keeping up with the series. Might need to re-read episode 1 though.

>> No.13601403

>Am I supposed to take Rose Gun Days serious?

It starts out mostly serious with Season 1, then goes full shonen in Season 2. Then Season 3 comes along and the rest of the series is a depressing bloodbath where they don't even spare the children.

So yes.

>> No.13602019

Is this supposed to be a cheeky history of the moon arrange?

>> No.13602328
File: 71 KB, 800x568, angeburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking chink mei juu turning Captain Butler's imouto ange into a burger

>> No.13602548

How nationalistic is this game?

>> No.13602575

>muh ambition
>fucking shit countrymen fucking things up

>> No.13604494

It's pretty broad minded considering the theme. No side is entirely bad or good.

>> No.13604545 [DELETED] 

>last season

wow you guys sure are fast i havent even found the second and the translated third season. can you post those too please

>> No.13604557

just download the mega in the OP everything's there

>> No.13604562

is it? oh wow i am retarded, thanks

>> No.13604651

Not even in RGD Butler is safe from bullying.

>> No.13604710

Surprisingly, it isn't.
As >>13604494 mentioned, it is pretty open minded in that regard. In fact, Rose's behaviour is a tame criticism towards Japan's conservative stance towards foreigners.

Every sides have their own agenda and limelight. Even chinks are actually quite relatable, which is surprising coming from a japanese centred story.

My only issue I have with RGD is the very very short epilogue and some characters being to hamfisted in their roles.

>> No.13605582

How the hell are Seasons 3 and 4 so much better than 1 and 2?

>> No.13605767

>tfw even in an alternate universe where no one died Ange's happiness is still not easy to maintain

I mean this is a huge step up from being an orphan with cancer but what the fuck

It's like Ryu wants to tell us something

>> No.13606516

How is it even possible to have such shit taste?

RGD started off interesting enough, but petered out in Season 4 and the ending was seriously lackluster.

The "big" reveal at the end, Julie's ancestry, was also utterly pointless and out of place.

I'm really disappointed there wasn't a scene about Keith and Richard finding out the truth about Stella and Ryuuji's murders. And that confrontation scene between Season 4's two biggest douchebags at the very end was pretty much the most anticlimactic shit R07 has ever written.

I didn't like Umineko's conclusion because it sucked and upturned all the themes built up in the previous episodes, but this non-ending somehow manages to be even worse in my regard.

Looks like Higurashi's epic finale was just a one-off after all.

>> No.13606584


Huh, that's nice.
Guess I'll look into it.

>> No.13606634

>epic finale

Well that explains a lot right there.

>> No.13608152

So who's the pink haired girl (last girl) in the extras clip?, is that in Higurashi or a sequel perhaps?

>> No.13611496


>> No.13611733

fuck i deleted my game already forgot to save pic

>> No.13611930

The entire Special clip is a teaser for Higurashi Hou.

>> No.13612050
File: 79 KB, 280x258, Tamurahime_punishment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13612430

Wow. Season 3. Mind blown. I actually thought soy sauce was Chinese before reading this VN.

>> No.13612994 [SPOILER] 
File: 819 KB, 654x517, 1433626795004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait till you read the last season, It's so heartwarming how the power of love overcomes all boundaries.

>> No.13613267

Right? I'm so glad Keith and Alan understood each other out of their brotherly love.

>> No.13615495

Is Alan dead after the loli kicked them both?

>> No.13615586

He is dead, Jim.

>> No.13615853

That was pretty apparent, yeah. Kind of sucks how that's literally all we got to see of Keith for the rest of the game, though.

At least Butler avenging Ange mostly made up for it.

>> No.13615952

but it was the fucking chink that killed Ange

Gabriel dindu nuffin

>> No.13616690

Proof? The evidence is circumstantial at best.

I can't imagine Keith not getting shivved by the loli after he gets back up.

>> No.13616740

I thought Batora wasn't even permitted by Gabe to write letters to his family. How the fuck is he allowed to take a call from his mom?

>> No.13618623

Why would Gab even kill Ange before leaving Japan and like >>13616740 said let Butler take the phone call.

It's just the chinks copying, that's what they're best at, his modus of killing imoutos.

>> No.13619088

No one said Gabriel killed Ange. He was clearly clueless when Phillip walked in. You're still not answering my question though: where's the proof that Meijew had anything to do with whatever happened to Ange?

>> No.13619237

>chinks easily getting Gabriel info
>story talking about women's intuition
>men wanting evidence
>not flipping the chessboard around

step it up

>> No.13619334

Ha, weak. Who are you quoting, faggot?

Then I'll give you reasoning for why it wasn't Meijew:
The entire point of killing Ange would be to free Butler from his voluntary imprisonment at Gabriel's hands such that he could presumably give testimony about Stella and Yuuji's murders and therefore avoid a war between the GDS and Primavera.

The GDS was perfectly aware that Richard was almost certain to declare war on the anniversary of their deaths. They also knew that Rose's faction were planning to challenge Richard's faction for leadership of Primavera on the very same day. Assuming Rose's faction won, reconciliation would be a matter of course, Ange or no Ange. Assuming Richard's faction won, war would still have become inevitable the moment he gave the signal.

And this is where the problem lies: the fact that the GDS took no action at all to secure Butler's affidavit after Ange's alleged assassination to prevent a war in the off-chance that Richard emerged victorious. Killing Ange alone would have accomplished nothing at all in terms of their original objective. Even Butler's eventual rebellion against Gabriel was entirely unpredictable and only possible because Richard lost, survived and happened to be found by Butler during his escape.

Q.E.D. It makes no sense at all for the Chinese to be the cause of Ange's incident, only for them to follow it up with no action whatsoever. It is much more likely for her to have simply ended up on the wrong side of fate and for Phillip to have misinterpreted the event as Gabriel's intent.

>> No.13619452

>being surrounded by Gab's guards

No, Butler's rebellion was expected by Gab, he's just wondering why it took him so long.

And you leave death to fate, why? When there's 3 people in the story there at knows Ange existence. Alan, Meijuu and Gabriel and 2 of them has a capacity to kill Ange in that short amount of time.

>> No.13619504

Gabriel clearly has no fucking idea it's coming; he's utterly defenseless and still wearing the same clueless grin when Butler shoots him with Richard's revolver. Gotta say he's pretty fucking incompetent as the story's main villain, not even managing to connect the dots when Phillip starts talking about Ange.

I leave her death to fate because, as I've explained, it makes no sense to suspect any of the parties of wrongdoing without some sort of follow-up action. Ange's death alone fails to guarantee any kind of benefit in exchange for a lot of risk.

>story about misunderstandings and misplaced suspicion
>even richard was at least smart enough to seek conclusive evidence
>hurr durr meijew did it
>not turning the chessboard around

>> No.13619535

>be murder mystery author
>leave death to fate

>> No.13619541

>Rose Guns Days

>> No.13626255

Was it ever explained why the Japs couldn't just hop on down to Chinatown to buy real soy sauce?

>> No.13632174

I'm at the part where they train to rescue Zel's father and it's just gotten so incredibly dry to read.

Hopefully this Gabriel guy will spice things up a bit.

>> No.13634206
File: 133 KB, 870x696, 38743584_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He certainly will spice it up.

>> No.13634225

Get ready for something mind-blowing.

>> No.13638010

More like blood boiling.

This has gotten way too fucked up.

>> No.13639373

Is this a good interpretation?

