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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 179 KB, 736x1075, whereisthecurlyhair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13570178 No.13570178 [Reply] [Original]

I'm getting more into loli culture and had a wonder I thought I'd come to the professionals to answer.

Why are most hairstyles straight hair? The curliest a hairstyle will be is wavy. They're supposed to be perfect little waifus always looking after their looks so it can't be because they are Asian and they mainly have straight hair.. because if they look after the way they look they would be keeping up with their magnificent hairstyles (which they do! but why curly hair shame?) Is it something culturally I'm missing or not getting?

>> No.13570316
File: 126 KB, 510x607, 1352422641544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's easier to draw.

>> No.13570352

Please stop abusing the term waifu and go back to your home board.

>> No.13570398

Curly hair is horrible.

>> No.13577551

Because straight hair is the only good hair.

>> No.13580453

I suggest a gun to the mouth or jumping from a building to cure your awful opinion.

>> No.13580475

>wanting nigger hair

>> No.13580512

Get out of here nigger and take your fro with you.

>> No.13580624


>> No.13580994

I have curly hair and it's been nothing but a blight on my life.
Even then, it took me until this year to decide to shave the fuck out of it because I wanted to be a qt trap ;_;.

Anyways, it can be cute on some girls but they'll still tell you how fucking horrible is to take care of it to look decent.

>> No.13581047

Literally 100% of people in japan have straight hair. Curly hair is probably just seen as some fad or shout for attention. It's the same about dying hair, some white girl dyes her hair who gives a shit, a jap chick bleaches her hair and she's often seen as making some sort of hardcore statement.

Straight hair is superior in like every single way, by the way.

>> No.13587538

>Literally 100% of people in japan have straight hair.

Source :your ass

>> No.13588096

Why do white people like to dye their hair so much anyway? Do they feel ashamed if their hair isn't blonde?

>> No.13588495

They want attention, that's all. Same for those people that have strange hairdos; they want to be the center of attention, and what faster way than by making everyone wonder what the fuck happened to your head?

>> No.13588639

No, I didn't mean like dying it blue or pink. I mean why do basically all whites dye their hair blonde? It's not to be different because it's accepted as "normal" for brown and black haired whites to dye it blonde.

>> No.13588711
File: 820 KB, 1200x1200, 1433020515995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you will never have superior nipponese hair.

>> No.13588923

Please do not use this word so carelessly.

>> No.13593643

What do they think about foreigners with naturally curly hair?

>> No.13593649

How would I even know what japs think?

>> No.13593662

I thought this board was for Japanese users?

>> No.13593665

No, it's for loli, doujin games and eroge.

>> No.13593674

Has anyone ever sat down in the dark with a candle like in that picture? Is it nice?

>> No.13593685

Yeah, whenever the power goes out.(we get strong storms in summer here that sometimes take out lines)

It's fucking awful.
