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>> No.13559816

Is there any event where we actually get to fuck the goddess?

>> No.13559818
File: 211 KB, 850x1035, sample-9479596a610f76eba2472c339bf51862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not yet


>> No.13559819

Not yet, unfortunately.
I keep hoping, though. ;_;

>> No.13559838

So, does Nutaku have any other games they're gonna implement from DMM? Or is it complete radio silence on that front?

>> No.13559855

Peropero Saimin is coming soon.

>> No.13559865

Is it good?

>> No.13559890

I don't play it myself, but refer to some previous posts:
On that note, Nutaku just posted a trailer on pornhub of all places.

>> No.13559902
File: 91 KB, 445x547, Your tears sustain me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lack of music in Aigis bugs me sometimes. It gets a bit repetetive, hearing the same battle theme all the time.

>> No.13559918

This is a problem in nearly all DMM games. Hell Taimainin Asagi doesn't even have any bg music and I'm sure there are others like that.

>> No.13559922

>Surprise futa
There isn't one in Aigis, right? If there is, tell me who it is so I can discharge her as soon as I get her.

>> No.13559934

Just mute it and play your own music.

>> No.13559964

They should have genderbender prince events where the male units fuck a genderbent prince. It would give more purpose to raising male affection.

>> No.13560001
File: 95 KB, 793x613, bashful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must confess, I'm partial to the idea of the Prince fucking his entire army.

>> No.13560003

I've sometimes thought of that idea but I can't say I dig it. If that happened, the focus would be on the male units 'cause that's why you raise affection with them, just as you raise affection with the girls to watch them during sex (and for stats, of course).

And I honestly can't say I dig watching Conrad or Barbastroff having sex.

>> No.13560024

>can't say I dig watching Conrad or Barbastroff having sex
Well, I don't think I'd dig it if they were the focus, but I could probably get into watching them plough some sweet litttle thing.

>> No.13560272

They announced 5-6 of them like a month ago.

>> No.13560376

So on a whim, I decided to try out the Japanese version of LoV. Holy shit the normal lottery in that actually gives cards that are R rated and up. How long will it be before the Nutaku version of the lottery is nearly this good?

>> No.13560405

you can get R rarity cads on eng too
i have only seen one girl there, she's General of Fire Flare, and only her, have gotten like 5 copies since i started in Jan

>> No.13560411

Yeah, but in the Japanese version, every single roll was at least R, and one case I got an SR. I'm guessing its due to how much cards they have now, so they give new players that incentive.

>> No.13560440

Isn't their premium lottery way more expensive too though?

>> No.13560455

I'm talking about normal lottery.

>> No.13560583

>I can't bond with Spirit of Iron
What is this bullshit

>> No.13560592

Doesn't fit

>> No.13560594

>Full size onahole

>> No.13560664

There is.

Not currently in EN, but there definitely is one, I'll leave who it is a surprise though.

>> No.13560827

Are any of these really rapey games? I played tentacles tactics and it was fun. Just looking for something new.

>> No.13560969

Of the ones I remember that Nutaku announced off the top of my head.

Hellfire Girls
Haven't played it, but, 3d JAV girls. So if the scenes are the video clips like most of the other DMM JAV games; most of them sound like they're being raped. Dunno if that's enough for you.

Lord of Walkure
Mostly vanilla from the cards I saw.

Millennium War Aigis
Also almost entirely vanilla.

Pero Pero Saimin
Hypnotism + Rape for a lot of the scenes I think.

Girls' Union
This one was really buggy for me to play on JP; but I know the very first girl was a rape scene, not sure if that's the norm or not in this game though.

>> No.13561147

dat paizuri image of Calliope on danbooru though

>> No.13561196

I don't see the point in comparing the normal lottery if you tend to get more gold lottery spins than regular lottery spins for free. Honestly, the regular lottery is kind of redundant for anything other than getting UCs that are useful for exploration like Delta.

>> No.13561200

>tfw still unsure whether to CC Calliope or Cloris

>> No.13561213

They're not in Aigis yet, but they trap is meta-obvious when you see it.

>> No.13561218

If I had known back when I was in this situation what I know now - I'd have chosen Calliope. Cloris currently cannot be cost reduced.

>> No.13561319

Calliope, Chloris is kinda of bad in the Nutaku version because you can't Cost Reduce her. Peolpe don't use her on JP either unless they Cost Reduced her during her original event.

14 Cost CCed Chloris vs a 9 Mincost CCed Calliope
Chloris is barely stronger on top of that, unless you Awaken her. Even then, at most she might have 106 more attack. 422 vs 316.

>> No.13561365

Isn't that much attack kind of a large difference?

Not that anon, but I'm actually debating the same thing, and it just seems like unless you have a ton of Calliopes to try and CR her with, Cloris is the better bet.

>> No.13561388

Well it is noticeable, but the attack stat makes the big-big difference for /archers/ due to defences.
Magic damage ignores them, so it's less important.

>> No.13561400

It's a decent difference, but not really enough for the Cost difference.

The maxed Calliope would average out to ~35.1 attack/cost.

Chloris would average out to ~30.1 attack/cost.

And keep in mind this is after not only Awakening, but then maxing Chloris out. (116,999 XP) while Calliope would only cost 32,000 XP.

So you get a unit that is only situationally better (maps with very limited ranged slots), at the XP cost where you could max out 50CC50 4 units.

>> No.13561412

Uh when something ignores defence something like 100+ attack is pretty huge....

>> No.13561425

Wouldn't damage be even more important if it ignores armour/defence?

That's definitely a better way of explaining it. Though, min-costing a Calliope must be a real pain in the ass.

>> No.13561429

No, see, if it is stuck with defence, 100 attack may make damage difference between 0 and 100 or 100 and 200.

For magic, the difference is always 400 vs 300.
And Calliope costs a lot less. A LOT.
Also, that's the difference with AW Cloris, which takes a lot of effort to get and is not even on nutaku yet.

Get yer Calliope.

>> No.13561435

Yea, to be honest, it kind of is. It's not really something you rush though. You kinda just toss in some duplicates when you get lucky and snag some while farming Event Maps and then hope for the best.

Besides that, if you need stronger Witches (for those maps with limited ranged slots), you can get Platinum Witches / pseudo-Witches from Events; and there's also a farmable Gold Witch for Magic Crystals now in JP. THAT Gold Witch is worth leveling up, since you can Cost Reduce her.

>> No.13561449

Hm, maybe I'll CC a Calliope then.

I've been hesitant to CC a witch at all on the off chance that I pull something that needs a few silver witches to CC. I only have 3 Calliopes, I think. So I'd be left with 1 spare, not enough to really do anything.

Though I might get fucked over and no events for the next few months will drop Calliopes.

>> No.13561454

Original anon that asked here.

Maybe I shouldn't bother CCing Cloris or Calliope then. I'm in Nutaku. I still have a healer to CC yet (thinking Alissa) It's just I haven't gotten a new unit yet. All of the ones I have are you get for free/confirmed (levelling, 3* etc etc) no event units or premium gacha bullshit.

>> No.13561460

No, you should definitely CC one of them (preferably Calliope), but CR can wait if you don't have an abundance of spares.

>> No.13561504
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New Dragon Knight is too lewd.

>> No.13561555

Speaking of unfarmable CR, how does Katie fare in jp? I still see a bunch of vids that use her awakening here and there, and her max defense is like 100 higher than Aria's. But like Cloris, she can't really be farmed, can you even get extra copies of her? Is the only way to CR her and Cloris just through time fairies?

>> No.13561558

Third JP event map ranged slots are a trap.

Only place healers and melee.

>> No.13561582

You can actually; I've personally seen her drop during the Anniversary Gold Rush if I remember correctly. Also, I think a key factor in the reason everyone uses her is because other than Aria (many people missed her Event since it was so early) the only ones who can compare to her are Xenobia and Jerome; which are both Premium-only.

Other than that; yes. Time Fairies only. Which no one would ever even think of bothering to waste on Chloris; and likely not on Katie either.

>> No.13561589

You can use ranged slots just fine. Make sure you save up points so you can place them, and immediately after place a melee in front to mess up the enemy AI though.

>> No.13561606

The enemy out ranges CC'd archers on this map and it's like 90% ranged enemies. They out damage a single cc60 healer on the prince so any melee without a good amount of armor will be hurting.

It's not worth the effort to make them work compared to just putting melee around the bishop with two healers.

>> No.13561720

Hmm, I'll give that Pero Pero a try.

>> No.13561735

Any games that are less vanilla, more monster?

>> No.13561746

I don't think any that are Nutaku have announced. There's Tentacle Tactics off the top of my head for Japanese though.

>> No.13561974

i cant understand how latest event works.
some one explain it to me.
what is start trial?
how do i get the stuff .
all i am getting is red crystals and golden armors

>> No.13561979

Just got 15 demon crystals from my first daily today, things are looking good.

At 192 and got 3 more runs to do, 4 if I must.

>> No.13562026

Is there any way I can do crystal keeper H with only 1 CC archer? I only have 1 cc archer right now and 3 silver for Spica. I really really do not want to cc one archer just for grinding now and run out of silver for Spica when I get her.

>> No.13562046

Do you have 2x 50CC40+ healers? Do you have 2+ 50CC40+ witches? How about a high level damage sponge with MR?

If the answer to any of that is no, then don't even try it. Really, you shouldn't do it with magic damage anyway since the eyes have MR that makes magic kinda useless against them. I think it was 60MR.

I would just hold off until you get a second archer. Before prince buff, both archers need to be at 330ish attack and end up at 390 with it.
Hard mode, for me, has hardly even been better than normal mode. But maybe I'm just cursed with shit drop rates.

>> No.13562055

Bother my healers are at 50CC30ish
Witches are at 50CC20ish
I have Thetis or Kerry as a sponge so it actually looks doable.

Is there a guide or do I follow etn's video and stick the witches where the archers are?

>> No.13562057

I've never tried it but you might be able to use 2 extra archers instead and a magic sponge, you should have enough time before the end, or you could just rush to get spica to CC.

Although to be honest the three crystal keepers are still about 1 crystal per 1 stamina.
E is 1.07
N is 1.1
H is the best at 1.26 per stamina

H is the most efficient but it's not like you're wasting too much time if you can't do H like with the affection and gold dailies. Personally I would just wait until you CC spica in that case

>> No.13562059

Just wait. It's a lot of lost stamina for no real good reason if you fail. I personally get better results farming N mode than I do hard anyway.

>> No.13562061

Eth. Check out VP too, I prefer their style. Well, at least that's how I do things when I go in blind.

>> No.13562062

I doubt you can do it with 1, it's hard enough with 2 if you didn't max affection on both, so I doubt you can leave out an entire archer.

The thing about this daily is that there's not much difference between N and H in terms of reward. It's about 1.1 crystals/stamina for N and 1.2 for H if my info is correct. 36 stamina (24 hours + 12 if you kept full bar) in N give you about 39.6 crystals on average, 36 stamina in H gives you 42.6 (4 times H, 1 times E because 36 isn't divisible by 8).

So each thursday, that's a difference of 3 crystals. It pays off in the long run, but it's nothing to worry about too much. The problem with experimenting on H is that, if you fail even once in the process, you will need to successfully clear H for more than 2 weeks to make up the lost stamina compared to just safely running N instead. So H is only really worth attempting when you are pretty much convinced that your setup is going to work.

>> No.13562063

That feel when you complete H with 0 drops.

>> No.13562065

Gah, you guys are right. I am just a bit worried that I won't get her before the shop changes since occasionally I will not be in front of a computer for more than 12 hours so I will miss some of the regen.

...Maybe I will just get some refills.

>> No.13562068

Chydis only got swapped for Spica recently, so you have a few months to get her. I can't remember when Aigis started, but you probably have at least 3 months.

>> No.13562158

There's a bit more music on JP with new events, there's a desert map theme and an eastern map theme, and so on.

>> No.13562166

I first try 3*'d it using plenty of ranged units, I think you're just bad at placing units well

>> No.13562184

Oh shit guys, skill awakenings for soldiers. Julian and Jerome use their skills automatically, Zenobia gets 20 cost from hers but after using it once it becomes a 2x atk/def buff, Aria and Katie get an additional atk and def buff, respectively, along with lower cd it looks like.

>> No.13562203

Fuck yeah, got 9 more crystals on my second run, and I've now got my elf archer.

Its so great when a plan comes together.

>> No.13562205

I guess that awakening will put Xenobia as the best soldier

>> No.13562321

Not when you need more than 20 cost out of your soldier.

>> No.13562330

I am more said that Jerome's awakening skill seems pointless.

>> No.13562350

Yeah his skill awakening should at least give a better CD

>> No.13562355

Surely there must be some other boost like lower cd or charge.

Good guy devs saving you a second of hand moving and some clicking.

>> No.13562361

I mean I guess it will help you use the skill 1-2 UP faster which might be a big thing depending on how you look at it. But I imagine at cases where 1-2 UP is crucial, then most people would watch the cd like a hawk anyway.

>> No.13562381

The thing is, if you don't have to activate his skill, you can have your mouse right over the unit you're about to deploy and get them out without having to click twice first. Still seems pretty lame since that's all you get though.

>> No.13562392
File: 132 KB, 558x333, eyewander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this be good enough to complete Gatehouse Battle? I feel as if I need to CC a mage and healer.

>> No.13562431

I was able to get past it so you shouldn't have nearly as much trouble as I did.


>> No.13562434

I did it without a CC anything. Just need lots of ranged units.

>> No.13562471

Damn. Easier than I expected. Just about 3* but someone died right near the end. I didn't block the black armour from the left at all right. I did a very different strategy of course to >>13562431 since I have very different units.

>> No.13562522
File: 233 KB, 955x638, awyis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoo, 3*. 4th or 5th try. Selling both archers and replace with magic is the way to go. As usual. Poor archers. Rogue fucked up their armour instantly too which is hilarious to see.

>> No.13562539

Went against my recommended logic and rolled premium for an attempt at one of the princesses in the spotlight (only have a Themis, would like any of the more attractive ones).

Gold light, oh man, Conrad.

No, I can't let myself get a bloody Conrad as my premium, one more try, just give me a bloody female.

Another gold light, I bet it's another Stray or Kerry because Demoness reasons (I have 2x Stray and 2x Kerry). Get a Betty. A new girl from the harem, I'm okay with this. She'll be useful when awakening is introduced.

Gonna happily walk away with 1 bad roll and 1 good roll and sit on 20 crystals.

>> No.13562585
File: 526 KB, 960x640, Awakened Conrad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, Conrad's not so bad. Have you seen his awakening art?

I'm not sure which brave soul bothered awakening him, but he looks pretty badass. I mean, that's assuming you are willing to spend the absurd amount of resources to turn your ugly troglodyte into something slightly less repulsive instead of just letting him be fodder.

>> No.13562608

Next question, how would I fare against Castle Retake? That Lich looks hilariously strong.

>> No.13562616

>1.8k attack damage for 15 UP

why not?

>> No.13562621

I 3 starred it too, but the effort I had to put in to try to keep my ranged alive then saying fuck it and retreating everything back to the bishop where I could basically afk wasn't worth it.

>> No.13562627

It pretty much requires 2 CC'd healers, if I remember correctly.

>> No.13562631

According to what I read in a vid, it attacks your guys in placement order, so pop a tank down last.

As for your team, I would CC one or more of your healers. You want 600-700 healing power at least.

>> No.13562635

If you struggle with Gatehouse Battle, you won't be able to pass Castle Retake. It's a pretty fucking big difficulty spike.

>> No.13562637

Fuck me. Hopefully Monday daily N is faithful and gives me a couple plat armours. I don't think my army could do H, right?

>> No.13562643

I don't struggle with it. # of tries doesn't really say much in a game where it's mostly which units are where. And from that, it's just level/CC of said units. Very little actual skill is involved. I 3* Gatehouse regardless.

But, seems as if I need to CC a healer or two anyway.

>> No.13562646

you'll need at least a CCd healer and probably a CCd soldier to do H. so no.

>> No.13562647

It only goes by last placed if that unit is in range. The top left or right units will be in range before your tank if you place it in the best spot.

>> No.13562649

Definitely not.
If you're out of luck for Monday, try 1-star skipping castle retake, the next maps are much better grinding (and easier)

>> No.13562656
File: 232 KB, 897x564, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me again, >>13562431 here.

I just did Castle Retake this morning. I didn't record it because I wasn't expecting to actually complete it. But here is the team I used.

In this case, Nanaly probably saved my ass since I used her skill to kill monsters that had killed Phyllis and started getting away. Otherwise she was used as a standard archer that could be replaced with a silver. Since your team is stronger, I think you may not need to worry as much about your units getting steamrolled by the ogres. I was able to kill everything except the lich at the end.

>> No.13562660

Hate you so much.

Yeah I hear Dragon Hunting is a god-tier farm/grind map. I'm getting damn sick of Tower Overwatch too. I'll try to 1* Castle Retake. What are the two missions after this one like?

>> No.13562661

Did everyone in this thread reroll until they got Nanaly? The number of people with Nanaly's is absurd.

>> No.13562662

looking at your units, Nanally definitely saved your ass. there's no way you could've done castle retake if you had a CCd soma instead of that Nanally for instance.

>> No.13562668

Dragon Hunting is right after it. However, DH is not really a "godgly" farming map unless what you are after is prince exp. Lower maps have been proven to be more efficient for gold and unit exp. That said, I still farm DH for everything just because it is easy and I don't have to do it as many times.

It goes Dragon Hunting, Remnant Vanquish 3, Flame Dragon, and Immortal Beast. Don't even bother with the last one.

>> No.13562684

>finally get a plat
>it's a Sherry


Why why why

>> No.13562689

Dragon hunting also happens to be absurdly easy as well. You can beat it with 3 units and no skill activations easily by the time you're on the mission. I'm doing it right now with a 100 aff 50cc40 witch and archer and my prince. That's it. Takes 15 seconds or so to set up and I can walk away from my computer or play Witcher 3 or something while I wait.

>> No.13562692

>Sad about Sherry

Why? She's pretty godly in the category of "blow shit up" duelists.

>> No.13562694

Well, Sherry is a good unit.

>> No.13562695

I have 2 Sybillas already. Oh and a Themis.

Premium summonings loves giving me princesses. And rogues of course.

>> No.13562698

Well I just died to the first wave of gargoyles, somehow. Huge waste of stam. Don't get how I'm supposed to beat it with no good units. Fucking hate how all 7 of my premium gachas were silvers. I feel so cheated. Niggers breeze everything with plats/blacks everywhere.

>> No.13562699

Incidently, my Soma was the one that finished off the dragon after the lich had killed everyone. Placed her out of his range.

>> No.13562700

DH might not be the most efficient for unit and gold, but I still spam it even when I'm looking for those, because the extra rank experience means you can recover charisma faster by leveling up, and the higher levels means you spend less time grinding, even if it takes more charisma.

>> No.13562701

>2 Sybillas
Are you expecting sympathy from anyone here? Tons of us don't have any blacks, much less two and room to complain about getting plats. D:

>> No.13562703

Considering they are the ones with chance up right now, it's not that strange. Maybe you shouldn't have rolled before the next event.

>> No.13562704

This is what poor people must feel when they see those #first world problems tags.

>> No.13562707

The benefit of Dragon Hunting is that it gives enough gold and fodder that you don't really have to worry about gold running out.

>> No.13562710

Tbh it might actually be the most efficient for gold and units.

The units you get from it will give more exp than those from Return to Ruins, which means you don't need to do as many combinations => less gold spent on it.

Worth noting that I've spent money on the game.

And yeah, maybe it was not wise to do a roll with the current chance up.

>> No.13562719

seriously thinking about using 5 SCs or so to spam Crystal Hunter H.

I'm sitting at 84 demon crystals and I really need that Spica. at the rate I'm getting those crystals it will probably take over a month if I don't spend SCs to refill stamina.

>> No.13562725
File: 810 KB, 963x649, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the basic setup, just add more units where necessary. It really isn't hard, even with silvers. Witch first, archer second, plop prince down after witch takes the first shot from the dragon.

>> No.13562727

So tempted to buy 100$ worth of crystals since it's the most efficient. Prey to RNG for some blacks and good units through premium and keep a bunch of SC. 20 premium gacha is 100 SC, sounds like an awful lot.

How much have you anons spent? I'm on the fence. I don't want to blow 100$ just to get absolute trash.

Issue is Castle Retake.

>> No.13562728

I did it last week. No regrets. Basically traded a Bandit Eunice or something for more time with the Elf Waifu so she could be ready to crush stuff next event.

>> No.13562730

It's tricky. You have to manage your unit points like a pro.
Keep in mind that this isn't my first time through all these maps either.

For Castle Retake, I started off with Cypria in the top left spot, followed by Katie and Phyllis behind her. I put Phyllis in the spot right behind Cypria. And an archer (or witch if you prefer) right next to Phyllis. This is the point where things get a bit close. Usually, a little goblin manages to sneak past Katie, so I had to plop down a mincost solder to kill it - which is the one you see in my posted team above. This is also about the time the armor comes out, and Cypria needs her skill activated to hopefully kill it. If she does, then withdraw her asap along with the soldier that killed the getaway and by this time you need to have enough unit points to place a mage right next to where Cypria was, just above the archer (or witch)

You may then need to place a witch closer to the exit the red flyers are heading to.

Kinda hard to explain, but eventually I'll have a video posted of it.

>> No.13562733

I'd recommend doing it just before the trading post changes. The current one may stay for months.

>> No.13562737

100 bucks or so at this stage I believe? I have a steady full time job though so I suppose it varies from person to person. I would never have blew this much if I was still in college.

>> No.13562741

I've spent around 140$, got 4 blacks, a tons of golds but no plats whatsoever.

The RNG is a bit fucked. But if you do spend 100$, you're doing 30 rolls. You're almost guaranteed to get something half decent from it at least. I mean, at the very least a couple of worthy units.

>> No.13562744

That's depressing.

>if you spend 100$, you should get a couple good units!

>> No.13562757

Well, it's the reality.

You might even roll 5 blacks and 10 plats from it lol. I'm saying that if you spend 100$ it's very very unlikely that you'll just end up with a giant stash of silvers and useless golds.

>> No.13562769

Currently have no job but when I get a job again, 100$ is nigh-nothing. Does Nutaku ever have sales or some shit where it'll make a certain time to buy premium gacha or SC better? Or is now as good as ever?

>> No.13562774

Nutaku is pretty new so I have no idea, they've never done something like that though.

Not sure if they had stuff like that at JP.

>> No.13562790

Not that I know of but you do get more SC the more you spend at once. Most notably 50$ is 70SC and 100$ is 150SC.

>> No.13562903

Immortal beast has nothing on something like 2 pyramids, with its giant mummy kings that hit for nearly 3k when they're low on health, or the mage mummies that are like AoE liches that can hit for like 1500 when low.

>> No.13563164
File: 209 KB, 567x356, Current Team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just came up to Castle Retake, think I can cheese my way past it?

Going to CC Calliope next, I think.

>> No.13563189

lol you've got deine, nanally and bashira. there'd be something very wrong if you couldn't.

>> No.13563195

I already said it to you, but I'm throwing jelly at my screen.

>> No.13563196

From what I've seen of the map, it's going to be the early red gargoyles that fuck me over. Nanaly doesn't exactly carry me through those.

>> No.13563202

put a witch right by nanally.

activate triple shot and you should be fine.

>> No.13563224

I'm so sorry, anon.

I'm 1 SC away from another prem roll, please stay tuned.

>> No.13563277

>descendant of a knight
hoho what a good start

>> No.13563415
File: 1005 KB, 960x639, mwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I be doing? I spent 5 crystals on a summon, but other than that I've kept them all. I'm starting to slow down in story mode, should I just go back to old missions and farm them for units to combine with?

>> No.13563426

Please don't tell me you spent all silver units before actually CCing anyone.

>> No.13563430

I don't know what CC'ing is. I've used 2 or so silver units for combine, though.

>> No.13563436

You fucked up go re make since you invested nothing. keep silver rarity+ they are important. And also read unit's info on what they do.

>> No.13563439

remake your account, but do a premium summon with those 8 crystals before just in case.

CCing is class changing. kind of like envolving. once your units reach max level you can do a class change which basically resets their level without resetting their stats.

you NEVER want to use silvers for combining unless you know what you're doing.

just remake the account imo.

>> No.13563442

Well, don't do it anymore. You should only be doing that when you have a shitton of spares, and preferably only on the same unit.

Honestly, seeing as you're such low level and don't have any particularly good unit, I would advice you to restart and not combine ANY silvers.

>> No.13563451

You fuuuucked up. Go make another account right now.

CC is upgrading a unit to a higher class, allowing to get more levels and more stats. You need other silvers as catalysts to do this, and without special rare events or dumping real money you have a very limited supply, so if you wasted them mindlessly on XP-food, you dun goofed.

>> No.13563454


If that's the case, I would literally just restart and keep rerolling until I got a black unit (or a Platinum Unit I liked) from the first Premium Summon.

You're going to want to keep your Silver Units in order to evolve (class change/CC) your Silver+ Units.

Do not use Silvers for cost reducing (CR) or increasing skill level until you have plenty of extras.

This game involves a *lot* of grinding where you're going to grind the hardest level you can and level up your core team.

If you get a unit like Nanaly or Sybilla, just use them to cheese through the harder maps.

>> No.13563511

I've created two accounts, and I've gotten Lancer Kerry on both of the free premium rolls they give me as part of the story for meeting the goddess. Is this set in stone, or is it just a coincidence? If it's set in stone, then do I need to go farm 5 SC for every new account to do a premium roll with?

>> No.13563517

Yes, it's set in stone. So yes, you have to farm 5 SC yourself.

>> No.13563518

The first one is scripted, the second one is coincidence. If you're not satisfied, reroll again.

>> No.13563529

Oh boy. And I need to make new email accounts each time I wanna reroll. This is gonna take a while.

>> No.13563537

Nah dude, just delete that account and use the same email. Go to Support if you don't know how to delete it.

>> No.13563546

I wish I had've known this when I was rerolling. I think I have something like 24 email accounts I'm never going to look at again, now.

>> No.13563549

you can use a temporary mail to create accounts and then change it if you get good stuff.

>> No.13563556

Oh, cool. That's nice, I can keep my username too.

>> No.13563569

One more tip if you want to reroll accounts until you get something really nice. Do every map up to Pastoral Gate with three starts, spend the 100 free gold from the account in one more crystal and you'll have 10 crystals to roll premium two times. Decide if what you got is good enough for you, and if it's not, reroll account again and do the same.

I honestly wouldn't stop until I got a black unit that's not Berna.

>> No.13563573

Probably shouldn't keep Liana either.

>> No.13563583

Thanks for the help. I was feeling pretty bad about my last account anyway, so I'm more than happy to start over. Any other units that are must keep/avoid, besides Nanaly, Sybilla, Deine / Berna, Liana?

>> No.13563584

True, true. A healer is still better than a rogue, though.

>> No.13563592

Almost all Platinums are good. Notable Golds are Mehlis, Betty, Cuterie, and Bernice off the top of my head.

>> No.13563593

If you get a black unit that's not Berna or Liana, keep it. If you get a platinum unit, post it here. Quality varies pretty hard, so you might get a platinum that pretty much counts as a black and that's definitely worth keeping.

>> No.13563620

I'd personally keep an account with Jerome or Gellius as far as plats go, but that's just because I like Jerome, and Gellius is a monster.

>> No.13563632

I get Cuterie for the affection farm, but Betty?

gold rogues are meh. you either want a silver one for the cheap cost or a plat one for higher assassinate skill and stats overall.

>> No.13563642

Betty has the awakening that increases your gold gains or something, if I remember correctly.

>> No.13563644

Betty is for her Awakening skill. More gold, I think.

>> No.13563668

I've been thinking of doing this for a while, would like some feedback:

For rerolling:

Great gold units:
Bernice, Themis, Fedora, Iris, Mehlis.

Good gold units:
Julian, Kerry, Barbastroff, Cyrus.
Great plat units:
Gellius, Dahlia, Jerome, Thetis, Lilia, Sherry, Bashira

Good plat units:
Cellia, Adele, Camilla, Garania, Victoria
Great black units:
All except Berna, Liana and Nanaly.


>> No.13563670
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6/How many, Anons? I believe this is the most I've ever gotten on H. Figures since I couldn't do a run this morning as I had to rush outta the house.

>> No.13563671

I think 6 was my highest number as well.

>> No.13563685

>Great black units:
>All except Berna, Liana and Nanaly.

u wot

>> No.13563693

Nanaly gets her own tier for being stupid broken.

>> No.13563698

Yeah, but I mean that you also put her next to Berna and Liana.

>> No.13563701

No, I just excluded her from the "great" tier because she, much like Berna and Liana, doesn't belong there.

>> No.13563722

>Bernice, Themis
Would move to good.

Would move to great

>> No.13563745

I have all the black units, but Nanaly was the last black unit I got (before Liana and Deine came, then I ended up getting both afterwards too. Two Deines, even.)

I was aiming for Lilia though, and as it turned out, I got both of them almost back-to-back. I ended up dumping a sizable amount of cash just to get those though.

I have two Sybillas too, but no Sherry. I rolled a few times hoping for her, but I got my second Camilla from my only plat instead.

>> No.13563746

I'm not sure if Victoria should be in the same bracket as Bashira who seems to be so superior to her.

Also, Bernice is pretty fucking great, 2nd best HA in the game in terms of pure tankiness.

>> No.13563777
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Got this girl and Mehlis in my two draws. Worth keeping, or should I just go for blacks?

>> No.13563779

meh. she's not bad but you should aim higher if you have the time.

>> No.13563781

Alright, I'm not too thrilled about her type of unit anyway.

>> No.13563786

Reroll again.

Before too long you'll be able to do the first 6 maps without looking at the screen.

>> No.13563788

It's a pretty good roll. My advice is to change the email of that account, keep it in reserve and keep rolling. If you get tired before getting something better, go back to that one, and if not do what I did and gift it or trade it for something you prefer.

>> No.13563797

I'd remove Kerry. Everyone gets her so it might cause confusion to newbies rerolling.

>> No.13563805

I'd escalate Mehlis to best gold (with Bernice and Iris being close runner-ups), and Julian to great, since Aria is no longer attainable and we have no way to CR Katie atm. And yeah, drop Kerry.

Honestly, all plat units are great unless you already have their black-tier counterparts (mostly Adele/Despara, though Thetis is better than Clissa and Camilla is cheaper than Liana). Of course, Cypria is obviously a bad roll since you get a free one, unless you really want her cost-reduced or something.

Camilla is probably the best healer we have now that Chydis is out of the trading post, so she should at least be great. Other than that, the only things I'd really change here are mentioning that Thetis is better all-purpose than Dahlia, and Sherry is better than Lilia since we currently don't have any bosses that hit hard enough that would need Lilia's amount of defense to tank.

I still maintain that Berna is amazing for a new account and an early-game unit, and for certain challenge maps.

>> No.13563812

Victoria is better for most enemies with high defense, Bashira is better for enemies with low defense.

Should you put some effort into raising her skill, she can reach 855 attack with just her skill alone at max CC.

For Bernice, she's good, but she's far too common in both events and rolls.

>> No.13563838

So I started playing the Japanese Aigis yesterday just to see if I can try out any female units we don't have yet on Nutaku. Ironically, all my premium rolls so far are all male units. Got a monk (who name I can't remember), then got Cyrus, and now Julian.

Not even mad. I'm hoping with this luck that I can get Jerome soon.

>> No.13563891

I've only played a tiny bit of Japanese Aigis, but from what I've seen of monks, they seem like a pretty legit unit. I rolled a male monk immediately as well and he just tore everything a new one, it was pretty impressive.

>> No.13563916

Additionally, I've noticed that in the tutorial stages, they give you Christopher instead of Dorca. Why doesn't Nutaku do this too? Then I could actually have a healer for the male Wednesday weekly.

>> No.13563923

*meant Alissa, not Dorca.

>> No.13563938

I've only started playing Aigis recently: How often do we usually get events here?

>> No.13563940
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Damn this game got hard fast, are higher-tier units good enough that I should be rerolling or something?

Why are non-Heavy units so damny squishy? I barely use them because they die in 2 hits.

>> No.13563949

You also get Nenya instead of another calliope, who actually has more attack than Cloris without affection, and only 11 less at 100% affection.

And wanna know the kicker?

She attacks faster too. If you sit Nenya and Cloris next to each other, you'll notice Nenya pulling ahead rapidly.

>> No.13563950

Right now its a week after the last event ended, the last event ended on Tuesday morning.

>> No.13563953

I think there is a break of a week between events? Or is it two?

>> No.13563973

I see, thank you.

>> No.13563998

Spica really does have all the health of a wet paper bag, great defense and 5 MR too though.

Do all elves have health and MR like this too?

>> No.13564001

Oh, I haven't done Cloris' missions yet. I'll go do them now to get Nenya.

>> No.13564052

Pretty much. Looking around, there is a dark elf with pretty good hp, but the rest seem to be incredibly squishy.

>> No.13564057

Because Christopher was delayed in Nutaku. Then they probably didn't want to switch up the units awarded because then old players would bitch that they didn't get Christopher, and new players would bitch that they got a male healer instead of a female one.

>> No.13564081

Do people really care that much if they get a male unit? If you're playing this just to fap, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.13564122

Agreed. After getting all these male units on my DMM account, I sorta wish I had more male units on my Nutaku account.

Also, just realized the reason I'm getting male units is in part due to increased drop rate for Julian and Jerome on jp version. Hoping for that Jerome.

>> No.13564128

People threw a shitfit because they got Calliope instead of Nenya; because Nenya attacks ~.01 more times per second.

You really think they wouldn't throw a shitfit because they got a male unit instead of a female one?

>> No.13564174

Increased Jerome drop rate on Nutaku when?

He's one of the two units I'm still hoping to get.

>> No.13564192

I'm not sure if they've been following JP on the rate-ups; but they've seem to consistently been chancing up the units that are really good for the current event. So I guess whenever we get one of those maps that are brutal on cost management.

>> No.13564223

It's a lot more than .01.

If you put Nenya and Cloris in phalanx 2 next to each other, by the time the map is over Nenya has almost doubled Cloris, and that's just through 10 units.

>> No.13564280

Datamining says otherwise.

It's .01 attacks per second difference rounded. I'm not sure on the math there, since when I reversed the calculation they seem to be using 30(?) frames per second for calculations, but normally what I've been told in MMOs is 32 frames per second.

But using their exact frames; regular Witches take 58 frames per hit, Nenya takes 56. So in either case, it's only a ~3.5% difference. Nenya gets in about 31 hits where a normal witch gets in 30. Which is approximately a 60 second interval. So Nenya gets in one extra attack every sixty seconds if they're attacking non-stop.

>> No.13564398
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>First black

>> No.13564417

Could be worse, you could have gotten Berna.

>> No.13564419
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>> No.13564436

If you have a gmail account, you can put a . anywhere in the email and it will still send the confrimation email.

For example, if your email was abc, you can register with abc a.bc, ab.c and so on. May or may not work with multiple .s.

>> No.13564536

So today after getting Spica, leveling her to 42(too high) and getting her at 49% affection, i realized I only got the 2 plat fairys needed out of 4 to CC her.

Getting a plat fairys gonna be a real bitch.

>> No.13564550

might as well just level her without the exp armor then?

people seem to forget that it's not that hard to level 40-50. it just costs a lot of money.

>> No.13564552
File: 56 KB, 498x500, yumi ponder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, does anyone know if drop rates are affected by how frequently you repeat a mission?
I suspect it's just my imagination, but it often seems like I get more and better drops on missions I sometimes take a break from, rather than keep doing over and over again.

>> No.13564560

So, the new black unit in JP is like a cross between a valk and Nanaly, and has her awakening skill as soon as you get her because she's a class that doesn't awaken and why the hell not? She's a bowrider with quadra shot and gives -1 cost to all types of rider units.

>> No.13564568

How much money are we talking here?

>> No.13564570

I spent all my money getting her to 42. I regret it too.

>> No.13564575

It feels like that for me too.
After doing Dragon Hunting so much and only getting two units a run, I got real bored of it and just other maps, where I tend to get 3-4 drops.

>> No.13564577

a plat unit from 42 to 50 should probably take around... err, 80k? considering you're farming dragon hunting and using the level 18 archers.

>> No.13564582

about eh..


>> No.13564604

Well, fuck me. I guess I'll have to wait till next Monday anyways, seeing as how I only have 95k left and most of my units to push to 40.

I thought it would cost way more than that, though. Thanks guys.

>> No.13564611

honestly it might cost more than that. my 80k might be a bit optimistic.

it's been a while since I've done it the hard way and it's hard to keep track on how much money you are actually expending considering you also get a lot of money from dragon hunting.

but yeah, waiting for monday might not be a terrible idea.

>> No.13564618


I passed (not 3*) it with no premium rolls, but then again I did some mad grinding to my silvers.

>> No.13564637


$50 x2, but the premium rolls were after I had more or less finished grinding up a solid silver team. Even with silver gacha I can at least use them for CR/SU/EXP so they're not completely wasted.

>> No.13564668

I wish I could read moon. So I unlocked Nenya's first scene and for some reason she has huge boobs. I'm guessing the candies she took enhanced her?

*Since she has boobs, Nutaku should have totally just added her.

>> No.13564720

magical growth pills.

she doesn't use them in the second.

>> No.13564751
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huzzah, I'm about to get my first CC-ed unit!
I know no-one gives a fuck, but I felt like sharing.

>> No.13564781

Alissa's scenes are so cute.

>> No.13564786

Would you play Millennium War Aigis if it had no porn?

>> No.13564800

Does it still have cute waifus? Are the H-Scenes replaced with the dialogue from the All-Ages? If so, yes, I probably would.

>> No.13564802

the max number of drops for thursday's is 6
what varies is the 'multiplier'(? of the drop

So max drop per run is
6 (drops) x 3 (per drop) = 18 H
6 (drops) x 2 (per drop) = 12 M
6 (drops) x 1 (per drop) = 6 L

i started playing for the scenes but the tower defense mechanics got me quickly adicted

>> No.13564806

I already do, I play the all-ages DMM version.

>> No.13564809

Yes (as long as I can still collect waifus). The gameplay is pretty addicting.

>> No.13564810

I don't know tbh. I was going to say no because porn is the edge it has over other, probably better games, but I don't think I know of any better tower defense games.

>> No.13564834

Tbh, I got turned off at first by how much effort you have to put in for these non-voiced hentai events. But, after playing it for a bit, I got addicted to the actual gameplay over the hentai scenes.

>> No.13564841


Would I spend money? No.

>> No.13564861

That really influences your decision? You know the CGs are all on exhentai right?

>> No.13564866

I think the prospect of pornographic images of some of the characters is what lured me in, but once I'd play it for a while, I pretty much lost interest in the smut, and stuck with it because I like the game.

>> No.13564873

Not as much, no.

While all I ever do is see the scene once, go "hey, that's nice" and skip, without them there I wouldn't enjoy the game as much.

It's a weird thing I have where just by being there for me to skip, the quality of the game increases. Even just a fade to black will slightly improve my opinion of the game.

>> No.13564878
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Oh, thank Christ. Looking at the wiki, I got the unpleasant idea that I'd need 3 Silver units to CC a Silver unit.

>> No.13564880

Probably, because most of the scenes are horrendously drawn and look like ass.

>> No.13564885

As someone who used to download HCGs, it's not the same feeling as actually playing/reading through it.

Aigis would be so much better with voices, though.

>> No.13564910

Well, depends on the quality of the voices.

>> No.13564911

As long as the characters are the same, then yes. The all ages version exists for a reason you know.

>> No.13564925

lol. Forgot to put my name back on my phone.

>> No.13564926

I understand that for a proper nukige, but Aigis doesn't have nearly as much build-up, it's mostly just the typical H-scene text that consists half of moaning, and what little I saw of the english translation is horrid, if you're playing the nutaku version.

I dunno, maybe being able to read untranslated nukige has just spoiled me.

>> No.13564965

Yeah that's only for Plat+.

>> No.13565373
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Kill me

>> No.13565499

dude just embrace your account, i did that with mine (7 consecutives silvers) and eventually life gifted me with a Sybilla and wan't even in this event where she has greater chance

>> No.13565506

>have a ton of Kerrys, Cuteries, and other gold copies
>no silvers to CC them
>don't want to cost-reduce and waste skill level ups
>shit taking up space


>> No.13565642

I like embracing difficulties, so I never rerolled my account after getting nothing but silvers for my first 4 or so rolls. Then the day before the increased princess drop, I got Sybilla. I <3 her.

>> No.13565808

>>don't want to cost-reduce and waste skill level ups

If anything wouldn't it be a waste NOT to use a copy? Especially for a skill up? Better than using a rainbow spirit.

>> No.13565866

He means if he cost reduces it now, he'd not get the skill level up. Which is why its wasteful.

>> No.13565868

Wait until awakening and you'll love even more

>> No.13565971

A number of Golds change skill on CC so in order to get the skill up for that unit, you have to CC gold fodder as well.

>> No.13565982

Oh yea. Forgot about that.

>> No.13566095

should I just spend my 4 SC on stamina for the crystals or should I save it for my next SC and pull?

>> No.13566113

Unless you really need one of the Trading Post units immediately, I'd say hold on to them. They'll be around for a good while anyway.

>> No.13566216

Won gold in LoV contest.
Not enough for even one of the event girls pack, so I cant 2M my Genbu for cheap exploration stats.
What do?

>> No.13566260

save it for a future event pack

>> No.13566283

Congratulations, but that was supposed to be my gold dude.

>> No.13566297

5x / 10x speedup when

>> No.13566311

They already rolled out auto sortie in JP.

Although it might be nice for farming event maps.

>> No.13566353

What does auto sortie do?

>> No.13566358

Instantly clear any story mission you have 3* and all drops on.

>> No.13566359

If you 3 starred a map and have all the drops. You can literally just hit a button and it will 3 star it for you after 2-3 seconds.

Only works for story missions though.

>> No.13566368

That seems nice. A faster speedup would still be really nice though, 2x is just way too slow. It also needs to be a toggle button, holding it down is sheer pain.

>> No.13566376

If you hold it down and move your mouse out of the window, it will still be sped up.

>> No.13566406

Why does ulmf say to wait for 45 SC before pulling gacha? What the hell is the difference with just doing it every time you get 5?

>> No.13566416

So you can save 40 in case a really good Event Unit (especially Black rarity) shows up.

>> No.13566590

Yeah, I should've specified 30CC to help tip that off.

Even for a skill as useless as Cuterie's, I don't want to waste those potential level-ups.

>> No.13566623

I've also seemed to notice it has a lower drop rate than doing the map normally.

When I was running oasis manually, I got 3 at the minimum every time, and frequently got 5. auto gives me 1 and 2 often, and rarely 5.

Still, I can't go back to manual farming after using auto. It's just so much simpler.

>> No.13566675

I only just started playing the JP version and was wondering what that button was. Its so easy to farm now, my god.

>> No.13566776
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>Aigis with starless level of quality in writing/voice/art

>> No.13566796

What sort of strat/placement did you use? I'm eager to just 1* this shitty mission so I can start DH.

>> No.13566835

I try copying the videos (ie youtube) that do it and it just doesn't work since they have very high level prince/ass load of CC units and they 3* and I can't even 1* even if I do exactly what they do. Tried another 4 times and still fail. It's the black armour + gargoyle rush near the start. Too much gets through, at best I have 1 life left and of course that isn't enough since the Lich will get through. So I need like 2 life left.

>> No.13566852

Even the rogue strat never works. She gets hit by every black armour attack and never instakills. The difficulty and design of the maps in this game (inc events) are so chaotic and random. It's clear no one tests this or receives feedback.

>> No.13566949

There's a reason almost no one uses Rogues in JP.

>> No.13566956

How's English any different?

Anyway, if anyone has a legitimate strategy that doesn't involved being horribly overlevelled/overpowered, do share. This is the usual case though. All the videos on youtube they breeze through and I have to come up with my own strategy. But nothing of my own works so far. Shit out of luck for this mission.

>> No.13566992

Shit, I have overpowered units and can't beat Castle Retake.

It's always the first wave of goblins + gargoyles, need to drop soldiers and a healer to stop the goblins and black armour, but I need to get a witch and archer out to deal with the gargoyles. Gah.

>> No.13567009

It's different because two-thirds of the people playing the Nutaku version still have no idea what they're doing.

>> No.13567012

Exactly right, anon. Either deal with black armour and get fucked by gargoyles. Or setup for gargoyles and get fucked by the armour. I think VP games sat his prince 1v1 against the armour with a healer. But he has like a level 85+ prince with a healer (I think CC)

I wish I had rerolled my account. Having all 7 premiums as all shitty silvers is total suffering. I have no plan B or some OP unit to just carry me through. What I get for not doing enough research I suppose.

Probably like me. Can't even 1* castle retake.

>> No.13567082

You can get probably get to level 85 in one week if use an xp boost.

>> No.13567091

1 CC'd and leveled up healer and CC'd Katie can tanl the armor. I actually used non-CC'd level30 Aria to tank the armor with level 40 CC'd healer while CC'd Katie and CC'd Soma handled the goblins. Then I put down a witch and a mage who took care of the flying enemies, another healer on the opposite side of the path, replacing the mage and set down a CC'd mage to a different point along with a second witch. Finally, put down prince and a unit with MR.

>> No.13567112

I've been levelling somewhat quickly by just doing tower overwatch 24/7 like a slave. The efficiency of it is decreasing with every level. Want to hit DH, really.

How'd you get so many unit points in such short time? That start doesn't sound realistic.

>> No.13567119

Start searching JP videos if you want reasonable stuff. This shouldn't be anything most people can't get in 1-2 weeks. http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26250830

Replace the JP only units with whatever you have and you probably want to ignore the first armor and focus on the gargoyles to make it easier on you.

>> No.13567155

DH is terrible efficiency, it's for lazy players who have trouble burning through 300+ cha

>> No.13567156

My Soma is mincosted and so she takes 9 UP, as does my Aria. Katie takes 13 and I use a Camilla (plat healer) so she takes 21. Using a cheaper healer and as you probably don't have Aria (she was an event unit) and a slightly more expensive soldier works just as well. Note that the healer isn't needed until the armor comes in.

After that, Katie gives 15UP and Aria 10, giving me 25 free UP.

I used them to put down my mage with few seconds of saving and then a Calliope (who you may have cost reduced during the previous event, in which case she may cost less than mine) just as the flying enemies came in. Notice that having the witch CC'd can help a lot but isn't a requirement.

After that you shouldn't have to worry about Up for the rest of the map.

>> No.13567161

The fuck. How do you figure that? What's the most efficient map then? I've a bit more spare time then usual these days so I can afford to run the more efficient/slower maps.

>> No.13567177

There are maps with roughly the same XP fodder that cost almost half the Charisma?

>> No.13567182

The benefit of DH is that it doesn't eat up all your gold like most of the more efficient maps while being easy to grind. It also gives most rank EXP/charisma which makes grinding faster.

>> No.13567205
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[screams internally]

Aigis literally begging me to feed her one crystal on stamina.

>> No.13567214

Of course. Are you really in such a hurry that you can't wait a week?

>> No.13567215

Never mind that, forgot that Crystal Keeper E even existed.

>> No.13567223

>yfw 0 drops on E

>> No.13567228

Got 1 lol.

70% x 6... right.

>> No.13567327


Would not have been cheap - 2M Genbu has the same cost as a regular R++


Been too long ago to remember exact details, but my army was pretty much all 50CC20+ silvers and free golds by then (plus a handful of min cost bronze dudes). A couple flyers got through but I killed the lich by putting Eunice down in front of him with 2+ healers.

So you keep 2 healers and some tank on standby until Lich is in position (wiping the rest of your team). Then put down the healers first then the tank so Lich targets the right thing.

>> No.13567514

>Spirit Rescue N
>First run 1x silver
>Second run nothing
>Third run 1x silver
>Fourth run 1x silver
One of these days. I swear my account is cursed. I very rarely ever get any good RNG, nearly always the worst.

>> No.13567525

You don't know suffering until you do ten runs of Spirit Rescue H and only get one gold fairy each time.

>> No.13567528

Not as bad as 7 premium rolls and all are silvers. Dailies feel like such a huge scam. Challenges are more efficient at this point.

>> No.13567529

I really wouldn't bother with Spirit Rescue unless you're desperate for rainbow fairies.

The only problem is that black fairies are not that easy to get because of war of magic.

>> No.13567546

Been there before. We've all had our good and bad luck streaks. One time I got Despara and Sybilla almost back-to-back. Another time, I got three copies of Cypria. Shit happens.

I just wanted one rainbow fairy, so I didn't have to see that gaping ? on the rewards list.

>> No.13567561

RNG that people "notice" is 0% reliable. I don't believe you in the slightest without evidence to back it up.

>> No.13567571

How much $ did you blow on shoving SC up the Demoness' ass for those?

>> No.13567594

>literally 40 spare silvers in my box
>0 of the 2 silver healers I need


>> No.13567597
File: 404 KB, 570x1028, unitlist3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked people to guess last time. Nobody guessed.

>> No.13567599

5th = silver & gold.
Got two blacks out of E last week in no more than 6 runs. Weird.


Man I'm envious seeing lists like that. All my units are confirmed drops. Depressing stuff.

>> No.13567601


>> No.13567607


Lower, thank god.

>> No.13567612

Jesus christ. How do you justify to yourself to spend a decent bit of dosh on some low quality browser game? Lots of disposable income?


>> No.13567622

Close, $750.

I make $600 a week, so eh.

>> No.13567635

When you have a salary, you spend a bit every time, and it just keep adding up. "Just 5 bucks" this week, "10 bucks this week because that unit I like is on chance up" and when you notice, you've spent hundreds on a game.

>> No.13567658

Pretty much. Honestly, I just really wanted Lilia, and ended up getting just about every black unit in the meantime. I had a really good early streak after dropping $100-200, then $300-500-ish had some really bad rolls (the aforementioned Cyprias and unlimited silver works). Nowadays, I get pretty good rolls again (multiple Mehlises or plat units that aren't duplicates).

>> No.13567670

That means you almost atleast got one. Which is accurate. 70% rate is still 30% chance of not getting it.

>> No.13567727
File: 997 KB, 958x638, FUCK YES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to make a reroll guide w/ optimal setups that would get you 3 stars with minimal effort, guess not anymore

>> No.13567839

That's the opposite of how I do it.

>> No.13567865

With the current deals, it's much more beneficial to do $100/month or something instead. Of course, if you lack self-control like me, it's more like $100/week until you finally get the unit you want.

I feel bad for the people who dumped thousands into the game already before they released those deals though.

>> No.13567871
File: 6 KB, 105x115, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey lads, what kind of a force do you need to handle the Normal difficulty Crystal Keeper mission? I think I've managed every other N-level wihout too much trouble, but this one keeps kicking my ass.
I know I could just check a Youtube video, but I like to clear a mission without a guide first time round.

>> No.13567892

All you need is a tank (maybe katie), a witch, an archer, and a healer. (pretty much in that order)

>> No.13567894

Use archers, not mages or witches.

Those eyeballs have high MR but low armor if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.13567925

I shouldn't be using Silver units or up for combine, should I? What should I be doing with them?

>> No.13567929

Use them for class changing a level 50 unit, primarily. If you can farm up an excess of one, then cost reducing can also be good for key units like Soma, but only if you know you don't need them for class changing.

>> No.13567931

I had two archers up the front with the Prince just behind. Then dropped a healer, witch then mage.

>> No.13567934

Hooray, I completed the Solitary Battle 3(the one with the wolves) challenge for the first time, and I didn't need any CC-ed units.
I feel like a champion!

>> No.13567944

Level 50 seems like it'll take a long time. Guess I better expand my box space if I'm gonna hold on to them for that long. Thanks anon.

>> No.13567946

Is that the melee one? What'd you do? I'm up to that myself.

>> No.13567981

It does take a long time, especially past level 40, unless you use a platinum armor with 3 fairies to get 8000 exp at once.

>> No.13567994

The armours tended to trash Katie and my lower cost armours pretty quickly, while the archers can barely harm them.

>> No.13568008

I'm pretty sure all you need are archers and a healer or two, and the prince at some point. If your archers aren't hurting them then they need more attack, a strong archer can one-shot them.

>> No.13568013

Wait, I'm thinking of hard mode, I forgot that lower difficulties have armors. For armors you'll want duelists and/or witches.

>> No.13568023
File: 203 KB, 572x357, My Team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just realized my whole team is CC'd. Think this is enough for Immortal Beast? Biggest worry is that Fedora isn't affection capped, Leanne has 0 affection, and Sherry just might not have the health pool to soak the Liches.

>> No.13568027


>> No.13568029

Level 41 Prince, with the 20% attack up bonus.
Stick him on the spot just before the bridge.
1 enemy slipped through completely.
I removed him then stuck Katie on the bridge to catch the last 2 enemies as they slipped past the Prince(a red wolf and a Goblin, I think).The Prince had already softened one of them up, mind.

I think I got a 2 star win. Oh yeah, Katie was level 23.

>> No.13568030

Sherry tanking the liches is a no-no. You'll probably want someone with at least 2.2k hp or something.

>> No.13568032

Princesses essentially come CC'd. Problem officer technicality?

>> No.13568040

Neat. I'll try that when the daily is gone.

>> No.13568045

It really depends on your level exactly what you need, but 2 archers 2 witches 1-2 healers and your prince can do normal at really low levels. If you have a CC'd archer you only need 1.

>> No.13568053

>Leanne has 0 affection
What the fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.13568059

Yes, it is a long time, but if you rush and CC at lower level you miss out on the stats.

>> No.13568110

2.2k... Without magic resist I suppose? Would 1700 with 10MR suffice? Since taking less damage at a time means healers have more time to bring the tank back up.

Priorities. Started during Return of the Dragon Princess. Needed 2 healers to max affection to keep my duelists up. Needed to buff up the Sherry I got in Premium Gatcha so she could fulfill said duelist role. Same with Sakuya since she got a free 1.5x attack buff during the event. She ended up tearing some stuff up. Haven't used her much since...
Katie gets dropped all the time and needed more def for certain rush maps.
Needed 2 archers for Crystal Keeper H.
Needed strong mages and witches for Maribel Event, so my witches and Mehlis got prioritized.
Just got Spica and she's insane.
Been working on Fedora for 3 heal strat to beat Immortal Beast... Yup. That's all my affection. I just don't have enough atm Anon.

>> No.13568114

Well I'm not sure.

It's a matter of trying maybe? I'd recommend using Eunice if you have one around.

>> No.13568116

I'm not sure your tanks can deal with that with only 3 CC healers. I know I used 4.

>> No.13568133
File: 24 KB, 500x280, the beast with 2 backs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember what her affection level is, but I definitely got it high enough for her to fuck the Prince. Also, I don't remember if it was she, or another Armour I tried.

Oh yeah, thanks to everyone who gave me advice on this, it's appreciated.

>> No.13568141

Last week
>3 H runs
>1 Gold

This week
>1 N run
>1 silver and 1 plat

i feel this daily is too crappy to even bother running H, not a single black nor rainbow in H but 2 blacks and 1 rainbow from N so far

>> No.13568145

When a skill says "Attack becomes 1.1x more effective", does that means it's increasing by a factor of 110% or just 10%? I'm guessing the latter.

>> No.13568148

1.1x is 10%.

>> No.13568151

Oh shit, I misread the guy I quoted, I thought he said somthing directed at me.
Sorry for the misunderstanding.

>> No.13568153

1.1x = 110%
so if AT = 150 > Skill > AT = 165

>> No.13568159

Figured so, it wouldn't be that good. Was kinda hoping that they added 1.1 to your original 1.0, thus 2.1, but the skills never felt THAT impactful.

>> No.13568163

thanks. Should the archers and witches go closer to the front or the back of the battlefield?
(that is, closer to or further from your base, or whatever you call the thing represented by a heart)

>> No.13568176

Yeah I'm looking at some videos now, I think if I CC a Kerry as the main tank and level a 4th healer a bit I should be able to do it. At least if I can get it to the point where there's only 3 liches without imploding. Definitely need some more tankiness on the lineup in place of the archers though.

>> No.13568177

as someone who farms extreme, i fear god tier might be the only one that gives good drops

>> No.13568187

I mean, there are skills that powerful, just not on silvers.

>> No.13568196

I was asking actually because I got Sybilla and her first skill level increases her attack by 1.1x
How do I raise skill levels, by the way?

>> No.13568202

dups or rainbow fairies

>> No.13568212

Thanks. Well, I highly doubt I'm getting a Sybilla dupe soon, so rainbow fairies it is. I'm guessing that's more of an endgame thing I'm not getting for a while, since I'm only level 11 or so.

>> No.13568227

yeah, it doesn't actually have to be a duplicate unit, just another unit who has the same skill as the one you want to raise.

>> No.13568233

Princesses have unique skills, though.

>> No.13568252

Is there a way to reduce cost without using dupes like rainbows are for skills?

Not really, try the friday and tuesday dailies for them, obviously the drop rate for them on the low difficulties is bs but it exists I did get one rainbow from E so lol

>> No.13568257

Archers in the front(closest to enemies spawn) and witches/healers behind them and your prince slightly behind them.

>> No.13568260
File: 192 KB, 570x355, mwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would I be able to beat the daily with this team?

>> No.13568264

Time fairies reduce cost, but they're so rare it isn't something you're going to rely on to lower costs. I think JP has had about 5-6 of them so far.

>> No.13568268

>bunch of low level trash units
Fuck you.

>> No.13568270

I worked hard for Sybilla, anon
>>13565373 ;_;

>> No.13568273

Level up Katie and Jeanne, you need to stop a lot of wolves at the same time, so Sybilla Fuck You wont help you at all here

>> No.13568274

Hard work rerolling.

>> No.13568276

Epic brainfart

>> No.13568317

Sybilla has a pretty high attack stat and gets a massive boost from 100% affection (+144 attack, IIRC), so even her skill at level 1 boosts a lot. One of my level 50 Sybillas has 700 attack if Savior Prince is deployed, which goes up to 771 when Fragarach is active.

>> No.13568393
File: 215 KB, 712x475, syb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She gets around +4 per level and 144 from affection. Leaving her at level 40 is good enough considering the current difficulty of events.

>> No.13568418

Particularly with so many other blacks that you could level.

>> No.13569155

Are you allowed to have duplicates on your team? For example, could I have two Jeromes or two Sybillas on my team if I had two of them?

>> No.13569158


>> No.13569160


>> No.13569172

Oh, that's cool. Full waifu team here I come

>> No.13569176

15 min-cost Nanaly dream team?

>> No.13569368

Bleh, on a different comp this weekend while away from home. It can't handle Aigis - always hangs after a while.

Hmm, I've still got 5k Nutaku gold waiting for a decision on where to use it. Not going to cash more for a month or more. To cry over Aigis or to cry over LoV hmm...


Yes it takes a long time, but it'll be so much longer before you get more silvers beyond the 'starting set'. Get those box expansions.

>> No.13569478

Maps don't typically have enough ranged slots for 15 archers to work.

>> No.13569482

You could save it for the new games that are coming up. PeroPero is coming next week or so.

>> No.13569595


Yes, I should be stronger and resist the temptation to whale while the princess rate is up. 70 SC won't be enough for a good chance at a plat+ princess. It's not like I'm short of units to grind up.

>> No.13569641

but what if you got sybilla

>> No.13569779

what if he got Soma

>> No.13569851

then he'd have 13 rolls left

>> No.13569864

A lot of people would love to get a Soma right now because of Spica.

>> No.13570025


Seems like an excellent use of the forums to me. Send Nutaku a link to a thread about what events we feel like should NOT be skipped for the love of all that is hentai. Maybe even make sure it is publicly known to try and get all the opinions possible.

>> No.13570044

So next event is confirmed as either monks or vamps. Better stock up some SC in case of vamps.

How good are monks, btw?

>> No.13570047

I'm just annoyed that the Karma event might be so soon. I'm not going to be able to do it at all.

Definitely seems like a good idea, how many events have we just straight out skipped? Gold Rush would be perfect right about now.

>> No.13570059

Just Gold Rush and the one that introduced Ninajs and Samurais.

>> No.13570067

Gold Rush has two gold archer flat lolis so we won't be getting that anytime soon

Warrior of the east didn't have any event units beside the premium ninja and samurai as well as Saki and Akane from the trading post so we don't really need that one.

If Karma is next then we skipped Odette's event and if the Monk is next then we skip like 6 events I think, but even then they'll probably do them all since we skipped Maribel to get both of Anya's events in a row

>> No.13570073

Monks are basically two-block Rogues that actually aren't shit unlike Rogues.

>> No.13570075

Wasn't there also one for farming Clorises?

>> No.13570084

I don't quite understand why they could theoretically ask for some events but not just ask for everything.

>> No.13570085

Yes, but that got removed because all of the newer versions of Aigis have Chloris as a Drill Reward like Katie. If it's anything like Bellinda's Event; no big loss either.

>> No.13570088

That was the very first Aigis event so that's probably gone.

I remember seeing Belinda's event and every map having 2 at the end of the name puzzled me.

>> No.13570091

Jesus, how hard is it to slightly edit loli characters? I suspect a lot of newer players like myself could really use some gold units.

Well, since it's Monks or Karma, which of those two is the harder event? Maybe I'll be able to cheese a few maps in whichever is easier.

>> No.13570100

Seems like we have to request skipped events which sounds kind of shitty. https://twitter.com/nutakugames/status/604455131950817280

I did the reprint Monk event on JP like last week and it was really easy. Not sure about Karma but from what I've seen of videos it's not that much harder than Anya's event.

>> No.13570107

I hear Karma's event isn't that hard its just the amount of grinding needed to get the best reward.

>> No.13570116

But you need bunch of SCs to get mincost Karma.

>> No.13570118

How much could one expect to spend for a perfect Karma? I only have 8 SCs right now.

>> No.13570120




I did both of them recently on JP. Rin's hardest mission is harder to 3* (because of black wolf spam), but I'd honestly say Karma hardest map is harder overall.

>> No.13570123

Christ, anything but Karma next. I don't feel ready to drop a bundle of cash on this game yet.

>> No.13570124

I don't remember the minimum but the maximum amount if you have bad luck is 38 crystals iirc

>> No.13570133

Fuck me. Looks like regardless of what event is next, I get fucked. Looks like you need a ton of CC units to even bother.

>> No.13570138

Events are INTENDED for players with a higher end team. If they were made for beginners, then there would be zero challenge in this game for us whatsoever. And it is already easy enough for those of us that have been here from the start.

>> No.13570139

>Not already having a full team of CCed units.
You have only yourself to blame.

>> No.13570147

Not my fault black fairies don't drop, otherwise my team would be fully CC'd next Monday.

>> No.13570165

What does the vamp event unit look like? Is it this girl?
Please don't tell me it's her, or I'm going to cry.

>> No.13570168

Wrong Vampire Anon.

>> No.13570176


>> No.13570183

Thank god.

>> No.13570186

Damn, she's cute.

>> No.13570245

60 Charisma 6 Stamina map, get 5 event crystals

>Need 1200 for max
Oh boy

>> No.13570288

So I can clear much higher than Pastoral Gate in story mode, but not up to Tower Overwatch or Dragon Hunting. Should I just be farming Pastoral Gate, or farming the highest story mission I can easily auto?

>> No.13570336

What's the bare minimum CC'd units for the hard Armor daily?

>> No.13570381

Usually Katie, Witch, Healer, then Heavy Armor/Second Healer.

>> No.13570512

>want to go to bed
>low level
>keep leveling up from trying to empty my charisma

>> No.13570521

Depends on how high. Higher fodder level means more expreince gained from them. It's usually better just to do map that give the highest level fodder unless the difference is just 1 or 2 levels.

Also, it may be just me, but switching between story maps increases the drop rate for me.
And it's probably not just me.

>> No.13570534

Pastoral is for gold farming.

A lot of people suggest Return to Ruins instead, but that's a pain in the ass to auto if your team isn't able to clear Tower Overwatch yet.

>> No.13570589

>Pastoral is for gold farming.
Isn't Deep Forest Road Better for that?

>> No.13570619

If you're selling all the units, you have the gold buff, and your luck with fodder drop rate isn't shit, then yes.


>> No.13570633

I've spammed the same story map (Fiery Oasis) literally close to a thousand times in a row now and the drops are the same as when I started.

>> No.13570940
File: 509 KB, 713x444, Team1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do I 50CC50 first?
I have trouble knowing who to level up with all the fodder I'm getting.

>> No.13570942

If the next event starts next tuesday, I really hope they're not going to have Karma. Otherwise it would mean that paypal is scheduled to come exactly when the event ends.

>> No.13571157

Karma should be a 2 week event so you'd have paypal support for the 2nd half of it.

>> No.13571253

Who is Karma?

>> No.13571305
File: 482 KB, 850x1152, VampireBride.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Vampire Princess.

>> No.13571321

One of the best units in the game in her immortal form. If not the single best.

For 13 seconds she can become immortal, hp cannot reach 0, and has a 30% attack increase. Max pre-awakened attack is 684. She is a princess so enemy defense is ignored. Max awakened she is 782, and skill awakening her skill goes up to 60% attack increase.

Upon awakening she also gets a skill called sacrifice. I can't quite make out what this skill does exactly, as I don't have her, but it seems to involve restoring 50% health from some kind of damage involving allies. What I got from it is 50% of damage taken by allies is given to her in health.

Sounds really good yeah? There's just one tiny downside. Being undead, she cannot be healed by anything else. Including healers and map auto restore health.

And the minor thing of having to grind 1200 vials to get her.

>> No.13571346

Ah, ok, that's alright then.

Seems like she has a different awakening ability depending on whether you have the light or dark version of her. The way I understand it, the dark version heals herself every time she deals damage (1% of her max health per attack regardless of how much damage she deals, if I understand correctly).
With the light version, the way I understand it is that she heals her allies for half of the damage she takes, not the other way round.

>> No.13571348

Made a little mistake here. It's 700.

And at 700, she wouldn't have the last two skill levels, putting her at 11 seconds of immortality.

Still, both numbers are very high.

>> No.13571370

Yeah, vampire princess and immortal princess are different.

She is the exact definition of a consolation prize. With weaker stats, weaker affection bonuses, a skill that lacks the immortality, the lack of an awakening skill, and an awakening ability that sounds decent on paper, but is just 34 health per hit at max awakened.

>she heals her allies for half of the damage she takes, not the other way round.
That definitely sounds more like what would be.

>> No.13571389
File: 867 KB, 960x640, Whowasresponsibleforthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accidentally glance at stats
>2956 HP even before awakening

I think I'm completely fine with her not being able to get healed. And 1% of her maximum HP now sounds a bit better than I thought when I first read it. Probably still pretty bad. The light one seems a lot better, which is a shame because her awakened art looks terrible imho. With this light vs dark version stuff, I usually prefer light, but what the hell is this supposed to be?

Is it a choice between the 2, or is the light version an upgrade by farming enough of the event item (which would explain why her abilities sound way better)?

>> No.13571409

It sounds like a lot, but it really isn't. jps recent vampire lord has 3200 health at level 70 and it still feels like she has very little due to being unable to heal. It's especially painful on the initial hp reduce and poison maps.

And yeah, the dark one looks best in my opinion as well. But she's just so much weaker.

If she's like every other event unit, it's an upgrade. You get the unit at the end of the event and it'll just put immortal instead of vampire in your barracks if you hit 700.

If you see here>>13571305
between the cost down an skill up, that's where the change is.

>> No.13571449
File: 8 KB, 94x78, Bats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so let's weigh he pros and cons.

- Way way stronger

- Cuter
- Doesn't cost 30+ sacred crystals to get
- Awakened battlefield sprite comes with cute little bats flying around her

I'm torn.

>> No.13571451

Any legitimate strategies for Castle Retake? I tried http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26250830 as an anon suggestion but it doesn't work since I have a CC Daniela and Katie. Even non-CC archer and CC Katie wouldn't work.

I just want to 1*

>> No.13571457


I don't need a HA or 2nd CC'd healer. I do have a 50CC30+ 100% Mehlis and Lv 99 Prince on left though. That and 2~3 CC'd witches on right with some random tank just to delay the plat armour.


Yes this happens. Just hit the 2nd story mission for ultra-low EXP gains while still making some money.

>> No.13571483

I like my waifus to actually be somewhat useful so I'll definitely try for the light one even if I can't max her. Since she can't heal I doubt I'll be dropping her out early so not min cost isn't going to bother me too much.

I only have 11 crystals and +6? from the event so 700 should be doable.... I hope, I saw that nasu vid of the last map earlier and 5 drop from a 60 charisma 6 stamina map is kinda bleh. Fuck 1200 though, I guess all coming farm events will be like this?

>> No.13571499

What kind of units are angels and why are they stats so absolutely fucking ridiculous?

>> No.13571513

They seem to be melee units that can only block units when their skill is on. I dunno if they can attack while it's off

>> No.13571525

Angels have very high stats and attack two units and block 3 when cc'd, but they can only attack while their skill is active. When it isn't they have 0 block.

At the absolute best, they have 30 seconds of uptime followed by 15 seconds of downtime.

>> No.13571527

Doesn't sound exactly terrible to be honest, especially considering how great their stats are.

>> No.13571536

30/15 is at level 10 skill, at level 1 it's 15/24.

They're not bad, but require good timing to use effectively.

>> No.13571552

>implying they would let the lolivamp in

>> No.13571564

The reading I've heard is healing allies for 50% damage she /deals/, which is an awesome OHSHIT button - drop her into the fray, activate skill and you now have a stream of healing pouring out while she herself stands there, all immortal.

>> No.13571571

The last mission of this type on jp was 90/12 for 22 drops, 1600 to max. You get a lot of nice rewards along the way though.

>> No.13571575

>Go through wiki and cgs on e-hentai.
>Make list of units I want to get yet to be released.

How difficult would it be to get seven specific platinums, two blacks and one gold that are yet to be released?

>> No.13571577

That depends on whether they are event units or gacha units.

>> No.13571595

You'd need to spend some money.

>> No.13571597

I think the only event Blacks are

And there's trading post with

You're going to need good gacha luck to get those two blacks. And no idea if we'll get Liana's event since she's in the gacha. Also if any of the units you're looking at is a flat loli then welp

>> No.13571600
File: 531 KB, 958x637, RIP in peace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw those are my last three Somas.
>tfw one of those is in fact the one you start the game with.

I feel kinda sorry.

>> No.13571605

Is it worth to get Saki knowing Nagi's event will eventually happen?

>> No.13571615

Don't do that.

>> No.13571617

It's up to you anon. I have nagi on chinese version and she isn't that impressive.

and her scenes are meh

>> No.13571622

>double shot 2/5

lol, did you use a Stray on her?

>> No.13571628

Too late, anon. Soma is ded.

I'll just get another one from 2k gacha or something eventually.

Yeah, I got Stray on 2k gacha. I thought about using him for my male team, but fuck it. His face kinda pisses me off.

>> No.13571634

I'm thinking her skill awakening might be hella useful

>> No.13571643

Looking at their stats Saki has higher hp and atk while Nagi has more def

Saki's skill is assassinate + dodge
-skill awakening is range up + assassinate + 3 targets at once
-passive is attack speed up

Nagi's skill atk/def/hp boost
-skill awakening is atk/def/hp x2 and MR +30 but paralyze after it ends, only one use a map
-passive is more damage to demons

I guess it looks like Saki is better for mob heavy while Nagi is better for single stronger enemies. Although Nagi's event was last month in jp it seems so we won't be getting her anytime soon.

>> No.13571648

Also, when will this team be ready for Immortal Beast?

>> No.13571651

Saki's awakening skill sounds broken as fuck. Like a "press button to make everything around her drop dead".

>> No.13571667

Needs more healers if you want to do Immortal Beast, you can take out the archers and have 4 healers. You want to be able to heal more than 1500 or everything will just die to the 3 liches, even your units might just die if the healer doesn't get to them in time.

Archers weren't much help for me since the first air wave has red gargoyles and the later waves have too many mobs that don't die quickly

>> No.13571668

Probably when you ditch Maribel, max both healers and maybe CC one extra healer.

>> No.13571674

I thought liches deal 400 damage per hit? ~1300 should suffice.

>> No.13571677

I still have a CC'd Dorca and Echidna for use. So what I'm to do now is max these 4 healers?

>> No.13571682

Pretty sure it's 500, 400 would've been a lot more manageable

Yeah, although Echidna is kinda eh so I put her at the bottom since she didn't have a heal boost

>> No.13571686

If it is 500, it's 400 if you have Sybilla!

>had to use two Sybillas, Dorania, Clissa, and Lilia to three-star the mission

>> No.13571691
File: 508 KB, 711x442, PreppingForImmortalBeast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, how would this new team suffice? I'll level them up eventually, of course.

>> No.13571694

Yeah, it's 500 according to the wiki. Still should be manageable with 3 healers if 2 of them have increase heal.

Both Alissa and Dorca get ~440 attack at max level and affection if prince is deployed. If both of them are at level 2 skill (which is not that hard to get), that's 520 per rotation for 21 seconds. I reckon Kerry would be able to stand her ground for long enough.

>> No.13571716

IIRC the problem is that liches attack just slightly faster than healers heal.

>> No.13571721

I'd probably have Kerry back in instead of Eunice for her MR but Themis should do fine, that was basically the same team I had (with class numbers not units).

I think you'll want to plan to have either Anya or Maribel's skill ready for the last wave but even then they won't be able to tank liches for long.

Although a valk or princess can tank the liches pretty well with enough healing and stop them from shredding everything else so be sure to place them last

>> No.13571811

Should I farm up another Spica for CR and skill level up or just get Saki?

>> No.13571823

Theres a farmable silver archer that has her ability, I know its tempting to get a second Spica though, maybe get another after Saki.

>> No.13571824

Well, where is said silver archer? Are we supposed to get her any time soon?

>> No.13571834

I dunno, we haven't had any silvers since Christopher, who should have been in the game at the start.
Unless they come with either the vampire or monk event it won't be soon.

>> No.13571835

Personally I chose the 2nd Spica.

>> No.13571842

Hmm, I think I'll shoot for another Spica then, the CR sounds great too.

I've also read somewhere in these threads that Saki will probably stay in trading post for longer than Spica. I don't particularly mind spending around 5-10 SCs if such is needed to get either of them.

I mean, spending 10SCs for a guaranteed plat or black unit? What's not to like?

>> No.13571850

Looks like he was first farmable around the 15th event, and he's been farmable in 10 events total.

>> No.13571942
File: 428 KB, 960x639, maiwaifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, everyone would prefer their waifu to be useful, but first and foremost, I prefer my waifu to be someone I want to be my waifu.

I propose the following thought experiment/dilemma:

Suppose our favourite premium gacha "princess" Conrad was a black rarity event unit, and happens to be the strongest unit in the entire game. Would you spend 30 crystals to marry him?

>Since she can't heal I doubt I'll be dropping her out early so not min cost isn't going to bother me too much.

Hmm, I thought it would probably be more useful to do it the other way round: Send her out against big early stuff when you wouldn't have the ressources to put down healers anyway, and then withdraw her for a refund once she's about to die.

>> No.13572019

did they remove the 2nd ruby from phallanx 2?

it's been ages since I last saw a double ruby drop...

>> No.13572029

I've had quite a lot of double rubies drop lately. Must be bad luck.

>> No.13572348

Will I need Gadoras to awaken Anya whenever it is available?

I have one reserved for that purpose but I could really CC him and use him on Despara.

>> No.13572375

Yup, you will.
iirc someone said that when Anya/Echidna's awakening came out there was an event for farming dragons, though.

>> No.13572380

Ah that's reassuring.

I actually don't have Anya, I missed out on Dorannia so I just have the Spirit of time thingy and 2 Gadoras.

Might just end up using both Gadoras to feed Despara.

>> No.13572412

Well that means you'll need to wait for the reroll.

And the reroll probably drops the lesser dragons.

>> No.13572416

Yeah, that's exactly the same conclusion I arrived to. Makes no sense hog on them.

I remember someone mentioning that getting the spirit of time was the hardest part. Do people try to farm it though? Because it certainly is useful.

>> No.13572444

It's the hardest part on reprints due to their different structure. They become not just "get X stars" but "farm X items" maps

And the fairy takes the most items to farm to get.

>> No.13572472

Is there a spreadsheet or an image or such with the stats of the prince per level?

>> No.13572480


scroll a bit down and you'll see the prince's.

not really sure why the english wiki doesn't include it.

>> No.13572490

What's @ 65? Something to do with raise morale?

And I didn't know his stats only increase every 5 levels (most of the time) had assumed it was a little bit every level.

>> No.13572498

No no, they increase at every level, but the list simplifies it a bit. I believe you only gain stats every 25 levels after level 99 though.

And you get the savior title at level 64, which gives a significant boost to all deployed units if the prince himself is also deployed.

>> No.13572501

...it does increase every level, but having a 100 entry table would be a pain, I guess.
And the other numbers next to 65 are MR, Block, UP, and skill

>> No.13572503

Ah yeah, I'm aware of 64. Keen on getting that. Assload of units that aren't in Nutaku yet. Even unit types.

>> No.13572508

Oh, that's what he referring to. I feel dumb now.

>> No.13572512


Want her so bad god damn

>> No.13572816

How do you calculate probability? Such as getting 7 silvers from premium gacha in a row? At my guess it's a ~0.8% chance. I'd like to contact nutaku support as to why there isn't any sort of system to stop insane RNG from happening (for good and bad) since people usually spend money on this shit. But, it'll be in vein since they can't speak English for a damn and won't do any changes at all from what the community want or say.

>> No.13572841

What? That isn't how probability works.

Each pull has a 50% chance for a silver. That's all there is to it.

I'm not even sure that you can say 7 pulls has a 50% chance to be 7 silvers. But that sounds way more logical than .8% chance.

>> No.13572854

the probably of rolling 7 silvers in 7 rolls is 0.5^7. so it is indeed ~0.8%.

he is correct.

>> No.13572859

Then what's the chance for 7 silvers in a row? Pretty sure it's 0.8%

I doubt it's even 50% per roll as Nutaku claim. So many people say it's bullshit.

Not like I won't be dumping money on the game. I will some day. I'm just mega asshurt that all my premium gachas are fucking silvers. Doesn't help I'm stuck grinding a sub-par level for eternity.

>> No.13572892

I'd say 50% would be pretty accurate. It's unfortunate when you're on the receiving end of RNG bullshit, but someone has to be that 0.8%.
And if you assume a tenth of Nutaku's 200,000 registered users play Aigis long enough to hit 7 rolls (probably a gross over-assumption) you'd have 159 friends in the same situation.

>> No.13572900

That's not how math works. The events are dependent on each other when talking about streaks in probability.

Flipping a coin heads or tails is a 50/50 result, but the odds of flipping 7 heads in a row isn't a 50% chance.

First you have to flip heads once. That's a 50% chance. Then the second event requires you to get a 50% chance again. So, .5 * .5 = .25, a 25% chance that you'll flip two heads in a row. This is because there are four possible outcomes on two coin flips.

Tails Tails, Tails Heads, Heads Tails, Heads Heads.

Now you just have to do this all the way down to 7 flips in a row.

This is simplified mathematically to what >>13572854 said. There is indeed approximately 0.8% chance to be unlucky enough to pull *only* silvers 7 times in a row.

>> No.13572905

> Doesn't help I'm stuck grinding a sub-par level for eternity.

It's the knowledge there's a better level ahead that hurts. I was grinding Return to Ruins for weeks happily while I prepared for Castle Retake with no Premium rolls.

I'd re-invent my strategy for that map but until tomorrow I'm on this shit computer that can't handle Aigis. It's fortunate Phalanx 2 is so short as that's the only map I can reliably do without hanging.

>> No.13572924

I'm also preparing my anus for Castle Retake. Nothing I do, try or copy works. Something always falls short. And I'm not even looking to 3* it. I don't even know what else I can do except for levelling the Prince up. Most characters I use are either CC'd or level 40 ready to be CC'd.

I can't even reach Phalanx 2 because of Toxic Swamp 3. I don't have a CC'd Witch.

>> No.13573428


Curiously I'm still waiting to get my Conrad. Well, a plat bandit would be better, but yeah I'm partial towards berserkers.

Anyway, in the end all event units are 'optional' - missions (so far in EN) are designed to be beatable without them. At worst you'd have to rely on trading post units (and 2k gacha silver dupes) to add extra weight to the basic starter set. So you're not going to hit a wall because you chose not to get the stronger Karma.

>> No.13573698

Is it time for new thread?

>> No.13573896


