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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13538861 No.13538861 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>13526074

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know how it goes.

>> No.13538887 [DELETED] 
File: 212 KB, 960x632, Black-Ops-3_Key-Art_Horiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you looking forward to?
anyone else pumped for this shit?

>> No.13538924 [DELETED] 

Yeah, nigga, I'm all about that yearly CoD piracy.

>> No.13538952 [DELETED] 

wich CoD wud u fug :o

>> No.13539010 [DELETED] 
File: 801 KB, 900x506, frank woods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother, my friend, my comrade, Fronk.

>> No.13539020 [DELETED] 

I actually really liked Black Ops 1 and Modern Warfare 1. Battlefield is better though.

>> No.13539045 [DELETED] 

I'm actually hype, looks fucking great.

CoD4 to Black Ops 1 is all great in my opinion, MW3 is where it got bad, but BO2 fixed most things, and was about as BO1. Then Ghosts fucked them up again, but Advanced Warfare had decent multiplayer at least.

>> No.13539058 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.45 MB, 1279x716, 1432432145547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've cried three times already to Kimi no Tonari. What a heartbreaker! I guess I'm really susceptible to this kind of emotional manipulation; did anyone else get hit so hard by this game?

Thankfully the next scene is an H-scene which soothed my heart.

>> No.13539117 [DELETED] 

So are both threads now dedicated to off-topic shitposting?

>> No.13539127 [DELETED] 

CoD single player mode is just a military visual novel with shooting in between.

Please be calm and understanding, "kudasai".

>> No.13539131 [DELETED] 

What's the other one?

>> No.13539140

The other one was a troll thread that failed to start properly because they tried to use the same trick twice, this thread just needs some attention from the mods.

>> No.13539183 [DELETED] 

Damn, the jan is back!!!

Bye bye lax moderation.

>> No.13539199

Considering downloading フレラバ. Is it any good?

>> No.13539203

Is a trial for Sakura no Uta ever coming out?

>> No.13539243

It's nice.
The CGs for at least one of the heroines get progressively worse drawn as her route goes on though.

>> No.13539333

A trial had been out for almost 7 years.

>> No.13539603

It's pretty funny. I like how it depicts the stage from acquaintance/friend to lovers.

>> No.13539905

Take your time, i will be here waiting. Patiently.

>> No.13540482
File: 166 KB, 960x544, 2015-05-24-020856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, have the first all new CG I've encountered so far in return.

>> No.13540493

Thanks anon, though in that CG MC looks pretty different to the PC one.

>> No.13540504

Yah the hair seems a bit different to me.

>> No.13540508

Its the anime all over again.

>> No.13540563

Middle to late June?

>> No.13540778
File: 270 KB, 1300x1300, Gakkou Gurashi! incoming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of anime: now that Sakurai and Higashide have joined this industry too which eroge writer do you think will be next?

>> No.13540882
File: 172 KB, 1026x574, ss+(2015-05-24+at+11.07.24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently reading it, And its really great. The choice system is kinda pointless though since as long as you choose the girl you want you'll end up in her route, regardless your choices and her mood. Still it feels good to pick whatever you want to talk.

The heroines have 5-6 (I didnt count but many) different clothes and different hair styles, the game funny so you wont get bored and there is at least one hour between h-scenes, which is best point for me. I really get bored at the games which gives h-scenes one after the another without any ichaicha or events.

>> No.13540893

Pure x Connect look as good based on the trial, i hope it doesnt take a month to upload.

>> No.13540965

Its the most popular (or maybe second) game of the month and Smee games don't need cracks so I think it'll get uploaded at first - second day.

I'm looking forward for it too and having a heroine who is at least 5-6 years older than mc is a huge plus for me.

>> No.13541581

Could anyone reupload the first trial of Futsuno Fantasy?
I've been wanting to read it again

>> No.13541582

Is pointless isekai setting the new fad of eroge?


>> No.13541653

>setting the new fad of eroge?

Consider it's Windmill who did a lot of VN on magic(ian) theme, it's pretty normal.

>> No.13541659

Would something be wrong with that? It's better than pointless gakuenmono, and it offers more room for variety.

>> No.13541727 [DELETED] 

Delete your thread, fucktard, there's already one >>13506242.

>> No.13541747

>people are actually posting there
Pretty きもい if you ask me.

>> No.13541767

newfriends don't know how to use the catalog please take it easy on them.

>> No.13541770

You can stop whoring out the troll thread already.

>> No.13541770,1 [INTERNAL] 

stop posting anytime

>> No.13542067

How is Reminiscence compared to Akagoei?

>> No.13542109

It's just as bad.

>> No.13542125

Which nekoneko games are fun to read?
Since Sumire have some kind of avatar gimmick i would like to read some of nekoneko previous games before playing it.

>> No.13542133

Much better imo. The common route is awesome and some of the best writing I've ever seen in eroge.

Endings are still shit though.

>> No.13542138


>> No.13542163

How long is the common route in Puramai Wars? I'm on scene 9 so far, kind of dreading when the common route ends because I heard the individual routes are terrible.

>> No.13542197

Common route have 13 scene at total so not much. After that you'll see a pool event, then some preparation for the valentine day and common route is over, Valentine day is the branching point.

>> No.13542204

Fuck, thanks. I don't have much left to go then.

>> No.13542208


I second this, be sure to play the sequel as well as it fills out a little more. The ending curse stays with the writer though.

>> No.13542226

Unfortunately yes, but you can always try ren0 or Hitotsu Tobashi if you didnt play those yet, all of them has almost same quality of humor at common route and same terrible heroine routes.

>> No.13542281

Most of Sanarara.

>> No.13542788
File: 192 KB, 1000x564, gallery05_on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here plays the trial for 乙女が奏でる恋のアリア ~君に捧げるアンコール~ ?
Kei-sama best girl.

>> No.13542972

I didn't find most of the routes in hitoren bad. Risa was fun, Sakura was cute and Aori a mix of those.

>> No.13543062

I only played the trial for the base game. Kinda okay, but didn't really catch me.

>> No.13543125

Yeah Hitoren has better routes when you compare it with other those two, but still its nothing better than average. Aori's route started really good but went down as time passes, the last part of the game completely fucked it. Natsume was really boring and I still dont know why the hell did they fall in love with each other. But yeah, Risa was fun and how mc started taking place of Chino at Sakura route was good.

>> No.13545042

I'm not usually a fan of the whole crossdressing protagonist thing, but it seemed somewhat interesting.

>> No.13545119
File: 1.39 MB, 1274x717, 2015-05-24 23_13_21-キミのとなりで恋してる!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some lukewarm review on EGS said this game was essentially a nukige and I'm starting to understand why. Right after they started dating it's been non-stop sex. I'm starting to get nervous, will there be "forced" drama before the end or will the game just cut to credits after an innocuous sex scene? Either way, I enjoy their lovey dovey conversations more than the sex so this is a disappointing turn.

>> No.13545170

Personally I think it's great when H-scenes try more to be amusing than arousing.

>> No.13545203

Don't get me wrong, I like the comedy in the sex scenes, I just would have preferred a stronger focus on their relationship. Which may still be to come, this is pretty early in the route.

>> No.13545206


>> No.13545555
File: 103 KB, 960x544, 2015-05-24-033412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not very surprising, but the only new scenes, at least for Yuuki, in LxC1 were directly in place of the H scenes in the Vita port.
Lack of afterstories is a bit disappointing but I sort of understand for LxC1 as they were all just H-scenes basically. Hoping LxC2 kept the ones that weren't just H-scenes, but I'm not holding my breath.
The new CGs were all made in 4:3 too, as you can scroll down when viewing them in the gallery like the original ones so I wouldn't be surprised if an enhanced PC port comes out in the next year and half or so.

I'm not certain if the new CGs were drawn by Iizuki Tasuku or not, I don't think they were, but that might also be because it's been 4 years since he drew the stuff for LxC1. Probably would've helped if I had paid more attention to the credits.

>> No.13545903

>The new CGs were all made in 4:3 too, as you can scroll down when viewing them in the gallery like the original ones so I wouldn't be surprised if an enhanced PC port comes out in the next year and half or so.

>> No.13545919

Yuuki is still cute as hell.

>> No.13545944
File: 38 KB, 345x214, 29365522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That is disappointing to hear about the lack of afterstory scenes. Though I guess that would be too much work to add new CG and edit perhaps. What route are you doing next?

>> No.13545974

Might hop over to LxC2 and do Wakoto's route to see if the Microscope still does anything because that was just such an incredibly bizarre H-scene I want to see what they replaced it with.
That or either Sera's or Aya's routes depending on how I feel tomorrow.

>> No.13545979

Maybe the lack of sex scenes can improve Yunisshitfest of a route.

>> No.13546072

And it might also be a space issue in regards to the afterstories.
I'm not sure how big Vita games can get but the digital version is 3.3 GB which between my NA and JP PSN accounts, the only bigger digital game I have is Gundam Breaker 2.
The voices are noticeably lower quality as it is in LxC1 at least so trying to fit even more in might have just been sacrificing too much.

>> No.13546201

Is really that good?

>> No.13546217

tsundere older sister and younger timid sister, purple hair, younger one is called 司

>> No.13546221
File: 812 KB, 816x638, 2015-05-25 17_34_27-素晴らしき日々.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the image

>> No.13546235

They are Kagami and Tsukasa, the purple haired twin sisters.

>> No.13546237

which one do you wanna fuck

>> No.13546243

You say that like it's anything but a complete and total coincidence.

>> No.13546244

did they actually take this from lucky star but then again lucky star is a parody so it coud be the other way around

>> No.13546257

Subahibi is more recent than LS.

>> No.13546258

Subahibi is a Lucky Star ero-fanfiction.

>> No.13546268

A LS fanfiction without Konata teasing Kagami is a shit fanfiction.

>> No.13546272

Dude just look at them. Subahibi is filled with hundreds of parodies. You probably passed through a few and might have not even noticed.

>> No.13546274

Yuki is Sca-ji's self-insert version of Konata.

>> No.13546509
File: 856 KB, 816x638, 2015-05-25 18_58_15-素晴らしき日々.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow what a dick

fuck you

>> No.13546549
File: 290 KB, 1000x568, cg06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looking forward to Natsuiro Recipe since I'm a Pulltop fan and it looks like the company's getting better/improving at making animated sprites instead of using them for VN OP's & Animated sex scene's. Could be wrong about it but I hope I'm not since i've paid attention to the VN website for a few months now.

Also holy shit theirs quite a few VNs being released on May 29th. Is that date significant for jap's or something?

>> No.13546576

How new are you?

Every month most VNs get released on the same day - last Friday of the month.

>> No.13546594

He's new enough to not know to avoid using surprise boxes.

>> No.13546652

You're stupid enough to use a meme forced by tokiko of all people, thinking you're somehow upholding "golden rules" of the board created in the time where this place stank the most.

>> No.13546654 [SPOILER] 
File: 827 KB, 816x638, 1432547118386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't get?

why are they talking about castles

when there is clearly a something more important to discuss, like the disapearance of the protagonists eyes?

>> No.13546668

And you're stupid enough to misuse the spoiler function in a thread where spoilers actually mean something. Go back to /vg/ or whatever hellhole you crawled out of.

>> No.13546678

You go back there first, you have no idea how pathetic you look like by following the actions of the most retarded people who drove away almost everyone who cares about this board. /jp/ has been using "surprise boxes" since the fucking beginning until some idiots decided to shift jone's epic quoting meme towards spoilers. There's no "crossboarders" to fight with, give up.

>> No.13546694

You're not fooling anybody, /vg/-kun. This thread has always discouraged misuse of the spoiler function for reasons that would be obvious if you didn't suffer from acute brain damage.

>> No.13546841

Is it better to play Baldr Sky Dive1 and Dive2 separately or together from Dive2? Or it doesn't matter?

Also how well balanced are the extra weapons and shit? This goes for Zero 1&2 too.

>> No.13547099

>Dive1 and Dive2 separately or together from Dive2

Together, from Dive 2 menu.

>how well balanced are the extra weapons and shit? This goes for Zero 1&2 too.

Assuming you are playing from Normal on get-go, it does scale difficulty of using x-weapon as you collect the points. Better learn a few cqc combo.

Zero 1+2 forgo the cqc system for a flatter button masher combat, heavily gun type.

>> No.13547486

I've been playing ぷよぷよテトリス and I'm not sure what some of it means.Anybody out there willing to help? (somewhat unrelated, but I'm just curious)

>> No.13547544

Lucky Star is basically a SubaHibi ripoff.

>> No.13547605


>> No.13547623

Are the other routes besides Tia's in Aiyoku no Eustia worth of reading?

>> No.13547631

They only really feel there for the H scenes, so I wouldn't say it is necessary. Do them if you like the heroine.

>> No.13547640

Probably not, I'm just a big baby.

>> No.13547765

They are also extremely short.

>> No.13547959

Been out of the loop for a few months because of RL shit. Any good stuff out recently?
And what was Bansenjin like?

>> No.13547965
File: 361 KB, 1024x768, Side Ponytail waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaw i like that ending CG, much better than what her afterstory in the PC one. I hope the other girls get something as nice (Would love to see a CG with MC and Misasa with kids or Sera pregnant).

All VN girls are eye eating semen demons, i see no other reason as to why MCs with eyes lose them during H-scenes.

>> No.13547990

It was fine, all the scenes where Nanten appeared were awesome till the end where her last scene is one of the best thing Masada wrote and in bonus you get more Amakasu doing Amakasu things.
The meta plot is pretty interesting in how it plays with the first game though it didn't go as far as I expected.

But it feels like it couldn't really decide if it wanted to be a fandisk or a sequel and it suffers from far too much tell not show, most of the actual plot is exposed through a very long infodump.

It's not the best thing ever but it's fine and not too long

>> No.13548000

Nice to hear that, I'll get around to reading it while the Senshinkan plot is still somewhat fresh in my mind, thanks.

>> No.13548025

Oh Yuuki, you were the only person in the whole game to deal with your last minute drama in a mature way.

>> No.13548732

It's actually not the ending CG. The scene just sort of happens out of the blue where her 6th H-scene was.
The context was that there was a Bridal Fair going on at a hotel, so they go to visit it. There was some trouble with the model for a photoshoot, so of course they use Yuuki and the MC as a replacement.
But it basically goes through your entire stereotypical scene of exchanging vows and what not.
It definitely would've worked better as an epilogue scene though, considering how abrupt it is.

>> No.13548918

What are some VNs where the console port is much more worthy to play than the original? Like Root Double, Demonbane, Utawarerumono, etc.

>> No.13548945

I wish I could make this look good in pcsx2.

>> No.13549067


>> No.13549500

did you read ぼくの一人戦争 anon?
While it's certainly not a masterpiece, I believe it's a title you shouldn't miss for this year.

>> No.13550027

Wasn't there a moege like 2-3 years ago where the heroines' personalities were based on their seiyuu? Anyone remember what it was called, or am I just making this up?

>> No.13550042

Oh well too bad, maybe they will actually go that route near the end. Thanks for the CGs so far anon.

>> No.13550099

Why Himawari? I have the voice patch installed here already.

>> No.13550123

Is the Hello Lady fandisc worth reading?

>> No.13550264
File: 815 KB, 1024x576, inaka japanese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I guess I can expect some medical info dumps in Monobeno? I hope it doesn't get too tedious. Generally not a big fan of info dumps.

Still, the game seems to have a pretty relaxing atmosphere. I love inaka settings.

>> No.13550532

>So I guess I can expect some medical info dumps in Monobeno?
Yes. Especially in Alice's route.

>> No.13550944

Hello lady wasn't worth reading, so unless you really like one of the heroines probably not.

>> No.13550964

>Iizuki Tasuku
Talking of him why him and Choco chip doesnt get that much work?

Their art is pretty great but few games they have drawn for.

>> No.13551057

Side stories.

>> No.13551169

When you're a company with a popular artist in a medium like this like Atelier Kaguya and Choco Chip you probably do you damnedest to keep them exclusive to your brand.

>> No.13551197

Sucks that that practices wastes the potential of artists like C'est moi.

>> No.13551575

But Choco has only worked on the B&B brand wich only has three games so far. Why dont any other branch of AK use chip?

>> No.13551586

That is incorrect, she has worked on more than 10 eroge by now, I'm sure. She used to be on a long break though and only recently got back to illustrating again.

>> No.13551594

Yeah it seems i was wrong, wonder if she will work on a HTP game someday.

>> No.13551598


>> No.13551672

Sounds interesting, but I had no idea something like this existed and I'd like to think I kept an eye out for interesting moege. Where was the seiyuu correlation spoken of that I missed?

>> No.13551679

That sounds like a terrible idea for an eroge. 2D and 3D shouldn't mix.

>> No.13551692


>> No.13551702

Hmm, guess I might give this game a spin once I'm in a slow month to see how well a 3D basis blended with the scriptwriter's direction. Thanks.

>> No.13551719

From what I remember back when I played it on release day, it didn't really feel any different at its core.

And that aside, it had problems, like the animated sprites occasionally looking more creepy than cute and the horribly inconsistent art. I distinctly remember one review in EGS saying that it felt like you were having sex with different girls. Though I guess its unintentional quirkiness gives it some appeal, if only for the "shits and giggles" factor.

>> No.13551790

Still better than Kurehito and Shinobu.

>> No.13551799

Thank you! I've been looking for it for awhile.

>> No.13551914
File: 226 KB, 800x600, Oretsuba_End.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Oretsuba. Although some parts were longer than it should be, the whole thing was a fun ride from start to finish. Now on to the Fan Disc.

>> No.13551956

Speaking of women, is it true hat women write Rance?

>> No.13552304

Tenshi no Nichou Kenjuu: Angelos Armas is a Nitroplus VN you don't see discussed anywhere.

How is it?

>> No.13552329

Let's just say there's a reason you don't see it discussed anywhere.

>> No.13552843

Music is great, art is good, plot is shit.
Here you have it.

>> No.13553496

Bump so this thread won't die from spam.

>> No.13553599

I like what they sorta did with the whole youkai magic / science / the power of love with the routes, but shit Alice's route was so fucking boring.

>> No.13553622

Anyone do good commentaries on eroge or VNs in general? It would make it a lot more bearable to read through kusoge.

>> No.13553640

>commentaries on eroge or VNs in general
That sounds horrifying.

>> No.13553723

I meant in Japanese. And some people do commentaries for games without it being completely terrifying.

>> No.13553734

Yeah like your average eroge isn't already riddled with useless nonsense, shoved in by the writers to get extra cash, which makes it at least twice as long as what it should be, and you want someone to actually pause or slow down the reading to inserting comments in it?

>> No.13553739
File: 17 KB, 240x105, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what a キャラクタークリアケース is? I've been getting mixed results on google.

>> No.13553777

well the description actually says what it is

>> No.13553778

In my opinion, the first Reminiscence is worst than Akagoei. There's some really good moments in the common route, but some are plain boring. The characters aren't that good too and the good ones don't have much screentime. Reminiscence's MC is quite good, but far from Kaito's godliness.
As >>13542133 and >>13542208, the ending/character's route are horrible (apart from the imouto's route).
Re:collect was better than the first one, with a lot better characters and not so bad endings (which is amazing for Kinugasa).

>> No.13553822

It was up to Sengoku

>> No.13553893 [DELETED] 

>Re:collect was better

I disagree. Re:Collect had the chance to answer a lot of questions about the world and especially about the actual state of the surface, instead it added more stuff without going into details. It's still a good game but it doesn't come close to the first one. I do agree that the endings were a bit more "concluding" than in the first game but they still weren't great.

Also, the character routes were alright in Reminiscence.

>> No.13553956

>Re:collect was better

I disagree. Re:Collect had the chance to answer a lot of questions about the world and especially about the actual state of the surface. Instead it added more stuff without going into details. It's still a good game but it doesn't come close to the first one. I do agree that the endings were a bit more "concluding" than in the first game but they still weren't great.

Also, the character routes were alright in Reminiscence.

>> No.13554157

I agree with the fact that Re:collect didn't deliver with the answer from some things in Reminiscence and what it added wasn't really that interesting. But I prefered Re:collect because the situations felt in general more intense and Yamato's character are really enjoyable (more than 80% of Hope's character). And as a Kaito fag, Ren's route was a lot of fun and really teased me for Kaito's story between Akagoei and Reminiscence.

Apart from Aki's route, every other one were'nt good. Accela's route was just a nukige until it almost copy/paste Kizuna's route and added some bullshit to save her. For Rin, it was pretty much a fucking reteling from her arc in the common route, but her H scene were really good so it makes this route not that bad. For Nozomi, I can't blame Kinugasa for her route, as the character is pretty much useless, you could remove her from the game, you won't have to change many things to the plot. For Kizuna, it's sad that the part in Yanigisawa's lab is pretty much shared with Accela, after this it's quite interesting but a little too convenient for me with all the story with the President's father, but it answers some mistery so why not.

>> No.13554710 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 960x544, IAGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to love this fucking guy.

Doesn't help that Alice is also the worst girl. At least now I know super useful Japanese words like "saccharification."

>> No.13554739
File: 257 KB, 960x544, IAGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to love this fucking guy.

Doesn't help that Alice is also the worst girl. At least now I know super useful Japanese words like "saccharification."

>> No.13555027

Is there any good cheap-emotioal-rollcoaster-ゲー like MLA? But with less chuuni than something like Dies Irae. Something like Baldr Sky, maybe?

>> No.13555053

Baldr Sky is adrenaline roller coaster. If you're into that, go for it. It's not particularly sad aside of the bad ends.

>> No.13555081

Sorry, my sentence came out weird. I've already played Baldr Sky, too (I was plenty sad until I got to the real end).

I guess I'm looking for something with a bunch of close comrades who may or may not die heroically, but 熱血 either way. Something you'd make a JAM project MAD out of or something.

>> No.13555084
File: 219 KB, 1025x577, ss+(2015-05-27+at+04.08.33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH GOD SHE IS TOO CUTE. I'm so glad for saving her last, other heroines were good too but she is definitely the best one.

>> No.13555182

What's that game bro?
I have a hard on for heroines called Misaki.

>> No.13555210


>> No.13555216

A fetish for names? That's a new one.

>> No.13555327

>OP image is from Rance.

I'm prepared to batten down the hatches.

>> No.13555364

The Eushully crowd is being quiet this time thankfully

>> No.13555408

I compiled a list of (untranslated) modern/near-future military VN for future reading.

Gunjou no sora wo koete:
Soukai no Oujo-tachi 1
Bradyon Veda

>> No.13555418

LP's of non-gameplay eroge sounds really sucky especially since it'll just be more talking heads and eventually they'll have to edit the video because of the H-scenes.

>> No.13555428

LPs as a whole is pretty sucky, but that doesn't stop people

It's just background noise and e-celebs.

>> No.13555429

No Routes?

>> No.13555432

>Gunjou no sora wo koete

The art and feel of it looks like Stratos 4, but the plot synopsis makes it sound like it's closer to Area 88. Which comparison is closest to?

>> No.13555438

You mean this? https://vndb.org/v204

Ah, I was just compiling some of the recent games (post-2005).

It's why I didn't put in Hello;world.

>> No.13555448

It's military slice of life with few action scenes.

>> No.13555463

The art looks really cute in an early 00's way. I should download this.

>> No.13555480

Out of curiosity, why are you limiting yourself to recent games?

>> No.13555482

Missing 3 games that I already saved:

Senjou de Shoujo wa Karada wo Kakeru
Senjou de Shoujo wa Kokoro wo Sagasu
Itoshii Kanojo no Mamorikata

>> No.13555488

Cuz, it's just too much to handle I guess.

I mean, military games aren't exactly short.

>> No.13555506

Is there a rivalry between the AS and EU fanbase?

>> No.13555512

No, they're the same thing.

>> No.13555514

Good thing softhouse charas never get into these fights.

>> No.13555516

More like the Ikusa Megami people won't shut the fuck up.

>> No.13555519

Then why the post about EU fanbase getting worked over an AS game?

>> No.13555526

Because anon is a shitposter.

>> No.13555536

Because >>13555512 is wrong, see >>13555516

>> No.13555543

Aside of jet combat and having more detailed descriptions on guns and the like, I don't remember H,W being really military-related. There's shootouts and a lot of action scenes, but it's much more a hard sci-fi moe+action VN than anything else.

>> No.13555554

He's just trying to start shit. Ignore it.

>> No.13555563

The robot protag himself is a military invention, and as said, it does involve war and military lingos.

>> No.13555591

Is it as in your face as Grisaia though?

>> No.13555597

I haven't read it so I don't know.

>> No.13555610

Those two fanbases tend to fight when they both get a release close to each other. Go take a look at what happened when IX was released

>> No.13555625

Last time both Rhapsody and Evenicle came out on the same day and most people who discussed them seemed to play both.

>> No.13555638

More like a rivalry between the Rance fanbase and everyone else, given that they tend to be abrasive manchildren, much like their idol.

>> No.13555645

I think both sides were busy with the horrible shitposting we've had in the past couple of months

>> No.13555648

This is true. I doubt they'd touch their other games like Toushin Toushin, Galzoo Island or even Daibanchou since the protags in those games are decent human beings.

They may play Daiakuji, but it's ancient and nobody really gave a crap about it.

>> No.13555676

Please just stop starting shit, "kudasai".

>> No.13555705

You can kudas all you want, but it's been true since they got their first game translated.

>> No.13555723

Yeah im glad that i know how to detect manchildren if they say "Rance is cool" or have a Rance avatar.

>> No.13555773

Not at all. It's mostly moe and descriptive AI logical thought process in the beginning.

>> No.13555872

How haven't you guys gotten bored of moege yet? They're all the same thing after a while.

>> No.13555896

Some people enjoy more of the same. That's the reason why some TV shows run for several years.

Also, the sameness doesn't stop with moege. You rarely find VNs which truly stand out.

>> No.13555913

I honestly don't get people who think they can only be stimulated by unique and "different" things.

This world works on repetition, entertainment like VN's included.

>> No.13555924

I only read a few moege a year instead of going after them every month, so no. I haven't gotten tired of chuunige, moege, normal scenario-ge, etc. because I spread them out.

Also being tje "same thing after a while" would apply to most genres in eroge, if they were to show up as commonly as moege.

>> No.13555956

Mostly because what people here tend to refer to as "moege" is actually several different genres.

>> No.13555990

I got bored of them after the first one. That first one was a fun experience but I have no desire to repeat it over and over.

>> No.13556018

>How haven't you guys gotten bored of [something]ge yet? They're all the same thing after a while.

Perhaps this hobby ain't for you.

>> No.13556038
File: 694 KB, 665x603, Gretel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats why i only play Nukige, they are miles and above more original than moeges and charages simply because they can take out outside the tired high school setting.

>> No.13556099

Rance is what every man wishes he could be, he's clearly not meant to be a realistic protagonist, but you might as well cut off your dick if you don't like Rance.

>> No.13556125

About as true as every woman aspiring to be a turboslut in a nukige.

>> No.13556137

Rance is a literal retard, thats really your aspiration in life?

Congratulations in achieving that anon.

>> No.13556187

>Rance is what every man wishes he could be
I'm not a 12-year-old who thinks rape is cool and dick jokes are funny. I tried Sengoku, Quest and 9 and dropped them all after about 15 minutes because I couldn't stand the protagonist.

>> No.13556209

Please don't hate slut bro.
Please don't hate rapists.

>> No.13556222

Sounds like you'll be more at home here

>> No.13556229

Except no.

Sluts and rapists go hand in hand in nukige.

>> No.13556234

And surprise, surprise /b/tards are more willing to sympathize to subhuman trash like them.

>> No.13556243

If it's hot, it's okay.

>> No.13556258

God, talking about mesobuta is making me hard again.

Please excuse me~

>> No.13556310

Rape is wrong but being a slut isn't.

>> No.13556319

Nukige double standard.

>> No.13556327

Being a slut is only okay if she's the protagonist's slut.

>> No.13556333

>they tend to be abrasive manchildren, much like their idol.

You mean moogy, right?

>> No.13556341

This so much, this is why i like BISHOP lack of gangbangs and nonMC sex in their recent games. Sluts are okay as long as they are the MC slut.

>> No.13556385

Yeah, nothing gets me off when an innocent girl acts like a dirty whore only for the man they love.

You could almost say it's realistic.

>> No.13556391

I wasnt being sarcastic, thats why i hated UK. Best girl being an slut that would take any cock made that game shit.

Also they dont love the MC. They love his dick.

>> No.13556423

That's not a slut...

>> No.13556443

A man is his dick.

Unless you are castrated of course.

>> No.13556444


Who are you quoting?

>> No.13556448

Some weeaboos off the web.

>> No.13556460

FICTIONAL versions of both kinds are okay, anon.

>> No.13556489

Not unless you like getting fictionaly cucked.

>> No.13556496

It's just a guilty pleasure, anon. Just a guilty pleasure.

>> No.13556500

There's that meme again. Not everyone self-inserts into every fucking VN they play, you know. Sometimes you just want to watch a girl be a slut and cuck other guys because it's entertaining and hot.

>> No.13556511

Its sad people derive pleasure from such a thing.

>Not being all about self inserting.

Why would you play a medium about a guy getting girls witouth self inserting?

>> No.13556520

Because some games are better for self-inserting than others. Not every single VN is made for you to self-insert.

>> No.13556526

So you're saying I can't self-insert as the tentacle monster/ogre/nigger when they're porking the cute girl?

>> No.13556527

If the MC doesnt have a voice, name, face or is nameable its for self insert.

The rest just dont know what it wants to be.

>> No.13556531

What can I say? I know it's wrong but that's the hot part.
You definitely can.

>> No.13556538

You're supposed to self insert as the girl you dumbass.

>> No.13556539

Why would you want to self-insert as a nigger? What's wrong with you?

That's like, you're opinion man. Sometimes you just want to kick back and watch a story unfold. You can't tell me how to enjoy nukige, faggot.

>> No.13556555

>SI as the girl
>Who craves for cock.

What kind of faggot are you?

Even when MC has a face he lose it at H so you SI. If you dont SI then you arent playing it as intended.

>> No.13556557

>Why would you play a medium about a guy getting girls witouth self inserting?

Because I like reading romance stories? I'm able to enjoy them without pretending it's happening to me. I've never in my life been able to self insert into a story, maybe there's something wrong with me.

Also what's the deal with the whole 'if you aren't into eroge for the same exact reasons as me the medium isn't for you' type of responses that get thrown around here so often? It's a medium, meaning it encompasses a variety of different products, and people can get different things from different eroge.

>> No.13556562

How new are you?

>> No.13556573

>I've never in my life been able to self insert into a story, maybe there's something wrong with me.


>if you aren't into eroge for the same exact reasons as me the medium isn't for you.

The devs made the game intended for you to SI, which is why eroge MCs arent like any other MCs in the other mediums that have been designed to be their own character with no player imput.

How much of a faggot are you?

>> No.13556576

Back to /vg/ with you please

>> No.13556580

Some nukige aren't made for SI, man.

And even then, it's just supposed to be hot and sometimes avoidable, just don't be bothered by it.

>> No.13556600

>which is why eroge MCs arent like any other MCs in the other mediums that have been designed to be their own character with no player imput.

The protagonists in the eroge I play have as much personality as those in other kinds of stories. I don't play moege. In other words, refer back to my point about different eroge for different people.

>> No.13556605

Do they have voices? Have a face during H? No? Then they are SIs.


>> No.13556612

There's a goddamn tag for it:

>> No.13556624

>Avoidable NTR
>Skipping content
>Buying/Downloading a whole game and skipping content.

Avoidable whatever in VNs is the dumbest thing ever conceived.

>> No.13556625

Faceless, voiceless MC isn't inherently for SI man.

And even then SI as the NTR victim himself isn't bad, it's not like you are actually that guy.

>> No.13556628

It gives people choices bro.

It's not skipping content either because you can replay it and get NTR scenes if you want.

>> No.13556633

God forbid I spend 30 seconds downloading a torrent file and then don't fap to every single sex scene

>> No.13556634

>if you aren't into eroge for the same exact reasons as me the medium isn't for you

I could see a case for voiceless but no reason for a faceless not

But its content i dont want but by skipping them the game remains forever be incomplete. Its a dumb desition.

>> No.13556640

Games with routes/choices will forever remain incomplete in one playthrough.

They are designed to be replayed and become different persons.

>> No.13556647

Not to mention, some are bad ends.

>> No.13556648

>People bitching about no choices in VN's.
>People bitching about choices in VN's.

Really? Make up your fucking minds.

>> No.13556652

>no reason for a faceless
Most men don't like looking at another man's face because it's distracting and a turn off. Back when I used to watch porn I was always disgusted when they zoomed into the guy's face while he was having sex. Why the fuck would they do this? Who the fuck thinks this is hot?, were some of the thoughts that ran through my head. I assume it's the same for some people reading H-scenes.

>> No.13556653

Different people, man.

>> No.13556655

I meant downloading the full game.

I dont mean one playthrough. What i mean the gallery for events/CGs will be incomplete.

Its like playing a moege and suddenly a choice lead her to be gangbanged, are you saying that wouldnt trouble you at all?

I dont buy that.

>> No.13556656

Most faceless MC in BISHOP games, despite being made for SI, are highly intelligent mastermind rapist superheroes that bypass the laws.

You can never live up to them.

>> No.13556659

>Its like playing a moege and suddenly a choice lead her to be gangbanged, are you saying that wouldnt trouble you at all?
I wouldn't.

It's just a possibility that can happen, and I want to explore all possibilities, as long as good ending is achievable, it's all cool. That makes it exciting to me.

>> No.13556660

Yes i can, i just name them after myself.

>> No.13556663

>I meant downloading the full game.
I did too. The game may take a while to downloading but finding the torrent only takes a minute of my time.

>> No.13556667

Uh, having the same name, the same birthday doesn't mean they are you dude.

>> No.13556671

It does. It just means how would i be if i was born in japan.

>> No.13556674

Ok, anon, even then it's an if.

>> No.13556679

Its an alternate me.

>> No.13556681

I believe you, anon. In a different universe.

>> No.13556687

I get off corrupting character, there is something hot in converting something pure into something darker.

>> No.13556693

And to be fair, I get converting evil bitch into loyal concubine too.

I guess I just love changing stuff for my desire.

>> No.13556702

This is pretty much why I like NTR/gangbang/prostitution/whatever. I don't self-insert as the guy being cucked because I'm not a faggot. I just like watching cute girls turn into sluts.

>> No.13556708

You're self inserting as a very sadistic and depraved god which is pretty much what the third person perspective is.

>> No.13556715

Sometimes I do SI as the NTR victim for maximum fapping guilty pleasure, powerless is kinda hot I guess.

But it's all good if you know it's wrong, even most games acknowledge NTR is being wrong, even worse than rape.

>> No.13556724

Corruption is good too but I don't see the appeal of corrupting a girl into anything other than your obedient slave/personal fucktoy and I don't get why you'd share her or let anybody else use her.

>> No.13556735

So what's the most Christian friendly VN you've encountered? You know, it still has sex and all that, but it's all for the purpose of procreation. No kinky shit.

>> No.13556739

It's either to make money, or to shame the girl because at that point she doesn't give a shit anymore.

>> No.13556742

Search it on vndb man.

>> No.13556752

Im not sure is Christian but in this game the MC objective is to get one or all of his teachers pregnant to have his babies.


>> No.13556760

Honestly money is a bit of a contrived excuse and what's the point of shaming her when she stops giving a shit about it? You should be focusing those efforts into making her obey you or assist you in other matters

>> No.13556768

Yeah thats why i love accomplices in corruption games being a formerly trained slave.

>> No.13556773

Some games are set in modern setting and prostitution does give money.

And yeah, I guess shaming her at that point is a bit pointless, I would rephrase it to: sharing her because you yourself don't give a shit about a corrupted fucktoy anymore and look forward to the next conquest.

She's still gonna be loyal to you in the end.

>> No.13556777

It's a taboo, just like incest and stuff like that. There's also only so much you can do with 1 on 1 vanilla sex so I like my nukige to mix it up every now and then. Her screwing another guy or doing several at once is basically the ultimate form of corruption and (for me) is hotter as a result.

Point is that not all people are into that stuff because they're masochists who hate themselves. Some people just genuinely like it. I play and enjoy pure vanilla moege too. Variety is best.

>> No.13556778

There is the off chance that she comes back to her senses and murders them and you for ruining her life. That's some bad end scenario right there.

>> No.13556782

In fact some games do have this bad end.

Battleship games always have this in case you didn't finish breaking the,

>> No.13556784

>in case you didn't finish breaking them*

>> No.13556790

>prostitution does give money.
I know but it's just as easy to hand wave money and lots of games certainly do that and unless the game is about prostitution itself, I don't see the point to needlessly add it to justify a source of income. Unless they just want to add another fetish type for the sake of it

>sharing her because you yourself don't give a shit about a corrupted fucktoy anymore and look forward to the next conquest.
Fair enough, doesn't aline with my tastes whatsoever or anything but I can see people getting the appeal of that.

>Her screwing another guy or doing several at once is basically the ultimate form of corruption and (for me) is hotter as a result.
The mere thought of that is a massive turnoff for me so I guess It's really just a manner of fetishes in the end.

>> No.13556793

Just choose your games I guess.

Most BISHOP games are about you yourself and the girls, while Lilith does have regular gangbang as a mean to break the girl.

>> No.13556802

So while we're on the subject of corruption, are there any featuring mostly lolis or at most ample bust girls? It seems like most of them fall under the MILF cowtits group which I'm not a huge fan of.

>> No.13556824

Oh, anon. Here's a recent classic:

>> No.13556830

Good choice, but I've fapped to that already. Looking forward to the sequel, but I need more.

>> No.13556836

Yukikaze's voice is incredibly annoying during the sex scenes.

>> No.13556841

She sounds like a little girl being raped. It's natural.

>> No.13556857

There is also this, it's way more lighthearted though:

>> No.13556869

Will check this out, but what I really want is a plethora of DFC's, no cowtits whatsoever in the corruption.

>> No.13556878

Well, this is where you have to search for yourself I guess.

I am still new at this.

>> No.13556975

Kind of going back in time here, but have you tried Musumaker? I personally can't stand that stuff but I believe it matches what you're talking about.

>> No.13557022

Not that guy but thanks anon, looks pretty complex.

>> No.13557024

A good starting point would probably be games about pure love/marriage, because anything else is lewd and heretic.

>> No.13557076

Maybe the new Candy Soft game?

>> No.13557285


>> No.13557303

I want more games about purification; corruption is too entropic for me.

>> No.13557359

isn't that a nukige?

>> No.13557366

Not sure about it is about sex for the purpose of marriage/breeding.

And polygamy if you are a mormon.

>> No.13557372

that's not christian at all.

Maybe because I'm "Catholic."

Anyway, how's Sanoba witch?

>> No.13557497

Just fuck off with your religious shit.

>> No.13557509
File: 1.30 MB, 1296x758, あねよめカルテット_Version_1.0.0.0_[data_ver1.01]_2014-11-12_17-36-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played Aneyome Quartet and they do the lewd out of wedlock. Although they are technically engaged so that might get some points.

Just because a game doesn't have an overarching plot doesn't automatically make it a nukige. It wasn't.

>> No.13557537

>Anyway, how's Sanoba witch?
Meguru is cute. That's all.

>> No.13557554
File: 260 KB, 1277x716, miriwota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played a bit of Gun Knight Girl, wow, I didn't know miriota is a real term.

>> No.13557560
File: 284 KB, 1284x720, otokonokorobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a bit earlier.

Oh well, it's true. I prefer guns though.

>> No.13557563

Why wouldn't it be? There's also 軍オタ.

>> No.13557580
File: 268 KB, 1279x721, gunjinwatadaningen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the game already.

>> No.13557624

I can't help wondering how many of those have any ミリ軍 experience.

>> No.13557631

Probably not many, since 自衛隊 is fully on volunteer basis.

>> No.13557650
File: 174 KB, 1278x719, Gun knight girl hachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, not just mech but a true robot too?

Though I guess this isn't much a spoiler since the PV has a seiyuu for it.

>> No.13557682
File: 249 KB, 1802x1013, 1431739660458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanobawitch is pure moege of 2015, no sluts to be found.

>> No.13557683

Anyone can tell me what's wrong with Runa's route in Hatsukoi 1/1 ? Is other routes worth doing?

>> No.13557686

Hanasaki is better.

>> No.13557695

Runa's route was the most frustration shit ever. I don't even remember the specifics anymore but the protag was just being a major hetare and Runa was annoying as fuck. It was the route that made me drop the game.

>> No.13557711

So speaking of the facts only, what was so problematic in Hanasaki?

>> No.13557721

Tumblr you're not welcome here.
But real talk, one of the girls made a joke about cheating on the MC because he came early. Said that he wouldn't be able to satisfy her and she'd have to find another guy.

>> No.13557726

Ah, that seems fine.

Although I also read that the true end has MC end up alone, which on the other hand kinda sucks.

>> No.13557746

>protag was just being major hetare

Picked up.

>> No.13557761

do it. it's a really good game.

>> No.13557763

It's been a while dude, welcome back.

>> No.13557768

Shit, I had it in my backlog, but I deleted it. Finding the PS2 version is going to be a bother again.

>> No.13557779

I have the PC version in another computer, want me to upload it?

>> No.13557790

Nah, that's easy to find, but the PS2 has voice acting and the only upload I knew is dead.

>> No.13557816

Well I dropped Runa's route midway because: she totally tries to couple up Protag and Yukino, despite of her feelings for him. And surprisingly Protag and Yukino even BECOME A COUPLE! and Runa totally played the sideman for their relationship and even gave Protag advice and everything for that. so yep, I totally couldn't stand that. I found the other routes quite good beside Yukinos (it was boring osana stuff, even protag was quite hetare in her route). So I do think they are worth playing.

>> No.13557821

Now I remember why I hated it so much. Holy shit it was so rage worthy.

>> No.13557827

MC ends up alone in the true end, and the biggest problem was one of the heroine (Ayano) cant forget her first love, and her entire route is like "he gave me a present at there", "he made me join the club like that", "he saved me like this" etc etc etc. Most of her route is about the dead guy, and even though she says that she wasn't in love with dead guy and she is not in love with mc just because they are similiar, you can pretty much see mc is just a replacement of him.

>> No.13557829

That's actually my fetish. Maybe I should try her route.

>> No.13557866

Eh, sounds pretty bad. I'm no 独占厨, but it seems this time the writer went too far. Maybe out of frustration against real 独占厨s?

>> No.13557872
File: 285 KB, 1283x723, Gun knight girl type 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motherfucking type 64, it's 2034 and they still use type 64.

I guess Japan either fucking loves battle rifles or it's customary to train with them when you are a newbie.

>> No.13557908

There should be a sequel where Asuka comes back to life and NTRs the protagonist.

>> No.13557931

I don't see anything wrong with giving newbies old and obsolete equipment to train with, and leaving the good stuff for the experienced, or for real action.

>> No.13557937

If it were just one thing I think most of people would just overlook it, but Entire Ayano route, Cheating joke and ending alone true end made people pretty mad. For example the game would get definitely better score if there wasn't an Ayano route.

>> No.13557957

I guess so, the japs stick to tradition even in the near future.

>> No.13557977

When I did my service back in 2007-08, we used equipment from the 50s to the 70s, so it's not so different.

>> No.13558007

Welp, I stopped playing Gun Knight Gun for now.

Was wanting to just try it a bit but already lost like 4 hours to it already.

Gonna beat the full game later.

>> No.13558116 [DELETED] 

Japanese grammar and Japanese writing are so complicated that very few people actually master the language ; it's just too intricate for the average human being. This is why until they got the idea from westerners Japanese writers wrote haikus and short stories/diaries and not novels ; they didn't imagine texts that long could be created. Most Japanese are also unable to read on the fly, without concentrating, like speakers of simpler languages do. They have to concentrate, if only a couple of seconds, to read even simple inscriptions on the street (while a somewhat educated English speaker can't help reading all the stupid ads he doesn't want to read everytime he sees them).

I'm not saying that simplicity is the only trait to look for in an ideal international language, but the one of the most complicated languages on Earth certainly won't fit. The main flaw of English is its insane spelling and pronunciation, but that is little in comparison to the immense complexity of Japanese, that overwhelms even native speakers.

Source : Japanese friends of mine.

>> No.13558121

Play the PSP one then, PPSSPP emulates it just fine.

>> No.13558123

Spoken like someone who has no idea what he's talking about.

>> No.13558133

Can anyone recommend any games with similar writing style to the Rail Soft games?

>> No.13558134


>> No.13558154

According to >>13558101 it's you who has no idea.

>> No.13558174

Your fellows are waiting for you.

>> No.13558179

Not only you fuchers created a new thread while this was still on page 3, you have already flooded it. I'm so done with this board.

>> No.13558185


>> No.13558188


>> No.13558200

Not that anon but the thread you linked was one originally made by shitposter from /vg/, which is why most people here avoid it.

>> No.13558205

This thread is for untranslated VNs. Please fuck off.

>> No.13558223

Go read 泉鏡花's books. Mareni took a lot of inspiration from him.

>> No.13558226

I want one where he comes back to life, and he, the MC, and his friend have homosex the entire time.
I'd fug Asuka.
No homo.

>> No.13558233

Meant to quote >>13558133

>> No.13558290

Tears to Tiara, its console remake + gaiden.

Are they worth playing?

>> No.13558353

There are none.
Try 90s literature.

>> No.13558355

Thank's I'll look into it.

>> No.13558538

>most people here avoid it
75 posters here, 35 posters there. It only barely counts as "most".

>> No.13558544

>This thread is for untranslated VNs.
We have discussed it several threads before and decided that you are wrong. Fuck off.

>> No.13558601

Those aren't necessarily the same people.

>> No.13558658

Ura Kyoushi

>> No.13559880
File: 207 KB, 1025x576, ss+(2015-05-28+at+12.50.57).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm definitely buying this game after I finish her route, its 100% worth of my money. Its one of the best route I've ever played in a moege, she is so cute, so heartwarming that I'm getting scared of finishing it.

>> No.13560313

Better support Pure x Connect. Its out tommorrow.

I hope its uploaded fast.

>> No.13560331

>Better support
>I hope its uploaded fast

>> No.13560790

I don't know about that guy, but personally I pirate eroge even when I buy them because shipping is slow. I haven't even opened some of the games I've bought because I finished the version I pirated and there's really no point.

>> No.13561108

Im a pirate but you seem like a fellow who would love to spend some cash. Why not spend it on their newest game?

>> No.13561629

Finished ナツユメナギサ and i feel very depressed.
If you haven't played the game, don't.

>> No.13561699

That was basically my reaction. I don't mind tragic tragic/bittersweet endings per se, but that game just made me feel awful and regret playing it.

>> No.13561791

That ending is just tragic.

>> No.13561881

Tell me about Clochette's titles.

I played Sakigake and liked it, but what about the previous ones?

>> No.13562042

Today on barely-related news:

New Romeo, but not a VN.


>> No.13562050



>> No.13562172

Disregard that faggot, here is the proper thread >>13506242

>> No.13562181

You are enjoying this a bit too much. Is this your fetish?

>> No.13562193

We are still on page 8.
Ah, well, at least new OP pic is not from kusoge.

>> No.13562224

The OP picture from this thread isn't even out yet.

>> No.13562307

How new are you? It's by Alicesoft, of course it will be a kusoge.

>> No.13562386

That's some terrible taste you got there

>> No.13567242

Is ITH working under Windows 10 for anyone else?
