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File: 339 KB, 800x825, 3b88c56fe58df1aea0e78686219ede39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13557365 No.13557365 [Reply] [Original]

I hope TH15 makes them popular.

>> No.13557371

She's married so no deal.

Those live by NTR die by NTR.

>> No.13557373

how many moons are there in gensokyo
wasn't NASA killing her and her sister while invading the earth's moon

>> No.13557379

Please read SSiB and CiLR, jesus christ.

>> No.13557384
File: 150 KB, 450x450, 1367934307400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reading nonsense about 2hu worldbinding?
are you serious? 2hus are just there for being sexualized w

>> No.13557387

Then /v/ is your place

>> No.13557388

She really is hot as HELL on this pic.

>> No.13557397


Everybody can hate the moonbitches all they want, but it's a fact that they must have some of the best bodies in Touhou.

>> No.13557403

I'm sure their HUSBANDS love to massage their BREASTS and BOTTOMS.

>> No.13557409

Kaguya, Eirin and Watatsuki dress like polish nobles.

>> No.13557416


Husband in Touhou means "personal walking dildo".

They obviously fuck shota rabbits too.

>> No.13557419

Please don't get muddled in fanon, sir.

I'm sure they have a happy married life where Yorihime works hard to train the rabbit and comes home and enjoy sex with her governmental official husband.

>> No.13557423


I guess that's why they never said a word about them. They probably beat up their husbands.

>> No.13557426
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I'm not worthy of being in the presence of such beauty anyway.
If I'm lucky enough, maybe she will let me suck her husband's cock when he's done with her, so I can have a taste of her glorious mooner pussy juice...

>> No.13557433


I bet he saw it on a beer bottle.

>> No.13557436
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Getting filled with impure earthling semen is probably one of the most hardcore fetishes on the Moon. I'm sure some of them would love to try it.

>> No.13557439
File: 75 KB, 192x256, SSiBtoyohime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yorihime is a good woman.

Not sure about Toyohime though, Toyohime is very kind with the rabbits (when it's her turn to train them she gives them sweet instead) but she's screwy compared to her sister.

>> No.13557445

Both princesses are very busy with work, even when they visit Eientei.

>> No.13557453
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You may be right, I didn't think of that.

Time to take a trip to the Moon!

>> No.13557454


Never noticed that in either SSiB or CiLR.

And what work? Nothing happens up there. Moon was attacked twice in like 20 000 years.

>> No.13557458


Didn't ZUN say that the older sister is the scarier one? The opposite of how it is in Gensokyo?

>> No.13557472


>> No.13557474


Enslave them. Bunny slut in every house.

>> No.13557476

In SSiB and CiLR they were both suspected for treason and were preparing for invasion.

>> No.13557481

No, ZUN said the younger sister is the stronger one, just like in Gensokyo.

It's in SoPM.

Toyohime can destroy a planet but Yorihime can summon gods, she's like Reimu at full power.

>> No.13557503


Nah, he said that Yorihime is more "ordinary" whatever that means.

>> No.13557514

I think that's clear considering Yorihime countered the front (vampire) while Toyohime watched the back (gaphag).

No one suspect the silent sinner in blue though.

>> No.13558790
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I hope we will see more porn of them.

>> No.13558804

They're not gonna be in the game

>> No.13558807
File: 3.64 MB, 4000x2500, 85ed7ba076898970dc29e3a8bde3d3b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crap, what if TH15 makes me end up liking the moon.

>> No.13558819

I think they are a possible ex boss. ZUN never seems to do the expected thing, though.

>> No.13558832

Didn't he reveal that he planned to put Kasen as one of the EX bosses? I think it was in TD. It could happen.

>> No.13558834 [SPOILER] 
File: 72 KB, 728x831, 1432754837395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YFW, they aren't even in the game.

>> No.13558852
File: 104 KB, 354x311, 1387728823894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Kasen, I just want more Yorihime, man...

>> No.13559748

They will probably appear in the endings.

>> No.13560114

>They obviously fuck shota rabbits too.

Stop making me want doujins that don't actually exist. Fucking Japan.

>> No.13560126

Is SSiB worth it? I heard the art is somewhat lackluster and that the artist messed some stuff up.

>> No.13560128

That is a terrible and wonderful idea.

>> No.13560164

CiLR is the real meat but if you have free time, I don't why see.

>> No.13560169

>I don't see why not*

>> No.13560199

Absolutely, if you are into Touhou canon and stuff. It just seems like it'll be awesome, and then it isn't once it gets there. And seeing the main characters get clowned on by the moon turned some people off. I think it should be read concurrently with CiLR, which makes the story much more enjoyable, but I don't have a mapping for the chapters.

>> No.13560228
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>> No.13560372

oh god yorihime anal when

>> No.13560507

There's one on the wiki

>> No.13560773

I think they mean more of what order the chapters go in.

Personally, when reading CiLR you intuitively know where you're at in SSiB, but the reverse doesn't hold. You should probably read SSiB in full and then CiLR.

>> No.13561685

Honestly I'd be happier to see Reisen 2 instead of the Watatsukis.

Or at least I can see them appearing in the endings and that's it.

>> No.13561707

If you see Reisen II, you would see the princesses anyway, she's their new pet.

>> No.13561712
File: 116 KB, 600x888, 25717331_big_p25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her. It's the other moon bitch I don't like.

>> No.13561739

Both of them are actually pretty nice and kind.

Her sister just uses harsher words.

>> No.13561831
File: 332 KB, 800x1132, 47090373_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is so much more liked than Toyohime. Is it only because of the ways they fought?

>> No.13561864

I think it's partly because she's strict but kind and honorable, that gets you easy fans.

Not to mention, yeah, the way she fights is easier to draw than Toyohime.

>> No.13561874
File: 86 KB, 296x296, Silent Sinner in Blue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, after LoLK is over and everone has had their tea party, do you think Seiran and Ringo are going to stay on earth, or return to the moon and never appear ever again?

>> No.13561877

Seiran is a good soldier so she will return.

Ringo might stay on earth because bitch be lazy.

And the moonies can appear any times ZUN wants because of Toyohime's ability.

>> No.13561897

It says both in Ringo's profile and her dialogue that she plans to stay on Earth.

>> No.13561903

I wonder if she will stay in Eientei.

Would be hilarious that she escapes the moon to avoid work but ends up working her ass off in Eientei being the second earthbound moon rabbit.

>> No.13561905

We need to spread multi-culturism on the moon.

>> No.13561908

She's gonna team up with Tewi and bully Reisen even more, that or make her own rabbithole somewhere else.

Ringo is lazy but she sounds smart.

>> No.13561949

Probably not. I think if anything, ZUN will continue the running joke of Seiran being the serious one that does all the work while Ringo does nothing all day and still comes out on top.

>> No.13561962

It's really like my grunt vs enlisted officer drama!!!

>> No.13561978
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I like her character design a lot more.

>> No.13562442
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>> No.13562477
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Hey remember that one time when I whoop your ass

>> No.13562483

Everyone whopped her ass in that game, but strangely everyone learned their lesson after beating her (until Shiki route where everyone forgets it again).

>> No.13563470

Click Expand

>> No.13563483

>(until Shiki route where everyone forgets it again).

More like game limitations.
Shiki's route is the final stage of every character, aka everyone beating her ass and her beating their ass is the same fight. You could say it wasn't a super serious fight that ended in a pseudo draw where at the end Shiki judged everyone.

>> No.13563519

I want to do suggestive things with her pantyhose'd foot.

>> No.13563606

More like you should stop talking out of your ass and actually pay attention to the fucking story.

Eiki's story is her going around asking everyone if they understood what she told them before they fought her in their respective stories.

>> No.13563792

In that Toyohime is a complete utter genius, I believe Eirin mentions it as well that the older sisters ability to learn, understand theories, comprehend situations and even scheme was far above anything she had ever seen.

Still gap hag managed to outsmart her anyway because she never considered Yukari's ultimate goal was something so petty.

>> No.13564229


I like them both. And honestly, Toyohime has more potential. Yorihime is just Reimu on steroids.

>> No.13566877
File: 51 KB, 266x195, seiran legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure I'm slow, but I just noticed that Seiran's bloomers are transparent.
