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File: 232 KB, 674x768, figures-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1353717 No.1353717 [Reply] [Original]

Should I keep the boxes my figures came in or just throw them out? Is there any reason to keep them for the future?

>> No.1353726

Eat them.

>> No.1353728

Are you planning on selling your figs?

>> No.1353735

They provide protective storage if you ever move

>> No.1353742

If you were really hardcore, then you'd keep it in its original packaging. That's like the basic law of collecting geek goods.

>> No.1353748

Wow you guys are quick!

Not really, but who knows what the future holds.

Good point! I remember my model cars got ruined in moves, broken mirrors and such. Had I kept the bases and boxes that wouldn't have been an issue.

>> No.1353754

Nah I like them on display better. Boxes make them look bad.

But if I were that hardcore, I'd buy 2 or 3 of each wouldn't I?

>> No.1353761

Is correct. You should never have then them out unless you wanted them seriously devalued.
Packaging doubles the price you can get for any collectible.

>> No.1353762
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>> No.1353765

no, if he was really hardcore he'd jerk off on the figs and post the results here

>> No.1353766

Collectors that collect only for the intent to resell them in the future are not true collectors.

>> No.1353767

>no, if he was really hardcore he'd hot glue on the figs and post the results here

>> No.1353769

I bought them for my enjoyment (god that sounds like I fap all over them or something), not as a collectable to make money on.

>> No.1353773

What, do you mean practical value, or are you deliberately misunderstanding the concept of collections?

>> No.1353771
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You have much to learn.

>> No.1353772
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>>I should just throw them out

>> No.1353782

keep the boxes, so when you realize what a mistake it was to buy such crap, you can sell it to some other loser.

>> No.1353794

Then look at it in terms of value for its own sake. The packaging is still important as it is considered part of the product. This is all very basic, well trodden ground.

>> No.1353808

I am never embarrassed by my figures, I know several guys who are highly respected in the visual effects industry who have figures FAR worse than what I own, and they have them proudly on display next to their emmy awards.

One of them has the Ignis with the removable top next to his Saturn award, and yes her top is removed.

So yeah whatever, I love my figures and I don't care wtf other people think.

>> No.1353815

This. It's way easier to move things like this, especially when they have tiny, fragile parts, if you have the boxes that are made to hold them.

The people who actually KEEP them all in boxes will never make any sense to me. You will not sell them and they look stupid dismantled and behind curved plastic.

>> No.1353819

Holo? I think you got ripped off by a Chinaman there bud...

>> No.1353843


yea, and look at that C O D E G E A S S. no way any anime could have such a stupid name.

>> No.1353861

That's he name of the character.

Also I have the fig on the bottom right. It is poor quality.

>> No.1353866

That's the name of the character.

Also I have the fig on the bottom right. It is poor quality.

>> No.1353874

Oh wow....

>> No.1353887

I move a lot so I keep the boxes.

>> No.1353897

Is it bad that I couldn't figure out what the fuck this post was saying because I kept reading Holo as Horo from Wolf and Spice?

>> No.1353898

Yeah I was disapointed. It was my first figure so I didn't really know better when it arrived. But after purchasing the others, especially the C.C. it became quite aparent.

I still like the figure though...

I just wish there was a decent Eruru figure out there.

>> No.1353908

That's the funny part.

>> No.1353910

Just stick with Alter and Goodsmile and you won't get shit figures

>> No.1353918

I've been looking at the top-right box and trying to figure out what was in it. I just can't figure it out.. it looks like such a strange shape.

>> No.1353935

I'm pretty sure it's this.


>> No.1353939


>> No.1353952

OP here, it's what these guys said.

Pretty decent Horo, but I think the scale is off, I think it should be 1/8, I can't remember why though. Unfortunately, her tail looks like shit if you take her skirt off. But the figure looks great with the skirt on. Only pants under the skirt anyway. Boo pants.

Looking to get the Kotobukiya one next if I can.

>> No.1353961

I have the Kotobukiya one. It's nice.

>> No.1353983
File: 139 KB, 1229x922, 68c7d13ed4dcffb83e8c22dfb5187f48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to get this one as well. If it weren't a garage kit/limited run/whatever.

>> No.1354076

What about Alpha Omega or Kotobukiya? I believe the C.C. I got is Alpha Omega, and it seems quite good. And I'm planning on buying a Kotobukiya made Horo, and possibly some others.

>> No.1354143

I think Alter plays a part in making Alpha Omega along with some other. only thing I'm getting by them is the Deviluke posted in this thread but I wanted to get the C.C. one.

>> No.1354468

I keep them but the part that sucks is finding a place to put them. My closet is practically filled with them and since you can't fold up the boxes or anything there's nothing I can do to make more space. If you're pressed for space I'd say only keep the boxes of the more expensive ones or the ones you really like.

>> No.1354673

God damn thats fucking cute. Almost makes me want to go furry.

>> No.1354680

sage for furfag

>> No.1354703
File: 89 KB, 707x1000, f90996e631416be242d0c973071ff31f-Horo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I got lots of space in the house. I keep boxes for most everything, but I've been trying to cut down on that, which is why I brought up the question. It just makes things neater when you don't have to worry about it.

Thanks for ruining my thread. It's a damn cute figure, but it's not furry.

Thanks for the suggestions guys!

>> No.1354812

loneliest picture i've ever seen

>> No.1354813

How else can he jerk off onto them? Idiot.

>> No.1354849

Wow, you have shitty taste in your plastic anime girls.

>> No.1355771
File: 164 KB, 452x768, figures-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less lonely now?

>> No.1357566

the Holo figure in the lower right looks pretty good, how do you like it? The pictures i find online make her look like shes shitting fur...

>> No.1357698

It's pretty poor in a number of respects.... The short of it is, don't buy. Unless you're the most Horo obsessed and must have everything Horo, this is a pretty poor figure to purchase. It was my first figure, and so I blame my entire lack of knowledge when it came to purchasing such an item.

At the distance I would generally view her at while at my desk, it's not a terrible concern. She looks decent enough, and I don't feel so bad about the money I spent. However looking closer you see all kinds of flaws...

- Her clothes don't fit properly. If I took a picture of the other side you could see, but there's a terrible gap, you just can't get them to stay on right. They stay on, and as long as you look at the one side you're good. But the otherside just looks god awful.

- Center of gravity, something I never thought of until I purchased her. Her's is terrible, a slight knock of the desk, or tilt, and she falls over to her right (the bad side).

- While I've gotten used to it now, her face seemed really creepy when I first bought it. I'm not sure if this is a flaw or not, but seriously creepy.

- Her arms are too long and contribute to awful balance. When you place her on the pedestal her fingers bend and lightens part of the figure causing more instability.

- You can see seems in her legs from a distance. They run all the way down from hip to foot. There were also marks on mine at her knees, dark brown paint on her right knee.

Some how despite it all I like the figure, but not a great deal. I think it's the part of me trying to rationalize the money I paid for such a poor peice of workmanship.

That's my review of it anyway... On the upside, it's definitely not the most terrible figure I've ever seen. Infact quite far from it. It's just no where near good enough to recommend to anyone though.

>> No.1358758

Wait, you mean her name isn't actually Horo?

>> No.1358766

The elevens just can't pronounce Holo.

>> No.1358777

But I've been pronouncing it Horo all this time. I think Horo actually sounds better.

>> No.1358780

Then use that pronunciation. It's not like the elevens can tell the difference.

>> No.1358797

Holo = Horo = ホロ
Both are acceptable

>> No.1358813

That's a relief.

>> No.1358825

Well, until the R1's come out and it gets an official romanization.

>> No.1358835

Ren = Len = レン
Both are acceptable

>> No.1358848

It's Ren. For sure.

>> No.1358857

She'll always be Ren in my heart, too.

>> No.1358858

Taki sucks, period.

>> No.1358867

But it's Len.

>> No.1358885

I alternate between Ren and Len, just to throw people off.

>> No.1358908

I alternate without even meaning to. It's annoying.

>> No.1358957
File: 159 KB, 1024x768, IMG_6824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you should've asked around before purchasing stuffs like that. There's always a reason why we fig collectors don't go around purchasing stuffs from random companies that nobody has ever heard of before (Cospa's figs are generally shit, they should just focus in their animu apparels and misc stuffs like cups and card holders instead)

Alpha Omega is an Alter-Megahouse merger, and I like their lineup thus far. Can't wait to add this loli from Black Cat to my collection in another few weeks:

Here's my tier list for figs:
high tier: Alter, GoodSmileCompany
mid tier: Max Factory (though they pretty much stopped producing figs and focus on their Figma line thesedays), Kotobukiya, Megahouse, Yamayo (a hit or miss though, I don't like most of their stuffs, but the tits -and-bike girl they made, as seen in pic is godly)
shit tier: every other company, Beat, Cospa, Aoshima, Atelier Sai (just make sure you have a very good look at them jappo online galleries of the stuffs before actually buying it)

and yes, I generally keep the boxes. It's always convenient to store them back into their boxes when you need to move or something. Though I cut up my boxes for gundam kits, since there's no point to keep them in box form

>> No.1359009

>from Black Cat

>> No.1359031
File: 22 KB, 600x600, bomerin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remembers me of my first fig, Bome's Rin. Overall the quality of the fig is pretty good, but her face is really weird, nothing like the Rin I love. And her legs are LOOOONG.

Sometimes I wonder why I bought her instead of her Revoltech version.

>> No.1359055

Ewww, why did you get the Taki Collaboration Holo? It's so fugly.

I'd say only go for figurines from Alter, Goodsmile Company, Max Factory, MegaHouse, and Kotobukiya. Be sure to look at product reviews and photos of the figurine from all angles before purchasing though, since quality fluctuates depending on the individual sculpter who worked on the figurines.

>> No.1359057

dude, that's my first fig that i have right in front of me right now. haha

>> No.1359061

I think you mean To Love Ru ;) I've had my eye on that figure for quite some time. I'm hoping to purchase Yami as well.

Thanks for the company ratings, I'll take that into account in the future.

I'll also try and remember to ask /jp/ before purchases.

Oh, and my top right Horo, that's made by Cospa isn't it? Or is it Resinya? or are they same company?

>> No.1359074

Resinya! is a company started and managed by Cospa. Some of its figurines are horrible while the rest are fine. The Holo one is unfortunately one of the worst ones from Resinya!.

>> No.1359089


Anyone knows if the plastic of this fig is completely skin colored? Or it's just a layer of paint?

It looks like colored plastic to me, but I don't want to take the risk: Siince her face looks quite weird, I have been thinking about sanding a bit her nose (Area between the eyes, actually) so the light won't create the weird shadow it does. Of course there's still the problem of the chin-to-ear area, but that cannot be fixed so easily.

>> No.1359107

I need more info on this. I'd even learn how to paint just for this.

>> No.1359123
File: 20 KB, 450x600, nono2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's usually something shitty about most of Bome's figs, except for Nono and Noriko luckily, which are cheap as hell and awesome.

>> No.1359132

Unless you're willing to pay >$100 for a legitimate one off Yahoo! Auction Japan, your best bet is to get a copy from e2046. It won't be available for a few more months, so go pick up primer, sandpaper, cement, and paint brushes and learn how to assemble a garage kit now.


>> No.1359145

Now I need to learn how to paint sand and do whatever one does!

>> No.1359152

But yami appeared in Black Cat as well =3=

and here's a good link to visit, before hitting that "buy" button on fig store websites:

They have a bunch of self-taken photos of all the product in all angles (for most of the time anyway), and the site itself is picture-heavy, so it's pretty easy to navigate around.

>> No.1359292
File: 38 KB, 360x420, d01baf75e638144e024e8a8328d7ec13_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck. Maybe this will do instead.

>> No.1359311

I can't paint worth crap.. I have no idea how I'd do any of this DIY kits justice... I'd need to buy a few of each just to practice... and how do I keep from getting like brush strokes on stuff?

I need to go to an art class...

>> No.1359362

Wasn't she Eve in Black Cat? Different character... but yet the same.

amiami, I think I've stumbled on that site a few times before. I'll bookmark it, thanks!

>> No.1359366

if it's anything like real painting, you paint heavy, sand, paint again, sand, paint again, sand... sand one last time and add the final gloss coat if needed.

>> No.1359422

How do they blend the colours like they do? Looking at the pictures, they've got multiple tones blended nicely together to create a more realistic look.

Mine would totally be flat coloured... don't even know how to go about doing the tail...

>> No.1359436

First of all, do you have an airbrush? It's almost required by default.

>> No.1359462


Back in the day I painted model cars, but they were always solid colours.. you'd just buy the colour you wanted with the finish you wanted and spray it on... I never knew about sanding anything...

Aside from that it's been ceilings, walls, garage doors...

>> No.1359468

Should probably clairify a bit on this. I mean buy a can of spray paint.. and by back in the day I mean like forever ago, when I was a child.

>> No.1359926

You've got to be really motherfucking skilled to paint those nips just right.

>> No.1360194

*massive facepalm*

You have no clue about the significance of AmiAmi? Wow. Go do more research on figurines before you start buying them next time.

>> No.1360229

That site and even gots ENGLISH!

>> No.1360235

At first I thought you bought a bunch of clear figs.

>> No.1360244

Just got a good look at the Mikuru fig I got last year. It was by Max Factory. Looked decent, and I was on a splurge. Interesting to know.

>> No.1360258

ROFL. You don't need that fucking website if u wanna buy figures, all you need is dannychoo.

>> No.1360307

Dannychoo's site causes seizures and instant ADD in 96% of people who have viewed it. It is a proven fact.

I believe that speaks volumes about the kind of man he is and I stay the heck away from his site.

>> No.1360308


I keep them in so that when I take them out, they'll always have the new plastic smell.

>> No.1360315

I feel similar about the companies but there are some differences.

Top: Alter, GSC, Max Factory
Mid: Kotobukiya, Megahouse
Low: Yamato
Shit: Yujin, Taki, Atelier Sai (sometimes)

There are quite a few others that range. Movic is one that is good most of the time. I also just got a Eye Up fig, which I think is awesome.

>> No.1360367
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>> No.1361404

I Knew about Dannychoo, as well as Heisei Democracy.. but what I did after buying the first was just search google for pictures of figures I wanted. CC, Eri, and Cospa Horo all looked fine too me based on the pictures I'd found. And they look fine to me still. Though as a site called Riuva stated, Eri is a bit too yellow.

So I don't necissarily know site addresses off the top of my head. But google generally finds me what I want. Recently I've started bookmarking sites though.

foo-bar-baz has lots of pictures, so I found it useful. http://www.foobarbaz.jp/

Heisei Democracy is useful from time to time. http://heiseidemocracy.com/

Dannychoo is useful. http://www.dannychoo.com/

Hobby Search is quite useful. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/

Added AmiAmi because of this thread. http://www.amiami.com/

I've only got Play-Asia and Toys Logic for sites to purchase from though.

>> No.1361422

Only about 600, but only because I have another 3500 images I haven't bothered to sort into folders yet.

>> No.1362748


>> No.1363114

I really love Dannychoo's website ^_^


>> No.1364026

Are there anymore pictures/angles of this figure?

>> No.1364616
File: 64 KB, 599x449, bome rin face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my first fig. The quality is quite nice, but sometimes I regret buying her instead of her Revoltech version. That's due to her weird looking face at some angles.

Since the skin color seems to be the plastic itself, I have been thinking about sanding her nose bridge (between the eyes) a bit. Is this a bad idea? Should I leave her alone? Or go with another approach? Do you guys ever mod your figs?

I'm a little scared of screwing up.

>> No.1364641


Oh shit is there more than one thread? haha woops i meant this one

but oh well

>> No.1364666


>> No.1364687


Anyway it does sound like a bad idea, yes.

>> No.1364710

The result MAY be nice in the end, but it's quite risky. I wouldn't risk my fig.

>> No.1364736
File: 114 KB, 480x640, 1222316485647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hay a fig thread.

What should I buy so I can give Saber a gun? I just really want to position her with some kind of ranged weapon in a sniper position on my shelf.

>> No.1365158
File: 306 KB, 1024x768, 1222322842408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do tell what kind of guns you're gonna buy and drop a link or two. It's really hard to find accessories in-scale with Figmas, since they're roughly 1/12 scaled, while most of the accessories out there are either 1/6 or 1/8

Also, the pew pew lazor guns in pic are from one of Dengeki Hobby Magazine's older issues, came free with one of them for each copy of the issue.

>> No.1365264

Anyone ever consider using those cheap plastic cases that you see GI Joes and Star Wars figures in, in hobby stores? I can't seem to find cheap ones in appropriate sizes for anime figs. I know it's not going to prevent any de-valueing but it'd still be nice for dust and stuff.

>> No.1365466
File: 235 KB, 1024x768, 1222327911103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find those... pointless. No amount of those silly cases will work once you inevitably (and you know you will) have a sizable collection.

>> No.1365511

I'd buy figs if there were figs of the characters I'd really like to have standing around. But I don't see too many of those. The whole fig thing seems like a money pit anyway, so maybe it's for the better.

>> No.1365774

I find most hobbies are money pits.

>> No.1365778


That Exia looks pretty nice from far away. It's an HG right? You didn't give it a matte coat or paintjob or anything?

>> No.1365828
File: 196 KB, 1024x768, 1222337685139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks nice up-close too. Bandai did an excellent job with its HG G00 line. So well, in fact, that I find their 1/100 series to be redundant and pointless.

And no, I just used the Gundam GM01 marker to give it some black panel lines. Nothing more.

>> No.1365831
File: 183 KB, 1024x768, 1222337727981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from another angle.
