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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1353570 No.1353570 [Reply] [Original]

So what are Ciel and Akiha's ambitions in life(except fucking shiki) and why are they studying so hard?

All i know is that Ciel wants to become a patisserie but that may not be true because Shiki only imagined it.

>> No.1353575

Ciel wants to become a world famous chef. Akiha wants to be a music teacher.

>> No.1353578

Ciel wants to die, and Akiha wants to have sex with her brother.

>> No.1353579

Ciel studies just because she's a meganekko. It's part of her disguise. Her ambition in life is pretty much to kill Roa.

Akiha is forced to study since she'll be taking over a huge enterprise later in life. She doesn't really have any ambitions as her future is forced upon her. Her only desire is to be together with Shiki.

>> No.1353580

That neck...

>> No.1353596

>Akiha's ambitions
1) Rape. Shiki.
2) Repeat.

>> No.1353597

The most delicious of necks.

What they said.

>> No.1353614

How about discussing about something new?

>> No.1353642

As soon as the Tsukihime remake is released.

>> No.1353647

Did that new one get released yet?
Girls Selection or something?

>> No.1353651

/jp/ has nothing to talk about ever. enjoy your same tsukihime and ever17 threads, forever

>> No.1353652

It'll be the same thing though.

I hope this remake flops and type-moon finally stop milking the franchise so goddamn much, but of course it won't happen.

>> No.1353662

>remake flops
Everyone in nipland will buy it for the SACCHAN route.

>> No.1353665


Type-Moon isn't TM without the constant rehashing and milking of old properties.

I still laugh at them making Kara no Kyokai movies. You're a bastard, Nasu.

>> No.1353666

But are Kohaku and Hisui being paid what they're worth? Sperm isn't an answer as it holds no currency value, unfortunately.

>> No.1353672

Hey, those movies are actually pretty good. Though I havn't read the books, so maybe I'm missing out on something truly awesome.

>> No.1353674

Kohaku = Rape Dollars
Hisui = Fingers to suck on

>> No.1353678

It's not like they ever have any time to spend their money.

>> No.1353684

Its an eyesore.

>> No.1353688

The only one with no ambitions in life is Shiki, because he knows he'll die in his early 20s.

Isn't it sad, Shiki?

>> No.1353690


>> No.1353685


Fuck you, the movies are fuckawesome.

>> No.1353704

Type-Moon will sell no matter what, even if the game is a piece of shit it will receive 10 on erogamescape one year before its release date. No surprise here.

There's nothing awesome and the writing is quite bad (when people say Nasu VASTLY improved after Tsukhime that's saying a lot), but Nasu will find a way to connect it with Tsukihime and everyone will read because they can't get enough of nasuverse bullshit.

>> No.1353709

Shiki: Nothing/Help Arcueid (and every female needing help for that matter)
Akiha: Be with Shiki and take over the Tohno household as the next family eldest
Hisui: Be with Shiki/serve the Tohno household
Kohaku: Be with Shiki/serve the Tohno household
Arcueid: Be with Shiki and destroy the Dead Apostles
Ciel: Die, maybe beat the shit out of Arcueid first
Sion (if applicable): Revenge on Katto
Ren (if applicable): Be Shiki's familiar among other things
Satsuki: Be with Shiki

>> No.1353755

I don't believe it applies for the maids, as it's unlikely that they'll breakdown or start depressing if he leaves.
Well, if we follow the Arcueid-like canon route anyway. Far side of the moon stories are something else.

>> No.1353753

Some of their ambitions change after Shiki works his magic on them.

>Kohaku: Be with Shiki/serve the Tohno household

>> No.1353756
File: 19 KB, 170x170, 1222139689208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Night of Walachia's goals: You didn't include them. You heartless fuck.

>> No.1353777
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Night of Wallachia's Goals: To discover and grasp the 6th true magic, which is why he made his pact to katto


>> No.1353778
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So, anyone have the test play?
I think Ciel says [spolier] gone [/spoiler]

>> No.1353785
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>Arcueid: Be with Shiki and destroy the Dead Apostles, cause RAGE on /o/

fixed that for you

>> No.1353789

Nice spolier, bro.

And there is probably only one copy or someshit like Witch on the Holy Night.

>> No.1353796

Does Kohaku canon keep her goal from her own route?
If so, Akiha will likely die very young.

>> No.1353803

Why isn't he trying to impregnate all the girls?

>> No.1353809

I think there was a story that said they would receive a large pension if they leave.

Was it in the Plus disk?

>> No.1353810

At least he's aware Tsukihime endings are horrible.

>> No.1353816
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Ciel wants to kill Roa because she can't die until Roa dies, and she wants to die because she's emo/was tortured continuously by the inquisition for 3 months. Every damn second of the full three months.

And even though Kohaku wants to kill Akiha in a misguided attempt to get back at old man Tohno, they still get along well with each other.

You see, at the heart of things, Akiha and Kohaku are just like each other; schemers trying to control their little worlds.

>> No.1353840

Actually, Ciel is emo because she ate her entire village and killed her parents because of Roa.

And she doesn't think she deserves to live, but can't die.

>> No.1353917

TM is releasing Witch on the Holy Night, which though he originally wrote back in his early college days, is going to be almost completely overhauled since the original was very amateur.

TM is also releasing a new VN NOT written by Nasu. And the remake will at least feature some new shit (like Sacchin's route).

So if anything they're only milking their name. It's not as if they're just taking old work and releasing it word for word.

>> No.1353944


>> No.1353985

It was in Kagetsu Tohya I think.
Something about if they ever left the household they would get enough money to live the rest of their life.

>> No.1354002


Durn tootin'.

>> No.1354013

there really aren't that many tsukihime or ever17 threads anymore actually. at least not from what i've seen

>> No.1354152

>wants to become a patisserie
It's a shop where you sells patisseries (sweets).
She wants to become a patissiere (maybe, I don't remember).
Yeah, I'm french (horror!).

>> No.1354161

Enough with Tsukhime, seriously. At least until the remake comes up.

We're talking about this game for two years straight, and what's even worse the OP talks like this is new and exciting. Go play something else for gods sake, Tsukihime isn't even the best game around.

>> No.1354170

You're not helping.

>> No.1354182

You've got to be kidding... or blind.

>> No.1354205

Yes it is.

>> No.1354766


>> No.1354773

Good joke.

>> No.1355041


Yea, since F/SN is even better than Tsukihime.
Some of us want something more than endless-porn-without-plot or slife-of-KEY-life.
Not that KEY VNs aren't nice to read while you're waiting for new TM releases.

As for the actual thread, Akiha needs to forget Shiki and start stealing girls to her own yuri harem, then merge with Rin's harem for something unbelievably winning.

>> No.1355049


>> No.1355070

Plus, Shirou is much better than Shiki. All Shiki can think of is raping his maids, while Shirou is a caring and sensitive man.

>> No.1355076
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Ha ha ha! Oh wow

>> No.1355084

>>while you're waiting for new TM releases.

PROTIP: TM and KEY aren't the only VNs companies.
How pathetic can you be? Seriously I'm starting to understand why you faggots are so trolled.

>> No.1355100


>> No.1355108

Because generic retarded loli romances are not as awesome as vampires and historical figures beating the shit out of each other.

>> No.1355116

>vampires and historical figures beating the shit out of each other.

Generic action crap?

>> No.1355118

Type-Moon aren't the only one to do action eroge, and they certainly aren't the best in that area.
Anyways stop being such a deluded faggot please, it's aggravating.
