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File: 405 KB, 992x851, 132280168470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13494688 No.13494688 [Reply] [Original]

She'll save us from the moon menace, right?

>> No.13494693

Eirin already does.




>> No.13494700

Shes too busy saving little boys from their virginity.

>> No.13494701

Yukari a shit


>> No.13494702 [DELETED] 

>save us

Ah reckon yer ain't no Twowho stranger
so shimmer down

>> No.13494721

Its winter. Yukari is hibernating. The lunarians planned this. STUPID BACKSTABBING ONI HERMIT BREAKS THE BORDER. Everything is fucked.

>> No.13494724

yukari can save my DICK

>> No.13494739

Unless you're posting from Gensokyo the only thing Yukari's likely to do to you is cook you

>> No.13494767
File: 15 KB, 284x206, 39d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukari only take humans who lose her way to live, she is better than you grimfags want to believe

>> No.13494820

I fucking hate this.

Eirin did a bunch of bad things on past and now suddenly she is acting like the good guy and everyone forget all shit about her.

>> No.13494833

What bad things in the past?

>> No.13494851

Hourai elixir
Killed the emissaries
The IN incident
Attempt to kill Patchouli

>> No.13494872

>Hourai Elixir
Moonfag and/or Mokou pls go

>> No.13494889


>> No.13494893

Uh only the attempt to kill Patchouli can be considered bad, but that's done of the protection for both the earthlings and lunarians since a moon invasion is potentially bad for both sides.

The IN incident is literally about protection from the moon, and without it, the moon can safely invade now.

>> No.13494897

you are the worst rabbit.

>> No.13494904

Rabbits will only shoot you.

>> No.13494910

H-how come I was never saved?

>> No.13494912
File: 77 KB, 1000x1000, 44093091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You a shit

>> No.13496627

nice moon propaganda

>> No.13496748


Is Yukari the #1 shota rapist in history?

>> No.13496766

Because you were never a cute shota?

>> No.13496795

Always bet on BBAs

The true heroes of Gensokyo.
Stage 5 characters just follow their command and wisdom

>> No.13496798

Eirin played the good doctor for years and it paid off anon.

What did Yukari do?

>> No.13496809
File: 935 KB, 900x1100, what can I ever do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they will save the day again

>> No.13496815

watched you so your autism and smell doesn't leak to Gensokyo

>> No.13496817


>> No.13496824

> Attempt to kill Patchouli

this never happened

>> No.13497222
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>> No.13497257

Yeah, because betraying the Moonies is totally such an evil thing. They're fucking nazi space elves.

Likewise with the Hourai elixir; the only people who see that as a crime are the Moonies and one angsty bamboo chick.

Eirin had a plan in SSiB, which involved Remi going to the moon. Everything everyone does in SSiB is ruse.

Stage placement has fuckall to do with decisions she's made.

>> No.13497383
File: 26 KB, 170x170, 6071730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is always keeping a place for most of your favorite 2hus

She slaps on the face at those smug cunts who think they're too good for gensokyo (celestials, vampires, mooncunts)

and she kidnap bad guys to feed cute girls.

>> No.13497432

Why are you taking a drunk rabbit's word on how much better she is than Eirin?

>> No.13497441
File: 9 KB, 126x126, 1302125868308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, because put a poisonous arrow directly on someone's back is a kind of game in the moon

>> No.13497447
File: 889 KB, 1200x1200, 33234953_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How else are you going to scare Patchouli into a diet?

>> No.13497469
File: 143 KB, 400x600, 4143bc5b80f21cc698721de8da613b89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patchouli is not fat.
And we're talking about moonies and Yukari here so pls go away...

>> No.13497472
File: 195 KB, 1200x1700, 3bc81b4a148c2827b7217b96eadb4b6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moonies a best.

>> No.13497511

It's a luanrian greeting you know. Eirin did nothing harmful.

>> No.13497530
File: 132 KB, 488x569, 1384956708675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's fucking sleeping through all of this

>> No.13497558

Yukari a bitch

>> No.13497850
File: 783 KB, 838x1000, 1378407904533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't bully

>> No.13498277
File: 313 KB, 1080x1920, yukari-yakumo-touhou-project-anime-mobile-wallpaper-1080x1920-5347-2225700590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukari a best

>> No.13498512
File: 1.98 MB, 2000x1211, Rabbits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukari is sleeping. Eirin is working on fixing all the shit that,s happening.

>> No.13498525





Gaphag go die!

>> No.13498539
File: 892 KB, 973x1280, 1430632304628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ran is one of the person that's working on maintaining the Hakurei Barrier. I wonder how she's feeling about the huge hole into it.

>> No.13498543
File: 209 KB, 600x780, 1353966481178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest she seems like the best candidate for a theoretical head of state. The others either have ambitions of political power, have favorite racial groups or are too busy/ lack experience.

Gensokyo's only been around in its current form for 300ish years anyway, that's nothing to her.

>> No.13498545

Ran is just a computer, a computer is nothing without people putting input.

>> No.13498551

She also has the best soldier, Reisen, and best political leverage, Kaguya, being a princess of the moon and wife to the Japanese Emperor!

>> No.13498558
File: 115 KB, 528x422, Yukari Idea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukari surely have a command for Ran in case that if the Barrier is broken and that mechanical spiders from the moon is destroying all life to turn Gensokyo pure again.

>> No.13498562

If no one puts Ran's button, she wouldn't do anything.

>> No.13498568


>> No.13498573

Actually, no. Ran goes shopping in the human village and one of her main job is to check the barrier when Yukari is sleeping,.

>> No.13498588

I am not sure how I would take a "Ran and Yukari are repairing the barrier and take it out on you" phantasm stage in TH15

>> No.13498593

She can do regular maintenance sure, but freaking moon rabbit invasion doesn't seem regular to me.

>> No.13498595
File: 68 KB, 480x640, LAN_RAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's kind of wrong. What >>13498558 is suggesting is that she has been instructed on how to react if/when the Barrier breaks, like an alarm clock is instructed to take a certain action when a certain environmental condition arises. Ran is surely as capable as an alarm clock.

>> No.13498614

That's dumb. Ran is clearly capable of acting on her own (Hence the abuse from Yukari.)

>> No.13498620
File: 150 KB, 1000x1000, Computer Parts Shipment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13498632

gas the 2hus

>> No.13498649

I thought Yukari abuse was supposed to be working out the kinks, and it has worked out.

>> No.13498684

The fact that Yukari is just sleeping through all this makes her all the better
truNEET youkai right here
Why do anything of effort if someone else will do it for you?

>> No.13498703

I love the amazon logo.
It's so smug.

>> No.13498761

What if the game is the last and ends with Reimu and Yukari getting killed thus fucking up everything?

>> No.13498770

I'm pretty sure ZUN forgot Yukari and Sakuya as moon related

>> No.13498773

Eientei faction take over and build a true paradise where bad youkai are ethnic cleanse, the air is pure and lunarians are invited to come over.


>> No.13498831

>the air is pure

I'm not sure in you got the message, but these fuckers want to TOTALLY ANNILATE Gensokyo. Ground fucking zero, there won't be air either. They're fucking crazy. CRAZY.

Remove the lunarian scum.

>> No.13499662

It's Eientei, they got Kaguya.

Kaguya can make the whole Gensokyo into an eternity, never changing still picture.

>> No.13503294
File: 878 KB, 909x1199, aa60911737435f4a078dfc2734018a7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Reimu, Yukari is pretty hard to kill

>> No.13503523

If it was that easy they could've just ask Remilia to change Gensokyos fate.

>> No.13503548

We've been over, Remilia has no fate powers. She's just chuuni as fuck.

>> No.13503551

Or asked Yuugi to solve it offscreen, and never talk about it again.

>> No.13503574

Wriggle Nightbug can control insects. Depending on how strict the classification is, she might be able to take care of everything.

>> No.13505822

Too bad Remilia's fate shit is so useless as Sanae's miracle power

>> No.13505849

Yuugi got beaten by humans in the past.
Well, the metal spider is a tank, Wriggle can only control real bugs.

Really, only the moon power and technology can be countered by the moon, hence Eientei.

>> No.13505856

Sakuya yeah but Yukari is not related to the moon.

>> No.13505894

Yukari was an important opponent of the moon

>> No.13505917

Do you really trust a lazy hag who has had her entire forces routed?

>> No.13505923

Maybe they assassinated her beforehands? One can only hope.

>> No.13506167
File: 125 KB, 755x488, 1327061135863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naa if yukari were dead the barrier would disappear, oh wait

>> No.13506173

That's not true anyway, the barrier is tied with Reimu, not the hag.

>> No.13506280

Reimu is able to manipulate the barrier, but Yukari can "feel" when someone try to destroy it even if she is hibernating

and please stop calling Yakumo-sama, hag.

>> No.13506305

Yeah, just like my dick in her ass.

That hag is so old, she can't feel shit anymore.

Go die gaphag!

>> No.13506370
File: 2.60 MB, 1400x2171, 1399841535707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't bully

>> No.13507130

Yukari will probably make an appearance during LoLK. Or at least will be mentioned in an ending.
Her relation with moonfags is important enough for ZUN to not mention it.

And I was disappointed when the stage 1 boss wasn't a returning character, it seems that "tradition" only lasted 2 games. It could have been Ran...

Don't disrespect the Mistress.
What if she controlled fate so you would end questioning her power to control fate? :^)

>> No.13508858
File: 28 KB, 275x258, 1402348633822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even her sister said Remilia has not true control over fate.

>> No.13508883
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>> No.13508949
File: 225 KB, 312x443, 1431534641047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solution to the Lunar Invasion:

1. Reimu travels to Yomi, where Izanami, Goddess of Death resides.

2. Reimu hammers out the details of a summoning contract with Izanami so that she won't die when she summons her.

3. After obtaining the contract, Reimu goes to the Lunar Capital.

4. Reimu threatens to literally bring Death to the Moon.

From here, it can go one of two ways;

5a. The Lunarians, terrified by the threat of the impurity of Death coming to the Moon, surrender. Negotiations are eventually reached, and everyone goes home satisfied and alive.

5b. The Lunarians think Reimu is bluffing and don't surrender. Reimu summons Izanami. Lunarians begin to drop dead like flies from things like old age and disease. Soon they are almost all dead. There are no longer enough Lunarians to fight a war, let alone a battle. Reimu goes home, and the Moon returns to being a lifeless rock in space.

However, since Reimu never trains, neither of these endings will happen. Goddammit, Reimu.

>> No.13508984

So they just go to the moon and solve the problem there, Jesus Christ.

>> No.13509002

>Or they just*

>> No.13509004

BBA doesn't do her job, news at 11

>> No.13509406

Yes, but this would be a more permanent solution.
except Eirin, Kaguya, and Reisen, they're okay

>> No.13509410

BBA is maybe dead

>> No.13509416

Yeah, you realize the two moonbitches leave you alone right?

It's only this new lunatic starting shit.

>> No.13509460

ERASE ALL or none, faggot

>> No.13509503

Well, okay, Yorihime can stay. Her sister needs to stop being a bitch though.
Reisen, Kaguya, and Eirin are practically Earthlings by now.

>> No.13509525

None of them are bitches though.

Gensokyian attacked their home, and they fight danmaku with them in friendly bout and treated Reimu nicely.

>> No.13509545

That is true, for Yorihime at least. Toyohime was a bitch, though.

>> No.13509557

The world of Touhou everyone.
Where they couldn't care less about you if they tried at best and actively acting against you otherwise

>> No.13509575

Why, because she threatened genocide? That she never does it for real?
As said, it's unlikely the two princesses are behind this invasion.

>> No.13509629
File: 100 KB, 374x400, baka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yakumo's ever doing anything useful

>> No.13509683
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>> No.13509697
File: 279 KB, 826x1200, b27076572a5eca79c54fbdb2dd2cb872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur quoting baka baka?

>> No.13509711

>As said, it's unlikely the two princesses are behind this invasion.
Did you miss the first part?
And wasn't talking exclusively about the moon either.

>> No.13509831

Calling it now, it will turn out the moonbitches were trying to do something that is seen as treason again (like make their own elixir or pardon Eirin) and got cast out of the Defense Force because of it. They will be in the extra stage and begrudgingly live in Gensokyo afterwards.

>> No.13510017
File: 17 KB, 500x400, Accurate_depiction_of_the_First_Lunar_War.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13510026

The entire moon is already dead you fegit.
You'd have to threaten them with terraforming. They hate life. They think life is impure.

>> No.13510039

There was once a story of man who fell asleep underneath a tree on top of a hill, and dreamed that he went to the moon and ruled a kingdom there. When he woke however his kingdom he ruled was simply an ant hill at the bottom of the hill he slept under.

What a lunatic.

>> No.13510048
File: 485 KB, 711x391, jealousy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quoting the strongest, something the Yakumo's wouldn't know much about.

>> No.13511423

chaika pls

>> No.13511460
File: 721 KB, 714x1000, dcd8f4b3cb0a8bc7ca072f2e34c66133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but Chen is already the strongest loli
Ran is the strongest beast youkai
and Yukari is the strongest troll

>> No.13512668

>already dead
the point is that there isn't anything dead there, not that there isn't life

their ideal is to live without impurity, of which death is a part

>> No.13515621
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>> No.13516056


>> No.13516454
File: 51 KB, 721x544, 1372375753614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fucking best dude!

>> No.13516503
File: 585 KB, 2031x1849, 1431249591244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good evening

>> No.13519112
File: 9 KB, 250x238, vPAvtn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Lunarians don't die because the Moon is pure, not the other way around. And why would they try and execute Kaguya if her death would cause impurity on the Moon?

Also, I'm sure I read somewhere that Hourai Immortals are considered impure despite being 200% deathless.

>> No.13519116

Well, let's get it right.

Lunarians live incredibly long life but they can still die in battle.

Hourai are basically invincible, they die and come back, so basically they are not stable like ghosts or lunarians.

>> No.13522252

>Hourai Immortals are considered impure despite being 200% deathless.
fucking moon shits, even her purity is impure

>> No.13531228

If Yukari were to appear in LoLK, I'd like at least one of two things to happen:

1. Eirin gets back at Yukari, probably by outwitting her or something

2. Eirin and Yukari work together to solve the incident

Eirin and Yukari are practically archenemies. I want their archenemy relationship to be reignited by the flames of war...or to blossom into something more beautiful.

>> No.13531275

The reason it's considered impure is that when you drink the Hourai Elixir, you recognize death, which is considered impure.
>...or to blossom into something more beautiful.
where the fanart at

>> No.13531299

>Eirin and Yukari are practically archenemies.

Why? Eirin wasn't the main target of the Moon invasion, Yukari just wanted to dick with the Moon people in general and Eirin as an ex teacher just wanted to make sure her descendants will eventually learn to defend themselves.
Other than that these days Eirin and Kaguya are Earthlings.

>> No.13531747

Lunarians don't live or die. They're in a state of existence where they're pure from such concepts.

>> No.13531763
File: 600 KB, 1280x960, obviouslyatrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so hyped for the full version. So many questions unanswered.

>> No.13533284

>or to blossom into something more beautiful.
Those lewd doujins would be good

>> No.13533631

Aren't they close to ghosts? Yuyuko had no problem in moon, they didn't detct her...

>> No.13533976

Ghost is already dead man, so they are pure.

Still they can be erased from existence.

>> No.13542264

How you can kill a ghost?

>> No.13542446

checking that 9

>> No.13543659

At the end of CiLR it's suggested that the whole reason for the second moon war was to freak Eirin out with the bottle of sake. I think. Also wasn't it Eirin who formulated the plan for the Watatsuki sisters to drive out Yukari in the first place?

It is true that Eirin considers herself as a part of Gensokyo now, she is working to protect it in LoLK after all. Which is why I'm hoping for the latter to happen. I'd kill for an ending scene where Yukari asks Eirin, "Why did you protect us" and Eirin says "Because I love this place...that you made" and Yukari would be like "Oh/////" and they look into each other's eyes and see something they had never seen before...

>> No.13543761

that's really gay dude

>> No.13543764
File: 97 KB, 558x800, 02-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure yuri love with

>> No.13544128
File: 35 KB, 245x274, 1430327787221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I Never noticed Parsee before

>> No.13544838

Cold War between Mayohiga and Eientei is one interesting part of Gensokyo politics.

Please don't extinguish it, "kudasai".

Though doujin where Eirin mindrapes Yukari would be naice.

>> No.13544842

These are not reaction images, new friend.

>> No.13544845

Who ye quoting?

>> No.13547741
File: 60 KB, 580x346, car dudes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice hat...

>> No.13547929

It's shows an expression so yes. It is.
Why doth ye act as a newfag?

>> No.13548410
File: 136 KB, 600x564, carface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice hoodie, DORK!
