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13487592 No.13487592 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>13473166

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Recent Updates:

KanColle STAFF Twitter:

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/4Wk2hy0B

Air Superiority Calculator: http://aircalc.net

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
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KanColle Viewer (EN): https://github.com/Yuubari/KanColleViewer
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Sanaechan Logbook: https://github.com/silfumus/logbook-EN/releases

PS Vita Game (27 August 2015): http://kancolle-vita.com
Dengeki Online article about the KanColle Kai trailer: http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/000/964/964096

-Spring 2015 Event:
+Duration: 20 days; Ends on May 18.
+Indian Ocean raid.
+2 New Italian BBs (Littorio & Roma), Akitsushima (AV), Katsuragi (CV), Takanami (DD).
+Certain routes can be chosen by player.
+Certain ships get easier branching.
+4 maps for the main strategy and 2 EO maps.
+E-2, E-4 and E-6 are combined fleet maps.
+E-3, E-4 and E-5 are ships locked from each other.
+Easy mode doesn't have ship locking.
+No ship locking for E6.

-Shoukaku and Zuikaku might be getting second remodels in the future.
-Hinted possibility of Samidare/Satsuki to receive new lines.

>> No.13487612

First for cute>stats.

>> No.13487620
File: 89 KB, 952x675, E5 fleet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and I'm experimenting back and forth with seaplanes and radars
That's why you're losing.

Pic related is my fleet. Quite often Mikuma kills the boss at the start of yasen so support probably isn't necessary but I like to be sure of S rank. Retreat rate at first node isn't that high (~15%).

>> No.13487657

Finally a proper thread.

>> No.13487688

Unfortunately it will be deleted in a near future since Janny does not care about our well being.

>> No.13487728

Condense your shit, boatfags.

>> No.13487746


>> No.13487777

Man, I dont want the event to end, because it gets really boring with nothing to do, but I already did everything I could do in the event itself, true suffering.

>> No.13487790

You already forgot the mochi hunt last time?

>> No.13487799

Personally, I wouldn't really mind a week or two of down time.

>> No.13487802

Yeah, I'm already worried about what I'm gonna do after the event. Sure, 5-5 will keep my hyped for few days but after that? I'll miss this tension. Even if maps were a joke difficulty-wise, they were fun to sortie and drops were nice.

>> No.13487811

Every event end leaves a void in both my heart and my time. Grinding 3-2A just isn't the same as grinding event nodes.

>> No.13487816

Perhaps they'll do a mini-event like the mochi hunt thing, then you'll truly have something to complain about

>> No.13487826

Oh lord, my resources would be in shambles again.

>> No.13487832

Just stockpiling is boring, at least it will be something to do.

>> No.13487838

Back after the Winter it was horrible because I was completely drained but now I would welcome item hunt with open arms. My fleet is in much better condition, I don't really have to prepare anyone this time, be it Kai Ni or insufficient level. Just send me a note about next event and I'll start stockpiling.

>> No.13487845

I suppose. While i started 2 weeks before Winter and finished it on Easy with minor problems, mochi sucked me dry.

>> No.13487846

Repeatedly throwing your fleet at a particular node and hoping that you get on the RNG's good side isn't much better, honestly

>> No.13487854

>Repeatedly throwing your fleet at a particular node and hoping that you get on the RNG's good side

But that's everything you will ever do in this game.

>> No.13487874

Do you have every girl? Are they all kai? Are they all ready for kai ni?

>> No.13487894

Mochi's drop rate was pretty low in 1-4 which was the cheapest map to run, it gets tiring when you need the mochi drop to happen 10 times instead of just 1 or 2 for new drops in events.

>> No.13487916

Im only missing Taihou, Mikuma, chocoiona and Hatsukaze. The one I really one is Taihou, I played with a friend's Hatsukaze and she looks and sounds really boring, another CAV is always good, and I kind of want Seirans, but no way in hell Im doing LSC for a shibafu sub, maybe after I unlock world 6.
Takanami is the only non-kai ship I have atm. Right now Im leveling new kanmusus and stuff and trying to marry my future wife, not much to do.
3-3 all day every day, that map was a paradise.

>> No.13487935

I had even worse luck at 3-3, got one mochi after 27 runs and decided to go back to 1-4.

>> No.13487969

Roma is a lie. If I see another Yura from node K I'm going insane.

>> No.13487983




>> No.13487988

What if you get Yura from H as well?

>> No.13487997

At least you get drops.

>> No.13488003

The difference between getting Yura and getting nothing is negligible.

>> No.13488018

Endless E3, please bless me with Agano and Takanami.

_(:з 」∠)_

>> No.13488056
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First event as new TTK, new girls everywhere for me.

How did you all fare?

>> No.13488087
File: 2.10 MB, 2400x1920, Spring Event Drops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also got Yamagumo and 6 Maruyu.

>> No.13488166
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All I'm missing is a 2nd Yuu and then I can finally rest.

>> No.13488181
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Melon Kai 2 when?

>> No.13488213
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I want to eat her tamagoyaki.

>> No.13488282

How many are planning one last Yuu attack in the weekend? I'm saving up some resources again to try more. But already sinking 140k fuel into farming has been really annoying.

>> No.13488288

I want to lick her nipples.

>> No.13488311

After I get Asagumo, definitely.

>> No.13488313

Has API format changed for KCV.exe? I tried putting &api in my link as usual but now it wont start.

>> No.13488314

Why would you use API with KCV?

>> No.13488315

What do you use? I haven't really played since last summer.

>> No.13488319

Actually seems like this latest KCV wont run no matter what I do, but older ones do.

>> No.13488329

What the fuck, can't even get past easy H without a taiha.

>> No.13488373

How? You are using a sub, right?

>> No.13488377
File: 223 KB, 502x750, ecd300020a6d5f784aec94906b987527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a cute girl.

>> No.13488389

I wasn't because there's no mention of that in the wiki.

>> No.13488396

Wait, are you farming Roma or trying to beat the map?

>> No.13488399

The latter.

>> No.13488401

E-6 Boss is the slayer of Carriers. That piece of shit has it out for Akagi and Kaga.

I've also gotten three Mutsus fuck that, Roma is a lie.

>> No.13488403

Fuck, you can't farm Roma on easy outside of boss node, I'm retarded. In that case - just don't go through K. Suijou should go north and Kidou should go south.

>> No.13488428
File: 383 KB, 835x599, ooyodoget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, after beating my head against the wall trying to conquer E-6, I decided to take it easy and try to farm E-1 for some rarer shipgirls.

Best decision I ever made. Even if I get nothing else, I still consider my first event a success now.

>> No.13488442
File: 128 KB, 800x478, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? Why is this happening?

4 Mutsus. Why has /jp/ magic forsaken me?

>> No.13488445

KCV has cookie option built in, you just click the set cookie button.

Also, with the new update you'll have to clean install it because some modules are broken.

>> No.13488454

It's like LSC!
Now imagine Roma being added there.

>> No.13488455

What do I do with this second Nagato?

Somehow I can't even get her sister no matter how many min LSCs I do.

>> No.13488457

I'm burnt bad from trying to farm Uzuki on E-3 boss node. I wonder if I should shift gears and farm Shoukaku on E-2 boss node or go full tilt on Roma.

>> No.13488459

Congratulations, you are now the founder of the No-Mutsu club.

>> No.13488465

I picked up 4 Nagatos and 6 Mutsus while going for Yuu and still didn't get her.

>> No.13488466

You can feed the first one. Also this >>13488459

Mutsu tends to drop from big LSC recipe when you're going for Hotels. She also drops from 3-3 quite often.

>> No.13488482

He's not the founder, I'm in it too. Got Yamato and Nagato before her.

>> No.13488491

I can't believe this. Thank you, janny.

Wow. I wonder how it feels like, having a Hotel and Nagamon without hearing slugs ara ara~.

>> No.13488500

At 22k fuel and 17k ammo/steel right now.

>> No.13488501

What's a good map to powergrind Maruyus? 3-2A flag levelling?

>> No.13488502
File: 689 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150514-20080492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, under 40 sorties. This gives me good hopes for the other maps.

>> No.13488506

To be fair, I didn't have Nagato until a few days ago, thanks to E-4. I got Yamato a week or so before the event started.

>> No.13488507


>> No.13488511

Waste of exp. Just use them as tanks.

Oh, I also got Nagato from E4. Really nice map. I wish I had more luck with LSC. Even Mutsu are ray of hope for me, in the sea of BBVs and Kongous.

>> No.13488519
File: 371 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150515-08142348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like hell I will believe that. BRB, packing my six carriers full of bombers.

>> No.13488526

Why would you farm something you can (easily) craft?

>> No.13488527

Passive level Maruyu on 3-2A

>> No.13488532

Congrats, what's next on your agenda?

>> No.13488549

Actually, he was right, there weren't any planes.

>> No.13488554

Probably try farming E-3. There are a few ships there I still don't have. I'm hoping for I-19 or I-58, or maybe Takanami.

>> No.13488558


>> No.13488559

If you're lacking subs, E3 is definitely the place to go. Keep the eventual spares, they will be useful.

>> No.13488578

I picked up 2. I guess I should be expecting another one before Yuu then.

>> No.13488580

So, Isokaze will eventually drop for me at node L? Right guys?

>> No.13488585

Leveling CL and DD after HQ 80 is borderline impossible unless you have infinite resources. Fucking Node J.

>> No.13488588

She only drops from L after you tried farming her on boss node 50 times.

>> No.13488589
File: 152 KB, 792x475, balding pasta acquired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


YES! I don't know if it was fast enough to count as /jp/ magic, but I'm going to give this one to /jp/ magic anyway!

My first event and I managed to get everything I want, I'm content.

>> No.13488593

/jp/ magic give me Isokaze

>> No.13488603
File: 2.27 MB, 1419x2028, 50336926_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to use line ahead against the sub to increase your chances.

>> No.13488605

I got her last Friday after about 10 runs. Then I turned to E-6 K for Roma, who I finally got ...today.
Good luck TTK.

>> No.13488607
File: 220 KB, 773x773, 1425351438565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Yuu,

>> No.13488612

Slow down anon, it's too soon for such things.

>> No.13488617
File: 88 KB, 800x480, U-511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck. Took 7 tries.

>> No.13488619

>spend a whole day preparing for last dance
>only FS gets hit on first node
Kill me

>> No.13488626

That pesky CV hime keeps cockblocking me.

At least I'm farming Roma in the way.

>> No.13488631
File: 475 KB, 648x906, 48824494_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need Yuu.

>> No.13488638
File: 1.48 MB, 1024x1516, 2ffd925905bc4f1edf827d8e5a440009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to kai Ro for her FaT.

>> No.13488645

Me too.
But how do I reliably S-rank the boss on hard without K2 nopan CAV, K2 T-rex sisters, Hotels or Nagato?

>> No.13488650
File: 43 KB, 139x153, fuck LSC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my choice, but RNG has decreed I'll never get any LSC ships in a couple dozen attempts, so I had to make do with what was given to me.

Just remember to have faith in your shipgirls and you'll be fine!

Also sparkle. A lot. Even though it's placebo.

>> No.13488654
File: 3.56 MB, 512x288, 1425510782675.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heavy Rotation!

>> No.13488658

Does that extend to Shoukaku?

>> No.13488665
File: 60 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150515-08044570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boat-chan a best.
Launching her plane even at taiha.

>> No.13488671

What formation are you supposed to use for the night battle nodes?

>> No.13488672

All BBV, CAV and AV do that.

>> No.13488676
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>> No.13488677
File: 66 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150501-11003198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always trust Isokaze

>> No.13488680

Wow, it worked!

>> No.13488684
File: 569 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150429-22045031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same formation you're supposed to use on every node.

>> No.13488690

How many torpedo bulges should I be keeping?

Been getting the medium ones from 10/11/251/250 but I already have Amatsukaze's and some big ones.

>> No.13488697

What's a good comp to allow Taitei-chan to level up while farming for Roma?

>> No.13488698

>Amatsukaze's torpedo bulge

Your boner does not count as a torpedo bulge.

>> No.13488706 [SPOILER] 
File: 951 KB, 1250x1378, 1431649099895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lewd, not cute

>> No.13488707

Put her in a flagship slot because she's almost never going to get MVP.

>> No.13488715

I think it's recommended to bring 4 big ones if you do a certain 5-5 comp, don't know of anywhere else you would bring them.

>> No.13488731
File: 596 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150514-20165123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How in the hell am I supposed to beat E-5? I can't even scratch the anchorage, and every time I even make it there my entire team gets taiha'd (and this is on easy). I'm running out of resources just ramming my head into this map over and over.

>> No.13488734
File: 572 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150514-17185309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tried it twice but I kept getting blown up before the pre-boss node, even.

With my sparse equipment I didn't really know what to do to fill out the escort fleet. Hiei literally did nothing but soak up damage, and KTKM and Beaver did all the work before Ooichi had to lift a finger.

>> No.13488737

your comp is retarded where's your sub with damecon

>> No.13488745

Looking at her health bar, I'll go ahead and assume you don't have 4xSanshiki in your fleet and belittle you for making such a terrible decision.

>> No.13488750

>Hiei in support fleet

>> No.13488756

Do you have any stronger ships than those? Since you're not limited on that map on Easy, you should bring any CVs or BBs that you have to replace those CAs and DD. Also, it helps if you have at least a couple of Type 3 shells and bring boss support.

>> No.13488757
File: 601 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150502-06252220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Type 3 shell and sub, preferably at kai 2 for more firepower at yasen.

>> No.13488759
File: 218 KB, 1066x637, universalchokingsign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fug you KTKM

>> No.13488761

Yeah I know, but I guess I was lucky enough that it didn't matter in the end

>> No.13488766

Okay several problems here.
1. You need a sub to tank her shots in the day and the night node, give it a damecon or two as well.
2. I don't know if your girls have Sanshikis, but if they don't, get them.
3. Probably best to replace Hyuuga with another CA
4. If you're not fully modernized, do so

Do that and you shouldn't have too much of a problem.

>> No.13488786
File: 10 KB, 157x45, Kuso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My subs are all in the dock after getting one-shotted in the night battle. I don't have enough damage controls to use them every time.

I've been trying to craft Type 3s for two weeks now. I'm rolling in AP shells, but I've only got two type 3s (one from the quest) and I can't spare the resources to do more than the daily crafting.

I could do better than Choukai and Ryuujou, but I'm trying to skip node f to save resources.

>> No.13488789

Anyone know the easiest way to farm E-4?

>> No.13488793

The easiest way to farm E-4 is to take your girls and go to the boss node and S-rank it over and over again.

>> No.13488818
File: 276 KB, 1356x333, e6 fleet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E6 is about to drive me nuts. I've been stuck on the final boss kill for a couple days now. Currently using using a surface fleet for the north route, and I'm wondering if it'd be better to switch to a carrier fleet. Pic is current fleet.

>> No.13488819

The damecon are just for insurance, until you reach the final kill there's hardly any chance of a taiha sub actually getting sunk at boss node.

Only time I even used any was going for final kill; I had just been taiha'd twice in a row by Ru at first node and decided to advance with Shioi at red next time; ended up burning both damecon and failed to kill boss (then beat it next try without using any).

>> No.13488823


>> No.13488824

Yes, it's better to switch to Kidou Butai.

>> No.13488827

>no Kidou
>FBB in escort fleet
>terrible escort fleet choices
No wonder.

>> No.13488836

Don't listen to them, I beat it with suijou just fine >>13488734

>> No.13488843

Sparkle your girls. The thing about placebo, they're called that because they actually work like the real thing.

>> No.13488847

That's some horrendous positioning on your escort fleet. Also post your equips and upgrades on them.

>> No.13488849
File: 31 KB, 909x132, Subs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never got past the night battle without my sub getting taiha'd. Not once.

>> No.13488854


>> No.13488855

They need some levels.

>> No.13488862


>> No.13488868

The question isn't whether or not you can make it to the boss node with a non-taiha sub. The boss will target the sub during the day battle, and her accuracy is complete shit at it. The odds of actually *using* the damecon are slim to none. It's there for insurance, so you can advance *when* your sub gets taiha. Because she will.

>> No.13488869

>415 HP

>> No.13488873
File: 728 KB, 801x476, dancewind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3-3A, what a surprise.

>> No.13488877

The point is, even if your sub gets taiha'd at yasen node it shouldn't get sunk at at boss node unless her armor isn't even maxed. The damecon are for peace of mind, not because you'll burn one every time.

>> No.13488883
File: 86 KB, 490x490, 1430096589980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13488885

I did the whole map with a level 60 Imuya and she never even had to use the damecon, and she got taiha'd about half the time.

>> No.13488886
File: 41 KB, 223x186, 1427964853003.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a crit magnet.

>> No.13488892
File: 183 KB, 800x480, E-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beat her on Hard several days ago in the minimum number or runs with surface fleet and no sparkles except what came from MVPs.

Main fleet was Yamashiro, Yamato, Musashi, Mutsu, Chiyoda, Junyou.

>> No.13488912

>he beat E-6 last dance with KTKM escorted out

This lucky son of a bitch

>> No.13488923


>implying KTKM isn't the biggest choke artist of all time

>> No.13488930
File: 509 KB, 1004x1130, e6 fleet equips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They were full sparkled on the first run I did today, pic is after the second attempt. I came close, but Ooi got taiha'd before the night battle and KTKM refused to cut in.

I'm aware KTKM or Ooi should be first, but I had Kirishima there for the extra chance at night scout activation. No upgrades on any equips except for KTKM's quad launchers, which are maxed. Ooi has the quints. Everyone else is double attack setup, with night battle equipment on the DDs and Sendai.

>> No.13488931

And Maya who was probably on AACI duty and a not so good looking beaver.

>> No.13488945

Beaver is never good looking.

>> No.13488947

I married KTKM and she chokes on my weiner.

>> No.13488950

>all of your max level torpedoes on KTKM
>torpedo cut-in on Ooi
>Kirishima in escort fleet
>Haruna in main fleet
>2 search lights (literally why)
>no 20.3(2) or (3)
>leveling the torpedoes instead of your guns
>not even kai 2 Hatsushimo
Terrible, use 2 star shells.

>> No.13488953

In all my runs, Ooi and KTKM never even attacked the boss once anyway. The only run I failed to S-rank was with Poi, Beaver, and KTKM all taiha and Ooi targeted the surviving Ne after Maya and Jintsuu did scratch damage to boss. Final kill, Ooi was the one who left Yorktown at 10 HP, boss was already dead. Beaver's cut-in was all I ever needed, assuming Maya or Jintsuu didn't just finish her with DA.

The big thing was, my BBs could reliably sink the Ru-Kai in day battle and then it was just everyone beating up the boss.

>> No.13488959
File: 26 KB, 265x308, 1412047472269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>one dazzle and one 41cm on Haruna

>> No.13488960

Your equipment, positioning, and overall composition piss me off. I hope you will never clear the event, retard.

>> No.13488961
File: 370 KB, 455x601, 450_x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And again, she'll be useful for routing or something, right?

>> No.13488966
File: 639 KB, 1200x1679, 1431019988284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's useful for masturbating.

>> No.13488968

I had worst ships and equips than you and cleared hard with based Kidou butai, switch to it.

>> No.13488971

Protip: Due to damage formula for combined fleet, you don't need to use hotels. Their HP and armor isn't really much against the superbosses either.

I cleared E-6 hard without using hotels. Nagato and the FBBs hit as hard as Yamato in Combined fleet, but they're cheaper to repair.

Do you have night battle gear?

>> No.13488973

She'll be useful because boss nodes will have stupid high LoS checks and scrubs will have a really hard time getting the checks.

>> No.13488975

She won't. I got level 87 Katori in preparation for this event. What did I get? Fucking nothing, what a waste of 3 month-PVP. FUCK DEVS.

>> No.13488976

Woah, those equips look terrible.

Drop FCF for final kill
Drop Kirishima, or at least give her something other than 46cms. And kick her off flag.
Ooi better be luck boosted
Two searchlights is stupid, compounded by putting them on bottom.
Pick better DDs
Switch to Kidou

>> No.13488981



>> No.13488985

You were suppose to use Katori in the same event. I think she gave better routing somewhere.

>> No.13488988

>Farming E-6 in easy for Yuu
>Barely reach boss node and when I get there, I either don't finish her or get shit drops
Please RNG, I just have 2 subs, I can't even Orel. ;_;

>> No.13489003

Woah, that plane is awesome!

>> No.13489005

No, we're not supposed to use Katori last event when she just debuted at that time, and should you level and max her would take a lot of time, and using Akashi would be the ideal alternative for the same routing method.

>> No.13489007

About to try it.

Only what's equipped, along with 1 more searchlight.

>> No.13489079

You sound new. I know you probably really want Yuu, but your resources are being misplaced. Just farm E-3 and get subs there easy. The odds of Yuu are less than 1%, and even lower probably since you're on easy.

>> No.13489085

Actually you can. My first 2 subs were Goya and Hachi and I used them in Orel for a few weeks before Imuya finally showed up. If you're really desperate you can min LSC for Maruyu and kai her using 3-2A just so you get better damage calculations for B rank.

>> No.13489091

anon please

>> No.13489096

E-3 is probably the single cheapest map you can farm, I don't see the problem. Two of the nodes are transport nodes ffs.

>> No.13489098

You won't get to either of those nodes 80% of time.

>> No.13489102

Great map for getting the weekly done.

>> No.13489103

I farmed Tokitsukaze, several Ikus, several Hachis and Uzuki and there were probably only two or three times I didn't get to the boss node.


>> No.13489104

E-3 is a terribly easy map. Great for transport quest.

>> No.13489105


>> No.13489112

50 runs of E-2-J and no Unryuu

my only notable drops from this entire event were
Yuugumo and Hayashimo, I'm so depressed.

>> No.13489120
File: 90 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150514-22054628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13489138

If I'm not going to get a Roma drop, I'd rather it be her than any of the other options. Except Yuu, she can drop any time she wants, too.

>> No.13489163
File: 598 KB, 2400x3200, 51ae2e7aef84a748f5feae1fcd7ff081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least now you have a designated bartender to cure your depression, something I still don't have.

>> No.13489168

I'll trade you mine for Harusame.

>> No.13489173
File: 193 KB, 800x480, ss+(2015-05-14+at+07.21.44).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to do an E-1 run out of frustration and got a designated oppai waifu to add to my fleet of trophy DDs

>> No.13489179
File: 89 KB, 689x340, E5fleet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried it again with sub and damecon. Didn't have to use the damecon, but there was no change in the outcome. Chip damage on the boss, everyone in the red by the end, even less resources now than before.

I think I may just be too underleveled to deal with it.

>> No.13489186

How new are you?

>> No.13489188

on that note is there a reliable way to safely farm E-1 without having to waste buckets

>> No.13489190

I have no idea why my CAVs for most of the day aren't double attacking and just doing little better than scratch damage even with proper setup...Pretty miserable, 2-3 chuuha every other run and a taiha every third-ish run.

>> No.13489191

Throw caution to the wind. You need more than 2 sanshiki. Now is the time to take risk.

>> No.13489192

Playing for less than a month.

>> No.13489196

At least modernize your ships

>> No.13489203
File: 149 KB, 801x481, based choukai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Under the assumption you're on easy, you could probably beat it with that set-up. Considering I beat it with a dumb comp and only marginally higher levels.

>> No.13489208

Here's what you need:
Max out their firepower.
Get 4 sanshiki and observation planes, don't worry about the maelstorm, radars won't help you.
Optional: sparkle your heavy hitters for better accuracy.

>> No.13489213

Show us their equips, there must be something wrong if you only chip with sanshiki equipped.

>> No.13489217

A new day, a new set of E2 runs. I am about to hit 50 runs, how many more before I get my crane and dragon?

>> No.13489223

Just try to craft Taihou, and you'll get them anyway. You'll probably spend less on them as well.

>> No.13489226

I did a bunch of E-2 runs today as well, got jack shit and decided fuck it and did a taihou attempt LSC.

I got a Ryuujou for my efforts.

>> No.13489230

>no sanshiki
Seriously just do olel, spam expedition,craft sanshiki and modernize your shit.
You have tons of time left.

>> No.13489235

E-2 drops carriers like crazy. I practically modernized most of the AA stats.

>> No.13489242

None of the ones I want.
50 runs is still cheaper than what I have spent so far, my luck is not great.

>> No.13489250
File: 924 KB, 929x621, Equip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish I had even one reppuu for Ryuujou. Not sure about going full AA on Maya but the opening strike keeps fucking me up.

Caution thrown. The last of my iron has netted me:
>7.7mm AA gun

>> No.13489255
File: 6 KB, 1015x43, ss+(2015-05-14+at+07.39.52).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf i got two in a row

fuck off game give me ooyodo

>> No.13489261

Hate to be the debbie downer but I mean you could always just give up. The E-5 reward isn't too great and your chances of beating E-6 are really low.

>> No.13489263

Nope, this isn't going to cut it. You have effectively hit a brick wall. Hoard resources like mad and brute force the map, craft Type 3 shells too.

>> No.13489272

You can remodel Mutsu, do so.
Take the secondary off Chokai, give her double attack
You won't need AA cut-in, also give Maya double attack. Just make sure you get AS on boss.

>> No.13489274


oh lord

>> No.13489293

Those are the best planes I've got.

Would it be better to bring a CV that can actually get me AS and go through the air combat node instead of forcing Choukai/Ryuujou to skip it.

>> No.13489294

Two new tweets:

来週【5/18(月曜日)】実施予定の次回「艦これ」全稼働サーバ群共通メンテナンスに伴うアップデートでは、家具屋さんのお品書きを「梅雨の季節仕様」に更新予定です。春の季節家具などを中心に気になっている家具がある提督方は、今のうちにチェックして頂けますと幸いです! #艦これ

次回「艦これ」全稼働サーバ群共通メンテナンスに伴うアップデートでは、家具屋さんのお品書きが「梅雨の季節仕様」に更新されると共に、約50余隻の艦娘に「梅雨の季節限定ボイス」を実装させて頂く予定です。梅雨の季節も、艦娘をどうぞよろしくお願い致します! #艦これ

New voices and furniture coming it seems.

>> No.13489301
File: 879 KB, 1624x912, 3705ec5b2e462f03f9f00e2efccd7353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP in peace

>> No.13489322


>> No.13489323

Step 1. Hoard resources.
Step 2. Use resources to remodel Mutsu for another 41cm, then farm up modernization fodder to max firepower on Mutsu and Choukai (3-2A levelling is cheap resource wise, you can use the pictured fleet by placing mutsu as flag, replace kirishima with another CA or CL and rotating subs).
Step 3. Spam for more type 3 shells. (leave 10k)

If you got 4 Type 3:
Mutsu 2x41cm,seaplane,type3
kirishima 2x35.6cm,seaplane,type3
CAs: 2x20.3cm,seaplane,type3

else replace the type 3s on the BBs with radar or AP shell.

>> No.13489327

You need all the help you can get, stick to routing
How far are you from AS?
If its just a bit you could craft a Reppuu/Shiden K2 or put in a BBV with a seaplane.

>> No.13489328

could you link toward your viewer's version ? looks like it has some nice features.

>> No.13489330
File: 663 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150514-23565724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can i get help with E-5?
Haven't had a laptop for a while so a couple of days ago i got an old Sony Vaio (2008) and realized we were on event period. I started pretty quick, had to do E-4 on easy because lacking CA's and I'm using the following on E-5 (Lack of CA means no Suzuya/Kumano-Mogami/Mikuma at decent levels.

Yamato 46cms 46 cms Type 3 Recon Plane
Mutsu 46 cms 46 cms Type 3 Recon Plane
Tone 20.3 cms 20.3 cms Type 3 Recon Plane
Chikuma 20.3 cms 20.3 cms Type 3 Recon Plane
Junyou 3 greens and one blue
I 19 Recon Damecon

Because i had no laptop, i wasnt ready at all for the event. Any suggestions? I want my Akitsushima but want to avoid Easy modo if possible.

>> No.13489332

Fuck I got no furniture fairies.

>> No.13489361

I don't see any glaring problems with that fleet.
Put a CV instead of CVL?
Give Mutsu fit gun?
Run support?

>> No.13489364

Unless you're an elitist faggot, just clear in on easy.

The reward difference is negligible and there's no need to waste resources, epically the event will end within three days.

>> No.13489380

I want to lick RJ's tummy.

>> No.13489386

What do you mean with fit gun?
Havent played for a while and totally forgot support is a thing. Will use it for the final kill.
Thanks but I'm already half way through anchorage life bar. May do E-6 on easy because of resources, though.

>> No.13489412

Do you feel a sense of wastage when you sortie level 99 girls?

>> No.13489421

Yeah, but I dont need to use them even if I want, I have plenty of girls I like and would like to receive some attention shibafus are boats, so those doesnt count.

>> No.13489428

Autism sure is an expensive disorder.

>> No.13489441

This is an autism game.

>> No.13489448
File: 669 KB, 647x1000, isokaze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit ISOKAZE

Man this girl is like lewd personified, one time I had a dream where she told me to swab the deck, and before I could ask what she meant she had knocked me down and was straddling my face! I swabbed her deck as best I could even though it tasted kind of funky. I heard that her gloves used to be blue but the friction of giving so many handjobs eventually wore all of the pigment out of the fabric.


>> No.13489457


>> No.13489474

Remove plugin folder

>> No.13489494

Who the heck gives handjobs with gloves on?

>> No.13489515

I marry everyone that isn't ro or a sub clone, good feel.

>> No.13489522

Who the heck gives handjobs without gloves on?

>> No.13489525

Hopefully Shigure.

>> No.13489532

>sexually exploiting a depressed girl with PTSD
I bet you love the dead look in her eyes you dirty bastard.

>> No.13489534

>what is a fetish

>> No.13489540

Hey guys, is Akitsumaru worth the trouble of farming E4 for her?

>> No.13489546

She's cute (this is really important) and even gives good equipment, I would say yes.

>> No.13489547

Why haven't you tried LSC yet?

>> No.13489578

I stopped doing LSC after getting Kongous and Nagatos repeatedly.
Hm. If I have the time after farming my high prioritiy ships, then I will try to find her.

>> No.13489586

is there an easy way to farm E-3 for Takinami? I'm looking at the routes to her nodes and it looks annoying.

>> No.13489594

>all these people complaining about E-3

>> No.13489595

By deploying your ships. That's absolutely all you need to do in order to S-rank the boss of E-3.

>> No.13489598

Try E-4. It takes only 3 easy nodes with less RNG.

>> No.13489601

I'd prefer not spending more buckets and resources farming than I spent on clearing the event.

>> No.13489602

I did 4CA 1CAV 1CVL, its literaly perfect to use that. I started with the recommended one with DD but they got wrecked pretty fast, with 5 CA you have 5 secured kills, you cant go wrong with that.

>> No.13489605
File: 200 KB, 1573x798, kcv api.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem with API
Using latest ver3.7.0 rev544

>> No.13489617

It won't connect to the game no mater what I do, KCV doesn't work, using cookies by the webpage neither... fuck I just want to farm E-1 and E-6

>> No.13489620

>Pasta Kai guns only consume 35.6 guns
Welp, time for some upgrade.

>> No.13489621
File: 123 KB, 920x650, 1429852999371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't bring myself to level anyone at 3-2-A besides the bob squad

I'm sorry Furutaka, you and your inferior CA sisters will get your turn eventually.

>> No.13489624

Run 55, every CV except Shoukaku and Hiryuu that can drop from E2 has. Losing hope.

>> No.13489628

If you are using melon's fork, read the fucking readme/changelog/patchnotes.

>> No.13489637

You'd better find a way to either manipulate your luck or prevent enemies from attacking, then.

>> No.13489639

Just unlocked map 2-4, wheres the best spot to farm for Naka chan, still missing her too unlock my 3rd fleet

>> No.13489640

I said it doesn't even load by the webpage you little shit.

>> No.13489641

I'm getting a lot of Nakas in E-1.

>> No.13489644
File: 152 KB, 796x479, ss+(2015-05-14+at+09.12.19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh gosh

now I just need amatsukaze and I'll have every E-1 drop

>> No.13489652

Then just try the usual, clear cache, obtain new ip, no proxy/vpn, different browser/PC, etc. This is not EVE online you know.

>> No.13489656

You are banned. Email DMM to get your account back.

>> No.13489659

This meme stopped being funny since a long time ago.

>> No.13489662

Take my hand, and I'll walk you through it.

>> No.13489663

I forgot, also check if your current connection is stable, you get a lot of trouble/long loading times/cats if its acting like a clapper.

>> No.13489665

It's more of a "fuck off" and about as funny.

>> No.13489674

What the fuck is with that setup on your CAs.
Protip: CAs do more damage than BBs at night. You want the sanshikis on your CAs. Give your BBs AP shells instead. That way all 4 can do fuckloads of damage.
>15.5cm on choukai
Nigger give her 2x 20.3cm, a seaplane and sanshiki. That goes double for Maya. Any other setup is ass.

>> No.13489676

I even have screenshots ready. If you don't want it, don't respond. I'm willing to spoonfeed you. That's rare around here. I'm waiting.

>> No.13489681
File: 342 KB, 1000x1500, 44481979_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Poi get to be the destroyer of worlds but poor Shigure is stuck being an inferior Yukikaze?

>> No.13489686

>CAs do more damage than BBs at night

>> No.13489691

Because history, or something.

>> No.13489692

Staff's favourites, same with the shitbafus. I had to grind Isokaze to lvl 45 for her kai form and Poi gets kai ni at lvl 55 with CL like firepower. If that's not favouritism Im not sure what to tell you.

>> No.13489693
File: 2.06 MB, 800x480, ayanami.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>destroyer of worlds
Ayanami is better

>> No.13489695

Because luck can be improved while other stats cannot. REMOVE MARUYU

>> No.13489696

>454 damage on the oni
>choke artist

>> No.13489706
File: 94 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150515-13255784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. L node wasn't a lie after all.

>> No.13489711

Try removing plugin folder. Seriously.

>> No.13489715
File: 53 KB, 354x306, 1354990954289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that Re face at the end

>> No.13489716
File: 131 KB, 800x477, ss+(2015-05-14+at+09.32.11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also only beat E-6 because of a based KTKM-sama double-crit for 400 damage on the boss.

to put in perspective how lucky it was, previously I had never cleared the boss before and just whittled down her health bar over like 50 runs, and even that run my support expedition missed entirely and hit nothing, and the boss had 350 HP remaining w/ KTKM-sama as my final girl.

thank you based KTKM-sama~

>> No.13489719

She's regularly brought for final kills along with Yukikaze. 2 torp cutins are better than 1.

>> No.13489720

>I had never cleared the boss before and just whittled down her health bar over like 50 runs
Jesus Christ, how horrifying

>> No.13489725

>not even hard

>> No.13489727
File: 25 KB, 250x247, 3rd rate loser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13489730

>E6 boss farm
>Steel and fuel supplies facing extinction while ammo and baux stagnate gradually
This subtly rustles my jimmies.

>> No.13489733

it was awful, about 90% of those runs were just getting taiha'd by the pre-boss node, and whenever I actually reached the boss I only got her to like half or 1/3 HP at most.

pls no bully I dont care about the hard rewards and all my ships were in the level 40-55 range, if I didn't have so many resources to throw away I probably wouldn't have even cleared it on medium.

>> No.13489742

Oh grats.

>Tried it twice but I kept getting blown up before the pre-boss node, even.
Uh, which route did you try to get to boss?

But really you need to prepare better equipment for your next event.

Like you said, you just got lucky.

I think the issue with kidou is that it's harder to get to the boss, but once there it's easier to kill her. Did the whole thing on kidou through middle route without sparkling or support.

I won't deny suijou's effectiveness since that's what I used (and cleared with) last event, but it has its own shortcomings that I found I wasn't able to deal with, so I used kidou this event.

I'm making preparations so I can deal with them next event.

>> No.13489746

fuck Aircraft Carrier Princess, If my group makes it past the Battleship Princess I can always count on that bitch to put someone to critical damage. I think I'll just try to farm K with the few remaining resources I have.

>> No.13489747

>and all my ships were in the level 40-55 range
Levels don't matter.

>> No.13489749

they matter when those levels mean you have next to no Kai Ni ships

>> No.13489752

They do for the sake of Kai Nis and accuracy/evasion, the accuracy/evasion difference between level 5's and level 90's is pretty significant.

>> No.13489755
File: 235 KB, 1366x768, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just crafted both Yamato and Musashi in the same week. Did one LSC attempt a day. How mad are you fags?

>> No.13489756

Equipment matters more, though you might have to invest some time to make lower tier girls usable in events.

>> No.13489758

Stop responding to the level denier. He's in every thread. Also look out for the fit gun denier. They're the Republicans of kancolle.

>> No.13489760

>caring about useless hotel
Where is bismarck m8?

>> No.13489761

you can't kai ni your bobships at 55 nigga

>> No.13489762

enjoy your shit waste of shipslots and resources

>> No.13489764
File: 76 KB, 623x446, Re.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13489770

really tho Musashi and Yamato aren't even worth using for the amount of resources they use up, the difference between them and Nagato/Mutsu is so negligible for literally triple the resource cost.

>> No.13489775

There are several reasons why people would use the hotels
-Higher HP and defense. Helps with maps like 5-5.
-Higher firepower during hankousen/moderate damage/yasen

>> No.13489782

I'm getting tired of seeing BB Hime, BB Water Oni, and CV Hime in every fucking event. Why can't they just leave me alone.

>> No.13489783

Kirishima compared to the rest of the Bongous is negligible. This, not so much.

>> No.13489788

does higher HP/Defense really matter when their repair times/costs are also so much higher

I'd probably rather just deal with repairing Nagato/Mutsu from 1 HP than use Yamato/Musashi for a full sortie at only half HP

>> No.13489789

The Yamato's high performance justifies it somewhat. Now Littorio and Roma? Fucking resource hogs for no fucking reason.

>> No.13489792

Who gives a fuck about resources at this point unless you're new and haven't unlocked Tokyo Express yet. And I'd like to see you clear 5-5 every month without losing your mind without hotels.

>> No.13489794
File: 466 KB, 595x842, 6887b28808c58e3ac19a845d0b131b6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but oishii pasta, dude

>> No.13489795
File: 590 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150515-12353408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dame, and I thought this map won't be easy without Hotel class. Kongou stronk!

>> No.13489822

It's not that hard.

When I first cleared it I didn't even have Taihou either.

>> No.13489828

What's a somewhat cost effective way to tweak a Roma farming fleet for E-2 boss farming? Do I slap in one BBV and replace some subs with another CVL or CLT?

>> No.13489842

just checked the event page on wiki, they list node C on E1 only drops Naka, Satsuki, Urakaze seems a good spot.

>> No.13489845

Don't be upsetti, eat some spaghetti

>> No.13489859
File: 1.52 MB, 3200x2368, IMG_20150515_140358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found Akebono in Sasebo. Totally worth visiting my chinjufu.

>> No.13489868

Don't look at her, you kuso Teitoku

>> No.13489870

Is Kusobono those newfangle heli mini carrier?

>> No.13489872
File: 108 KB, 399x592, pastaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new, what's this Tokyo Express?

>> No.13489876

You couldn't even manage to take a straight picture of her. Fucking kuso teitoku right here, everyone.

>> No.13489881

100+ runs in E-6 node K and no Roma. Is Node N viable? The drop pool looks smaller.

>> No.13489888

so what are all the cool kids using for 4-3? 2BBV, 2CA, 1CV,1CVL?

>> No.13489890

I thought you were referring to IJN Akebono for a moment.

>> No.13489893

Expedition 37 and 38.

>> No.13489904

Fair enough, they matter for remodels and marriage but that's about it.

If by "pretty significant" you mean "hits and gets hit 1% less often" then yeah. My high level ships keep jobbing no less often than my low level ships do.

>> No.13489909

I'm a relatively new player, currently at HQ lv36, and only recently beat E-1. I've been trying to complete E-2 for the last few days, but I always have to retreat after node D when one of my ships gets critically damaged. What's the best fleet composition I should be using? Any tips?

>> No.13489919
File: 321 KB, 516x700, 3c7768a1f0c7fba5e4fa499ca40e52d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks have some pasta

>> No.13489924

you getting lucky doesn't mean it's easy for ttks with shit luck

>> No.13489927

I'm more of a pizza guy myself.

>> No.13489932
File: 177 KB, 816x538, 4-3 futon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For leveling?
1DD 2CL 1CV(L) 1BB(V) + 1CA/BB(V)/CV(L)
2CV 2DD 1BB 1CAV if you are doing the dragons quest.

>> No.13489940
File: 392 KB, 800x480, All A clear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using KTKM for main fleet
For what purpose.

>> No.13489944

Actually my Taihou got Taiha'd by red CA in the third node once.

>> No.13489949
File: 2.02 MB, 3200x2368, IMG_20150515_142051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one with my starter. The ship in the background here has the hull number covered, so I'm not sure who that is, but it looks like a DD.

Being this new to photography.

>> No.13489954

What tablet is that?

>> No.13489956

kimchi pls go.

>> No.13489958

Looks like a Surface Pro.

>> No.13489960

They should implement this kind of captcha.

>> No.13489964

>A Korean in Japan
Why am I not surprised.

>> No.13489965

>corean KCV
How does your ancestors feel about you playing a game that glorify ww2?

>> No.13489973

>playing the game of bayonet wielding nationalists who massacred your ancestors
wow korea, i thought u had honor

>> No.13489975

Post the fleet you're attempting to use with their equips. Something is going terribly wrong if you haven't reached the boss node after days of trying.

>> No.13489981

Why is your starter not your highest level ship.

Come to think of it, is there any particular reason why Koreans tend to like Fubuki more?

I suppose it's the same as with chinks.

>> No.13489986

>Final run of the night

Kill me.

>> No.13489990



>> No.13489995

Unryuu please drop already.

>> No.13489996
File: 114 KB, 832x608, IMG_20150515_143451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was Shinakaze, with Ashigara there as well. Too bad about the photo quality. I'm quite far from them.

>> No.13490003

Go create a blog somewhere else.

>> No.13490005


>> No.13490010

Makes me want to go on vacation and be inside Akitsushima.

>> No.13490014
File: 391 KB, 2962x1777, General_power_of_attorney_to_Lee_Wan-Yong_signed_and_sealed_by_Sunjong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prior to WW2, Korea was rightfully Japanese clay.


>> No.13490016

Should I scrap my type 13 radars/Tenzan/Suisei? I barely use them but my hoarding syndrome keeps stopping me.

>> No.13490023

Phone keyboard etc.

>> No.13490027

All useless junk to me, I'd just scrap them.

Then again, you might not have too many type 13 radars Kai, RyuuseiRyuusei Kai, or Suisei 12A.

>> No.13490030

Keep the 13s until you get their kai versions and 2 Tenzan for the Souryuu quest and maybe 2 Suisei.

>> No.13490031

Because your photos totally looked good m8.

>> No.13490040


>Suisei 12A

I only have one of these fucking things and I do planes for dailies every day.

>> No.13490042

>tfw have 26 Suisei 12A
I want to scrap them, but I can't bear to.

>> No.13490045

blaze it

>> No.13490051

You'll be glad you didn't when plane upgrades become a thing.

>> No.13490058

What would Suisei 12A be upgradable to, anyway?

And really, the current upgrading system has a lot of room for improvement, even if we don't take into account how much equipment has yet to be added into the upgrading pool.

>> No.13490061

Modern destroyers are pretty big.

>> No.13490089

Fuck me I cleared it with easy routing.

>> No.13490093

just know Isokaze drop on pre-boss node.
time to farm like crazy.

>> No.13490094

Nice phone case.

>> No.13490097

12As will be feeder planes for 99 Egusas to become Suisei Egusas. Same with Tenzans and 97 Tomonagas.

>> No.13490107

>too scared to sortie for e-6 hard final kill.
If I manage to not finish this event I should probably break my legs as punishment.

>> No.13490115

Unryuu is a lie. Come on RNG, I just want the SCAMP.

>> No.13490116

Is that a Ringke/Spigen phone case?

>> No.13490118

I hope all your lepus dissapear.

>> No.13490120

>have exactly 10 reppuus
>Tried in vain to craft 2 more for the past week to upgrade unryuu's plane to super reppuu

>> No.13490124


>> No.13490128

>Have 41 Reppuu
>Want more

>> No.13490130
File: 211 KB, 805x945, laughing dragons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>super reppuu
601 Reppuu is weak shit, Reppuu Kai is where it's at. Stay pleb.

>> No.13490138

I don't know how you gauge power. +1 is weakshit and +2 is supermegadeathray?

>> No.13490143


>> No.13490145


You could argue the same thing about Reppuu 601 only being +1 better than normal Reppuu, or normal Reppuu only being +1 better than Shiden Kai 2

>> No.13490149

Shinden Kai in exchange for hard medal fucking when?

>> No.13490151

I'm not saying the additional 1 antiair is negligible. I'm saying that the 601 is by no means weakshit. It's the sole reason I didn't bother going for AS on preboss node for E6.

>> No.13490155

Too broken, so never. I wish e-peen medal could be exchanged for a 5th fleet.

>> No.13490157

Fuck the shinden, I want the 53cm hull mount, thats the true prize of the game.

>> No.13490160

Shinden Kai = 5 epeen medals
53cm hull mount = 6 medals

>> No.13490162

601 Reppu gives some useful bonus over plain RP aside from the AA, though.

You, I like you. Yuubari a love.

Spigen for N5.

>> No.13490164

>601 Reppu gives some useful bonus over plain RP aside from the AA, though.

>> No.13490176

Shinden kai will become useless when the next event boss has +69AA jet fighter on a 322 plane slot, so I dont see how its "broken" to be released again ,they can just balancfe it out with the enemy.

>> No.13490179
File: 48 KB, 424x307, ss+(2015-05-15+at+03.27.09).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the +modifiers?

>> No.13490183

You mean when the M262 zwei is added.

>> No.13490184

How many dicks you suck on a daily basis.

>> No.13490190
File: 336 KB, 512x643, 1431014401834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind, I figured it out.

>> No.13490193
File: 440 KB, 2133x2219, E-2 Fleet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here the fleet I've been using. I used to sortie with Isuzu Kai and Kiso Kai in the main fleet, but since they almost always got heavily damaged I figured I'd swap them out with the Kongou sisters I just dropped.

>> No.13490199

Not placebo, though I'd take the AA over a 1% accuracy bonus any day.

>> No.13490205
File: 299 KB, 814x720, Hibiki approved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Level 1
I see no problems with this.

>> No.13490214

>no CV for combined fleet
Where is your Akagi m8?
Build more carriers

>> No.13490215

As I said, I literally just got them. I'm intending to level them on node A right now anyway.

>> No.13490219

It's too late, you have about 2 days left.

>> No.13490236

1) You need your ships Kai'd and modernized to max armor/fp at the least.
2) You need to look up the combat mechanics. Triple torps on a non-flag aren't going to do shit for you.
3) Do you have bauxite reserves? If so, spam 20/60/10/110 like mad and get some good planes.

Don't even think about the event right now. Train your ships best as you can on 2-4/3-2 and then you can challenge E-2 on the last day.

>> No.13490241

~50 rainy day voices, 3/5 of them being Shigure impressions.

>> No.13490242

>Triple torps on a non-flag aren't going to do shit for you.
My KTKM and Haraship would like to have a word with you.

>> No.13490253

I read on the wiki that Triple Torps on Shigure guarantees a cut-in attack during Night Battles because of her high luck.

But regardless, thanks for the advice.

>> No.13490255
File: 150 KB, 161x250, 1403721045185.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>devs get tired of people complaining about how easy this event was
>mfw next event has ship locking and equipment locking

>> No.13490256

That's Kai 2 Shigure.

>> No.13490257

Why is Akitsushima so useless?

>> No.13490259

She's not even kai 2 and it's not guaranteed without night recon + star shell + searchlight.

>> No.13490260

Cute ships don't need to be useful.

>> No.13490264

Oh okay. I was mistaken.

>> No.13490265

Even then it's not guaranteed. You're not even guaranteed it with her as flagship.

>> No.13490270

My dick disagrees.

>> No.13490272

What if I throw in skilled lookouts? I haven't even used that thing.

>> No.13490278

Anon, I'm not retarded. Pay attention to the context.
Yeah, if you can get her to Kai2 and make her the flagship, that's actually pretty nice. But otherwise, double-attack should be bread and butter for you.

>> No.13490285

It's 75% base chance which only increases depending on damage.

>> No.13490288

What's the secret to NOT getting snake niggered by cv hime on e-6? running 296 air supp. I'm basically out of buckets so I guess my event is over. Was definitely fun running 84 sorties and only making it to the boss 5 times on final kill. ecks dee

>> No.13490289

Luck is capped at 50 no matter what. Flagship gives +25, starshell gives +5, searchlight gives +5.

At best you have an 85% chance to cutin. 75% if you're not the flagship. Skilled lookouts is supposed to increase your cutin chances by ~15% but research has shown that it either doesn't increase your chances when you're already at 50 luck or it increases by a negligible amount.

>> No.13490290

The chance is very high but still not guaranteed. Nothing is guaranteed with RNG.

>> No.13490293

I fucking hate her because she can't into 1-1 with seaplane bombers. Fucking useless piece of shit.

>> No.13490296

>research has shown that it either doesn't increase your chances when you're already at 50 luck or it increases by a negligible amount
And 50 is a soft cap.

>> No.13490298
File: 18 KB, 181x114, rngpls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got them all throughout this week's 3-3 runs, if only I had gotten them early game.

>> No.13490302

She can scamp and two OTO's though, good enough.

>> No.13490305

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13490312

So what happens to luck above 50?

>> No.13490319
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>> No.13490320

You get diminishing returns.

>> No.13490321

It gets square rooted

>> No.13490333

I've only ever seen this for the daytime firepower cap. Where is the luck formula mentioned?

>> No.13490336

Has anyone bothered with getting a Yukikaze to 99 luck?

>> No.13490345
File: 14 KB, 226x422, 6YifOW2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhuh, sure.

>> No.13490347

I got mine to 84. She cuts in almost every time.

>> No.13490365

I'd just like to add yo what the anon here >>13490236 said.

The planes you want the most are green planes for AS. You only need 35 air power for the preboss nodes, but for the boss nodes you want at least 141 and 114 for final form on easy. Since you are only using one carrier in your fleet, take a proper CV (you should at least have Akagi from quests) and stuff her with green planes until you reach that air power. It doesn't matter if she can't attack, the AS is more important. Set up all the ships that can do it with AS double attack. For your DDs, setup night battle double attack (why on earth are you bringing sonar/depth charges to a map with no subs). For the equipment combos of these, read the combat wiki page.

>> No.13490389

I thought you scrapped Suisei for that quest, not Suisei 12A.

>> No.13490391


>> No.13490392

Where'd you get that?

>> No.13490393
File: 40 KB, 640x360, Bane For You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter who we're quoting. What matters is our plan.

>> No.13490404

I scrounged the actual data directly from a Japanese image which took all the data from various reports (cat blog site, 2ch threads, etc). Since they plotted every single luck value in the original, it was a huge mess due to all the low sample size points, so I made my own.

>> No.13490415

Glad to know that it's a true cap then. What's your take on skilled lookouts on luck capped ships?

>> No.13490418 [DELETED] 

We have a new thread.

>> No.13490421

That was quick.

>> No.13490428

Your stupidity is so irritating I went ahead and edited the wiki.

>> No.13490439

Isokaze get!
I can confirm that she dropped in medium difficulty.

>> No.13490440

Well, it's only apparent for torpedo cutins for non-flagships. My analysis points towards every single cutin type having slightly different formulas, not just different caps, but the other types don't really have enough data yet.

According to the scant few tests I've seen, Skilled Lookouts do increase cutin rate if the visual effect activates about 15%, but because it doesn't always activate the glint, the most effect I've seen reported is about +5% cutin rate (on a 14 luck flagship Uzuki). In other words, it's total garbage and never worth the slot.

>> No.13490441

The mods are officially bullied into submission.

>> No.13490443

Here, have a new thread

>> No.13490446

Doesn't it only activate the glint if there's a cutin?

>> No.13490454

Yes it does, from what I've observed. I've never gotten a cut-in without a glint.

>> No.13490466

>Protip: CAs do more damage than BBs at night.
>vs installation type

>> No.13490471

It's the same shit. Installation types do not suddenly take less damage at night.

>> No.13490475

Standard KCV but pre-release. Calculator got fucked in this version and some stuff isn't translated but I can live without it. The new info about equipment is worth it.

>> No.13490499

Ah, you're right. I was mistaken about that part. It seems the effect of the lookouts by themselves is only about +5%. However, there *may* be additional +cutin rate effect if there is a star shell or perhaps a searchlight active. The lookouts help spot the enemy ships illuminated by the other items, sort of logic. It's basically speculation + confirmation bias status at this point though.

I might actually test this out by myself later once I finish leveling Katsuragi and Zuikaku.

>> No.13490501

Are CLT opening torps affected by morale?

>> No.13490504

Why wouldn't they be?

>> No.13490508

Because CV opening strikes are not.

>> No.13490518

Well it fun being niggered all the way to the end! Thank you e-6 for being tons of fun. Glad I could not finish you. Anyone want my account?

>> No.13490521

Installation types are immune to torpedoes.

>> No.13490523

Yes please.

>> No.13490526

That does not mean the torpedo stat is completely disregarded for yasen firepower calculations. It only means they can't be hit by torpedoes.

>> No.13490536

It does. KTKM can't do shit to E4 boss.

>> No.13490539

Apparently subs can attack installations at night, albeit for scratch damage.

Uh yes, they are.

>> No.13490541
File: 131 KB, 501x579, Hiryuu headtilt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is why you can hit them at night with submarines, right?

>> No.13490546

Subs do not have a method of attack other than torps. It's unlike Say a CA where the yasen animation depends on whether you equip a cannon or a torp in its first slot.

>> No.13490548

Yes, subs can attack them but only with their firepower stat. Keep in mind subs can't cut-in installation types.
Installation types are immune to torpedoes. It's just that subs have only one attack animation.

>> No.13490550

I don't know about you but my CAs did a hellalot more damage to the installation boss at night than she did during the daytime.

>> No.13490551

Yeah, pretty much this.

>> No.13490553

It's disregarded when calculating pre-cap damage for sanshiki-users. It's why BBs, who are relatively terrible at night battle, easily do the most damage against installations.

>> No.13490562

Would it kill you to read the wiki?
Combat page, Sanshiki page.

>> No.13490587

They don't say jack about night time damage with sanshiki einstein. Go shove a pen up your dick.

>> No.13490591

Wikiwiki has multiple possible formulas regarding damage done to installations, and none of them mention torp stat.

>> No.13490592

If your brain is already dead, ask your mom to connect the dots. Damage cap is higher in night. How the hell do you manage posting without closing the browser by accident?

>> No.13490596

>night batol damage = firepower + torp
>sanshiki = +crit rate chance against installation

How can people not know this? None of you did E4 2013?

>> No.13490599

Thing is, at shouha and higher you only need about 105 firepower to hit the night battle cap. It's really when considering chuuha status that battleships really become good because then they need around 145 firepower.

>> No.13490610

>>sanshiki = +crit rate chance against installation
This makes no sense whatsoever.

>> No.13490613

>sanshiki = +crit rate chance against installation

It's 2.5x firepower. This hasn't changed since 2013.

>> No.13490629

100 firepower is enough if you count DA damage bonus.

>> No.13490632

I'm already counting that.

>> No.13490637

Well, 1.2 * 2.5 is 3.
It's nice because Mogamis with 20.3 (2) at +4 reach 97 firepower. There isn't much difference between them and Choukai even though Choukai has 10 base more.

>> No.13490640

Just leveled my chitose and chiyoda too lvl 15, but i read somewhere i should wait until lvl 35 before converting them. why?

>> No.13490649

They're absolutely terrible as CVLs at lv15. If you have other CVLs in your fleet (preferably Junyou/Hiyou), Chitoses will be more useful as AVs.
Also, you need two AVs to unlock Tokyo Express.

>> No.13490656

Where'd you get those extra 5 points from? Shouldn't it be 100 and 143 firepower respectively?

Just use two 20.3(3) guns upgraded to +9, it'll get them to 101 firepower.

>> No.13490661

I only got my first Mikuma this event and I prefer trusting in +1 accuracy over +1 firepower.

>> No.13490664

Against installations it's +2.5 firepower though.

>> No.13490669
File: 648 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150515-07500706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but I would still like to ensure I actually hit the target. Damage will be huge anyway.

>> No.13490673

I was using the term cap loosely. You still gain damage increase for a few points of firepower after hitting 300 base damage due to all the stacked modifiers. Above those numbers you stop gaining at least 1 damage max per point.

>> No.13490676

That huge seaplane launcher thing must be a pain to move around.

>> No.13490678

Goddamn, she got obliterated.

>> No.13490684

Soft cap is still a cap though.

I'd say 101 and 144 firepower would be safe bets.

>> No.13490685

But it's fun to steal from her. She keeps nagging me to give it back while I eat my breakfast on it.

>> No.13490712

Trivia: Ryuuhou to Ryuuhou Kai is the only non-blueprint remodel to come after a blueprint remodel.

>> No.13490744

What does this even mean?

>> No.13490752

What are the advantages to using Double Attack setups over Cut-In setups?

>> No.13490768

You can depend on them to actually work, while cut-in is luck-based.

>> No.13490781

One hits like a truck and is more reliable and anyone with a seaplane can do it. The other is limited to high luck girls unless you farm Maruyu or test your luck.

>> No.13490787

Seaplanes have nothing to do with it.

>> No.13490814

Night or day? This is very important.

>> No.13490855

I've noticed that completing a PVP exercise decreases AS after the round. Does this mean AS decreases after completing a node in a sortie, and if so, should I be compensating for this loss when planning fleets to defeat bosses?

>> No.13490858
File: 75 KB, 401x635, Zuikaku Sits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay /jp/. How much do you respect your girls?


>> No.13490861


>> No.13490866

Last event was disappointing. More than 50% of us completed Easy

>> No.13490885
File: 361 KB, 482x380, 20150515094122578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolled that +6. All skill.

>> No.13490893

I sure hope that's your first and only shipfu.

>> No.13490899
File: 306 KB, 1600x900, [HorribleSubs] Kantai Collection - 06 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_13.46_[2015.05.10_00.59.41].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's lucky

>> No.13490905

Double attack:
+99% chance to activate.
+2 separate attack rolls meaning 2 hit rolls and 2 crit rolls. Less of a gamble compared to torp cutin.
+available to everyone
-only 240% damage assuming both hits connect
-due to the low damage modifier, it's not uncommon for ships to only scratch enemies with high armor.
-less accurate than a torp cutin

Torp cutin:
+300% damage
+more accurate
-luck dependant. 85% chance best case scenario with flagship, searchlight and starshell
-if you choke you get the horribly inaccrurate single torp attack, making it an all or nothing gamble.
-only a viable option to high luck ships

>> No.13490911

>+available to everyone
not subs

>> No.13490912

I can't get over her box-shaped breasts.

>> No.13490916

What can I do with this? Is it better than a Reppuu?

>> No.13490917
File: 478 KB, 978x978, 49177428_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13490919
File: 548 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150515-20115985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, forgot image.

>> No.13490921
File: 5 KB, 52x41, medal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only kuso teitoku has less than 2.

>> No.13490924

W-what if I wasn't ready last event?

>> No.13490925

It's a lot better than reppuu. It enables carriers to do night battle.

>> No.13490926

You can scrap them in exchange for a Reppu.

>> No.13490928
File: 402 KB, 891x891, 49181611_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13490931

>playing shortly before the event

>> No.13490936

Re pls.


>> No.13490941
File: 373 KB, 1000x1000, 1400531534490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was either Re post or a "read the wiki" post

>> No.13490951

>+2 separate attack rolls meaning 2 hit rolls and 2 crit rolls. Less of a gamble compared to torp cutin.
>-only 240% damage assuming both hits connect
>+300% damage
Please learn how the game works before giving out advice.

>> No.13490952
File: 170 KB, 999x675, 3rd rank loser appreciation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a 3rd rate loser.

>> No.13490956

If I were to upgrade the 35.6cm guns, I should stop at +8, right? Is there any point going up to 10 when it's ★+8~10: +4 bonus to firepower?

>> No.13490960

At least I still have Yuu

>> No.13490961

Eh, there's still upgrades technically. +9 for 6 accuracy

+10 because why not

>> No.13490962

Okay, thanks.

>> No.13490965

Depends on how the accuracy increments for upgrades work. Does it increase with each upgrade, or does it increase only at certain points like firepower does?

>+9 for 6 accuracy
Source on this?

>> No.13490967

+10 will be useful in hankousen, chuuha or something like that. Also improved accuracy.

>> No.13490969

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.13490972

Except +10 doesn't give any more firepower than +8 does.

>> No.13490974

Not even him but,
DA is 120x2
Torp cut-in is 150x2.

>> No.13490977

Does that not total to 240% and 300%?

>> No.13490979

Torp cut-in is also two attacks, each with 150% modifier. Each with a chance of crit. They're just displayed as one number after adding up.

2x 120% IS NOT 240%. Armor is a thing.

>> No.13490984
File: 236 KB, 612x736, 1424675951784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13490986

>Farming for Roma 4 days straight
>30k resc & 150 buckets later, consider complaining on /jp/ during boss node battle
>Suddenly, Roma get
>Go back to E-3 for Takanami
>She drops on the very first run

E-7 complete, with a bonus Yuu in the process.

>> No.13490988

>each with a chance to crit
I didn't know that. I always though either the whole thing crits or it doesn't. I only thought the 2 separate attack thing only counted for armor calculation purposes. Does that mean one of the two hits can miss too?

>> No.13490989

Except it does. sqrt20 is 4.47. There are times when you are at orange HP. There are times when you get Green T or hankousen.

>> No.13490992

The "damage" here is the attack-power, which has to go through enemy armor before you actually get to the damage dealt.

>> No.13490996

>Go back to E-3 for Takanami
>She drops on the very first run
Fuck you, I've been on E-3 for the last week.

>> No.13491002

So tired I can't even quote properly

>> No.13491003
File: 14 KB, 586x291, torpedo_cut_in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Torp cut-in can't miss afaik. It can deal scratch damage though. If it were to deal scratch damage on target with 5 HP it would be shown as miss.

>> No.13491005

I don't understand. Where does the sqrt20 come from?

>> No.13491011

That's the formula for Akashi.
For BB guns it sqrt(stars*2).

>> No.13491017

>So tired I can't even quote properly
Yeah, who are you quoting?

>> No.13491023

How many runs did you go for Roma?

>> No.13491026
File: 20 KB, 188x233, 1431493976079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13491045


Is it canon that Melon has nice tits? I mean, yeah her damaged art shows but it seems everyone is accustomed to her being not so generous.

>> No.13491052

normal || hankousen || green-t || chuuha
4 || 3.2 || 4.8 || 2.8
4.47 || 3.576 || 5.364 || 3.129

I'm going to guess that kancolle rounds down since 4.47 becomes 4. In which case 10 stars would only help with green-t and chuuha. It's so situational that you might as well not waste the screws and guns.

>> No.13491055


>> No.13491062

This is accuracy of vanilla 35.6cm when upgraded, right?

>> No.13491067
File: 16 KB, 132x58, suffering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuu please.

>> No.13491077

Yuu can't always get what yuu want

>> No.13491117
File: 393 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150515-20141846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, he had lv 77 Souryuu and hour ago there, I shouldn't have waited.

>> No.13491128

God, why did I know you would do that in such a retarded way?
Random example:
11*0,8 is 8.8
11.47*0.8 is 9,17

>> No.13491129

I can't stand people like these

I farm dragons and CLTs in duos. There's no way my OCD would let me have an uneven number of ekusas and tomonagas

>> No.13491130

What's with Yuu? Are the torps that valuable?

>> No.13491134

It's understandable for the CLTs but Souryuu's red plane is a lot more valuable than Hiryuu's blue plane.

>> No.13491138

I'm so sick of seeing these fucking full powered fleets in pvp. I can't train any of my new ships. I'm just going to leave my 2 level 1 hotels to spite everyone until they get the fucking message.

>> No.13491141

E5 is such a pain to farm, can't get to the boss every run without using damecons and can't even reliably S rank it anyway. More of a bucket and resource sink than farming Roma.

>> No.13491142

But this is all I want anon.

>> No.13491146


Nobody forces you to win. git gud

Use good ships and boss support.
Roma farming was so laughable you shouldn't compare anything to it. Well, Unryuu was even more of a joke.

>> No.13491154

That's not exactly true

The new fleet engagement mechanics makes tomonaga worth more than RSK if damage is what you're looking for

Ekusa is objectively better than all other reds, but I've not even used a single one of those this entire event(aside on support fleets) due to how reds prevent structure-boss attacks

>> No.13491162

>due to how reds prevent structure-boss attacks
That's a good thing on E5. But well, single Suisei Egusa is enough, no need for second bomber on E5.

>> No.13491206
File: 480 KB, 2135x2600, E-2 Fleet Revised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>13490193 here

I've gone back and adjusted my fleet based on what you guys have said. Should I be good to go against the boss now?

Also, as I said before I replaced Isuzu and Kiso Kai with the Kongou sisters, but should I consider using them in my escort fleet? It seemed to me that CLs didn't play much of a role on E2, but I'd like a second opinion.

>> No.13491214

It's fine. E1-E4 are walkovers even if you're new

Just don't play stupidly and proceed on red or use dumb formations and shit

>> No.13491217

Never use yellow 15.2cm. Give Yuubari two 20.3cm and two... whatever, maybe AA guns. Just not main/secondary guns. You should have at least one more radar, give it to Haguro instead of AA gun. You should swap out one of DDs in escort fleet for a CA.

They might be a problem to unmodernized ships.

>> No.13491226

Scratch that, you might not have a second radar. In that case it should stay on Yamashiro.

>> No.13491229

>The new fleet engagement mechanics makes tomonaga worth more than RSK if damage is what you're looking for
Do you mean the type 97 torp bomber or the Tenzan model 12 torp bomber? I believe you can only have one of the latter.

>> No.13491235



>> No.13491236

Taigei to Ryuuhou: blueprint used
Ryuuhou to Ryuuhou Kai: no blueprint used

>> No.13491244

I got my very first Blueprint ever. (started post-Winter 2015)

I read up that Tone-class and the Fusou sisters are good conteders for the blueprint but any ideas? I'm really leaning on Tone cause I could use more good CAVs to go with my Mogami/Mikuma lineups. However, there's Fusou as well due to the sentiment of her being one of my first BBs the only thing not making me take the jump is that I'm not deprived of good BBs.

>> No.13491249

Could someone post an example of their E-6 fleet and setup?

>> No.13491251

Yamashiro if you're new

Wagahai if you like midgets making fun of your microdick I do

>> No.13491252

Yeah, I was talking about the Tomonaga variant for both.

T97 Tomonaga still does less damage than Ryuusei Kai even after contact is taken into account.

>> No.13491256

Eh I'll take the accuracy any day of the week

>> No.13491273

>if the battle starts in the day and you had air parity in the day, you can't proc night recon if you move on to night battle
>but if you had air incapability in the day, you can proc night recon at night
Please tell me this is a mistake.

>> No.13491334

In parity your seaplanes would get shit on by fighters, but in incapability they wouldn't risk sortieing during the day? I dunno, throwing my guess out.

>> No.13491336
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>> No.13491343
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>> No.13491352

You'll just have to go with your heart, anon. Both give you great cannons and special Zuiun.

>> No.13491364

BBV Kai 2 would be more useful for you than CAV Kai 2.

>> No.13491376

Why? Where are BBV even useful?

>> No.13491380

About 40 or so, I think. All focused on boss node since I also wanted an extra Yuu.

>> No.13491381

They give a lot more AS than a CAV can. There's a reason why I used 2 BBV 2 DD 2 CV for winter 2015 E4.

>> No.13491388
File: 447 KB, 2148x2251, E-2 Fleet Revised2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, thanks anon!

>> No.13491390

Why do you use Cut-In setups?

>> No.13491394

Fusous Kai2 exposes them to unhealthy radiation and mutates them.If you don't care for art or if you love them even with t-rex arms then go ahead.

>> No.13491396

Cut-In setups? Where?

>> No.13491398

Yuubari, Fubuki, Hibiki

>> No.13491399

>gun cut-in setups on CL and DD
>AV with zuiun in escort fleet

>> No.13491413

Your DDs and CLs have secondary cannons. This may seem weird, but you're better off putting either nothing in the third slot or putting AA guns/radar for evasion/accuracy.

>> No.13491419

When I said "AA guns" I meant the crap at the end of list, not high angle mounts.

>> No.13491424

BBV are outclassed by FBB severely, whereas CAV will see actual combat because of branching rules or being on escort fleets during events.

>> No.13491431

DDs can't equip secondary cannons. Those DD cannons are main guns.

>> No.13491442

BBs and CAs can't equip Zuiun. Besides they still trigger AS and I have a bunch lying around so why not?

My bad. I put two radars on Yuubari and 25mm Triple Guns on the destroyers. Is that better?

>> No.13491444

Yeah. Everything's well now. Good luck!

>> No.13491451

Last I checked, planes on ships in escort fleet don't take part in aerial phase.

>> No.13491461

>BBV are outclassed by FBB severely
Not really. At least in the case of Fusou-class. They hit as hard as most BBs and they can equip 41's without penalties. The large seaplane slot also helps a lot in AS and occasionally taking out DDs.

>> No.13491469

>BBV are outclassed by FBB severely
Are you serious? We're talking about BBV Kai 2 here, not BBV Kai.

>> No.13491474

I can't call them bad, really, but it seems like 95% of the time you can use FFB or CAV instead of them for less cost. It's like using Yamato-class.

>> No.13491477

Even then, the escort fleet can still take part in Artillery Spotting.

>> No.13491481

Started playing several days ago and just realized ongoing event can i farm the first event map with this setup ?

HQ level 25


Kiso kai lvl 27
-Type 0 recon plane
-20.3cm gun
-20.3cm gun

Yuubari kai lvl 25
-Type 0 recon plane
-20.3cm gun
-20.3cm gun
-Type 21 air radar

Kuma kai lvl 20
-Type 0 recon plane
-20.3cm gun
-20.3cm gun


Shigure kai lvl 23
-12.7cm gun
-12.7cm gun
-61cm Quad O2 Torpedo Mount

Yuudachi kai lvl 24
-12.7cm gun
-12.7cm gun
-61cm Quad O2 Torpedo Mount

Ayanami kai lvl 23
-12.7cm gun
-12.7cm gun
-61cm Quad O2 Torpedo Mount

>> No.13491486

>AV with that setup
>artillery spotting
Surely you jest.

>> No.13491487

Nice blog, followed, liked and subscribed. :^)

>> No.13491494

Put the planes on the third or fourth slot. Try to get some sendais and level them up too, they are the best CLs. If you modernize your fleet, you shouldn't have much troubles. Remember the south route has submarines, though; they can be piss easy or a nightmare.
Don't be a shit, anon.

>> No.13491504

Good luck anon.

>> No.13491510
File: 71 KB, 640x480, why would you do that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DDs have 2 guns 1 torp

>> No.13491515

>>13491442 here, >>13491477 isn't me

I figured I'd set her up like that to make the most out of the Ko-hyoteki, and according to the wiki, at least get the chance for a cut-in during night battles.
Should I be doing something else?

>> No.13491520
File: 68 KB, 448x529, 1431556005514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuubari has no plane slots. It's also silly to have DD with cut-in setups that might not activate when using double attacks at night will get you guaranteed S-ranks on boss node every time.

>> No.13491528
File: 318 KB, 600x360, CE4Sf8GVAAE9hq5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just have to believe

>> No.13491530

Not him, but I use two guns+torpedo for the extra damage when day combat ends. CLs usually carry the night combat to S rank anyway.

>> No.13491534

Ko-hyoteki doesn't count as a torp at night.

Even 1 gun + 2 torp would have been better.

>> No.13491537

>two guns+torpedo for the extra damage when day combat ends.
If you're going to do that, you might as well go full torpedo.

>> No.13491540

Nagara and Kuma Kai are better then Naka and are as good as Sendai, anon pls

>> No.13491547

Full torpedos on a few DD sounds like it might work. Since easy only has the one CA, if you torp it down you can save buckets.

>> No.13491548

Oh, okay. So would Two 61cm Quad Mounts and a Ko-hyoteki be a better setup then?

>> No.13491560

AVs can't carry actual torps.

>> No.13491561

>better than Naka
I'd argue that Naka's HP lead on the two could very easily be the difference between continuing onto boss node, and turning the whole fleet around. Other than that I think anon is being silly. A new TTK won't notice the difference.

>> No.13491566

Just tried using this setup but exchanged yuubari plane w torps. Retreating before the boss node because yuudachi hp is red

Will try replacing all DD equipment w all torps now

>> No.13491567

You got it backwards anon. They're talking about DD torps, in which case you should be saying they can't use the midget subs.

>> No.13491571

Oh, anon. I'm a new TTK too, I remember. All you need to clear E-1 is modernized FP/armor. Also, since you're using Yuubari you could use the spare slots for ASW on the sub node.

>> No.13491578

I figured that people are more likely to not know that AVs can't carry torps than not know that DDs can't carry midget subs.

>> No.13491582

So this event doesn't have Akashi? What's the point of E7?

>> No.13491587 [DELETED] 

E8 queens your king pawn.

>> No.13491590

>First last dance of the day
>Actually succeed even with boss support contributing nothing
Now praying for node N Roma drop. Anyone know how bad the drop rate there is? Or if wikia lies about K being Hard only?

>> No.13491593

E8 queens your king pawn and you can't play E8 without playing E7 first.

>> No.13491599

Still no Roma
Day 8 of E-6 farming

>> No.13491600 [DELETED] 

kancolle-db reports sub-1% rates at E-4 boss.

>> No.13491603

That's Naka K2, When Kuma K2 comes the sendais are off to retirement.

>> No.13491609

Support is useless for this event.

>> No.13491612

Yeah, I figured as much.

But since Chiyoda A's firepower is shit, would putting two main guns on her really be as effective compared to what she has now? I'm all for getting rid of the Zuiun, but if she can't AS or NB there isn't really anything else worthwhile to put on her.

>> No.13491613

>implying Kuma Kai 2 won't be a CLT
>implying the one to retire won't be Kiso

>> No.13491617

No, it isn't.

>> No.13491619

It doesn't matter, considering the levels of his current fleet, getting and grinding (mainly grinding) a Naka to K2 isn't as viable as finding a Kuma or Nagara, Kai-ing her and modding her.

>> No.13491625

I wouldn't even bother with her at all, but if you're really using her in escort fleet I think 3 midget subs would be best for her.

>> No.13491643

Naka Kai2 is at 48, literally easy mode. I should know because I just got her.

>> No.13491661

Will escort fleet participate in recon if main fleet doesn't have any planes for whatever retarded reason?

Also has the fact that 小破 DDs can't escort heavily damaged ships back to base, been in the game since combined fleet was first introduced in AL/MI?

>> No.13491664

Why does Unryuu have such a long navel?

>> No.13491691

Is Roma supposed to be mentally retarded? That's the impression I'm getting.

>> No.13491711

No. Why would you think that?

>> No.13491743
File: 49 KB, 300x300, Hoppou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new influx of newbie TTKs on this thread is so surprising high.
Is it because golden week or it's near the end of event?

>> No.13491748
File: 557 KB, 800x480, Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to feel about this.

>> No.13491749

To make her planes taking off easier.

Or just more navel to lick.

>> No.13491752

You sure you didn't mistake her with Littorio ? Roma sounds like an uptight and serious business girl for me.

>> No.13491753


>> No.13491767

>小破 DDs can't escort heavily damaged ships back to base, been in the game since combined fleet was first introduced
Wikiwiki reports dating back to August 2014 suggest that this was the case back then as well.

>小破未満の駆逐艦がいなかったんじゃないか損傷してると護衛役は無理っぽい -- 2014-08-10
>同じシチュエーションを迎えましたが、第二艦隊でも退避できることを確認 やはり小破未満でないと使えないようです(木主 -- 2014-08-10


>> No.13491776

Of course all the rekt ships are the most resource-intensive of the bunch.

>> No.13491822

That's what you get for being a pussy and trying to farm L node.

>> No.13491836

How did that even happen? Ru can only attack twice, did the Ri pull an overcrit?

>> No.13491839
File: 751 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150515-12130769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not Ooyodo.

But I guess I have to keep her now. Time to scrap a mutsuki.

>> No.13491845

Kaga tried to block a shot from Ri with her face.

>> No.13491849

Why would you scrap a useful Mutsuki for the useless Rapey Fairy?

>> No.13491852

Why not just spend 7 dollars to buy 10 slots?

>> No.13491861

I have enough mutsukis for three expeditions, but I only ever do two expeditions that cost ammo at any given time. Exp 5 is too good to not do.
Your question has the answer. I'm not spending any money on a flash game.

>> No.13491867
File: 123 KB, 712x594, deda70d0d611b976cd6a26d27cd2ada9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you thanked your trusty torpedo machinegun yet?

>> No.13491873

Pasta guns suck. Littorio with Pasta guns Kai and radar has clearly less accuracy than Roma with 35.6 proto. Maybe they don't get fit bonus for 381mm?

>> No.13491884

>I'm not spending any money on a flash game.
I never really understood this, what does it matter if it's a flash game or not? What matters is enjoyment and time invested.

>> No.13491895

Did you make proper tests?

>> No.13491898

His /v/ threads will laugh at him for spending money on games different than Call of Duty or Skyrim.

>> No.13491903

Seconding this.
I've been playing this game for 2 years soon, almost everyday. I'd actually feel bad if I invested less than I did, which is something short of a hundred bucks. Considering the price/time ratio you pay for call of shit, assassin's poop or Watch feces, it feels much better.

>> No.13491907

Unfortunately no, just based on their performance in PvP lv 1->18. Roma only missed a hit twice while Littorio misses almost half the time.

>> No.13491921

Kancolle is built like a mobile game but I can't play on my mobile. I also don't care for most of the shipgirls, so I have no need for most of them besides unlocking the encyclopedia thing.

>> No.13491926

Takanami's lore is pretty yamato damashii. Does having a searchlight make you cool by default?

>> No.13491927

You speak like a kuso

>> No.13491951
File: 727 KB, 681x1067, 1427007124540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All 24 ships sparkled
>Scrapped together enough resources to have 3 sorties on E6
>Only one clean kill is needed
Gimme some of that magic /jp/, this shit has been going on for way too long and I wouldn't mind trying my luck for Unryuu.

>> No.13491953

First class difficulty

>> No.13491960


>> No.13491964
File: 311 KB, 709x838, CFDokf1VAAA1K30.png orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want another Yuu, but I'm not that masochistic.

>> No.13491966

All you need is to put some trust in your girls and not in some random voodoo /jp/ magic.

>> No.13491970

Desire sensor here, I got your message. Look forward to it.

>> No.13491975
File: 657 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150515-12490818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, literally one sortie after posting.
Thank you /jp/ magic, for being real.

Time to scrap another mutsuki.

>> No.13491976

What? She only has skilled lookout.

>> No.13491978

I'm trying for a Yuu as well. I have no resources left and no buckets, scraping materials together just to be able to refuel and sparkle my ships for another try. I don't have Maya kai ni or any other useful AA ship either, so I get fucked in the ass by the carrier princess on the pre-boss node every single time. Fucking kuso.

>> No.13491980

You're going to run out of Mutsukis by the next event.

>> No.13491984
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Can you sortie them both at once?

>> No.13491986
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>> No.13491991

If you can it's a bug they'll fix

>> No.13491992

In combined fleet mode? Sure.

>> No.13491994

It should be fine if you run Kidou butai.

>> No.13491995

Either that is a shop, or that is the most patient man in the entire world.

>> No.13491997

Yeah, guy is amazing in his own way.

>> No.13492001

Are we calling history lore now?

>> No.13492002

There are two or three guys following in his steps on /jp/.

>> No.13492006

We all have our hobbies

>> No.13492007

More like http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev/kcplayer.php?c=586v8

>> No.13492010

Just like Taigei and Ryuuhou, or Hibiki and Bep.

Oh, that guy.

Hard mode?

Not a shop, someone posted a screenshot of him at level 100 here last year.

>> No.13492012

Who's the girl you have the most clones of? I have 4 Satsukis, the first set aside for later marriage.

>> No.13492013

I think we should call it Data

>> No.13492017
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That would be fun, but not outside of combined fleet.

>> No.13492019

I'm not gonna take the japs word as history, unless they fess up to stuff they say didn't happen.

>> No.13492028

Well, I guess I have to farm E6 now. Roma only drops in K-node on hard difficulty, right?

>> No.13492029

But you took the American word.

>> No.13492031
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Should go to N, son.

>> No.13492032

Maruyu. 8 right now so I'll be down to 3 if I don't get more.

>> No.13492038
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>Kancolle is built like a mobile game but I can't play on my mobile.
>I also don't care for most of the shipgirls
>unlocking the encyclopedia thing

What a Kuso. Please do us a favor and sink yourselves..

>> No.13492043

6 Maruyu

>> No.13492049

Found it.

>> No.13492061

I can't find Unryuu

what Unryuu detectors do I NEED

>> No.13492065

Love and courage

>> No.13492067

How is farming node N compared to K?

>> No.13492068

Try having Katsuragi as flagship

>> No.13492070

Sacrifice a mutsuki.

>> No.13492078
File: 107 KB, 700x820, IMG_20150515_091204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doujins when

>> No.13492081

>difference between continuing onto boss node

Tell that to Yamato who gets critted to red but Nagato is fine.

>> No.13492090

Faster and more enjoyable.

>> No.13492100

Doujins where Mussolini survived and reminds Italia of the taste of Fascism when?

>> No.13492102

Of Zuikaku getting so irritated she ends up sinking Katsuragi?

>> No.13492105

>Round 1
>Water Oni left on 41 HP
>Round 2
>Water Oni left on 78 HP
>Round 3
>Taiha'd during the night node
I'm so disappointed with them I'm going to let them rot in the docks all beaten up until the end of the event. Ungrateful bunch.

Enjoy the last two days /jp/, have better luck and ships than I did.

>> No.13492109

Jesus Christ how kuso can you get.

>> No.13492117

You have two days. Don't give up yet.

>> No.13492119

You're the TTK, don't blame your ships, you kuso.

>> No.13492121

>let them rot in the docks

You say that like it's worse than having to sortie again and again with only short bucket breaks in-between.

>> No.13492131

>Roma only drops outside of Boss node in medium and hard difficulty
Welp, this is what I get for doing Easy. It was the only one I could do, but fuck.

>> No.13492139

Having no computer for 10 days really set me back, I don't think I can clear E-6 now.

>> No.13492142

What's your compo? I'll try N after a couple of K runs.

>> No.13492148
File: 710 KB, 616x625, 1386022050851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can imagine they will rebel againts you and then kill you in the future.

>> No.13492157

I really like the songs they made for the event. Boss battles all remind me of Ar Tonelico.

>> No.13492162
File: 148 KB, 898x445, 1431120704428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going a bit overboard, but beating the life out of that boss over and over was therapeutic. Use a command fleet to save your sub or if someone is hit in the night node on the first attack and you should be able to keep doing it consecutively since you can just reuse that red destroyer as the flagship.

Also don't need to bucket the first fleet unless you need to since they'll only be in one battle.

>> No.13492170
File: 86 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150515-12353411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to back

No Roma

Please kill me

>> No.13492198

You can. I spent 16k on it.

>> No.13492199

AL/MI boss music also gave the same Ar Tonelico vibe.

>> No.13492204

>Love stat at zero.

You, TTK, are the disappointment.

>> No.13492206

I'll avenge you by getting fucked on the pre-boss node, leave it to me!

>> No.13492230

Seems a bit much indeed, but I'll try this. Thanks!

>> No.13492238
File: 848 KB, 800x480, isokaze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's E-7 complete. Well, except for Sakawa, but I think I'd rather farm 6-2 than E-6 boss. Especially since I only have ~18k fuel left.

>> No.13492241

RNG. My Littorio with fit guns hit all the time, but Roma was incompetent and missed all the time.

>> No.13492252
File: 1.81 MB, 800x1440, Spring 2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with E7. Victory LSC to boot. Pretty satisfied. The only one I regret not getting is Harusame, but fuck that .69% drop rate.
Total farming (not including LSC) took around 30k fuel.

>> No.13492309

You still have 300 buckets, no excuse to stop now.

>> No.13492333

But my bauxite :[

>> No.13492345

>Total farming (not including LSC) took around 30k fuel.
Laughable. I had 82k after finishing the event and am now in the middle of my third break for regenerating resources. Farm more.

>> No.13492358

I would if I had more bauxite. If I can farm some today, I might try. Event's ending soon though.

>> No.13492367

You have 17k. That's fuckload. If you go for AS+, you will only lose less than ~200/run even with Kidou Butai on E4. Much less on other maps.
It's easier to lose 60k of fuel than 17k of bauxite.

>> No.13492387

>Perfect S rank on first node
>Perfect S rank on BB hime
>S rank on CV Hime after a BB gets taihaa'ed
Fuck you, princess. Why are you harder in E7?

>> No.13492395

>>Perfect S rank on BB hime
You run out of luck for next ten sorties.

>> No.13492411

Harusame is on e2. I dont think AS+ is possible? Surface task force may be better to avoid air node.

>> No.13492413

Yeah, you have a lot of ammo so go with surface.

>> No.13492430
File: 16 KB, 149x66, IEXrSy9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isokaze is a fucking myth. 40~ L runs and 160~ boss runs (not all S rank, so I guess maybe more like 140) and nothing.

Fuck this.

>> No.13492463

>a single abyssal DD tanking the entire fleet
>meanwhile CV Hime rapes everyone
Well, fuck. I blame you >>13492395 for jinxing me. This has happened three times now.

>> No.13492471

Are you playing on Easy? Because I think she is a myth on Easy.

>> No.13492474

I'm sorry anon but at the same time I can't stop laughing. If it helps you, I have been fruitlessly farming for past few days.

>> No.13492478


>> No.13492482

The problem is I only have 10 buckets.

>> No.13492484

I once crippled CV Hime in my first round of BB attacks before she got any attacks off.

Result was the BBs missing all other ships and the double Wo wrecking 2 BBs from full to 5 HP.

>> No.13492488

2/4/10 all day. You should be able to get more than 30 buckets in one day. I hope you have FCF.

>> No.13492492

There were runs when CV Hime missed everything but Nus wrecked BBs by bringing three of them to chuuha.

>> No.13492496

I kind of wish you would get a medal for completing easy or medium instead of hard. It would make PvP more interesting to look at in seeing who takes the scrub route.

>> No.13492499

And make it so you can't dispose of easy medal.

>> No.13492502

But it works that way anyway?

>> No.13492504

No, I don't. I also spent 50 on E-5 alone.

>> No.13492505
File: 477 KB, 1000x676, 48837068_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3rd class medal sounds hilarious.

>> No.13492518

How do I prevent myself from getting fucked in the ass by the carrier hime in E-6?

>> No.13492521

Reppuu. Your only hope is to get AS+ or AS and pray she doesn't hit and explode your girls.

>> No.13492522

Keep doing it and hope she eventually gets bored of you for a bit.

>> No.13492524

ring formation

>> No.13492526

Marry all your ships.

>> No.13492528
File: 54 KB, 355x374, KanColle-150515-14114163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roma isn't real.

>> No.13492530

A lot of fighter power
Disable her before she attacks again

>> No.13492531

high levels and sparkling

>> No.13492537

Protect your asshole with Reppuu and AACI.

>> No.13492555

In that case just farm something.

>> No.13492559
File: 556 KB, 1000x1542, 1430568640016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made it this time and the boss dropped fucking Shouhou. Well, time to run some expeditions to get enough fuel to resparkle them and get fucked again one way or the other.

Fun game.

>> No.13492574

Man, I wonder why E6'pre-boss ndoe doesn't have any decent drop. All common stuff there, according tot he wiki. Well, except Maruyu, but it would be nice if there was anything better than useless sub.

>> No.13492580

I think you can get Kinu and Abukuma there.

>> No.13492585

Kai 2 never.

>> No.13492590

I got Kinu in another map of the event. Not seeing what is so special about her, besides the thug life pose.
Admitedly, it's a cool pose.

>> No.13492597

Absolutely nothing. They're rare because they're rare.

>> No.13492658
File: 1.74 MB, 1722x2046, 50333761_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it morally wrong to be turned on by Harbour Paizuri Demon?

>> No.13492668

Poll for elite TTKs


>> No.13492679
File: 140 KB, 901x466, new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've trying to farm Yuu while taking it easy for 2 days, but the CV hime keeps recking my girls 2 of each 3 times.

I even gave Shimakaze an AA fire director, should I equip Atago for AACI too or something? I need firepower for the boss.

>> No.13492680
File: 64 KB, 196x181, 1430900891407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not turned on by those massive weapon, you might be a gay.

>> No.13492687

Not morally, but her face is pretty different from the usual murderous look and bigger claws for who knows what reason. At least a hug would be really soft.

>> No.13492691

>liking cow tits
No anon, you are the gay.

>> No.13492701

elite ttk only play during events :^)

>> No.13492702
File: 1.42 MB, 1180x1549, 42025468_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are a bit too massive.

>> No.13492705

Her face turns me off. It reminds me of someone with down syndrome.

>> No.13492715

I don't have Asagumo and didn't drop second Yuu.

>> No.13492723 [SPOILER] 
File: 69 KB, 800x997, 1431717028498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my meat medium rare

>> No.13492726

Why would someone farm for Isokaze and Nowaki?

>> No.13492733

Why you wouldn't farm them?

>> No.13492734

Because Nowaki is cute, Isokaze is nearing meme status.

>> No.13492736

>One person struggling at E-6
Poor guy.

>> No.13492737

Because I got them from their respective events.

>> No.13492738

It doesn't say anything about farming them.

>> No.13492744
File: 81 KB, 950x1005, 1431457906267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not liking healthy meat.

>> No.13492749

Because there are people who didn't clear MI E-6 trying to get Isokaze.

>> No.13492752

It's implied with the GET.

>> No.13492758

He better hurry the fuck up.

>> No.13492773
File: 102 KB, 799x479, another trophy joins E-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got them while clearing/farming for other boats.

>> No.13492835
File: 417 KB, 801x1025, 1431630115595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filling out WOWs survey
>reach 30%, "which games have you played this week"
>Kantai Colletion sitting there between Heroes of the Storm and Kerbal Space Program.

>> No.13492840

I bet you're a poi faggot

>> No.13492866
File: 693 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150515-13380167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that was fast.

>> No.13492871
File: 95 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150515-21510293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, I got into beta recently. Never had a chance to meet them.

Post your office, faget.

>> No.13492874

Can't take you seriously with a name like that

>> No.13492884


>> No.13492887
File: 104 KB, 800x480, KanColle-10049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? You chicken?

>> No.13492906

why are you posting a common drop from 5-4?

>> No.13492914
File: 454 KB, 1000x1452, 1421121281729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isokaze is nearing meme status
How so? I just think she's the prettiest destroyer and like how smug she looks, I would bet many people thinks the same way.

>> No.13492919

Can you really deny that Isokaze line ahead isn't becoming a meme?

>> No.13492922

To complete the dex, obviously. This is common sense.

Line ahead-chan is already meme status.


>> No.13492927

So Nowacchi is a meme too? Every little thing is a meme now?

>> No.13492934


They're cute, especially nowacchi.

>> No.13492935

> these "torpedo boat destroyers" (TBD) were "large, swift, and powerfully armed torpedo boats designed to destroy other torpedo boats."

>> No.13492939

just like overweight penalty, sparkling, etc

>> No.13492942

Current generation of redditards thinks everything is a meme.

>> No.13492954
File: 69 KB, 700x650, ayy lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13492956

redditard is a meme

>> No.13492981

No, but calling her Nowacchi definitely is.

>> No.13492982

Including Milhouse?

>> No.13492996

Which of these should I prioritize farming?


>> No.13493001

The one you want the most.

>> No.13493002

All of them.

>> No.13493005


>> No.13493006

Unryuu > Roma > trophies

>> No.13493007

Roma > Isokaze > Unryuu > Nowaki > Hayashimo > Amatsukaze > Sakawa

>> No.13493008

>Shimakaze 2.0 with an engine
>Quest and tits and is a CV
>Either she is avaiable for constructing or only event drops llike U-511, get her just in case

>> No.13493009

What if there was an equipment that increases drop rate of rare ships?

>> No.13493013

The best prototype, of course.

>> No.13493015

Then you still wouldn't get the one you want.

>> No.13493029

From highest to lowest priority:
1) Unryuu
2) Roma, Amatsukaze
3) Everyone else

>> No.13493033

She drops in regular maps.

>> No.13493037


>> No.13493046

When you're going to give her love. You only want her for the quest.

>> No.13493050

Only in one map, but yeah, good point.

>> No.13493133
File: 836 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150515-18141050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not Roma or Yuu, but sure, I will keep her now.

Time to scrap one more mutsuki.

>> No.13493142


>> No.13493145

I think her expression mirrors the one on the mutsuki you're going to sscrap

>> No.13493157

It cannot be helped. I have tons of mutsukis anyway.

>> No.13493175
File: 83 KB, 803x481, to scrap or not to scrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I keep this in the hopes of a Kai 2 with good equip or does someone get +4 AA?

>> No.13493180


>> No.13493182

There's no need to hope, they already confirmed it.

>> No.13493183

Buy slots you kuso.

>> No.13493201

You're not getting another one.

>> No.13493221

800 posts and 8th page.
This mandates a new thread!

>> No.13493232
File: 117 KB, 444x440, jesus christ how horrifying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those stars

>> No.13493246

I'll wait for Ryuusei Tomonaga to come out as a blueprint upgrade.

>> No.13493248

Get rid of her, you don't deserve her.

>> No.13493250

Do you use slider for upgrading AAFD at 6-9 stars?

>> No.13493251
File: 68 KB, 836x369, first CV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the question is, will it come with good planes worth farming, or not?
Then again, given they are hypothetical remodels, it will most likely require a BP, and I'll be booked out on those for months due to must-have CAVs and BBVs, etc...

Well, it's unbelievable how fast 30 extra slots just trickle away...

>another one

>> No.13493261

You can get new Zuikaku anytime from 5-4.

>> No.13493262

I only ever use the slider for upgrading.
Never had a failure so far.

>> No.13493267

I had two failures this week so I started wondering. Never had one before, only used slider for upgrading into another eq.

>> No.13493268
File: 25 KB, 305x300, 8e3a9eafa8579216f457583aa311b3a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used my Ayanami and Sendai for modernization before they got kai 2 and I haven't got either since then

>> No.13493272

I only use the slider when valuable equipment like type 1 AP shells will be consumed in the upgrade. Otherwise, I don't bother.

>> No.13493288

She dropped while I was clearing that map.

Unryuu it is then.

>> No.13493314

North or south for E-6 kidou?

>> No.13493339


>> No.13493344

You can't go north with Kidou.

>> No.13493349

Is there some kind of way to turn salt into energy?

>> No.13493350


>> No.13493352

Not in this game.

>> No.13493370

With wallet.

>> No.13493380

Saltwater battery.

Am I missing some obscure reference?

>> No.13493399
File: 170 KB, 480x640, 1430482620330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

19 fucking hitpoints. NINETEEN FUCKING HITPOINTS. And my week of agony could be over.

>> No.13493400

Whoah, there was no need to delete the thread.

>> No.13493403
File: 119 KB, 457x441, Laughingkuso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isokaze, Nowaki get
>Elite TTKs
Don't make me laugh, scrubs

>> No.13493423

Do you think it would be possible to get Nowaki if started two weeks before the event?

>> No.13493431

The moderation seems rather trigger-happy.

>> No.13493435

I don't like this meme.

>> No.13493443
File: 834 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150515-19183263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, another one. You still aren't Roma or Yuu, and since you are a dupe, I don't need to scrap another mutsuki for you. Hmm, what to do, what to do?

>> No.13493452

scrap her, unlock your other one, scrap her too

god I hate sakawa

>> No.13493453

put your dick in it

>> No.13493454

This is why we need RF implants in humans so those can be banned instead of IPs.

>> No.13493456

She really loves you, obviously. Nobody loves her, give her love. Make her your combined fleet CL. She isn't the most liked sister. She'll make the same face if you scrap her or feed her to someone.

>> No.13493459

Then you aren't elite, sorry m8 :^)

>> No.13493462
File: 502 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150516-07193840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this game.
I love you, my Lady.

Also, Mogamin hit the boss for ~15 + fucking 133 during day, leaving her with 9HP into yasen.

>> No.13493463
File: 14 KB, 434x194, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got two Maruyu's from one E6 run. One from S ranking Carrier Princess Node, and one from S rank on the boss. Check the ID's on the last two. I'm scared to do any more runs today, this was my first run. Might've exhausted my luck.

>> No.13493472

None of these options fit me but I'm leet, you should look into this.

>> No.13493474
File: 1.57 MB, 800x480, PYAA.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody loves he
Speak for yourself, kuso

>> No.13493477

Who are you going to use them on?

>> No.13493490

I'm not even sure now that this event helped me get Kitakami to 50 luck already. I'm thinking maybe Ayanami.

>> No.13493499

Is it possible to get Maruyus from E5?

>> No.13493520


>> No.13493527

Ooi, obviously.

>> No.13493558

One CLT with cut in set up is enough for me. Id rather invest in a DD. Or a CA in case they somehow nerf CLT effectiveness at night with a troll sub. Or maybe my wife Bismarck. Not sure.

>> No.13493568

Bismarck it is, then. Followed by Poi/Shimakaze/Ayanami.

>> No.13493579

Wow, Kitakami is completely raping everything she touches with yellow double attack.

>> No.13493586

As much as I love Bismarck and all, is she actually useful with high luck? Or would I be better off on working on getting Yuudachi to monster status?

>> No.13493592

Are you using the OTO?

>> No.13493600
File: 649 KB, 800x1137, -0.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Release the beast anon.

>> No.13493611

Bisko with 2 guns 2 torps deals one of the most devastating cut-ins, what are you talking about? It's surpassed by only KitaOoi's cut-in.

>> No.13493614

No, 15.5.

>> No.13493633

>Might've exhausted my luck.
So refill them with the Maruyus you have and continue.

>> No.13493638
File: 156 KB, 800x480, FUN for Isokaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else having FUN?

>> No.13493647

Node L is less painful.

>> No.13493653

I'm having fun seeing my resources deplete farming a combined fleet map.

>> No.13493662

I'm probably not gonna get much else from E-4. My bauxite takes a massive hit every time I resupply. I also only have 9 buckets left. Give Kiyoshimo and Takanami plz.

>> No.13493684
File: 70 KB, 800x480, e-7_over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd take node K 24/7 until the end of the year before doing E-5 again. I'm glad it's over.

>> No.13493689

Got Amatsukaze, then did 2 chump LSCs so I'm now out of resources and now not tempted and also unable to farm anything else.

This event is done for me. No Unryuu, no Yuu, not even Takanami, but I'm not going to put myself through farming combined fleet maps anymore.

I'm free.

>> No.13493741

>2 chump LSCs
You only have yourself to blame.

>> No.13493775

Has anybody here used his screws? What did you use them for?

>> No.13493778

>It's surpassed by only KitaOoi's cut-in.
And 4 torp cut-ins from Myoukou-class Kai 2 and Choukai Kai 2, forgot about those.

But I'll still pick Bisko anyway because she's less likely to get taiha'd on the way to the boss.

>> No.13493789

I use one every day.

>> No.13493800

Quint torpedoes
I'd do the fire director and 35.6 guns, but that takes too many screws, maybe after I'm done with the other equipment.

>> No.13493804

>event is almost over
>still cant get what I want from E2

Fuck everything, I'll probably hit 65 runs today, at least roma did not cost a million fuel and ammo to farm.

>> No.13493867

Yuudachi, Sendai kai ni and Prinz also have stronger cut-ins than Bisko.

>> No.13493872

Me too, man.

According to kancolle-db the chance of getting a dragon/crane is around 10% from E-2, but I haven't gotten one in about 30 runs + clearing.

Then to make it all worse my friend who has only played for a week and half has gotten two Shoukaku clearing and I watched it happen both times.

>> No.13493878
File: 500 KB, 750x1000, 47952342_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sendai kai ni

>> No.13493879

Yep, for me it's not quite 10%, as I just want Shoukaku and Hiryuu, but at this point I have reached over 80% chance that I should have found one of them...

>> No.13493881
File: 44 KB, 373x344, 1430365096515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I meant to say Jintsuu and somehow ended typing the nameship.

>> No.13493914

This is only true if you're not running 46cm. There are arguments against that of course, but Bismarck still has higher potential.

>> No.13493916

That's wrong, mixed cut-in has 2x130% damage while a pure torp cut-in has 2x150% damage.

>> No.13493919

2 gun 2 torp isn't mixed cut-in.

>> No.13493920

I don't think I should have to say this, but 2x red guns 2x torpedoes is still a torpedo cut in.

>> No.13493926

My bad then, that's pretty weird though.

>> No.13493933

Not really, torp overrides mixed.

>> No.13493944
File: 600 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150516-09240551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13493945

Is trading medals for screws a good idea? I already have 2 blueprints already

>> No.13493947

Had no idea, never tried doing that and assumed mixing guns with torps always resulted in mixed cut-in.

>> No.13493956

In forehead we trust.

>> No.13493957

Nope, medals are a monthly/event thing and you can get screws from a few weeklies.

>> No.13493960


>> No.13493962

I say yes. The only girls that need an urgent blueprint remodel are Tone and maybe Chikuma.

>> No.13493971

Wouldn't it be better to farm blueprint ships for unique eq?

>> No.13493973

Yes, use your e-peen medals as well.

>> No.13493977

No, these days the devs are shitting out blueprint remodels faster than you can earn medals.

In less than a year's time you'll end up having a shortage of medals.

>> No.13493979

I don't think you understand. I did it on purpose so I wouldn't be able to get farming in even if I wanted to.

>> No.13493989
File: 839 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150516-09414465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not an Asagumo but on the other hand it's the first good drop in 31 sorties. And first actually useful drop in 68 sorties. E5 doesn't like me too much but I hope this is a sign of better times coming.

>> No.13493994

What is with you fags and your "I'm low guys I have 20k :(" bullshit? You're not using it for anything.

>> No.13494018
File: 306 KB, 997x595, ss+(2015-05-15+at+11.24.37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently the bgm changes when I have certain furniture? This one is boss as fuck, 桃の節句と艦娘.

>> No.13494022

A 3rd 38cm twin kai, the best gun in the game, well spent.

>> No.13494055

Your name is boss as fuck.

>> No.13494062

>25 buckets and 4k fuel left
>Still no Yuu, Ooyodo or Roma
I guess I'll just aim for Ooyodo at this point, I wish RNG would bless upon me

>> No.13494166

What is your holy grail, ttks? Something that most of the players do not possesed.

>> No.13494181

Shinden kai. They have to bring it back someday.

>> No.13494183
File: 146 KB, 620x465, mou TTK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 25 buckets and 4k fuel


>> No.13494189

Love for my girls.

>> No.13494198

I wish I have 53 hull.

>> No.13494205

Married Oboro

>> No.13494213

Well, not exactly married, but I'll get there.

>> No.13494223

Help /jp/, I'm down to 4 digit resources and still no Roma

>> No.13494227

>Wasting 7 bucks

>> No.13494239

No worries, she'll be in LSC and you can enjoy getting her there.

>> No.13494241

The rare combination of autism and being bad at the game.

>> No.13494247



>> No.13494251

It's pretty common among /tg/ actually.

>> No.13494269

Farm them in 5-4 and stop typing like a faggot.

>> No.13494281

Just craft or LSC.
RNG also favors you if you don't type like a retard.

>> No.13494286

common sense

>> No.13494290

Not that guy, but Hiryuu doesn't drop in 5-4. 5-2 is pretty similar and probably a good bet though, it's where I got my first one.

>> No.13494292

Is 20/20/10/90 the best Reppuu recipe?

>> No.13494293
File: 80 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150516-09525756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got her after more than 70 Runs
After using Italia since the start of farming she's now Level 50

>> No.13494295

Nah, Orel cruising is the best way to get her.

>> No.13494306

I personally use 300/300/300/300.
Really helps when I can't be bothered trying myself.

>> No.13494318

You might as well craft better planes while you're at it with 30/20/10/110, it's going to take a while.

>> No.13494323

I think 20/60/10/110 covers all except for Type 2 Recon.

>> No.13494326

I'll give both a try over the next week while doing dailies and see what comes up. Hope I dont get more Saiun, I literally got 2 of them yesterday and you don't really need more than 1.

>> No.13494335

In that case use 20/60/10/100. No chance of Saiun. You need 60 ammo and 100 bauxite for Ryuusei Kai.

>> No.13494390
File: 66 KB, 331x370, KanColle-150515-22255997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If these drop from K node one more time...

>> No.13494401

Which node?

>> No.13494405


>> No.13494411

Shinden kai.

>> No.13494415


>> No.13494418

Holy grail refers to something you don't have, but seek.

>> No.13494425

But shinden kai is common as fuck

>> No.13494428
File: 46 KB, 541x800, 1428691816025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Cure Lovely is the kawaiiest sub.

>> No.13494433
File: 565 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150504-05555416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wo was right about levels.

>> No.13494435

Less common than ID1 Oois.

>> No.13494439

Kai ni fucking when? She sunk Yorktown for gods sake.

>> No.13494447

>ID1 Oois
Wait, how does that happen? I'm a scrub

>> No.13494448

purple > tanned > Mexican > orange > yellow > red

>> No.13494450

She was a bonus for pre-registering for kancolle.

>> No.13494452

Guys, I finally finished E6. Please praise me!

>> No.13494454

Congrats, you're only half done.

>> No.13494456

The only one I praise is Bisko.

>> No.13494460

Calm down there Bismarck. You still have ships to farm for

>> No.13494461

53cm hull mount, I accept no replacement an oppai loli DD drawn by Asanagi.

>> No.13494463

Easy mode?

>> No.13494465

I usually use 50/60/30/120

>> No.13494466

Hacchi > Ro > Dechi > Iku > Shioi > Yuu > Imuya

>> No.13494468

Where do I get Uzuki from this event? Also, what expeds should I do besides #2 if I want a big number of buckets?

>> No.13494471

Spoiler didnt work, good work moot.

>> No.13494477

The untold number of destroyers sacrificed to the Ironbottom Sound have always been proof that levels don't matter in night battle.

>> No.13494478

Speaking of which, isn't a +9 quint essentially better than that one or do the torps get less accuracy boost than guns from improving them?

>> No.13494479

>Red heads were thought to bring bad luck to a ship if you happened to encounter one before boarding. However, if you speak to the redhead before they get the chance to speak to you, you're saved.

>> No.13494482

Hardo modo. I kept failing, but I sparkled all 24 ships and got it in one try. I'm so happy ;_;

>> No.13494500

Ability for carriers to attack at night when? I don't like how the Abyss can.

>> No.13494501

Sparkling is placebo

>> No.13494508

Wait for Taihou Kai Ni.

>> No.13494525

She's already perfect

>> No.13494565

K node

>> No.13494577

>5-5 boss node night battle
>Three low damaged kongos to one Wo kai
>All of them do scrap damage.

>> No.13494583

americans have better ships
muh historical accuracy

>> No.13494623

I officially hate my wallet, /jp/. Will this increase Isokaze's drop rate?

>> No.13494648


>> No.13494649


>> No.13494653

Love increases every chance of everything, good luck anon.

>> No.13494683

How many Maruyu's have you gotten from farming this event? I'm at 13.

>> No.13494691

4, it sucks because now I keep getting Mikumas out the ass and leveling them for the 20.3(3) is a pain.

>> No.13494695

Only once.
I stopped farming Maruyu after I got both Roma and U-511.

>> No.13494696

Where are you farming them at?

>> No.13494706

I'm surprised she has plain luck when she took the consolation prizes at Midway.

>> No.13494707

Majority of them have come from E6 runs for Yuu. 9 from E6, 3 from E5, 1 from E3.

>> No.13494714

What do you think she's doing on her smartphone?

Mobage? Shitposting on imageboards?

>> No.13494725

Playing Kancolle, and marrying every sub repeatedly.

>> No.13494747

Orel, what else?

>> No.13494752

But Orel is a torture chamber.

>> No.13494760
File: 175 KB, 814x695, etvt6Cf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stockholm Syndrome.

>> No.13494766


>> No.13494774

5-4 is the true torture chamber, send subs there and they'll forever accept slave duty.

>> No.13494848

>Perfect S
>RNG hates you so no drop
Roma stop hiding pls.

>> No.13494862


Try 4-3 while leveling a CL

Fucking node J sends you right to hell

>> No.13494877
File: 49 KB, 1013x515, 4-3 setup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this, never fails.

>> No.13494939

Man, triggering /a/utists nerves sure is fun.
On topic, Im doing the event on ez in a 3rd account, E-6's still a bitch.

>> No.13494944

Cycling between O,K and N and no Roma.

>> No.13494951
File: 28 KB, 156x163, 1384578942628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>triggering /a/utists
>event on ez
>in a 3rd account
>E-6's still a bitch

>> No.13494990

Three days on K and 30k resources, no Roma.

>> No.13494995

Did you expect me to maintain 3 accounts on 300k all and clear the event in hard three times? Nice joke yellow text.

>> No.13495012

But why?

>> No.13495024

>he needs more than regen level resources to clear the event

>> No.13495036


>> No.13495042

I have my main with everything cleared and stuff, 2nd one is a close friend's one that never got that much into it but loved Samidare, but he got first into a job, so Im here sitll waiting for one; 3rd one's another friend who loves and play it regularly but doesnt have time and money to do it right now, so I have no choice but to do it on ez and only collect the rewards.
You know what I mean, dont be such gaylords.

>> No.13495049

Thanks for the working spoiler, moot.

>> No.13495054

>spoiler for no reason
>playing for people

>> No.13495055

I don't even get drop slowdowns to look forward to anymore.

I've gotten every single ship on the K droplist other than Roma.

This is truly hopeless suffering.

>> No.13495060

Well if your only friend is the yellow text, I dont blame you for not understanding, and I love the game, so why not?

>> No.13495072

Dont give up anon, I got her from there, just dont do fatigue grinding, and love your girls even more, you will surely get her.

>> No.13495082

If you want a change you could do boss farming instead, go south with kidou butai. If you can S-rank N you get two chances at Roma, one from N and one from boss.

>> No.13495096
File: 15 KB, 146x59, E-6 Resources.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be able to complete E-6 on easy with just this left, right?

>> No.13495099


>> No.13495109


>0 buckets
>less than two days left


>> No.13495112

No, easy doesn't make things easy. The boss will still kick your ass.

>> No.13495113
File: 15 KB, 138x67, 7ypnZKA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang in there anon, I'm kind of in your situation.

just 4 more boss kills.

>> No.13495118

Pay2Win time

>> No.13495119


>> No.13495122

rip you

>> No.13495125
File: 43 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150516-00042102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP in pieces.

>> No.13495132
File: 15 KB, 136x62, KanColle-150516-01050052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good to be an expert in resource management.

>> No.13495139

I didn't know people could run out of dev mats.

>> No.13495143

Are you going to rape her and take her screws?

>> No.13495145

Good old days of trying to craft Shimakaze.

>> No.13495146

Down to my last 4k resources, don't think I'll be able to afford that at this point.

>> No.13495157

Going to rape her tenderly.

>> No.13495191

Just farm her off 2-4-A.

>> No.13495202

Reread my post again and the context for it.

>> No.13495208

What kind of fleet and route are people using for Roma?

Do people stop at K, or do they keep going to the boss node?

>> No.13495216

Hell no, stop at K. The subs would be useless in the boss node.

>> No.13495218

Yeah, you should've just farmed her off 2-4-A instead of wasting devmats for her.

>> No.13495221

Is it not worth, not using subs, than going from K to Boss node?

I kinda want a shot at another U-511 too...

>> No.13495224

Amatsukaze I'm getting tired of your shit

Drop already goddamnit


>> No.13495231

>not getting her when she's event reward

>> No.13495237

I was just attempting reppuu for the hell of it.
Of course I didn't get any.

>> No.13495239

If you don't want to use subs go south and go through node N.

>> No.13495244

Suppose to use multiple subs?

>> No.13495257

The sub is used to tank the hits from Oni, so 1 on each fleet would be needed.

>> No.13495268

Night battle node before N seems to trolling me a lot.

>> No.13495274

Do you have searchlight and (serveral) starshells?

>> No.13495278

How much worse is Yamato construction rate with only 1 dev mat?

>> No.13495302

I think it's a better idea to regain your devmats.

>> No.13495303

Since experiments has shown that the overweight penalty becomes negligible at high levels, at what level should Kongous start to equip 46? At what level should they start to use 41?

>> No.13495311


>> No.13495321

>decide to subcheese someone in PVP since they only had Kamo for ASW
>my subs hit pitifully on everyone
>Kamo taihas two subs

Kamo too stronk.
Serves me right.

>> No.13495337

Not much worse.
Though, I would only recommend it if you're focusing for Yamato (i.e already got Musashi, etc).

>> No.13495341


>> No.13495355

Is there statistics on which node is better for Roma?

I have plenty of resources etc, just don't have much time.

>> No.13495358


>> No.13495370

I thought you were banned.

>> No.13495379

>overweight penalty becomes negligible at high levels
No, it isn't at least for me. It's pretty noticeable when I equipped my Lvl 125 Nagato and Mutsu with proto 41cm in boss support, and Lvl 130 Bisko equipped with 2x46cm in escort fleet. They can't hit for shit, and I've learned my lesson now.

>> No.13495382

Reported,kcgfag in disguse present

>> No.13495388

I don't like this meme.
We are on page 10.

>> No.13495451
File: 79 KB, 1366x768, usopp sweating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lvl 125 Nagato and Mutsu with proto 41cm
>can't hit for shit
Am I reading this right?

>> No.13495459
File: 13 KB, 141x63, Fuck You Battleship Water Demon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just need one freaking clean kill. Good luck to you guys as well.

>> No.13495463

He probably has terrible luck. I used proto 51 and a regular 41 and could hit just fine in E-2 with Nagato at level 52.

>> No.13495470

>Boss support

>> No.13495473

Those aren't fit guns for them, moron. Only Fusou's can.

>> No.13495474

>using boss support in E2
Oh man.

>> No.13495479

I thought he was talking about combined fleet. Boss support never hits anything no matter how many radars you bring.

>> No.13495490

That might explain it, support a shit.

>not fit guns for Nagatos
I'm definitely not reading this right.

>> No.13495493

I had no problems hitting things while using unfit guns all the way until E6. E6 is rigged i tell you.

>> No.13495494
File: 60 KB, 278x480, e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you please stop talking? You are full of shit.

>> No.13495502

Tell me your secrets.

>> No.13495507

I said Proto 41cm, retard. You should go back to Wikia, you fit in right there.

>> No.13495523
File: 51 KB, 310x288, 1427836000179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't be this retarded.

>> No.13495536

Maybe your post would be something believable if you have something to back it up than shitposting with reaction image. Back to Wikia and never come back.

>> No.13495562
File: 139 KB, 1109x522, 1431368003095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Educate yourself.

It was even posted two threads back. I didn't think I had to repost it, but apparently I'm wrong.

>> No.13495588

And where's the data? You shouldn't believe anything that you can't confirm yourself.

>> No.13495594

Not even him but, you can stop now.

>> No.13495626

With those tons of question marks, I can safely assume that the data is incomplete, and I'm talking about my experience in those guns in boss support only. For my part, I'd say it's bullshit. I used Bisko and Kirishima with proto 41cm last Winter Event, and it's ineffective, same goes to Nagato-class. Although, I nailed the perfect formula in this picture. >>13495494

>> No.13495631

Jesus Christ do I have to spoonfeed everything for you.

>And where's the data? You shouldn't believe anything that you can't confirm yourself.
I could say the same about Fusous and 41cms.

>I nailed the perfect formula in this picture.
What >>13495502 said.

>> No.13495635

Grade A moron here. Not only is the 41 proto a fit gun for the Nagato class, you're also wrong in that it's not a fit gun for the Fusous. It's a neutral gun for the Fusous. +/-0 accuracy. The 35.6cms and its variants are the only fit guns for the Fusous.

The data is right there in the footnotes of that wikiwiki page. inb4 I can't read Japanese ergo you're wrong.

>> No.13495640

Where are your thousands of tests proving that proto41 isn't fit for Nagato? Can't come in here and claim something without facts and data that you compiled yourself, according to you.

>> No.13495644

Please stop. You're not supposed to ask him to disprove something when you're making an assertion. You're supposed to ask him to prove that the 41 proto is a fit gun for the Fusou.

>> No.13495652

I do, I'll equip those on my next sorties then.

>> No.13495653

The ones without question marks are confirmed (see the table above it). The rest of your post is just worthless anecdote without evidence.

>> No.13495668
File: 54 KB, 271x475, e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to tell you about my secret because you've already said that boss support never hits anything, I have proven you wrong.

>It's a neutral gun for the Fusous. +/-0 accuracy.
Proto 41 gives +2 accuracy, and it doesn't make sense that they're not fit guns for them considering the fact that those are their stock guns in their Kai2 form ffs. And here's my usual support shelling with Nagato-class, and their miss rate was unbelievably high.

>> No.13495671

Actually the first table only shows that the proto 41 is a neutral gun for the Fusou. There hasn't been any tests on the Nagatos yet. By extension though one can infer that the 41 proto is a fit gun for Nagato since the regular 41 is a fit for Nagato. The data does prove however that both the 41 and the 41 proto are NOT fit guns for the BBVs, rather they are neutral guns.

>> No.13495673

I wasn't a part of this convo. Just popped in asking him where his proof is that proto41 isn't fit for Nagato, since that was the original claim, since he doesn't want to believe they fit even with compiled data that says they fit.

>> No.13495676

I'm not the same anon as the one who said support never hits anything, I only said it was a shit, since from personal experience it's horribly inconsistent.

>> No.13495679

>doesn't make sense considering the fact that those are their stock guns
Kongou kai2 says hi. Besides, there IS definitive testing on the 41cms being neutral guns for the Fusous. A circle on that table indicates neutral guns. Double circles indicate fit guns. You can continue using the 41cms on the Fusous since they're not overweight guns at least. Your observations are merely your own. Unless you've done hundreds of tests like the people on wikiwki all you have is observation bias.

>> No.13495681

>and it doesn't make sense that they're not fit guns for them considering the fact that those are their stock guns in their Kai2 form ffs
Monkeys kai and kai 2 say hi.

>> No.13495706
File: 638 KB, 951x568, kancollee6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you based Yukikaze, this was the last of my resources

>> No.13495758

Considering that I'm on 3k fuel and 1 bucket after 47 sorties on E-6 hard final kill it's safe to assume I won't be finishing the event and should probably kill myself right?

Fucking sucks man. I wouldn't even care if I just reached e-6 or she wasn't on final kill. But the fact that I've been on final kill for this entire week without a single successful run is infuriating.
I'll be better prepared for summer... I'll probably never get over not finishing this event only because I won't get my e-peen medal. Fuck everything.

>> No.13495764

Everyone has a different set of RNG, and I just wanted to share my personal experience from the beginning. I don't know why you would take the boss support for granted, it plays a vital role too.

I would have trusted it better if the chart was already completed. Until then, I'll just based on my observations. Back in the days, we used 46cm for everything and call it a day.

>> No.13495767

>415 HP

>> No.13495770

Unless you just started not too long ago, there is no excuse to fail. You had plenty of time to craft the good shit and level your girls.

>> No.13495772

Your fault for caring for the medal first and not the well-being of your girls.

>> No.13495776

>I don't know why you would take the boss support for granted, it plays a vital role too.
I don't. It's just that it's not exactly good for my health and sanity if I have to pray for them to actually take out something every time I have to use them, like 5-1 Mikawa quest. Same applies to route support.

>> No.13495783

Let me guess: suijou butai?

>> No.13495786

You're the only one to be blamed when this event is piss easy, and even the most retarded composition and FCF as disadvantage could clear it. Kindly end yourself.

>> No.13495789


My experience is that boss support usually do 0 damage. When when they do deal damage it always means a complete boss kill.

>> No.13495799

The OTO is pretty good, I like it a lot on CLTs.

>> No.13495811

Started in jan. Had a lot of time but didn't really think to start putting time into the game.
Yep. I tried kidou butai for 15 sorties and never reached the boss so I said fuck it.
Don't have fcf unfortunately. I'll just rope some bricks to my legs and jump in the north pacific

>> No.13495819

You're right.
FaT > 53cm for subs >= 9-10 stars Quint > 53cm for everyone > 4 stars Quint
I don't get the obsession with 53cm.
FaT only gives +14 but its other bonuses are huge so I think it deserves first place.

>> No.13495822

>using BBs in night
Wo has a litttle less armor than they do damage.

>> No.13495828

Only six. It really sucks, I got ~250 S ranks on nodes dropping them.

>> No.13496056
File: 202 KB, 800x623, 183ad83f10a243d4290e4f5e0fcddc8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But the fact that I've been on final kill for this entire week without a single successful run is infuriating.
Welcome to the club

>> No.13496072

You might still be able to do it.
Get that kira kira and pray for the best.

>> No.13496357

Just sunk a Hiyou on E6 farming. I don't remember the fleet command screen ever popping up and I always click on the left option by default. Big losses were the Tenzen Tomonaga, Reppu601.

>> No.13496364
File: 515 KB, 700x1055, 1429602479965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13496368
File: 674 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150515-12564021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, after way too many runs and way too many used resources.
Now I want to do some last minute Isokaze-farming.
What's better, farming her at node L or the boss node?

>> No.13496371

Just proceed to scuttling yourself already.

>> No.13496374
File: 224 KB, 805x945, 1423416390658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13496375

It's okay, it wasn't one of you cute carriers I care about.

>> No.13496382


>> No.13496387

kuso pls go

>> No.13496395

Node L is easy other than the elite sub fucking you up a few times.

>> No.13496424

but the drop rate is noticeably lower I reckon?

>> No.13496431
File: 45 KB, 800x600, rip hiyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't take a screenshot so I drew her dead.

>> No.13496446
File: 2 KB, 245x69, ss (2015-05-16 at 08.20.23).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13496452
File: 110 KB, 341x276, 1424382383060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13496458

About 37 hours to go.

>> No.13496470

About 10k left, no Isokaze. Just kill me.

>> No.13496473

Congrats man, currently around 130 runs and still no pasta in my part.

>> No.13496485

She's useless and not atrophy. What the point?

>> No.13496503

I want to put it in her butt.

>> No.13496509

took me 117 runs, I already gave up on her. You'll get her bro, just don't lose hope (and, before you go insane, take a break, play something other for an hour or so)

>> No.13496513

What is a trophy at this point? Only Asashimo?

>> No.13496531
File: 98 KB, 287x430, Equipment56-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13496533

Which BB guns would be the best for upgrading? Got screws to spare but not enough 41cm for materials, wish I didn't scrap those back then.

>> No.13496540


>> No.13496541
File: 82 KB, 797x479, come on now, RNG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, so guess what...

I just want Nagato and maybe Takanami.

>> No.13496548

Well, I got 10 Cranes from E4, five of each.

>> No.13496550

Grind E-6 for Yuu or do min LSC if you want Nagato.

>> No.13496571

What about the kai pasta guns? They are fast BB guns and upgrade bonus negates the accuracy penalty.

>> No.13496581

Pasta guns are only useful on Pastas and even on them their use is debatable.
35.6 are useful on all Kongous, all BBVs and my Roma enjoys 35.6 as well.

>and upgrade bonus negates the accuracy penalty
I would rather get a clear bonus.

>> No.13496593

I think those options are both more expensive than trying my luck on E-4.

Especially since I've S-ranked maybe 5 out of ~25 E-6 runs so far when I cleared it. I never want to see that boss node again.

>> No.13496596


>> No.13496603 [DELETED] 

>be me
>farm E6 for Yuu
>get Nagato
>be depressed because Yuu is only a dream
>go to E1 for Amatsukaze
>get Tanikaze and Urakaze
>be sad
>go to E4 for Zuikaku
>get 3 Shoukakus

Why does RNG hate me so much?

>> No.13496606

I got 6 Yamashiroes farming Yuu.

>> No.13496607

>>be me

>> No.13496611

Kindly fuck off back to reddit. Jesus christ.

>> No.13496614

I can't feel bad for someone who makes retarded posts

>> No.13496618

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13496673

Now that you mention it I realised I never tried 35.6cm on the pastas, didn't use Kongous much anymore but I guess I'll go with 35.6cm to equip them for support fleet.
Thanks for the help.

>> No.13496684

I equipped a Wurfgerät 42 each on Shigure and Yukikaze but it only triggered on Shigure for 10 damage. At this rate I can't get my Littorio before the event end.

>> No.13496688

Where are your sanshiki ?

>> No.13496697

Why are you using a Burgerfat against a BBV?

>> No.13496711

Gonna have to call it quits on Roma I think. Not much time left for her to drop and I've been at it for days now. Gotta refocus and go for Unryuu with what time I have even if only for a change of pace.

>> No.13496712

A single CA with a Sanshiki can be enough to sink Paizuri Demon in Yasen. Just bring two in the Escort fleet.

Wurfgeräte and Sanshiki on BBs don't do shit.

>> No.13496714
File: 601 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150508-09081201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13496727

Fuck E-4, I already got Akitsumaru, 2 Kiyoshimo, 2 Mutsu, 2 Shoukaku, Kaga and Suzuya when I only want a Nowaki.
Where is the anon with the 3 Nowaki pic? Send me one please.

>> No.13496746

I'm calling it quits but I got a good haul. Finished the event on hard and got akitsumaru, takanami, yahagi, harusame, unryuu, roma and kiyoshimo. Didn't get an extra Yuu or Isokaze, but there will be other events, I'm happy with this.

>> No.13496755


oh and about 6 maruyu, so either poi or KTKM are getting an upgrade soon

>> No.13496761

Standard quality post nowaday

>> No.13496764
File: 2.29 MB, 1919x1079, taitei-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obtains Akitsushima + Taitei-chan
>I swear i saw Taitei-chan before in my past gaming experience
>Playing Commandos 2
>Escape Savo Island with a specific float plane

No wonder.

>> No.13496778

Who're you quote?

>> No.13496782

>2014夏E-4:北太平洋MI諸島近海 MI島基地隊 231 231 0 0 4.76% 4857
Goddamnit. I would farm her so hard.

>> No.13496812
File: 191 KB, 811x692, 3690fdd70c6b175bb79fc0bbfbb42a36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taitei-chan is cute! cute cute cute!

>> No.13496843
File: 873 KB, 2665x3656, 4b44c69c84283230a13b172d6b3dc1d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13496854

Cute dogs.

>> No.13496858


My composition is 4CV2FBB + CL2BB2CACLT
All FBB and CA have shanshiki. Just I am disappointed with the effect of Wurfgerät 42.

>> No.13496865
File: 852 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150515-22074622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got mine in ~5 S-Rank runs as a break from E5 running for Isokaze. I wanted Takanami.

Desire meter is real.

>> No.13496879
File: 622 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150508-07253222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you meant 2DD in escort fleet.

DON'T use Sanshiki in main fleet. Haven't you heard about damage cap? AP Shells are much much better for them. Even radar would be better than Sanshiki to be honest. Pic related was AP cut-in from Kirishima.

Remember that DDs/CLs have low firepower. But yes, this piece of glorious German Engineering isn't as effective as Sanshiki. Still, my Kuma hit the boss for 131 once during day with single hit.

>> No.13496894


I actually screamed when she LSC'ed all her resources away.

>> No.13496906

38cm kais

>> No.13496912

How can I properly farm and stockpile bauxite? show me your ways /jp/

>> No.13496920
File: 852 KB, 800x480, e8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, 2 runs after you said that.
Now I'm done with this event, only missing Asagumo but she can wait.

>> No.13496922

Maybe I'm the one being slow, but if you wanted Littorio you are in E-4, right?

>> No.13496929

Good job man. Hopefully I get iso in my despair runs tomorrow.

>> No.13496932


>> No.13496936

You don't need to stockpile, just craft 10 Reppuu and you will never need more than 10k for an event.

>> No.13496940

Also Ex 15 overnight with sparkles (and Daihatsu if you have them)

>> No.13496946

FInish carrier LSC when you get Taihou.

Never worry about it again as it slowly makes its way to 300k and you only use ~2-5k per event.

>> No.13496951

Good luck, just don't forget to complain.
By the way, wikia says:
>L: 磯風(甲乙のみ)
>Boss: 磯風(甲のみ)
She only drops on node L for medium apparently (if you are a kuso).

>> No.13496958


what does the boss node one say? Not good at reading japanese.

>> No.13496960
File: 118 KB, 797x481, E-7 progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason the completionist in me really wants Takanami now.

I wish Harusame had a higher drop chance.
I wish I could leisurely farm E-6 boss.

>> No.13496962

> L: Iso-style (MIG Investments SA and the Client only)
> Boss: Iso-style (shell only)

>> No.13496975

She drops on medium for L but not hard? What happened to the few easy reports?

>> No.13496988

Stop wasting it. Really, there's no need to farm bauxite. I got almost 20k in two weeks before the event despite focusing on other three resources.

>> No.13496990

I mean she drops on both nodes for hard, but only L for medium.

>> No.13497014

Any way to get Isokaze on Easy? Been playing for all of two weeks. Boss node my best bet?

>> No.13497023

Finishing Bw1 just unlocked Bd2 again for me, which unlocked Bd3 and Bd5... wtf?

>> No.13497027

Why won't this stupid E3 give me Tokitsukaze?
4 Maruyus and 2 Takanamis already dropped.

>> No.13497031

You need to bring Yuudachi and Shigure there to make Tokitsukaze drop.

>> No.13497032

You can't be serious.

>> No.13497036

You're just blind.

>> No.13497040
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>> No.13497042

>She only drops on node L for medium apparently

>> No.13497043

please help me elite ttks of /jp/
How do i get more 41 cm guns

>> No.13497046

She does not, I'm on hard and got her from there.

>> No.13497060

Read again.

Sortieing to E4, E5, E6, 3-3, 5-4. LSC. 46cm crafting.

>> No.13497065

You need to turn off your desire.

I have been farming for Agano and Takanami for days, almost at 100 sorties, and got everything except those two. I don't even understand anything anymore.

RNG-sama is so fickle.

>> No.13497073

but that requires S-ing the boss
event sucks, no rank
3-3 impossible
I guess crafting is the only way fuckkkkk

>> No.13497077
File: 173 KB, 1200x1181, fb2ba7eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screws improve accuracy aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.13497086

Holy fuck you're slow.

>> No.13497096

It's impossible to not S rank 5-4 boss.

>> No.13497100

Welcome to 2 days ago. Now fuck off back to facebook.

>> No.13497101

Has it been confirmed already how the mechanism of accuracy increase works? Is it 1/4/9?

>> No.13497105

> +6 accuracy

>> No.13497110

Maybe if you yasen everytime like its your first time ranking but that's a waste of resources.
Might as well just spam crafts at that point because getting mutsu to drop on S is also highly unlikely

>> No.13497113

Square root.

>> No.13497114

Where the fuck did you get that? There's no 1/4/9. 6 stars give more than four stars.

>> No.13497117

1-2 = +2
3 = +3
4-6 = +4
7-8 = +5
9-10 = +6

>> No.13497119

Are you sure it's square root? That would mean each star is worth less.

>> No.13497120

1 is exactly 2%, 4 is 4%, 9 is 6%, but it is interpolated between them, so 6 is better than 4, yes.
See: >>13491026

>> No.13497123

2*sqrt for BB guns.

>> No.13497126

I'd be great if you guys just link the fucking webpage that says all this. I'd prefer to verify it myself.

>> No.13497131

What is +1 accuracy worth?

>> No.13497135

How the hell did I miss that? I even recognize some of my posts at the time of that discussion.

>> No.13497137

1/4/9 are the default amounts for increments to firepower, after the number of stars is square rooted and truncated. Firepower increment for heavy guns is doubled then square-rooted (effectively a √2 multiplier), making it 1/2/5/8.

Looking at >>13491026 again, it seems like accuracy increment is quadrupled then square rooted, effectively giving a multiplier of 2, and making it 1/3/4/7/9.

>> No.13497142

>after the number of stars is square rooted and truncated
That seems retarded. Do you have source on that?

>> No.13497144

I almost feel bad for the retards who went for the prototype 46 on E1. Even the regular 46 is better then it.

>> No.13497147

It's a floor function. Most of the formulas for the combat mechanics are, like AS.

>> No.13497150

>It's a floor function.
I'm asking for source, not repeating same thing in different words.

I'm pretty sure floor isn't applied after every little step.

>> No.13497151

The regular 46 is a huge pain in the ass to upgrade. It cannibalizes itself from the very start.

>> No.13497164
File: 608 KB, 796x471, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finally out of the club.
Now all I need is Yuu, but with 7500 ammo left I doubt that will happen.

>> No.13497167

someone posted it on 2chan
japs never lie
that's the source

>> No.13497171

Yes, for this case (unlike fighter power) floor isn't applied after every step. For example, apparently a +6 12.7cm gun and a +7 12.7cm gun together give +5 firepower, not +4. So if you want maximum firepower out of your BBs, you'll get +12 firepower with two +10 BB guns and one +10 AP shell, not +11 (however, you'll need to upgrade everything to +10 to unlock the 12th point).

I'm just not sure exactly when it's applied. Is it before pre-cap modifiers, after pre-cap modifiers but before cap, after cap but before post-cap modifiers, or after post-cap modifiers?

>> No.13497175

It's a pretty horrific emotional gap, having the ship drop notification actually pop up on K node only to hit no loading delay and fail to get Roma.

Those milliseconds are like years off my life.

>> No.13497177

Good fucking laugh. Learn the difference between 2chan and 2ch.

>> No.13497178

Well, I would rather believe that having 6 stars instead of 4 can help in case of hankousen or chuuha.

Thanks. Yeah, that's why I was asking. In my opinion it would make the most sense if floor was either applied before counting cap (so it would include engagement and HP modifiers) and after subtracting armor roll OR only at the very end - this way we could also account for fractions in armor rolls.

>> No.13497184

Thread will soon disappear.
Get in here admirals:

>> No.13497192

What's the best placebo formation for night battle?


>> No.13497193

I wish that the nips have some information on when the floor was applied.

>> No.13497196


>> No.13497203

Where are the news and the new wiki link?
Just copy this thread's OP and noone would care.

>> No.13497205

Same here. I guess I'll stick to believing it's only applied at the very end (with some small rounding in between) because common sense dictates that until proven otherwise. For now we at least know it isn't applied everywhere as the 12.7cm example proves. Thanks for reminding me about that.

>> No.13497207
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More like Ecchi-lon, am I right?

>> No.13497214

That's not what kcgfag is about, though.

>> No.13497215

There is no "new" in those news.
The wiki is a scam and completely unreliable because of trolls.

Why is it a problem when someone puts effort into their OPs?

>> No.13497227

I know you're a desperate fucking weeb trying to grasp at elitism, but yes, 2chan, you fucking idiot.

>> No.13497268

it applies in upgrades
just like with the firepower, accuracy works the same

>> No.13497291

Nice bullshit out of your ass.

>> No.13497311

now i know how your mother must have felt ;)

>> No.13497321

How the fuck did they get a pasta gun kai to +9 when you don't have enough of it to get to that level?

>> No.13497325

>381mm/50 Triple Gun Mount Kai uses 41cm Twin Gun Mount for improvement.
Anyway, you could get multiple Romas.

>> No.13497327
File: 857 KB, 801x481, puppy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes siree happy.
The secret for her to drop was to have 0 buckets.

>> No.13497331



>> No.13497338

>The wiki is a scam
How? There aren't any ads.

>completely unreliable because of trolls
They actively ban trolls.

>> No.13497346 [DELETED] 

Don't reply to /kcg/fag.

>> No.13497351

>They actively ban trolls.

>> No.13497352

For E-7...

Is there any fleet formation that can do FHKMO, and get S rank consistently at boss node but not get rekt at H node?

I have heaps of resources, just not much time, want to be efficient.

>> No.13497353
File: 772 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150517-02584046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I on last kill?

>> No.13497354

I know that feel... just when I finally get loading delay it happens to be another ship.

>> No.13497356

Where do you even see kcg in his posts?
I'm pretty sure you are just memeposting though.

>> No.13497359

Yes you are, now get going.

>> No.13497360

Definitely, I was on last kill when it was close to the next line.

>> No.13497365


>> No.13497369

Good enough.

>> No.13497373 [DELETED] 

If you read the threads on semi-regular basis you would recognize his "arguments" he repeats every time, without any basis, despite being proven wrong one time after another.
>I'm pretty sure you are just memeposting though.
Stop being so entitled you little shit. Pay attention to the threads and you will know more.

>> No.13497378

>implying that isn't him.
Jesus Christ anon step it up.

>> No.13497384 [DELETED] 

And now you just replied to him too.
He hasn't been using kcg in his threads for a while just so he can say this now.

>> No.13497385 [DELETED] 

I apologize.

>> No.13497390

Yes, it's an epic memepost. Just write off everything you don't like or agree with as "shitposting" or "kcg fag" and you'll fit in perfectly with the /a/ and /v/ crowd here (I do it and it works all the time :^)).

>> No.13497406

Another ban evader bites the dust.
Good riddance.

>> No.13497440

No, you cretin. I'm just one of almost extinct anons who have the courtesy to delete their offtop posts.
Newshits like you make me lose hope in humanity.

>> No.13497445

You're right

>> No.13497446

You won't fool anybody here.
Report him people.

>> No.13497451

Who are you my boss? Go suck a drainpipe.

>> No.13497456

He is kcgfag's henchman wanting to start a shitstorm.

Keep reporting minna.

>> No.13497470
File: 1.55 MB, 700x485, b46ce7b1b75124976230e3bcc1af57ec.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13497478


Cute and beautiful.

>> No.13497479

I wonder who wrote that.

>> No.13497503


Damage cap? Anyway the run I had just now didn't even need to go into yasen. My CVs hit hard too.


Yes I am in E4. Started 4 days ago. If I know this event is pissed easy, I'd start it sooner.

>> No.13497508

But Protos look cooler than normal +9 turrets.

>> No.13497516

>Yes I am in E4
Then stop using sanshiki against a goddamn ship.

>> No.13497524

E-4 boss is installation type though.

>> No.13497527

I didn't know Harbours are a type of ship.

>> No.13497529

>Damage cap?
Day time damage (soft)cap is 150. BBs in combined fleet easily go over it even with two weak guns, adding Sanshiki won't increase your damage in any noticeable way.
The only ways to exceed the cap considerably are post-cap modifiers - crits or special attacks like double attack and AP cut-in. The image I showed was AP cut-in coupled with crit and good armor roll.

>> No.13497531


Never go full kuso.

>> No.13497541

Never go to the english wiki.

>> No.13497550

Just because it's classified as Aviation Battleship there doesn't mean it isn't installation type you cretin. "Aviation Battleship" is used because there was nothing to put there. But sure, I'll go ahead and edit it so that idiots like you shut up instead of flaunting their ignorance all over the place.

>> No.13497556

>want to upgrade all of my equipments
>know I'm going to run out of screws and buy them which stops me from doing it
Fuck devs. p2w-free my ass.

>> No.13497557

And yet when he gets damaged shows chuha/taiha, like ships.

But yeah, keep shotting your type 3 shells.
