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13487425 No.13487425[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>13473166

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EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle

Recent Updates:

KanColle STAFF Twitter:

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/4Wk2hy0B

Air Superiority Calculator: http://aircalc.net

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://en.kancollewiki.net/wiki/Combat
Voices, Sprites, Furnitures Preview: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev
KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN): https://github.com/Yuubari/KanColleViewer
Another KCV fork (EN): https://github.com/yuyuvn/KanColleViewer
Sanaechan Logbook: https://github.com/silfumus/logbook-EN/releases

PS Vita Game (27 August 2015): http://kancolle-vita.com
Dengeki Online article about the KanColle Kai trailer: http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/000/964/964096

-Spring 2015 Event:
+Duration: 20 days; Ends on May 18.
+Indian Ocean raid.
+2 New Italian BBs (Littorio & Roma), Akitsushima (AV), Katsuragi (CV), Takanami (DD).
+Certain routes can be chosen by player.
+Certain ships get easier branching.
+4 maps for the main strategy and 2 EO maps.
+E-2, E-4 and E-6 are combined fleet maps.
+E-3, E-4 and E-5 are ships locked from each other.
+Easy mode doesn't have ship locking.
+No ship locking for E6.

-Shoukaku and Zuikaku might be getting second remodels in the future.
-Hinted possibility of Samidare/Satsuki to receive new lines.

>> No.13487434

I think you forgot something.

>> No.13487438

Quickly delete and repost with the subject, anon.

>> No.13487458

>Error: You cannot delete this post.
I bring shame

>> No.13487462

You haven't been able to delete threads for a while, because were deleting their own threads so they could blame the mods for random shit.

>> No.13487468

Nice one kcgfag. You thought we wouldn't notice your troll attempt?
Report this thread everyone.

>> No.13487477
File: 16 KB, 131x59, KanColle-150514-14305542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you started stockpiling for Summer?

>> No.13487568

Just make a new one, holy shit.

>> No.13487594


>> No.13490469

Why is this thread fine when it was made by a shitposter too?

>> No.13490473

This thread was made by a common moron.

>> No.13490487

Yes, a shitposter.
Reading through what happened I find it hilarious how the previous thread was literally shitposted to death by the same morons and their circlejerk until they even fooled the mods with their constant spam.

The one who spams harder, wins.

>> No.13490503

Pointing out that you're a retard is just common sense and wouldn't happen if you didn't make it your mission in life to shit Kancolle off the board.

Trevor was ten times as autistic as you and he failed too. Give up already.

>> No.13490513

Because anyone who is against shitposting must be same invisible enemy? Knock it off.

>to shit Kancolle off the board
The insufferable userbase is 1000x times more efficient in doing that like this example shows.

>> No.13490520

>Because anyone who is against shitposting must be same invisible enemy? Knock it off.
More like highly visible.

>The insufferable userbase is 1000x times more efficient in doing that like this example shows.
They're efficient in detecting the threads made by a particularly autistic retard and discouraging people from using them.

>> No.13490543

Are you one of those literal no-life "dedicated" autists who browse this place 17 hours a day and are obsessed to the point they believe they know every single user and their behavior?

>> No.13490547

Lately not very many people have been standing out, but you don't even try to hide it. Either that or you're just atrociously bad at it.

>> No.13490554

Your insistence of your accusations is the proof of your obsession.

>> No.13490566

You don't even try to achieve plausible deniability.

You have to live in a hole not to know who the shitposters-of-the-day are.

>> No.13490597

It's not like I can prove I'm not the bogeyman you imagine, since you're hell-bent on this delusion of yours.

>You have to live in a hole not to know who the shitposters-of-the-day are.
Yes, you are a very *cool* dude. It sure nets you a lot of e-peen.

>> No.13490608

You could email the mods and ask them to confirm separate identity if I'm wrong.

>Yes, you are a very *cool* dude. It sure nets you a lot of e-peen.
It mostly means I end up spending a lot of time talking to retards.

>> No.13490623

>implying you can email the mods
>implying they care
Stop pretending to be some all-knowing janny. Revealing it will get you fired from your *job*.

>> No.13490631

>implying you can email the mods
I used to get replies back when it was an actual email address and not just a box.

>Stop pretending to be some all-knowing janny. Revealing it will get you fired from your *job*.
So is your war on Kancolle part of your war on staff or is it the other way around?

>> No.13491096
File: 674 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150515-12564021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Finally.
117 runs on node K (+20ish on node N), 96 buckets, 23034 fuel, 23513
Ammo, 8458 Steel and 9940 Bauxite!
Now, on to grinding for Isokaze...

>> No.13491099

this is the gayest argument ive ever seen

>> No.13491671

MODS = FAGS for a reason.

>> No.13492428

>They're efficient in detecting the threads
More like they are efficient at whining and creating shitstorms over nothing.

>> No.13492437

While it's not a particularly big deal given that you can no longer delete the OP for shits and giggles halfway through (which I don't doubt you would), in general it's better not to use threads maliciously created by retards.

>> No.13496529



I spent more farming for her on K node than I did for the entire event - all maps hard mode, too. I think it's approaching 2 times now.

>> No.13496563 [DELETED] 

First post ending with dubs decides what I name my fleet.


>> No.13496567

Try /v/ instead.

>> No.13496573


>> No.13497242

What's the use of Akitsushima, apart from being a cutie?

>> No.13497262

/v/ doesn't need more of this crap

>> No.13497315

Watch next event have a 150 effective LoS requirement to reach last map's boss in hard.

>> No.13497330

>active branching to get to 2 different preboss nodes
>one of them needs a very high LoS to reach the boss, and if you don't reach it you're thrown off course, but if you do the chance is 100%
>the other gives a completely random chance of reaching the boss node (say, 50%) but to throw you off the LoS animation is played when you do reach the boss node
How would you react to this?

>> No.13497333

I would bring Akitsushima and pray she doesn't get nuked to hell.

>> No.13497636


Thank you based Critakami.

>> No.13497676

I was wondering that I overkilled by sending my Kitakami to E3.

>> No.13497755


>> No.13500810


>> No.13501107

What's a better node to grind in E-5 for Isokaze? L or N?

>> No.13506745

Why is this cancer not deleted yet?

>> No.13506754

>The recent update link have absolutely nothing in it.
Try link a better site next time.

>> No.13510266

The link works fine for me.

>> No.13515893 [DELETED] 

