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File: 297 KB, 711x845, Marisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13471394 No.13471394 [Reply] [Original]

I've never seen Marisa look so gloomy before. What happened to her?

>> No.13471452

2 of her 3 co-stars are sluts who take all the dicks leaving none for her.

>> No.13471462
File: 83 KB, 1280x768, SHe15GLt2UI[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She have seen some shit.

>> No.13471473

Tell me about Marisa, why does he wear a crescent?

She's supposed to fighting the moon bitches.

>> No.13471477

You try being an ordinary human magician going against the Lunarian Army

>> No.13471489


>> No.13471496

Umm, Marisa, you're going to break your broom if you bend it like that...

>> No.13471500

Last time she fought on the moon she was scared.

>> No.13471503

Marisa is a devout Shia Muslim.

>> No.13471515

She's realizing she that she is well on her way to becoming a youkai and she doesn't know what to feel about it. Also, she's essentially going to war

>> No.13471519

The moon belongs to the United Stated of America

>> No.13471543
File: 18 KB, 236x333, marisa49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marisa is so pale! She needs to get some sun.

>> No.13471779

She gained a lot of weight. Thats why the broom is bending under her.

>> No.13471809

In honor of her teacher, who wielded a crescent moon staff.
That's also why she's taken to wearing blue recently.

>> No.13471828
File: 361 KB, 600x450, ed531055c2da90b3f2ae555284cd5331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's realized that Mima probably won't be in this game, either.

>> No.13471955

>she is well on her way to becoming a youkai

Reimu would have to murder her if that ever happened.

>> No.13471962

>mfw there are people mad about Mima not being in 14.5

They're too hyped from the mysterious shadow that appeared in the end of the demo.

>> No.13473298


She's not a villager. Only human villagers are forbidden from that.

Because they are youkais pets.

>> No.13473347

That's bullshit, we were never told whether Marisa counts as a villager, and Reimu never revealed the "no villager ascensions allowed" thing immediately prior to murdering Count anyway, so we wouldn't know about any other rules that may be against Marisa going youkai.

For all we know, she'll be at Marisa's door the moment she casts that remove-need-to-eat-food spell, waiting with a cool pose to prevent another dirty jinrei from disrupting Gensokyo's perfect and immaculate system.

>> No.13473353


Maybe if you don't proceed to FUCK WITH THINGS DIRECTLY AFTER YOUKAIFICATION she'll let you live.

What the count did was essentially like turning black and IMMEDIATELY robbing people.

Perpetuates negative stereotypes, we know he was a groid at heart all along

>> No.13473359

Could Reimu really take on Marisa? Sure she'd lose in danmaku but if it was a serious fight with killing intent couldn't Marisa just completely nuke Reimu out of existence with little effort?

>> No.13473365

But he's supposed to do that kind of stuff. Youkai gotta youk, else they die.

Reimu doesn't mind youkai doing youkai things, up to and including human eating.

>> No.13473372

If she gets a drop on her (and good luck with Reimu's instinct thing) then maybe. In a serious fight, not a chance.

To put this into perspective, Fantasy Heaven can only be timed because of spellcard rules. She could be invincible forever if she wanted to.

>> No.13473422

The truth? Because /jp/ bullied her way too much during all those years.

>> No.13473440


Marisa is a witch living in a youkai infested forest. She is pretty much not a human already.

>> No.13473456

I really like the new art for the new game, not as a "well that's Zun for you!" but as in I think the art is really nice.

>> No.13473460

He's trying really hard because the tone of this game is serious.

>> No.13473465

No, youkai normally don't live in the magic forest, too much shrooms.

>> No.13473482

>Maybe if you don't proceed to FUCK WITH THINGS DIRECTLY AFTER YOUKAIFICATION she'll let you live.

Wait, what did he do? I don't remember him doing anything evil.

>> No.13473499

She knows that she's the worst character to play with in this game. Did you not see the video with the Master Spark glitch?

>> No.13473555

>Fantasy Heaven can only be timed because of spellcard rules
I can't imagine it be truly invincible since danmaku isn't exactly like actual fighting some of which are ended incredibly quickly because of bullshit powerlevels of character. At the very least I doubt it could be used indefinitely without exhausting her.

Also if Marisa of all people were to have anticipated it shouldn't she be able to think up some way around it?

>> No.13473566

Just look at Marisa vs Reimu mock battle in CoLA.

Marisa is the flashy type, she uses all kind of beam, stars and shit to hit Reimu, but she never does because power is nothing without a degree of accuracy.

Reimu doesn't even try to dodge and destroy Marisa.

>> No.13473578

She's tripping pretty hard on Pointdevice Elixir.

>> No.13473596

Which is why I say anticipated. Obviously if you're going to try and pull some shit that will potentially get your ass killed you won't just go into it as is, you'd prepare and practice. Marisa hasn't become a magician yet obviously so when and if she ever does she'll likely think it out to some extent. Going youkai is a process, you wouldn't just wake up one morning and think "fuck it, I got the afternoon off lets do this".

>> No.13473603

Marisa thinks she's smart.

Well, Reimu is a born-genius.

>> No.13473604

No! Pale skin is beautiful, you will ruin her?

>> No.13473609

Someone should write a fanfic where Marisa consults Patchy and Alice on becoming a youkai, and the two swearing they'll help her fight against Reimu.

>> No.13473624

Shes more than smart enough, she just doesn't use her smarts because she acts without forethought, has a tendency to pull stupid shit, and often times gets away with it.

>> No.13473631

>Shes more than smart enough
I didn't mean that in an objectively "I think she's capable out smarting Reimu" way but in a "I think she's smart enough to try and do this seriously if she wanted to" way.

>> No.13473666

I like this drawing a lot. It has pose and mood.

>> No.13473676

She's realizing how zun can't draw knees.

>> No.13473704

You know, I've been thinking. Why does the rule say it's only illegal to become a youkai?

I mean, Marisa now has magic powerful enough to compete with the high-tier youkai, and she's still a human.

If the villagers all study magic like her too, then they'll stop fearing the youkai too, thus disturbing the balance.

Shouldn't the rule just be "Just live your life peacefully in the village and don't try to gain power"?

>> No.13473715

can't marisa only "compete" with high tier youkai in playfighting (dankmaku)? So it seems like the real balance of power between humans and strong youkai is unsurmountable without becoming a youkai.

>> No.13473726

Not everyone has that kind of potential. Also training magic in a village full of normal humans who are content with their comfy lives isn't exactly a productive environment. I imagine once you can defend yourself properly and reach your limitations there you'd cut ties and isolate yourself or start hanging around with other magic practicers, actual magicians, or youkai that won't kill you.

>> No.13473753

>can't marisa only "compete" with high tier youkai in playfighting (dankmaku)?

But.. but.. muh Master Spark...

Though that explains why her Master Spark was so tiny in SSiB. She could only do that much in a real battle.

ZUN is a fucking genius.

>Not everyone has that kind of potential

Perhaps this is the main reason.

That jinyou guy may have tried going the Marisa route but found that he had no talent whatsoever. So he went full Count.

>> No.13473761

My understanding is its the weak and medium strength youkai you need to worry about. Someone already very powerful isnt going to randomly go around splattering people because it isn't of much benefit and they haversack more important things to do.

The fact that people become magicians without getting killed should be proof it's possible.

>> No.13473796

I guess Marisa is seen as an incident solver, one of the few "heroes" of the humans.

Also doesn't Marisa have a meh tier relationship with her family?

>> No.13473804

>Also doesn't Marisa have a meh tier relationship with her family?

Private and rarely mentioned. She doesn't want to talk about it.

>> No.13473806

Marisa should've been Mima's apprentice from the start, so she was never been a part of the village so she wouldn't be bound to this rule.

Too bad ZUN retconned that.

>> No.13475317

Marisa's probably just an exception, though I don't know how much she'd be pushing it if she legit went full youkai magician.

>> No.13475417

Marisa will be the stage 6 boss of Touhou 16 where she turns Youkai. Mark my words, I can feel it in my bones.

>> No.13475467
File: 87 KB, 800x695, mimacomebackplz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She misses Mima

>> No.13475483

That's the face of a love-stricken girl who's seen men and has enjoyed the company of them.

>> No.13475553
File: 12 KB, 117x107, youmu td.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like how my Touhous are all growing up and knowing men

>> No.13475596
File: 17 KB, 260x260, 1304464610637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knowing men

>> No.13475602

I will take responsibility don't worry.

>> No.13475622


>> No.13475630

And Mima will be a playable character so that we can come full circle on Marisa's upbringing?

>> No.13476189
File: 192 KB, 1415x1000, 1427127842708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She saw the outside world and didn't want to return.

>> No.13476218
File: 111 KB, 800x800, 46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She could stay at my house if she wanted to.

>> No.13476240

>the 2hus are no longer little girls
Why have you forsaken them, and us, zun?

>> No.13476250


>> No.13476574
File: 119 KB, 338x318, 10e71bde69972d561c84e9bda6919e68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. You're possessed.
Now get get Mima-sama some tempura shrimp. She hungers.

>> No.13476613

Inb4 Marisa's clothes become more and more Mima-like with each new game.
>changed recently from black to blue clothes
>now wears a crescent
>next game will have her removing the brim of her hat.
>game after that she starts wearing a cape

Inb4 the bones were always right, all these years. Mima actually has been in all games.
She possessed Marisa

>> No.13476617

What does Marisa eat if she lives in the middle of the magic forest?

>> No.13476722

>Marisa died in MS
>Mima possesses her body and acts like her so that Reimu won't be depressed that her friend is dead

>> No.13476855

Marisa's canonly addicted to shrooms.

>> No.13476918

That's not a real word, retard.

>> No.13476930

She trips out on magic forest mushrooms. I mean, who can blame her? Shrooms are fun as fuck.

>> No.13477570

Is it canon Marisa is jealous of Reimu?
She seems to call alot of Reimu's techniques "cheating".

>> No.13477602

Marisa put a lot of time and effort into her abilities and Reimu is just naturally gifted. You could call it jealousy but I'm pretty sure Marisa is too aloof all the time to really care.

>> No.13477618

Marisa has some crazy bullshit advantages too from living in the forest and befriending all types of weirdos.

>> No.13477662

>has crazy advantages by choosing where to live and who to talk to.

that's just being smart and effective. reimu could do it to. but marisa cant easily cast a good spell without hard work.

>> No.13477694

Reimu can teleport around and shit.

I'd call that cheating.

>> No.13477717

Marisa is more sociable and shit than Reimu is. Marisa would go ahead and spend an hour shooting the shit with some random ass youkai that maybe has some cool knowledge. Reimu doesn't go out of her way to do that. In a way thats an advantage in and of itself.

>> No.13482889

She's sad because her broom is now as thin as spaghetti.

>> No.13482895

More like she had a man, but they break up, she using the incident to distract herself and stop thinking about him

Youmu is still adorable.

>> No.13483032

What about a cage match with no magic powers allowed? My money's on Reimu.

>> No.13483045

>A no magic between a witch and a god empowered (not magic) shrine maiden...

Come now.

>> No.13483053

Define magic powers, a lot of Marisa's abilities are explosive potions and other things she's created, not explicitly magic. And as far as magic powers go, a majority of Reimu's abilities (and the abilities of shrine maidens in general) are more effective against youkai and would be less effective against a normal human.

>> No.13483070

Marisa is so lewd showing her knees like that

>> No.13483081

I mean nothing besides brawn is allowed when they step into the ring.
God powers count.

>> No.13483099

So its basically a frail girl with a stick versus a frail girl with a stick. It could go either way.

>> No.13483105

As long as someone gets bloodied up, the outcome is okay

>> No.13483210 [DELETED] 

