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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.13464666

First for please goddess Aigis stop fucking my ass on premium gacha. I dedicate this post to you in return.

>> No.13464686

I'm thinking of trying my luck with her and do a dozen of rollings. but I do know that chances are I'll not get anything of what I need and instead just be overwhelmed with Conrads or Bernards... suffering.

>> No.13464698

I'm afraid of spending money on this game. If I do it and get something good, I might start spending more and more. If I do and get something bad, I'll have just wasted money.

>> No.13464703

4rth for the need of a desktop client

>> No.13464750

The expected investment for a black is like what? 10000 yen?

It just doesn't sound worth it in the end.

>> No.13464756

Well, cleared Monday on extreme for the first time. Way easier than I expected, but all I got from it were two gold armors...

>> No.13464759

165 crystals

so around 100 dollars yeah

>> No.13464872

Nice, just min-costed my Bernice. I think that must have took the minimum number of feeds.

>> No.13464905

oh sweet baby jesus, got another black in my first roll.

Despara, nice.

>> No.13464939
File: 133 KB, 555x329, welp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


14 rolls, 6 rogues. I'm not sure if I can complain but heh, wish I had gotten a valkyrie or a healer... a HA would've been nice too.

Aigis is pretty much set on never giving me a plat unit though.

>> No.13465003

This is wierd. I rolled before and got Berna. And another anon made a new account before my roll and got Berna and Despara.

>> No.13465014

I swear the odds are really really skewed.

I now have 4 Bettys, 4 Cuteries and 4 Cecilys, all of which from premium summonings except for 2 Cecilys.

>> No.13465041

what the fuck am I supposed to to with this many golden rogues anyway? they're just taking up space, I'll never need 8 of them.

>> No.13465046

Either use them for rush missions (rogues are good at them, though in that case you're probably better off with just the silver ones) or just use them for CR and CC.

>> No.13465061

I don't use rogues most of the times, and if I did I certainly wouldn't use a gold rogue. Cuterie is nice to have around for her affection items drop bonus, but that's about it.

I'm legit thinking about just using them for combining.

>> No.13465066

how do you guys get so many sacred crystals. do dailys repeat ?

>> No.13465067

>Only have one silver dragon.
>Realize I'm going to need at least two for when awakening arrives so I can CC and awake Echidna.
>But it's fucking monday.
>And the event ends on tuesday.

What do.

>> No.13465078

may i ask which one of the specials has highest drop rate? no matter how many i play i cant seem to get anything dropped

>> No.13465083

I think Grand Elder is supposed to have the highest drop rate, but I've personally gotten more out of Depths of the Earth.

>> No.13465084

is awakening even close to happening?

>> No.13465112

Fuck if I know, but the day it comes I don't want to get stuck with a normal Echidna.

>> No.13465139

Donating, maybe.

>> No.13465149

Anon, isn't that the little negligee thing Leeanne wears in her second scene?

>> No.13465167

Suddenly, that look on her face takes a whole new meaning.

>> No.13465171


>> No.13465190

>do dailys repeat ?
No, you get them once and that's it. Event maps are an extra handful once a month, but aside from that there's not much.

>> No.13465200

sheesh , i ve been so wasteful.
all i spent it on was premium rolls.
what should i do with them once i get the daily ones

>> No.13465202

Echidna isn't that useful really, I'd save my awakening fairies for other stuff first.

>> No.13465223
File: 405 KB, 953x588, DragonDildo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So people have been saying to farm Gadoras to skill up people with Increase Attack III or IV. It is a good idea, but i just don't see how it's the same for skill upping units with Increase Attack IV.

In order to do that, I would need to CC a Gadoras everytime, which takes a Silver Heavy Armor Unit. I'd still need a way to gain Silver Heavy Armors consistently...

It's a shame, I have the platinum Sakuya but her skill changes to Increase Attack IV upon CC. At least my CC Kerry is blessed though.

>> No.13465233

Keep a handful for urgent event farming if such a time comes that you 'll need it.

But mostly, prem gacha it is.

>> No.13465243

>In order to do that, I would need to CC a Gadoras everytime, which takes a Silver Heavy Armor Unit

> I'd still need a way to gain Silver Heavy Armors consistently...
2kgacha, further events.

>> No.13465256

Just one silver heavy to get someone to skill level 2 is a great deal. From like level 4->5 though, using them would be a bit crazy, I'd just use rainbow fairies at some point.

>> No.13465267

Ah sorry. Normally don't see who posts the OP so just assume it's an anon.

Sorry about that Qw.

>> No.13465276

So look what I found!


It's the Aigis novel's official site! I knew it was around but never really found it until now.

>> No.13465280

Has ANYONE gotten anything above fucking bronze on the 2k? every single time I try it I get irons so I just stopped trying.

>> No.13465286

Got a silver mage out of it

>> No.13465289

Tons of silvers. Mostly Craves.

I got gold twice, but both times, it was Cyrus.

>> No.13465297

Yes.Takes about 40 pulls per silver for me.

But the monday is a ton of dosh so whynot.

>> No.13465298

I've gotten dozens of silvers. Never anything higher though.

>> No.13465316

I cleared too many missions and now I need to scroll down to get to Oasis. The struggle is real.

>> No.13465322
File: 420 KB, 877x609, Eunice and Kaguya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st of the images from the Volume 2 preview. Just look how happy Eunice is while eating.

>> No.13465328

I've got a million silvers, and I got a gold archer once. The problem with 2k gacha is that it's something that needs to be spammed actively, and that's a fucking bother because you have to go one at a time and the summoning animation is way too long.

>> No.13465336
File: 401 KB, 918x611, Prince and Anna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the other image from the Volume 2 preview featuring the Prince (IIRC he was named Arthur Pendragon XXIII or something close to that in the novels) and Anna.

>> No.13465353

...are those sacred crystals?

>> No.13465382


>> No.13465402

Then I think I can guess the translation for that page.

>Hey prince, we just got three crystals. What are they from?
>Maybe they're from 3*ing all missions from this last event.
>So, are you going to use them?
>Fuck no, if I use only three Aigis will shove them up her asshole and poop out another freaking Soma.

>> No.13465418

It's oddly arousing to think that sacred crystals are divine sperm and you're impregnating Aigis every time you roll the gacha.

I guess her children are born fully grown and armed, like Athena.

>> No.13465423
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>> No.13465446


On JP, their Awakening was preluded by a revival event where you could farm more dragons.

>> No.13465469


>> No.13465692
File: 332 KB, 393x548, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually i have no idea both of mine are at 91% aff atm because i started to focus on witches and healers for this event

no prob Xellion :)

on my 'first' acc i got 3 calliopes and 2 kerries from 2k gacha
on my 'actual' acc my highest rarity was a bronze soldier... *sigh*

just click bellow the bar (image related) and memorize how many clicks it takes to get to where you want for exapmple i have to click 3 timer to get to dragon hunting (EN)

cannot be unseen D:

>> No.13465708

I was going to paste the Soma-chan copypasta but it's 3 times as long as the maximum comment length 4chan allows.

>> No.13465777

Can you post a link?

I've gotten several silvers, a handful of golds, and my Lilia, one of the platinum princesses, from 2k gold gacha.

>> No.13465785

>110 Sacred Crystals for $100

>> No.13465797

jp only recently upped it to 150 for 10000yen from 110.

>> No.13465835

I mean, it's a Japanese copypasta, but sure.


>> No.13465884

I lol'd, it doesn't lose any impact in Google translate.

>> No.13465888

Thank you.

>> No.13465905

You can definitely say that again,

>> No.13465948

omg i was dumping my last 2 sta (so i can start monday H's with full sta) and decided i wanted to use them on Ryujin King 2 and well...

Everything was normal, reached the point where i can afk, went to pee and i guess i took too long, mages were already here and i hadn't placed my Chydis yet (so her skill wouldn't be ready to heal on time the bottom units)

Rushed to place her and shit got so serious valerie reached 3hp twice and calliope 1hp once

now i'm here laughing and claping like a retarded seal over how i still managed to survived that

how often do you guys have this almost-failed heart attack? not my first but def my most enjoyable one

>> No.13465968
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forggot pic...

>> No.13466241
File: 130 KB, 609x370, ss+(2015-05-11+at+11.53.37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently hit a brick wall at Villager Rescue 2. I cruised through everything prior to that easily. Here's what I'm currently running.

>> No.13466264

Stupid me to add more detail. I can pass it with 1 star every time. I just can't 3* as I've been doing with everything else. Can't do Cloris' last drill either since I only have one mage.

>> No.13466299
File: 138 KB, 571x340, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some advice.
I have one exp armor and I'm not sure who to cc.
I'm debating over Cloris, Dorca, or Belinda.
Dorca to actually 3* Ryujin King 2 because Alissa by herself isn't working.
Thinking Cloris over Belinda because increase attack seems better than range.
Who would be more helpful for depths of the earth and grand elder.

>> No.13466418

You only really need 1 CC'd Healer for Depths of the Earth and Grand Elder. Truthfully, you'd be better off CC'ing a mage, but if all you can CC are Witches and HEalers right now, go for Belinda. With Max affection, she practically has the highest base attack out of all the witches. Plus, the extended range will be a godsend on maps with a lot of enemies with high defense. (ex. Dragon Mages)

>> No.13466474

Are there events that increase % for Black units premium roll?

>> No.13466491

That happened in the event before this one, though it was just for Deina and Liana. Generally, every event will have 2 or so units that will have an increased chance of dropping from the premium summon. Which two depends on the event at the time.

>> No.13466522

I could cc Barbastroff but is it really worth it? Mainly because trust items are a pain in the ass to farm.
Then there's Leeanne and Kerry I could work on, but I have Themis. Who can also only do so much in Ryujin King 2. Fuck that map.
And between Cloris and Belinda, is range that much better than attack? I have enough affection materials to get one to 100% after cc.
Grand elder is my biggest worry besides RK2.

>> No.13466534

Thats cool. How much time pass between events?

>> No.13466588

Grand Elder is a lot easier than RK2, hence why I said you only need 1 CC'd healer. I suggest going with Barbastroff. In that case, always remember to place Alissa before him so that he'll have a higher chance of survival. Since most of the enemies in that map have low defense AND magic resistance, a mage can do major damage to all of them at once so that they can easily be picked off by your melee units.

As for the Units you need to worry about, there are 8, in this order:

2 Lesser Dragon Mages from the right.
2 Lesser Dragon Mages from the Upper Right
1 Dragon Mage from the Upper right
2 Dragon Generals (darker versions of Dorania) from the Upper right
1 Dragon Elder from the upper right.

For the Lesser Dragon Mages, low attack, low defense, low magic resistance, and low hp. They're easy to get rid of.

By the time you finish off the second pair of Lesser Dragon Mages, the normal one will show up, fortunately by itself. Make sure there are no ranged units by the exit it comes from, and the ground unit you have is a valkyrie, princess, or someone with high as fuck hp.

In your case, Themis works beautifully. You only need one CC'd healer to keep her alive. After it's defeated, it's generally the same pattern (the 2 generals, the swarms, then elder and more swarms) and pow, you've beaten the map.

>> No.13466596

generally around a week, though hopefully the time in between will shorten soon. Also, while the event is over, during the break period the premium boost will still run until the next event.

>> No.13466656

Any suggestions as to unit placement on GE?
Using https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgiRmPWSdN0 as a basis, I assume Themis goes where Kerry is.
Or would it be a better spot one place left? Along with Alissa in the same spot and Barb in Soma's place. Because I can't see many places where Alissa can heal both Themis and Barb.
I can fill in other spots as needed but placement of those 3 are the most important.

>> No.13466687


>> No.13466835

Not sure how strong your units are, but I used a level 35 Sherry as tank and only needed a single CC'd healer for her.

The problem with putting your tank for the grand elder further left is that this could make it more difficult to avoid the aoe with the rest of your squad.

>> No.13466915

All my female units are at 50 affection besides Alissa and Themis at 100.
As for male units, Barb and Val are at 50 and the others I don't think matters.

Following the video, if I put Themis in Kerry's place, Alissa in Dorca's place, Dorca in Alissa's place, and Barb in Soma's place while working around other placements, I think I should be able to do it. Hopefully I can 3* it.
Or else I could just cc Soma as she's level 50 already. Don't ask why I haven't already.

>> No.13467180

Nevermind, got 3 plats today. And a ton of gold.

>> No.13468358

>tfw have so many silvers from gachas that I have to start to feed them without even doing it for CR.

>> No.13468409

farm the great elder and the world of darkness for julian, gadoras and spirit of rainbow or farm monday daily?

I've just recently acquired enough CCd units to get through the event...

>> No.13468414

I'd recommend WoD if you aren't in any hurry to level up your units.

>> No.13468495

do I need the regular ryujin soldiers for anything?

>> No.13468605

You'll need 2 of the bronze ones and 2 Gadoras' for Echidna and Anya after the event

>> No.13468711

too bad I didn't get Anya ;-;

so my 2 gadoras will suffice?

>> No.13468819

Just got this girl in my first premium role in JP.


What exactly does she do? I've tried google translating but it's kinda confusing.

>> No.13468845


Why do you need 2 of the bronze ones?

>> No.13468854

Infinite-range -30% damage debuff on all enemies.

If you skill awaken her, it changes to infinite-range buff to all allies that give them 20% chance to dodge all attacks, and multiplies her Defense by 2.5x.

>> No.13468855

Her skill: Reduce damage from enemy to 70-75% by skill level.

>> No.13468864

You'll need one bronze and one silver ryujin unit for the change of Dorania to Anya. I've heard that Echidna's Awakening is similar but her Awakening is also quite far from now. So the minimal would be one bronze and one silver. The units can just be used as feeding (especially to units with same skill e.g. Kerry) other than that.

>> No.13468900

Her awakening art looks pretty cute. Wonder if I should keep this account, not sure if I have the time for it.

>> No.13468913

You can give it to me if you don't want it. Hundreds of Crystals and still no Blacks. 13 Gacha Platinums though.

>> No.13468916


Neither Echidna nor Anya's awakenings require a bronze. And Echidna is like a princess in which she doesn't have a CC. Therefore only 1 bronze is needed, and a total of 3 silvers if you want to be able to unseal Dorania to Anya and awaken Anya and Echidna further down the line.

>> No.13468933

Man I'm glad that Tuesday extreme is actually easier than hard since it just gave me 0 fucking drops.

>> No.13468935
File: 980 KB, 966x646, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically like pic related right, since you need to have CC'd units to awaken. Fortunately I got Bernard among the other completion rewards for the event and another 1 from the 2k gatcha, so I was able to 30CC two of my Gadoras ahead of time.

>> No.13469048


I've gone ahead and leveled a handful to 30 (I intend to use the extras to try to skill up my Adele). But holding off on CCing to see if I can stockpile a couple more HAs before I use a Bernard (or two). I just can't wait until we get the new units so I can clear out a handful of things and have new units to level up and work on their affection.

>> No.13469078

I don't have that many units that need Gadoras' Skill, and from what I do have, I want to be able to save up what I'll need in the future before giving any extras to them. As it stands, it's already too late, as tomorrow morning the event will be done. At least I skill upped Kerry and got the Spirit of Time.

>> No.13469082

Lucky guy

>> No.13469099

She seems to be a sort of paladin from what I'm seeing, innit?

>> No.13469133

Dark Knight who transforms into a Paladin if she receives healing love.

>> No.13469137

Dark knight.

Becomes a paladin through the power of the purifying dick or somethin.

>> No.13469139

Lmfao, that's incredibly fitting I guess.

>> No.13469152


>> No.13469370

holy shit, 3 silvers to evolve Chydis, and I only have a healer and archer, no Valerie available

>> No.13469552

Thats all plats and blacks, 3 silvers to evolve each

>> No.13469590

kinda makes me wonder what the fuck am I supposed to do with my 8 gold rogues

>> No.13469636

How do I get affection items? I've only been playing for a week or so but I haven't found any more other than the starting few you get.

>> No.13469646

That one daily and challenge missions.

>> No.13469659

Challenge quests? When can players start doing dailies and challenge quests (ie levels, units)

>> No.13469784

You can start doing Challenges right away, same with Dailies. Most people hold off with Daily though since its usually not worth it unless you can do Mid-Tier and up.

>> No.13469788

wait until awakening comes i guess, there you need either cc'd silvers or non-cc'd golds to awaken units

>> No.13469835

should i always level to 50 then CC?
what about silvers? should i hold them for CC or should i combine same named ones ?
how many Unit points can i take off from any ?
i got a black unit.
i leveled it to 50 , and i got all the 4 materials for it . do i need to keep in mind anythign like the affection or something ?

>> No.13469861

Yes if you intend to use them at all.
Hold them for CC and use them for CR when you've got a large number of repeats.
3, though some special units get varying numbers.
Lucky bastard.

>> No.13469880

thanks you answered alot of the confusion i had

>> No.13469897

So these "Exchange Units", gold armours, are purely for discharging right? Got them from the first daily, Gold Armour E. Is Gold Armour N much harder? These are the first dailies I've ever done.

>> No.13469902

Yes. Golden Armor N is not too hard, the real hard one is H.

>> No.13469943

whats the other thing you get from these event?

>> No.13469963
File: 91 KB, 445x547, gimme gimme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this bitch need with Gold anyway? I can see the Sacred Crystal restoring her power, given that they're some sort of magic artifact, but what good does cold, hard cash do her?
She's a Goddess, so I can't imagine her just going shopping or going on a drunken bender.

>> No.13469974

Platinum Armor, worth a base of 1,000 XP each. Up to 8,000 XP each with Fairies.

>> No.13469980

What's N like compared to E? I got 2* first time then 3* second time in E.

>> No.13470005

Maybe she was originally a smithing goddess and just plain forges new units out of gold. It may also be how CC and awakenings happen, she disassembles the spare units and puts the best parts on your main unit.

So say, when you're evolving Nanaly, she rips the arms off three Somas and puts them on her, so that she can wield four bows at once and use her Quadruple Shot.

>> No.13470013

She uses it to bribe whatever poor souls you summon with it so they won't feel as bad when you sacrifice them to your other units.

>> No.13470017

Ehh, I don't know. I feel like you can complete N soon after you can complete E. I think I did with a small level 20 team. A HA on the entrance where they come from, archers on the sides, healers on the spot next to them so they can reach the HA, and then replace archers for mages.

>> No.13470021

What do you think those clothes are made from, anon.

>> No.13470026

I wonder if DMM will ever fix her cleavage.

>> No.13470034

There's nothing wrong with it. She's just so large in comparison to you that she has to bend over to actually see your face, not that there's much to see since we always have hair covering our eyes.

>> No.13470049

How much of a difference are those titles with "Skill effect increase"? And is there a "best" title or type of title?

>> No.13470054

She doesn't do it for free, anon.

>> No.13470062

Depends on your level, but they can reach up to +9%.
Generally speaking the "Skill Effect Increase" is by far the best. Later on when we get Anna though, it depends a lot more on your strategy. Even then though, noobs should stick with "Skill Effect Increase" because you have to know how to use the others for them to become effective.

>> No.13470108

>First Skill Up Title - Rank 4 - 3% Boost
>Second Skill Up Title - Rank 28 - 5% Boost
>Third Skill Up Title - Rank 64 - 7% Boost
>Fourth Skill Up Title - Rank 192 - 9% Boost
>Rank 192

>> No.13470129

That's why people only use one usage of the XP boost. It's pretty easy to get to 64 for the Third Skill, which will help you a lot in missions, not to mention give you a much stronger Prince. Then there's a massive jump to try to get the Fourth one.

>> No.13470199

Are you talking about me? Just so you know I just turned level 101.

If you're talking about other people who are just starting then, while I personally never did that do to spending my crystals on summons and refills, I agree as that's a smart idea.

>> No.13470210

Sorry, I meant >>13470129

>> No.13470213

I meant people in general. In JP, even hard cashers don't waste their Crystals on EXP Boosts after the first one because of how little gain you get from it after the first ~70 levels.

>> No.13470243

That makes sense. Though from 70 up to level 100, I've seen that about 10-15 runs on Dragon Hunting is enough to level you up. Now it's around the same but around 20 should do it. Of course, since I'm currently only focusing on Monday H, I'm gaining exp slowly.

>> No.13470427

I'll take it that the amount of experience you get from Gold Armours is negligible, then? They're not worth anything combined with golden spirits or when being fed to Gold units?

>> No.13470429

They're worth 0 XP.

>> No.13470466

Each one is 6k gold IIRC.

>> No.13470548

So, is it possible to fuck Aigis?

>> No.13470574

Only if you're into metaphorical pegging.

>> No.13470581

so guys,
should i level up the material units that i need for the evolution?

>> No.13470609

Twice in a fucking row.

>> No.13470624

No. You loose more XP in fodders you feed to them than you gain in their value.

You ONLY level food if you need to CC them to give skillups.

>> No.13470628 [DELETED] 

help ? thats the only thing stopping me from evolving my healer.
i dont know whether i should or not. the level 50 thing got me by surprise and i ruined a mage, i dont want that to happen again

>> No.13470640

oh, lets say i have nunally
should i have fed her that archer with double arrow after CCing him then CCed her?
how fucked up badly am i if i CCed her directly?

>> No.13470666

You cannot skill up a CC Nunnaly except by using other CC Nunnaly or rainbow fairy. So if you fed Bashira to Nunnaly, you just completely wasted a Bashira.

Also clear up, what are you asking about - feeding to get XP or how to skill up bitches?

>> No.13470669

All CC does is reset the level to 1 (while keeping current stats) and increase the level cap for gold units and above, no matter what you use.

It may change the skill they have and reset it to level 1 (so don't level the first skill unless you know it won't change), for ranged units it increases range and soldiers it increases the block stat to 3.

>> No.13470673

Oh and if you skill-up Nunnaly before CCing her, you lose all those skill ups because her skill changes from tri-shot to quad-shot.

>> No.13470682

holy fuck i dodged a bullet.
shouldnt they explain all this? i mean this can fuck things up badly.

>> No.13470683

..oh waaait you said EVOLUTION

No, you can use level ones as CC material. Just even fresh out of the gacha.
Levelling them does nothing.

>> No.13470687

If you fuck up you are more tempted to pay shekels to get new units in place of what you fuckd up.

>> No.13470703

i wont be, shitty country banned from everything like north korea,
its a fucking miracle we are allowed internet, and that its functional during a war situation

>> No.13470732

1 hour left till echidna.
who hyped?

>> No.13470737

Well that's still the nippojew logic.

But anyway, going to shotgun whatever I can guess your questions were

1)You can level up units you intend to feed for XP, but it's not effective. Just feed the irons as you get them.
2)You do not need to level up CC materials, those levels do nothing.
3)A lot of units change their skill (like Attack III to Attack IV) on CC and if they do they lose their pre-CC skillups. You need to skillup them after CC. That often requires other CC'd units.

Is anything left unclear?

>> No.13470750

I haven't checked but surely you mean 13 hours, that's the time all updates and daily changes happen.

>> No.13470757

oh i might be wrong then.

>> No.13470762

I think you're in the wrong timezone. It's still monday 11th on EST.

Speaking of her, is she worth using? I got the samurai recently and am trying to decide if I should spend my plat armor on her or on echidna.

>> No.13470769

thanks anon it has.
i wonder when the noob guide would get back up.

>> No.13470775

i meant its all clear now.
i should invest in a better english education

>> No.13470776

Going by Eastern Standard Time, it'll be 6 a.m. EST when we get Echidna and any other rewards we won (Time Fairy and 3 Sacred Crystals). In other words, a little less than 12 hours from now.

>> No.13470785

I'm pretty sure every single one of the Aegis forums has its own noob guide.

>> No.13470801

Fuck finding and searching other forums when you have /jp/, we should have our own decent guide.

>> No.13470832

Aigis next event name up on twitter. What's the intel on it?

>> No.13470847


>> No.13470886

>Ask and you shall receive: next Aigis event is Challenge of the Holy Warrior.

>> No.13470889


This is the event, you farm for a plat armor girl to drop.


>> No.13470907

Anything we need to watch out for? What units to lvl up etc?

>> No.13470909

Oh... hey... a red headed woman with a shield. Where have I seen this before?

>> No.13470920




The reward is a Platinum Heavy Armor that's a bit of a gimmick unit specifically intended for bosses since her base stats are meh but her skill doubles her attack and defense. I'm glad though cause she's cute. http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/a/s/aigis/fdee50bc80473474.png

It's a farm event (similar to Bellinda's, you get a guaranteed drop the first time but you can farm event missions for extra).

Going to go ahead and look through dmm's videos of it and see approximately how strong you'll need to be for this event.

>> No.13470922

Should I be using or saving the XP unit (platnium armour) for anything in particular?

>> No.13470927

Well it's all about enemy armors, so some magic damage is likely to help. There's also an armor enemy that does a ranged aoe attack, might want duelists to block them or something.

>> No.13470931

she is really cute though. and she HAS to be better than leanne right?

>> No.13470934

>anything better than loyal hime-cut

>> No.13470937

Pretty much anything is better than leanne. Which saddens me, her scenes are cute as fug.

>> No.13470946

Post-40 levelling.

At that point, it requires a ton of XP and gold to feed, but using XParmor+3fairies lets you get straight to level 50 from 40 (for silver, start at one level higher for each higher rarity grade)

>> No.13470955

Leanne actually has slightly higher defence than a maxed out awoken Maribel if you ignore everything else, like skills.

>> No.13470963

Is there a guide on how to properly use whatever you get in this game? I'm still a fairly new player (mostly level 10s across the board in my army) I'd like to learn how to efficiently utilise what I get and have without fucking myself over.

>> No.13470968

She's better overall. Without skills and at the same level though, Leanne will usually win out in stats hilariously enough. This is because all units with the "Holy Awakening" Skill have terrible stats to compensate for their OP skill.

I've actually been meaning to write a comprehensive one for JP (including break downs for each individual Silver+ unit).

>> No.13470970

1)Do not consume silver units unless you're really late game. If you have to ask, you are not late game.
2)Bronze units are still useful so you may hold off on eating them too.
3)Same class feeding gives a bonus.

>> No.13470985

Thankfully I know those 3 at least. But I know nothing of awakening, next to nothing about CC (Class Evolution) and I'm mediocre at the game itself.

>> No.13470998

Awakening is not out yet so don't worry about it.

>> No.13471015

Neato. I've another question. I got a spirit of iron. What are these spirits for? And can I farm these challenges for a (in theory) infinite amount of affection items?

A guide of sorts that anons can work together on would be great. Very good, really.

>> No.13471093

Huh, the new girl have the same skill even after cc, so that means you don't have to cc the copies to raise her skills right?

>> No.13471095

I'm considering just waiting for the harem-battle forum to be made, anyone know the progress on that?

>> No.13471096

I played English Aigis for a bit. What am I missing out on?

>> No.13471104


>> No.13471131

-Soldiers are good early map as they're your primary source of UP as long as they have 'Call for Reinforcements'. Katie should be CC'd as soon as possible. CC increases their block from 2 to 3, which can allow them to tank.
-Archers deal nice amount of damage against unarmored enemies but require affection to be as useful as they can be. Should be among first to be CC'd.
-Mages are good at dealing with groups of enemies. Their slow DPS makes them less useful against smaller numbers. High cost doesn't usually matter as your soldiers should make up for it.
-Witches are good at dealing with single armored enemy.
-Armors are tanks. CC makes their attack faster.
-Healers are possibly the most important part of your army. Keep them leveled up. Also a CC priority.
-Rogues are mostly good for assassinate or dodge tanking. Useful but RNG heavy.
-Valkyries are good for tanking powerful mages like in the dragon ones in the current event if you don't have a princess (and you probably don't). They also help with UP so can be used early and dismissed with minimal consequences.
-Bandits are sometimes used as single target tanks. High damage and HP but low defence makes them very situational.

-All ranged units (including healers) gain range boost with CC. This is extremely useful which is why some people tend to CC their ranged units first. Just be sure to have some good soldiers before you CC a mage.
-Never CC a unit you're planning to use before 50.
-CCing most units increases their cost by 3. Mages are the exception as they gain 5 cost.
-Leveling a unit up to at least 20 after they've been CC'd is recommended.
-CC increases the Affection cap from 50 to 100.

That's all I can think of right now. There are probably more things and clarifications that should be made but you should be able to figure out the rest on your own. Also, the english wiki has most mechanics explained (inculding Class Evolution), so you should check it out if something is left unclear.

>> No.13471138

Compared to the Japanese version? Tons of units and new classes, awakening, skill awakening, new missions, getting units in the order they were made to be in, various buffs to stuff like witches, loli, endgame content, probably more free crystals from maintenance/bugs, better stamp cards for whales, promotional units, probably more stuff.

>> No.13471150

>-Never CC a unit you're planning to use before 50.
-Never CC a unit before 50 if you are planning to use it.

>> No.13471152

>probably more free crystals from maintenance/bugs

Man this is what I miss on NA version, I go back and check on my lvl 15 JP account from 2 month of not playing and see free 10 scared crystals in my present tab because they fucked up maintenance.

I never thought I hope a company would fuck up their maintenance but I wish Nutaku do it once in awhile so I can get free SCs.

>> No.13471171

I got a black just from maintenance crystals after not playing for like a year.

>> No.13471213

Spirits of whatever (iron, gold, silver, etc) give an exp multiplier when you combine them with other units. They give more exp when using them on a unit of the same rank, so 3 silver fairies on a silver unit will give x8 exp.

And yes you can farm challenges to so as many affection items you want, it's just limited by stamina though.

>> No.13471216

Why would you CC something if you don't want to use it? Not trying to be snide, I'm the new player >>13471131 is replying too.

Thanks by the way, anon. I'm saving advice/tips/tricks from here.

>> No.13471221

To skill up something else.

>> No.13471223

Skill ups, awakening fodder.

>> No.13471238

So would you combine the iron spirit with another iron unit then combine the iron unit into something else?

>> No.13471243

I'm not quite sure what you just said, but when combining units for exp you get to pick 4 at once, if one of the 4 is a fairy you get bonus exp.

>> No.13471260

No. If you're leveling up an iron unit, adding an iron fairy to the units being fused will increase the amount of exp gained. Since it's the same rarity as the unit it's being fused to, it will double the exp. If it was being fused to a unit of a different rarity, it will only increase the exp gained by 1.5 times.

>> No.13471272

well we used to but it got outdated and so became unusable

no it's like this:
if you use a fairy to feed its respective rarity it will give 2x the normal xp (2x for 1 fairy, 4x for 2 and 8x for 3)

eg. you want to level up a golden unit (say katie) so if you have golden fairies you can use them as fooder ALONGSIDE other fooders to increase the xp by 2x (or more as described above)
you can use non-same-rarity fairies but since it gives a smaller boost, it's not adviced (still doable tho)

>> No.13471319

So I just started playing Aigis on Saturday.
Are daily quest as the name implies, only gives rewards once per day?
Or can I do them as many times as Stamina and Charisma allow for multiple rewards?
Because I haven't gotten any drops after my first time through.

>> No.13471325

You can do them as many times as you want, but the quest changes once the day is over.

>> No.13471330

They are called daily because they change every day. You can grind them

>> No.13471334

you can do it as long as you cha & sta allow you to
they can give multiple drops per run but it's heavily RNG-based

Easy dailies are only adviced to 3* and get the crystal, but nothing for nothing else since they have a low-ass drop rate
Normal and up are the ones that you want to farm

>> No.13471553

so guys, by tomorrow's new aigis day i will have Anya and Echidna; i'm planing on heavy farming dailly hard to rise aff on them, and i wanted to know, how's the best candidate to 100% first? i'm guessing Anya but wanted some experienced people commenting on this
ty in advance guys

>> No.13471579

Many thanks!

>> No.13471620

For most people Anya. I guess if you already got lucky with Gacha and have Sybilla/Shelly/Lilia, but still need a good Healer, Echidna might be better then.

>> No.13471711

I think I can see kinda why they moved up Revival, they probably wanted everyone to have a princess for this event. The three maps have a lot of witches and mages and the last two maps are like 80% armor enemies. Although it seems pretty easy if you have good magic units even without a princess.

I think 2 CC healers, at least 3 CC mages + witches + some tanks obviously should be enough to three star everything.

>> No.13471737

>Heavy Armor
>Barely a chestplate, some greaves and a shield
I know I should have expected it but....

On other news:
1st plat armor drop, what should i save for/use it on?

>> No.13471753

Level a unit from 40 to 50 with 3 fairies.

>> No.13471766
File: 719 KB, 1600x900, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i goy Sybilla and 50cc40 chydis so iguess i'll go for anya

ty anon

fucking captcha, get your facts right...

>> No.13472012

I hope that's 3 CC in general and not 3 of each...

I only have a CC Mehlis and Cloris, should I CC my Garania and a Calliope?

>> No.13472064

2 CC mages and a witch is more than enough. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBVonMm-RpA
Here's the last map. You shouldn't have any problems if you could do the last event.

>> No.13472077

Yeah I meant 3 CC magic units altogether, I think you should CC a second mage, although if they're going to give us Anya for the event it should be fine either way.

>> No.13472397

nice tripcode buddy.

>> No.13473024

Is it worth to play JP Aigis instead of EN?

>> No.13473068

Difference is kinda minimal. Having events without pauses between them is nice, but the events themselves are tougher nuts to crack so you'll need to grind moar before you actually get to it.

>> No.13473070

Heh I wanted to ask the same thing. Right now I'm just half assing both version at level 15+.

>> No.13473088

How does one even go about playing the JP version for reference? I'm debating playing both since my English account is high enough level now that it's log in, do stuff for 30m, done for half the day.

>> No.13473099

The great thing about JP is that the unit diversity means you don't keep getting more rogues from premium summons.

>> No.13473127


>> No.13473145

There's some fuckery with locale settings usually cited but I prefer the cookie edit option from here

>> No.13473159

You only need that for the all ages version.

>> No.13473169

Huh, really? IIRC when I tried playing it (months ago) it kept throwing me "GTFO to nutaku" until I glazed the cookies.

>> No.13473180

That's how it worked for me at any rate.

>> No.13473197

>Please choose the language you like to use from below.

>Select ENGLISH to go to Nutaku.net, the fully localized adult gaming site from DMM.R18.

Pick JP.

>> No.13473236


Got working, thanks. Immediately summoned a Bandit Eunice on my premium too, feels just like the EN version!

>> No.13473263

It's the perfect time to try to reroll accounts to get a Nanaly!

>> No.13473319
File: 971 KB, 975x645, Plats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final results for Monday's Daily:
>11 Runs on Hard, 38 Gold, 2 Platinum
>1 Run on Normal, 1 Gold, 0 Platinum
Pic related. The third tin can is the only one I saved of the two I got last week.

>> No.13473376

I dunno whether to level up my 30 Themis or my Anya for making the next event piss easy, I have a 67 Sherry, 3 50CC30+ witches and 2 50CC41 mages.

Maybe I should just go with Anya as shes cuter?

>> No.13473394

You're already set for the event, just go with your waifu

>> No.13473449

So I finally got a single plat on my third try, but this just really reaffirms how I feel that I can't believe people seem to have a harder time getting platinum armors than getting fairies. I guess that's just for people leveling silvers?

>> No.13473530

Got a question about Cost Reduction. I have a C Soma, will combining a normal Soma on the CC Soma reduce the CC Soma's unist cost? Or do I need to feed a CC Soma to cost reduce a CC Soma?

Also, if I Cost Reduce a normal Soma, does that cost reduction stick when I CC her?

>> No.13473551

They just need the same character name to be able to cost reduce, and yes it is permanent.

>> No.13473559

dang, under maintenance? Does this mean that the event's over?

>> No.13473569


>> No.13473831
File: 200 KB, 957x642, Eventwhatareyoudoing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Event, why you still there and where is my dragon shaman?

Wasn't it supposed to end now, or does the whole day May 12th still count towards the event?

>> No.13473841

time zones

>> No.13473844

According to the time site I just googled it's not 6 EST yet.

>> No.13473847

Give it an hour,that's around the time they tend to switch between which of the daily missions we're on, and when we get sign-in bonuses.

>> No.13473857

One more hour.

>> No.13473899

Oh, right, dailies didn't switch either yet. I forgot that Aigis switches at a slightly different time than LoV.

>> No.13473913

Aigis switches 1 hour after LoV, iirc they used to be at the same time, I'm not sure why LoV got faster by an hour

>> No.13473944

19 minutes...

>> No.13473951

Oh shit, time for rapidfire farm.

Golden Armors, come to papa.

>> No.13473999

>got a Bernard, Alissa, Valerie AND a Soma from 20 base summonings

woah, nice way to start the day. kinda thinking about skill leveling my cc Soma, already have 6 of them.

>> No.13474006
File: 210 KB, 965x638, ecchidna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There we go.

Doesn't seem so good, unit points too high for a healer and attack is still too low for a mage.

>> No.13474011

Just got the rewards, people.

>> No.13474013

She's got max level 70 before cc, so maybe the extra stats will compensate.

>> No.13474014

I mean... heh. She actually might get better with levels depending on her stat growth. Her attack is definitely high for a healer and she has really nice defense.

I guess she can be useful in some situation at the very least.

>> No.13474017
File: 70 KB, 451x601, freaky tail girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurrah, the bitch is mine!
Wait, is she just a healer or what?

>> No.13474020

So the actual nutaku site has been updated, it has some followers stuff now, doesn't seem too detailed, maybe it could be used for LoV?

>> No.13474027

That reminds me, what should I do with my spirit of time?

Maybe use it on Sybilla, or save it for later?

>> No.13474028

Another bad translation. She becomes a mage when you use her skill. She's honestly not very useful.

>> No.13474029

oh right, looks like her skill turns her iinto an attack unit.

>> No.13474030
File: 230 KB, 964x639, Here we go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only black unit. ;-;

>> No.13474032

Sybilla is a good choice, if you don't have a Dorania to CC, though you may want to save it for (I'm betting much) later when you could get one.

>> No.13474033

fug, I'm mad jelly.

she seems like a great boss killer.

>> No.13474034

Well yeah, but if the event repeats they should probably also give another spirit of time right? Would seem wasteful to just have one lying around for that long.

>> No.13474036

I believe some have said it'd cost some sort of currency next time, with the time fairy costing almost double.

>> No.13474037

That's what happened on JP.

>> No.13474038

Gah, I'll hold on to it then.

>> No.13474042
File: 25 KB, 343x260, gurk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's the event done then.

I finally managed to 1-Star World of Darkness by the skin of my teeth. I didn't get anything from it, obviously, but I'm glad to have completed it, as it was the last stage I was really stuck on.
Still a pain in the ass, given that my highest-level unit was about 22, except for the Prince at 29.

>> No.13474043
File: 422 KB, 759x466, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When your all your girls used double skill and rise three times you regular output

>> No.13474050

you cleared all the missions at level 29?

>> No.13474081

>forces you to fuck her in second event
>really wants your baby

Anya is pretty lewd

>> No.13474086

Show stats @100% aff please.

>> No.13474105



>> No.13474119

Have you already CCd Echida or are you basing it on JP?

>> No.13474120

Echida can't be CC'd

>> No.13474125

Anya is technically already CC'd. She's also a Princess. Since when have Princesses ever been restricted whenever it comes to affection?

>> No.13474128

Also, what this guy said: >>13474120

>> No.13474129

I knew Anya was a princess, but I though Echidna counted just as a regular healer with a kinky active.

>> No.13474136

There are units that are pre-cc'd without being a princess.

>> No.13474154

She's got a bit extra range at 240 instead of Healer's 220 but less than CC Healer's 260.

>> No.13474174

I think Echidna could be of some use in the next event as it's supposed to be armor heavy. You can have her heal and then use her skill to bring in some extra magic damage when necessary.

>> No.13474180

Anyone know what Samurai class gets from being CC'd?

>> No.13474193

YES, the next event has a map where you can farm Calliope.

I'm finally gonna beat that fucking War of Magic challenge now.

>> No.13474200

Her skill cooldown seems too long though
22sec charge, 15sec duration, 44sec cooldown, she also costs 25 for just a healer

I can't seem to find anything on jp wiki, but awakening increases block units from 2 to 3

>> No.13474232

Could someone post a video to spirit rescue H? That shit is fucking expensive and I keep forgetting where the zerg goes

>> No.13474245

Well, Echidna seems a huge disappointment.

>> No.13474254

She's more of a novelty than anything else. Still, her skill makes her useful in some situations.

>> No.13474269

Higher growths. Notably hp.

Well, she was the consolation prize.

If there's two units in an event the easiest to get is just a "Sorry you couldn't get the good one, here's something anyway"

The real reward to the event yall just did was Anya.

Massive zerg goes top. 5 or 6 go bottom to distract you from the incoming rush.

>> No.13474284

>The real reward to the event yall just did was Anya.
Whyyyyy couldn't I get enough stars in the last event.

Jesus fuck, now I have to hold on to this fairy for ages.

>> No.13474352


at least I already have a princess though

>> No.13474474

no, only up to & including world of darkness.

>> No.13474501

>Well yeah, but if the event repeats they should probably also give another spirit of time right? Would seem wasteful to just have one lying around for that long.
The reprint events work a different way. You must grind up a MAD HIGH amount of special crystal drops, rather than just complete maps.
And you do not want to have to grind that shit up twice, do you now?

>> No.13474571

Once in a very great while there's a free one though.

>> No.13474614
File: 291 KB, 1206x808, watis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally managed to eke out a 900.

The last 100 is fucking nuts though. As if the rush of those twirling mountain lion blade things wasn't bad enough, it throws four red spiders with two flying wind ogres, that one super tough thing from the ninja event, these puddle mudmen that can almost one shot my Dina, and like 50 ogres at once.

They really make you work for those 3 crystals huh

>> No.13474822

Not killer but tanker. Great substitute for if you dont have gellius or deina to tank high dmg boss.

>> No.13474844

Think I understand now. Sorry for the late reply, been mega busy lately.

So what should I do with this iron spirit (fairy) then? Don't think you'd keep an iron unit at all. Don't think I am anyway. And when combining units with fairies, you'd only ever have 1 fairy at a time per batch of 4 or are there times where using 3 fairies at once is good? And should they only be used with XP armours?

>> No.13474858

Think of iron and bronze fairys as exp fodder.
3 of them and a lvl 18 mage from dragon hunting is 1200 exp roughly compared to 4 lvl 18 mages at 560 exp.

>> No.13474861

There are late-game maps where people used nothing but irons, surprisingly.

Otherwise, you can use them as boost black-tier units, because black fairies are difficult to farm if you can't pass the hell that is War of Magic. Plats too, if you can't pass some of the more obnoxious maps like Men's/Women's Battle or Solitary Battle 3/4.

>> No.13474869

Shit, my army is mostly full of level 10s, I don't think I'm anywhere near that level you guys are on. Should I just hold onto it for now and use it on something down the track with 2 other fairies?

And I've no black units (big surprise) too. Should I blow all my crystals on the 5 SC premium summons?

>> No.13474882

If you're short on space, just sell it. Iron fairies are a dime a dozen if you really wanted to farm them (which you shouldn't, silver fairies are just as easy to farm and are much more valuable).

And don't blow *all* your crystals, but if you've got like... 10+ crystals, go ahead and try every now and then.

>> No.13474889

Wouldn't it be better to food the fairy into a unit you want to keep for XP? Back to square one. I'm probably retarded. Can I feed the fairy with 3 trash units into somebody I want to keep for XP or is that a waste of it? This is my first fairy I've gotten too.

>> No.13474891

in game cheats still work.
do stamina and charisma still work ?

>> No.13474897

Eh, at your level, it probably won't matter too much. I guess that's fine.

>> No.13474898

You end up wasting about 90% of XP.

>> No.13474902
File: 1.41 MB, 1752x629, preparethenoose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I immediately regret this. Already have Phyllis (2x) as well.

>> No.13474921

I'd keep it till you get 2 more shitty fairys which shouldn't take long then use it with a bronze unit to level something decent.

>> No.13474935

That sounds reasonable. Thanks anons.

Another question. I got fucked over in the new daily (the one with wolves) should I be using a lot more wizards and mages for this? I did the armour dailies (first one at least) easily yesterday. These wolves just bum rush and get through easily.

>> No.13474941

You can use the iron fairy to level up Silver+ units but the benefit is only 1.5x XP instead of 2x you'd get from a better fairy. Still, Iron and Bronze fairies aren't worth anything so you might as well use them this way.

You shouldn't fatten the units you are going to feed to somebody as the EXP worth of the unit doesn't increase much.
As an example, Iron units are worth 85 EXP on level 10 and require 85 EXP to get to level 11. Level 11 iron unit gives 90 EXP, which means you lose 80 EXP if you level the iron unit up instead of just feeding both of them to the one you actually want to level up.

>> No.13474946

Try to think positively. At least they'll be good CC fodder.

>> No.13474951

That's true. And they're level 20 already.

Does level change anything when it comes to CC fodder? I've never done CC before so I'm still a little clueless about it.

>> No.13474956

>So what should I do with this iron spirit (fairy) then? Don't think you'd keep an iron unit at all. Don't think I am anyway. And when combining units with fairies, you'd only ever have 1 fairy at a time per batch of 4 or are there times where using 3 fairies at once is good? And should they only be used with XP armours?
Use them when feeding regular fodder. Even with 1.5x it's still useful.

Although IMO not do it the way >>13474858 says, 2 fairies x 2 units will get you a total of 4,5 units and is more efficient (1 unit x3 fairy is a total of 3,375 units)

They do but nobody is sure if they'll catch you.

>> No.13474960

doesnt matter.
you can however CC them if you ever like accumalating different units and powering them up to max

>> No.13474961

>Does level change anything when it comes to CC fodder?
No, it doesn't do anything.

>> No.13474969

That all makes sense. Thankfully knew the second part early into the game and never made that mistake. It's nice how the games new players some level 1s and 3s very quickly too.

So 2 iron fairies with 2 iron/bronze to feed something? Not sure what to feed actually. Same with affection items. Tempted to dump a lot of stuff on Daniela.

Why would I CC something I don't want to keep? Such as, if I want to keep say Daniela (since I just mentioned her before) I get her to 50, CC her and level her up again, that's all well and good right? But why would I CC something I don't want to keep? Not a troll question, I'm legitimately pretty stupid when it comes to this game. I've even read the hongfire and ulmf threads. Probably need a reread.

>> No.13474975

The only time you would is if the unit changes skill after CC. I have no idea why the other Anon thinks you should CC CC fodder since it makes no difference on the CC process.

>> No.13474976

i did, i said do it if you like hoarding all the units and power them up. its what im doing, im keeping every unit. upgrading them then putting them in the barracks.
but ofcourse im working on my mains first,

>> No.13474979

He was asking about CC fodder. In which case the unit would be deleted during CC.

>> No.13474982

oh i didnt notice. never level up fodder, anything you do to them doesnt have any effect during CC if they are used as fodder

>> No.13474983

>Such as, if I want to keep say Daniela (since I just mentioned her before) I get her to 50, CC her and level her up again, that's all well and good right?

>But why would I CC something I don't want to keep?
I think he was asking if maybe you're a collector type that would want all the units.

Also, skilluping sometimes requiers you to CC a unit before feeding it.

>> No.13475005

Is it possible to cheat sacred crystals in JP? Or stamina for that matter?

>> No.13475015

It was possible before, but then I broke my account by trying to fuck around with other types of crystals and so Idunno if they fixed anything since.

>> No.13475099

Todays daily is a rush map, for this you want lots of soldiers and a strong ranged unit, probably your best archer. Some people use bronze soldiers mincosted for this(from 6 unit points to 4 unit points).

>> No.13475159
File: 20 KB, 200x121, 1381863815484.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Daniela's h-scene
Brown sluts truly are the best. Speaking of which, what's that site where anons upload loads of images? For example, despite it sounding gay as fuck, I'd like some boner reaction images. I'm sure there's a folder of them uploaded somewhere. I think the same site lets you search by keyword/tag as well.

>> No.13475217


shit taste detected. her only use is for CCing superior archers.

>> No.13475218


>> No.13475227
File: 20 KB, 525x481, 1410452223250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Daniela's h-scene
Have you seen the second one? One of my favorites.

Also, http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/stop-it-boner.. Look in images.

>> No.13475240

It was some other. Does sadpanda even have albums of reaction images?

Didn't even think to use that site. Thanks mang. Haven't seen the second. I think my Daniela's @ like 27%.

>shit taste
Nah. I've a spare Daniela anyway. I haven't RNG'd Nanaly so Daniela's probably my best archer.

>> No.13475287

It really sucks having to wait on new events or login bonus for more sacred crystals just to piss away to get another silver or gold.

I didn't mind golds at first but now I've gotten over 15 of them its getting old.

>> No.13475351

If you already have a decent set of units, it might be better to wait for more units to be added for a lower chance of duplicates.

>> No.13475352

Did you have to do it at any certain point? I've tried after the mission ends but it just doesn't work

>> No.13475387

Daniela scenes are fucking disgusting anon.

Wait till you see Iris. Or Bashera. Or Desparia.

>> No.13475408

If anyone still cares, the forum is almost ready to begin accepting users. Just waiting for a server upgrade to roll out for me since the one I got isn't powerful enough to support any actual traffic.

After I get that and have it set up again, I just need to finish up applying setting and add a bit of spam protection.

>Dem Anya scenes.

>> No.13475411

It's Bashira delicious yuri goodness?

>> No.13475463

Who should I CC first, Despara, Cloris or Calliope?

CCing Despara might take a while, and the difference in UP is kinda steep. Not sure if I should focus on here when I have no CCd witch yet.

>> No.13475478

I got Iris and, while the art is nice, she does that thing I hate so fucking much of drawing the girl like she's in pain even if it's a consensual scene.

>> No.13475491

Welcome to Japan. See their 3D porn? Disgusting stuff. And not just because it's 3D.

>> No.13475498

That just means she's pure and has a puffy, tight vulva.

>> No.13475525

That's Thetis'.

>> No.13475532

Despara followed by Calliope.

>> No.13475535

Yes it was endmission.so maybe it got fixd too.

>> No.13475543

I care anon, so could you please post a link?

>> No.13475569

So any info about the next event? The name was posted on twitter, but I haven't played jp so no idea what that means

>> No.13475579

At what point exactly? Before the "you completed this mission for the first time blabla" or after?

>> No.13475587

It was at any time during a mission. Didn't have to be the first time, even.

>> No.13475589

Why do people say to keep crystals? Why not just roll premium gacha every time you have enough?

>> No.13475597

presumably there are events which will require a lot of stamina and grinding?

>> No.13475604

Some events you'll have to spend crystals if you want to get a min cost/max skill unit. Some people feel it's better to spend your crystals making those guaranteed units better rather than going with the small chance of getting something good from gacha.

>> No.13475605

Next Event is for a Platinum Heavy Armor. Will do my usual info post later.

>> No.13475634


>> No.13475648


Specific example is Karma. Her event is a collection event. Her stats (and even rarity) depend on how many of the items you collect from the missions.

She's considered a cheat unit because of the fact her skill makes her immortal for the duration (she'll take damage/tank but she'll stay at 1 health). So she's pretty much a lightning rod for aggro if you get her black rarity, since you'd be able to place her and use the skill ASAP.

Players would rather a guaranteed stronger version of her over a 3% likelihood of getting a black, and even lower likelihood of getting one of the good blacks (looking at you Berna).

>> No.13475667

I understand. I will keep my sacred crystals and administer them with care, in that case.

What minimum should I keep at all times?

>> No.13475695
File: 227 KB, 850x1202, Maribel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chances are Miranda is quite a while away. Maribel is pretty cute though even if she isn't super useful.

>> No.13475846


Really comes down to personal preference. Lafate over on Hongfire did the number crunching if you want a perfect Karma, but with normal luck and all use of stamina on the event, you should be able to get 700 of the item which would get you the black rarity version.

The number crunching Lafate did recommended the following numbers assuming level 100 (and 12 stamina): 18 SC if you have assume standard luck & drop rates, and 36 SC if you have horrendous luck. You'd have to go digging through the forums to find the exact math. And the event itself drops 8 SC, so with that logic, at least 28 SC should be kept.

That makes the assumption that you have terribad luck and you are aiming for the highest stat version. Right now I'm pretty much trying to hold about 25 at any given moment so that way if I see a spotlight I like, I'll roll once (or twice), or if I'm really running low on unit space but have nothing I can use/sac yet, I'll just drop a crystal on the extra 4 spaces.

>> No.13475879

When will that event even happen though?

>> No.13475899

Seeing as how Nutaku jumps around with the Events. It might be the very next one for all you know.

>> No.13475900


It's not that she isn't super useful, she's very situational, specifically she's a crappier Deine that you're guaranteed to get if you do the event. Her skill makes her an amazing HA for dealing with bosses because it boosts her offense and defense momentarily (like Deine).

The issue with that is, because she's situational, she's not great for every team composition and is instead a side unit that you'll swap in for very specific missions, otherwise from a purely stat perspective, Leanne & Bernice are both better.

I still intend to grind her last mission to try to make her as strong as possible (haven't decided if I want to skip Monday / Thursday dailies to grind the event more yet). Given we've consistently had breaks in between events, I'll probably just forgo Monday and Thursday for a single week since I already have 2 EXP armors stored for when I need them and I already got both Chydis and Cyrus prior to the rotation so I'm not really scrambling for more DCs.

>> No.13475909

still here supporting the forum


>> No.13475947


Really hard to predict at the current moment. Almost no one predicted the most recent event because there were 3 between Dorania and Unsealing her (albeit 2 of them were events that were unnecessary, gold rush which is typically an end of year event in dmm and Warriors of the East which introduced the Trading Post which we already have).

The fact they skipped all 3, but now backtracking to the Holy Warrior one as well as their most recent twitter messages have indicated that it almost seems like they'll skip some events but they'll go on their own pace and according to their own schedule as they like.

But to give you an idea, there was only a single event in between Revival of Ryuhime and Karma which dropped Platinum Mage Odette.

>> No.13476026
File: 242 KB, 959x640, AigisFirstBlack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finally rolled my first Black unit.
This chick any good at stuff?

>> No.13476040

Stop make me burn my last 5 SCs, anon.

>> No.13476048


>> No.13476053

Sorta lackluster at first, but AW makes her OP (increases her attack speed which makes her perma-freeze anyone that so much at glances at her).

Hope you saved up a bunch of silver dragons to boost her skill.

>> No.13476130

I managed 4 Silver Dragons.
I figure I needed to save 1 or 2 for Dragon Ladies.
So I have two Silver Dragons and 2 Rainbow Fairies. This a decent idea?

>> No.13476193

1 to get Anya
1 to awaken Anya
1 to awaken Echidna.

also don't skill up until she's cc'd. changes to attack 4.

>> No.13476372

Yep those are some hastily drawn boobs on Pham. Wish they'd done an editor's check on the text, it still refers to a pettanko.

Anyway, I've come to the conclusion that it's wrong for me to prioritise grinding up SRs right now. I have my A-team for smashing bosses (Kagura, Aries, Mabel). All other SRs are there for expeditions but my mid-term goal for those are to farm Camus. To do that, I need to minimise expenses. So in the short-term, I'm gonna get me some 2M UCs.

>> No.13476443
File: 9 KB, 231x62, 200kToppa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hardly the first to do it, but feels good.

>> No.13476452
File: 190 KB, 576x424, ready.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, I don't know of any sites with boner-reaction images, but I have one or two images myself, so I guess I'll post them for any future use you might have.

>> No.13476498
File: 37 KB, 334x338, tight jeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess while we're on the topic of hard-ons and those who induce them, I guess I'll say that Calliope was the first girl in the game that I looked forward to seeing naked(well, part from that Bandit woman Lyra or whatever she's called that I saw in some banners for the game), as not a lot of the ones I've seen so far have done it for me.

>> No.13476517
File: 36 KB, 768x576, howdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help but feel I've vandalised the thread by posting 3 erection images in a row.

>> No.13476528

Calliope's scenes are fucking excellent.

I think my favorites so far have been Calliope, Alissa, Cloris and Victoria.

>> No.13476591

harem-battle.club won the vote in the end, so that is where you will find it. But it isn't actually open aside from being able to see the "forum is closed" message.

>> No.13476852

MFW enemy's arrow glanced off my prince.

>> No.13476876

What's the proper way to utilise silver and up fairies?

>> No.13476965
File: 18 KB, 206x257, cal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW enemy's arrow glanced off my prince.
yes? What was your face?

>> No.13477065

Use them to boost feeding to a unit of the same rarity as the fairy. Most commonly, a plat armour +3 fairies for a fat load of 8k XP.

But then it's just about how much fairies do you have. If you have sulprus, no problem with boosting some regular fodders with them.

>> No.13477083

3 with armor.
3 with copy

3+armor is 8k
3 with copy, for platinum, is like 5k + -1 cost and +1 skill

>> No.13477123

Sorry, I'm another noob here, so I just want to ask a rookie's question.
You feed the fairy to a unit of the same rarity, it doesn't matter if the other units it's being fed along with are the samr rarity as it?

So like, if I fed some silver units and a silver fairy together to a Gold unit,there'd be no bonus, but if I fed some units(of any rarity)together with a Gold Fairy to a Gold unit, there would?

>> No.13477148

Yes, yes.

>there'd be no bonus
It still gives 1.5x bonus XP, so you can use low-grade fairies if you got them from some maps.

Or for higher rarity, plat armor plus three silver fairies fed to a black unit will still give 3k+ XP.

>> No.13477150

what do you mean by copy?

>> No.13477166

Copy is the same unit. I.e. feeding a Cyrus to a Cyrus. That has a chance to lower the cost of the unit by 1.

>> No.13477219

Yes you have, Anon, yes you have... -_-

>> No.13477233

Not as badly as you have.

>> No.13477250

Please, that's not vandalism. We'd need an image of Conrad in a dress and wearing makeup and lipstick for that to happen.

>> No.13477303

The hardest part of getting the 3 crystals is definitely the very last enemy, the wind god that goes by the bottom where no ranged units can help you without a pure range boost skill.

>> No.13477400

Anya has no MR unlike other princesses, does she have a magic attack like the other princesses?

>> No.13477411

She does ignore defense and picks up 20 MR after being awakened.

>> No.13477440
File: 729 KB, 960x637, 345770c253ffcc2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and picks up 20 MR after being awakened.

not to mention she becomes 20x sluttier too.

>those thighs


>> No.13477488

Also she hits both enemies at once when awakened. And then you can skill awaken her because fuck defense, you don't need that.

>> No.13477522


Just blew 500 lottery POINTS. Astounding, the late introduction of expeditions has made normal lottery actually exciting again while I hope to get UCs. I can now make a second 4M Delta whenever I get round to it.

>> No.13478281

I'm pissed that with the new update, my puffin app doesn't work again....there's stuff to do and my activity is limited. Booo

>> No.13479018

Event Post
This event is really straight forward, farm the maps for a chance for her to drop. She drops on Maps #2, 4, and 5. Map #2 has a 100% drop rate for your first clear, so even noobs should be able to get a single copy.

Silver Drops this time around are:
Bagan (Bandit)
Cecily (Rogue)
Valerie (Mage) + Soma (Archer)
Calliope (Witch)
Leanne (Heavy Armor)

The important thing to note for Maribelle is that among Heavy Armors, she's a special case. She's a possessor of the rare "Holy Awakening" Skill which doubles both attack and defense at the same time, making it one of the strongest skills in the game. To counter this though, her stats are down right awful for her rarity.

For stat comparison.
At 50CC50 with 100% affection, Leanne has the following stats:
1813 HP, 209 Attack, 426 Defense

At 50CC70 with 100% affection Maribelle has:
2229 HP, 298 Attack, 341 Defense

Maribelle only has +416 HP, +89 Attack, but -85 Defense. Keep in mind that because Heavy Armors have naturally low Attack, very often the enemy will be Defense-Capped against them. So in practice, the +89 Attack will often only transfer out to +9 Damage. An because Heavy Armors can tank 3 enemies at once (4 after Awakening), the -85 Defense will be multiplied to all 3 (4) enemies at once resulting in taking 255 (340) extra damage per set of attacks.

>> No.13479065

Part Two


With skills activated is where Maribelle takes the lead however.

Leanne with 5/5 Skill
209 Attack, 682 Defense (most people won't level up her Skill to 5 though, usually 3-4 max)

596 Attack, 682 Defense

Perfectly matched Defense, but Maribelle has 387 more Attack (over double), and at these numbers Maribelle can actually break the threshold for more Attack to matter. Overall, without Skill active you'd probably want Leanne > Mariblle. With Skill active, Maribelle > Leanne.

Stat comparison for Awakening:

50CC60AW80 Bernice
2900 HP, 275 Attack, 595 Defense (+5% AW Passive to Defense)

50CC70AW90 Maribelle
3105 HP, 324 Attack, 420 Defense

Maribelle has +205 HP, +49 Attack, but -175 Defense (205 if you count in Bernice's Awakening Passive). Maribelle still comes out slightly ahead in HP and Attack, but the difference in Defense is even more obvious here.

>> No.13479109

Part Three

With Skills active:

275 Attack, 1129 Defense

648 Attack, 840 Defense

Maribelle has +373 Attack (also more than double), but still -289 Defense. In this case without Skill, Bernice > Maribelle. With skill active, it depends on what you need. If you actually need to tank something, Bernice >> Maribelle by even further gap. But if you need the Heavy Armors for the sole sake of their Block 3/4, but need to kill things ASAP, Maribelle > Bernice.

Maribelle's Awakening Passive is Shield of Miracles, which gives her a 10% chance to nullify all damage from an attack. Her Awoken Skill changes her skill duration from 40 seconds to 70 seconds, as well as increases the multiplier from 2.0x attack and damage to 2.5x attack and damage; but comes with the downside that you can then only use her skill once per mission.

>> No.13479164

Oh, almost forgot. For those of you interested in them, Maribelle's first scene is Missionary, second is Doggystyle.

>> No.13479259

So then grab her, mincost her, and toss her to the side for the off chance she becomes useful.

>> No.13479306

She's not bad, but the problem is; you have to know the mission ahead of time if you want to use her. Missions where you want a heavy hitting heavy armor are surprisingly common. The problem is; her stats are shit without her Skill. So you need to map out the mission ahead of time to make sure her skill will be ready to use for when you want it.

>> No.13479363

I guess we'll also need to get her skill up a lot for her to be more useful, 10sec duration at lvl1 and then 40sec at lvl5 is a huge jump. I can see use for her, and she's cute so whatever.

I also got another question for jp players, I was just looking at the Warrior of the East event and I think I'm seeing conditions like "Cannot deploy male units" and "Can only sortie one unit", so have there been any important events with "can't deploy female units" missions?

>> No.13479396

Nope, just Challenge Quests.

>> No.13479465

Quick question, how do I get Mehlis?

>> No.13479489

5 Sacred Crystal Gacha and pray.
2k Gold Gacha until your fingers bleed.

>> No.13479566

Is gacha a term for summon? I presume you mean the platnium summon.

And is there a list of sorts that shows you what you can/n't get from the 2k gold summon? Never used it before.

>> No.13479600

You can get all units from 2k Gold excluding the Event Units.

>> No.13479618

How viable is it?

>> No.13479636

Not at fucking all.

>> No.13479640

~3.5% chance for Silver. So Silvers are actually pretty common. Chances for Gold and up aren't very definite yet though due to lack of data.

>> No.13479643

You have better odds to win a lottery and dump the prize into buying crystals.

>> No.13479647

less than 0.1% or something for plats and blacks

>> No.13479654

Fuck the RNG in this game. I don't think I have a gun-to-the-head reaction image for this. I just want Mehlis and Nanaly. Every premium summon has given me silvers. Most of which I've already owned.

>> No.13479667

>I just want Mehlis and Nanaly.

I only managed to get them by battle-cheating my way to 40+ crystals per account and rerolling five of them.

>> No.13479680
File: 145 KB, 550x500, 1324364627354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, anon. I can dream can't I. Only mage I have is those shitty bronze/irons with the exception of Valerie. Lots of Valerie.

>> No.13479691

I wanted Mehlis, I got Garania instead. Meanwhile on my JP account I have 3x Mehlis ;_;

>> No.13479700

Well if it's any consolation four of those accounts had like four to six rogues EACH. And Mehlis only showed up on a recent roll from the event crystals.

RNG is hilariously shit in this game. And fuck the grind, dammit. I still wonder if they'll detect the cheating and hammer it or not.

>> No.13479713


Well you're fucked

>> No.13479715

oops forgot the last bit so I actually barely play and have half a mind to just forget about this damn game

>> No.13479872

You know people from Nutaku can see these threads right?

>> No.13479883


>> No.13479912

What time does the new day roll for MWA/Nutaku? Such as being able to grab your login reward ASAP?

>> No.13479935

>and Nanaly.
Give it up or sacrifice the blood of 20 virgins every time you want to roll, else you ain't getting her.

Mehlis is very reasonable being a gold, but in all my time on JP, I only have three summoning blacks. A Dina, a second Dina, and a Mikoto.

And that's what would be considered godly luck since I still got fucking three strong blacks.

>> No.13480170

Next Aigis event the 19th, the waits are getting shorter and shorter.

>> No.13480277

Spirit Rescue H drops are still shitty, damn. I only get one fairy per run or something

>> No.13480294
File: 37 KB, 168x173, ponder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exuse me lads, what sort of level do I need my characters at to clear Solitary battle 3, even if I'm only going for 1-star with it?
None of my current team can take the scum out fast enough(I haven't tried my bandits, but I suspect they'd screw up eventually because they can't block more than 1 guy).

>> No.13480331

Instead of level, you need quick reflexes. Like putting a CC'd Katie into the fight until the second wolf pops up and switching her out with decent leveled heavy.

>> No.13480337

two soldiers would be best, since they don't live long without a healer.
I'd suggest a CCed Katie, I think she'll 1star it solo

>> No.13480356

A 50CC30 Aria with max affection should be able to solo it, I did it before I got her though with a 50CC30 Betty followed by a decent soldier.

>> No.13480402

Anon, if you DO quit you could go ahead and give someone else the account with the cheated Nanaly on it. I'd take a cheated Nanaly and play alongside my normal account on the off chance it doesn't get ban hammered and I then have a Nanaly...

>> No.13480411

A 50CC30 Katie can 2 star it, you might have to swap her out at the end with an armor

>> No.13480422

why do I see so many people with several 50CC30 units instead of 50CC50?

is it general consensus that after level 30 the costxgain is too low and you're better off leveling other un-ccd units?

>> No.13480428
File: 70 KB, 314x507, gacha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every premium summon has given me silvers.
I know your pain(sortof)
First 2 times I tried Premium Summons, I got gold units(some apprentice mage girl & pink heavy armour chick, neither or whom's names I can remember, I've barely used them), and I thought Golds would be what Premium would usually give you.

I was pretty keen to get that Ninja & Samurai chick that had raised odds with the recent event, so I dumped all of my sacred crystals into premium summons, but I got nothing but silver units I already had, and another of that appentice mage chick.

Here in Britbong land, it's 11am.

>Is gacha a term for summon?
I'm new to /jp/ but I think Gacha's a term for any sort of lottery/slot machine sort of system, where you use some sort of token and get a randomly-decided reward.
Like I said, I'm new though, and the only other place I distinctly saw it being was a phone card game based off some crap manga(Kimi no iru Machi).

>> No.13480436

I'm guessing the apprentice mage girl is Mehlis, who hilariously enough is the girl that other anon wanted.

>> No.13480441

Personally I stop at 40, gives the unit more stats without costing too much exp and allows me to just vomit a platinum armor at them whenever I feel like it.

But 30 could work too.

>> No.13480453

Gacha comes from gachapon which are those little capsule machines you put money in to spin the knob and get a toy. So yeah it's pretty much like these netgame lottery machines

I think it's just because 30 is easier to get to. It just takes an extra plat armor/lot more grinding to get to 50CC50

>> No.13480460

using a plat at 30 seems lazy and wasteful.

I'm kinda inclined in doing what this anon >>13480441 said, 40 seems like a good number.

>> No.13480464

>Instead of level, you need quick reflexes. Like putting a CC'd Katie
ah, that does require some levelling, as none of my units are CCed, and I understand it's best to get them to lvl50 first, while my highest-level unit is 25.

>> No.13480475

Anon please. Don't remind me.

How is Solitary Battle #3 that difficult compared to the other two? #1 and #2 are brainlessly easy.

>> No.13480477

>I'm guessing the apprentice mage girl is Mehlis
Could be. I can't actually get Aigis to load right now and double check.
The girl wears red and looks kinda short and happy. Her initial cost is 30 and her skill increases her range.

>> No.13480488
File: 184 KB, 944x631, mehils.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then honestly, don't bother.

I had my difficulties with that level too, was only able to pass it after I CCd my Katie and gave her some affection.

if you want my advice, farm low cost battle, it's only 1 stamina, gives you 2 bouquets and 1 silver spirit which are always useful.

this girl right here? she's very cute, but honestly kinda Meh (a-ahah, get it? MEHlis)

>> No.13480493

There's a lot of wolves, who're more durable than goblins, and move fast so you've less time to take them out before the next one comes along. The red wolves are a particular pain.

>> No.13480494

#3 isn't that difficult, it's just the very last wave which is 4 big wolves (or was it 3 and 1 king goblin) at once.

>> No.13480506

CCing doesn't reset/change/do anything to affection right? And when do I get affection items for males? I've found ~100 for females but exactly 0 for males.

>> No.13480511

4 wolves, Those wolves will definately ruin plans. You normally can't take them out fast enough with a soldier, Maybe CC'd Aria or Crave. But I have yet to test them.

>> No.13480513

male affection items only come from Wednesday daily and login bonuses. Its probably not worth grinding until you can 3star the hard mode daily

>> No.13480522

That's her. I was going to take a screencap, but I can't get the bloody game to load.
It sometimes does this, but normally works after a few tries,but I'm having no joy right now.
And it had been working pretty consistenly lately too.

>> No.13480524

I just wasted 6 hours because I went into Spirit Rescue H thinking it was Skyfallen Gift H.

I feel like puking.

>> No.13480530



>> No.13480555
File: 169 KB, 771x551, screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well what do you know, the damn thing finally loaded just after I said that.

>> No.13480764

Yeah that was the implication for the woeing anon. But it's probably a bad idea anyway due to inevitably big amount of people wanting some Nanaly.

>> No.13483402

Ok guys, I've opened the forum for use. Hopefully it evolves for the better over time. Use it for anything you might deem necessary for permanent access such as guides and strategies. And also general questions. When enough question/answers have accumulated then I can start making FAQ sheets.

