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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13473728 No.13473728 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>13440003

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know how it goes.

>> No.13473748
File: 723 KB, 800x600, 黄昏のシンセミア_2015-04-19_15-33-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Syouko so cute?

>> No.13473772

because 夏野こおり

>> No.13473777

Probably because she's underage. Given the timelines in that game it's not really possible for her to be 18.

>> No.13473909

Because ジャコス

>> No.13473990

Why we have 4 new threads?

>> No.13474005

Making sure people don't use the obvious troll thread, making 3 threads was a tad overzealous though but they'll drop off eventually. This is the proper thread if it's not obvious enough

>> No.13474018

Seems like the troll one is a NTR-fag paradise now.

>> No.13474035

>NTR-fag paradise
Fagland, IYKWIM.

>> No.13474057

No one cares because of how superior the real imouto is. jk I liked Ginko most

>> No.13474147

I need some help i keep doing one vn and then start on another, i barely finished any vns

The ones im doing right now
near the beggining
Lunaris fillia,
flyable heart

pretty far
nobel works
hatsuyuki sakura
kimi no tonari

should i just finish one then move on or just do like 2-3 at a time then move one and stuff?

>> No.13474172

Maybe you should try something other than moege, since its very obvious that moege are just not attractive enough for you.

>> No.13474268

You sound like me. Just try to limit it to 3 and finish the shorter ones first. Don't play VNs at the same time that are essentially the same (all moege), you'll get bored of the whole thing.

>> No.13474318



>> No.13474434

That's not Japanese...

>> No.13474438


>> No.13474627
File: 851 KB, 800x600, 黄昏のシンセミア_2015-05-12_06-59-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can someone be so wrong? Second best is still ok.

>> No.13474780

Why lazy micchi lazy fucker still didn't post may releases preview? How do I find what to read now?

>> No.13474807

Here, use this:

>> No.13474823

Besides, most of the releases will be out in May 29. Micchi still got time.

>> No.13475009

Seems like a backlog month to me.

Not that everything seems terrible, but nothing really catches me. Maybe that cooking game.

>> No.13475068

Backlog month for me too, except two nukiges (円交少女 and 少女アクティビティ).
At least I still have 3 april releases to read.

>> No.13475128


>> No.13475138

In degrees of importance
1) Because it's more comfortable to converse in one's native language
2) Because a lot of people here aren't fluent and are learning while reading VNs (which is good)
3) 4chan is an English image board

>> No.13475150

Banned outside of /int/, easy enough of a rule.

>> No.13475151

We've already been told off on multiple occasions by Mods about only using Japanese to communicate.

>> No.13475157

>1) Because it's more comfortable to converse in one's native language
>2) Because a lot of people here aren't fluent and are learning while reading VNs (which is good)
>3) 4chan is an English image board

>> No.13475158

There's far more active and well-regulated bbspink, no point in trying to duplicate it in hostile 4chan environment.

>> No.13475167

It's amazing how dedicated this "EOP" autistic guy is in keeping up his gimmick day after day after day

>> No.13475173

On point 3, what I meant was >>13475150
In that since 4chan is an English board, threads in foreign languages are banned (except on int).

>> No.13475179

Great, no matter what happens some autistic topic has to come up.

>> No.13475204

日本語 isn't in the thread title

>> No.13475207

I wish I could just stop reading them.
But I have nowhere else to go ;_;

>> No.13475216

Is there a VN with kana only? Or at least furigana built in? I need to get better at katakana but manga magazines have small fonts for furigana, so it takes a toll in my eyes.

>> No.13475220

Use TA and set it to show furigana with katakana. That's how I trained my katakana reading speed.

>> No.13475224


kana only is fucking terrible but if you really want to try them out then check out all the dragon quest/8 bit doujin parodies on dlsite like mature quest and 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン

>> No.13475246

What program do you use to browse/post in bbspink? I'd be mroe than happy to abandon this shithole thread.

>> No.13475259


That's nice, I liked the art style. Thanks.

I wanted to avoid using third party stuff but I guess that's not possible. Can you recommend something easy to read using your suggestion?

>> No.13475345


>> No.13475959

Anyone has Backstage and can upload it?
I tried to find it all day but I only find dead links.

>> No.13476085

Found this.


Few threads before there was some discussion about Baidu being bad for downloads. Some people had no problems, personally I had. Although for some reason downloading worked perfectly for me around 6:00~7:00 CET. Try it around that time if you have problems otherwise.

>> No.13476145


You can check from here too.

>> No.13476342

Now I want to read it again

>> No.13476459

Finished Ein's 3 endings in Phantom of Inferno (2013 remake) the other day. Really enjoyed it and I was surprised at the non suffering ending for both of them. I was pleasantly surprised since Urobuchi isnt known for this kind of thing. Are the other girls' endings worth reading through and are they shorter?

>> No.13476480

I'd say that Cal's version of chapter three ending and Claudia's ending in chapter 2, her proper one, are worth reading. Mio's isn't.
They are short so you can breeze through them easily.

>> No.13476585

Mio's route is worth reading, it also contains the one most famous line in the game

>> No.13476777

Thanks for the responses. Honestly, I felt like Ein's route A and B endings were satisfying enough so I was surprised to find there was capture guides for the other girls. Definitely one of Urobuchi's best and I say that as a fan of Saya, Kikokugai (also read the remake) and Kamen Rider Gaim.

>> No.13476806

Why only untranslated visual novels? What's wrong with translated ones?

>> No.13476851


>> No.13476867

No, but I'm serious. Why even bother to specify that in the OP? It's okay if you want to talk about untranslated stuff but it's not like it hurts you if someone wants to talk about translated stuff does it? It seems like this attitude makes no sense. Is there some justification for it I don't know of?

>> No.13476870

Because we don't need thousands of posts about whc majikoi fug and other waifu faggotry.

>> No.13476872

There's a separate thread for that in /vg/. The biggest difference is that people here like to discuss newer stuff instead of going over half a decade old VN that has been talked to death just because it got translated recently and thus drew bunch of new people to read it, not to mention the difference in language tends to make drastic differences as the translator has to make it work in english.

>> No.13476877

You can discuss anything as long as it was originally released in Japanese. Just ignore all the shitheads

>> No.13476879

So if /vg/ decided to make an untranslated game general you'd stop talking about those here too?

>> No.13476888

stop falling for the same bait by the same person

>> No.13476890

>The biggest difference is that people here like to discuss newer stuff instead of going over half a decade old VN that has been talked to death

But what about stuff like >>13476459 ?

Phantom of Inferno was released a long time ago, has been discussed to death, and was even translated, but it's okay because this guy was ostensibly talking about an untranslated remake? (With exactly the same text, so he could have just been fucking lying anyway.) You people are inconsistent as shit.

>> No.13476892

He didn't even imply that

>> No.13476899

No, and besides, that would be against /vg/'s board rules.

>> No.13476902

Again and again, retarded meta baits gather replies. Again and again.

Let's autistically argue about the same shit some more, right?

See, >>13476890
>you people
Always the same butthurt baiter, always replies.

>> No.13476913

Not sure what you're talking about, I have been entirely civil and only want to understand the rationale behind your actions. I'm not sure how exactly this qualifies for "bait".

>> No.13476917

You can discuss games which have a translation, just don't let yourself getting caught using said translation. I don't care but people here are easily triggered.

>> No.13476948

This. It's pretty easy to just attach a screenshot showing that you're playing it in Japanese. That will settle down most of the autists.

>> No.13476955

Just make a new thread if you want to talk about them so bad, there is nothing wrong with killing a touhou/idol thread.
There are people who made fsn, umineko and other shit threads too.
Or you can just use that NTR thread.

>> No.13476985

Ayakashi Contract for me.

>> No.13477019

But why should I even have to do so? Either way it's the same game.

>> No.13477057

More like why are you bothering with just "one" thread. There are at least 500 different places for discussing translated ones. Just go one of them, The people who are using this thread want to talk about untranslated ones. Your question is like coming a baldr sky thread and asking why you cant talk about muramasa here even though both of them are visual novels.

And your question's answer is as >>13476872
said we just want to talk about newer stuff. Yeah sometimes we talk about old ones too, but its 9:1 or 8:2 ratio, when we allow the translated ones it become 2:8 or 1:9.

>> No.13477063

What they're actually trying to filter out is people, and the language is a useful proxy. There's your answer.

>> No.13477077

But we all love visual novels here. What's the point of any further filtering?

>> No.13477084
File: 1.46 MB, 1296x778, protagonist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really liking とな恋's protagonist. This whole game is really enjoyable.

>> No.13477086


>> No.13477087

Sorry, thread rules.

>> No.13477088

Personal preference.

Honestly if you want to discuss this any further you should just make a separate thread asking why /jp/ is so prejudiced against translated VNs and everybody can talk to you there to your heart's full desire.

>> No.13477090

For gods sake dont get this bait everytime, Because his thread failed now he is trying to do this shit again, just ignore.

>> No.13477091

I don't think individual threads can have rules, man.

>> No.13477099

I just think it would make much more sense to bring all VN discussion here rather than needlessly segregating the communities.

Not to mention half the people here clearly don't even know the language and are just using JParser as a crutch, so your "filter" isn't working like it should be.

>> No.13477104

You're wrong. By setting a topic you're already establishing an individual rule.

>> No.13477109

Okay then. If I want to talk about an untranslated VN with a translation patch, that fits perfectly within OP's set topic.

>> No.13477113

Then please do so, instead of off-topic metaposting, which is actually against 4chan's rules

>> No.13477115

Sure, so long as you read it in Japanese.

>> No.13477116

You're the ones doing the metaposting. I was just asking a simple question.

>> No.13477119

No, because that would mean it's translated.

>> No.13477120

... That's metaposting anon.

>> No.13477121

Is it worth reading Sharin no Kuni if I've already been spoiled that your sister is behind everything?

>> No.13477124

Spoiler your shit, idiot.

>> No.13477125

It was untranslated before it was translated, you retard.

>> No.13477131

This retard is trolling this thread at every day, and you guys are taking that bait for motherfucking every day. Just learn how to ignore off topic posts, and continue discussing your games guys.

>> No.13477134

And after applying a translation patch it's translated. Is it that hard to understand?

>> No.13477135

But it is translated at present.

>> No.13477139

But it's an untranslated VN with a translation. It's still an untranslated VN at its most basic level. Thus it belongs here.

>> No.13477142

So make a new thread to discuss this, so people can engage you without completely derailing the thread with meta garbage.

>> No.13477146

>an untranslated VN with a translation
Listen to yourself.

>> No.13477149

The thread would be dead for like another half of the day like the previous one if not for this shitty trolling.

>> No.13477151

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

>> No.13477152

>Thus it belongs here

No, not a troll at all. Fuck you and fuck me for taking you seriously for just a second.

>> No.13477157

Can we not just put: 'If you read it in Japanese, you can discuss it here' into the next OP, so that people'll shut the fuck up.

I thought language was allowed to be slightly ambiguous, but apparently not.

>> No.13477165

Untranslated VNs simply means any VNs that were originally released in Japanese. It matters not whether it has a translation or not.

In fact even if a VN was originally released in English, if someone untranslated it back into Japanese then it is an untranslated VN. Katawa Shoujo was recently untranslated into Japanese for example, so it is now relevant here.

>> No.13477171

Why does it matter what language someone reads it in? It's the same VN either way. Nobody will respect such a blatant decree of elitism. You'd have better luck on Reddit or 9gag or some other meme board that loves that shit.

>> No.13477174

No. They would still come up with something and we would have to add another few paragraphs and before you know it OP looks like some kind of legal document. Shitposters can be pretty creative at times.

>> No.13477183

It's not elitism to want to discuss the same VN/content. A translation is different content, therefore you aren't discussing the same thing. QED. Fuck off.

>> No.13477187

>rational people can be creative when arguing against some inane discriminatory bullshit
Sure thing buddy

>> No.13477192

Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.13477196

At heart it is the same thing, and you know it. VNs are not exactly highbrow literature that have much to lose in a translation. They're fucking porn games most of the time.

>> No.13477198
File: 308 KB, 1277x720, ss+(2015-05-13+at+01.21.44).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead threads are better than shitposting like that, but well to be honest I'm enjoying the jealousy of not being able to read untranslated games though so I'll continue watching a little more.

And for the sake of the thread, I'm at my 4th route of puramai wars, yes some of them were less shitter but in the end there wasn't a good route at all. They should hire some new writers for the heroine routes. I have read 3 of their games if I count this too, (14 routes at total) and only Aori from hitotsu tobashi and Sakuya from ren0 were kinda good.

>> No.13477200

Paragraph 2, Subsection 3:
Let "untranslated" be defined as a game without a translation patch in existence, rather than as a game without a patch applied, which would be defined as a "translated" game (whether the patch is applied or not).

>> No.13477202

I don't think you know what that word means.

>> No.13477204

I'm not jealous. I know Japanese better than most native speakers, but I still read translations because I consider them to be the superior way to consume VNs. If anything you should be jealous of me.

>> No.13477212

Meh, whatever floats your boat.

>> No.13477214


>> No.13477228

Define "game".

>> No.13477236

A lot of the original flavor and writing of the eroge gets lost when some guy tries to translate in such a way that it makes sense in English.
It's pretty embarrassing reading through some lazily translated lines over the original Japanese audio which says something completely different.

>> No.13477238


>> No.13477241

Stop replying, you autist.

>> No.13477242

>the original flavor and writing of the eroge
The "flavor and writing" of a porn game? Are you even reading what you're tying? Jesus Christ what a pretentious piece of shit.

>> No.13477246

Please go on, your jealousy makes my game more enjoyable. Who knows, maybe someone would translate one of them in 5-6 years.

>> No.13477249

Define: 'pretentious'.

>> No.13477251

I can't read what this says. Can you type out the text so I can copy it into google translate? It would take too long for me to look up each character in an online dictionary, and a lot of them look alike so I might get it wrong.

>> No.13477252

Every game worth playing either has a translation already or has a current project working on one. Enjoy your kusoge too shitty to even get a translation, fag.

>> No.13477255

Are you discriminating against people who care about those things? Even though we all love VNs? Seems pretty unaccepting tbh

>> No.13477257

I really laughed at this, thank you. Please dont mind me and continue.

>> No.13477259

If you seriously care about the writing in porn then you need to get a life, not even joking.

>> No.13477264

60% of all kamige have already been translated though, this is common knowledge.

>> No.13477266

What if it doesn't have ero? Then is it okay to care about the writing?

>> No.13477268

To be fair, even the shittiest of nukiges are both more creative and better written than your baits, so yes, I do think eroge have "flavour and writing".

>> No.13477275

We are getting raided guys!

>> No.13477282

Reminder: report and move on.

>> No.13477283

Games like Subarashiki Hibi are written with Japanese in mind, and thus use words and phrases that get distorted from the original subtext when translated into English.

>> No.13477284

don't blame us it's just one guy

>> No.13477285

We're permanently getting raided. That's all /vg/ does. If they spent half the time and effort on *attempting* to troll on learning nip, they wouldn't getting so jelly right now, would they?

>> No.13477291

>Yeah but those guys put on their airs and think they're all so much better than us, I'm sick of them!
Thanks for entertaining me, /vg/

>> No.13477295

Well they are getting only 1-2 games at the entire year, so they just have too much free time.

>> No.13477299

Why does that matter? As long as what we get is in itself worth reading then who gives a fuck what the original Japanese said?

>> No.13477300

They have a point though.

>> No.13477305

/vg/ consists mostly of rejects from here. The grudge is deep rooted and can't be cleared by any amount of nip learning. They do this stuff just out of spite.

>> No.13477310

You do have a point.

>> No.13477315

In the end, only the three legged survive.

>> No.13477316

The only thing I don't like about the "untranslated only" model is that it used to be that /jp/ would nurture people who were just starting VNs into proper readers, and these days we just dump the children into /vg/ and hope they come out okay.

>> No.13477317

>who gives a fuck
People who know Japanese.

>> No.13477320

DJT exists

>> No.13477322

What solution is there other than to tell them they should learn Japanese?

>> No.13477325
File: 89 KB, 799x599, cow1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The words are specifically chosen for a reason, and the writing is beautiful at times. It'd wasteful to read a butchered version of it.

>> No.13477327

Children raised there will almost certainly turn out retarded.

>> No.13477331

I was also getting jealous of the people who could read nip because they could choose whatever to play while I had do wait 1-2 years just to play something which translator picked so I can understand their grudge a little. Now I'm enjoying their rage while reading my games though.

>> No.13477332

To invent something which gives them knowledge of Japanese without having to put in the effort to learn it.

>> No.13477337

I don't understand why it have to be limited to 1 thread in a board. We can have 2 threads for translated and untranslated here in /jp/.

>> No.13477341

But it would require a great deal of effort to make such a thing.

>> No.13477342

And we pretty much do, you can post about translated all you want in the Translation Status thread

>> No.13477345

Actually this is the right solution, but because the EOPs are too dumb to make their thread stays alive that doesn't work.

>> No.13477349

There isn't much to do other than recommend some of the less badly translated VNs and good starter VNs - but mostly it's nice to have a non-retarded place for beginners to discuss stuff. Obviously if you don't care about helping people or getting more people into the hobby this means nothing to you.

God bless JParser.

>> No.13477351

Nah, the thread would have even more "hurr why don't you learn japaness already" and it would be slower. I'm fine on vg.

>> No.13477408
File: 8 KB, 305x97, 2015-05-12_20-03-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man.

>> No.13477420

I liked Mei's route, but mostly because she is perfect.

>> No.13477433

> there wasn't a good route at all.

I will never trust ASa Project again.

>> No.13477435

The best way to learn kana is with nukige tbh. most lines are usually "ohhhh... ahhhh... hiuuuuuuuu...etc etc epic way to fap and learn

>> No.13477446


>> No.13477477

First part of Mei's route was really enjoyable, but the ending was just so forced and rushed it didn't left a "great route" taste at all.

All of routes were: Confess> 4 h-scene which comes rapidly one after the other > ending after the last h-scene in 3-5 min. There is no ichaicha, no theme or any kind of story, really there is nothing at the routes. Just fucking, and its not like their h-scenes are hot (like clochette) so it become a big minus & makes boring.

Tomoe also was great at the first part of the route, but then MC just became yes man of her which I didn't like. "We'll go the hotel now" "Hai" "We will have sex now" "Hai" "You'll cum inside me" "Hai" it was just like that.

I REALLY enjoy their common routes though, I'd buy their games every year if only they could fix the heroine routes problem.

>> No.13477534

40% is still a lot.

>> No.13477849

Does anyone have any simple instructions for installing the translation patch for Chaos;Head? Or just a prepatched version or something? the instructions that came with my download are confusing as fuck!

>> No.13477918

Since it was Nitro+'s first game, Urobuchi was focused on making it sell well that's why he was holding back.

>> No.13477956

That guy is really wretched.

>> No.13477964

You should get all the possible endings.

Only the Mio one is bad IMO because it's too perfect.
Funny because I still hold Phantom as Urobuchi best because it has both kind of endings, instead of just sufferings.

>> No.13478090

>Funny because I still hold Phantom as Urobuchi best because it has both kind of endings, instead of just sufferings.

It's not just you. It's still his best ranked Eroge on EGS.

>> No.13478128

Well, it is the longest, with most choices, endings and all of his best trademarks (guns, car, girls) and the music is fucking memorable and awesome, so no wonder.

I'm glad I played it.

>> No.13478197 [DELETED] 

>The biggest difference is that people here like to discuss newer stuff instead of going over half a decade old VN

Yeah, this is total bullshit and you know it. People talk about old, discussed to death untranslated eroge all the time and no one cares. I've tried telling people to take their Dies Irae etc. discussion to /vg/ but no one ever agrees with me.

>> No.13478232

>I've tried telling people to take their Dies Irae etc. discussion to /vg/ but no one ever agrees with me.

Maybe because it's a fucking stupid idea and just an annoyance for everyone over there?

>> No.13478257

I specifically posted about the remake here because it hasn't been translated. If I read the old Hirameki tier translated game I would have posted in the /vg/ thread. Simple as that. Anyway, I was just asking a question because someone here may have also played the remake in this thread, and I doubt anyone on /vg/ has.

Thanks for the info. I guess I didn't expect it because Mio's feelings were very one sided, so I'll check all of them out. And yeah, I think with a lot of suffering and pain in a game there needs to be some happiness (or a good ending) to balance it out once in a while. This definitely worked to Phantom's advantage.

>> No.13478294

Well, I got both Phantom Integration (H scenes, basically a more complete version of the original version) and Phantom 2013 (additional stuff and more modern guns like AN94) both archived in my HDD.

>> No.13478299

If I want to read Phantom, is it ok to just go for the 2013 one then? Or will I miss anything?

>> No.13478306 [DELETED] 

If I play The Witcher games in Polish can I post about them here?

>> No.13478321

Miss the H scenes while you get additional stuff (more gangster characters and the shit anime ending), pretty much it.

>> No.13478328

Nah, it would be A OK if you put untranslated slav eroge/visual novel though.

>> No.13478349

Urobuchi fascination with guns should be explored more.

In fact, he should go back and make eroge, not more shit anime.

>> No.13478376

I personally would like him to continue the Madoka series only in true VN format with H scenes. Homu is too far gone at this point to not consider outright raping Madoka and friends.

>> No.13478390

Is it better to use the original PC release of F/SN with the realta nua patch, or the RN PC release with the translation/H-restore patch?

>> No.13478394

I never watch his anime, not that interested in them.
The newest Phantom adaptation even ruins the Ein true ending and now every secondaries think that's the only ending or canon one.

>> No.13478413

Give it a try. It's very toned down compared to Phantom and Saya no Uta, but he still had that mojo compared to recent years. The final movie even more so.

>> No.13478451

Yeah, sorry but no thanks.

>> No.13478464

What does realta nua even mean

>> No.13478482

Your loss.

>> No.13478492

Well, it's acceptable, I need to stand my ground on this.

Go back to eroge, Urobuchi or I won't read/watch your shit.

>> No.13478505

I personally think you're being a little faggot by limiting yourself because of the medium, but I can't help you beyond that.

>> No.13478508

It's fine though, I can't possibly read/watch/play everything.

>> No.13478569

With my main firefox. Some of my ISP's IPs are banned there, but most of time I can post directly.

>> No.13479002 [DELETED] 

I don't get why people are so against having EOPs here. I've only read a single VN in English ever (Symphonic Rain because the text was bugged in Japanese) but nonetheless, nearly half of the non-porn VNs I have read are translated, and I would prefer not to have half the things I have read cut out of discussion just because they were translated at some point.

It's understandable to want to talk about new things, and that's a large part of why I still come here to begin with, but it would be nice if we were consistent if that's the case. I don't want to have to wade through people circlejerking about Masada's 8 year old turd while plenty of decent VNs are shoved to /vg/, soon (if not already) including things like Eustia and Subahibi.

>> No.13479012

It's fine as long as you don't discuss English versions or English translation.

There, that's the end of it.

>> No.13479021

I'm absolutely fine with that, although people here are triggered if you bring up a translated VN to begin with.

>> No.13479027

Tsukihime is pretty good, why isn't anyone talking about it here yet?

>> No.13479028

Ignore them.

>> No.13479035

Because you keep using "translations" as bait and keep ruining one thread after another for several years already. We are tired of your shitposting.

>> No.13479048

epic /vg/ meme dude

>> No.13479052

Get out of /jp/.

This is the last word on the matter.

>> No.13479073

I've been here longer than you, so no. I also hadn't posted since the beginning of this thread, so your 被害妄想 about there being a single super-troll is unfounded.

>> No.13479100

I don't care how old you are, you seem gone way outta date dude.

You know what we do with outta date food? You get it out of /jp/

>> No.13479110

Go back to DJT

>> No.13479121

I'm not from there, sorry.

>> No.13479147


Why did you pick that image for your post? It doesn't seem to be particularly hard to translate, and the writing hardly seems unique or "beautiful".

>> No.13479166

A number of factors combine to put this at the top with other games that might seem much harder at first glance. For one, SCA-Ji’s style isn’t something you’re going to be able to preserve well in English – Jabberwocky II is going to end up as a mere shadow of its former self in English no matter how hard you try, in particular. On top of just the writing style, however, is the fact that, to put it very simply, SCA-Ji is far more intelligent than anyone reading this blog entry, including myself. There are a great deal of very high level concepts in SubaHibi and any aspiring translator is going to need to accept that he probably doesn’t understand it all. From there, you reach the point of actually researching and interpreting all this shit, which could take years, honestly. You’ll also have to deal with knowing that the vast majority of people who read visual novels in English don’t have the level of reading comprehension or education necessary to really start to approach interpreting and understanding SubaHibi on anything but a surface level, so your efforts in translating it will be mostly wasted. The amount of effort you’d have to put into translating SubaHibi isn’t really worth the payoff in other words. Also there’s a shitload of horrible ero so have fun with that.

>> No.13479218

Is this pasta?
Also, these current threads are moving too fast and make me nervous. Please slow down.

>> No.13479242

>Is this pasta?
It's moogy.

>> No.13479250
File: 55 KB, 816x638, untranslatable masterpiece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I'd really like to see someone try to translate pic related, for example.

>> No.13479252

Nah all of them are full of vg's hurr why dont you guys accept us we want to talk about clannad at here too posts, dont mind them.

>> No.13479272

I don't get why people like you are so inclined to shit up this very thread, instead more appropriate ones.
There's >>13459514 for discussion of translations specifically.
There's all-purpose >>13473671.
Why the fuck you always come to untranslated thread instead?

>> No.13479370

You're joking right?

Stop. Your whining is like half the thread.

>> No.13479550

>I would prefer not to have half the things I have read cut out of discussion just because they were translated at some point.

Wanting to discuss them is fine but this thread is "エロゲスレ/Untranslated VN General" which means you should read the topic and realize that translated VNs should not be posted here. Instead you should go to the many other threads both on both /jp/ and /vg/ which are specifically made for translated VNs and discuss them there with all the other people who discuss translated VNs. Is it really that hard?

>> No.13479572 [DELETED] 

I translated Muramasa for you guys. Please don't discuss it in this thread from now on.

>> No.13479588

Muramasa hasn't been discussed to death though.There's still some novelty there.

>> No.13479597

You can't seriously believe that.

>> No.13479642

Muramasa wasn't discussed here for a very long time.

>> No.13479651

So? That's completely irrelevant. All that matters is that it's translated now, so you can't talk about it.

>> No.13479705

Please get out of /jp/.

That is all I can say.

>> No.13479710


>> No.13479729

Well, I will proceed to ignore you.

>> No.13479730

I think probably a reasonable guideline is that if you want to discuss an eroge in this thread you should search the archive first, and if it's ever been mentioned in this thread before don't post about it. You can just read the posts you find in the archive.

Can we all agree to this? Maybe add it to the OP next thread.

>> No.13479735

No one will care what games you want to discuss (well, a minority might) as long as you don't set off any retarded EOP flags, so you can quit throwing a metaposting fit over nothing now as if you were any better than the people on the opposite side of the debate

>> No.13479742

This thread is very niche. Why do you so desperately want it flooded with EOPs? You can probably even get a separate thread going if a game is translated.

>> No.13479745

Just look at how desparate these people are to make sure no translated games get discussed at all though. If it was as you say it would be fine.

>> No.13479748

No, untranslated is fine.

It means people can discuss untranslated games, not the english version, that's it.

If they are making EOP mistakes, please get out of /jp/. That is all.

>> No.13479756

Please stop discussing this shit.

If you have a game to discuss, please post. Otherwise stop and get out of /jp/.

>> No.13479761

I think we should make the OP entirely Japanese.

>> No.13479762


>> No.13479780

You are the only desperate one here, dear >>>/vg/103158335 shitposter. Your fake thread failed, so you are now scrambling for every ti9-grade bait out there (>>13476806>>13477121>>13477204>>13477252>>13477849>>13478306>>13479027>>13479002) to get some attention.

>> No.13479808

Indeed, let's just stop responding to him.

Let him rot.

>> No.13479818 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 1004x67, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're REALLY bad at this.
> ti9-grade bait
Back to /vg/ with you.

Weren't you going to ignore me?

If only you could do that instead of getting triggered when someone mentions something like Muv Luv.

>> No.13479874

Please, just fuck off forever.

>> No.13479888

Just stop responding to the kusoposters (and I mean it, I don't use this words regularly) and move on to discussing things, /jp/!!!

>> No.13479946


>> No.13479971
File: 207 KB, 802x602, Oretsuba_Platina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This scene hit me especially hard for some unknown reason.

Naru's route has been great so far. Yuuko Gotou is perfect for this role. Hopefully she can beat lupus.

>> No.13480371

Which XXX x Cation game is best to start with, if I hate stupid drama and hate abusive/sunaojanai tsunderes?

>> No.13480390

lovely cation 2

>> No.13480394

Anyone knows some military conspiracy VN?

I only know of Scarlett, which is military otaku adventure and governmental conspiracy.

I mean military VN is not that rare but VN about modern/contemporary political scheme is rare.

>> No.13480400

Grisaia Rakuen.

>> No.13480401

>if I hate stupid drama
Pass on the original. LC2 is the best of the bunch and if your computer isn't particuarly good/modern/a laptop, don't run pc2 with emote.

>> No.13480406

I know of it but I don't count it for some reasons.

>> No.13480505

There are some VNs on gameboy.

>> No.13480830
File: 1.05 MB, 1366x768, hZZL5GP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wanted to avoid using third party stuff

I don't get this kind of people at all, there is nothing wrong using ITH+TA as long you don't use machine TL. Seriously, just read raw manga or something. Most of them have furigana and relatively easy to read.

Also, kana only is horrible.

>> No.13481260

so did anyone else run into trouble with the save function in the angel beats trial? it completly stopped working after some time and the error message pretty much just says that he couldn't save. is this a common problem with alpharom or something? i'd really like to play the game when it comes out, but without saves that would be kinda impossible.

>> No.13481283

Am I missing something? Why are you using alpharom with a trial?

>> No.13481294

the trial is region-locked. it's an visual art's game after all.

>> No.13481372

AlphaRom doesn't help you with a region lock. It's just a crack for the copy protection.

>> No.13481379

Use the NTLEA or the NoRegionLoader instead.

>> No.13481387
File: 33 KB, 411x292, nonnip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem to be confused. alpharom is the copy protection and it can be used to region-lock, too. visual art's is using the region-lock function of aplharom on their trials. without the crack i only get picture related.

okay i will try them. thanks.

>> No.13481406

>if your computer isn't particuarly good/modern/a laptop, don't run pc2 with emote.
From what I've experienced, minimum is something with at least 3.0GHz clock speed for decent Emote playback.

>> No.13481453
File: 35 KB, 415x281, error.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still got this error with NoRegionLoader, but i solved the problem now. saving works normal again after running the game as admin. no idea why since it worked before without running as admin.

>> No.13481560

>you seem to be confused. alpharom is the copy protection and it can be used to region-lock, too.

Fair enough, I didn't know this.

>> No.13481600


>> No.13481604

Please just report and ignore.

>> No.13482118

I watched the Saekano anime a while ago and I can't believe it's the same guy that wrote WA2. Jesus Christ what a generic pile of mediocrity. The main heroine was interesting, but she had too little screen-time.

Are Maruto's other works closer to WA2 or Saekano? I was particularly interested in Damekoi but if they're anything like Saekano, they're probably getting dropped off my backlog permanently.

>> No.13482161

Are other VNs closer to a VN or a LN?

To a VN.

And personally I kinda liked Saekano.

>> No.13482334

Saekano is a LN, with generic tropes as characters beyond the main heroine.
Even stuff like kono aozora ni which is incredibly generic setting-wise is better done.

>> No.13482572

As someone who read everything Maruto done beside Ripple, the LNs of Saekano are my favorite things of him after WA2
And the anime was pretty well done for an adaptation

>> No.13482691

It's a polarizing work.

I've read this review, where the reviewer says it's shit and lists reasons. And I can't really deny any of those reasons, yet I liked it nonetheless, maybe because of them.

>> No.13482731

Many bloggers tend to shit on everything though.
What's a good anime for him?

>> No.13482733

Why is this allowed.

>> No.13482736

Shirobako, appearently.

Which I agree with too.

>> No.13482755

I wanted to like it because the main theme regarding Katou was cool and she was a very unique and refreshing heroine, but whenever it was not focusing on her but the walking archetype side heroines and their clingy lovestruck antics it became unbearable.

Well anyway, I guess I'll give Damekoi a try when I get some time on my hands.

>> No.13482778

He seems to be a more mellow type blogger and pretty easy to please, not the Aroduc type in the least.

>> No.13482880

Stop caring so much about a random blogger, do you think his opinion is more valuable than yours because he has a blog or something?

>> No.13482927

I just said it's a polarizing work and used his review and my opinion to illustrate it.

Only you seem to be the one who "cares".

>> No.13482950

Talking about LNs, what are some good ones? I'm starting to get bored of VNs these days

>> No.13482962

Some known VN writers also wrote LNs. Start with those, I guess.

>> No.13482986

Jintai for starters.

>> No.13483459

Try stuff by eroge writers you like. The Ebiten LN is worth reading if you enjoy reading Scaji's twitter.

>> No.13483470

Saekano is too meta for you. You'll appreciate it more once you become well versed in harem genre.

>> No.13483489

Then fuck off.

>> No.13483561
File: 277 KB, 280x444, aaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he referencing a real company?

>> No.13483567

I think it's too vague to refer to some company in particular. Though maybe if you check the dates when it was written you may find something.

>> No.13484329

I just installed Monobeno -Happy End-. I haven't played any of it, but I looked through the menu and I noticed that this girl named Sumi has around 5-10 more H-scenes than the other two.

Did I miss a couple appends / patches or have I installed everything? The game got so many goddamn updates I'm not even sure. I downloaded all the ones from the site and I got the more smile updates too. The patches number from 1-14 in the data folder.

>> No.13484458

Hah no. It's entry level as hell and think it's far more clever than it actually is. It's the old case of "it's intentionally shit!" again.

>> No.13484775

Sumi's route is the header under which all additional content gets placed.

If you're planning on actually reading through it, I recommend saving all of those until much later.

>> No.13484786

>The patches number from 1-14 in the data folder.

That should be all. Well, except the patch that was released with some magazine recently. I don't think that was uploaded.

>> No.13484813

For sure, thanks for the heads up.

This one? That was patch 14. Unless there's already a 15th one I don't know about.

>> No.13484824

Thank you for the notice, I was searching for it a couple days ago and it hadn't been uploaded yet.

>> No.13484837

Uuu, great, I didn't know about the upload either. Thanks.

>> No.13484939

I just stumbled on it by chance, but sure. You guys helped me out too anyway.

>> No.13485263

I love this art, is the novel good?

>> No.13485295

Charage with inaka setting, japanese mythology and incest.

Sounds pretty good to me.

>> No.13485406

>"it's intentionally shit!"
What? Parodying isn't "being intentionally shit", that's a really fucking stupid of looking at it. That's like calling jokes "being dumb on purpose".

>> No.13485441

Not him; I love meta but I just hate all those works that idealize otaku and otaku culture recently. Just leave us alone.

>> No.13485449

Saekano is good because the tempo is amazing and the character interactions are great, seriously the novels read like you are eating candies

>> No.13485503

>seriously the novels read like you are eating candies
So, boring?

>> No.13485519

Here we see the cool part of his 例え, it's just a matter of taste

>> No.13485525

>it's just a matter of taste
What isn't?

>> No.13485554

Agree. Saekano is a great read, and Aki-kun is a quite interesting protagonist in general, but he can be a bit unbearable at times. Vol.5 has some of my favourite scenes in the story, but the way how Aki-kun treats Utaha-senpai in chapter 6 is seriously rage-inducing.

>> No.13485555

Just use 'metaphor', Moogy.

>> No.13485559

I see there's plenty of LN readers here as well. Will there be enough interest to generate a ラノベ/Untranslated LN General thread?

>> No.13485560

Well he was right, a novel/light novel and a VN are different things and she was at fault for thinking she could do it perfectly without any basis.
Of course he was at fault too being the director but that's beyond the point

>> No.13485563

It already semiregularly occurs on /a/. But I guess they mostly read the few translated series.

So give it try here and you'll see if it catches on. Although maybe it would be smarter to simply make a normal LN thread first and see the reactions.

>> No.13485565

Doesn't /a/ just have web novel threads because they can machine translate them?

>> No.13485567

Every attempt at an LN general on /jp/ has failed after one or two threads. But if you want to make another attempt, feel free.

>> No.13485572

I think some of them (Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari, Mushoku Tensei) are getting actual translations. (Dunno about the quality.)

But I wouldn't be surprised if many people simply machine TL'd various other web novels for themselves, yeah.

>> No.13485573

>Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari, Mushoku Tensei
Both are machine translated and then "edited"

>> No.13485576

Heh, how unfortunate.

>> No.13485645

I agree with his point as well, but like you said he's seriously at fault for not catching this earlier as the director/programer of the entire project. His "rewrite this shit" attitude just doesn't sit well with me. (Well, it's not that bad, and later on he admits he is to blame as well, but this still irritates me.)

>> No.13485681

Kinda funny. I would've thought that there'd be more people reading LN in Japanese comparing to eroge here. I guess it's because of the porn and ease of access to machine translations?

>> No.13485696

I don't like reading books off the screen, it hurts my eyes. Plus I like music and voice acting.

>> No.13485697

I suppose that the fact that VNs have way more graphics, (more recently) animatoins and music. That's not to mention the gameplay in some - far more people regularly play games than read books.

>> No.13485720

LNs are pretty much ready anime scripts and get adapted into anime much more often so it makes sense to discuss them on /a/. Then again, people always complain that mods delete LN threads on /a/ and direct them to /jp/, even though no one wants to discuss them there.
Personally, I don't like reading god knows how many volumes coming out at irregular intervals. Plus, in eroge you can expect the characters to confess and consummate much earlier than the end of the story, unlike LNs where it might not happen at all.

>> No.13485731 [DELETED] 

I don't understand why people bitch about discussing here about translated vn. Just make a new thread or try to learn japanese, is that hard?

>> No.13485835

I didn't go in expecting that much, but I thought it was very good. It had its issues, but it's definitely worth reading, especially for its atmosphere.

>> No.13485863

Yeah, porn, hooker, choices and voices for me. I don't use the hooker for machine translations and can't understand how people are able to read those.

With LNs the problem is that either you have to rely on OCR or use radical search, both can get pretty tedious if you still have to look as much shit up as me.

>> No.13485900

Ranobe are more popular than VNs in Japan only because they are much more cheaper (200 yen per book via 8000 yen per game). Since we consume them at 0 cost, using more feature-rich product makes sense.
I buy LNs via proxy from time to time, but generally I prefer to read VNs.
Besides porn and presentation (BGM, voices, art) there's also one huge reason why I prefer VNs over LNs: VNs are usually 1 complete story per game, with proper ending, while LNs go on and on forever, you rarely see popular stuff getting any sort of closure, and thats annoying.

>> No.13485944

The fact that there are people like this really shows how ruinous the trend of general threads has been to 4chan.

>> No.13485963

I've been reading more LNs since I've been working but yeah it's annoying when some of my favorites get axed

Still I have like 10 different series I am following

>> No.13486077

Every medium has its own strengths and weaknesses. There's always an end in sight for VN, but too often they are restricted by the galge/eroge formula. How many times have we seen a VN with a great common route but falls flat once it hits the individual routes? It all boils down to the author's inability to write decent multiple endings (VN) or a concrete ending (LN), a permanent problem that seems to plague both industries. Besides, there's also the problem with multiple writers in eroge. Things get released faster but the writing and overall tone always suffer from the process. Anyway, just speaking this from a general point of view, I enjoy reading both LN and VN.

Honto ships internationally and has reasonable shipping price. Amazon can be worth the cost if you buy LN volumes bundled in sets. I don't recommend you to use proxies, they're not worth those extra fees. At least use a forwarding service if you're looking for rare/second-hand stuff.

>> No.13486087

Vns have the decency of knowing how to end, but just dragging stuff out due to popularity is the bread and butter of serializations.

>> No.13486111

Not that guy but talking about LN in an VN thread is retarded.

Create your own thread bucko, a trend of general is to running out of stuff to talk about and the general becomes a small community, this is not nice in the least. When you run out of on-topic stuff to talk about, simply stop posting until you do.

>> No.13486484

Is there a no CD-patch for 神のラプソディ somewhere?

I keep getting the popup that happens with Eushully Dummy-cuts and such.

>> No.13486486

You need to install it with japanese date/time format, not just locale.

>> No.13486492

I tried running it with japanese time format, but I need to actually reinstall then? Thanks.

>> No.13486791

i really want to read LN, but I have two main problem.

1)after a while (1+h)I read on a black on white screen my eyes hurt
2) I still need Rikai's help, so I can't read it in my Kindle.

>> No.13486813

Fuck off, EOP.

>> No.13486844

Next thread:

>> No.13486874

I made like 5 threads in a row trying to build a LN community here on /jp/.
Check the archives for "LN general"

But It had tons of problems like:
- people trolling? about rather reading "real literature",
- barely anyone posted reading impressions
- complaining about translations.

And the last one didn't even get to 50 posts before closing.

It's safe to say that there won't be a good LN community here.
