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File: 279 KB, 669x500, 绵月丰姬.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13468846 No.13468846 [Reply] [Original]

I just can't believe that after so many games where nothing important happens ZUN suddenly made so many things happen at once.

Full story of TH15 can permanently change Touhou forever.

Lunar Capital may very well be in ruins and Hakurai Barrier will never be the same.

Maybe Moon princesses will finally become a common sight too. Would be funny if they were forced to live in Gensokyo.

>> No.13468861
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>Permanently change Touhou forever.
>Permanently forever

>> No.13468873


Well, yeah. This is like the biggest change to ever happen in Touhou.

>> No.13468880
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Touhou isn't real.

>> No.13468881

Permanently forever till the end of time.

>> No.13468887
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What is this unfashionable dreg saying?

>> No.13468892

I can already see Reimu having tea with whoever the madman from the Moon is, the Lunarian scum saying that maybe Gensokyo isn't that bad afterall and everyone going back to their lives as if nothing happened.

>> No.13468896

>implying Touhou will have a plot

>> No.13468904


But broken barrier and mecha spider of doom. Things will never be the same.

>> No.13468910

But Touhou does have a plot. One event becomes the basis for another. Kanako's arrival caused Okuu to devour the sun god, which causes the creation of a thermal spring, which made the kappa get into the human town, which caused Kasen to intervene, which later caused the weakening of the border.

Can you not see it?

>> No.13468922


Not to mention entire WAHH was leading to Kasen breaking the barrier. And that's connected to Lunarian invasion.

>> No.13468929

The barrier is only broken in one spot and the spider is just a big Curiosity, possibly a few of them, not a fucking Demonbane. It might be time for the Hisoutensoku to finally see some use.

>> No.13468937


That's just a fucking balloon.

>> No.13468976


Barrier was broken once. That means it can be done. And Gensokyo humans saw the outside world for the first time.

This is a major change.

>> No.13468982
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It's End of 2hu. The border will crumble and all the youkai you've come to know and love will vanish.

>> No.13468999

>And Gensokyo humans saw the outside world for the first time.

Daily reminder that Marisa's story in 14.5 ends with "Perhaps it's good if the barrier is gone after all"

Marisa is now fascinated with the Outside World.

>> No.13469003

The border between youkai and human will become indistinct. That's why jinyou are the biggest threat to the current Gensokyo's stability.

>> No.13469006


Just a giant empty action figure.

Rinnosuke almost forgot about Gensokyo in a spawn of seconds when he saw the human world, he would have been a goner if it weren't for Yukari.

>> No.13469010

And Kasen's manga has already been talking about the Border, how it's "a border of sense", how animals are not affected by it, how it's forbidden to tear a hole on it, how it can be weakened by destroying Reimu's shrine, etc.

>Rinnosuke almost forgot about Gensokyo in a spawn of seconds when he saw the human world, he would have been a goner if it weren't for Yukari.

Holy shit, when?

>> No.13469035

And Reimu's shrine has already been destroyed twice.

>> No.13469043

Tenshi confirmed to be the Lunarian spy.

>> No.13469130

>>Rinnosuke almost forgot about Gensokyo in a spawn of seconds when he saw the human world, he would have been a goner if it weren't for Yukari.
>Holy shit, when?
Curiousities of Lotus Asia, one of the later chapters has a short bit in the story about Rinnosuke accidentally falling out of Gensokyo beyond the barrier through his dreams before Yukari finds him and pulls him back.

She went on to explain that some items Rinnosuke picked up might have the ability to draw people into the real world, in this story the item in question was implied to be an ipod which Yukari ended up trading fuel for.

Yes, Yukari chills around in her hammerspace listening to her ipod. I think it's also mentioned Yukari also owns a Gameboy and a DS too.

>> No.13469160

Well, I suppose that's one way to do it.

>> No.13469166

>That's just a fucking balloon.
But I believe in all mankind's Hisoutensoku!

>> No.13469171


>> No.13469213

>Yes, Yukari chills around in her hammerspace listening to her ipod.

I wonder how many times people have argued over what she listens to.

>> No.13469297


Human screams and Hitler's speeches.

>> No.13469402


>> No.13469604

So TH15 is also a part of the Moriya Shrine conspiracy I see.

>> No.13469704

>moon connected to earth by a passage in the dream world
>guarded by the "most dangerous" dream youkai thats just a stage 3 boss

Ex stage some sort of dream gatehouse, maybe mansion
Ex mid boss whipping tiles everywhere
ex boss...

>> No.13469746


I don't even want to think about it. I was never so hyped for a Touhou game before.

>> No.13469803

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13469817
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>boss whipping tiles everywhere
Elly found a new job.

>> No.13470314
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I only hope that final bosses will have a nice design.

Evil moon princesses who went full space Nazi mode would be a great thing.

>> No.13471647

Or they will start multiplying again since there will be a big influx of them in a small area in a small time. Media will then pick up on it and BAM!

>> No.13471730

Pretty sure the change between 5 and 6 was bigger

>> No.13471750
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>> No.13473304


Nobody cares about PC-98.

>> No.13473361
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That face when the heroines are going to win

That feel when the Watatsukis will be fucked in four ways

That feel when the prevailing canon is now any one of the human heroines or a youkai can defeat them (and they will probably be bound or caged at the end like Shinmyomaru and new Renko)

>> No.13473401


I want a pet Yorihime.

>> No.13473414

Please pay attention to the plotline.

The moon has changed, it's now controlled by a single entity, not two princesses.

>> No.13473441
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>Full story of TH15 can permanently change Touhou forever.
What I see
>ZUN is planning to officially end the Touhou canon
What I read

>> No.13473454

Well, this game ends the moon plotline (IN), next game ends the barrier plotline (PCB), SMD has no relevance so no need for them. Ta da, Touhou is finished.

Better let it die on a good notes, anon, ZUN can't be good forever.

>> No.13473492


There is FS plotline now.

>> No.13473509

FS plotline is just a continuation of Barrier.

>> No.13473512

>Thinking that ZUN would end Touhou Series
Are you retards anons? ZUN would never end something, what makes him happy.

>> No.13473560

>implying he wouldn't start another series after Touhou, but this time it's sci-fi instead of fantasy

>> No.13473572

Seihou: Resurrection

>> No.13473584

ZUN said he would make Touhou games until he stops feeling like it or can't make it anymore.

>> No.13473610

>he stops feeling like it
It's happening.

>> No.13473633

Why would a man with a wife want to make video games anyway.

>> No.13473692

What dumbass translated 狂人 as "madman", which doesn't fit the presumably female character, and not "lunatic", which is first definition given and in the fucking title.

>> No.13473743

I know, I just not ready for that.

Either you haven't been in Touhou fandom long enough to worry he will end the series prematurely or you think ZUN is immortal.

And, this is happening!


>> No.13473961

So two days ago when I played TH15 trial and reached the battle with Doremy, I swear I feel like I've heard a song like this before.
Just earlier I found what the song was. I swear Eien no Haruyume is eerily similar with Happy Generation (fripSIDE Nao. Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmEHt4iPkCA ).

>> No.13473965

Maybe because everyone on the moon is lunatic.

"Lunatic" originated from lunar/people who go crazy by looking at the moon too much after all.

>> No.13473968

inb4 ZUN plagiarized accusation again

>> No.13473973

15 is a special number, at least Rinnosuke believes so.

>> No.13473975

Yeah that's the fucking joke, holy shit.

>> No.13473980

When did he say that?

>> No.13473981

I understand, but if you use "lunatic", it could mean everybody on the moon, while madman just means there is this specific individual.

>> No.13473984

There's another joke with how the Lunar Capital had fell into chaos and the subtitle "Lunatic Kingdom" on top of its Japanese words.

>> No.13473989

CoLA chapter 1:
>With the 12 volumes I have on hand and the three volumes there, that's a total of 15 volumes combined. I have no doubt that this is a set of 15 volumes. The shikigami of the outside world are the same as the ones in Gensokyo after all. With computers, F represents 15 and F represents a state of maximum capacity. It is written that when everything becomes F, the highest value is held.
>I think that it's natural for 15 to have power. Even in ancient times, 15 meant perfection in this country. The same reason the full moon is also known as the fifteenth night. Computers must be familiars that have resulted from the ideas of the East and the beauty of the moon.
>Through Marisa's nonchalant actions, I realized something else. When lined up, the numbers on the books, "13", "14", and "15", make 131415. If the 1 in front is removed... it then depicts the number that represents a perfect circle, 3.1415. This also means a full moon, and thus affirms my theory that the familiars of the outside world use its power

>> No.13473991

No, when you use lunatic, it means madman.

There's also a joke where the word is associated with the moon, but nobody would actually think that it refers to the mooninites, because they aren't bumbling morons.

>> No.13473995

Kaguya is the lunatic princess, and she ain't crazy mang.

>> No.13473997

...Oh God, we should've all seen this coming.

Please, please tell me an anon had made this prediction years ago.

>> No.13474000

>Either you haven't been in Touhou fandom long enough to worry he will end the series prematurely or you think ZUN is immortal.
Oh anon please. ZUN likes to shocking. How many times, he said one, and then said something completly different? He just want to show that Touhou can have darkside, in FS he show it, but newfags don't read manga, so why not game? Also, Watasluts would be really nice surprise. IMO Lunarians are a good plot. Second Youkai war against Lunarians. Can't wait.

>> No.13474001

Illumoonati confirmed.

>> No.13474002

It's the third actually.

>> No.13474007

>With computers, F represents 15 and F represents a state of maximum capacity. It is written that when everything becomes F, the highest value is held.
So TH15 is a computer game, and 15 is maximum capacity, which means no more will be filled?

The end of Touhou?

>> No.13474051

It's amusing how for once Rinnosuke's musing's weren't actually that far off.

>> No.13474368
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Don't worry Reimu will fix everything in the end by continuing over and over again

>> No.13474396

Only due to the Lunar drug where every times you lose is a dream/non-canon.

Meta as fuck.

>> No.13474631

I do, dork.

>> No.13475020

and i'm mad because yuuka/gengetsu is in nowhere

>> No.13475024

plz reimu/marisa as ex-boss again

>> No.13475111

You can only continue 3 times.

>> No.13475136


>> No.13477357

Best way to prevent the moon from fucking with earth is to close the border in the dream world at its gate house.

>> No.13480736

I second this post.

>> No.13480748

The news are the biggest fear mongers of all. Perhap Yukari will take control of a media empire and bolster belief of youkai world wide?

>> No.13480807

So were the Watatsuki sisters overthrown or something? I didn't think they would do something like this as they didn't care about Earth?

>> No.13480867

not even zun cares about it.
he said to fucking drop and forget it.

>> No.13481044

Yes, probably.

>> No.13481855

Probably not.

The Watatsuki sisters are only one very powerful and influential family who happen to control the Lunar millitary.

There are still other families and politicians equally as powerful if not stronger and that was the whole reason they kept Reimu around in SSiB as a performing monkey to clear their own names and show the Earthlings had exceptional individuals as well.

>> No.13482031


Not if you Legacy the game. I hope it has different endings.

>> No.13482269

Local Oni doesn't ruin everything

>> No.13483258

Well, but does she manage to get out and "search for something"?

>> No.13483290

Gensokyo is full of bullies!

Anyway I still hope someone will make a .txt with all the endings like in HM.
I want to read the dialogue between Koishi and Satori.

>> No.13483299

it's over, touhou is reclining
its the last touhou game

>> No.13483346



>> No.13483360

Oh wow.
So Kasen was a good guy all along, Miko>Bakayuren and Sumirenko's a dick. Neat.
Full verision is out, dummy.

>> No.13483368

REALLY? I JUST MANAGED TO GET THE DEMO 2 DAYS AGO! and could only play today g_g

>> No.13483431
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Did we all live to see the rise and fall of the golden age of touhou?

Will the next era of touhou be all out war?

>> No.13483573
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Possibly, yes.

>> No.13483616



Nah. we're going to see possibly the first execution in Touhou when the baddie is caught though.

Remember, Reimu dragged Remilia into the sun and choked her out for spraying mist around.

>> No.13484341

No. This Lunar invasion is as much open warfare as the religious war was.

>> No.13484473

That could actually be pretty cool, but ZUN seems to be a Fantasy guy to the core.

>> No.13484550

Go play better shmups.

>> No.13484633

When did this happen

>> No.13484784

Reimu only stopped because she was afraid of turning into a youkai herself.

>> No.13485232


This is a cute ending man. They act like best friends.

>> No.13485279
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What I'm wondering is, what's stopping studios from making a Touhou anime?
ZUN and any reputable studio (I dunno Madhouse or something) could get exponential profits from such a thing. It's probably been debated to hell and back , but what's stopping that from happening?

>> No.13485282

>what's stopping that from happening?
ZUN is.

>> No.13485300

Is he just being a little cunt to studios because he thinks they won't replicate the series as he sees it?

>> No.13485307


>> No.13485309

No. He afraid animeonly newfags will ruin everything. He is right.

>> No.13485321

He could move out of his mom's basement with that money though

>> No.13485405

He even blocked the Ufotable crossover, he just doesn't want to for several reasons. I would do the same honestly.

>> No.13485456

Probably studios have the potential abuse the copyrights regulation.

>> No.13485489

I don't like the demystification of Gensokyo going on here

>> No.13485524

But he lives in his brewery.

>> No.13485569

>The unnecessary Yurifags in the comments.
Kind of seeing the reasoning behind the yurihate.

>> No.13485601

Legacy is what happens they already mastered the game via the drugs.

>> No.13485642

I'm scared to read tumblr link.

Better to wait for a fan patch.

>> No.13485648

It's from the guy who translates WaHH and FS though?

>> No.13485652

I dunno, tumblr link = no deal for me.

>> No.13485656

Yes, it's the same guy

>> No.13485664

What's so scary about tumblr? This one is just a summary of ULiL's plot.

>> No.13485667

I dislike the people there and I hate the interface I guess.

The information will show up elsewhere anyway (provided it's accurate) so no rush.

>> No.13486046


He's afraid of a shitty adaptation.

And after the Kancolle anime fiasco you can bet he will never allow it.

>> No.13486059

Then you might as well not read the recent written works since they're translated by the same person.

>> No.13486064

Well, I haven't read WaHH and FS, still waiting for them to finish.

As long as a tumblr isn't the only place to get it, it's a-okay.

>> No.13486152

>And after the Kancolle anime fiasco

I don't keep up with the series. What kind of fiasco happened with the anime ?

>> No.13486167

Why do people look forward to anime adaptation?

The plot would be thinnier.
The characters would be rewritten to fit the new plot.
The budget would be low because it's a doujinshi adaptation.

It just seems printworks and games basically cover all the niceties found in Touhou.

>> No.13486208

It would also stink of anime.

>> No.13486236

>The budget would be low because it's a doujinshi adaptation

Are you serious? Do you even realize how big Touhou is? Look at the cast of that fanmade anime. All the top names in the industry lined up to voice Touhou characters.

The problem is satisfying the entire fanbase. It just can't happen.

>> No.13486246

Not him but the anime had a load of 3DCG shit and as expected didn't give all those girls proper screentime. Also random stupid drama.

But it wasn't a fiasco since kancollefags happily ate that shit anyway.

>> No.13486295

>The budget would be low

Studios would kill to be the ones to make the first official Touhou anime. If they could deliver on even a bit of the expectations it'd give them merchandise,dvds, and other shit they could sell for years to come.

>> No.13486304

>The problem is satisfying ZUN. It just can't happen.


>> No.13486337
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>> No.13486803


It's not a problem with that though. I'm sure that if they go after Ufotable they'd be able to make a satisfying adaptation. The problem is that once you have a, say, EoSD anime, some people will only know Touhou through the anime (just like secondaries today but in much bigger numbers) and they won't bother playing the official games.

While ZUN has stated that he wants everyone to be able to enjoy the story he also locks certain parts of it behind some challenge. This is why he is so against the posting of endings, so people can earn that by themselves and have a nice reward. An official anime would completely destroy that.

>> No.13486845

Just do an anime original instead of an adaption.

>> No.13487614

Inb4 ex boss is Reisen II and watatsukis will finally be in a game as Phantasm bosses

>> No.13488417

No, I don't realize how "big" Touhou is, it's ultimately a doujin franchise, and the fanmade anime aren't really well-made either.
>I'm sure that if they go after Ufotable they'd be able to make a satisfying adaptation.
I'm not sure about that either.

>> No.13488435
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> ex boss is Reisen II
I like the sound of this!

>> No.13488473

She'll be the stage 5 boss at best.

>> No.13488576


If moonsluts get to be EX than she'll definitely be the midboss.

>> No.13492382
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>Ah, right, let me give you one warning.
>Right now, the lunar capital has started going crazy thanks to a single madman.
>Understand that there's nothing left of the pure land of old.


>> No.13492396

>No, I don't realize how "big" Touhou is

I remember watching documentaries about Touhou on NHK. It's insanely big. It caused the doujin market to grow beyond a tiny fujoshi dominated niche.

>> No.13492404

>ow, the lunar c

Literally the Nazi moon base urban legend/conspiracy theory come to life.

>> No.13492435

Literally Hitler

>> No.13493118
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Probably some lunatic

>> No.13493155
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>> No.13493908

There will be people who will say that he never did a good thing in his life, but there's something that everyone can agree on. Adolf did the one good thing, he killed 2hus off for good.

>> No.13494007

professor Okuu might be one of the greatest fanon creations.

>> No.13494029


You would also have to kill Toyohime since she and Yukari are the only ones that can instantaneously travel between the moon and earth

>> No.13494057

Can you post this txt?

>> No.13494063



>> No.13494074

Yeah I feel you. It makes me sick that the border is being messed around with and these fucking outsiders are just waltzing in.
But I don't know if this is just my usual initial reaction to new touhou games. Everytime new touhous come out, I hate them for a long time and feel like they're intruders.

>> No.13494113

It's just one outsider though...

>> No.13494125
File: 279 KB, 444x640, Okuute1457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a shame it didnt really catch on.

>> No.13494226

But the sanctity of Gensokyo has been defiled. It's lost its tucked away distant Shangri-la mystique. Outsider coming in, touhous going out of the barrier. It's too casual!

>> No.13494265

Outsiders coming in and out have been the norm though, as long as the majority are eaten it's okay.

>> No.13494311

i wouldn't want to live near to a reactor that is engineered by this bird brain

>> No.13494322

Its ok, part of her power is perfect knowledge of nuclear fusion/fission. Even if she is a complete retard at everything else.

>> No.13494336

Did you also complain about when Mamizou entered Gensokyou? (and how did Nue even contact her without leaving?)

>> No.13494341

that's not part of her power, she just sucked a sungod's dick and swallowed it's cum because the evil religionhu told her so, she doesn't even know what she's doing or how to control these powers

>> No.13494343

Isn't Okuu jobless at the moment because Chireiden/Moriya no longer use nuclear power plant but switch to cold fusion now?

She can go back to being a pet I guess.

>> No.13494366

At least Mamizou is a youkai, so it was only a minor annoyance.

I just hate this highschool fuck coming into Gensokyo. Guess I also just discovered why I've always disliked Sanae.

>> No.13494368

She left in the end, bucko.

>> No.13494375

She visits whenever she's asleep. Which is all the time apparently.

>> No.13494383

She can't sleep forever, anon.

And if she's annoying, she would be chased out.

>> No.13494400


She can if she kills herself.

She'll be opening the portal soon.

>> No.13494404

If she kills herself, she would die though, as in go to hell.

Gensokyo is actually the land of the living (and undead).

>> No.13494458
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not if she opens the portal

>> No.13494723

She had a job even before the fusion reactor by monitoring the temperatures and throwing corpses into the Blazing Fires of Hell. Someone as hardworking as Okuu wouldn't stay unemployed for long anyway.

>> No.13494759
File: 131 KB, 800x600, someone need a papsmear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not saying it's Jovians.
But it's probably Jovians.

>> No.13494762

Throwing corpses is Orin.

>> No.13494771

/m/ pls stay

>> No.13494772

Fuck that shit, get out nigger.

>> No.13494801


Orin gathers the corpses and Okuu regulates the temperature by throwing/not throwing corpses in.

>> No.13494902

I thought the cart was both for gathering corpses and throwing corpses in, like cremation.

>> No.13496786

It's explained in ULiL. Mamizou has the Gensokyo power stone, which lets people pass through the barrier, and says she got it from Nue.

>> No.13496808

So Nue, who just recently got released in TH12, got in possession of an item that allows you to freely leave and enter Gensoukyou without any trouble at all, whereas Kasen must have an entire manga dedicated to her not making any progress whatsoever...

>> No.13497274

>and says she got it from Nue.
She doesn't. It's not a hard conclusion to reach, though, and it's most likely true. Still, she doesn't say that.

>> No.13502807
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War never changes.

>> No.13503466

Obviously she listens to fan remixes of Necrofantasia

>> No.13503862


Yet, remember.
>Touhou games on PS4
>Touhou games getting localized

It seems to be doing well kinda.
Why are you guys so pessimistic?

>> No.13504046

He was making fun of your redundancy
