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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13447205 No.13447205 [Reply] [Original]

sasuga /jp/!

>> No.13447227

We're back, bitches

>> No.13447228

now go back and delete all the posts that were in generals

>> No.13447233
File: 449 KB, 800x640, be2ba9441333929c74dc82e9bcd5ea21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sausage /jp/!

>> No.13447246

the description of the axes is wrong, timmy

>> No.13447263

no they aren't

>> No.13447280

i think it's really impressive that the board will only be slightly less active even 2000 whole years later

as expected of moot's legacy

>> No.13447288

It's a shame /jp/ could only stay deleted for a millennium

>> No.13447308

when your conscience have transcended your mortal flesh and you're either a brain in a jar or stored as data in cyberspace, will you still hang around /jp/?

>> No.13447318


Of course, ghosts normally haunt their houses, right?

>> No.13447324

>transcended your mortal flesh and you're either a brain in a jar
That's a contradiction in terms.

>> No.13447335
File: 57 KB, 276x288, Futurama_nixons_head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess so, I just thought of it because it's such a common trope for sci-fi immortality.

>> No.13447424

"hang around" /jp/?

I AM /jp/.

>> No.13447426

why would I want to hang around these dweebs for that long?

>> No.13447437

How on Earth are you able to tell how many posts there'll be in 6000+ years?

>> No.13447442

He's not on earth

>> No.13447457

Did what?
We're in year 9000 and we only did 2010 posts.

We're never going to be like in year 5000 again..

>> No.13447469

That was a good year, when we had 2012 and 2015 posts, somehow.

>> No.13447524

That's 5000 and 5150 you're looking at.

>> No.13447780
File: 453 KB, 1140x1689, gap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this story by Lovecraft of a dude who travels to the boonies trying to find the whereabouts of his lost senpai or something.
Turns out he (that is, his head) was cruising through space by means of a jar filled with goo that is propelled by his thoughts and hanging out with aliens.

>> No.13447874

There was a Jeopardy clue today about ``this author created a libertarian utopia in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress'' and this girl answered with ``Who is Lovecraft?'' I literally cringed

>> No.13447907
File: 113 KB, 949x488, Screen Shot 2015-05-07 at 8.46.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is inclining

>> No.13447980
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>> No.13448075

Imagine how many post would have jp if you don't get permabanned every two post

>> No.13448097

reported for complaining about mods

>> No.13448106

Did they really remove sage visibility that long ago? What the fuck

>> No.13448112 [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 1920x1040, 1390776715743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys remember the Nazi janny we had last year?

He'd have us banned for even the slightest criticisms of his janitorial aptitude. Even for something as innocuous as referring to him as the "janitard."

He got the boot though so I guess Moot read my email bitching about him. You're welcome /jp/.

>> No.13448151

I will have transcended the real world and take form in the glorious 2 dimensional worls

>> No.13448176

I remember personally reporting that post

good times

>> No.13448207 [DELETED] 

.>He got the boot though so I guess Moot read my email bitching about him.
In all likelihood he's the one who resigned after his identity got leaked by an angry ex-janitor.

>> No.13448212

>He got the boot though so I guess Moot read my email bitching about him.
In all likelihood he's the one who resigned after his identity got leaked by an angry ex-janitor.

>> No.13448393

Was it really?

Well why didn't anyone tell me he was doxxed, I'd have sent pizzas to his house or something.

>> No.13448498

Unfortunately for the pizza companies they only got his persistent online identity

>> No.13448523

well why didn't anyone work off of that

everyone's too lazy to properly dox anymore

>> No.13448577 [DELETED] 


Now that moot is gone, can we please bring back sage to /jp/?

>> No.13449409 [DELETED] 

That term is antithetic to any form of revolt, clearly the hosts of this show suck major ass.

>> No.13449427

Um dude the writers write it, not the host

>> No.13449432 [DELETED] 

Then fix my statement for me you dingleberry.

>> No.13449443

No because I'm not the kinda person who uses such vitriolic insults

>> No.13449452 [DELETED] 

I see that. your way is far more noxious.
Whatever nerd, I'm going to delete my posts now.

>> No.13449471

saw sah gay

>> No.13449582

sasha grey

>> No.13449723

Sasuga monstergirl thread.

They're of course still better than the automated spam of 2010 and the warosu diarrhea of 2012-13.

Fully deservd, hopefully you'll get another.

Unfortunately, anyone sane resigned their position when Moot asked them to provide personal details and sign NDA, so it's hard to have any hope in moderation nowadays.
