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133930 No.133930 [Reply] [Original]

Damn it. Did this hit anyone else like a ton of bricks?

I've always been able to suppress it and I've played every translated VN around, even the routes beforehand didn't do it.

I just lost it when I realized how much his life had to suck after Nagisa died and he went through withdrawal like his dad. And as pathetic as it sounds, it's hard to imagine Nagisa's dead after listening to her voice for countless hours, even after I had it spoiled for me.

I'm gonna be depressed for the next week...

>> No.133936

i got over it during the past three years, and so will you

>> No.133947

same here

farewell Nagisa...

>> No.133979

Yeah, I pretty much lost it myself.

I thought she was boring as all hell, but she didn't deserve to die like that. Sigh...

>> No.134253

Meh, Tomoya was the retard who killed her so he deserves what he gets.

Why would the retard get her pregnant when he knew she would probably get sick and die from it?

>> No.134327


Collect every orb of happiness and she transforms into Furukawa Jesus, so no biggie.

>> No.134367

the bit before this with 渚~坂の下の別れ playing pretty much had me close to tears :/

>> No.134427

I never really understood the end.

I assumed that Tomoya and Ushio died in the snow or something.

>> No.134966

She what?

Ugh, don't tell me I have to play through the Afterstory a second time...

>> No.134981

use spoiler tags, faggots

some of us are waiting for summer break to play these games because crying in front of a roommate will make me seem less manly

>> No.135349


3 times

>> No.135358

I loled after Nagisa died

>> No.135485

Kill yourself.

I was mostly crying for Tomoya, but Nagisa's death was the icing on the cake.

I wish they showed how Nagisa's parents dealt with her death instead of doing a time leap. It seemed like they could care less about her.

>> No.135502

I finished it over the weekend. I haven't been able to get any of my work done for midterm exams because I came remembering it and getting distracted by crushing depression.


>> No.135514


It was more like they didn't have to show it to the player anymore. The obvious has been left to the imagination. Even Tomoya's initial reaction was left out.

>> No.135523

when your roomate sees you tell them they're manly tears.

>> No.135537

i fucked kyou after nagisa died

>> No.135578


you mean fuuko

>> No.135664
File: 48 KB, 636x476, 1204591699756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got all the lights by following the walkthrough yet I can't get Week 2 of the afterstory.

Can anyone see if I'm missing any lights from this pic?

>> No.135686

You need Akio's light. Just let him visit the theatrical gathering and prepare for the manliest scene in Clannad.

>> No.135954


it was manly..? >_>

>> No.136380

Akio is GAR

>> No.136409

You don't need to play all over again, just to the moment before Nagisa's death. Choose " Call her name" enjoy your happy end

>> No.136481

ushio's was much more depressing.

>> No.136502

isnt that the one where you can he'll give you either a porno book or sanae's panties?

>> No.136540

I can't believe people got depressed from this.


>> No.136566

what? no.
Is when he left the bakery to Tomoya, sanae and nagisa because he has to travel, the bus gets hijacked and he saves the people there.
He trully shows just how awesome he is.

>> No.136579
File: 39 KB, 669x638, 1204599959549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.136580

It's the one where the bus he's riding on is hijacked by a young man who is trying to visit his dying grandmother. Single handedly, Akio is able to free all the other riders, but gets stabbed. However, he chooses to stay with the young man and help him meet his grandmother once more.


>> No.136597


even though he might leave a dimwit wife and a dimwit kid behind? :s

>> No.136602

but doesnt that happen though?

>> No.136603
File: 77 KB, 640x479, 1204600195649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.136609

That happens, but is tottaly unrelated to Akio's route

>> No.136638


さようなら パパっ

>> No.136712

Wheres the new SEEN anyway?

>> No.136742

Have you heard of rapidshit?

>> No.136768


I bawwwd like nobody's business on the first runthrough of afterstory. I shat bricks when I realized what the arrangement of the lights on the opening screen outlined.

>> No.136787

i just notice that 4chan has been infested by gaiafags and pussys...either that or im just cold hearted...i feel that if your gonna bawl make sure it means something

>> No.136814

I cried like a fucking baby during the entire Ushio section.

Yes, I realize I am a huge pussy.

>> No.136959

did they just outline ushio? i never paid attention and can't go back to check

>> No.136967

Ushio? I thought that was Nagisa.

>> No.136997


Its Ushio (Illusionary World version).

>> No.137010

Huh. I never understood what was up with the girl and the robot in the illusionary world. I assumed it would be explained in the end.

So, after Ushio dies she goes to the Illusionary world and helps Tomoya change everything around in the real world? Or am I way off?

>> No.137027


It was explained in the end, but if you can't read moon runes, you'll miss the:

さようなら パパっ (Sayonara, Papa)

>> No.137056

>さようなら パパっ (Sayonara, Papa)

How does that explain the whole deal with the Illusionary World?

>> No.137080

Yeah, I was hoping that runes were just saying unimportant crap.

Any chance someone has a link to a non-moon rune explanation of the end?

>> No.137082


It explains about the girl being Ushio. Everything else she explains right before she dies(yet again).

>> No.137108


>> No.137117


>> No.137121


>> No.137136

That just confirms that the girl in the illusionary world is Ushio

it goes something like this
Tomoya and Ushio can exist in both worlds.each light in the illusionary world is a person in the real world.Those light can grant miracles.
Tomoya's concience goes there after Ushio's death in the real world. The Ushio there becomes the concience of the illusionary world somehow.
she sends back Tomoya and uses the lights to grant him a miracle.
my english may be off somewhere, sorry about that.

>> No.137140


>> No.137162

But does the reality where Nagisa and Ushio both die still exist?

Sounds like a cop-out deus ex machina ending otherwise.

>> No.137180

yes that happened. because of that Tomoya ended in the illusionary world. that reality is erased i guess if tomoya and ushio changed reality.

>> No.137190

So illusionary world is the world kotomi parent's theorised about,is a play,is world ushio and tomoya were in.

What happens to the robot? I'm only at sanae after story

>> No.137207

is just a temporary body for Tomoya.Ushio used his light who gained concience and put him inside the robot.She send back his concience (but tell him that he will not remember anything) just before Nagisa's death momemt.

>> No.137221

So... is Ushio dead and remaining in that Illusionary world or what?

>> No.137231

how is ushio still living in the illusionary world then if she used her light?

>> No.137234

Yes, that Ushio sacrificed her light so that Tomoya could have his own miracle.

>> No.137239

So, Ushio's still dead?



>> No.137247

She becomes the concience or goddes or something of the illusionary world, While existing in the real world.
everyone exist in the illusionary world and the real world. But she and Tomoya have concience of existing in both worlds.

>> No.137262

No, being the concience of the illusionary world now, she used a huge load of lights, see the ending, it was not snow, they where lights.

>> No.137273

>So illusionary world is the world kotomi parent's theorised about,is a play,is world ushio and tomoya were in.

Yes, and no. Kotomi's parents research was about hidden worlds. Basically, those are all the alternate possibilities/realities out there.

>> No.137293

Then, what is this world really?
// じゃ、この世界は一体なに?
<0939> \b... even I don't know that myself...\u
// …それは、わたしにはわからない…
<0940> \b... but you might have an idea...\u
// …でも、きみならわかるんじゃないかな…
<0941> \b... since you exist in two worlds...\u
// …きみは、ふたつの世界に存在してるから…
<0942> \b... but both the lights and I live in different worlds, so we never knew about each other's existence...\u
// I believe this interpretation is correct; she exists as a light in the other world; the other world's inhabitants exist as light here. Neither knows that the lights represent a person from the other world.
// …光たちとわたしとは、住む世界が違うから、お互いの存在には気づけない
<0943> \b... but, you're the only one who noticed me ...\u
// …でも、きみだけは、わたしに気づいてくれた…
<0944> \b... you never went anywhere and you were always watching me...\u

>> No.137309

How long was Ushio living in the Illusionary world then? She looked like she had been there for at least 7-8 years and somehow she was talking to Tomoya when she died at 5 years old. And what happened to Tomoya after Ushio died?

And she and Tomoya didn't seem to know each other in the dreams, not to mention he was having these dreams before he even met Nagisa, but she sent to him back to right before when Nagisa died.

It doesn't add up, or make sense.

>> No.137319

b... now, you must close your consciousness away from this world...\u
// …きみは今から、この世界での意識を閉じるの…
<0957> \b... if you do that, you'll be able leave this place...\u
// …そうしてこの世界から去るの…
<0958> \b... you'll wake up on that important day... in that world... where lots of things began...\u
// …そして…向こうの世界で、いろんな物事が始まる前の…大切な日に目覚め
<0959> \b... this place existed for the sake of that day...\u *
// …ここは、その日がある場所なの…
<0960> \b... that world is a place which you would reach after a long and exhausting journey...b... but you will not have any recollection of this place when you get there...\u
// …でも、ここでの記憶は何ひとつ持っていけない…
<0962> \b... that's why, everything may result in the same thing as well...\u
// …だから、またすべては同じ結果になってしまうかもしれない…
<0963> \b... but, if there's a person that you want to save...\uthe emotions of people in the other world manifest themselves as light here...\u
// Previous TL = ... the emotions of the many people living in the world yonder manifest as lights here...

>> No.137324


>> No.137339

those wasn't dreams, it's like a story inside another story and it's not known until the end when that happens.
i guess tomoya's light was lurking for some years
before fully gain concience

>> No.137357

Was it ever explained how Ushio and Tomoya ended up with the Illusionary World?

>> No.137366

are you really surprised the plot in a KEY game doesn't make sense?

>> No.137371

b... I will watch over you...\u
// …わたしは、見守っていく…
<0984> \b... from now, forevermore...\u
// …ここから、ずっと…
<0985> \b... and for all eternity...\
In the midst of the blowing wind, I heard a sound.
// 風の中、音が聞こえてきた。
<0991> It was something I remembered from the other world.
// それは、僕に遠い世界のことを思い出させた
In that short time...
// 短い時間の中で…
<0995> There was a song sang by a small family.
// 小さな家族で歌った唄があった。
<0996> The girl's mouth opened a little bit.
// 彼女の口が小さく動いていた。

>> No.137386


I BAAWWWW'D when she started singing Dango Daikazoku.

>> No.137388

yes it's explained in some part, does make much sense anyways.

>> No.137399

i try to mean doesn't.

>> No.137405

At least Kinoko Nasu has explanations for what he writes.

>> No.137408

damn my engrish

yes it's explained in some part, doesn't make much sense anyways.

>> No.137417

If I was able to read that when I was playing it I would've wept like a baby.

It's really disappointing.

>> No.137419

well, the research that kotomis parents did was probably about the illusionary world

>> No.137422

yeah writing books and conferences, if you play or read just the games alone, there are holes as well

>> No.137430

The Illusionary World is not the problem but, how Ushio and Tomoya ended up there.

>> No.137431

what is dissapointing?

>> No.137438

Acording to Ushio, she always existed there.
And Tomoya was "special" and able to exist in both worlds.

>> No.137445

I would have been satisfied with a happy single father Tomoya end, but then they had to go and KEY it up.

Damn cryan gaemz

>> No.137471

yeah i feel the same way, but i'm not complaining of the True, happy end

>> No.137489

That's precisely what I do not understand. People are supposed to exist as human beings in all of the different realities, and as lights in the Illusionary World. However, as lights, they have no conciousness. Yet, Ushio does have a one. Why? Also, how was she able to control the lights?

Also, why is Tomoya special?

>> No.137520

>they had to go and KEY it up

What do you mean with "KEY it up"? Have you played either Air or Planetarian?

>> No.137519

I personally like nagisa,ushio,tomoya,akio,sanae end
It just feels the best, the strongest family. you know?

>> No.137525


>> No.137529

Yes, I was referring to the whole killing Ushio thing.

>> No.137547

They have had, at least, one ending in which one of the lovers die but, the other stills looks for a "Wonderful Life".

>> No.138826

Yes. Even though /a/ and /jp/ spoiled me what would happen.

Like I said in a previous thread at least I got at least 70% of the effect the events were supposed to have in Clannad.

But then, Nagisa's and Ushio's got me at 200%. Fuck the spoilers, they're not equivalent to read/play the whole thing.

By the way, I finished After Story a week ago, but every time I hear Dango Daikazoku/Chiisana Tenohira, see Nagisa's death, see Ushio's death or see "Happily after ever" picture with Ushio, I still tear up.

>> No.138829

Yes. Even though /a/ and /jp/ spoiled me what would happen.

Like I said in a previous thread at least I got at least 70% of the effect the events were supposed to have in Clannad.

But then, Nagisa's and Ushio's got me at 200%. Fuck the spoilers, they're not equivalent to read/play the whole thing.

By the way, I finished After Story a week ago, but every time I hear Dango Daikazoku/Chiisana Tenohira, see Nagisa's death, see Ushio's death or see "Happily after ever" picture with Ushio, I still tear up.

>> No.138876

yep this shit was still so depressing and BAWWWWWWW inducing despite being spoilered. OH GOD
