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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 7.00 MB, 2212x1517, 008-009_2c8r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1336314 No.1336314 [Reply] [Original]

LOL it's over

Touhou is finished

>> No.1336321


Do people still know fuck all about image optimization?

>> No.1336320

wrong side of the border.

>> No.1336322


>> No.1336329

Touhou has only begun

>> No.1336324


>> No.1336334

"No...I think we're just getting started."

>> No.1336340

Enjoy your artefacts.

>> No.1336349

You just made the nerd inside me rage so fucking hard, you have no idea.

>> No.1336356

...Comrade Premier.

>> No.1336357




>> No.1336354

...comrade Premier.

>> No.1336355

Then I did my job.

>> No.1336381

In before that Chen comic

>> No.1336386
File: 37 KB, 346x400, 1221876635546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1336391


oh hell no

>> No.1336409

That PNG is done right, it's a 256 color PNG. I dare you to bring OP's image below 1MB without artifacting.

For some reason, that image compresses really badly. An optimized jpeg of that image at only 60 quality is still 1.2 MB.

PNGs exist for a reason, they're more efficient for some types of images. Especially pictures with few unique colors, I rage every time I see an idiot saving an image made in MS Paint in jpg. Jpeg takes *more* space for simple drawings with 4 colors, dumbasses.

>> No.1336411
File: 65 KB, 400x400, 1221877181471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1336454
File: 101 KB, 515x600, 1221877688154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i has a sequels

>> No.1336503



>> No.1336533

As long as the touhous don't pissoff the Robot Maid the Company the other Miko the Earth Federation and Mars they'll be ok.

>> No.1336537
File: 362 KB, 2212x1517, 1221879523064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets play a game of spot the differences in a reasonable size JPEG vs a retarded size PNG

>> No.1336540


not canon

get over it


>> No.1336553

1. The jpeg looks like shit.

>> No.1336557

Yea, and I bet you download all your music in FLAC too, faggot

>> No.1336562

No, but I do have fully functioning eyes.

>> No.1336574

1. the moire pattern on all halftoned backgrounds
2. the blur on all crosshatched backgrounds
3. ugly noisy artifacts around all sharp lines

>> No.1336582

Hardly noticeable upon great inspection


>> No.1336578

No U
Came out after EoSD
You get over it

>> No.1336601

You must be blind, because it's obvious you saved it at like 60% compression to get it that small.
If you can't see the artifacts everywhere, you're blind.

Incidentally, saving it at the (much less noticable) 90% compression only reduces it by like .3 mb.

Being stark black and white with no flowing colors, png is actually a sensible format for the image. What's making it huge is the fact that it's a goddamned huge image, not the fact that it's png. I don't feel like playing with png settings to see how much I can reduce filesize, though.

>> No.1336619

Nope. I saved it at 1%.

I can barely tell a difference at zoomed out viewing. Not like you're going to be viewing the image up close. Its a fucking doujin page.

>> No.1336629

/jp/ - fags

>> No.1336643

Jesus Christ, that's artifacted as fuck.

>> No.1336646

Scaling algorithms add in a whole slew of other issues. I never fit to screen when reading because it makes it impossible to read text at times. And because it often looks dumb.

And you're clearly and idiot. So I don't care anymore. This discussion is retarded.

>> No.1336648


>> No.1336654

you sir, are and idiot :\

>> No.1336652

go away.

>> No.1336661 [SPOILER] 
File: 146 KB, 1124x442, 1221881524937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1336663

I will continue to argue until you people realize that a 300k image is better than a 1.7MB image.

If everyone posted stupid ass png, moot would be broke paying for bandwidth. You guys are killing those god damn dell servers. STOP ALL THE DOWNLOADING

>> No.1336667

I'm sorry about your being legally blind

>> No.1336668
File: 895 KB, 2212x1517, 1221881622776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's absolutely no difference between this
and >>1336314

Learn to use appropriate formats, faggots.

>> No.1336671

it doesn't matter, anyway, since it's entirely up to the original uploader or translator what file format any manga or doujin is saved in.

and if you seriously convert every file before posting on 4chan, you might just be a huge fag.

>> No.1336672


No one gives a fuck about moot.

>> No.1336675

in before ban

>> No.1336678

There is a difference, (a noticeable one even if you look really close) but it's not significant enough to matter.

Well done, sir.

>> No.1336708

Use PNG for uploading vectors where vector formats are not permitted, simple images, or screenshots of applications.
Use JPG for scans, photos, or images that have already been compressed with a lossy algorithm (e.g. screenshots of DVDs.)
Use GIFs for animations.

End of debate.

>> No.1336709

i gotta agree with complainer anon. this picture (contrary to popular pelief) isn't a reproduction of the last supper of christ, or a forgery of a $100 bill. this is basic shapes and simple tones. nobody should be rasterizing these images to make wallscrolls. these don't need to be 1mb files, a little artifacting is perfectly acceptable

>> No.1336715

Are you seriously so blind that you can't see the fucking difference? Sure, you might not see it if you aren't looking for it but the artefacting is definitely there.

>> No.1336724

hell if we're gooing for quality why not make it a bmp or better yet a photoshop raw file

>> No.1336727

Point it out.

Stop talking out of your asses because you don't know shit about proper compression and show me where the image is so different from OP's. Go.

>> No.1336741

besides, it's not a catscan of a tumor we need to map for surgery. it still looks perfectly acceptable and easily readable even with high levels of artifacting

>> No.1336745


>> No.1336750

Look at Suika and Reimu closely and try telling me there aren't any artefacts.

>> No.1336758

I didn't say it wasn't acceptable, I'm just saying the guy is a fucking idiot for saying there's no difference.

>> No.1336757
File: 192 KB, 2212x1517, 1221882817089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee, sure is butthurt in here

>> No.1336768

Opened both in firefox tabs, tabbed back and forth.

There is ABSOLUTELY ZERO DIFFERENCE. In before ad hominem.

>> No.1336771

Then, I suggest you get some goddamn glasses.

>> No.1336774

The place I first noticed artifacts was around the speech bubble.

If I had an image editing program I'd make a chart for you by subtracting one from the other. But I don't and I honestly don't care enough anyway and this discussion is retarded and it doesn't even matter because nobody is going to fucking convert every image they post to the absolute most size efficient format, damn the quality, before posting it.

Because that's just stupid.

Go rage at whatever Japanese person scanned the damn thing. If you can find him. And get him to understand what the hell you're saying. And get him to give a damn.

>> No.1336783

I'm an archaeologist, I know my jpeg artifacts.

>> No.1336784
File: 82 KB, 2212x1517, 1221883165082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1336787

"absolute zero difference" isn't something you can eyeball. Do a differential between them and it will prove they are not exactly the same.

>> No.1336788

In after.

>> No.1336793

Crystal clear, solid lines, simple, sleek elegant.

>> No.1336802


>> No.1336801
File: 180 KB, 500x700, 1221883327249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The artifacts... the gaps in the artifacts, that's how she gets you. That's how she steals your soul! no jpeg no jpeg no jpeg no jpeg no jpeg no jpeg no jpeg no jpeg no jpeg no jpeg nOjPeG n

>> No.1336813

After this post, I decided to make a PSD of the two images with only the part with Suika and Reimu

I then compared every single pixel one by one (seriously) and they are all exactly the same.

After wasting my time on this bullshit, I'm done here. You're all morons.

>> No.1336826

Now you're obviously just trolling.

>> No.1336824

And you need glasses.

>> No.1336873

It's niggers who don't care about quality that have destroyed the music industry and force us to listen to static with no dynamic range. As well as watch I don't know how many god-damn xvid/divx files.

>> No.1336883

I actually prefer those xvid/divx files because I can run them on my slow as hell computer.

>> No.1336886

No, the niggers destroyed american culture.

Its mtv that killed music

>> No.1336879

I, for one, only listen to music in 320 if it's available. I hate when I download albums and it turns out that the quality is fucking shit. It also doesn't help that fucks who make torrents never put the bitrate in the description.

>> No.1336954

wat was this thread about again guys?

>> No.1336976
File: 86.00 MB, 2212x1517, 1221885673576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diff between

>> No.1337003

I don't get it.

>> No.1338009

what program did you use to do that, and if it is photoshop, how?

>> No.1338052



>> No.1338079

so anyone care to give sauce

>> No.1338096

This entire thread became shit because jpg fags just could not fucking ignore the png and move on. God damn, it's not like suddenly everyone's going to be making 2MB pngs from now on.

>> No.1338098

OP only posted an image of tha hakurei shrine on the other side, and there is already a shitstorm.

What the Fuck, /jp/ ?

>> No.1338132

That's what happens when you post a huge fucking PNG.

Learn from this (and add it to your list of trolling techniques).

>> No.1338140
File: 994 KB, 2212x1517, 1221910002605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There. I cut the size by half. Everybody happy now?
Could NOW some translate what Reimu is saying, please?

>> No.1338160
File: 131 KB, 2212x1517, 1221910510660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

