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13356657 No.13356657 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>13251028

"I always wanted to use that fanart as OP" edition.

- Osawari (R-18)
Game Link: http://www.dmm.co.jp/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=196663/
Wiki: http://seesaawiki.jp/yukeyukeosawari/
English FAQ: http://pastebin.com/hm92HU91
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Osawari_pc

- Kanpani Girls
Game Link: http://www.dmm.com/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=181259/
Wiki: http://wikiwiki.jp/kanpani/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kanpani_STAFF

- Aegis "Aigis"
Game Link: http://www.dmm.co.jp/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=156462/
Wiki #1: http://aigis.gcwiki.info/
Wiki #2: http://seesaawiki.jp/aigis/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aigis1000

- Flower Knight Girls
Game Link: http://www.dmm.co.jp/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=329993/
Wiki: http://フラワーナイトガール.攻略wiki.com/

>> No.13356661
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- 99hime
Game Link: http://99hime.funyours.co.jp/
Wiki: http://wiki.kanmuryou.com/tukumohime/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/99hime_tw

- (new) Hitsuji Chronicle
Game Link: http://www.dmm.co.jp/netgame_s/hituji/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sheep_dmm

- (upcoming) Idol Wars Z
Game Link: http://www.dmm.co.jp/netgame/feature/idolwarsz.html
Twitter: https://twitter.com/idolwars_PR

>> No.13356795

Don't do this.

>> No.13356852

The fuck is with the boss in the last FKG event map? My super OP assist with level 60 evolved girls and 3 rainbows went in there with full HP and was reduced to one girl standing.
I hope they don't pull this shit for medal-based events.

>> No.13356866

Same. I can tackle the final maps just fine now, but I don't know how long I can keep that up. Having only 3 slots on Lavender/Edelweiss/Yamayuri is kind of bad, too.

Thankfully they seem to take player feedback into consideration.

>> No.13356927

Well, 3 slots ain't so bad considering earrings don't give much of a boost.
I'd like the event golds to have better abilities or at least AoE skill like Edelweiss. The last couple ones have been kind of disappointing.

>> No.13357669

Man, the 1 star girls I got in Sheep Chronicle look much better than the 2/3 stars.

Has anyone figured out if it's better to upgrade girls right away or max them first like in other games?

>> No.13359737
File: 471 KB, 957x600, Everyday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-Stop it already

I'm close to 80 of bows crafted too and not a single +3 yet

>> No.13359779

Kanpani doesn't load for me anymore, tried clearing cache and updating flash and I still get a black screen. I can still play other DMM games fine so I'm not sure why Kanpani doesn't work.

>> No.13359792

Are you accidentally blocking something on the page?

Check to see if your browser's denying permissions of any sort. It's a flash game, not unity like the new kids on dmm so there should be no issues at all

>> No.13359830

Tested it out on multiple browsers, and it doesn't look like anything's being blocked. Looks like flash isn't loading for Kanpani for some reason.

>> No.13359842

Try clearing local flash cache via


Maybe you've got half-completed files leftover from updates

>> No.13359911

Still getting a black screen for Kanpani after doing that

>> No.13360240
File: 155 KB, 939x585, flathammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst-case-scenario I guess

Shot in the dark, but can you try using another dmm account to access kanpani? It doesn't make sense how other dmm flash games are accessible for you but not kanpani

In other news, 7-1/7-3 cloth/branch farming gave me the storymode exclusive

>> No.13360266

Holy shit, did you get 3* from doing normal map?

>> No.13360274

Yeah, maybe 1-2 a week?

>> No.13360286

Which chapter, and which map did you do?

>> No.13360293

8-8 while preparing for 10-class maps

10-3 for a long time for the bow recipe

7-1/7-3 alternating to craft a +3bow

>> No.13360343

I noticed that even in normal maps, sometimes there are options for choosing blue path and red path.

I know red path is generally a harder path, but do you get anything special by doing them? Maybe better drop or something?

>> No.13360360

Higher exp, gold/resource gains(99% of the time)

Some red paths guarantee 3 chests, such as 5-7, 7-1, 8-1. Most of those are usually quite farmable once your girls are high-levelled. Some are gimmicky and require certain formations or fast enough mages and healers

>> No.13360383

You're not kidding about specific formation. There was this red path that has knight with big ass sword that deals huge damage to both front and back line.

Damn I want that sword so bad.

>> No.13360403


Try using the wiki. Rose fight uses target:leader so just toss your tank in the middle

x o x
x x

She's a 5-star, so she doesn't drop from any maps. Gacha only so good luck with the dailies and event postboxes

>> No.13361830
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New pre-reg gacha cards added to Idol Wars Z (one UR and one SR).

>> No.13362598

I didn't realize that choosing leader is so crucial in this game.

I wish I have someone high levelled in my crew with "attack enemy with lowest health" strategy... That'll surely be helpful in most cases except for ghost enemy, for my team.

>> No.13362611

Sword girls soon.

>> No.13363030

Shit, forgot to preregister.

>> No.13363568

I just started rolling today, how much time left for pre-reg?
hoping to pull a SSR at least.

>> No.13363892

No idea, I don't think there's been any official announcement yet.
I wouldn't worry too much about getting a SSR though, from my experience those pop up rather often.
The newly introduced UR, however, has been rather elusive so far.

>> No.13364174

which one is sword girls? Is it on DMM?

>> No.13364260

Finally evolved Tachibana. If you put her in the same party with Yorugao you get 240% skill activation increase in the 3rd turn.
Meh. Thought it was for 3 turns. With the enemies you need it for, half your party will probably be dead by the 3rd turn.

>> No.13364483
File: 53 KB, 708x531, CDA3RlqUMAAE_5N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shinken, release on 23rd

>> No.13364935 [DELETED] 

It's been the 23th for 8 hours

>> No.13365810

whoa, lesher, I see you're in my list now

>> No.13366673

What in the fuck, even browser games demand computer specs now?

So much for my XP.

>> No.13366798

Shinken seems to be very resource intensive

>> No.13366873

So the clicking is still there?

>> No.13366881

Especially the damned stones.

>> No.13366916

Yeah. Also the loading is so slow for me the tutorial is taking ages.

>> No.13366946

FKG literally destroys my notebook CPU, to the point where I have to pause for a minute or two after a longer fight to prevent overheating.

>> No.13367849

I'm trying Shinken but nothing happens/loads when I clicked the blue button. What should I do?

>> No.13367885 [DELETED] 

You mean the whole "sign up for the game" button thing?
Go to the dmm main page and navigate to the shinken banner that is there somewhere

Or try

>> No.13367904

I already did, and that link redirects me to this http://www.dmm.com/netgame_s/shinken/ (with the blue button)

>> No.13367910

Are you that Steve person who tried adding me (and other way around)?
One day, I clicked accept and the game lets me add you somehow!

>> No.13367917

By the way, is your first team power is literally 45k? Did you spread out the damage to all 4 teams?

>> No.13368394

yeah thats me

Did I spread my damage around? Im looking at my team now and my 1st team damage is 70667

>> No.13368419
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That's funny.

>> No.13368423
File: 76 KB, 562x371, 2015-04-24 001503-FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 - Internet Explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dunno what to make of it

>> No.13368450

Probably affection bonus.

>> No.13368453

I'm guessing the game literally takes the base stats of your char? As in, all equipments of your girl removed.

And that too.

>> No.13368518 [DELETED] 

This fucking Osawari event is trolling the ever living shit out of me
botched 5 running girl chances and despite 36 chances, haven't caught the area 2 boss even once yet

>> No.13368964

Is there anything I need to do to get recipe from 7-2 in Kanpani? There's no red branching route or anything and I did the map like twenty times already but no recipe drop...

Also, in FKG, what is that Nazuna cake used for? It costs 200 fairy coin and only increases 1% affection to everyone...

>> No.13369242

I'll spare you the lame "the cake is a lie" jokes and just tell you that ... it indeed does nothing more than give 1% affection.

>> No.13369410
File: 172 KB, 948x592, KaniPani World select.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What world do I pick here?

I'd kind of like to know where to go.

>> No.13369422

That's just servers I think

>> No.13369447

Yeah, but translators say that you can't shift things between servers, which seems odd for a dmm game.

eh, I'll pick the one on the top right.

>> No.13371816

Now why the fuck would anyone even consider buying this thing, for 200 fairy coins...?

>> No.13371821

... Maybe you should give up from the game since it's too p2w anyway?

>> No.13371970 [DELETED] 

I didn't have this problem at all until now. I never failed like 39 chances to capture a 8% girl in a row.

the p2w shit is just for gatcha girls and ranking and neither particularly bothers me anymore

>> No.13372467
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New Kanpani girls

>> No.13372477

You mean new girls that I'll never have?

>> No.13372481

That goes without saying.

>> No.13372526

I'm going to cry if I don't get the loli

>> No.13372912


>> No.13372920 [DELETED] 

Osawari continues to troll with having that one stupid event boss eluding me endlessly

>> No.13372939
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Time to pray to RNG-sama
2 weeks of increased chance to get them from envelopes, as always.

>> No.13372941
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>> No.13373048

Well fuck you both. I mean, good on you. I'm jelly as heck. But then again, even if I get them, training them to high level is a pain in the ass.

>> No.13373055
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Images stolen from japs of course.

>> No.13373068

In that case, I'll redirect my jelly toward the japanese who gets them.

Anyway, speaking of grinding low level unit, what do you guys usually do? Bring them to event map? Grind somewhere in the main story? Or wait for that 1-hour exp dungeon?

>> No.13373833

Depends how low you're talking about. If they're capable of surviving on whatever main quest I'm doing, then I'll bring them along of course.
Otherwise it's just bringing them to the battlefield and doing the 1 hour exp dungeon.

With the current event though, it might be best to just skip the 1 hour dungeon so you can focus on main quests and hope for exp tickets.

>> No.13374061

1-28 in one clear of battlefield maps, but that's on high difficulties and i have extra parties unlocked

Of course that's after buying all slots for all facilities and 5 bread aprons with the shinestones. Extra parties come later I suppose

>> No.13374730 [DELETED] 

Shinken is completely broken
Infinite hp, infinite stats, game speed (I found this just now), the res are bugged and never decrease, buildings finish way faster than supposed and and and.
I've seen early access games less buggy than this.
They already disabled the quest tab in an earlier maint today

>> No.13374744

dat 3+ months wait.
Shittier devs than shiropro's confirmed?

>> No.13374762

Nah, as long as they don't jew their ways to force us to pay in order to get the girls we want I'm okay with it.

>> No.13374822 [DELETED] 

ShiroPro could be equally as much hacked but Shinken is broken even without hacking
All the res are infinite (except consumable items like devmats), all repairs are instant and some buildings finish always after a sortie

>> No.13374886

I didn't play much because of this. I could give my girls jobs to do in the forest and then click the forest again and it would complete instantly. Don't know if they fixed it in the maint.

>> No.13374929 [DELETED] 

the instant building is fixed but inf res and instant repairs are still there

>> No.13375506 [DELETED] 

in FKG, am I getting less gold in the 80 stam gold daily than the 50?

>> No.13377951 [DELETED] 

Most shinken players can't even login anymore since the game hangs itself on 99% loading

worst devs ever

>> No.13378221

I don't understand. I've been grinding Monique story map (chapter 1 with 600 bread), but I never get that damn sword recipe.

Do I have to beat that level under some condition, like maybe my whole team has to survive or something? I mean, getting rare gems is nice and all but I want my sword recipe, damn it.

>> No.13378230

No conditions, just RNG.

>> No.13378240

It took 3 weeks for me to get a crit ring

Character recipes take 1-2 days at most

>> No.13378269

So you say. I've been doing this map for a week and I got no bloody recipe.
Granted, my team can just barely clear the map. 1 out of 5 times, they might even fail to clear the map. If that's RNG, then fuck me RNG really hates me in this game, both for envelopes and recipes.

>> No.13378281

Team issue, make sure your girls are either high-leveled or your girls are positioned correctly

>> No.13378289

Well, my team is just barely strong enough to clear that map 80% of the time. I chosen the best leader strategy I could use, used tier 6 equipments and everyone is at least level 55.

Anyway. my point is: surely I should be getting my recipe already after doing this map for a week...

Just how low is the recipe chance anyway? 1%?

>> No.13379057

R18 Kanpani when?

>> No.13379095
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Well, all right.

>> No.13379439 [DELETED] 
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So, about shinken

>> No.13379586
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139 crafts later

Now, to farm for the second one

>> No.13379609

How the hell?

>> No.13379636

I think I got banned from Kanpani. I get a black screen when I try to get into the game, and when I tried it on another account it loaded fine. When I looked at the console logs it said I timed out trying to connect. Either I got banned or my account got corrupted or something on their server.

>> No.13379644

Wait till after a maintenance completes, if you're still blacked out you're likely banned

>> No.13379665

I've had this black screen since last maintenance and It didn't go away, so yeah I got banned. Not sure why they would ban me, I haven't done a thing and I've been playing since release.

>> No.13379683

It's usually for cheating tools or account sharing, similar to kancolle

If you're playing on an ip with other users it could also be falsely flagged, such as through vpns or cafe wifis

>> No.13379727

I only play with cookies and at home. I guess this was the price I had to pay to the RNG gods for the three 4 stars in a row. God damn voodoo magic.

>> No.13379911

Do Golden Week event items drop in every map? Also, I guess the drop rate is higher in later chapters right?

>> No.13380143


>> No.13380341 [DELETED] 
File: 308 KB, 965x647, RIP GAME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheat Engine and a decent understanding of how games are made


>> No.13380938

Why would you do this?

>> No.13381093
File: 194 KB, 951x591, edgy as fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+3 Anna weapong

>> No.13382058

Mind explaining it some more?

>> No.13383310

Because it's amazing and arguably the best weapon in the game. Getting 1 speeds up farming speed for normal maps and labyrinths dramatically

Super fast animation so no long-winded mage aoes necessary

How many crafts?

Character bows are coming soon, so I may craft the other unique hammer instead. All-attack seems nice, just unsure of the scaling on it. It definitely needs to be better than dimension at least

>> No.13383551

Didn't count but it was a lot.

>> No.13383567

Define "normal maps".

It's definitely a good weapon, I'm just not convinced that 0.5 is strong enough to use in chapter 8 or higher.

But it is definitely amazing for rushing through easy labyrinth routes for more bread.

>> No.13383854
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He's just a cheating commie, there's no way you can get that much shit from that stage.

>> No.13383990 [DELETED] 
File: 284 KB, 956x642, Shinken2-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said in my post that I'm using cheat engine though?

>> No.13384034

Any news about TLR Idol Revolution?

>> No.13385125

I don't think you know what you're talking about

>> No.13385279

So, anyone managed to pull the UR yet?
It's a tough choice for me between the yellow and blue SSR.
Which girl did you guys pick?

>> No.13385374

Not me, been pulling for five days or so.
Met all of the SSR's but stuck with blue, dat blush. I liked yellow's bg most though.
Almost hoping I don't pull the UR since she's kinda bland.

>> No.13385389

I picked Miharu, so the red SSR. UR seems like it's nearly impossible to get, I've been doing it ever since she got added, and I still haven't seen her.

>> No.13385397

No UR yet, but the yellow SSR is super cute so I don't mind.

>> No.13385876 [DELETED] 

Red SSR all the way
Screw the yellow SSR with a broom, really
Blue is acceptable and decent choice.
Still trying to get the UR but I'm about 300 tries in, maybe some more, and no UR

>> No.13386097

what's happening with shinken? As a touken-kancollefag I'm interested in the swords as girls concept, but from what forum users and the thread is saying it's broken as fuck right now?

>> No.13386146

Yes, super broken.
>>13374730 is pretty much right, the infinite resources aren't even fixed yet and I think the quest tab doesn't give you whatever you gained.
I haven't been able to play much myself because forever stuck in 99% after the main screen.

>> No.13387380

How so? The skill might hit every enemy twice, but the strength of the attack itself is still 0.5. But maybe I'm just overestimating enemy defence and it'll do more than ~50 damage a hit.

>> No.13387460


>> No.13387802

So I've been overestimating enemy defence then.

>> No.13388353

Oh, FKG maint?
Didnt expect it, but I'm real happy that this is the first event girl I was able to max her equip/skill.

And on top of that, I think she looks very cool (I've only seen her first form).

>> No.13388680 [DELETED] 

They fixed infinite res and repairs in shinken now
Of course that means nothing to me since I can just cheat

>> No.13388871

New FKG event planned in four days.
You can still trade for the event rewards and they added one copy of Sweet Pea and Hinoki for 150000 gold each.
Normal stages give increased gold.

>> No.13388878

Same here. First max slot+skill girl here.

It's a shame her batlle skill is shit though.

>> No.13388883

Oh, and they finally added an option to sell off all 2 star girls at once.

>> No.13389028

No luck here, though as other people mentioned, I don't even know if I want her. My current SSR Megu (yellow) seems much cuter.

But then, if this gacha is any indicator for how hard it'll be to get SSRs (easy) and URs (almost never) in the game ... trying to get the UR might be the smartest thing to do.

>> No.13389640

Nazuna has a sprite now, cute as fuck.
I hope they intend to make her playable.

>> No.13389736

About idol wars
Is it just me but I can't get extra card rolls with twitter anymore?

>> No.13389946

The more I play Kanpani, the more i want the lewd version of this game....

>> No.13389969

So which are the best weapons to aim for?
I've been settling for tier 9 +2 and event weapons, but I might as well try to get a nonexistent +3 of something good for once.

>> No.13389981

>added one copy of Sweet Pea and Hinoki for 150000 gold each
Wow, and here I spent all my gold awakening my silver and gold girls. Wow.
Just wow

>> No.13390006

It's not worth it at all. You'll need these awakenings to keep up with the map demands.

The extra four days until Golden Week is great, I'm aiming for at least 275k until the next event starts.

>> No.13390011

What's a good map to farm gold anyway? I've been trying 10-1 and 10-2 so far, but I'm not getting more than 3k gold a run.

>> No.13390032

Eh, I'm just trying to 3-medal everything and getting 20/100 year fairies from the bonus stages.

Decent money, but you spend it all on fusion costs. Levels you up pretty fast, too.

>> No.13390178

Can anyone tell me how to cheat exp in Shinken?

>> No.13390411 [DELETED] 

I could, but then you will go overboard and permanently fuck your base because at lvl 85, a glitch fucks all your buildings into oblivion, literally oblivion

>> No.13391087

Just joined Osawari, I regret not clicking that preregister button when it was out. It's pretty good, but I'm not as motivated to grind as I was back then. Anything I should make note of when starting out? I read the pastebin.

>> No.13391115

What about stats then?
Those 40k zombies keep wrecking my girls.

>> No.13391448 [DELETED] 

Find the HP of your girls
This is easiest done with grouped value search at the start of battle
for example, if your girl has 211 HP now and 211 max hp you search for 4:211 4:211 in grouped values
from there you modify the address by +8 (or +4 if you use the second line address) and change that value. then change that value
it goes max hp hp (or vice versa, I forgot since lvl 100 girls don't need stat edits) and then attack, defense whatever the third stat is
and then some garbage follows

you can edit the polish stat too for never having to repair but it's a little more complex

Alternatively, search for zombie HP, reduce zombie hp, search again, until you have only 1-2 values left, set to 1, done, zombie grill grilled

The pastebin really covers most things. I wrote it. Thanks for reading.
My first aim would be to get some Rs and HRs because of the better stats. Multiple of the catgirl in 1-4 is recommended and then 1-2 of the fox boss in 1-6

The catgirl in 1-4 is SR, very very fast, has a speed up self skill and the map is pitifully easy and also gives you tons of gatcha points which you can use to fish for HRs in regular gatcha

The fox boss in 1-6 has a heal that heals the entire party for 750 and she's also pretty good otherwise. she's SSR.
Once you're setup with some SSRs and SRs, you can try to get at least 1-3 L girls from each event (event areas either have SSR or L bosses. 150k EP is very doable over 2 weeks even without a strong party and being limited to less effective stamina/ep maps)

>> No.13393007

Eh, common consensus among nips is something like

Swords: labyrinth +3 / +3 R9, Rose +3
Katanas: labyrinth +3 / employee-event +4, soulbreaker +3
Bows: R11 +3(all-attack)/ R9 +3(single), new uniques on the way soon
Spears: R9 +3/ employee-event +4
Axes: Labyrinth +2(aoe)/ employee-event +4(single non-element), Anna +3 or R9 +3(wind single)
Mace: R9 +3(offense)/ R9 +3(single-heal), christmas +4 (area-heal)
Daggers: R10+3(offense)/ R9 +3(poison), Elmi +3
Staffs: Earth is the most reliable element generally. Can go for weakness-based hit-alls depending on the map. Employee-event +4 hits 2x2 but a lot harder than all other spells

>> No.13393422

How's christmas +4 vs employee-event +4 for katanas though? Mentioning it since the christmas mace was included. I've got both but I've been favouring christmas since it looks better to me. Same overall power but condensed into 2 hits instead of 4, though it is light. Or are the extra chances to crit really that significant?
Also Labyrinth +2 instead of R8+2 for axes? Is this because of labyrinth being cheaper to craft?

Either way, useful list. Good to know that my own thoughts on the weapons seem to match up well with theirs, even if I was wrong about the R11+3 bow.

Also, I might as well ask this. What are their thoughts on magicians? I personally don't use them much unless I need to kill banshees, though I do level them for bread. Maybe I'm wrong about this too and they're better than I thought.

>> No.13393448

What's soulbreaker katana?

>> No.13393477

Thanks a lot for the list.

>> No.13393500

It's Rei's katana, soulbreaker is the name of the skill at +3. The strength of that thing is 3.6.

>> No.13393511
File: 459 KB, 950x590, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've included this picture.

>> No.13393520

Oh thanks. I have the recipe but no +3 yet.

>> No.13393885

What is this R8/R9/R10/R11 thingy? Is that the recipe you get from the main story?

>> No.13394240

Yeah R8 +2 is objectively better than labyrinth +2, but as you said labyrinth is way easier obtain

Ronins tended to be underused for most parts due to how fragile they are and their lack of significant damage output. Soulbreaker is stupid though, so that might change things. From just numbers alone +4 employee looks superior to the christmas one, but I've not done much testing so don't take my word for it

It's unofficial tiers I suppose of items introduced in order through different story chapters. Here's the wiki page on bows


Chapter 8(and actually 9-1) drops 名弓ガーンデーヴァ, the R9 bow

Chapter 10(10-3 only) drops R11 items, the R11 bow 無駄ありの弓

ラビリンスアロー("Labyrinth Arrow") is labelled "迷宮" under tiers due to how it's made through labyrinth mats and recipes(labyrinth gold chest). They are usually very, very passable items just slightly weaker than R8/R9 but a million times easier to craft/farm due to how little resources they require

>> No.13394265

On mages I think they're fine generally for battlefield and labyrinth clears. What I do feel however, is that bow-users tend to outdamage them quite severely near the later parts of the game, and by then you've probably unlocked the insane frontline cleric if magic damage is what you need

Aside from the obvious banshees, most enemies highly resistant to physical attacks(knights/bosses etc.) tend to have respectable magic defenses or insane HPs to not really give a shit about low-scaling mage spells

There's also blatant troll maps such as 10-3 red, which has a dark-element caster and a light-element healer which forces you to not bring a strong-counter element. Same deal with red/blue skeletons

>> No.13396438
File: 129 KB, 853x509, fkg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, so there's an unreleased girl in the campaign screen.

Dogwood maybe?

>> No.13398946
File: 92 KB, 375x138, Hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this guy cheating or something? No way he has 70k power with user level 10.

>> No.13399030

He's probably over level 100.

>> No.13399167
File: 14 KB, 370x128, 2015-04-29 122351-FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 - Internet Explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naw, lvl 100+ shows up normal
have they banned anyone for cheating in FKG?

>> No.13399176
File: 22 KB, 386x151, 2015-04-29 122602-FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 - Internet Explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted too soon:
here, lvl 100+ display is bugged

>> No.13399674

Ahh, interesting. Fair enough.
My bad, wix, whoever and wherever you are.

Man, looking at those number, i can only imagine they have to spend ages to deplete their stamina normally.

>> No.13405230

Maybe Kanpani English wiki needs some working? http://kanpani.wikia.com

It's kinda a shame that the wiki is kinda dead. Maybe we can help them somehow so we can have a decent wiki for this game.

Sure, there's the jap version of the wiki, but surely an english version is wanted too?

>> No.13406043

Oooooh 3* bowgirls get their uniques

Let's hope they're on par with R11

>> No.13406294

Alenka has Charge Arrow while Sasa has Heavy Shot at +2.
Looks like Alenka will stay single target while Sasa will have a small aoe for their +3 skills.

>> No.13406677

It's been since December since last time I played Kanpani(I quit because no 4+ stars would drop also bug when you finish the stage)
Did they change anything?
Like raising the drop rate of good units or stuff.

>> No.13406941

Not sure about droprates on good stuff, sometimes recipes can take days on rare high-level equipment

I get 2-3 3* girls a week from normal map clears though

>> No.13407188

One problem with that is that they've already created a spreadsheet with most of the information. The names aren't particularly good, but people have been working on that instead of the wiki.

Did you quit before or after christmas? Please tell me you quit after.
There's been a 2 week envelope boost whenever they've added new employees or character stories, so there's that. They've also added labyrinth armour and battlefield.

Labyrinth armour is more or less best in the game right now since the last few main quest ones have been elemental. You don't really use elemental armour unless it's needed, otherwise you might say, take 4000+ damage from Siegrid in 10-7 because you waltzed in with ice instead of fire.

Battlefield is a nice way to get exp and materials, but you can only enter once a day. You can save up the coin rewards for an extra draw every ~5 days. You can also get a 3* warrior, costs 70k coins which takes about a month.

>> No.13407194

Which route gives the armor?

>> No.13407243

Only the new routes. You can check them on the wiki and they're recommended for level 70+, even the one that branches off from the easy route.

>> No.13407342

I quit after christmas I'm level 23 and I have about 7 girls at level 50 and I'm currently at 5-6.
What is Labyrinth armour and where can I find it?
Also what would be the best place to exp at my current progress?

>> No.13407345

Byakko doesn't seem terribly exciting

Maybe the other +3 skill is a tad better

>> No.13407410

Now I remember the reason why I quit Kanpani.
It's because the game keep resting as if I cleared my cache every fucking time I enter.
Why can't they fix this?
Or is this problem limited to Chrome?

>> No.13407430

I don't have this issue with Chrome.

>> No.13407498

That kind of stuff is most likely on user end (or to be precise, the browser itself). I tried loading the game from scratch to finish and when I reload the page again immediately, the game jumps straight to "game start" screen.

However, after I play it for a while and watch videos and other games on DMM, then the browser's cache is fucked up and filled beyond their normal limitation, making the browser decides to delete whatever cache you have previously, which might be Kanpani itself.

Hence, you need to re-download Kanpani's data again... But this is merely a speculation of mine. Take it with a grain of salt.

If my speculation is right, then the best browser for playing DMM games would be the browser with the hugest limitation on cache. Now, which one would that be....

>> No.13407650
File: 64 KB, 285x426, imsorry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay for hammers. Panicked a bit after seeing the +3 and thinking I was done with this bow already, made Elin's staff once.

Read >>13407243 for labyrinth. As for exp, you can push all the way to chapter 8 if you have good equipment but just check the event page


lists of quests that drop campaign items, just look for quests you can clear and farm there for a week.

>> No.13407669

Thanks, I'll try getting more equipment for the time being.

>> No.13407680
File: 956 KB, 953x583, s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, Now I can't read anything at all.

>> No.13407713

Someone help, why did the front disappear when I used Iron?

>> No.13408204

Screw it, I'm playing without font.
Is 4-7 the best place to farm the quest items(in my progress)

>> No.13408462

Got two 3* archer dupes from today's gold post, godamnit no new archer girl.

>> No.13409265

Can't get a weapon hammer to save my life

Any ideas?7-3 didn't really work for me

>> No.13411763

aarg FKG maint
still had alot of stamina

>> No.13411774

Well, they announce it ahead of time, don't they?

Still, I'm looking forward to the event. It's becoming hard to maintain enough gold for levels/awakenings, though.

>> No.13412108

Looks like the new FKG event girl (Lechenaultia) is slashing-type.

This is good, we've gotten enough girls of the other three types.

>> No.13412428
File: 331 KB, 957x641, fkgpoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the poll for? Is it to determine who will get chance to be boosted in gacha or something?

>> No.13412595

I think that pool's broken. I keep clicking on Nazuna but nothing is happening.

And hey, the new rainbow is indeed Dogwood, the other girls in the gacha are Leucocoryne and Crimson Clover. It's nice how they're using some pretty obscure flowers, I wouldn't be surprised if we got something like a gothloli asphodel or yandere angel's trumpet.

>> No.13412604

Did you have the ticket poll?
You can buy 10 for 3k gold from shop or it drops from event map.

>> No.13412647

Guncolle soon.

>> No.13412717

Anon was joking. We can't have Nazuna, sadly.
But hey, they bothered making her sprite, maybe it's just a matter of time.

Apparently the winner girl will get a new version. Not sure what this means.
If she gets upgraded by a rank maybe it's best to vote for a silver. But if it means any girl could get straight to gold, I'd want to vote for Arstromeria.

>> No.13412742

It's probably their response to Mint and Strawberry being incredibly popular. I won't be surprised if they went straight to gold, since bronze wouldn't be much of an upgrade.

>> No.13412937

So, can I check global rankings?
Just chose the ones I liked, but maybe I'll vote for... whats her name? google translates give Salvia. The redhead.

Upgraded version would be nice

>> No.13412940
File: 67 KB, 592x399, 2015-05-01 212126-FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 - Internet Explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa forgot image.
I don;t have the two rainbows here, but I really like their image

>> No.13412963

Right now the votes don't mean anything. I hope a girl everyone can get easily wins.

>> No.13413514

Why would you vote for characters you don't have? Why would anyone vote for a rainbow or gold to get upgraded is beyond my understading, unless your party is already full of them.

>> No.13413631

>Why would you vote for characters you don't have?
The winner will probably get a new version instead of having her base form upgraded, so you can vote whomever you want.

It's not like they'll upgrade rainbows even more.

>> No.13413701

So you think they will keep 2 versions of the same character? Doubtful.
Seems a lot more likely that the character will get upgraded instead, which is why is best to vote for someone you own.

>> No.13413721

We already have two roses, two camellias, a whole lot of orchids and tulips and pansies of every color. A different version of one of the girls won't be much of a stretch.

Besides, 2-stars have a solid chance for winning and upgrading them would do next to nothing, unless it's straight to gold.

>> No.13413755

I don't understand your analogy. Same family =/= same character.
But well, I guess we'll see. I'll vote a low rarity just in case.

>> No.13414382

The heck you are saying?

Anyway, I don't really get this FKG event. You can vote for multiple girls. So what would you get if you vote for multiple girls and split the tickets evenly?

>> No.13414439
File: 183 KB, 270x360, char_c_10019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's talking about this:

There's a preregister gacha up for it, and you can get a FAMAS

>> No.13414441

You don't get things from votes directly. That's just for the popularity contest, where the girl with the most votes from all players gets a remake.

At the end of the event, your total collected tickets will decide which rewards you get. You need 2000 tickets total for the fully upgraded Lechenaultia, and another 2000 if you want to get the stat upgrade materials and gold.

>> No.13414451 [DELETED] 

You don't get anything. They tally the vote of all users and see which girl got the most.
This girl will get a "new version", whatever it means.

>> No.13415052
File: 68 KB, 583x391, 2015-05-02 060656-FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 - Internet Explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aha! Thats the info I needed, thanks

btw got this girl from the 11 gatcha event summon

>> No.13415276
File: 132 KB, 581x672, 2015-05-02 065113-FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 - Internet Explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly what or where are the reward details? I still have the old event image.

>> No.13415287

Clear cache

>> No.13416422

PV for Shooting Girl:

>> No.13416689

I tried deleting my cookies but I still get the this service not available in your area in DMM.com

>> No.13417307

Well if that happens, use the dmm cookies method. See this page, Option 3

>> No.13417318

Btw, you are supposed to edit the cookie if you can't access the website, not clear the cookies.

>> No.13418653
File: 477 KB, 600x800, newkanpani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two new kanpani girls, place your bets.

>> No.13418679

Bets on what, our chances of not getting them?

Betting on 100%.

>> No.13418684
File: 571 KB, 500x700, 1416527136454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Esdeath a 5* soldier.

>> No.13418701 [DELETED] 

Esdeath is the female version of this guy


>> No.13419375

So anyone know when the gun girls game will be released?

>> No.13420215

Just started FKG and I'm not sure If I can get 2k tickets in time, I've been grinding the first event map. Would it be better if I leveled my girls more and try to do the better maps or should I just keep grinding the first map? Also, which girls are worth leveling? I don't have anything higher than silver and have two silver 4* and one of them is my starter.

>> No.13420400 [DELETED] 

You should do experience fairy maps on Wednesday and Sunday, as well as the Gold Rush map on Saturday, since you can't really upgrade your girls otherwise. Other days are for awakening ingredients, and it'll be a while before you'll want to awaken your girls, so ignore them for now.

For these days, grinding the event map is a good idea. Even a baseline gold is a very good addition to any team, so you should be shooting at the very least for 500 tickets (which you can buy at the shop for 100k gold, but shouldn't until the last few days of the event, since gold is a rather scarce resource). Also do any bonus stages you may get, the experience fairies that they reward are great for leveling (and they have better odds of higher-rarity fairies compared to the daily maps). If you're not interested in getting higher slot/skill unlocks for the event girl (bad idea, though), you can also do the early stages until you hit 50 flowers and do an 11-summon to see if you can get some golds (for which you have a very solid chance).

As for levels, bronzes are worth leveling up to ~30, silvers are worth maxing out (to level 50). Try to awaken golds if you can help it, because you'll eventually phase the silvers out, but since it'll take 6 months or so to get a full-gold team, you'll probably end up awakening some silvers as well (I'm on my way to max my fourth awakened slashing-type silver because I can't get any sword girl golds, thankfully Lechenaultia will fix that).

>> No.13420407

You should do experience fairy maps on Wednesday and Sunday, as well as the Gold Rush map on Saturday, since you can't really upgrade your girls otherwise. Other days are for awakening ingredients, and it'll be a while before you'll want to awaken your girls, so ignore them for now.

For these days, grinding the event map is a good idea. Don't worry about missing out on higher-tier maps since they all have nearly the same tickets/stamina ratios (5 tickets/10 stamina, 10 tickets/20 stamina, 21 tickets/40 stamina, 40 tickets/80 stamina). Even a baseline gold is a very good addition to any team, so you should be shooting at the very least for 500 tickets (which you can buy at the shop for 100k gold, but shouldn't until the last few days of the event, since gold is a rather scarce resource). Also do any bonus stages you may get, the experience fairies that they reward are great for leveling (and they have better odds of higher-rarity fairies compared to the daily maps). If you're not interested in getting higher slot/skill unlocks for the event girl (bad idea, though), you can also do the early stages until you hit 50 flowers and do an 11-summon to see if you can get some golds (for which you have a very solid chance).

As for levels, bronzes are worth leveling up to ~30, silvers are worth maxing out (to level 50). Try to awaken golds if you can help it, because you'll eventually phase the silvers out, but since it'll take 6 months or so to get a full-gold team, you'll probably end up awakening some silvers as well (I'm on my way to max my fourth awakened slashing-type silver because I can't get any sword girl golds, thankfully Lechenaultia will fix that).

>> No.13420442

Alright, thanks for the info. I'll keep farming the event map. I was doing pretty bad stamina management at the start so hopefully if I keep spamming the event from now I'll have enough in the end.

>> No.13420474

I wouldn't worry too much about it. You need a little over six days of natural stamina regeneration to get 1500 tickets, plus one day at Gold Rush to get 100k gold for the remaining 500. This is not counting the stamina recovery from seeds and leveling, and you're given 15 days for the event, so it's plenty enough even with fairy/gold detours.

It might be a tad grindy with the first map alone, but you should be able to tackle the second after today and Wednesday's fairy maps.

>> No.13421145

I was so dry on golds until recently (couldn't draw any until my seventh attempt at 10+1) so I ended up awakening all my silvers and was thinking of awakening some bronzes until I got lucky at that seventh try.

>> No.13421276
File: 377 KB, 1280x1440, 1430567548305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13421300

I got a Margaret today. My second one. Meanwhile my ad dept is set to clerics with five lv70+ clerics in it.

>> No.13421957
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, [Mezashite] Kiniro Mosaic - 12v2 [027A16DA].mkv_snapshot_16.52_[2014.04.14_11.24.22].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in FKG, on the title screen I just heard s voice with a stereotypical English accent.
What character speaks like that?

>> No.13421958

Speaking of that department, is there even any reason putting employee there? What kind of stats are they looking for?

I mean, I know blacksmith needs employee with DEX and LUCK, whereas storage facility needs MAG or STR...

>> No.13421962
File: 478 KB, 586x463, It's Kongou in FKG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm betting it's this girl, based on her lines in story.

>> No.13422225

Experienced employees.

>> No.13422408

So basically, LVL.

>> No.13424265

So when is this idolwarsZ game even gonna start? I got tired of rolling for the UR after 1000 tries and nothing

>> No.13425196

If I got that right the FKG popularity poll winner will get a new version added, without affecting or upgrading the other "current" version of the character.

>> No.13425297

who is the Jay's favorite flower knight?

>> No.13425395

Who's Jay...?

>> No.13425399
File: 260 KB, 954x636, ss (2015-05-04 at 04.21.06).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13425410

Do you even jay pee

>> No.13425450

I wasn't sure what this polling was for initially. But now that I know what this is about, I kinda want Oncidium to win.

>> No.13425472

Cymbidium. But all orchids are good girls and I wouldn't mind Oncidium winning either.

By the way, are there any flowers you want to see in the game?

>> No.13425694

Wait, how do you get the rare girl in this event? Collect 4k tickets?

>> No.13425731

Collect 2k tickets for the maximum skill/slot version. There are bonuses up to 4k, but they aren't really worth it.

You can get the girl for as low as 500 tickets, but since she won't have her full skill levels/slot unlocks, getting 2k is recommended. Also note that you can buy 500 tickets for 100k from the event shop.

>> No.13425784

Now that I finally have a party capable of clearing all the event maps they start doing farm events. Wish they did them at the start so I wouldn't have missed Lavender.

>> No.13425824

I wish i'd get her, she looks so cool.

>> No.13427213

This is BS. Normally you get 40 ticket per run in 80 stamina map. (0.5 ticket/stamina)

If I want completely everything, then I need to waste 8k stamina, which is 400 hours (16.67 days) worth of stamina.
Granted, we have that unstable stamina recover every 2 hours, but still...

If we go by 2k ticket as you suggested, then yes, this is much more doable.

>> No.13427370

Well, at least it isn't Osawari where you can't get girls without buying your way through the event.

>> No.13427402

That is very true indeed. I'm hoping FKG will never go to that direction.

That being said, what are these items from 2k+ ticket onward? I think it says "Name Ampoule" but what's up with the level number next to it?

>> No.13427411

Anon, if you are willing, you could always use some flower medals to recover you stamina. I mean, you do get them for free after all.

>> No.13427416

Indeed, I do tend to keep playing the games that don't need me to keep paying or greatly inconvenience me unless I pay. I dropped 99hime for the latter reason. Meanwhile in FKG I have 320k++ total power without paying a cent. Kanpani too, got a whole bunch of Lv90 girls. I did buy the LN for the bonus mage though.

>> No.13427428

>Kanpani too, got a whole bunch of Lv90 girls
... Holy shit, how hard did you grind. Highest level girl I have is level 71, and it takes forever for her to level up by doing character story.

>> No.13427446

I just do the exp maps regularly. If it helps I've been playing since the start. Got about six 90 girls, six 85+ girls and a bunch of 70s and 80s. Class stones are actually an issue for me again recently, had to farm them a few times.

>> No.13427454 [DELETED] 

>what are these items from 2k+ ticket onward
Stat bonus girls. Lion and blue/green fairies, if you've seen them. They can be gotten as event rare drops and give a negligible amount of HP/attack/defense to one girl beyond her stat cap.

Frankly, I'd only ever bother with it for the 100k gold.

>> No.13427458

It's not that hard,comes with time. I used to only go on just for exp dungeons and events and I got quite a few level 90s. Never managed to max out anyone.

>> No.13427488

>what are these items from 2k+ ticket onward
Stat bonus girls. Lion and blue/green fairies, if you've seen them. They can be gotten as event rare drops and give a negligible amount of HP/attack/defense to one girl beyond her stat cap. Frankly, I'd only ever bother with it for the 100k gold.

By the way, you can buy 500 tickets from the store so you only need 14.5 days of grinding without the stamina recovery from seeds and levels. You're given that time if you really wanted these ampoules for some reason.

>> No.13427502

Personally I doubt I'll bother with the 4k, spending stamina on fairy maps and gold takes higher priority. I'll just see what I can do within the event constraints. Second half of maps might give more tickets too. Or voting cards as the game calls them.

>> No.13427506

I thought those are skill/slot up items or something really important so I should get them as well.

In that case, nevermind! I'll just grind to 2k tickets and be content with it.
... That being said, how do you know how much tickets have you gathered?

>> No.13427527

If you haven't voted on girls you can check at the polling place on the main screen. If you did vote just add up your votes.

>> No.13427535

You can check your personal vote rankings, it displays total tickets in the upper right.

>> No.13427539

You see them in the voting screen. Also, the third map has a slightly higher tickets/stamina ratio, which allows you to grind 4000 tickets with natural regeneration in a little less than 14 days.

FKG plans out its stuff pretty well when it comes to that, they even toned down an event because of player complaints. It's pretty much a better Aigis when it comes to gacha/event management, it's a pity tower defense is better than FKG's gameplay.

>> No.13427556

I'd rather do the 80 stamina map though, chance to get a stronger raid boss at the end. Can't have enough seeds.

>> No.13427562

Yeah, I think they learned a lot from the first event.

>> No.13427563

I can't remember how much ticked I used already, thankfully, these guys showed me where to find em.

Yup, found it. Thanks.

Do they? Better start doing the 50 stamina map instead then... I kinda want the T2 item seeds though

>> No.13427578
File: 809 KB, 958x630, MyVotes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, so I only got 347 tickets so far. Better grind more before it's too late.

>> No.13427588

>Better grind more before it's too late.
You only need around six days plus the shop tickets for 2000. Take it easy.

I'm focusing on leveling/evolving my girls instead, since I'm only at 290k power and they keep coming up with tougher event maps.

>> No.13427594

I gave Akabane Suiren all my tickets, she's the girl I liked the most when I started.

>> No.13428037

I really want this loli, and then this girl >>13421962 for my 6* flowers.

Maybe I'll get lucky in my 50 medal pull tomorrow... /jp/ magic pls work

>> No.13428087

There may be another draw gacha get stuff thing halfway into the event so I'm holding out for it.

>> No.13428344

Oh yeah that kind of gacha campaign. Thanks for the reminder. My team is pretty good as it is, so I can wait.

I really still want that loli though.

>> No.13428351

Yeah, my whole team is already 4*/5* and everyone's already awakened so I can wait. And I also want that loli, but the contest is for a new version of the girl and Hanamomo doesn't really need a new version, so I picked the girls I liked that could use an upgrade.

>> No.13428655

I could only dream having her, RNG pretty much fuck me up, tried 2x 50 gacha and no rainbow flower and just 2 gold units.

>> No.13428682

I seriously didn't get any 5* girls from gacha until my seventh 10+1 attempt.

>> No.13428694
File: 157 KB, 775x565, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for complaining now.

>> No.13428731

That seventh attempt was also when there was the increased chance to get blunt weapon girls and I really wanted to get Hanamomo and/or Saboten. Instead I drew Suiren and Chocolate Cosmos, and zero blunt weapon girls.

>> No.13428752

There was this one dude who got three rainbows on one 11x roll.

He was complaining about not getting golds afterwards. I wanted to strangle him.

>> No.13428783

It's a sign probably you'll obtain a rainbow units. May RNGesus be with you for another 10+1.

Honestly I will happy with just Kuroyuri and Hanamomo if I ever get a rainbow. But yeah, I guess strangling him wasn't enough.

>> No.13428834

I'd be alright with any rainbow, but if I had to pick I'd go for Black Baccara.

I still regret not resetting accounts for her when I began.

>> No.13428876

>three rainbows
>one 11x roll
>complaining about not getting golds afterwards.
The universe balances itself out. But seriously fuck this person.

>> No.13428954
File: 180 KB, 922x438, famas get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that was faster than idol wars, still no UR to be seen.

>> No.13428973

I'm glad she isn't UR rate since you get less rolls than idol wars. Still haven't gotten the UR, and I don't have a FAMAS either, golds are plentiful though.

>> No.13429026

That game reminds me of an anime in a very similar premise...

>> No.13429076
File: 492 KB, 1200x1309, 2219276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13429078

I want to fire Funko

>> No.13429082

THATS THE ONE. Lemme go to nyaa and download that anime.

>> No.13429137

Anyone still play Osawari? I was going to use some random friend code, but if I can help out someone, I might gain some magical /jp/ luck or something.

>> No.13429454

Question, I spend 5 ticket preregister, does that mean I will get 5 girl or I will only get last girl I draw?

>> No.13429522

The left button when you draw reserves that draw. If you get another card you want more than the previous one you can overwrite that card.

>> No.13429898

So Oncidium has the lead so far. If she does win I hope they make the new version very different since I already have her. AoE skill would be nice.
That is, assuming they plan to make her the next event girl and don't just add her to the gacha.

>> No.13429939

where do I see the rankings?

>> No.13429947

New text update under the game.

>> No.13429948

The differences quite far between Rank 1 and 2, I think Oncidinium will win the vote.

>> No.13430150
File: 18 KB, 222x275, i wonder who's behind all these oncidium votes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meidoari please stop manipulating ranks

>> No.13430155
File: 7 KB, 98x119, gyaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abuse all dem tickets.

>> No.13430185

Another gold postbox for the daily login, can't wait to be disappointed.

>> No.13432089

Is there a link to an info page on how the fuck AW skills work in Aigis? I really can't understand when I can use an AW fairy for the skill, or even if the skill needs to be 5/5 or some shit.

>> No.13433567

Yes the skill needs to be 5/5 and requires the same amount of orbs and gold that you've used to awaken the unit.
Wiki link http://seesaawiki.jp/aigis/d/%a5%b9%a5%ad%a5%eb%b3%d0%c0%c3
Petite Soeur translates Aigis stuff on himeuta and ulmf thread if you're looking for clearer info.

>> No.13433781
File: 178 KB, 947x581, bba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yay, an obasan

>> No.13435363 [DELETED] 

>Oncidium 1.38m
>Saboten 880km

devs pls

>> No.13435371

>Oncidium 1.38m
>Saboten 880k

devs pls

>> No.13435463

... I actually voted for Oncidium too. I'm sorry

>> No.13436697
File: 115 KB, 1024x1365, CELY0f9UgAE7TZm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hope Red Ginger's artist won't commit sudoku.

>> No.13436802

For some reason when I do the 40 stam event map in FKG I get an affection item more than half the time while the 80 stam map almost always yields a 2*. Ticket ratio is also better.
Only reason to do 80 stam is better bosses and bonus stage, but it feels like a waste when they don't appear.

>> No.13436819

Best girl

>> No.13438687

and hes not on pixiv?
Dont make me use multiple downloaders

>> No.13439699

Hey I got this voice stone from grinding character quest.
... Is it safe to use? As in, does it unlock something and permanently?

Also, if I buy the 15 shine stone goggles (the one for seeing damaged CG, I believe), can I toggle it whenever I feel like it, or is it one time use only?

I'm talking about Kanpani btw

>> No.13439712

If I recall, the voice stone adds poke lines to the character of the character quest.

The goggles are a toggle, and lets you see your secretary's damaged CG on the main screen.

>> No.13439721
File: 144 KB, 960x520, dupe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy the secretary ribbon too

Just when I get a new obasan from 10-7, 7-3 drops me another dupe

I feel like going back to 10-7 already

>> No.13439778

Fucking labyrinth give me the armor recipes already, I hate how long it takes to run. I need auto routing at least

>> No.13439789

Oh cool, so I just buy one and it's useful forever.

God damn I still never get 3* from story quest.

So... What does the ribbon do? I just realized that thing was sitting there in the gem store.

Btw, I was also thinking of buying bakery apron to further increase bread production. Is that an equipment, or is it a consumable item?

>> No.13439815

Ribbon can designate a girl as your secretary even though she's not the leader of your first team. Apron is an accessory.

>> No.13439848

>Ribbon can designate a girl as your secretary even though she's not the leader of your first team
Gah, now I remember. Yeah I'll get that too.

Oh cool, guess I'll put that apron on my mage for high bread production.

>> No.13440093

Do I need a team of high lvl archers to actually craft +3 weapons? these things are a myth.

>> No.13440271

DEX/LUK in the crafting place only affect the chance of getting bonus stats.

>> No.13441694
File: 204 KB, 1011x603, ss (2015-05-07 at 03.50.36).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey dmm. I just started playing Ishtaria Saga (no relation to Saga of Ishtaria), is there anything I should know?

I'm a little bit in already, and my moon isn't the greatest, but I'd like to hear some pointers if any so I don't end up messing things up.

>> No.13441746

I don't think it has been mentioned yet, but in addition to the #1 ranked girl getting a remake, they also posted that ...

- the flowers that are ranked 10th, 20th and 30th will get new "deformed illustrations" (probably new SD sprites)

- if those flowers are 5 star or higher, they might get new / additional animations

>> No.13441834

I hope Violet, Sweetpea or Yellow Tulip win, so that we can get another hammer transport animation.

>> No.13442060

10th, 20th, 30th? Kind of weird not to go for 2nd-5th.

>> No.13443574

Finished getting 2k tickets for FKG, who wants the votes?

>> No.13444532
File: 11 KB, 325x102, 2015-05-07 155259-FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 - Internet Explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woo got 2k tix
what are the other rewards anyways?

>> No.13448057

Reminder that you have until today's FKG maintenance to get the rewards from the last event.

>> No.13448118

Kanpani's Golden Week Campaign ending today.

Have you used all of your hammers yet?
Are you spamming today's event quest for maximum resource regeneration?
Have you spent battle coins on furnaces for more crafting attempts?

>> No.13448265

Why does Kanpani Girls keep taking me back to the front page when I press play?

>> No.13449223

I'm close to getting the ax girl, so no. I'd only get disappointed anyway.

>> No.13449289
File: 78 KB, 600x400, hnggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More girls you won't get

>> No.13449299

Shame on me, I forgot you could buy those. With those 15ish hammers I used and stuff like R11 or 3* story weapons to aim for, I sure could have use it. But on the other hand, I'm scared they might add new characters to the BC purchase pool so I'm afraid not to keep some since it takes a month to get to 70k.

By the way, what are you guys currently farming, and how ?
I'm trying to get the R11 dagger with this composition now :
Empty / Adelina / Empty
Liuliu / Milena / Vieno
I don't use any other front row because they get rekt on second battle without 2 healers, and that would drastically reduce farming speed.

>> No.13449315

More elfs, nice. Don't worry anon, as usual the chances are increased© so it'll be easy to get them!

>> No.13449358

Farming, recipes? there's a few that I don't have from 3* girl's stories, not counting 2* and 1* because fuck farming those.
But first I'll keep trying to craft the +3 R11 bow, I'm about 130 tries in, and fuck crafting.

>> No.13449489

Crafting is a fucking pain. Of all the hammers+furnaces I used during golden week, I got about 40% +2 and 60% +1, with 2 +3 to show for it. So now 2 +3 sounds good enough, but those came from three fucking tries I made with leftover resources on the R1 short bow. This 20ish attack power triple shot is the fuck you cherry on top of the fuck you cake served by fucking RNG. Fuck.

>> No.13449513

That was part of the update 2 weeks ago, where they made it easier to craft +3 for those beginner recipes.

>> No.13449541

I got no luck with weapons as usual but I actually managed to get three +3 of the new labyrinth armors, though it seems like they have a higher rate of +3 than normal recipes.

>> No.13449812

This entire FKG event is just an extended mantis bullying session. Poor thing isn't even an adult.

It's cute that they added stories, though.

>> No.13450043

I shit you kids not I got 3 3* girls in 4 runs of 10-7 yesterday as I scrambled to get resources

2 dupes and semen demon axe-user

>> No.13450069

I once got four 3* girls drop in a day in 8-1, good times

Currently on a streak of 6 dupes, make it stop.

>> No.13450072

Finally got my first rainbow, and it's Hanamomo.

I'd have preferred Black Baccara or Red Ginger, but this is good too.

>> No.13450169
File: 161 KB, 945x586, 7-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was quick, thanks /jp/.
Looks like her pantsu is about to fall down

>> No.13450554
File: 1.13 MB, 950x1180, 1431087787323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13450560

in FKG, you can now switch between the normal and awakened portrait in the home screen
just click on her

>> No.13450605

Wait, how can she have 2 damaged CG?

>> No.13450608
File: 835 KB, 659x1032, 1431087964616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're sisters.

>> No.13450616

AH, they are two separate unit. Gotcha.

I was rused there for a sec.

>> No.13450741

About time. Great.

>> No.13451757

You can also purchase Mokou and Aburana for 150k each.

>> No.13451967

in FKG, sometimes this dark brown "signpost" with a heart on the top spawns on the map.
Is this simply recovery, or something else?

>> No.13452012

Sounds like Chocolate Cosmos ability. If she's in the party she creates recovery statues.

>> No.13452092

Ah yes, I almost mistaken that for a bloody statue, but then I paid attention a bit closer to the color.

>> No.13452417
File: 4 KB, 270x43, 2015-05-09 063402-FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 - Internet Explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pain in seeing my favorite girl so low on the rankings

>> No.13452658

She's my favorite silver.

>> No.13452727

I really like Marigold, but she's even lower than her. A shame.

But all girls in FKG are good girls, so I guess it's alright. I just hope Oncidium's pet ant will appear in her new portrait or attack animations.

>> No.13454399

>I just hope Oncidium's pet ant will appear in her new portrait or attack animations.
Yes please.

As long as the ant doesn't show up in H-scene, that's good.

>> No.13454469

>ant shows up in h-scene
This is my fetish

>> No.13454470

You mean you don't want a threesome with the ant?

>> No.13454478

Are you guys in for insect sex? Cause there's definitely VN games with that premise...

I thought that flower girls and bug enemies will lead to insect sex at some point. You know, bugs and flowers thing.

>> No.13454563
File: 173 KB, 939x581, mattressactress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty cute

>> No.13454592

Too bad ronins are useless at higher levels

Except for Rei because that character weapon is fucking crazy

>> No.13454601

Any idea if recently added 3*'s drop in main quest?

>> No.13454647
File: 232 KB, 346x486, Rei+3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can confirm this.

How recent are you talking about? Based on the jp wiki drop lists, everyone added after Sytry's group don't drop yet.

>> No.13454673

The last added 3*, Lotti?
but too bad, it'd be nice if they started dropping after their increased chance is over.

>> No.13454784

Apparently criminal girls is terminating service at the end of this month

This saddens me greatly.

I looked at other games but it's all pre-determined RNG bullshit and I already have that in Kancolle.
I wonder if it's worth looking into Kanpani but I'd only play that if I found some sort of hack.
Seems fairly solidly coded though

>> No.13454833

>criminal girls
It was fun for a while but the caching issues really killed it for me.

>> No.13454920

Same dude here

I'm pretty sure having tons of 80+ girls in the PR dept increased my chances of constant 3-stars

Used to get 1 a week average, and when I started out I didn't get any for close to 2 months

Now that I'm leveling new batches of girls the old 80s are tossed into the building. Increased my droprates from 8-1,8-3 and 10-7 quite significantly

So yeah, max PR dept and toss high-level girls in

>> No.13455589

Same here. The caching was unbearable.
It was so nicely hackable too
I loved the music, the dungeon crawling and especially the girl's designs.

>> No.13455773


Pretty sure I've seen her before..

>> No.13455781
File: 176 KB, 951x579, dupe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like seriously, same map too

>> No.13455813

I need more magicians, though I'm not sure I want to return to that place. Busy farming branches in 7-3

>> No.13455825
File: 182 KB, 941x587, nekomimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit next fucking run

The 3*-train is happening again

>> No.13456793
File: 212 KB, 945x518, qt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took me forever
Are they going to add any new girls there some time?

>> No.13457423

Get ready to mine rocks

>> No.13457479

Do you actually get nicer stuff if you do the red path in kanpani girls main quest?
