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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 79 KB, 800x600, Saihate no ima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13344721 No.13344721 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>13310830

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know how it goes.

>> No.13344730

After all the bitching about 帝都飛天大作戦 not being released for months, not a single person posted an impression on these threads yet.

Even EGS and vndb have a small amount of votes.

Anyone here finished it?

>> No.13344743

Thanks for link. Was planning to play it too, but remembered it had very troublesome protection.

>> No.13344769

Generally little to no discussion means there was nothing remarkable in it, but I haven't played the game itself so take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.13344836

I guess not many people are interested in liar stuff outside of their regular fanbase.
And that fanbase will just praise anything by their loved company so impressions are rather pointless.

>> No.13344853

Why would anyone buy a dakimakura of a character they know nothing about?

>> No.13344858

Cause they're fans of the artist/brand?

>> No.13344861

My interest was drastically lowered when it came out that Mareni didn't write most of it and the other writers aren't anywhere near his level. I'm sure I'll play it eventually, but it's not a priority anymore.

In the meantime I'm playing 神樹の館. Great atmosphere and some really nice descriptions. It's looking to be a really solid read.

>> No.13344863

Maybe they're a collector or just like the look.

>> No.13344868


I have this in my backlog. Took me quite some time to find a working upload.

>> No.13344918

Can you guys upload this somewhere?
I'm a sucker for big mansion mysteries

>> No.13344931

I'd also be somewhat interested.

>> No.13344934

Have you ever heard of umineko?

>> No.13344960

Saihate no Ima
This is a readme that describes way how to avoid it altogether, didn't really try it myself yet.

つ 最果てのイマFV 後チェック回避



1. パッチ適用前に初回起動しておけば二回目以降はチェックしません。
2. なぜかチェックする拡張子をexeに決め打ちしているので、元ファイルはそのまま残し、
3. チェックを通過した状態のセーブデータをコピーして使えばチェックしません。
4. 予めzpkc.bin内の照合コードをパッチを当てたものに変更しておく手もあります。("PKCO29E38887B1F7A76C")
5. もちろん$4299B0からのチェックルーチンをクラックする方法もあります。

0000F6BB: FB 11 (NG) → 37 0B (OK)
Farthest_vo.exe(パッチ適用後)/ CRCチェック回避
0003F26C: 74 → EB

>> No.13344965

I'm sure he's never heard of it before, it's super obscure.

>> No.13344987

It's not even an eroge. Why would anyone even consider playing such a useless thing?

>> No.13344998

Sometimes my dick needs a break. Umineko is bad because of other reasons, though.

>> No.13345014

Try this.


Uploadable is pretty slow, but you can start downloads one after another each with like 20 minutes pause. And be sure to avoid clicking on shady ads and shit as usual.

>> No.13345020

I mght as well get this too. It looks pretty good.

>> No.13345051

Maybe. Is it about swimming cats?

Not worried about slow rate, links are good enough, thanks.

>> No.13345058

I guess I'll also try it until the april games.

>> No.13345111

Pretty sure it's about birds that sound like cats.

>> No.13345121


>> No.13345134

No, those are birds that sound stupid.

>> No.13345183

They're not expecting many too.

>> No.13345814
File: 629 KB, 1200x1845, hati_600_1845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd honestly buy it right now if I were anywhere close to where it was being sold, but maybe just because I'm super excited Lose is making a new game. I won't say Monobeno was groundbreaking incredible, but it was pretty one of a kind. Cute lolis, high production values, and a pretty stellar soundtrack. I've been waiting for this since I finished HE.

Looks like another historical setting, Taishou Era given the uniform isn't just for show, which I am hyped for. Let's just hope the main girl doesn't grow up this time

>> No.13345841

Well, it makes sense I guess since the protagonist is her brother.
But I'm still sort of angry.
I'll still continue to hold onto the hope of her being a heroine of somekind or something or an FD.

>> No.13346476

That chardesign is fucking awesome, so I'd buy it too.

Also hyped for game now, I hope scenario part is at least as good as monobeno.

>> No.13346485

Looks terrible fully unclothed.

>> No.13346524

Looks like well-drawn loli to me.

>> No.13346529

You haven't seen many well-drawn lolis.

>> No.13346614
File: 63 KB, 1024x728, asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I caved it to JDownloader for the sake of Romeo, but holy shit, these Baidu chinks are brutal.

For few minutes it lets you happily download with the number of chunks you set up, but then it restarts the download, limits you to 1 chunk and there you go 2-20kb/s.

>> No.13346632

Protip: google for premium accounts for whatever fileshithosting it uses. In exchange reupload to mega when you finish.

>> No.13346633

Are those the original censors or your censors? I don't want to spend time looking for a nonexistant image when you could have simply pasted a link instead.

>> No.13346650

I would've told you if you weren't such a cunt about it.

>> No.13346672

Link to original is 3 posts away from that one.

>> No.13346700

Protip like my ass, some year old account logins won't help me and JD doesn't even offer to use Baidu premium it seems.

>> No.13347212

She has an oddly small opening and typical cura creepy long toes. Otherwise I think it looks pretty amazing.

>> No.13347275

I went ahead and put it on Mega too if anyone cares.


>> No.13347276

Now that you and the other anon point it out, I'm bothered by the proportions. It may be because of the perspective but those arms look really thin and compared to the clothed one the size of her torso and hips seem off.

>> No.13347295

What ruins it for me is the extremely thin limbs and bloated stomach. I don't know how to explain it but she looks sick and frail, but not in an erotic way. You don't see that where she's half-dressed.

>> No.13347324
File: 19 KB, 571x91, party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13347357

It's called イカ腹

>> No.13347396
File: 316 KB, 1200x1889, 043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I didn't know the exact name for it.

>> No.13347642

did someone get Subahibi? what the hell is Ayana?
what the hell is down the rabbit hole I ?
this game is 2deep4me

>> No.13347658

Yeah, cura's proportions have always been off, maybe he just likes his lolis like that (personally I love that sort of stomach), I don't know. I still think his art is great though, and that character design looks nice.

>> No.13347790
File: 460 KB, 1271x714, ss+(2015-04-20+at+01.34.42).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god she is just too cute, I started her route just 5-10 minutes ago but she is already my favorite heroine.

>> No.13347969

Probably the only one who actually likes the MC.

>> No.13348043



>> No.13348053


I hope I'm invited

>> No.13348089


Inori = Brocon, the MC reminds her of her brother
Ayano = The MC only reminds her of her unforgotten love
Wakaba = Sexfriend

>> No.13348102

Shit, why haven't I picked up this game yet?

>> No.13348108
File: 675 KB, 1024x576, 123321123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this horse shit
WHY can't I get the key from the captain?

>> No.13348147

None of those are true.

>> No.13348175

I dont really know how can you see Inori as a brocon. Her entire route was about how much she hates him, and she didnt fall in love with mc because "he reminds her of her brother", it was because even though she rejected so many times he'd still worry about her and thanks to that she could trust him in the end.

Also even MC says "I didnt know that Asuka was such a scumbag" in some part of that route. I kinda agree about Ayano though.

>> No.13348283

>Her entire route was about how much she hates him
Wishful thinking. The same could be said about Ayano. Only because they kept going on saying "I hate him" it doesn't mean it's true; they shaped most of their lives and personalities around him. Inori kept his lighter religiously and even made rituals and whatnot while remembering him; in the backstory it's shown she was extremely close to him and didn't have any other friends, she "hates" him exactly because he left her alone. If Asuka were the MC normally we would all agree Inori is your typical textbook brocon. That said, I agree that the MC won her over in the end, but it's still kind of 微妙.

And Ayano kept repeating years because of him basically, and she repeatedly concealed things from the MC. Even if they both """hate""" Asuka now, they clearly loved him before (especially in Ayano's case, Inori's case is debatable) and the reminders we see only show that they wish he was here. The MC is basically his replacement. That's the motive of the story, I'm not annoyed by it at all but if you think otherwise it's just wishful thinking.

>> No.13348369

Is this the moebuta thread?

>> No.13348380

currently working through キミへ贈る、ソラの花
kimisora's writing is surprisingly interesting, I thought it was going to be a throwaway title only useful for kanji practice, but it ended up hooking me on the Sekka route.

>> No.13348391

Yes, it is. Eroge aren't fun anyway if you are not moebuta.

>> No.13348396

Insults, they always work after you can't prove anything wrong.

>> No.13348403

Personally what bothers me most about Ayano is the fact that she's like 23 or so and the school didn't just tell her to fuck off and find a job after so many years.

>> No.13348423

Not at all. As I said at the >>13348175 I agree about Ayano's part, even though she said she hates him it was because writer got scared of the raged readers.

but Inori is not like that. Yes she was close to his brother at some point, but then she realized that her brother is just a guy who wants to do whatever he wants, and doesnt care about her at all (Remember the game center scene, All asuka did was playing his favorite game and in the end he didnt even let Inori play the game she wanted) and drift away from him. Leaving her alone was just the tipping point, with that their bond got completely vanished. She even says that she felt relieved when she heard that her brother was dead.

>> No.13348470 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, 花咲ワークスプリング!__2015-04-19_05-14-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting for the laughs.

>> No.13348474


>> No.13348480

Goddamn slut.

>> No.13348483

What a bitch.

>> No.13348484 [SPOILER] 
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, 1429488649992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting for the laughs.

>> No.13348504

Reposted in >>13348484 as spoiler because NSFW

>> No.13348534

Uwah... This is completely over the line for a 純愛萌えゲー.
It doesn't work even as bad joke.

>> No.13348559

I don't really see the big deal.
It's like berating the protagonist for being a premature ejaculator by a slightly S heroine.
You'd have to be so beta you barely even qualify as human anymore to be bothered by it.

>> No.13348579

I have a cuckolding fetish so it doesn't bother me, but you know, ask any normie and even in real life it's completely アウト to say this to your boyfriend, what makes you think it's completely fine in a 純愛ゲー?

>> No.13348580

That line is actually a great turn on for me.

>> No.13348592

I think you will like どし黒.

>> No.13348601

Come on man.

Saying she would cheat on MC is a bit over the line, even as a joke. It's a pure love game you know.

>> No.13348619

Judging by how attached she was to him since her whole route was about it, I wouldn't say she "drift away from him", nor their "bond got completely vanished" at all. Until maybe the very end. But I kind of agree, it was just a 微妙 point as I said.

>> No.13348623

Berating and threatening with cheating are quite different things, you know.

>> No.13348627

Isn't that pushing the boundaries a little if it wants to be in the pure love category?

>> No.13348633
File: 283 KB, 1278x716, 笑.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I skipped that H scene thanks for letting us know.

>> No.13348638

I'm actually amazed that how could they turn a moege into this shitstorm. If they just watched out a couple of mistakes like >>13348484 or Ayano's entire route they could get tons of sales with that art, but now I'm pretty sure that they will lose many sales at their next title.

>> No.13348642

It's not pushing. It's straight beyond the boundaries of the pure love category.

>> No.13348648

Hanasaki NTR Spring when?

>> No.13348649
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, [ソレヨリノ前奏詩(プロローグ)]_2015-03-20_17-05-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god this one was actually rage inducing. I could feel myself sweating because of it.

>> No.13348679

Yeah I know that she was kinda attached to him, but what I'm trying to say that wasn't being brocon, just a classic sister/brother thing. I'm sure she never thought having sex with asuka or marrying with him, people are exaggerating it because of Ayano's route.

Also you cant be brocon when you are 7-8 years old, well except the loliges maybe. But I'm 100% agree with you about the ayano's thing, and to be honest I felt pretty annoyed at that. For gods sake the entire route was "asuka did this to me, asuka saved me at there, asuka gave me that plush, asuka changed me like that, asuka died at that" etc etc etc. Just go to his grave, masturbate at there and never come back ffs.

>> No.13348710

You guys are exaggerating. She's just joking around because MC being a beta faggot who get tired after 1 round, it's not like she seriously thought about cheating on him goddamnit.

>> No.13348711

Is she being serious or just teasing him? I don't see any issue if it's the latter.

>> No.13348714

Also I'd like to thank to anon who has stoped me when I said "I'll buy hanasaki because its opening & art is really great", you were right dude I'll never buy anyshit without playing from now. Well maybe Tsukihime remake, if it ever gets released.

>> No.13348729

I don't have an issue with the joke itself but it's not one that should be in a pure love title even in a joking manner.

>> No.13348742

It's the latter. Their mistake was advertising it as a pure love game, because that way you get the most escapist kind of public trying your game.

>> No.13348745

I wonder who out of the scenario writers managed to fuck up things like that? Was it 御厨みくり?

>> No.13348746

Are you serious?

>> No.13348750

Why not? Help me understand this. It's just a joke, why get offended over it (talking to both the reader and the protagonist)?

>> No.13348782

Because such a "joke" creates distrust in relationships, in heroine feelings, in pure love itself.

>> No.13348789

Out of 117 registered votes on EGS, only 16 faggots were bothered by this "issue".

>> No.13348791

So check EGS and check whether or not she cheats on you. Oh, she doesn't. False alarm.

>> No.13348801

Pure devoted heroine shouldn't even have a trace of thought like that. The fact that she can joke about that shows that she can think about it, so it's technically possible.
Also judging by a 2ch post from the previous thread, some people took it as a sign that she's sexually frustrated, MC can't satisfy her and she can have affairs on the side.

>> No.13348807

I dont really know but to be honest I think almost every route got fucked up. As you can see Ayano route is just about asuka, Wakaba route's drama was forced as fuck and meaningless, Hikari's drama was also something like "omg we cant find anything to write in this route, lets throw some suddenly idiotic drama and crying scene into it", For Inori personally I liked her route but the cheating joke was a bad idea.

True route was also felt like a bad ending more than a true ending, Its 70/100 at best and its just because of OP, ED, art and some heroine's personality.

>> No.13348814

>shows that she can think about it
God forbid a heroine have an independent thought in her life.

>> No.13348826

They aren't there to have independent thoughts, they are there to love the MC and pander to the readers.

>> No.13348832

Epic, simply epic /jp/.

>> No.13348837

Because of course she's not doing either of those.

>> No.13348847 [SPOILER] 
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, 1429491820226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some people took it as a sign that she's sexually frustrated
She said it was a joke but then the scene ended on this note.

...Hell I love adding fuel to the fire.

>> No.13348849

She doesnt have any friends, let males aside you know. How will she cheat, will she open her ass in a street and act like a public toilet or something? To be honest I didnt even remember cheating joke until I saw >>13348484 , when you play her route you just know that she wont cheat no matter what, let the sexually reasons alone.

>> No.13348851

With thoughts about cheating it's not pure love anymore though.
Pure love is based on complete and utter devotion to a point of it being thoughtless.

>> No.13348857

Well, clearly both the MC and the readers weren't quite fond of that joke.

>> No.13348866

MC is beta as fuck, no wonder she thought about cheating on him.

>> No.13348873

Only if you are overly-sensitive or an autist, and can't understand that a joke is just a joke and doesn't mean anything. Do you also think someone who makes a joke about a racial stereotype is a racist?

>Pure devoted heroine shouldn't even have a trace of thought like that. The fact that she can joke about that shows that she can think about it, so it's technically possible.

Yeah, I think this explains why people are mad. It's so fucking stupid to get mad over though. People don't even want heroines to be characters anymore. They can't have any freewill or independent thought, they can only even exist in relation to the protagonist as a lovedoll. The possibility that she has ever talked to another guy, or been seen by another guy, it's all unacceptable. When will we start seeing heroines in burkas so that other guys can't see their faces or bodies? Or maybe all eroge will start taking place in worlds where the protagonist is the only male, or maybe all other males are castrated or something. After all, as long as a heroine has a vagina and there are other men in existence who have penises there is the ever slightest chance that she could have sex with another man.

Anyways, I'm pretty sure I've seen almost this exact same joke in renai games before, but fucking shojochuu are getting so carried away these days they'll be offended by anything. They're the SJWs of the eroge world.

>> No.13348878

I can just imagine some sad nerd somewhere out there getting cold sweat and a panic reaction reading that scene, and then proceeding to tear his game disc apart and writing angry blogpost somewhere.

>> No.13348892

Most people here aren't upset over it, they're just saying that it's a bit much in a pure renai game. I personally don't care but it's kind of fucked up if you think about it. If MC said it to her I would think it was over the line as well. Cheating isn't really something to joke about in my opinion.

>> No.13348906

Exactly, she has a trust issue for fuck sake. I hope you guys don't think heroines who say "殺すぞ" in a joking manner thought about literally murdering mc too.

>> No.13348913

As >>13348892 said nobody is mad for it, but the scene would have better without that joke for sure and I dont think anybody has laughed at that.

>> No.13348916

I can't believe there's so many autists complaining about a joke line, I bet you're the same people who thinks anyone who isn't a virgin or had an ex boyfriend is a slut

>> No.13348920

Hey, I'm sure YOU would be able to satisfy her.

>> No.13348925

To be honest, I feel bad for Ayano fans. They're the official Asuka replacements.

>> No.13348931

Enjoy kissing the girl you love knowing that that same mouth sucked some guys dick.

>> No.13348939

see >>13348679, Most of Ayano fans are mad like that at 2ch.

>> No.13348946


I hope no one told you that when you were a baby your mother kissed you with the same mouth that sucked some guys dick, most likely multiple different guys dicks.

>> No.13348950

Nice exaggeration. I guess some people wouldn't even care about actual NTR in a supposedly junai moege, because, why, it will make the characters more realistic and human, right? Fictional characters have rights for independent thought and sexual freedom too and we must respect that. Might as well quit reading unrealistic 2D and watch 3D porn and read porn novels then.

>> No.13348954

While we're at it, having other male characters exist in the world of a pure renai game is a bit much, isn't it? You never know if the heroine talked to a guy at some point. Maybe the guy even tried to flirt with the heroine. Even worse, the heroine might've kinda liked one of the guys a bit in the past or thought one of them was somewhat good-looking. Just that possibility taints the purity of the love.

>> No.13348964

There was only one and dick sucking wasn't popular back then, so no.

>> No.13348968

Because thinking about something and doing it are the same

>> No.13348970


Make sure the protagonist has no name, no face and no traits so I can fully self insert my virgin ass into the game. Anything else in a pure 純愛萌えゲー just makes me go Uwah

>> No.13348980

>she has a trust issue for fuck sake
So she decided to create a trust issues for the MC as well?
If she really has trust issues she should be quite a bit more sensitive to stuff that might damage the mutual trust.

>> No.13348993

The perfect, pure wife must not look at another guy in the eye, keep her head bowed in the presences of other males, and cover her head in public.

>> No.13348997

You may think about sucking dicks and that will still make you a faggot even though you haven't sucked any yet.

>> No.13349015

What is she doing in the presence of other males, why is she going out in public? Her husband better be accompanying her.

>> No.13349016
File: 229 KB, 1280x720, hikari3cg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth about Hanasaki Workspring: Hikari is actually an angel who came to earth to save Yuuma from the sluts.

>> No.13349022

For gods sake stop replacing it like she is actually thinking about cheating, That was just a joke, Yes not a funny joke, but just a joke. This must be dumbest argument for last 2-3 years.

>> No.13349029

There should be a new game just for Hikari and Nonoka.

>> No.13349030


Uwah~ this post

>> No.13349032

I think there should be mandatory homoroutes for any other male characters that the creators dare put in so that you can be assured that they couldnt do anything to taint the heroines.

>> No.13349035

Yeah but think about it. The next time she kisses you she'll be kissing you with the same lips that made a joke about cheating. You're effectively sucking another dude's dick when you kiss her.

>> No.13349047

How can you be so sure it was just a joke?

>> No.13349070


There's only one way to make sure. Kidnap her and lock her in your basement so you know there's no way she could cheat on you.

>> No.13349110

What if she thinks about the police or her dad or someone rescuing her?
That counts as cheating too right because she's thinking of other men.

>> No.13349120

The joke stops being funny if you force it that hard

>> No.13349135


S-she's lying, t-there's no way she would be thinking of another m-m-man when she has me. I-if she insists of those hurtful lies then... ...I'll have to start cutting off one of her arms. I'll keep cutting her up until she stops lying. Then she will be mine and pure forever and ever.

>> No.13349151

This is getting quite retarded.

>> No.13349154

It was always retarded.

>> No.13349168

We're on /jp/ after all.

>> No.13349175

Obviously, It started being retarded when they stopped talking about the game itself.

>> No.13349197

Yeah. I honestly don't understand what's even the damn point in arguing about it, it pretty much boils down to how you think about it. We aren't even arguing writing here, just making inferences about fictional characters, which is where it really gets dumb.

As someone who's yet to play this game, I can safely it didn't affect me in the slightest.

>> No.13349200

It started being retarded when Japanese otaku got mad over jokes and vibrators.

>> No.13349223

This is my fetish.

>> No.13349251

>last 2-3 years.
Nice try, but you can't take that crown from MILF autist so easily.

>> No.13349279

I'm feeling the non-virg vs virg debate again, please respect other fuck-tastes "kudasai".

>> No.13349290
File: 669 KB, 797x595, 処女じゃない.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13349339

Reminds of all those shitty japs who threw an autistic shitrage over that one bad ending in a bishop nukige because it implied the heroine had sex with other men.

>> No.13349340


>> No.13349368

Which one was that again? 館 ~官能奇譚~?

>> No.13349370

Please be calm and understanding of japs....

>> No.13349382

Isn't that company making exclusively rape nukige? I'm curious as to why exactly that kind of shitstorm even happened.

>> No.13349392


Yup. The pathetic outrage over it on 2ch was basically the exact same thing you're seeing here on this and the last thread

>> No.13349404

To be fair that is much worse because it's literally happens in a bad end, at this the complaints they are doing now are in one (or more apparently) of the routes proper

>> No.13349407

Not to meant it's a game from Bishop so having something like that happen isn't anything new

>> No.13349428
File: 1.53 MB, 1280x720, angel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least the character designs were pretty .

>> No.13349444

I wish ten years ago Elf didn't give in the pressure from people complaining to them about one of the heroines having an ex boyfriend. Then all these weird ass people would've disappeared from the scene forever and writers wouldn't feel the need to write every heroine as virgins who never befriended a guy before. Or god forbid make a light joke at the expense of the protagonist.

>> No.13349476

I think there can be a compromise: have characters with prior experience, but make it obvious through their attitude and character rather than flat-out saying it. If you wanna be blatant, actually have the ex-boyfriend as a significant character, rather than a big-dicked specter from the past.

>> No.13349483

Isn't that the effect of that game overstated?

Pro-virginal otaku are well-organized and well-motivated (since their goal is very simple) anyway, you couldn't get rid of them unless you kill them or something.

>> No.13349490

[Trigger Warning: Experienced Heroine.]

>> No.13349494

It's not only about an ex-guy, but also implying that she's interested in you because you're similar to him.

But I always blame the character, not the writer. If I don't like that aspect of the character, I'll just bash her, not the writers. They can do whatever the fuck they want, they're artists.

>> No.13349505


It was the first big incident and Elf caving in set the industry standard.

>> No.13349514

I don't like experienced heroines. I also don't like experienced protagonists cause then I can't self insert.

>> No.13349515

There are still a lot of fetish games that have non-virginal heroines.

>> No.13349539

For Ayana: Even though there is clearly something off about her, no answers are given as to "what" she is. Aside from saying some important lines, her numinous character exists to support a main theme of the game.
To quote Witty: "doubt can only exist where there is a question; a question only where there is an answer, and this only where something can be said."
Who knows whether Ayana is an old god or a creature from the 5th dimension, all that is known by the characters is her name and her form. You may even doubt whether or not she has a penis.

>> No.13349544


Being non virginal shouldn't be a "fetish" in the first place

>> No.13349557


I love self inserting as all these virgin protagonists who all of sudden become sex gods

>> No.13349572

Everything is a fetish, virgin and non-virginal included.

>> No.13349615

Speaking on the matter, why the fuck were absolutely never have protagonists who themselves act pissed about this bullshit from sluts and do something like ignoring them for a week or two or even threatening to dump them? Male side characters, especially older ones (like MC's father, for example) often act reasonable and have some dignity, but MC either always accepts everything heroine says and acts like slave or he is evil rapist.

>> No.13349618

elf didn't cave in for shit. the reason they stopped with renai or vanilla high school settings isn't that nobody would buy their new games, they just didn't make any more of the type. hiruta (under his new alias) knew damn well what they were getting themselves into, he simply wanted to focus on games with his preferred themes (i. e.: extreme stuff like in kawarazeki-ke).

>> No.13349650

Phantom of Inferno's protag has a choice in dumping the NTR woman.

>> No.13349652

It's part of their traditional betaness.

>> No.13349661
File: 911 KB, 798x600, Subahibi creepy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the side routes/endings in Subahibi worth reading or should I just skip them?

Also posting this pic again because it's still creepy as shit

>> No.13349668

Nowadays, with NTR/cuckold fetish being very popular, this beta slave mentality is seen as hot.

>> No.13349673

Kimika's ends are objectively the best in the game.

>> No.13349699
File: 358 KB, 1112x1600, 07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will be missing out on Kimika and the best ending in the game.

>> No.13349738

I want to start reading Monobeno. I've read that -happy end- is the sequel, but it also has most of the scenes from the original. Do I need to read the original first?

>> No.13349770


No, just read -happy end-. It has the entire first game with some altered scenes to make it not horribly depressing. It also adds an entire games worth of content in after stories and tons of eroscenes. Have fun, I sure did.

>> No.13349855

Eh, so I let it run overnight and it simply got an full stop error at some time, saying file not found for download. It's like those chinks even want to you to finish the download in certain time frame or you're fucked.

>> No.13349893


I downloaded the game from http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mgoNKbm with JDownloader and it was finished in less than 10 minutes. Don't know what your issue is, perhaps it is something on your end.

>> No.13349954

How mysterious. I dunno, I'm in Europe so maybe the distance from China?

Do you suppose you could upload it to say, Mega?

>> No.13349982


Sure, give me a few minutes.

>> No.13349989

Great, thanks. I'll have to go in few minutes, but I'll grab it when I'm back home.

>> No.13350041

Thank you, I downloaded it.

>> No.13350181



There you have it.

Natsuyume Yawa, 夏夢夜話

For those possibly searching the archives for this game in the future.

>> No.13350264

I agree. I saw someone comment somewhere that most of the CGs for Monobeno looked awful because of the anatomy and I couldn't even wrap my head around it because it's all incredibly attractive to me. I can pick at details if I want to but none of them bother me.

I also like that sort of stomach too. I love Shouji Ayumu's designs too, and he uses that almost exclusively.

>> No.13350282

So was the plot for Hanasaki Work Spring written by a woman or something?

>> No.13350293

Mikuria is a woman, but I don't know about the other writers.

>> No.13350397

Yeah so has anybody got a status on the Angel Beats! visual novel? Have there been any translations yet?

>> No.13350525

Haneneko might be a woman too.

>> No.13350931
File: 119 KB, 685x183, OVERDRIVE, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monthly sales lists on getchu can have some interesting information sometimes.

>> No.13350972

You didn't know? he artist was the same as bokuten's?
Sham about the game, what a waste of a couple of decent heroines.

>> No.13350978

Why did overdrive make a new brand?

>> No.13351010

Maybe because the games from their own brand weren't selling at all.

>> No.13351014

Filthy canadian pirates.

>> No.13351016

Maybe they should have tried to make good ones instead

>> No.13351376
File: 6 KB, 155x23, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anybody translate this for me

>> No.13351403

That's chinese.

>> No.13351418

As someone who's yet to play this game, I can say that it looked interesting, but reading all this shit made me move it to the bottom of my backlog, which means I'll likely never get around to reading it.

>> No.13351424

if I decide to translate what's left of Subahibi if Kirby doesn't deliver, will I have the tlwiki mafia after me?

>> No.13351432

Well, first you'll give up because it's hard. Then, tlwiki will just ignore you until vvav finishes it himself.

>> No.13351618 [SPOILER] 
File: 577 KB, 801x601, 1429524870378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this is easily the weirdest H scene in any VN I've ever played.

How long is Takuji's part? And are there any H scenes where it would be a bad idea for me to ctrl skip through them?

>> No.13351640

I was laughing my ass off through that whole scene. It was perfect.

>> No.13351745

I feel the same way about Ooyari Ashito. Some people seem to think his stuff is masterwork but his bodies just turn me off completely. In the end it's really what the artist wants the bodies to look like more than anything.

>> No.13351944
File: 211 KB, 600x1496, IMG_2713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13351958

I see they're sticking with cool dude protagonists.

>> No.13351967

He looks a bit too cool for my taste.

>> No.13351979

So the base version is all ages and you have to download a patch to make it an eroge.
They are already thinking of an english release

>> No.13352006

Just skip the teacher h-scene, everything else you should read. Oh, don't skip side routes either.

>> No.13352017

>Sham about the game
Bokuten or 11gatsu? Because I'm about to read 11gatsu.
And no I don't think the artist is the same. It's the guy from Golden Marriage.

>> No.13352022

11gatsu, I found it extremely disappointing.

>> No.13352046

Considering how easily Grisaia got money on KS, it's hard to be surprised.

>> No.13352055


>> No.13352111

Really? Even though it's third on moegame award and decently rated on EGS?
Well I guess I'll either cautiously speedrun it or just go into backlog mode.

>> No.13352162

Ha, that's a rare protagonist design. Usually they're mid-to-long haired kinda herbivore looking fellas, this machoman alpha male look is usually for badass side characters or villains.

>> No.13352166

It seems only a few of us will be able to self-insert this time.

>> No.13352173

Can't believe plebs can only self-insert into one type of character. I insert myself into hetare MCs, mary sues, and sometimes even female MCs.

>> No.13352208

So what is your recommended route order in Hanasaki? I just started the game

>> No.13352253


>> No.13352278

Ayano has the route that won't make you fall asleep halfway through, but you're forced to be the girl's second choice over some dead guy.
Wakaba if you like anal and vibrators.
Inori's route is sort of relevant to the main plot, pointless drama and "jokes" about cuckolding.
Hikari is basically the ideal girl, but her route gets boring after the first part.

Kanna and Nonoka are bonus routes after completing all of the above 4.

>> No.13352294

Go with the ones you like, but Inori's and Ayano's are the ones specifically related to the main plot.

>> No.13352296

-Self insert as beta
-Self insert at all.

Kill yourself-kudasai.

>> No.13352361

Is there anyway to make the font bigger in 常夏姉妹サンド? It's readable but is uncomfortably small, or appears that way to me anyway.

>> No.13352408

what? the teacher H scene is as hilarious as the desk fuck scene.

>> No.13352417

I use hooker and read from its window in such cases.

>> No.13352418


So I'll go with Wakaba>Hikari>Inori>Ayano


>> No.13352424

I feel pretty cheap doing that, it's a psychological thing. Seems weird that a game about reading wouldn't let you raise the font size.

>> No.13352470

I have some intense days/month, and I need some relaxing moege to read before going to sleep. What do you suggest?

>> No.13352472


>> No.13352522

Thanks but no thanks. I don't have time to engaging in a shitstorm.

>> No.13352530

Then don't engage; read the novel, enjoy it, and that'll be that.

>> No.13352562

It's actually good then? I thought it was known only for the shitstorm?

>> No.13352569

Hell, I finished the game and while I had issues with it, they weren't these ones that are being blown way out of proportion.

>> No.13352574

What was wrong with it? Would you say it wasn't worth reading?

>> No.13352575

I guess you enjoy sluts.

>> No.13352577

It's good for moege. People who have "issue" with it are just too beta to take a light "cheating joke".

>> No.13352580

Sanobawitch was a pretty good moege all around.

>> No.13352581

What is a visual novel that captures the feel of shows like のんのんびより?

Don't say Monobeno

>> No.13352583

This is turning into a meme.

>> No.13352588

Thanks, I'll check this out.

>> No.13352595

You didn't just use "beta" as an insult on 4chan, on /jp/, in an untranslated Taiwanese porn games with cute girls thread, did you?

>> No.13352602

Not used as an insult. It is quite clearly a fact. It's your own choice to take it negatively.

In other words, if you're really beta as fuck, don't read 花咲ワークスプリング!

>> No.13352608

Is there a way to fix the sound in the op? It's kinda annoying and the rest works ok.

>> No.13352611

Shit, the slut defense police is here guys.

>> No.13352614

I might be beta but I'm not beta enough to be offended by that joke.

Define "slut"

>> No.13352620

There is literally nothing wrong with being sluttish.

>> No.13352623

So now that MYTH is being translated, what's the overall opinion of it here?

>> No.13352627

The so called "joke" is one thing there's also a whole route with an NTR by a ghost and slut that likes vibrators more than MC.

>> No.13352637

Mostly things like Ayano's age breaking my suspension of disbelief, or how the side heroine routes were handled plus a lot of minor things.
I did enjoy it overall though.

>> No.13352638

>Define "slut"
Ever thinks about any other male than her lover, even if it was before their relationship => slut.

>> No.13352643


You either trolling or your autism is already in the same level as Japanese nerd. Using vibrator now is considered a slut? and for fuck sake what's wrong having a crush before MC?

>> No.13352648

Holy shit you autists will argue over anything.
Tareme or tsurime?

>> No.13352650

Do we really need to go through this whole song and dance again?
Wasn't it enough the first time?

>> No.13352670
File: 211 KB, 799x599, マスター.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got to Hayato's part, though I find it pretty taxing to read with regard to enjoyable Takashi's and Shuusuke's chapters were.
Also where can I find more characters like マスター in my life?

>> No.13352675

I think people overreact here, but at same time, if girl I go out with would keep telling me during sex that she's not satisfied, that I'm pathetic and that she's going to cheat on me, I'd tell her to fuck off and go look for someone less troublesome first time it happened.

>> No.13352682

I remember an anon asked similar question before.

>> No.13352690

What if the 'slut' is bi. Is she then not allowed to even think about another human-being without being a slut?

She *jokes* *once*. There is a HUGE difference between a one off event and repeated occurrences.

>> No.13352705

>would keep telling me during sex that she's not satisfied, that I'm pathetic and that she's going to cheat on me,

She only did it once and she never call mc "pathetic".

>> No.13352713

>What if the 'slut' is bi
Wouldn't want a mentally ill slut anyway.

>> No.13352718

Okay, she just used roundabout expressions in such way that MC kept calling pathetic himself. Its all the same, she is not satisfied and she spoils sex for him too. Why go out if both of them aren't happy in result?

>> No.13352750

>What if the 'slut' is bi. Is she then not allowed to even think about another human-being without being a slut?
Clearly it's only allowed if it only happens in a 3+P scene with the only male being involved is the protagonist.

>> No.13352756

Are there any moeges with non-joking bi heroines tho? At least I didn't encounter such ones.

>> No.13352762

You basically just said: 'Someone says one thing which I decide to take negatively, and as such there is no hope for any sort of relationship to succeed ever.'

If everyone felt the same way as you, there would be no relationships/friendships. I simply cannot believe you are aren't trolling at this point. Fuck it.

>> No.13352767

Haru no Ashioto
Boku to, Bokura no Natsu
Days Innocent and Kaede Doori

>> No.13352792

Guys, stop badmouthing Inori please.

>> No.13352797

I can't really think of anything off the top of my head aside from standard "man-hater" types or "onee-sama" stuff set in all girl schools.

>> No.13352826

Funny thing is that the one who's actually questionable is Ayano, not Inori. I was actually emotionally attached to Inori, and I didn't pay much attention to it but all of this is making me paranoid all of sudden, dude.

>> No.13352844

Why are you reading Muramasa if you're too dumb to google a walkthrough?

>> No.13352850

>there would be no relationships/friendships
Its pretty much common sense for girl to pretend that sex is good, even if its not. Yes, world would be completely different, if every girl out there was badmouthing her partner before he reached climax. "Performance anxiety" is one of top impotency causes even in our world.
Inori should be very grateful that MC could get erection again at all.

>> No.13352858

I felt that way in the common route but Naru is best girl and was my favorite of the character routes.

>> No.13352859

You're such a badass, anon.

>> No.13352864

I didn't play Ayano's route but I think i remember Ayo said her feeling toward Asuka is "苦手". Do you people exaggerating again or is it true that Ayano only use MC as replacement?

>pretend that sex is good, even if its not.
That actually will lead to frustation and actually increase the chance of cheating. If you're getting used to lying to your partner that means the relationship is already broken.

>> No.13352869

Moogy said it's shit.

>> No.13352884

Its established eroge trope that if MC ever mentions weight or in some way complains about boob size, its okay to beat shit out of him and its huge deal.
What Inori did is obviously equivalent of BOTH weight and boobs and done in very wrong moment.

>> No.13352890

>That actually will lead to frustation and actually increase the chance of cheating. If you're getting used to lying to your partner that means the relationship is already broken.
Thats why whole "enrich your sexual life" stuff exists. It would be actually nice way to write icaicha stuff in VN as they explore more "kinkier" stuff and together work toward improving their experience.

>> No.13352891

Quite blatantly the joke struck a raw nerve with you, resulting in a negative response. This is perfectly fine, but it's a personal thing.
Not everyone is going to take it badly. Ergo, the work in question isn't objectively bad for the reasons you have complained about.

All I'm trying to say is that these things are no reason to discourage others from taking a look.

>> No.13352898

>That actually will lead to frustation and actually increase the chance of cheating. If you're getting used to lying to your partner that means the relationship is already broken.
That's a pretty good point, actually.

>> No.13352903


Not that I know of, the OP is fucking bad though. My game hangs and freezes there so I just disabled FMV's in the options menu.

>> No.13352908

To be fair, if you're in such a state that you think girls in moege are faking enjoyment, you're already screwed.

>> No.13352915

I hope he goes away quick. The faggot is insufferable.

>> No.13352919

>The faggot is insufferable.

Don't talk about yourself that way.

>> No.13352936

Inori seems cute. Is she 毒舌?

>> No.13352944

Yes. Don't listen to the faggot who call her a slut.

>> No.13352954

Thanks. This is my fetish.

>> No.13352956
File: 543 KB, 640x480, MYTH_2015-04-10_21-28-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I read the first chapter, Aguni, and half of the second. The last bit of the first chapter ended on a really cool high note and had some really crazy shit happen. I was looking forward to the rest of it, but then you are prompted to read 'Aguni' after clearing the first chapter. Aguni is the prequel to myth and it was offensively bad, I am a generous guy and I'm able to find good in most things but this part of the game was very difficult for me to sit through because it was just so pointlessly complicated and abstract for no reason at all. In retrospect this is where my interest began to heavily decline.

The second chapter opens and forces you to reread a bunch of repeated text with little bits changed and random disjointed and often gross flashbacks thrown in just because. It was kind of neat since it gave me a chance to look at the story again with more knowledge of the setting, but still not really excusable, I found myself frustrated pretty quickly. I ultimately dropped it out of boredom.

From what I saw of it, it has the potential to be decently done considering the crazy setting, but I just could not bring myself to actually be emotionally invested in the setting or care about the characters or the mystery at all after a while. Interested to see the reactions to the game's first chapter since it gets pretty fucked up.

Also Sou is the best girl.

>> No.13352960

Maybe you should get better at sex.

>> No.13352963

Easy there moogy.

>> No.13352964

Hey don't be mean. That would require practise...

>> No.13352965


Moogy finished the game, I did not.

>> No.13353062

You faggots sound like normies, why are you even here?

>> No.13353073

Interesting considering all the previous mentions of Aguni were overwhelmingly positive.

>> No.13353099
File: 372 KB, 640x480, MYTH_2015-04-11_20-26-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Really? Wow, that is news to me. Perhaps it just wasn't my thing. I don't pretend to be the objective arbiter of what's good in eroge and what's not but Aguni is something I have a very hard time understanding why people would praise it.

To me it felt like something the author wrote in highschool and tried to come off as deep and it just did not work. I guess YMMV though.

>> No.13353119

To discuss eroge. Piss off with your normie meme to the 2hu threads.

>> No.13353121

Easy there moogy.

>> No.13353152 [DELETED] 

Oh, so you're also one of those crossies who came here thinking "Who are you quoting" is a meme.

>> No.13353155

Reminder not to reply to moogyspouting EOP scum and use the report button instead.

>> No.13353161

They're not breaking any rules; you are by misusing the report function.

>> No.13353163

No one cares about your nerd rage, post about eroge or fuck off.

>> No.13353168

Not that guy but "who are you quoting" is a dumb meme and I've been here since 2013.

>> No.13353169

Funny because you're the one who sounds agitated. I guess it's understandable since there are people bashing your favorite slut.

>> No.13353171

It's shitposting retard. People actually give a detailed thought about eroge they like and the reply is "waa moogy!!". Just fuck off somewhere else if you want to discuss some internet eroge celebrity.

>> No.13353175
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, [ソレヨリノ前奏詩(プロローグ)]_2015-03-19_03-46-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, take a superior 毒舌 instead.

>> No.13353176

Guys, you guys seem to be forgetting that Hikari also said that "if possible, she would prefer not to sell her body" in the case of debt. You can't call her pure, if that thought crossed her mind.

>> No.13353180

I didn't expect that from her at all. Everytime she bullied me I was like "b-but aren't we lovers?".

>> No.13353182

But she doesn't speak in polite form. 毒舌 is best accompanied with 敬語, it makes her sound a lot more bitchy.

>> No.13353183

I read Aguni not long after it was released in 2007 or something.
I will admit I was pretty much a baby back there but I thought it was pretty interesting.
The writing was certainly not very good but it had charm and I still remember some of the cool things he did like the multi-screens or the bad ends

Though obviously I don't remember much about it, I don't really consider Myth + Aguni to be a great doujin game either but I think it has more value that you make it seems.

>> No.13353186
File: 156 KB, 1277x714, pleasenobully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my fetish.

>> No.13353193

It's been a while since a heroine made my dick hard just by thinking about her.

>> No.13353224

So how was the VN in the end? I asked when it came out, but got no replies.

>> No.13353226

Why people are so autistic about "cheating" joke but fine about break-up joke?

>> No.13353231


That's a pretty long time ago. I enjoyed the very end of Aguni and some of the tricks they pulled with the dual screens as well, that was cool. One of the best things about the experience with Myth is that the creators understood how to use some of the eroge medium's strong points. I was legitimately impressed with the way the BGM was handled when things went off the rails in chapter 1, it was extremely unsettling and something that I don't think would have really worked in film or anime or anything.

And yeah looking back over what I said it did come off a little harsh. There are certainly good points about Myth and it is an interesting story, but for me that was simply overshadowed by its bad points that I unfortunately have a very low tolerance for.

>> No.13353239

Break-up does not break trust. It's done openly and from the front.
Cheating on the other hand breaks trust.

>> No.13353245

>but for me that was simply overshadowed by its bad points that I unfortunately have a very low tolerance for
Maybe you shouldn't be playing doujin games then.

>> No.13353251


Yeah, I think I've learned my lesson on that one. I've tried several and been unable to appreciate all of them, I guess they are just not for me.

>> No.13353255

I really liked it. Visually it was pretty nice (as previous minori's works) with the animated and varied sprites. I think the prologue is the best part of the whole thing since the pacing gets a bit messy in the second half, but overall it's quite a ride with some interesting twists. There are some considerably rage inducing moments here and there though so you might want to be able to take that. The heroines were also quite interesting/likeable. My only complain as I said would be the pacing of the second half; it lost a bit of direction but it redeemed itself in the end.

>> No.13353283

There is a lot of doujin game for every taste, most of them are shit but it's not like good ones don't exist

>> No.13353321

Yeah, yeah, Sturgeon's law, okay.

>> No.13353337

Use software mode.

>> No.13353443

That's just your opinion not a fact. Inori made a bad joke, ther dudes would not be comfortable with it and it's understandable.

>> No.13353568

Which is the best of the newest minori games? Perseus, 12 Tsuki, or Prologue?

>> No.13353626
File: 102 KB, 696x181, maro34d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only played Perseus and Prologue but Perseus was better. The H scenes alone made it it worth reading.

Also, please elf gambarimasu a bit faster. There aren't much things I want to read, but Maro 3 & 4 are definitely something I'm expecting eagerly.

>> No.13353628

Kusuhara Yui as the imouto in Perseus made my penis ache the most from overuse so I'd have to go with that one.

>> No.13353671

I thought all their staff left.

>> No.13353679
File: 95 KB, 696x181, maro34b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not summer yet.

>> No.13353823

花の野に咲くうたかたの is definitely best thing to read before sleep.

>> No.13353867


Aguni is a necessary piece of the whole picture - the rest of the story won't make any sense without it. Those parts are addressed and explained well in later chapters. Overall scenario wraps all loose ends and the ending is extremely rewarding.

I'd recommend reading it twice if you are patient enough.

>> No.13353878

Would you describe it as soothing? Soothing games are the best.

>> No.13353883

Soothing, valium, all the same.

>> No.13353919
File: 92 KB, 720x832, samviewrs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is very soothing. Enjoy Ouka's softness.

>> No.13353959

Hanasaki Spring?

>> No.13353988

>The second chapter opens and forces you to reread a bunch of repeated text with little bits changed and random disjointed and often gross flashbacks thrown in just because. It was kind of neat since it gave me a chance to look at the story again with more knowledge of the setting, but still not really excusable, I found myself frustrated pretty quickly. I ultimately dropped it out of boredom.

But when Subahibi does it it's a kamige.

But how can it be pure love if the girl jokes about breaking up, which meant she is capable of thinking about breaking up? If there's a possibility of breaking up it's not pure. Or so I'm told.

>> No.13354107

This is interesting, assuming it's true.

Grisaia no Kajitsu is one of the worst examples of a bloated script so I couldn't even force myself to finish it, but I might give this one a try. But I'm pretty tired of superman protagonists so probably not.

>> No.13354144


>But when Subahibi does it it's a kamige.

Lol please, apples and oranges.

>> No.13354636
File: 22 KB, 447x68, nowwithdoublethedelays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do they even keep trying

>> No.13354678
File: 263 KB, 1277x722, ss+(2015-04-21+at+03.50.51).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like everyone is forgetting him because of Ayano's shitstorm but, isn't he pretty much best sub character? He is funny, help MC in every route, trust mc without any hesitation, he even joins the club immediately without asking "why" or "what", just because mc told him that he needs his help. If every moege had a bro character like him I'm pretty sure all of them would be enjoyable.

>> No.13354724

Yeah, he's a good sub-character since he exist not only for gag purpose and his advice to MC is actually relevant to the story. I'm playing Strawberry Nauts right now and the male side character is a boring ass beta faggot and I skipped most of his line because how irrelevant and boring he is.

The male side characters in Tsuyokiss Next(especially the ikemen) and Koisora are great too.

>> No.13354753

I was going to post about it when I accidentally went to age's homepage earlier but we all know it's going to be shit, and they're basically charging twice for it by splitting it into two games.

>> No.13354831

To be honest I think Next's male characters cant even compare with original tsuyokiss's male characters. Subaru is the best bro character and Samesuga is the most funny character I have ever seen in a visual novel.

Its a shame that most of male side characters in eroges are just a bunch of boring faggots who do only "breast breas breast" jokes.

>> No.13354944

>Its a shame that most of male side characters in eroges are just a bunch of boring faggots who do only "breast breas breast" jokes.

For example? I think you're exaggerating since I never play any eroge with male characters like that.

>> No.13354975

I assume MYTH is the delicious apple and Subahibi is the stale, rotting orange considering how boring those parts were.

>> No.13354986

>But when Subahibi does it it's a kamige.
Don't forget about Baldr Sky.

>> No.13355163

> But I'm pretty tired of superman protagonists so probably not.
One per year is way too much for you?

>> No.13355172

Basically, every gakuenmono eroge?
Even rosebleu's recent fantasy title has TWO of them.

>> No.13355257
File: 428 KB, 600x800, IMG_2713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Yuuji looks cool.

>> No.13355276

His eyebrows bother me.
0/10, would not fug

>> No.13355287

I'd say Perseus > Prologue > 12 tsuki

>> No.13355347

Guys, what do you when a game that hasn't be seeded in a 1 or 2 years is available again?
At last i'll play 永遠の終わり

>> No.13355363

I download everything which has even slightest chance of being played by me, so it doesn't happen anymore.
There are some games I want which are 6-10 years old, but we aren't getting them seeded ever again, I bet.

>> No.13355755

Definitely not playing it.

>> No.13355920

What's wrong, can't self insert?

>> No.13355943
File: 1.15 MB, 1044x642, deito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think much of this heroine at first, but heart pupils in a sprite? Doki doki full throttle.

>> No.13355980

I don't recognize the artist

>> No.13355996

Seems to be an artist named mero.

>> No.13356008

Looks like another artist to keep my eye on, thanks anon.

>> No.13356109

Why is his head so fucking massive?

>> No.13356114

What? Its much smaller than usual anime heads. Even on that pic you can see heroine with head as wide as her shoulders, do you have some eyesight problems?

>> No.13356123

It looks weird when male characters have huge heads and narrow shoulders though. Especially when he's supposed to be an alpha MC.

>> No.13356125

So, this thread reached bump limit in less than 2 days. Please keep it up /jp/

>> No.13356132

His shoulers aren't particularly narrow, his head is about one third of his back, which is about normal.

>> No.13356133

VNs have gotten more popular, even on our brother thread. It's weird. Though I guess half the activity on this thread is cuck talk.

>> No.13356134

There's his fist on pic avaliable for comparison. I've checked my head vs my fist, and then his, and numbers are pretty much same, so its just realistic proportions.

>> No.13356143

We actually had a discussion for once so it's not that surprising.

>> No.13356149

You can thank Uwaki Workspring

>> No.13356154

I haven't played Myth so maybe you can explain how they're different? I like Subahibi but one of its main flaws is how often it repeats scenes with only minor changes.

Considering that once you get over the novelty of having a capable eroge protagonist they're boring characters, yeah.

>> No.13356156
File: 64 KB, 236x219, 1429237074898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noice tastse

Yeah this is fucking with me, i hate NTR and cheating so much does this game have closure to this?
Like the MC goes hard or she jokes?

>> No.13356164

The new frontwing game going to be all ages? What the hell?

>> No.13356166
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>> No.13356170

See >>13351944

>> No.13356171
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>> No.13356174

>Considering that once you get over the novelty of having a capable eroge protagonist they're boring characters, yeah.
as opposed to normal plain dudes, who never stop being boring? even superman protagonists have nuance that make them interesting, just as normal unremarkable dudes are nuanced.

>> No.13356183
File: 8 KB, 174x256, Sakai_as_young_pilot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Especially when he's supposed to be an alpha MC.
Here's photo of famous war pilot, 坂井 三郎 (and MC's name is 三森一郎). I don't see any striking difference in their complexion.

>> No.13356229

Why clochette changed their artist?

>> No.13356242

Are there scans with better resolution? Heroine text boxes are unreadable.

>> No.13356275

pls no

>> No.13356282


>> No.13356287

I can't decide if I should care about this or not. On one hand, I've enjoyed plenty of Frontwing's games and I'm a sucker for fantasy. On the other hand, I didn't particularly like Grisaia and couldn't even finish the thing.

>> No.13356293

We had enough of this.

>> No.13356301
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>> No.13356308


Any other VNs with a cuter kouhai than this?

>> No.13356316

>and I'm a sucker for fantasy
Then do you really have a choice? Quality fantasy VNs aren't exactly common.

>> No.13356324

So he's modeled after him after all. War pilot, mhm. I never read Grisaia no Gakuen but at 2ch they often said the whole narration became uncomfortably right-wing in that specific sequel. If that's true, I might not touch this as netouyo make me feel quite uncomfortable.

>> No.13356326


>> No.13356328

kami no rhapsody in three days get hype

>> No.13356331


>> No.13356334

>new eushully
Hype indeed!

>> No.13356336

Are you a liberal or what?

>> No.13356343

No. Do I have to be a liberal to feel creeped out by netouyo fantasies?

>> No.13356363

But story is that he helps fighting against evil human oppressors, for equality of races.

>Grisaia no Gakuen
How its even possible to spell "Rakuen" as "Gakuen"?
And no, there's nothing right-wing in it. If anything, it has anti-military–industrial complex message.

>> No.13356373

Oh I see, thanks for clarifying my prejudice, I was basing it solely on 2ch comments. I'm a bit paranoid by now.

>How its even possible to spell "Rakuen" as "Gakuen"?
Because I'm retarded, don't mind me.

>> No.13356380

Ah fuck I forgot Eushully's and Alicesoft's games are out this month.

>> No.13356394

Does anyone remember this? I saw it posted in one of these threads once. It comes out this month.

Too many doujin games don't get uploaded, though.

>> No.13356414

> Too many doujin games don't get uploaded, though.
Its available on dlsite for 2000 yen, just fucking buy it yourself, its very reasonable price and no post fees.

>> No.13356434

Also, whats so special about it? Seems like usual NTR nukige, there are tons of that stuff coming out each year.

>> No.13356435

This is going to be a busy month, I'm looking at several games.

>> No.13356439

I'm a NEET, you could buy it for me though.

>> No.13356446

I buy only female-POV slutge.

>> No.13356450

Tell me about it, 10 titles to buy/download.

>> No.13356460

I would buy DS9 ディベートスクールナイン though. An eroge about the amendment of the 9th article of the Japanese constitution. I love silly shit like this.

>> No.13356475

Those are pretty damn good. I like your taste

>> No.13356488
File: 140 KB, 882x595, オタサーの姫に告られた結果wwwww_-_Nightly_2015-04-14_23-26-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it has a denpa-ish aspect to it. Try hovering over the Story section text or character sections.

>> No.13356588

He looks like that jerk who bullied you in high school

>> No.13356625

... Maybe this why "manly" protagonists aren't common.

>> No.13356779

As someone who plays a ton of NTR nukige this one has a relatively unique premise (and I think it's the only eroge about otasaahimes).

The selling points list "human drama" before ero anyways, so it seems they are going to have some focus on characters and story. Ero is the second selling point so it'll probably balance ero and story, which is the best kind of eroge. The ero isn't even all NTR either, it seems like a mix.

All in all the promo material reminds me of Ningen Debris, and we don't often get eroge like that.

>> No.13356853

I rather have a pretty boy alpha protag.

>> No.13356924

Natsuyume Yawa looks cool
Does it work well with an emulator?

>> No.13356956

How the fuck they aren't dead yet anyway?

>> No.13357026

I swear people like you completely missed the point of Subahibi. In no way it's a flaw.

>> No.13357232

Yes. Use software mode and FMVs work too. If you have problems with sound, try different sound back-end.

It's not like a VN can benefit from HW mode enhancements anyway, so it's okay.

>> No.13357337

Did you read it? Is it any good?

>> No.13357338
File: 230 KB, 1166x875, 142961923384272850177_b-15-4-21-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13357375

Not yet, just tried skipping around a bit to see how it runs in PCSX2.

>> No.13357587

new thread?

>> No.13357659

I finished Natsuyume Yawa yesterday, really liked it
It has a really unique setup, I mean the everything is a dream/delusion type of story isn't exactly rare but the way it goes about it feels really fresh

And Romeo does his A game in his route, it's long and extremely fun to read

Pretty much one of the best console only VN along with My Merry Maybe

>> No.13357664


>> No.13357677

There is no spoiler there, I mean the title is pretty explicit

>> No.13357691

Hey, I just understood it like protagonists having night talks about dreams they have during summer. Not necessarily that all is a dream.

>> No.13357696

There is a lot more to it than "just a dream", don't worry about it that's no spoiler

>> No.13357700

Okay, I'll take your word for it.

>> No.13357707

>As someone who plays a ton of NTR nukige
Are you a cuck?

>> No.13357711

I'll make the new thread, it's been a while

>> No.13357719

New thread

>> No.13358313
File: 320 KB, 872x1250, Toushin Toshi 2 Manual 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generic moege artist #10269

The girls look so fucking stupid. Why would you design these monsters? Someone needs to teach their artist how to not suck and maybe force them to watch Lodoss or study Takei Masaki's art from Dragon Knight.

>> No.13358802

Go to bed, gramps.

>> No.13359533

5pb, I guess.

>> No.13359991

Heh, here I was going to include a comment about how the Subahibi Defense Force will jump down the throat of anyone criticizing its repetitiveness, and justify it with 2deep4u, but I didn't want to be needlessly antagonistic.

Again, I'm open to an explanation of why it's ok when Subahibi does it. It wasn't a sarcastic question.

>> No.13360357

So what's the best way to play these games for a person not fluent in Nippon? Any preferred options right now when it comes to machine translation overlaying?

>> No.13360385

>best way to play these games for a person not fluent

Looking at the pretty pictures and making up your own stories. Should be as accurate as machine translation.

>> No.13360409

Just get ITH and Translation Aggregator with JParser so you can look up any words you don't know, though it's not always reliable. You do need to know the grammar and having at least some volcabulary before starting is good, but with a month or few of studying you'll be able to read some simpler games. It can be tiring and slow at first but you'll get better eventually.
