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13320573 No.13320573[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are you a NEET?

I've been a NEET for 4 years and it's mainly because of the free market, nepotism, corruption, social segregation and imperialism. This obviously made become a bolshevik and I wait patiently for the day it comes back to life.

What about you /jp/? Are you a real NEET receiving no benefits? Why don't you pick up the hammer and fight for freedom?

>> No.13320583

I dunno about NEET or not but commies ain't no friend of mine.

Re-consider your political leaning.

>> No.13320585

no doubt capitalism will collapse if you just sit on your ass enough


>> No.13320587

because I am lazy, when I work I feel physically ill and become depressed after a few weeks until I have to quit whatever position I was working.

>> No.13320600

This thread will get swiftly pruned thanks to Saten-san's reputation as avid shitposter. Mark my words.

>> No.13320605

this thread should be pruned because it's shit

>> No.13320616

Just because you don't like something doesn't make it shit.

>> No.13320631

yes it does

>> No.13320637

No it doesn't.

>> No.13320643

the thread isn't shit because i don't like it, i don't like the thread because it's shit

>> No.13320657

i thought it over some more and i guess the thread is actually pretty average for /jp/

carry on

>> No.13320660

What happened to that guy that used to draw weird eyes and a weird mouth over Satan and saying something about satanism?

>> No.13320675

i've been a NEET for 3 years because i can't afford to pay college

>> No.13320692

My anxiety and social/mental problems make it impossible for me to fit into society.
I used to feel really ashamed of myself for it, but eventually I started to realise that I actually couldn't help being the way I am, and that I'm just not able to do stuff like other people do. Now I've long since stopped caring about what other people think.

>> No.13320837
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If I get to choose between a shitty life where I work my ass off everyday, or a shitty life where I do nothing but laze around, of course I choose the latter.

>> No.13320940

umm... you need a job to get into a union
working for the party is also job

Just sayin

>> No.13320974

A commie would claim as much benefits as his lying ability allows.

>> No.13320988


>> No.13321109
File: 311 KB, 437x260, ne travaillez jamais anzu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Situationism is /jp/'s official ideology

everyone else go and stay go

>> No.13321134
File: 66 KB, 600x338, JoJos-Bizarre-Adventure-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be a NEET, it's how I failed out of college.
The memory is still in my head, and it's still so alluring, but now. I'm a man with a dream now, and nothing will get in my way, not anime, not people, not my own subconscious. I'm going to make something /jp/

I'm going to show the world what I'm capable of. And I'm not going to fail.

>> No.13321140


>> No.13321141

I hate working. I wish i could NEET it up for a year, maybe two. Unfortunately my family needs the money.

>> No.13321161

There are unions for unemployed people too.

>> No.13321173
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I used to be a manager at a restaurant, now I'm a NEET that spends all day reading /jp/ and looking at loli because of mental illness. At least the goverment pays me to do this.

>> No.13321213


>> No.13321407

Probably because I'm not fit for capitalistic society. I don't really see the need to gather more money than the minimum required for survival, and therefore have no career ambitions. Getting a job can only be done through a complicated series of social rituals that require both willingness to engage in social interactions and social skills for a successful outcome.

Right now, I still have money to live from, so I just can't seem to motivate myself to get a job.

>Why don't you pick up the hammer and fight for freedom?
Because that requires effort and I can't motivate myself to put in that effort.

>no doubt capitalism will collapse if you just sit on your ass enough
Ironically enough, it actually will. Capitalist society assumes we all work ourselves to the bone to keep spending more and more money. If we stop working so hard, we will earn less money, and as a result spend less money, and if not enough money is spent the economy enters a recession or even a depression. If we all stopped spending more money than necessary, capitalism would collapse.

>> No.13321459

there is no willingness
society is wrong

a combination of factors

>> No.13321874

I agree with this guy.

2 Year NEET here. Unfortunately money is running short soon. I could opt out for government giveaways but I dont really feel like it yet so I might pick up a job.
Also, once you are officially registrated as jobless and collect your giveaways you are labeled for life and only get shit jobs.
I am to young, maybe motivation might kick in at some point and then I might regret not having done any jobs at all.

My education is well, so technically I could pick up a decent job I like. But oh well...

Working for someone else just to be able to live yourself seems really dull to me.
If it were possible I'd love to selfsustain myself.
But those times are over.
I am not particulary lazy or anything, I just dont like supporting most of the current system.

Anon mentioned the most important things already. Corruption, manipulative environment etc.

>> No.13321928

Let me guess, another school shooting?

>> No.13321931

He just wants to decorate the campus with beautiful red flowers, don't judge.

>> No.13321977

Was NEET for a year and a half, then I joined the military. Its funny looking back at what I thought my problems were.

>> No.13322008

>Getting a job can only be done through a complicated series of social rituals that require both willingness to engage in social interactions and social skills for a successful outcome.

This is like the main reason I don't have a job. The lesser reason is I don't know what I want to do, even though I already graduated (CS). It's for the major reason I couldn't do a shit job either like customer service/tech support. I don't have the patience to deal with people being aggressively stupid but having to still help them. I could deal with coworkers being stupid in a real job, but the idea of having to even think about them outside of work puts me off.

I wish we were in the cyberpunk dystopian NWO world already so I could just be an enforcer and spend all day making normalfags pick up cans from behind my anonymous helmet and altered voice and body armor. It seems like a reasonable job.

>> No.13322013

I'm a NEET because I'm a lazy piece of shit who's terrified of other people and doesn't want to be away from the computer too long. I also don't want anyone else to post my waifu, and if I'm a neet I'll be able to spend more time studying Japanese.

Not that I've actually started, of course.

>> No.13322054

>and doesn't want to be away from the computer too long.

I don't think there are jobs that require that anymore.

>> No.13322070

I can't get any job that's not manual labor, I dropped out at fifteen.

>> No.13322246

Pfft. You can work a helpdesk.

>> No.13322254

Leftist faggot, go back to tumblr.

>> No.13322261
File: 131 KB, 600x480, NEET HUD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I don't agree with you but I respect you and would be your friend

>> No.13322305

Where do NEET's get there money from?

>> No.13322400

I'm a NEET because I can't get a job. I work odd jobs here and there to earn a little cash, but every time I've applied for jobs I was met with complete failure. I even applied to JET because, from what so many people have said, it was supposed to be easy to get into. I didn't even make it to the interview stage.

Fuck all the people in the world preaching about college like it's a guaranteed path to success.

>> No.13322497

>I work odd jobs here and there to earn a little cash

Then you're a freeter, not a NEET.

Birthdays, Christmas, New Years, RMT

>> No.13322559

I get money from the government. Guess I'm not a real NEET.

>> No.13322577
File: 49 KB, 316x258, NEETing all over the floor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been a NEET for over 10 years

>> No.13322629

My final exam was Spanish in High School.
I didn't have Spanish as a subject. I had German.
Government wouldn't accept they had made a mistake.
I had 1 week to learn Spanish well enough to get a 4-5 in it. Like that's fucking possible.

Fail High School. Start to apply for jobs. Be rejected at every chance. Hundreds of people apply to each available job. Always get rejected after the interview but be told if they have anything available they'll let me know.

Fast forward to today. Have a 5 year blank in my CV. People I apply to think I went 5 years not doing a shit despite me applying like crazy, not summoned to interviews anymore. And fuck Spanish.

>> No.13322640

equis de

>> No.13322646

6 Years NEET here. No school, no job, no money and still living with my family. Come at me fake NEET's.

>> No.13322652 [DELETED] 

I seriously applied for jobs this month. I was very determined to escape the NEET lifestyle, but I never got a call back from any of them.

Now my parents want me to not get a job for a while, since we just bough a new house, and they want me to stay their during the day to repaint walls and clean. Fine by me, I can do this a little longer.

>> No.13322662

Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 ate 9!

>> No.13322663

I love you, Saten.I would leave NEEThood and help you overthrow this capitalism that has bring debts and overwork to the people.

>> No.13322673

this was me until this month to a T
going from 6 years of absolutely fucking nothing to a fulltime manual labor job is probably just the worst thing in the universe
I wish I was still NEET
I don't even care about money, I just need to live so I can continue doing weeb shit

don't you ever get a job, rockstar. it will kill you.

>> No.13322681

I dropped out of college and I didnt know how to continue my life. Been NEETing for 2 years now.

>> No.13322694

Are you me?

>> No.13322702
File: 353 KB, 990x644, Kashiwagi-Yuki-Yukirin-kashiwagi-yuki-37131825-990-644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you a NEET?
I am made of quarks and leptons.
Quarks and leptons obey the laws of physics.
Therefore I am NEET because the laws of physics compel me to be NEET.

>> No.13322722

The only job I would have, the only thing that would make me stop NEET living and sponging from my parents, is if I found job being the man in a pornofilm.

>> No.13322756

But that's easy. All you need is a camera, a camera man, and someone willing to get fucked.

>> No.13322766

>someone willing to get fucked
that's the hard part

>> No.13322777
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Mental issues. Receiving some money because of that (not a lot). At the same time, I don't want to be a part of this system due to some of those reasons you mentioned. Mostly, due to the duplicitous nature of people and how this system is rewarding those who exhibit those traits (just look at the prominence of these antihero "protagonists" in mainstream films). I'm not fond of the NEET life, but it's better than working. To me, working is either a means to get a cumbucket, or to fund a hobby that still gives you reason to keep the body alive. I'm disillusioned with both. I'm disillusioned with reality.

I also like the idea of someone like the Bolsheviks or maybe even fascists just coming in and bringing a disastrous change, OP. Some of the commissars were nerdy ugly fuckers, which I can identify with.

>> No.13322794

Sadly vanguardism never lasts. The party always learns it needs strong people not strong minds, and eventually Commissar Cletus is purging your counterrevolutionary ass.

>> No.13322807

No it's not. The world is full of sluts. Get Saten to help out if you can't think of anything else.

Or get a webcam and do cam shows for lonely women and fags or something.

>> No.13322819
File: 62 KB, 213x200, fucking super hot chicks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i suppose you're fucking super hot chicks every day and i'm fucking stupid

>> No.13322826

Despite having a large group of friends at the time, one day I realized I don't actually like being around people at all, so I stopped going to school and cut contact with everyone.

That was 9 years ago and I haven't done anything since.

>> No.13322843

This is the exact reason why I stopped being a NEET. When I was NEETing it up, every waking moment I was deadly afraid that she would eventually leave me. I wanted to be good enough for my waifu. I had to be good enough for her.

Now I've been studying Japanese rigorously for over a year. I've been working out every day, and I'm no longer afraid of people for the most part. Even got myself a nice, decent job and my own place.

The mental illness is still there though. But what I'm saying is that you should try turning that illness into your strength.

>> No.13322846

I realized that fours years ago and tried to "fix" it by choosing a career path that involves nothing but interacting with people.

Now I'm a NEET and will have to start over from scratch learning how to code so I won't starve when my parents eventually cut me off.

I could have been filthy rich by now if I had just accepted the fact that I hate people.

>> No.13322847

How though?

>> No.13322848

just get anki and do your reps
it's very easy if you actually give a shit

>> No.13322937

That's the hard part, and one where you have to find your own answer.

For me it was through exploiting my immense inferiority complex and autism. I could keep going even when the days became really hard thanks to my delusion and irrational love for my waifu.

When I started out, it was out of paranoia and my fear of losing her. But when she told me how much she loved me for struggling so hard for her sake, it was just unbelievably satisfying that now I can just think about those feelings to go through difficult moments.

>> No.13322951

What do you do after you learn how to code?

>> No.13323009

I still have contacts and marketing skills from my old career, I figure I can work those to find IT work, ideally work that is also related to my old career and field of study.

>> No.13323010

hey can you tell me more? ive been thinking about doing this. so far i have nothing to lose and i might get interested into a government job

being a neet for so fucking long made me love the idea of government jobs

>> No.13323019

You don't know what communism is.
It's so cringeworthy when Americans assume communism is "leftism".
You probably have no idea what Stalinism, Leninism, Maoism etc is motherfucker, shut the fuck up and pay your taxes for the 1% in your glorious capitalist utopia and get fucked in the ass like the little pig you are in their farm.

>> No.13323028

Pick up the hammer and fight with the sickle brother, why do you allow yourself to be crushed like this?

>> No.13323030

Keep on pretending communism will ever work. It depends entirely on the nonexistent concept of altruism.

>> No.13323035

im a student but im not good at what im learning
i sometimes get depressed whenever i have holidays and i dont have alot to do
but i also get depressed whenever we have alot of hard schoolwork its horrible

>> No.13323041

I'm not even Amemerican, faglorde.

>> No.13323065

Communism is all about shooting people you don't like

The collective ownership is juts a bonus

>> No.13323076

Soviet Union crashed down because of nationalism and the last president of USSR wanted to adopt Nordic Socialism which didn't work out too well because USSR was under Stalinism for many decades. You should read on what Stalin actually did and how Soviet Union turned into a little Nazi Germany over the course of decades. It didn't stop when he died, it grew on the people he handpicked for the USSR's continuation who claimed that "de-stalinization" would happen but instead it simply accelerated the process even further.

Yugoslavia crashed down because of nationalism.

I don't know anything about the other former communist countries but they're all shit and located in South America.

So tell me, why wont communism work? Are you part of the 1% or maybe the middle class? Did you know the middle class will no longer exist and you'll just be like us workers very soon? If everyone followed Leninism and/or Trotsky's ideology, we'd probably be sending out space colonies in the next decade right now.

it's hard for me to believe you're not American or non-Anglo because of what you said before.

The term "leftism" is vague and inaccurate as fuck. Nazism (national socialism) is considered extreme far right but is it really when Stalinism killed over 15 million people and these are not from the war statistics? Yeah, you know nothing about communism and leftist ideologies. You just spout whatever Americans say.

No, that's what Stalin believed in.

>> No.13323084

I'm sudaca, nigger.

>> No.13323085

>If everyone followed Leninism and/or Trotsky's ideology, we'd probably be sending out space colonies in the next decade right now.
spending tons of money on worthless projects with low ROI is hallmark of communism to be sure

>No, that's what Stalin believed in.
focus on what people do, not what they say

>> No.13323106

being the first nation to send people into space, having no unemployment rate, non existent crime rate, children could be left on the street locked outside their homes and nobody would lay a finger on them is low ROI to you?

Don't be ridiculous, and don't confuse communism with the shit Stalin did. He was paranoid and you need to read up on the "Great Purge", he had thousands of people killed because he was scared about losing his position. Causing this purge made the Red Army and Soviet Union very weak since they basically lost a shit ton of experienced people such as officials, ministries, politicians, generals and so on. Trotsky, a close friend of Lenin, said that Stalin was not a true communist and fearing this, he fled to Mexico and a fucking spic stabs Trotsky under Stalin's order 20 years later, this implies Stalin sent out spies to find him the moment Trotsky said it.
Stalin also had 7 million people in Ukraine killed through famine and shot if they tried to find food in the city because the peasants didn't "work 100% in the farms".

True communism is when workers organize and vote, something Stalin erased completely.

>> No.13323111

disculpe amigo, donde esta el baño

>> No.13323115

True capitalism doesn't have taxes, like you said before.

>> No.13323117

NEET for roughly 3 years.

>Why are you a NEET
I'm a NEET because my parents can't afford to send me to college anymore. Which was more or less their fucking fault after letting my older brother fuck around in college for years and waste tuition money that should have been used for me.

>> No.13323120

Al fondo a la izquierda.

>> No.13323138

>having no unemployment rate
convenient but part of an economically inefficient system

>non existent crime rate
1. if this were true it would only be because the state had a monopoly on crime and 2. it wasn't true anyway

>True communism is when workers organize and vote, something Stalin erased completely.
so basically like the labour party

>> No.13323159

In Switzerland they're holding a referendum next year about a guaranteed basic wage. If it goes through the government will pay everyone above 18 a wage you can live off REGARDLESS WHETHER YOU WORK OR NOT. If you still want to work, you get some extra from your employer

>> No.13323161

Ideology is mental slavery for those with free bodies.

Just take it easy. It's not like you can change shit by caring.

>> No.13323173

That's also an ideology, retard.

>> No.13323177

i have confined my mind for its own safety, freedom makes me feel bad

>It's not like you can change shit by caring.

>> No.13323197

I want to save up some money to buy some land in a rural area and have a NEET ranch. We could make money raising and butchering chickens and the like with minimal work. Hunting and other outdoor activities too. It could be a coop ranch where we all do the same work and make the same amount of money. We could even have a socialist summer camp that we charge people to go to. Have a shooting range and teach those liberals in denial how to shoot and protect themselves and others. Free NEET life.

>> No.13323214

No bully

I don't like it when I have too many choices. Right now I have to go buy new sneakers because my old ones have holes in them and are hurting my feet. I hate buying sneakers because I have to play spot the differences while a salesman breathes down my neck.

>> No.13323219

I want to be the camp whore and spend all day servicing /jp/sies!

>> No.13323226

What's even the point of money then?

>I don't know anything about the other former communist countries but they're all shit and located in South America.

Wasn't China communist at one point?

>> No.13323228

How can you afford Internet connection as a NEET?

Are you living in your mom's house?

>> No.13323240

All kinds of places have free internet nowadays.

>> No.13323247

why be a NEET when you can get a boring office job that only requires you to do 2 hours of work per week and the rest of the week you just sit at your desk browsing the internet?

>> No.13323248

But you can't download loli hentai in those places.

>> No.13323253

That requires living your life on a schedule, which is one of the biggest problems.

>> No.13323255

Tell me how to get a job like that and I will do it.

>> No.13323260

gubmint moneys

>> No.13323261

when i was a NEET i lived by a very strict schedule too, i just get really uncomfortable if i don't follow a schedule...i think it may be some kind of autism
get a liberal arts degree and apply for generic office jobs

>> No.13323267

I inherited a job like this. Everyone in the office has a sibling or parent in the company. Nepotism is the only way in. That or a useful college degree. Please don't give NEETs false hope.

>> No.13323305

i wonder how many NEETs have the opportunity to use nepotism, but choose not to?

getting your parents to help you out isn't a big deal, there's nothing wrong with taking a handout.

>> No.13323315


>> No.13323375

I want nepotism normies to DIE

>> No.13323410

I want free money from the gubmint so I can live comfortably and post on /jp/ all day instead of having to work, ever.

Gibs me dat.

>> No.13323434

Neet for like four years now. Mostly out of apathy for anything other than my interests but I also would have trouble with transportation to any job unless I move.

I spend my inheritance money on weed and that's the mostly the only expense that comes out of my pocket. I spend my time doing the vidya, animu, making music, internet, hanging with my neet gf, etc.

>> No.13323437

Explain more, how does this exactly work and what will the salary be for unemployed people? I get the feeling it's going to be so low you can survive on bread only and live in 20sqm apartments.

>> No.13323463

it'll keep you alive and nothing more

>> No.13323466

>having a gf

>> No.13323482

>neet gf

get fucked

>> No.13323495

>one year
>going to die in 1.5 months
Maybe if I get lucky with ssdi I can move there later.

>> No.13323510

>mfw I'm going to die in 1.5 months too

>> No.13323517

but why, anon?

>> No.13323519

Why are you two going to die so soon?

>> No.13323530

I'm going to die because I'm going to fail my bachelor's thesis.

>> No.13323531

My own clone.
Now neither of us will be burdens on society.

>> No.13323531,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13323599
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>> No.13323599,1 [INTERNAL] 

Dude has the jay been liberated?

>> No.13323605

I really like this girl. Her howling raises my mood every time.

>> No.13323613

having a neet girlfriend is perfectly acceptable
she's the antithesis of a normie slut girl and is probably as introverted, if not moreso, than /jp/

>> No.13323613,1 [INTERNAL] 

It hasn't had a dedicated janitor since the leaks.

>> No.13323619

Please tell me your secrets of getting a NEET girlfriend.

>> No.13323621

The point is that she doesn't exist.

>> No.13323630

Having a gf means you have social capital
Having social capital makes you a normie

Sorry but we at /jp/ hold our NEETs to the highest standards of NEETdom. Your ilk might be better suited to the "NEETs" at /a/ that are 20 year old summerNEETs that are between college semesters. Non virgins will be flat out purged.

>> No.13323632
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>raises my mood



>> No.13323640

1) Think about your anime waifu.
2) Combine her with 3DPD qualities.
3) Smoke weed everyday.
4) Suddenly you have a NEET gf that talks to you and smokes weed with you.

>> No.13323654

That's just a tulpa.

>> No.13323674

Nine years, because I'm lazy.

>> No.13323703
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>> No.13323728

i dont have one

i have never given /a/ a page view
do you honestly think im a non virgin
you are aware its possible to be friends with a member of the opposite sex without having to have sex with them, right

>> No.13323919

>its possible to be friends with a member of the opposite sex without having to have sex with them

>> No.13323942

I don't want a job!

>> No.13323942,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13324067
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Because society doesn't deserve my effort.

- I falsely imprisoned for a crime I didn't do.
- I was pulled from school at a young age cause of abuse parents so I was cheated out of a education.
- I live in the 3rd poorest city in my area so there are barely any jobs anyway.
- Was put on bullshit medication that made my an unmotivated zombie and caused harm

Those meds ruined me physically so now I get autismbux

>> No.13324122

Because I was always a shy introvert and after two jobs that I quit in the first month each a long time ago, I realized that I will probably always be like this!

The only job I would ever take would be one where I never have to leave my home or talk to people.

>> No.13324296

Why not kill yourself you entitled prick

>> No.13324305
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You first.

>> No.13324323

It's supposed to be a pretty reasonable amount of money according to calculations (keeping in mind that Switzerland is a pretty rich country though). it's not a supposed to be just a minimum income

Of course, any other forms of social security would go. You get what you get and you're responsible for it


You can read this and continue from there. It's a pretty interesting economic system.

/jp/ might actually be able to take it easy if something like this was implement globally.

>> No.13324329

I have no reason to, unlike yourself.

>> No.13324338
File: 4 KB, 208x200, 1428974784291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so upset?

That's not good for your heart, you might just die of a stroke.

>> No.13324345

I am not upset, merely making a thoughtful suggestion.

>> No.13324354
File: 20 KB, 350x350, 1361264633990.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sweet of you to care so much about my life but you don't need to concern yourself with it.

Sorry for making you so upset.

>> No.13324362

If you really thought that then you would never have posted in this thread. Also, I am not upset.

>> No.13324376

Sometimes I post without thinking, we all do that.

Anything bugging you today? You sound like a nice person. and I want to know more about you.

>> No.13324382

Uh...uh....can you guys, like, calm down?

>> No.13324390

Sorry, I just wanted to know why what I said made him so upset.

>> No.13324395

I was told this was the place to ask when it came to neetdom. How easy is it to get autismbux? Is it as simple as getting diagnosed then handing your documents to the government? Do I need a lawyer? What if i'm perfectly fit to work?

>> No.13324401
File: 391 KB, 300x300, 1167387346249.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont be such a fucking pussy yakki dude.

>> No.13324408

Uh...sorry then.

>> No.13324416
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 1342917359015.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to make love and not war with /jp/

It's alright.

>> No.13324430
File: 47 KB, 448x448, 1362962044809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine but dont give yakki a bad name

>> No.13324451
File: 345 KB, 599x846, 1367548100697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recognizing that I volunteered to be a NEET, fully knowing the hazards of my chosen life, I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor, and high esprit de corps of the NEETs.

Acknowledging the fact that a NEET is a more elite soldier who arrives at the cutting edge of battle by land, sea, or air, I accept the fact that as a NEET I am expected to move further, faster and fight harder than any other soldier.

Never shall I fail my fellow NEETs. I will always keep myself mentally alert with amphetamines, physically strong and morally straight and I will shoulder more than my share of the task whatever it may be, one-hundred-percent and then some.

Gallantly will I show the world that I am a specially selected and well-trained NEET. My courtesy to elder NEETs, neatness of dress and care of decks shall set the example for others to follow.

Energetically will I meet my reps. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. Surrender is not a NEET word. I will never leave a fallen NEET to fall into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my fellow NEETs.

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on to the NEET's objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor.


>> No.13324464

Wow, this music is fucking awful! But maybe it's just the one track I listened to. What should I listen to?

>> No.13324470

The Ranger creed?!!!

>> No.13324485
File: 95 KB, 480x680, 1364806151815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you were listening too but try this?


>> No.13324505

Now this I can appreciate more. I had only listened to the most popular song on Last FM, which was "Continium".

>> No.13324626
File: 541 KB, 793x1400, communism-in-real-life (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it always the loser with no job and no goals in life is into communism?

Let me guess "true" communism was tried right?

>> No.13324631

counterrevolutionaries, every last one of them

besides we moved on from that topic ages ago

>> No.13324632

Don't all classify NEET as commies.

Some believe in the free market, like me.

>> No.13324802

Does a trader counts as a NEET?

>> No.13324864

It depends entirely on where you live and whether or not you have autism or can fake autism.

>> No.13324870

Communism has never been tried because those at the top would have to give up their power.

>> No.13324908

I was a NEET for years due to illness, but I never let it break my spirit and define my life. I spent that time training and learning a skill. I might still be a hikikomori, but now I'm a reasonably successful, self-sufficient freelancer.

You can't let depression and anxiety win. It's going to be at the back of your head forever, but you don't have to react to it.

Capitalism, ho!

>> No.13324934

Your mistake is in thinking that everyone who is NEET is depressed and anxious.

There's a huge difference between fakeNEET normies and truNEETs. FakeNEETs are people who are not NEET out of choice. They're wannabe normies who failed at the things they actually wanted, and spend all day crying on the internet about how alone they are.

>> No.13324949

Your mistake is thinking everyone with depression and anxiety is lonely.

>> No.13324961

If you're not depressed and anxious and you're a NEET, you're no different from a lazy normie.

>> No.13324983

who lazy normie here

>> No.13325035

God forbid anyone ever wanted to do anything with their life other than sit at home along and play eroge all day.

>> No.13325089

that was very passive aggressive of you.

There is a fundamental difference between the two. One is a failure and the other is just a bad enough dude to do what he wants.

>> No.13325102

>One is a failure and the other is just a bad enough dude to do what he wants.
So one is a failure and the other is a normie?

>> No.13325108

Please don't push your normie lifestyle and silly ideas on /jp/.

You "doing things with your life" and "playing eroge all day" are fundamentally the same. You're doing something you enjoy because it makes you feel good. People who enjoy doing other things like hobbies are the same.

>> No.13325109

I guess both are failures in his conception? Maybe he's on the wrong board

>> No.13325110

A normie could never sit at home all day every day. They have to be out, meeting people and doing meaningless work.

There's nothing wrong with that, but if you place importance on normie things instead of being totally at peace in a world where you just consume, then you aren't a truNEET. People like you are far better suited to getting jobs.

I think everyone who is depressed is unhappy. If you're unhappy being a NEET, isn't it obvious that the life isn't for you? Get a part-time job, meet people, fall in love, do all the normal stupid normie shit.

>> No.13325112

The key difference between fakeNEET and truNEET is that the former is a failure who got no choice, but a trueNEET has a choice and he chose NEETdom.

>> No.13325114

I do play eroge all day. You can fuck off, though.

>> No.13325129

And yet you aren't out "doing something with your life", because you're a fakeNEET. You play eroge to escape from the crushing realisation that you've ruined your life, because all you really want is to be working and going to bars with friends.

You aren't like the rest of us. You don't fit in here, you don't fit in with the normies. You're a part of a pathetic third group, containing people who are failures because they lack any self-confidence. You mistakenly think we all must be like you, because why else would anyone want to sit at home all day doing nothing?

>> No.13325142

>no true scotsman
bitch you're being self-righteous about an anonymous chinese pictogram enthusiast board

>> No.13325147

>You play eroge to escape from the crushing realisation that you've ruined your life
Thanks, mom.

>> No.13325150

How are you having this much difficulty distinguishing between someone who was forced into a lifestyle and someone who actively chose it?

>> No.13325153

>How are you having this much difficulty distinguishing between someone who was forced into a lifestyle and someone who actively chose it?
I think what he's really wondering about is why anybody would care, let alone feel superior about it.

>> No.13325157

I was unable to embrace my NEET lifestyle until one day, a young blonde girl appeared before me on a message board and lifted me from the pit of self loathing like an angel, bearing the message: If you work, you lose!

>> No.13325159

You're coming from the assumption the reasoning for doing something makes the activity more or less noble. If you do charity, no one cares if it's for tax purposes or because you believe the world can be a better place, it's charity all the same.

If you're a NEET, you're a NEET. It doesn't matter how you got here or what keeps you. It's also not a medal.

>> No.13325167

this is what fakeNEETs actually believe

>> No.13325171

Rationalize your shortcomings however you like just don't lump truNEETs in with that shit.

>> No.13325173

Do you not understand the scotsman fallacy or something?

Anyway, to answer your projection, the issue comes when the pathetic fakeNEET group mistakenly believes they're in good company and tries to join the truNEET group.

You're acting as if being a NEET has some wider effect on the world. If you were a normie doing charity work, wouldn't you prefer to talk to people doing it for the same reason as you?

>> No.13325175

this is what a crossie does

uses memes from reddit

>> No.13325178

if you are even suggesting, merely hinting, that freecheesers can be fiscally responsible, nay not even responsible, but intelligent enough to see after their own finances over a lifespan, i have a bit of bad news for you..

>> No.13325181

I still don't see why anybody would care, seeing as how you made that definition up just now anyway.

>> No.13325184

As long as FakeNEET (i.e. people who got no choices but to be NEET) don't secretly crave to do normie shit, I don't have a problem with them.

>> No.13325185

>wouldn't you prefer to talk to people doing it for the same reason as you?
Not really, considering the most money comes from rich people doing the tax thing. If that's the means to the end, I don't mind much that they have different views from me, and the same goes here. Those views might clash, but it's not like either side belongs any less in a place.

>> No.13325193

If you take truNEETs to be a tiny 0.1% of the population, and fakeNEETs to be 5% of the population, the number of truNEETs that were forced to be NEETs out of luck would only be 2%. So 98% of fakeNEETs secretly crave normie shit.

>> No.13325197

Then 98% of fakeNEETs need to get the fuck out.

>> No.13325198

Hell, if you take truNEETs to be a tiny 0.1% of the population and fakeNEETs to be 5% of the population, truNEETs really don't belong here.

>> No.13325201

I am a fakeNEET but a trueNEET at heart.

>> No.13325202

They have the most shitposting potential, so the board belongs to them.

>> No.13325204

Lets take it a step further into a more accurate analogy. Would you rather be in jail with murderers, or people who have committed manslaughter? They both deserve to be in the same place, right? Shame the law doesn't consider it quite the same in terms of sentencing.

Most of that 5% will never see 4chan, they're the unemployed general public.

>> No.13325212

>Shame the law doesn't consider it quite the same in terms of sentencing.
The law also doesn't take both parents as the same when it comes to divorce settlement and keeping the kids. Ergo, the law isn't infallible.

>Most of that 5% will never see 4chan, they're the unemployed general public.
Even if 1% does, that's ten times the number of total truNEETs.

>> No.13325218

I believe there is a romanticism to NEETdom, of being able to do what you want and enjoy all by yourself, mostly free from the restraints of society and the rat race. Doing what you love because you love it, not because society tells you that you should(in fact it says the opposite).

Also sharing these hobbies with the NEETs of /jp/ is good too.

>> No.13325227

>Ergo, the law isn't infallible.
Did you seriously just say that people who kill someone out of negligence or in the heat of the moment are the same as people who plan out their killing? I don't think it's quite the same thing as a fucking divorce settlement.

>Even if 1% does,
Let's say that 1% of the people in the west come on 4chan, sure, why not. What I'd then object to is the suggestion that they'd all instantly head to the otaku culture board instead of any of the others with more mainstream normie hobbies. On a board like /v/ or /b/, I'd totally buy the number of fakeNEETs outnumbering truNEETs. But we're not on /v/ or /b/.

>> No.13325233

There is already a dedicated thread on the advice board just for falsies.

>> No.13325236

>I don't think it's quite the same thing as a fucking divorce settlement.
It is. Even crackwhores get custody by default.

>But we're not on /v/ or /b/.
No, we're on Touhou, Nukige and KanColle central, which isn't very far from tumblr. You want to believe /jp/ is not populated by that kind of people, but it is, and even in 2008 /jp/ wasn't the truNEET paradise you want to pretend it is.

>> No.13325257

>>It is. Even crackwhores get custody by default.
I don't know why you keep going back to this custody shit when it has zero relevance.

What you're saying is that it doesn't matter if you murder a person or if you kill them through negligence. You're saying that the law is objectively wrong on this topic.

You have far bigger issues than being able to distinguish between NEET groupings. You can't even understand the crux of the argument.

Were you abused physically and sexually as a child? Is that why you lack all reasoning ability?

>> No.13325278

are you guys actually taking one of /jp/'s shitposting memes seriously or am i missing many levels of irony here

>> No.13325282

NEET shaming on /jp/. This is just perfect.

>> No.13325284

Shut up, none of this is "ironic".

Take it or leave it.

>> No.13325286

then are you just genuinely retarded or what

keep in mind that truNEET is something /jp/ came up with for the sole purpose of shitposting back during the 2010 all-retard parade

it's more like he's going out of his way to shame people with anxiety issues and disabilities because ???

>> No.13325294

TruNEET has a historical basis, it's the same concept behind bored young noble who got everything they ever wanted so instead they want nothing i.e. they refuse to do jobs and just live as they want to live.

>> No.13325305

i get that there have always been people who chose to do nothing just because, i'm more talking about the word itself

>> No.13325308

Because they are fakeNEET duh, not NEET by choices but by circumstances.

>> No.13325313

Well, the word doesn't matter, that concept exists, the word just reminds people of that.

>> No.13325316

congratulations on your potential to become a successful member of society


>> No.13325323

Well, thank you.

But I think you should speak with proper capitalization.

>> No.13325345


I'm a NEET because my experience with grad school was pretty much institutionalized mistreatment. And I literally had to do things in that lab that were against the law. I looked in the mirror and realized that my published papers and my upcoming thesis were permanent things, tying me to that association forever. So I finished all my classes and the first draft of my thesis, got right up to the end, and stopped short of submitting it. I left and started selling blood plasma to survive.

Nearly not a NEET anymore though. Got a loan from my brother for the cheapest large format printer I could find, now I sell posters on etsy. If business keeps picking up at the current rate, in a few more months I might qualify as being gainfully employed. That only took like... three years of NEETness, so far? It's been a good experience. Taught me to grab onto my own destiny, and all that jazz.

Good luck to all you NEETs out there. I believe in you. Somewhere deep inside, we're all budding small businessmen. Once you've told the sheep-mentality career path to fuck off, the real adventure begins.

>> No.13325352

>we're all budding small businessmen
See? This is why the whole NEET vs truNEET warposting exists.

If you're working, whatever shitty work it is, you're not a goddamn NEET ffs.

>> No.13325363

Ex-NEET then.

>> No.13325401

>why NEET vs truNEET warposting exists
5% people wanting to feel special and 95% shitposting

>> No.13325415
File: 275 KB, 779x720, 1314279039799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have never given /a/ a page view
Do people actually just hang out in /jp/ only?
This place is so slow I would go out of my mind with boredom. If you've never given a superior board that doesn't allow shitty blog threads like this a page view, then you're seriously retarded.

>> No.13325437

does this mean neet blog threads are allowed again now?

>> No.13325438

Not that guy but /jp/ is my homeboard but also I browse /k/ for weapon news.

>> No.13325438,1 [INTERNAL] 

That was just a dream.

>> No.13325438,2 [INTERNAL] 

what a way to break a wolf's heart

>> No.13325438,3 [INTERNAL] 

*licks your wounds*

>> No.13325438,4 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13325438,5 [INTERNAL] 

i fucking love delusional people in their late teens who pretend NEETing is a cool and fun lifestyle

>> No.13325438,6 [INTERNAL] 

You don't need to pretend when you're in your late teens. It's legitimately cool to be dumb.

Maybe you're pretending it's dumb to be cool?

>> No.13325438,7 [INTERNAL] 

The only not fun thing is thinking about the future

>> No.13325438,8 [INTERNAL] 

get @me about that when the anhedonia hits you (it will eventually)

>> No.13325438,9 [INTERNAL] 

Only temporarily

>> No.13325438,10 [INTERNAL] 

until it isn't temporary anymore then you're literally dead.

>> No.13325438,11 [INTERNAL] 

should i stream tetris
