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13312855 No.13312855 [Reply] [Original]

Have you guys beaten EoSD without using a continue? I've been practicing a lot and I've already beaten it 3 times, but using 2-3 continues while doing so. I'm playing on normal but I still can't do it

Areas of Difficulty-All of level 6, specifically the very end and the very beginning

>> No.13312870

That's what's called a 1cc. And yes, people here have done it. Just keep practicing the rough areas or watch people play. Watching your own replays can help too.

>> No.13312873

Hold shift to cum inside

>> No.13312916
File: 699 KB, 2545x1789, 48036995_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Download the vsync patches if you haven't yet OP. First gen windows games are nigh impossible on normal or even easymodo on vista/7/8 without them

>> No.13312927

Use Reimu B instead of A. Don't play easy.

>> No.13312932

I play Marisa A

>> No.13312973

Marisa B makes it pretty easy since master spark can burn through whole spellcards. Practice stage 6 in practice mode since Remilia is immune to bombs in some phases and it gives you some kind of certainty that you can beat her when you reach stage 6 with 3 lives.
Some spellcards look harder than they are and just need very little moving to the side to dodge but shoot all over the place when you move.

>> No.13313365

>I've already beaten it 3 times, but using 2-3 continues

So you haven't beaten it at all.
You get the bad ending if you use continues, meaning you failed.

>> No.13314500

I just did with Reimu B.
Git gud.

>> No.13314524

>people on /jp/
>1ccing a 2hu

>> No.13314589

Nah, nobody here has ever done it, we all just lie and say we do.

>> No.13314829

Its truer than you think sadly.

>> No.13314960

I've made it to Remilia's fourth health bar on Lunatic. Her final two spell cards are fucking evil.

>> No.13315083

Just once in normal.
No continues, 2 spellcards and 1 life left.

Currently im trying in Hard

>> No.13315160

>Remilia is immune to bombs in some phases
only her last spell is

>> No.13315885

I've gotten to Remilia's final on lunatic mode without continues. Shame that most of Remi's spells (and nonspells) are so brutal and Scarlet Meister is utter bullshit, makes me sad that I was so close to feeling like less of a 2hu scrub.

>> No.13315893

And her last non-spell when she's shooting.

>> No.13315991

I guess you could add that too, but since she is immune to any kind of attacks during that time it is obvious that it would also count for bombs

>> No.13316000

Thought it were more, maybe I just mixed it up with flandre.

>> No.13316010
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>> No.13316012

Yeah I did that back in 2012.

>> No.13316026

just learn the patterns and play safe, faggot.

captcha: iosis

>> No.13316031

You know, one of the best UFO players used to frequent /jp/.

>> No.13316097

xD is a protected /jp/ heritage, now go back to /v/ with your faggy image macros

>> No.13316120

Is EoSD the easiest game to beat on lunatic?

>> No.13316136

You're just exaggerating the past. There were never any "one of the best X players" in any western Touhou community, especially none on /jp/. Maybe a few half-decent ones, but all of the "best" are on the other side of the world.

>> No.13316148

Definitely the easiest bullet patterns. IN is generally considered the easiest because it gives out more lives and gives you a crazy amount of time to bomb after getting hit. I'm not sure if that's still true on Lunatic, or the bullets get hard enough to overtake EoSD.

Either easiest or second easiest, in other words.

>> No.13316158

No. Although EoSD Lunatic stages 1 and 2 are the easiest out of all the 2hu windows games.

>> No.13316159

Nah, probably SA or MoF.
You can bomb the entire game on Lunatic.

>> No.13316213

EoSD has it more that spellcards are randomly more difficult. Scarlet Gensokyo sometimes shoves you an almost solid wall of bullets into the face. So it's less predictable.

>> No.13316220

No, I'm not. He's one of the best survival UFO players but you wouldn't know.

>> No.13316226

SA is the hardest on normal.

>> No.13316230

Really, why is that?

>> No.13316239

I've easily cleared all other touhous on normal back when I cared about the franchise but Orin made me waste like 2 days on her. I remember even a visual guide on /jp/ teaching how to beat each of her spell cards. After I beat her everything went smoothly, but still.

>> No.13316241

>There were never any "one of the best X players" in any western Touhou community
>all of the "best" are on the other side of the world

You are absolutely wrong.
Here's just one example of the top of my head:
Not "one of the best players", but in fact THE best GFW player in the world is in fact "western".

>> No.13316247

>back when I cared about the franchise

Why do you even bother voicing your opinion then, when you don't play any more and you're obviously wrong?

>SA is the hardest on normal

UFO was unanimously considered to be the hardest on normal, that is until DDC showed up.

>> No.13316250


>> No.13316251

>moving the goalpost

>> No.13316258

Name ONE western player that's relevant in a main game. You can't.

>> No.13316265


>> No.13316271


>> No.13316281

Your mom last night.

>> No.13316282

>that is until DDC showed up.
What? No way is DDC hardest on normal when you can abuse bombing.

>> No.13316288

Great comeback

>> No.13316292

Yeah, it's my PB.

>> No.13316302 [DELETED] 

You for a genre that has so many games , most scoring systems are putrid shit.

>> No.13316305

You know for a genre that has so many games , most scoring systems are putrid shit.

>> No.13316369

Again with the UFO IS SO HORD meme.
I can't wait for the next game to come out so I can try forcing the next stupid statement. Maybe something like "zun wants to make his games as easy as possible so his son will have something to ease into in a few years." Cap this post.

>> No.13316400
File: 357 KB, 500x730, ghost stories.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently strugling with Imperishable Night to beat it without a continue, on n-normal m-mode.

>> No.13316420

It's not a meme it's a fact you fucking autist.

>> No.13316734

I am in the same conundrum.

I can easily beat PCB on normal but IN just gives me so much trouble by the fifth stage for some reason.

>> No.13316778

For the start of level 6, I found that moving to a side helps. For the very ending, assuming you mean Red Magic, try to keep a couple of bombs for when you can't dodge anymore. That card is bullshit.

Actually, "don't be afraid to bomb" seems to be the best advice for people struggling with Normal mode.

>> No.13316801

>by the fifth stage
Just bomb Reisen's spellcards.
They're too gimmicky to bother keeping up with.

>> No.13316804

No need to post in third person, chum.

>> No.13316810

>"don't be afraid to bomb"

Or don't be a pussy ass scub and learn to dodge properly.

>> No.13316811

don't listen to the bomb lovers, what is the point of clearing fucken normal mode thanks to bomb abuse? don't do this to yourself and play like a man, not like a coward.

>> No.13316839

teach me your ways

>> No.13316868

Try to clear game on hard instead
After doing it you should be capable of doing normal

>> No.13316886

Which character from eosd would you take on a date with handholding?

>> No.13316952

Only a idiot does not bomb when he knows he screwed up bad.

>> No.13316963

Flan, of course.

>> No.13316967

This. I've tried no bomb runs on hard when I first started and it definitly helps but knowing when to bomb is incredibly crucial. Simple yes, but its something you need to learn to make the reaction for. After not playing the game for years and returning my biggest fuck ups were when I knew I should bomb but don't because I forget or don't automatically do it as a response.

>> No.13317016


I'll agree with this. I can take most stuff on SA even on stage 5 or 6 with effort, but shit like Eternal Meek even on normal tends to just be an autobomb or die kind of deal despite how much i've longer i've played EoSD.

>> No.13317024

Only an idiot screws up bad.

>> No.13317034

Nope happens to everyone chump.

>> No.13317036

>what is the point of clearing fucken normal mode thanks to bomb abuse?
To be able to play practice mode. He needs to unlock the stages first.
After clearing bomb mode, players can practice the stages that give them trouble and aim for a no-bomb spamming clear.

>> No.13317062

Most people are idiots, we just like to pretend we're composed and calm in front of others.

>> No.13317065

>using practice mode
If you don't like all the bombs touhou gives you, play without bombs from the start. Or play UFO since it's oh so hard. You shouldn't feel bad for using bombs there.

>> No.13317109

>play without bombs from the start
suboptimal m8.
Why would you want to replay stages you already dominate.

>> No.13317133

By the time you can do stages 1-3 with ease theres no benefit to doing them again unless for full clearing game. Even if you randomly die once or twice its still better to do do 4-6 since they benefit you more anyways.

>> No.13317191

I thought you were better than those faggots, prorem. You get worse with every post.

>> No.13317206

You do realize he literally admitted to being a normie, right?
>You get worse with every post.
How much worse could it get?

>> No.13317211

Because I like the games. You're just fap obsessed pervert.

Get your dick out of your hand and your brain will function. You fail the latter stages because you still suck on the earlier stages, even if you think you can "do them with ease."

>> No.13317232

uhh op here ive got a little trouble, if anyone can help me out here thatd be greatly appreciated

so i accidentally turned off my computer about an hour ago. when i booted it back up i noticed moving windows around seemed to have a lower framerate. I started up EoSD it gave me this black strobe effect on the loading screen, and once it got out of it, the game was 1/2 the speed and locked at 30 fps. seeing it as an opportunity to unlock Flan, i beat it real quick and now have the stage unlocked (ill beat it legit once i fix this). I closed out the game because my controls started to fail for some reason and it acted like my Z button was always pushed down. Thinking it was a game related glitch, i closed the game and reopened it after beating it, only to see the same black strobe in the beginning and then locked 30 fps. I closed it out to go check if something in the game files was askew and suddenly an infinite stream of EoSDs began to launch without me even touching it or the files. it bugged my resolution so i restarted my whole computer and touhou still is locked at 30 fps and things on my computer look like theyre running at 30 fps in general (moving around windows). sorry for the long post but can anyone help me?

>> No.13317234

>you think you can "do them with ease."
If I were to do the first three stages over 3 times I'm confident that I'd lose no lives in 1 go and die once in another. Shit happens and if you get better at later stages you'll be much better off. I got stuck when I first started and didn't improve at all until I did stage 5 a whole fucking lot and then I somehow 1cc the game first time I tried it again.

>> No.13317236

>I like the games, ergo I shit on everyone who doesn't play in the exact same weird way that I do
I don't think you like the games, I think you like feeling smug.

>> No.13317242

No, some guy said it once and ran with it. Learn how chans work.
>How much worse could it get?
Selfies, non-SEA blogging, posting Ushijima again, and moving on to the touhous I like.

>> No.13317245

>Because I like the games
I was talking in the context of new players training to be able to 1cc a game.
I replay the stages I like even after years of knowing them from memory.

>posting Ushijima again
What did you just say you little bitch.

>> No.13317279

If you cheat, you don't like the games.

Uglyjima a shit.
A shit!

>> No.13317294

>If you cheat
How exactly is practicing to improve something you're bad at cheating?

>> No.13317314

post scores or fuck off

>> No.13317340

Go look at the hundreds of other times this topic is brought up.

>> No.13317591

I've beaten EoSD once on normal without a continue. Max starting lives and every bomb I could get my hands on for the ugliest just barely cleared clear you've ever seen. But it still made me happy.

>> No.13317598
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Please rate the degree of cheating from 0 (not cheating) to 10 (maximum hax) in the followings ways of approaching touhou gameplay
>using EoSD hitbox mod
>playing at low fps
>pause buffering while dodging
>pausing for any other reason
>using savestates
>using real hitbox mod
>using practice mode
>using external tools or programs in practice, but not in your 1ccs
>using continues
>playing with vpatch
>playing with translation patch
>using bombs
>pressing shift for focused movement

>> No.13317610

banging your mom: legit easy

>> No.13317627

>>playing with translation patch
10/10. Learning Japanese is harder than learning how to play a video game.

>> No.13317633

forgot a few
>having more than default starting lives
>having autobombs
>other than default arcade stick input device
>playing with a wingman to help you spot dangers ahead of time
>going into safespots

>> No.13317645

dammit can someone please help me here i cant beat EoSD till this is fixed

>> No.13317699


>> No.13317701

-10 (this actually sounds detrimental!)

>> No.13317737

but learning to read the text is easier than becoming actually good at the game

>> No.13317768

Because I held that opinion back then and I still think so. UFO's patternd on normal aren't that troublesome, at all. Only the fifth stage may be challenging but it's a matter of getting used.

>> No.13317863

>playing with a wingman to help you spot dangers ahead of time

This isnt actually something people with friends do, is it?

>> No.13318035

>First gen windows games are nigh impossible on normal or even easymodo on vista/7/8 without them
This is the silliest thing I've read all day, thanks anon.

>> No.13318044

The only reason I have the vsync patches is so I can run 06-10 in 1280x960 windowed.

>> No.13322570

>using shift is cheating
>using bombs is not

>> No.13322746

Knowing any patterns beforehand is cheating

>> No.13325860 [SPOILER] 
File: 288 KB, 512x256, 1429117894763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UFO was unanimously considered to be the hardest on normal, that is until DDC showed up.

I normal 1cc'd DDC on my 2nd try.
Took me a couple of weeks to normal 1cc SA and UFO.

>> No.13325885

Took me 3 months to beat EoSD on Normal when I first started playing.
And I 1cc'd DDC on my 5th/6th try.

What exactly does that prove?
Absolutely nothing.

>> No.13325937

I get my mom to do it

>> No.13326022

friendly reminder that using bombs is cheating, dying is cheating (just restart, faggot), holding shift is cheating too, unfocused too hard for u, indian nigger?

only legit clears are no miss no focus no bombs.

>> No.13326490

No ultra patch is cheating too.

>> No.13326543

I haven't played a single touhou game to completion. I've also been here since 2009.

>> No.13326615
File: 406 KB, 800x566, Miko (makuwauri).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing with UFO is that it forces you to route out the game, even on normal, whereas with most other games, if you are good enough at just dodging shit, you can get by without too much routing and using bombs.

With SakuyaA or MarisaB, DDC 1cc should be pretty easy if you bomb. With something like Sakuya B, it'll be much harder.

congrats dude

>> No.13326619

Don't you get enough of this in the soku threads?

>> No.13326624

Is Marisa A worth playing? Which of the Reimus should I play or is it just a preference?

>> No.13326632

I was stuck on stage 5 in SA, got frustrated enough to try another game and picked EoSD. It didn't take too long to 1cc it. I also discovered how immensely overrated all of EoSDs tracks are.

>> No.13326639

What game? If you're just starting, probably best to play either homing or needle Reimu, either is fine.

>> No.13326675

Always play laser Marisa

>> No.13327655

I'm used to laser Marisa, it's all I'm good with

>> No.13327702

The version I downloaded looks like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pnc8R4OzPVM

as opposed to this


Where do I get the version that doesn't look like ass?

>> No.13327728

I use Reimu B.

>> No.13327756

I tryied to 1cc it a year ago, but everytime I get to stage 6, the game shutdown. I got mad and I never played EoSD again.

>> No.13327791

the version you downloaded originally is the correct one

>> No.13327806


Yeah, a few years ago. It was the first touhou game I played, and I was hopelessly terrible at it. After a lot of dying, I finally beating it using continues. I only was able to 1cc after actually studying my mistakes/level patterns through replays.

Since I had to use death bombing, it came down conserving lives until the very end, and then shamelessly bombing on Remi (and NOT the actual stages).

While I still can't clear Lunatic, I've been able to 1cc 7,10,12,13,14 on normal (9 doesn't count).

>> No.13328876

SA is easy enough on normal if you use Suika. I 1CC'd it the first week because of all the extra lives I would get.

>> No.13334345

Why don't you try all four for a stage or two and see for yourself?

>> No.13339703
File: 227 KB, 430x471, reclining.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou is reclining. Communities which used to have a lot of activity are dying because of the lack of active players. Few new players want to get good, and people who have been around for a long time are starting to retire, or already have.

Who will save Touhou?

>> No.13339711

I think some of the very best Japanese players can beat it only using one continue.

>> No.13339975

Sounds like your graphics card is fried. Try safe mode and uninstalling and reinstalling drivers.

>> No.13340200

sorry i shouldve said i already fixed it, i accidentally turned on some weird ass 3D mode in my graphics card settings

>> No.13340345

But that would only concern the amount of hardcore players interested in the shooters. Most are and were casual fans, even the japanese.
And on /jp/, touhou is kept save by generals, because every other fandom here is either dead or just lingers in a single general thread.

>> No.13344408
File: 183 KB, 434x490, 1405285335203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that hard, I started out two years ago and sucked horribly. But since I was a determined edgelord, desperate to see the flanfly I kept at it. And after getting continuously slapped by Remilia for about two months, I finally got her. And still kept improving. Now I can complete normal on 99% of the tries and with a few warm-up runs Hard (default settings of course). Could probably do Lunatic if I had more free time/stuck with playing EoSD only.

So yeah, it all depends on your willingness to improve and win. And how autistic you are.

>> No.13344490

C'est offensif, mec.

>> No.13344516

What's the point of getting good at Touhou, though? Getting good at STGs are basically memorizing a lot of patterns and drilling yourself with an absurd amount of practice.

The irony of Touhou is that the game is fun on normal difficulty, but is just frustrating on anything higher. On normal difficulty, you can easily progress in the game and clear it in 1-2 weeks(Maybe even 1-2 days with talent or on an easy game like Imperishable Night)~. But on lunatic?

Fuck gettin' good. Endless cycle of watching replays, practice mode so you master spellcards, and drilling until you can ram your way through a game.

Also, screw EoSD. The graphics aren't as pretty and I don't get to see my hit box. Fuckin' NERDS.

>> No.13344521

i don't like touhou but you're wrong about pretty much everything

>> No.13344523

>What's the point of getting good at Touhou, though?

Being better than everyone else is an amazing feeling

>> No.13344541
File: 480 KB, 1395x800, 4c12b108d15f4f0cec451dbf13f5835f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody likes the 2hoes

I bet my ochinchin in your mouth would be an amazing feeling 2

>> No.13344546

>What's the point of getting good
Enjoying the game.

>> No.13345037

>The graphics aren't as pretty

yeah because Touhou has ALWAYS been about the graphics, not the gameplay

>> No.13345909


>> No.13346300

I can 1cc EoSD on normal but not Imperishable Night. What the fuck mang.

>> No.13346333

I've beaten EoSD without using a continue on easymodo.

>> No.13352345

I don't know why so many people say that IN is the easiest game. Sure, it's the easiest game on easymode, but for higher difficulties it's probably somewhere in the middle compared to the other games.

>> No.13353105
File: 103 KB, 1200x841, 1414262885935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EosD was my first main series 1cc which I got about a week ago and I've been playing Extra about an hour or two each day. I've only managed to get to Flandre's last card one time using Reimu A. I just cleared Normal with and switched to Marisa A and it's been a bit easier. I always choke on Maze of Love and it's difficult to recover.
I just learned Extra apparently doesn't have endings which was the main motivation to begin with, but I might as well clear it since I'm close. I probably won't bother doing so in the other games though.

>> No.13353214

The deathbomb system is overpowered.

>> No.13358213

>I just learned Extra apparently doesn't have endings
They have ending dialogues though.

>> No.13358257

How does Reimu danmaku? Just she just have like entire store houses of charms or whatever she chucks? Where does she keep them when shes flying around?

>> No.13358497

Same here.

I'd say most of the stage 4/5 boss spellcards are much harder in IN, which gives me trouble even with the OP deathbombing system because I am so crap at bomb allocation.

>> No.13359233

Would it be better to use something other than keyboard for smoother movement or am I just stuck with adapting?

>> No.13359509

there is no "degree of cheating", you're either gaining an unfair advantage over everyone else who is playing legitimately, or you aren't, there isn't a middle ground

>using EoSD hitbox mod
>playing at low fps
>pause buffering while dodging
>using savestates
>using real hitbox mod
>using external tools or programs in practice, but not in your 1ccs
all of these make any runs you do with them illegitimate, but of course using them for practice (as long as you don't use them in a real run) is not cheating

>using practice mode
>using continues
these are not real runs, so it doesn't matter what you do with them

>playing with vpatch
>playing with translation patch
i don't think this is cheating, since it doesn't affect gameplay but some people might disagree with me

>pausing for any other reason
>using bombs
>pressing shift for focused movement
these are all either part of the game and thus are not cheating

glad we cleared that up!

>> No.13359526

Huh? So like if you fuck up and need to start over you're supposed to like fucking close the entire game and then open it again?

>> No.13359530

no no, you're only allowed to try once, then you have to just give up and delete it forever

>> No.13359538

damn ive been playing wrong all along

*goes to delete EoSD*

>> No.13359894

this reminds me of the exploding CAB I saw in akibahara once,

basically one credit goes in and if you die it explodes so no one can ever play it again
