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File: 16 KB, 600x450, Love Chopsticks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1330605 No.1330605 [Reply] [Original]

Chinese restaurants are better than Japanese restaurants.

Japanese restaurants usually only have Japanese food. Chinese restaurants often have Chinese and Japanese food.

>> No.1330639

Maybe that's because Japanese food is better than Chinese food.

>> No.1330643


>> No.1330655

Japan stole all their food from other countries.

>> No.1330648

>Japanese food is better than Chinese food


>> No.1330659

What if I don't want Chinese food?

>> No.1330660

Hell yes! Thai is the greatest of all asian cuisine.

>> No.1330661

Then eat at a Japanese restaurant.

>> No.1330671

Dumb OP deserved an appropriately dumb response.

>> No.1330690

Chinese food is way better than moon food.

>> No.1330691

The fact that Japanese restaurants don't have Chinese food is usually one of their main selling points.

Sorry to break it to you hotdog-fried-rice enthusiasts.

>> No.1330993

Fake Japanese food. lol

>> No.1331004

From my experience this isn't true, but that's probably because here (as with i'm sure a lot of north american places) Japanese food is served in legit restaurants and Chinese food is sold in obviously worse quality scenarios like buffets and take out. I can think of maybe one sit down chinese restaurant in my city, the rest being the other two.

>> No.1331026
File: 40 KB, 550x341, 1221786629894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry to break it to you hotdog-fried-rice enthusiasts.

My mouth is watering already.

>> No.1331034

I don't know about you guys, but I don't go to a restaurant for the weeaboo experience. I love my cheap vaguely asian "Chinese" food.

>> No.1331042

>take out
Chinese take out is cheap and delicious.

>> No.1331043

same. I feel like I wouldn't even like to eat chinese food if I was in China. On second thought it would be so awesome to find an American-Chinese Restaurant in China.

>> No.1331054

I generally think Japan is so superior to China it's not even funny. However I prefer Chinese cooking, since they are familiar with the use of spices and sauces and such. Not just fried eel on rice, or seaweed soup with tofu cubes, or sliced raw fish.

>> No.1331077


Yeah, i'm just saying the playing field might be more level if people ate more 'traditional' chinese foods more often. I can't even name more than a handful.

>> No.1331120

I don't like Chinese food. I like Japanese food. Miso soup is delicious.

>> No.1331137

Japanese food > Chinese food

>> No.1331141

Sushi makes me vomit. Literally. I can't stomach the stuff.

>> No.1331157

Stop eating bad sushi.

>> No.1331156
File: 49 KB, 531x411, 1221788010769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike pussy Japan, China actually cooks their food. China wasn't nuked by the Americans. China does not allow dissent by its people, proving their superiority to Japan by executing all corrupt officials, and dissenting citizens. The Chinese have a stranglehold on the production of the world's goods. China is an upcoming superpower unlike that the world has ever seen.


>> No.1331167

I really want to eat "real" sushi!!

>> No.1331176

Sushi is everywhere, and it is served in America in Chinese and Korean restaurants as well.
This is a proof that their clientele knows that Chinese, Korean, and Japanese are not the same.

>> No.1331177

Hhahahaha no

>> No.1331175

holy shit, how do you not starve to death and die?

Seriously, japanese food is like some of the lightest stuff you can consume other than distilled water, it's just rice and some fish

I can understand maybe not handling German food or something...

>> No.1331190

Maybe because it wasn't cooked? I am not used to eating raw food.

>> No.1331195

>japanese food is like some of the lightest stuff you can consume other than distilled water, it's just rice and some fish
which is why it's unappetizing

>> No.1331198

totally agree.

living in japan, i would kill for some food that had more taste to it.
japanese cooking completely ignores the taste and use of herbs and spices.
i buy an 'american hotdog" being a corn dog, and all i can taste is the corn starch and the oil it was fried in.
i buy potato wegdes, all i can taste is the potato. i buy karaage, all i can taste is the oil and a bit of the chicken with only a hint of the vinegar and soysauce they marinaded it in.

i'd take chinese over japanese any day of the week.
also, you walk into any japanese restaurant, they WILL have something chinese. either ramen, fried rice, gyouza or whathave you, you will find it in there.

>> No.1331200

Heavy |= good.

The beauty of Japanese cuisine is in its simplicity.

>> No.1331207

Gruel may be simple, but I wouldn't look forward to eating it every day.

>> No.1331214
File: 354 KB, 524x1191, 1221788900420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese homemade snack

>> No.1331216

my thoughts exactly

>> No.1331221

Japanese don't eat raw food everyday.

>> No.1331218

This analogy would mean something if sushi was gruel.

>> No.1331225

It's not like actual Chinese food is anything like what most people think of as Chinese food anyway.

Takeaway food is bland and boring though, I love me some MSG.

>> No.1331227

I only eat lard. With a spoon. Like it was ice cream. It's got all the good stuff. All the nutrients I need.

>> No.1331234


>> No.1331260

loled pretty hard here

>> No.1331759

posting on another goblin thread ...

>> No.1331779

I think Panda Express is the epitome of Chinese cuisine.

>> No.1331908

I prefer Magic Dragon because the thought of eating food where a Dragon lives sounds really cool to me.

>> No.1331974

I bet you've never even had Chinese food, but rather the food that Chinese people would never eat that they feed to dumb Americans while the owners make wise-cracks in Mandarin (because only stupid ingrates speak Cantonese and act like assholes while speaking it) making fun of said idiot fatty Americans.

But thank god for those fake "feel-like-you're-cultured" places, Japanese and Chinese. The fake Japanese places make their food appetizing, unlike most real Japanese food. The Chinese make something like real Chinese food, but it is nowhere near as saucy (lol you know what I mean, more sauce to it), peanutty (obviously, not as many peanuts or peanut related sauces/dips), and not at all spicy. Let me tell you, my time in China left me forever changed in how I saw "spicy." It gets so hot that you sweat and have tears from every pore, then you vomit because its got a sight heaviness to it and retains the spiciness. After you've gotten used to it, it's so fucking delicious that you might never really like Mexican food quite as much for the spiciness.

My experience with "authentic" Japanese food was pretty bad because they were assholes and didn't really explain a lot about what was good and what wasn't. The sushi was really good, but the soup was asstastically, fucking disgusting. I can't say it enough: sushi is all I find good in Japanese food.

I'd also like to point out: all microwave noodles from Japan are too lean, simple, and salty, while Chinese ones are thicker noodles and broth, have more vegetables and meat, and are way too fucking salty as well. You'd think they'd find a better way to preserve them other than lots of salt.

>> No.1332070

ITT: opinion = fact

>> No.1332403

chinese food = easy and cheap

japanese food = elites

>> No.1332411

actually, chinese food is rarely paired with japanese food in resturants and more often paired together in takeaways

>> No.1332424

ITT: Stupid gweilo.

Wait... we're in /jp/. That should be stupid gaijin.

>> No.1332571

I can afford to eat at both. So I don't worry about trivial things like which one is better.

>> No.1332578

Japanese food is awful.

Just awful.

>> No.1332609

fuck that, it's not food if it doesn't have an entire head of garlic in it

>> No.1332618
File: 31 KB, 300x300, 1221811585429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

korean noodles are the best faget

>> No.1332620

I'm making that right now.

>> No.1332622

I don't particularly like Japanese food, but that's mainly because I don't like fish. Chinese food is disgusting though.

>> No.1332652




>> No.1332655

I used to like these but now I hate it, not sure why though. It just happened one day where I tried making some and it just didn't taste like something I could eat anymore, not to mention its salty as fuck.

>> No.1332686

>Chinese restaurants often have Chinese and Japanese food.

I have never, in my entire life, seen a Chinese restaurant that serves Japanese food. Plenty of crossover between Chinese and Thai, but never Chinese and Japanese.

>> No.1332694

Any chinese restaurant that serves Japanese food is probably run by Koreans and staffed with Mexicans, and will have passable but generally crappy food all around.

Authenticity is where it's at.

Good troll topic tho.

>> No.1332736

Japan and China both stole their food from Korea, the true inventors of the chopstick.

>> No.1332740

Authentic != good

>> No.1332767



>> No.1332776

That's cantonese food, still Chinese but people never get that distinction.

>> No.1332783

ITT: Monosodium glutamate

>> No.1332791

troll etc

As a chink, I enjoy both Chinese and Japanese foods. Save your politics for someone who cares.

>> No.1332790
File: 13 KB, 260x173, 1221815830300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Among the best things in Chinese cuisine, but no take out "Chinese" restaurant ever serves these, and they're usually quite expensive at sit down restaurants. 99 Ranch Market ftw! ~ $5 for a bag of 25.

>> No.1332801

6/10, nice try.

>> No.1332824

I lol'd

What did she do?

>> No.1332875

Chinese food rocks, especially dim sum.
Japanese food is also good.
Pizza can also work.

>> No.1332881

fuck i love shiyu lon baos

>> No.1332883

wow fail spelling..... Also, funny watching white people getting burned by the soup.

>> No.1332914

sorry you eat sushi made my beaners...

>> No.1332927

haha, it's pretty hard _not_ to get burned.

For the first ~5 or so, I usually poke 2 holes near the top, and blow air in (out the other) to vent. The ones after are usually cool enough to eat in one bite (so as to not let the soup leak).

>> No.1332931

I saw this one guy pop the whole thing in his mouth and I lol'd so hard I choked on tea.

>> No.1333438

/jp/=weaboo /ck/

>> No.1333464

While I lol'd, I'm also going to have to agree wholeheartedly.

>> No.1333471
File: 327 KB, 1280x960, 1221833820961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two days ago I went to an exhibition in Sweden about China.
At the way out there was lots of merch to buy, however, half of all the snacks had Japanese writing on them.
Also, why the hell would they be selling sushi-goo and wasabi?

>> No.1333475

Because Swedes are gullible enough to think that it's Chinese food.
