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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13305153 No.13305153 [Reply] [Original]

Has otaku culture improved since 90's?

>> No.13305199

everything went downhill since the kakyuusei (or was it doukyuusei?) incident in the 90's

>> No.13305209

Otaku culture is sort of meta. Its a combination of a bunch of different specific things but in a way such that it has its own unique identity.

>> No.13305212

what was this?

>> No.13305214

yes it has
old anime art in general is just atrociously bad

>> No.13305217

Define improved.

The average level has gone down due to the increase of people wanting to be part of a crowd instead of having any real obsession - and many of those don't create anything and only "consume" - but the number and quality of good works have increased proportionately with the size and the amount of money flowing through. The best stuff is as rare as always.

>> No.13305223

I think anime looked nearly its worst in the early 00's, where everything was simplified and sort of formless in the transition to digital.

Late 00's has great-looking anime, but soon, everything will be CGI.

>> No.13305224

i think art aesthetics have improved but animation quality is down the drain.

its hard to compare animation from the 80s to something these disgusting koreans are making these days.

>> No.13305247
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anime stills and game cgs are drastically improved. Manga is just a crapshoot since you would just be comparing art styles.

overall i think "anime" has improved. Now i wish animators would stop using that disgusting 3dcg garbage in their shows. Mecha shows are pretty shitty to watch now because of it.

>> No.13305258

Shouldn't have used an anime op, op.

>> No.13305283

He clearly didn't

>> No.13305322
File: 965 KB, 1754x1240, 2013-06-10-585770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've sure as hell have gotten better at drawing moe
It's ridiculous how cute the girls have gotten in VNs in the last 5 or so years alone

>> No.13305359

>Has otaku culture improved since 90's?

Like any of these kids would know. The majority of the people in this board and in 4chan in general where still in their daddy's ball sacks in the 90's

>> No.13305363

Damn if only there was a way to conveniently access things from the past.

>> No.13305390
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How about comparing it to what the disgusting Koreans made in the 80s then

>> No.13305421

Looking things up is not the same as being there. You miss the all important context. It's the same reason why retards say "romans had sex with boys therefore gay pedo sex is ok."

>> No.13305470

Do you actually have a superiority complex over how long you've been obsessed with cartoons?
Why the fuck does it matter?

>> No.13305700

This is true. Dunno what was the reason, but around like 2009/10 forward, you can see that even basic moeges are suddenly a lot cuter.

>> No.13305713

What constitutes improvement?

>> No.13305758

the culture itself has not improved. shit is niwaka central now.

while we have tons more media being created, most of it is still mediocre. while digital animation technology has made it easier to animate complicated scenes and such, hardly anyone actually seems to take advantage of this. i'm seeing tons of static shots, off-looking character models, and lazy 3dcg backgrounds. i really do miss the styles of the 80s and 90s, though. i miss the puffiness of the hair and the cheeks. i miss pointy noses. big dumb anime eyes. i miss the warmth of cel.

if you wanna talk art styles, i think they're just different. i like the moe style, but i think a lot of it is just generic combinations and fusions of more popular styles and traits, only a few artists really stand out to me as being exceptional moe illustrators, but this might be because it's easier to draw this shit than ever before, it's not like the 70s, 80s, and 90s didn't have their "typical" styles. somehow i'm finding 80s styles the cutest at the moment. those damn puffy cheeks, man.

>> No.13305771

also, i guess i should say that i know old anime is hardly even animated, but when you see those moments of amazing animation, it feels really special, knowing they had to paint every single frame by hand. complicated shots meant a lot.

i notice most shows now kind of throw in some nice animated segments here and there, but few stand out. i think it might be an issue of direction. or maybe just because it's expected now. who knows.

>> No.13305809

Anyone else think that 90's style girls look super cute?

>> No.13305832

I don't currently suffer from a degenerative neurological illness, so no.

>> No.13305834
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ELF decided to shoot itself on its foot by giving the main heroine of the game a NTR route in what was supposed to be a Renai game. People didn't appreciate it.

>> No.13305839
File: 150 KB, 1200x847, Meiya (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now i wish animators would stop using that disgusting 3dcg garbage in their shows. Mecha shows are pretty shitty to watch now because of it.

You're an idiot, without CG Mecha shows would either be nothing but insanely high budget shows that nobody would want to make outside of guaranteed hits or they would be really shitty, CG allows for much more individual limb movement with a lot more ease making fight scenes and movement vastly more dynamic.

I miss older hair styles like air intakes and that, they still occasionally happen but they're a lot rarer on average.

>> No.13305843

Still more lucrative than visually projected feces.

>> No.13305868

Art has definitely gotten better.
Can't say anything about the culture.

>> No.13305881
File: 514 KB, 640x480, 1363814653850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anime has gotten better. I'm glad that japan is getting away from 800x600 eroge.

cant say much about the industry though since jun maede is still considered a prominent "writer"

>> No.13306101

Art has gotten better, though there's some old series that I can't imagine using a new style, but there's also stuff like yatterman 08 that proved the new drawing methods can actually look good on old anime too.

Sadly now it's the era of cheap 24fps CG garbage and it's ruining the progress made so far. I'm not saying all CG is bad though, for example I like the one used in the new FE, but I guess that works because it's a videogame.

>> No.13306117

The cost of making mecha anime now is no different than it was in 1982, counting in inflation. The difference is that more anime is the trend now, and not even sunrise is willing to put down for proper animation now because unless you have skilled animators, it will look like shit.
That is the problem, a lack of any influx of new talent the likes of G-1 or the other 80s spawn of key animators that have either retired or stopped being lucrative.

Though there's also no robot show has been a commercial success besides gundam in years since merchandise is what makes or breaks a mech show and the fact that nobody does a goddamn thing until six months to a year after broadcast save Gundam and Rider/Sentai.

>> No.13306126

Also fuck you cg mechs are horribly stilted and boring to watch since they can't use kanada style animation techniques and thus are simply on model perfectly all day. Robots get exciting since you can fuck with their proportions for effect and cool factor without it breaking them like hu!an characters. Look at the brave series, nobody ever stays on model perfectly when combinations or transformations are happening, limbs stretch and change size to better define size or movement and it lends life to the animation much more than just cold, exacting cg.

>> No.13306147
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>You're an idiot, without CG Mecha shows would either be nothing but insanely high budget shows that nobody would want to make outside of guaranteed hits or they would be really shitty, CG allows for much more individual limb movement with a lot more ease making fight scenes and movement vastly more dynamic.
I don't give a fuck. They look like shit.

>> No.13306183

But more importantly, this led to writers being afraid to write anything that otaku might find objectionable. This may have been the event that triggered the moe era, with people not daring to write anything interesting for fear of death threats.

>> No.13306193
File: 489 KB, 1920x1080, Valkyria 2015-01-11 12-07-37-313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's probably not long before renders that don't look like shit become economically viable.

Then it would just need a method of automatically generating good inbetweens.

>> No.13306238

If by improved you mean degenerated into full Neet and hikki then yes.

Otaku used to have arubaitos to have money to buy VHS tapes

Now hikkis just leech off their parents

>> No.13306248

Well the economy is getting shittier but otaku-related merc still grow strong, even for military otaku with airshit, they have to get the money somewhere.

>> No.13306251


From their parents.
The content has also only got worse, now its all pretty much escapism and ero.

>> No.13306253

I dunno about escapism but there's nothing wrong with ero.

It's only good to balance it out because the West is pretty anti-ero now, porn becomes shorter and some sexual acts are prohibited in some countries like in the UK.

>> No.13306255

What was the context to the gay pedo romans?

>> No.13306256

I hate how serious anime is now. Like every anime is "I was a normal person until...", which means no matter how out there it is, it's at best some guy and his buddies with abnormal powers in a normal, boring world. Among other things, it means they put too much effort into the characters looking like relatively normal humans, which kind of takes away from the cartoonyness. Older styles were distorted, sometimes in awful ways, but because of that they looked cartoony.

Another thing is the normalness of the world instead of being some complete sci-fi or fantasy land, or just being improbably set up. Even modern fantasy type anime are more like MMORPG or console RPG type worlds with normal real world protagonists or ones that act like they're from the real world. Even in silly comedy anime where the characters are drawn goofy, it's still usually the boring normal every day world. Sekai Seifuku was kind of refreshing in that it had a world setup that was obviously very different from the real world, even for average background characters living day to day lives, although they didn't delve into that back story anywhere near enough.

My other unrelated problem with otaku culture in general is how divided it's become. Starting around the time of Gundam Wing it started being more and more about just pandering with lots of cute girls and boys, which is fine on its own, but has reached a point where it has to be nearly exclusively guys or girls, BL or GL, no icky mixing allowed unless it's a brainless harem. It seems impossible for there to just be a show about girls doing things other than being gay for each other at school, compared to 90s type shows about pretty girls fighting things or something. Even worse, there's another division of huge tits vs no tits which alienates the normal tit size fans, but for anime, the purity obsession has pushed every no tits thing totally into the NoTits-GL moe combination. As a result, the huge tits makes up the lewd harem genre.

>> No.13306258

Never said it was wrong, but there is way too much of it.
Or ecchi, or dumb MC, seems we are in the overpowered MC era though, anime feels like one huge trope now, or maybe Im getting older.

And fuck the west why would you ever consume anything from there outside a few old videogames.

>> No.13306263

I'm just explaining the necessity of ero contents since the West is not putting up that game at all.

>> No.13306304

Another thing I hate in general is the shift to overt lewdness over subtle lewdness in games/anime/manga. Instead of casual brief panty flashes and topless incidents, you get extended closeups of the underside of panties with detailed labia and pointless long naked scenes that are censored so you buy dvds. Joking perverted scenes like tentacle rape jokes tend to go too far and it seems like some sort of contest to go as far into softcore porn as possible.

Something about clothing over media has changed, and I can't describe it properly. In the 80s and early 90s, scanty outfits and leotard type things and thongs were common, and in the late 90s characters tended to have huge boobs and sometimes revealing/skintight outfits or at least really hard nipples for no reason. They don't seem permanently aroused nowadays and wearing a thong even under pants would be seen as incredibly lewd, but there seems to be more emphasis on "sexualizing" them somehow. An overt lewdness where they do sexual things in normal clothes, rather than subtle lewdness where they're just a big titty chick who likes to jump around a lot and wear skimpy swimsuits as clothes.

I don't fully know what this says about otaku culture but I think it's become more perverse. Actual meaning of perverse, not more lewd. Too much fetishes showing up in anime too, but that's probably because of the moe trend normalizing more cute fetishes like cosplay before pissfags felt they could get in. There's probably going to be a mainstream anime with scat as a plot soon.

tl;dr: I think it was better in the 90s in respect to being lewd.

I also dislike this self referential memetic culture that's happening too. Self depreciation is fine, even pandering is okay, but this "us otaku, eh?" kinda stuff has got to stop.

Even though I dislike all the realism, one thing I don't mind is how hair has toned down some.

>> No.13306407

Well, the good thing that comes out of this is that nowadays ero-doujin is much better than before, especially at fetishes.

>> No.13306444

I don't know. Ero doujin is better drawn but they seem to put less effort in stories and you rarely get those multi chapter ero adventures. They also get too meta for me sometimes. There are some interesting fetishes though.

It's probably my imagination but it seems that when they make ero doujin about series, they focus too much on just a few popular series, both in ero doujin manga and in non-ero doujin games. Though in Douin games, it's mostly Touhou's fault, but some strong series have occasionally gotten notable fangames, so maybe it is a lack of things worth making games about. It feels like there are a greater number of series covered by older ero doujin manga, but that might be because there's so much older stuff to go through compared to newer stuff that comes out and it blends together. That or there's a greater focus on single images and image sets since sites like pixiv and whatnot became popular, since there's not much shortage of still image art. Or maybe people just upload less ero doujin nowadays.

>> No.13306454

It depends on what you call older stuff, pre-00 scanned doujin aren't that much but from what I've read (some EVA and Nadesico doujin), they are much tamer than what they are today, and the story is not that much either.

>> No.13306480

I get you, but it seems there is nowhere else to go for the industry, this is what sells the most, its been an evolutionary process of sorts and this is the ultimate being that can survive the best: The moe entity, this is what we are stuck with till the end of anime.

>> No.13306485

Eroge > doujins

Why do people still beat it to white and white 20 pages long comics is beyond my comprehension.

I guess if you are an EOP maybe I could understand.

>> No.13306490

Doujinshi feature characters that people want to jack off to and most derivative eroge kind of suck.

>> No.13306492

Not that guy but I dislike the "moe" buzzword, you guys are probably just want to say "cute", moe means much more than that

>> No.13306495

I hate the people that think moe is some deep word.
We are talking about otaku here, moe is moe, not some deep philosophical term.

>> No.13306497

I don't want to dispute that but there's nothing bad about doujin getting better either.

>> No.13306500

It's a deep word, just like otaku.

What people want to say when they say "moe" and "otaku" nowadays are "cute" and "anime fan", they should just say that instead of using words they don't understand.

>> No.13306502

>Doujinshi feature characters that people want to jack off to

Oh I see, Ive never liked doing that, its always so out of character and unrealistic.

>and most derivative eroge kind of suck

Such a broad statement I cant really say anything against it.
I guess they do but so what? They are more engaging and erotic than eromanga

I cant really say if they are getting better or not as I havent really consumed many doujin works of the past but I guess the art is probably better overall yeah

>> No.13306509

Now that I think about it, since I was talking about doujin games and doujin ero, I'll say probably the best thing is the recent prevalence of ero games beyond just VNs and VNs with minigames.(and breakout clones/card games/rock paper scissors/flash based molesting games) This is probably the most interesting development in otaku culture.

The only problem is that even though there were a few games like them in the past, ero-action games' popularity among doujin game creators lately is still kind of in its infancy and heavily driven by Ryona and Monster Girl fandoms, both of which I dislike.* There's also the monster/bug sex bestiality fans which is about as bad as piss and poop. Then there's how it seems it's more acceptable to play a girl and involve yuri/dickgirls than be a male and fuck bitches. Occasionally though, you get a game with good graphics, game play, and length and it makes me see the potential in this budding genre. If only it could get over its hatred of "vanilla" humanoid male X humanoid female action, and generic RPGs with VN style cutscenes could die out as a thing. The integration of the ero aspects needs to mature too, since good games tend to be a bit more game than ero. (Basically they need to move beyond the "knocked down-get raped-die/struggle if you aren't dead" thing for action games that have in-game animated ero.)

I feel like this could be a thing. Ero games(ero VNs excluded) have always been this weird niche of cruddy games, either flash or java or 3D usually, but they seem ready to become a legit type of game spread over all the game genres.


*I don't mind if it's playing as a guy doing it to girls, but I dislike the idea of playing as a girl in a near impossible game where you become hurt and/or raped in a loop over and over as punishment for something you couldn't possibly do the first time anyway. It always seems more like a game for masochists than sadists who want to see girls die.

>> No.13306510

As a guy who do, the ero contents do get better.

>> No.13306512

Everyone is using moe that way even the japanese.

There is nothing more to it, that whole "feel good thing" description is just cuteness and selling appeal in the end.

>> No.13306516

Then I would say even the current japanese is using it wrong.

>> No.13306523

>It always seems more like a game for masochists than sadists who want to see girls die.
That's a perfectly acceptable fetish though.

If you dislike it, don't dish it.

And I like how you hate how "serious" anime has become but prefer sex scenes to be more mature, seems political correct for me.

>> No.13306524

I guess that's a real sword of damocles hanging over their heads

>> No.13306528

Just because Japan also has ignorant yet vocal idiots doesn't mean the definition just changes because of it.

>> No.13306529

There aren't, I'm just pissed of that people just don't use the word they want to say I guess, instead of just relying buzzword that they don't even understand.

>> No.13306536

You fags should try and make kawaii make a come back

>> No.13306537

It never left.

At least that word has an accurate translation.

>> No.13306538

Why is it sadistic if its a girl character raped as a lose factor, but not when its a male character?

>> No.13306540

No, it really does. That's how language works, it the overly vocal idiots who coin terms and such.

One of these days Merriam-Webster will have entries for "waifu" and "ronery" and there will be no hope left for man.

>> No.13306542

If that's how language works, there's really no need to correct wrong translations since they would become right over times.

>> No.13306546

It certainly seems /a/ works that way.

>> No.13306548
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I'm an Otaku stuck in the 90's.

Not because of art of whatever, but personal reasons.

I've been stuck in the past since 16 years ago and I'm unable to let go.

Anyone else shares the same issue?

Just wonderin'

>> No.13306556

I too stuck in the past but I still enjoy things in the present.

>> No.13306561

I want to add, that for some reason the simple flash/java, 3D, and other simple puzzle type games haven't evolved at all before now. It's really weird and a similar thing happened with ero anime in that it's still just as shit as ever and has gotten worse with the times if anything, probably for the same reason of lack of stories in source material. And >>13306454, when I say story, I mean those old types of comics that are actual stories with plots comparable to non-ero manga, not just the random fap and forget ero doujin.
I don't expect much of the other types, but 3D in particular should have advanced by now. Maybe when generally decent quality action ero games become more of a thing, decent 3D ero ones will follow.

>Why do people still beat it to white and white 20 pages long comics

Eroge in the sense of VNs in inferior for fapping in every way.
1. You have to put in effort. This is a flaw of non-VN ero games too, when it's too much work to get to the ero.
2. They tend to rely on a series of pictures while describing what happens, where as with a single illustrated image or two you can show everything in a dynamic way instead of a progressive set of images, most of which can be skipped. This is alleviated only if the scenes are animated, however that runs the risk of being as bad as ero anime or ero 3D. Manga is in between a single image and a VN style image set, because it can show several dynamic scenes without being redundant without context or as limited as a single image.
3. They're too fucking long and involved. There's porn with story, but if they're more story than porn, what's the point of the porn? You just dl the CG set and it becomes an image set, an overly long and inferior manga.
4. Color doesn't actually add all that much and might actually ruin the way the drawing looked before being colored. (It's a lot easier to make it look too flat or too 3D or too wet or too transparent or too clashing)

>> No.13306568

>1. You have to put in effort

The effort makes the fap feel way better. Its not really that much effort at all though, are you ok anon?

>2. They tend to rely on a series of pictures while describing what happens,

This is a positive, you get an actual colorful and good picture and all the things only text can convey

>3. They're too fucking long and involved.

A good thing again

>4. Color doesn't actually add all that much

I strongly disagree, and there is also sound.

>> No.13306570

>when I say story, I mean those old types of comics that are actual stories with plots comparable to non-ero manga, not just the random fap and forget ero doujin.
Hmm, care to post some examples then?

Nowadays I can see ero-manga getting to this, but older ero-doujin, most of them are pretty light in contents.

>> No.13306579

>colorful and good
Static and boring, if you ask me, with barely any variation.

>> No.13306580

Yeah, I'm an EOP so you should understand...

>> No.13306585

Cant get any more static than in a manga man.
And Im fapping more to the text than to the pics, the pics are just a little aid.

Maybe is a divide between visual people and people that prefer to imagine.

>> No.13306591

Manga is actually capable of conveying action and movement through art, the core of a visual medium.
If you want to fap to words, why not at least get real lit. porn?

>> No.13306593

So can eroge.
And lit porn is too boring.

>> No.13306597

Real lit porn sucks dick ass, that's why, either too detailed to a bunch of words words or leave too much for imagination.

Eroge is the happy medium between showing and telling.

>> No.13306599

ITT: EOPs trying discuss japanese otaku media, when they aren't even able to consume most of that stuff.

>> No.13306601

Can I get an example? You got me curious.

>> No.13306602

Hey don't blame me, just giving my opinion, I'm not a proclaimed otacool expert.

>> No.13306608

Black Lilith games if you like porn-centric.

Then again, some of it is animated (just some of it though).

>> No.13306614

Anything animated ever?

Animated erogames are on the rise.

>> No.13306628

Talk about animated eroge, when will JAST release Shiny Days?

I want to fuck the whole family.

>> No.13306636

>If you dislike it, don't dish it.
Dis? And fuck you, and your taste.

>And I like how you hate how "serious" anime has become but prefer sex scenes to be more mature, seems political correct for me.
When I say mature, I mean as a follow up to "is still kind of in its infancy". Right now it's "enemy knocks you down, then it rapes you" for action games. Or else you knock the enemy down and then rape it. To mature means to come up with new ideas. Repure Aria is sort of an example, with figuring out how to get some of the creatures to have sex with you, vs the others who would just attack you until they could fuck you as typical of other games.

>Why is it sadistic if its a girl character raped as a lose factor, but not when its a male character?
It's not different by gender. I also hate the term "reverse rape". If a guy is raped on loss, it's just rape. There's nothing reverse about it.

But from what I understand of Ryona, it's about people wanting to see girls die/be hurt when they fail the game. It seems like it's a sadism aligned fetish. However when you play it, it seems more like something masochists would like instead, since they focus more on being hard to beat over just having the girl die in horrible ways. It seeming masochistic has nothing to do with the character you play as being male or female, although I can't really think of games where you play as males and it'd be kinda gay in that context anyway since it's more about the pain than sex. I guess those vore games about that trap angel count as do onesyota & kariyume.

What I said after the "*" meant that I don't mind games that involve women being hurt/killed if you're the one doing it(I suppose I wouldn't mind being a girl hurting boys either), since they probably count as Ryona too. I just think the super hard games that are about punishing the player as much as the characters are dumb.

>> No.13306647

Well, fuck you too I guess.

It's just fetish, everyone got different things that they got hard over, the fact you dislike it doesn't make it bad.

And for your second comment, I misunderstand you so sorry I guess.

>> No.13306663 [DELETED] 

If there's enough vocal idiots, dictionaries add or change entries. The misuse of "literally" led to an informal definition being added to most English dictionaries, both American and British.

>> No.13306667

Any of those old well known ones like Bondage Fairies and dragon pink that go on for multiple chapters with a plotline of sorts. That's what I don't see nowadays. Think of like La Blue Girl or something.

Actually if you can think of any hardcore modern ero manga that have some kind of plot besides the characters fucking each other, I'd like some suggestions.

>> No.13306668

I really find it hard to care about what's right and wrong then, since at the end populism would change everything to fit their view.

>> No.13306677

They exist but they are at most 5 chapters long and all about current real life, no more fantasy or interesting stuff just
ep1 MC bangs girl number 1
ep2 MC bangs girl number 2
ep 3 MC bangs his mother
ep4 MC bangs all previous girls together
ep5 a tsundere is introduced and then banged
ep6 happy orgy end

>> No.13306688

Bondage Fairies has very light plot, come on and it's mostly to create situation to flow into sex scenes.

And I'd happily oblige, the Alice no Takarabako's Touhou in the real world doujin, it's a sort of commentary on modern japanese culture with sluttified Touhou :

>> No.13306700

There are plenty of fetish-based fantasy stuff, but they are mostly one-shots in anthologies.

>> No.13306710

Oh, and Fatalpulse.

The situations that that guy create is more interesting than Bondage Fairies I guess, like Sachiko's stomach punch.

>> No.13306725

Man thats pretty boring stuff.
I hate the "they turn into sluts for no reason"

>> No.13306729

I don't see how that's more boring than Bondage Fairies, but it's pretty clear why they turn to slutdom, it's either for money or the changing of clothing trend.

>> No.13306750

I watched some GTO yesterday and the newest Kyoani anime (Sound! Eusomething) and I gotta say, the general art quality has gotten much better. I know that sometimes the animation itself isn't all that great now but god, they've gotten so much better at color usage. Everything looks so clean and sharp. Like the jump in quality between Nausicaa/Laputa and From Up On Poppy Hill is huge, the artsyle used in those old films was nice but the colors were just so muddy.

>> No.13306814

I don't understand how they can draw the exact same thing over and over and over again.

>> No.13306815

>The effort makes the fap feel way better. Its not really that much effort at all though, are you ok anon?
I guess it all depends on the person. Some people prefer eroge, some prefer doujinshi. If eroanime wasn't complete and utter trash I'm sure that would be more popular too.

>> No.13306817

...what exact same thing?

>> No.13306834

We are running in the 90s.
Is a new way I like to be.

>> No.13306848

No, as I think about it, I run in the present but I look back into the past with no hope for the future.

>> No.13306872

Whored out whores in ugly outfits being super sluts. Every plot is "Hey I'm secretly a mega whore, let's fuck until we drop"

>> No.13307348

He does it so well though. It works best in his work where mega sluts corrupt pubescent young boys. The depravity is really exciting, but it wouldnt hurt for him to have more range

>> No.13307574

Anyone who talks shit about Bondage Fairies is a troll.

>> No.13308193

Get with the times gramps

>> No.13308500

>Everyone is using moe that way even the japanese.
Yeah, mainstream culture has a tendency to misconstrue and oversimplify subculture. Nothing new. Just because it's coming from Japanese mainstream doesn't make it right.

>> No.13308514

because i will fap to the same thing over and over and over again as long as they wear different outfits.

>> No.13308531

>newest Kyoani anime
unfair comparison imo. kyoani is an absolutely exceptional studio. if you compared it to one of the other studios, they're pretty meh.

>the colors were just so muddy
remember, the resolution for old videos isn't as high (GTO is in ghetto SD res) and on the production aspect i think they utilized some real camera tricks for certain effects (like that old bloom effect). i don't consider it "muddy"; it looks "warmer" which the general nature of analog processing. BD releases of old anime look very clean, but not as "sharp" probably because they had to hand paint the cels.

>> No.13308595

That's not even the plot.

Have you even read that shit?

>> No.13308602

Yeah, nah, Bondage Fairies is nice for its art but it's really nothing special compared to modern ero-manga/doujin in both ero contents and situation/plot.

>> No.13308790

Have you sat through Show by Rock or Etomama? I want to die.

>> No.13308822

Implying that the god awful filter they have over top of everything isn't god awful. It's like they took advice from JC Staff's Hayate no Gotoku.

The animation is excellent and the art is very sharp, but that filter nearly ruins it all.

>> No.13308826

They wouldn't have been anywhere near able to do as fluid and complex fights as they did in either of those shows if they used traditional animation. Personally I liked SBR but I played the mobage so I knew what to expect for the designs and I think CG was the better way to do those forms.

>> No.13308847

Megas XLR is still one of the best Mecha series I've seen, as it doesn't force a shitty 2deep4u story on it and provides somewhat of a giggle every now and then.

With a decently small budget and team, they pulled wonders on that series.

>> No.13309025

In both past and present, there are studios that do things well and studios that do things half-assed. Digital has definitely shortened the gap between best and shittiest, but coloring is only a small part of the whole process. Just like anyone can see the difference between a Kyoani series and modern Toei's usual disgusting adaptations, GTO (1999, Pierrot) looked like crap when compared to Cowboy Bebop (1998, Sunrise).

>> No.13309038

I wonder if YTMND has finally gone offline.

>> No.13309096
File: 1.92 MB, 1920x1047, aceu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PLEASE don't watch new anime

it is bad

>> No.13309283

I don't agree with anything you have to say about lewdness, especially the 90s stuff, that was always terrible.

>this "us otaku, eh?" kinda stuff has got to stop.
This I agree with wholeheartedly. I find it rather disgusting.

>> No.13309562

Does Japan let you throw away rights to anime for tax write offs?

>> No.13310619


>> No.13310624

is she going to brush her teeth with this big thing?

>> No.13310773

I wouldn't know, but I can endorse the argument that the portrayal of otaku in anime, manga and games changed. Nowadays otaku appear in these media as lolicons, fans of perverted stuff and the like. In older anime (as far as my mileage goes) they are mostly shown as obsessed, but inoffensive fans. I recall one chapter in Ah! Megami-sama! the manga where the otaku guy is otaku for simply recording and collecting all the shows he watches on VHS.

>> No.13310919
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What was the earliest forms of otaku culture?

Was it the military scale model craze of the 60-70s?

>> No.13310934

Otaku is obsession with things so it would date far back, maybe to Greek sculpture era.

>> No.13310949
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>> No.13310982

Stop saying retarded things.

>> No.13310998

What, no?

I didn't say no retarded things.

>> No.13311056

I remember in the early anime/manga the otaku were always unkempt fatass weirdos (yes, just like that guy from the first AMG chapter). Nowadays, they're regular people. Sometimes even exceptional ones. It's a welcome change.

>"us otaku, eh?"
I'm not sure what you guys are talking about, really.

There's the stuff where generic everyman characters (or worse yet, generic ojousama etc. characters) suddenly have otaku knowledge, use otaku injokes, play eroge... that's jarring, sure.

But then there are characters who are just regular otaku doing otaku stuff, and that's pretty great. Otaku characters as audience surrogates? Also great, that's who the audience is after all. Seriously, the earlier self-deprecation was stupid and insincere.

>> No.13311445
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That's an over exaggeration. Tamaki's route was not "interesting". Tamaki is shown initially as a likeable girl, then is written in such a way as to find her irredeemable. I mean, what, screaming the other guy during sex? I suppose that you would like that if you had a cuckolding fetish, but most would simply call her a slut.

Now, regarding "dirty" heroines, let me remind you that more than a couple of heroines in the previous Kakyuusei were not virgins, and one was even a prostitute. Yet no one complained.

>> No.13311600

New in that thread, and new to magical girls in general. What the hell is a Kakyuusei?

>> No.13311993
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Experienced heroines was not new, but usually were secondary characters with specific niche targets (usually either teachers, christmas cakes, foreigners or delinquents).

Tamaki was the first main heroine, and a osananajimi to boost, to be that slutty. It was like false advertisement.

https://vndb.org/v2341 and https://vndb.org/v1083

>> No.13313041

I think modern cartoons and anime look like they were made in Adobe flash. Everything is homogenized and soulless. I like the earlier methods of rendering animations, even if it led to QUALITY moments from time to time.

>> No.13313067
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All anime is good anime

>> No.13313568 [DELETED] 
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Please tell me what anime this is from.

>> No.13313670

Is English your native language? Don't post until you are fully fluent.

>> No.13313678

i can understand it just fine theres nothing wrong with that post

>> No.13313684

That guy here, I'm sorry....

>> No.13315044

Anime is trash

>> No.13315170


What is this called? I want to watch it.

>> No.13315189

Japanese Otaku Culture has hit its stride over the course of the past 3 years. We've seen the most experimentation now in the staple Otaku genres since the 80s.

>> No.13315203

Everything is just the same since 2007

>> No.13315305

weebs will burn in the next holocaust

>> No.13315378

Literally everything has improved.
It takes watching a couple 90's series without your nostalgia googles on to see that the art quality, writing, pacing, voice acting, and just about anything has gotten better.

>> No.13315468

why does the font look like that
i don't remember it being that fucking ugly

>> No.13315671

her eyes are upside down

>> No.13315699

I don't think many of /jp/ are in your age-group, but I certainly seen posts implying they are from another generation. I believe the average age is somewhat higher here, than on other boards.

>> No.13315746
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>> No.13315862

...How is this anything special?
Have you ever even seen a detailed hand-drawn picture?
There's nothing too otherworldly about what you posted, 2-3 colors per shade and the only reason it looks crazy to you is because it's a 2D mecha when those are falling out of flavor simply because it's not profitable to draw them anymore.
If you think you'll see something of that quality for more than a minute you're delusional.

>> No.13315884
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>> No.13315889

This thread is turning into /m/ and I don't like it.

Keep /m/ in /m/!!!

>> No.13315907
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Comparing mecha shading to anything else is retarded anyways. I don't even like mecha.
Sorry anon, just proving a point.

>> No.13315958

A normal person always have a different tastes/thoughts.

I pirated nekopara and I'm liking it

>> No.13315962

Who art thou quoting tho, so-called normie?

>> No.13316001

Only few selected things have improved, and in few others it was straight downgrade. Digital colouring killed that shade of red for fucks sake, this alone kills most enjoyment you get from fightah scenes.

>> No.13316020

Digital coloring will ensure that series don't look like shit in a couple years' time, and I honestly can't see your point.

>> No.13316422

>Digital colouring killed that shade of red
My brain cannot believe what my eyes are showing it.

>> No.13316911

For comparison, are there any series that switched from hand-drawn to digital mid way? I think a forbidden time changed around the 5th episode, and it looked much better for it

>> No.13317025

No, because you still have to draw it, even if it is digital drawing.

I remember that Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya started off 3D and then switched to 2D though, and was much better for it.

>> No.13317144

>that shade of red

>> No.13319363
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>It's like they took advice from JC Staff's Hayate no Gotoku.
How is that bad? That's when Hayate no Gotaku actually looked alright

>> No.13322311

The biggest improvement are all these short anime nowadays. Half hour cartoons are for cartoons which actually have a half hour of content per week. 12 eps is standard, like 6 hours. That could be an entire trilogy of movies, but some shows bring less than a single movie in that time. 15 minutes is fine for most anime and shorter 5 minute ones are good for the comedic ones, just like with classic western cartoons.

>> No.13322944


>> No.13323476

page 6 save rave

>> No.13323576

>No, because you still have to draw it, even if it is digital drawing.
No shit, you know what I meant you cheeky bastard

>> No.13326130


>> No.13326586


>> No.13328041

Eroge is an objectively inferior style. Theres a good reason so many eroge and non ero VN writers are moving on to do solely light novels.

Soon enough the only eroge will be straight up fuck sandbox games like 3DCG and AA.

>> No.13328045

Pl-please no.....

>> No.13328209

Dont worry, the novels will always have a few random pages with drawings, just like scholastic

>> No.13328226

No I like some light novels I read (that fan Touhou LN and Kara no Kyoukai) but I waaay prefer visual novel.

>> No.13329720

this thread better not die

>> No.13329723

Why? It has served its point...

>> No.13329739


>> No.13329790

Voice alone, specially by eroseiyuu who know what they're doing, make eroge infinitely superior for fapping. And the plot makes the story much more immersive and arousing. But if you don't care about it there's also nukige.

>> No.13329799

What voice? Them going "AHHN AHHHN AHHHN!"? Making stupid disgusting slurping noises? Reading those play-by-play sex-ed-like descriptions of what they're currently doing out loud?

>> No.13329903

I like the slurping noises...

>> No.13329905

AND the Ah ah ah ah and descriptions do help.

Fuck you, dude.

>> No.13330875 [DELETED] 

>Them going "AHHN AHHHN AHHHN!"?
It depends on the character and the seiyuu, but even then, do you want them to stay silent or something? What else do you want? Porn is always exaggerated, same shit with JAVs or western porn.

>Making stupid disgusting slurping noises?
Are you saying this is a bad thing? It's hot exactly because it's dirty. What's wrong with you?

>Reading those play-by-play sex-ed-like descriptions
Again, do you want them to stay silent then? The dirty talk is hot.
And ero-doujinshi descriptions are much more silly, there are whole threads dedicated to posting silly ero-doujinshi lines.

>> No.13330886

>Them going "AHHN AHHHN AHHHN!"?
It depends on the character and the seiyuu, but even then, do you want them to stay silent or something? What else do you want? Porn is always exaggerated, same shit with JAVs or western porn.

>Making stupid disgusting slurping noises?
Are you saying this is a bad thing? It's hot exactly because it's dirty. What's wrong with you?

>Reading those play-by-play sex-ed-like descriptions
Again, do you want them to stay silent then? The dirty talk is hot.
And ero-doujinshi descriptions are much sillier, there are whole threads dedicated to posting silly ero-doujinshi lines.

>> No.13330970

>do you want them to stay silent or something?
I only watch porn on mute precisely because I can't stand the voices or noises. (actually this is true of most ero action games I play too, if I can turn off the horrid looped voices, I do.)

>It's hot exactly because it's dirty. What's wrong with you?
I don't think sex is dirty or wrong, so I don't understand that "it's dirty, so it's hot" thing. Stuff that is gross is just gross to me.

>Again, do you want them to stay silent then?
Yeah actually.

>And ero-doujinshi descriptions are much sillier, there are whole threads dedicated to posting silly ero-doujinshi lines.
I sometimes look at eromanga in Chinese or Spanish or Thai or whatever other language that's isn't English or Japanese so that I can ignore the dialogue long enough to actually fap without breaking out in laughter.

Maybe you think it's hot, and that's fine I guess, but all I hear is this

>> No.13330971

I hate the slurping noises. I turn off the voices during sex scenes to get away from it.

>> No.13331024
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That was in 2004 though, not the 90's, nerd.

>> No.13331064

This isn't really related to that image, but whenever I see some rasterized old VN art, I've taken to shrinking it down until it looks like a smooth image like that. I wonder if back in those days the graphics looked smooth like that when viewed on the low resolutions, with the rasterization only showing up when you saw it on a bigger screen, of if they always looked all pixelly.

>> No.13331449 [DELETED] 

>I only watch porn on mute
Then admit that you're clearly a minority and you're not representative enough to judge a medium.

>I don't think sex is dirty or wrong
I didn't meant dirty as in wrong but dirty as in raw. Nothing sexual is wrong to me, so I think the one who thinks that sex is gross here is you.

So you basically don't really enjoy porn, and that's fine, but don't judge the medium because of that.

>> No.13331473

>I only watch porn on mute
That's... weird. Admit that you're clearly a minority and not representative enough to judge a medium.

>I don't think sex is dirty or wrong
I didn't mean dirty as in wrong but dirty as in raw. Nothing sexual is wrong to me, so I think the one who thinks that sex is gross here is you.

So you basically don't really enjoy porn, and that's fine, but don't judge the medium or ridicule the hard work of eroge seiyuu just because of your personal tendencies.

>> No.13331519

I think it's weirder to see someone who actually like porn noises. People make fun of porn speech a lot, so to be into it might be the weird thing.

>> No.13331549

I like porn noises. It's one of the reasons the eroge I play is fairly limited. I hate any western style porn though, or excessive talking. I hate screaming.

>> No.13331592

People is into all kind of weird things, especially in the otaku world; noises is a pretty tame thing for a fetish, if it's one at all.

>> No.13331646

Commenting from outside - my favorite aspect of any kind of Japanese media is voice, I love drama CDs and the occasional ero CD, but I don't actually like the vast majority of ero voice acting.

Sometimes it feels like I'm having the event narrated to me.

>> No.13332289

That's sad.

Slurping noises make things all dirty and hotter for me.

Slurp slurp.

>> No.13332841

I really hate the voices nips make. I wish Italians and Americans would still dub and decensor adult films and VNs

>> No.13335213

>dub VNs
When the hell was that going on?

>> No.13335241

>Decensor VNs

Please no, I can't get an erection to that dirty shit.

>> No.13335307

So you actually like all that "AURGH FUCK ME FUCK YES!!! YESSSSSSS" kinda shit? Why not just mute the VN and listen to your western porn in a different window?

>> No.13335432


>> No.13336069
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>> No.13336077
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Japan uses feels now.
Take that how you will.

>> No.13336086

I dont like Western porn, and if I did, it'd be hard to find a woman making herself sound like a boy while pretending to be one

>> No.13336104

It only got more kawaii

>> No.13336114

This guy knows what's up

>> No.13337118

Anime was never not bad
