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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 96 KB, 750x900, 1427965885723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13268576 No.13268576 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>13262438

[New to the Game? Read first, Ask later]

EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle

Recent Updates:

KanColle STAFF Twitter:


PSP Vita Game (27 August 2015): http://kancolle-vita.com
KanColle Kai (PSV) trailer: https://youtu.be/8tEvFFtSh0E
Dengeki Online article about the KanColle Kai trailer: http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/000/964/964096

-Spring 2015 event announced for April, along with non-German foreign BB
-Murakumo Kai2 on 10 April
-Mutsuki-class DD Kai2 sometime in Spring
-TYPE-MOON x KanColle Event (TBA)

>> No.13268590

I hope this is some sort of parody OP.

>> No.13268598
File: 252 KB, 800x1127, 1423736938873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never stop fighting for what you believe in.

>> No.13268601
File: 161 KB, 1024x453, ship_girl_murakumo_bimboization_remodel_by_metamorgirl-d8o1jjb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pimp my ship

>> No.13268619

Did she just morph into Musashi...?

>> No.13268624

Is it bad that I'm HQlvl 68 and only have 5 Kai Ni and haven't done either 4-4 or 3-4?

>> No.13268634

5 kai ni is good, map clears don't really matter.

>> No.13268645

Well, I cleared 3-2 after 5 tries or so, so as far as I heard my sanity is untouched

>> No.13269711

I'm HQ22, have 1 Kai, am stuck at 2-1 (mainly due to routing issues), and my only Kai is Jintsu at lv21.
I'm working on Isuzu though.
Mainly a weak fleet.
My only real power is Akagi, Fusou, and a couple of lv 15-17 cruisers. I have a few higher level DD's but they're just the ones that get blown up the least in my regular runs (Fubuki, Hatsushimo, Asashio, and Kisaragi)

>> No.13269746

Parody or not, that looks fucking awesome!
Shame I've never been a Sony guy. I've missed out on a lot of anime games...then again, my power level is dubious as far as gaming goes.
My passion is building stuff and a love of cute girls.
Still...man I'd want it...something other than these static cardboard cutouts we get of our girls.

>> No.13270554

Is the vita game just a port? And if so, can i use my existing account?

>> No.13270581

It's not an exact port, more like a console version of an arcade game.

They changed the mechanics to make it less like a mobage and more like a strategy game. There still aren't tons of details on it yet, but it also looks like it doesn't need any online connectivity to play.

And no, you can't use your existing account as far as I can tell. It's more of a standalone game then an addition to the existing one.

>> No.13271029

How long does it take to grind up a ship from PvP to marriable level?

>> No.13271059

I's be free after I get my Ayanami and Chikuma to K2... only 70 more levels combined...

>> No.13271074

I don't get why people try to force their shitty 3rd party software on us. There is no benefit in using them and just makes your account marked.

You better start stockpiling them blueprints.

>> No.13271090
File: 1.39 MB, 900x1273, isokaze_by_kazenokaze-d7ujx8z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit ISOKAZE

This girl is

like literally the embodiment of lewd, she's like a lewd eagle perched upon a lewd precipice looking over a lewd forest! except that the forest is a metaphor for pubic hair and eagle is a metaphor for "spread eagle", Isokaze's most natural position! LEWD


>> No.13271093

Why do you care what other people use? No one is forcing them on you anyway. If you don't want to use something, then don't use it, no one can force you to use it unless they hold you at gunpoint, which would be silly.

>> No.13271117

Then it's not a problem if I spam this thread full of ads since nobody is forcing you to check them, right?

>> No.13271125

Go for it, I don't care.

>> No.13271131
File: 823 KB, 625x626, 1376256944711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13271135

> kcg
> edition

Go back to your self containment thread in /vg/.

>> No.13271145

Beautiful use of false equivalence you got there, ever consider a career in politics?

>> No.13272822

Why are BBVs so OP?
They can launch planes even on red while carriers become useless on orange. This makes no sense.

>> No.13274989

it's seaplanes.

>> No.13275220

Why can't carriers equip zuiuns?

>> No.13275228

If you produce something related to Kancolle, you're free to post it in the thread, whether it's a software tool or a fanbook or anything else.

>> No.13275232

Ever seen seaplanes take off and land at a typical airport?
that's why.

>> No.13275248

They need catapults, and most standard carriers didn't have one. Presumably orange damage represents the flight deck being bombed out on carriers.

>> No.13275749

But everything a normal plane can do a seaplane can do just as well.

>most standard carriers didn't have one
[citation needed]

>> No.13275760

> just as well. just as well.
Nope. Seaplanes are strictly inferior to conventional aircraft in all regards.

>> No.13275882

So after finally getting past 2-4 a few days ago with my squad of 4 battleships and 2 carriers, I came to the unpleasant realization after looking at the branching rules for 3-2 (after umpteen times getting "randomly" sent away from the boss node) that they're all but useless if I actually want to get past this map.

I guess this is another one of those brick walls like 2-4 was. Oh well, I was wondering if destroyers would be of any use except for expeditions, and now I know.

>> No.13275924

Destroyers are very useful. They are often required for optimal branching in harder maps and the low consumption and relatively short repair times makes them more usable than heavier ships in a lot of situations.

>> No.13275949
File: 601 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150405-16592340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to cry again since I won't be able to clear 3-5 - again.
Fuck you Ri-class, fuck you so very very much.

>> No.13275977
File: 215 KB, 1440x810, 6th destroyer divison lamaze class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember your destroyers are hard at work on expeditions remember to give them some love from time to time.

>> No.13275991


>> No.13276323

why line aboob? line ahead m8

>> No.13276384

Tried it too and my Jintsuu got rekt by the torpedo at the first node.
With line abreast I at least reach the second node :/

>> No.13276420

Weird, I'm lvl 105 and everytime I go 3-5, I always chose line ahead, work well for me through

>> No.13276628

just my bad luck then :/

>> No.13278217

fuck yeah, finally had a kongou class ship drop. Only three to go...

>> No.13278473

>event in April
Shit I need to up my bucket game. And max out my kai ni'd ships.

>> No.13278480

Want extras? I got 2 in LSC today. At least they're good upgrade fodder.

>> No.13278772

How big of a neet does one have to be to reach hq level 100+?

>> No.13278860
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Well, weaker than Murrica-folks though.

>> No.13279362

Is the world 4 weekly worth doing? I always ignored it because it gives no screws and hitting 12 world 4 boss nodes is going to be a pain.

>> No.13279388

2 hours and 20+ buckets.

Is it worth it? I don't know.

>> No.13279726


>> No.13282162
File: 119 KB, 640x480, wakarimasen lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even do the world 2 weeklies.

>> No.13282990
File: 493 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150407-09114215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard is the RNG going to screw me soon?

>> No.13286796

If you are well-prepared RNG is nothing.
Only scrubs whine about RNG.

>> No.13290440

Why can't Kirishima fight without her glasses? It makes no sense.

>> No.13290474

Maybe because she can't see without wearing them? Common sense, really.

>> No.13290481
File: 585 KB, 868x1228, 42614623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have never had glasses.

>> No.13290489

Actually, I do.

>> No.13290496

fite me irl m8
i'll kick the living shit out of you since you can't fite back without your glasses, its common sense

>> No.13290506

Well yeah of course. Your point being?

>> No.13290518

You are a bad troll.

>> No.13290521

You have clearly never seen an extremely shortsighted person in real life.

>> No.13291524

You clearly have no idea what are you talking about.
How does it feel being weaker than a completely blind person?

>> No.13291553

Since you just don't get it.

A completely blind person will have been used to being blind, so their other senses will have at least partially made up for their eyesight. Someone shortsighted and constantly wearing glasses doesn't have their other senses enhanced, so take off their glasses and if they are sufficiently shortsighted, they can end up being more helpless than the average blind person.

Now, on to Kirishima's case. Her idea of "fighting" is not even your idea of CQC fighting. Her idea of "fighting" is to fire her cannons and have the cannon shells hit her opponent. In a sense, it's like shooting guns. And eyesight plays a big part in determining accuracy of her cannon shells. Meaning, if her glasses are removed, she can't see as clearly, so she can't aim her cannons, and therefore she can't fight.

>> No.13293289

You have no idea what are you talking about and bringing in dumb anime logic doesn't help your case at all. Enjoy your magical enhanced blind senses when you can't even comprehend where the attack came from.
You obviously lack knowledge about naval history too, since it wasn't uncommon for ships to engage beyond their horizon without having visual contact.

Do a favor and kill yourself along with your bullshit.

>> No.13293898
File: 531 KB, 800x480, shimakazeWut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this about?

>> No.13293941

>dumb anime logic
Have you even worked with blind people? Sure it's not enough to make up for their loss of eyesight but at least it's something.

>since it wasn't uncommon for ships to engage beyond their horizon without having visual contact
And how many such examples were shown in any KanColle work, be they doujin or official?

>> No.13293964

the pleasure of being bombed inside

>> No.13293975

If your flagship gets Taiha'd you retreat.

>> No.13293998


Oh thanks, I should have figured that out. It's never happened to me before.

>> No.13294018

What's the best map to look for Hamakaze?

>> No.13294065

2-2 boss node.

>> No.13294115

Thought so, that's the one I've been going on.

>> No.13294202

>put light carrier in the party
>instantly heavily damaged every time
is this normal? I know subs act as pseudo tanks, but didn't recall carriers doing it, but they're always soaking my damage.

>> No.13294336
File: 29 KB, 573x501, 1425368858560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its been two weeks already Kongou, why won't you drop? I could really use that 4th fleet, you know?

>> No.13295208

Just build her mang.

>> No.13295950

Is every kancolle thread going to start off with shit and whining about generals? When will the conflict ever stop?

>> No.13296041

When people stop denying we are a general.
Even 2hufags admit they have generals.

>> No.13296421
File: 303 KB, 670x383, INEEDIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone explain how to get this for my room?

>> No.13296428

Get furniture fairies from quests.

>> No.13296968

New admiral here, as I progress through the game I am learning that the kanmusu I thought were 'overblown' actually whole-heartedly deserve all their popularity and I was just a secondary.

>> No.13297280

It's great to have such intelligent kancollectors around who understand the greatness of boats and are not afraid to keep up with the times.

It must be suck to be a 2hu fan now.

>> No.13297358
File: 1 KB, 116x137, idort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually training with Suwako while the returnee BB is docked.

>> No.13297365

Is that some chinese gaem?

>> No.13297551
File: 448 KB, 1200x877, 46781784_big_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone has any idea when the maintenance will end?
I have to make my up schedule to wake up early

>> No.13297564 [DELETED] 
File: 292 KB, 480x480, sf0vOwCj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13297793

I see janny is baselessly deleting stuff again as usual.

>> No.13298113

How does one prepare for RNG?
Isn't that counter intuitive?
Sweet, I got Yukikaze yesterday tryin to spawn a sub.

>> No.13298120

Been there done that.
Didn't even know about it the first time and kinda just figured thats what it was. I admit I appreciate the anti-stupid measure even though I was planning on retreating anyway when that happened.

>> No.13298160

He should be deleting these threads.

>> No.13298698

What does one need to do to get banned by DMM? I really want to expand my ship maximum capacity, but I don't want to waste money on this game if I could get banned just for refreshing too often.

>> No.13298805

I'm confused as to where this trend of drawing Shimakaze with a dick started.

Not the putting a dick on a girl part, the part where artists specifically choose Shimakaze to be the futa. I mean once or twice is to be expected but it seems like half of the doujins with Shimakaze have her as a trap/futa.

>> No.13299084

This stuff is always announced on the official twitter.
Even the wiki has a countdown timer

>> No.13300227

That fucking 1-6 route.

What the actual fuck?

>> No.13300386
File: 396 KB, 569x879, CCNopEVUsAAEOIv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally best girl

>> No.13300392
File: 7 KB, 217x168, 1419065146571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man

>> No.13300394
File: 415 KB, 574x879, CCNotjhUAAAA3Ki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for you anon

>> No.13300397 [DELETED] 

She killed DMM and became a nigger.
What a monster.
Gonna scrap her ASAP

>> No.13300600

It's like they didn't even look at the original drawings. This is utterly terrible and if after the update this is her official new look it's utter shit, and I will not remodel her ever. I mean c'mon the Valentine art may have also gotten rid of the spear but at least her face, eyes, and general body and thighs looked like the girl from the original art. This looks like a shaggy dog girl with an alien body that's 80 legs attached to it. Sorry for the gripping. But my distaste for my favorite starter cannot be held in check and I honestly feel it needs to be said. What an utter shame.

>> No.13300710

I also think its kinda weird even though I don't care nearly as much as you.

>> No.13300756

Fuck off with your slut.

>> No.13300762

>Not the putting a dick on a girl part, the part where artists specifically choose Shimakaze to be the futa. I mean once or twice is to be expected but it seems like half of the doujins with Shimakaze have her as a trap/futa.
Her clothes.

>> No.13300775


>> No.13300781

I am expecting some rings afterwards, seriously.

>> No.13300792

Os this even the same artist?

>> No.13300801

Her thighs look humongous compared to the rest of her body.

>> No.13300802

Your taste is shit.
The only thing that annoys me is that she doesn't have her weapon-thingy anymore.

>> No.13300843

She looks good, at least Hatsuharu wasn't your favourite ship before she got a refit.

>> No.13300851


>> No.13300855

Now imagine she rubs her legs on your body before crushing your skull between her thighs.
Those are almost chunli tier.

>> No.13300865

She's not nearly erotic enough for that to be worh dying for

>> No.13300866


It's up.

So we'll be forming a transport ship escort fleet?
1-6 will be featuring enemy subs and carriers this time, and one mechanic I didn't quite get. Something about the mission ending after you return to the base, instead of sinking the boss. Is that right? Also, it's possible to obtain resources, as well as a present box after clearing the map. Forgive my rusty moon.

Rules for 1-6:
-Must clear 1-5 (obviously)

>> No.13300890

So what are we looking at here?

>> No.13300894

1-6 has an LoS check at the M node, J node has Wo, two carriers and destroyers, D node is a combined fleet node that has two aerial phases only during the day and then night battle.

>> No.13300899
File: 808 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150410-22032109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13300904
File: 604 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150410-22020494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sample D node composition.

Sub nodes appear to be fairly easy, don't load too much ASW.

>> No.13300907

Fleet composition?

>> No.13300910

Holy shit, her face if messed up.

>> No.13300911

How is the exp gain?

>> No.13300925
File: 543 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150410-21565267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>13300904

It is mostly grunts really.

Increases each node, first nodes around 50 base, second around 70 then ramps up towards the end. Not really an exp earner.

On the route I was on I only encountered one sub node, that was C.
K had a light and heavy cruiser and four destroyers.

>> No.13300930

I still get the error cat. My daughters need me, dammit.

>> No.13300933 [DELETED] 

Clear cache & get new api.

>> No.13300935

Clear your cache & new api

>> No.13300936

And seeing D (and B) is the final battle node assuming your flagship doesn't get taiha and force a retreat then advancing is fine. Go night battle too.

>> No.13300937

Move to proper thread.

>> No.13300940

We already have one.

>> No.13300945

Why make a new thread when a thread that already has discussion and content exists?

>> No.13300946 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 220x157, get the fuck out of jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

move to the fuck out of /jp/

>> No.13300947

Yeah but it reached image limit.

>> No.13300950

You're worrying me /jp/.

>> No.13300977

What is worrying? The thread we're in right now was created by shitposter. It was created far too soon, it should have been deleted immediately but janny doesn't give a shit anymore.
It's outdated and has cancerous /kcg/ in it. Also the image is irrelevant to recent events. You should abandon this thread.
Normally we should stay in old thread >>13290425 but it reached image limit so >>13300903 was created.
It's easy. Report threads made by Harunafag/abyssfag.

>> No.13300984

You're still worrying me /jp/.

>> No.13300989

Well I am not going to repost the information I supplied about my first 1-6 run so deal with it.

>> No.13301008

And why the hell did you even post it in this thread?

>> No.13301012

Because this thread was active and not spurging over the Murakumo art.

>> No.13301041

Stop trying to force us to post in your shitty thread.

>> No.13301048

I haven't created a thread in weeks. There's nothing shitty about one I linked. However there's a lot wrong with this one.

>> No.13301052

Generals aren't /jp/ material and belong in /vg/.

>> No.13301054

The only thing wrong with this thread is you.

>> No.13301061

Gee, I think the exact opposite.
Stop acting like you run this place.

>> No.13301063

See the OP. It sucks.

>> No.13301071 [DELETED] 

Then move to /vg/ if you want to discuss boats.

>> No.13301078

I'll discuss them in a proper thread as pointed out here >>13300977

>> No.13301080 [DELETED] 

It's as much a general as the other threads before it.

I kek'd
now fuck off

>> No.13301083

Nice quality you're showing here.

>> No.13301258

Someone create a proper thread, this one is too cancerous and shitty to use.

>> No.13301267

nice try

>> No.13301271

Until jans stop being pricks >>13301265

>> No.13301274 [DELETED] 

How many of your threads need to be deleted to finally learn your lesson?

>> No.13301324

Always 2^64 more than the number of how many of these cancer threads ever existed

>> No.13301327
File: 117 KB, 1920x1080, 1428209540528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't we just use the thread that already has replies
why do people always want to nitpick, its literally a fucking thread to post replies why the fuck does anything else matter
i have no fucking clue who's against who but the people who are supposedly not "le ebig shidboaters" doing EXACTLY what they're accusing another party of to push some agenda is also extremely disturbing


holy shit just shut the fuck up about this and discuss 1-6, how shit murakumo k2's art/stats are, anything's better than this drivel

>> No.13301334

Do it then, discuss, stop complaining.

>> No.13301338

Because the thread that already has replies and discussion gets deleted while this faggot autistic op with the same irrelevant thread to stay and samefags to keep it alive.

Look at the op, it's not even updated and this thread is fucking five days old.

>> No.13301351

The threads got deleted for a good reason.
It's not just one autistic boogie man as your feeble mind might believe.

>> No.13301357
File: 21 KB, 274x37, Screen Shot 2015-04-10 at 7.31.09 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell does this mean?

>> No.13301359

1-6 is designed to make you waste buckets and get that defeat count up, I guess I will ignore it forever unless a quest has something to do with it.

>> No.13301362

Current maximum amount and the amount of ship girl slots you could still add.

>> No.13301365

I made a new thread that should make everyone happy: >>13301355

I wish we could use this one until it dies, but the autism on this board is strong.

>> No.13301368

Awesome. Thanks!

>> No.13301378
File: 3 KB, 148x20, marriage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a marriage count? That's what the icon looks like but it doesn't match. Shows 2 less than I have.

>> No.13301383

Looks like 6DD is the way to go. First node is a joke since enemy subs use echelon, air attack is a joke if you focus on AA cut-ins and the last, normal battle is a joke because you can safely proceed with heavily damaged ships.

Resource bonuses I've got so far:
500 / 700 / 1000 fuel
200 baux

>> No.13301394

From other thread.

>6 throw-away DD's seem luck based, but sortieing them is dirt cheap, so you could retry and eventually clear it with a positive net gain.

>Recommend doing this map after your dailies (or weeklies) when you have new ships you'd use for modernization/scrapping quests.

>Think of it as Orel for DD's.

>It might be faggotry. But it's necessary faggotry.

>> No.13301396

Shit, I'm retarded, it's the quest count.

>> No.13301404

Because shitposters like Harunafag aren't allowed.

>> No.13301433

1 CL 5 DD makes the map super easy.
Make sure one DD has AA cut-in
Line Abreast, Diamond, then Line head....

>> No.13301435

So if I equip my entire fleet with AA directors, does that change anything if someone else (Akizuki) always cuts-in?

>> No.13301501 [DELETED] 

I think it works on a per ship basis.

>> No.13301531

>node B drops Asagumo
I know where I'm spending my remaining time till the event.
What's the taiha rate looking like?

>> No.13301565

Does South Route 1-6 give less resources?
I only got 100 Metal going South but 300 Going East

>> No.13301571

East gives 300/500/1000 so far.
I'm pretty sure it's random on those values.

>> No.13301588
File: 312 KB, 500x396, CCPFKWAUgAIimY4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was easy ammo, baux and 2k oil.
Grad I didn't get any steel. It's always full.

>> No.13301590


>> No.13301592

Is that CHina

>> No.13301593

>water to the west

>> No.13301600

Can we do it even after we get our present box? With sacrificial DDs this is literally way better than expeditions.

>> No.13301613 [DELETED] 

>sacrificial DDs

Unless it's some Mutsuki

>> No.13301623
File: 73 KB, 1090x444, whathaveIdonesofar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TTK lv 49, been watching some event videos and I just realized I'm really weak.
I think I focused only on my main fleet, didnt power level enough and in the end I didnt get much progress. I think I cant even beat easy mode on this next event. Im fucked.

>> No.13301631

I started the same time the event did and cleared everything on easy. Don't worry, TTK.

>> No.13301635

Winter event.

>> No.13301645

>strongest pre-K2 CA
>First Class Lady
You have little to worry. If you have Junyou or Hiyou, train them up to Kai. Get your Poi to K2. Leveling up another Kongou-class might be a good idea. If you get Mogami, train her up as well.

>> No.13301651
File: 304 KB, 1018x816, 1-6 捨て艦.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tried it to great success.
Make sure to have your FS as a high level ship with anti air cut-in so you won't accidentally lose equips since its auto retreat on taiha. With some luck your FS will evade fire while her AACI keeps the cannon fodder alive to absorb torp and bomber hits.

>> No.13301663

I want southeast Asians to leave.

>> No.13301667

This isn't a great success, this is 2 to 5 defeats and infinite kuso per run.

>> No.13301672
File: 65 KB, 785x785, 1424649337931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13301673

It's just Indonesians. Don't lump us with them.

>> No.13301686

I have the kongou sisters but I thought it would be a waste to level them up now because I already have the 2 BBs of the fleet,I never though I would need 2 strong fleets for event.
I always had my mind like "I only need 1-2 strong ships of each kind and the rest can level up slowly. Now I understand I was wrong.
Gonna level up Kirishima though I have the feeling she's always the first one to get fucked up, same goes for Poi, think she's weaker than my Shimakaze.
Also plan on leveling my Ooi, I just left her level 1 forever because I didnt like her character.

>> No.13301691

Make me.

>> No.13301694

Level Haruna as priority, her high luck is worth it. Also, leveling more BB would be highly beneficial to you especially if you'd make use of support expeditions.

>> No.13301715

I want to smell her butt as she makes this face.

>> No.13301719

No, it isn't. Double attacks are much better than gun cut-ins and Haruna is the weakest BB, with retarded K2 level too.

>> No.13301730

So Kirishima is second best sister after all?

>> No.13301735

Kirishima is the strongest. Kongou and Hiei are pretty much equal. Haruna is the weakest but she still is strong, differences between BBs aren't that big. You can use whoever you want.

>> No.13301736

man murakumo's hair is so fluffy now...i want to pet her head.

>> No.13301918

>w/l ratio being of any purpose
>le moral high ground
>guso deidogu :D
Fuck off, we're talking efficiency here. Or would you rather sortie a normal fleet and have to repair after every run? For every extra point of resource you have to expend the reward becomes less.

I want your dad to lea- oh wait he already did.

>> No.13301922

Fuck off.

>> No.13301926

No you fuck off back to leddit or himebuta faggot.

>> No.13301928

>would you rather sortie a normal fleet and have to repair after every run?

Instead of sinking ships? Gladly.

>> No.13301931

ebig meymey arrows, bro :D

>> No.13301941

thanks for you're le dank memes mate xD

>> No.13302074
File: 220 KB, 550x520, 1428032573011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who are still interested in running this it is possible to S rank B node for drops as long as your main DD doesn't slack off at the airstrike node. Set your DDs up for yasen DA with 12 or 12.7 reds, you should have no shortage of these from 1-1 sparkling for expeditions. I haven't tried running this with non DD disposables but I'll test it out later. I doubt there's much point in that since DDs have the best evasion and you primarily want to evade as much as possible until you hit node B.

C A N ' T S T O P M E N O W

>> No.13302173

>using a bleach picture

As expected of kancolle subhumans. Take your filthy korean garbage and kill yourselves.

>> No.13303692

>knowing it
Holy fuck kill yourself too faggot.

>> No.13303713 [DELETED] 

/jp/ keepin it epic as usual LOL!

>> No.13304030

Do those two firepower points really make that much of a difference?

>> No.13304271

Not really, unless you're a statfag

>> No.13304285


>> No.13306704

so is the new fuel meta to grind 1-6 with kuso level 1 dds as bait with one good dd?

>> No.13306737
File: 158 KB, 312x271, 2015-04-11_14-28-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily story in 1-6

>> No.13306771

Haruna is the worst but the difference between her and rest of Kongous is really small. The point was who to train - she's the weakest and gains the least with Kai Ni so if you have to skip someone, skip her.

>> No.13306778

She's the cutest. That's all that matters.

>> No.13306781

She's the blandest.

>> No.13306785

Still waiting for someone to use Ryuuhou seriously.

>> No.13307577

What the fuck is with this map 1-6? 4 of my level 40-50 DD:s just got BTFO to Taiha at node B.

It seems that this admiral >>13301359
is correct. This map is made to waste buckets and get the defeat count up.

>> No.13307867
File: 21 KB, 146x74, Screenshot 2015-04-11 18.01.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how hard bauxite is to come by, compared to other resources

>> No.13308018
File: 213 KB, 1063x1500, 1428735166590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newface TTK here, can anyone be kind enough to suggest me good ways to farm fuel and steel?

>> No.13308026

Rent your ships to fat old men.

>> No.13308524

why do subs always want to scratch damage battleships instead of finish off transport ships?

>> No.13308574

Pardon me, but where do you get a chart like that from? Is it downloadable or on some website?

>> No.13308577


>> No.13314920

>achieve high TTK level
>sail on natural regen

>> No.13315076

Read the expedition page on the wiki.
Go by Hourly Table
Do expeditions

>> No.13315080

Kancolle Viewer

>> No.13315114
File: 147 KB, 405x327, 1392342776851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using cannon fodder

>> No.13315146

Spam Expeditions 3 and 5.

>> No.13317168

This is a comfy thread.

>> No.13317427
File: 206 KB, 1122x800, 1415398840436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hug a kongou

a Haruna is ideal

>> No.13317517
File: 21 KB, 300x300, 1428950881856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got more like this? I'm sure I've seen a few around.

>> No.13317542
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>> No.13317548


>> No.13317952

ah christ, I finally wreck the battleship node on 3-2 with no major damage and I don't even make it to the boss node.

>> No.13318172

and complaining on /jp/ works again. The very next time I ran 3-2 I beat it.

>> No.13318360 [DELETED] 
File: 581 KB, 798x477, Screen Shot 2015-04-13 at 6.53.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happened earlier today. A solid 5 days of grinding 3-2A. My other bongos are around level 40 right now. Should I try to get Hiei Kai Ni'd before the event?

>> No.13319181

Let me try too.

Ah, why isn't Yuudachi real? What the hell /jp/?

>> No.13319198

Don't forget sparkles for great success.

>> No.13319252
File: 10 KB, 150x39, 23423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


expedition 15 spam works wonders(but probably not in your case)

>> No.13319261

Does the quest personnel have an expiration date?

>> No.13319272

Been farming 1-5 for months for an Iku and still haven't gotten her. Any hope she will drop decently during the event?

>> No.13319278
File: 9 KB, 129x24, 326y5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the best expeditions to spam for devmats? relying on dailies only atm

>> No.13319298

Sparkled 8, followed by 20 (sparkled or not doesn't matter), followed jointly by sparkled 14 and sparkled 19, followed by sparkled 35.

>> No.13320417

Why is Shiugre such a nice girl?

>> No.13320431


>> No.13320447
File: 191 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150414-22265972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad it's over

>> No.13321045


>> No.13324137

He must be some kind of scrub who doesn't know about the secret night scout recipe.
I pity him.

>> No.13324529

is there any reason for 3 yasen planes?

>> No.13324537

Not him, but I typically use 3 of them for 5-5.

>> No.13324553

bonus stats wise, no
trigger chance wise, 50% VS 75% VS 87.5%

>> No.13325656

>50% VS 75% VS 87.5%
>forgetting that slot size matters

>> No.13326861

Do I get a prize if I keep the headquarters personnel in my inventory?

>> No.13330403

That's like keeping them imprisoned.

>> No.13334473

Is it true you can complete any event with just 10K bauxite?

>> No.13335582

But Yuudachi was real, 80 years ago.

>> No.13336083

I've got 5 Maruyu Kai, who should I luck up?

>> No.13336085

whoever you love the most

>> No.13338651

If you marry her she gets a second slot.

>> No.13339676
File: 42 KB, 160x200, Battleship_movie_poster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys know if there's somewhere a full image of this poster?

>> No.13339843

Im trying to love my girls with my wallet and DMM wants me to register a new card, but the card I have is already registered/valid/full of money etc. So frustrating.

>> No.13342657
File: 471 KB, 690x365, My Fleet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long does it usually take to pass 2-4, my current admiral level is 37 and I also have 1 sub. Should I swap out Sendai for another BB?

>> No.13342719

Is there some kind of magic recipe to get Zuikaku and Shokaku? I'm getting tired of all these Kagas in my scrapyard

>> No.13342729

I was a few HQ levels below you when I beat 2-4 but not too far off. Anyways, I beat it with four BBs (I think there were one or two BBVs mixed in there) and two carriers. I found anything less durable got destroyed pretty badly, so yeah, I'd switch out Sendai for another BB. That should be good enough, but in a worst-case, I guess you could also swap out Ooi too.

>> No.13342808
File: 576 KB, 801x480, Based lesbian goddess of overcrit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I though you guys were joking about Ooi's power, god damn she's insane

>> No.13343017

I'm at the end of the line now, It's been weeks and still can't beat 3-2, help me /jp/. How can I beat that hell of a map?

Already reached lvl 53

>> No.13343135

It took me about 3 days but it was this video that helped me win. Good luck anon. https://youtu.be/sG6y5QJwA_c
I am never going to get another sub. I would suck some cock for I-8 or I-19 no homo I have been farming 1-5 for days on end and crafting for them. Whats /jp/'s secret to getting a third sub?

>> No.13343911

I can't log on for some reason. It keeps telling me to replace my API link, but I changed it four times. Then it says to change my clock but nothing's working.

>> No.13344004

She was the one to finish winter event haado modo for many TTK.

>> No.13344514


>> No.13344634

These threads seem hella slow nowadays. What's happening?

Is /jp/ also slower now?

>> No.13345471

It reminds me of Genius of Sappheiros threads, they were incredibly fast. Then they became obligatory until they ended up dying

>> No.13345964

You're in the wrong thread is why.

>> No.13346224

If I load a BBV with two types of the same ASW planes the buffs don't stack do they? Like if I had 4 of the same plane I get the same benefits as if I only had one of them right?

>> No.13346990


>> No.13347254

ASW number goes up, the ASW damage goes up

so no, their effect stacks.

>> No.13347468
File: 598 KB, 799x478, fucking 3-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this guys is serious or not, I'm doing everything he's saying but this is my best result overall. I can't even reach the boss node

>> No.13349959
File: 227 KB, 666x931, laughing akizuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>line aboob
Laugh at him, everyone.

>> No.13353278

So I'm trying to get into the game, and the Twitter says that there is an "open plan" for the lottery... today? I think. Since my computer says its 4a.m. Tuesday. What does "open plan" mean? How do I know if the lottery is going? Should I just be refreshing the page looking for servers to open up?

>> No.13355842
File: 88 KB, 716x1000, 1429221375144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also right now. as in the time I posted this, there are 6 hours and 19 minutes left for the next lottery to being.

Good luck anon.

>> No.13358502

Did you get in?

>> No.13358783

Someone explain me how the hell the medals rank boosting work. I was at 18 HQ point, and after cleared 1-5, I jumped at 98.

>> No.13358990
File: 642 KB, 797x478, 5235325325325252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello. I just started playing today.

How is my fleet looking? I have no idea what I'm doing. My ammo and fuel are burning like logs. I know it's because I'm running Hiei while I still haven't cleared World 1. But 1-4 rips me apart if I don't have a battleship.

Also, I thought I could deal with enemy carriers now that I have Houshou, but she deploys a single plane and the two enemy carriers deploy eight and destroy it.

How do I fight air battles?

>> No.13359006

Read the wiki.

>> No.13359008

is me.

>> No.13359014

I'm trying but all it tells me is the criteria for air superiority and all that. I don't know how I can field more planes at once.

>> No.13359252

What expeditions do I want to be running daily, both during the day and overnight?

>> No.13359386

Get better CV(L)s. Houshou is the worst CVL, you want to replace her as soon as possible. Completing the Akagi quest will make 1-4 a walk in the park even if you don't sortie a BB. Train multiple ship classes, don't just focus on a single fleet.

>> No.13360172

Depends on what resources you need. Fuel and ammo are pretty important very early game, steel and bauxite start to get more important late game.

Stuff like buckets and development material always helps. Check out the wiki's expedition guide for what gives what.

>> No.13360182

I saw Mutsuki's damaged CG for the first time and had an erection

>> No.13360270

Good for you, creep.

>> No.13360449
File: 567 KB, 753x1063, abf16a4301f641073758f8e791231aec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a ship that you would die for, /jp/?

>> No.13360738

Trip on, Stalker.

>> No.13360804
File: 614 KB, 799x477, Screen Shot 2015-04-21 at 10.16.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Kai Ni's for the Kai Ni god.

>> No.13360813

I understand the reference (unfortunately) but I'm just an independent unaffiliated Ikazuchi lover. I promise.

>> No.13362444

In that case you'll have to get in line.

>> No.13362525

How do I waste bauxite without wasting other resources?

>> No.13363155

Craft Ryuusei Kai.

>> No.13363158


>> No.13366880

She's called Kaminari.
You should know this if you truly love her.

>> No.13366885

She explicitly says her name is not Kaminari you nonce.

>> No.13366887

She is not very good at reading kanji and is acting tsundere about it.

>> No.13366897

her name is rai you illiterate fags

>> No.13366899

Scuttle yourself.

>> No.13366902

You simply misunderstood her personality. No need to get mad about it.

>> No.13366903

I don't even care about her. You're just dumb.

She's not even a tsundere.

>> No.13366904

She IS tsundere, just not the kind of you generally see.

>> No.13366911

Opinion discarded. If anything she's deredere.

>> No.13366932

Listen, I'm an expert on tsunderes and you have got nothing on me.
Grow up and learn to admit your mistakes.

>> No.13366940
File: 42 KB, 562x437, ha ha ha oh wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13368358

Ironic this thread become more like /jp/ kancollec thread than the another thread with bunch of newfags and wikitards.

>> No.13368418

Posting over bump limit does funny things to people after all.

>> No.13368471

what does it do

>> No.13368481

Encourages low quality posts.

>> No.13368619
File: 11 KB, 143x63, newface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There aren't branching rules for 2-1 right? I've tried it about eight times and I always get diverted after the first node.

>> No.13369121

That map is bullshit because you only need to do it once.

>> No.13369206
File: 367 KB, 500x705, 01334365436346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which boat is the best wifey material and why is it Kaga?

>> No.13369258

I can load & enter the game but whenever I sortie I get an error. Is this normal for update day?

Same guy as

>> No.13369289

Either get a new api, clean your cache or stop using KCV.

>> No.13369380

I don't use KCV, and I've cleaned my cache. I still get the same problem using the API link.

>> No.13369389

ipconfig /flushdns

>> No.13369401

Someone make a new thread.

>> No.13369427

And don't forget to add our steam group please

>> No.13369431



>> No.13369443

I still get catted when I click the sortie button. Maybe I'll just wait a bit.

>> No.13369566

It's best if I make that new thread myself:

>> No.13369634

Thanks bro, we appreciate it.

>> No.13369705

What the actual fuck, game? For some reason my Chitose isn't attacking in PVP. It says she has all of her planes so it's not any glitch there. The hell is going on?

>> No.13369922

Anyone not kcgfag samefagging, use the fucking catalog.

>> No.13369934

Cool your tits, dude

>> No.13370002 [DELETED] 

Stop abusing the report function you fucking faggots.
I was about to reply to >>13369705 but the long post I wasted time to write disappeared.

>> No.13370050 [DELETED] 

I remade the thread here >>13370030

I hope the shitposters get banned for false reporting.

>> No.13370462

>random cancer steam in the OP
>making a thread when there's already two
>false reporting

>> No.13373287

> if you give your Hotels some useless crap like 15cm guns, they won't achieve the dmg cap in Hankousen (80% dmg)
Wrong, even if you give them just two +1 15.5cm and one +1 type 1 AP shell they would be at base 199 firepower before engagement, in hankousen it would become 161 and T-red is impossible with a single saiun, not to mention your run would be ruined anyway if you don't bring one and get that. Same goes with hotels going chuuha or taiha since they hardly ever hit at all even at level 99 with 46cm guns and they can't ever possibly go into night battle in combined fleets.

It clearly says there's no boosts nor demerits.
