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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1326218 No.1326218 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.1326227


>> No.1326229
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>> No.1326232

So...what does it say?

>> No.1326238

Last post says touhou and vn should have it's own board.

>> No.1326240

They're just talking about 4chan going, "this is kinda cool." and foolishly imagining this place is better and has more original content.

>> No.1326245

Big American Penis
So Big

>> No.1326251


4chan is a blatant ripoff of futaba and in a recent TIME magazine article it was said that 4chan is the place where most internet memes are spawned. So they're pretty much raging over 4chan being more popular than 2chan even though it's a direct copy of 2chan... or something.

>> No.1326248

ヾ(゜∀゜)ノ♪ DONATE OR DIE

>> No.1326256

What? No they aren't?

>> No.1326286
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I have nothing to add to this conversation, so here's a mollusk that resembles a vagina.

>> No.1326295
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>> No.1326313

Somehow I'm not sure whether either of you actually knows enough Jmoon to say that with authority. But I wouldn't be surprised if there were a few members from each camp from both sides of the pond.

And to be fair, I expect a lot of /jp/ imagines better content on 2chan/futaba than there is. (But damn, that's a lot of boards.)

>> No.1326317

I'd rub its meat against mine, if you know what I mean

>> No.1326326

"The grass is always greener on the other side", right?
Well, it can't be helped...

>> No.1326330

I assure you their boards are filled to the rim with cancer, I'd say 80-90% of Japan knows about 2chan, while 15% of the population knows about 4chan.

>> No.1326333

I didn't think anyone still used that term, unless this was an actual news article.

>> No.1326341

Wow, you idiots going and posting in English are the reason weeaboos are fags.

>> No.1326345

>Dear Japan,

>We love you.
>Please send more pornography.

>Sincerely, /jp/

That's kinda nice.

>> No.1326350
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Pretty much.

I still have a bad habit of assuming trolling is a solely/primarily Western pastime, but it's probably just done/reacted to in different ways in Japan. (Like all the キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!! random one-post usually-porn threads...)

>> No.1326356

Hmmm, but you also see that in every post when a person is dumping a doujin.

It feels almost like the "default text". Ha ha.

>> No.1326365


another thread here looks like its a troll trying to start a shitstorm

>> No.1326367

Really? I really like those kinds of threads, since I can actually understand what's going on, random pornography, rather than all of that moon gibberish.

>> No.1326375

Seriousquestion: Has 2chan had as much of an impact on mainstream culture and/or internet culture as 4chan?

>> No.1326379

You mean, on Japanese culture, right?

>> No.1326382

the short answer is, yes, yes it has.

>> No.1326388

Isn't 2chan bigger and more recognized than 2ch? Just look at what happened with the 2ch comments and "putting your face next to an anus and inhaling deeply."

>> No.1326390

It seems like it has affected things more through 4chan than by itself since 4chan would not be here without it. I don't knwo if you'd count that or not, though. Of course I am referring to the West, not Japan. I don't know how influental it is there.

>> No.1326397

2chan does not equal 2ch.

>> No.1326402

>>I still have a bad habit of assuming trolling is a solely/primarily Western pastime


>> No.1326400

At least as much.

The story of an otaku that came out of his shell and befriended a girl he helped on the train through help on 2chan was turned into a movie, for starters. And has gone on and off here for a while, there's been talk of a major political candidate going to or at least having been to futaba.

Probably. It seems to be a stock response that's long since lost its meaning. Though I expect it was largely about the pornography, at least originally... maybe it's just the threadspam that pushes stuff off the board that's the trolling. Ah well.

>> No.1326406


Has it been the subject of Japan's equivalent of time? Or created some memes that later became fodder for mainstream television?

>> No.1326409

4chan has definitely had more of a impact with Scientology bullshit and now ruining election bullshit but it gets pointed to anonymous rather than the site.

2chan has less of an impact but everybody in Japan knows about it because its been mentioned a million times in Japanese media, referenced by mangas + animes a movie about someone who posted there was also made.

>> No.1326413

>Isn't 2chan bigger and more recognized than 2ch?
No? Futaba and 4chan put together aren't even anywhere close to 2ch.

>> No.1326421


>> No.1326422

>Dear Japan,

>We love you.
>Please send more pornography.

>Sincerely, /jp/

Ok, I admit I lol'd.

>> No.1326431

They are laughing at 4chan because most of you who are old enough to vote are voting for a negro.

>> No.1326438

I'm highly doubting the claims about 2ch/2chans size, Japan is such a small country compared to US which has 10 times the population + Europes population.

>> No.1326439
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>> No.1326444

Well enjoy being wrong.

>> No.1326454


It's not like there are only Americans on 4chan.

And Europe isn't being looked down in Japan. At least not as much as America. Just as we are fascinated by their samurais, they are fascinated by Europe's knights and castles.

Just face it, America is a shitty country with no history or it's own culture.

>> No.1326453
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If only the popular vote determined who was actually elected.

>> No.1326459
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>> No.1326466



Okay guys which of you is this ?
Nips can't seriously be thinking so

>> No.1326471

What does that say?

>> No.1326474

That 4chan is managed properly

>> No.1326475

Maybe they mean something more like "moderated" than "run."

>> No.1326477
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And another mildly acceptable thread is permanently derailed by a troll.

>> No.1326482
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I'­l­l­ just­ l­e­av­e­ ­thi­s­ h­e­re.

>> No.1326486

Yeah, if they're talking about mods, our mods do do their jobs.

>> No.1326494


>> No.1326497

By "do their jobs," I mean that they delete things that actually need to be deleted, not cater to random users' ideas of what is off topic or shouldn't be allowed.

>> No.1326498

Are idiots still stupid enough to trash their computers by actually doing this shit?

>> No.1326507


>> No.1326508

4chan is better moderated than Futaba.

Mods are fucking non-existant there.

>> No.1326510

Are Americans stupid enough to vote for George Bush twice?

>> No.1326506

無念 Name としあき 08/09/18(木)17:02 No.243720


Ok, who did it?

>> No.1326513

All politicians are essentially the same, especially in moderate America.

>> No.1326514

We didn't vote for Bush twice. The popular vote in America does not determine who is elected.

>> No.1326522
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>iguana sockpuppet 04.jpg
So you want to fight it out with me, is that right?

>> No.1326524

Yes, the electoral colleges choose, but to let him get that far back into the race...

>> No.1326525

I would gladly vote for Bush a 3rd time

>> No.1326528
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>> No.1326531

>but to let him get that far back into the race...

What do you mean?

>> No.1326530
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>> No.1326532

>キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
That shows up automatically if you don't post text.

>> No.1326533

No, he says "4chanの方が".
Don't ignore "方が".
He means "4chan is more managed properly THAN FUTABA".

You don't know how futaba is ruined.

>> No.1326536
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>> No.1326542
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>> No.1326539

Could one of you ubernerds that yelled at me for not being an expert on NicoNico use your vast japanese readin' skills for good and translate some comments for us

>> No.1326543

>You don't know how futaba is ruined.

How is Futaba ruined?

>> No.1326545
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>> No.1326547
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>> No.1326549

They have said.
> 本家の二次裏が瀕死だろ
> 常時荒らされ糞スレで埋められ
> 夜が画像が書き込みできないどころか
> 画像が表示されないほど重い

>> No.1326550
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>> No.1326548

4chan managed properly? 4chan mods are like a group of policeman who get drunk and go around beating and robbing citizens. They pretty much sit around like lazy niggers till something happens in real life which makes them frustrated thus leading them to go on banning sprees.

>> No.1326552
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>> No.1326555

stop with this /b/ faggotry

>> No.1326553

Well, Toshiakis are always welcome here.

moot always enjoys stalking this place occasionally and handing out 'hilarious' bans, that really pisses me off.

Honestly, why not just gather together like... 50 temp mods, the rest of the team and moot and stay in /b/ for an entire night just banning EVERY shit post?

>> No.1326557

Since that would involve banning the entire board?

>> No.1326558
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>/b/ faggotry

>> No.1326561

Which one of you faggot did this?

>> No.1326560
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>> No.1326563

無念 Name としあき 08/09/17(水)17:49 No.242508


>> No.1326559

Moot hates banning people, ban people = no jewgolds, The only reason he bans is because he displaces his IRL anger over the internet.

>> No.1326565


>> No.1326566

Well no I'm not a 2ch/chan frequenter at all but from what I've seen they have far more self-control than us.

How was futaba ruined ? How was it back in the day ?

>> No.1326564

>The only reason he bans is because he displaces his IRL anger over the internet.

This, you know when it's moot who has banned you because there's not even a reason for your ban, it's usually "Fuck off and die" or something to that effect.

Whereas with mods at least they actually ban for a reason 99% of the time.

>> No.1326567
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Sorry, I have to go to sleep now.

We shall meet again...

>> No.1326568

And how is that any different from "our" /b/?

>> No.1326569

Please die in the midst of a nightmare.

>> No.1326572
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Indeed. Good night, anon.

>> No.1326571



>> No.1326580
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>> No.1326596
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I don't know much about life.

It's not that I'm sheltered. I just don't care enough to learn the things that I should know.

But, I know this:

Japanese, American, or European: it doesn't make any difference in the end. They all die. So, too, will you, and so, too, will I.

...also, that was fucking depressing and melodramatic, so here's a picture of wait a fucking minute holy shit

>> No.1326609

Wise anonymous is wise.

>> No.1326617



>> No.1326622

Most of dogs are wiser then anon.

>> No.1326623

Nice OP, I like how you bumped your thread on futaba over 10 times.

>> No.1326628


A clever man knows how to impart wisdom while appealing to his audience's baser natures.

>> No.1326682

Moot banned me for saying Planetes sucks.

>> No.1326683

Holy fuck I think I remember that ban. Like, from the (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST).

>> No.1326685

Most cats too.

>> No.1326690

He's lying you know/

>> No.1326688
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moot banned me for posting in a ronery thread

>> No.1326698

I was banned from posting in the same thread.

>> No.1326699

Moot actually did ban somebody for that, you know.

>> No.1326701

Didn't moot ban a bunch of people for /a/ bingo once?

>> No.1326710
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Damnit, I thought the reason for my ban was somewhat original.

>> No.1326711

I people are being banned of little things like that, then why the fuck don't the mods banned people for trolling and shitting up boards?

>> No.1326723
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Mods and janitors think every board is like /b/ when it comes to bans and post deletion. They just issue them based on what they don't like, rather than what is appropriate for a board.

>> No.1326724
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>> No.1326727

Wow; an image that has been reposted a million times.

>> No.1326730
File: 38 KB, 265x302, 1221729929166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is why /jp/, /a/ and /v/ look like shit.

>> No.1326733

Because mods = fags

The discussion was really good that night too...

>> No.1326735

Trolling, right?
The screencap gets posted on /a/ every other day or so.

>> No.1326737

on my /jp/? unpossible!

>> No.1326744

I swear, if I were a mod I would banned every single troll untill people would start talikng about what they like rather then what they hate and the boards would be enjoyable to lurk.

>> No.1326753

>Fuck off and die

Yep, that's moot alright.

Fucking interwebz fame faggot.

>> No.1326759

I thought moot couldn't be bothered to capitalize anything.

He never seems to write decently, apart from news / blotter posts.

>> No.1326763

No, it's him, whenever mine and his paths cross he always bans me with the same message too, that's why I stay the fuck out of high traffic boards except for night time (US).

Guy is a massive normalfag too, that's why he hates ronery threads. Apparently he absolutely DESPISES them, seriously.

>> No.1326768

Stop being such a woman.

>> No.1326770

He hates them because he is also ronery.

They're just a reminder of our collective sad existence.

>> No.1326773

Do you wish you were a woman to a certain extent? I've never understood that fascination.

>> No.1326775

>Apparently he absolutely DESPISES them, seriously.
He's jealous because we can express our roneriness, he's too afraid to be look upon as a pussy if he would dare to express his own.

>> No.1326782

I doubt that. Thing is with moot, I get the feeling he's like those new generation of gamers who hate us oldfags who used to lug our gigantic towers to LAN parties and shit, to him we're just rubbing off badly on his own image. It's an impression you get from that 'jet setting' group of cosplayers who attend every event and compete for 'competitions' at cons and stuff too, they think they're really beautiful models and are very narcissistic.

Can't see him being ronery, must get a fuckload of girls given his position.

>> No.1328455

Oh god, athens is being a delusional faggot again.

>> No.1328872

Yeah, moot would never get a fuckton of girls.

>> No.1328880

Why you think that?

>> No.1329243


Americans are originally British. So their culture is our culture.

>> No.1329253

Fuck off Britfag.

>> No.1329258

When I saw him at otakon he was with a girl, I saw him 3 seperate times and he was with a different girl each time, once he was with 2.

INB4 cool story bro. It's true.

>> No.1329267


Britfag? I was born in New York lol.

>> No.1329315

>athens !SysNpnp3nU

>> No.1329327

That would be me!

>> No.1330105

>moot banned me for posting in a ronery thread
He only did the right thing.
Stop being a whiny bitch, or stay out of 4chan and go back to your friends at emoforums or wherever.

>> No.1330132

Shouldn't you be having sex or something?

>> No.1330125

Moot goes to /b/ so it should be obvious that he's a normalfag.

>> No.1330135

Can anyone provide a full translation?

>> No.1330150

>posting on /jp/

>> No.1330166

>>Can anyone provide a full translation?

yes, but why should we?

>> No.1330172

I don't have sex. And I don't have friends either.
That doesn't mean I have to be some whiny ass bitch cutting myself over being oh so ronery, yet doing nothing to change it.

>> No.1330178

Everything they say is true.

>> No.1330191

>Dear Japan,

>We love you.
>Please send more pornography.

>Sincerely, /jp/

Why nobody cares about us? ;_;

>> No.1330193

>Someone on a website on the other side of the world is talking about the website I go to. OH MY GOD!

>> No.1330189

Hey, I like you. Let's make out.

Seriously, though, I wish more people understood this.

>> No.1330197

>>I don't have sex. And I don't have friends either.
That doesn't mean I have to be some whiny ass bitch cutting myself over being oh so ronery, yet doing nothing to change it.

I'd actually pay someone to hack myspace and put this quote on the top of every page

>> No.1330200

>Bawwwww I'm butthurt over a few bans.

90% of your post consist of whining about something that you believe is wrong. Why are you always angry and/or complaining about things? Why cant you learn to accept things for what they are? You act as if we care about your tripfag opinions.

>> No.1330209

Yeah man, you gotta take it easy.

>> No.1330217

>hack myspace

good luck you'll have a easier time hacking the white house homepage.

>> No.1330257

Is this sarcasm? Myspace gets hacked all the time. I recall reading an article about 500+ myspace exploits.

Even /i/ managed to hack myspace. Phishing myspacefags is easier than taking candy away from a baby.

>> No.1330269
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Boothy approves this thread.

>> No.1330270

Am I the only one who can't connect to ijapan? I can never connect, anyone know why?

>> No.1330334

I reported every single post athens made

Here's to hoping we get a nice (USER HAS BEEN BANNED FOR THIS POST)

>> No.1330559

Thank god.
