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13208230 No.13208230 [Reply] [Original]

How far can you make it into inferno mode edition

Previous thread >>13161547
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/T2RCwdh8

1.43 is supposedly out
Changelog: http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:15475

Get hyped for ranches not being inferior sacks of shit
Riding changed to turns spent riding. Whizzards everywhere ruined their thongs.

>> No.13208267

How long am I gonna have to play and grind strength to finally be able to pickpocket the absolute heaviest things, i.e. wells that weight 500 stones?
A few months of real time grinding sounds likely

>> No.13208445
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And then I reloaded. Bad enough those "Lose money/Gain money" random events are skewed in favor of the prior.

>> No.13208495

Those random gold loss events might be due to thieves. Might want to look into gear with the attribute "It protects you from thieves." Not sure how to protect against the loss of resists gained through food. Guess they're not meant to be a permanent resist solution.

>> No.13208506

Any tips for dealing with etherwind?
I already got the cloak and crap like that, but I find myself spending the first 10 days of every month parked directly in front of the inn keeper. Is there a better way?

>> No.13208507

Could be because you're cursed, too. Check your items.

>> No.13208537

>every 3rd month

>> No.13208588

Dear Diary

Today some savage Juere managed to find his way into the party I was attending. Who invited this filthy Juere? Anyhow, this Juere was absolutely wretched looking. He looked like he was wasting away. I hear their kind hardly eats. He should eat more but his kind is too busy acting like money grubbing chimps that would rather starve than spend gold. Have you seen how they act around each other when resources and money are present? These animals rip each other apart. So get this, this Juere started playing what I guess would pass as irritating noise. Everyone just stopped what they were doing, speechless at how dreadful and boring his sad attempt at music was. At least Loyter had the mercy to throw a rock at this Juere ending him. I hear Juere scum experiment on little sisters. How dreadful.

>> No.13208616

Etherwind may be problem or slight annoyance early on but later you'll have a nice collection of potions of cure corruption if you invest in magic vendors. You can also find them in dungeons or gamble for them on lucky days. Just chug one down if you get diseased. Another thing you can do is buy yourself a shelter from the general goods vendor and install it in your home. When the etherwind starts to blow just cast a spell or use a scroll that returns you home and spend time in your own personal shelter. Bring a book with you.

>> No.13208701

>Eat corpses for resistance
>It fades like 3 weeks later
Well I guess....

Don't be a savescumming faggot and grow up.

Use a shelter.

>> No.13208824

So complete noob here. How should I salvage my stat potentials? Invest a lot of money in a shit ton of magic vendors and pray to RNG god for potions of potential?

>> No.13208876

Have gene engineering and go to derphy. Buy a rogue wizard and gene eng a rogue wizard into your waifu for cooking. You may need to skill up/wear skill gear to have the skill to get it done. Sleep every night at about 9 pm to wake up for a breakfast at dawn.

Git dat fukken happy bed. Otherwise carry the best bed you can. Keep that weight lifting potential at 120%+ at all times.

Buy +tailoring/+cooking gear so you can make large picnic baskets and fill them earlier.

Invest in multiple magic shops to rank 80 to rarely see one a month per vendor. >100 you'll see 1 every 3-4ish weeks or at least 1 per week if you have 3+ magic shops. Shops restock every couple days. Like 3 or something. Carry 50k or so for at least one at all times. Probably in a kitty bank. You can steal one from noyel and the thieves guild.

Make a pilgrimage to noyel at least once every even month and check the holy well for a quaff.

If you have a stat that isn't dogshit once you start getting decent +potential work those stats too instead of beating your favorite stat like a hag. No sense putting all that superb other shit to waste just becausee you're all-in on charisma.

>> No.13208893

>single fire surrounded by gravel in vernis starts.
>Now it's burning down the whole town.
Also, can I extinguish it somehow?

>> No.13208902


>> No.13208913

Maybe buy some potions from the magic vendor and chuck the potions at the fire to put it out? Fill empty bottles with water from the well and also throw it at the fire?

>> No.13208926

Get the local fire fighter. He should be a guy in a cloak called <Whom dwell in the vanity>. He's a Juere so he probably is too stupid to understand you. If he doesn't want to talk to you and help you out just throw a rock at him. He should help you put out the fires.

>> No.13208949

Start more fires, watching towns burn down is funny. The NPCs will commit sudoku into the fires, then loot everything that remains.

>> No.13209034

Throw any potion including vomit/booze.
Cast/zap web/acid ground

>> No.13209720

>Riding changed to turns spent riding
This sounds like a very nice change.

>> No.13209807

If I go to the sci in Port kapul to reset my little sisters fucked up slots will she regain her mutant levelup slots later or are they gone for good?

Would a 20% spd penalty to a little girl ruin her? I think I gene'd 4 slots into her so it'd be at 17 or something once she matures.

>> No.13209818

If yer a Whizzard, Harry, you can try casting acid ground on fire.
I found it's a good way to level that spell and to use up the 3000+ stock I have in it that's just keep piling up.

>> No.13209828

We're mostly playing plus, he's Zanan. If you want to spew your racist nonsense try to be accurate, or you'll just look like an idiot.

>> No.13209921

Oh so he's a Zanan now huh? Figures a Juere would go about lying about who he truly is but he's not fooling me!

>> No.13210395

Anon glares at you.

>> No.13210773

I think spamming invest on some shops might actually be detrimental at times, although it probably doesn't matter as much lategame, I've found 3-4 times as many acidproof in 0 investment shops than in 100+ investment, maybe it's just dumb luck but it seems that way to me

>> No.13211618

any irl wizards know how to lower save size? should i delete all the map data in my save folder? shop data?

>> No.13211639

wait for it to start raining and enter

>> No.13211692

Why would you wanna do that?

>> No.13211736

it takes like 30 seconds to load my save

>> No.13211755

Either your PC is ancient or there's something terribly wrong with the way elona handles large saves.

>> No.13211930

died and permanently lost my godly throwing weapon...

>> No.13211954

Is the little sister quest precious arts only? Check it every day for if it has some of your old godly's

>> No.13212676
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w-what happened?

I was doing party time quest and failing them to lower my fame.

>> No.13212700

i imagine someone attacked <whom dwell in the vanity> and he hit them with the ragnarok

>> No.13212833
File: 377 KB, 800x600, Frisia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just killed Frisia the Cat queen. Just cleared all the Chaos Fort bosses and all that is left for me in North Tyris is to kill Zeome. So what am I in for when I cross over to South Tyris aside from less translated stuff? Are the Chaos fort bosses much harder? Are the dungeons going to be harder in South Tyris or something?

>> No.13213190

I get all my acidproof potions from puppy cave.

>> No.13213242

All the South Tyris Chaos Fort bosses are much harder.

The new mage one is easiest to deal with, but Siva and Yerleswood are likely to instagib you.

Now that I look at your stats however, it is quite clear you are extremely overleveled and can deal with South Tyris trivially.

Yerleswood is still likely to instagib you though.

>> No.13213370

Why would you want to lower your fame unless you're playing vanilla?

>> No.13213374

Thanks for the heads up anon. Looking at the Yerleswood now. Yeah...looks painful..

>> No.13214170

In the mid game rogue boss encounters become unwinnable if you've been doing much noncombat grinding.

>> No.13214206

There are always rods of teleport

>> No.13214281

Can't your pet handle it forever?

>> No.13214419

Not if your pet hasn't been getting any combat/money because they've been standing next to you while you pull up plants or run erramds.

You can't get their drags if you teleport away, furthermore, there's no real benefit to having high fame in the same way there isn't much detriment, so why not get rid of it every now and then so you can get loot and drags instead of just sighing and telling your pets to wait at the town then teleporting away?

>> No.13214479

Someone asked in the previous thread about the 2nd relationship stat.

I'm pretty sure it was finally implemented in 1.43 - it's the master/servant relationship the patch notes mention. Ranks are: Cat, Uninhibited, Peer (this is baseline), Docile, Amenable, Subjection, Fidelity, Dog.

Fucking lol at the most "free will" rank being called Cat.

>> No.13214666

I spent an hour in puppy cave the other day and didn't find a single one, so I'd rather not bet on that

>> No.13214774

Feed them to your pets instead. that's more of what they're for than ## for yourself.

I'm always looking forward to etherwind. Grab a book of <skill> or something and hunker down and read through it in your house. Free exp and training on harder to train skills.

The opposite. Fame determines enemies in e+, level in vanilla.

>> No.13214995

it depends on Luck. eat some happy apples, and you'll gain money much more than you lose.

It doesn't matter either way, to be honest. money is not a big deal. Eventually you can make $1 million per dungeon run.

actually, max level dungeon cleared determines enemies in E+. Fame has a little effect, but not much. Just don't do hard dungeons until you're ready, because there's no way to undo it.

>> No.13215808

I love when hard rain or snow shows up. I just sit in the wilderness reading my porno

>> No.13215830


>> No.13215835

How hard of a time would I have playing this untranslated, assuming i know most Hiragana and a few Kanji.

>> No.13215979

Why people still think they need a translation patch, or worse, that it's untranslated?

It's in english.

>> No.13215995

I was kind of hoping to play it untranslated.

>> No.13216202

from what I've seen considering what you've said you know, a very hard time.

>> No.13216670
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Never seen this attribute before, any clue what it does?

>> No.13216690

Random proc on normal attacks. Damage is your own attack damage multiplied by the attribute strength

>> No.13216876

If you've played a lot translated it's pretty easy as you already know what everything is supposed to say, but if you'd asking this question you probably haven't played enough for that yet.

>> No.13217447

what's those wing things to the left of some of the attributes?

>> No.13217484

Supposedly a remnant of the original artifact fusion system (from vanilla) that never got implemented. From what I remember hearing, I think the winged attributes were supposed to be able to be "passed on", while non-winged attributes weren't.

>> No.13217540

I'd rather that than the fusion bullcrap ano has implemented.

>> No.13217933

I wouldn't exactly call it bullcrap but it definitely seems more appealing than what we have right now.

>> No.13218214

You misunderstood. Leash your waifu, teleport away to the edge and fight the rogues one by one.

Some of the benefits of having high fame is the increased Plat gain you get from quests, and the unlocked Panic and Challenge quests.
It's common for me to get 40-50 plat from a Town with my 130k+ fame.(They kinda start getting worthless)

>> No.13218260

A leashed pet will often take a few turns to teleport to your new location, in this time they will sometimes die to a rogue encounter as they are suddenly the only target for a group of ten or fifteen guys with guns who are several times your level.

Platinum is worthless in the "late game" anyway as plat costs become very high while scrolls of growth become a perfectly viable means of keeping skill potential up.

>> No.13218340

It really doesn't matter what we say, you just want to defend your statement, right?

>> No.13218371

We could say the same to you?

>> No.13218594

Interact with pets to return to town.

Also not sure about you but I don't want to scroll of growth just to boost the potential of one skill that I heavily grind to 25% while the rest are at 200%-300% (assuming you used all of your skill points)

>> No.13218866

how does the astral light pen work?
can i recruit multiple pets with it, or is it single use only?

>> No.13218943

single use, but doesn't get consumed if you fuck up a requirement

also doesn't take turns, so you won't get mauled

>> No.13218959

>Platinum is worthless in the "late game" anyway as plat costs become very high while scrolls of growth become a perfectly viable means of keeping skill potential up.

some skill potentials degrade much faster than others

platinum 20% is helpful for offsetting that difference

30p isn't that high anyway

>> No.13220664

I thought they just bought like 5 or 6, blessed the stack then chowed down occasionally.

>> No.13223177

do time stopping gears trigger on spells?

>> No.13223216

Time stop only comes on weapons that invoke it.
Invokes only work on hit with that weapon.
So no, no spells will invoke time stop unless they make a spell that has a chance to stop time.

>> No.13223322
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i've had nightmares about this.

>> No.13223323

You need to go through floors much quicker, I end up with a shit ton after an hour.

>> No.13223336

Oh god, I'm level 38 and I have barely any viable combat skills. I wonder how many levels it'll take to get out of this...

>> No.13223374


You should try to get that Metal Wings of Vesda with 4 or 5 sharps of that shooting mechanism. Shit is dank if you're a gunner

>> No.13223384

Holy shit this game is good but I have one problem

Is worshipping Kumiromi a mandatory in this game? I always get destroyed at dungeons 3 levels higher than I do (I'm lvl 63) and I know that level isn't the issue. Does my stat need to be really that high to have an easy time on higher level dungeons?

>> No.13223395

I'm pretty sure mutants never get to regain their levelup slots if you reset them.

>> No.13223401

take the appropriate countermeasure against the enemy that's destroying you

specific ailment -> start carrying swaps if you can't get a full set of "Prevents"
hound room -> elemental equipment, attribution shield
yiths -> mind resistance, rods of change creature
xeren -> elec resistance, speed
black baptist -> mist of silence, raging roar, GAU-17
NPCs that run from you while using obnoxious spells -> worship kumiromi and spam shadow step

>> No.13223411

Does shooting mechanism only show up on Back slot?

>> No.13223461


all those monsters you listed are easy as fuck

I'm talking about fucking atlas, five head gods, gold armor giants which spread acids everywhere and even that robot dragon

>> No.13223463
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I'm around your level. The worship of Kumi isn't mandatory but the stuff he offers is useful. Think he was the first god I worshiped. I got all of his rewards and have since moved on. Already completed Mani and Lulwy's reward lines and am currently doing Opatos's line.

Stats are useful yes but I think >>13223401
post about taking appropriate countermeasures is what you should be focusing on.

I don't even break a sweat when I do dungeons with a danger lv equal to my level or lower. Also, since I have spell casting as part of my skill set I can do dungeons with a danger level twice my lv since all I do is just teleport around and heal if things get a bit out of hand. Seriously spell casting is awesome and would recommend people to pick up the necessary skills for it.

>> No.13223469


Especially that berserk dragon with ridiculously high hp and damage. And I need to continously kill high level monsters to continuously gain AP

>> No.13223490

Keep that potential up. All those noncoms should have provided a long of money for good gear with a lot of enchantment

>> No.13223492

Start doing magic! The learning curve with magic arrow isn't so bad, and it becomes a beast later on.
Not to mention having high casting can help you dominate good pets.

>> No.13223497

Xeren's go OHKO if you Mana Burst them. That is how I kill lvl 100+ Xerens at lvl 40
Same applies to bells

>> No.13223514

If you have a living weapon you can create a weapon that is dedicated to destroying god type creatures such as the five head god and other nasty creatures.

If you don't have a living weapon you can always up your chance of finding one by investing in black market vendors, looking at the stuff adventurers are carrying, setting up a shop to sell gear and checking the safe every now and then, picking up anything miracle or above when dungeon diving, etc

>> No.13223526


bells are never an issue if you can Shadow step + Zero Shoot them or even just a single rifle shot could OHKO them

>> No.13223532

how the fuck do you get god enemies in DL 66 dungeons?

gold ant room -> feather, mana burst, decapitate
five-head -> attribute shield, shoot from out of range, or just stay the fuck away
atlas -> decapitate, antigod #####+, use a fast pet to attract aggro
element dragon -> attribute shield, decapitate, antigod #####+

a lot of "easy as fuck" enemies become threatening again when they're level 1800.

a satellite could easily show up when you're in another fight and already dipping into mana reaction

>> No.13223537


That five head god has five elements right? It's friggin nasty even when it's alone and I have 5+ resistance on all elements. If it's accompanied by a random monster I'd just use a scroll of teleportation and just search for the nearest stair wth

>> No.13223559

It's not a creature I like going up against either but he definitely is a creature you can bring down. It's easier if you're a range user such as a gunner, caster, archer but melee can do it as well...I just hope if you do go melee with it that you have some sort of healing whether it be through casting or potions from alchemy. I understand if you don't have the patience to deal with them sometimes. I too just ignore them if I see them in groups of other horrible creatures.

>> No.13223634

If you want to cheese it, 5h god actually has blind spots where it will not attack you but still remain in your line of sight so you can perpetually shoot/blast it without retaliation.

The biggest incentive to stay as Kumiromi is being able to regenerate 1 sp per turn which there is no other way to get easy sp. This translate to being able to throw out sp moves such as the forementioned shadow step, and being able to spam ensemble, and cooking.

>> No.13223719

How reliable though? Yeah I could put 10 levels into special but how much is it gonna get spread out into undead/dragon too?

>> No.13223800

drain blood gives you SP, and you can use it on your pets when you aren't in a fight

>> No.13223854

Rod of Mana. Just draw charges from every rod that is otherwise easily available and only save Harvest, Wish, Dominate, Mana rods
I have some 4000 charges stocked for refilling.
I once had a fucking hunting quest with 3 xerens. 4 charges of rod of mana later and everything was dead.

>> No.13223872

Man, that sure does suck that you're stuck in that room with absolutely no method of leaving in a single action.

>> No.13223943

how do i get more platinum coins?
my quests only reward me 1 coin and it takes quite a while to grind Hunting and Party Time quests.

>> No.13224267

I'm pretty sure it's a flat +50% regardless of strength

>> No.13224368

No, the "Deals massive damage to <x>" enchantments were changed a few patches ago to be based on enchant strength. It's no longer a flat value.

>> No.13224409
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Dungeon diving
Yacatect's gem
Goose pet

this is your goddess, at least until you get her first two rewards

Ever since the skill costs were lowered and capped the quest grind has become much shorter, but it's still a grind. Much like the game itself.

>> No.13224410

grind pet happiness toooo
oracle scrolls
i love puppy cave

>> No.13224420

does it do anything?

>> No.13224422
File: 460 KB, 764x592, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the ratio now and is there a cap?

Also what's the Kokou feat? Pic related.

>> No.13224468

get mauled? i thought you had to have soulmate on them anyway

>> No.13224479

Fuck if I know. The change was in 1.41. You'd have to do some testing yourself or dive into the source to find numbers.

Kokou is +20% speed when no pets or friendly NPCs on the map. That info was in the wiki 1.43 notes thread.

>> No.13224516
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So I was regaining stamina after a party time and I noticed this message: (Ally name) could not endure. Endure what?

>> No.13224582

It relates to the new master/servant relationship thing. Should be when they pick up an item or eat something on their own.

>> No.13224593

Weird. But I think it were the two wells in Palmia. I was resting there. thanks

>> No.13224966

in Elona+, do i still get better drops when i take a bejewelled chest from a low-level dungeon and open it in, for example, a level 666 Chaos Fort?

>> No.13225023

Wiki reports no.

>> No.13225261

It allows you to make your pets have a tolerance for picking things up off the ground, so that there's a middle stage between completely denying it (tamer's whip) or completely allowing it (default).

Also some text changes, supposedly. I doubt if those are even in the English version, but who knows..

>> No.13225332


Go back up stairs, or alternatively, teleport.

>> No.13225778
File: 121 KB, 496x249, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw around pickpocket 65 I can start to steal 0.1s jewelry from middling adventurer's at night
Gonna go good with the claymore from the silver eyed witches and two hand

>> No.13225805

I need to summon her, copy her with astral pen and then marry her because I want to fuck that
Alternatively, lulwy and yaca fucking each other

>> No.13225884

So apparently the bed sharing thing is upgraded? I just had it for the first time. My waifu snuck in. I gave gentle hugs cause I have no idea what was going on and she was gentle at first but when she didn't get any she pounded me till my hips broke at -105%. .. I'm twelve and my mind's scars will never heal!

>> No.13226008

<Frisia> the cat queen drops nothing? what was the point of that fight?

>> No.13226051

Being badass?
The chests?
The card and figure?
The heart?

>> No.13226081

but she is a cutie :(

>> No.13226095


>> No.13226464

is there a way to change the tint of our own pet without using a custom sprite?

>> No.13227961

>not worshiping the best goddess Jure
>gene engineering your waifu

today is a good day to kill yourself

>> No.13227973

You don't need to copy her with an astral pen just to get in her pants

You can fuck pretty much anything, you just need gifts and friendship tokens

>> No.13227978

>gene engineering your waifu
How else am I going to give her the cooking skill?

Unless you mean engineering her into another pet, which is despicable. But she should be flagged as precious so that won't happen.

>> No.13227982
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>we could have had actual artifact fusion instead of glorified gem setting
That's something i didn't need to know.

>> No.13228013

>Need to have your house by derphy, raid the thieves guild to use the black market vendors, have all 8 of your servants be black market vendors, and constantly raid the highest dungeons all in a vain attempt to get good stock so you can maybe get 1 or 2 decent artifacts fused in 5 years

>> No.13228020

Not >>13227978 but I'm facing the same dilemma, if not through gene engineering how does one get their waifu skills?
Not counting the locked behind "clear the main storyline" methods.

>> No.13228041

I don't know why gene engineering other creatures into your waifu so that they may gain their knowledge and strength is a bad thing, but I understand that some players can get autistic about the "purity" of their waifus.

In such a case, if you give your waifu a blessed scroll of Gain Attribute, they will read it and gain a random new skill.
You can tell when they have all the skills when they start "gaining" skills they already have.

>> No.13228072

Or you could simply do dungeons for fun and find things to use organically, for having to force it.

But it's a moot point, a what if that'll never be.

>> No.13228076


If you can't accept your waifu for who she is then you better have a meshera gamma as your waifu

>> No.13228096

Wanting waifus to be pure...yet players are horribly mutated, granted good mutations hopefully, but definitely not "pure". Or are you the anon that makes absolutely sure he/she has zero mutations?

>> No.13228935

The planned artifact fusion system and having trainers being able to teach pets skills I'm certain have been implemented in other Elona mods.

>> No.13229014

There are other Elona mods?

>> No.13229048

plenty, but they're based on 1.16 and nowhere the size of elo+

>> No.13229393
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>Kill Kill Piano finally drops

Alright, now I'd like to give this to my Defender, but she doesn't normally use Ranged Attacks whatsoever
How does the AP-Change Battle Style work?
If I increase the probability of ranged attack, will it prioritize ranged attacks period, or only slightly increase the chance of ranged attacks while keeping a priority of melee attacks?
I just don't want to fuck up her AI

>> No.13229827

>Take 10 years to get enough attributes you want at decent strength

>> No.13229831

Increase the chance until you do it enough that it's largely range if what the wiki says is right.

>> No.13230955

I did a test and found out that changing it to Range for the Defender, who is normally just Melee, changes it to strictly just ranged attack, even if they are within melee distance.
However, I changed her back to Melee Attack, which changed her to normally Melee attack while within range, but still use Ranged attacks when distant from the enemy.

So it seems changing it and switching back at least enables Ranged attack regardless of AI mode, which is what I wanted

>> No.13233793

The wiki mentions resistance affect magic power so I tested and boost fire res up with wished-for artifacts but didnt see any differences. Even at like 700 res lulwy shrugged off all the fire bolts thrown at her. Any clue on what it affect?

>> No.13233945

Err...what? Are you asking what resistance affects, or what affects magical damage?

Resistance effect the amount of damage that the entity (you, a pet, an enemy, whatever) takes from that amount of damage. For instance, if you have 500 fire resist, you'll take less damage than if you had 0 fire resist. You having resistance doesn't change the amount of damage your own spells do, though for certain abilities (attribute, variable breath, variable storm). it will determine which element those attacks use. I'm pretty sure that resistance doesn't affect the damage those do though; it definitely doesn't affect anything else, regardless.

Magic damage depends on: the caster's spell level for that spell, the caster's magic damage multiplier, and the target's resistance to that element. Spell levels may be increased by repeatedly casting the spell. The magic multiplier can be increased via gear and the medium armor special ability (magic equip). Target resistances can be modified via Element Scar (Fire, Cold, Lightning) and Nightmare (everything else except magic).

Does that clear up whatever you were asking? In general, non pure-magic damage spells become weak later in the game because enemies gain major innate resistances to everything else (And only minor to pure magic). If you want to use spells with an element later in the game, you'll need to level the respective element decreasing ability too.

If you're fighting Lulwy though, you should already know all of this info...

>> No.13234229

Not that guy, but I do remember reading that in one of the changelogs for whatever reason.
It probably is a version specific change, but it gave fairies a slight magical damage boost based on their innate resistances.

it was sometime last year, and probably got subsequently reverted.

>> No.13236117

yes that was what I meant.

>> No.13236916

Do npcs respawn with a new set of items or they'll keep showing up with the doomed gears that killed them?

>> No.13236963

Stradivarius hunting seems to point towards the later.
But instruments aren't worn, so maybe different rules are in place.

>> No.13236964

I don't think they ever get new gear. At least during my pickpocket-gun-hunt for Mani, I found the NPCs still missing their range weapon after I stole it even after 30 days had passed and I set the town on fire twice, nuked it once and killed everyone with two ragnaroks

>> No.13236967

A little overkill tbh

>> No.13236986

At least he was thorough in his tests.

>> No.13237022

I had to try and make sure they don't respawn somehow without cheating the map

>> No.13237143

adventurers do accumulate gear, but it's a gradual process. from time to time you'll get messages like <npc> has found <magic item name> from a quest, or something like that.

also, if you trade out an adventurer's last piece of equipment for a slot, they get a new one right away. it also occasionally happens that an adventurer gets all-new equipment after a few trades, which can, for example, wipe out the 50 cure corruption potions you put on them and are planning to steal back.

the same is true with normal town NPCs. if you massacre a town that hasn't had that happen for a long while, you'll find that they're carrying a shitton of stuff.

>> No.13237159

how does the Party Time score system work?
i've gotten over 250 points for playing at a crowd of 6 people, and just recently got 0 by playing in front of at least 20 people. do i have to use the pianos provided or can i use my own harmonica?

>> No.13237182

Playing in front of people does not always make them content. You can tell if an NPC is content by the star bubble over their head. Only those actually contribute to score.
Higher level NPCs give more points but are also harder to please.

>> No.13237264

Does blessing things like Happy Apple, Rabbit Tails, Hero Cheese, etc boost their effects at all?

>> No.13237645
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why do some dungeons spawn a huge group of neutral mercenaries?

>> No.13237745

You get score if and only if you please NPCs. To please NPCs, you have to perform well enough. You likely got zero because you were in too high level of a party time quest, so the NPCs were too high level to impress with your skills.

Only for Hermes's Blood. The food type items only gain the chance for the temporary +100 luck, and become 50% more filling, as is standard for blessed food.

Because mercenaries are, for some reason, on the "forms huge groups in dungeons" list.

>> No.13238032

>tfw once had a pack of those take out a pack of nerve hounds I couldn't kill

>> No.13238121

>Because mercenaries are, for some reason, on the "forms huge groups in dungeons" list.

it's still strange though. i know Elona is insane, but most of what happens in the game usually has a purpose. i don't see any meaning in putting a gaggle of neutral NPCs there.

>> No.13238208

I dunno, maybe the Tyris Unified Mercenaries Organized Regiment likes having meetings somewhere they'll have a bit of privacy from civilians.

>> No.13238716

is there an anti-trading feature in E+?
my karma suddenly went to -88 after dropping off cargo in Port Kapul.

>> No.13239591

Assuming your karma was significantly higher before, you obviously did something to lower it, such as failing a bunch of quests that give karma penalty on failure, not paying your taxes for four months, or nuking a city.

>> No.13239828

>tfw haven't paid taxes in 14 months
Living the dream

>> No.13239838

Dreaming about getting your face pummeled non-sexually by guards is strange, but ok.

>> No.13240043

My gear isn't shit and I don't kill them so idgaf. They're free defense training.

>> No.13240381

It's annoying for me to have to remand all my pets whenever I enter a city beside Derphy.

>> No.13240397

I wish we got alt/ctrl (0-9) hotkey support. Usin 0 as my swap for the pot for fusion/command flag/kitty bank/etc helps

>> No.13241554

oh shit, i figured it out. i had been walking around at speed 10 with all my christmas tree cargo and spent over 8 months neglecting my taxes. i feel so stupid right now.

by the way, can allies read scrolls? i have some scrolls of growth and i'm wondering if my pets can use them.

>> No.13241574

They can and will use them. Handing over stacks can mess with the AI, so it's best to give one, wait until your pet uses it, repeat.

>> No.13242118

So I took up the carpentry skill and made a stack of "waste art", I found out these sell for a lot, but none of my shop keepers can afford them. What do I do? Invest in them until they can? My magic vendor already has rank 91 and still don't have enough gold to buy them.

>> No.13242180

Pretty much, yeah.
Or you can use them to recoup purchase expenses if you're buying sufficiently expensive things.

Also, rank 91 is pretty low.

>> No.13243273

Don't know about you non-wizard plebs, but the bookwriter of the mage's guild always hold a tonne of cash thanks to my literary needs.

>> No.13243977

91 should be plenty high to have 16k on hand, have you not given them a chance to reset their inventory since you invested?

>> No.13244033

If someone attacks me with, say, nerve arrow, and I have resistances to nerve and magic, do both resistances come into play? Or does magic resistance only matter for 'pure' magic attacks like crystal spear?

>> No.13244604


>> No.13244634 [DELETED] 
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fuck you nigger

>> No.13244959

Magic resists only magic damage in the same way that fire resists only fire damage, it's not applying magic resist as a general resist to any damage taken by magical means.

>> No.13245165

not true. magic resistance is special.

each element gets its corresponding resistance check, but then it *also* gets the magic resistance check. for example if you are 50% resistant to Fire and 50% resistant to Magic, you'll take 25% Fire damage.

this is what makes elemental spells irrelevant in the lategame.

>> No.13246207

What exactly happens when a pet dies? Does it get a penalty like the player? With potential/item loss?

My pets can't keep up with my level, they are dying like flies in hunting quests and dungeons, especially my Bell. Should I itemize them for more PV?

>> No.13246221

>What exactly happens when a pet dies?
Relationship takes a big hit, you have to either cast resurrection (rare spell), read a book of resurrection (rare item), or pay to bring them back (expensive). No potential, item, or stat loss.

>My pets can't keep up with my level, they are dying like flies in hunting quests and dungeons, especially my Bell. Should I itemize them for more PV?
What's the toughest thing you can beat regularly? What's the sort of thing that kills your pets? PV may or may not help depending on the difference between you and your pets.

Also, is your bell wearing anything that doesn't give +life?

>> No.13246662

>What's the toughest thing you can beat regularly?

I can kill any monster in my hunting quests as long as I'm not swarmed by them.

>What's the sort of thing that kills your pets?

Everything and anything that moves really, hounds and monsters that cast spells are the most problematic. I know I should give them more resistance but usually the gear goes to me.

>Also, is your bell wearing anything that doesn't give +life?

That would be really nice, since he's a glass cannon atm, too bad I can't find any +life equipment.

>> No.13246690

You should gene engineer them up to the highest level you can with a trip to the slave master/scrolls of ally as soon as you get them, this helps a lot with their survivability. Get them pickpocket while you're at it (easily done at the slave master) so they have a steady supply of free gold to train skills.
Make sure that whenever possible you're sleeping at an appropriate time to wake up for the breakfast (about 9 PM works well), my little girl with >50 cooking keeps everybody at "great" or better.
Whenever you're fighting you need to take care to kill the most dangerous enemies first (AoE attackers, usually) as your pets will typically focus on the riffraff while they get shredded by the strong guys, and don't be afraid to send them home while you clear out stuff that they just can't handle. A room full of nerve hounds will still send most of my (large) adventuring party straight to hell so I have them wait at town while me and the bell clear it out. I wouldn't worry too much about your bell, I used to think mine was kind of weak until I got him a 10d5 machine gun and a "negates poison" item, he caught up to me in levels and stole all the kills from the rest of the team so now I only use him when I need a clutch hitter for something really tough.

>> No.13246725

I'm having problems keeping my pets up to par with my character's power as well. It's really sucks that I have to go to a dungeon half my level to ensure my pets survive.

I have ideas on how to make my pets stronger such as potions of potential for stats, dojou for skill potential, gene engineering for lvs and slots, gear with resists, etc but at my current state in the game I'm having problems just gathering enough potions of potentials for myself , money to afford the doujou, books of domination, and good gear for myself let alone my pets. Things seem out of reach for me at the moment.

Probably going to have to shelve my pets until I get to the point where I can fund and do everything above. Wish pets scaled a little better in regards to keeping up with my character's lv and power but as it stands, at least for me, pet raising is something that you can only really do efficiently later in the game.

>> No.13246767

Don't ever send your pets to the dojo unless your intent is just to get around the 15 pet limit. It sucks for training.

>> No.13246784

Can farmers be bred at the ranch? I'm trying to farm (heh) zwiebel for my younger sister army. I just don't want to find out that it's one of those things where farmers on a ranch yield something beside farmers, like how silver cats and little sisters work.

>> No.13246785

What would be the best way to train pet skills then? I paid the insane prices to train my pets at the doujou. Kinda acted like a blessed scroll of growth..which I'm ok with...if I can get to the point where I'm clearing dungeons that drop 1 million gold(which they do later on.)

>> No.13246797

>>What's the toughest thing you can beat regularly?
>I can kill any monster in my hunting quests as long as I'm not swarmed by them.
>>What's the sort of thing that kills your pets?
>Everything and anything that moves really, hounds and monsters that cast spells are the most problematic. I know I should give them more resistance but usually the gear goes to me.
You do realize you gave me literally zero useful information there?

>> No.13246860

The Dojo will increase skill potentials for between 40k and 30k GP per pet, depending on how many you have there.

Pet self-training in towns will increase skill and attribute potentials for (at maximum, weak pets use significantly less) 20k GP per pet which can be reduced to 50% of that depending on their charisma.

>> No.13247039

In +1.43 (well I think the change happened in 1.42), Charisma is never part of the equation. It's now: (A*8 + B*10)/2 for pets to train, where A is the left side of the INI score and B is the right side of the INI score. INI is literally all it's based off of now. Level plays no factor.

As such, pets that are raised from a low level are now insanely better for super-late-game purposes than monsters tamed at an initially high level. My golden knight quite literally cannot spend gold fast enough. She's at over 2 mil now lol. It costs her less than 2k to train, @ level 127 with attributes in the 500 range and speed at 956.

>> No.13247089

Almost makes me not want to kokou.

>> No.13247399

I invited several gods into my home and I seem to have noticed a subsequent drop in other home visitors, am I imagining this, getting unlucky, or does the current number of stayers affect the likelihood of getting a visitor?

>> No.13247610

A much faster way than training up your pets is to just get higher level pets. Train up either magic device or Dominate and find some lvl 150+ pets. Don't get attached to the lvl 1 noob pets, it's time consuming enough just training yourself.

>> No.13247617

You're imagining it. I have 4 gods and 7 servants, I still have regular visitors.

Visitors don't matter much anyway except for RP, tbh.

>> No.13247639

You can cap lvl3000+ pets that start out with 2000 stats and skills. Much faster than getting there with low level pets.

>> No.13247653

The biggest problem with kokou is that to maximize the bonus, you have to stay under 13 body parts to not get the complicated body malus.

Might be a convincing reason to play snail, actually.

>> No.13247665

Kokou-style is theoretically very poweful, though:

2000 base speed + 300 from Soma + 510 from ether disease + 800 Speed spell + 1000 Swimming bonus + 400 Kokou = 5010 before equipment. Combine with Slow that cuts speed 2000 mobs to 1000. Run rings around inner gods, etc.

>> No.13247668

Outside of the alien exploit, I thought they've removed all the ways to feasibly tame stat-capped pets?

Can't dominate/ball in awakened dungeons, the void, etc. Is there still a way?

>> No.13247672

(Unless you added an extra 0 to both of your numbers, in which case the difference is like 15 hours of play [if even that] if you're far enough into the game to be considering stat/skill capping a pet. Significantly longer than that if you're leveling up with it, of course.)

>> No.13247713

Overlevelled Summon Spirit. Level cap is 6666, which happens at spell level 651 with maxxed +spell gear and the medium armor special.

>> No.13247720

Of course, you'll need a matchingly high Dominate or magic device to cap it.

>> No.13247766

It may also be possible to exploit the necromancy coffin pets with astral light pen - I haven't tried it yet though. It would be slower and more expensive than the spirit method.

>> No.13247782

Ah. Man, but even with buying up all the wonder scrolls, it feels like you get stock for it so rarely that i'd take forever to get the spell that high. Still no spellbooks for it, right?

Think I'll stick with continuing to raise my golden knight waifu. She'll cap one day~ I think I could actually get her there fairly quickly at this point if I had the time to play more

>> No.13247797

Yes, it's slow, but it's still faster than manual levelling, especially if you have full magic shop / general stores at home. Also you can abuse moongates to reroll scrolls of wonder.

>> No.13247843

They matter for new years gifts and, to a lesser extent, stealing things from adventurers.

>> No.13247857

That's what I mean, though: new year gifts don't matter much (unless you want the uniques real bad), and stealing from adventurers is pointless in the mid/lategame when their gear suck compared to yours. Even the trainers that visit once a month offering potential gain is a drop in the bucket.

>> No.13247871

Yeah, better to simply get yet another magic vendor instead of a maid.

>> No.13247873

Reset your mutant to his lv1 slot layout (4 slots) at the scientist then buy 9 slots from him. Total cost is 9.3 cheeses.

>> No.13247878

But you gotta have meido! What's the point of having a big mansion if you don't have a meido to sexually harass?

>> No.13247880

Better way: reset your body at lvl 6 (two parts) then level up to max normally.

>> No.13247931

Anyone else too autistic to have a waifu in Elona because you already belong to your waifu who's not in the game?

>> No.13247941

Why not just build your waifu in the game?

>> No.13247958

All my magic vendors ( eventually ) are all females.
Besides, you can always bully Jure :3

>> No.13247974

I love magic way too much to be able to tolerate any cap on my cast success rate, and playing mutant without going full hand is just inacceptable for me.

So i simply choose elea now.

>> No.13248509

Use custom sprites/text to put your waifu in the game.

>> No.13249092

I'm afraid what it would do to my psyche.

>> No.13249502

Oh Master~! I don't do those sot of things.

>> No.13249666

And that's why you're able to buy a whole mansion full of maids.

>> No.13250546

I just started E+ and have a level 12 character. I heard that performer got nerfed; does this refer to the cash rewards, the item rewards, or both? Is it still worth it to train up at this point in the game, or should I continue doing Hunting quests for 3-5k gold each?

>> No.13250654

You can still get a decent amount of gold doing performances in E+. My performing skill is in the 60s and with a stradivarius I get like somewhere between 10-20k when I play at party quests. A decent amount of money when starting out. Should probably transition into or add other activities that pay better though. What I'm really playing for are the musical tickets which you can now turn in for some pretty cool items.

>> No.13252274

All I do is grind. When should I stop?

>> No.13252288

There is no stopping. There is no end.

But try to take it easy. Build a comfy home, customize your things, don't just grind until you burn out.

>> No.13252854
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Well fuck. Game crashed and save file corrupted. It's telling me that it's updating from ver 0 and it doesn't display a location for my character.

Am I fucked?

>> No.13252877

Most likely, although elosnack could probably save you with some work.

>> No.13253012

You never stop grinding. What you do is learn to appreciate life

elosnack might save you but if you were a good goy and used the autobackup script or at least manually saved frequently you'd be fine. You're going to spend hundred of hours in elona. It's worth spending a little to backup

>> No.13253027

Hope there'll be some autist out there who'll make Elona VR.
Grinding would never be more fun.

>> No.13253727

Alright, I'm level 85 now and can get 50M or more a day irl from rushing DL 300-440+ dungeon bosses without bothering with pets. Where do I spend these $$? Only to Nazuna when I start bothering with pets? Since I can only think of that jew samurai who's not affected at all by my Negotiation skills.

Where the heck would she take all these $$?

>> No.13254152

Invest. Magic, blackmarket, and normal armor/weapon dealers.

Look for scrolls of wonder, books of wish, potions of potential (if needed), and any other high-value items from the magic vendors.

From the blackmarket vendor, look for sox (to trade for scrolls of growth) and any godly level artifacts that start with no/next to no enchantments for artifact fusion so you can min/max your armor.

From blacksmith, look for sox for scrolls of growth.

Also check the souvenir vendors and grab all the treasure maps, since you're guaranteed small medals from them.

But investing is where you spend your money now. Unless you're training multiple pets at once, it's now better to let your pets train in town. Even then, they'd pretty much need to be maxing the in-town training cost for Nazuna to be worth it over in-town training. Kill a dungeon boss, then let them pick up the 1m stack of gold. Will last them for a good while, especially if they have pickpocket.

>> No.13256206

I feel like too much of a faggot to ever be able to be great at this game.

>> No.13256216

All it takes is time. A lot of it.

>> No.13256464

>Most likely, although elosnack could probably save you with some work.

Well damn. Does anybody know how to change player location in elosnack?

>> No.13256525

Speaking of Elosnack, can it be used to change my pets class or AI so they'll actually use the throwing weapons I've given them?
From what little testing I've done it seems Wizard is the only NPC class that makes full use of all their abilities and equipment.

Also, can pet race be changed for immersion purposes/will it effect anything?

>> No.13256652


>> No.13257089

Best way to grind Casting lategame (so that you can hardcast Wish): Oracle spellbooks. Order a shitload from spellbook writer, hotkey spell to one button, book another. Cast away. Mine's up to 1000+ with minimal effort.

>> No.13257340

Casting skill of 1000+?
Your magic potential must be down in the dumps.
And how do you maintain your casting potential? Isn't it gonna go down to like 1% eventually

>> No.13258352

He's in the lategame. He has blessed growth scrolls, plat, potential, picnic baskets, breakfast and a good bed falling out his ears

>> No.13258531

I have ~150 blessed potential potions to keep my stat potentials up. For skill potential, I use my plats/level-up points to keep it just high enough to get the 0.001 skill-up per casting. Level up points are relatively easy to get since I use the Void for meteor training.

>> No.13258834

I´m new to the game but i'm an experienced roguelike player. Is a mutant unarmed combatant with multiples tonfas a good idea?

>> No.13258853

Its a very good idea but not a good choice for your first character

>> No.13259156

You'll have to rely on your pet for a bit and your lower slots will mess with you a bit at first. Make sure to enchant your shit and your pets gear at the blacksmith so you can survive.

>> No.13259651

Can i use shelters as storage? Like can I buy one and put it in my home for some extra rooms for storage?

>> No.13259767

don't shelters expire after a certain amount of time?

>> No.13259974

If you pick them up they'll reset but if you just leave them in place they should remain as they were, keeping your stuff safe.

It would be interesting to see if the shelter counter ever wraps back around and lets you return to a shelter you'd previously visited, or if that's not how it works.

>> No.13260200


>> No.13260269

You can, but if you accidentaly pick it up, say goodbye to all your stored stuff.
Vernis and Lumiest have static quest dungeons, use those instead.
Or buy actual storage houses at the embassy.

>> No.13260351

I bought so many dungeons, ranches and farms that I can no-encounter walk to nearly every town. Took a while to buy enough buildings to go from Noyel to Kapul.

Now to do the same for south tyris

>> No.13260568
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Yeah I was thinking that they would keep the items as long as I wouldnt pick em up. Thanks for the confirmation, i saw on the wiki too that is the case

I'm assuming that shelters count towards the building tax count? Is there an upper cap for the total amount of buildings I can have? (I know the things like, you can only have one house, etc) but could I theoretically have like 100 shelters placed around inside my buildings for extra storage? If it counts towards tax then would it just be better to use storage buildings?

Im around level 30, floating in the 500k range. Cant afford a small castle yet, but im friggen SLAMMED on storage at the moment.

>> No.13260571

Nice Kotori pic. dude.

>> No.13260578
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Thanks bro

>> No.13262086

I hate that point where spells become so expensive you can't use all the 400% potential ones before having to sleep.
It's like a perpetual engine of autism.

>> No.13262321

you need to push through that feel. you don't need to level up everything before you sleep. in-game time is infinite, you'd rather level up faster in real life.

I'm currently grinding just two spells: Wish and Summon Spirit. Everything else I let sit at 400%. I get on a 10-speed pet, preach a little, and it's time to sleep. Occasionally I go and buy some scrolls of wonder.

>> No.13262368

So the point is to raise summon spirit to an absurd level, then dominate the spirits and gene engineer them into your pets in order to raise your pets to absurd levels?
Or just to use a crazy-high-level summoned spirit as a pet?

>> No.13262387

I know i don't have to, hence autism.
This is a self-inflicted nightmare.

>> No.13262605

the second. much easier.

I also have grand plans to game the party quests for like 1 million+ tickets, but I'll need another 320 levels of summon spirits and maybe 70 more levels of wish.

>> No.13262706
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>grand plans to game the party quests for like 1 million+ tickets

>> No.13262744

several elements:

1. the way the point system works: for each satisfied NPC, you get points equal to NPC level+5. Also, for each satisfied unique NPC, you get a multiplier dependent on NPC level.

2. Summon Spirit maxxes out at lvl 6666.
3. Each Inner God I summon gives me x4.2 bonus points. If I summon 20, I get a total of 85x.
4. I *think* the NPC limit is 90.
5. Potion Rain satisfies uber-high-level NPCs much better than Perform can.

>> No.13262751
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Wait, you can summon inner gods directly ?

>> No.13262778

no, but you can summon the normal gods, kill them, and sandbag the results.

>> No.13262782


>> No.13263693

Are pets effected by the armor casting penalties?
Medium/Heavy/Dual Wielding/Shield, etc?

>> No.13263874

All NPCs have a static 95% casting success chance.

>> No.13263946

so player charisma increases pet xp gains?

>> No.13264677

N...No? I'm not sure what I said to give that impression. Let me know and I'll clarify.

>> No.13265196

When playing 1.43 and using the superior item chart, aren't I going to be missing the new unique items in 1.43 since the item chart is from 1.41?

>> No.13265343

Just paste the new items into the right spots on the spritesheet if that happens.

>> No.13265379

For some reason I think I didn't paste the picnic basket right

I just cut and copied the 1.43 new items to the 1.41 chart

>> No.13265574

I'm kind midgame, what should I use my wishes on? I have a Happy Bed and aurora ring and I really don't need seven league boots
Potions of Evolution is what I have in mind but are there better options?

>> No.13265799

In newer versions of E+, potions of evolution can be found relatively often on magic vendors, so don't waste wishes on that.

Secret Experience of Kumiromi are good choices. Additional feats are useful. Also you can summon gods and have them hang out in your home. Their new items are useful for training various things, so you can look into that as well.

>> No.13265858

I have a level 1400 magic vendor and have never seen one

I am in the process of getting all the gods special items together with the third reward. Sea palace resting = 1 day per 1,2 seconds, roughly.

I am maxed out on Kumiromi secret experiences for now.

Anything immediately useful, like wishing for rods of domination or something?
Speaking of domination, isn't domination supposed to be one of the spellbooks you can reserve in the mage guild? I read a domination spellbook and still can't reserve it.

>> No.13265872

>Speaking of domination, isn't domination supposed to be one of the spellbooks you can reserve in the mage guild? I read a domination spellbook and still can't reserve it.
You also need a certain minimum shop rank for domination books.

>> No.13265888

400 is not enough?
Is 1000 sufficient?
I am not that strong yet so investing still takes a pretty big chunk of my income.

>> No.13265906

You need to read from a book at least once, like all others spells.
Domination appear at 60+ rank, so it can only be that.

>> No.13265923
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so given this, its more useful to level summon spirit than it is to just raw level pets? I have some favorites around but this seems much more viable than just grinding levels on pets.

>> No.13265935

I read a domination book.
It even showed up and when I tried to reserve it, at rank 400, the NPC said "this book is not available for reservation" or something to that degree

What is this summon spirit spell? I know summon monster and summon wild but where does summon spirit come from?

>> No.13265941

Dreams and scrolls of wonder, no book for it.

You could always gene engineer them into your waifu to bring her up to speed.

I mean, if you're one of THOSE people.

>> No.13266401

I see them literally all the time. I've got more than 20 sitting around that I don't need. I stopped buying them. Odd (to me) that you haven't seen any.

AFAIK, there's really not a whole lot of useful things to wish for in the late game once you're maxed on secret experiences and gotten the special god rewards. Domination can be reserved at the mages guild book store, though I don't know what's required other than the reading of course.

>> No.13266870
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I started playing again after few years (last time it was elona 1.17) and there's a thing I don't understand.
Why isn't my pro-jet getting any AP?
Reading the wiki it looks like characters generated from old versions are kinda fucked and I can understand that but all my other party members (a bunch of little girls and low level stuff with around 800+ INI) all get a fair amount of AP in level 100+ dungeon that I clear with all my pets unscratched.
Only my pro-jet gets fuck nothing and yes, she kills many many things.
I also can't find my dark angel anymore but that's another story.

>> No.13266902

She goes too fast.
Like, damn nigga, her butt is on fire.
The AP all be like "hey wait for us" but she can't hear them she's already gone.

>> No.13267061

So speed is the problem? Can't fix that I fear.
I guess I won't use her until all the others got the AP skills I want then. She steals too many kills while getting no AP and that's bad.

>> No.13267069


Wasn't the speed influence on AP gain removed already a dozen patches ago?

>> No.13267218

>mfw sightseeing on Lost Irva and saw the stats of the bosses I have to kill

>> No.13267683

Yes and no. Your actual speed stat doesn't matter, but your speed INI has to be below the enemies speed INI. Or in other words, your (pet's) speed at character creation (recruitment) must be lower than their speed when they poofed into existence. Otherwise no AP for you.

>> No.13267988

I'm getting ready to go from vanilla elona to E+. Is it a good idea to go goblin for the increased materials I get from harvesting? Is harvesting even worth it in E+?

>> No.13268044

I only played the normal Elona (no +)
Anything I should be wary of?

>> No.13268477

Don't worry about keeping your level low, it's harder to manipulate living weapons, kumi takes different offerings between vanilla and +, there's a new god, south tyris is a lot harder.

>> No.13268676

A bonus to harvesting materials is always good especially with the crafting skills available in Elona+. Darkness resist is alright. The attributes bonuses for the goblin are pretty bad though. The greatest perk imo of the goblin is the additional harvested materials which the Jueres also have. Have you looked into them as well?

>> No.13269053
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Whats a good way to make some large amounts of cash?

I've been running cargo quests, gardening, selling stuff in my shop, and farming puppy cave for scrolls of oracle/deeds of heirship

it's getting pretty grindy. im trying to save up for a small castle

>> No.13269088

Are You a Werewolf?

>> No.13269676

Goblins also have the big bonus of having one more starting skill than any other race.

>> No.13269916

Train your cooking skill. At some point you'll turn nearly every corpse into a 5000 gold dish

>> No.13269940

Add to that fishing with great beetles and you have a fortune waiting in every pond.

>> No.13270050

If I wish for a new year's gift, would I get a gift equivalent to that received from a soul mate adventurer?

>> No.13270302
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Wow, I never knew there was actually a general for this. I've just found another rod of wish. What's the best wish for a pet? Thanks for the help.

>> No.13270425

>but then it *also* gets the magic resistance check

Can anyone confirm this? I can't find anything about magic resistance applying to all resistances in the wiki. It just states it makes hexes less effective.

>> No.13270525

I just choked to death on Mochi
Last time I try eating Mochi

>> No.13270530

I just had an idea. Mass monster corpses are heavy, right? Is it a good idea to capture one, hit it with a bad weapon until it splits everywhere, and then sacrifice them all on an altar?

>> No.13270539

You'll hit favor limit really quickly regardless of who you worship just playing normally.
I have like 80 faith and am at cap

>> No.13270549

For most gods, probably, but what about the ones that like stuff that's more annoying to get like Itzpalt or Lulwy?

>> No.13270562

Save every 5+s corpses you find into 4D storage/cooler box.
Use the 10<= ones on unclaimed altars, in panic/challenge quests in noyel and palmia.

For Itzpalt, in elona+ he don't accept staves but rods, so emptying the general stores of them as you travel is enough.

>> No.13270596

I had Lulwy and Itzpalt full in no time
I also have a store house for every god where I hoard gifts for them
For some gods I already have two storehouses because I have 200+ offering laying around. This is just from casually playing.

>> No.13270626

So a werewolf was apparently running around my town. I reported him and he was executed; now what? The wiki says he's supposed to turn into an attackable werewolf, but he just died and I got 498 fame for it. The detectives are still running around too, and I can still call people werewolves. What gives?

>> No.13271075

I've read it on the wiki somewhere before; perhaps in a comment, I'm not sure.

I have no idea whether it's actually true, although the last time I checked, it was mentioned on the JP wiki.

>> No.13271094

silly anon, it's common sense to drink water before eating mochi

>> No.13271143

Does my relationship with shopkeepers affect price? Or is it from negotiation skill only?

>> No.13271179

Negotiation only.

>> No.13271187


I got curious and decided to look at the source to get a definite answer. Here is de-obfuscated code direct from the source. Hopefully 4chan doesn't fuck the formatting. I'm sure it will.

If (AtkElem != Null)
TargetResistLevel = Target.ResistVal(AtkElem) / 50;
if (TargetResistLevel < 3)
CalculatedDamage = CalculatedDamage * 150 / limit(TargetResistLevel * 50 + 50, 40, 150);
CalculatedDamage = CalculatedDamage * 100 / (TargetResistLevel * 50 + 50);

CalculatedDamage = CalculatedDamage * 100 / (Target.ResistVal(Magic) / 2 + 50);

Pastebin in case formatting got messed up: http://pastebin.com/571NdmeY

limit function is limit(a,b,c) where a = formula, b = lower bound, c = upper bound.

>> No.13271296

> magic resist applies to everything as a secondary resist.
That's fucked up.

>> No.13271414

I just got the arbalest while going down the ancient castle. I think it'd go perfect with my platina bell and his bow of vinderre, but it doesn't seem like bells get neck slots. What's the best thing to gene engineer with my bell to give it a neck? For that matter, what else should I try to gene engineer on it?

>> No.13271483

>what else should I try to gene engineer on it
Definitely a horse from Yowyn for extra leg slot. Just get it as many standard slots as possible and give it ruby gear for extra life.

>> No.13271689

Are there any good pets I can get before completing the first main quest that can tank a lot of damage?

>> No.13272316

Mani's Android is a great tank.

>> No.13272821

Golden Knight has decent sustain and can carry a shit ton of stuff

Speaking of which, which god pets are the best ones?

>> No.13272823

Speaking of which, does the aggro system work in this game?

Do the enemies target who was the first one to attack it? Or the one that does the most damage?

>> No.13272834

Jesus Christ it's a roguelike not a fucking MMORPG.

>> No.13272893

I roll with the Golden Knight, Defender, and Android.

>> No.13273247


So, looking at the wiki, it seems like the knight gets healing spells and the android gets 75% damage reduction. Which is better in the long run?

>> No.13273280

You can heal your pets yourself, so the damage reduction.
Besides, the android is a robot.
Besides², you can have both.

>> No.13273304

Sounds reasonable enough, guess I'm going Mani next. Thanks.

>> No.13273761

Let's be honest though, much of the time Elona feels like an MMORPG.

>> No.13274630

I'm surprised no one has actually made that.

>> No.13274681

Is there any way to turn off death/shooting animations?

>> No.13275162

Does anyone place their castles in a certain spot for easy warping? Just bought one and looking for a good ideas for a place to move to.

>> No.13275170

I love near lumiest as it means 9 magic vendors, the bookwriter and an altar one return away.

>> No.13275182

From what I've seen most people place their castles near the embassy so as to be a short walk to pay taxes. Others place their castle somewhere around Noyel for comfy and I've seen a few place their castle near Port Kapul for cargo runs.

>> No.13275187

The tax box is only 18 medals.
That's always my first purchase, because it's really convenient to pay taxes as soon as you get the bill.

>> No.13275198

Why would anyone ever do that when you can get a tax box much faster than a castle?

>> No.13275231

Cool your autism you two. I know that but that's what I've seen. Guess it's due to people not knowing you can get a tax box. Regardless though, it doesn't really matter where you place your castle.

>> No.13275324

Is there an easy way to make my pets stronger? My little girl tore up everything at first, but now she dies to stuff I don't even have any trouble killing.

>> No.13275344

Try gene engineering stuff into her so she can gain lvs, skills, and maybe more equipment slots.

>> No.13275371

Alright, I'll try that once I get her some pets to gene engineer with.

>> No.13275408

How do I find out what a monster will donate when gene engineered to another pet?

>> No.13275446

When you use the gene machine it will tell you what skills and equipment slots, if any, that you'll get. Just take your time and read the messages so you don't make any mistakes in choosing the base creature and the creature you'll add to it.

>> No.13275451

I mean, before I actually go out and capture the monster.

>> No.13275470

You can always consult the elona wiki to see what monsters give what. Also, if you want quick and easy creatures to gene engineer into your pets just get some slaves from the slave trader in Derphy.

>> No.13275474

Could someone recommend me a reasonable to obtain and solid shopkeeper?

Still in the midgame/haven't progressed in the main quest at all.

Level 40ish if more info needed.

>> No.13275484

Get yourself a master thief or a Juere swordsman. Pretty much you're looking for monsters that have the negotiation skill and high charisma

>> No.13275486

If you have a rod of dominate and can do level 30ish dungeons, try to dominate a master thief, otherwise just buy a rogue warrior or something.

>> No.13275489

The Juere swordsman can be gotten by the slave trader in Derphy. Maybe the master thief too. Go check.

>> No.13275771

I gene engineered two titans into my freshly obtained golden knight, but the knight's attributes went up to 35-ish at level 33, while the titans have 100-ish for some of their attributes at level 40. Should this happen?

>> No.13275868

Do my pets require Ice/Fire protection blankets?
It looked like they weren't getting used but now I find that one of my pets are missing their back equipment...

>> No.13275916

Only if you give them stuff that can be broken by ice/fire, similar to how they can get their stuff damaged by acid if you don't make it acidproof

>> No.13276266

If you don't have a Catsister with Magic Laser Eye Beams AP trained onto her, then don't even bother running a shop

>> No.13276300
File: 373 KB, 840x525, 1425880477336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only get a max of 10+ attribute points, per attribute, per gene engineer, up to the level that the recipient pet is at

So it's better to engineer a level 12 pet, then a level 14, then a level 16, etc. to a pet at level 10, than it is to engineer a level 20 pet into a level 10 pet. If you get that pet to level 20, you can't engineer other level 20 pets into it for attribute points, regardless if they are a higher level.
However, you can engineer another pet into the level 20 pet, to get it to 21, and then engineer it for attributes into a level 20 pet. I did this for Grand Dragons for at least 10 extra levels, because they have such great stats.

So basically, try to do levels in intervals. Instead of engineering a level 50 pet into a level 5 pet, engineer a level 8 pet into a level 5 pet.

>> No.13276306


>> No.13277684

>pay taxes

>> No.13277815

Need my reading material m8-sama.

>> No.13277825

There need to be a counter of times you gene engineered things into your pet when talking to her.

When it's at 0, a big "PURE" would appear next to the count, while an "impure" at 1 and above.

>> No.13278034

My waifu only accepts the pure parts of the genes so she would stay at pure forever.
