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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13257841 No.13257841 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>13232312

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.
What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.13257951
File: 1.29 MB, 1284x724, vnr-capture-1284x724-20150123-150154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for aprils fools mindbreak

>> No.13257999

>First for

You /vg/ fags need to stop shitting up this thread. Don't think you're welcome here just because you started reading Jap eroge like the big boys.

>> No.13258027

I'm learning japanese just because I want to play eushully games.

>> No.13258045
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>> No.13258053

Cool dude I hope you succeed!!

>> No.13258056

Yeah, we don't take kindly for outsider memes here.

Please behave and contain yourself!

>> No.13258296

Is Prelude necessary before main Oretsuba game?

>> No.13258329
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Found this on Frontwing's website, was it there for a while or was it added today?

>> No.13258397
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Yep, it's that time of the year again.

>> No.13258452
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>> No.13258697

Is there any difference between シナリオがいいゲーム and テキストGOODon EGS?

>> No.13258706

Scenario - overall plot and direction
Text - the actual writing/prose

>> No.13258739

I see. Surprised to see F/SN and Majikoi so high on the list.

>> No.13258751

Dont underestimate typemoon fans.

>> No.13258769

>Surprised to see F/SN
It's not like it's one of the top rated VNs in EGS anyway.

>> No.13258899

no. Skip it.

>> No.13259030

I hope the next biman is a lolige.

>> No.13259120

love,VAMPIRE FLOWERS April Fool video

This is the first legit video of the game, honestly I didn't like what I watched. They also sucks at making jokes.

I really liked Gleam Garden no Shoujo, they should have used the same writer and artist for their new game.

>> No.13259124

is it a joke right?

>> No.13259147

Site got an update after midnight, seems like it's serious.

>> No.13259279

Damn, why did Otome won? Fuck CIRCUS, Yume should have win.

>> No.13259344

Same here, there's enough oppai seijins to go around.

>> No.13259397

Won what?

>> No.13259567

She won so many years ago you should have gotten over it already.

>> No.13259657

It has some pretty nice intro scenes you won't see in main game.

>> No.13259972

Done with Valkyrie Runabout!
Not as bad as I've initially expected, but still very boring.
Even h-scenes aren't inspiring because they never show any action, only heroine is drawn and we are supposed to imagine penis, hands and so on ourselves.
Well, I understand it is supposed to be ultimate self-insert game for typical otaku, with whole "perverted, motemote, but ultimate hetare and never actually doing anything, being showered with offers of money, power and position yet acting like emo and pretending to be lonely and betrayed", but it just doesn't work for me.

>> No.13259984

Is there an order I should play the Bishoujo Mangekyou games in or is each one self contained?

>> No.13259997

Pretty much self-contained.
There's shared preamble from first game, that real protag stays at remote ryoukan for a while to get inspiration for his new horror novel and there he meets Renge. She lets him look into kaleidoskope, which makes him dream up all these stories. Every game is separate "dream", so nothing is shared between them.

>> No.13260019 [DELETED] 

Can someone help explain the meaning of this?

>> No.13260027 [DELETED] 

Reminder: report and ignore, don't take the bait.

>> No.13260053

R07 said in red it's true

>> No.13260104

I hope he gets a game with Renge one of these days, I really enjoy their relationship, they have chemistry and some sexual tension going.

>> No.13260494

Looking for loli eroge with animated lewd scenes.
Are there even any?

>> No.13260943

All 3 are horror games?

>> No.13260973

鍵っ子少女 for one, and I think some of 私立さくらんぼ小学校's other games are animated as well.

>> No.13261288

Softhouse seal's new game ぜったい征服☆学園結社 パニャニャンダー!! came out just this month. Main girl is a loli with animated scenes. Can't think of many games for that besides >>13260973 except for maybe doujin 3D H-games that aren't really eroge.

>> No.13261704

I want to buy a VN for my vita

Should I get Parfait or WA2?

I was leaning towards Parfait, but it's a bit more expensive and looks shorter, so I'm split again

>> No.13261936

新作エロゲを買いませんか? (2015年04月版)

Looks like a good month for those who want gameplay along with their porn.

>> No.13261940

By the way, does anybody know where I can get that old trial of Sakura no Uta?
Torrent on nyaa is dead and the one result on google was a members only download, and the registration shit doesn't work.

>> No.13262088
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Can anyone tell me about the VAs change in the Nachshten phase? Are they still the same people with different alias or something?

>> No.13262092

It was bundled with Supreme Candy. So just download Supreme Candy and hope the uploader kept it there. That's how I got it.

>> No.13262094
File: 162 KB, 800x600, 様.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was bundled with Supreme Candy, so look for that.

I played through it just recently. There wasn't much to go on, but it's got me excited for the new trial at any rate. Rin is pretty good, as is Rina.

>> No.13262105

Yeah, thanks, that worked.

>> No.13262124


After watching Koufuku Graffiti I'm up for more cooking-themed stuff, so Natsusiro Recipe might be cool.

>> No.13262138

I have PC2, puramai and basenjin.
Maybe kami no rhapsody.
Good month for me.

>> No.13262157
File: 659 KB, 835x591, asdas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching this and I suddenly see my language there. Seems like Rosebleu just grabbed some random newspapers for background.

Exactly speaking this is a report about an incident from 2009 where unhappy voters threw eggs at one Czech politician.

>> No.13262173

Japan REALLY likes da capo.

>> No.13262179

I might try Chrono Clock only if and when it's confirmed that Kuro has a proper route. I had enough of that bullshit with Hapymaher.

Otherwise, it's mostly a backlog month for me. I haven't played Senshinkan yet, and none of the others look as appealing as the games I already have installed.

>> No.13262190

Rhapsody already preordered and I'll play it first.
Then Basenjin, then evenicle. Then if I still have time left, I'll try new Astronauts' game, Chrono Clock, Natsusiro and Puramai.
Why the fuck they all decided to release on april, while marth is just pile of trash?

>> No.13262192

Japan loves april and they have the golden week.
>while march is just pile of trash?
Too true.

>> No.13262202

Mmm, thanks. The style just looked really familiar, and not exactly generic, but I suppose that was just me.

>> No.13262216

That's because Marth is.

>> No.13262562


>> No.13262760

I have it along with some other stuff. Uploading right now.

>> No.13262949



>> No.13263017


>> No.13263482

I've been waiting to find this game, thanks based anon.

>> No.13263663

You mean the manga? I was a bit surprised upon learning it exists.

>> No.13263853

Could someone with Japanese proxy/VPN please download and reupload this?


>> No.13264038


>> No.13264164


>> No.13265589

Something I just found out; Microsoft Security Essentials will detect the SiglusEngine.exe for Hanasaki Work Spring as a threat and delete it. It happened as I was playing it.

Me too, even though it probably won't happen. I think people'd still buy it because it's Happoubi Jin after all. One thing to note, Kirie in some scenes had huge tits but in others, and her tachi-e especially, she was flat as a board. I'm hoping at the very least for another flat heroine, I mean Kirie is probably the most popular biman girl.

>> No.13265622

So I'm trying to play Ikusa Megami Zero, but it freezes on start up.
This is after applying the append disk.
Any help?

>> No.13265639

>Microsoft Security Essentials
That shit is long gone dude. It got re-merged with Windows Defender. Get something else.

>> No.13265664


>> No.13265880

Thanks, that works.

>> No.13266961
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It changed to that, there doesn't seem to be anything there.

>> No.13266978

Pretty sure it's the new game from the Grisaia Team.

>> No.13266986

God I hope Watanabe Akio does the art again.

>> No.13266991

The file is fine, MSE is probably wrong there

>> No.13267005
File: 1.45 MB, 2420x1540, 1413724024600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From last year.

>> No.13267091

Oh neat, a fantasy setting. Looks interesting.

>> No.13267403

Is there such a thing as a 50+ hour VN with good pacing?
Or is it just an oxymoron.

>> No.13267423

Baldr Sky has good pacing imo

>> No.13267432

Is Phantom of Inferno that long?

If so, that.

>> No.13267712
File: 733 KB, 600x800, LR_package.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone played Low Rise yet?

I haven't been able to see screenshots. How's the "raising" aspect?

>> No.13267820

Baldr Sky

>> No.13267887

I didn't feel bored at any point during Zero Infinity, but ymmv.

>> No.13268233

So I've went through AneGin, and while it was boring overall, I didn't hate it as much as I've expected and I thought of trying some better Takahiro work.
What's best one he did? Majikoi?

>> No.13268245

Yes, Majikoi is his best work.

>> No.13268251

Majikoi is his best work but it's quality vastly depends on which game it is (Original/S/A) and what route you are playing

>> No.13268262

I'd say the first tsuyokiss, it was better overall than majikoi, at least for me.

>> No.13268267

Tsuyokiss is much better. Majikoi's common route is pretty good but the individual routes are terrible.

>> No.13268274

I've heard it relies heavily on seiyuu jokes. Is it worth it if I don't know difference Kawashima from Aoyama and don't even care?

Figured as much from EGS scores, already downloading full edition. But sequels are non-takahiro and shit, right?

>> No.13268280

>But sequels are non-takahiro and shit, right?
The second one is terrible and while the third is not bad, it's just more of the same and not worth it.
Tsuyokiss next is basically the third with 'new' characters, so at least it feels a bit less rehashed and Pureko's route is pretty good.

>> No.13268289

The seiyuu jokes are basically character X is voiced by a seiyuu who voiced character Y so cue reference to character Y in his lines.

>> No.13268299
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Those Seiyuu are mostly entry level stuff so I'd honestly be surprised if you didn't get them, This might help in that regard.

>> No.13268303

Seiyuu jokes***

>> No.13268750

Any suggestions for some good action VNs with comedy that's also 16:9?

I tried Naka no Hito nado Inai but the floating text box just distracts me to no end so I'm looking for something else.

>> No.13268752


>> No.13268863


Don't scare him with that big chart, only a few of those matter and they are all very distinctive voices.

>> No.13268962


>> No.13269174
File: 301 KB, 1280x720, 2014-09-30 07_09_38-フツウノファンタジー - frame 60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved it. Something else like that would be perfect. I liked that one scene in the second half when Hisui and Karen had those zombie eyes. Game me chills. I may be easily frightened, but man. Also how everything seemed to have a purpose like Jade's tsukkomis. Probably my favourite tsukkomi character ever. Also the music was great.

>> No.13269215

Is there point in playing badlr sky diveX?
Will I be disappointed after comparing it to the masterpiece bladr sky is?

>> No.13269323

Is EGS down or are all my proxies fucked?

>> No.13269344

Just you.

>> No.13269470

Comparing it is stupid because it's a fandisk and you play it for just satisfying your urge of experiencing more of Baldr Sky, plus fucking around with the other mechas.

>> No.13270384

Are there any decent eroge web radios these days?

>> No.13271443

I found it very fun, and liked Rain's story quite a bit. I'd say give it a go.

>> No.13271475


>> No.13271479


I'd say no. The tower climbing game was fun for a time, but I'd give the stories a miss. Especially the Kou turns into a soldier story really didn't have to be told.

>> No.13272039
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>> No.13272098
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>> No.13272246


>> No.13272333

How long does it take you to read something compared to the Japanese average?

Like if erogamescape listed the average as around 20 hours, how long would it take you to read it?

For me it's usually about 3x as long.

>> No.13272352

Completely depends on how immersive the eroge is itself, Like if I'm alt tabbing every 50-60 lines then it can take up to 3x+ as long to finish it. If it's immersive then I tend to find that those average play times are correct if a bit generious

>> No.13272436

Depends on the words first then the writing style - quite a few writers aren't afraid to spin out arcane meaning of their words.

>> No.13272440


So who's going to be the Gozilla this time? I vaguely recall he doesn't die being a god/deity of some sort.

>> No.13272451

I hope it's not all-ages console only release, but who am I kidding.

>> No.13272486

Fuck you ;_;

>> No.13272510

Well, To Heart 2 started off as console only all-ages title too. So there's still hope, right?

>> No.13272559

I don't understand what you're saying. Wouldn't being cryptic or poetic increase the native reading time as well?

>> No.13272614

You mean I just pirated a title worth nearly a thousand dollars?

>> No.13272620

If I could I would buy Shoin, I had a lot of fun with it

>> No.13272642

Same as this guy >>13272352 It's usually more my shit attention span than anything else. If I'm super into something it'll usually only take me as long as stuff like EGS says it should, but if I'm not it may possibly take me weeks to finish something.

I can focus on books easily but with eroge the internet and such is just so easily accessible it's hard not to get distracted.

>> No.13272673

It would help if more of them were at proper resolutions so I could play them fullscreen

>> No.13272699

It would, my point was my time taken to read are most impacted by the word meaning and then writer(s) style. For things that I get immensed in I am only a little slower than egs estimate.

PS: don't like the "select your shit" captcha

>> No.13273003

I just raped cowtits robot alice.
I feel bad.
I thought there would be a mimikaki scene when she was complaining about her ears. Oh well

>> No.13273198

And its best game of year according to EGS.

>> No.13273207

Art, music and atmosphere are good, porn is good too so it's definitely the most accomplished title so far, I don't think it failed at doing anything it set out to do.

>> No.13273300

What game are you two talking about?

>> No.13273318

Not to mention it's only 2800 yen. It's amazing value for that price.

>> No.13273320
File: 38 KB, 250x300, 30212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you launch Hanasaki Work Spring today, there is a special voice message on one of the starting screens congratulating Hikari on her birthday.

>> No.13273349

The new Bishoujo Mangekyou, I think.

>> No.13273500

Not being able to fuck MOTHER is suffering

>> No.13273534

Are there any VNs with protag being part of actual military, i.e. doing stuff with proper squadrons and larder units instead of usual "small group of superheroes" shit?

>> No.13273538

I think I have seen armour that girl on left is wearing somewhere before...

>> No.13274006

I have been playing the chaos;child demo on my ps4 all night. It's good. I'm really looking forward to the full release.

>> No.13275193


Also, I just finished Hikari's route....that was really stupid.

>> No.13275221

As a fellow military otaku, I find a lot of games with military commandant characters, here you go, you command actual tanks in these games:

>> No.13275223

Is the Homura route in Majikoi A-4 worth it?

>> No.13275237

If you like the students of the other school then Yes, if not then don't bother as the route is below average.

>> No.13275267

I see, thanks.

>> No.13275508

I once asked a similar question, and was directed towards 群青の空を越えて. Not sure how much it fits, though, I haven't played it yet.

Do they have a realistic military atmosphere?

>> No.13275514

As realistic as Gundam I think.

I mean there are still cute android girls around, but they are in military base, doing military shit.

>> No.13275515

Oh, and this applies to the the second game 戦場デ少女ハ心ヲサガス

>> No.13276337

Was there ever a complete voice patch for Demonbane, or am I stuck with half the lines being unvoiced because of a buggy patch?

>> No.13276378

The voice patch never made all of the spoken dialogue voiced if I'm remembering correctly.

>> No.13276596

Just play the PS2 version

>> No.13277435
File: 62 KB, 804x604, capture_bokutoiminonatsuyausmi_067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here played 僕と君の夏休み? Doesn't seem to be very well known among western communities.

>> No.13277460

It difficult to understand why people in Japan are actually buying used PC games. But who am I to talk, myself bought used Muramasa limited edition.

>> No.13277660

I finished her route today too. She was a good girl, but her route went on way too long with pointless drama.

>> No.13278668

Been waiting for 7 goddamn years, I'm so fucking happy.
There'll be a PC port, right?

>> No.13279054
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alright fellas, here we go

>> No.13279401

where are we going?

>> No.13280553

悪いが、suck my dickしてくれ

>> No.13280633


>> No.13281560
File: 594 KB, 1280x720, capture_012_06042015_170345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any recommended route order for Himanatsu? I know Hina's is initially locked, but otherwise the walkthroughs seem to differ on whether Ruka and Daiya's routes should be done before Yomi, after Yomi or after Hina.

And of course the girl with the cutest character sprite is reserved for the all ages console port, damn you devs.

>> No.13281609

You can just do Yomi and Hina and skip the other two, they just aren't as good.
Otherwise do them before Yomi.

>> No.13281620

yomi -> hina -> drop

>> No.13281632

Thanks for the info. Guess I'll skip the other two then.

>> No.13281697
File: 17 KB, 1084x200, asdas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found something perplexing in SubaHibi reviews on EGS.

What's the グ○○○ギ○○○ー masterpiece the reviewer mentions? I thought about it, but nothing comes to mind. Maybe I'm just missing somewhat obvious.

>> No.13281886

The Great Gatsby

>> No.13281899

Ah, that fits. Thanks.

>> No.13282511

Anyone have an opinion on the Sengoku Hime series? I've been feeling the urge to play some strategy games lately.

>> No.13282623

Is there an eroge about winemaking?

>> No.13282637

I think you're putting the cart before the horse.

>> No.13283140


It's shit, that's my opinion

>> No.13284185

Good gameplay, Shitty story.

>> No.13284224

Beat Ikusa Megami Zero. The setting is decent and I liked how it spanned a long period of time, but the characters are pretty bland.
Can I just go to Verita now or do I play the two Genrin no Kishouguns?

>> No.13285343
File: 154 KB, 500x306, DPS588_P004-009-1_cs1w1_500x306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13285355

> 機種:PS3、PS4、PSV

>> No.13285754

Is there a lot of drama in this? That red head and silver haired girl looks so adorable. But I don't want to play if there is drama.

>> No.13285792

There's drama everywhere, anon. It's time to wake up and face reality.

>> No.13285856

Finished Flowers.
The writing really suited the games atmosphere.

I liked how the pacing was really good even though games like this can easily go pointlessly on and on.

Will probably not be reading the new one unless the mysteries are really good.though.

>> No.13285882

If I wanted to face reality do you think I'd be on /jp/ in the first place?

>> No.13286108

Why don't you just try the trial?

Iam reading it now, and so far it's full on comedy. And it's actually pretty good, the mc is good at making tsukkomis. The red hair hair girl is actually a bro character, and my favorite girl so far because I thought she was just a tsundere. The Silver one is a friendly and adorable lone-wolf who opens up to the mc pretty quickly.

It has hints for some drama that may happen later, but so far its a great comedy school life with adorable heroines.

>> No.13286542

Imouto Style from C: Drive.

>> No.13286551

Currently reading Majikoi A-1 and have more fun with it than with every release for basically a year. Guess I'll remain a pleb.

Looking forward to Yukikaze 2 which just got pushed back another month. Fuck.

>> No.13286559

Like what you want dude. Christ. You make it sound like it's a bad thing to like a game if it's popular.

>> No.13286601

It was half ironic. I never got this threads disdain for Majikoi. There are much worse charage which get way more hype here.

Minato really loves to milk it to death though, so that might be a reason.

>> No.13286628

You are forgetting how Majikoi is tied with /a/ despite most of it being untranslated.

>> No.13286648

Majikoi isn't tied with /a/. Majikoi is a free spirit, beloved by all weeaboos.

>> No.13287488

Is there a VN with lots of awkward moments? Not talking about "running into the bathroom while your imouto is changing" trite stuff. I mean stuff where you have to cringe.

>> No.13287502

The entirety of School Days made me cringe

>> No.13288010

I'm considering switching my OS to XP because of certain VNs that refuse to work no matter what in Windows 7. Do you guys know if most VNs released these days still support it?

>> No.13288045

I've never really run into compatibility issues with w7 myself but to answer your question XP is still supported.

>> No.13288315

Most gakuenmono "comedy" VNs make me cringe. If anything, its much harder to find VN which doesn't have such moments.

>> No.13288333

I strongly recommend playing at least second Genrin, because there are two protags in Verita with parallel storylines and it doesn't work well if you didn't read backstory.

>> No.13288556

Personally, I just didn't find it very entertaining at all.
And it's a problem if there's no homosex in the game when nearly all of the female characters, the heroines especially, had zero appeal compared to the male ones.
That and Gendum references basically make me want to turn a game off after seeing the same ones repeated for the thousandth time.

>> No.13288590

I was more talking about intentional situations, but whatever.

>> No.13288620

Sadly I can only think of specific scenes here and there, mostly in nukige, nothing that does it consistently. It would make for an awesome game though, I wonder why no one's made it.

>> No.13288724

Isn't 雨のマージナル supposed to be out already?
I'm missing something?

>> No.13288736

It was never uploaded.

>> No.13288758
File: 200 KB, 1296x758, DWWIC1Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished Grisaia no Rakuen. It was my first plot based VN I read in Japanese (and Meikyuu).

Overall, it was an awesome game. Kind of hard to read at times but my comprehension and speed shot up tremendously.

I have a question though, should I read the now unlocked prologue? It doesn't seem that important, and I wanted to move onto reading SubaHibi.

>> No.13288785

I liked prologue more than epilogue. Its very short anyway.

>> No.13288788

I'll have to wait until it gets released on steam then. shit.

>> No.13288796

Why do you even care about random doujin trash with low EGS?

>> No.13288798

Yeah but the epilogue was just a bunch of ero scenes. I'm kind of skimming through the prologue right now. I'm just really pumped to start reading SubaHibi!

>> No.13288801

You can just buy it. It's pretty cheap.

>> No.13288817

Same publisher as the first "VN" I played, that's all.
Yeah, not thanks. I have a feeling it'll be just bad.
Also, I couldn't find it in the places I usually buy stuff from.

>> No.13288822

Kataoka Tomo is a good writer.
>low EGS
Who the fuck cares?

>> No.13289973

Anything worthwhile released this year? Last thing I read was Nanarin so it's been a while.

>> No.13290162

Personally I'd recommend running XP in a VM for those games. Security issues aside, a lot of newer hardware and peripherals don't work in XP anymore. And I wouldn't be surprised if even eroge began to not work in XP soon, since few list it as being officially supported anymore.

>> No.13290349

The final Ley Line game was pretty good.
Later this year there's Bansenjin, Hanahime and Sakura no Uta plus the new Utawarerumono on Sony consoles.

>> No.13292319

Windows 7 seems like the best choice for now, with XP in a VM, yeah.

I'll be getting a new laptop soon and I'll go once again for Win 7, not 8 or 8.1. Some older VNs seem to have problems with it.

>> No.13293181

I've never run into one I couldn't play with a combination of 8.1 and an XP VM, but either way.

>> No.13293712

Agreed. Route was dumb, still enjoyable even if her single drama element was retarded.

I should really start the other routes but I came because I couldn't pass up Toono Soyogi as a kouhai role, and after having played I feel too satisfied and should have left her for last. Ochiba and Kuon are pretty funny, too.

>> No.13293743

Nice, but get on my level. I'm learning japanese because I want to translate them.

>> No.13293829
File: 224 KB, 552x777, 20150123185937ecb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone excited for Evenicle?

>> No.13293854

I'll play and complete it but I do hope Malicesoft does something interesting with the story in it so I have a reason to play it more than once.

>> No.13293886


Evenicle is like the 5th or 6th game on the list of this months releases that I want to play

>> No.13294028

Sure am. I love the character designs and my gut is telling me this won't be crap.

>> No.13294049

The protag looks like a fag, but yeah, looking forward to it.
Hopefully the characters are interesting and aren't just there for protag to fuck.

>> No.13294100

meant Wakaba, was playing Astral Air a second ago and mixed them up

>> No.13294157
File: 21 KB, 266x380, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, the last few months due to real life stuff I could barely touch VNs. Shit got so bad that the only VN I touched in the last 2 months was Euphoria.

Now to the point of my post: both to clean my palate from Euphoria and because I'm really starved for some moe, which of the VNs in pic related do you guys recommend? I'm looking for the most light-hearted VN, with the cutest heroines.

>> No.13294178

Yakimochi Stream

>> No.13294264

For me that's a tough call. They're all pretty cute, but I guess the one that's the most iyashi-kei for me (or what I'd personally choose after playing something like Euphoria) would be Hoshiori. As always with all moege/charage, YMMV though. What you find cute might have been unappealing for me. I know some people will swear on Twinkle Crusaders, for example, in this case.

>> No.13294396

Go for HoshiOri if you enjoy long term, drama-free light-hearted relationships throughout high school and into adult life.

>> No.13294602

Its too often compared to Drapeko, and I hated Drapeko, so I'm on the fence about it. Will play it after Eushully and light, but I don't expect anything great.

>> No.13294655

Do Alicesoft games ever have good stories?

>> No.13294657

They're ok at best, but you don't play them for the story.

>> No.13294663

Has anyone here played なつくもゆるる? Was looking for something to start up and it caught my eye.

>> No.13294697

They can produce some nice stuff if they put some effort in but you mostly play their games for the characters and/or the gameplay.

>> No.13294762
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I have, it's one of my favorite games ever. Consistently entertaining, great characters, hilarious dialogue, and a fun plot. Very solid imo.

I highly recommend it, you won't be disappointed.

>> No.13294773

Sold. Thanks anon, I appreciate it.

>> No.13294828

The Rance games generally do. Evenicle is written by the same author as Drapeko, so I'll be setting my expectations pretty low.

>> No.13294863

Start with Harumade Kururu?

>> No.13294906

Do I need to play that beforehand? Vndb didn't mention it being a sequel to anything so I didn't think to check for one.

>> No.13294914


You don't need to play it beforehand unless you just want to, they're not connected at all outside of being written by Watanabe.

Harukuru has some higher points, but Natsukuru is overall a much better game with infinitely more bearable pacing. It's up to you though, they are both great.

>> No.13294920

Alright, I'll bear that in mind. Thanks for the heads up, anon.

>> No.13294928
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No problem, I hope you enjoy yourself as much as I did.

>> No.13295684

Rance VI has god tier story.

>> No.13295720

Really? Plot was utterly retarded. While Rance had semi-believable reason to act retardedly, other actors didn't have any.
Use clever scheme to disable mana batteries, but once you took control of them, fail to dismantle or at least disconnect hardware? Even majin should not be as stupid.

>> No.13295741

But Kamiera would be perfectly happy with the mana batteries getting put back online.

Her main objective is to get away from Kayblis.

>> No.13295791

Rance wasn't being retarded, he was clearly just trying to figure out how to fuck bitches the whole time, which he did a great job of.

>> No.13295818

>which he did a great job of
He didn't, most of his targets escaped in true route.

>> No.13295822

Rance VI is linear

He doesn't fuck Annis, Uspira and Chisako.

And Elizabeth and Feliss I guess but there are reasons for that.

He technically only got a blowjob from Seizel

>> No.13295828

I mean that post-game stuff is non-canon and technically didn't happen, so scenes there don't count.

>> No.13295833

Risking whole humanity, including women he likes over theoretical possibility of getting 2-3 more pussies is retarded by my standards.

>> No.13295845

The post-game stuff is 100% canon as has been confirmed by Alicesoft on numerous occasions.

So yes he has fucked Kamiera and Abert is a bloodsoul)

>> No.13295867

It turned out all right in the end.

>> No.13295873

I also don't see why the main character thinking with his dick makes the story bad.

>> No.13295887

>has been confirmed by Alicesoft

>> No.13295895

one of the TMs where Abert's status was confirmed

>> No.13295916

Plus the interactions between Magic and Rance in Sengoku and Quest do extend from what happens in the post game.

How do you even conclude that it isn't canon when everything plus the wiki and all the fans and Alicesoft and the character relationship chart all treats it as canon?

>> No.13296022

Because he's obviously an idiot. You guys are humoring him too much

>> No.13296089

he is an idiot who only thinks with his dick.

That doesn't make the plot bad and doesn't make him a bad character

>> No.13296103

>That doesn't make the plot bad
But that everyone is as retarded (like Ghandi) and that good guys win only because evil guys are even MORE retarded is textbook example of bad plot.

>> No.13296105

That just sounds realistic. People in real life are simply different degrees of retarded.

>> No.13296162

compare it to other eroge rpgs

Rance VI's plot and story is much better and Abert is a pretty good villain

And Kamiera's main objective is to get away from Kayblis so there is no reason for her to dismantle anything.

>> No.13296164
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I was thinking of switching because after some search on the archive I found people having problems loading Hello, World. on VMs, but I decided to setup one anyway to see if it would work (since it refuses to work in Windows 7 no matter what). Turns out it did, and good thing it's been enjoyable so far.

>> No.13296168

You just need to download the special exe for it to work in w7.

>> No.13296180

Now that I'm already reading it on XP, it's unfortunately too late. Do the older nitro+ games have these fixes too? I remember having issues with Jingai Makyou and that Demonbane sequel on windows 8 a long time ago, but they probably work on 7 just fine.

>> No.13296270

>Jingai Makyou
I looked for one when I tried to play it, but no luck.
VMs tend to kill my motivation when trying to play something.

>> No.13296277
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The trial was pretty good, the characters and voice acting are fun to listen to.
The protagonist's motivation is to become a knight so that he can have his own harem of cute girls, which sounds alright to me.
Plot doesn't seem like it will be too terrible, maybe a bit generic, but this isn't something that you read primarily for the plot in the first place.

>> No.13296335
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Dengeki about the new Utawarerumono.

>> No.13296340
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>> No.13296341
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I-is this really Kodachi's route? Why everyone wants Kakei's dick now?

>> No.13296352

Because you went down a route where you chose no one while raising all flags.
Reason there's an end for every girl.

>> No.13296353
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Also Famitsu.

True route? It has two variations, one special for Kodachi and another one where you can choose one of the other girls. So make the right choices and you'll end up with Kodachi.

>> No.13296358
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>> No.13296413

Urgh, I can't possibly be less excited for a utawarerumono sequel. Why now in 2015

>> No.13296435

Not to mention Sony console exclusive. I'm actually quite mad right now since my PS3 bricked itself few months ago.

>> No.13296442

So am I, PC is the only platform I currently have.

>> No.13296447

Same here. Why do they hate PC so much?

>> No.13296451

More sales on consoles?

>> No.13296455

Didn't Chaos;Child sell like trash because it was console exclusive?

>> No.13296468

because it was timed exclusive on xbone

>> No.13296485


No one?

That brown tomboy fang girl really pushes all the right buttons. I don't want to spoil myself and look up the CG sets, but I've really not had enough time to play this.

>> No.13296486

I honestly believe it was an exclusive up to the point xbone sold like utter shit in japan.

>> No.13296679

Because you guys are pirating everything.

>> No.13296702

Please use the phrase "unauthorized copying", and be aware that it has negligible impact on sales as has been shown time and time again.

>> No.13296707

Ah yes, the ten people of /jp/ pirating pc games caused Leaf to move to ps3

>> No.13296711

The western impact pirating untranslated eroge is virtually non-existent.

>> No.13296735

I didn't mean only the Western community.

>> No.13296748

While we're at it, does anyone know if the PS2 version of Utawarerumono works in PCSX2?

Althernatively the PSP version in PPSSPP?

>> No.13296751


Well you're posting on a Western community board. If you want to complain about the chinese or japanese pirating than do it on their boards because otherwise there is no discussion or debate and no one cares.

>> No.13296756

Pretty much everything works in PPSSPP. Even if it doesn't, I really recommend buying a PSP for like $50 and modding it yourself. Tons of good games, especially JRPGs.

>> No.13296763

I'd rather go with PPSSPP knowing PCSX2.

>> No.13296781

Bleh. Every discussion of sales lost through piracy without taking disposable income into account is less productive than wanking.

>> No.13296782

I just answered the question, geez.

>> No.13296793

Come to think of it, I do have a real PSP.

Nowadays I'm too used to PPSSPP with a dual-analog controler. It's much better for some action games and such. But analogs shouldn't matter for Utawaremono.

>> No.13296944

But I don't pirate everything.
I buy a few titles a year from the companies I really like, unless if they gaijin block their websites because I'm too lazy to rev up a proxy and see what the different shop bonuses are.

>> No.13296971

Where do you go for interviews or news/reviews? Like animeanime but for eroge I guess.

>> No.13296978


I don't know what animeanime is but holyseal.

>> No.13297831

Because non-ero PC games sell like shit in Japan, and they no longer seem to want to make eroge.

>> No.13297974

Don't lie. Minori, Baseson and a couple of other companies tried to making all ages games for better sales, and all of them failed & returned to +18 games again.

Maybe not visual novel games sells well in japan I dont know anything about that, but all ages vns don't sell like shit for sure.

>> No.13298032

I think that's what he was implying. "Selling like shit" means shit sales.

Also, I don't really now why they even tried. It's not like VNs become recognized as a higher art form just because you take the porn out. In most cases it ends being just more boring. I was a bit afraid Innocent Gray would go the same path after their latest yuri snore fest, but luckily they'll release 殻ノ少女3 which is pretty hard to imagine as an all-ages title.

>> No.13298048

Isn't Leaf a company stable enough to go for consoles? They've had a fuckton of VNs ported anyway.

>> No.13298080

Well I think every company had their own reasons. For example Baseson made all ages game so they can make an extended version with h-scenes and new arcs, and they pretty much succeeded about that. First game sold well, and the second one also will sell okayish too. Less effort, more money.

But then again their games have 40-50 different VA and doubles most of average eroges at the length category so I think they deserve that.

>> No.13298146

Was the first one good?

>> No.13298258

Not gameplay-wise, but characters and plot are enjoyable.

>> No.13298526

Sorry to be that guy, but I've always had trouble with the game crashing at the OP even with the exe. I recently formatted my laptop, so I don't think there's a problem with codecs and such. Do you know a fix for that?
Might as well set up a VM though.

>> No.13300719

Just went through Mangekyou 3, and so far it seems like all ends are bad ends...

>> No.13300902 [DELETED] 

Baseson friend I need your help. In your opinion what is their best game to startw ith?

>> No.13300915

Baseson friend I need your help. In your opinion what is their best game to start with?

>> No.13300931

Play the Kohime series and wait for the 18+ version of the Sengoku game, Skip the rest especially the Appare! series.

>> No.13300942

Thanks. So I start with Shin Koihime Musou right? I won't miss anything from the first one?

>> No.13300975

I think he should wait for the remakes.

>> No.13300990

The only thing you'd really be missing is some SOL events in the original which don't really apply to the Shin series. You won't miss anything as the Shoku route covers the original game's plot while removing the retarded part of it.

Might as well play them now so he can compare them to the full remake next year, and he'll also need to play both Shin games to enjoy the extra's they are releasing this year.

>> No.13301005

>You won't miss anything
You won't miss anything plot wise**

>> No.13301116

Baseson fan here, I think their best game is newest one Sengoku Koihime, But its all ages and in december an +18 remake will come for it, you can play all ages now and play remake at december as well or just wait for remake, its your choice.

Other than that just play Shin koihime and Shin koihime Moeshoden. Definitely dont bother with first koihime musou and appare series, specially appares. They were "very very" bad even for a fan like me.

Also if you are going to play Sengoku koihime, play that after Shin koihime musou games since the sengoku koihime's mc is raised by shin koihime's heroines & mc and there are some references.

>> No.13301417

Thanks for the helpful posts.

>> No.13302416
File: 1.57 MB, 1296x758, lolige.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I didn't expect lolige to be this fun.

>> No.13302465

The game is fun but I hate the art.

>> No.13302743
File: 955 KB, 1024x576, evkrin003_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come here desperate and seeking help.
Any would be highly appreciated.

>> No.13302752

Same here. I like Tanabe Kyou's doujinshi but for some reason I couldn't stand the art in this game.

>> No.13302887

Forced for who? The girl or the guy?

>> No.13302910
File: 785 KB, 1024x576, evkutr001_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forced for the guy. Although a guy forcing cunnilingus onto a girl sounds equally interesting, so if theres any with that content I'd like to know about it too.

>> No.13303796

Thanks for the recommendations.
Since I was already really interested and I love 同棲 stuff I started HoshiOri. The thing is, all the girls seem great so I don't know who to pick first. Are there any routes better than others?

>> No.13303832

Has anyone come across a lolige that deals with being in a relationship with an underage girl in a more serious way than VNs typically do?

>> No.13303843

I don't think many people are interested in something like that, because a relationship with an underaged girl would be scary abusive and unhappy.

>> No.13303858

"Anon-kun, what do you like about me?"
"I don't know, some guys on the internet told me to date you before I date the other girls."

>> No.13303875

I know it's not common, that's why I asked.

And I'm not looking for abusive necessarily (though that might be interesting as well, so if you have suggestions by all means post them), but more the couple having to face issues with society/the people around them and whatnot. Don't know if such a thing even exists in the eroge world.

>> No.13303876


Also, this is spot on.

>> No.13303878

You may think I'm trolling,but this is exactly what you want though it's mired in German politics and shit

>> No.13303926

It's actually pretty fun, but yeah much stuff will be lost on you if you aren't German. The translation also lacks the laconic style of the original.

>> No.13303969

I've seen this mentioned here before but I passed over it because it just looked like a simple nukige. I guess I'll check it out, then.

Hmm. I might try it at some point, though it's too bad about the art.

>> No.13303974

Well I kinda have an order, but it's incredibly close so I was planning on taking other people's opinion into account.

>> No.13303986

>I'll check it out, then.

Be prepared to feel like shit though.

>> No.13304456

I think you're the only one who thinks that deep into it, honestly. Having an open relationship with your blood related sister would also be a really shitty relationship but you see that in a lot of eroge. I don't think anyone cares how a relationship would (supposedly) realistically occur.

Loli itself is just niche, all there is to it.

>> No.13304479

Well, he asked for a serious take on it, and a serious take wouldn't be happy at all, is all.

>> No.13304599
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The most realistic thing to do would be to have the protagonist maintain a close relationship while avoiding any sex until she becomes legal.

At that point she wouldn't be a loli anymore, but if she ages like Nanoha then I don't see a problem with it.

>> No.13304726

I'm not sure that's realistic. I don't think people often wait for the girl to be legal.

What's the point of a taboo relationship if you remove the taboo?

Same with how incest is never an issue in eroge. Why even make her a sister then?

>> No.13304745

>Why even make her a sister then?
Because it makes my dick harder.

>> No.13304805

>At that point she wouldn't be a loli anymore, but if she ages like Nanoha then I don't see a problem with it.
Nanoha aged like milk. She had a perfect 10/10 body before she spoiled.

>> No.13304810
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4 Year old Nanoha was the best.
Cutest too.

>> No.13305828
File: 90 KB, 793x597, jingai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading jingai makyo, this woman just reminds me too much of an adult Naru.

>> No.13305833

How did you manage to make it work?
I can't find a nodvd and can't mount the cue file given with the torrent of the game on Windows 7

>> No.13305837

You can install it, but it won't work in 7/8, so virtual machine with xp is necessary for this game.
With stuff like unity it's like having a normal window open instead of the whole machine.

>> No.13306156
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Just finished Hatsuyuki Sakura a few days ago, and currently reading Majo Koi Nikki since it was also by Niijima Yuu.

>> No.13306264

Worked fine on Win7, dunno about 8 though.

>> No.13306274

just watch some 3d facesitting porn.

>> No.13306352

Begone, heretic!

>> No.13306712

Could someone recommend me some romance focused game with interesting/unusual pairings? Something similar maybe to Damekoi or Hina route from Himanatsu.

Doesn't really matter how long the game is. I don't mind doujin releases either. Otome games are fine as long as main character is interesting. Even non-H is fine. I've barely managed to finish anything in the past year and I'm tired of dropping VNs that turn out to be uninteresting cliched moege under seemingly interesting surface.

>> No.13306782

I liked majokoi and didn't enjoy hatsuyuki sakura at all.

>> No.13306788

Have you played 紙の上の魔法使い or newest applique? I think you will find what you are looking there.

>> No.13306791

How is Damekoi? I'm thinking of having a go at it, but I'm not sure about it. 主人公 seems hetare as fuck.

>> No.13306796

He's a lovable, earnest hetare, who mans up when needed.
The relationship he builds with Mitoko is great and he can even get his ex back.

>> No.13306803

Oh, that seems okay then. I was worried he'd be another Haruki since Maruto wrote it.

>> No.13306862

I'll give both of them a shot, thanks. Any specific routes to go for or avoid?

Hard for me to say since it's been a long time since I read WA2, plus I remember liking Haruki. Can't say Haruki and Osamu are completely different but the story itself is a lot lighter and less serious so I would say it's still at least worth checking out even if you hated Haruki.

>> No.13306900

Both have specific route order and are story-driven.

>> No.13306919

Maruto wrote amazing protags before WA2. Parfait and Folklore Jam for example.

>> No.13307078

Are there any games with a ドS maid as a main heroine? This is my fetish.

>> No.13308382

So I'm wondering, do the proposed "Christian interpretations" of Cross Channel and Saihate no Ima hold any water?

>> No.13308391

I don't read interpretations, but a "Christian interpretation" sounds like a huge asspull in this case.

>> No.13308399
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It comes out as the final most "base" interpretation after the endless pages that one guy wrote about it.

Then he proceeds to write endless pages about why he thinks so.

It's baffling.

>> No.13308428

I think writing porn games disqualifies you automatically from being a "very religious Christian". Sounds like wishful thinking.

>> No.13308443

Calling novels like Cross Channel a "porn game" is wildly inaccurate and ignorant. Containing erotic content does not make the entire game porn. It'd be like calling Harry Potter a porn series because Ron and Hermoine fuck.

>> No.13308450

A porn game is a porn game, dude.

>> No.13308453
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>> No.13308458

The game displays and describes sexual activities in a graphic way in order to arouse it's reader. It is porn. No need to be defensive here. That doesn't devalue the rest of the game.

>> No.13308470

It isn't porn, it has porn. The difference is distinct and important.

>> No.13308477

It depicts in-depth sexual acts and wants people to masturbate to it, it's porn, it also has a story but that doesn't mean it stops being porn.

>> No.13308490

The porn scenes are porn, the other (majority) scenes are not porn, therefore while the game has porn, it is not a porn game. Nukige versus eroge, here.

>> No.13308495
File: 853 KB, 854x640, 2015-04-12 07_36_16-真剣で私に恋しなさい!A-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What matters is the intention of the reader. Most people wouldn't touch this kind of games if they don't expect making out with cute girls. But it's pretty fruitless discussing this kind of things. Point is, I don't see porn as a bad label.

Anyway, what do you mean there is no proper route, Minato? Can't have that. I expect at least a fan disc and an after story +.

>> No.13308525

>Nukige versus eroge, here.
Nukige is just a subset of eroge.

>> No.13308526

> Most people wouldn't touch this kind of games if they don't expect making out with cute girls
Yes, like me. But I still skip h-scenes.
What's important is that protag had sex with heroines, but unless its something creative and fetishy, I don't want to read about it in detail.

>> No.13308532
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There's somebody else who likes her?

>> No.13308534

Yes, and not all eroge are nukige.

>> No.13308547

Yeah, I don't really know why though. Her H scene was pretty hot.

>> No.13308596

>I think writing porn games disqualifies you automatically from being a "very religious Christian".
Not necessarily. I'm a very religious Christian and I play eroge and have a sizable ero collection. There's nothing in the Bible forbidding porn or masturbation (only one short part is often interpreted as such, but context makes that interpretation obviously wrong). Due to how religion and culture influence each other, churches often teach that anything sexual is bad but (for most cases) it has no Biblical basis. (Meanwhile they ignore things that ARE in there when they clash too much with culture. The Bible explicitly forbids gay sex (between men), folks.)

>> No.13308618

The Bible also explicitly forbids eating figs but no one gives a fuck. It's obvious that lots of the bible was written with making society function (e.g. no gay sex because less babies), so nowadays it's fine to ignore those parts.

>> No.13308767

And Konnyaku's Wataru, who is the polar opposite of hetare.

Calling Cross Channel a "novel" is wildly inaccurate and ignorant because it's not a fucking novel, it's an ADV game.

>It'd be like calling Harry Potter a porn series because Ron and Hermoine fuck.
Not even close to the same and you know it. Harry Potter doesn't have explicit sex scenes.

>> No.13308769

Now you're just being pedantic.

>> No.13308878

>(e.g. no gay sex because less babies)
Actually, homosexuality as sexual orientation is a relatively new concept; before that, it was just something you did (or didn't), in addition to your normal sex.

Most likely gay sex is forbidden due to its role in pagan Canaanite religions (temple prostitution) and Israel's constant tendencies to adapt these pagan customs (which is also the likely reason for many other weird commandments, like "do not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together").

>The Bible also explicitly forbids eating figs
Source on this? I'm pretty sure this is wrong. There's even a part in the Bible where Jesus wants to eat from a fig tree (but finds it has no fruit yet), which would be weird if it were forbidden.

Your point is mostly valid, though. There's a whole bunch of rules in there that, in the light of more modern knowledge, make sense as ways of for example stopping disease from spreading.

>> No.13308879

Jesus then curses the fig tree and it dies.

>> No.13308900

/jp/ - Jesus' Pals

>> No.13308913

Christianity is shit
and if you're going to talk about gay sex, at least talk about eroge with gay sex to keep it relevant

>> No.13308976
File: 206 KB, 1024x576, gaaaaaaaay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any regular eroge with homo scenes/routes? I know Subarashiki Hibi had a few scenes, and Smile Cubic had a route with MC's best friend.

>> No.13309311

悪の教科書 has this in one of its chapters.

>> No.13309773

Subahibi had gay scenes?

>> No.13309784

Still didn't finish SubaHibi?
Dropped you.

>> No.13309792

Hey, there's nothing gay about sucking dicks, and he was even wearing a dress. It was totally straight.

>> No.13309937

Didn't Reminiscence have a homosex end?
Otherwise the only thing I can think of is Hoshi no Ouji-kun which had a homo route.
Unless you're a faggot that doesn't considering traps homosex, I guess.

>> No.13310026


>> No.13310029

The sum of an object is more than it's parts.

>> No.13310692

Someone make a new thread.

>> No.13310831

There we go.

>> No.13311103

When people have a conclusion they desperately want to impose they can go to great lengths to try and impose it.

Just look at Gladstone's volumes on the studies of Homer. There's a lot of incredibly insightful analysis in there but unfortunately he's also hamstrung by a dogged insistence that he can reconcile Homer's pagan pantheon with the creed of Christianity. A shame because much of it is genuinely brilliant and that cast much discredit over it.

>> No.13311103,1 [INTERNAL] 

I agree, ero is really holding back eroge this industry could be really much more.
