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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 97 KB, 800x589, 800px-Japanese_nationalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
130574 No.130574 [Reply] [Original]

After reading about the Uyoku dantai and the like on Wikipedia, how bad is the gound-level ultra-nationalist shit over there? Moderately visible, once-a-day visible, once-a-media-blowup visible...?

If people did this shit in Australia, there'd be widespread condemnation of the retards (Pauline Hanson, Cronulla, etc.)

>> No.130579

Is it ausfag hour yet?

>> No.130582

Australia has multiculturalism as a national policy

Japan has xenophobia as a national policy

see the difference?

>> No.130594

lol. multiculturalism = fail.
There's always some nutjob outside the West exit of the JR station near the Keio department store. Big black van, shouting out stuff via a loud speaker. Everyone ignores him.

>> No.130596

in Shinjuku, I should add.

>> No.130618
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That's probably the Christians. They're pretty desperate.

>> No.130637

>My unrelated political opinions! Let me show you them.

>> No.130640


>> No.130675

I never read the damn van until now. Christians, eh?
My views on everything are correct, and anyone who disagrees is wrong.

>> No.130698

Yeah, they're in front of Shinjuku station a lot. I also saw them driving down the main drag in Akihabara. They also have people standing on major street corners with loudspeakers playing prerecorded messages. I saw a random white kid, like 10 years old, with one.

>> No.130708

I've seen that kid. Creeped me out.

>> No.130723

wake me when they're at the level of california/arizona; where almost everyone speaks some spanish in order to get by.

>> No.130731

those black vans every week or so when I was in japan. They were usually in centralized areas

>> No.130748

A big black nationalist bus sits just outside suzuka circuit.

way to welcome foreigners to your international racetrack, japan

>> No.130770

i remember back at Camp Zama i choke slammed some wannabe black japanese guy when he kept bothering me about rap music.

>> No.130778

Unsuspecting tourists probably don't know what it means.

>> No.131353

The guys in front of the Shinjuku JR station are like from Hokkaido or something. Say some really crazy shit. "Thank your mother for not marrying a foreigner and keeping Japan pure, thank your father and your grandparents for marrying another Japanese...Japan should return to old days..."

No one seems to listen to them. Last time I saw them in Shinjuku they had like a whole camp set up with lawn chairs and stuff, but people just kept walking by. They use the loud speaker on a van delivery method for lots of things, I'm sure people are desensitized enough to it. "Be careful of fire in dry weather, it's garbage collection day, Vote for mayor Tanaka, Expel the foreign barbarians." Just business as usual in Japan.

>> No.131376

an terrorrist

>> No.131395

australia's full of more dumbshit racist than the south nigga

>> No.131405

everyone celebrates st patrick's, its just another day to get drunk and welcome our drunken irish, potato famine faggots into society

>> No.131407


>> No.131436

If they are like that what happens when they see non-japanese walk by?

>> No.131492

I remember someone here said they flipped out when they heard him speaking English.

>> No.131496

install linux

>> No.131533

I'm curious about those of you staying in Japan, seriously how did you get a job with the language barrier and all?

>> No.131551

I would take them more seriously if they didn't drive around the Chinese characters plastered all over.

>> No.131557


Protip: Most of the ones working in japanland can understand and speak moonspeak.

>> No.131580

That or they teach english.

>> No.131603

I've never seen them harass anybody. And Shinjuku is Tokyo so there's plenty of foreigners around. I stopped and listened to them the first time I saw them wondering what the hell was up ( I am very obviously foreign, have the Aryan complex going on.) and they didn't make any notice.

I suspect the police currently tolerate them on the condition they don't hassle the tourists. Also the spot where they usually park is kind of across the street next to a concrete island type thing, so you don't really walk that close to them. They're usually just there shouting crazy xenophobic shit and everyone just keeps walking by pretending like they're not there.

A lot of Japanese people, and especially english language schools that specifically want to attract native english speakers (i.e. foreigners) speak at the very least a little english. Japanese people study english from middle school through high school, mandatory. Really, the main gaijin gig is teaching english and rarely have I personally heard of anyone else working in Japan not at a school who doesn't speak very very good Japanese. Sometimes there are sort of "novelty" positions where you can get hired at say, a host/hostess bar, because a lot of Japanese people find gaijins novel and/or want to practice their english.

>> No.131617

The Police tolerate them because they agree with them.

>> No.131635

I doubt that. Well, not entirely, but in my experience the police have been generally very helpful to foreigners. Then again... Well, either way, I doubt that the large majority of the police force is nationalistic to that extreme.

>> No.131651

Well you always get extremists in any society. It's like branding every white guy a white supremist just because the KKK exists.

>> No.131660

I feel the japanese police is closed to the classical english policeman, giving directions and helping people fight the purse robbers, than to the american sherifs. Of course, that's just an outside image.

>> No.131666

The classical English Policeman isn't every effective.

>> No.131674
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I certainly won't contest this fact, old bean!

>> No.131676

neither are japanese police

>> No.131683

Yeah, like an American police officer pulls you over, for a split second there's that, Oh god, is he going to kill me?" thought. With Japanese police officers it's more like, "If I pushed you over I bet I could run away while you struggled to pull your frail old man body off the sidewalk."

Neither are the Japanese policemen. You'd never see a badass american cop directing school children across the street or waggling their finger at you when you ride your bike with an umbrella. They're too busy doing drug busts and shooting black criminals. Or so I hear.

>> No.131687


>> No.131694

More multi-cultural societies should do this. Especially Europe, it's being overrun with sandniggers.

>> No.131695

I can tell you have some troll blood flowing through your veins.

>> No.131711

Why do you say that?

I haven't said a thing against touhou, Japan, or pedophilia. What would make you think I was a troll?

>> No.131714
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RIP true /n/

>> No.131719

I think he might have quoted the wrong post.

>> No.131731
File: 8 KB, 164x255, 1204556100663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical European these days.

>> No.131740

That one hit a bit too close to home.

>> No.131743

...that's so true...

>> No.131747

I kinda heard EU (or at least nordic eu) is gonna get asian nurses next so multiculturalism's not all bad.

Of course if despite the promises I DON'T get my ready and willing cheap (sex) workers I'm voting nazis next time.

>> No.131768

I wish all the Muslims in Europe were replaced by Latin Americans. They're just as brown, and it'd solve 95% of Europe's problems.

>> No.131771

Philippine Nurses is what you are getting.

>> No.131825

Can't we just fucking ban Islam forever and be done with it? You know it's coming up eventually.

>> No.131832

We can't ban NAZIsm, how in the hell can we ban islam NAZIsm cousin?

>> No.131837


Ah, you need dirt-cheap laborers, yes?

>> No.131842
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>> No.131849


>> No.131857


Needs more mohawk.

>> No.131861


>> No.131894

I freaked when I heard there were Japanese Muslims.

>> No.132120

you heard lies

>> No.132255


>> No.132271

These are some of the guys that like to fuck with tourists because they're OMG EVIL FOREIGNERS KILLING OUR NATION.

They aren't being arrested because apparently there aren't any laws against racial discrimination in Japan.

>> No.132282

Why is it they only troll the tourists that they out number and/or who are not military personnel or well-built?

>> No.132399

You know, Japan just might be oh so magical and awesomely different because they look down on foreigners and foreign things (or at least pervert them to their own image). What would they be if they were all ethnicly sensitive and politically correct and didn't think they were SUPERIOR? USA with greater slant ratio, that's what!

>> No.132417

>What would they be if they were all ethnicly sensitive and politically correct and didn't think they were SUPERIOR? USA

This is wrong. You have no idea how intolerant a lot of the U.S. is. In fact, half the country is Republicans.

>> No.132418


>> No.132433

Of course they're wary of foreigners. Japan is just a fucking sliver of land in the ocean with a bunch of neighbors that hate their guts(and rightfully so). Remove the U.S. presence and it's gonna be GOOFY TIME.

>> No.132445

I am japanese, and yes there are laws on racisim you fool

>> No.132531

I was in Tokyo for six weeks with Temple University. I only saw a single black van once, and I think it was on its' way to the Korean embassy near the campus.

>> No.132553
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>> No.132735

Hey dumbass.
Why don't you start enforcing those laws then?

>> No.132849

You kind of answered your own question, there.

>> No.132963

Probable the same reason the KKK doesn't take a stroll through Harlem.

>> No.132979


>> No.133056


Yeah, too many niggers.

>> No.133109
File: 265 KB, 607x391, 1204572136396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe the Japanese do need some BRITANNIA, ALL HAIL IT!!

>> No.133150


Trufax: the Tokyo police publish "foreign crime" guides and secretly helped pay for the publishing of an extreme right-wing magazine that featured anti-chink and anti-gaijin propaganda. Google it if you care.


Never enforced: Don't believe me? Find some foregin friends who rent their own apartments in Japan and ask them how many times they were turned down because "they are foreign". I'm half-Japanese (I look white) and have been rudely turned out of real estate agencies purely because of my looks, despite having a Japanese passport. Likewise most hostess clubs, many bath houses etc etc. won't let foreigners in. Some regular nightclubs in Shibuya have a "no foreigners" sign on the door. Ironically, these clubs are usually wannabee American-gansta-rap clubs, go figure.

>> No.134831

"Foreign crimes" is a really large category ranging from jaywalking to murder. Those statistics make no distinction between misdemeanors and felonies despite most of those "crimes" are just visa overstays.

Discrimination in finding places to live is a hell of a problem that won't be solved because the cops will often just side with the landlords.
About not getting into those clubs, you're not missing out on anything.

>> No.135419

All this yet you fags still want to gobble up their culture like the weaboos you are. The best thing to happen to japan was to be nuked, too bad they didn't finish the job.

>> No.135434

does not live in california/arizona

>> No.135445

Hey, I'm just here for the Touhous. I hate Japan.

>> No.135512

whats a touhous

>> No.136763

angry korean is angry
