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13241589 No.13241589 [Reply] [Original]

Is it really bad to be a secondary 2hu fan and why?

>> No.13241598

I tried to win at the games but it stresses me out really bad.

>> No.13241601

Take it easy, anon.

>> No.13241605

Nobody cares, touhou is dead anyways.

>> No.13241618

Anon, be strong enough to walk away if you're not having fun.

That's how you win.

>> No.13241627

I really enjoy playing the Touhou series of games, but if you don't like playing them, then that's fine, anon. shmups aren't for everyone.

>> No.13241642

Thank you!!!

>> No.13241667

just play the fighting ones

>> No.13241671

Being a secondary is fine if you're having fun.

If you wanna see all the pretty patterns, go watch a replay.

>> No.13241672

The problem is, I really want to enjoy the games, but dying again and again over the same stupid thing frustrated me to no end.

>> No.13241676

Sure, and all those dozens of doujin products that get pumped out at various cons each year are the rotting corpse.
Saying Touhou is dead is pure, distilled bullshit.

>> No.13241694

yeah, right.

it might be frustrating but it feels so damn good when you beat it.

if you want to play with unlimited lives, download cheat engine and lock your lives at 3 or whatever so you wont loose them when you die.

>> No.13241750

A secondary it's the same as that's so lolimsuchanerd girl who only plays facebook games and the nerdiest thing she watched is Harry Potter.
If you don't care about Touhou is fine being a secondary, but if you're one and say you like touhou you're just one lame poser.

At least read the official written works, you have no excuse there if you really want to get into touhou.

>> No.13243370

Imagine you have created a story about a character who's really quiet and philosophical, ending in a thoughtful message on something you really care about. You put your heart and soul into this, working on it for years. Showing it to other people makes you nervous - rejection would be crushing, but you're eager to see what they think of its themes and characterization.

Your friend Bob reads it and loves it so much that he's moved to tears. Then he writes a parody of it. In his work, your pacifistic protagonist is instead an ultraviolent psychopath who eats grenades for breakfast and enters every room by shouting "What's up, bitches?!". It's completely ridiculous, and nothing like what you wrote, but Bob knows just how to make fun of your cast, and you can't stop yourself from cracking up in laughter every time you read it. Bob worked just as hard on his parody as you did on the original, so you wish him every success.

Then one day you meet a fan who greets you with "What's up, bitches?!". He starts to gush about how badass your characters are, and how they "beat up pansies like what they deserve". You try to explain that was Bob's work and he says "Who's Bob?". Turns out that he's never read your story, and despite being so passionate about it he refuses to do so. It's as if your work is so utterly shit that people would rather die than sit through it.

Then you find out that all your "fans" at the convention are like this. You and Bob get together and cry into your beer.

>> No.13243381

Not really.

You should play the games but it's the fandom that really makes Touhou what it is.

>> No.13243402

Long story short, there is a reason that literally every doujin says "This is a derivative work and the characters/setting aren't exactly like the original, gomenasai".

And there's a reason why, while ZUN goes to great lengths to support Touhou fanworks, he forbids selling them in places where people who don't know about Touhou can find them (like Steam).

>> No.13243415

nah, fandom just makes stuff following ZUN's canon.

If anything, it is the ZUN's setting that makes everything matter.

>> No.13244045
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Is it bad just to enjoy the fandom?

Bullet hell games are not for me, and reading the official works is too depressing, for example, I read a bit of wiki, and found out that Mokou killed someone to obtain the Hourai Elixir, now I can't look her the same way anymore, all those happy doujins with her on it have suddenly a sad undertone.

I quess this makes me a secondary, but I just can't help it.

>> No.13244438

Damn man, you are rejecting canon even.

You are a tertiary or something.

>> No.13244496
File: 579 KB, 1287x984, th13 clear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can say that it took me a while to beat touhou 13 at normal, due to how frustrated I got trying to beat stage 3 and 4. After finally beating stage 4 and making it to stage 5, I felt eased and finally worked up enough skill and knowledge to beat futo and miko.

>> No.13244501

It is unusual.

I hate Reimu. I hate Alice. I hate Cirno. I especially hate Yuugi. I hate Koishi. I hate Satori.

I love, and I especially love Fat Patchouli. Like not even Patchouli, specifically the librarian when she is obese. I guess Koakuma and Hong are cool too. I also really like Kanako. I like it when Kanako vores Suwako and Sanae. I also enjoy Suika. She's a drunk loli.

I only really like Kanako's song. The rest of the music is shit.

Yuyuko is cool too.

I selectively chose what to like about 2hu. This fandom is fucking terrible and ZUN is an alcoholic pedophile. This series, which isn't even a franchise since no company owns it, is a weird limbo of semen and shame. That said, it has things worth salvaging. I guess it makes people happy, that's fine.

I still want to impregnate an obese 500+ pound Patchouli though.

>> No.13244508

Sound you got selective tastes, but more power to you, anon.

>> No.13244598 [DELETED] 
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fuck you nigger

>> No.13244599

Clear each game once and read each official work once.

>> No.13245282

Most Touhou characters aren't like Mokou. Read the Three Fairies manga or something, it's basically just kids fooling around.

Also, I suck at bullet hell games but I can complete the fighters without too much trouble. So try them.

>> No.13245749

>if you want to play with unlimited lives, download cheat engine and lock your lives at 3 or whatever so you wont loose them when you die.

Or just play MoF or SA.

>> No.13245843

Think about all the spell cards you've cleared.
Which one was the most difficult?
Which one was the most difficult looking, but not actually that difficult?

>> No.13245869

Yeah, Touhou is not cute girls' wonderland.

You're worse than secondary if you refuse to accept that.

>> No.13245874

Which one was the most difficult?
One of Meira cards
And I got Eirin
Which one was the most difficult looking, but not actually that difficult?
Hell if I know
But I just realized that these crosses Yumemi is making block bullets

>> No.13245893

I enjoy the games but can't get past stage 4 on any of the ones I've played. Is it possible for a person to simple be incapable of clearing a touhou game?

>> No.13245914 [DELETED] 

There's no word for it, you've ascended secondary status to become something else.

>> No.13245960

Is there any reason to play the games before 6? Besides not being a secondary?

>> No.13245972
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>Touhou is not cute girls' wonderland.

How do you figure?

>> No.13245975

Fun characters and good gameplay

>> No.13246000

They may look cute but their actions are not so cute.

>> No.13246071

Secondaries are parasites

>> No.13246150

If it's SA or IN there's no shame. Rin and Eirin are hard.

>> No.13246164

secondaries are perfectly fine, and much of the amazing art work and other things the fandom has produced has come from people who never actually played the source material.
The problem comes when people pretend certain things are canon and take on a know it all attitude when they don't actually have any first hand experience.

>> No.13246450

>Which one was the most difficult?
EoSD Lunatic Scarlet Meister. God damn that card.
>Which one was the most difficult looking, but not that difficult?
IN Lunatic, Eirin's Forbidden Arcanum "Hourai Elixir" got me nervous over nothing so many times

>> No.13247634

I've tried my hand at the official games and it's just fact that I suck at them. It's the characters and music that got me into it really.

>> No.13249204

Why would you call yourself a fan of a topic you know nothing about?
I mean you can still be very fanatic about the little you know but fans of the real thing will naturally despite you.

>> No.13249209

Please go back to /v/ with your improper usage of the english language and its words.
I suggest reading a good book for a change to boost your reader score.

>> No.13249288

If only I was born in 85~88 I could have participated in the golden era of 3hu and anime.

>> No.13249296 [DELETED] 

These are not reaction images, nor are they for dumping in a 'supah kawaii' way, secondary.

>> No.13249861

>I read a bit of wiki, and found out that Mokou killed someone to obtain the Hourai Elixir, now I can't look her the same way anymore
Yeah but she's getting better as a person now. Isn't that the point? She never felt good about killing the soldier. The Mokou of today isn't the Mokou of 1300 years ago (and even afterwards for quite some time).
Eirin literally backstabbed the Lunarians she was with in order to "save" Kaguya. Sakuya's past with normal humans and her relationship in particular with the cooked humans at the SDM is left ambiguous, but it's probably not a nice story. More similar examples exist. This doesn't mean that characters that have done bad things in the past for whatever reason are unable to change and must continue as they are.

This is one of the things that makes Touhou good in my opinion, because it's not just an appealing fantasy land, it's one such land that can be very dangerous at times and whose inhabitants have their own issues that they deal with in various ways.

>> No.13249872

A secondary is like that retarded person who "fucking loves science" while the only science related thing it ever talked about it's stupid T-rex memes and other "us scientist uh" jokes.
In other words you're just a poser, and those are never good.

>> No.13250712

>it's one such land that can be very dangerous at times
Oh shit she's gonna throw glitter at me now.

>> No.13250741

Fake science is more exciting than real science, though. Fake science is explosions and spaceships and dinosaurs and time travel. Real science is shuffling petri dishes and waiting for PCR machines / supercomputer jobs to finish running, or else just hundreds of pages of math.

Everything is better on the television.

>> No.13250875

>if you don't like the game, cheat
At that point you could as well just watch replays of people actually playing and beating the game.
And it will be more amusing.

Not saying it's bad, just that it's a more appealing option in that case.

>> No.13250897

That's a great analogy.

The point isn't that they aren't an actual scientist, but that they have only superficial knowledge of it. Basically the people who exclaim "Science!" or "History!" as a meme whose interest stops at whatever nerd kitsch like time traveling robo Lincoln.

>> No.13250920

Being a secondary isn't bad at all.
Actually, having a hostile attitude towards secondaries is pretentious and hypocritical.

It's like saying you can't have a wallpaper of a beautiful landscape if you've never been there.
Or that you don't have the right to talk about a food you enjoy if you don't know its recipe and origins.

>> No.13250929



>> No.13250942

Your comparisons make no sense you know that right?

>> No.13250963

No, it's like saying you like a series without having read or played any of the content.

>> No.13251042

My comparisons make perfect sense.
The comparison >>132498721 gave doesn't work because most secondaries don't call themselves "touhou fans".

Yet every time someone reveals that he isn't really into touhou, they get heavily bashed. Like if this was an exclusive club where only hardcore fans are allowed.

>> No.13251057

I 1cc'd most Windows games on Hard and IN on Lunatic. Those were easily one of the most stressing months I've ever been through.

Touhou fucking sucks as a game, but the girls are a blessing and a light that came into my life. Stick to the printed works if you don't want to be an annoying Faceddit quaternary.

>> No.13251059

>Which one was the most difficult?
Asteroid belt is impossible for me in a run for some reason.
>Which one was the most difficult looking, but not actually that difficult?
Honest man's death. Looks impossible if you don't know about the laser clipping trick.

>> No.13251085

I'm sorry if the fans who spent a lot of time on their hobby expect other fans to do the same so as not to coexist with retards who didn't even bother with understanding the hobby and shit up the place with their idiotic remarks and low-quality content.

In case you didn't realize, yes, I'm being sarcastic.

>> No.13251092

a lot of (heavy) shit happened and now we are here living the present

>> No.13251110

>and shit up the place with their idiotic remarks and low-quality content
In that case, what are you doing here?
I see low-quality content everywhere.

The fans who spent a lot of time on their hobby aren't much better than the supposed retards you talk about.

You say you are sarcastic, yet it's a very accurate description of reality.
I feel sorry for those fans who expect high quality content on 4chan.

>> No.13251129

Not to me
The only imo acceptable cheat is slowing down the game if you have shit reaction times or reflexes.
Playing at 2/3 speed or 1/2 speed is still playing. Just not as intended.

>> No.13251181

It seems obvious that ZUN doesn't care all that much for "high-level" play (scoring). If he did, he would at least include basic practice options like selecting (for example) power, cherry, or UFO-tokens.

Just look at touhou 12 for example. A good player will max out the score without much effort, and that's after the game got patched for the same issue once already.

If you think playing shmups is stressful just take it easy and try for a normal 1cc on one of the easier games. Playing easy mode for survival will likely be boring to most players, even those who are new to the genre.

>> No.13251462

>take it easy

>> No.13251480

I jack off to them and nothing else

>> No.13251508
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I don't understand how you can become a fan of something without playing it. You only get a barebones and usually wrong interpretation of the characters. It's gotten a lot better with the newer games but like 85% of the doujins has every character with an opposite personality. The music, while great on its own, gets a whole new meaning to it once you see the danmaku patterns like with Reverse Ideology you can imagine the screen flipping and rotating during the song.

The main problem is the fact that secondary's call themselves fans. You are not a fan. You just like a few most likely incorrect bits of it. It's like how some people say they are a fan of Harry Potter but only saw a few of the movies. You like Harry Potter. A fan would have read the books, seen the movies, and read the interviews. Same with touhou. A fan would play the games once for the bad endings, once more for the good endings, at least attempt extra mode if they are bad at the games, read the print works, and keep up to date on everything about the series.

>> No.13251509

What else can you do with touhou?

>> No.13251529

A real Touhou fan would learn Japanese so he could experience everything as it was meant to be experience

I embarked on that lonely road two years ago and by the time I was able to read I had lost interest in Touhou

It was terrible

>> No.13251559

Is it bad to listen to doujin music without playing all the games? I don't consider myself a huge "fan" at all, but I played through 6 and 7 on easy mode so I do have some exposure to the games.

>> No.13251620

Do whatever the fuck you want. If you want to play the games so you can have fun and experience the original versions of the songs, go and do it. If you don't, don't. It's simple.

>> No.13251624

...I still read the books though.

>> No.13251662

Nah dude. The touhou fanmusic scene is awesome.

>> No.13251681

I agree, although it seems a bit like your main issue is not with the secondaries, but rather, the specific definition of the word "fan".

>> No.13253385

But real 2hu is better than fake 2hu. Fake 2hu is reading memes and looking at girls' pics. Real 2hu is fighting exciting danmaku battles and reading in-universe books, and you can still into memes and pictures.

2hu confirmed for being better than science.

>> No.13253492
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I've played most of the games but only beaten them on normal.

Sorry guys.

>> No.13253521

I don't think there's a problem with that. As long as you played through and can appreciate the games, I don't think anyone can REASONABLY call you a secondary. Not everyone is a danmaku god.

>> No.13253703

Help me, /jp/! I tried getting into Touhou two months ago but I still can't beat Embodiment of Scarlet Devil on fucking normal. I want to get around to playing all of them but I'd like to at least beat them before moving on to the next.

>> No.13253728

Someone make a Mima edit of this please.

>> No.13253735


Same here.

Honestly I think I'm just not cut out for STGs.

I've watched runs and memorized patterns but I still can't beat it. I always seem to fuck up and fly into something or get myself trapped. There are just too many projectiles to keep track of and it overwhelms me.

>> No.13253747

play more than once a week and use your bombs

>> No.13253748

I had this same problem.

Actually I tried the very first games, and couldn't beat the fucking boss.

Two years later, I got interested on some characters and tried EoSD. I kept getting beaten on normal.
I wasn't very drawn to the style of the games as to sink too much time into them, so I just embraced my secondaryness and went directly to read the manga and the wiki.

Maybe not everyone can be a primary.

>> No.13253759


Playing the games stresses me out and makes me feel like shit when I can't beat them on normal. I usually just read the wiki sometimes and listen to the music all day.

It's even fun to watch other people clear the game on youtube because then I even get to read the dialogue.

>> No.13253767

I think the problem most people have with the games is that they expect to win. They are a lot more fun if you accept that you will be losing most of the time until one day you get good enough or lucky

>> No.13253780

I've been playing pretty regularly. I can go the first 3 stages without losing a life, but stage 4 onwards are almost guaranteed deaths for one reason or another. With bombs, it never feels like I actually need them until I'm already dead.

Sakuya constantly ravages my virgin asshole too. I can't handle it.

>> No.13253790

If you feel inconsistent at certain attacks you should bomb them early rather than later. Every time you lose even just 1 bomb by dying that's a big deal! If you do the first 3 stages without losing a life you could, if you wanted to, just bomb everything that is at all threatening

>> No.13253792 [SPOILER] 
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But from my understanding, you only get the canon endings if you actually beat them.
Otherwise I don't even get the real boss and the game tells me I should git gud

So the only option I have left to get access to the true lore is either watching replays or reading the story from the games on the wiki.

I got to enjoy Sakuya raping me from the countless times she killed me. Image related.

>> No.13253794

I have been playing the games for three years or so and have made basically no progress. I am still playing normal mode and I can never play past stage four without dying

>> No.13253806

If you keep putting in effort it's impossible to not clear the games on normal at some point, the most important thing for that is using your bombs. I would even go as far as saying that anybody that keeps trying can beat them on lunatic. Keep in mind the the only way to truly lose is to give up. Also keep in mind that it doesn't matter how long it takes you to beat the games as long as you do so.

>> No.13253816

Bomb more
Get better at grazing
Get better at memorizing things

>> No.13253926

just go into easy mode and get used to the patterns and mechanics then. Ain't no shame in it as long as you are trying to get out of it. Hell, I can 1cc hard mode on most games but in SA, I get my shit wreck by Orin everytime and had to go into easy mode for a good couple weeks before I could upgrade to normal. Still can't can't reliably beat hard mode because of her.

>> No.13253945

Play Hard or Lunatic even if you find it hard to clear stage 1. You'll improve way quicker. Even though some off the spell cards are different it's good to get used to faster and higher bullet densities.

>> No.13254125 [DELETED] 

no one fucking cares what kind of fan you are of a dead franchise

>> No.13254146

no one fucking cares what kind of fan you are of a any franchise whatsoever

>> No.13254721

>I wasn't very drawn to the style of the games as to sink too much time into them, so I just embraced my secondaryness and went directly to read the manga and the wiki.
>Maybe not everyone can be a primary.

The games and the manga are both Touhou. They're both primary stuff.

>> No.13254760

>This fandom is fucking terrible and ZUN is an alcoholic pedophile
I don't think you belong here. You might fit in more in, say, >>>/soc/.

>> No.13255084

I'd say practice alot, but especially streaming.
EoSD is a little awkward since it contains a large amount of patterns that are either mostly random or mostly streaming.
If you improve on your streaming and bomb the random patterns, you should be able to get pretty far on that alone.
For example Sakuya's spellcards are all pretty easily captured by streaming, except for Killer Doll which is fucking bullshit.

>> No.13255421

>This fandom is fucking terrible
Most of the fandom, like any fandom ever, is shit. But unlike most other fandoms, 2hu fandom brought us more great music as well as some great games, as well as some amazing art and good anime.

>and ZUN is an alcoholic pedophile
>using the "2hu is a loli game xD" meme unironically
Otherwise yeah he drinks a lot, but you've never seen an alcoholic IRL.

>> No.13258204

The glitters that can rip your clothes, made from anything like sharp needles, knives, stones, flame, produced from a device that can produce heat in high degree, etc.

Youmu also will slash you in Danmaku match.

>> No.13259519

You mean 90-99% of all touhou fans? I don't think you understand how low secondaries are

>> No.13262151 [SPOILER] 
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Hate it or love it, the community doesn't adkust to you but you adjust yourself to the community, it's called respect, but on other hand you know next to nothing about it.

>> No.13262354

>I feel sorry for those fans who expect high quality content on 4chan.
Then go create a new website like 4chan that you can name it as "2huchan" for exemple, and where you can kick all people that don't make high quality contents.
It can have lots of board only for speak about the universe of Touhou. Maybe this concept will be successful or just a flop but you have nothing to lose for trying it.

>> No.13262646


I was like you, once. Come back to EoSD later, it's honestly one of the hardest due to it's unrefined mechanics. 7 and 8 are MUCH easier, and more fun to boot.

>> No.13268141

Just read some of the written stuff. You can find the scripts for the game dialog too, but be careful about what you take literally from the translations.

>> No.13268191
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What is a secondary?

>> No.13268714

>fapping to a Touhou you haven't beat on lunatic

>> No.13269437
File: 10 KB, 200x180, 1427065307170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks he has the power to say that the fandom is terrible

>"I hate Reimu. I hate Alice. I hate Cirno. I especially hate Yuugi. I hate Koishi. I hate Satori."
>"I love, and I especially love Fat Patchouli."
>"I like it when Kanako vores Suwako and Sanae."
>"The rest of the music is shit."
>"I still want to impregnate an obese 500+ pound Patchouli though."

>thinks he has the power to say that the fandom is terrible

>> No.13269455

Who are y'all quoting?

>> No.13269501


You can't use that contraction. That's my contraction.

>> No.13269527

nah, I want to be cowboy!!!

>> No.13269533


Get out of 'murica.

>> No.13269548

No, I want to be an american cowboy!


>> No.13273544

what is this expression trying to convey?

>> No.13273600

Not necessarily, but I think you should at least try the games, even if you've never played the bullet hell genre before. You might like it. But if they're not your thing, then you can enjoy the Touhou stories, comics, etc. on their own merit. They can be a lot of fun.

For myself, I first tried the games almost a decade ago (I think I heard about it on /a/) and it didn't click with me at all. I left it behind for a few years, and then Touhou got my attention again (about the time of that Bad Apple!! video) so I tried the games once more and THIS time I enjoyed them.

>> No.13273637 [DELETED] 

Playing the games made me hate touhou

>> No.13277709

Maybe it's bad, but it's definitely not as bad as being a tertiary like me. Most of my knowledge of 2hu comes from bkub comics.

>> No.13278017

As long as they at least give a lot of the games a try on normal difficulty or higher they are better than most secondaries already. It is "okay" to be a secondary if they at least respect the games and the canon, and don't try to pass of their "ships", memes and whatever the fuck else as more important than the actual games and actual setting/lore.

I'll probably bring in the CAVEfags by saying this, but my main issue with the series is that I personally feel that the touhou games are somewhat overrated (not the same as bad). As much as I like the setting and the music more than any other shmup, I feel as though there are many other shmups that are way better in the gameplay department than the touhou series.

>> No.13278031

Most likely you're probably not familiar with the basics of shmup gameplay. Just give it another try and more things should come clear.

When in doubt, tap-dodge. When in doubt whilst tap-dodging, bomb.

>> No.13278062

You should play one of the games or at least read an official manga. There's nothing to lose in doing this, you either like it and possibly start to become a primary, or dislike it and move on as if nothing happened.

>> No.13278068

What if I'm actually a tertiary 2hu fan? I can't even finish the game on easy mode.

>> No.13278121

I plan to, I just never have the time. Soon though, soon.
I think tertiary fans are people who literally only know awoo~ and honk. You can still be a fan of a game, even if you're shit at it.

>> No.13278743
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The elitism is real.
Why do people feel the need to put themselves above other because theyre a 'real' fan

If someone enjoys something, they enjoy it.

You don't have to try to be better at liking something, it's silly.

>> No.13278862

It's a problem once people like that outweigh people who've actually gone through the works, or the creator changes the direction of their work for that group.

>> No.13278880

Because they don't have any real accomplishments to be proud of.

>> No.13278895

I like the games, though I'm not very good at them. I haven't read any of the official manga, or any of the other manga. I've played a few of the fan games. I love the M-1 Grand Prix, and that's where most of my interpretations of the characters from from, honestly. I fap to touhou regularly.

what does that make me?

>> No.13279092

You'd probably be a primary, or at least closer to primary than secondary. You have played the games after all.

>> No.13279130 [DELETED] 

people on the internet, especially when anonymous, try to grasp at opportunities for a false sense of superiority

>> No.13280669

>false sense of superiority
In that case they are superior fans though. That doesn't mean anything of course from an outsider point of view, they could be a superior bag of shit too.
But I really don't get why you would want to call yourself a fan of something if you haven't even played, read, watched the source material. That's like those people calling themselves fans of Fate or -gatari just because they have seen the anime.
Obviously the "biggest" fans of something are those who have consumed the source in its original language because even a translation is in some way an interpretation and if there is no official translation out, the chances are high that those are pretty shitty fantranslations.
Fortunately the majority of /jp/ can read moon, so that shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.13280702

>But I really don't get why you would want to call yourself a fan of something if you haven't even played, read, watched the source material. That's like those people calling themselves fans of Fate or -gatari just because they have seen the anime.

Nah, the anime is an attempt to recreate the original - at worst you'd call them a fan of the anime. A secondary is someone who calls themselves a Fate fan because they've read a Fate/My Little Pony crossover fanfic.

>> No.13280720

By definition a primary, but you're basically a secondary.

>> No.13280764
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A miserable little pile of headcanon. But enough talk… Have at you!

>> No.13280801

What is there to be proud of?

>> No.13280819

A huge time investment?

>> No.13280842
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I'm literally into touhous just for the porn.

>> No.13280938

Yes, and?

>> No.13284909

Filthy crossboarding normie here. I just downloaded towel embodiment of the red whatever and its pretty fun but I've got no idea what the fuck Im doing. Easy and normal are the same. Sometimes my character dies when she hits shit, sometimes she doesn't so I don't get if theres hitboxes or shields of what because theres these darts tmwhos spacing is less wide than my fat ass. The only thing I get is that the red boxes let me shoot more waffles in every direction, no idea what the blue ones do.

Also why am I mudering all these faries?

>> No.13284922

Hold shift for focused movement.

>The only thing I get is that the red boxes let me shoot more waffles in every direction, no idea what the blue ones do.
Blue boxes are for points. You don't really care at this point.

>Also why am I murdering all these faeries?
Because they were there.

Also, on harder modes they'll do your best to murder you the moment they pop onscreen.

>> No.13284978


>> No.13284983

you should also try some other games. EoSD is a bad point to start because it's the only game that doesn't show your hitbox when you focus (it's way smaller than your sprite)

>> No.13284984

not after you've seen Remilia build a moonrocket out of wood w/ sashed windows.
I patiently await doujins of touhous meeting the outside world head-on.

>> No.13284994

They've got doujinshi like that. I can remember more than one where Marisa visits the outside world, maybe other characters also...

There's also one where tengu declare war on Gensokyo with modern armaments (I don't think it ever got finished), which kind of counts.

>> No.13284996

/jp/ help I'ma primary but I wish I was a secondary

canon keeps interfering with my headcanon how do I delete all the game dialogue and Zun's written works from my brain?

Zun pls maek youkai abortion girl and murder girl yuri pairing canon

>> No.13284997

>youkai abortion girl
I don't even know who this is supposed to be.

>> No.13285018

Marisa is a BABY KILLER

>> No.13287447

>One of Meira cards

>> No.13287453

no visible hitbox, its more fun
and 2 doesn't have shift

>> No.13287476

I'm know that feeling and "muh statistics, muh validation" poor Yumemi

>> No.13287489

like any pc-98 era

>> No.13287544

What if I have some lunatic 1cc to my counter, read pretty much every written work, listened to ZUN's albums to death and still read a shitload of dumb doujin mangas, enjoy the memes, ship characters and genuinely enjoy a few western fanfictions?

>> No.13288204

No one's saying you can't like fanworks. Just that if you're going to be Plato, at least step outside the cave.

>> No.13288396

>falling for the worst excuse for a bait i've seen in 4chan so far

>> No.13288415

Wow, he sure got me good.

>> No.13295135
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[Unrelated] Fellow /vr/ anon here

Let me tell you about touhou secondaries, they are the most idiotic imbeciles ever seen, almost on par with bronies when it comes to stupidity.
I can't play something in Zandronum (Multiplayer-based sourceport for Doom, a /vr/ game.) without having a retard that spouts shit like (9) or PADS or other Touhou fads. These idiots call bullet hell games "Touhous" because it seems that Touhou is the only Danmaku they have touched when (Note: There are other Danmakus that predate Touhou), and by touched i mean playing it for a little while then quitting when you die or simply watch a god damn Let's play instead of playing the full game.

To put it simple, a touhou secondary is a filthy imbecile that doesn't actuallly know about Touhou , they only know about it because of some fads from Touhou's fanon content (Said content is made by Japanese) instead of both PLAYING THE GAMES and reading the official lore of Touhou. A Secondary is what makes the Touhou games and fan content to not be taken seriously (Even if they are or aren't meant to be taken seriously, doesn't mean that you have the right to act unironically like a retard and spam (9) everywhere).

TL;DR:Secondaries are the weeb idiots who think Touhou characters are all "lolis" and never played the games.

Touhou isn't even hard to be honest, even a little girl could beat Touhou 06 on Normal.

>> No.13295529

Hu r u quotting, worst crossboarding scum I've seen in 4chan so far?

>> No.13296123

>Touhou isn't even hard to be honest,
Post your scores

Although I agree that the memers are pretty much as bad as bronies and that there are plenty of shmups more difficult than the Touhou series.

>> No.13296130

You're on the wrong board.

>> No.13296142

>These idiots call bullet hell games "Touhous"
That is like calling every fps a doomclone(or nowadays cod clone) and every action adventure a zelda game.
Fuck I hate those people.

>> No.13296155
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>> No.13296504

I'm a little girl and I can confirm that every little girl that I know can beat EoSD on Normal.

>> No.13296545
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Die all the time anyway but pretend you are an expert

>> No.13296550
File: 391 KB, 500x273, 1405037666220.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clear 10 on normal by abusing marisa B
>tell all my friends I'm a fucking master

>> No.13296553

How the fuck do I dodge Cirno's icefall thingy and Patchy's fireball things? Theres like way too much shit going on for me to not die or waste a bomb.

>> No.13296557

Cirno usually has a huge blind spot.

>> No.13296572

>Cirno's icefall thingy
It's possible, I died all the time at fist too, now only half of. Watch replays on youtube.
>Patchy's fireball things
Bomb, nigga, bomb. A bomb unused is a bomb wasted.

>> No.13296574

>Yeah, let us answer to bait all we want! It's the only way to make /jp/ better!
I'm just trying to be helpful here, dudes.

>> No.13297361

I only play the games and don't care about the fandom

>> No.13297502
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Like "elitism" would be always something bad.

People who actually have some stantards and don't stand for all kind of crap get branded as "elitist" because nowdays it is some kind of a norm to celebrate stupidity and mediocrity.

Maybe you someday wake up and realise that not all is equal, and should not be.

>> No.13297513

>I'm just trying to be helpful here, dudes.
Labeling all stupid posts as bait is not helpful. Especially given that the supposed bait had been taken sixteen hours prior to your post without anyone even trying to reel it in.

>> No.13297562

Please learn to speak English before spouting such nonsense. You look like an uneducated idiot.

>> No.13297614

First you could point out that why I'm spouting "nonsense", and where did I make a spelling mistake, so maybe I could learn something?

Then again, my first language is not english, and that "stantards" was a typo.

>> No.13298357
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>my friends

>> No.13298420 [DELETED] 

That black box made me lose my job

>> No.13299818

Also, beside the characters and their personality touhou is about the music and how the game pace revolves around it.

Secondaries are completely ignorant when it comes to this since the only music they know about is written by iosys and silver forest.

So yeah deliberate ignorance of the original works is the biggest offense of secondaries, meme spouting being a close secondary

>> No.13301995

Regarding secondaries... I don't mind if somebody hasn't played the games before and is still a fan of Touhou. You're fine to like whatever you want. There's nothing wrong in enjoying secondary material. I just think that people should play the games because they are really good! It's great to see people putting effort into getting better at Touhou, and I wish that more people would do so.

Also, anyone can get good at Touhou. So many people tell themselves that they just aren't naturally good at shmups, but that's bullshit. You just need to practice.

>> No.13302051

I started playing Touhou seriously 8 months ago, before that I just read the official material.
Two weeks ago I beat SA on normal with Marisa A and C. It may not be something to be boasting about, since it's on normal, but for me was a great achievement. I started playing Touhou from IN easy mode, and thought that I'd never get better. Really, as you said, anyone can get better, it just takes practice.

>> No.13302733

On the contrary, I believe that not everybody is cut out to do well at shmups, no matter how much they practice. But to declare yourself a fan of something without even having put in the effort to see what the original works are like...I can't understand that at all.

>> No.13304429

Maybe not everyone can be a superplayer, but anyone can become good, unless they have some sort of learning disability. I guess this depends on the definition of good, but there's no reason why anyone shouldn't be able to achieve lunatic 1cc or even lnb with enough work. It's this sort of defeatism that really bugs me.
