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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 119 KB, 1024x682, 20150306_1034971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13205966 No.13205966 [Reply] [Original]

The Old Doll Thread is Dead, Long Live the Doll Thread.

/toy/ - tinyurl com ihatedolls
/jp/ - tinyurl com dollfaq
Old thread: >>13085029

Topics of discussion:

>Take care of your wigs, Kanojo-anon
>Snow Miku-waitin'
>Should I buy a doll? (hint: yes)

>> No.13205969
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>> No.13206020

what's up with naka's bangs

>> No.13206040
File: 126 KB, 375x500, 5813490336_a033f710b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess the owner tried to style the wig himself?

Cutting my doll's bangs makes me so freaking nervous. And it usually takes me several hours over several days to get it just right.

>> No.13206163
File: 53 KB, 640x960, 1507295_10153099164225498_6424479897773841724_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took pictures yesterday of this girl.

because I'm selling her.

>> No.13206397
File: 329 KB, 480x720, o0480072013249822915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this picture so much.

>> No.13206947

Where are the dancing snoops?

>> No.13207637
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>> No.13208920

How can you send off your daughter like that? You fucking pimp scum.

>> No.13213488
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Why are the dolls dying? Live thread, live.

>> No.13213830
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The autistics in here started shitting on everyone who wanted to talk about or show off their personal dolls if their camera wasn't a $4k professional piece or if they had anything other than a 100% kosher Dollfie Dream, so they all stopped sharing. Heaven help you if you happen to have a Mirai or Kizuna and want to show them off. And you can only repost the same doll photos so many times before everyone loses interest.

I'd be happy to share more of my dolls, humble as they are, if I didn't get shit on by autistics every time I did.

>> No.13213864

Use lube next time.

>> No.13213873

Please don't be discouraged. Your photo's fine, and Azone dolls are cute. I actually like painted-on eyes for anime characters.

>> No.13213954

Screw the haters, I came here to see photos of pretty dolls and you're providing exactly that!

>> No.13213974


>> No.13214008

you're exaggerating

the only photos i see get hate are the really bad ones
too unfocused or too dark to even see let alone appreciate the doll

are hardly professionally taken but they are adequately lit and focused and lo, no one's hating

>> No.13214082
File: 451 KB, 1440x2160, miku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got my Miku, Volks took their sweet time but it was worth it!

>> No.13214122
File: 131 KB, 1224x1632, 20150307_103957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this doll thread is identical to every doll thread ever

Like I don't give a flying fuck if you wanna talk shit about me that's fine I can take it but I won't stand for people talking shit about my dolls. They don't need that.

>> No.13214423

I don't have any doll yet, so I can't fill this thread with life.

>> No.13214434

dude that is super cute

>> No.13214514

The threads were completely taken over by people who only post gross /cgl/ tier dollfies instead of cute ones like azone dolls.

>> No.13214549

can someone post a pic of a sweater or pants for a dollfie with a ruler in the pic?

Id love to give hand sewing some a go from unwanted clothing. im not a good designer though so it would just likely be plain shirts/tshirts maybe some button jackets if i can find tiny enough buttons. and pants. (probably underwear too if i get good enough)

For now though i want to try shirts/sweaters and pants so reference images please :)

(Also id love to give someone my prototypes for practically nothing (just shipping cost) for testing and feedback.)

>> No.13215639

Nice taste in flash drives. I had two of those fuckers but somehow lost them.

>> No.13216450

She is beautiful! I love the hair color.

>> No.13216468
File: 2.67 MB, 2052x2183, 5507261404_8a3d7b20bf_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still waiting for my waifu

>> No.13216494

I want one of mine but I don't think she'd translate very well to doll form.

>> No.13217424


They deserve it. They were born ugly and tainted by your terrible personality.

>> No.13217985

has anyone bought anything off of aliexpress before?
Im planning on buying some wigs off there like
Just want some input before buying it

>> No.13218181
File: 255 KB, 1620x1080, IMG_0378 (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transported my Mayu recently. Duffel bag, but surrounded her in white cloth.
Now she has an orange nose. Nothing in the bag or her clothes is orange, so I'm guessing it's the blonde wig fibers brushing her nose repeatedly because there's no other color in the bag that comes close. She was in the fetal position too so I can't think of anything else that would rub her nose.

Anyone had this happen before?
Time to play with benzoyl peroxide or whatever solution people use to remove stains I guess.

>> No.13218213
File: 146 KB, 1000x867, _24(KGrHqIOKp0FGQwBTl8HBRoGvg3rTw__60_57_original[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im not a good designer though so it would just likely be plain shirts/tshirts maybe some button jackets if i can find tiny enough buttons.
You can just rip off existing designs. I'm planning to do this skirt now, it's really simple (looks like it's just a circle skirt with some suspenders attached) so you could try something like that too.

Have you checked seller feedback?

>> No.13218871

oh yeah i could probably manage that. but for starters i need some clothing already to take templates from and make sure its the right size not too tight, and the owner to take lots of pics so i can gauge if its baggy/form fitting where i need to adjust things.

>> No.13219704

Never bought from there, but I once contacted cart100 that seems like same kind of site, and they all used google translate to talk to you. So I would start with contacting them to make sure it won't end in disaster.

>> No.13219871
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At least you're not /toy/.

>> No.13219904

>stains on the face

welp there goes the face up

>> No.13221099

it's just the nose thankfully, nowhere with actual faceup, so I think I'm good.

>> No.13221111

I see some people use a plastic mask mold thing with paper underneath for their dolls when they transport them around
Could be worth looking into for next time

>> No.13221887


just to make sure, only vinyl dolls have this staining issue right?

>> No.13222308

Nope, resin dolls stain as well

>> No.13222323

I'm still waiting for one of you to man up and hotglue one of those beauties

>> No.13222469

If I ever become incredibly rich, I'll hotglue an expensive DD just for you.

>> No.13223528


I only have that one because my buddy left it at my house last week. I took that picture and sent it to him to remind him that it was here. In hindsight it probably wasn't the best idea since he has pediophobia. He deals with it to hang out with me because he's a cool guy like that. The best friend a weirdo like me is ever gonna have and this is how I treat his property.

>> No.13223818
File: 87 KB, 930x620, 1420132531134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re-asking for reference pics. please.

>> No.13223890

I'm not quite sure what you're asking for anon?

Here's something that might help you though

>> No.13223900

I have a Mayu and her wig has never stained. She had to be touching something.

>> No.13224320

>can someone post a pic of a sweater or pants for a dollfie with a ruler in the pic?

Post image of dollfie clothing laid flat.
With a ruler also in the image to gauge size.

>> No.13224544
File: 733 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_8639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to keep your dollfies well fed!

>> No.13225179

Yea, new content.

You're my favorite poster.

>> No.13225275

Just buy some simple SD dress patterns

>> No.13226652

Ordered a wig off aliexpress
hopefully it comes in, also with it looking like the product in the picture

>> No.13226783

>posting it here even before it gets posted to dollfiedreams

I think we should feel honoured.

I didn't use to be a fan of the Mayu head but Mimori changed all that. She's such a little cutie and I love all the accessories she keeps showing up with, like that love heart she had on her cheek for a while.

>> No.13227176

are cute doll videos a thing that exist?

>> No.13227582
File: 72 KB, 600x800, IMG_1018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13228084

Sure thing, ill just put it right on top of my -$1,960 balance.

I was hoping to make some stuff free then if they were high quality sell them. Ill just have to stick to making furniture / accessories.

>> No.13228156

making high quality clothing that people want to buy is actually a lot harder than it looks

really the way you want to make clothes I don't think they will turn out fitting that well
just get a book out from the library on making patterns from measurements and go from there

>> No.13228181

im a reasonably competent clothier, i repair clothes as part of my day job and ive made clothing myself.

Things like
i could probably make

>> No.13229858

On the topic of clothing, I spotted some hats and ribbons for half a dollar at a store which I can't translate into English. It is the kind that sells random "crafting" items so you can make silly child creations.

I didn't think they could make such small things so cheap. Though they were too small for any 1/4 dolls and probably better for 1/8.

>> No.13230013

Do you guys ever wish this community was more active?

These threads have been way slower than usual it seems

>> No.13230256


Sorry bub, but if you were competent in sewing, you would be asking for measures or patterns, not a ruler next to arbitrary garments. Invest in patterns and learn to draft

>> No.13230311

Sorry if this sounds weird, but do some people find dolls & figures et al. sexually attractive? If so, do they jack off onto them? (blame /r9k/ for instilling that image into my head)

Or does everyone keep them relatively pristine/mint-condition?

>> No.13230325

I get a bit excited when dressing them, but I don't masturbate to them.

>> No.13230456

Honestly, I've masturbated to pictures of other peoples' dolls, but never my own. I don't do it often.

About blowing your load onto a doll... it's a pretty bad idea, isn't it? If anything got on the face, you could probably wreck the faceup while cleaning it off.

>> No.13230561

right because i can "just make a dress lol"
When i have not even the faintest idea of dolfie body size/shape and the accessories are just worked off a rough estimate that theyre 60cm tall.

Get fucked
im not asking for patterns, im asking for a fucking reference image.

This is why we cant have nice things.

>> No.13230697
File: 820 KB, 2048x1631, 8123412291_7d997b2547_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is no reason to get upset over nothing.

Not sure if this is helpful to you.
I don't have a sweater for my DD but my doll is a DDS anyways so the measurements wouldn't fit since they are shorter.

>> No.13230892


you're an idiot. Please, go ahead and guestimate how doll clothes fit, and slap that shit for sale with the rest of the trash on etsy. You are asking for a picture of a ruler near a garment not worn on a doll. That ruler can give you a guesstimate but not even close enough to be accurate enough to produce nice clothes. Meanwhile, you could be asking for actual measurements, or free patterns, which will help you so much more. But you don't, because while you want to pretend you have experience sewing, you're probably just some peddle-pushing grunt without the ability to create, and an over-blown sense of worth and ability.

Congrats and good luck

>> No.13231035



>> No.13231087

I have a few times, but it's very rare. I'm too concerned about having them out of their normal places to dress them or stuff like that (let alone masturbate). The few times I have done it have been very fun though.

I have a bit of a doll fetish which originally got me in to the hobby. I'm here for a lot of other reasons now.

>> No.13231668

I really want a daughter, but am not suitable for it, so I want a doll. I think in 8 months I can afford her.

>> No.13232226


Hell yes I find them sexually attractive. They have such perfect form.
But I also find them beautiful. They're such little angels.
So I take care when I blow my load into them, i.e. not get it on their face or hair, when I make sweet tender love to them.
And this is coming from an actual unvirgin.
No feeling compares when I ogle and admire them.

>> No.13232509

The dream.

I feel you on all of this bruv.

>> No.13232512

I'm assuming you have one of those dollfie onaholes?

>> No.13232723


>> No.13233158

How would you rate it? Is it too "turkey"?

>> No.13233933

How is it?

>> No.13234411


Where did you get that shirt and tie from? I've been looking for some nice boy clothes or a suit for my Makoto but I'm a bit unsure about the fit.

>> No.13234427

Hard to find gender neutral clothing isn't it

The shirt is just a typical school uniform shirt
The tie is from dollmore (Not really recommended)
It actually doesn't look that great (but Makoto makes it work anyways) and I had to cut half of it since it was way too long

>> No.13234491
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, 495607-makoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hard enough I haven't committed to anything yet. I was tempted by a set from tree design but I passed up on the pre-order:


I really want to put together that black outfit with red tie as well.

>> No.13234503

I know what you mean. I still don't have any suitable pants

SD13 boy may be way too different for what we want...
Shirt maybe, pants? Pretty risky

>> No.13234606


Pants in general are hard to find. I think SD13 is too big based on measurements I found online. Sneakers too.

I wish I liked frilly dresses more. It'd be so much easier.

>> No.13234614

Her expression suggests she's about to jam it in to the viewer. All 32GB.

>> No.13234619

SD13 girl is hit or miss from my experience but SD13 boy I never even attempted. Maybe if they were really cheap but that is never the case.

When are you going to post some photos of your Makoto?

>> No.13234755
File: 128 KB, 512x768, DSC_0504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe when I get a tripod and less terrible at photography.

>> No.13234824 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 800x534, IMG_6458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to photography so I don't take a lot of photos either. It is fun though, just tried my first outdoor shoot last week.

>> No.13234831
File: 341 KB, 1024x683, IMG_6458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to photography so I don't take a lot of photos either. It is fun though, just tried my first outdoor shoot last week.

>> No.13234867


That's very pretty. I'm certainly not good enough to shoot outside yet. That plaid shirt is from dollpa 32 isn't it? I liked the look of it but it was too, eh, big for Makoto.

>> No.13234890

Thanks. I only went for the meet but everyone else was taking photos so I decided to give it a shot too. The shirt is from dollpa and it is definitely too big for Makoto. The Miki in the picture isn't mine sadly.

>> No.13235281


Turkey as in appearance? Only if you plug it into a MDD. As for feel, since it has no spine or internal structure of any sort, she's floppy without you supporting her back all the time. There are mods to add a spine, but I'm a bit wary of poking my dollho with wires, especially with the canal so close. Also, it's a bit of a pain to set up, since you have to replace the lower torso and remove and replace the bust skeleton, along with removing and reinstalling legs. I only have sessions with her if I have a long stretch of uninterrupted, private time.

As for experience... it's a very emotional finish, versus the usual death-fist sessions you usually have with doujins to finish off your night before bed. I used to think the onahole was meh; since it's so soft/floppy and has little texture, there isn't much stimulation. But now I'm kind of thankful because I can really take my time with her and go slow and steady for a long time, which makes the finish so worth it. The best way I can put it is... you know that warm, moe feeling that hits your heart when you look at dolls? Well now you can cum while in that feel. It feels like you've finally crossed that dividing line. It's a great bonding experience.

It's made for tiny asian peenor though so if you're gaijin with 6" dick, you probably won't enjoy it. I'm asian 4.5" and I can just about go balls deep while stretching the top of the onahole a little bit.

If they make one with a spine or with sturdier material like other onaholes, my love life is set.

>> No.13235293

Like poetry

That is more descriptive than I expected

>> No.13235295


Oh I forgot to mention, since it's made for asian peenor, if you finish while balls deep, your seed gushes out the side like your Japanese animes. It's extremely satisfying to visually see that happening as you convulse and climax inside her.

Fuck, I'm getting hard now. She's definitely gonna get some loving tonight.

>> No.13235435

Holy fucking hell that sounds hot. From what it looks like, the 060 type is for regular DD's and the VDD is for MDD's? Are you in a country where you had to use a proxy service?

>> No.13235557

The "O60" is for Obitsu 60cm and the "VDD" is for Volks Dollfie Dreams. I think they work for both, but fitment/butt/leg gaps are just better for whatever each was made for. I have a VDD.

And I'm from USA, land of freedumbs. Just had it shipped straight to me from nls.

>> No.13235560
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>> No.13235563

Alright, thanks. I wish they had options for all DD body types. I have an MDD, a DD and a DDdy.

>> No.13237675

Is it normal for the bust and joints to be a little lighter/less yellow than the rest of the body?

Do you fuck with clothes on or naked? I always thought the look of the onahole itself is kinda a turnoff, especially in gifs/videos when you can see the whole thing moving. You make it sound pretty hot, but I don't think I could do it without her wearing a skirt, it looks too silly.

>> No.13238955
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Joints, yes. Especially if they are old. They are made of a slightly different material to the soft parts.

>gifs/videos when you can see the whole thing moving

What really puts me off other people's videos is they usually tend to fuck the doll with its legs splayed apart/in the air. It looks unnatural and uncomfortable (for her at least). I want to see some dolls being made love to, not fucked crazy like they're in a porn shoot. I saw one video of a guy trying missionary with a doll but he was fat and useless so he couldn't pull it off.

I had the idea of resting her on a body pillow to elevate her to a nice level for lovemaking without having to have her legs over her head. I just need an onadoll to try it out.

>> No.13239070
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>can't even handle constructive criticism
Cry harder, faggot.

>> No.13239428
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>> No.13239431
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>> No.13239442
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>> No.13239453
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>> No.13239457
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>> No.13240108

Can't tell if tongue or lips.

>> No.13240197

Either or. Depends on my mood. Cleanup and post-session a bit more tedious with clothes though. And you gotta be careful not to get cum on clothes. I personally find the sight of her taking the entirety of my bulge into her arousing. I feel like she's tenderly taking in all of me in every thrust.

>like they're in a porn shoot
That's the thing... doing vids while making love to dolls has to be done in these angles and poses because of the crazy camera setup. Do a POV and you get tons of camera shaking. Other angles expose too much of the guy's room or his face, which might make him identifiable. Kind of can't be helped.

I'm able to do missionary with my girl, and I also do prop her up on a couple of pillows so I can do her from behind, both while standing on the edge of the bed or just going all out and going balls deep in a mating press on her over the pillows (which is how I finished last night. God damn I was at it for a good, slow, and easy hour with her. My knees gave out by the time I was done). I can also do her while standing by carrying her and facing me while I hold one hand and support her back and butt with the other, or the other way around like a standing doggy style and have her legs and hair dangling down. Seeing her body and hair nudge at every thrust really gets me.

>> No.13240470


Who is your girl? I'm curious.

I'm saving for a DD Risette at the moment, the idea of being able to fuck her is sticking in my head but so is the idea of ejaculating in/on the most expensive thing I'll have ever bought in my life not counting my car.

>> No.13244094

How much
I may want it

>> No.13244148

I love you, /jp/.

I just came back from masturbating to my doll for the first time and was feeling pretty guilty, but I see you guys take it even further.

It was really magical cuddling with her after. I really love her.

Also it was my first time taking her out of her default outfit and her feet have little black stains. So that's a bummer.

>> No.13244392
File: 975 KB, 2000x1500, f3e6fc7970ca57f319c12b9315513bb4e4f5e017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks I could help, bro.

I'm still at the awkward erection while undressing her stage.

Now go buy the removezit cream: http://www.twinpines.com/remove-zit

>> No.13244405

It's weird seeing my love on another mans floor. I'm going to have to talk to her about this.

>> No.13244410

you should try having sex its a lot like that without the staining

>> No.13244444

Just ordered an onahloe from nls. You damn horny anons are getting to me. Hyped for hot loving.

>> No.13244452

Also look at my sick quints.

>> No.13244462
File: 2.70 MB, 4000x2667, BloodFlower1373275578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I knew it was you. Even without having any way of knowing. I just knew.

I still hate you btw. You stole my life goal.

The stains come from her leggings. Where they have been pressed against the skin by the shoes + her weight is where the ink has been able to transfer. I've had the same problem with overknee socks with an elastic band at the top leaving a ring around the thighs.

>> No.13244475


Made me think I'd typed up an entire reply in a different thread's comment box. Fuck you.

What did you get?

>> No.13244478

I'm sorry that you hate me but you might be pleased that her surgery went well. Her broken shoulder has mended well and her chest isn't as swollen from the implants. She's adjusting nicely.

I'm glad we're getting good weather because she can start wearing all of her dresses. She has a lovely Easter outfit she's dying to wear.

>> No.13244486 [SPOILER] 
File: 832 KB, 1200x1600, 1427612848965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey man that "sweet" girl that you're fawning over, that "loves you so much" - sent me this pic and a couple others. Wasn't gonna break it to you but yer being a cunt so fuck you.

>> No.13244495

Well I guess that's ok. I am the one who gets to fuck her every night while you just get some well compared to what she's really like, timid photos.

>> No.13244497

The dollho VDD. It'll probably only fit my Asuna but she'd my favorite if I HAD to choose.

>> No.13244511 [SPOILER] 
File: 174 KB, 1512x1134, 1427613351973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maximum damage control

Ask her about what Jamal and Jayqwon do to her while you're out at work. Tell us what her response is. It'd be funny to hear her side of that one time we broke her shoulder or some shit and she tried to blame her cuck for it, lel.

>> No.13244531

Well, on the way to the hospital. My SO fell down some stairs bruised up her face pretty bad and possibly has a broken wrist and some ribs. While she recovers I'm going to be staying with a close friend of the family, she seems to understand my heartbreak at this accident.

>> No.13244551
File: 394 KB, 1333x2000, BloodFlower1407152473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hang on are we talking about the doll now or an actual SO.

>> No.13244567

In the waiting room, christ she sent you a bunch of pictures huh? "Accidents" do happen all the time. Damn I loved going to that beach with her.

>> No.13244578 [DELETED] 
File: 274 KB, 447x444, le meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you nigger

>> No.13244597
File: 252 KB, 2000x1334, BloodFlower1407152471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man, I have to say, really not following you any more.

>> No.13244609

Maybe u should get actual girlfriends instead of spending thousands on these dumb ass fucking dolls

Jesus christ just fucking kill yourselves you fucking weirdos

>> No.13244612

My lawyer said I shouldn't say anything else for fear of incriminating myself in her "accident".

>> No.13244619

who made you upset anon? why are you so mad and uppity? :(

>> No.13244642
File: 319 KB, 1001x1900, 1424126238335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Somebody and saw the figinstock notice before he did and bought his holy grail out from under him



Yeah, those girls really seem to have a hard time not falling down stairs or onto other men's dicks by accident, lel.

>> No.13244659

>thread finally getting somewhat active again
>rping faggotry

>> No.13244668
File: 164 KB, 600x900, Singer_Yuna1348823573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting anything else

>> No.13244671

who are you guys le quoting?

>> No.13244684
File: 466 KB, 935x1215, Singer_Yuna1342523464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he calls meme arrows quotes

>> No.13244711

get the f*ck out of /jp/, /a/nimal

>> No.13244729
File: 11 KB, 189x189, 1427525165076.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13244735

At least I'm not salty.

>> No.13244807


Have fun taking your bonding to the next level. Remember she has no spine/back support during these moments but it's not too hard to get used to. Just think of her as frail at this moment and treat her with care.

I needed a quick fix earlier and grabbed an onahole out of my drawer for a short 15 minutes. After I finished, I felt so empty and unfulfilled. It was nothing special. It really doesn't compare anymore. I'm almost getting buyer's remorse from it. Too bad you can't really sell used onaholes, I only used it exactly 4 times.

>> No.13244867

The feels have already started man. Just looking at her can get me going now. I hope the other two don't get too jealous.

>> No.13244908

>visit doll threads regularly just to look at the photos
>leave for two months
>come back and it's just people talking about fucking their dolls

What happened?

On another note, can someone with a MDD tell me how easy/hard it is to find clothes for them? I was considering getting one but a lot of stores have a very limited selection of clothes for MDD.

>> No.13244924

あなたは たれをくるかえすしていますか?

>> No.13244928

What's wrong with talking about how we love our dolls?

>> No.13244931

i fail at ten-ten
I meant to ask who are you quoting

>> No.13244933


The pleasure of being cummed inside?

>> No.13244962
File: 124 KB, 600x900, 8163910415_c7a29fc592_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I raid Mandarake for my MDD clothing. There's usually something new to look over.

And we've always talked about fucking our dolls, all the way back to hotglue-kun and turkey-chan-kun.

>> No.13244968

who the hell are hotglue-kun and turkey-chan-kun?

>> No.13244990
File: 44 KB, 402x587, turkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hotglue-kun was a gent who "accidentally" got cum on his doll's face and it ate the faceup and for reasons still unknown thought it wise to consult us for advice. Turkey-kun-chan was a guy who made an image of what a dollho would look like on I think either an MDD or a 1/6th body. This guy was allegedly a girl from memory.

>> No.13244993

oh god please

>> No.13244997

Some people have no damn respect.

>> No.13245030


Did hotglue-kun have pics?
If faceup is properly sealed, you can cum on her face. Just immediately rinse off after. It's just a pain if it gets in the eyes.

He must've let it dry or something.

>> No.13245048

Is the lube that comes with the dollho onaholes any good?

>> No.13245052
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I remember the story, he did let it dry and when he went to wipe it off it took the face with it.

I think it was this standard Yukino, as I remember it being posted around the same time, but not sure.

>> No.13245053

Yeah, it's functional. Only used it a few times but I had no issues.

>> No.13245062

awesome. I have my own lube already for... other things but I guess it never hurts to have more. That squirt-bottle-thing that it comes in looks useful as well.

>> No.13245076

I do wish you luck.

I know some of you guys don't approve of it out of respect for your dolls, and that is ethically commendable. But I tried it a couple years ago and, even if just once or a few times, it created an unexpectedly powerful bond with my doll; as you can imagine, to bring yourself to do such a thing... well... changes you. As a former antinatalist, transhumanist and such, I believe that change was for the best.

>> No.13245079

It's alright. Dries a bit too fast for me though. I just use it as nightstand backup if I'm too lazy to go to my computer room.

>> No.13245101
File: 2.19 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_1397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I've pretty much come to terms with most of my fetishes and I'm finally at a point in my life where I can actually pursue them. I didn't really realize it at the time, but buying my first dollfie was a really big step towards me being okay with me, y'know? I still have a ways to go, but I'm a lot happier now that I'm not ashamed of (all) my fetishes any more.

Here's a pic of Asuna with my second girl who is currently having her face replaced. I tried to do her face-up myself. It was pretty awful, and I never felt good about her and I just couldn't bond with her like I could with my others. Once I find a good head online or contact a face-up artist it'll happen. It's been like a year because money and laziness.

This turned out way longer than I expected.

>> No.13245143
File: 120 KB, 600x900, Singer_Yuna1350119017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had to google two of the words used in your post.

Made me wonder though how the fuck I ended up as a dollfag. I gave it some thought and realised I can't pick the moment moment where I decided "Yep, I like dolls". They just started showing up at my house one day.


I'll echo that the quality of my life improved dramatically once I started bringing dolls home. I'm at the age where my paternal instincts are kicking in and because of various reasons it's not likely I'll ever have kids of my own nor have the opportunity to adopt or anything else. The dolls are my surrogate kids and I enjoy taking care of them. There's no sexuality in my affections but I can easily understand that someone might look at one through the eyes of a husband rather than the eyes of a father and I hold those folks in no less regard. Unless they wanna fuck my daughters, then it's a different story.

Posting Risette because I'm currently saving for one and hooooooly shit is she expensive.

>> No.13245216

i liked alot of doll photography and want a doll of my own but i cant afford one at the moment.

>> No.13245642
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>> No.13245723



>> No.13245737

Thank you wink.

>> No.13245747
File: 35 KB, 600x337, the fuck is this letter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They just started showing up at my house one day.

>> No.13245859


No, that is my pic that hot-glue-kun just stole and used on his post.

>> No.13247138
File: 198 KB, 746x983, suffering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if Volks has a new base body in the works? Most base bodies have been out of stock for over half a year now.

>> No.13247196

are there any cheaper or possibly bootleg dollfie dreams? i love the look but do not find the price acceptable at all; I am looking to spend under $100 tops. Azone and obitsu are out of the question because they look ugly.

>> No.13247208


>> No.13247229
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>> No.13247251


I visited 4 Volks stores when I was in Japan a few months ago and they had full stock off all the base bodies and parts. They just hate us so they never bother restocking the web store.

>> No.13247285

>Azone and obitsu are out of the question because they look ugly.

no doll for you then poorfag

>> No.13247317

100$ for doll shipping, not even considering shipping, clothes and accessories. your out of your mind poorfag

>> No.13247484

You have to understand that getting a Dollfie is like getting a pet. Actually, it's a lot more like a child to a lot of folks. Some even consider them a significant other. If you're really looking for a connection like that, you'd be prepared to save up a lot more than $100.

>> No.13247614


I used a page monitor since I needed a semi-white body for my senbon miku.
When it came back in stock at midnight, it became sold out overnight. I managed to get one though.

i.e. shit actually does go back in stock now and then... people waiting for it like me and gay scalpers just scoop them up quick.
I advise you to do the same and just monitor pages of what you want.

Better start that instant ramen diet and saving your pennies.
Believe me though it's worth it.

>> No.13247618


God dammit I have a friend in Akiba right now who just passed by the giant Snow Miku building ad. I wish I could ask him to horde me some parts but he's a poorfag.

>> No.13247756

you can try getting a BJD off of Aliexpress for little over $100, but I never bought one so I have no clue to expect quality wise.

>> No.13247759


>> No.13247769
File: 393 KB, 930x1200, 1383502878128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. I decided to set up a page monitor, and as I was doing it, Volks restocked MDD bodies, and was able to purchase one after waiting for so long.

>> No.13247830


Good for you anon. I'm glad you managed to cop [unnecessarily] elusive Volks parts.

Now if only I could find a semi-white DDH-06 open-eye head. I'm thinking of just getting a closed one from USA and just opening it myself.

>> No.13248422
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>> No.13248436
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1280, 00sbhL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the cute Easter image wink jp.

>> No.13249825

Onahole shipped today. Hopefully it gets here this weekend. Can't fucking wait.

>> No.13249914

Look for MSD-sized clothes on resin sites.

>> No.13250037

I dont like the realistic resin look, it looks too creepy imho

>> No.13252156

Those of you who do the sex with your dolls, what is your favorite position?

>> No.13252303

Foetal position, crying and apologising for tangling her hair.
Laying backwards on the bed. Her on top.

>> No.13252641

If you're willing to pay the small added cost forwarding companies like White Rabbit will going into Volks personally to mail the items you need.

When I was last there (11 months ago) they had all of the individual pieces need to build a DD in stock except for arms... no idea why but once I got to Tokyo it was the same. Everything you need today! ...as long as you also come back in a month and don't actually want your DD to be complete until then.
All the store were out of completed bodies unless you were willing to pay a small fortune for one of the rarer limited editions.

>> No.13252645

Missionary or from behind with her on a pillow for support. I can also grab onto the pillow for maximum force and penetration, and look down to see her convulse from every thrust.

I find that her straddling me is the messiest on her thighs and leg joints.

>> No.13252983

Are non-dollfies welcomed here?

>> No.13253072

Don't you like to see her face? How do you see her face?

>> No.13253099


Just like you normally would: have her face left or right and you can just arch over her shoulder and caress her hair while you go at it. Don't wanna smother her face down on the pillow. Might rub off the faceup too.

>> No.13253135

Are there any... male onahole bodies?

>> No.13253157


It first you had me estranged at the thought of a dollho with a small dangling penis and an anal hole.

But after mentally assembling a shota dollfie with it in my mind and taking it by force from behind, why boner.

>> No.13253158

Have you tried fucking her on a pillow face up? If I were going to go down that road I feel like I'd like to see her boobies too.

>> No.13253170

Shota dolls are best dolls.
Imagine, forcing it while watching the stomach bulge just a bit with the sheer girth of your cock.

>> No.13253177

Is the staining big problem for DD? If i would get her the body stocking would she still get stains if put her on display for long time periods in some fancy colored outfit? Are light colored outfits safe?

>> No.13253213


I have. I either do missionary with her just on the bed and me above her on all fours, or on a pillow with me on my knees so I can adore her face or play and smell her hair.

I wish I knew where the guys at the SOF boards get their boobed torsos from though, because I wish I could play with her tits instead of just sucking on them. Not sure if they're add-on tits or modified onaholes. Sadly I can't read moon.

I have a pretty fat girthy cock so this applies to me greatly.
Nothing more manly than asserting your manlihood into a shota fuckboy's asspussy.

I think if I had a shota doll with a dollho, it'd be the opposite of how I usually make love with my girl: with tons of force, rough/angry play, and a grunting, clenched-fist, balls deep finish.

>> No.13253299

When I frequented the DD forums I saw people with Peach Pai busts (I think that's what they were called.) They were squishy and there were options for ones larger than even the DDdy. Anyway, I'm pretty sure the dude who made them quit making them or something.

>> No.13253308

I think my real draw to onahole dolls is watching the torsos distend when in use. a shota doll would increase that like.. 20 fold.

>> No.13253332

male dollho when

>> No.13253338

I'd rather have MDD and DDdy dollhos first.

>> No.13253552
File: 280 KB, 2304x1728, 15889059996_735391446c_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So instead of just talking about how we fuck them, why not post pictures and videos? Remember, sharing is caring and I'm sure your girl would love to be internet famous.

>> No.13253610
File: 1.86 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_1387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k. It's kinda shit though. I should take more pictures.

>> No.13253683


Is that a bodysuit? She doesn't need to wear it full time and she's much cuter without it.

>> No.13253693

It is. This was really soon after I got her and I was super concerned about staining. I'm a lot less anal about it now and she hasn't worn it in months. I find bodysuits really sexy, especially with clothes/underwear over them. I've seen more shiny/latex looking ones on Yahoo Auctions but I'm too poor to have gotten one yet.

>> No.13253797
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>> No.13253821


Secret Cat right? I wish I could nab one of those. Do they ever restock or is it a limited run type of thing?

>> No.13253825

Yeah, I got lucky and refreshed the page just as they got listed. I didn't manage to grab the purple L bust one but I got this one instead.

>> No.13253833

Nice. I am jelly. Guess I'll wait for what they have next. I like how their outfits seem to have multiple modes. Nice to see it's as good as the pictures too.

>> No.13253880
File: 835 KB, 1280x1920, 1011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They usually announce their outfits in advance of the actual release but I'm not sure they did that with this particular one. I hope I don't come across as a shill but the details are really exquisite and the outfit was well worth the money.

>> No.13254679

>Anyway, I'm pretty sure the dude who made them quit making them or something.
S-source? Either way they still show up on YJA from time to time...

>> No.13254699

She's so pretty anon. Do you have any pictures with different backgrounds? She'd look so nice in a park ><

>> No.13255958

well I guess everyone is going to fucking ignore me then and not bother helping a newbie to this hobby.

Also the price markup for Dollfie Dreams is disgusting. I did the math to factor in costs to make one and it totals to around $90.
Dont fucking tell me its impossible to find one for under $100. Thats the MAXIMUM i am willing to pay.

>> No.13256022

It's not that nobody wants to help, it's that we can't help. There are no bootleg DDs as far as I know and other companies that make similar dolls have the same prices. They usually get even more expensive in the aftermarket too.

>Dont fucking tell me its impossible to find one for under $100.
Maybe if the doll was used and in a bad shape? But even if it's possible it would be pretty hard to find.

>I did the math to factor in costs to make one and it totals to around $90.
How the hell?

>> No.13256038

An iPhone costs Apple like $100 to make but you're sure as fuck not finding one for that price.

>Thats the MAXIMUM i am willing to pay.
What you want is simply not in your price range.

>> No.13256071

There's nothing anon okay? We can't help. There are no knock off vinyl dolls because the equipment needed for production is too expensive and the demand is too low.

You could get a knockoff resin doll for under $100 easily

>> No.13256093
File: 174 KB, 900x600, 8408517980_79c0659d95_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The autism is strong with this one.

I'm currently saving the ~$1,800 of my country's shekels I'll need for a Risette and the only thing I'm complaining about is how my back nd knees are fucked from all the overtime I'm putting in.

There's no room for stingy cunts in this hobby. You might get a 1/12 fairy for $100 if you're lucky.

>> No.13256108

Found that one anon who got a doll for 20k yen, but it's still above 100$ and you have to add shipping etc., plus if Azones are too ugly you probably wouldn't want an old DD like that either.

I guess if you're really desperate you could always try making your own or something.

>There are no knock off vinyl dolls because the equipment needed for production is too expensive
They could always try recasting only the head in resin I guess.

>> No.13256176

Stop feeding the troll.

>> No.13256202

He hasn't stopped making them, they just sell out instantly the moment he makes them available (most likely to scalpers, seeing as people on Yahoo Auctions are selling them for outrageous amounts all the time)

Can only agree with you about secret cat, got the recent wa-loli set a while ago and it's really nice.

>> No.13256461

Pretty sure everyone is ignoring you because you sound like a whiny fuck

>I did the math to factor in costs to make one and it totals to around $90.
How so? There is handcrafting involved
Maybe if you pay some sweatshop kid to make it

>> No.13256608

>I did the math to factor in costs to make one and it totals to around $90.

Then make one for $90 faget.

>what is startup cost
>what is R&D
>what is capital
>what is labor
>what is QA

If they were sooOOOoo easy and cheap to make, there would've been a shitton of them to undercut Volks already.

I'm glad they're this expensive.
So salty poorfags like you can just bitch and whine while we enjoy them.

>> No.13256806

Do people really scalp these? I've heard of ticket scalpers, but this never crossed my mind. I-is it profitable?

>> No.13256816

People love them some squishy boobies.

>> No.13257010

Yeah, people generally try to sell them at a 10-20k yen markup. Same with the yawa hips, usually a 20-30k markup. Now I'm not sure how many actually sell. I had the M+ peach pai for a bit but sold it as I found silicone to be too annoying to deal with.

>> No.13257049

Annoying in what way?

>> No.13257064

I bought an onahole too. How do I make our first time good?

>> No.13257118
File: 3.49 MB, 5312x2988, 20150322_161033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what, i got shit on over at /toy/ for posting these, but fuck em. id appreciate pointers or suggestions for new eyes and wigs, this one is a custom lain dollfie i did myself. i had the bear kigurimi done by a user on the forums

>> No.13257140
File: 285 KB, 1328x747, 20150322_164030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucked up and didnt resize, my bad, id like to get a different wig and eyes for the standard, what would match well?

>> No.13257147
File: 251 KB, 747x1328, 20150322_161033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13257155

Is the head not in all the way for the one on the right?

>> No.13257165
File: 224 KB, 561x996, 20150322_162845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

family photo, ill check back here soon. cant believe the right ones head wasn't set when i took this.

>> No.13257174

yeah i didnt notice until i had the images on my computer

>> No.13257177

fuck I'm jealous

>> No.13257199

her wig is a nightmare to maintain but very worth it, i hope i can find her original head soon

>> No.13257202

She doesn't really look like Lain to be honest.

>> No.13257226

that would be my fault, i used an extra head shell i had lying around. ifin i could manage to find one that was more similar, or even better a sister body. i would gladly redo it

>> No.13257270


I'm guessing typical shit with silicone like staining, denting, and eventual sagging.

Focus on her and not your dick. Don't think of it as a fap session but as bonding time.
If you just look forward to busting a nut like you always do, you'll feel so empty, trashy and guilty afterwards, and you can't get yourself to look at her in the eye. Cleanup and re-assembly will be the sorriest you'll feel ever.

I'll admit that because that's how my first was with her. I've since fixed that.

>> No.13257490

How is clean up and reassembly now?

>> No.13258153
File: 306 KB, 1280x1920, 1014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If my computer desk makes for a different background then I can offer this one. I'm working on getting outdoor shots taken, will post if/when I get that done.

>I'm guessing typical shit with silicone like staining, denting, and eventual sagging.
That and also they collect lint like crazy. Much harder to keep clean than vinyl. But they are really nice.

>> No.13258205


I wish I could keep my dolls on my computer table. But that space belongs to my cat and I don't want a repeat of the last time they shared a space.

>> No.13258423

I love having mine there but I do keep them in stands when I'm not taking photos to prevent me from accidentally knocking them over. I can see how having pets around could be problematic though!

>> No.13258429

Customs won't have any problems with an onahole... r-right?

>> No.13258443


My cat, bless her heart, is incredibly affectionate. But the last time I let her on the same table as one of my dolls she tried to nuzzle it thinking it was peoples and knocked it over which resulted in a scratched face and a very upset owner.

>> No.13258472


Canucks seem to have their shit confiscated at customs if any loli themed packaging is not removed. Same for other countries. Don't know if they'll judge the look of the actual onahole though.

If you're in land of brave, home of the freedumb, it's no problem. Took mine about a week to get here.

Well since I'm cleaning myself up too in the process, it's like taking post-sex shower together. I don't just wipe her crotch and legs and be done with it, I also give her a full rundown.

>> No.13258499

>post-sex shower together

That sounds really fucking adorable.

>> No.13258843

my only advice would be to not get an aoi but looks like that ship sailed and now you will just have to make do with two ugly dolls

>> No.13259119
File: 591 KB, 1338x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well looks like Cake has a sister on the way. Now the image is of Cake and her personality kinda formed as I bought what I wanted in my first doll.

But the new one is a very different experience. First she is a character doll nanami to be exact. I have no idea who that is and I don't care. Also she is not new like Cake was but used and has a little staining. I am really excited for her. She is older and independent and firey feeling.

So first up she is getting new eyes at one point Cake was going to have brilliant green eyes but the head I got has the most beautiful eyes that I could not change. So if someone could point me at some really nice eyes that world rock. Also she is getting glasses and a silly food name. Thing is I am tossing about Salsa If she is a redhead or Pepper if she has Black hair. But I can't decided. Also any other fiery spunky food names would be appreciated.

>> No.13259170
File: 646 KB, 1920x1080, 16997692825_dd5950f3d6_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I would actually buy this... even a manual version, I always wanted a doll this size...


>> No.13259201


Azone did announce a 150cm doll a while back on a day that wasn't April Fools.. :D I think it was something like 200000 jpy for the doll.

>> No.13259206
File: 238 KB, 930x1315, 316ce098dd3022ffd0dcbdfe9cfc21cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obitsu, not Azone actually.

>> No.13259213

Wow I wonder what he will do with that huge smart doll after April fools? Maybe paint her and use her as a promo ver?

>> No.13259234


Now that'd be easier and cheaper to find clothes for.

>> No.13259243

Yeah, I know, I actually considered buying it if I had the money, but it looks kinda ugly.

120cm is more portable while still feeling huge though. Plus, Mirai has such a nice body.

It's not vinyl, I don't think simply painting her would make it work.
He could use it as a promo but display her like clear Mirai (no wigs etc.)

>> No.13259607

Is there a company that sells himecut wigs? I couldn't find any from Volks.

>> No.13259634

>those outfits
>those wigs
The one on the left is salvageable, just get rid of that choker and get a nicer wig. shit taste with potential

>> No.13259644

Try leekeworld, I think they might've had some.

>> No.13259646
File: 1.82 MB, 1600x1600, IMG_0266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for the cycling season & getting help with the tune-ups.

>> No.13259655


I thought of doing a shoot with my car. But that was during an oil change so I changed my mind.
Maybe detailing.

>> No.13259672


Found a himecut on their site. Thanks Anon!

>> No.13259854

>wah I got bullied on /toy/
>so I'll post on /jp/ instead
and look how that worked out for you. Just accept your dolls look like shit, faggot.

>> No.13259859

Looks alright to me even though it doesn't look quite like the character yet

>> No.13260045
File: 1.42 MB, 2036x3257, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working up the courage to take pictures outside with this girl. I paid so much for her I'm just scared to touch her sometime. I only got about four feet from my house with this girl so not the best backdrop. But she got a new wig today and I think she's quite cute.

>> No.13260167

so you would rather act like a fucking cunt and lose people that share your hobby than post constructive criticisim? how fucking stupid are you? i took these pictures with a note 4, get the fuck over yourself and just accept that youre a dick.

>> No.13260172

fuck you if you dont like it, my tastes> your tastes cunt

>> No.13260174

kill yourself

>> No.13260185

I love Mariko. Treasure her forever

>> No.13260363


Learn to pose. They look awkward and unnatural, look how real people sit and stand.

>> No.13260426

God damn where did all this salt come from? Can we just go back to talking about sex?

>> No.13260431

i live to please :^)

>> No.13260503
File: 524 KB, 815x1227, tumblr_n09zwadvq71qagpd8o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only two things that keep this thread moving are sex and being a rude cunt.


I hate to say it buddy but welcome to 4chan. People here tend to be quite autistic and simple minded; expressing their jealousy through unjustified hate as they lack the ability to articulate constructive criticism or express envy in a positive manner.

I like your Aoi exactly as she is. Although I'm in a minority here that I like dolls that are more than just a lump of moe and diabeetus. She has a very cold and distant expression and combined with black+white clothing make her uncomfortable to look at for many people. But I enjoy that feeling.

If I had your Yukino I'd either change or restyle the wig as I'm not a fan of what she has now (the default one?). A wig that hides the ears and follows the contour of the head closer, like what Aoi has, would suit her better in my opinion. And yeah do make sure the heads are on properly, it does make them look sadly awkward.

And as for posing, I think they look fine in >>13257165 but I agree that it's something you need to focus on if you plan on doing more photo shoots. It might make you feel silly, but if you have a pose in mind for your doll, do it yourself and observe where your limbs are. That's how I learnt how to do it, although I still kind of suck at it.

>> No.13260803


I'm gonna jump in since you're being toothlessly mauled by so many autists who probably don't have dolls.

Besides improving their poses and putting their heads on all the way, don't shoot from not-so-flattering angles. Shooting low angle without them directly looking at you starts to show their neck converging and that's just weird. You wanna exaggerate their lifelike-ness, not their doll-ness, which you accomplished here with stiff and awkward posing and overexposed necks.

Like the other anon, do poses in front of a mirror and note your joints. Also use animu pics/photobooks/professional photos for poses.
I use professional cosplay photoshoots as reference sometimes. Also, remember you don't have to show all of the doll all the time, so zoom in like crazy if you wanna focus on something. A cosplay photographer once told me, what's not in the frame doesn't matter. So everything outside the frame or from a distance can look stupid but if it's necessaryto make that closeup shot, it's all that matters.

>> No.13260816

She looks like she has a penis.

>> No.13260844

Maybe that's the point

>> No.13260854

I mean, if >>13260503 was doing the pose himself before he posed her, maybe he got confused?

>> No.13261004
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Yeah that's another thing I forgot to mention. Hiding the neck goes a long way to improving the quality of the photographs taken and overall appearance of the doll. You can use chokers , or clothing with high necklines, and clever angles to hide as much of the neck as possible.

>> No.13261904

pic sauce?

>> No.13262079

>someone was mean about my dolls!
>t-they must not have any dolls and are j-just jealous!!!
Jaypee sure is hilarious.

>> No.13262095

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13262127
File: 87 KB, 400x533, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anyone know of some really nice green eyes for this doll? Also I am bouncing around keeping the red hair or going brown or black. Also she will have glasses.

>> No.13262154
File: 154 KB, 929x954, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favourite things still is to see peoples dolls. I wish people would stop insulting others. It means we see less dolls and that's sad times.

>> No.13262171

>I wish people would stop insulting others.
wish that people grow thicker skin instead

>> No.13262268
File: 752 KB, 2400x1600, hello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but anon, we can't possibly survive as a community unless we insult random people we'll never meet to make us feel better.

>> No.13262296
File: 544 KB, 1288x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the Community is better served by posting cute dolls.

>> No.13262303

Also those are adorable dolls.

>> No.13262430

Assuming you've already looked at Volks, so I recommend taking a gander at Parabox or White Dolly Story. The later likely has some great eyes for you.

Namani is a great little doll though her default faceup leaves something to be desired. She's a Volks character, not from an anime. I believe her "story" is basically "is student, plays guitar, Natsukis little sister"

>> No.13262475

I've always liked Nanami but I can't say anything about her faceup since I haven't seen her in person. I feel she really has potential to be a gorgeous doll at least.

I'll second the other anon in suggesting White Dolly Story, their eyes are quite nice. Another suggestion would be Blue Rose Garden though they only open their webshop every so often for a limited amount of time. You can also occasionally find good quality eyes on Yahoo Auctions Japan.

>> No.13262502
File: 1.14 MB, 1506x2592, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the help I will check out those places. I think new eyes and glasses will really separate her from the Volks Character. Still need to decide on her hair.

Also if anyone has a cabinet for figures and or dolls I really recommend getting some lighting for it. As I make room for cakes sister I added lighting and holy shit everything looks so much better.

>> No.13262818

Hurry up customs, I just want to be inside her...

>> No.13262831


Damn, those eyes are awesome.

>> No.13262839

They's damn cutes anon. Good job.

>> No.13262896

So what ya think bout it, /jp/?

>> No.13262911

IDK mate, I feel like dollfies/smart dolls/etc are the right size as they are. Seems a bit odd to me, but we'll see when the final product comes out.

>> No.13262919


Are there even clothes for that size in the market?

>> No.13262922

Danny is a big tryhard.

>> No.13262992
File: 598 KB, 800x1200, IMG_0315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy autism day /jp/! Please enjoy your dolls responsibly and avoid ruining their faceups.

>> No.13263050

He certainly wants us to get a chobits in the future. But I think he is a bit too optimistic about being able to make humanoid robots already.

>> No.13263102
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>> No.13263119

I mean robots able to walk, lift things, avoid things, take rational decisions, keep a conversation and so on.

Dancing robots would be enough to have fun though.

>> No.13263134
File: 87 KB, 510x530, Dancing-Dollfie-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13263146
File: 1.63 MB, 404x1710, Robodoll1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13263292


I really love your girl. She is amazing.

>> No.13263369

This is going some weird Five Nights at Danny's way.

>> No.13263467

Yep. 2spooky and all that. But seriously Danny, chillax.

>> No.13263496

danny please go

>> No.13263526
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y-you too.

>> No.13263533
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x720, MFT2013.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13263544

I'm spooped. plz no more.

>> No.13263760

How do you find people that offer face-up commissions? I don't like most of the faces in the Volks store but yahoo auctions seems like it could take weeks to get a decent head.

>> No.13264040

>As some of you know, I also do work for the Japanese government and after networking with other ministries, I was specifically forbidden to sell this technology to any military body.
I do however believe strongly that humans have the right to defend themselves so I have programmed Smart Doll Plus to also be able to deal with burglars but deal with them in such a manner that they do not come to harm

As stupid as I think that is, it would be amusing to see some kind of giant dollfie with karate chop action

>> No.13264173
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>> No.13264271
File: 260 KB, 1210x1222, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks .

So I found some fantastic eyes from White Dolly Story. But I have no idea how to buy them. It's the green ones from this image.

>> No.13264279 [DELETED] 
File: 1.25 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent 2 years looking on ebay every few months, till I found Cake's head. But I was not looking hard.

>> No.13264294
File: 1.16 MB, 1812x2569, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has another outfit too. Took this pic as I set up my cabinet lights. Now that I have adjustable lights and a large flat area I will have to take more pics!

>> No.13264307

What kind of cabinet is it?

>> No.13264335
File: 3.60 MB, 3456x5184, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now begins the bad news. It was a Sunglasses display case that was tossed into a back Alley. It had a little water damage. Plus it has storage on the top and bottom. Sadly this is little help sorry.

>> No.13264351

Seems like a good find!

Where do you guys store your dolls beside "on the desk" or a detolf

My room is super dusty so I'm always looking for some kind of case to store mine

>> No.13264903
File: 236 KB, 566x800, 904d565d97114c6c5bb8ca04e87ed334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those eyes look like an I'm staring into an abyss.
They really need some lighting from the front if they're not supposed to look like things that will come for your soul at night

>> No.13264922

I would be to terrified of getting rusty-grimeladen oil on mine to let them anywhere near a bike chain.

>> No.13265078
File: 610 KB, 815x1227, tumblr_nk9apkkfkV1s0duzvo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those eyes look like an I'm staring into an abyss.

That's the damn point. For when you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you. Dolls with a cute face but disturbing eyes are my favourite.

Like this one, I think I have damn near every photo her owner has made available to the public.

>> No.13265117
File: 1.52 MB, 1094x1498, 1421862304986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working as intended then. Although I find the the yellow eyes merely predatory, not that creepy compared to the others.

And your pictures will prove useful to scare little anons on other boards.

>> No.13265148
File: 149 KB, 1620x1080, 16422796672_b0873b01e4_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A large portion of my eyes collection is Rise. I don't know what it is about her but she looks amazing wearing just about anything, even her standard eyes.

The owner of >>13265078 doesn't allow saving of images from his flickr which is sad because I want high-res copies for wallpapers and shit.

>> No.13265183

>doesn't allow saving of images from his flickr
any resolution posted on flickr can be saved. point me at one.

>> No.13265210


Do you have a flickr or just here on 4chan?

>> No.13265346


You likely will need a taobao proxy to order from them.

>> No.13265578


On their flickr it says

Can be orderd in size : 22mm 24mm
USD15 per pair (Shipping fee is not included)
Contact: shiro_xxx@sina.com
or Flickrmail

I'm currently in a group order for WDS eyes on Dollfie World. I'm getting the E type in Sea Green

>> No.13265725
File: 66 KB, 531x800, img-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just checked and the highest res that's available for a lot of the photos is 800x anyway.

Which is a shame because Naoto is fucking amazing. I could stare into her forever.

>> No.13266636

Man I don't think I could own a doll with those eyes. Sure she looks happy now but it feels like there's a malicious intelligence behind those eyes. I don't trust her and I think that's how she likes it.

>> No.13266648


I don't know, I'm an M, and I find that uncertainty and dubious trust quite enticing.
I guess I like feeling led on the edge all the time, especially by a seemingly dangerous beaut like her.

>> No.13266689

From what I recall it was either tumblr or aliexpress, but just google "circle skirt suspenders pastel" or something like that and you should find it.
Most pics of that skirt are from sellers on aliexpress etc.

>> No.13266700

I think I may buy it. I hate Mirai's face, but damn.
oh nevermind i don't have the money

This is horrible, but really in character. I imagine fans must love it.

Anyone else here hates male dolls?

>> No.13266723

How could you hate em? Male dolls are lovely (Billian, GongGong, Chiron)...

>> No.13266754

>Anyone else here hates male dolls?
Would never buy one but I don't hate them. Some of them are quite cool but I couldn't lose myself in them like I can in female dolls.

>> No.13266888

They are just inferior due to not as much clothing to choose from.

>> No.13266994
File: 454 KB, 1365x2048, 16871667635_1197d64fd6_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's the ones that look cute and innocent that you really need to worry about. At least with Naoto you know where you stand.

>> No.13267074
File: 63 KB, 600x350, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So with buying eyes from White Dolly Story being irritating I found some green eyes from Cool cat that I like. Image related! So with new eyes and glasses I am happy. Cake will now have a sister with an equally dumb name Salsa.

>> No.13267177
File: 238 KB, 1365x2048, 10137699606_538d818779_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sliced-up anon found covered in dolls holding various sharp instruments
>it's ruled a prolonged, self-torturous suicide

>> No.13267871

Onahole is here. I didn't realize how squishy it'd be. Tonight's gonna be fun...

>> No.13268039

post pics

>> No.13268366

I'm pretty sure at that size you could just use kids clothing.

>> No.13268522

I'm not certain whether you'll be able to find any teens with such proportions.

>> No.13268653

Kids, children. They'll definitely need tailoring though.

>> No.13268749

Probably works if you want bland everyday clothes. The fun part with dolls seem to be that you can dress them in more gothic or fantasy like clothing.

>> No.13268781

imagine a bunch of neckbeards buying little girl clothes at the store

>> No.13268870

Everything is gonna be too loose. Mirai has proportions of a tall, adult woman. You could as well try buying toddler clothes for 1/3 dolls.

I'm pretty sure Choo is gonna start selling clothes made specifically for her, though he was supposed to do that with 1/3 Mirai and I haven't seen any. But then again there are plenty of clothes on the market that fit her already so it's not like he's in a rush.

>> No.13268877

>though he was supposed to do that with 1/3 Mirai and I haven't seen any
you should give the website another look

>> No.13268888

neckbears can dress up too. wearing masks and all that. it's more a matter of cant-be-assed on most occasions.

>> No.13268916

in child sizes?

>> No.13268929

...my bad.

>> No.13268963

No, I mean when pretending to be a caring father looking for clothing for his skeleton daughter.

>> No.13269400

thank you for actually posting useful things in response to my collection, everything dually noted

>> No.13269416

it was the first time i took pictures of them since i took the unboxing pics, will research

10/10 post would read again

>> No.13269439

>do poses in the mirror and note your joints
>neckbeards acting moe in front of the mirror

Thanks for the visual

>> No.13269448

Everyone deserves to be a little kawaii.

>> No.13269467
File: 32 KB, 425x413, kawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13269686

>dressing up and wearing a mask to buy children's clothing

anon think about what you're saying here

>> No.13270346
File: 2.36 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_1445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, we did the thing. It was... okay. I didn't last nearly as long as I had wanted to, and I had a really rough time finding a position that worked. At first, I tried doing her on the pillow like in the picture with her legs dangling off the bed. I couldn't get much in past the tip. Then we switched to cowgirl style, and her legs were still sagging a lot. In the end, I took her legs off because I was afraid they'd tear the onahole. The feeling was pretty good and my orgasm was a good one in the end. Cleanup was a bitch and her wig took ages to fix. We had a lot of naked cuddles afterwards.

Overall 6/10, will be trying again very soon once we figure out a position. Any help would be great.

>> No.13270405

So as I have been looked for clothes and I keep bumping in to this.
She looks so fucking sad. What's her story was she even loved. She looks like she has been in a closet for years. Only dragged out to sell.

>> No.13270423

Holy hell I didn't ask for these feels. Somebody save her, please.

>> No.13270474

looks like a hostage photo

it's only creepy if they know

>> No.13270485

>In the end, I took her legs off because I was afraid they'd tear the onahole.
>it's like I'm playing katawa shoujo

>> No.13270499

Hey, Katawa Shoujo was a good time.

>> No.13271004

New thread:
