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File: 149 KB, 700x908, p6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13241458 No.13241458 [Reply] [Original]

In which we make older monstergirls feel young again.

Monster Girl Collections: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

>> No.13241463

2 new threads, but I'm going to try and make this one live because you actually know how to OP.

>> No.13241464

First for sea bishops with cute hats

>> No.13241475

first for shitteposters

>> No.13241477

I like the picture.

Rest of the thread is shit populated by autists and retards, but I really like the OP. Didn't that guy made a confession serie too?

>> No.13241491
File: 737 KB, 1013x1200, 1422897784318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon please, she's a big girl, she knows what she enjoys.

Besides, you've never seen what else she can do, when she cosplays she goes harder than mother fucking Donkey Kong Country.

Imagine having a ground harpy waifu who can literally make your brown girl fantasies come to pass through sheer willpower and costuming expertise.

She even learned how to play an instrument specifically to trick people into thinking she was a Gandharva and it worked wonders.

It's like being married to a doppelganger, she can be whatever she wants to be.

>> No.13241494
File: 393 KB, 651x1200, 263_troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"S-so Anon, are though man enough to till this soil?"

>> No.13241497


"thou" damn it I fucked it up.

>> No.13241501

Has anyone ever noticed that Troll is literally the "roundest" character KC has drawn?

Like legitimately round from an art point.

>> No.13241502

>Old hell hound
>Ara ara, haven't chased a soul like you in ages, also did remember hurting this much afterwards either.
>Oh? Another round?
I don't see why not

>> No.13241508
File: 3.38 MB, 3216x4288, DSCF1161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unf unf

>> No.13241511
File: 341 KB, 600x800, img_33+.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread-ly reminder Cait Sith is not for sitting, but for breeding.

>> No.13241513


>Older Honey Badger waifu

"Wanna try something kinky? What if I were gentile?"

>> No.13241515
File: 3.45 MB, 3216x4288, DSCF1111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to pearl necklace her so bad...

>> No.13241518
File: 493 KB, 1250x1000, Oh I thought I heard the old man say, leave her Johhny, leave her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one of those in stock actually.

>> No.13241525

Translations never.

>> No.13241526
File: 2.84 MB, 4128x2322, 20150313_114708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13241527


Oh god damn it I just made her not a Jew. you may have different feelings about that[/spoiler[

>> No.13241529
File: 3.61 MB, 4288x3216, DSCF1158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this ghost bunny girl translated....

>> No.13241531

Since this is the new thread, I'll use this one

I want to cuddle a Strongfat Dragon!

>> No.13241536

Why doesn't she have a bra or even pasties underneath her shirt in all this new stuff.

>> No.13241537

Soft enough to cuddle
Hard enough to break her rivals
Sounds good

>> No.13241538
File: 3.29 MB, 4288x3216, DSCF1160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Heres whats under the jacket, and a special promo card.

>> No.13241543

>Honey badger naked apron
Why did the scanlation group drop this again? It was just the right balance of cute monster girls and edge.

>> No.13241553
File: 952 KB, 3293x2155, honey_badger__custom_monster_girl__by_temjin01-d6179dy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already have a Honey Badget girl though Anon :^)

>> No.13241556

this fuckin manga man

>> No.13241561
File: 375 KB, 1781x1770, there is a god, and he hates you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is my favorite artist

>> No.13241576
File: 3.93 MB, 1876x3515, 1427437041200-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how big of a girl is your waifu? Both in height and healthiness?

>> No.13241579

She's about 6'6", and a brick shithouse of muscle.

>> No.13241583
File: 261 KB, 1000x714, onis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll take red please.

>> No.13241584

As big as I want her to be thanks to succubutt magic.

She probably gets the joke though and could be sick of the baneposting.

>> No.13241587

Reminder if you marry a Bee girl, be ready to watch her gain weight like no one's business and become a constant stream of Bee Larvae daughterus

>> No.13241588
File: 281 KB, 913x1280, 1406906731246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's fairly long, her human part isn't exactly "healthy" though.

>> No.13241590

I have no preference for 90% of MGs but if Iwas going for a tall one she'd stand probably 7' and be full on strong fat.
I could do chub or muscle in quite a few different measures.
As long as she loves to cuddle of course.

>> No.13241592

Is that the same trio from the image with the smug Oni on the throne? Would let her step on me.

>> No.13241597

>could be sick of the baneposting.
I think the solution here would be to Banepost more

>> No.13241602

>yfw your waifu has had it with this baneposting shit
>she breaks the bat and crashes your plane with no survivors
>...if you know what I mean

>> No.13241614

I am forever disgusted by what they did to Centorea along with the other girls, but Centorea especially.

Even if they get a decent voice actor for her she completely lost her entire regal air.

Jesus christ Moe is fucking garbage.

>> No.13241615

>You will never be the son of an Echidna
>You will never have a Troll, Holstaur, and Echidna as your older sisters
>You will never have a Weresheep, Hobgoblin, and doormouse as your younger sisters

>> No.13241639
File: 58 KB, 343x338, Sexing the waifu slightly more clean version.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crow Love
I should probably spend some money to get some commission and art for her.

>> No.13241640
File: 787 KB, 1024x768, 1422954568104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The older the better

>> No.13241643

That guy is my Hero
I don't remember last time I had so much fun

>> No.13241646

Especially since you post the same image every thread. I personally don't have a problem with it since its a nice one and its all you've got but you really should use some of those neet dollars to get some more.

>> No.13241650

>wanting to creampie a post-menopausal granny fox all night without any fear of pregnancy
Exquisite taste.

>> No.13241654 [SPOILER] 
File: 576 KB, 612x840, 1427569083039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually truly sorry anon, there's absolutely nothing for her outside of that, a gif and two amputee ones and I really don't wanna just go and post Aya.

I guess there's this one but she's more of a Sparrow than a Crow.

>> No.13241661

>It was a busy day in monster girl city, the sun was shining, the sirens were singing, and an orgy had broken out in midtown.
>Not that you cared, even on a Saturday it was busy for members of the Mage Guild's enchanting division.
>After an incident of "rampant wizardry" involving the head judge of MGC, you'd been forced to perform community service as an enchanter for the Guild until you "learned to control yourself."
>Which is crap because you were in full control the whole time.
>If the anubis didn't want to get turned into a shortstack then she shouldn't have double dipped in your salsa.
>No one double dips in your salsa and gets away with it.
>Regardless, you were stuck with providing MGC's numerous Dating Dungeons, a specialized dating service/LARP session where patrons get to pretend to be an adventuring party in a dungeon, with all their enchanted goods.
>You'd made +2 Battle axes, Rings of invisibility, and more to help-fulfill the various orders from the dungeons.
>You'd also been forced to make more "Rod's of Ceaseless Vibrations" than you could ever have though possible.
>Apparently the "Witch's Lair", a Sabbath Based dungeon, didn't keep many adventurers after a run through.
>Today, though, they were being extra kind to you, letting you out of the smoky enchanter's room run a delivery towards the city's undead quarter and the ominously named "Bone Crypt"
>You'd run through there in days past with a few of your friends, bashing skeletons and pushing over zombies, although you'd never gotten past the Wight Knight by the name of Sella.
>A wight who was currently giving you a cool stare as her undead underlings clumsily unloaded the boxes from the Magic U-haul.
>The magic being that it somehow still worked despite being forty years old
>"I don't zee why ve vould 'ave to pay for Zis," she said in an outrageous accent that waxed from french to german "Ve did not order it zo ve should not 'ave to pay for zis."

>> No.13241664

>Short-stack Anubis
I'm sorry I stopped listening at that part and just sort of...drifted off into my own little world.

>> No.13241665
File: 3.17 MB, 3200x2000, 47839364_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>House Visit

It's non-lewd.

>> No.13241669


Galactica simply didn't care about it anymore. The TL didn't want to work on it and cleans/redraws were taking months at a time because they could never keep anyone consistent.

>> No.13241674
File: 334 KB, 462x800, 1394070129397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always take care of your monster waifu, no matter what happens.

>> No.13241679
File: 419 KB, 1000x2000, Punk Crow Tengu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. There's about 5 pieces of art for her. It's more then some other girls get, but it would be nice to see more art of my waifu.

>> No.13241681

Is this Loen's work?

When did he do this?

>> No.13241684

Dass amazingly cute.

>> No.13241685

A few weeks ago. I never got the chance to post it, sorry.

>> No.13241688

>Reconnecting with Childhood Friend Anubis
>Going Ghost Hunting with her
Oh yes. This is marvelous.
Definitely can't wait to read more of this!

>> No.13241690

Wonderful thought isn't it?
Well shit, hope Kirei Cake or someone pick it up eventually. Kirei do Arachnid by the same author so my hopes are on them.

>> No.13241695


>Willfully breeding a Cait Sith



>TFW no Aunty/BBA level Kitsune to make embarassed when she feels her body feeling more youthful as you fuck her
>TFW she'll never turn her face away from you as her womanhood slickens to the stimulation
>TFW she'll never complain your youthful vigor is going to break her hips as you shoot your load into her from beneath
>TFW the older the Kitsune, the better

>> No.13241699

Why are babaas so cute?

>> No.13241708

>older woman saying what a beast her younger partner is
God dammit this gets me hard.

>> No.13241713

I like puffy nipples so I don't mind.

>> No.13241718

>all bees are queens

>> No.13241719

I like it so far. The setting's pretty fresh, it's nice to have a story not within an MGC occasionally.

What I'd wish to see this story is to be more... extended I think. In a sense of having more of secondary aspects of storytelling, such as surroundings description, MC's reflections and thoughts, maybe some brief flashbacks etc. That's what seemed to lack to me. So far it looks like the plot is in some kind of a hurry, hopping from one thing to another a bit too fast. These things might help it unwind more gradually.

Oh yeah, and the dog answering with a "whoof!" to every owner's remark was a bit unnatural to me. I might simply not have seen enough of them though.

>> No.13241722

death to cait sith

>> No.13241745

Jodio chupaviejas.

>> No.13241757

>The "Zis" in question was a box of cursed +1 Vampiric Daggers, something that WAS on the the order sheet, no matter how much she denied it.
>"Look lady, I don't know what to tell you." You said, pointing at the box in question "It's on the order sheet and its been made, you have it and you need to pay for it."
>"Zis is prepostorous," She shouted, a little Transylvania slipping in. Ve do not vant zem zo ve shouldn't 'ave to pay for zem! Take zem back you silly boy!"
>You felt a brow twitch in irritation and the urge to cast silence on her rise. Both as a form of vengeance and a way to just stop her from talking in that obviously, fake accent.
>"Look, I've been ordered to make these things and deliver them," you responded tersely, gently pulling your arm free from an overly friendly zombie "they've been made and they've been delivered. You're job is to pay us."
>"Zis is ludicris," the wight complained, her elegant features coloring in anger "Zis is outragous, zis is....zis is...THIS IS BULLSHIT!"
>Her fake accent had finally fallen away but it was too late, you already had a head ache going.
>"Look," you sighed, your face falling into your palm in exasperation "Is there a manager I can talk too?"
>"I am the man-, I mean, I am ze manager," Sella said, her red eyes narrowing "Now, if you vill, please leave and take you box of "
>"Sella," a bored sounding voice called, it's speaker stepping into the parking lot "What is taking so long? We have our first group of adventurers in two hours."
>The newcomer was as, most assuredly, as dead as her employees, her skin gray and long, ivory hair bound back in braid that fell to her rear. She wore a midnight black suit and matching pair of dress pants, both of which hid a figure ripe with curves. What was most caught your attention though was her face, a picture of matured beauty from which two purple, emotionless eyes stood.
>"Zis boy iz trying to zell us-"

>> No.13241773 [DELETED] 
File: 381 KB, 672x1100, 275_cait_sith_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Yo grandpa, you know the drill. Your place is mine, and I'd like you to make like a leaf and get in the kitchen and open up a can of tuna. I'll start claiming the couch. Hey, it's pretty comfy, where do you shop for furniture? It'll be lovely to scratch this up..."

>> No.13241775

>hating on the fluffiest MG

>> No.13241776
File: 288 KB, 1200x1800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would an Auntie Yuuna suffice?

>> No.13241779

I'm twenty three and I dare you.
You scratch it, you replace it.

>> No.13241785

>get out the water bottle

>> No.13241786

Huh? Yeah, get comfy. Make yourself at home
Let me just go get something from the back real quick and I'll give you the tour

>> No.13241788

Someone's gonna get spayed at this rate.

>> No.13241791

>Click. Boom.

>> No.13241793

>tolerating furshit

>> No.13241802

>Not Marrying the Princess.
Do you even look to the stars?

>> No.13241818

Big balls make for big falls.

>> No.13241825
File: 304 KB, 708x1000, 9c00fd4a0bb880efbe2e09dad5b21f72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to be summer soon, what kind of swimsuit does your waifu wear?

Mice are olev.

>> No.13241829

A tiny, thin bikini.

Oni are show offs.

>> No.13241830

I don't think a Mantis could wear a swimsuit.

>> No.13241835

Cait Sith doesn't really like water

>> No.13241837

All the better reason to make her swim.

>> No.13241841

Why not?

>> No.13241843

>"Without the accent please." the pale lich interrupted. "It give's me a headache."
>"Fiiiine," the armored wight sighed, pouting slightly, "He's trying to sell us a box of crap we didn't order."
>"Is this true?" the pale woman responded, giving you a look which, you presume, would have been cross if she showed any emotion.
>You let out another sigh of exasperation, a wandering zombie giving you a clumsy pat on the shoulder as she walked past.
>You're a wizard dammit! Not a sales man.
>"It's on the sheet." you replied through gritted teeth, handing her the clip board "Right here miss...."
>"Mortara," she answered simply, pale, lilac eyes scanning the sheet "yours?"
>"Anon," you said, dearly wishing you were back in the lab making that Cursed Breastplate of the Headless Champion
>"Ah, a common name," The undead mistress replied, still scanning the sheet while her second in command gave you a cross look "I should have guessed."
>It's surprising how much you get that, you've never met anyone else with that name but everyone always seems to know another anon. It's quite mind boggling honestly.
>"He's right," Mortara said, her words disrupting your thoughts."It's on the sheet but I don't remember placing an order an order for them. If you could follow me to my office Anon, we can get check the records and give you your payment."
>She didn't bother to wait for a reply, spinning on her heel and walking towards the door.
>"Finally someone who can read." you replied, giving the angry looking wight the biggest, most satisfied smirk you could manage.
>The angry huff she gave you made the trip almost worth it.
>"Stay close anon," Mortana "called", her voice rising only a tiny bit in volume, "We don't want a young caster like you getting snatched by a ghoul do we?"
>And stay close you did, staying a few steps behind the smartly dressed undead and giving her pant straining, bubble butt a few appraising glances as you walked.
Anyone reading?

>> No.13241846

So is paradox essentially /mg/s dream of going on an adventure with a party of mg's realized in vidya form?

>> No.13241854
File: 336 KB, 800x1139, 93211df151e17937df01e7fe3394899cac152315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark one-pieces are the best. The way they reflect when wet, giving modest curves glimmering, perfect highlights, the way they simultaneously cling to the skin and leave ridges as they fold, the smooth, slick surface to glide your hands all over to molest small breasts...

>> No.13241857

Those scythes man, they'd cut them right up.

Maybe I could make a deal with a Arachne, but other than that I don't know.

>> No.13241863

Doublemaus when?

>> No.13241865

A white, one-piece swimsuit.

>> No.13241867

I'm reading. Her name changed though. Is it Mortara or Mortana?

>> No.13241868


>> No.13241873

Mortana, I screwed up.

>> No.13241875

Yes. I am.

>> No.13241879

I dunno anon, I rather like how a white one piece can stand out against a dark skinned girl's body, especially when wet...

>> No.13241880

They wouldn't have a problem putting on a two piece swimsuit though. Though, you could always take her to a nude beach.

>> No.13241882

I am now that a Lich showed up.

>> No.13241884
File: 435 KB, 900x1208, 1425824363111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any good porn of androids?

>> No.13241888
File: 152 KB, 787x1023, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're not giving other kinds of swimsuit a fair go, anon.

Imagine them bouncing and straining, waiting to be freed by your hand...

>> No.13241892
File: 409 KB, 540x720, 1413328488676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine likes to wear revealing outfits, (she is the one on the right) Usually Bikinis and other types.

She seems to enjoy the attention and the fact only I get to take her home for sex.

>> No.13241893

Hahaha, I wish. You're especially fucked if you want dolljoints or visible robot parts.


>> No.13241896
File: 312 KB, 800x800, 1410781110332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is correct, but you may notice my waifu is white.

One-pieces are the best with titty monsters as well as flatties.

>> No.13241898

I just noticed the one on the left has striped ears. What IS she?

>> No.13241900

Oh, I remember this .
Its from when they tried to set up anubis fucker with this Anubis who was so damn shy.

I hear she freezes her nips off now in MGC Alberta.

>> No.13241901

>only I get to take her home for sex

Whatever you want to say anon.

>> No.13241903

>naked apron swimsuit
LEWD and arousing.

>> No.13241910
File: 278 KB, 1200x1697, 8d06caea11552a835f1444a923e4d2c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the link. life is hard for robot lovers...

>> No.13241912

A large bikini that's still too small.

>> No.13241913
File: 384 KB, 1050x1400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a one piece they can't bounce freely and accidentally come unleashed, though. They aren't as good for the tittymonsters.

>> No.13241916

My wife picked it out for her. she was so damn embarrassed wearing it so this made her get her to wear it .

>> No.13241918

Red is nice but blue is just... unf.

>> No.13241919

Apparently a Jackal Girl.

I always make sure to cuddle her to keep the cold at bay. Also sweaters. Lots of (Vert-Ribbed) sweaters.

>> No.13241921

Damn, this is pretty go-
>Castration and testicle crushing
And there goes my erection.

>> No.13241926

Mah nigga

Blastoise > Charizard

>> No.13241931
File: 341 KB, 1027x1500, ec5400ce749a24d92d5af23356626d97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

space jin is an acquired taste

>> No.13241932

I don't know what you expected.

>> No.13241933

Ahh the smell of jealousy in the morning...smells like ......victory!

>> No.13241935
File: 1.22 MB, 1181x1748, 1407617257260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They totally can bounce freely, and the impossibility of a wardrobe malfunction lets busty good girls play freely.

>> No.13241936

I expected femdom, not extreme physical abuse.

As I said, I was enjoying it up until the point where it went into masochist territory.

>> No.13241939


Say whatever you want, you're still a cuck and your waifu is still a whore.

>> No.13241943
File: 541 KB, 1096x1600, 137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't mind a lot of feels

>> No.13241944

Wasn't that the time Nyanon 'accidentally' buried his Mouse GF in the sand so that only her head was sticking out?

>> No.13241946

>wanting another mans used goods
What are you, a beta faggot?

>> No.13241947

God that one is great.

>> No.13241948

But his wife just teased people on the beach with sexy clothing before cucking THEM by sleeping with her husband at home. I don't follow the logic.

>> No.13241953

>You'll never get lost in the mountains, only to seek refuge in a warm cave, just to find that it is infact inhabited and classy as fuck.
>You'll never stumble across a big, soft blue figure wreathed in smoke.
>She'll never stand up to greet this intruder, her mega loose robes slipping down one shoulder, allowing a cute puffy sapphire nipple to poke out, a pipe in one hand
>You'll never drink with her into the night. And enjoy some blueberry snu snu

>> No.13241955

Yeah and then Haohi tripped over her and ended up having a wardrobe malfunction. That was funny as hell!

>> No.13241956

>That doujin
Fucking fantastic, worth the read even with the feels.

>> No.13241957


Don't know or care what Auntie Yuuna is

Probably made by one of the IRC faggots

>> No.13241964


Good reading.

Butthurt that you are not welcome in the IRC ?

>> No.13241967

She was an older kumiho a writefag wrote about in an incest greentext. People still bring her up from time to time due to how intolerably lewd she was written.
But I guess you're TECHNICALLY correct.

>> No.13241969

>Making assumptions that aren't true.

If you believe that, you need to get your head checked.

Women are cheating whores anon, why you'd believe that they're loyal I will never know.

>> No.13241972

Aren't most of the writefags in the IRC channel anyway?

>> No.13241973

Feels are gay
And you should feel gay

>> No.13241975

>Implying anyone gives a fuck about the IRC

>> No.13241976

I don't think Gauf ever used the IRC. If I recall he hated them.

>> No.13241980


More like it's because everything they touch withers and dies, and they are a blight upon the land.

>> No.13241981

>why you'd believe that they're loyal I will never know.
That bro doesn't know about hypergamy.

>> No.13241982

I've never seen Alp there, but he might use a different name.
Actually, I think anyone that is productive isn't in there. Odd.

>> No.13241983





>> No.13241986

They have to pretend to be relevant somehow, even if they get jeered every time they post.

>> No.13241987

>Wanting a Gold Digging Whore

>> No.13241989

I just masturbated, thanks for killing MY buzz.

>> No.13241990

Dude, I need my sides.

>> No.13241991

I think the most active writer there is Bollocks.

What does that tell you?
Actually ThunderBrother's probably more productive.

>> No.13241994


>> No.13241997

Not anyone who gets anything done. It's a place for busted and burned up writefags to pretend to still be writing.

>> No.13241999

More productive than me.

>> No.13242000

He's certainly the most active faggot.

>> No.13242004

He posts an update at least once a week to at least one of his stories.

That's pretty damn productive in my books.

>> No.13242008

Man that was good.
Shame it was from her perspective though.
any more?

>> No.13242015
File: 913 KB, 1117x1600, Best Succubus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't realize posting a new story to get ripped apart by you buzzards once every blue moon was considered active.

>> No.13242016


#Monstergirls? There are at least 7+ in there. Not like anyone says much these days except to call Inari a massive faggot.

#Tailpussy? Who knows. But they are generally the ones circlejerking IRC and stuff in the threads.

>> No.13242022


That's not even remotely funny.

>> No.13242023


>Maiden In Black
>Anything but pure

>> No.13242025

Have you considered not being a faggot?

>> No.13242027

He's often times updating several times a week. I like Alp. He's a good egg.

>> No.13242028


I knew you were a faggot.

>> No.13242032

Maiden in Black has been dethroned by Bloodborne's dollfu

>> No.13242034
File: 1.07 MB, 800x914, 49428782_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Souls girls best waifus.

>> No.13242035

Disregard barely inhuman demons.
Acquire qt3.14 Living Dolls.

>> No.13242036

>I expected femdom, not extreme physical abuse.
You didn't expect Femdom from Femdom?

>> No.13242038


>> No.13242041

TP is the troll channel , they try to come up with new ways to annoy the thread using manticores and are way to obsessed with tail pussy

>> No.13242043

Doll is a cockhungry slut who says she loves humans and wonders if they could love her back.

>> No.13242045

Not him, but femdom can be done without causing bodily harm. Heck, check out cuddledom which is an underused and arousing concept.

>> No.13242047

Who would have thought a channel started by Bob about Bob would be a bunch of faggots?

>> No.13242050

He is a faggot .

>> No.13242051

That's extreme femdom, which is apparently your normal femdom.

>> No.13242052


Imagine MiB nervously trying to maintain her neutral expression, blushing slightly as you pat her head.

>> No.13242054
File: 131 KB, 850x703, Stupidjoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maiden in Black is the most licentious demon to ever exist. She drains your Soul Level through coitus and then begs you even more to touch the demon inside of her.

I want to slip a wedding band on her


Depends on what you define as a faggot, I could very well do a short of a Gnoll and Claire going at it like some kind of filthy Ouroboros of dick.

But I don't because that's not my fetish.


You three are filthy heretics.

>> No.13242056

Got any examples of that?

>> No.13242059

>cockhungry slut
>beating a pure waifu
/a/ pls.

>> No.13242060

Satsuki Itsuka springs to mind.

>> No.13242063

Are you lost?

>> No.13242064

>It was a fine behind, large enough to grope but tight enough to show that it wasn't purely fat.
>You were so distracted by it that you almost ran into the ivory haired lich when she stopped by her office door located deep within the tomb, skeletons and zombies giving you a few curious looks, along with a few gropes.
>"It seems that men's tastes do not change with the centuries," Mortana replied, one white eyebrow arched in, what you thought was, amusement. "Follow me inside and I can double check our documentation."
>You felt the warm heat of an embarrassed blush tint your cheeks, following the lich into her office.
>It was a small room with surprisingly fewer books than you anticipated, their numbers only filling four bookshelves instead of the ten you anticipated. These book-laden shelves were accompanied by a few file cabinates while a massive, mahogany desk sat in the center of the room, a computer straight from the 90s and an ancient looking vase the only two things atop of it.
>"Take a seat in front of the desk young man," the undead spell caster said, hips swaying as she wandered towards the old iron file cabinates "I should have the record soon enough."
>And with that she was off, flipping through folders and files as she dug through the cabinet drawers without a word.
>The silence soon grew uncomfortable, the room quiet except for your own breathing and the rasping of paper.
>"Soooooo, how's everthing going?" you said, doing anything to break the quiet as the pale undead shuffled through the papers
>"Fine," the lich said in a emotionless voice, looking at a paper briefly before setting it back in its folder "although none of the adventurers have made it all the way through the dungeon in a while."
>A tiny flicker of fatigue staining her voice, although her expression remained unchanged.
>"It's left me a little...tense," the purple eyed undead murmured "I haven't been able to fight a group of you young adventures in a good, long while."

>> No.13242066

>not wanting to fuck a gothic doll's cum-slick porcelain onahole
She's literally made for sloppy seconds.

>> No.13242067


>drains your Soul Level through coitus and then begs you even more to touch the demon inside of her.

Doesn't she like, save your ass from vanishing into nothingness in the game all the time?

>> No.13242069

How many people in this thread are retarded or underage? I reckon 9/10.

>> No.13242071

I may be retarded but I'm 31. I'm well legal.

>> No.13242074

Another case of "Not me though".


>> No.13242076
File: 202 KB, 663x1000, Black Knights (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes and she also gave me the most heinous kind of fetish.

Washing a maiden's bare feet

>> No.13242077

Let me guess, you're in the other 1/10.

>> No.13242078

Stop engaging faggots. Report and ignore, just like the IRC crew.

>> No.13242080

>Lich with a delicious bubble butt
Oh yes, this is good. Very good indeed.

>> No.13242083

Anon all she does is touch your back and give you soul levels.

Then she sits outside the portal you entered waiting for you to return.

That doesn't mean she's a succubus.

>> No.13242085

>Stop engaging faggots
That's gonna be difficult to do, considering where we are.

>> No.13242088

>Pent up Lich
>Needs to "Blow off a little steam"
I'm liking where this is going, oh yes.

>> No.13242091

>touch your back
I want a nice reacharound from MiB as her lewd bust presses onto my back.

>> No.13242092 [SPOILER] 
File: 247 KB, 515x714, 1427575700185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything other than a Sling Bikini is heresy.

>> No.13242096
File: 227 KB, 661x1000, Now with 100% more conviction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Except she gives you the Soulsucker spell, and is for the most part human in appearance while being the oh-so lewd and covering herself in black wrappings.

>> No.13242100
File: 124 KB, 333x568, feb694011022c05e5786ba5a6815d27d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's still a demon though.
And a cute, ultra powerful one at that

>> No.13242102
File: 737 KB, 2000x1700, wan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is dog

>> No.13242103

Wait, that character is a dog, not a cat?

>> No.13242108
File: 45 KB, 321x415, 1426217840968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that FAT FUCK's laugh

>> No.13242109

She looks so sleepy. I want to pet her.

>> No.13242110

Don't you lie to me.

>> No.13242111

Yes but most demons probably have that spell, remember the False King fight? If anything it might have been the only thing the Maiden had aside from making humans more powerful.

You're just crazy, she's not a Succubus.

She's the cutest demon.

>> No.13242113

you never knew it was a dog girl?

>> No.13242114
File: 164 KB, 623x933, Himori meets Satsuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have too many of these.

>> No.13242115

No this is Patric.

>> No.13242117

I want to put her on the couch and let her nap beside me. 10/10 daughteru potential.

>> No.13242119

Well, we've been calling Lana "Zombie Neko" this whole time...

>> No.13242120

>currently playing dark souls for first time
>just got killed for xth time by giant ornstein
>see this
>try not to cry
>cry a lot

>> No.13242121

How many encyclopedia MG's have actual human butts?

>> No.13242122
File: 192 KB, 621x938, Himori meets Satsuki 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13242126

I remember it took me a solid month to beat them on NG+.

I stopped trying for a week straight and then picked it up randomly again one day.
Beat them on the first try.

I was too relieved to be mad.

>> No.13242127

she's a cat, maybe

>> No.13242129

>not liking monster butt

>> No.13242131

Good number.

>> No.13242132

Pretty sure all of them.

Lamia it might just be shapely hips.

>> No.13242135
File: 198 KB, 876x1130, Sleep Deprived MGs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Someone requested this on /a/ last night

Very intradasting.

>> No.13242137

Yeah, the first time I faced him down was like the first time facing Duriel.

Not quite as annoying, though.

>> No.13242138


>Devs add a new "sit" emote to the game, for the sake of immersion
>You can sit down and have anywhere and rest, as if at a Bonfire
>Sit down on the Nexus stairs to meditate for a while
>A few minutes later, MiB walks up to you and sits down on your lap nonchalantly
>Starts cutely kicking her feet like she always does
>"May I meditate along with thee for a moment, hero?"

I'd have 3 heart attacks at once.

>> No.13242145

>sits down on your lap nonchalantly

>> No.13242148

In D2? You have trouble with him?

>> No.13242150


Even if she never did it to anyone else?

>> No.13242151 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 280 KB, 640x960, 1427576516526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, i cant help being an ass man

>> No.13242153


>TFW no Duriel-tan short of her going "LOOKING FOR BAAAL?"

>> No.13242154

Lovely, thanks anon!

>> No.13242157


No matter how annoying it is, I will prevail.

That or my keyboard will break first. Yes, keyboard

>> No.13242159

So i know image limit can kinda become a problem in threads this long, how do i delete and image and not the whole post?

>> No.13242162

What part of an Alp should be the biggest? Thighs? Hips? Ass? Breasts? Other?

If you had a magic rod that could manipulate a single aspect of an Alp to bully, what would you do?

>> No.13242163

Wasn't it a frozen aura that slowed you down like hell?
God, imagine MGs with that Paladin skill.

>> No.13242165


>> No.13242166

Use a controller you fucking pleb, it makes it infinitely easier.

>> No.13242168

There's a [File Only] tick left of the delete button.

>> No.13242170

I'd keep her flat while making her thighs and but a little bigger and bigger.
Then she'll be made fun of by people and be called "chun-li".

>> No.13242172

hi nyanon

>> No.13242173

Make that ass be fine.

>> No.13242175

Hi anon, how're the kids?

>> No.13242178

So tell me faggots.

Why do you want Diablo-tan?

>> No.13242179

Flashlight vagina.

>> No.13242181

Because she's love.

>> No.13242182

I'm so glad you weren't talking to me. I don't have an answer for your question and that would leave me slightly anxious.

>> No.13242186

I love Satan.

>> No.13242200

pretty good, stopping by before I go back for my next shift

>> No.13242212

>"Your the boss?" you responded, leaning back in your chair as she pulled a paper from the sea of white "That...actually makes a lot of sense. Personally, I've never gotten past your wight."
>"She's not that difficult." Mortana replied, setting a paper on the desk "Just make fun of her accent, she hates it."
>"I'll keep that in mind," you responded, mentally filing that away "although I don't plan on going near her for a while."
>Something odd flashed through the smartly dressed undead's eyes for a brief moment, her mature features tensing slightly.
>"A shame," Mortana said, one, perfectly manicured nail pointing at the paper while her other hand fiddled with something at her neck "I'd certainly like to face you...alone..."
>Her hand fell away and her suit unbuttoned slightly, revealing a generous canyon of pale flesh.
>"I'm sure that'd be nice mam," you said in your most diplomatic tone, mentally planing your escape route "but I'm afraid that the Guild has strict rules about employee/customer relations."
>She frowned ever so slightly at your words, fingers drumming on the paper.
>"They still have that "Spell per bedding" rule going on don't they?" Mortana replied, leaning forward to better display her bountiful mountains. "I'm sure I have a trick or two that I could teach them....or you."
>While this lines would normally have been sensual, the fact that her voice was still monotone made it feel more like she was randomly pausing.
>"Or perhaps you find me too old," she murmured, playing with her shirt slightly as her frown intensified "I know my physical form isn't the freshest body out of the crypt."
>"It's not that," you hastily interjected, one hand moving towards hers "your not old just...ripe?"
>Her hand was strangely warm to the touch, not cold and clammy like you expected.
>"Your just saying that," the pale undead replied, her frown slowly turning into a smile "I know my body is probably well past its prime."

>> No.13242213

Hips for days.

>> No.13242216

Ass, needs to be the biggest as to compensate for cliff chest and for better bullying

>> No.13242218 [SPOILER] 
File: 22 KB, 878x476, 1427577560535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone called?

>> No.13242219

What, you didn't have problems with Duriel in your first shot against him?

>> No.13242221
File: 97 KB, 475x712, manticore text.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13242222

I don't.

>> No.13242223

She's got the right combination of terrifying and sexy that I find appealing.

>> No.13242226

I raped him as a Barb, Werewolf Druid, Paladin, and Javazon.
Did Ok as a Sorc.

>> No.13242228


What an asshole, Ms. Happy just wanted to show him a selfie.

>> No.13242229

>Mature Lich acting mature
Hrm, I'm not one for mature women normally, but...damn, Liches be great.

>> No.13242231

It was Holy Frost, so it couldn't be reduced by Frost Resistance either.

I mean your VERY FIRST time facing him. He's easier to beat once you understand what you have to do, but his combination of freezing aura and 40+ damage hit on the first time through is very difficult.

>> No.13242232
File: 246 KB, 1024x1563, I like MGs like I like my beer, Cold and Tall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Art Guy (NAG) has almost exclusively made Cat Girl and Dog Grill look depressed / sleep deprived like zombies.

I grinned for a moment when I really shouldn't have.

>> No.13242236

>Ms. Happy
Back to #tailpussy with you.

>> No.13242237

i want an alp to bully ME.

>> No.13242238

>calling an undead girl ripe

Why don't you ask about her weight next?

>> No.13242239


The fuck you talking about.

>> No.13242240

My first time was with a Barb.
He tanked that shit and slammed Concentration into Duriel like a train until he died. Did use a good number of pots though.

>> No.13242244

>playing the easymode class
That explains a lot.

>> No.13242246

>Older Lich being self-conscious of her body
Too fucking good.

>> No.13242248

Ripe is tasty. You only eat fruit when they're ripe.

>> No.13242250

Easymode is Paladin, actually thanks to Blessed Hammers.

>> No.13242252

>Not playing easymode your first time through a game
It's like you don't want to ensure you have fun the first time through.

>> No.13242253

Are you that muscled guy who wants to be bullied by a fujo cyclops?

>> No.13242254

>hot lich coming on to you
>break out the HR speech
fucking hell anon, just give her the D

>> No.13242257

fuck off bob

>> No.13242258

Corpses are ripe, when they're good and rotten, MGE's undead may not rot, but the implication is there, I'd doubt they'd appreciate it.

>> No.13242259
File: 63 KB, 700x700, nya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13242264


>She's love

Top kek

>> No.13242265
File: 288 KB, 318x450, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this thread prefer Chocolate, or Vanilla? Blueberry and Grape are also fine.

>> No.13242267

And ripe is "mature, full grown, ready to eat", not "tasty".

>> No.13242270

We find out what she is by pulling the tail
right at the base

>> No.13242271

But her ass is like a couple of ripe grapefruits in a bag. You just want to palm them. I think you're taking this too offensively.

>> No.13242272

Chocolate dragon a best.

>> No.13242273

Depends on the monster.
Blueberry Succupie is best, while Chocowocks are best.

>> No.13242276

That moment when you can't pick one flavor, and want to try them all.

That said, though, this is the best looking pic I've seen of the March Hare in a long time.

>> No.13242277

Whoa man. I wasn't defining Ripe. I was giving my opinion on what ripe is.

>> No.13242279


Hey Zombie, think you could draw a sleepy Hellhound?

>> No.13242281

Chocolate > Blueberry = Grape > Vanilla

>> No.13242282
File: 64 KB, 653x960, 10846102_769768899784126_8648995904032088048_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cheeky little shit.

Lets see what you are after we do what >>13242270 said

>> No.13242284

Grape slime is best slime.

>> No.13242288

That is an EXCELLENT way to look at it.

And a wonderful way to describe a sexy Lich business woman.

>> No.13242290

Tasty tasty dormouse.

>> No.13242292

i'm not bob you goddamn autist.

Have you faggots ruined another thread inside joke by linking it to bob? holy shit fuck off

>> No.13242294


>> No.13242296
File: 761 KB, 732x1000, CheshireHilights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the Cheshire looks the nicest of all these grills, actually.
And this is after being bombarded with a year of futa disinfo,

>> No.13242297

Get the fuck out of here with your furshit game.

>> No.13242300

>Implying that joke wasn't shit on its own

>> No.13242301

Alright, now you can just fuck off.

>> No.13242302


I always thought Chesires' asses looked itty bitty tiny.

>> No.13242304 [SPOILER] 
File: 367 KB, 1000x765, 1427578475177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Citizen, this is /jp/, you need to use appropriate imagery based on their culture to invoke any form of fear.

>> No.13242305

>I don't know bob's brand of assholery

>> No.13242307

>People getting this mad over fanart of a video game

Wow, I knew it was easy for people here to be triggered but holy shit.

>> No.13242308

alone in the world with a little catdog

>> No.13242309

>implying ms. happy wasn't forced as fuck
fuck off notbob

>> No.13242310

Mrs. Butts is fine though right?

>> No.13242313
File: 55 KB, 278x180, I WANT TO FUCK THIS ASS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We going to have a problem?

>> No.13242315

It was the only one I had saved that could fit, but it seems like it got enough attention anyways so it doesn't really mater.

>> No.13242316

But Yuuka just wants to be inside with you because she loves you!

>> No.13242317


Yep. Still looks small and insufficient.

>> No.13242318

Fuck off you furry.

>> No.13242319

... it's still pretty stupid, but she can stay.

>> No.13242321

I'm currently experiencing an episode of PTSD because of your clever little comment. Please stop triggering me.

>> No.13242325

Ahh. I want make the ultimate sacrifice for Yuuka.

>> No.13242326

>That animatronic monstrosity
Anon, did the mascots at Chuck E Cheese scare you as a child?
I would stop but nobody in this thread has checked their CIS privilege yet, so no.

>> No.13242327

I will shove a mushroom bitch up your ass and light it on fire.

>> No.13242328

Fuck off shitlord, people being triggered is my trigger.

>> No.13242329 [SPOILER] 
File: 279 KB, 1052x1115, 1427578750897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13242331

You just like the thought of having a floating cat-bum pressed up to your face, don't you?

And yet you're not okay with a tail-pussy rubbing against your cheek? Even with the barbs retracted? That's discrimination!

>> No.13242334


Your home is there, now fuck off.

>> No.13242336

Right, what's she from again?

I'm having a massive brain fart right now.

>> No.13242337

Aww she got the mosquito off him

>> No.13242339


Sorry, no troll-tier badonk, no deal.

Your smug ain't worth shit without backup.

>> No.13242341

The levels of assmad I'm detecting from your posts is amazing anon, you could replace an entire nuclear power plant with your rage alone!

>> No.13242343

.... Touhou Project?
Man, how did fanon Yuuka get so different from canon Yuuka?

>> No.13242346

She's a 2hu, Anon. I know the lack of silly hat is confusing, but come on.

>> No.13242349

It's been a long as time since I've played a Touhou game, but I agree it's a little embarrassing.

>> No.13242350

Different how?

Did they make her into some moeblob bullshit?

>> No.13242353

>like the idea of a cat-butt
You're goddamn right I am. The idea of those barbed onaholes anywhere near me makes my stomach sour.

>> No.13242357

They made her into a violent, aggressive sadist that loves nothing more than to kill instead of the silly plant-joke making prankster in PoFV.

>> No.13242358

No, i just like alps.
I want an alp to pin me against the wall with her butt and rub it on me

>> No.13242364

>Playing MGQP
>Dragon Pup is basically the best character once you get her
Now if only I knew why she's named Papi

>> No.13242366

>"It's fine," you quickly responded, grabbing her hand "I meant what I said."
>And it was true, she had a body that had aged like wine, before her death at least.
>Her hips were wide and her backside grand with breasts that could easily fill your hands. All stuck into a perfectly pressed and cleaned suit.
>"Thank you Anon," she smiled, small laugh slipping from her, "it makes me feel good to hear that."
>In a flash she grabbed a pen from a skull shaped holder and scratched her signature on the paper I had given her.
>"In return I'll sign this for you," she said, setting the pen back down and sliding the paper to me "I believe that's all you needed was it not?"
>It may have been when you first walked it but, as of now, you needed something else.
>"It was," you replied, sliding the paper to the side before drawing in close. "but I think you need something as well."
>And with that last, cheesy line, you planted your lips on hers and locked her in a deep kiss.
>Your tongue waltzed with hers as the two of you kissed, her mouth strangely warm, most likely from whatever magic animated her.
>You were the one who had to break it first, the need for oxygen pulling the two of you apart and leaving you, and only you, gasping.
>"I hope you don't plan on just leaving it there young man." Mortana cooed in a sensual tone, a smile on her gray lips. "I'd be awfully disappointed if you did."
>Suffice to say, you did not disappoint, nearly ripping those masterly woven dress pants off the lich and pulling down her black, lacey panties.
>Her womanhood was soaked, leaking honey onto the floor as it begged for you to put it in as her ample hips and rear swayed enticingly.
>"Well anon?" she said again, voice collected despite the fact that she was almost grinding upon you and your erect shaft. "Are you going to keep me waiting?"
>"Just admiring the view," you replied, one hand stroking the silken skin of her buttocks, "a body like this needs to be savored."

>> No.13242368

So they made her shit.

>> No.13242371

The vaginas are ribbed for your pleasure. Th dick is barbed for tearing shit up. You're queasy about the wrong thing.

>> No.13242372

Yet she had zero qualms with genocide in 5.

>> No.13242374


And then she tells you that She is here for thee and thee only.

>> No.13242375 [SPOILER] 
File: 248 KB, 706x584, 1427579230013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A better question is if any of you know what >>13242329 actually references.

>> No.13242379

And yet the PC-98 timeline is no longer relevant, since Alice, Reimu, and Marisa are notably different people. But Yuuka still has a no longer relevant timeline applied to her. Curious.


>> No.13242380

I pat her on the head, anything for my little cat princess.

>> No.13242384

That's when you begin Weight Gaining her right?

>> No.13242385

... the fuck you talking about? I'm okay with cheshires, it's manticores and their spiny fleshlights of a tail that can fuck right off.

>> No.13242386

Are they really different? They still act roughly the same.

>> No.13242388


I noticed the fleshpound first. Don't even know who the 2hu is.

>> No.13242389


>> No.13242390

Well that escalated quickly. Not that I'm not enjoying it or anything.

>> No.13242391

Alice is very, very different from her PC-98 version, as is Yuuka.

>> No.13242392

Hot. Damn.

I tell you what I'd want to savor. Her soaking, leaking, undead honey.

>> No.13242394

>doesn't know which 2hu that is
>on /jp/

>> No.13242396
File: 144 KB, 760x600, 1395281531217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain yourself, anon.
I got her but she didn't seem very useful.
Although even if she was useful I'd probably not know how to assess it due to fucking runes

>> No.13242397

What? No, inflation is gross.

>> No.13242399

Well there was likely a somewhat large time gap between 5 and 7, meaning Alice had a lot of time to change.

>> No.13242401


Gradius > Touhou


The fuck

>> No.13242402

That includes species, place of residence, and parentage.

>> No.13242404

This thread is made of people from all across 4chan, not from just /jp/.

Hell, I'm mainly from /tg/ and /x/ myself, although I've been mainly sticking around this thread recently.

>> No.13242405

The hell is wrong with her neck and abdomen?

>> No.13242406

>Didn't seem useful
Her breath attacks and attack/defense are very good.

>> No.13242410

I just saw the axe and fucking finally recognized his arm.

Don't fleshpounds have redder skin though?

I would a Fleshpound girl

>> No.13242411


>> No.13242413
File: 110 KB, 720x1080, Kayan_woman_with_neck_rings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That pencil neck
>That stone block abdomen

All I can think of is this when I look at that.

>> No.13242414

She's no longer a demon from another dimension, now she's a former human living in the forest. PC-98 Alice is very, very different from Windows Alice.

>> No.13242415

Not him but I'm mainly from /m/ and the only way I would have even know 2hu was a thing was from the porn.

>> No.13242424


Back in my day going down on a lich meant you'd be licking bones! And some partially rotten cartilage, if you were lucky. The only fluid you'd get in your mouth would be your own gastric juices once the putrid smell of decay filled your nostrils.

Times have changed...

>> No.13242425

Good, then I'll have white all to myself

>> No.13242427

Was she ever listed as a demon to begin with? I certainly don't remember that. And it's not like she was forever bound within Makai and couldn't leave and squat in a cabin in the woods.

>> No.13242429

But boy howdy is the porn good.

>> No.13242434

She was a native resident of Makai, which is notably not humans.

The PC-98 timeline is separate from the Windows timeline, and would require a lot of cutting, ignoring, and smashing things together to try and conjoin them.

>> No.13242437

Fuck yeah it is.

>> No.13242447

I wouldn't call it a separate timeline really.
Numerous themes and such from then still occur with very little contradictions.

>> No.13242451

>not a separate timeline
>two characters acting vastly different from their prior incarnations, changing powers, species
>previous events never referenced by anyone except as a 'look what we did here?' joke

>> No.13242456

>It was with deliberate slowness that you unzipped yourself, hardened member finally freed while the lich squirmed before you.
>"My, aren't you a cruel one?" she seducitvly responded, still laying forward on her desk "Just what are they teaching you all?"
>"How to do things right," you said, causing her to shiver with pleasure as you trailed one hand along her needy lower lips "aren't you going to put your soul in your phylactery?"
>"N-no," she stammered, biting her lip a little "I don't want to study this, I want to experience it."
>That was all the go ahead you needed, slowly sliding your rod into her inch by inch.
>It was a slow, deliberate process that let you savory her silken insides as they gripped at you, trying to milk you as your member drover ever forward into her.
>She moaned as you advanced, an honest sound of pleasure that echoed into your very core.
>As soon as you reached your apex, you withdrew it as slowly as you drove forward with it, her insides just as fine going out as it was going in.
>"M-more," she moaned as you advanced again, a little faster than the first "m-more!"
>And more you gave, steadily increasing your speed as you went, the slowly, sensual pace increasing until you were hammering into her deepest parts, piercing her with pleasure.
>The slickened sounds of your juices increased from quiet slurps to a chorus of squelching pleasure, all while your hands teased and groped her plump rump, your fingers sinking into the malleable flesh.
>"Harder!" she nearly screamed, her bountiful bosom freed from the confines of its shirt and spilling onto the smooth surface of the desk "Faster! Slam into me like a beast in heat!"
>You listened to her instructions without question, crashing into her so hard that the desk moved under your thrusts and her nipples rubbed against the smoothed wood, all while she cried and screamed in ecstasy.

>> No.13242457

Can you actually show me evidence of the things you've said? I'm very jaded with threadcanon bullshit that goes on here you see.

>> No.13242460

Would your waifu like the same pizza you do?

Hawaiianfags need not apply, no sane person likes that garbage

>> No.13242464

>having shit taste

>> No.13242466

>Stuffed crust
>Extra sauce and cheese

>> No.13242469

I can just imagine what the zombies and ghouls outside are thinking.

>> No.13242470

Hot fuck this is good shit.

You're gonna pastebin it, right?

>> No.13242473

She's a Holstaur and I love meat lovers. So probably not.
>putting fruit on a pizza
You have shit taste.

>> No.13242474

I don't really like plain cheese pizza, but stuffed crust on top of meat overload pleases us both I'd think.

>> No.13242476

Straight off the wiki: "During the PC-98 canon, she lived in Makai calling herself "The Magician of Makai" and had a black book that's called the "Grimoire of Alice". Makai was created by Shinki, along with its residents. She was also a magician that can control dolls. She also created her own "Wonderland" in Makai."

Windows: "She is a pure all-purpose-type magician youkai who lives in a western-style house in the Forest of Magic without strengths and weaknesses in attributes, but she fundamentally fights in style of manipulating her self-made dolls."

However: Zun put this out there for you: "However, according to ZUN, although the Alice of PC-98 and the present Alice are the same character for once, he also said that the PC-98 canon has been swept clean and that there is absolutely no connection in terms of story, thus leaving it unclear as to exactly how her canon would reflects this. Although it is unclear, this is all ZUN has said. "

>> No.13242477

>Hawaiianfag telling others about shit taste

My sides, I bet you waifu'd a Kitsune too.

>> No.13242482

I second this.

>> No.13242484

Do foxes taste like pineapple?

>> No.13242485

Git gud faggots.

>> No.13242487

Nowhere does it say she was a demon or that she wasn't a human while in Makai.
Sounds like Zun just wanted to sweep the past under the rug in all honesty. At least he doesn't respond with "Maybe" and "I don't know" like KC

>> No.13242490

>During the PC-98 canon, she lived in Makai calling herself "The Magician of Makai"
>Makai was created by Shinki, along with its residents

PC-98 isn't canon. Straight from the mouth of god.

Also: "In Mystic Square, Alice appears as a Makai resident and refers to Reimu as "human", implying that she may not be one in PC-98 canon. "

>> No.13242492

I want 2hufags to leave to the hundreds of other threads they have.

>> No.13242495

No, but they're both shit.

>> No.13242496

Oh dear, it seems a bored Lilim has thrown you into a room and locked it behind you. In front of you are 3 doors, each one will lead to a different fate.

1. After entering the first door you find yourself stranded on an island mostly covered by a dense forest inhabited monsters, most of which haven't seen a man in years or even their entire life. Jinkos, Alraune, Elves, Bears, you name it and anything you associate with forests is probably in there. The mountainous area in the centre is home to all sorts of harpies and even the odd Barometz, the shore is hardly safe either as various sea monsters can be found on the water's edge. If you can survive for 3 months without being raped or collapsing from starvation the Lilim will grant any single wish within her power.

2. Opening the second door leads to an empty throne room, within seconds you will be raped by a horde of Khepri and eventually become an Incubus. It turns out the palace is in the middle of a monster town that has seen better days, with the help of your loyal Khepri, an Anubis advisor, pet Sphinx and a limited workforce, it's your job to turn the town's fortunes around. If you succeed you will be worshipped as a living god, however you have to compete with the neighbouring town's Pharaoh for resources. If you fail and the town falls into ruin then the citizens might revolt and toss you into the Sandworm pit.

3. The third door leads to the quickest yet most dangerous challenge, upon arriving you will have to run a gauntlet of the Lilim's latest experiments. Ushi-Oni injected with powerful aphrodisiacs, hybrid monster girls and Manticores trained in the art of witchcraft are the least of your worries as every corner has a new threat waiting for you. It's not only monsters, your tormentor has also laid out several traps designed to trip you up. If you make it to the end without your will being broken (or your pelvis) then the Lilim may just consider you to be a suitable partner.

>> No.13242498

Or she just bumbled in there after it was created and decided to reside there while researching or looking for items.

>> No.13242501

>Not liking foxes and pineapple
Only a jewnuki could be this vile.

>> No.13242506
File: 330 KB, 1115x1500, cirno l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this guys boobhus.

>> No.13242507

I'll take the door that leads me to a nice Mantis waifu

>> No.13242509

I third this.

>> No.13242511

>liking a shit waifu and shit pizza toppings

Only a faggot could have this shit taste.

>> No.13242513

door number one, I'll probably lose anyways but it might as well be a good place.

>> No.13242517

>Not telling the lilim to fuck off and leave
beta-kun pls.

>> No.13242518

I'll take the forest. Find a nice jinko and make a nice place to stay with her.

>> No.13242519

Who the FUCK uses pineapple for a pizza topping

>> No.13242522

>Anubis Advisor
All I needed to hear. Sign me up.

>> No.13242523

I take door number one. I fancy myself a woodsman. If I meet a slime in the woods though I don't think I'd need my wish.

>> No.13242524

I do, what are you gonna do about it?

>> No.13242527

I doubt I'm equal to any of the challenges, so I'd probably just pick door number one and try to make a nice life in the forest, maybe find myself a nice mantis or lamia or something.

>> No.13242528

Judge you and your waifu for having a husband with shit taste like yours.

>> No.13242531

I'll have number two. Not into Incubating, but I love some real-life rts.

>> No.13242533

Oh no, however will I go on?

>> No.13242537

>sausage and bacon
>extra pepperoni and extra cheese

I'm sick, can't drive, and now I have a hankering for this stuff. I could cry. Thanks asshole.

>> No.13242541

>Dissin' Hawaiian

Fuck you and the horse pussy your rode.

>> No.13242543

Just make a call anon.

>> No.13242545

You don't need to cry. You know they deliver pizza to your door, right?

>> No.13242549

The only good pizza topping has tomato, ham, and a grotesque amount of cheese.

>> No.13242550
File: 229 KB, 700x700, Big Meaty Wocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, Pineapple + Pepperoni is great. And me and my waifu will enjoy it happily

>> No.13242553

Door #3

Bring it.

>> No.13242554

So you also enjoy fruit on your pizza.

>> No.13242556

So you finally meet up with your MG waifu only to eventually discover that she's actually a Doppelganger in disguise. How do you feel about this?

>> No.13242559


>> No.13242562

Your waifu is a cat dick sucking slut.

>> No.13242564

Disappointed by the lie, but I like doppelgangers anyway, so if she still had the same personality I might consider staying.

>> No.13242567

Hugs and cuddles. I know what it's like to maintain an act.

>> No.13242568

pls do not bully

>> No.13242571

Hate to tell you but that sauce they use on pizza that's tomato based. Ha HA. You all like fruit on pizza.

>> No.13242573

Is there mystery box?

>> No.13242574

Still better than shitty pineapple.

>> No.13242575

>Literal taste is shit
Wow. I feel bad for you, man.
Every pizza is best pizza, nigger.

So yes. Yes she does.

>> No.13242577

dems fightin werds son!
Mah fox isnt shit, but pineapple on pizza is!

>> No.13242578

I'd be disappointed, but if I'd fallen in love with her personality by then, I'd get over it.

>> No.13242580
File: 304 KB, 1024x768, 13453256743342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So 2 is a City Building Sim, with the Anubis Advisor popping up in the bottom right corner to tell me if people need more food, or more monuments to the gods?

>> No.13242581

I do, I'm pro fruit.

>> No.13242582

Delicious island getaway with mantis. Wrassling wolves. Poking the underbrush for oomukade. Making bonfires to attract bimbo mothgirls. Seaside liaisons with sahuagins and sea bishops. I feel like a kid in a candy store.

>> No.13242583

Were you dropped on your head as a child?

>> No.13242584

Hug the doppleganger and tell her it's okay, she may have done it for her own reasons but it made me happy. Plus their real form is cute as hell.

>> No.13242588

Faggots and victims of tongue acid burns.

>> No.13242589

>I feel like a slut on a safari
FTFY. Not that I wouldn't do something similar, but still.

>> No.13242590

>The third door leads to the quickest yet most dangerous challenge
And the worst payoff. Holy shit, get good. That's a reward fit for door 2. I pick door 1.

>> No.13242591

Punt and divorce.

>> No.13242593

Tomato has been used since pizza is a thing you moron.

>> No.13242594

Oh god no, do I have to play around with fucking walkers again?

>> No.13242597

You should get a doctor to look at that buttpain of yours.

>> No.13242598

you guys think a tomato is a fruit?

It's over.

No chance for humanity now.

>> No.13242600

I want such a game to be real.

I want to marry my Anubis Advisor and make her my queen.

>> No.13242601
File: 67 KB, 640x362, spinal tap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God DAMN I fucking love onis with big hearts.

>> No.13242602
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I want to be bullied

>> No.13242603

>I get all the waifus

This is a problem?

>> No.13242604

Thanks Captain Obvious, you saved the day yet again.

>> No.13242606

But it would lack the bird-eye view. Unless you find large Harpy to lift you above the town.

>> No.13242610

A tomato is a fruit. There's no thinking about it. It's a fact.

>> No.13242611

>being this american
Read a book once in a while, retard.

>> No.13242612

>Your face was drenched with sweat and your heart thundered in your chest as you continued to plung into the undead from behind, a lewd, wet smack echoing as the two of you met.
>"I'm cumming!" you shouted, feeling the pressure within you build towards its bursting point "I'm cumming!"
>"Let it out inside!" Mortana shouted, her own insides beginning to spasm as the orgasm drew close "Fill this body with new life!"
>You couldn't have stopped yourself if you tried, a wave of pleasure overtaking you as your twitching member fired off strand after ropey strand of seed Mortana's greedy womb.
>The lich achieved release at the same time you did, her walls clamping down on you as she screamed a scream of pure, orgasmic bliss.
>As the last shots fired, you collapsed forward on her, gasping for breath with your softening member plugging her up.
>"My, my.." she said, a wry smile on her lips as you lay atop here, "these old bones haven't felt something like that in...ever really.....but aren't you going to get in trouble over this?"
>"Probably not," you responded, one hand given an ample breast a squeeze "It's more of a guideline really.."
>"Is that so?" Mortana replied, giving your meat a squeeze and conjuring a small, pulsing purple orb of magic, lust burning off of it. "Then perhaps they wouldn't mind you going a second round."
>"I'm building a relationship with a valued customer," you replied, lightly nibbling her ear. "I think they would by that."
>And by that they did, despite the fact that your clothes were sticky, your face drenched with sweat, and Mortana applied for a job not a day later, making your punishment, and later on your marriage, much better.

>> No.13242613

Oni truly are love.

>> No.13242614


>> No.13242615


Would you a Tomato girl?

>> No.13242619
File: 161 KB, 562x1000, a8f5d9e845d6efb630324f771af05700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pharaoh did have Bast as a goddess to worship. Cats, sex, alcohol, and parties for everyone!

I bet she throws the best partyorgies.

>> No.13242620

Pineapple on pizza is ass and no amount of whining from you will change this fact.

>> No.13242621
File: 20 KB, 309x307, 1426626648644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Schwarzwulf (Soon [TM])
Oh jah.
Why is that male manticore thing on there still, Bollocks?

>> No.13242622

Kill yourself you fucking faggot.

>> No.13242623

Hot air balloons, fuckhuge kites or MAGIC could all solve those problems. Maybe hang gliding too; there are ways around this problem.

>> No.13242624

And I remembered that Rocs exist right after posting that.

>> No.13242625

Tomatoes are fruit, but that doesn't mean you'd use them in a fruit salad or mix them up with strawberry and pineapple. It's got different culinary uses.

>> No.13242626

That door is locked and if you tick her off she'll push the trap door switch. It leads to a pit of Cait Sith

Part Sim City part Civ with balancing relations with the local Pharaoh.


>> No.13242629

>Mortana applied for a job not a day later, making your punishment, and later on your marriage, much better.
Best End.

Pastebin pls?

>> No.13242633
File: 201 KB, 910x1200, 2Zzb35p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots need to calm down.

>> No.13242634

I want to punch that fat cat ass.

Then maybe I'll go slap the Pharaoh.

>> No.13242636

>I am a big man on the hunt

FTFY. I'm not a bitch, traitor.

>> No.13242637

Didn't mean to hit enter so early, I'm smart.

I was getting lazy and the option's mainly there for massive Ms.

>> No.13242638

Praise Bast for the plump cat butt we are about to enjoy.

>> No.13242640


>> No.13242642

Zoloft barometz when.

>> No.13242644

>Muh invincible monsters

>> No.13242645


I don't have the heart to take it down. I don't know why, but part of me likes the idea of a Manticore impregnating a human woman and then basically guarding his girl and daughteru from modern Lilim/Human assholes.

That and i'm a faggot.

>> No.13242646

Plump tomato butt.

>> No.13242647

Oh well, ya did good. Some one should write a story based on these choices. Like that other monstergirl thingy where you get dumped on an island and have to pick two companions which find you first. But not me. I'm busy writing other shit.

>> No.13242648

>Mortana applied for a job not a day later, making your punishment, and later on your marriage, much better.
Best possible ending. Good shit, man.

>> No.13242649

Yes, you are a faggot.

>> No.13242651
File: 651 KB, 1200x803, zappa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bigger the cushion, the better the pushin'.

>> No.13242653

>Implying you need it when you have a waifu like this

>> No.13242655

Kill yourselves monster faggots

>> No.13242657

It's a fucking lilim.

>> No.13242658

Kill yourself.

>> No.13242659

>when you begin you reign you tell her that you wish to marry her but you must first build a kingdom fit for her to rule
>build giant anubis statues for her
>only build temples of set
>declare festivals in her honor
>when the lilim finally declares you the winner she is so wet the khepri maids have to follow her everywhere with a mop
>gather your subjects in the great temple complex (set's temple complex, of course)
>proclaim your victory and eminent godhood to your peoples
>while she is watching your now kneeling servants you throw her on the ground and take her from behind
>she meekly begs you not to take her like this, in public
>but she can't keep her moans of joy and ecstasy
>impregnate her right there in front of the whole populace
It's good to be Pharaoh

>> No.13242660

Adderall barometz?

>> No.13242662
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>> No.13242663

So? Does the hugbox not allow for me to be better than her? Or at least competent enough to get away?

>> No.13242666

Nah. I don't think I will.

>> No.13242668


>> No.13242669

She is a literal physical God. You can't be "better" than her without assimilating some divinity.

>> No.13242671
File: 48 KB, 500x328, 6RmzSB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mon guys, can we have one thread where we're not dicks to each other?

>> No.13242672


Tight, round, perky butts are better than masses of flabby fat and chunky muscle.

>male manticore
This sounds like shit. Glad I never read it. Sadistic men deserve to be turned into alp bitchbois. and if it isn't sadistic it's not a manticore

>> No.13242678

Where do you think you are nigga?

>> No.13242679

And so the people shall know that the future of their Kingdom is secure, right then and there.

>> No.13242681

>literal physical God
Sure she is, and I'm Bigdick McMonsterslayer, what's your point?

>> No.13242683

>One of my Set temples starts to fall into disrepair.
>Got more pressing stuff, Crocodile girls are kidnaping villagers in the east.
>Forget about the temple.
>Later a strange army appears at the fringe of my city.
>It's Set herself, with an army of powerful looking Anubi.
>They invade my city without so much as a declaration of war.
>Buildings are burning, men raped in the streets, Crocodile Girls take this as an opportunity to push in as well.
>Set approaches the Pharaoh's palace.
>Try not to panic.
>Panic a lot.

>> No.13242685


"Physical gods" can be taken down like anyone else if distracted, not just with divine stuff, magic or en special equipment.

>> No.13242687
File: 247 KB, 663x1000, MGG in a nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just give me a doll


Why do you think i've never once considered writing it?

>> No.13242688

*even special

>> No.13242691


>> No.13242692

She would likely instantly kill you if you actually threaten her, if she doesn't use her bullshit corrupting aura.

You have to do it without looking at her, ever. It would be an uphill battle at best. Becoming a god-blessed Hero is your best shot.
Though I have to wonder, what's the protocol for becoming a god in the MGE setting? Mantling? Achieving enough power? Complete and total understanding of self?

>> No.13242693

Where the hell did this "dense Artorias" come from? That guy must have been SLAYING THE PUSSY! during the age of fire.

>> No.13242695

I'm sure there's anons that would a tomato girl when some already would MGQ's watermelon girl

>> No.13242696

Bow to your superiors human. No seriously, she's a Lilim. Those things are end game bosses for even the mightiest hero. You could always make her into your sub and have her lick your boots if you win option 1 though.

I'd write one myself but I can't into prose for shit.

>> No.13242697

You're gitting gud

>> No.13242698
File: 284 KB, 667x1000, Ornstein vs Artorias.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's called headcanon. The guy fucking hung around with a talking cat with a shit eating grin and a giant mushroom that sounded like somebody's nurse nanny, as well as kept a Dire Wolf pup around him.

>> No.13242699

>She would likely instantly kill
Right, so there was no need for you to argue >>13242644 , and yet here we are.

>> No.13242700

>Why do you think i've never once considered writing it?
Oh, so it's just an idea. I'd ask why you want it there as a story writing idea if you never intend to write it, but it looks like you just enjoy being disliked.

Maybe thats your thing?

Overrated. Greentext is just as nice.

>> No.13242702
File: 50 KB, 171x163, 1388740799735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More bitching about MGE 'canon'
>Ya huh!

You guys are turbofaggots. Just fucking accept that everyone has their own idea of how things should be.

>> No.13242703

No anon, I'm not allowed.

>> No.13242706

>Greentext is just as nice.

I disagree strongly.

>> No.13242707

Juice. It's always Having enough juice. And seeing as there are many tools to ramp up spirit energy production, you just load an assload of the stuff for your journey to some spiritually charged placed, a nerve point on the earth, train for ten years or so and go full shounen.

>> No.13242708

You should know how this thread operates by now.

>> No.13242710 [SPOILER] 
File: 940 KB, 910x1200, 1427583423847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13242711

>Bigdick McMonsterslayer
>She shrinks you down
>Pride shattered


You don't like greentext? Why not? It's just a form of shorthand

>> No.13242712

You are the true monster.

>> No.13242714

I won't be denied.

>> No.13242715

I declare her Waifu of Louis.

>> No.13242716

See >>13242644

>> No.13242717

Turn back before it's too late Anon, the road you travel is bloody and lonesome.

>> No.13242718

>Implying you need to be invincible to do something a menial as shrink dicks.
>Muh dominant alphamale

>> No.13242719

>Why not?

It's lazy with no thought put into presentation, plot direction, or actually writing something worth reading. At best they contain one or two characters and are typically written for maximum self insertion.

It's the equivalent of reading an outline of a cheap dime-story romance novel. At least flesh out the saucy bits.

>> No.13242720

So what, does your power self sustain at that point or does reaching a certain threshold just give you a lot more spirit generation?

>> No.13242722
File: 245 KB, 1370x1000, nj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To tell the traitors that you will not be raped for their amusement. To not be a bitch because of muh femdom. To scoff at the autistic muh invincible monsters as you bitch slap an ushi oni while strangling a dragon with your feet, that is gitting gud, and you're doin it.

>> No.13242723

>not crystalmetz

>> No.13242724

A suicidal man's best friend.

>> No.13242725

Isn't that all people are looking for, though? A lot more people read my shitty greentexts over my prose work, and the prose was a lot better developed.
It's not like we're writing high art here.

>> No.13242726

Here's your reply.

>> No.13242727

I've done worse already with metz and apsara.

Holy shit, brilliant.

>> No.13242728

Yeah because having 90% or more of the thread bitching at you is such a great reward.

It's not worth it.

>> No.13242730

no... NO.... You fucker!

>> No.13242735

Watch over me Senpai

I know, I find it funny when people say "hugbox", but then turn on you when you're not sub enough.

>> No.13242736

>It's lazy with no thought put into presentation, plot direction, or actually writing something worth reading.
I think it's important to distinguish what greentext is normally used for and what it actually is here. Normally your statement does apply because we tend to use green for quick mindless things and prose for the more developed option, but there's nothing saying greentext has to work that way; it really is just a shorthand technique at its core.

>> No.13242737

Bathe in their tears anon. Their impotent bitch tears.

>> No.13242738

May the gods have mercy on your poor soul.

>> No.13242739

Then people have the gall to say "your waifu, your way"

>> No.13242740

You could not be more wrong. It's just a green coloured shorthand. you're only correct about presentation. Everything else, plot, limited characters, all depends on the person writing it. It's not like the medium forces you into having no or poor plot. and it's not like it forces you into having only one or two characters either.

>gives a reply
>Basically reskinning your own reply of "nuh-uh, muh invincible monsters"
>No substance.

Good job proving your point. Tell me again how you have to be a god to shirnk some faggot jock's dick, or just straight up alp him. Tell me again how it isn't something your dime-a-dozen lesser succuslut can do.

>> No.13242741

>Overrated. Greentext is just as nice.
I'd prefer to do it properly if possible, I mean I could try it but I don't want to get self critical and delete it half way through.We only need 1 Alp

>> No.13242742


>> No.13242745

>No substance.
Why should I give you some, when all you've done is "Nuh uh, because I say so"?
Talk about wasting ones time.

>> No.13242748

Isn't that all you've said too?

Why wouldn't Magic work on you?

>> No.13242749

Pleb reporting in. What need doin, M'Lord?

>> No.13242754

You are to help build a magnificent statue in tribute to my wife.

You're assigned to the team working on her lower right leg. Chop chop.

>> No.13242755

Depends on the training you do. What you're mainly doing at a nerve point, is acclimating your body to hold more spirit energy, like lengthening you mana bar and raising your INT, MAG and MAGR stats, of course, everything else goes up as well. At the pinnacle of your training, you would have vast reservoirs of SE in you, and be able to fed on ambient spirit energy as well, gaining near unlimited power. When you transcend even that, and can generate it by will or meditation alone, That's GODHOOD.

>> No.13242756

It's not worth it anon.

>> No.13242759


>> No.13242760

Yes, lord. Getting to work right away on your wife's fat leg.

>> No.13242761

>Why wouldn't Magic work on you?
Even if I give you a reason (Magic items, enchantments, being gud), will that really stop you from going "Nuh uh, those don't count"?

>> No.13242764

More tears for me.

>> No.13242766

Shame. I was hoping it would be more like CHIM and a key understanding of self and the universe would be necessary. Instead it's literally something out of shounen. Ah well.

>> No.13242767

>Nah fuck yo gravity I'm mcBIGDICK I can fly with dick powers because i'm so manly and dominating

>No man that isn't how shit works. You can't fly just because you think you have a big dick.

>Muh infallible physics
>"Nuh-uh" Here's your reply
>Talk about wasting ones time

This. This is you right now. Think about what you're doing and saying.

>> No.13242768

Reminds me of Veritas with its spirit energy refining.

>> No.13242770

I got that reference. 8)

>> No.13242773

It would not, you really are wasting your time with him. Just do what you want.

>> No.13242774

>magic doesn't work on you because enchantments
>counter magic
That could work.
>being gud
I don't think any level of being good would be able to stop magic.

>> No.13242776

>Missing the obvious hyperbole
I expected better.

No, I really didn't, actually.

>> No.13242777

We should really just rename this Dominant Monsters General.

>> No.13242779

mary sues and little bitch boy delusions general

>> No.13242780

Yep. You've got the wrong fetish, boyo.

>> No.13242781


Something like THE BREAKER?

>> No.13242782

>Insulting your lord's wife
Aaaaaand into the mummy pit with you.

>> No.13242783

Well, you've given me more than I hoped for, I'll give you that.

>> No.13242784

That's what I do.

By now it's amusing to read all the bitching.

>> No.13242785

What makes that different from Monster Girls Thread. I don't understand.

>> No.13242786

But that is where you are wrong

Maybe you're looking for some kind of slef-insert male powerfantasy? because that's not what's here. I reccomend >>>/r9k/

>> No.13242787

>Only my interpretation is right
And we're right back to the status quo

>> No.13242788

>slef-insert male powerfantasy

Where in my post did I specify that's what I wanted?

>> No.13242789

All the betas and sub bitches, good lord.

>> No.13242790

>because that's not what's here.
Actually, the hugbox says that it is.

>> No.13242791

More like I AM I AND ARE ALL WE but I guess that would work too. I don't really like the idea of gods just being really strong dudes. There's gotta be some thought behind it.

>> No.13242792

>I don't think any level of being good would be able to stop magic.

Nothing worse than being a "because magic" faggot.

How fucking autistic are you that you take something like "I'm mcBIGDICK" seriously


>> No.13242794


More or less a cautionary thing to not cross the line too far. I get off on being hated because after having to endure constant negative feedback and shittalking i've come to the point that i'd rather you people hate me and say stale things like "Same synonyms, only a handful of scenarios, doesn't write about my favorite MG, shittier writer than Bob" because it gives me motivation to actually try and please not only myself but a bunch of dickless Alps

>> No.13242797

But she has a delicious, fat leg, M'Lord. I would sink my teeth into that all day if I were you, M'Lord. I might sink my teeth into that fat statue leg when no one's looking.

>> No.13242798

This is what happens when you use the MGE.

>> No.13242799

>there are no sub monstergirls
>there are no strong men who can bat them

See pic related >>13242702

>> No.13242800

Pretty sure r9k is full of betas who hate all girls, have never been in a relationship in their lives and have femdom fetishes.

Sounds familiar

>> No.13242801

You really have a low opinion of me. You can fight pretty much anything, but it's going to take serious effort and you're on the back foot in the MGE setting. You're gonna have to work as hard as possible just to survive. Get that counter-magic ready and know what you're facing, and you should be okay.

>> No.13242802

>slef-insert male powerfantasy
Nigger you just went full tumblr, you never go full tumblr.

>> No.13242803

The problem is, if you use a hugbox, then you HAVE to allow everything, not just uber sub fantasies.

>> No.13242804

This argument really isn't MGE specific though. The monster in question is from the MGE, sure, but you could have it regarding any suitably powerful fantasy monster.

>> No.13242805

Good example.

>> No.13242806

Well, that is the point of the MGE.

Problem being that there are sub Monsters, and there are dom Monsters. People get pissy whenever you talk about one that generally acts as one, being the other. Why is this? Why can't people just accept that there's more than 1 Monster, and there may be some abnormals who act outside the norm for their kind?

Most common reason I see brought up is "Threadcanon". People seem to be afraid that if people start talking about certain things outside the norm for a certain subject, it'll become the standard, to the point that the original thing they like gets shouted down instead. Or at least, stops being talked about, and instead the opposite of what they like is all that will get talked about.

Basically the logical extension of the "Stop liking what I don't like" mentality, which then repeats itself in an increasingly idiotic circlejerk.

>> No.13242807

Thus why MGE is shit and why people shouldn't use it.

>> No.13242809

>m-magic wouldn't work on me because I say so!

Let me know how that works out when you get hit by a bullet or something. Just will it away.

>> No.13242811

>suitably powerful

how is "cant be beatn by any1 cuz magik" suitably powerful

>> No.13242812

>You really have a low opinion of me
Not you specifically.

But yeah, I guess we can agree on the rest.

>> No.13242813

That would be vandalism. Or public indecency. Or both.

Either way another term in the mummy pit.

>> No.13242814

>all smiles.jpg

>> No.13242815
File: 488 KB, 1000x1500, sekhmet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sekhmet is getting real tired of your bullshit. Just look at that face.

>> No.13242816

She's already proven she loves me a lot so I prove to her how much I love her the best way you can to a monster girl, tender dickings until impregnation.

>> No.13242817

>a bullet

are you brain damaged

>> No.13242818

To be fair, we'd have the same arguments without it, I'm sure.

>> No.13242819

Ending never. The author became an office worker in South Korea instead of creating the best work of art that South Korea has ever produced.

>> No.13242820

The Lilim is a stupid powerful creature with mind breaking magic. You need to accept magic for the setting to exist. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it not part of the few things KC has explicitly put in the setting.

>> No.13242821

Then people wonder why that one anon says he hates us all the time.

>> No.13242822

Egyptian gods a shit, Norse gods a best.

Vote Ragnarok 2015

>> No.13242824

I don't blame him, but he doesn't have to remind us every time.

>> No.13242825

It was a comparison. Magic exists in the MGE setting. You need to accept that for monsters to exist, and what the lilim's magic does is well documented. In the same way that you can't pretend you didn't get hit by a bullet, magic affects you like it or not.

>> No.13242828

Because he's an idiot who doesn't leave a place he doesn't like and sticks around like a parasite.

>> No.13242831

You're right. You didn't really say that, I just took your tone to be a sarcastic dig at the prevalent femdom in these threads. If that wasn't your intent, my bad.

Prove it, because I'm seeing stronk monsters and rape everywhere in this hugbox.

I didn't take bigdick seriously. I took the guy who was saying it seriously. Because he seemed serious. And you do seem serious about it, Mr "I'm inexplicably exempt from being effected by magic "

Last I checked it was full of betas who hate all girls, have never been in a relationship in their lives and have domination fetishes. But maybe that changed I don't fuckin' know.

>Identifying a gender makes it tumblr
I mean I guess you're not wrong.

>> No.13242832

I look like I give a shit? This world belongs to MAN, MOTHERFUCKER!

>> No.13242834

I think you missed what I was saying entirely. It's suitably powerful because the monster/character is so stronk that idea of actually defeating them/it begins to seem implausible or requires a ridiculously high level of strength/luck/skill for the setting to be able to beat it.

>> No.13242835

Go fuck yourself, you acted like a cunt for no reason and assumed I was on one side of this stupid fucking argument.

Eat shit.

>> No.13242838

Focus jewels, magic cancelling/absorbing armor. There.

>> No.13242840

Such anger after you made a not so subtle jab already.

Just step away from the computer for a while and calm down.

>> No.13242841

You sound a little angrier than you ought to be, anon.

>> No.13242842

>Prove it
I don't have to prove anything, Kranky Canandian already did that for me.

>> No.13242843

Affected. Not effected. Affect is a verb. Effect is a noun.

>> No.13242845

I want to dick her so much she turns back into Hathor.

>> No.13242846 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.42 MB, 1900x1080, 1427585449961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fenrir best wolfu.

>> No.13242848

Who is kranky canadian, and how did he prove that the hugbox isn't femdom with man raping monsters all over the place? Cause thats what it seems like to me.

Right, my bad. I get the two confused often.

>> No.13242852

I do look forward to when KC attempts Norse girls.

Lookin' real forward to Fenrir and Nidhogg.

>> No.13242854

I wonder what layer of hell she resides in.

>> No.13242856

When people act like a fucking cunt for no reason to me and assume I'm part of some stupid fucking argument I get pretty pissed off.

>> No.13242857

>Kranky Canadian
You mean KGA?

>> No.13242858

>kranky canadian
Besides, if it doesn't allow for both sides to get what they want, then it's not a hugbox and you should stop treating it like one.

>> No.13242860

I don't think KGA counts as "Cranky"

Anyways, see >>13242858

>> No.13242861

Aren't they different species?

The egyptian pantheon is probably the most malleable, considering how often gods and goddesses changed roles and indeed what their core representations were.

To that end, I like the idea of Sekhmet as a level-headed yet determined and fierce lionness warrior.

>> No.13242862

They must have a magic crystal that lets them see the IP of all posts or something.

>> No.13242868

>with mind breaking magic

pretty sure kc said there's no such thing :^)

>> No.13242871

Ah yes, it's once again time for /mgt/'s "I have no imagination and I must bitch" hour.

Or five.

Please try to contain your rampant faggotry and move on to a healthier, more productive topic.

Like Healthy Cow Girls, for one.

>> No.13242873

I honestly do not understand how so many people get upset about how other people want to fuck monstergirls. It literally will not affect you in any way. You shouldn't care if some guy is such a sub that he wants to grovel at some mg's feet, nor should you care if some anon wants to tame hellhounds and bitchslap lilims. If it bothers you that much there is a handy tool that lets you hide the post instead of replying.

>> No.13242876

I don't think we've defined the nationality for KGA. Kranky is a synonymous way to describe him but he could be American or he could be Brazilian for all we know. I think the little bugger is on a break from the thread though so we might need to lay off him until he comes back.

>> No.13242877

Clearly. Chill the fuck out and don't make such passive aggressive posts if you don't want to be mistaken for being on a side, you little bitch.

I don't think its a true hugbox though. I think it presents itself as one, but at the end of the day you're getin' raped. It's just hugboxy in that every one is a waifu, and if you don't like her you don't have to stay with her. But even then you get canon yan monstergirls who you're basically just stuck with.

>> No.13242880

Just how healthy are we talkin' here?

>> No.13242881

>I don't think its a true hugbox
I will admit that it doesn't seem like one at times, but that's obviously the intent.

>> No.13242883

I don't see any reason that wouldn't eork. Congratulations, you avoid losing instantly. Now all you need to do is contend with an ancient, skilled monster without looking directly at her, ever. It's merely gone to an incredibly difficult battle instead of an impossible one.

>> No.13242886

See >>13242806
For a rough explanation. I think anyway.

>Expecting anons not to bitch at each other
Ah, that'd be a wonderful world...

>> No.13242889

This is why MGE is shit and should've only been a book with pretty pics to look at.

>> No.13242890

>obviously the intent.
I have to agree.

>> No.13242891


That and it's more fun to be hated than liked in such a shitty community

>> No.13242893

Read the lilim profile :^)

>> No.13242894
File: 553 KB, 514x905, 1408911685381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see more southern style monstergirls.

>> No.13242895

As Healthy as you like anon.
Healthy as you like.

>> No.13242896

Sekhmet is Hathor. Myth goes that back when Egypt was divided Ra told Hathor that some people were planning to assassinated him, she got so pissed off that she turned into Sekhmet and just started slaughtering everybody she came across and drank their blood. Ra was freaked out so he poured a bunch of blood colored alcohol on the desert which Sekhmet then drank and got drunk and turned back into Hathor.

>> No.13242897

Probably because this is a thread that is heavy into fetishes, even if people try to deny it.

For a lot of folks, it's probably the first time they've experienced the wacky and crazy world of such talk. Given the nature of 4chan and how people seem to think it gives them carte blanche (or they may even feel like they're expected to act a certain way), they tend to attack opinions and desires they do not hold.

>> No.13242898

Nah, we figured out about a thread or so back that KGA is Canadian.

>> No.13242899

>that's obviously the intent.
Sure. The problem is that it still only functions as a hugbox for a fairly specific type of indivdual, and I dare so most of us don't fit that mold which is where all this strife comes from.

>> No.13242900

Eat shit you fucking cunt.

>> No.13242901

i'm making fun of kc for being a shitty writer frgdfgdfg

>> No.13242904

Couldn't agree more with that.

>> No.13242905

Cows are probably the most boring MG. Their only schtick is big tits. How unique.

>> No.13242906
File: 107 KB, 1000x894, Love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can always talk about cow-girls.

>> No.13242908

>Being this mad
Could it be? Are you actually autistic?

>> No.13242909

>You keep wavin' that flag like that and my south is gonna rise again

>> No.13242910

The majority of the thread is into femdom.
Not that the constant argument isn't irritating, but femdom is the primary fetish among people here.

>> No.13242911

all me btw

>> No.13242913

More like it's a Sandbox Hugbox and everybody bitches at peoples who don't agree with them. "Stop liking what I don't like" and so forth.
And then all the rampant accusations of one party "Pushing" their headcanon on others, and back and forth and bitch and whine and sick and tired of this fucking shit.

>> No.13242918

You, yes you.

I'd like to treat you to a milk bar. Holsty of your choice, amigo.

>> No.13242919

"The only thing needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing".

And I won't see this good thread fall to evil furries. No sir. Cait Sith be gone and stay gone.

>> No.13242920


Bless your heart.

>> No.13242921

>Thematic Kimonos
We could use more of these.

>> No.13242925

What's up with cait sith? Wasn't around for that one.

>> No.13242926


>> No.13242930

More like years of bottling up all types of anger and frustration.

It's one of the reasons I love the internet, I can vent years of frustration I couldn't show outside.

>> No.13242931
File: 2.05 MB, 1024x1283, Holsty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strong ones are super fine.

>> No.13242932

Right, and yet somehow they pretend they don't start this shit every time.

I don't give two fucks if you wanna lick your MGs toes while she spits on you, but I WILL have my dom stuff.

>> No.13242934

So autistic then. got it.

>> No.13242936

Oh. Want me to keep calling you mean names then?

>> No.13242940

>not having heroic willpower
>not getting so pissed no one can charm you

>> No.13242941

Both sides start shit.

It's easy to see how the sub 'side' can feel like the maledomfags are enroaching on their territory, especially when said fags burst in and start belittling them.

Everyone just needs to take it easy.

>> No.13242942

Furry cat people that have been relegated to bean bag chairs or throw cushions instead of actual waifus. It's quite funny actually.

>> No.13242946

>The majority of the thread is into femdom.
Which type? What fetishes should be involved? Even assuming that's true we're not united or even close.

Even as a sandbox it's stilted towards at least somewhat submissive beta/gammas. There aren't many options for your alpha maledom lovers, but because it feels like a sandbox those groups still strive to take a chunk of the action. Really it's one of those situations where there are no winners, or at least not with the mentality we see here.

>> No.13242947
File: 53 KB, 600x498, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. I see a lot of aggressive "Femdom a shit, maledom a best" starting arguments.

I just want to chill with my pally bros and dispense justice.

>> No.13242948

Ignore the haters, she's a cute girl who doesn't shave and is looking for a mate.

>> No.13242950

Fair enough, maybe it just seems that way because of the onslaught non subs receive.

>> No.13242951

Amen brother.

>> No.13242952

>Wanting them at all
I think it's just the one guy going on with this furniture thing. I personally just wish they never existed and neglect to engage with them.

>> No.13242954

>Chill with pally bros
>Posts best pyromancer
Your words collide with your actions.

>> No.13242956
File: 78 KB, 514x700, 1397637504275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sssssomebody assssk for an essssscort?

>> No.13242957

You look at her and you lose your mind. There isn't any resisting it.

Just fight her blindfolded or something.

>> No.13242960

Well sure, "every time" might be an unnecessary exaggeration on my part.

>> No.13242961


... I'm sorry, what?

>> No.13242965

Yes mam that was me. I can't trust the body guards provided for me here so I've decided to hire some mercenaries. You're the first to show up.

>> No.13242967

I don't give a shit anymore, I'm done with wanting to be a paladin.

It's all so fucking pointless, I'd just dig a really deep hole and sit there until I died.

>> No.13242969

>and yet somehow they pretend they don't start this shit every time
>every time
You wot m8

>> No.13242970

Do your fangs embed themselves inside your tongue whenever you close your mouth?

>> No.13242971

Paladins can be pyromancers. It's a matter of attitude.

also I lack good artwork of heroic men of derring-do, willing to fight and die for justice

>> No.13242973

Yeah, my bad, there's still some salt in my system.

See >>13242960.

>> No.13242976

It's not one guy. Everything you dislike is not supported by a single person for the umpteenth time. It's a decent compromise anyway; we can't strike the entry from existence, so we marginalize it into a joke. It works.

>> No.13242977

Do not let despair grip you! There are good things in the world, things worth fighting for. And you can personally make the world a better place by the strength of your back and the kindness in your heart.

>> No.13242978

Maybe, but tell me "all men are sluts that belong in the kitchen/your place is at the bottom/deluded/gary stu/ doesn't ALAYS come up when anyone so much as hints at being a dom. Nah, like it's been said, you want to be belittled while getting a footjob more power to ya, but I will be served by a dragon maid, not serve a mistress, and if people don't like that they can eat a dick.

>> No.13242980

Wrong kind of escort, dense Anon.

>> No.13242983

>Even without using words of temptation, men are aroused at the sight of them and consumed by total lust. If they tempt a man, even without magic, there is no element of force even necessary. The men themselves will step forward and offer their bodies, desiring to be ravished by them. It is said that even if a man charmed by them had been a monster-hating devout follower of the chief god only moments earlier, from then on he would be eagerly looking forward to the devilish pleasure that they can offer.

See? The bitch doesn't even need to use magic. But of course people want their domination fantasies. They are like the dudes who insist they can dom a hellhound, and resort to blubbering about "m-m-muh invincible monsters" when you tall them no.

Still think its best to just pretend they don't exist. Speaking of willful ignroance, when the fuck will KC get into the Old Ones sleeping deep in the ocean. Those girls are lonely man. I'd plow into her with my yacht if you catch my drift.

>> No.13242985

KC spent too much time addressing the fanbase's complaints.

>> No.13242986

And there's the hostility again.

It's, once again, probably because femdom is the majority fetish in here.

Also I don't think anyone wants a belittling footjob (well, maybe a few people) but they want to be wanted (see: ravishment) and not have to chase everything in their lives for once.

>> No.13242987

Yeah, that shit is really annoying.

>> No.13242989

I don't follow. Anyway all I need is security protection, if you know any other good escorts I could use several right now.

>> No.13242992

Good job starting shit again.

That's exactly what I was talking about. You act so fucking militant about it - just fucking drop it and accept that not everyone wants the same things.

>> No.13242994

>I will be served by a dragon maid

>> No.13242995

>See? This hyperbole full of holes says so.
>And while I'm here, have a strawman or two
And we were just calming down...

>> No.13242997

>all men are sluts that belong in the kitchen/your place
You know that, apart from probably one guy who really believes it, the rest of them are doing it because you guys always get mad, right?

They're doing exactly the same that some maledomfags used to do talking about sub hellhounds and such

>> No.13242998

Not him, but that "Men are sluts" shit does come up every time.

>> No.13243003

I already told you, I think, FOCUS. JEWELS.

>fight blindfolded

Isn't that WAAAAAAAY more gary stu that using magic items to shield your mind?

>> No.13243005
File: 953 KB, 1024x768, 1421810839726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try the red light district.

>> No.13243006

The difference is strawmen don't exist. These fags do. Like the one right now who thinks a prideful dragon would submit to being the maid of a mere man.

>> No.13243009

>Succubus on a corner
Why is this so hard to believe? Also, what in the ever-loving fuck is that rainbow thing in the bottom right corner?

>> No.13243011

I want the jewess succubus. She seems like she could suck a dick.

>> No.13243012

> Like the one right now who thinks a prideful dragon would submit to being the maid of a mere man.

And why is that so outrageous? The hugbox allows it, so does her profile.

>> No.13243014 [SPOILER] 
File: 138 KB, 699x715, 1427587332201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you a Oppai loli

>> No.13243015

>That Oni in the back.

>> No.13243016

Before we begin, I want you to go down to burger king and get me a small strawberry shake with super sweet chocolate syrup.

>> No.13243020

If it was a Hobgoblin sure.

>> No.13243021

Ah thank you! That one right around the corner seems rather strong,
>captcha: conMe

>> No.13243022

It's not a magical ability. It just happens if you see her.
>gary stu
Perseus did it, so probably not. Might need some earplugs, based on how the charm ability works. It'd be hard as shit, sure, but if you catch her offguard (While not seeing her somehow) it might work.

>> No.13243023

Oppai lolis are my favorite loli.

>> No.13243024

If you are getting mad and replying to this post you are part of the problem. Ignore or hide instead of replying and arguing. It doesn't matter what his or your tastes are. If you feel mad just post about something you enjoy.

>> No.13243026
File: 56 KB, 400x429, ALGrizz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is exactly it.
He really should just draw and say "go forth and fap", not spend umpteen hours doing Q&As to specify exactly what may and may not occur, or C&Ding fansites that don't hug enough boxes.

>> No.13243028

Its fine if its some kind of roleplay, like
"O ho ho look at how depraved this is, serving a mortal. But I do it because you're my husband and I love you"

But without that relationship, and just having a dragon as a normal servant, to just assume that a dragon wouldn't sooner claw her own throat out is folly and goes against almost all lore of dragons being prideful.

>> No.13243029

Sorry, for late response due to driving and food.
Will post in my pastebin later.
How was it and did you enjoy the new format? I know double spacing gets to folks sometimes.

>> No.13243031
File: 152 KB, 700x770, 1426801820947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a shortstack, Arekishi is the guy you want to go for for genuine oppai loli.
That too.

>> No.13243032

>Oppai Loli
That's an oxymoron anon.

>> No.13243035

I wish more of arekishi's stuff got translated. Like 2 of his big collections have English translations and some of them arent even on sadpanda

>> No.13243038

Majority fetish doesn't mean shit. MGE girls are not all femdom anyhow as these guys want to claim.

>> No.13243039

You act like Sandwich isn't already backed up on my hard drives.

>> No.13243040

It must be difficult when your Werepups have their growth spurts.

>> No.13243041

Nigga that's Zankuro.

>> No.13243042

>I say it's bullshit, making that other guy a faggot
See, you're part of the problem.

If he wants that, he can. What you think of it is irrelevant.

>> No.13243043
File: 501 KB, 1024x768, 1399505440989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13243045

Is it? Precocious puberty is a thing even in 3D.

>> No.13243047

Majority fetish means you shouldn't be surprised if most of the people in this thread like femdom over maledom.

And most monsters are much easier to submit to than to get to submit.

>> No.13243050

Nah, Loli implies attraction to the body of a child, having canteloupes on your chest is no longer a childish figure.

Besides, that succubus is shortstack in the first place.

>> No.13243051

>However, if their instincts ever recognize a human man as “a male more powerful than themselves,” then they’re ruled by an instinct that forces them to “obey the male, have sex with the male and bear young.” If this happens, there’s not a trace of the “dragon, ruler of the earth” left. They fawn on their husbands and strongly seek sex, becoming mere “female lizards.”

Cry fuck-ing mo-re.

I want you to read that as nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah.

>> No.13243054

I know pic was zankuro, im saying i wish arekishi got more translated stuff. He has a bunch of collections called tits sandwich and two of them are in English, the rest go left alone. Also someone (Maybe arekishi himself) did and imp comic for mgq that never got translated.

>> No.13243055

Still arguing about this? Most people have moved on.

>> No.13243059

>However, if their instincts ever recognize a human man as “a male more powerful than themselves,”

Right, and "recognize" means you don't even have to be stronger/better, she just needs to perceive you as such.

>> No.13243060

Shit like this doesn't help either side. It also really makes dragons pathetic creatures.

This is why KC shouldn't be allowed to write anything. People don't just flip personalities like that.

>> No.13243063
File: 648 KB, 1367x629, Hobgoblin Updated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also come with a harem. Hobgoblins truly are perfect.

>> No.13243066

I disagree, but

>KC shouldn't be allowed to write anything

That we can agree on.

>> No.13243067

Guys its a porn setting. The monsters are as dominant or submissive as you want them to be.

>> No.13243068

I'm probably not the guy you want to ask, since its pretty hard to make me not like something with a Lich as a focus. Still, it was pretty enjoyable. Cute short stories are nice, and the format was fine.

>> No.13243069

He can want it all he wants, but it's not likely to happen. It's not like I can stop him nor is it like I can really change his mind, but just because some one has an opinion doesn't mean you aren't allowed to call them out on being a fucking retard. Feel free to continue keeping it, but you take that servile dragon shit here and I'll tell you again and again what a faggot you are for wanting to be some kind of special snowflake.

>there’s not a trace of the “dragon, ruler of the earth” left.
Try again faggot, you got little more than a lizard with wings. That bitch is not a dragon. Not anymore.

>> No.13243070

That's a mighty big hugbox shake you just did there.

>> No.13243072
File: 638 KB, 2400x2200, x_23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mein neger
Arekishi a best
(Also it may be of use to you to know that there's 3 translated Sandwiches: 5, 6, and 7. Hell, there might be more; they're the ones I have saved)

>> No.13243073

> I'll tell you again and again what a faggot you are for wanting to be some kind of special snowflake.

As I've said, you're part of the problem.

>> No.13243074

People want more than just porn, you know. People want a world, a setting, a story.

>> No.13243075

Those things look like tumors, not gonna lie.

>> No.13243076

Just as fine as always Average. Though it does look a bit better without the double spacing.

>> No.13243077

>Dragons are only Dragons when "I" like them

>> No.13243078

There's something about the Oppai Loli that I find...unsettling. Cant' seem to shake it off.
I remember drawing these thing in all those roulettes in the past. Seems like fate wants me to have one....either a Hobgoblin or a Merrow.

>> No.13243082


>> No.13243083

Not every one is supposed to comfortably and openly want the things that they want. Because the things that they want are fucking stupid as shit. You want that kind of environment, go to tumblr where they accept everyone and every thing.

No, dragons are only dragons when they act like fucking dragons. Read your own evidence, retard.
>They fawn on their husbands and strongly seek sex, becoming mere “female lizards.”

>> No.13243084

No you miss the point. If you want horrible mindbreak cold monsters you have them. Its porn, its literal wish fulfillment.

>> No.13243087

You keep shaking the box, you don't want to know what happens when you keep shaking the box.

>> No.13243088

Later talks with KC and Exet did clarify that the intent WAS you actually being stronger/better.

So in other words, Git fucking Gud.

>What is Hyperbole
Is it so hard to understand it's just her being Deredere, as described by a guy who's used to them all haughty and shit.

>> No.13243090

Eh, for me the ridiculousness is part of the appeal.
I like to know that she's not good for anything but paizuri any more, and I like her to know it too.

>> No.13243091

>Because the things that they want are fucking stupid as shit. You want that kind of environment, go to tumblr

>Don't like what I don't like

Can you do one post without strawmanning? No?

Then we're done here.

>> No.13243093

>And most monsters are much easier to submit to than to get to submit.

So? Fucking GIT GUD.

>Try again faggot, you got little more than a lizard with wings. That bitch is not a dragon. Not anymore

Are you taking that literally? I don't have a problem with it anyway, if I wanted some haughty bitch to lord over me, I'd marry a human woman.

>> No.13243094

Glad to hear, thank you.

Thank you as well. I still can't get over double spacing but thats cause I'm usually typing in a tiny box

>> No.13243095

Again, pretty sure that's hyperbole, written as though from the perspective of a guy who's a bit bitter, seeing a dragon act deredere, going against what he otherwise knows about them.

And even then, that's just for her husbando. She'd still smash your head in if you so much as looked at her funny, faggot.

>> No.13243097

>So in other words, Git fucking Gud.
In that case, I shall.

>> No.13243100
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>> No.13243101

>Read your own evidence, retard.
>implying that was me
>implying MGE wasn't hyperbole

Are you even trying?

>> No.13243103

When you say "KC said" give citation or fuck off.

>> No.13243104

But I want EVERYONE to agree with MY setting.

The basis of every single argument.

>> No.13243109

>People don't just flip personalities like that.

You'd be surprised. And, have you read ANYTHING in MGE?

>> No.13243112
File: 48 KB, 460x345, 1403001532745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW dicking a Cait Sith

>> No.13243114

No, people don't just 180 completely on their personality because they got the dick or whatever the fuck.

MGE is garbage and you should feel bad for trying to force it on everyone.

>> No.13243116

Only going to become worse from here.

>> No.13243117

I hope you're not dicking the cat in that box because that's not a monster girl.

>> No.13243119

I mean LITERALLY she is still a dragon, yes. But I mean you can be a male and still act like a bitch. You might still have a dick but you are no man. There's deeper meanings to this shit and a dragon which doesn't act like a dragon isn't a dragon. Dunno how clear I'm making myself here.

Where is the strawman, faggot?

Then read some one else's evidence, fuck man. And don't pull that hyperbole shit. You start getting meta like "Oh this author is actually BIASED! Don't trust it!" And nothing means anything. Nothing is concrete and neither party has anything to stand on when arguing.

Dragons? What the fuck are you talking about? This book is done by some japanese dude. Dragons don't real. See?

>> No.13243121

>You might still have a dick but you are no man

Oh, you're one of those. Please take your militant stereotypes and shove them up your ass, thanks.

>> No.13243122

How about you calm your tits, this is getting way too autistic.

>> No.13243123

Thing is, I'm not forcing anything, and I don't feel bad at all.

>> No.13243124

>neither party has anything to stand on when arguing.

That's pretty much it, so stop pretending you do.

>> No.13243126

Then why do you bring up MGE all the time?

>> No.13243127

Why would you try and dick the beanbag chair?

>> No.13243128

>Not being able to comprehend hyperbole
See, this is why KC just ignores our rampant autism. Thank god he does. I just pray that he doesn't start blocking North American IPs from accessing his site if they start bugging him too much.

>> No.13243129

>Later talks with KC and Exet did clarify that the intent WAS you actually being stronger/better.
You know you need to post a source for people in the thread to care, right?

>> No.13243132

>That feel when you try to diffuse the situation and a maledomfag responds with
>nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah

>> No.13243133

> I just pray that he doesn't start blocking North American IPs from accessing his site
So what if he does? You'll still get them here/anywhere else. You don't actually need his website for anything.

>> No.13243136

Because we ARE discussing ITS girls, and when people say "nuh uh, this monster is THIS" it's quite easy to prove them wrong that way.

>> No.13243137

>KC shouldn't be allowed to write anything.

Thank you.

>> No.13243139

>MGE is garbage and you should feel bad for trying to force it on everyone.
And yet MGE is THE "monster girls = femdom" trendsetter.

>> No.13243140

>What is ideology
>What are semiotics?

I actually do though. Not Kc's bullshit lore, because nothing of his is original, but all the other lore in existence in which the only constant is pride. Pride and reptiles.

Hyperbole has no place in establishing fact. And without it, you have nothing to put forth before the other side. I said fuck hyperbole because you guys are trying to argue with exaggerations and vast generalizations like they mean anything.

>> No.13243141

how does that change anything

>> No.13243143

Dragongirls aren't unique to MGE, anon.

>> No.13243144

And from the autism of the monstergirl threads shall come the first monstergirl, bearing her first litter of children for an unsuspecting world.
How would you prepare for a monstergirl apocalypse, assuming 「demonic energy」referred to charisma, and that a strong enough will could overcome magic?

>> No.13243146

My Zappa Brother.

>> No.13243147

>but all the other lore in existence
Which is also not real/original.

What leg are you standing on again?

>> No.13243149

Will they be as autistic as their fathers?

>> No.13243151

>tfw when your daughteru shitposts on /hbg/

>> No.13243152
File: 43 KB, 442x276, 1396453421183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone Know if this continues?. What happen to the author


>> No.13243153

Fair enough. Someone'll get around it, post it on Danbooru or some shit all the same.

Yeah yeah, whatever. It's just random shit that the Translation Manager talks about sometimes. Thought he'd have put it in their Dragon Thread, but I guess not. All that was there was the note from Exet about how Westerners are a bunch of autistic idiots.

>> No.13243156

I don't know anon. I want more too, but it's been a while...

>> No.13243157

>Walk into Dragon daughteru's room
>She's on her computer looking up cat videos and deluxe piggy banks
>"Dad, I'm saving up to buy one of these. Can I get an advance my my next allowance?"
>I tell her "No"
>Before walking away I leave her with a startling bit of information that causes her to go wide eyed and panick
>"There's a Steam sale going on today"

>> No.13243160

You aren't the only one, man.

>> No.13243162

So? I'm talking about MGE ones, if you're talking Tolkien or D&D you're the one with the problem. And for all your seeming hatred of the setting, what the fuck are you doing if not giving them the waifu treatment? Looks very suspicious.

>> No.13243163

Just because dragons themselves don't exist doesn't mean that when you talk about dragons you can't reference all the "lore" around them which does exist. What are you gona do? Tell me that they are all just letters on paper and there's nothing of substance in it?

When we say DRAGON we say the dragon of lore which breathes burny shit and is big. Tyrannical. There are hard documents talking about dragons. Just because they never existed doesn't mean that that isn't what they ARE. If a winged lizard comes and breathes fire, we know THAT IS A DRAGON because we have sources describing exactly what a dragon is. Just because nothing like that doesn't exist physically doens't mean that the idea of a DRAGON doesn't exist.

And Kc's bullshit lizard with wings stops beign a dragon once she gets a taste of the dick. Fuck I wish I didn't have to ALLCAPS to emphasize my points. forget italics why doen't we even have bold? thought I guess it would make shitposting and spam unbearable.

>> No.13243164

All according to keikaku.

>> No.13243165

>Saving up to buy a deluxe piggy bank
That seems silly. Besides, why not just keep it in a big pile, a true hoard, like her mothers? Really, I put a lot of work into refurbishing her closet for just such a purpose...
What kinds was she browsing?

>> No.13243168

The kind where it comes with hoard insurance and an anti Tanuki spray.

>> No.13243169

I think the shitstorms would be very interesting in /hbg/

>> No.13243170

Further proof that the internet is a sentient hate plague that affects everyone regardless of species.

>> No.13243171

I wish we could discuss oppai loli monstergirls right now, but people feel the need to draw out a previous argument.

>> No.13243172

The whole disagreement is bullshit, but I just have to signal my approval of your use of "semiotics" here.

You might be flailing around in a Special-Olympics-tier shitslinging contest, but at least you've got the vocab.

>> No.13243173

Sounds like they need another nuking.

>> No.13243174

She doesn't stop being a Dragon you idiot. She just gets cuddly and deredere with her husbando.

What's so wrong about that? She can't show affection to the man she loves? If you've a problem with it, I'm sure she'd be happy to turn you into a scorch mark to prove her dragonhood to you.

>> No.13243176

>If it's not MGE it's tolkien!
>You can't waifu them if it's not MGE!
Get a fucking imagination, holy shit.

>> No.13243178

What would they shitpost about, how black haired guys are evil and blondes are stupid like wurms?

>> No.13243179

around tanuki
watch your booty
around coons
watch your boon

>> No.13243181

Time for you to go to /monster/.

>> No.13243184

>"Boys aren't all depraved, cunt-hungry sluts! HBE is just a porn setting, moron!"

>> No.13243192


Alphas vs. Betas

>> No.13243193

>"Big guys (inb4 baneposting) are supposed to be doms, not subs!"
>"I don't care, I'm going to dom the shit out of him, eat a vagina!"

>> No.13243194

do you think monstergirls would like big bushy dad moustaches? or all they all about shota?

>> No.13243195

>"No, you can't have dom husbandos"
>"But it's a hugbox, of course I can"
>"Nuh uh"
>"Yeah huh"

>> No.13243197

>What's so wrong about that? She can't show affection to the man she loves?

There is nothing wrong in it. But that isn't dragonly behaviour, and if she completely stops acting like a dragon she's just a bitchlizard with wings and not a DRAGON. So she burns me to a crisp. She's just a bitchlizard with wings which breathes fire. Part and parcel of the DRAGON referenced in lore is more than its physical attributes, but the way it acts. It's pride. In some lore it.s cruelty. In almost all lore, its power and tyranny, it's vast and superior intellect.

You sacrifice something integral to a dragon's beign as its pride and it;s not a dragon. Similar to how if you take away the cruel sadism of the manticore that bitch is just a cat with wings and tailpussy and NOT a manticore. but that is a whole other shitstorm.

KC is nothing but a hack who bastardizes good lore. But he gives me waifus so it's hard to hate him completely.

What is /monster/?

>> No.13243198

It boils down to personal preferences in the end.
Like a Jinko that's a chubby chaser, A Harpy that like manlets, or a Snow Leopard girl who likes twigmen.

>> No.13243200


>Big guy
>Not being too big for her

>> No.13243201

>You sacrifice something integral to a dragon's beign as its pride

Pretty sure she's still pretty prideful towards everything that isn't her husband.

>> No.13243203

God you sound as autistic as Fermented Apples.

>> No.13243205

I hope I can find a Jinko that loves tall guys with dadstaches. We'll go to the gym and lift together.

>> No.13243207

This is getting way too real for me.

>> No.13243209

It's on a different chan. A chan where you can bold and italics and talk about all the stuff /v/ wants to talk about. That should clue you in.

>> No.13243210

What I hate about KC is that you fall for a MG for her personality, but once she's dicked that personality is more or less gone for some.

>> No.13243211

>hard documents

Sparkling vampires.

Are you the dragonslut?

>> No.13243213

Somewhere out there in the vastness of eternity, there's an Anubis who won't stop posting about how she wants a nice Engineering Student to work alongside and fulfill their dreams together.

>> No.13243214

>Snow leopard girl
So much want.

>> No.13243216

Oh, it's you again.

>> No.13243217

Except not. That's just a misconception and a poor excuse to shitpost.

>> No.13243219

>Nice off-topic shitposting, carpet-muncher. I bet you're one of those autistic goons from disabled boys general.

>> No.13243220

Well, I like my Dragon being deredere, but I understand why some wouldn't.

I guess Dragonsluts who aren't sub should try to be exactly as strong as their waifu.

>> No.13243222

Big, fluffy paws.
Fluffy tail.
Beautiful fur.
Adorable and playful as a cub.
Do your part and help in their re-population.

>> No.13243224

>disabled boys general
I don't even want to know what goes on there...

>> No.13243225
File: 201 KB, 316x264, 1424643372666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> love ghoul for the blowjobs, WOO WOO
> insert D into V even once
> she loses her oral fixation
I know your feel, anon.

>> No.13243227

>and talk about all the stuff /v/ wants to talk about
>Implying /v/ doesn't talk here all the fucking time

Seriously, I don't know what the fuck a blood born is, all I know is people keep bringing it up here. I wish /v/ would go back to /v/ and stay there.

>> No.13243228

Oh, I will. I'll make so many cubs.

>> No.13243229

I never went to /v/ so I really don't know, man. Sorry.

MGE is no better than sparkling vapires in that it's a bastardization of already vast and accepted lore. But who knows man? Twilight is massive. Lore is only wide acceptance. Maybe a century from now people will look back and assume that all vampires are sparkling fairy faggots. Scary thought.

This is actually a fair point, and is why I stated way way back that it could work if it were a roleplay sort of thing. You'd have to be some kind of legendary God-King to get her to submit to you full time though as her master.

>> No.13243230
File: 39 KB, 300x269, monstermusumeimage_802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys prefer complete fantasy setting for MG stuff or pretty much EMG's setting for monster girl stuff, meaning in the modern era?

Personally I prefer the modern era thing, its kind more fun if you can relate more with the setting

>> No.13243234

MGs base their personality on their husband's desires. You'll have the same girl as when you first met her if that is what you really want.

>> No.13243235

Definitely modern era. It smells better.

>> No.13243236

>TFW stuck between doing a shitty short of Manticore oiling up her lovebulb
>A Cait Sith pretending to not be furniture
>Or being stuck between a Roc and a Hard Place

>> No.13243237

Give them lots of siblings.
Because they'll become extremely socially awkward if they don't have any siblings to play and rough house with

>> No.13243238

>You'd have to be some kind of legendary God-King to get her to submit to you full time though as her master.

...Or, she's a professional, and treats her job seriously?

>> No.13243241

No real preference. Wouldn't mind seeing some more steam- or cyberpunk MGs, though I can understand the difficulties of pulling off something like that.

>> No.13243242

After all my help you missed the point. Well you won't be getting to your promised land. Not my problem.

>> No.13243244

That's stupid.
But acceptable in all honesty. KC really shouldn't be writing though. Like maybe he should form some megazord team with like 4 people doing the MGE

>> No.13243245
File: 13 KB, 199x183, 1406654000735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'know, if you're into that sort of thing, and so desire it, you can make it to where you can get her pregnant by throatfucking her.

>> No.13243248

If she's a whore, she ain't submitting to you, she's submitting to your coin. Fuck knows why a dragon needs it though. Or are you talking a bout a literal maid? In which case it can only be a fetish to serve mortals, and again, she aint a dragon. Just a fire breathing lizardbitch.

>> No.13243250


>> No.13243252

>You'd have to be some kind of legendary God-King to get her to submit to you full time though as her master.

Nice, HEAD metal ball spewing powder device.

>> No.13243254

Fucking dormouse shitposting again.

>> No.13243255

I don't know what a promised land is, I just know some faggot came in here and asked if he should buy a fucking ps4

In a Monster Girl thread

Tell me where does it say "Video Game" here? Huh? Does the sign in the front of the thread say "Video Game Advice" here? Does it?

No it fucking doesn't because this is a Monster Girl thread. Besides didn't they just release the PS3 or some shit? I don't fucking know, all I know is I wish people would stop bringing that shit up here and thinking they're smart, or intelligent, or some other bullshit when they're not. They're just asking a fap waifu fantasy thread about toys.

>> No.13243256

Are you the dragonslut?

>> No.13243258

I like medieval times, but I'd also be partial to the used-future sort of setting where monstergirls are the fruits of GM, or are literal aliens or something.

Modern-day I don't especially like, just because what strains my suspension of disbelief more than nymphomaniac snake-ladies is that the modern world would just let them integrate.

>> No.13243259

>Still this mad
Take it easy~

>> No.13243260

I disagree, but let's just stop this.

Getting nowhere really fast loses its charm after a while.

>> No.13243261

When's the next chapter of Everyday Human Boys?

>> No.13243263

There's like 4.
Such as me, for one, as well as Anubis fucker, Apron guy, and someone who I can't identify

>> No.13243264

>husband's desires
See, this is what makes the setting so fucking shit. They're no longer their own person with their own personality.

In going for maximum hugbox, KC has written a world in which everything is just incredibly dull.

>> No.13243268

Which Dragonslut? Cause there're more and more cropping up every day.

If you mean the first to be called "Dragonslut", aka Anubisfucker, no, he's not. I am, and I think this guy's the most autistic fag I've witnessed since Fermented Apples.

>> No.13243269

What if I beat her and made her my maid?

>> No.13243270

I know I'm late.
But people want my shit?

>> No.13243272

I heard it's getting an anime.

Unfortunately, it's moe shit.

>> No.13243274

Get some goddamn imagination then. It's only as dull as you make it. In making it dull, you're only proving your own inability to think.

>> No.13243276
File: 48 KB, 625x525, 1427570490598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn straight we do.

>> No.13243278

> Fermented Apples.

>> No.13243281


Please, I want to see where it was going!

>> No.13243282

Fermented Apples

GOD DAMN IT STOP IT! I can't stop laughing whenever you remind of that guy. Holy shit.

>> No.13243283

Yes. Very much.

>> No.13243284

I don't think you quite understood what I was getting at.

>> No.13243285


>> No.13243286

>Reading haremshit

>> No.13243287

Is it Bourbon?

>> No.13243288

Is it that guy who got raped by his guy friend or some shit from MGU?

>> No.13243289


God damn it YES!!!!!

>> No.13243291

>Can't tell if its a /hbg/ joke, or real
Gentlemen, I believe we've gone too far.

>> No.13243292

It might as well be, but it isn't.

>> No.13243293

Fuck it, I'm rewatching Daily Lives of High School Mamono.

>> No.13243294

Wouldn't be any better for us. The MGE's problem is a fanbase that is never satisfied by the size of the hugbox.

>> No.13243295


Well shit. I got slapped in the face with work, on top of writer's block, so sorry about that. I got nothing to do tonight, I'll see if I can get something satisfying.

No promises anything of note will be accomplished. If anything.

>> No.13243296

See >>13243288

>> No.13243298

It's an old tale from MGU.
There once was a guy who went by Hazzard, who had a major autism attack when MGE Dragon was translated. Much as this guy is doing now, he ranted about how they were a "Disgrace" to Dragons, and so on. Rumors claim he even sent a death-threat to KC.

And then that thing you said happened and people laughed at him even harder.

>> No.13243299

>moe shit
Jitsu wa was also getting an anime right?

>> No.13243300

We need to go deeper

>> No.13243304

Oho, I see.
So he just butthurt

>> No.13243305

I think so, not that I'm that interested.

That's what he said.

>> No.13243306

I love modern era more, simply because you can toy around with certain ideas like "How do x/y/z bathe" or "what would the daily life of a construction worker dullahan be like?" or "How will Ms.Marche Hare peacefully tell the door to door Dark Priests to fuck off while also masturbating?"

Small cute things like that interest me, just seeing monsters and other magical beings interact with basic day to day stuff, even things like harpies carrying their childhood friends/sweethearts to school in their talon or Hell's Angel like Oni biker gang doing community service for orphans.

so many small cute ideas you can really do instead of how restricted full fantasy feels, while you can also get a good amount of magic in anyways.

>> No.13243307

No, don't try to just finish it tonight or something, take it as far as you can, don't pull a bob. Or take tie to gather ideas, just know that people want your story.

>> No.13243308

I look forward to it.

>> No.13243309
File: 83 KB, 227x216, 2015-03-28_19-18-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Milo gloriously animated by basement Zips
Praise the demon lord

>> No.13243310
File: 396 KB, 800x800, 1426761522631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sort of agree. I'm into MGs because I like the idea of an assertive girl just having her way with me and my opinion on the matter be damned. I don't WANT her to deform for my convenience via spooky magic.

It's just so cheap and easymodo, so short-circuiting of the mechanics of actual interpersonal interaction.

It gets dropped from the headcanon like Germanwings plane over a French mountain, you can be sure of that.

>> No.13243311

You have no idea how butthurt he was.

>> No.13243314


>> No.13243315

I'm telling you man, keep your expectations low, just in case.

>> No.13243316

Did you see what they did to Gregor?
He went from being a noble night to a cutesied man-bitch, the anime is going to be shit.

>> No.13243317 [SPOILER] 
File: 95 KB, 1020x619, 1427591437197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A MGU user responsible for sending KC a death threat after reading the "female lizard" line in the Dragon profile.

>> No.13243318

>Construction Worker Dullahan
>Sets her head off to the side as she lines things up
>Always gets the perfect angle on all her assembly thanks to the alternate view her head provides

>> No.13243320

>It gets dropped from the headcanon like Germanwings plane over a French mountain

Too soon?

No wait, this is 4chan, nevermind. Carry on.

>> No.13243321
File: 220 KB, 403x331, Gigai anal ramifications.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only guess.
Hopefully he knew the ramifications of his actions, and won't screw himself over again.

>> No.13243325

But if they can read your desires, then wouldn't she do that anyway?

>> No.13243327

I don't think he'll screw himself over again.

>> No.13243329

Behold the full, awful glory.

>> No.13243331

/tv/ baneposted the memorial page so expertly that several of the subtler quotes worked their way into national newspapers

It was morbidly spectacular

>> No.13243334

Oh wow.

The lesson was pounded into him I bet.

>> No.13243336

They're still acting on your desires, not their own. I don't want some MG to make me rub her paws because I want to rub them, I want her to want me to.

If that makes sense. It's one of the reasons I completely disregard MGE - the other being I've made up my own world.

>> No.13243338

Yeah I saw.

From my reaction, I can now say for sure I'm a bad person.

>> No.13243340

I've been stewing on some ideas for a while now, just need to tie them together. I'm going to trundle over this mess of typos and see if I can't get back into the swing of it.

Thanks for the advice, though, man. Cool to see people interested.

>> No.13243341

ur retarted

>> No.13243342

My expectations are low, like my standards.
I would kill to have a human boy at my doorstep.

>> No.13243344

Naw, I'm not but there is more than one dragonslut to my understanding. Dragons aren't even my number one.

I dunno man. Do you know what pride is? They'd act the way a prideful being acts when being bested. Some could recognize a superior to save their sense of self, in some sort of "Well I lost, but oh well, this man is great and powerful and above me, so it's only expected that I would loose. I'm still great", or some could just break entirely and off themselves. But a dragon is number one, tyrant king of the earth. The only stories I know of a man beating a dragon are the god-blessed, making them agents of heaven which is above earth. And that's the only way in which besting a classical dragon through strength makes sense. There are plenty stories of humans outwitting them though.

I don't think it's autistic of me to think that a man would have to basically be divine to have a dragon submit to him, and any less and if she submits she's no longer a dragon. And its not like I dislike the dragon profile either. KC nailed it on the head.
>They have been titled as “rulers of the earth”
Insert the D and,
>There’s not a trace of the “dragon, ruler of the earth” left. They fawn on their husbands and strongly seek sex, becoming mere “female lizards.”

He is pretty spot on actually. And that's what I'm arguing here. It's not a dragon anymore. It's just a bitchlizard, which is fine if thats what you want. But nigga you aint putting a dragon in a short maid skirt and having her wait on you.


>> No.13243345

>"Hey girls, new profile is out. It's a gang member"
>"He's a sub once she gets the V."

>"You kidding me?"
>"Who cares I will use my own headcanon"
>"Fucking KC"

>> No.13243346

...No? You can't just rewire your entire brain yourself.

>> No.13243349

W-we're still doing that?

I can't even tell anymore what is real and what isn't...

>> No.13243350
File: 112 KB, 1000x750, Orge2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But if they can read your desires, then wouldn't she do that anyway?
CAN they read your desires? I thought that was just the Dark Angel's shtick.
And even if they could, I'd say the answer's no. Many monstergirls - even MGE ones - don't give a fuck what you think, at least not until they've gone full waifu. If you want an ogre to be gentle, then I'd say you're shit outta luck, son.

>> No.13243356


Also that's boring as fuck.

>> No.13243358

>tfw no Skinhead profile

>> No.13243360

Hi Sona! Where is Ahri?

>> No.13243364

>Reply 3
That's still referring just to her personality towards her husband. She's still a "Dragon" to all others. Like say, those being burnt by her flame or crushed under claw, before her Dragoon husbando leaps from her back and spears one of the few stragglers escaping their combined wrath.

>> No.13243367


For fuck's sake, she does look like Sona. Too similar not to be her.

>> No.13243368

All true points.

But that ogre pic looks far too skinny and unmuscled.

>> No.13243369

>those being burnt by her flame or crushed under claw
That would never happen in KC's teletubby world, though.

>> No.13243371

There is Gaben-sale today?!

>> No.13243372
File: 56 KB, 480x720, 2cd291e12ef8cbec9827b8dc8002baa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13243374

So most people here want a monster girl that isn't really a person but more of a robot that gets a personality "installed" after reading your mind that will do as you please?


>> No.13243376

If I tell her to burn some poor fool, she will.

Because if she doesn't I will pout like a motherfucker.

>> No.13243383

So, who Dragonslut here?

>> No.13243384

>Most people
You know what they say about assumptions anon.

>> No.13243385

>If I tell her to burn some poor fool, she will.

what the fuck why do you want a waifu that won't think on her own

>> No.13243386

Me me.

>> No.13243389


>That round-y teethline

Why do I find it so cute?

captcha: doste

>> No.13243390

I like them, but I'm not a slut.

So I guess I don't count.

>> No.13243395

As opposed to "all"? Dummy

>> No.13243396
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>> No.13243397

They'll kill in self-defense if need be.

>> No.13243398

No, that would be the Doppelganger lovers.

>> No.13243400

>won't think on her own
Because that's totally 100% what I said.

>> No.13243405

I know what you are you damn Korean.

I happen to like my soul.

>> No.13243406

What would a freaking dragon need to defend herself from? Rape?

>> No.13243407

Still man, it just won't happen unless there is something about him that she sees as greater than herself. That or she's just acting like a wife and when shit gets going if she jumps into control. You know what? I don't even fuck anymore.

There's Dragon and then there's DRAGONMOSNTERGIRL. They are too different to really argue about. A dragon would never submit to a mere mortal. A dragongirl would though, I guess.

>> No.13243410

Wow, we've got a genius here everybody.

>> No.13243411
File: 2.28 MB, 2480x3508, 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think most people here are sluts for Vanilla, which is nice, but I hope the subspecies get more popular.

I mean, there is that one guy who likes Wurms, but I don't think he's a slut for them.

A wurm slut sounds weird and I difficulty imagining one.

>> No.13243413

>What are heroes

>> No.13243414

Thanks bro.

>> No.13243416
File: 86 KB, 484x536, wurm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's C is for conceivable.

>> No.13243421

Slime is mai waifu but Wurm comes a close second. I may not be a Wurm slut but they're beautiful creatures.

>> No.13243422


>> No.13243423

Dragons and undead.
I'm eagerly waiting for Dracolich.

>> No.13243427

Semen pumps?

>> No.13243429

That just one big Pandora's Box

>> No.13243430

Semen pumps.

>> No.13243431
File: 860 KB, 740x1160, abs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a dragon to teach me to become stronger so I can meet her standards.

>> No.13243432
File: 133 KB, 689x1020, 1422398803789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the way you think.

>> No.13243434

How clever, you may take a cookie if you want.

>> No.13243437
File: 173 KB, 420x900, jl4dRnZH7rjlb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you REALLY gonna miss it?

>> No.13243439

Stop projecting.

>> No.13243440

>But nigga you aint putting a dragon in a short maid skirt and having her wait on you.

Watch me, I have untold might, and more importantly, A DICK.

>> No.13243441
File: 210 KB, 890x843, 546e5bbc21e89909197b8652181b7e68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother from another mother

>> No.13243442

As opposed to the semen containers?

>> No.13243444

Godspeed, Bigdick McMonsterslayer.

>> No.13243445

100 babies.

I like too many monsters to even focus on a coherent solid list of top 10, but if my absolute unwavering favorite are tengus, would I still be a tenguslut?

>> No.13243446

Vanilla Dragons frequently have to deal with heroes and adventurers looking to kill them for fame and fortune.

>> No.13243449

>a dragon would not submit to a mere mortal

What are dragon riders.
What are dragon conquerors.

>> No.13243451

*tips boner*
Well meme'd. Fight the good fight, anon!

>> No.13243454

Pretty sure he's talking about submitting the KC way.

>> No.13243456
File: 1.15 MB, 960x1280, 27242633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother indeed. I love slime girls and I don't know who cares.

>> No.13243458

If you do not conquer everything you see before you, there was no point of you being born a man.

>> No.13243463

I puked a bit.

>> No.13243464

Ha, epic reaction! Upvoted!

>> No.13243468

You're that faggot who went on a fit about how men raping MGs is bad, but the reverse is okay, aren't you?

>> No.13243474

Aren't those relationships build as equals, similar to that between KC wyvern and her rider?

>Dragon conqueror
Because they are mere mortals, right?

>> No.13243475
File: 128 KB, 473x856, 1293356141187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I care who knows, but only IRL.

>> No.13243477


>mfw even MGE has these fucking white knights

>> No.13243478


I could see the second guy being him but the first one? Not at all.

>> No.13243482

>Aren't those relationships build as equals
How every relationship should be.

>> No.13243483

What, the dick? They will if it's strong enough.

>> No.13243485
File: 49 KB, 182x199, 1409007747226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"M'Lord, I shall protect you from being raped by the Matriarchy!"

>> No.13243486
File: 187 KB, 800x800, everytime you post that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13243488

A) These are different people, only one of which is me, and
B) I can't speak for the other anon, but no, I did not go on such a rant and have no moral qualms about mg raping
It is not to my tastes and I consider it aesthetically unsatisfying, but that's a different matter

>> No.13243489

Oh, she has a beautiful core. I just want to touch it and see if it makes her slime squirm.

>> No.13243492
File: 183 KB, 800x602, Ill post this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13243493

Mein neigger

>> No.13243494
File: 200 KB, 798x601, 1424599239703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You activated my trapcard!

>> No.13243496


Maybe in shit like ERAGON.

>> No.13243499

Rape in general is not a good thing.

I want to be proactively dated, sure, but it's not really rape if I want a manticore to ambush me in an alley, pin me to the wall with her big meaty paws, and milk my balls dry with her huge, throbbing tailpussy while she steals greedy, hungry kisses.

>> No.13243500
File: 216 KB, 800x602, 1424599302991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13243502

Well, these ones are ok, actually.

>> No.13243505
File: 127 KB, 500x500, Deactivate trapcard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13243506
File: 231 KB, 800x602, 1424619018668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13243508

Because it's squirrel-like and squirrels are cute?

>> No.13243509


>Posting it twice

You had one job

>> No.13243513

Three seconds too soon.

>> No.13243514
File: 1.87 MB, 1280x1224, 1422599817578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a Manticore with possessive tendencies to forcibly mark me as hers.

>> No.13243515

Half-decent book.

God awful movie.

>> No.13243517

There wasn't supposed to be a third image for that.

>> No.13243518

>Meaning Kayblis, the demonic squirrel from hell who had a tail pussy and a back pussy before a Manticore, is cute
I'm going to throw up now.

>> No.13243519


>inb4 these people keep doing this shit over and over every thread

>> No.13243522


Must you post this shit every single fucking time

>> No.13243524

You have, no idea. That fucker went full tumblr about how rape is worse for women, and men have it easier and less horrible, and a whole other mountain of bullshit.

>> No.13243525

>8 wasted images that could have been on literally anything else

>> No.13243527

>Because they are mere mortals, right?

In some cases, that's what makes it so awesome.

>> No.13243529

Considering my soul is myself?

Yes, I will miss myself.

>> No.13243533


I can't even...wow.

>> No.13243535


>> No.13243536

That doesn't have anything to do with what I said.

>> No.13243544

When you say "mark", do you mean like... pee on you?

>> No.13243546


>> No.13243547

Watersports a shit. I'm going along the line of mane emitted DE/pheromones.

>> No.13243550

>Not love bites that go deep enough to stay for a few days
>Not scratches along your arms that cause light scarring
>Not that cowlick you permanently have from her licking your hair out of affection post-coitus

>> No.13243557

Trapped in the Closet with monster girls when?

>> No.13243558
File: 53 KB, 600x850, 1425370746122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, the calm after the storm. Chill with me /mgg/.


>> No.13243559

As soon as Tom Cruise leaves so there's room.

>> No.13243561

I like the way you think

>> No.13243570

That's my fetish right there. Albeit not with Manticores.

But anyway he was probably talking about biting, hickies, or maybe rubbing her fluffy mane against him.

>> No.13243572

Oh fuck, I forgot that track originated from XII, I still remember hearing it in Tactics Advance 2. In turn, I raise you some atmospheric tracks.

>> No.13243574


>> No.13243576

Nigger you can't be fucking serious.

This is the first time I think I will tell someone this unironically, but LURK MOAR.

>> No.13243577


Imma go on a limb and say Maritan

>> No.13243578


>> No.13243582
File: 267 KB, 960x744, Slap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13243583

Dammit I missed this BGM.

>> No.13243592

I'd have never though of DMC as having music to chill to, but I'm liking the second one.



>> No.13243603

You can relive it anon, in paradox.
Translation in 3 years

>> No.13243604

This was rather nice.

>> No.13243605


>> No.13243608

Well fuck, I'm off.

>> No.13243613

>permanent cow-lick
I bet that's how you can tell if a guy is with a Holstaur.

>> No.13243614

Reminds me a lot of Chrono Trigger's overworld theme.

>> No.13243621
File: 2.25 MB, 720x480, cleansing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13243632


>Wanting to mutilate Manticores

You're worse than Fizz and Bollocks combined.

>> No.13243639

Go home Charon, you aren't getting drunk.

>> No.13243643


>> No.13243650

>you aren't getting drunk
Too late.

>> No.13243652
File: 55 KB, 290x361, 1399146610906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should give Charon a surname. I vote Ramon.

>> No.13243653

I envy you.

>> No.13243655

Horrible. Charon is Charon.

>> No.13243657

I want to cuddle her as we float down The River Styx.

Charon is too cute.

>> No.13243659


Funny how most of /mgg/ hates Manticores but are quick to protect them if someone tries to start shit like mutilation. Plenty of Tsundere Anons here, huh.

>> No.13243664

I don't hate manticores, I just don't like them when they're tsunderes or moeblobs

>> No.13243665

Not really, anon. Manticores are trash. It's just that gurofags are trashier.

>> No.13243666
File: 373 KB, 866x1000, 36608864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a lot of girls I don't like, but I'll be damned if I'll let them be abused.

Has there ever been a tsun or moeblob manticore? I hear those terms thrown around a lot, but there's never any backing to them.

>> No.13243668


I laugh every time this gets posted

>> No.13243671

Look, it is sean connery

I always knew he would have a lilim wife

seriously stop posting this every damn thread

>> No.13243673 [DELETED] 


Reminder that this is the level of art /monster/ claims makes them better than us.

>> No.13243676

What makes you think it's not one of the five people who like manticores?

Manticores a shit. Clip them and dock them. Declaw and defang. Then sell them to Killjoy.

>> No.13243678

But that's from pixiv.

>> No.13243679

No one likes manticores, its just a bunch of faggots from #tailpussy doing this to be trolls, they do this every thread.

>> No.13243681

Die whiteknight.

>> No.13243684

>Not wanting abuse and guro

>> No.13243685


I don't hate Manticores. I hate the people that turn them into either blushing tsunderes or moeblobs.

But i'll be a goddamned Alp if I let shitstains like Fizz and Bollocks do contrived Manticore mutilation gore. Fizz already did it by using a bonesaw on her tail as well as other things, and Bollocks had attempted to do it months and months ago but pussied out like the faggot he is by having an Oni rip her wings off.

>> No.13243689

>There are a lot of girls I don't like, but I'll be damned if I'll let them be abused.

Yes, white knight.

>> No.13243690

>This is what woman haters believe.

>> No.13243693

This is genuine misogyny

>> No.13243696

Not him but

>Implying Manticores are girls
>Implying Monster Girls have feelings

>> No.13243698

women are weak and should be protected

Too bad they'll be as likely to tell you to fuck off as thank you.

>> No.13243699

Anon, Satan can't be a whiteknight, that makes no sense.

>> No.13243704

I don't care?

Keep being nice guys.

>> No.13243705

You are making two assumptions.

First, I'm not the guy you're talking to.
Second, I hate people, so no I don't want to protect women.

Now stop acting like an anon from /r9k/

>> No.13243707

I don't think anybody's saying they're weak and should be protected.
It's probably more like,
>I'd protect her smile if it came down to it.

>> No.13243708

If you don't want to be part of the conversation, why reply? Retard.

>> No.13243712

Yep, either /b/ or /r9k/

>> No.13243715

>wants to beat up women
>people say youre a dick
>"nice le tip guys"

>> No.13243716


>Monster girls

>> No.13243717

>Monster girls

>> No.13243719


Please point out the post where I said to beat up women. PLEASE.

>> No.13243720

Are we really doing feminists vs the internet again?

>> No.13243721

You just enjoy the setting because it makes you feel superior to MGs don't you.

That's pretty much exactly what you're saying when you say that.

>> No.13243723

There was nothing going on, so we might as well.

Besides, it's providing me some kind of amusement, so I can't really complain.

>> No.13243724

You're calling people whiteknights for saying not to beat people up, stop being an asshole

>> No.13243725

They get sad and happy, depressed and joyous, just like anyone else.

No one ever said they're weak. Do you understand want it means to stand up for someone?

>> No.13243726

I dunno.
Why can't we take it easy and have fun discussing lamias, and lamia-likes?

>> No.13243729


Any setting that lets me be a paladin is OK with me

>> No.13243731

>Wants to be a paladin in MGE
So yeah, you just want to be a thug with a badge because you feel inadequate.

>> No.13243733


I bet it'd feel nice get a hug from a lamia

>> No.13243734

What's that you say? You can't cause you're fucking liar? Yeah, I know.

>> No.13243735

I want /r9k/ to leave

>> No.13243738

Full, body hugs
Head on your shoulder

>> No.13243739


>Stop liking what i dont like

are we really going to start this again?

>> No.13243740

They won't leave anon, there isn't anywhere else for them to take their superiority complexes.

>> No.13243743

And I want /v/ to leave but it looks like neither of us will get what we want huh?

>> No.13243744
File: 255 KB, 951x732, ss+(2015-01-19+at+08.46.35).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13243745

Snuggled by a lonely Shirohebi, she missed you while you were at work today and wants to hold you for a while before you eat dinner.

>> No.13243746

I'm sorry, which part of my post were you quoting?

And yes, we have been going on about this for a good few minutes now, if people didn't want this to happen they shouldn't have participated.

>> No.13243749


Yo Charon, wake up. This shit's gone all to hell again, let's sail the fuck outta this thread.

>> No.13243750

I imagine you've gotten your ass kicked a lot because of it.

>> No.13243751

Yeah what the fuck man. Some people just need to beat women up in their headcannon to feel validated.

>> No.13243753

I imagine she would still mutter puns in her sleep

>> No.13243754


I thought of this one right of the bat. It's tsundere BTW.

>> No.13243756

Or finding an Apophis at the bottom room of your latest graverobbing gig, and being desperately fondled and passionately kissed while bound by her, knowing she probably has never had much interaction with guys before..

>> No.13243758
File: 355 KB, 554x409, 1389693598276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Manticores are shit, I believe we need to purge Monster Girls in order to secure a safe future for humanity and human children

>"OMG misogynerd, go back to /r9k/! Women did nothing wrong! Why would you want to beat a woman up just because she's a killer Monster who wishes to enslave and rape humanity? You're just a shitlord! Check your privilege! If I want to be raped by Manticores and enslaved with collars I'll do so! It's my body, I'll do what I want! I'll fuck a slime for a cheeseburger."

I don't know whether to blame tumblr, traitors, or boysluts. But regardless I think you should leave.

>> No.13243760

Modern or Classic Tsun?

>> No.13243761
File: 226 KB, 500x600, Oomukade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder centipedes ingest their partners sperm.

>> No.13243763


>Nobody likes Manticores

I don't even go into #tailpussy and I can tell you that's wrong you goddamned philistine.

>> No.13243764



you know the order exist in the actual cannon right? and they have a perfectly valid reason for beating up monsters.

>> No.13243765
File: 871 KB, 1920x1080, 1414093237845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or making a blanket fort and fucking your Wurm lover in it.

>> No.13243766

I want to rock the boat by impregnating her.
>"Miss please, I don't know who you are or how you got in here but I'm going to ask you to leave."
>She just stands there smiling at you in a naked apron
I-I didn't like fearboners before these threads.

>> No.13243768

>I'll fuck a slime for a cheeseburger
Who wouldn't?

>> No.13243769

I bet you also want monstergirls. But...

>> No.13243770

Lovely strawman

>> No.13243771
File: 72 KB, 615x464, 1422157946684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to be a noble and just paladin, setting right what has gone wrong with the universe.

>> No.13243776
File: 283 KB, 386x598, I'd fuck that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scorpions give live births and do some weird courtship dance.

>> No.13243777

Classic, so the non-shit kind

>> No.13243778

Traitors strawmanned first by claiming Monster Purging was misogynistic

>> No.13243779

You mean destroying your own corrupt and bloated organization?

>> No.13243781

That too. If they are wicked, then they shall be punished. A paladin doesn't need an order to do right.

>> No.13243782

>a killer Monster who wishes to enslave and rape humanity?
False. They PRETEND they're going to kill and eat you, but just have really aggressive sex with you.

And then eventually let you fuck them in their real pussy after you Social Link with her enough times.

>> No.13243783

That's not even what the argument was about, learn reading comprehension.

>> No.13243784
File: 5 KB, 194x205, 1425701991932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like most monster girls and don't care if you like one I don't like.
Bobanon is okay and Laska is cute.
I don't want to fight over best girl, because all girls are best girls.
Your waifu a best, anon!

>> No.13243786
File: 1.91 MB, 1294x1338, 1424851665236.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire post
>down to the pic

>> No.13243787
File: 169 KB, 500x448, She Really Fucking Doesn't.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13243788


>> No.13243790

>Bobanon is okay and Laska is cute.
I'll disagree with that, but the rest is okay.

>> No.13243793
File: 165 KB, 750x750, 1411352241092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Me too anon

>> No.13243795

Scorpions do courtship dances
I always knew that scorpions were really crustaceans. After all, crustceans are relatively harmless. Whoever said they were "arachnids" is a liar.

>> No.13243796

>Shota machines son


>> No.13243798

>bob is okay


>> No.13243800

There are probably settings where it would go better, like nearly any other non porn fantasy setting out there
Basically this setting exists for the sole purpose of having sex with monster girls, so i hope you can understand why people dont agree with you when you try to use it for other things

>> No.13243803

Your joke isn't funny, anon.

>> No.13243804

He isn't that bad...right?
Is he that bad?

>> No.13243805

He's the reason these threads are shit

>> No.13243806

It's an old tale, but yes, yes he is.

>> No.13243807

Well, I tried.
Clearly not hard enough, but I tried.

>> No.13243808


>this setting exists for the sole purpose of having sex with monster girls

But thats wrong the setting is a hugebox you can literally do anything you like. If you wanna go around smiting monsters then you can go do it

>> No.13243809

Yes, yes he is.

He started futa-cheshire.

>> No.13243810


>He's that bad
>Hasn't actively done anything to shit up the threads in recent memory

He's less a shitposter than Bollocks is, shush

>> No.13243811

3/4 that was close.

>> No.13243813

I give you a C.
Now imagine a baby Girtablilu riding on her mum's back and looking at everything like it's wonderful and magical.

>> No.13243814

Would you like to fight for justice with me, anon?

You know, other than trying to push the IRC on the threads dozens of times, running his own personal private club, deciding that he gets to run his own writing competition, etc.

>> No.13243818

I want #tailpussy to go

>> No.13243819

Anon, futa is a low-tier fetish. Even normalfags have it.

This is a case of overreacting anons isn't it?

>> No.13243824

He's tried to push futa and NTR on the threads wherever possible.

I want the bob shills to go.

>> No.13243825

#tailpussy is out in force again I see.

>> No.13243826

Most people in these threads hate him, but if you like his stories then read them and be happy. Just don't expect to have a friendly discussion about his stories because it will just start a shitstorm.

>> No.13243829

>"My sweet daughteru. Everything the light touches is yours."
>She says, amidst a barren desert

>> No.13243833
File: 38 KB, 500x500, 1420847449056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


do you even have to ask?

>> No.13243834


I'm not from #tailpussy

>> No.13243835

Bob hate has literally become a meme at this point. No matter how much you hate the idea, it's true.

>> No.13243839


Fuck off #tailpussy

>> No.13243842


Quit being suck a blockhead, man.

>> No.13243847

Fuck, this is almost as bad as the forced furry hate the newfags spout like it makes them cool.
Hatememes are the most cancerous thing imaginable.

>> No.13243849

>Young Girty sees a young boy pass out in the nearby sands
>So begins a long and touching tale full of love, growing up together, and stinging
>Rated R for Pirate

>> No.13243851


>Ruined Chesires by associating them with futa
>Oversatuarted Manticores
>Created "Original OC Donut Steel" Cheticore
>Incorporated Cuckoldry in his story
>Created that abortion known as "Laska"
>With an ending that makes Bioware jealous with how shit it is
>Spammed threads back in /a/
>Intentionally works to create shitstorms in the threads
>The JIDF-I mean, #tailpussy
>Ruined .less, a young promising drawfag, and turned him into a roleplayer
>And also encourages him to draw shit to inflame the thread
>Unironically loves Cait-Sith
>Known to talk shit about the thread to drawfags to encourage them to leave
>A writefag with no actual talent and likely fucked 5 tripfags (less, LDR, ELH, moose, and Crayonfag) to get to where he is today

Anyone defending Bob is either a member of the BIDF, or just a newfag who thinks the hate is "Just a meme".

>> No.13243853
File: 32 KB, 409x393, sensiblechuckle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good one #tailpussy

>> No.13243854

He's right. How many of you guys actually hate Bob for his work and not because the rest of the thread does it? I know I personally have only read Laska, and still claim that everything bad was Bob's fault.

>> No.13243856

>Bobhate isn't real newfaggotry
Is it that time again already?

>> No.13243857

>forced furry hate
>bobhate is a meme
I've been here longer than you, that I can guarantee, and you can fuck off.

>> No.13243858

>Ruined Chesires by associating them with futa
Actually EVERYONE else did that through constant arguments and forcing. He may have written the pretty mediocre story, but he didn't really do anything else after that.

>> No.13243864

>Not being here for Truckercore CYOA, live
>Not being here when he did it again AFTER Laska
>Not being here for Big Bad Gnoll AFTER that

Wow. That's new.

>> No.13243865

I get the distinct feeling you probably have been in these threads longer than me anon, but almost certainly not longer than I've been on 4chan as a whole.
A general produces several things during it's lifetime:
Memes about hating particular people, and making their actions out to be worse than they actually were.
Egotistical tripfags.
And spergtastic autism.

>> No.13243868


>> No.13243870

No, that's just how you piss off KC.

>> No.13243872

I've only been here for about nine to ten months.

>> No.13243873

>Basically this setting exists for the sole purpose of having sex with monster girls, so i hope you can understand why people dont agree with you when you try to use it for other things

You and I both know that's fucking false.

>> No.13243874

Newfag pls go

>> No.13243875

At least we don't have any tripfags we haven't kicked out yet.

Other than hound, but he's okay.

>> No.13243878


>> No.13243880


I'm only defending him because for all the shit you people give him there are several others like InariKitsune, Bollocks, ELH himself, LDR >herself, less, and other people who have laundry lists just as long.

At least he contributes shit to the thread when you spergs aren't being as paranoid as Jihadi John around Ivan.

>> No.13243881

Ho boy. I sure feel compelled to leave. Fuck you. One salty cunt online won't tear me from my monstergirls. You can't even have my waifu when you pry her from my cold dead hands.

>> No.13243882

I got my start on 4chan on /vg/. I know all about how generals tend to go.

Bobhate is real because he's an insufferable asshole who goes out of his way to try and sabotage these threads and cause problems because he wrote terrible shit and we called him on it.

>> No.13243883

We hate them too.
Fuck off, BIDF.

>> No.13243885

>Using Inari and bollocs as examples
You're either retarded or baiting

>> No.13243889

He's defending Bob, what do you think?

>> No.13243891

I get and agree with the bobhate what i don't understand is the bob paranoia. Do you really think he's planning to take over the threads, one futa monstergirl at a time? Like he had world domination on his list and just settled for the /mgg/ threads?

He's just a dime a dozen faggot who wrote about monstergirls.

>> No.13243892

>KC is gonna read our stories and greentexts

>> No.13243893

He's baiting.
He does have a point though in the fact that we give him way more shit than he deserves and credit cheshires being futa to him when the blame rests elsewhere.

>> No.13243894

>Dime a dozen
Oh yes, because there are so many people who write stories that do the bullshit he does.

Fuck off.

>> No.13243895

For christ's sake, this.
He really, honestly, isn't that fucking bad.
Shitty stories or not, he isn't the fucking antichrist like you fucks make him out to be.

>> No.13243897

Anon, have you played Metal Gear Solid 2? Do you remember the Patriots plan to rewrite history? Subtle changes, ideas, memes, that stuff?

We're seeing it now, with people defending Bob and not knowing his history, and anons trying to change it, or worse, depict it as our fault.

It was predicted threads ago Bob was trying to control these threads, to manipulate them, and as far as I'm concerned, they're right.



>> No.13243899

>Everyone is getting trolled


>> No.13243903

>double spacing
You must be Alp or Average.

>> No.13243904


>> No.13243907

>Us vs #Them

>> No.13243909


>> No.13243910

I didn't say his material was dime a dozen, you faggot. I just said he himself is just another writefag, with shittier content than most. Do you really think he's sitting there stroking his futacat's head with her dick up his ass going
>Oh boy, what dastardly schemes can I employ to rustle /mgg/ today? Mwahahaha- O-Oh yeah, grind my prostate.

I mean you clearly do, but we all know that each of us is a reactionary faggot.

>I'm tailpussy for not having been here more than a year
K. Jesus christ you fucks are pathetic.

>> No.13243911


Feel free to try and tell me i'm wrong in including those two given they're known shitposters as well.


Bob wasn't even the one who force the futa meme with Cheshire, it was the thread and .less/Mithril reinforcing it with shit like "Eclairs from Claire"

>> No.13243912


>> No.13243913

You guys do know Bob and #tailpussy is laughing at us all right? This was just the part of their plan

>> No.13243915

There's literally nothing better to do right now though, it's the dead part of the night.

>> No.13243916

>Bob wasn't even the one who force the futa meme with Cheshire
I literally JUST said that in the post with different wording.

>> No.13243917


Fine I guess I'll actually continue my story and stop procrastinating.

>> No.13243919
File: 96 KB, 700x520, 1407192998576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Woah, hey guys. Welcome to #tailpussy."

>> No.13243920

Yes, that's correct
No, I'm telling you to go where your shilling and bullshit will be welcome.

>> No.13243922

No one was telling they're not shit either tho. Pretty much the the main futa triumvirate around here.

>> No.13243924
File: 329 KB, 500x600, 1422558623029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>U fuggin bedder u lil bish

>> No.13243926

#tailpussy here, you losers are massive faggots and we love you fuckers

>> No.13243927


Again, i'm not from #tailpussy.

>> No.13243928

"Damn, somebody finally beat the dungeon"?

>> No.13243929


Prove it by posting a user list and/or the channel password.

>> No.13243930

Whether you are or not the threads are better off without you.


>> No.13243934

Why are drunken ogres so great?
I'd a drunken ogre.

>> No.13243936

That's an Oni you fucking clod.

>> No.13243938

Oh look, you're enforcing some form of "standards" on the thread.
Looks like that mod from /a/ found us.

>> No.13243939

>Simply not being here for bobs bullshit means I'm a shill and spout only bullshit
Hey, so do you actually listen to yourself? Like, do you revise your comments and nod to yourself thinking "Yes, this is something that I want to say." I mean. I get baited easy, because I like to give anons the benefit of the doubt and assume that they are serious but even I'm inclined to think that you are baiting me right now.

I mean the logic that my absence from a bob shitstorm means that I must be in his camp is just... how? I think that there is something wrong with you Anon. Are you autistic? Mentally disadvantaged? Or are you just fucking retarded you stupid piece of shit? I with there were a board I could send you to but the closest level of containment I can think of is /mlp/. Actually, yeah. How about you go there? You'd fit right in, plus or minus a few fetishes.

>> No.13243940

The fuck you say?

>> No.13243943

>Newfags trying to push their views on the thread

>> No.13243944

I know.
They're ogres with big steel clubs. No need to be hostile.

>> No.13243945

I want to hurt you.

I want to physically hurt you.

>> No.13243947

Ah, so it's bait. Well, whatever. Carry on I guess.

>> No.13243948

Anon, the thread already has much more amusing bait than yours, you chose a poor time to fish.

>> No.13243950

This is kinda a dick answer but onis are listed as subspecies of ogre in the wiki

>> No.13243951

You went with him for far too long anon, you should feel embarrassed.

>> No.13243953

>push their views
Nowhere does it say that or even imply that.
Enjoy being a piece of strawmanning shit, bait-kun.

>> No.13243955

As I said, I like to give them the benefit of the doubt that they are being serious.

>> No.13243956
File: 103 KB, 736x574, 1385940060056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeez, so hostile. I just wanted to share my love of drunken rowdy ogres.

>> No.13243961

hey man thats a nice oger on the left. i like that tattoo on her ribs :^)

>> No.13243962
File: 782 KB, 1748x2480, 1415535938156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13243963

In the future though it would be wise to keep quiet about that whole opinion on Bob you have, as you will get a much worse reaction during the midday and morning hours.

>> No.13243966

She isn't going to be able to beat Goku if she is only using weights on her wrists and ankles.

>> No.13243967

She seems like she would make an amusing friend.

>> No.13243970

That's rather foolish, but do what you will.

>> No.13243971
File: 88 KB, 424x600, RJ152613_img_smp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now Hroz gives us huge fat Harpy tats!

>> No.13243972

No, fuck that, I'll say it every time. Bob is just a shitter. I'll call the fags out on demonizing a false idol every single time. You fags made him what he is. He doesn't deserve the attention he gets, and if you jest went "Hey I'm not reading this piece of shit anymore," He would have faded into nothing.

>> No.13243975

Wow, you really have some issues there, you wanna talk about it while playing catch bud?

>> No.13243976

Sure daddy, I don't like the way uncle looks at me.

>> No.13243978
File: 385 KB, 695x850, 1339300995349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a shark, but thanks. Shark girls are olev too.

As long as you like drinking contests/duels.
Was that picture too NSFW for blue board? I can remove it.

>> No.13243979

Translation never.

>> No.13243982

Well then have fun getting shouted down every single time, hope you like shitting up the threads.

>> No.13243984


Oh god, I think I entered the wrong dungeon!

Good luck bullying that Cyclops

>> No.13243985

Eh, the thread already has to be shit if we're talking about bob of all people. throwing my two cent into a pile of shit won't count for much.

>> No.13243989
File: 253 KB, 600x600, 1396231798941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drunken, muscular rowdy ogres from the orient are the best.

>> No.13243990

The bigger they are, the harder they'll be bullied.

>> No.13243992

You know when Bob wrote the cheshire cat and manticore greentexts a few weeks ago you guys seemed to like them.

Makes me think everyone just hates the name instead of what he actually does.

>> No.13243993

We already talked about how to bully one that size, get about 12 other guys and tell her your name is nobody, then poke her eye out with your dick.

>> No.13243994

Every time I see her I don't see an oni. To me she just looks like a buff human woman with a party hat glued to her forehead.

>> No.13243996

Well she IS drunk, so who knows.

>> No.13243997

Ah, right. They likes those things. Damn.

Probably. I didn't even think of it, because shit was barely enforced back in the day on /a/ and all that, but it does show her nipples. Kinda. It might just skirt it.

>> No.13243999


>> No.13244002

Fuck your mother.

>> No.13244003

The anti bob league was probably asleep then.

>> No.13244005
File: 1.14 MB, 1440x960, Atlachi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13244006


You don't even know who I am you goddamned cocksucker.

>> No.13244007

Fuck your entire bloodline down to your proto ancestors you shit.

>> No.13244008


*Translator-note: "HROZ 'S ART IS SHIT! SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!" means, "I personally do not prefer Hroz's style of art, but you're more than welcome to enjoy it."

>> No.13244009

They were written as greentexts in thread and pastebinned later

>> No.13244010
File: 572 KB, 750x900, 1400795882018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are olev

>> No.13244011
File: 340 KB, 450x600, Atlach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right?

>> No.13244012

In that case unless he was namefagging, which I HIGHLY doubt, nobody noticed it was bob at the time.
A bit slow on the draw there eh?

>> No.13244013


>> No.13244015

>Bob gets tired of his Bobhate
>Starts to write under a different name
Any one could be Bob. Trust no one, trust nothing. Suspect all.

>> No.13244017

If he casts off the name and no longer does anything related to bob, is he still bob?

>> No.13244018
File: 140 KB, 606x850, Dioooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have better things to do than read the thread 24/7.

>> No.13244019

That's what I mean. People hate the name, not so much the content.

>> No.13244020

This is fanart right? Like this isnt a legitimate crossover?

>> No.13244021

Shut up Bob, no one will believe your lies!

>> No.13244024


>> No.13244025

No shit, sherlock.

>> No.13244027 [DELETED] 
File: 1.28 MB, 1842x2084, 1398035169843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Faggots

My name is Bob, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass waifus. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever written a story? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own shit fetishes, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to Fatpophis.

Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I run my own IRC, and writefagged my own stories, plenty of them. What stories do you write, other than “greentext where I seduce a Monster Girl with just my dick”? I also get fanart from .less, and have a banging hot girlfriend (I just blew her; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It’s my bitch

>> No.13244028

Goddammit I always forget about the dick

>> No.13244029

>I just blew her, shit was SO cash
My sides are orbiting jupiter

>> No.13244031

>The worm has turned
>The wurm has turned
What does the wurm turn into?

>> No.13244032

I was just asking, ive seen crazy enough shit on the internet to buy that crossover

>> No.13244034

but that's the best part

>> No.13244035

What is a bob? A miserable little pile of futa.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in shitpost academy, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on /mgg/, and I have over 300 confirmed derails. I am trained in futa warfare and I’m the top shitter in the entire #tailpussy armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with barbed cocks the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of cait sith and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can shitpost anywhere, anytime, and I can double-team you with my futa cheticore in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare cock. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed shitposting, but I have access to the entire arsenal of #tailpussy and I will use it to its full extent to fuck your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit futa all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.13244038

It's always nice to see the classics

>> No.13244039

I don't care. Thick girls and heartboners, I don't need more.

>> No.13244040

>Pic Related: It’s my bitch
Not "I'm her bitch"

>> No.13244041

How popular is The Black Heart in Japan?

>> No.13244046

☻/ This is bob. Copy and paste him so he can take over /mgg/.

>> No.13244047
File: 380 KB, 1270x1044, Lambda vs Garutia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't know.

>> No.13244049

Did I miss something, whats #tailpussy all about?

>> No.13244050

It's the reason these threads suck.

>> No.13244052


>Not hating Bob, Bollocks, Inari, NegaWalker, or any other easy to hate writefaggot for both the name and content

>> No.13244053
File: 28 KB, 131x210, Noroko-portrait-mugen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm legitimately impressed to see it's popular enough to have fanart. The only reason I know about it is because I saw Noroko in some mugen videos like 9 years ago and fell in love with her

>> No.13244054

Boogeyman started by ELH. Otherwise it's just an IRC chat.

>> No.13244055

#tailpussy pls go

>> No.13244056

>Place where coordinated attacks happen on the threads by Bob and his cronies

>> No.13244059

If the channel is passworded, then how do people know there are 'coordinated' attacks, hmm?

>> No.13244060


>> No.13244061

Because of faggots like you.

>> No.13244063

There might be a few fans.

>> No.13244064

Maybe they have a traitor in their midst trying to spread the word? Can you really trust anyone in there? No.

>> No.13244069

Guys. Guys. What if bob were in this thread right now?

>> No.13244071


>> No.13244073
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, We'll be right back after these messages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, it's been a little while but here's a small update. http://pastebin.com/ZZC24tUf
Starts at line 3023.

Building up to more interesting things next time. Hope you guys enjoy.

>> No.13244075

Dude, don't scare me like that.

>> No.13244076

Please no. The only good thing I've seen since waking up this afternoon was the Lich story.

>> No.13244079

Uh oh! You're sitting on your Cait-Sith Couch in your waifu's lap, while your daughteru bounces on her Cait-Sith ball, when you hear a knock at the door! You stand up and open it to see a Cait Sith dressed in robes, as she demands that you "Let Her People Go", lest she has her Cait-God unleash plagues unto your house and home.

What will you do?

>> No.13244080

Can we disregard out tinfoil hats, and talk about Beautiful Undead instead?

That seems like a good idea.

>> No.13244081

>Be me
>lying in bed
>Cheshire daughteru cries
>Moment later she appears next to me
>Misjuged it in her fright and teleported inside of my shirt
>Bemused I look down
>"What is it honey?"
>"D-Dad I think I heard bob in the closet
>"Honey come on now. bobs aren't real"
>"Daddy I don't want a dick!"
>"Alright, alright, calm down. Lets go make sure bob isn't in the closet together."
>"Yes hun?"
>"Would you still love me, i-if i got a dick?"
>Look down at daughteru

tru story

>> No.13244082

>On average, biochemically all humans are 99.5% similar to any other humans.

>> No.13244085

Well, I should probably let those cait sith wait, I feel someone hardening my heart remain furniture for the rest of their days.
We could use a footrest too.

>> No.13244086

Let them go, but I'm going to need her help in order to get them out of my house.

Then my waifu slices her head off before she can even register what happened.

>> No.13244087

Sweet, thanks! We approaching the June Bad end soon?

>> No.13244092

That's up to how people vote during the date with Izzy, which I should get to in an update or two. Writing the next update now actually, but stopped the current one where it's at because of how the story fits together.

>> No.13244095
File: 191 KB, 692x1000, 6WUrewH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A sexy fox is trying to seduce you!

>> No.13244096

>There is a 90% chance Bob is human
>There is a skeleton inside of every human
>Therefor, Bob is skeletons.

>> No.13244097

Fuck off you soul consuming demon

>> No.13244098

Do you have a smaller model?

>> No.13244100

I want her out of my house!

Mantis or nothing.

>> No.13244101
File: 114 KB, 427x301, 1336982791450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, I just really hope June gets that human boy she wants, she's the unsung tragic hero of Vengeance.

June did nothing wrong.

>> No.13244103
File: 585 KB, 682x1023, Judy is a qt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno what's going on in this thread right now, but I'm content playing a patched Tales of Vesperia, so...

Enjoy sexy Elf Dragoons, everybody.

>> No.13244104

Hey all, Lich green text is in pastebin and the link will be posted later after the bots are done.
Will there be any issues if I double space it in Paste bin?
It looks very "Wall of text" as it is without them

>> No.13244108

Do it how you want man, greentext always looks better in its original format anyways.

>> No.13244110

Its not very effective.
I counter with yawn.

>> No.13244118

>all foxes are kumiho

>> No.13244120

Alright, I'll keep it in the original Greentext and see how it goes, gotta try and break the double space habit.

>> No.13244121

That's Ahiri, she IS a kumiho.

>> No.13244125


is there some way that we can contact you other than the threads?

>> No.13244127

Try shouting your adoration to the heavens.

>> No.13244129

Pastebin has a message system now.

>> No.13244131
File: 385 KB, 540x720, 11231931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Anon, lets goto the beach again!

>> No.13244134

Is that you imagedump-kun?

>> No.13244136

Is that you autistical manchild who bitches about a ten pic dump?

>> No.13244137
File: 836 KB, 1100x786, 45157188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's go to the beach!

>> No.13244138

It fails.

>> No.13244140

Take it easy~
You can stop now, that's enough fluffy

>> No.13244143
File: 3.18 MB, 2000x2500, 1421097320582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Anon, why are you still making snow angels? Come on, let's go South to the Beach!"

>> No.13244144

No dumping of any kind.

>> No.13244147

Stop dumping

>> No.13244149

Did you guys hear about what happened to Charon?
She had a stroke.

>> No.13244150

Small dumps are not against the rules.
Your complaining will not yield any fruit, deal with it.

>> No.13244151
File: 700 KB, 992x1402, fox-44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Do you like my new swimsuit?"

>> No.13244152
File: 2.56 MB, 1280x1592, 1111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oh Anon, I love you so much! And after you impregnate me, let's go to the beach!"

>> No.13244153

>Apophis lounging on the beach in a sexy bikini
Yes. We need this. We need this bad.

She'd have to wear a sarong of course. What color for her suit though? White? Red?

>> No.13244155

Global 10 you autistic faggot. I wish I could strangle you to death.

>> No.13244157


So you hog all the limited images so we're stuck with only posts for the near end of the thread's life. Then you call us inconsiderate.

>> No.13244158

Why do people feel the need to waste image spaces during dead hours?

there is literally no point to posting them during this time and all these images do is waste space that could be used during active hours.

>> No.13244159

All this advertising for the beach seems suspicious. Well, I'm sure it's my imagination.
Hey, Ms.Ringtail opened a beachside restaurant and paid parking lot beside the beach! Surely a coincidence!

>> No.13244163


The past 4 threads have all died with over 100 images left stop being so fucking autistic

>> No.13244164

Die in a gas chamber Jewnuki

>> No.13244165

Global ten covers spamming.
Ten pics does not a spamming make, unless you stretch the rules greatly. Even then, every other thread is doing it without ramifications which means it is not in violation which means you're just a whiny kid who doesn't like small image dumps.

>> No.13244166
File: 1.62 MB, 2968x2035, elf-88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I told you the beach would be more fun!"

>> No.13244167

You're the fucking autist, dumping the same fucking pictures for no fucking reason other than habit.

>> No.13244169

Fuck off.

>> No.13244170

Oh yes, so we should just waste spaces unnecessarily, you are so right.
I mean just look at all the discussion and responses each of those images is garnering, they are contributing so much to the thread as a whole.

Not to even begin to mention the fact that all your images are common and therefore even more unnessecary, god you people are fucking idiots.

>> No.13244171

There's several possible endings for her even if it goes that route, depending on how people vote.
Heir to the Serpent
The Next Fisheater
Pawn of the Succubus

Pastebin messaging works fine, like >>13244129 said though I'll often catch up with things in the threads. I lurk a lot.

>> No.13244173
File: 408 KB, 605x873, drinking_s_bad_oniwaifu_mmkay_by_kipteitei-d7wno49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oh Anon, I'm all out of sake to drink. Looks like we'll have to go to the beach to try and work off all this weight."

>> No.13244175

Red on purple is lovely.

>> No.13244178

Such a witty retort.

They contribute 20x more than you guys arguing about Bob and other things.
What are you gibbering about this time?

>> No.13244180


Calm down kiddo the images arnt hurting anyone its not like your contributing anything better going into an autism attack

>> No.13244181

Lets see, faggots repost manticore pics, do you bitch? Or how about that lilim shit, every thread.
Good amount of the stuff 'spamposter' posts is new. so stfu.

>> No.13244184
File: 1.26 MB, 1915x4136, Bc2yRki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you this Healthy a Monster Girls? I mean, this is Fatpophis level, is that fine?

I'd be fine with it.

>> No.13244185

We need shortstacks at the beach.

>> No.13244187

Bullshit. Shut up. Get the fuck out.

>> No.13244188

Hey, lets all go to the beach with our MGs!

>> No.13244189
File: 662 KB, 1143x1139, 1421642398984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Anon, isn't snorkeling at the beach so much fun?"

>> No.13244191

No, all they contribute is a reduction of images that we can use later in the thread for actual discussion.
Every single one of those images appears fairly regularly in these threads, so your posting them does nothing but take away space that other people could use for their own images.

Not to mention that you obviously aren't actually trying to raise discussion with any of the images but are merely spamming them in the thread.

So yes, they are hurting discussion and going directly against the policy of the thread, which is a policy that only you two seem to have a problem understanding and following.

>> No.13244193

>No fat on arms, neck or face
>No belly apron
>No cankles

Not fatpophis level and not really drawn like a fat chick either.

>> No.13244195
File: 388 KB, 570x810, 8c3a0a782b777e545d1636b89eebe393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should go to the beach, it will help calm you down

>> No.13244197

I'd an MG with that level of soft.

>> No.13244198

I agree with this. At least spark some discussion or something, that's all that's necessary to fix the problem.

>> No.13244199

>Actual discussion
>Hurting discussion
>Taking away spots other could use even though last bunch of threads didn't even hit the limit
>Policy of the thread decided by a small handful of people that not everyone agreed to and that you keep enforcing despite that

>> No.13244204


>> No.13244205

Know what would calm me down? You assholes not spamming the same fucking fox pictures every thread because muh small dump, muh imageboard. Kill yourselves.

>> No.13244207

Funny how the archives prove you wrong there.

>> No.13244209

Why is it you guys never whine when faggots waste images with reaction pics, why is it you pick on picture guy?

>> No.13244210

>"Honey, we can't go to the beach. We need to mow the lawn, repaint the house due to that mixup from the last full moon and the dragon, unclog the gutters, clean the garage, take the kids to their friend's birthday party, get groceries, take the empty cans and bottles to the recycling center, take care of the wasp nest in the back yard, wash the laundry and the sheets, vacuum the carpets, clean the walls, check the fire alarm, and watch out for the ammy scouts. We have no time for the beach until at least tuesday!"

>> No.13244211

We do whine on reaction faces.

>> No.13244212

Because they're the ones posting the reaction images.

>> No.13244213


>That droll


>> No.13244214


because the thread is dead and the two people still in this thread need something to complain about

>> No.13244215

>small handful
>not nearly unanimously in the early days after the move to /jp/
>this dumping thing not even a problem in the modern threads until you autistically have to start it

Because most reactions get deleted by posters after a few minutes.

>> No.13244217

Yeah no, it wasn't.

>> No.13244220

Oh, good one.

Damn I forgot Amaterasu scout girl cookies are due soon . I wanna order some extra boxes so I can play with those milfy tails!

>> No.13244221

>Hurting discussion
Yes they do, when people post random images in the thread and let them sit, like the picture posted here>>13244095 it garners responses and gives people something to talk about.
Quite unlike the wanton spamming you are doing.
>Taking away spots/Threads not hitting the image limit
Your spamming helps reach the limit.
It also doesn't matter if the previous threads didn't hit the limit, because you never know how the next day will unfold, and I for one would rather make sure there aren't any wasted spaces taken up by random dumps during inactive hours.
>Policy of the thread
Created specifically because when these threads moved here, people found out how quickly you could run out of images during the thread's life.
They made it so that people weren't left with a thread that had no more images when it was on page 5, and is a policy followed by almost every save for you two.

Either use your dumps to help keep the thread entertaining or stop entirely, you're just being obnoxious otherwise.

>> No.13244222
File: 666 KB, 700x1240, 1417583979552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I masterbate or go to bed?

>> No.13244223
File: 2.08 MB, 1200x1703, snake spa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but Tuesdays are terrible beach days!

>> No.13244224

>The update I was writing got erased because I lost power

Fucking... I want to give up.

>> No.13244225

All of it, posted before, some regularly, the kitsune crap specifically.


>> No.13244227


>> No.13244228

Ask the magic conch.

>> No.13244229

i see quite a lot of reaction pics, and manticore pics and lilim pics that have not been deleted

>> No.13244230


>> No.13244231

both at the same time.

>> No.13244232

Alright uh... Magic Conch, hello there. I was wondering, should I masturbate, or sleep?

>> No.13244234

Just get jacked up on caffine and keep on truckin.

>> No.13244236

>200'ish people visit these threads over their average lifespan
>Enough pics for about 1.5 per person
>Thinking most people don't tacitly agree
>That's why we have a few spare pics
>That's why you're the only one dumping

>> No.13244237

>nuh uh!

I bet you're that faggot who threw a fit and started baphomet dumping when he was told we were cutting down on reaction images.

>> No.13244238

This is very sad indeed.

>> No.13244239


Well that's that done. 'Nother Greyguard update, and they finally left that city, and are back on the road. I hope you guys enjoyed this little arc of the adventure, and weren't too bored. Comments and criticisms are more than welcome.

I wanted to explore the idea of an undead plague and what it would be like to be under the circumstances where your survivors are partway competent and don't just get wiped out but actually fortify a place and begin to fight back. I also wanted to explor what every day life would be like in that scenario, but didn't get to explore very much of that aspect. I also realised what a collection of mary and gary stues this party is, so instead of some mega climactic boss battle, I decided to play on the fact that every one was just powerful as shit. I mean, it makes sense. Muradin and teresa were on a really important mission, so it makes sense that they and the escorts they are sent are rather strong. And it's really just bad luck that teresa got so wounded she had to drink a hefty bit of blood just to survive. Doubly unfortunate that Theinn is a speshul snoflake with magic murmaid immortalbood. So yeah, it's just a bitch that the little plot to subjugate this city ran into such massive obstacles. I also scatteres a for portents of the endgame throughout, though by now it should be painfully obvious what's going to happen
So yeah. That's that. On the road again. This update is only about 4k.

>Update from line 3087

>> No.13244240

Lost forever like the sanity in the thread.

>> No.13244241


>> No.13244242


This entire picture is so fucking CRINGEY

>> No.13244243

Anon, don't believe in yourself. Believe in me who believes in you, and you who believes in me! Your writing is the one that shall pierce the hymens!!

>> No.13244244


>That lonely lamia in the back.

>> No.13244247

That lamia on the right would get really annoying really quick.

>> No.13244248

I want to cuddle a muscled oni.

>> No.13244249

I can't drink coffee anymore after I got really sick. Now after a few sips it makes me vomit. Otherwise I would.

It's just frustrating.

>> No.13244250


>> No.13244251

I also scattered a few portents**

>> No.13244253

She's the best Lamia though, a dark skinned ara ara girl.

>> No.13244255


Almost every image in this god damn thread is a repost, if you're gonna be angry at something get angry at these fucking assholes who don't bother deleting reaction/off topic images

>> No.13244257

We do.

>> No.13244258


Read the dialogue from that girl with short hair on the right, for example.

>> No.13244260

I'll get angry at them AND YOU. They post an image, you dump.

>> No.13244262 [DELETED] 
File: 500 KB, 800x1096, 6140121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no job or life if you can remember what has been posted in the last few threads.
You must sit at home all alone with no friends and spend all day online or something.
I feel very sorry for you.
No, actually I don't , I really just do not care about you, just like everyone else in your sad pathetic little life

>> No.13244264

Not him but they're not eating up ten images in a row.

>> No.13244265

It's her first orgy anon, let her be excited.

>> No.13244267
File: 196 KB, 689x1000, Cherry Snake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works for me.

>> No.13244268

I wouldn't call that cringey, but annoying? OH YES.

>> No.13244270

>We can't post anything more than once or else they're commonly posted!

I'm not even the one dumping first of all.
And second, it's random whether an image gets responses or not. Even a post with no words and just an image can get 30 responses while a post with an interesting and new one can sometimes get only 5.
You also keep using "spamming" incorrectly, as if trying to sling mud at the person doing it.

We never know how the threads unfold, but there's always a pattern, and that pattern recently has been the same. Do not try and use that as an excuse to try and enforce your standards on the thread.

Is it really followed? Or are you using the incidental lack of it as evidence that it is being followed?

>> No.13244273

Whelp, he's resorted to insults instead of actual arguments, I think we can call this a win everyone.

>> No.13244274


But it's stupid! Stupid dialogue in pictures makes me fucking angry!

>> No.13244275

Bitch, I said "red on purple," not "purple on red!"
Still lovely.

>> No.13244277


I'm not dump-kun

>> No.13244278

Dump anon you can cut yourself on that edge.


>Not being able to remember events that are relevant to you
>Trying to act superior of a social on 4chins

>> No.13244280

>200ish people
Yeah, most of them are very quiet lurkers who almost never post. It's not even sure how many people even agreed in the first place, yet you say "unanimously".

>> No.13244285


Oh no, my feelings!

>no job or life if you can rememberwhat as been posted in these threads

No, I have a good memory because I'm not a mouth breathing piece of shit with a memory span of 3 seconds.

>> No.13244286

>Is it really followed? Or are you using the incidental lack of it as evidence that it is being followed?

Somebody is questioning the history of the thread. Quick, we need the ancient Waterworld documents that recorded those events!

>> No.13244292

>silly pic is posted for laughs
>devolves into a flame war

>> No.13244293

I just think whoever it is doing it should at least okay, I'm gonna say something stupid, but, be like me and follow up an image post with something to bring discussion, or asa reply to others as thought to say, "Like what's posted here."

Not posting 5+ times with the same "Let's go to the beach!" phrasing in each of them.
Just saying, it's something.

>> No.13244294

>Random if an image gets responses
No it isn't, it's very easy to get people to respond to an image with some text attached to it.
Especially if it isn't during active hours.

>Using spamming incorrectly
Oh really, eight images in a row without context or reason isn't spamming? In a thread where the average person will post an image maybe once or twice over the life of the thread?

>Pattern to the threads
Yes, people following the rules and not spamming large amounts of images to keep the limit from being reached, as previously stated.

>> No.13244295

>Grapesnake becomes cherrysnake
>[Cherry popping puns intensify]

>> No.13244296

>Can't read the qualifier 'almost'
>Yet trying to argue semantics
That's just sad

>> No.13244297

Go on.

>> No.13244299

>I'm a lazy shit who posts the same mofu during my dumps, not inciting discussion at all and expect people to suck my dick


>> No.13244301

I can't wait for Trisha to finally let her demons out.

>> No.13244302

What's your ideal way of having a relaxing time with your MG waifu?

>> No.13244304

Relaxing in the summer heat while I fry up fish out of her sight to present to her as a surprise.

>> No.13244305

>average poster will only post one or two
I'd like to know where you get that info to support that claim.
>active hours
The thread's always active.
>Yes, people following the rules and not spamming large amounts of images to keep the limit from being reached, as previously stated
But you have no proof of that, at all.
You're merely claiming they're following it with no evidence once more.

>> No.13244306

Oh, same thing I do with her every day.
Try to take over the world!

>> No.13244307

But that's wrong Tuesday next to Thursday has the best parking and smallest crowds.

>> No.13244309

Doesn't narrow it down as much as I first thought.

>> No.13244311

>She puts a little whipped cream on your lips
>"Anon, can you give me a baby? Pretty please with a "cherry" on top?"
>She leans over you and lowers her pussy onto your cock and she licks the whipped cream off and then kisses you

>> No.13244312

Go to the beach!

>> No.13244314

Killing shitty MGs.

>> No.13244315

Lounging by the pool, then going inside to eat, cuddle on the couch, watch a movie or show, maybe build some models...

>> No.13244317

Does Nyanon have delusions of world domination?

>> No.13244321

You mean the water park, or...?

>> No.13244322

Her playing a difficult video game and trying not to die while I'm behind her, messing with her concentration by screwing her at an agonizing pace

>> No.13244324

Well, he is breeding a horde of mouse girls called the skaven.

>> No.13244325

MGC Water park run by Mermaids?

Would you even go?

>> No.13244327

>Like Chochin Obake
>FInd it a little interesting of the lantern motif
>Study Japanese Lanterns online to better understand the making and history of japanese lanterns and Chochin lanterns for kicks
>start writing drafts for Chochin
>End up writing things that describe chinese lanterns because I hang out with Cantonese speakers all day.

Fuck. What should I do? Should I just write a story about Chinese Lantern Girls then? Maybe one that's about a great lantern that's the centerpiece of a temple?

>> No.13244328

Go back in your cage you mouse.

>> No.13244329

Can I go on the Wurm grade rides? Are they safe for humans?

>> No.13244331

Can I go with an overly protective, motherly merrow? Then it's literally a dream come true.

>> No.13244332

Hell yes. I love waterparks.
I'd take my waifu to one for a date.

>> No.13244333


Hell yeah. I don't have those where I live anymore.

>> No.13244334

Only if they offer free mermaid blood samples the inauguration day.

>> No.13244335

Having a nice picnic on a warm summer day and then napping together in the shade.

>> No.13244337

This right here just sets yourself up for failure. Be more assertive with your world domination plans.

>> No.13244338

Well, everyday she comes and sits on my lap facing me , straddling me and holds me close whole i play with her tail , It is hard work at a shrine so I try to do my part to help her relax and enjoy herself .

>> No.13244340

Does a Ryu run the kiddie zone?

Is the lazy river populated by Mermaids who will prank you by flipping over your tube if you aren't careful?

If there a wave pool powered by the thrashing of a Wurm's tail?

If so, then yes.

>> No.13244341

Ok, Lich Green Text is ready for ready (If you haven't already.)
Did not double space in pastebin like I normally do so let me know if it needs it or not.

>> No.13244344

Is it Action Park, run by various undead and wurms?

>> No.13244347

Ryu waterworld park, indoor year round water park with >>13244340

MGC just got exciting again!

Oh and special rooms in the back for sex

>> No.13244349

What if I slip it into the dormouse during the tube rides?

>> No.13244354

accidents happen, you know how it is.

but be aware most MGs will be able to smell whats going on.

>> No.13244359

>In the back
The waterpark near where I live has cabanas and change rooms that can be reserved along the far east and west walls.

>> No.13244361

why them all the time
i like the sound of anything ryu though
>a docile and meek ryu attempts to perform a dragon punch

>> No.13244363

Because mice are olev.

What happens when they smell it? The mermaids aren't going to tickle my balls from underneath, are they?

>> No.13244364

what well minded mermaid would interfere with your sexing a mouse?

>> No.13244365


At worst you'd catch a Merrow worker masturbating to the scene.

>> No.13244366

Probably nothing if your taken but to any other guy you'll get swarmed.

>> No.13244367

>Waterpark Exhibitionism
>Getting watched by Mermaid Voyeur Staff
This is good shit right here. More ideas along these lines.

>> No.13244368

Ryuu Waterworld water park

water slides

lazy river tube ride

wave machine

fake sunny beach

cheapo beach side restaurant that actually sells good decent priced food and drinks .

Kiddie pool area with kiddie rides and slides for them and their milfy moms .

Private Cabanas along the pool side

Mega jumbo pool, and regular pool .

Mermaid pool (saltwater)

what else are we missing?

>> No.13244371

My head in her lap drinking her milk while she rubs my head.

>> No.13244372

That faggot from /v/ is at it again.

>> No.13244373

Thats kinda hot actually

'Need some help ma'am?'

>> No.13244375


And then she goes all film director on you

"No no keep going! This is some good stuff!"

>> No.13244376

>Lady, are you really a murmaid? Those teeth are awful sharp
>U-uh, yeah totally. N-never mind me, just keep doing what you're doing.
>[Lip licking intensifies]

>> No.13244379

A restaurant run by Yetis called..Yeti's.

They're rather well known for hugging customers as they leave, finding it both adorable and a bit disappointing whenever someone is shy and leaves without a hug

It becomes quite a scene there if you get an erection during the hug.

>> No.13244381

>what else are we missing?


>> No.13244384

What kind of scene?

>> No.13244391


If the other employees catch wind of whats going on it becomes quite noisy.

As per usual the Yeti hugging the man will declare her intentions. If he agrees/doesn't resist she warms herself up further and takes him in the back behind the counter for some alone time with the other Yeti's cheering her on and the other customers bearing witness as well.

>> No.13244393

All righty everyone, I'm hitting it.
Good night and don't burn down the thread!
And to the guy who talked about an old acting lich last night at 4:00am, that greentext was for you.

>> No.13244396

No chance of burning, the baby phoenixes have all flown off to their new lives now.
I'm so lonely.

>> No.13244397

GP clinic run by cute Manticore.

You show up for routine check up, she tells you to take your pants off and bend over the table.

You look at her disproportionally large hands, she tells you to not worry, she'll lube up.

She doesn't.

Mocks you for getting an erection while your prostate is squished under her clumsy fingers.

>"The tail is just for collecting a sample, don't mind it."

After you ejaculate into it, she yanks her fingers out of your butt, tells you to get dressed up and leave, you're just fine.

Her secretary insists you don't need weekly check ups, but schedules the next appointment at your request anyway.

>> No.13244398
File: 467 KB, 1200x800, 1427184837571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if your Lamia childhood friend pretended to be a huge slut to make you jealous and finally fuck her, only to have her plan to emotionally bond with you fall apart because she doesn't have a hymen and you can't tell she's actually a virgin?

>> No.13244404

That sounds like a very sad story...
Lovely, but sad.

>> No.13244411

We're talking about a waterpark, don't worry about fire Average.

>> No.13244412

>Chilling in the lazy river with a tube around your stomach.
>Mermaids that lurk around the river have been staring at you and it's getting kinda creepy.
>Suddenly you feel something tug at your trunks and you hear them as they are ripped off your body.
>Turn around and you see an oni wading back to the edge of the river and hands your shredded trunks to a mermaid before giving a her a wink.
>River is dead silent and you can feel the eyes of the mermaids.
>You hear a splash, then another, and then they all dive underneath the water's surface.
> All the mermaids rush towards you and you cling to your tube and pray for your life.
>They swarm you like piranhas grabbing hold of your legs and tonging every inch of your lower body.
> You scream and moan at the intense pleasure as your upper body writhes in pleasure, unable to escape due to your tube blocking the way.
>The other monster in the river begin to cheer on the mermaids and some even attack the other men relaxing in the river.
>The orgy goes on for hours, you yourself cannot get free until the staff force the mermaids off your crotch.
>As you leave the mermaids call your name and toss you a plastic card.
>It's a season pass
> The next day the lazy river is shut down for cleaning.
>Something about the water being 73% cum
>That's okay though you always wanted to try the wave maker anyway.
>You decide to spend the day letting the mermaids use you as a surfboard

>> No.13244413
File: 1.84 MB, 1653x2338, 05f7b176e412c36daf5d3ca15326b9bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are the custom mamono and human civs for Civ V?

>> No.13244414
File: 302 KB, 800x1030, 134534658453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're walking through the streets at night, when a suspicious-looking Goblin Girl whispers to you from a dark alleyway if you want to buy a potion.

What do?

>> No.13244415

>Implying I wouldn't wear one of those swim trunks with the buttons along the seams for easy removal
>Exactly for this reason

The fish need to be fed too anon, and I'll gladly give them a worm.

>> No.13244416


An Akaname dentist

You show for your check up, kind of paranoid after hearing the rumors about her.

She probes into your mouth with usual dentist equipment but she tells you she has unfortunate news

Since you haven't been taking good care of your teeth and now she has to use her special instrument

Restraints come out of the chair and bind your arms legs

She puts on "My Shiny Teeth and Me"

She dangles her tongue right above you and forces it into your mouth

You writhe, trying to break free.

After what seems to be an eternity she stops

She gives you a mirror and shows you that your teeth are in much better condition.

As you leave you hear her laugh and say "I love this job."

>> No.13244417

Oppressive Dragon Civ master race.

>> No.13244418

>only 73% cum
Please, came from Venice where the water is 98% cum.

>> No.13244419

Special unit Dark Matter replaces the nuke and converts all units and cities hit to your side.

>> No.13244420

Roll for Sense Motive

>> No.13244422

I would laugh at how dumb she is.

>> No.13244423


>> No.13244426

Motive: Lewd

>> No.13244427

>Green skinned Goblin
God dammit, it's a fucking trap, but I'm diving head first into it.

>> No.13244428

Tell her to get her children from someone else, I already have someone.

>> No.13244430

>What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.13244434

It looks better without the double spacing. Honestly for some reason double spacing makes me want to skip over a greentext.

>> No.13244436

This filthy Greenskin is obviously up to no good.

But that potion seller earlier wouldn't sell me any of his potions.

>> No.13244437

I want to play an Empire Simulation game with MGs, and take an Anubis as my queen.

>> No.13244441
File: 351 KB, 628x773, 1405236171179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, this anubis can be all yours for a microtransaction of $3.50.

>> No.13244442

Good to hear, just some nice, wet fun.

Don't worry anon, there's always the next clutch.
And just like always, I'll be there to ask you to not burn things down.
Ok, I'll keep it in mind going forward.

>> No.13244446
File: 32 KB, 291x413, 1411265209585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Wake up Anon, breakfast is ready."

>> No.13244448
File: 105 KB, 627x520, 1410999659813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13244449

It's almost 2 am you stupid snake

>> No.13244450

Anubisfucker, have you considered playing dick taco with your long-eared waifu?

>> No.13244451

Anon, that's too real.

>> No.13244453

Yeah >>13244448
And yet I know I'd pay if it were an option.

Dick Taco? Not sure I'm familiar with this term.

>> No.13244455

It's Bob's patented aural sex bait. Pay it no mind.

>> No.13244456

Add an extra tail to your kitsune/inari waifu for $10 up to a maximum of 8.

>> No.13244459
File: 116 KB, 600x600, jpa3k5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, please don't make me so angry right before bed.

>> No.13244461

It means wrapping her ear around your dick and masturbating with it.

>> No.13244464

When it comes to monsters do you have a preferred skin color? I'm not just talking about dat delicious chocolate, but the bizarre colors like blue and red onis. I've noticed I've got a weakness for the green skinned monsters like ogres and >>13244414 this bitch.

>> No.13244468

I like Rainbow Manticores

>> No.13244469

Red is my preferred color.

>> No.13244471

You need to pay $5 for every dragon breed beyond standard green.
Red is Pre-order exclusive

>> No.13244473

Well it's a good thing I don't care about dragons then.

I dare you to find my weakness, hit me with your worst EA attack you little bitch.

>> No.13244474

She loses a tail every month unless you subscribe.

>> No.13244477


>> No.13244480

Eh...I'd rather not. Her ears are for rubbing and nibbling, not dick-rubbing.

Dick rubbing on ears is pretty ew.

>> No.13244481

I like my dragons delicious brown, but if they were a shade or so lighter than their actual scales that would be fine too.

>> No.13244482

>"Get out of my house before my waifu kills you."

>> No.13244483

HAHA pleb.

>> No.13244489

You get all monster girls available, but is only available to gold subscribers, so every week or so she'll just freeze right before you cum and with a blank expression ask if you'd like to renew you subscription for $9.99. She will also offer deals such as a threesome with a second monster for an additional fee.

>> No.13244490

*But Sex is Only available for gold subscribers.

can't make a post without some sort of error...

>> No.13244491

EA levels of jew, but not rage enducing.

I'll just play something else until EA drops the license after a few years when they drive the company into the floor.

Like they did Maxis.

>> No.13244494
File: 188 KB, 859x696, d6b42e6402a2f8232cb9247fd57fb385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like Crusader Kings II, or Total War?

>Armies of humans and monster girls duking it out in a Total War mod.

>> No.13244498

Reminds me of the Warhammer Total War game they're making.

>> No.13244500
File: 1.19 MB, 725x1000, f8b342529adc61b4dbe24800238d6a47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is for:

>> No.13244502


whom do you let nibble yer worm?

>> No.13244503

Sea Bishop

>> No.13244507

none, they smell like fish

>> No.13244509

>Monster Girls
>Total War
>Zoom in to a mass orgy in the field

>> No.13244510


>> No.13244512

yer wastin mah images quit eeet!
I am butthurt, delet them!

>> No.13244513

>The enemy is raping our general M'lord!

>> No.13244515

Butthurt autistic dumper plz

>> No.13244517

Just ignore him anon, leave him to taste the salt of his tears.

>> No.13244519


>> No.13244522
File: 404 KB, 723x1000, Kraken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best aquatic mg, best cake

>> No.13244524

DLC pack for MG of your choice, only .99 usd on PSN.

go look.
there are 100+ dlc packs for each race , and its just a lame skin mod

>> No.13244527

Empty agreements without any proof that we all agreed to not do that!

>> No.13244529

That's not a Sea Bishop.
What would the two of them look like after merging?

>> No.13244530

Ryuu Waterwonderland waterpark medic /nurse is a Kraken?

>> No.13244532

What if onstead you fucked a bunch of girls to get bavk at her, thus breaking her heart?

>> No.13244534

Ara ara are you feeling alright, lets go back to my office and let me check you over.

>> No.13244536
File: 207 KB, 637x730, daemonette_35_by_slaanesh_goddess666-d5zjyfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only monster girls that will probably have is Slaanesh daemonettes, and maybe elves.

>> No.13244538

>Suction cup rmolestation intensifies.

>> No.13244539

There's just no good ending to her dumb plan. She should have left the mindgames to human girls.

>> No.13244540

I can't say no to big pretty eyes like that.

>> No.13244541


>> No.13244542

Sea bishop get trapped in the kiddie section of the water park, how does she escape?

>> No.13244544
File: 1.06 MB, 1300x1500, Nurse Kraken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure why not

>> No.13244545

She doesn't, she gets mobbed by all the small children and held down, and the Ryu that supervises that area manipulates the water to keep her from leaving until the children are done with her.

>> No.13244546

Escape? Why would she want to do that?
She'll get kicked out for trying to get kids worshiping Poseidon.

>> No.13244547

Being princess carried out by a disgruntled janitor.

>> No.13244548


>and let me check you over...thoroughly

>> No.13244555

>Sitting by the beach, fishing rod in hand, line cast into the calm ocean under the orange dusk sky
>Cap half tipped over your face, your mind drifts off into a nap


>Your body is flung at 10Gs of acceleration towards her waiting tentacles

>"Hora hora~ seems like I caught something..."

>Lifted by her tentacles, you start swinging your fishing rod at her and shouting

>"Bad kraken! Back! Shoo!"

>She proceeds to grab and swallow your rod

>She proceeds to grab and swallow your rod

>> No.13244556

But would you give her a reach around?

>> No.13244558


>> No.13244559

Of course I would grab and fondle her quad tits, what kind of a question is that?

>> No.13244561

>your rod gets caught on your rod

>> No.13244562

Anyone that tries to decieve others like that deserves a bad end tbh

>> No.13244570

Species specific businesses :

1) Tail salon , this should be easy to figure out, tail brushing, cleaning etc .

2) Horse shoe place for centaurs and whatnot

3) ......
what else would there be?

>> No.13244576

Tanuki Law Firm.

>> No.13244577

lara, river spirit, fresh water mermaid

>> No.13244580

No no, I mean businesses that cater to MGs

>> No.13244583

Then Scale polishing salons.

>> No.13244584

River spirit Nami (google it so I don't waste an image )

>> No.13244585

Scale Polish Salon.
Professional Feather Preeners and Talon Grinders
Horn Buffers.

>> No.13244589

Something to help lamia shedding their skin before they get a boyfriend/husband.
A flying practice place for harpy chicks.
A store that sells egg carriers, nests, heaters, etc.
A store with electric blankets and heated beds for cold blooded MGs.
Milk outlet stores where holsts sell their excess milk.

>> No.13244591

Wing/tail designing

>> No.13244594

>Horn Buffers.
>Gyaru Oni's getting their horns carved like getting tattoos

>> No.13244596

>oomukade loses all her legs in a tragic accident
>straps rollerskates to her belly to get around

>> No.13244600


Something to help lamia shedding their skin before they get a boyfriend/husband.

this video

>> No.13244601


but does she understand understand the concept of love?

>> No.13244603

Aside from the obvious what mg has no one waifu'd?

>> No.13244605

>Oni getting her name and her husband's name carved into her horn like a tree
Kinda sweet.

>> No.13244608

No one has waifu'd a manticore by choice, that's for certain.

>> No.13244611

Their Best Friend

>> No.13244613

I don't think I've ever seen anyone in this thread talk about slug girls.

>> No.13244617


>> No.13244618


Arch imp

I also don't think Dryads are mentioned too much.

>> No.13244620

Pot Devil
Leanan sidhe
Arch Imps
fairies in general really, needs more fairy love

I really want to make a yandere leanan story but I haven't a clue how to go about it.

>> No.13244622


>> No.13244624

I'm pretty sure that is incorrect. Someone was talking very highly about bear girls the other day. They do have some charm, too.

>> No.13244625

>Leanan sidhe
>who is wandering scholar

>> No.13244629

Not a lot of talk about golems. Damn shame, they're the closest thing we've got to gynoids right now.

>> No.13244630

She could paint pictures of what her target does during his day in place of using a camera.
And drawings of him and her together to leave all around his house.
And paintings of what'll happen to those SLUTS if they don't stop flirting with him.

>> No.13244637

Living Dolls.

>> No.13244644

Well considering BB's new levelup gal, I think that changed many people's tones.

>> No.13244648

Doll-chan is the newest hotness, but I've seen the Shinki crowd post about living dolls even before.

>> No.13244652

Didn't we also have a writefag "contest" some time ago that starred living dolls?

>> No.13244655

No idea, I don't pay attention to Bob's little cult.

>> No.13244672


Whatever could KC be going on about?
Though I bought Nindori for Pokemon trainer Taizen, I did have continued still series of Forbidden Magna. While Gabriele of the last round Memorial illustrations pulled at a maid of chest finger, tongue A tongue ... After all this daughter, I'm Slut!

>> No.13244677

He's a slut for a pokemon trainer he read about in a hentai mag?

>> No.13244679
File: 696 KB, 1000x1471, My girlfriend is getting flustered, and all I'm doing is eating rice..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After all this daughter, I'm Slut!
My sides

>> No.13244680

That could explain how close the wisp is to a certain pokemon trainer.

>> No.13244682


Anon, all Slaanesh daemons have a 50/50 shot of being both genders. It's like a Russian Roulette, but with shame.

>> No.13244688

Ain't gay if balls don't touch

>> No.13244689

>That comic
That Lizard is a 20/10 qt3.14

But anyway, given how GT works, and my straggling knowledge of Japanese...I think it might be saying "Next girl's gonna be pretty slutty". Though going by MGE, probably just "Slutty" in the sense of "Sexually provocative"...

Though that doesn't really mesh with the whole Pokemon bit, so what do I know?

>> No.13244693

Maybe it just means that she'll be another version of a fairy?

He might be using pokemon by its literal Japanese meaning of pocket monster.

>> No.13244694
File: 221 KB, 990x1080, cc5c97785e2b88ba05ac1bc5f341ddd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey! Wake up! Your baptism's in fifteen minutes... Don't tell me you forgot something this important! We're supposed to be heroes now...
>I can't believe they're sending rookies like us on the journey to the Monster Lord's castle... Doesn't that seem kind of scary to you? I guess I scored pretty highly in class, but still... We're gonna have to work together on this one, okay?
>I don't get it. Do some guys actually like harpies? Maybe it's that syndrome where you fall in love with your captors or something... Hey, are you listening to me?!
>Gueh... My side still hurts from where that lizardgirl pushed me down... Eh?! N-No, it's alright, there's no need for you to look at it! It's just bruised, that's all! U-Uah.. It's just.. Kind of in an embarrassing place, that's all...
>Blech! It's really raining out there! To be honest, I was always kind of afraid of thunderstorms.. But since you're around to keep me company, it's not so bad. There's no way I could sleep in a cave during a thunderstorm like this otherwise, ahahaha!
>What's with you lately..? I don't like hurting them either, but at least we only seal them now...Besides, they ARE monsters, you know?
>You can't just keep letting them go! What if they attacked someone?! We're supposed to be heroes! Just because they say they're nice doesn't mean they are! How are you gonna explain letting monsters run loose when we get home?!
>I can't believe they actually live alongside monsters in this town... We should keep our guard up until- Huh? Hey, where are you going? The castle's this way, right? We don't have time to take any detours, we might run into a monster!
>You're... Leaving? Why? We're only a couple of weeks from the castle now... We've come so far, we can't just get scared and quit now! Huh? Well if you're not scared, why are you giving up...?
>Wh-Whaaaat?! You can't be serious! With a monster?! W-Well, sure, she healed us, but still!
>Hey.. Hey, wait! You're really leaving?! But-!
>...But, what about me...?

>> No.13244696

He bought Nintendo Dream magazine for a Pokemon trainer encyclopedia, where there was a story about a girl who [licked her lips and fingered her own boobs?] in a maid costume. That girl is really a slut, after all!

Something to that effect.

>> No.13244697
File: 140 KB, 378x600, Amazoness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13244698

>Posting pasta
Come on dude, at least write something new.

>> No.13244699


Supposedly getting hit by a monster weapon corrupts you. But even if she wasn't then, the Ushi Oni in that cave she's sleeping in will fix that.

>> No.13244701


>> No.13244702

I just cant like women with short hair

I dunno why, its just not my cup of tea I guess

>> No.13244703

No, that's pretty plain. He said "Pokemon Trainer" in katakana.

That makes sense.

I remember this one. I remember that the Childhood Friend made a comeback. Maybe. Might've just been someone else's vanillaification.

>> No.13244705

Have any of these been translated?

>> No.13244706

Hey I remember that story.
Now I get to save it, thanks a ton.

well, different strokes to people, you gotta be careful with short hair, do it a weird way and you look like a fucking ugly dyke or with that awful pink one-side mohawk thing

>> No.13244708

Go to the hardware store, find a lost looking lamb there.

>> No.13244724

The Tyrone of the monstergirl world.

>> No.13244732
File: 443 KB, 591x591, fbc12bbffd6c2355511d9375c32f8aae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Childhood friends never win.

>> No.13244748

I feel like the eyes should be more open
you know, because adderal is a study drug

>> No.13244754

I basically just implied that if you want you can imagine she turned into an Anubis at the end, really.

I think this is the first time someone's asked me for MORE childhood friend NTR.

>> No.13244784

>I basically just implied that if you want you can imagine she turned into an Anubis at the end, really.
>Anubis at the end
Now, see, I thought that was how it went. I refrained from saying so earlier though because I thought that my memory might have been tricking me since I'm such an Anubi-maniac.

Anubis best girl though, so that's best route.

>> No.13244791

It just seemed to fit her slightly bossy yet concerned "You can't take care of yourself so I have to do it" persona best, really. I also like Anubis myself, so.

>> No.13244810

Not necessarily that, just that posting pasta and tacking an image on without adding anything is just that, pasta.

>> No.13244813


>> No.13244828

But anonymous, this time the picture was coloured!
I'm not depressed enough to write anything like that at the moment anyway.

>> No.13244838
File: 177 KB, 1857x1020, Change for Love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was bored, so I went and snagged this.

>> No.13244848

What would you give up for a single night with your monsterfu?

>> No.13244849

Nobody denied that it was pasta

>> No.13244854

The passage of time on our bodies so we never get old and the single night never technically ends. Loopholes, haha!

>> No.13244859

Straight up? Anything, short of my life or something in that league. Means nothing if I have no ability to process that it even happened for the rest of my life.

If I'm being a smartass, she is a Lich so I would give up even my life if it were assured she would take my soul.

>> No.13244861

Hrm? Of course not. It's just like one anon said. Didn't save it before, so I copied the text that just got pasta'd, looked it up, and then screencapped the original. Just so I'd have it. And then I posted it here in case anybody else wanted it.

>> No.13244865

>You will never have an idol group of Werewolves/Anubi/Hellhounds/Kikimory to dance and sing for you

>> No.13244878

What would this marvelous group be called?

>> No.13244884

The Big Bad Wolves?
Puppy Love?
Hire Charon to come up with a name.

>> No.13244936

9 Obviously...

>> No.13244941

>Kikimora who dresses properly out in public
>At home alone with her master it's nothing but impossibly short cutoff jeans and tank tops

>> No.13244947

Hmm, I think it would depend on the type of group they were.

Puppy Love would be good for an idol group I'd say.

>> No.13244948

It works for an idol group, yes.

>> No.13244976
File: 210 KB, 994x1321, 1294101347209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Go to Puppy Love concert
> after the show an Oni security guard grabs you by the collar
> ohshithowcanIhelpyoumaam
> "Can you come with me please, Sir? And no, it's not really a question"
> The fuck
> You're bundled into the dressing room and forcibly sat down in a chair
> The idols come in, all worked up and frisky after their gig
> "Oh, look, somebody brought us a doggy-treat..."
> You spend all night giving belly rubs

>> No.13244977
File: 42 KB, 256x256, Pretty pretty bird coming to a game store near you soon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to long now...

>> No.13244978
File: 298 KB, 600x861, troll2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13244981


I want to till that soil.

>> No.13244989

I wish.

>> No.13244995

That went in a way different direction than expected. Would they let me get their autograph

>> No.13244998

It's actually estimated to release in April.

I think. Moonrunes are hard.

>> No.13245000

Just what is it anyway.

>> No.13245009

You'd walk away with pawprints all over your clothes, is that close enough?

>> No.13245012

It's basically Angry Birds: Porn / RPG Edition where human characters can be bred with various enemies to create monster girls.

Said monster girls can then breed with whatever was their base enemy was like Harpy x Eagle.


Honestly it's easier to just play it to know what I mean. No idea where the dude plans to go with it but it's technically only Monster Girl x Monster / Bestiality right now.

Off putting for Paladins and a few other people certainly but it's actually pretty fucking fun to play.

>> No.13245014

Is it free? Will there be an anon to remind everyone of its release?

>> No.13245016

Not free, but good free trial.

I'll probably remind people it exists once it releases / find a free link to hand out.

>> No.13245020

Just how do I even download the trial? I see some sort of captcha but no matter what I type it doesn't work, even if I get it dead right.

>> No.13245023

ankokukyo is the password, put it in the top box.

Bottom box is the Japanese captcha thing.

>> No.13245025


>> No.13245031

I shouldn't have to say it but uhh...

You can unequip armor in one of the screens. You know. For reasons.

>> No.13245035


>> No.13245047

Lamia shedding center. Male employees only.

Highest turnover rates in MGC.

>> No.13245104
File: 210 KB, 910x985, FROGLEGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna go to gamestop and browse some 3DS games.

Anyone want to come with me? Or suggest something to get?

>> No.13245112

It's a game where you play a human boy who has to cross a busy sidewalk in New Orleans without getting raped by one of the Cajun frogs

>> No.13245114

I want to marry a paladin of Hathor after a chaste and respectful courtship.

>> No.13245119

Why is that girl's wide-eyed innocent face so appealing? It makes me want to irrumate her.

>> No.13245133
File: 234 KB, 500x711, 046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, about the latest Gate chapter

>> No.13245134
File: 203 KB, 810x960, 1425658324597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like giant monster girls and I don't give a fuck if you hate them.

>> No.13245138

Not even a Dragongirl can redeem this for me.

>> No.13245139

I see they got the PLOT moving.

>> No.13245144

Out of all the monster girl manga running it's probably the worst. At least the designs are nice.

>> No.13245148
File: 1.53 MB, 864x990, 1425610308512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also like strong monster girls and think they are cute.

>> No.13245149

muscles are nice

>> No.13245151
File: 518 KB, 1000x960, 1425659238999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muscles are great, but I like them doing strong stuff. Even if they don't look like they should be able to, like a baphomet.

>> No.13245154

What about a baphomet with toned abs and slight arm muscles?
>Hey Onii-chan, wanna arm wrestle?

>> No.13245159

Loli ain't really my thing but that's aite. I remember someone making posts about a normal looking kikimora that was superman strong - that's the kind of stuff I like. She'd casually lift couches, bookshelves and cars to clean under them or do other mundane tasks in extraordinary ways.

>> No.13245164

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.13245167
File: 833 KB, 2048x1536, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cute monstergirls doing strong things is great.

Also I share your love of giant girls.

>> No.13245168

eh, your loss

Giselle, apostle of Hardy

>> No.13245169

>yandere leanan sidhe

>"Oh, you're awake. I was just drawing your cute sleeping face~"
>The room is completely black. The only thing that you see are delicate hands were sketching over a canvas, illuminated by a soft orange glow.

>"Are you wondering what this is? Well that's a surprise that you'll have to wait for~"
>You feel a burning sensation across your wrists and ankles. Rope. The burning sensation increased as you squirmed more and more under the sharp waves of pain.

>"I know you can't wait to embrace me, but you have to be patient for your surprise!"
>She turns the chair along with you.
>"Are you ready?"
>She giggles as she her hands explores your fingers.
>"I've been waiting so long for this...."

>A switch. Then blinding white. Colors begin to pick up slowly as your mind rearranges it self.
>Red. A canvas of red. Crimson littered with porcelain white. A impossibly beautiful painting. You began to feel nauseous.

>"Do you like it? I poured all my passion into this! This is the manifestation of my love to you! But you're the most beautiful artwork of them all... BUT THOSE WHORES TRIED TO RUIN IT WITH THEIR FILTH! So... I used their help with this painting."
>A painting of your face... So eerily accurate and with her, in a red wedding gown walking along a blossom of red scales...
>"So darling.... Do you like your surprise?"

End. Might continue of others want more

>> No.13245175

>those pubes

>> No.13245178

>setting the drag on your rod high enough to pull you in with it
>in a world where the seas are full of rapists
Gagging for it.

>> No.13245179
File: 243 KB, 600x600, gazer5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never pat a gazer's head

>> No.13245183

>you will never catch your gazer daughteru peeking into your bedroom with one stalk as you pound her mother like an animal

>> No.13245193

I can imagine her being a smug little shit about it too with that shark toothed grin of hers.

>> No.13245197

If a bapho with 0 muscle mass is stronger than almost any other MG, how much stronger is one with actual muscles?

>> No.13245202

Strong enough to Swing a Wurm around like Bowser.

>> No.13245208

Too bad wurms are invincible
>Bapho does this to wurm
>Wurm thinks it's a game
>Asks bapho to do it again afterwards

>> No.13245220

invincible to physical type damage anon

>> No.13245222

Just bondage? No finding that we ourselves are missing limbs?
Well, that's just darling then. I love yanderes, and those who have learned to express it in a positive outlet like art are to be admired!
8/10 would flirt with random women just to see what art they ended up as.

>> No.13245223

>She keeps coming back clapping and hopping up and down with excitement
>"Again, again!"
>The Baphomet gets so annoyed she gut punches a near by Cait Sith

>> No.13245224

Explosions aren't magic

>> No.13245225

Remove the part about the furry and this would be worth getting drawn.

>> No.13245228

nevver said anthing about explosions

>> No.13245231

I've always found Harpies more appealing with cowtits and big asses.

>> No.13245232

I'd love to get stranded on a tropical paradise island with a Holst for a week or two.

>> No.13245237


>Pandering to Ecchi

For fuck's sake, it's happening AGAIN

>> No.13245238
File: 95 KB, 692x804, Rajyaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems the nighttime muscle appreciation bros are around, so I present a love story better than Twilight.
A youtube link isn't as good as a greentext, but I think you'll enjoy it all the same.

>> No.13245240

I know I'm 8 hours late, but was that ever pastebinned?

>> No.13245248
File: 89 KB, 673x900, 1403394476235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, wanna go gissome bling for da hoard, ya nah wha I mean?

>> No.13245258
File: 80 KB, 640x430, 163242_1178162996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga did I just catch you posting a strong-ass Oni?

I approve.

>> No.13245259

I don't speak jive.

>> No.13245260

Haters be hatin', but Dragons be keeping it real in da hoard.

>> No.13245272
File: 1.66 MB, 1182x1920, Tancore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more tanned Manticore, either in drawfaggotry or writefaggotry

>> No.13245274
File: 149 KB, 850x600, 1383964429293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I said Philosowurm is finished, but I did skip all the sexy times. Should I remedy that?

>> No.13245275

>There once was a lion with the face of a man.
>It sucked.
>The end.

>> No.13245277

They are from areas where they should be brown, yes.

>> No.13245283

Fuck no, who wants Wurm lewd anyway? Seriously, do you need to ask?

>> No.13245288

Not Wurm lewd, I meant the elderly Kiki, the eight Satyrs and the two Lamias.

>> No.13245289
File: 655 KB, 810x1080, eff89214ff6b845cfea13c299f58d439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best boss.

>> No.13245301


Absolute love.

Especially after you defeat her and she acts all cute.

>> No.13245310

Muscly girls are pretty cute.

>> No.13245315


You're no fun, Anon.

>> No.13245321

I'll add some Manticores into one of my stories eventually. They'll be used as like, guard dogs for someone very important, powerful, beautiful, and purple.

>> No.13245332
File: 189 KB, 800x600, 1396769124566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shhh, Anon you can't just go around saying that about muscular monstergirls. They're often shy and insecure.

>> No.13245336

I've been hoping for that since Megan first showed up.

>> No.13245340


Why not? What are they gonna do, punch me? They're too cute to act violent.

>> No.13245342
File: 259 KB, 900x800, 1426791786097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW try to write about Manticores
>TFW feeling burnt out on them, since no matter what it involves tailpussy
>TFW try not to lose way
>TFW fail
>TFW curl into ball
>TFW procrastinate even more than before

>> No.13245345

Anon, those are scalies, not monstergirls.

>> No.13245346
File: 860 KB, 1200x1000, 1393320915809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of them take it better than others.
That's the reason I wrote her. Then I chickened out because I'm no good at smut.

>> No.13245355
File: 26 KB, 500x375, 242941_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Quote from man punched.

>> No.13245356

>Megan curtsied, lifting her dress up to her waist and revealing she was wearing nothing under it.
And then nothing!
Don't do this to me, Alp.

>> No.13245357


Shit, that's what I get for being nice.

>> No.13245361

>And then nothing!
There was a kiss... and then nothing.
>Don't do this to me
That's why I asked people if I should!

>> No.13245377
File: 370 KB, 813x813, What the fuck do you wigwams think you're doing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What'cha doing nerds?

>> No.13245382

Procrastinating after realizing I have work to do. I'll probably have to read lots of nukige to get into the mood for writing all the smut that I need to write.

>> No.13245383
File: 292 KB, 1118x1157, 46594937_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love that girl.

>> No.13245389

Listening to vidya OST.

>> No.13245390

Something good?

>> No.13245395
File: 339 KB, 1061x1500, 1392777431591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More muscle love is always good.

>> No.13245397

Eh, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z65Jn-DsLs8
It's mostly this and the Honoo no Kokuin ost.

>> No.13245401

Never heard of it. Carry on.

>> No.13245405


Procrastinating from writing since I can't think of any scenarios where it isn't horribly contrived, playing Bloodborne, trying to not make stupid pimp cane parallels between the whip cane weapon and real life corner hustlers.

>> No.13245410
File: 373 KB, 750x1000, 1359963877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hey Shrimp, you look like you need something to eat. I guess you're lucky I came around. Help you get those gains. We can talk about how you'll repay my kindness later."

>> No.13245412

With money, of course.

>> No.13245416

>Carry on
Have a listen, it's composed by the guy behind the NieR and Yuki Yuuna ost's.

>> No.13245417

>Pinhead syndrome

>> No.13245430

>TFW Diablo-tan

>> No.13245432


"P-Pinhead!? You making fun of my horns!?"

>> No.13245434
File: 218 KB, 1072x745, The_Earth_Trembles_by_Ragathol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's not by him, but there are still some serious Spidu/Ragathol vibes coming from that.
Dem faces.

>> No.13245436


>> No.13245442 [SPOILER] 
File: 317 KB, 1700x1202, 1427639664559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't act like you don't want to be belittled and snu-snu'd summarily by the Lady of Terror.

>> No.13245450

I've never played Diablo, but I wouldn't mind more femdom stuff.

>> No.13245452
File: 278 KB, 900x1200, 784873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like them doing strong stuff
Fuck yeah.

>> No.13245455


harass ovaries then to stop being such a waste of flesh

>> No.13245458

Dat everything. Desire to breed with intensifies.

>> No.13245459
File: 41 KB, 260x391, 1404437704345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing MGQ:P, wondering how to unlock the race upgrade to become more than human

>> No.13245460
File: 119 KB, 900x600, Dogscape 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dem censors
I'm getting dogscape flashbacks

>> No.13245470


>> No.13245476


What the fuck? Hathor has Paladins?

>> No.13245478

You were a dog once! A dog!!

>> No.13245480

Mooquisition approves.

>> No.13245484

Doesn't every god have a paladin somewhere?
It'd be like being a Paladin of Slaughter or Paladin of Tyranny in D&D. You aren't quite a Blackguard, more like a regular pally with really warped morals.
I imagine that paladins of Hathor would have the most gloriously oversized boob-plate.
Think Smough but only in the chest.

>> No.13245499
File: 3.14 MB, 3543x2480, 1426827417410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Armored Minotaurs/Hostaurs, Ushi-oni, and other rag-tag Hathorite monstergirls would look cool.

>> No.13245501


>> No.13245502

Shame that stuff is so rare. In fact, I think that's the only artist that draws that stuff.

>> No.13245515

>you will never put a saddle on your waifus massive ass and have her carry you through town to impress the common folk

>> No.13245521

With a choir of Sirens and Moths singing a version of Prince Ali with your name?

>> No.13245527

>TFW can't write femdom for dick

>> No.13245529

Would you like some help? I've been into femdom since I saw that Flash Gordon cartoon when I was five or six.

>> No.13245530


Stop tempting me you demon! You can't even decide whether you're a spider or a cow!

>> No.13245535

She's half cow, half spider, and half woman.

>> No.13245537

>There was a kiss... and then nothing.
Exactly! There is a lewd mature Kiki and you're not making use of her besides some teasing.
Also those eight Satyrs.

Come on, Alp, get motivated. I know you can do it.

>> No.13245539

And all love.

>> No.13245540

I will, I will. I'll make it my anniversary thingie. By Friday it will be done. Promise. An Alp's promise. Which usually doesn't hold. But there it is.

>> No.13245543

Actually, I think she's more half woman, half spider and half cow.

>> No.13245544

Your post made me laugh really hard.

>> No.13245545

No, she's half spider, half cow and half woman. Spidercow-woman.

>> No.13245552

You mean one third woman, one third cow and one third spider.

>> No.13245553


No, no, no, she's half woman, half spidercow.

>> No.13245556

I'm serious. Dat Princess Aura turned me into the pervert I am, with her bikini and riding crop.
No. I'm super cereal.

>> No.13245558
File: 1.62 MB, 2000x2500, zZRXOuW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me. Anyone have the colored version of this?

>> No.13245559
File: 144 KB, 960x540, I Told You She's Real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13245560

Your moms house.

>> No.13245561

Thank you Al Gore! Excelsior!

>> No.13245562

One of those choose-your-MG-adventuring party had a hobgoblin as the strongest MG, even stronger than a giantess and wurm
>No shortstack hobgoblin that can lift a mountain and toss it into space

>> No.13245564


>Cue the Imaginationland scene with Kurt Russel.

>> No.13245565
File: 943 KB, 1414x2000, 1426185518872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/3 spider, 1/3 cow, 1/3 woman.

All lovable rapetrain.

>> No.13245566

As long as we don't have to sing the song to get there...

>> No.13245568

Here you go

>> No.13245570


>> No.13245572

Awesome, thanks.

>> No.13245574

I like cowspiders.

>> No.13245576
File: 131 KB, 741x1200, 1392538536717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13245578

Cowspiders can be very cute, especially when they're childhood friends.

>> No.13245584

...Are you gonna rape us?

>> No.13245589

That's right, lovable cowspiders.

>> No.13245590

>being racist
>on the internet

>> No.13245592

>An Alp's promise.
Not filling me with confidence here, but I'll wait. Just like I wait for more sea slime and creepy-crawly.

>> No.13245594


Got the uncensored one?

>> No.13245598


>> No.13245601

Just reverse image search it.

>> No.13245602

I'm doing the best I can be bothered to do!

>> No.13245611

Oh, alright then.

>> No.13245622


I'm the Anon who made that censored version. Just now reverse image searched it for fun.

Got the uncensored version along with some Superman pictures.

I laughed, thanks for that.

>> No.13245626


Not sure I can trust anybody from the threads.

>> No.13245627
File: 562 KB, 3103x2460, oTmuemf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




Call the cops I don't give a fuck.

>> No.13245634

Something makes me want to stumble into these girls shitfaced and behave all annoying and overly familiar just to see what are they gonna do.
Maybe I'll even try to pull up the red one, she's the scariest.

>> No.13245638

Why not? I'm totally writing a story about tender loving femdom. Totally. One day.

>> No.13245644

I hope you get haunted, and not by a cute ghost girl, but by an ugly-ass spooky ghost.

>> No.13245646

God dammit, Alp's procrastinations is contagious.

>> No.13245648

No anon. I am Alp.

>> No.13245652

No. I am Alp.

>> No.13245653

Goddammit Alp.

>> No.13245658

Get back to writing, Alp. Don't make me get the spray bottle.

>> No.13245662


>> No.13245666

Spartacus please.
Not today. Today I get used to daylight savings time. Fucking hate it.

>> No.13245668

No, John, you are the Alp.

>> No.13245671

>He says that Alp was in the docks, sucking off many men.
>Who is "Alp"?
>Keyser Söze!

>> No.13245676

>believing in ghosts

>> No.13245681


Because usually when I listen to people from the thread they still regale me with wanting me to die and calling me various forms of faggot

>> No.13245682

>not believing in ghosts
You know what happens to the skeptic in the horror movies, right?

>> No.13245684

Bollocks pls.

>> No.13245685

I get that more than you, don't be a pansy.

>> No.13245690

You know life isn't a movie?

>> No.13245691
File: 636 KB, 728x1033, The Cow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touch the cow. Do it now!

>> No.13245692

Have you considered that you might in fact be a faggot? I've had some people grumble when I touch upon unpopular fetishes, but nobody's ever attacked my character.

>> No.13245696

This one was hilarious.

>> No.13245700

A time for our hero to grow as a person.

>> No.13245702


Alp pls


Not him but okay

>> No.13245713

Bob, stop.

>> No.13245724

Quick, think of your 3 favourite monster girls. You now have to attend a drinking party with the 3 of them, how does it turn out?

>> No.13245725
File: 457 KB, 754x1200, img000016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Large cows are best cows.

>> No.13245727

Winners don't drink alcohol.

>> No.13245729

>one of them is Oni
Well, looks like two girls will pass out before midnight and the third will molest my unconscious form until sunrise.

>> No.13245731


I'm not Bob either

>> No.13245741

I embarrass myself with retarded behavior before falling asleep since drinking for the first time.

>> No.13245751


Now what the hell have I done to be called a faggot outside of write about MGs that I like, Anon.

>> No.13245760

Holstaur passes out early, Troll starts crying about her hands and feet, Yeti gets very amorous.

>> No.13245763

>Oomukade, Weresheep and Gazer
Weresheep are drowsy enough without alcohol and the other two don't strike me as the type to have high tolerance. I'm probably getting out with my pelvis intact.

>> No.13245769


>> No.13245780


>I embarrass myself with retarded behavior before falling asleep since drinking

Ha! That's what I do in these threads!

>> No.13245783
File: 244 KB, 900x822, 1414274458371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh! Your waifu just made a Sabbath Priest really angry, and placed a curse on her! What curse takes affect? Roll a D20 on a website or whatever and see for yourself!


>IF 1-6
It's the standard you'd expect from a Sabbath curse, your waifu now becomes a flat Loli, and suddenly has a fetish for calling you Onii-chan. And, just to add insult to injury, your daughteru is now years old, and exudes that "Ara Ara" MILF aura, with hips so wide they could knock you down. How does your family fair?

>IF 7-13
The curse has an unintended effect, and your waifu begins gaining weight each night, until the fifth where she ends up at Fatpophis levels. And without magic from the same girl who cast the curse, the weight isn't going away from exercise. How do you and your waifu cope?

>IF 14-19
Your waifu turns into the opposite Monster Girl she'd be personality-wise. If you have a mute quiet Mantis, she'll turn into a towering Red Oni. If you have a proud dragon, she'll turn into an awkward Oomukade, and so on. How does your family fair?

>IF 20
You have the worst luck in the world and you swap bodies with your waifu. At least you didn't Alp though!

What do you get, and what are the effects? How do you, your waifu, and daughteru cope? If you wish to reverse the curse, then you'll need to know that only the Sabbath Priest that cast it can reverse it. So, roll a D20 again to see if you find her.

>IF 1-5
Takes only a week to find her and the curse is reversed.

>IF 6-10
Takes 2 Months to find her and the curse is reversed.

>IF 11-15
Takes 2 Years to find her and the curse is reversed.

>IF 16-20
You find her a week into your search, dead in a gutter due to not paying her Tanuki Bills. The curse cannot be reversed now and is permanent.

Rev up those dice and tell me how it all turns out for you!

>> No.13245786
File: 270 KB, 600x600, 0810693b37d6632c02aeb200f926a08a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember, it's not shitposting if you're drunk.

>> No.13245789

>Oomukade turns into a dragon
>Still shy and won't make eye contact with people
I'd probably leave it up to her if she wanted to reverse it or not, she might have fun with her new found strength.

>> No.13245790

>bodyswap with an Oni for a week
Not that bad, really. I just hope she doesn't ruin my liver before we find that loli hussy.

>> No.13245791

>Bawling her eyes out how no man will want a wife with hands bigger than his head
>Remembers that time she was at the movies and someone told her to sit on her hands because they couldn't see the screen

>> No.13245792
File: 131 KB, 402x500, Maniatis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your waifu turns into the opposite Monster Girl she'd be personality-wise. If you have a mute quiet Mantis, she'll turn into a towering Red Oni.

>> No.13245797

I'd defiantly be trying to comfort her while also trying to avoid being raped by the yeti for the time being, also worry when the Holstaur wakes up what she's going to do.

>> No.13245798
File: 670 KB, 800x1120, 1416790876286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to find you and I'm going to kill you, Anon.

>> No.13245799

Oh wait, so she'd change her body too, not just personality?
Then nah.
>How does your family fair?
It's a 2 year imprisonment, but I'll make it through for her.

>> No.13245802

Damn, I thought she had a breastplate on for a while there. Paladin monmusus are my fetish.

>> No.13245803

I just get Hathor to remove the curse.

>> No.13245806

Hathor tells you she can't because it's from a Level 78 Sabbath Priest and it can only be removed using the original Priest's magic. Don't cheat faggot.

>> No.13245812

Fuck you she's a god, she can do whatever she wants.

>> No.13245814

>Gods can do whatever they want
That only works in Abrahamic religions, in most others a God's power isn't completely omnipotent. Learn mythology.

>> No.13245817

She's a timid god who is easily bullied by other such beings. What if she's all tied up and getting molested by Ammy while you're praying for her help?

>> No.13245819

>implying I give a shit
Don't try to bring real world mythology into fetish mythology.

>> No.13245823
File: 1.13 MB, 2000x3500, Arachnotaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arachnotaur could reverse that curse and do a fancy spider mating dance at the same time!

Hathor is small time!

>> No.13245829

Then that would imply Ammy is a shit for not letting Hathor help her dedicated followers in their time of need. And we both know that that's not true.
Your cult holds no power, if you want to convert though you may.

>> No.13245834

Barometz go from Gentle and Cuddley to Cruel loners, they also probably wonder why I look sad so often now. Luckily it only takes a week to find and reverse this

>> No.13245835


At your service?

>> No.13245837

>Crow Tengu
we'd all probably end up lightweights.

>> No.13245840

>loli tengu wife
>ara ara tengu daughter
Time to go on a quest to put a goat in a headlock till she fixes it.

>> No.13245841

So how long does it take to save her? inb4 "Forever"

>> No.13245844

two months.
one month and 3 weeks for headlocking classes and perpetual forgetfulness

>> No.13245845
File: 287 KB, 600x600, I Shiggy Sake Doo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reminds me of someone.

>> No.13245858

>Holst waifu
First roll: 1; second roll: 2 months
I think I'll be fine.

>> No.13245875

you pretty much just get an oppai loli since Baphos can't handle holsty tits.

>> No.13245876
File: 145 KB, 689x1000, ItsProbablyLupus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ded thread? Maybe she can help.

Had to basically redo the magic effect, hence it's shittiness.

>> No.13245878


And fuck all that is holy I'm never rolling shit in this shit thread again

>> No.13245880

I'd steal the key to her pouting chamber and make sure she never missed it.

>> No.13245882


She looks intimidating.

>> No.13245883

The Lich has very wide hips.

>> No.13245884

>Crap multiple races I like uuuuuuh, ROLL IT
>Wyvern, Sweet!
>7, Oh, well. Daugheru is fine at least and waifu probably still likes cuddles although flying may be a bit more difficult. Maybe we can remove i-
And that is when the curse of my writing returned to haunt me. Whatever, I can still cuddle her and she is still my waifu, even if she looks like she ate a truck

>> No.13245887

I'd that lich.

>> No.13245888

Fear boner achieved?

>> No.13245891


Not really.

>> No.13245892


>> No.13245896

That's probably for the best.

>> No.13245901

They're for giving unnatural birth, anon. You should drown her cold, dead uterus in enough semen to spark spontaneous life.

>> No.13245903

So, how tall do you think liches are?
Regular human size

>> No.13245904

Hey, more cushion for the pushin right? And cuddling too!

>> No.13245908

>Regular human size
That would be my guess.

>> No.13245909
File: 1.10 MB, 1061x1500, 1426768176612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally, since a Lich daughteru would be adorable.

>> No.13245912

Moody pregnant Lich when?

>> No.13245919

>yeti rape
But it's just hugs and cuddles, she doesn't want to rape r-right?

>> No.13245920

She will hug and cuddle your dick with her vagina, yes.

>> No.13245921

That there is, she's still my waifu, thick or thin.
Head pat and belly rub time.

I want to sit a shortstack lich in my lap and ruffle her hair

>> No.13245924


I remember that one guy who dreamt about hugging his Lich daughteru

>> No.13245926

"Wide hips for easy birth".
-Every russian mother

>> No.13245927

>"I demand strawberries! Husband, acquire strawberries!"
>"But honey, there's nothing but wasteland for hundreds of miles around the tower!"
>"I said strawberries!"

>> No.13245928

I'm smart enough not to shitpost in /mgt/ while drunk, I usually go to /csgog/ instead because they're too easy

>> No.13245933
File: 25 KB, 600x629, 1424540836169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13245936

>"Get over here and hug my fluff tunnel, you can't stop me"
>"I know you're looking at my snuggle lumps"

>> No.13245942

Eh, I'll take normal size myself.

>> No.13245955

What? You don't like shortstack?
Let me tell you why your taste is perfectly fine, we all don't need to like the same things.

>> No.13245958

I'll keep this in mind.

>> No.13245974

Just realized there isn't anything stipulating I can't put some muscle on her. Bearmode wyvern here I come!

>> No.13245976
File: 96 KB, 550x590, 1427562165378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while you go on quest to find strawberries she has wild gangbangs with real baby fathers

>> No.13245982

I look forward to it

>> No.13245986

You suck.

>> No.13245987
File: 189 KB, 294x282, 1420446667010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Strongfat Monster Girls
Perfect for cuddling and protecting you

>> No.13245992

Oh you

>> No.13245997

Bob we know you're a cuck but please.

>> No.13245998
File: 1.99 MB, 400x256, 1426954934456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, you reposted the same image while referencing NTR as you always do.

My typing style totally doesn't convey sarcasm or anything.

>> No.13246003

That it is. This result isn't as bad as I initially thought

>> No.13246018
File: 281 KB, 500x645, mari.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, you guys want a good joke?

Human Boy rights.

>> No.13246022

You'd make a nice chair, you know that?
You can keep Cathy company as well.

>> No.13246023

Telling the same jokes over and over makes them lose their humor,

>> No.13246026

And it's only for 2 months

>> No.13246029

You should find a new schtick.

>> No.13246031

Alcohol does funny things to her body, she was already hot enough to cook an egg on her abs, she just wants to share the warmth.

>> No.13246033

Great now I'm just imagining a yeti cracking an egg over her stomach and cooking it while keeping her eyes locked with yours seductively.

>> No.13246036

>Heeeeey anooooon, your looking....looking kinda cool there...l-lemme warm you up...I mean...I'm soooooo hot.

>> No.13246039

Alright, how about this one

A human boy went to a job interview, and after a long interview with the Amazon Manager, guess what she said?

"What are you doing out of the kitchen?"

>> No.13246041

And they he responded by say

>The probably the same reason your mouth isn't on my dick

>> No.13246044

Step one: Lick abs and gain protein
Step two: Give protein back to seductive Yeti
Step three: Profit
>Takes you outside in the cold so that she can cool down faster
>But also so that you have to cuddle fuck her even more for warmth
Down boner, I already fapped twice yesterday.

>> No.13246045

>I like ya kid, you've got yourself an under-the-desk-job!

>> No.13246056
File: 1.30 MB, 1400x1980, 3c7da03778282e9944f2e94651f60754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Line 43
>School Annex

Occult Anubis strikes for the first time.

>> No.13246057
File: 128 KB, 858x800, 1425181697224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twice yesterday
Fapping three times a day is not uncommon for a healthy young man.

>> No.13246058

>Occult Anubis
This is getting curiouser and curiouser.

>> No.13246059

Fapping loses its charm after a while, also not fapping for a long time makes the eventual fap bigger and better. Trust me if I had a monster girl I wouldn't stop cumming in her, but fapping just doesn't do it for me. Also fuck you for posting that picture.

>> No.13246060

I'm sorry, do you want me to delete it?

>> No.13246062
File: 807 KB, 636x900, Lady of Terror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do

>> No.13246064

Yetis should stay brown.

>> No.13246065


>> No.13246075
File: 447 KB, 1050x1050, 1417283716846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yetis should stay not made by Tomasu

>> No.13246081
File: 79 KB, 497x1024, 1423369657511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck you I want to pump Toumasu's Yeti full of my children.

>> No.13246086

Hey now, I actually like her and would cuddle fuck her as much as any KC yeti.
Muh nigga.

>> No.13246087


>> No.13246095


>> No.13246099


>> No.13246101

Is there a place where I can find all the pictures of her? I've tried several image sites and can't find anything by Toumasu.

>> No.13246103


>> No.13246104

Uh oh! Your monster girl daughteru is a bed wetter/inker, how do you make her feel better?

>> No.13246107

Play the accordion

>> No.13246108


You just don't understand.

I want to cuddlefuck Toumasu's Yeti until her body knows the taste of my seed, and her stomach is swelled with my pups. I want to speak to her in a language she can ill understand, taking huge whiffs of her musky smell and nuzzling my face into her neck fur.

I want to marry Toumasu's Yeti and bully her lovingly about how lewd of a body she has with giant hands and feet.

>> No.13246110

I love me some possessive monstergirls.

>> No.13246113

Tell her that its just a natural part of puberty and that she's going to have to start wearing absorbent bras.

>> No.13246116

I wonder if Yukiwarashi and Glacies freeze to the sheets when they wet the bed.

>> No.13246123

I'm sure you'll make some horrible looking children between you.

>> No.13246125

Oh yeah well at least my kids won't have ALS.
>you can't see me but I'm wishing Lou Gherigs disease in every one of your future kids.

>> No.13246129

Fuck off.

>> No.13246132

So anons, would you take part in a breeding program to help save (or at least increase the population of) rare monster girls types? (Dire MGs, Pygmy MGs, etc?)

may or may not make this the next Pick 3.

>> No.13246134

H*ck no.

>> No.13246139

What a man running away from a Monster Girl is thinking about?
"Am I not running too fast?"

What's a male rape victim?
A husband minus dish-washing mode.

>> No.13246140

Is that the beefplanet?

>> No.13246142

While I do possess superior genes, the answer is no.

>> No.13246144

Have fun with your ALS family!

>> No.13246149
File: 483 KB, 1200x1600, bc34f21758f6df7799fea005c551d001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pygmy Werecats
Extra cuddleable, extra tight, extra best.

>> No.13246152

Why not? You'd be given a waifu and told to make babies. They'd even help cover the costs of raising them.

>> No.13246153

Loving it, keep it up man

>> No.13246154
File: 822 KB, 1286x970, 1424224354984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's right Anon.

>Start talking to Touma-Yeti
>She can't even understand you
>She keeps fidgeting and huffing as you're fingering her quickly moistening slit, her face blossoming into a red haze of blush
>She's tighter than any human girl you've ever fucked
>She nearly topples off the cavern wall as you plunge your deepest into her
>Keep talking to her, she's staring at you like you're some kind of strange noisemaker
>All she understands is the bestial rutting that's happening, and the hot fleshy rod that's splitting her womanhood in twain as you ramrod your cock in and out of her
>Lean in and nibble her ears, she actually tries to escape a little, moaning in discomfort
>Grip her large, copius ass and keep jackhammering away
>Release your first load into her, the beastwoman is practically howling like a red light trollop
>Your thirst for her flesh still isn't satisfied
>Turn her over, pressing your glans to her sopping wet mess of white fur and female ejaculate
>Fuck her in missionary, she's moaning and huffing as her breasts bounce in rhythm to your thrusts
>Clasp her gargantuan hands in yours, kiss her while you continue to thrust
>You feel her large legs and feet wrap around your midriff, clearly she understands what's going on
>Release a final cataclysmic load into the sweltering hot and sticky walls of her pussy
>She's staring at you with one eye not obscured by her hair
>Hugs you close, the weak spurts of your climax finishing as you go flaccid
>The cold never reaches you
>She just whispers "ᓇᒡᓕᒋᕙᒋᑦ"

>> No.13246158

>given a waifu
Hold on there mate, I thought this was a "pump and dump" kind of deal.

>> No.13246163

No, this is the "Here's a waifu, have kids" type of deal.

>> No.13246167
File: 184 KB, 301x428, Werebat_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pygmy Werebat sounds adorable.

>> No.13246169

Then no, I will not be part of this.

>> No.13246175

I already had a boner from reading that, the I googled what that bit at the end said and my dick got harder.

>> No.13246176

I'll have a Dire Wurm please.

>> No.13246182

This is so fucking retarded.

>> No.13246188

>Pygmy Dragon
>Miniature Dragon that can be picked up and carried around, still acts like she's hot shit but can be embarrassed easily when you put her under your arm and carry her off.

>Pygmy werebat
>Sits on your shoulder's like a parrot at times, tiny and ultra shy. Squeaks when you pat her head.

>> No.13246189

I'd help them have enough offspring to fill a small village.

>> No.13246190

>getting your waifu "delivered" to you
>no actual love
>and making you get kids

so irresponsible i threw up

>> No.13246191
File: 149 KB, 600x600, Dragon Pup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Dragon sounds lovely.

>> No.13246192


>Getting a hard on from my brain farting

But that's haram

>> No.13246195

Could always have it stipulated that its pump and dump unless you want to keep her.

>> No.13246196

You know, it only just now occurs to me that, while a mark of shame in real life, in MGC, this would likely be a point of pride. It'd be like all those dating websites that advertise themselves with most successful dates and most resultant marriages.

>> No.13246197

I'd give that Werebat juice boxes and feed her grape fruits and everything.

>> No.13246201

>Walk outside with her, she grabs the back of your shirt and rides on you from there like a baby bat rides on its mother.

>> No.13246209

>Dragon Girl
I should start reading GATE.

>> No.13246211
File: 291 KB, 1000x1000, 1425732714638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be bully Chammie.

>> No.13246212

Can I help breed more snow leopard girls? Because I'd totally be into that. If not then pygmy were-cats seem good too.

>> No.13246213

>wanting to be the Monster Girl
Anon, no.

>> No.13246215

Aww nigga, I know it'll never get drawn, but it's nice to think up scenarios for it.

>> No.13246216

Sure, always need more of them, just like we need more siberian jinkos.

>> No.13246217

>still no healthy mode Cammy
I think he just flubbed his vocabulary a little.

>> No.13246218
File: 216 KB, 1731x1092, a5f8ca71a7aa69632fb7c58abda0bf1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would the Hexer be a Monster Girl? I mean, they're like Liches and Witches.

>> No.13246220

Just be prepared for NIPPON STRONK and you should be fine.

>> No.13246224

Why does she have the millenium chastity bra?

>> No.13246226

alp exists for a reason
some people want to be the little girl

>> No.13246227
File: 402 KB, 1504x1067, j004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not reading Gate already

>> No.13246230

You just reminded me of my juice box addiction. I was clean man, I was clean!

>> No.13246231

>humanity's finest

>> No.13246233

>not fapping for a long time makes the eventual fap bigger and better

Tried it last month, charm wasn't back.

>> No.13246234


>> No.13246237

So anons, how would you feel if this thread was linked to a small group of 3dpd women?
How would you feel if it were linked to monstergirls?

>> No.13246238

>Bossy Anubis Waifu spends 2 months as a Meek Nightmare
Well, I'll have good dreams for the duration of our search?

>> No.13246242
File: 425 KB, 1280x4788, 1417164954860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, you don't get to bring 3dpd

>> No.13246243

>Get drunk
>Start to hate the threads more than usual
>Decide to sleep it off
>Wind up having lewd dreams about a Cait Sith using her husband as furniture
>Almost write it
>Stab hand
>It's not working

>> No.13246246


Default response?


But the idea of seeing real women actually get interested in the setting and discuss which Monstergirls they'd like to be and why is quite intriguing.

>> No.13246250
File: 164 KB, 850x1133, 1409042177146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A) Negative, with a silver lining of amusement at their horrified shrieks
B) Extremely positive
Humanboy looking for slime waifu, will travel, any flavor lovingly appreciated!

>> No.13246253

Begone, vile cur.

>> No.13246254

>So anons, how would you feel if this thread was linked to a small group of 3dpd women?
Like shitposting.
>How would you feel if it were linked to monstergirls?
Would still feel like shitposting, where do you think we are?

>> No.13246255

Depends on the group of 3dpds, we have that token black guy and the token female and they don't always talk about how they are a black guy or a chick. Basically what I'm saying is as long as they stay anonymous and follow the rules and don't start shit up I couldn't care less. Monster girls on the other hand I would love it, especially if there was a way for me to fuck one.

>> No.13246257

Even a Sea Slime who tries to awkwardly dom you? Would live on a raft with her?

>> No.13246258

>Be a small time carpenter
>Not exactly glamorous but it's satisfying work
>One day a Lilim walks into your workshop and commission a few lanterns
>What's the worst that could happen? Your materials are free of demon taint and no mamano would have access to them or your tools
>Get working, different designs for each one because she's a fussy client
>One aclassical japanese box lantern, another a chinese style lantern as red and round as a tomato and some in more western in design
>Deadline hits before you know it and the Lilim returns to inspect the goods
>She compliments your handiwork and eye for detail
>But she just wants to add one more thing
>Bippity Boppity Boo Mamano Mana Moo
>All your hard work and effort became undone
>All your lanterns have become loli Chochin-Obakes, draped in fabrics similar in design of their old forms
>She smiles like she's done you a favor
>"Enjoy your daughterus, here's your check and have a nice life."
>Well shit
>Time to teach your kids how to woodwork

>> No.13246264

>More reconnecting with Childhood Friend Anubis
>All this handholding action
>Defending him from a Living Doll
All great stuff. Fun read, and once more, looking forward to their further adventures.

>> No.13246267


>The threads eventually become just a hook-up place for Mamono and Humans to arrange for dates and the like.

>> No.13246269
File: 304 KB, 515x800, 1301282463656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds adorable more Pomus when, Alp?
I mean, I obviously have my preferences, but it's not like I'm going to turn down whatever slime V is proffered to me

>> No.13246270

She looks the perfect image of a Lich to me.

>> No.13246272

laugh as they discover all of the thirsty-ass niggas in this thread
laugh as they discover all of the thirsty-ass niggas in this thread

>> No.13246273

I'm going to hazard a guess and say next week since he's working on that big pile of smut now.

>> No.13246274

My ex was like this.

She really wanted to be a fox girl.
Never did ask why exactly.

>> No.13246275


>My ex liked Monstergirls
>My ex

Why did you let her go mang?

>> No.13246276

Why the fuck not? For girls are literally cosplay tier. You could have shoved a fluffy tail up her ass and put fox ears on her and had a great time.

>> No.13246278

> Never did ask why exactly.
This seems criminally remiss of you
> ex

>> No.13246280

I always hear about people's ex's being into monster girls, but nobody here seems to have a girlfriend into them. It's weird.

>> No.13246282

>Anon is suddenly a father to 3 unwanted daughterus while the lilim fucks off

>> No.13246284

Reason being was because I started thinking of her more as a "Friend" then a "Girlfriend". Great girl to hang out with, but just kind of lost interest romantically.

I actually did get her a fox tail plug. Never could find ears to match though.

>> No.13246287

Don't turn this into blogshit if it is possible

>> No.13246288


>These people wasting their chances to have a gf that is familiar with Monstergirls

It's literally the closest thing someone will ever get to having real MGs and these people keep fucking wasting opportunities.


>just kind of lost interest romantically.

Oh well, can't argue with your own feelings, I guess.

Still, if you're not religious, you could've at least become fuckbuddies?

>> No.13246292

I wonder what would happen if you "just kind of lost interest" with a monstergirl. Would they go yan?

>> No.13246295
File: 1.09 MB, 1000x1200, 7788b9f50e8f6186c6237103e4189bda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's built-in bondage!

Yeah, I'd want to cuddle a gloomy purple magic girl!

>Not getting Child Support from the Lilim

>> No.13246297

Eh, maybe. Thought about it, but the idea became less appealing over time.


>> No.13246298

>the idea became less appealing over time.

So you just got bored of sex in general? Like me?

>> No.13246300

Well, time to be a nigger and leave them.

I'm not raising some kids I never wanted.

>> No.13246302

No. Just the whole "Fuckbuddy" idea doesn't much appeal.

>> No.13246303

she'll probably steal it from a tanuki and pin the blame on you so she takes over your buisness.

>> No.13246305

She paid him for making the lanterns, so I guess she did pay child support technically.

>> No.13246313

Gloomy girls are just the best, aren't they?

>> No.13246328

>Not just shipping them off to an orphanage.

>> No.13246330

Eh, I suppose. But 3 Lantern Girls on single guy seems like a heavy burden.

Yes they are.

>> No.13246336

This is why you should just send the semen in a bottle, no strings attached.

>> No.13246352

all the more kids for mr fix it to look after, poor guy

>> No.13246358

He does a good job, with the sink and the kids. Why isn't he married again?

>> No.13246359

>Loli lantern sister's who follow him and light up dark closets for him so he can see.

>> No.13246368

Well, I imagine the sea-bishop who runs the orphanage would harbor feelings for him.

>> No.13246374

>It's literally the closest thing someone will ever get to having real MGs

>> No.13246381

>Years go by
>Eventually they get married
>All the orphans, even the ones adopted, come to the wedding
>The new book-keeping boy catches the bouquet

>> No.13246384


>> No.13246388


>> No.13246390

God I hate weddings.


>> No.13246400

>Shy, meek Holstaurus
>doesn't like how the the rapist MGs get husbands but she doesn't
>signs up to an interest group devoted to defending single men against the crueler monsters
>suddenly gets threatening answering machine messages goading her into going on killing sprees against the brutal MGs in the city. Manticores, Ushi-Onis, that sort of thing
>wears a cow mask on the rampages
>its just some crazy paladin scheme to thin out MG numbers in the city
>one of the operatives is a Wurm who wears a paper mask of her own face

Hotline MGC would be terrible, but I'd play it.

>> No.13246402

Would you still love your waifu if you found out she was infertile?

How would you comfort her whenever she saw one of her MG friends happily raising their cubs together with their husbandos and started tearing up?

>> No.13246406

I wouldn't have a waifu.

>> No.13246407

How does this not end in adoption and dickings?

>> No.13246410

What kind of shallow piece of shit would stop loving someone for that

>> No.13246411

Yeah, why not? We could even adopt if she really wants to.

>> No.13246417

I would, I would divorce/break up with a MG over way lesser things.

>> No.13246418


I really do want kids in the future. Adoptions can work, but it probably wouldnt be the same.
Leaving my waifu for it however? I'd probably go find a way to get her fertile again instead.

>> No.13246420

We could always adopt and after we have a family it comes with it's upside.

>> No.13246429

Imagine how monstergirls would react to finding a 50 blessings "agent's" handiwork in MGC though.
>People start complaining about an eerie abandoned building
>MGC cops are sent to investigate
>Oh dear sweet fallen god there's human corpses EVERYWHERE
>All of them mutilated beyond belief
>Rookie girl has to go outside to ball up and cry
>Who did this and why?
Jacket would be even more terrifying to them then he is to mobsters.

>> No.13246438

Yes, and adoption is a very viable option.

>> No.13246442

her skin's actually indigo

the stuff from the WN that got cut out was more RIGHTWING STRONGk though

>> No.13246444

>paladin gets kicked out of the order for being way too insane, even for them
>starts murdering its members by going into their homes and making it seem like a monster girl killed them

>> No.13246466
File: 371 KB, 1842x2084, 3QAvArN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-futa version if anybody cares.

>> No.13246467
File: 487 KB, 972x807, 1427652112433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any useful, kickass politicians in this series?

>> No.13246470

>Waifu is now a tiny little loli while my daughteru becomes a bombshell.
Well shit. I'll have to track down that priest while taking care of my waifu and avoiding the seduction attempts of my daughteru
Darn. Guess I either have to become a loli lover or a daughteru dicker.

>> No.13246476

That's just her flaccid version, anon.

>> No.13246478

Anon, that post was 16 hours old, not only that, that version of the picture is common knowledge.

I want #tailpussy to leave.

>> No.13246482


If the order allows people like Sir Yaleton just how insane do you have to be?

>> No.13246488

I'm not gonna dick the daughteru, and she's not gonna try anything. I raised her better than that.
I'm gonna put her in a chokehold until she reverses the curse.

>> No.13246500

Why not both?

>> No.13246501

Hey man, the Order is an equal opportunity employer.

>> No.13246505

I would comfort her and adopt a daughteru an try my hardest to make a true family.

>> No.13246513

Could always adopt, I wouldn't love her any less for it either, she's sill my waifu in the end, no?

>> No.13246520

Eh, loli doesn't do anything for me. They're too small and flat. I could learn to like it, but I would always like other body types more. Dicking the daughteru seems sort of selfish to me. I want my daughteru to go out and find the man she loves, not be waifu number two.

>> No.13246522

>you can imagine she turned into an Anubis

>> No.13246536


Gasmask-tier insane?

>> No.13246538

>"It's 'Harry' from management, we have a problem! There's a big mess over by the Condos on 122nd SE st! One of the residents' water pipe burst, wet all over! The whole building is gonna be flooded soon, hope you can get this shit ASAP, don't go easy on the mop!"

>> No.13246539

>still no Lanternon update

Other than Anonymoose and his massive wall of tl:dr are any of the writefags alive anymore?

>> No.13246542

What would you do if your monstergirl waifu snapped when she saw you talk with another woman, locked you up in her room, and fed you nothing but spit and sex drugs)?

>> No.13246544

Rooster mask-tier insane.

>> No.13246548

> fed you nothing but spit and sex drugs
Starve, I guess.

>> No.13246549


>> No.13246553

Don't be such a killjoy. Put up a little resistance!

>> No.13246554




>> No.13246555

Bite my tongue so she either has to take me to a doctor or let me bleed out.

Then when I recover I'd inform a doctor or nurse to call to police to arrest her.

>> No.13246557

Well I need something more to eat, particularly eat her out.

>> No.13246561

>Missing the Vengeance update in this very thread

>> No.13246563


The eye doctor?

>> No.13246564


But Paladins need members who enjoy hurting other people. If by other people you mean monsters.

>you will never storm through a building killing Manticores and Succubi to 80's style synth

>> No.13246572

Pretty much this. Although, thanks to her type, that wont even be enough to free me from her grips. Does she eventually come to her senses, at least?

>> No.13246576

>thanks to her type, that wont even be enough to free me from her grips
How romantic, being ghosts together.

>> No.13246583

Some writefag really needs to write a Hotline MGC fanfic

>> No.13246588

>"Hi it's "Pat" from the club. We want you to DJ tonight. You're free to play any kind of music you want. Beer is on the house!"

>"We're on 212 NE north street. Dress to kill! See ya."


God I would join the 50B MGC division in a heart beat.

>> No.13246589

>Bob writes "Hot Lines Inside Me"

>> No.13246605

It's wrong to hurt people. Haven't you played the games?

>> No.13246606

Is there a royal jelly in MGU? Does it worship the slime god?

>> No.13246609

>Bob writes "Someone Hot Lines Her While I Hot Line My Tissues"

>> No.13246611

You think I give a shit?

I'd do my duty to help clean up the city.

>> No.13246614


Hotline? Where?

>> No.13246620

Have you tried not being a selfish unstable murderer? It might even work.

>> No.13246621


>insane wurm gets innocent phone messages but assumes they're telling her to rape everyone in nearby buildings
>wears a pair of glasses as a disguise because it works for superman, right?
>Manticore Pardo is the most attractive detective in the MGCPD and she WILL catch that dastardly MGC Rapinator
>Tony is a Jinko
>Corey is a centaur
>Alex and Ash are twin sister harpies
>Mark is still fat

>> No.13246629

I swear to god if Pardoposting leaks into these threads I will flip.

>> No.13246630

He can't help it man. None of us can.
The people sending out the calls don't like it when you don't listen to them.

>> No.13246635




What's it about?

>> No.13246639

You don't want to know.

>> No.13246640

Who would Beard be? A Paladin solider?

>> No.13246648


In HM2, there's a corrupt detective who is a total attention whore. He keeps trying to get attention away from the masked killers and towards a serial killer he's hunting down who is also him

So people post as Manny Pardo pretending to be one of his non-existent fans unsubtly announcing his greatness

>> No.13246655

Why is that hearing that song and being in that situation is absolutely horrifying?

>> No.13246670

>Evan is a kitsune
>Richter is a large mouse
>Jake is an Apophis

>> No.13246675

>"Hey, this is "Tyler". My Warehouse has a bit of a "Rat" problem right now and I'd appreciate it if you could exterminate them real quick.
>The address is 434 SE Lamia street, Dress accordingly."
50 blessings as an extremist Paladin Black Ops division that deals with traitors when?

>> No.13246685

>Not a southern Lamina.

>> No.13246700

please continue.

>> No.13246708


Truly the hero's we need to clean up MGC

>> No.13246716

I think the 4chan paladin brigade needs a name.

So I can be plural when telling them to pls go and stay go.

>> No.13246722

So would Biker, Jacket, and Richter be the only humans?

>> No.13246724

>They start going on massacres, taking out thugs, policemen, monster cultists, and human prostitutes, all in the name of cleaning up the city.
>They start to get attention and then they all die and the Demon Lord Demonic Energy bombs the city

>> No.13246726


Id take paladins over alps, Dragon sluts, or tailpussy faggots any-day.

>> No.13246730


>> No.13246735

>he doesn't know about the vault.

>> No.13246737

Cranky Clankers
Tsundere boys

>> No.13246739

Yeah. We need more humans doing things
Even if I don't agree with those things, but hey. It's interesting.

>> No.13246742



u wo m8?

>> No.13246750

>u wo m8
I swear this keeps getting shorter. Is it going to end up as uwm?

>> No.13246752

But going deus vult on monstergirls, they're betraying the nice men and women that just want to live happily with them. They're betraying the human race by getting in the way of their happiness.

>> No.13246761


So letting a couple of people be happy is worth letting the entire human race go extinct? Paladins probably dont LIKE to kill monsters they just do it because its the only way to save our race.

>> No.13246763

>Cranky Clankers
I like that one, it'd work well for some old crotchety Paladin.

>> No.13246777

If monsters couldn't birth human sons, they would probably let some humans be to keep the birth rate up. Of course, they would grab the rest of the men.

>> No.13246781

I'd take Alps, Dragon sluts, or tailpussy faggots over paladins any day.

>> No.13246790

They're all better than 40kiddies.

>> No.13246791


>> No.13246792

How about corrupted paladins?

>> No.13246795

>People hate Dragonsluts now
What happened? Is it just beta Monster Girls bitter about the fact they aren't rich and powerful?

>> No.13246801

Easy there, friend. You're not doing yourself any favors acting all haughty.

>> No.13246806


Everyone got tired of constant Beta fantasy pushing

>> No.13246808

>people don't like sluts
>especially when they act like they're better than you and that 'everybody is a slut and if you're not you're a paladin'
Nothing new here.

>> No.13246809


>> No.13246810

I just want a dense paladin going on adventures with a corrupted angel telling him what to do.
>"But shouldn't I NOT kill them because they're kids?"
>"No! They are all monsters and WHORES! AND HUSBAND THIEVES!"

>> No.13246811


>> No.13246814

Well lets be honest: If Monster Girls ever came to our world, imagine how pissed they'd be to find a completely willing human boy only to find out he's a slut for some species you're not. He's probably a gold digger who can't appreciate genuine Monster Girl pussy. I mean, what does a Dragon have that Lizards don't, huh? Nothing, in fact Lizard Girls are fucking better because they don't have those wings to take up space, aren't greedy, and don't treat human boys as beings beneath them, but as equals. Honestly, human boys should be begging for just the opportunity to be near a Lizard Girl.

>> No.13246819

Fuck off with this shit.

>> No.13246828

Lilim please, you suck and nobody likes you.

>> No.13246829

They're equal as far as I'm concerned. I'm not into scales.

>> No.13246831

Well her dad says she's cool.

>> No.13246832

>TFW the list of MGs that people like that doesn't have writefaggotry is too long
>But the writing contests are shit, even if they got things like Living Doll that're creepy as shit written about

Run by Bob or not, they at least saw us getting Chimera, Living Doll, and whatever else they fucking decided to roll.

>> No.13246839

>He's probably a gold digger who can't appreciate genuine Monster Girl pussy.
I take offense to this statement.

>I mean, what does a Dragon have that Lizards don't, huh?
Wings, for one.

>In fact Lizard Girls are fucking better because they don't have those wings to take up space
Sure, keep telling yourself that. Meanwhile, a Dragon can cuddle me in a cocoon of warmth with her wings.

>And don't treat human boys as beings beneath them
Bonnet-tipper pls go.

>But as equals
Sure, if you can beat them in a fight. Which is different from a Dragon, how?

>Honestly, human boys should be begging for just the opportunity to be near a Lizard Girl.
Bonnet-tipper Lizard pls go.

>> No.13246840

I want to corrupt and make a female paladin fall, turning her into a monstergirl so she can be with her childhood friend.

>> No.13246841

If you want stories about a certain species that doesn't get a lot, if any, writing then do it yourself. Its as simple as that.

>> No.13246842

Bob did nothing wrong

>> No.13246844
File: 1.45 MB, 4000x3500, 1407212631298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lilim is my waifu

>> No.13246849

Would you work with her to create a world in which man and monster can live in happiness?

>> No.13246850

That cat always seems to make me smile. Simple pleasures I guess.

>> No.13246852

Which one? And don't say that one.

>> No.13246853

I like Lilims.

>> No.13246854

It it considered rude to ask an oni/ogre/salamander/lizard girl/amazon if you can touch their muscles?

>> No.13246856
File: 574 KB, 1480x1295, COOPERATION MOST JOLLY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


20,000 hours in MSPaint

>> No.13246857

>"Oi laddie, you gon be touchin more than just that."

>> No.13246868

The reason they have muscles in the first place is that hey can show off to human boys they like and impress them with how tough they are.

>> No.13246870

I want to touch their abs

>> No.13246871

I want to rub their teeth with my index finger.

>> No.13246879

Why their teeth? They have a big strong body for you to run your hands over, and you choose their teeth?

>> No.13246880


>> No.13246891

They must have strong gums and pearly white teeth. I just want to rub them.

>> No.13246892

Please point me in the direction of the tough lass that speaks like that.

>> No.13246895

Hey writefags, yeah you I'm talking to you. We need more ear nibbling. Keep up the good work.

>> No.13246897

I didn't realize there were so many Hotline Miami fans in the thread.
You all have to get a grip

>> No.13246898

The city is already so corrupt that the bomb has no discernable effects

>> No.13246899


Fuck you you're only given permission to hate me, and hate, and hate.

>> No.13246905

but I just did some in my last one.

>> No.13246906

Is this a cocaine thing?

>> No.13246909

I want to stroke a strongfat hinezumi's muscles and rub her belly.

>> No.13246911

Why? You got some?

>> No.13246912


You're talking to ghosts, Anon. Most of them are dead.

>> No.13246925

I'm surprised you didn't make that cat more radiant.

>> No.13246930

You wish.

>> No.13246935

I want a Cait Sith beanbag chair who will lay on my feet when they get cold because my Raynaud's Disease kicked in and I can't feel them.

>> No.13246939
File: 145 KB, 750x1077, 93b0b037b8808cbd213afe0cca363e56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spooks need love too!

>> No.13246945

I read that as sporks for some reason.

>> No.13246947

Honestly, if I was tossed into MGE tomorrow, I'd try and learn necromancy. Ever since I played Heroes of Might and Magic 3 as a kid, I've always loved the idea of raising skeletons in an army.

>> No.13246957
File: 903 KB, 730x791, Skellingtons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raising skeletons in an army
Would you turn an assortment of asshole vidya skeletons into cute girls?

>> No.13246958



>> No.13246960

Good for you, son. Anyone who's seen the Harryhausen 'Jason and the Argonauts' can tell you just how resilient skeleton armies can be.

>> No.13246961

Of course I would, this army will be the cutest and the spookiest.

>> No.13246965

The world needs more men like you.

>> No.13246966

What's funny is it would probably end up as a glorified spooky dating service.

>Raised from the dead? Serve anon the necromancer in his kingdom of the dead! Experience of life of discipline and honor in our shambling hordes while you search for that special someone!

>> No.13246972

It would be tough managing an entire army. Making sure they're all stocked up on supplies, keeping them in line, getting men so they can burn off stress, it would be a lot of work.

>> No.13246983


It was done a long time ago.


>Want writefags to keep up the ear nibbling

The next short i'm going to write is going to contain absolutely no ear nibbling, just because I want you all to hate me and abuse me like the filthy [M] that I am

>> No.13246986

>be a villager
>look out from the town wall
>thousands of skeleton girls, zombies and ghouls all working to raid the town
What do you do?

>> No.13246988

Indeed, that would require land and territory.
How fertile the land is would not matter as much because the only one we would be feeding would be me and, later one, their husbands (although they can be supplemented by MAMANO MANA)

Iron and other metals would be much more important though. Quantity does have a quality of its own but Quality can beat a few things quantity can't.

Men be another important thing though, snatching a few bandits, hunters, or rogues would be good intially while building power but would eventually I would need to grab lands and town through diplomacy or force.

>> No.13246994

Tough Luck guy.

>> No.13246995

Shit, did it again.

>> No.13246998

Tell everyone that I will hold them off before removing all my clothes and running towards them.

>> No.13247001

Eh, I can live with it but it would be nice to have something soft and warm to put on them when they kick into freezing mode.
I'd give her head pats, belly rubs, and some light cuddling as a reward (along with some fish or milk)

>> No.13247004

Inform the paladins, help hide the women and children, raise the bridge, get out the explosive arrows and the mages to raise a holy ward, DUH.

>> No.13247005

Did what? Justify how you've been planning to overtake humanity? You are part of the monster alliance and a traitor, TAKE HIM AWAY!!!

>> No.13247006


I'm just a guy doing his part to make a world where everyone can be with their waifus

>> No.13247012


Get the paladin resting in the inn off is lazy butt to go fight them. An army of skeleton's should be no problem for a proper paladin.

>> No.13247025

>be a villager


get my family to safety and pray for the order to arrive swiftly, and get my pitchfork/hatchet ready for zombie killing

>> No.13247035

You fool, all shall fall before my dark horde. They want husbands and cuddles, who am I to deny them?

>> No.13247040

Remember, whether human or monster, living or undead, decapitate your foes, crush their heads, cut out their hearts. Burn the dead, don't bury them.. You don't want the fuckers coming back because some monster loved the guy, or even death couldn't keep the monster form reaching for you. So you don't get situations like this skeleton army. Be thorough, be safe, be smart.

>> No.13247044

>What are ghosts

>> No.13247051
File: 44 KB, 250x328, 1356376642783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13247054

>what are wards
>what are soul gems
>soul jars
>what is consecration

Who the fuck you think you're talking to, maggot.

>> No.13247064 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 720x480, 1427670596400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember anons, even if your waifu is stronger or faster than you fight as hard as you can to protect her.

Even if you have to become a monster yourself.

>> No.13247072

>not being stronger than your waifu by the time you claim her

The fuck is this shit?

>> No.13247079

Enough of this madman! My harem of mice will stop your fiendish ways!

>> No.13247080

Even if I have to betray the human race, even if everyone hates me, even if I have to do things I regret, It'll all be worth it to make a world in which my waifu and my daughteru can be safe and happy.


>> No.13247083

>Even if you have to become a monster yourself.

Are you talking about Alping? I don't think I'd be able to handle her heartbreak.

I hope she'd still love me...

>> No.13247085
File: 667 KB, 731x1061, Chocohebi 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here likes chocolate?

>> No.13247091


>> No.13247092

No I'm talking about a legitimate monster.

>> No.13247096


Everyone. Next question.

>> No.13247098

Okay, snakes don't have extra eyes, so what the fuck are you?

>> No.13247101

I was out in the cold for a while and now my ears hurt

How would your waifu warm you up

>TFW Reptilian Waifu so can't touch her while I'm cold

>> No.13247104

A monster from a fantasy world that doesn't follow our worlds biology?

>> No.13247106

Is a kunoichi obligated to go back to her village after "assassinating" a target? Can't she and him fuck off somewhere? Would they be hunted down? Can pregnant kunoichi swing well?

>> No.13247107




>> No.13247110

Survival style.

>> No.13247112

Wrapping me up in her big fluffy wings.

>> No.13247115
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>> No.13247119

Masturbate to porn.

>> No.13247120

She becomes his waifu and uses his power to make his home more friendly towards monsters. That's the whole point, turning the greatest outspoken opponents of monsters into monster sympathizers.

>> No.13247121

Masturbate and go to sleep.

>> No.13247122

I don't?

>> No.13247125

I think you...I ...just forget it.

>> No.13247127

>Have an Ushi-Oni waifu
>Neighbor is a human woman living alone
>Every time you and your waifu have sex, which is all the time, the human woman marches over and bangs on the door to complain about the noise
>She's called the police in the past, but once they found out she was calling to complain that a monster and her husband were being too loud while having sex, they cited her for making a false report
>Waifu is sick of it, and decides to solve the problem on her own
>She starts making noises like she's having sex, which startles you awake from you nap just in time for the human next door to start pounding on the door
>Your waifu winks at you and then bites down on her lip hard enough for it to start bleeding
>She opens the door and spits her blood right into the woman's face and then slams the door before she can get a word in
>She looks back at you all proud of herself, only to see you with your face in your hands
>"Oh come on, she'll be fine! She'll probably have a husband and be out of our hair by this evening!"
>"You gotta stop doing this! There's a limited number of human women in this city and the city wants to keep them human, don't you remember the letter we got? This is the 17th time you've done this"
>She pouts, obviously fake, "I'm sorry sweetie, I forgot. I promise I won't do it again, now shut up and fuck me!"
>Your waifu's screams of pleasure were backed by the screams of the woman transforming on your front porch, and it made sex a little weird

>> No.13247130

Probably a simple matter for her, but it would be nice if she tried to warm me up herself, without magic.

Play VNs and games to distract myself. Now, that hole which is left after completing something I actually enjoyed is a whole other matter.

>> No.13247131
File: 344 KB, 850x1202, Pharaoh_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mistress name: Pharaoh Eirene
Mistress type: Pharaoh
Suspected Personality: Energetic, Paranoid (potentially Warm and affectionate)
Butler Title: Servant
Contract length: Month trial, proper contract will be discussed afterwards.
Notes: Butler will be given a large amount of freedom.

Pharaoh Eirene has approached MGC Maid Central with the wish to hire a butler. As per rule an interview was conducted and processed into this profile with additional information.

Pharaoh Eirene is one of the three members of a small gated community in the western suburban sector on the edge of MGC. This sector generally provides housing in the form of large family mansions and gated communities for those with a very high income. Pharaoh Eirene owns a temple on the grounds of the small gated community she is part of. This temple, which has been made with an Egyptian theme in mind, is considerably larger than the residences of the other two inhabitants of the community. In addition to the main three story high building, one can find three large and one smaller building on the terrain. Two of these buildings are inhabited by the Pharaoh’s female servants, while the third large building has been designed as a storage and maintenance complex and is home to both magitek and regular machinery. The last and smaller building is to be inhabited by the butler. It is furthermore worth noticing that one will see a massive number of security related features on the terrain, ranging from simple camera’s to magical traps and force fields.

(Profile continued in next three replies)

>> No.13247134

Face me Nyan, face me and let us decide the future of this pathetic land!

>> No.13247135

(Profile continued)

During her interview Pharaoh Eirene wore a blue Egyptian styled dress and silver jewelry. She was reported to have a long sleek hairstyle, fitting well with her blue-silver head ornament. Pharaoh Eirene was also noted to carry a staff, seemingly entirely made out of a blue colored gem. It is further worth noting that Pharaoh Eirene was accompanied by Anubis twins acting as advisors. They were seen franticly writing down notes, whispering advice to Pharaoh Eirene and were responsible for interrupting the interview with Pharaoh Eirene several times.

Pharaoh Eirene has various Monstergirl servants who aid her in her daily life and serve her in various ways. Her two Anubis assistants are responsible for Pharaoh Eirene’s planning and daily agenda and act as second hands for her. Pharaoh Eirene also has a number of mummy servants tasked with cleaning the buildings on the terrain. A group of Khepri’s can furthermore be found in the maintenance building, maintaining the storage and machinery.
The future butler will be tasked with providing food for the Pharaoh Eirene and the various servants on the terrain. MGC Maid Central recommends an expanded cooking course for those who lack experience in this department, as decent meals will be expected. The butler will furthermore also be occasionally expected to aid either the head of security Girtablilu or the Anubis twins in ensuring the security of the terrain and the safety of Pharaoh Eirene.

Please be aware however, that Pharaoh Eirene has explicitly stated that the butler will be given a relatively large freedom, which he is to fill in a way he thinks is most productive. Therefore the butler will be free to spend most of his time aiding inhabitants of the complex to his choosing.

(Profile continued in next two replies)

>> No.13247137

(Profile continued)

MGC Maid Central suspects that Pharaoh Eirene while initially paranoid and uninterested, is likely to warm up over time if a butler chooses to spend his time with her. Pharaoh Eirene will be likely to become less suspicious over time and be more open to spend her time conversing and eventually performing various relaxing activities with her butler. MGC Maid Central in addition recommends her future butler to perform a long term cuddle therapy to ensure that Pharaoh Eirene is allowed to relax and to allow her to more easily build trust with her butler.

If the butler chooses to spend his time helping the Anubis twins, he can expect to be given many security related tasks. He will be expected to follow a strict schedule and will be tasked with ensuring the security of all buildings and security equipment. The Anubis twins are later on likely to start tasking the butler with more private matters, such as tail brushing and providing massages for the twins.

A butler interested in a more exiting life than just serving is recommended to spend his time with the head of security Girtablilu. Providing her assistance will result in being given various “missions” related to foiling any potential plans of the community member Miss Taya, an Apophis. One can expect to be given tasks to spy and “counter-prank” Miss Taya. The butler is otherwise most welcome to keep an eye on the security feed together with the Girtablilu and enjoy some booze with her on calmer days.

Those who enjoy tinkering with electronics, studying magitek and managing the storage, are recommended to spend their time with the group of Khepri’s in the maintenance building. A butler can expect a very warm welcome from the Khepri’s and is guaranteed to be treated very well. MGC Maid Central however warns the future butler to think very carefully if he is ever offered a “special” gift.

(Profile continued in next reply)

>> No.13247142

(Profile continued)

If more simple tasks and company is preferred, a butler can always choose to spend his time helping the various mummies around the complex. Aiding them with basic dusting, cleaning and simple maintenance will be greatly appreciated. The butler is guaranteed to see many genuinely thankful smiles from the mummies and might eventually be requested to aid the mummies with replacing their bandaging.

Aside from the servants listed above, a butler is always welcome to spend time outside with the “pet” sphinx, who spends most of her time lazing around.

Alternatively Pharaoh Eirene has mentioned during her interview that she manages a large patch of land outside MGC. However, it is rumored that those who pass by this area have felt and heard rumbling. For this reason Pharaoh Eirene would like to send someone to this patch of land to end these rumors once and for all. Her future butler is welcome to do so.*

Those interested in this contract can visit their local matching department to schedule a meeting with Pharaoh Eirene and receive further information.

*MGC Maid Central is not responsible for kidnappings and/or forced marriages when butlers are off-terrain.

>> No.13247145

I'm going to fucking kill your wife.

>> No.13247148

For improving the grumpy woman's life?

>> No.13247151

MGC Maid Central has added this profile to it's archives. This and all earlier made requests can always be viewed by potential butlers at the following link:


>> No.13247152


>> No.13247157
File: 1.83 MB, 250x140, I WANT TO GET OFF MR. BONES' WILD RIDE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW spend the day playing Bloodborne
>TFW can't write about Living Doll lest Dollfu surface
>Gehehe, all the tools here are for your use, Hunter. Even the doll, if you so choose.

>> No.13247158

Take it easy, friend. That's bad for your blood pressure.

>> No.13247159

Sounds like a comfy place.
Yandere mistress when?

>> No.13247161


>> No.13247162

I can do that next. But for now I hit the hay.

>> No.13247164

He's talking about the living doll in the game, numbnuts.

>> No.13247165


>> No.13247169

It's still /v/ shit that's hardly related, and everyone here won't shut the fuck up about it

>> No.13247174

Sweet dreams

>> No.13247177

>living doll's aren't mg related

>> No.13247181

Not him, but Bloodborne has only been 3 times thus far, 4 if you count my post.

>> No.13247184
File: 1.43 MB, 260x157, luka-in-plansect-village.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There hasn't been much mention of it. Things were far more annoying when DS2 was released.

>> No.13247186

Are you saying you don't want to corrupt and change human women with your monster waifu?

>> No.13247187

>not liking Marker chan

>> No.13247192

Things weren't even annoying then, actually.
Apparently anything even remotely capable of also being related to another board has to fuck off to that board.

>> No.13247195

I'm not Nyanon, I just love mice girls like him.

>> No.13247200

/v/ pls

>> No.13247214


People like you are in the slay on sight tier

>> No.13247215

To be honest, it wasn't annoying because like 3/4 of the thread disappeared for three days when DaS2 was released.

I didn't play it until later. I still need to beat two of the DLC's, but I can't be arsed.

>> No.13247218
File: 122 KB, 586x600, MiB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get off your lazy ass and do it.
Do it for her.

>> No.13247222

What do you expect of traitor kun's really? Personally I just love their delusion that they're going to get the waifu they want and won't be thrown to the devilbugs.

>So you worship monsters huh?
>Well, we'll give you to the girls that have the hardest time finding a husband.
>I mean, it's not like the dragons need help

>> No.13247223

Yeah, I haven't played any of the DLC. I just can't be bothered. DaS2 just didn't have the same level of replayability as the first two games for me. Don't even know why.

>> No.13247224
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Good goy, pay more for content we definitely didn't cut out of the game with the intention of selling back to you!

>> No.13247227

All you're paying for are keys to the content already in the game.

>> No.13247228

>Implying I'm not playing the R.G. Mechanics bundle

>> No.13247231
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>> No.13247234
File: 28 KB, 194x211, 1403064043108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even better! Pay to unlock content already on th disc you bought!

The hills are alive with the sound of good goy!

>> No.13247238

The basic enemies seem so samey to me in the DLC. That's my biggest gripe. The levels are actually pretty fun and well thought out map-wise. They just seem to suffer terribly from Fallout 3 hillbilly DLC syndrome.

Actually, the most fun I've had is burning bonfire ascetics and getting NG+ and further equipment upgrades without playing the whole game through again.

>> No.13247239


traitor-kun's get what they deserve in the end. Shit waifus who will make them miserable for the rest of their lives

>> No.13247241

>That feel when I got my brand new game for free.

>> No.13247242
File: 36 KB, 454x406, chessiepls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often think that Cheshires would be the Flash of monstergirl world. They really could just do whatever the fuck they wanted, but adhere to some unspoken code to only use their powers in times of great lewdness.

Such as being a catburglar and stealing underwear. The really skilled ones go for underwear currently being worn.

>> No.13247244


FUCK YOU so hard I almost forgot that manga series existed.

>> No.13247245

>Not wanting to find a unlikeable lonely female paladin with your waifu and seducing her
>Not stringing her along, drugging her with aphrodisiacs and teasing her sexually, always stopping just before you stick it in.
>Not wanting to tell her you're ready to have sex with her before inviting her to your place
>Not having your waifu reveal herself and then fucking her right in front of the woman, telling her that she could be this happy if she agrees to become a monstergirl
>She'll never agree as you turn her into a superior monstergirl and fuck her before sending her off to find her husbando while you repeat the process

>> No.13247248

They'd also poof around everywhere and do crazy shit like Albert Wesker.

>> No.13247252

>Not keeping her as a concubine

>> No.13247254

But then she can't convert other men. Besides, It would be distracting to have her around.

>> No.13247256



If anons could seduce ANYONE we wouldn't even need monsters.

>> No.13247259

Some of us can seduce women. I just prefer fictional monsters over real women.

>> No.13247261

Fucking monsters turn you into a sexmachine incubus. It would make things easier.

>> No.13247263

>a dense, sexually oblivious Kronk-like Anon unintentionally seduces an incredibly prude monstergirl

>> No.13247270

If I go to a bar will a lonely Christmas Cake Monster Girl try to seduce me to bring me back to her place?

I don't even drink but if she wants me to I can pretend to pass out so she can do whatever she wants with my body.

>> No.13247272

>Cheshire breaks into some guy's house and steals all his underwear and replaces his clothes with tight fitting and revealing ones
>Leaves a note telling him to follow the trail of boxers to get his things back
>He has to sneak through town, avoiding the stare and catcalls of other monstergirls just so he can satisfy some horny cat and get his laundry back.

>> No.13247273

Pretending to pass out is harder than it seems. What happens if you're tickled?

>> No.13247274

Mah nigga

>> No.13247278

Well, I am really ticklish so that would break the act, but why would a Christmas Cake Monster Girl try to tickle me?

>> No.13247279

What happens if you find out she has a tickle fetish?

>> No.13247281


No your only going to attract the 100 year old lolis pretending to drink at the bar.

>> No.13247284

Tickle fetishes occur to the most unlikely of people. Plus there's always accidental tickling.

This man knows what's up.

>> No.13247292

>Implying Lolis could get past the door
I'm sure most bars wouldn't risk selling alcohol to minors so they just have a strict "No Loli" policy

That would be my luck, pretend to pass out conveniently to be taken to the nice CC Kraken's place, only to find out she loves using all of her tentacles to tickle.

Honest question, whats the deal with tickle fetishes? I mean, I have nothing against it and I'd be open to trying it if my waifu asked to, but I'm just curious what the deal is behind it.

>> No.13247293
File: 438 KB, 853x480, 1374105176150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always had this scenario running through my head that involved some crazy obsessive baby-sitter monstergirl drugging her ward and molesting him in his sleep, then she somehow sires a child with him.

Years later, the kid, now older, unknowingly babysits his biological daughter for his ex-babysitter, and she's too afraid to come out to him.

>> No.13247294

Though does she like being the tickler or the tickled?
And are you yourself a stickler for a tickler?

>> No.13247300

It's usually associated with foot fetish people. And nobody understands their demented ways but them.

>> No.13247303

I think the deal with tickle fetishes are a combination of a pleaser personality and a controller. They like seeing people happy and they like MAKING people happy.

My dad tickled the shit out me when I was little and as a result I am not ticklish as an adult. I can't have a fetish for ticklers because I am the untickleable. I wouldn't mind tickling her though. Sounds like fun actually.

>> No.13247307

I'm still ticklish
Kitsune would love the shit out of me because of that

>> No.13247314

>And nobody understands their demented ways but them.
Nigger I don't even understand it, I just know I have it and will never be able to escape from it.

>> No.13247315

I can only imagine a nine tails tickle fest.

>> No.13247319

>"Ufufufu~ I just love that face you make as I tickle your entire body with these tails you love so much~"

>> No.13247329

I just realized I could never tickle my slime waifu because she has semi permeable skin so there probably isn't enough nerve bundles to tickle. I made myself sad.

>> No.13247330
File: 197 KB, 500x801, 1426373748621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You will never be sleep raped by a Werebat oneesan who doesn't want to lose her beloved younger brother
>She will never try to convince herself the only reason why she does it is because your dick is the only one she's never been afraid of
>You will never tenderly nibble her ears after waking up on night and fill her full of your babies

>> No.13247333

I kinda wanna see an ara-ara drunken Kraken tie a Human Boy's hand and legs together with her tentacles while she uses her hands to forcfully tickle his sides.

>> No.13247336

There has to be a way.

>> No.13247340

I like your moxy.

>> No.13247349
File: 268 KB, 900x870, 184378364897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For when there's something strange in your neighborhood.

Previous pages: http://pastebin.com/wGe9j8tu

New page: http://pastebin.com/9fYH83if

>> No.13247350

What do you do with a drunken sailor, indeed...

>> No.13247355
File: 13 KB, 285x385, Manticore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing is hard.

>> No.13247361

Tickle her core, see what happens.

>> No.13247366



You motherfucker I immediately heard it in my head.

>> No.13247367

My god. You're right. Why didn't I think of that? Thanks, friend.

>> No.13247369

This is amazing.

>> No.13247375


Bats are disgusting and full of diseases. Nibbling her ears would probably net you a face full of smelly ticks.

>> No.13247376
File: 58 KB, 300x287, 14367534232443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ey boy u want sum fuk?

>> No.13247381

There's a certain charm to Paint pictures. Nice work.

>> No.13247384

But does she want the Big Black D?

>> No.13247385


>> No.13247386


I think I'll skip this one. I'd feel like a dick.

>> No.13247398


>Apply real world logic to MGs

>> No.13247400

You're too good to us, PQanon. The dorm raids continue to amuse.
Would sentimental ghost-chan be mad if I gave her the panties back, covered in "ectoplasm"?

>> No.13247401

Best disney boy
Would you a smug lama girl?

>> No.13247424

I'm sure she would appreciate the gesture. And will say that she would love to go out with you.

>> No.13247430
File: 49 KB, 606x500, 143245345423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would Kronk have a Devil and Angel girls as a conscience while he carries out the evil schemes of his Lich boss?

>> No.13247431

Yes He is the best Disney princess

>> No.13247442

Yes, they would be his waifus. He doesn't think they 'actually' exist and no one else ever sees them except him, so they can do anything lewd they want to him.

>> No.13247445

This would be great.


>> No.13247455

What is a shower? What is personal cleanliness?

You're insinuating that bat mg's are slobs, I respectfully disagree.

>> No.13247525

Where'd everybody go?

>> No.13247530

I have no clue Anon. I was scared to comment on that since the post right before yours was MY post. It's spring break for some Anons, I guess they all went to the movies?

>> No.13247532

Does it end in daughteru dicking or babysitter mom shenanigans?

>> No.13247537

She throws you a blanket and tells you to suck it up because she doesn't think it's that cold out

>> No.13247540

>spring break

What? That shit was like two weeks ago.

>> No.13247546


I dunno.

>> No.13247547

Why not both?

>> No.13247548


Watching The Walking Dead.

>> No.13247550

Only for ski-break church trip bums. The others have it attached to Easter when the weather is actually like spring.

>> No.13247551 [DELETED] 

Saturday nights have always been oddly quiet. My guess is more people that frequent the threads have more a life than one might assume. That or they are in an alcohol induced sleep.

>> No.13247553

Which MG would be the best graduate supervisor?

>> No.13247555

I got watching the latest Black Sails and missed the end of an auction I really wanted to bid on. So pissed, it went super cheap too. I would have paid three times what it went for. Missed it by less than five minutes too. Fuck me.

>> No.13247560

Actually it's Sunday. I don't know what the fuck i was thinking.

>> No.13247562

Listening to Plague of Gripes' velvety smooth voice while catching up to threads on other boards.

>> No.13247563

I'm catching up on Kouya ni Kemono Doukokusu myself.

It's only 10:12 pm. I'm on my twelfth beer and will probably be up for hours catching up on threads, manga, and anime.

>> No.13247564

Brilliant! Give me 5 chapters on it ASAP.

>> No.13247565

Busy watching my karate bugmen shows and wondering if I should try writing about a Mantis vigilante.

>> No.13247567


Sure, no problem.

>> No.13247568

What are you even doing here swiss guy?

>> No.13247570
File: 58 KB, 826x591, tailpussyrepublic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heil it every day

>> No.13247571

You overestimate my abilities. I might be able to put together a greentext after a long, hard thought about it.

>> No.13247572

Lurking around. Came close to another Space Mutiny reference.

>> No.13247573

He's just being a bad ass as always.

>> No.13247574

Well shit mang just destroy ALL of my hopes and dreams.

>> No.13247575

If it was "Look alive everyone! Um...sorry Janet." then you get a gold star.

>> No.13247577

Right now I'm trying not to die, because I have insomnia and the flu at the same time.

I wish I had a monstergirl waifu to take care of me.

>> No.13247581

Your hopes and dreams overreached, son. Besides, why would you place your hopes on me?

>> No.13247584

Take two benedryl and drink a glass of milk with it. That should knock you out.

>> No.13247593

Do not bully the nee-san

And three shots of vodka while you're at it.

>> No.13247599

Watching MKX streams and the FFXV demo.

>> No.13247607

It would be cool if a story gets written based on these panty raid guide series.

>A lowly nobody anon gets accepted into MGC College
>He's on the bottom of the social hierarchy
>Finds the panty raid guide and starts thinking a way to make a name for himself
>Manages to convince some people in the male dorms and becomes the leader of a small underground panty raiding party
>The pantyfest begins and he literally wreaks havoc into the stability of the whole college
>Suddenly the most wanted panty criminal of this side of the city
>It would eventually end up with him going on a literal suicide mission, all or nothing for a 10-star MG dorm panty to crown himself as king of the panties

I've been imagining that kind of plot ever since i started reading these series and i can't get it out of my mind.

>> No.13247611

Wouldn't it be MGs raiding guys' dorms?

>> No.13247633

Because you were the chosen one! You were supposed to be a great writer! Not sit around all day watching anime!

>> No.13247635

I don't think I could do this raid. Ghost is my waifu.

>> No.13247641

They would, but why would anyone in their right minds want to stop them?

>> No.13247642

Please don't insult me by comparing me with that pussy ass bitch Anakin Skywalker. I don't just watch anime all day. I read manga too.

>> No.13247644

>"I've got three reasons to walk away:"
>One: look at her all prim and proper, she can't even deepthroat!
>Two: look what I can do
>cue devil giving kronk a lap dance starting from a pole that springs from the ground
>the angel is taking notes
>"hold on she's got a point"

>> No.13247645

If there's one thing I'm glad for is that I'm not a speech therapist for MG's.

I would hang myself if I have to deal with kids and adults whose speech patterns are so erratic that communication was like speaking to an alien race.

>> No.13247646

Because I'm tired of spending $50 a week on new boxers.

>> No.13247649

I'm sorry, you're right, no one is anakin here I'm overreacting. Do your greentext if you wanna if not let me take the idea work with and be back maybe next thread with it

>> No.13247651

>implying I have anything worth stealing

>> No.13247654

>PAGE 34
>The Magnolia dorm (or as most people on campus call it, the nerd dorm) is where first year engineering undergrads are placed. It reeks with the smell of virginity and dewritos.
>Sneaking into the dorm is not required, as the Amazon guard will not stop you; in fact, she may provide useful advice in reaching the juiciest locations for underwear. She may also join your raid, although for her own, lewder purpouses.
>Being caught is also no problem, as most men in the dorm are just too wimpy to do anything about it. In fact if you are single it is a great time to scope the goods.
>If successful, you will get their old, cum-stained boxers, most likely decorated with the likeness of Optimus Prime, though if you are anything like me you can't consider a raid succesful if you did not get some human dick in the process. It is a great raid for beginners and an always enjoyable experience for veterans.

>> No.13247657

I'm twelve beers in and just finished a lemon meringue pie. You're probably in a better place to write about it than me. Regardless just write it and if I feel like getting around to writing it it just means more content for everyone.

>> No.13247659

Well then do it
>the ten star raid is the {insert MG here} headmistress panties which ends in his success and subsequent marriage to the headmistress

>> No.13247660

Go for 13 anon, I believe in you.

>> No.13247661

This is exactly why I wouldn't move onto campus.

>> No.13247662

I'm sure a Devil bug or a Cyclops or something would like to steal your boxers.

>> No.13247663

>Anubis Twins
>Will start wanting to be provided with tail brushings and massages
Sign me up.
Like now.
Right the fuck now.
This is what I want to do with my time. All the time.
Hanging out with the Khepris, fiddling with electronics and magitek sounds like a fun time too.

>> No.13247664

10-4 partner double duty it is

>> No.13247666

I keep my shit clean as a whistle. They're just getting a bit thread bare, and I can't afford new clothes right now.

>> No.13247667

This sounds like a fantastic story. Someone should write it out.

>> No.13247669

Maybe I'll write out the tale of how I purposefully got caught at the Anubis Dorm.
And then later snuck out to help Raid the Dragon Dorm.

>> No.13247670

>Working with a Cheshire Cat who has a verbal tick that seems to be a form of tourette syndrome where she occasionally tosses the words "dick" or "cock" into the middle of sentences
>Eventually discover she's a virgin and suggest she try to find a man and see if that changes anything
>She corners you in your office after hours chanting "Cooock, cooooooock..." like a zombie

>> No.13247673

>beer and sweets


>> No.13247675


Do you see Anon!? Do you see what happens to you when you bully the wrong Cyclops!? You get used! Used like a toy!

>> No.13247677

Too sober not to want lemon meringue pie and too drunk to say no.

>> No.13247679

>Brobdingnagian fetish
How about no.

>> No.13247681

Kill yourself.

>> No.13247682


>> No.13247684

Beer is good with sweets. And only some people suck at processing sugar and alcohol at the same time enough to get hangovers later.

>> No.13247688

>not tearing, biting and clawing her insides

These fucking newbie adventurers I swear.

>> No.13247689
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>mfw these responses.

>> No.13247691

Pick ONE and stay with it. Or not, it's YOUR stomach.

>> No.13247693

I kinda would like to do it but i would have to read a lot since i'm not well versed in the different kinds of MGs (I'm a man of few waifus)

Also i'm still blocked with the end, the whole premise of the final boss being simply a 10 star dorm feels kind of bland to me, Unless going against the college staff and shit like you said is an option, in the process wreaking more havoc than i initially thought it was possible

My thoughts on the story were more based on the messing with the law and order/the reputation thing part rather than lewdness so i'm not sure if it would fit to the audience.

>> No.13247697

No worries, friend. I'll be fine. Thanks for looking out for me though.

>> No.13247700
File: 2.40 MB, 500x281, 1413294304481.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beer is good with sweets
>drinking any alcohol with sweets

>> No.13247701

Never has this been more appropriate

>> No.13247702

Guess she found Nobody

>> No.13247703

What would the reaction be of a knight before the time of the demon lord seeing the monsters after they transformed and how the humans react to them?
>He somehow gets magically flung into the future and the first thing he hears is people screaming about a group of goblins terrorizing the village.
>He rides out to the cave along with a few villager conscripts to wipe out the monster menace ready to see a bunch of ugly green midget with a taste for human children.
>He charges into the cave, dragging his recruits behind him calling out the goblin menace to fight like a true warrior or hide and die like cowards.
>The goblins come out wielding their clubs as the recruits scream in terror, and one even pisses himself in fear.
>The knight is pissed starts yelling at them for being afraid of a bunch of little girls, and making him think that their village was in danger.
>The villagers try to convince him they are goblins, but he just tells them to piss off.
>He takes the goblins home saying little girls shouldn't live alone in a cave.
>He treats them like daughters and takes them with him around town
>Meanwhile all the villagers are living in fear of the goblin horde and their corrupt knight leader.
>They're so scared they won't even call for paladins in fear that their new overlords will know.
>Goblins are living the easy life because they have a nice home and get free stuff because people believe they are extorting them when they ask for stuff.
>They start calling the knight grandpa
>The knight gets angrier and angrier as the townsfolk keep calling random women and girls monsters just because of this weird fashion fad of wearing these weird outfits with tails, fur, and the like.
>Don't question it though because his girls seem to like wearing their fake horns.

>> No.13247709

I like it. But god damn it I hate this type of blindness.

>> No.13247715

Shaun of the Dead with monster girls when?

Hot Fuzz with monster girls when?

The World's End with monster girls when?

>> No.13247716

>Being this uncultured
>What are desert wines
>What are classic ways to enjoy brandy with desert
>What are the legions of deserts made or served with alcohol

Alcohol is just alcohol. It's not some barfly code. It's enjoyed like any other food or drink.

>> No.13247718

It kind of reminds me that greentext about the dense-tier paladin and the lillim.

>> No.13247721


Fucking Ral brain going on

>> No.13247725

Needs some monster girl ice cream first.

>> No.13247730


"Nobody's making me cum!!!"

>> No.13247733

Shaun of the dead would be obvious, but what about the other two? Would hot fuzz be about a new Paladin police officer investigating a series of brutal rapes? Would World's End be about a town getting taken over by Doppelganger's who want to force everyone to be like them or get killed?

>> No.13247737


> Nobody's dick is inside of me!
> Nobody's driving me crazy!

>> No.13247745

You misspelled "dessert" three times.

>drinking wine
Found the faggot!

>alcohol is just alcohol
Now you get the fuck out of this thread before I empty this bottle of double black into your ass!

I bet you order milk at bars faggot.

>> No.13247753

Cry more guttersnipe.

>> No.13247757

Both of those examples sound pretty spot on.

>> No.13247760

>winefag's thoughts on anything mattering

>> No.13247761

>not liking wine
I spent ten years finding the right bourbon, the right scotch, the right gin, the right beer(s). Recently, I've been taking a course on wine beer and spirits. and you know what? I like wine. I enjoy trying new ones, from different countries and made from different grapes. It's pretty great. I still like my whiskey and my beer, but now I like wine too.

>> No.13247774

muh femdom

>> No.13247778

Hey guys should i trust harblador writefaggotry? i've had some bad experiences with his stories in the past(the guy has some fucked up fetishes, damn) but lately there has been a lack of good updates and the guy is surprisingly very active lately, kind of suspicious now that i think about it.

>> No.13247783

Because it's all good in the right situations. Only barflies and tavern rats limit themselves to one or two things and drink only to get drunk.

>> No.13247786

Are you saying you don't want to get your boxers stolen by monstergirls?

>> No.13247788

I think he was talking more about the role reversal than femdom anon.

>> No.13247792

>drink only to get drunk.

And what's wrong with that? Do you fuck to not cum?

>> No.13247793

sounds annoying as fuck

it also means i'd have to buy new ones


>> No.13247795

Boxers really aren't that expensive, besides I would be flattered if some girl decided my underwear was worth stealing.

>> No.13247798

>what's wrong with that?
Everything. That's called alcoholism Anon, that shits not that cool.

>> No.13247799

Just drown your sorrows in a jug of bad moonshine. Anything better is wasted on you.

>> No.13247801
File: 566 KB, 600x814, 132492347234234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're plagued by what you call 'Boxer Fairies'.
>tfw you try to tell people that at night Fairies break into your room, specifically yours and only yours, and fly out the window the boxers you wore that day.
>tfw no one believes 'Anon's crazy stories about his Boxer Fairies'.
>tfw you see smug looking fairies eyeing you from the Fairy dorm.
It's time to get a little payback.

>> No.13247802

No, alcoholism would be drinking everyday with no notion of time, not being able to do anything because you want just want to get drunk and fuck your responsibilities. There's drinking to get drunk and NEEDING to get drunk.

>> No.13247805

muh retard

>> No.13247807

You got a problem queer?

>> No.13247812

What are you stupid? Those cost money.

>> No.13247813

>Boxer fairies
>Not Underwear Gnomes

>1. Steal Anon's Boxers
>2. .....?
>3. PROFIT!!!

>> No.13247815

Never before have I seen such wit.

>> No.13247816

You sure sound like you do.

>> No.13247823

A glass of alcohol wouldn't do shit to you. Drinking several at once would.

A single goddamn cigarette, on the other hand, would already be harmful.

>> No.13247825

>Tanukis vacuum pack the boxers.
>Sell them to the highest bidder.
>Monster Girls bid hundreds of dollars to obtain a pair of boxers belonging to a virgin.


>> No.13247827

Dat fucking episode man.

>> No.13247832

>drown your sorrows
Implying have problems that drive me to drink.
>anything better is wasted on you
No, sounds like YOU have a chip on your shoulder.

>Implying didn't catch that subtle crack.

>> No.13247835


>> No.13247838

You mean by offering myself to them and fucking them silly each night so they let their guard down and I can get my boxers back and steal theirs?

>> No.13247841

>D-drugs are bad, mmkay?
Save it for church, faggot.

>> No.13247842

Pretty much.

They're pretty flexible.

>> No.13247844

Faeries don't wear boxers anon, and they'd be way to small for you anyway.

>> No.13247851

>Drink only to get drunk
>Not just drinking straight alcohol
That's only logical. Anything else is wasted on anyone who cares nothing about body or nose or anything else.

You're the one crying faggot and queer like a child and escalating the namecalling.

>> No.13247858

Fairies use boxers as makeshift tents. Or bedsheets.

This is why you need to be careful if you leave clothes on the floor in some Fairy-infested areas.

Give them a good shake before putting them on.

>> No.13247867

>who cares nothing about body or nose or anything else.

I don't really get what you're saying here.

>You're the one crying faggot and queer like a child and escalating the namecalling.

You're the one having your period al over the place because someone called you a faggot because you like wine, pansy. and are bitching at how people enjoy their alcohol.

>> No.13247879


>Deliberately fucking up your health with smokes

>> No.13247894

Why? That doesn't sound like such a bad thing. I guess it does depends on their temperament though.

>> No.13247896
File: 719 KB, 1800x1200, 1414714112735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel about evil girls with a dere side?

Would you accept her love?

Keep in mind that if you refuse, that will only make her want you more

>> No.13247897

>The guy saying how other people have to enjoy alcohol his way with nothing beer and pretzels and straight whiskey who only drinks to get drunk trying to pin shit on the guy that said drink and eat whatever you want in whatever combination
Seriously man

>Arguing about booze but doesn't know what body or nose means
Wow. Okay, you win. No more responses from me.

>> No.13247910

So basically a yan with power?

>> No.13247911

Well if you put on a pair of boxes without checking you might end up with a Fairy on your dick. Biting it accidentally, out of surprise.

It's best to give her a heads up so you can have a crotch fairy in a more safe manner.

>> No.13247916

I guess it would depend on the person. I'm not really looking for love, but I'm not opposed to it.

>> No.13247918

what's the difficulty level to convert her to the side of good with my penis?

>> No.13247919

Suddenly thinking about the Buggram Queen from El Hazard...

>> No.13247921

How many sandcastles do I have to kick down to have her trust me with helping in her line of work?

>> No.13247923

Lawful Good Dickings.

>> No.13247924
File: 410 KB, 1000x1399, BTE7_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, do you remember that time you felt something warm seep into your heart?

Who was she?

>> No.13247925
File: 45 KB, 640x480, The man who won.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Best girl. Best guy.

>> No.13247926
File: 789 KB, 792x1000, 1422174702511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mayaderes are an acquired taste, but are objectively the best.

It's like Yandere, but less loveydovey.

>> No.13247927

Hell fucking no.

>> No.13247929

Nah fuck you dude, you were the one making assumptions and projecting bullshit all over the place, making it sound personal.

>> No.13247930

>Evil overlord waifu
>Killing any who oppose her rule and subjugating anyone that's left
>Only shows kindness and love to Anon
>He tries to act as her moral compass
>More than one village has been spared annihilation thanks to him

>> No.13247932

Far as I know, only Loli-Oni has the really kinky stuff.

>> No.13247934 [SPOILER] 
File: 501 KB, 1200x1703, 1427688895292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the text free version

>> No.13247935
File: 569 KB, 600x600, 1327843278423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your pic actually. Granberry gave me an amazing fear boner.

>> No.13247938

>less loving yandere


>> No.13247940

I still want that one on the right with the bobcut.

>> No.13247943

>You'll never live in a small house on the edge of the woods.
>You'll never wake up to find a different forest monstergirl sneaked into your bed while you were sleeping.
>You'll never wake up find a curvy fairy grinding herself against your dick one day.
>You'll never wake up with a nervous elf whose lips are hovering inches above yours
>You'll never wake up cuddled up to a werebear.
>You'll never wake up to find a group of werewolves hiding under your bed because of the thunderstorm last night.
>You'll never wake up at midnight during the full moon to find that they all teamed up to break into your house.
>You'll never wake up covered in naked and satisfied forest monstergirls.
Life is pain.

>> No.13247945

How evil are we talking here? Misunderstood girl who fights for what she think is right? Or whiny selfish and brutal edgy bitch?

>> No.13247946

Would she expect me to be evil? I'm not so sure I can do the whole evil thing without trying to ruin it. I'd totally ruin her evil vibes when she's torturing some poor soul.
>Hun, I want some pancakes can you make the ones with the strawberries on top
>Oh I see you have friends over, play nice
>You should ask her is she wants some pancakes too
>Yeah, yeah I'll leave just don't forget the pancakes

>> No.13247949

She still loves you, but in a sadistic or evil kind of way. Like she enjoys seeing you squirm, but can't bring herself to actually kill you. She's evil so she doesn't know how else to express love.

>> No.13247950

My mother, but that was years ago.

I would slaughter a MG so I could see her again.

>> No.13247953

I have a thing for Mayadere and never knew it til recently.

>> No.13247959

I bet the Elf would act all tsundere, and say that she was just giving you mouth-to-mouth because she thought you were dead like most stupid mortals.

Also I wouldn't mind having orphaned Werepups hiding under the bed to take care of.

>> No.13247962

For some reason it's cuter in my head if it's actually a pack of full grown delinquent werewolves.
Just imagining a bunch of Werewolf girls in biker gear and spikes trembling under a bed during a thunderstorm man.
It makes me want to crawl under with them and cuddle up to them to make them feel safer.

>> No.13247964
File: 491 KB, 710x1000, Pharaoh - MGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't put my finger on why she doki dokis my kokoro, but I want to protect her smile.

>> No.13247967

Can we talk about Werewolf hybrids again?

Would the pound be like a homeless shelter for Wolfus?

>> No.13247968

So she'll hurt you? Or put you in dangerous situations to express love? No thank you.

>> No.13247971

That too.

They'll visit from time to time and push you around a bit, bullying you for being a weak Human who lives alone in the woods.

But as soon as a thunderstorm comes they'll come to your house, because they know you don't fear thunder and lightning and act like a bunch of scared little girls.

They'll hammer on your door with paws begging you to let them in.

You'd reply that you're not entirely sure, they were pretty rude last time, you might just let the angry sky giant sort them out.

Then when they panic anymore at this idea of a giant in the sky who throws lighting you'll let them in and you'll gather in a shivering cuddlepile in front of your makeshift fireplace.

Truly being in Monster Girl woods all alone is GOAT.

>> No.13247977

Well you have to understand, Mayaderes start out as woman who want to kill you.

It's not exactly a safe relationship.

>> No.13247978

Have any of you ever thought about becoming a monster girl?

Think about the happiness you'd bring to others.

>> No.13247983

That elf is going to get an ear nibbling.

>> No.13247985
File: 257 KB, 1600x1138, 3452346267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really a yandere at the beginning, but she will go yan if you keep refusing.

She will never convert to the good side, but as the only person she truly listens, she will take your opinion in consideration, so you can avoid some deaths here and there.

Something like an overlord, she enslaves people and can be cruel, but it's fair with the people who is loyal to her. Also, she will never hurt you, but if you are into those things she won't have a problem with it.

>> No.13247986

Your the alp who go to the center of town, declare "Free Fuck Friday!" and drop you pants aren't you?

>> No.13247988


>> No.13247989


I...I'm sorry. I hope you're doing well.

>> No.13247990
File: 345 KB, 495x600, 1385099944437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably too kindhearted for that so no.

>> No.13247991

Monster Girlsonas is a slippery slope.

I know there's Alps and whatever, but it's one of the things that seperates us from furries.

>> No.13247993

And then your mouth will bleed.

>> No.13247995

Gay, and you can stay a man and turn other people into monstergirls.

>> No.13247996

It's cute if they're just scared of thunder and lightning too though.

>> No.13247997

Do you wanna know how I got these scars?

>> No.13247999

Elf blood is probably delicious.

>> No.13248000

CCC Lancer a best.

>> No.13248008

It's not really gay if I become a girl, right?

>> No.13248010

I think if anyone wants to slaughter anything to see their mother they are the opposite of fine anon.

>> No.13248011

>No wolfgirl cu chulainn who gets mad when you accidentally call her a dog.
>No lizardman diamund who wants to serve you faithfully
>No dragon Elizabeth to sing awful love songs for you.

Truely the best class, don't even think nameless kiki archer can stand a chance.

>> No.13248013
File: 926 KB, 1198x1860, 1416006216164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful when cuddling, ticklish elves can put an eye out.

But where does it go?

>> No.13248014

Fuck off.

>> No.13248019

>Think about the happiness you'd bring to others.

>Not becoming a Big Bad and being a step above Traitor-kun in treachery

>> No.13248028

I'll try my best to see if I can stop her from being too evil. If I refuse to have sex with her or cuddle with her, will she just take what she wants, or will she listen to my suggestions?

>> No.13248031

Yes. And then yuri.

>> No.13248032

If only I could. It would surely only end with tragedy. If I couldn't fill her dark soul with light I would have to take up arms against her cause, for the good of the world.

>> No.13248037

Curse the Vampire aristocracy. They've been behind the shota slave trade all along.

>> No.13248039

What if a girl on the internet wanted to be one? Would she be a furry, or just a run-of-the-mill pervert?

>> No.13248049

There's nothing wrong with loving a pervert.

It may be cosplay-tier, but a girl that wants to dress up with a tailbuttplug, ears, and some pawgloves sounds like she'd be a fun person.

>> No.13248050

The latter.

There are plenty more differences between us and furries, as has been discussed plenty.
It's more about not wanting to invite worse things. Preventative measures and such.

>> No.13248057

>Putting the world above your waifu
Disgusting, you don't deserve an evil waifu.

I'd gladly be an evil girl's arm candy and compliment and love her and how smart and powerful she is and cook her breakfast in only a naked apron so she can rape the cook and give herself an ego-boost for the morning.

>> No.13248058


>> No.13248061

I'm sorry to disappoint, anon.

>> No.13248062


This is my fetish.

I want to fall in love with some evil sorceress, demon, etc, and do everything within my power to help her take over the world.

>> No.13248066

It depends on your suggestions.

>> No.13248069

So we're talking esdese but she's a monster girl.

>> No.13248072

>Becoming the Big Bad to bring happiness to others
>Become leader of a slut based around worshiping the demon lord and monsterkind
>Find humans who are unhappy in life or just want to be fuck monsters or be one and convert them into incubui or monstergirls
>Using your growing cult to spread to undermine human governments and positions of power and allow for them to be taken over by monstergirls
>Curse or convert anyone who gets in your way while using your magic powers and loyal cultists to fend off annoying intruders
>Watch as montergirls take over and lead humanity towards the glen age of monster/human cooperation
>Live happily and comfortably for the rest of your life with your waifu, knowing that you helped make the world a better place

Who wouldn't want to?

>> No.13248074

You know too much anon, you're up against powers that you can't fully comprehend. The shota must flow.

>> No.13248076

I'm sure that, given enough time and materials, you could make a lower snake-half that goes up to only your legs, and wrap your lover with it beforehand. It'd be like bondage, but also a suit.

Alternatively, lizardgirl. Scales > fuzz.

>> No.13248078

Anon go to bed, your drunk.

>> No.13248082

Humans hate other humans, what makes you think humans could love monsters?
Hardmode: No power of love bullshit

>> No.13248084

I want to do the exact opposite.
>"What is that foolish warriors? You think you can beat me? Mistress Shadescale? Well, let me show you how wrong you ar-"
>"HOOOOONEY! Pancakes are done."
>Interrupt her evil speech by walking in shirtless with a plate of flapjacks.
>"Oh! Didn't know we had company, who are your friends dear?"
>All the while she's blushing and pouting.

>> No.13248087
File: 2.70 MB, 290x189, Lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The shota must flow
God fucking damn it I can't breath.

>> No.13248090

Choose One:

Strongfat or Shortstack

>> No.13248092


>> No.13248093


>> No.13248097


>> No.13248099

>Anon is just an average guy who happens to be the husband of the most cruel and feared Dragon in the land
>He's the only one she shows affection towards, she loves him unconditionally and he's the only person who can get her to change her mind once she's set on a course of action
>Her underlings see him as just a trophy and pay him no mind outside of the required formalities when she's around
>One afternoon, Anon is making his way to the kitchen, where he often personally prepares his waifu's dinner despite there being kitchen staff on hand
>He overhears two of her Lizardgirl guards muttering about stealing from the Dragon's horde and confronts them
>They laugh and tell him to get lost, and when one of them gives him a dismissive wave he grabs her hand and snaps one of her fingers back
>She howls in pain and Anon gets uncomfortably close to her face and growls at her that she's paid handsomely for her services already, and in exchange all that's asked of her is loyalty
>He goes on to say that if she can't keep up her end of the deal then she's of no use to the Dragon and will be disposed of
>The other Lizardgirl is too shocked to do anything
>Having heard the screaming, Anon's waifu comes to see what's happening and finds Anon putting a splint on the Lizardgirl's hand and asks what happened
>With a smile, he explains that she was running down the hallway and he didn't see her and stepped out in front of her and she she slammed into a door frame while trying to avoid him
>Rumors spread and the Dragon's underlings are soon more weary of Anon than of the Dragon herself

>> No.13248102
File: 52 KB, 500x500, MAXIMUM KEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grinding all tension between good and evil to a halt by being a good husbando
My fucking sides
Shortstack all the way.

>> No.13248103

Now fight to the death, you are both allowed one spork, nutshots are illegal.

>> No.13248106


>> No.13248109

Strongfat, although it would make my familiar quite odd to see.
Still cuddly though.

>> No.13248110

See this is how you do it, just because your partner is strong doesn't mean you can't be.

>> No.13248112
File: 747 KB, 1240x1753, 1424381267822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be a member of a Black Dragon cult.
>You will never slowly rise in the ranks, as your Black Dragon Overlord incinerates the higher-ranking members for 'Failing her for the last time'.
>You will never end up as her right hand man, having studied enough magic to be somewhat powerful, but still paling in comparison to her.
>You will never be asked by her to obtain a powerful magic ring. The one your predecessors all failed to obtain.
>You will never fear for your life as you approach the guardian of the ring, knowing that if you fail it's trial and return empty-handed, you will meet the fate of the others.
>By a series of complete and utter flukes, you pass the trial and obtain the ring.
>You return and present the ring to your Dragon overlord.
>She smiles, something you've never seen before.
>She brings her face to you and whispers.
>I do.

>> No.13248117

The adventures of dense MC and evil waifu
>a paladin is running up stairs in the evil waifus lair
>kicks open the door
>dense husband is there in the kitchen
>"Hey there! Here for my honey bear? Don't worry, she's not evil, she's just got a temper."
> husband and paladin talk it over a few beers
>later see the paladin walking out the tower laughing with the husband waving back at him
>evil waifu is still sitting on her throne waiting for paladin to come and fight her

>> No.13248122

You think they won't want to fuck sexhungry affectionate girls just because they might have a few scales? Besides, they'll have to behave under the watchful eyes of their new monstergirl overlords.

>> No.13248123

>Epic battle between dragon wife and party of adventurers
>Battle grinds to a hault as I and a small team of Kikimoray walk into the room.
>"Everyone, I hate to ask this but can you move this to the courtyard? The missus parent's are coming over tomorrow and I don't want the rug to get too soot covered and blood stained."

>> No.13248124

>Keeping your waifu's underlings in line
Really, that's to be expected of any man with such a powerful waifu.

Well that's one way to test a potential husbando.

>> No.13248130

>monstergirl overlords

To hell with them and to hell with you.

>> No.13248133

They would be better then our current leaders since they want humans to be happy.

>> No.13248135

That's the spirit.

The only way to stop an evil Monster Girl from being evil is with a thorough dicking.

Just the same, what do you want written on your gravestone?

>> No.13248140

Despite the lack of pancakes I still enjoyed this. Instead of mc being dense, he just has ulterior motives that undermines his waifu's best efforts to be evil.

A lot of people in this world have bigger worries than sex, combine that with religious extremists, and neophobia. I don't think humanity would welcome another sentient species with open arms.

>> No.13248143

>I don't think humanity would welcome another sentient species with open arms.
Shit you don't have to be a scientist to see that, we've done it before and we'll do it again.

>> No.13248145

I want a monstergirl apocalypse to happen, and for the civilized world to be transformed into a Fragile Dreams-esque ruin.
I think it'd be an interesting setting to fight for survival in.

>> No.13248148

I can't help but read this and imagine the real reason they're running shitless during the storm is because Gasmask was chasing them, saying he was going to CHEEKI their BREEKI if he caught them near his home again.

>> No.13248153

>. I don't think humanity would welcome another sentient species with open arms.
That's why you need to fight for a world in which your waifu can be happy.

>> No.13248156

Even scientists are rather divided.

I know there are plenty of very educated men and women in the world who are quite fearful of alien intelligences.

>> No.13248157


I fuk ur mum

>> No.13248158

Those poor Girls.


>> No.13248160

Story when?

>> No.13248169
File: 1022 KB, 1440x1080, kitsuneempress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one will welcome my new Kitsune Empress.

>> No.13248170

Bloodsucker girls when?

Bloodsucker village would still be fucking terrifying.

>> No.13248173
File: 261 KB, 1134x1432, 2013-02-25-560636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mofu a shit, all hail the Aristocracy

>> No.13248174

Why is this "empress" dressed as a harlot?

>> No.13248177

Because that's what she is, she's monster royalty so she gets to have as many dicks as she wants whenever she wants.

>> No.13248179

The holst duchess begs to differ.
Milk and love for everyone.

>> No.13248180
File: 483 KB, 2300x2500, 1387342315662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quiet Anon! Do you want to be thrown into the mofu pit?!

Don't let them hear you say that.

>> No.13248181

I would rather a Kitsune Lich

>> No.13248182

>Move to village of bloodsuckers unknowingly
>Wonder why they only ever show up at sunset
>Slowly but surely become terrified at hungry red eyes that leer at you from the shadows
>CC neighbor makes delicious food

The horror.

>> No.13248183

Did y'all ever see that Twilight Zone episode 'To Serve Man'? Even if our first encounter is picture perfect, paranoia will linger and human-mg relations will always have issues. Of course the people got eaten in that one, but my point is there will be people to screw it up like that whistleblower at the very end. IT'S A COOKBOOK.

>> No.13248184

This is pretty much the same as living in a vampire vilage, I fail to see any real difference.

>> No.13248185

She undressing so her manservant can pleasure her.
Get to work boy

>> No.13248186
File: 543 KB, 707x1000, 49548393_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gothic and undead waifus a best. I want to cum inside Doll-chan enough times to make her spontaneously conceive with her cold, hard porcelain womb.

>> No.13248188

That's a pretty thick servant. I'd give her a little of kits.

>> No.13248190
File: 506 KB, 579x788, 1424718877855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holst can't be aristocrats. They lack a certain... elegance.

>> No.13248191

They can become invisible.

I'd be too scared of them to give the dick.

>> No.13248192

Oh, Hunter!

>> No.13248193

You better make damn sure you brush that tail properly.

>> No.13248194

C'mon. Haven't you ever heard of the Dairy Queen?

>> No.13248196
File: 374 KB, 1483x1000, Bring me more sake, some pillows and the extra fine brush boy~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your Kitsune mistress gets drunk and makes you perform lewd acts.

Such is life as a servant.

>> No.13248197

They can, they just hang out with the other's who like comfy parties, gathering around grand tables with other comfy royalty like yeti's as they discuss the going on in the kingdom and who's snagged a husband since they last met, holding hands or hugging their husbands as they do.

>> No.13248198

So what you're saying is you won't be able to see them coming?

>> No.13248201

Can't argue with Wurm logic.

>> No.13248205

>Start NG+
>Open up game in the Hunter's Dream at one point
>Doll-chan spontaneously launches into a hauntingly beautiful poem for you
It was a nice moment I'd not experienced before...

>> No.13248206

buh dum tsh

>> No.13248208

What a cockhungry slut. It's like she's trying to make everyone love her, oh wait, she is!

>> No.13248212

Fairy eclair
Yes or no?

>> No.13248213


For reference imagine walking into a village with of invisible monsters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvGpi8rGhUI

Except you don't know they want your dick and to make you a husband.

>> No.13248214
File: 129 KB, 680x946, xDQZIru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your kitsune teacher is sober and makes you perform lewd acts

>> No.13248216

Would you even think to love her?

>> No.13248217

You already finished the game?

>> No.13248218

That would be the true paladin in fact, knowing full well his job only starts when it's blood and killings, and judging creatures by actual deeds and appearance rather than blindly following some dogmas.
(Yeah sure, he simply doesn't realize anything in the greentext, but I believe he'd still need to be somewhat in that field to let himself be deluded that far.)

>> No.13248220

Yes, both carnally and until death do us part.

>> No.13248221

A what?
It can't be helped, it's for the sex ed class.

>> No.13248222


The one on the left knows something I don't and I don't like it

>> No.13248224

I would if she were to give me better grades in return.

>> No.13248229

>"Anon~... What would you think about brushing my tail, but instead of the brush... You use your fingers? ehehehe."

>> No.13248230
File: 110 KB, 703x750, 1401528386354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gothic MGs are one of the few varieties I would enjoy being femdommed or bullied by.

I then want revenge by mocking and teasing them about their ignorance of modern terms, technology and the like.

And thus the cycle would continue.

>> No.13248231

Clearly you've never seen that VN about the two kingdoms going to war over which is better, washboard no tits or perfect squishy milk makers.

>> No.13248232

Eating out a fairy post-orgasm like you would an eclair
putting your lips between her legs, slathering her little honeypot with your tongue before you start sucking her out

>> No.13248237

Oh. Yes.

>> No.13248243

>sex ed class
Are you sure you could keep it up in front of the entire class? Imagine if you lost your boner or couldn't cum while she taught about different positions using your body as a teaching aid.

>> No.13248250

You know that's a dude right?

>> No.13248251
File: 23 KB, 240x230, Sorrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW you'll never be a commoner placed in an arranged marriage with the haughty daughter of a Kitsune Noble.
>TFW she'll never force you to brush her tails and feed her her fried tofu
>TFW she'll never force her tongue down your throat while taking your first kiss while leglocking you and taking your virginity
>TFW she'll never fall asleep after sex and wrap her tails around you to keep you close to her
>TFW you'll never hear her murmur in her sleep how lucky she is to have the boy she always watched from afar as her husbando.
>TFW she'll never nuzzle her head against your chest in her sleep while muttering about how wonderful you are and how much she loves you.
>TFW you'll never hear her cute squeal of glee when she wakes up the next day and realizes she wasn't dreaming.
It hurts anons. It hurts really bad.

>> No.13248252

Rossmann please.

>> No.13248256
File: 370 KB, 612x750, The Hero of MGG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I could keep it up. The shame of being exposed before my peers would only make me harder!

>> No.13248259

My penis remains erect.

>> No.13248264

Being married off to a wealthy Kitsune family sounds like an easier job than being a servant, tailbrusher or hairsweeper to be sure.

>> No.13248266

Yeah, well fuck off with your trap/yaoishit.

>> No.13248267

Night all, do good and don't burn down the thread.
>>13248264 I want to be sold to a CC tanuki who spent too many years going for money and not enough going for love. It would be a wonderful romance.

>> No.13248268

Cry more though

>> No.13248272

But anon, you still have to feed her with your mouth and brush her tail as her husband. You have to do two servant jobs without pay!

>> No.13248277



>> No.13248281

But anon, you get love and cuddles in return.

>> No.13248282



>> No.13248283

But I'll be rich!

Also I won't have to be a hairsweeper. Sweeping up the shed fur that comes off of Kitsune tails off the floor.

>> No.13248288

Do you think the hairsweepers masturbate with the shed hair? I probably would.

>> No.13248293

That could be any Kitsune's fur! Lewd.

>> No.13248296

This is the monstergirl thread, not the "im a faggot in denial who likes boys in dresses" thread, that's on /d/ and all the time on /b/ . Get out and stay out.

>inb4 if he's cute

Adam blade is an insane lolicon faggot and a mockery of a man.

>> No.13248298



>> No.13248299

I bet they do several houses and then roll around in the pile, jacking off, imagining they're having a multi-kitsune fluff gangbang.

>> No.13248305

You keep crying, knowing your shit will never be accepted here, fujoshit.

>> No.13248306


>"Um...miss? I'm warm enough now so uh.."
>But she's too into the hug to listen to the guy talking.

>> No.13248308



>> No.13248309

Anon stop, its a troll and a bad one at that. Just report and ignore.

>> No.13248312

I'm done.

>> No.13248313


If she threatens/hurts family members/people i care about then I'm outta there, no questions asked.

>> No.13248314

The worst part is that he's autistic enough to take the bait.

>> No.13248323

I'm going to be an attention whoring little faggot and ask for some feedback, or if any one has actually read this, because it's the conclusion to the first real arc since the MC struck out on his adventure, and I'd like to know if there's anything to be called to attention. If there's anything I should focus more on, if there's anything people didn't like and why, that sort of thing. I mean it's cool if you've got none, but it's hard to progress if I don't know what to work on.

>> No.13248328

Surprised a troll could work a keyboard.

>The fingers you used to dial are too fat. To obtain a special dialing wand, please mash the keypad with your palm now.

>> No.13248330

I'll get back to you after reading it, didn't even know it was there until you pointed it out.

>> No.13248333

I miss when Shrek was good.

>> No.13248335

And to start this off, line 3089
>black with rain an ash.

>> No.13248337

>Evil overlord waifu has you best friend who joined the rebels before her
>"Very well traitor, it is time for your punishment. Guards take him to the gall-"
>stops notices your angry look
>"the prison for lif-"
>Still scowling
>"Tens year in low security and removal of a ha-"
>Scowl deepens
>"Just toss him in the goblin dens?"
>You think for a sec, then nos.
>"To the goblin den as a cuddle slut for an eternity"
>"Until you marry one"
>"You never let me execute anyone any more" she grumbles as the guards take a bewildered looking friend of yours away.
>You just smile and pet her head, her tail wagging in joy as you do

>> No.13248341

And on line 3091
>their faces to fragile

>> No.13248342

I love that episode, a troll and anything with big meaty paws would probably need a special remote/keyboard/anything with buttons ywice the size as normal

>> No.13248343

Even that is helpful. I wonder if I should start postin' pictures to make my updates more noticeable.

>> No.13248344


>Get captured by MG slavers
>Well shit
>The one who buys you is a Kejourou
>As you lament the rest of your new life of servitude she gives you your first task
>Comb her hair with your hand
>So you run your hand through her hair
>Again...and again...
>This is all she really wants you to do. You're surprised to see her doing the cleaning and cooking and making you do it although you don't tell her as such.
>In time she calls you her favorite comb even going as far as selling/getting rid of some of her old ones

And there's my obligatory kejourou post for the thread. see ya!

>> No.13248346

wait someone say mofu pit?
Kitsune empire a shit!!!

>> No.13248347
File: 314 KB, 575x323, Anger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you intend to link to someone else?

Also, I can just imagine anon scowling like Judge Dredd the entire time.
He isn't Dredd, is he?

>> No.13248349

I always post a picture of the Monster I'm writing about. But you'd probably need Rusalka art for that.

>> No.13248354

On line 3129
>would have rathered wake up to

>> No.13248362

Yes I did, ment for >>13248313

>> No.13248368

>Not executing a man for accidentally scratching the table?
>That's three rounds in the bed wife,

>> No.13248373

I'm pretty sure that rathered as a past participle of rather makes sense there within the context. Don't uh... Don't quote me on that or anyhting

>> No.13248378

I googled it and apparently that's true. Never, ever seen it before. Ever. My mistake.

>> No.13248379

Rather is not a verb, sborski.

>> No.13248380

maximum over lewd.webm

>> No.13248393

>Implying I'd spare my friend
We were friends, and she may be evil, but the day you point a sword at my waifu is the day we stop being niggas.

>> No.13248394
File: 441 KB, 529x608, 1411407880609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then, leaving aside all the misspellings I pointed out earlier, here's what I'm thinking:
Oh, and, uhh...
You'd probably need to consult someone else for actual criticism. I'm not good at that kind of thing. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go back to writing about an elderly Kikimora getting the old in-out.

>> No.13248395

Replied to the wrong post, fuck I feel smart.
Meant for this. >>13248337

>> No.13248401

You've mentioned english not being your first language before, haven't you?

I'm not sure I'm using it as a verb? The line is
>You would have rathered.
And I'm pretty sure "You'd rather" Is an acceptable use of the word, and what I had it merely the same thing without the contractions.

Well thanks man. I fixed the things that need to be fixed, and I'll update it again after revising.

>> No.13248405

>haven't you
Yes. Third language. Can't expect me to know everything.

>> No.13248410

Yeah, no it's perfectly understandable. Thanks all the same.

>> No.13248418

It's "You would have rather woken up to..." You wouldn't say "You would have preferablied wake up to," would you?

>what I had it merely the same thing without the contractions
Aww shit nigga, I'm not even gonna touch that one. I guess you would.

>> No.13248425

Naw man, tell me why and how I'm wrong. I won't learn the difference other wise. I'm almost certain that "rather" has a past tense. And no I wouldn't have said
"You would have prefferablied wake up to"
I'd have said "You would have preferred to have woken up to." I don't understand your example.

>> No.13248429

Is it bad that I want to team up with a foul mouthed mantis and her hetero life mate grizzly to save the world from two corrupted Angels?

>> No.13248431

And I mean, It's not the same as "You'd", but "You'd have" or "You would've." Which are both fine to my knowledge.

>> No.13248432

That seems a little odd. Why would Jay and Silent Bob be a Mantis and a Grizzly?

>> No.13248437

I just like the dynamic that is the grizzly is the more stealthier one of the two.
>what do you think MG jay and silent bob would be?

>> No.13248440

There's no way Jay could ever be anything but a human boy.

>> No.13248446

Rather is an adverb in any standard form of English and they just don't work that way. I have no fucking clue what you're even trying to argue here >>13248431, but this is what you're doing:

You might notice that it's presented in the same context as "I been graduated" and "it needs washed."

>> No.13248448

I think a succubus could work too. All she would need is to be a little more foul mouthed. Would also create an interesting duo.

>> No.13248450
File: 255 KB, 566x1213, 1418248665229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, here's a short little piece of Kikimora smut. I added it into the part of the story where it makes sense, so the new stuff is between lines 520 and 561. More to come as the week goes along.


>> No.13248461

Yeah, looking at that and
I can see what it is I've done. I've taken it for a synonym for preferred, as opposed to using it to signify a preference for one subject over another. Well, the more you know. I'll go fix that up.

I was thinking how nice it would be to tease and bully an elderly maid, until she turned the tables on him. Then I thought about how nice it would be to have an elderly maid turn the tables on you cute/10.

>> No.13248469

I just hope I can make the Satyrs different enough from one another so as to not make it boring to read about them.

>> No.13248477

I think that will be hard because Satyrs are all basically the same character. Drunken horny creatures of primal sex. I look forward to what you do with them though.

>> No.13248484

I'm thinking different kinks that need satisfying. The last bit will be the easiest to write though, just a man and two brown-skinned, golden-scaled Lamias.

>> No.13248492

what kin of kinks would a Satry even have? Drunk sex? Outdoor drunk sex? Drunk orgies? Drunk orgies outside?

>> No.13248495

Hey, Satyrs are allowed to have weird fantasies too! Like having someone eat off of them. Or getting banged while in suspension bondage. It's a temple of love, there's gotta be room for perversion there. I'll figure it out as I go along.

>> No.13248498

Satyrs were the traditional followers of Dionysus, so if you could imagine a fetish they would probably have it.

>> No.13248510

You came through, Alp!
Pretty good. I wondered what was up with her antics during the first round, wily old Kiki.
And she was just the first, RIP Erik's pelvis.

>> No.13248514

but if everything is a fetish, then nothing is a fetish, right? It''s like saying "I like everything" If you like everything the same you don't really have a preference

Well good luck man.

>> No.13248515
File: 1.04 MB, 1050x825, 1422649231541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Come on anon, it's time for bed.

>> No.13248516

>came through
But anon, Erik hasn't even finished 1/11 girls!

>> No.13248517

B-but you just let me out of the rape ball.

>> No.13248518

>good luck man
Thanks. I'll need it.
It's mofu o'clock already? Oh my!

>> No.13248524


>> No.13248527

My main gripe was the lack of Megan lewd, everything from this point on is just a nice bonus as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.13248529

>Ufufu, but this is consensual cuddle ball~!
>Ara, eager are we?
>Come now, you don't want to wind up like >>13248517, do you?

>> No.13248530

Yes, and now it's time for the cuddle ball.

>> No.13248532

I don't think I could have a mofu waifu, I can't even sleep with a blanket, or i'll get uncomfortably hot. I'd need a nice cool lass to cuddle to sleep.

>> No.13248538
File: 1.23 MB, 1512x1064, 1406832818278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see.

>> No.13248539

Well, there's always that Yuki-Onna that lives down the street.

>> No.13248542

Well, if it's consensual.
Oh, and I think your room-mate is eating that cake you left in the fridge.

>> No.13248545

I want to transgress against reason and God by creating a Lava Golem / Kitsune hybrid to bathe with.

>> No.13248547


>> No.13248549

>Like having someone eat off of them
Lewd to the max.
Would you let an MG jerk you off with a banana-peel, which she'd then proceed to re-sheathe the banana in, soaking it in your collected jizz, before eating it erotically?

>> No.13248552

So, nothing plot/story/character wise? Guess I'll just keep on keeping on then.

>> No.13248556

I'd let her lick chocolate sauce off of me.

>> No.13248557

>Anon was then raped until his computer went into sleep mode,winding up inside the Mofu Sphere until morning.
>Eating my cake eh?
>Good thing I snuck laxatives into it, ufufufu.

>> No.13248560

All I can say is make more of that ear stuff. It's nice.

>> No.13248564

Will do. I like ear stuff too, and I think I've written it in passing but never really focused on it. I'll have to fix that.

Which MG has the lewdest voice?

>> No.13248567


>> No.13248570

Lamiae and related species seem to receive a lot of attention for their voices.

Also Sirens.

>> No.13248572

Lewdest voice? Hmm. That's a tough one, to be sure.
I'll second Lamia.

>> No.13248575

I want to have my upper body wrapped in fluffy fur and pressed against hot flesh as I straddle and hug her in the warm water.

>> No.13248587
File: 50 KB, 285x427, 1425459771123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uh oh, I think there was something in that cake

>> No.13248588


>> No.13248590

She deserves it.

>> No.13248596

I would die of heat stroke within seconds.

>> No.13248602

Warm is justice. Lava Kitsune is love. Surrender to the burning pleasure.

>> No.13248603

For eating her room-mates cake, or being cancelled?

>> No.13248606

What would an illusionist magic using monster be like? One that just fucks with your brain at every passing moment and never letting a single shred of reality through?

>> No.13248608

The cake, one does not simply eat a roommates cake.
Nah brah, I have a higher than normal body temp, and I produce a lot of heat because I'm so large, so cuddling with that thing would kill me in minutes.

>> No.13248610

But then I wouldn't be able to sleep. Tyrant.

>> No.13248613
File: 343 KB, 900x1150, 1421711278468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13248614

I share your pain, anon.

>> No.13248624

>I have a higher than normal body temp, and I produce a lot of heat
Maybe you should consider an Undead waifu? Perhaps a Zombie Kitsune? Then you could use her fluffosphere like a sleeping bag and heat her up with your heat.

>> No.13248627


>> No.13248629


Nay, for I choose to submit to Ice!

>> No.13248633

Lets you and him fight! Let fire and ice clash to make all the Kitsune wet!

>> No.13248635

Of course, Anon. They're a little unusual though.

They wear strange ceremonial equipment, including horned helmets which are very impractical. Some have an odd little verbal tic where they stretch out their o's.

Nice ladies though, and very strong despite being an all female order. No one crusades harder against human boy trafficking rings.

And they always bring a lot of extra dairy products whenever they join a party, so that's nice.

>> No.13248637

I want to be thrown into a pit of wurms

>> No.13248652

I dunno, there is an 8/10 chance you land on a tail and break a bone.

>> No.13248656

but i know its a trap and i walk willingly into it

>> No.13248662

They'd catch you, if for no other reason than thinking catching you is a game.

>> No.13248667


I want to be thrown into a pit of Krakens

>> No.13248670

Then they'd play catch with you.

>> No.13248672

Surely you meant to say Moohads.

>> No.13248675
File: 616 KB, 2240x1680, 1674437863443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I ain't afraid of no g-g-ghost!

>> No.13248677
File: 201 KB, 512x384, KylieGriffin01[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The buster is hotter than the ghost.

>> No.13248680

Do you want to be possessed and have her fill your head with lewd thoughts?

>> No.13248686

No, I want to fuck her cold spectral pussy silly.

>> No.13248699

All I want is to be the Human Boy healslut in a MMORPG raid party fully composed of nerd Lizards who would all white-knight around me and try to flirt awkwardly, then have that noisy, cocky Manticore jerk join in only to start practically ignoring the game whatsoever and hitting on me aggressively to which I would pretend to be falling for, so that those poor Lizards would anxiously look at their sweet Human Boy and team's mascot being 'stolen' from them while staying silent like the beta whimps that they are.

>> No.13248704

>Using Pretend-NTR to bully Bonnet-tipping Lizards
Brilliant, I say, brilliant sir.

>> No.13248712

I'm not really a fan of that shit, at all, but that really got a chuckle out of me. More of a "What the fuck, man" type of chuckle, but still one nonetheless.

>> No.13248713

>play tf2 as "XoXGamingHBXoX
>all of the lizards on the server go medic to pocket me and try to add me on steam
>trade invites from lizards trying to give me unusuals

>> No.13248749

I'm not into that as well; actually, I find myself rejecting living in that kind of an MG world at all if it basically makes them go through the very same crap which makes so many people turn to escapism here.
It's just you guys and your threads hooked me on that jender-reversal sitcom shit so I can't help but to imagine it sometimes for guilty giggles.

I thought of ending with a line that we're best buds with her and do this as a hobby.

>> No.13248761

No orifice would be safe.

Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.13248765

Is your waifu pro or anti skub?

>> No.13248766

>Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
No. Just a statement of fact.

>> No.13248784
File: 477 KB, 648x677, Tailpussy slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender-reversal bullshit has this sort of tinge to it that makes it fun, even for just common things.
Then again, it's usually in medium fantasy modern day sort of thing which is a setting I love.

>> No.13248812
File: 241 KB, 1080x1920, HATHOR WHAT HAVE YOU DONE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What'cha doing nerds?

>> No.13248814

Watching Gundam. 08th MS Team is pretty good.

>> No.13248816
File: 646 KB, 850x1200, muscle oni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Strip Club made FOR Monster girls
>of course its all hot MALE strippers
>Strict "No touchy and no rapey" rule
>Bouncers are all Oni, Ogres, any kind of super muscled monster girls

Holy fuck this concept is just funny to me

>> No.13248820

watching durarara and rolling girls, then I'm going to jerk off and go to work

>> No.13248821

Dreaming of sex with a dead loli.

>> No.13248823

Reading that VN that came out the other day. I'm at the camping trip in the summer, and I am not impressed so far. It isn't a good sign when even I can see shit coming.

...As in a zombie/undead loli? Or straight necro? I assume the former.

>> No.13248824
File: 170 KB, 600x600, 1388211431995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That image
>That face

>> No.13248826

I want to turn a straight up corpse into a zombie by creampieing her enough times the way you turn a zombie into a wight.

>> No.13248827

>that VN
What VN?

>> No.13248829
File: 111 KB, 1200x750, TEMPLATE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been practicing.

>> No.13248830

Well. Okay then.

I'd rather a Lich personally.

>> No.13248831
File: 840 KB, 907x1280, Lavafox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first thought was pic related.
My second was that this is the waifu made for me.
I have an extremely high tolerance for heat IRL and just adore hot baths and piles of thick comfy blankets.
11/10 would fund shady lich experimentation program to create.

>> No.13248835

If you want to help shady Lich experimentation programs, there's a fun way to do it! Grab your buddies and go on an adventure! Adventurers come across all kinds of rare ingredients of their adventures, and you can donate your share to your local Lich Doctor! Make good memories and form stronger bonds with your companions while helping the makitek community create new and better waifus!

>> No.13248836

Would the Lava Kitsune give birth to more Lava Kitsunes or a mix of Lava Golems and Kitsunes?

>> No.13248840

I'm assuming it would be more Lava Kitsunes, unless they were twins, in which case one would be a Lava Golem and one a Kitsune. Don't ask me about triplets or more.

>> No.13248845

What if your waifu had identical octuplets?

>> No.13248848

Then they would be identical Lava Kitsunes, duh.

>> No.13248850

Defending against hordes of Barbarians and watching my empire slowly being brought ever closer to extermination.

>> No.13248851

2 kitsunes, 2 lava golems, 4 lava kitsunes

>> No.13248852

Oh hi Total War player who wanted to waifu Alpie.

>> No.13248855

Princess Evangile. Got its full English release the other day.

Well, that's... something. I love the undead, myself, but that is a little beyond me.

Indeed. Lich best undead.

>> No.13248858

Hello anon, how are you this fine morning?

>> No.13248861

>Princess Evangile
You only have yourself to blame.
Fine, just fine. Watching Gundam like I told the cow.

>> No.13248863

Good, good. Stay out of trouble now anon.

>> No.13248865

>that is a little beyond me
She'd be a human childhood friend I was in love with, but met an unfortunate end by eg. falling from the cliffs as we play together. I'd then pump my spirit energy into her lifeless husk in the form of semen and tears over and over until she slowly started to move. It's all very romantic, anon.

>> No.13248866

>You only have yourself to blame.
Oh yes, I'm aware. I wasn't really bitching about it, and have no intention to do so, let alone here. At least I didn't pay for it, though.

>> No.13248867

Now how could I be getting into trouble you Greco-roman Alplover?

>> No.13248869

>eg. falling from the cliffs
Guys, I think it's necropedokun again.

>> No.13248876

You'll find a way, I believe in you. And when you do that's when you become my eromenos.

>> No.13248877

>>eg. falling from the cliffs
That's what tipped you off? Seriously?

>> No.13248878

Your what?

>> No.13248881

You become my bitch,anon. It basicly means "Beloved" its the term of the younger gay lover of the Erastes, the older or dominant male in the relationship.

>> No.13248886
File: 16 KB, 527x493, A portrait of the artist as a young man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on testimonies received from your waifu, this is what he looks like. Maybe I should add pointy ears or horns, but... Enjoy.
Yes, yes, I'll delete it.

>> No.13248890

>Princess Evangile.
Huh, steam started to sell hentai? Or they cut off all h-scenes?

>> No.13248893
File: 529 KB, 1007x1462, Surprisingly Accurate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster Hunter Universe vs Dragon's Dogma Universe vs Elder Scrolls vs Warcraft vs Souls / Bloodborne vs <Insert Something>

Which one of these universes / settings would be the best post MAMONO MANA MGE-ification via Demon Lord?

>> No.13248895

No, think softer, too many harsh angles. Basically how it went down is younger boys would reach one of the first peaks of Male beauty and at that time would usually find an older male to bond with etc etc.

The greeks had strange concepts of what is and isn't beautiful, for a male, it depended on the definitions of muscles in his legs arm and chest.

>> No.13248896


>> No.13248897

I mean that's what he supposedly looks like. Bearmode.

>> No.13248898

They released the all-ages version on steam.

>> No.13248899

So where's muh Starless?

>> No.13248902

Warhammer 40,000. It would be great, Grimderp vs Hugbox.

>> No.13248904

Dragon Quest

>> No.13248906

>MH - giant beastie waifus everywhere. World of wurms and dragons.
>ES - Elves. Elves for days. Tall elves, dark elves, snow elves, deep elves, wood elves, green elves, cat elves.
>WC - Given that a great number of inhuman creatures already have sexy canon human forms and the bulk of characters are human or near-human...probably pretty boring. The Burning Legion and shambling horde of Icecrown would be a hell of a lot more moe though. Pandaland would probably just be Wakfu.
>Souls universe - Already waifu souls. Would just contain MORE waifus and less suffering. but still some. It isn't Souls without suffering

>> No.13248907

Oh, I'm tired. Forgive me my mistakes.

>> No.13248910

Do we need even more reasons for Togashi to stay in that world?

>> No.13248911
File: 599 KB, 777x1100, 37356153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lich really is a best

>you will never be held captive in a crypt by a lonely Lich and forced to perform lewd "experiments" with her all day

>> No.13248912

>Monster Hunter
>Gore Magala girl spreading frenzy scales everywhere
>giant hyperaggressive rape machines everywhere
pray they dont turn apex

>> No.13248913


Those experiments will include anal and stuff going INTO your dick.

>> No.13248915

Knowing that is true suffering.

>> No.13248917

Not a problem, princess.

>> No.13248919

1) Lure Gore Magala into high MG population territory
2)Get all MG infected.
3) ???
4) Profit?

>> No.13248923

I'd like to make a wall-sized mural out of all the dead skin cells that my waifu sloughs off while she sleeps at night.

>> No.13248924

Your waifu better be scaly or else that's incredibly creepy.

>> No.13248926

It's genuinely creepy either way.
Now I can see him collecting dragon scales and pasting them on a mannequin in a secret hobby room.

>> No.13248927

>Dragons Dogma

Wolves fuck in packs Arisen

>> No.13248929

>"It's puts the lotion on its scales or else it gets no hose tonight"

>> No.13248931

I also wanna cauterize her tear ducts with an arc welder so I never see her cry.

>> No.13248932

Right then. Into the loony bin you go.

>> No.13248934

>you'll never rip your waifu wide open and french-kiss every single one of her internal organs

>> No.13248935

Not him but I'd kinda like to use my waifu's big, hard scales to make jewelry out of.

>> No.13248936

M-maybe she's a war golem of some kind

>> No.13248937
File: 325 KB, 665x840, 1404499353165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon pls.

>> No.13248942
File: 470 KB, 500x706, Red Wolfi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which MG would not look good with red hair?
Easy mode: Lich and other undead

>> No.13248943
File: 507 KB, 1120x1600, MY HEAD IS FULL OF FUCK FROM THIS MOTH PUSSY DOUJIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this thread took a pretty hard turn into head fuckery.

>> No.13248945

>selling generic school porn harem without porn
Why would anyone buy that?

>> No.13248946

That doujin is terrifying.

>> No.13248947

I've always wanted an over-protective dragonfu who would make me a mail shirt out of her own scales and then nag me into wearing it under my normal clothes all the time

>> No.13248948
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Yeti unless she had red stripes like a candy cane

>> No.13248949

Anything brown

>> No.13248950

I bet she'd get off on the idea and the protection angle is just a smokescreen.

>> No.13248951

You just gave a wonderful idea. Thank you.

>> No.13248952

That's adorable.

>> No.13248953

-ly hot

>> No.13248954

>Anything brown
But you're wrong. Red hair and brown skin go together like Dr. Pepper and trout

>> No.13248955

H*ck no.

>> No.13248956


>> No.13248962

>your dragon gf will never train you to become a powerful warrior

>> No.13248964

Probably. Especially since I like to headcanon that she uses living scales from her big form instead of shed scales. So the mail retains its strength. So she can psychically grope my back and chest all day.

>> No.13248970

You Guys should look for the other Moth Girl Doujin. The one about the Moth Girl wife. It's kinda sweet. No freaky shit.

>> No.13248976

>Not already being a powerful warrior who happily lets his guard down and becomes a normal and unassuming husbando for a waifu who takes pride in her ability to protect your smile

>> No.13248977

>becomes a normal and unassuming husbando

>> No.13248980

I'd rather fight together, side by side.

>> No.13248984

I intend to use it myself Someday™ but you're welcome to as well.

Wouldn't be the first time I've pushed one of my silly ideas on an Alp. I'm this guy https://archive.moe/jp/thread/13003928/#13013193

>> No.13248986

Wait, since when were you under the impression I'm an Alp?

>> No.13248987


>> No.13248990

Yuki-onna. And probably Glacies.
Unless you do a total crimson recolor, they NEED white/blue hair to not look lame.

>> No.13248991

Oh, you aren't? He's the only one I know of currently writing a dragon story. I think.

>> No.13248998

Oh I am, it's just that it's suspicious when people do that.
And there's Harblador's crybaby Dragon, too.

>> No.13249002

I'm good at making half-assed assumptions that end up being correct.

>crybaby Dragon
Forgot that one. Been a while since I read it. Is he still updating it?

>> No.13249004

It might as well end the way it is now, but I don't think it should.
I guess I am the only one writing about Dragons actively.

>> No.13249006

I'm pretty sure the calendar years are a recent addition.

>> No.13249008

The latest update was like last week, wasn't it? It's hard to tell now that they're all in one paste.

>> No.13249010

I haven't seen any updates.
And speaking of crybabies....
>Sitting on couch watching Jumanji
>Wyvern waifu resting against me while daughteru is sitting on my lap
>Take a sip of my coffee
>Accidentally spill it onto daugtheru
>She isn't harmed, but now she's wet
>She starts crying
>Waifu tries to grab something to wipe her down
>Ends up skewering the paper towel roll onto her wing claws
>She starts crying too

>> No.13249013

After checking the blog, yes, the latest update is from last week.

>> No.13249015

I miss loen

>> No.13249017

Yup. That's the one.

>> No.13249019

As do we all, but there is no Loen.

>> No.13249020
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I do too.

>> No.13249022
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He still makes appearances here and there

>> No.13249025

>tipsy Rachne

>> No.13249032
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So how much do you love Dragons?

>> No.13249035

They're ok, I prefer lamias

>> No.13249037


>> No.13249039

My scale loving brother.

>> No.13249040

Quite a lot.

>> No.13249044

Im now torn between rape train and a dragon.

>> No.13249046

Less than fluffy tails, more than chitinous toxic horrors.

>> No.13249049

How about a Dragon rape train?

>> No.13249052

Oh look, the kid who's afraid of bugs is back from school.

>> No.13249054

You mean like... a half-breed?

>> No.13249057

Or just a Wurm with a conductor hat going "CHUCHURU" while breaking your pelvis.

>> No.13249058

someone need to take a trip to Mexico

>> No.13249060

How would that work?

>> No.13249061

Gotta keep the flames lit through the night for fox lovers, tanuki fanatics, musclebros, and a healthy hatred of skittering death (of the mind, in this case)

>> No.13249062

I love this idea.
I was making a Waifu Souls joke...

>> No.13249063

Fun fact: if Monster Girls were real but with no maomana to fix everything they would probably be able traumatize and kill men with their libidos.

There were cases previously when men ended up in women prisons unobserved and got in the hands of convicts, who would tie them, arouse and then the whole barrack gangraped them until their D suffered gangrene and necrosis.

>> No.13249065

And i was making a trip to mexico joke

>> No.13249067

It's a good thing KC blessed us with maomana then

>> No.13249068

An Ushi died on the operating table and the Lich had to insert her brain into the skull of a recently deceased Dragon to save her.

>> No.13249069

A Ryu also works, but it's not as funny to imagine.

>> No.13249087


Honest question, how come Asian dragons horns look like tree branches?

>> No.13249091

Don't know, it's how they see Dragon horns.

>> No.13249095

It's weird how they look like literal sticks, instead of just forked horns like reindeer have.

>> No.13249107

>You'll never bond with your Salamander daugtheru while teaching her to brew her own beer

>> No.13249109

In the effort to find out why the heck eastern dragons have stag horns, I came across
>The Bencao Gangmu entry for wugong 蜈蚣 "centipede" lists tianlong 天龍 "heavenly dragon" as an alternate name. Li Shizhen's commentary reviews earlier Chinese commentators and texts. The Zhuangzi (2, tr. Mair 1994:20-21) says, "People eat meat, deer eat grass, [蝍且] giant centipedes savor snakes, hawks and crows relish mice." The Huainanzi (17, tr. Carr 1990:111) says, "The [騰蛇] ascending snake can drift in the mist, yet it is endangered by the [蝍蛆] centipede." The Erya dictionary (15) defines jili 蒺蔾 "thorns; puncture vine; bramble" as jieju 蝍蛆 "centipede; cricket"; which Guo Pu's commentary says resembles a huang 蝗 "locust" with a large abdomen, long horns, and which eats snake brains. Although jieju can also mean xishuai 蟋蟀 "cricket", Li concludes it means the snake-controlling wugong "centipede" that the Fangyan dictionary (11) also calls maxian 馬蚿 "horse/giant millipede" or juqu 蛆蟝. According to Eberhard (1968:159), centipedes were snake predators, and "the enmity between snake and centipede occurs in many folktales and customs."

So on top of a dragon king fearing them and RL ones eating everything up to and including small birds and bats, we add snakes to the list of things centipedes terrorize.
You see this, Oomukade fans? Your waifu is a troublemaker.

>> No.13249119

>eats snake brains
Lamia waifu crying in terror and almost strangling her husband white watching an Oomukade Zombie film when?
