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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1322354 No.1322354 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese student: "I must study 12 hours a day to get enrolled in a top tier university like Todai! I must make my parents proud. And if I can't achieve he best results I'll either kill myself or isolate myself from society forever."

American or European student: "Why do I have to do this?! School is so boring. I hate this shit. Everyday is the same. We're slaves to society. Fuck this, I'm logging on to my computer. Who cares if I fail this class. I can always repeat it later."

>> No.1322359


>> No.1322364

I'm an American college drop-out who isolates himself from society, so don't look at me.

>> No.1322367

Japanese student: I'll either kill myself or isolate myself from society forever."

American or European student: "Who cares if I fail this class. I can always repeat it later."

Your point is...?

>> No.1322370

You're a drop-out! This means you didn't try to achieve your best. This interests me. Why didn't you try harder?

>> No.1322373

My point is that the lack of honor and discipline in Western society is the reason why the Japanese can enjoy Cowboy Bebop and Ghost in the Shell at full force, while we have to settle for season 20 of Simpsons and Avatar.

>> No.1322374

cherry picking

>> No.1322375

All of them end up getting shit jobs anyway, what's the point of studying?

>> No.1322377

School does suck. I'm going to take a nap.

>> No.1322379


I hear its quite profitable.

>> No.1322382

I'm a dropout too. Didn't stop me from taking two virginities though.

>> No.1322383


>> No.1322384

Japanese : We try so hard and aim so high that when we fail we feel the world crumbling on us and decide to kill ourselves.

American/European : lawl I'll take it easy, just give me a job and an house and I'll be happy.

>> No.1322397

ITT: Generalizations

>> No.1322402
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Oh, I did achieve my best. It just wasn't nearly good enough. It would be like comparing an ordinary dog to this dog. I'm just not smart enough.

>> No.1322403

American student: "All of them end up getting shit jobs anyway, what's the point of studying?."

Japanese student: "If I work hard I might get a good paying job which will allow me to live a decent life."

>> No.1322404

That is one cool dog.

>> No.1322406


That's awesome.

>> No.1322409

Oh, I see. Same thing happened to me. I'm re-doing my first year of college.

>> No.1322414

I understand completely.

>> No.1322417

"if"? You mean "must".

>> No.1322420

I dropped out in my 2nd year of university
I lived a year as a neet,will live another year like this.
Get back in to the uni

Catch:Mechanical Engineering to Philosophy

>> No.1322424

American/European student: "I'll just hang myself..."

Japanese student: "I better go out on the streets and stab people before I kill myself ..."

>> No.1322425

If everyone was smart and well educated in the west good jobs would be hard to come by. Dont forget we have a much bigger country and larger population. I'm sure we have as many hard working student as they do.

I support western underachievement

>> No.1322427

Different guy, but I'll answer anyway.

Apathy. Total apathy. I wouldn't much care if I died, as long as it wasn't too painful.

>> No.1322428

Fucking Turk. Why can't you assholes behave like normal people? Why do you have to be so violent, kill your daughters for the sake of honor and ruin every country you emigrate to?

>> No.1322429

You have immigrants for that kind of jobs

>> No.1322432

Same reason for my failure in college. I'm OP btw, but I decided to pull my act together and retry. Now I'm aiming for A in all subjects, and I know I can do it.

>> No.1322437
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>Now I'm aiming for A in all subjects, and I know I can do it.

I know a guy who aced all his classes without even attending a day in class (apart from tests). Hard work gets you through high school. Being smart gets you through college.

>> No.1322443

uneducated people tend to do silly stuff.honor killings are seen in places where kurds are the majority in turkey.
as for shitty immigrants,well,we wouldn't try to send actually capable and educated people,would we?

>> No.1322446

The whole idea that you "MUST" go to College is a bunch of shit. The only people that benefit by having too many College grads are the big corporations. We would be much better off with a working wage job for everyone who wants one that the current wasteful system.

I am a NEET. Fuck College. Fuck big Corporations. They are wrecking the US economy, the Republic and, destroying the middle class.

>> No.1322448


anyone can do that if they stick with a piss easy major

>> No.1322450

This just in: different colleges have different degrees of toughness.

>> No.1322451

We'll see in January when I get my results for this semester. I've worked really hard, and I've done a lot of old exams in the subjects I'm doing. You know you can become smart, just like you can become physically strong.

All you need to do is work hard and be disciplined.

>> No.1322452

I have to disagree,personal experience says otherwise.Being intelligent helps,though.

>> No.1322453

I went to summer school every year in high school, even my senior year. Now that I'm in college I go to every class, take notes, but I just can't bring myself to do any of the work at home. I don't even know why I'm going, I'm not interested in anything besides weeaboo shit but I'm sure as hell not majoring in Japanese.

>> No.1322454

I'm also a NEET, but not having a job at all means you aren't spending any money, which hurts the economy.

>> No.1322457
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This is how I feel about your post.

>> No.1322462

You're so full of crap.

>> No.1322465

I'm rich. Fuck your middle-class. I am not rich.

>> No.1322469

I spend money on food.

>> No.1322470
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>> No.1322471

I'm middle class.Fuck yer poor class asses

>> No.1322472

Depends on what you major in. Chemistry major with Japanese minor, so got to see students from both realms.

Guess which students I saw all the time in the libraries and which students who kept fucking pestering me about going out to karaoke every week.

>> No.1322476

Well, in high school you get points for showing up, doing assignments, finishing projects, and doing extra credit. In college, your whole grade is based on 1-4 exams. That and professors don't actually teach, they lecture.

>> No.1322479

Chemisty students never do any work, yeah.

>> No.1322489

>don't actually teach, they lecture.

>> No.1322490

Goddammit you fags don't even know the basics.

Here's a little thing that was set in stone years and years ago on 4chan: JAPAN = SUPERIOR

>> No.1322492

I think you got that wrong way around.

>> No.1322495

This! Anyone who says otherwise came here from /n/.

>> No.1322496


>> No.1322498

Which is why college is superior, fuck I hate projects and bullshit like that. I basically coasted through High school on my exam and test grades. I remember my precalc teacher made homework only 15% of the final grade, I didn't do one assignment and got like an 83%, and here are all these other kids getting c's when they get 100% on their homework (it was a completion grade only). He didn't like me.

>> No.1322508

Basically what you're saying is that it's your own fault.

Also, some colleges assign homework and require attendance.

>> No.1322511

That's fine. I didn't like him, either. I ended up getting in more difficult classes that were more interesting. What I'm saying is that the material isn't difficult, it's the application.

>> No.1322520

I wouldn't know since I'm not attending college, but are all the class grades largely dependant on exam scores?

>> No.1322522

>more difficult classes that were more interesting.

Anyone who thinks that has a high IQ. So, basically, if you don't have an above-average IQ, just drop out. You are only hurting your credit rating when you'll eventually declare bankruptcy from tuition payments.

>> No.1322527


>> No.1322524

Depends on your class and university.

>> No.1322528

>>students who kept fucking pestering me about going out to karaoke every week

that's cause they don't need to study, they understood and paid attention to it the first time.

>> No.1322530

We don't have College in my country. We're forced to join the army.
Fuck all of you americunts.

>> No.1322531

Anyone who thinks this is a fag who gives up at the first sign of adversity.

>> No.1322539

If you don't have an above-average IQ, just drop out. If you have an above-average IQ, you are a faggot who will give up at the first sign of adversity, just drop out.

>> No.1322541

Japs go crazy to get in Toudai but how's life after you get in? Harder or easier?

>> No.1322547

Harder, like twice. Then it never ends, till you die.

>> No.1322559

This thread is full of shit.

I'm a 2nd year medicine student. I was never a social outcast. I have loads of friends, I lost virginity when I was 17 and in high school I was one of the "cool kids".

And yet by understanding that sometimes you have to stay home and study instead of going out and drinking I managed to go that far. And yes, I watch anime, read manga and play VNs. And I'm pretty fucking happy with my life.

The ammount of pressure Japanese kids get is no different than anywhere else. They're just pussies afraid to oppose even though they know after college they'll end up in some hueg company where they'll be treated like dogs.

I hate Japan as a country and society. I can't help but like their merchandise and cuteness-loving culture though.

>> No.1322566

What is with everyone thinking we want to know about their personal life?

>> No.1322571
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Get out of here, unvirgin.

>> No.1322573

What the fuck got you into weeaboo shit? Also, do you suppress your power level?

>> No.1322574

2nd year med student = freshman. Talk to us later when the shit really starts piling up.

>> No.1322577


you got it backwards bro

I got good grades in high school because I was smart enough to figure out the easy way to ace my classes and not spend any time outside of school to do it..

In college, I actually had to put in time and study.

>> No.1322581

No Free College in the USA either dipshit.

Most jobs don't require a college degree but they simply are not offered to anyone without one. Total bullshit and a huge waste of resources.

>> No.1322583


I'm an eurofag, and Japan-related stuff is treated differently here. Some of my friends know I'm into it. But I don't go around telling people about it. So I guess you could say I do supress it.

Also, the ammount of bullshit you guys piled up here just made me feel like making a blog-post.

>> No.1322584

If that's true then college is going to be fucking awesome.

>> No.1322588

Do you honestly believe a person with a high-school level education could do any sort of decent work in a job that requires skilled labor?

>> No.1322593


Christ, not you again.

>> No.1322602


>> No.1322607

Mexican student: "Hola! Tequila! Must enter United States illegally"

>> No.1322622

Well, I guess you're just an idiot then.

>> No.1322640

Can you prove that most of those jobs can't be preformed by someone with simple technical school training?

Requiring 4 years of "education" when one or two in a focused training program would suffice is wasteful. Some of these jobs the entry level only requires very little training at all and you are required to learn everything on the job anyway. Four years of education for most jobs is stupid.

>> No.1322652


>> No.1322656

Generic VN student: "Where the fuck are my eyes?!?!?!?!?"

>> No.1322665

>high-school level education
>technical school training


>> No.1322689


Yeah, most retarded jobs. If you want a good job you better have a good education, end of story.

It's not about what you think you need to succeed, it's about what society expects of you- and if you expect to be a lawyer or something you better fill societies expectation of it.

You might think that by reading a law book for a year or two that you'll know how it's done, but society doesn't care- they'll choose the person with the important piece of paper over you any day.

>> No.1322718


>> No.1322731

Math fucking sucks and is useless.

Other than that, everything about the education system is fantastic in my opinion.

>> No.1322759

Which shows how much you fail for buying into this shit. Yes for a very few "Professions" a 4 or 5 year course of study is required. For the rest is it a waste of resources. Protip: most people on this planet are not college grads.

Ass a confirmed NEET I say fuck this shit. This society sucks ass. There is no reason society can't function such that any one who wants a job can have one at a middle class living wage.

>> No.1322789

>>Ass a confirmed NEET

I'm sure you know exactly what you're talking about.

>> No.1322799

>Middle class living wage.

You're asking for too much. Lower-middle or upper-lower is more reasonable.

>> No.1322805

After doing this for 20 years yes I do know quite a bit about it. Anyone who tells you most jobs require a degree is a fucking liar. It's a huge fucking scam.

>> No.1322813

Good luck developing any sort of modern technology without using math.

>> No.1322817

The current system doesn't even provide that. It is not getting any better either as all the illegals drive the minimum wage into the shitter by working under the table for sub minimum wages.

>> No.1322830

The job you just spent tons of money and four years in College for just got sent to India or China where they can hire 10 people for what they would have to pay you.

>> No.1322835


Seconding this. Honestly you need not go any farther than basic division. Everything else is not even worth learning,unless you want to major in science maybe. Otherwise its fucking stupid and I can't believe that schools choose to put higher priority on math rather than something useful like reading comprehension.

Seriously,teachers dont give a fuck if you're failing english,history or science. But if you're failing math its like you havent done shit at all. You're fucked.

>> No.1322837

>>1322689 is exactly the type of dumb fuck that society has an excess of.

Going on to college or university without any interest in the shit they're going to study does jack but ruin the education system for the academics and rest who care. Well fuck, I don't have any fancy papers and still get paid better than your average paper pusher.

>> No.1322850

Unless you are going to flip hamburgers you need an in depth knowledge of math.

Economics? You need math. Engineering? You still need math. Medicine? Yeah, you need math there, too.

>> No.1322854

You think you can become a worthwhile engineer without studying at college? You're a laughable excuse for a retard.

Just because colleges throw in bullshit "Film Design" majors to farm money from idiots doesn't mean college is unnecessary.

>> No.1322857

This is probably a retarded question but would company employers care at all if I failed a secondary language class?

>> No.1322860

>Economics? Pushing papers. Engineering? Pushing papers. Medicine? Yeah, push papers with a fancy symbol on it.

>> No.1322861

No. they look at your uni/college diploma, so they wouldn't even know you failed it.

>> No.1322864


Why do you post here? Go back to /a/ with your shitty Geass crap.

>> No.1322865

NO the same fag but those are professions with limited numbers of practitioners.Most people don't need that level of math training. Anything beyond basic Algebra is wasted effort.

>> No.1322873

A spectacular troll, 9/10.

>> No.1322881

this. if everybody was smart and tried their best, there would be nobody to clean my shit of the walls.

>> No.1322884

Most people are cleaning toilets or moving boxes around. Your point?

>> No.1322885

>Anything beyond basic Algebra is wasted effort.
Once you've already resigned yourself to be a peon, then certainly it's a waste. But hey, suit yourself.

I could go with you on Economics, but you clearly haven't the slightest grasp on what engineering entails or you are truly adverse to the concept of problem solving and assume everyone else ought to be as well.

>> No.1322889





>> No.1322890

You must not be able to read or comprehend. Did I say engineers need not have 4 or 5 years of College? Did I say Doctors don't need College educations? I said MOST JOBS don't require four years of College. Those are not most jobs. Those are Professions and require lots and lots of training.

>> No.1322894

ITT genius freshmen

>> No.1322897

What are you bitching about? Calculus isn't really that hard, and at least in my school, they have the tone downed calc for the nonmath/science majors.

Still, unless you're in a math/research oriented major like engineering or CS, you wouldn't have to fulfill a lot of math classes anyway. Just suck it up.

>> No.1322898

I can see you are a classist pig and need to be gutted.

>> No.1322896

Most jobs don't require a brain either. Progress is all that matters.

>> No.1322911

I am a NEET I don't need any math. I am not in college and I am not going to anymore college. I refuse to play the game.

>> No.1322918
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You're still buying this, though. Right?

>> No.1322921

Fuck you, calculus is hard for me.

>> No.1322931

That's because you are retarded, maybe you should switch to literature.

>> No.1322942

We need a return to Patriotism in American. I'm not just learning, I'm learning to improve my country and the American economy.

>> No.1322946

If you can get past my theoretical paid militia, you are welcome to try.
I'm just trolling anyway. In the end, human enjoyment is human enjoyment. I don't give a shit where people get their kicks as long as it's not interfering with me getting mine. I also happen to be a decently motivated individual and value any person's efforts along those lines.

>> No.1322950

I'm not switching so you'll have a retard holding a degree in a few years.

>> No.1322953

I'm training to be a History teacher, but when I am, I'm gonna tell my kids, "Don't pay attention to my class, guys, try to excell in Science and Math instead."


>> No.1322961

I study accounting. You really don't need more than high school maths in accounting. Still we have to have the same maths as our brethren majoring in finance.

>> No.1322969


You inspire me.

>> No.1322983
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Wasn't Atoli japanese?

>> No.1322989

In my country accounting is not a college-level degree. It's a study plan in high school.

They just teach you that stuff to justify calling it college.

>> No.1322991

I'm kinda a mix of both. I try to study hard, but end up saying "fuck this shit" and isolate myself from society.

>> No.1322984

Jesus fucking christ, you're like my own clone.

>> No.1322997

Fuck...gonna go do my Public Admin. readings now...

>> No.1323018

All humans have value so I respect all humans. Some more than others but I don't consider any human to be worthless. Someone has to do the shitty jobs. Its not my right to make them any shittier or the person doing the jobs work any harder. The only people I don't respect are the truly criminal.

>> No.1323035

More or less along the same lines of my thinking. It's also not difficult to blend in with the larger society when you think on those terms.

>> No.1323050

This thread is pretty silly.

Let's talk about how awesome engineering is.

It is pretty awesome.

>> No.1323052

oh, you're such a hypocritic faggot..

>> No.1323057

>All humans have value
What? Do you not have chavs in your country or something?

>> No.1323058

blending into society? ha ha delusional NEET

>> No.1323067
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Fine by me.

>> No.1323068

I'm not a NEET to begin with. Failed assumption is failed.

>> No.1323070

>It is too awesome.

>> No.1323078
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>> No.1323077

Double E


>> No.1323109


>> No.1323121
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I'm not a NEET.

>> No.1323125

NEET here. I say fuck it. It is all a bunch of crap any way.

>> No.1323133

This thread is shit.

It's nothing but a bunch of arrogant mainstreamers who figure they've beat the system and NEETs who think they're cool for being NEETs.

>> No.1323140

ha ha can't stand being called a NEET?
