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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13191173 No.13191173[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else here have a weird scar in their inner thighs? Even though you're not emo/you don't cut yourself?

>> No.13191188

Might be a stretch mark. Nothing to be worried about.

>> No.13191204

Oh it looks just like the stretch marks in g**gle images, I feel much better. Thanks

>> No.13191233
File: 47 KB, 335x335, 1407179668705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any tooth decay otaku here

>> No.13191253

No but my wisdom teeth is out, don't really want to take it out since it doesn't hurt and I've heard people dye from it. They just want my shekels is the theory behind that train of thought after having read many countless articles online.

>> No.13191259

do you have a german sheperd bite scar on your calf? I don't believe so. I'm the Zangief of the jay

>> No.13191275
File: 120 KB, 230x389, 284737293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably my teeth are pretty shit, I brush and rinse occasionally but they're pretty fucked.

>> No.13191300

That's not something to be happy about

>> No.13191310

yeah I'm not getting mine pulled, all I hear is bad things about it. I hate the dentist they fuck my teeth up than I could on my own.

>> No.13191329

almost all of my molar teeth have fillings or caps

I don't brush daily, only when I go to the dentist

I work for the government and they give me completely free dental care so I don't care if every 4 months I need to go back for another appointment, my teeth are fine now that the inside of them are completely caved out

and if my teeth fall out I'm going to get implants and have augmented teeth that will never rot! I'm a GENIUS!

>> No.13191336
File: 315 KB, 499x339, 1420169974276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel when no money for all that

>> No.13191347

yeah I'd rather have fake teeth too, or as many much more functional artificial body parts that feel the same or better than my normal one's that work much better. I hate my body, I don't really care about how it looks it's just a painful sack of primitive shit.

>> No.13191425
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Mine too. I really don't understand why humans have such a shitty dental/oral system. Someone needs to invent some kind of vaccine/implant that prevent most dental problems and stop those jewish dentists from overcharging for all their shitty services.

>> No.13191455

Your natural diet does not include Mountain Dew and Cheetos. Your teeth are just fine eating a healthy diet. At the same time, most people have bred by around 25, when the adult teeth begin to decay anyway. There is no evolutionary pressure for teeth that last forever, and the modern diet is hell for teeth and oral health in general.

>> No.13191532

>Mountain Dew and Cheetos
Take your ``gamerfood'' back to >>>/v/.

>> No.13191603

I do! Though I got it from when I cut myself. No emo. Whittling accident.

>> No.13191612

my face is partially paralyzed due to some nerve damage from drilling while getting some wisdom teeth removed

>> No.13191614

How much did you settle for?

>> No.13191617

nothing, I signed a thing beforehand

>> No.13191629
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WOW serves you right. You realize that you didn't have to, right? Dentists who get suckers to sign waivers are basically scott-free for malpractice. They could miss and drill your eyesocket and you couldn't do shit.

>> No.13191717

My teeth are horribly stained from a decades of barley tea and coffee, but they are perfectly straight and cavity-free.
I suggest everyone to get laser eye surgery and braces if they can afford it, since you're going to live with your body your entire life.

>> No.13191793

My teeth themselves are in okay condition, but the rest of my mouth is having issues. My wisdom teeth grew in just fine years ago, but my lower set of teeth got pushed together from the lack of space. I never really noticed it until around last year when a small part of my gum unattached itself from my teeth. Right in the front, in between my two front teeth. It constantly feels weird and hurts like hell if any food goes behind it, so I've had to be careful eating this whole time. My old dentist said that braces would probably fix this but those were too expensive for me. It really sucks because plaque gets stuck behind there all the time, but it hurts to put floss in there. Thankfully when it gets really bad it just comes out from normal brushing.

And on top of this, I've gotten two tooth abscesses since the start of February more than likely because of my wisdom teeth. I'm not sure how wisdom teeth can cause them, but I've been told they cause them and that has to be it because my dental health is good. And I still can't go to the dentist because getting your wisdom teeth removed is a pricey procedure too.

For the past month or two my left ear has been blocked up as well, and I tried over the counter ear wax medicine stuff thinking it was that, but it isn't getting any better. Most of the time it isn't too bad but sometimes it gets so bad I think I'm gonna lose my hearing in that ear.

Sorry for blogging, I'll stop now.
