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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13174472 No.13174472 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13174482

cleaning my room will allow me to take control of my life and change my hikikomori ways.

>> No.13174496

I have a maid who cleans for me though.

>> No.13174509

You let people into your room? Might wanna get on out of /jp/ if so.

>> No.13174516

Can't help it, she will get in my room one way or another might as well let her in.

>> No.13174554

Let's do this.

Sperg-like tendencies, but not full sperg.
1-2 series a year max.
Until someone makes a good 2-page reader, no.
Doesn't everyone? Viewing, at least.
2015. Old question is old.
>fan art
Too shitty. Would only git gud for money, like a certain patreon making over 10 grand every two weeks.
Should merge this with the fan art question and call it "being creative."
I'm not a Sudo, so no.

I'm 100% positive normies have dirtier rooms than your average weeb. I've seen some shit. SHIT. Like you wouldn't believe. What's worse, they'll even lie about it and invite you in and have you sleep on the floor. At least a neet would have some cool collection of something and a comfy blanket to cuddle in.

>> No.13174594


>> No.13174608

1. Are there only 5 people who use this board or something?

2. I like the Japanese definition of otaku is better. I am not simply an anime otaku. In fact, I was otaku before I was into Japanese subculture and before I knew the word. I am more than otaku, I am kimo ota or kimoi.

>> No.13174614

I am a hikikomori

My home is clean, because it is my home. It is my territory. My OCD would not allow it to be dirty, I lose it any time even my hands get dirty, I have to clean them and clean them and clean them and I keep going back to clean them because they don't feel clean and I can't touch anything with dirty hands.

I change my clothes like four times a day, at random, for no reason I can understand besides that they feel dirty.

how do people live with dirty rooms

>> No.13174627

I actually like to keep my room messy to a certain extent. It makes it feel lived-in and more like MY place, unlike the sterile look and feel of the rooms shown in magazines and many homes for sale.

>> No.13174682

>2015. Old question is old.
Most normies don't spend most of their waking hours in front of a computer.

>> No.13174694

What are mobiles / tablets / tv / steam ?

>> No.13174731


That's not a maid then that's your mom

>> No.13174757

My room isn't all that messy and I get out often enough (spent something like 6 hours outside of my house today). This doesn't save me from being a NEET.

>> No.13174808

Want a real answer?

Here >>13173108

Read also the following replies.
You'll understand.

>> No.13174841

Tumblr fujoshits are not NEET, they are just old maids. Women are not expected to work, they are expected to marry, if they are unmarriable they are old maids. They will spend their life with cats.

>> No.13174889
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Not him.

What I got from reading that post is that he is trying to look down on people just for their fucking interests.
But I can see the relation to OP. Both of them are -successfully- baiting.

I'm thankful I never cared a bit from any retarded labels while still keeping some decency towards the rest of my society or myself. No need to shout publicly what I like or I don't, not pretending to be something to try to fit in or get an "identity".

I'm a shut in and spend all my time either at my home or at my college, and when I get a job I think of doing the same.
This lifestyle is perfectly acceptable. I am a good, productive member to my society, enjoy myself, and have a happy life this way.

>> No.13174922

Who the fuck call themselves otaku seriously?

>> No.13174931

Confused kids trying to find their identity.
All of us were young and stupid at a point, and we never stop learning.

>> No.13174985
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>> No.13174990

holy shit

>> No.13175013

The term is misused in the west anyway.
But yeah, calling yourself otaku openly is silly.
Using the term with another confirmed otaku is another matter. Even then it isn't a fun thing... it is more like mutual emotional support.

In my mind it is not a good or bad thing but most often it is arrived at for very dark reasons. It has a very real dark side which is why it is sometimes feared in Japan. Part of why it is ridiculed is that it is feared ... they fear otaku going crazy on them and their mocking is partly a defensive thing.

This is why reasonably well adjusted people should not use the term.

I didn't chose to be 'otaku' as some would call it. It was necessary.

>> No.13175064
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I am hikikomori and NEET, but I am not otaku.
I cleaned my filthy room today. I also scrubbed off the mold growing on the wall and window, and vacuumed the carpet.

Are you proud of me /jp/ ?

>> No.13175113
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>It was necessary.
No, you weren't forced to. It was a choice.

But there's nothing wrong with that choice, and anyone who tries to mock you because of it is an idiot.

>I'm a NEET
>Are you proud of me?
Being an "otaku" isn't wrong or anything, but NEETdom is disgusting on so many levels.
You'll be proud-worthy when you get job or find a way to make money.

>> No.13175121

>NEETdom is disgusting
>You'll be proud-worthy
Who the hell do you think you are?

>> No.13175136

Your dad.

>> No.13175154

>You'll be proud-worthy when you get job or find a way to make money.
Will you be proud of him when he scams the government out of autismbux paid for with your tax money?

>> No.13175171

That's still a NEET.
A worse kind of NEET.

>> No.13175176

>get a job
780,000 unemployed people, 150,000 jobs (official statistics). Unless you got a magic wand that will solve all the world's problems, shut the fuck up.

>> No.13175181

Being unemployed and being a NEET isn't the same moron.

>> No.13175184

I work 12 hour shifts then come home and live in my room
that has been my life for 2 years now

>> No.13175223

otaku = house?

uhhh am i a house?

>> No.13175245

I'd live in you, anon.

>> No.13175276

Jokes on you I don't have a room.

>> No.13175320

Music, if anything at all.
>chinese cartoons and comics
Unless dressing like Shinji every other day counts, no.
No, unless you count my shitty electronic project where I try to rip off popular producers aa fan art.
>messy room
Why would you do such a thing to yourself?
I guess

>> No.13175363

>Being unemployed and being a NEET isn't the same moron.
It's bait? It must be bait. I can't be anything else than bait.

>> No.13175385

As an anti-conformist otaku, I wouldn't comfort to your request.

Please get the fuck out of my private property.

People forget the original definition of otaku, and now a otaku is often mistaken to be weeaboo/japanophile, which is a shame.

>> No.13175387

Do you have this one without the text? Those tits are lovely and I'd like to see them better.

>> No.13175398

An unemployed student is not NEET.

>> No.13175407

You fell for it.
The classical bait-blame bait.

>> No.13175421

Isn't an otaku something of a nerd, a guy who's interested, to the point of obsession, in something very specific, like computers, history or TV shows?

>> No.13175425

They're not statistically numbered among the unemployed, either.

>> No.13175435

Yes, which is why "otaku culture" can be anything.

From junior idols to guns and spacecrafts.

>> No.13175437

I think you don't understand your situation
You fell for the bait-bait-reply bait.

>> No.13175439

I assure you sir, as the maker of the anti-conformist otaku post, I am not in, any ways, trying to bait people.

>> No.13175457

Yes, it is.

But some people find fun pointing at the word's origins and how it's "misused" and then watching guys like you reply.

>> No.13175459

I do find it fun, but people need to know the origin of the word if they want to use them.

>> No.13175471

So it's basically like "who are you quoting", it's only shitposting to cause an angry response of the "greentext isn't quote" kind.

But I wanted to be sure anyway, because I saw "otaku" being used to refer to people only watching the anime, as opposed to people also interested in anime byproducts like dolls or VN.

>> No.13175474

Why would you fall for the obvious wrong-reply bait?

>> No.13175477

I misunderstood your intentions.

Nonetheless, I highly doubt most people know the origin of every word they use, since it's unnecessary in most situations.
I highly doubt you know the origin of every word unless you are a language major or something similar, but I congratulate you if you do.

>> No.13175484

Even I can't be sure of that.

But still, one must strive to be ideal, even if we realistically can't.

>> No.13175486

Where does "faggot" come from? I know it was a bunch of sticks to begin with, but why does it also means "retarded homosexual"?

>> No.13175487

every single time we have a thread about "otaku" in /jp/ somebody points out that otaku actually just means obsessive and has nothing to do with anime/manga and the whole thing starts up all over again

don't forget the doujinshi-not-doujin thing

>> No.13175492

>don't forget the doujinshi-not-doujin thing
What are you mumbling about?

>> No.13175494

A correction: an otaku doesn't have to do with anime or anime-related merc at all.

See train otaku, or gun otaku. These guys also watch anime, but their priority is watching guns in these anime, just like guns in real life, movies and vidya games.

For example: this is a gun otaku site: http://mgdb.himitsukichi.com/pukiwiki/?%A5%B3%A5%EB%A5%C8%20M4

Even Hobby Japan sells magazines for gun otaku: http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljlist/?SeriesID=108

>> No.13175496

don't forget about how "otaku" originally means "my house"

everybody who uses the word to refer to other people is doing it wrong

sometimes if you refer to a fanbook as a "doujin" somebody autistic will inform you that doujin is either an adjective or a noun referring to a circle or individual, and that the word you should actually be using is "doujinshi"

in practice nobody cares

>> No.13175498

It is unclear:

>> No.13175500
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/jp/ in a nutshell

>> No.13175503
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>> No.13175504

>don't forget about how "otaku" originally means "my house"
I'm a total polearm and halberd my house. I always use polearms anytime it's possible in a game, even when it's shit (Diablo 2).
>in practice nobody cares
Well, fuck, it means I bothered using the right term for nothing.

So we're supposed to burn the gays?
Where do I sign to join?

>> No.13175509

ISIS probably.

Too bad burning the gays has lost popularity.

>> No.13175514

>I'm a total polearm and halberd my house. I always use polearms anytime it's possible in a game, even when it's shit (Diablo 2).
It's only used as a first person pronoun. Like tihs: "Otaku is of the polearm faction. Swordfags should all go explode."

>Well, fuck, it means I bothered using the right term for nothing.
I hope you learned your lesson.

>> No.13175520

That's not what shitposting, funposting or autism means.

>> No.13175522

Yeah, but ISIS wants to ban touhou spanking.

Swordfags and macefags.

>> No.13175525

But that's not a good lesson.

People should use words correctly.

>> No.13175530

Yes, you have to choose I guess between burning gays and Touhou I guess.

>> No.13175532

By referring to people other than yourselves, you're using the word "otaku" incorrectly, because that's not what the word used to mean.

There's also no need to get mad at Japanese for referring to non-American delinquents as ヤンキー, because the word doesn't mean the same thing in Japanese as it does in English.

The real lesson is to stop being a pedantic wanker.

>> No.13175539

But Yankee are delinquents.

>> No.13175540

I will take these lessons into account and pass them to the next generation i.e. the next time when people use the word otaku to refer to other people.

Thank you very much.

>> No.13175541

All Yankees are delinquents, but not all delinquents are Yankees.

>> No.13175544

There's a line between wanting to do things right and looking like an annoying person with OCD or arrogant snob.

>> No.13175545

True. Some delinquents are Hell's Angels.

>> No.13175555

I think I'm walking that thin line.

People just need to speak what they want to say instead of resorting to buzzword.

>> No.13175556

Then stop using the word "otaku" entirely.

>> No.13175559

I only use the word when I need to correct other people though.

>> No.13175560

Then filter the word otaku if it bothers you this much.

>> No.13175561

It bothers me, but running away from it wouldn't change anything.

>> No.13175566

Whining about it won't change anything.

>> No.13175568

You're not actually correcting jack shit. You're just being a pedantic cunt pretending to be too dumb to accept semantic shift.

>> No.13175569

It would remind people of the origin of the word.

>> No.13175578

Oh, but I do though.

Anime/manga fan do not necessarily mean otaku.

You should just use the words you want to say.

>> No.13175579

See >>13175568.
Through I don't agree with his language, that's basically the impression you give.
Just chill out. Constantly correcting people won't make you popular.

>> No.13175580

Language develops by the usage of people.

>> No.13175584

>Anime/manga fan do not necessarily mean otaku.
In English, the term "otaku" usually refers to an obsessive anime or manga fan (or fan of other Japanese things) because for people who are obsessed with Star Trek or Magic the Gathering we have perfectly serviceable English non-loanwords for them. It's an association that has developed over time.

>You should just use the words you want to say.
I do, but this one faggot won't shut the fuck up about how "origins of words" are inviolate, it's a real problem.

>> No.13175586

I don't need to be popular. I just need people to say things they want to say, instead of resorting to using incorrect buzzwords.
Then as a person, I will constantly remind them.

>> No.13175590

>I don't need to be popular.
You don't need to stop being an annoying cunt, but most people would prefer it if you did.

>> No.13175596

Well then, perhaps the usage of English "otaku" is wrong, and it's good to remind people of the original word usage. And really, why not just say anime/manga fan, instead of using a loanword, incorrectly?

And I'm said faggot.

>> No.13175598

What you are doing is like reminding them of archaisms and extinct languages.

Which is fine, but you can't outright tell them that they are "wrong".

>> No.13175599

Well, thanks for the suggestion, but I will continue to practice my freedom of speech.

>> No.13175602

Japanese is not an extinct language.

Even in latin, a dead language, people care enough to make things right, such as when latin speakers correct people of "personae" and not "personas".

>> No.13175605

>perhaps the usage of English "otaku" is wrong, and it's good to remind people of the original word usage.
The "original usage" of a word is not inviolate. If the word has gained a new meaning, people who use it with that meaning are not "wrong." All you're doing is forcing people to choke on your own personal opinion of what constitutes wrong.

>And really, why not just say anime/manga fan, instead of using a loanword, incorrectly?
Because it's a term that also helpfully encompasses people who are fans of things other than anime and manga, such as the other multivariate /jp/ topics.

Just because you have the freedom to be an annoying wanker doesn't mean you should exercise it.

>> No.13175612

Cool story, frater.

>> No.13175614

All I'm doing is reminding them of the word origin. If they don't want to recognize them fine, but lemme speak of it for people who want to listen.

And if I can and I want and it's legal for me to do so, I will do it. Thanks for your opinion.

>> No.13175624

Telling them that it's a misuse when it's just language development is wrong.

You can say wrong things if you want to, but they won't stop being wrong.
Your argument is based on a fallacy.
I never said Japanese was a dead language.

English will adapt foreign words, and sometimes they will not keep their strict original meaning. Whether you like it or not.

>> No.13175626

>All I'm doing is reminding them of the word origin.
You can remind them of the origins of the word as much as you like. It's only when you insist that everyone else is "incorrect" for using an accepted modern definition that everybody will conclude that you're just being a retard.

>> No.13175627

Except that nobody wants to listen. The general hostility toward you is a proof of that.

>> No.13175633

Language development is a natural process over time, if people can use words incorrectly to the point where they gain a new definition, I will guide them back to the original path.

They don't have to like it, but I will continue to do what I do.

>> No.13175636

You know, this whole Otaku shittalk is like an extremely weeby version of the dubstep thing, only even more retarded, since otaku is a loanword.

>> No.13175638

People can say I'm a retard, but as long as historical proofs are there, I will continue to remind people of these proofs.

>> No.13175645

I can still speak if nobody wants to listen, thank you very much.
I don't know what that is, but it's better to use a loanword correctly.

>> No.13175647

As long as you restrict your shit-eating just long enough to use the word "original definition" instead of "real definition" or "correct definition" then feel free to be as autistic as you like about it.

You should really just stop speaking English, though. The language you probably want is Proto-Germanic.

>> No.13175651

Then don't whine when you're insulted.

>> No.13175652

Thank you then.

And proto-germanic is a dead language, I will use English when I can.

>> No.13175656

I never whine about myself, only about words not being used correctly.

>> No.13175657

>not being used correctly.
Get it through your thick fucking skull that it's not incorrect just because you personally prefer the original.

>> No.13175661

For me, it's incorrect usage of a loan word.

Another buzzword would be "assault weapon", people use it to describe AR15, and despite the popular usage, it's still a meaningless buzzword and I will continue to point out that fact.

>> No.13175664

>For me, it's incorrect usage of a loan word.
You're abusing the definition of "correct" to mean "what I personally prefer." Please stop raping the English language.

>Another buzzword would be "assault weapon", people use it to describe AR15, and despite the popular usage, it's still a meaningless buzzword
Then go whine about it in /k/ or /pol/ if it matters to you. The fact is that the use of the word "otaku" sans qualifiers to describe an obsessive fan of Japanese media in the English language is not only in widespread usage, it's also a useful word.

>> No.13175672

As you said, words change over times as long as people use it, even words like "correct".

And "otaku" as anime manga/fan is not even a useful word anymore, what's with the rise of "weeaboo"/"weeb".

>> No.13175682

>As you said, words change over times as long as people use it, even words like "correct".
If a thousand years from now people are speaking a language as far removed from modern English as modern English is from proto-Germanic, and the word pronounced "correct" actually means "wrong", you would be "correct."

Since we're using modern English, you're not.

>what's with the rise of "weeaboo"/"weeb".
A term invented by 4chan to replace the non-word "wapanese." In particular, a Japanese person cannot be a weeaboo. The terms are distinct and non-interchangeable.

>> No.13175684

Words change over time, and it's decided by the population, not a single individual.

Most people, especially language mayors, will tell you that your usage of "correct" is just wrong.

I know it must be very hard for you to admit that you are wrong. But you are wrong even if you refuse to accept it.

>> No.13175689
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>> No.13175690

Don't wait for a thousand year, for this particularly "weeaboo" word, people already misuse it to the point of it meaning anything japanese. Look at /k/ and /v/.

"Weeb anime, weeb game", stuff like that.

If your logic is correct, the definition of the word "weeaboo" has already been changed and is in already widespread use.

>> No.13175692

I have no fear of being wrong, after all, being wrong is normal.

But as language advances, nothing will mean what it means anymore.

>> No.13175704

>Look at /k/ and /v/.
Fortunately there's a whole host of people in /a/ ready to be mad about it, so there's really no consensus on what constitutes weeb shit and what doesn't.

A quick look in the /k/ archive suggests that people are using it "correctly" to refer to white people trying to be Japanese.

>> No.13175715

I would disagree, just look at /k/'s archive for the word "weeb":

Plenty people use it to just mean "japanese" or "anime".

Considering /k/ and /v/ outweigh, I guess the usage of "weeb" as "japanese" is already accepted.

>> No.13175719

>/k/ and /v/ outweigh /a/

>> No.13175724

>Considering /k/ and /v/ outweigh, I guess the usage of "weeb" as "japanese" is already accepted.
Even if they were a majority, that doesn't create a consensus.

>I would disagree, just look at /k/'s archive for the word "weeb":
It's mostly used to describe people. When it's not it's being used to describe Japanese media that is shit and that they think only weebs would like. Nobody in /k/ calls the Arisaka a "weeb gun."

>> No.13175730

>Even if they were a majority, that doesn't create a consensus.
It does though, if enough people use it, as you said, it would warrant a new definition.
>When it's not it's being used to describe Japanese media that is shit and that they think only weebs would like.
That too is a new definition no?
>Nobody in /k/ calls the Arisaka a "weeb gun."
People already call the katana the "weeb sword".

>> No.13175733



>> No.13175739

I am hikkikomori but I'm very hygienic.

>> No.13175744

>It does though, if enough people use it, as you said, it would warrant a new definition.
No, it's not a matter of raw numbers. There has to be a consensus. If one were to define it in a "Dictionary of 4chan," if there really is a consensus in those boards, you might be able to add:

"2. (slang [/v/, /k/], derogatory) a derogatory term for media that only a weeb would like."

And then, as a piece of board-localized slang, they would be perfectly fine in using it there (but not places where that particular slang definition has not reached consensus.)

>People already call the katana the "weeb sword".
As a joke, yes.

>> No.13175756

The word weeb has already expanded past 4chan, I heard even sites like tumblr use it now, and it just usually means japanese stuff.
>As a joke, yes.
No, it doesn't.

It's just as a joke as saying otaku = anime/manga fan.

>> No.13175760

>I heard even sites like tumblr use it now.
Tumblr is no more capable of establishing a consensus for the English language than 4chan is.

It's been used in that context five whole times in the history of the /k/ archive, which is not a consensus on anything and represents 0.3% of the usage.

>It's just as a joke as saying otaku = anime/manga fan.
Except that people have managed to use it this way more than five times in the history of the world. Probably over fifty thousand. And not just by people shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.13175774

>Tumblr is no more capable of establishing a consensus for the English language than 4chan is.
So basically people on 4chan and tumblr do not count towards language development?
>It's been used in that context five whole times in the history of the /k/ archive, which is not a consensus on anything and represents 0.3% of the usage.
I find more results towards "weeaboo sword".

The point is that they people do not use it as a joke.
>Except that people have managed to use it this way more than five times in the history of the world. Probably over fifty thousand. And not just by people shitposting on 4chan.
So it's a matter of raw numbers, now?

>> No.13175776

>So basically people on 4chan and tumblr do not count towards language development?
Maybe where they have a consensus and are the only users of the word they can. They don't have on on "weeb."

>I find more results towards "weeaboo sword".
8 uses of 2799 also does not make a consensus.

>The point is that they people do not use it as a joke.
It's used in the same way that people refer to visual novels as porn powerpoints. They are not actually powerpoints, and occasionally they are not porn, but nobody cares.

>So it's a matter of raw numbers, now?
It's not always a matter of raw numbers but 0.3% does not make a consensus, ever.

>> No.13175783

>So it's a matter of raw numbers, now?
Percentages and a consistent time period.

To me, weeaboo is used like "anything japanese or anime related" in a derogatory way.
And apparently the rest of the internet "misuses" it as well.

>> No.13175786

If you say it this way, there's no "consensus" for using otaku as anime/manga fan, either.

Even the Oxford definition of "otaku" has nothing do specifically to do with anime/manga either:

People just use otaku to refer as anime/manga fan and it catches on.

>> No.13175790

It's 8 uses as "weeaboo sword". If you put the word weeaboo and watch its usage you'd get a better look at it:

Trying to argue for its original usage is pointless. They've been using it that way since long, long ago.

>> No.13175792

The guy I was arguing against keeps using the consensus of popular usage to define the "correctness" of word, I'm arguing with him that according to his logic, the word "weeaboo"/"weeb" has already expanded way past its original definition.

>> No.13175798

And it has.

However, the word "correct" hasn't. (Just in case you'd refer to it).

>> No.13175800

I don't know what's going on here, but it seems someone said in an above post that "otaku" means "my house" in Japanese. That's wrong. "otaku" means "YOUR house".

>> No.13175801

>Even the Oxford definition of "otaku" has nothing do specifically to do with anime/manga either:
It's generally used in the context of anime or manga (or other Japanese media interests; see also, /jp/ - Otaku Culture).

>I'm arguing with him that according to his logic, the word "weeaboo"/"weeb" has already expanded way past its original definition.
If it has - which I don't know, or particularly care about, since I don't visit /k/, /v/, or Tumblr very often - then it has indeed gained a new definition. I'm assuming it would be the one I stated earlier:

>2. (slang, derogatory) a derogatory term for media that only a weeb would like.

In which case it would be a secondary usage, as a consensus has not been established on it (the weebs themselves protest violently against this usage).

>> No.13175802

Correct can mean "proper" usage.

When I correct someone of using otaku wrongly, I lead them to the proper definition, as used by Oxford: >>13175786

I can't believe I have Oxford on my side, but who knows?

>> No.13175805

Get it through your thick fucking skull that it's not incorrect just because you personally prefer the original.

>> No.13175815

/jp/ - Otaku is not actually strictly japanese media interest.

Even the rules say so:
>All images and discussion should pertain to light and visual novels, figures and other otaku paraphernalia, Touhou Project, Vocaloid, doujin works and music, and diverse niche Japanese interests (kigurumi, idols, mahjong, tea).
>other otaku paraphernalia
Following Oxford's definition, it can mean anything.
>diverse niche Japanese interests
This means a lot of things as well.

>> No.13175819

>Following Oxford's definition, it can mean anything.
/jp/ does not follow the Oxford definition.

>> No.13175820

I personally prefer the original definition, and the one Oxford, an acclaimed dictionary, uses, so either ways, it sticks.

>> No.13175823

/jp/ does not follow the English language then, in which case you can do whatever.

>> No.13175825

As -slang- you can't argue whether it's being used correctly or not.

If you wanted to correct people, you'd have to begin by asking them to not use slang.

>> No.13175827

As the usage by Lynn Minmei in Macross?

basically, "you"/"you guys"?

>> No.13175828

>I personally prefer the original definition
Irrelevant to it's correctness.

>and the one Oxford, an acclaimed dictionary, uses, so either ways, it sticks.
The OED is not the final arbiter of what constitutes correct in the English language. The word "tsundere" is not in the OED, and yet people know what it means.

>/jp/ does not follow the English language then
Please describe, to the best of your ability, the language that moot had in mind when he renamed the board.

>> No.13175837

tsundere has become another buzzword as well.

I would want to see how people define tsundere nowadays.

Moot uses English, and English is a complex language, though most of its words are correctly (or at least believed to be correctly) defined in OED, it's simply one of the most credible dictionaries out there.

>> No.13175842

If so, I'd continue to remind them of the meaning if I perceive them to use the word "wrongly".
if they know about it, cool.
If they don't know, then now they know.

It doesn't harm to post a simple post about "otaku" definition.

>> No.13175848

Don't know about Lynn Minmei but yes it's a substitute for "you" or "your family".

>> No.13175855

Even if it is a buzzword, who the fuck cares? All invented words are buzzwords. They're invented because people want to describe something for which the existing words are seen as inadequate in some way. "Startup" and "social network" are also buzzwords but they're perfectly good words.

>> No.13175859

A loanwod does not necessarily have the same meaning it originally had

>i don't know what that means
what you probably think of as dubstep is actually electro house.
Dubstep was originally used to describe what's basically british electronic reggae, but when a foreign variant of it showed up it lost that meaning and became an electro house variant, despite it then no longer being exactly what the name would suggest: dub 2-step UK garage.

>> No.13175860

I'm fine with buzzwords until they start becoming limited (such as otaku, now it's only used to mean anime/manga fan) or meaningless (such as "assault weapon" where it's just a meaningless trite to make people scared).

I'd prefer not using buzzword if I can, just to be clear.

>> No.13175870

>I'm fine with buzzwords until they start becoming limited (such as otaku, now it's only used to mean anime/manga fan)
But they're not. Nobody has ever said that train otaku aren't otaku. It's simply the case that otaku, when used without qualifiers, in the English language, generally refers to people who are interested in Japanese media visual culture.

If you want to be more general about it, you can use the word "nerd" or other similar words that lack such connotations.

>> No.13175876

>It doesn't harm to post a simple post about "otaku" definition.

Nobody has a problem with that.
It's when you have to tell "you are wrong, and I am ashamed" every time you can because:
1.- Chances are most /jp/sies already know the original definition, wich only makes you look like if your ony intention was being annoying.
2.- It's slang, not formal language.

>> No.13175878

That's what I'm trying to fight against, I want otaku to regain its nerd-like definition, instead of another way to say "anime/manga fan". Let anime/manga fan be anime/manga fan, let otaku be otaku. People nowadays don't even know "train otaku" exists.

>> No.13175883

To be fair, it's not like I only do this shit on /jp/, I only do it when I perceive the people using the word "wrongly" and not in a joking manner.

It's the same for moe, when people use "moe" to refer to cute little girls, especially in their "otaku" analyze thread, that's where I start posting.

>> No.13175889

The alternative is forcing us to suffer through such unwieldy constructions as "obsessive Japanese media arts fan." Fuck that.

>People nowadays don't even know "train otaku" exists.
Even if people want to be ignorant fuckers, who cares? They can call them "railfans" and "train nerds" instead.

>> No.13175894

I understand your point, but rather invent a new word than using the old one incorrectly/improperly.

>> No.13175907

It's like if I wanted everyone to stop using the word faggot for anything that doesn't refers to branches or twigs.

And that's just how language develops, many spanish, italian and portuguese words are "misused" in english as well, but just because they have a different meaning in their original languages doesn't means you can tell them that they are "wrong".

The most you can do is say the original meaning of the word, pretending to "correct them" is just being a stuck up snob.

>> No.13175922

Really, I do understand your point, that language develops as long as people use them. which is why I will "correct" them, hoping them to steer towards my preferred path.

>> No.13176001

Please read this interesting article on the topic!


Reading questions:

Whose point of view do you agree with the most? And why.
The article is 10 years old, how do you feel otaku culture has changed? Is there a new generation gap like the one discussed.

>> No.13176001,1 [INTERNAL] 

how did my shitty thread get 150 replies lol i just checked back on it i figured it wouldve been deleted by now

>> No.13176001,2 [INTERNAL] 

NEET repression

>> No.13176001,3 [INTERNAL] 

oh it was just a bunch of sperging over semantics now im angry

>> No.13176174

>But it's not like all young people know the term.
(refering to 'moe' here)
I think every young person knows it today.

> If you think about it, in a very, very loose sense, this is wabi and sabi.
I really can't follow this train of thought, how is 'becoming willingly more pathetic' the same as wabi and sabi?

>First of all, mania are "obsessives" who are socially well adjusted. They hold down jobs and love their hobbies. In contrast, otaku are socially inept. Their obsessions are self-indulgent. This point is raised mainly by the self-proclaimed mania, critical of otaku.

I really like this distinction, it helps a lot when you think/talk about this topic.

I can't agree with the statement that otaku renamed sexual desire to 'moe', I think there is more to it.

>The upshot of this is, as soon as anime and games earned respectability in society, otaku created more repugnant genres, such as bishojo games22 and moe anime,23 and moved on to them.

This is the one thing I disagree with the most and this includes the statement that 'otaku' is an orientation towards 'dame' as portrayed earlier.
To me, 'otaku' comes of as a different thing - something to fulfill a certain need(or wish).
Because their needs have been maladjusted from the possibilites or reality, 'otaku' serves as a replacement. Today with high sexualisation and for example highschools, that's an expression of (not only) how hard the working life is and how relations between the genders have become complicated. With mecha, it's the disparity between what could (have) been possible with technology and it's application.
That's also why saying that 'otaku' is an intentional orientation towards the 'unacceptable' is incorrect. What is perceived as unacceptable about 'otaku' is the intolerance towards self-satisfying/self-gratifying practice. To make an example, 'otaku' are perceived in the same way as being open about sucking your own dick for sexual satisfaction. (cont.)

>> No.13176220

Now I want to say why it is specifically that and not just simply masturbation. The general tolerance and acceptance of masturbation today is the 'next step' 'otaku' is heading towards.
In itself, there is nothing unacceptable in otaku itself, what makes it unacceptable to the outsider is how it indicates problems/issues in society.

'Moe' and mecha are a good example to illustrate how versatile 'otaku is. While moe serves (not only) to satisfy the sexual drive and as alternative to the problem, it offers an alternative to the underlying problem that society has failed to solve.
(Old) Mecha serves as a window to showcase (not only) ideas, hopes and dreams.

The rising popularity of otaku culture outside of Japan is, while supported from globalisation and similar factors, an indication of how the current 'otaku' culture of Japan serves to fulfill needs outside of Japan as well. While parts of the main otaku groups are different, ultimately the major difference between Japan and outside of it are how big each group interested in otaku culture is.

>> No.13176233

this thread is pretty pathetic, I am disappointed what this board has become over the years

checklist images like these are for teenagers that can feel good about themselves for fitting into a subculture

>> No.13176237

To restore some of your faith, most of this thread doesn't give a shit about the pic.

>> No.13176242

I want the old NSJ back, who deleted metathreads like this on sight.

>> No.13176285

You can't expect people to read threads they post in.

Not that the thread isn't shit but it's a different kind of shit.

>> No.13176354

>"otaku" originally means "my house"

No, it does not. It's "house" with a honorific prefix. You absolutely do not use a honorific form when talking about something of your own unless you're really trying to make a point that you're a colossal dickhead.

But then again, you probably do.

The impression you give by bitching about people correcting you is that you're a shithead proud of your ignorance and inability to communicate with others.

>Look at /k/ and /v/.

Why would anyone?

If you really want to misuse words, by all means go to /v/. What you should not do is come here and expect to get any kind of respect by acting like you're from there. They have a bad reputation for a reason.

>> No.13177169

>not saying oresama

>> No.13177227

>The impression you give by bitching about people correcting you is that you're a shithead proud of your ignorance and inability to communicate with others.

>you're a shithead proud of your ignorance
>and inability to communicate with others
It's ironic how you described yourself with your own post. You look like a social retard who has no social skills.

>> No.13177590

Flaunting your stupidity in public is not a "social skill".

>> No.13177806 [DELETED] 

Which is exactly what you are doing right now.

>> No.13177812

Which is exactly what you are doing right now.

>> No.13177817

To be fair, I do not intend to misuse words, just use /k/ and /v/ as an example of popular consensus creating new definitions.

>> No.13178350

Whoa look out we got a master baiter here.

>> No.13178868

Keep the low level bait on your home board.

>> No.13178877
File: 94 KB, 600x358, neet-dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who part-time NEET here? Take it easy on the weekend and go to WORK to fuel the buyfagging.

>> No.13178888

You either be a NEET or not...

>> No.13178895

I literally cleaned my room today. I have so much space now, and there's nothing on my floor now that shouldn't be. It feels really good having accomplished this, as my room was previously tiny and the floors were covered in boxes. Does this make me a normie now?

>> No.13178906

Same. She always cleans my figures too even though I tell her not to.

>> No.13178973

kill yourself you fucking normie

>> No.13179255

Fuck off how am I supposed to buy stuff then? Kill yourself you fucking leech

>> No.13179257

Please shake it eazzzy

>> No.13179342
File: 20 KB, 580x398, nofuckinjob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly anon, there are no 'NEETs' on /jp/ anymore. The vast majority never were. The one or two real NEETs left ages ago when meido purged them all. They were asking for it.

>> No.13179343

>there are no 'NEETs' on /jp/ anymore
Actually I'm still here.

>> No.13179345
File: 71 KB, 665x422, jp-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suffering in life still gets to you man...

>> No.13179348

Of course anon! Everyone funposts as a 'NEET' on /jp/! It's part of our history. Are we going to have a truNEET shitting on floor contest or what?

>> No.13179351


I don't think you understand what "NEET" stands for...

>> No.13179613

spoilers: our most autistic janitor was a NEET himself

where do you think he got the time to stalk the board eighteen hours a day every day

>> No.13179858

feels like I read this comments fresh off the /a/ presses

>> No.13180246

>girl asks if I'm an otaku becausw I like jrock
>she says she's an otaku because she likes DBZ

The kind of world we live in

>> No.13180665

Don't assume things like that. I haven't had a job or went to school for more than 3 years now. I leave my house maybe once every few months.

>> No.13180831

What does WORK stand for?

>> No.13181350
File: 36 KB, 500x375, salute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then he was the NEET Judas that true /jp/ (students and working people) needed and deserved. The NEETs and 'truNEETs' were obnoxious as fuck and needed to be cleansed. The problem is of course one or two of you might still manage to hide out the massacre.

>> No.13181406

yeah man things have worked out great

>> No.13189078

is this the neet thread

>> No.13189113

I'm not that lazy, I sometimes watch anime but I mostly just hang around the house all day being a useless piece of shit because no one will let me have a simple job so I can have my own money. I'm 22, being a NEET now sucks when you don't even have the money to buy a lot of your own shit often. I have to rely on my mother which I'm growing more pissed off with every year. Maybe soon I'll get those neetbux but not right now. Sometimes when the weather is nice I'll just go for walks to the store and such and that's my adventure besides if I tag along with a family member going out to eat.


>> No.13189120

I'm still here too! I been quiet and left for a while though cause life has been a load of depressing painful shit for a long time but now I'm back and bored than ever.

>> No.13189142

That's a fire hazard.

>> No.13193896
File: 457 KB, 805x714, 1422894603171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a NEET and hate it so much

I just want to make something of myself

>> No.13193907


>> No.13195585

Learn programming by yourself for some months and do something useful. It's actually easy to taught yourself, and if you manage to get good you might be able to find a job on the computing area

>> No.13195692

What does a NEET do with the majority of their spare time?

>> No.13195703

I'm just learning python now. How long does it take for someone who studies about 4 hours a day to learn how to program competently?

>> No.13195715

Video games, eroge, manga, anime, movies, TV shows, books, drinking, job search. That's on my list of things to do when I don't know what to do.

>> No.13195727

I don't know. I'm studying programming, computer networks and computer science on my highschool, leaning C atm. I am going to start learning structures. Maybe /g/ would have a wiser awnser to you, but as long as you learn efficiently, practice everyday and maybe if you think programming is fun (at least sometimes) , 1-2 years and you might have mastered one language (?)

>> No.13195750

>1-2 years
kill me

>> No.13195792

Learn something useful instead like Japanese! That's a language you can bank on!

>> No.13195800

notice 'master', it's like memorizing every single pattern of every stage of UFO's lunatic. I have 8 hours of programmimg per week, you have over 20, it's going to be faster than I said. Also python is easy~
on a side note, does anyone here have any problems if I use a trip?

>> No.13195837

What's your thoughts on post-NEET folks and retired gramps?

Classes and work are really effective time wasters, but my free time is rather scarce and I can't isolate myself as much as I did in the past.
For now, I'd like to take it easy moderately and still feel comfortable about me time without any kind of anxiety.
Just trying to find some kind of harmony between society and 2d fantasies.

No bully pls.

>> No.13195848

I am a software engineer. It would be quite difficult for someone to "master" a language in 1-2 years. You can become competent enough to be dangerous in a few weeks or a month, but it will take years to become reliable. I wouldn't believe anyone who says they've "mastered" a non-hobbyist language in under 5-6 years. Someone who has mastered a language would be too cautious to say such a thing. I'd much prefer to work with someone who knows their limitations than someone who thinks they have mastery.

That said, C is one of the better languages for that. Everything you need is standardized, and the standard library is small enough to thoroughly know. Once you un-learn your assumptions (e.g. "Uninitialized memory is 0 because I just tested it and it was 0") you'll be fine.

Python is one of the languages that is easy until it isn't (have fun figuring out what functions to avoid in order to not trigger the GIL when you're multithreaded in certain implementations). The learning curve is nice and easy until you hit a brick wall of "We don't take kindly to strangers 'round these parts".

>> No.13195871


But I asked about Python because my current career track will steer me towards data processing and analytics, and I've been told that Python (along with R and hadoop) are the languages to learn when working with truly massive data sets. I have about six months of NEETdom between now and when I enter a Master's Degree and I want to spend my time doing something more useful than sitting around and reading the news all day.

Still, I eventually want to learn how to program my ideal loli sex-bot with realistic AI by the time I'm 70.

General rule for trips is that they are to be used only when they are needed, such as a thread where the OP must be identified. If you are using one because you just want to stand out as unique from all of the other anons, please reconsider.

>> No.13195905

Agreed here. I've been programming for years and would call myself quite knowledgeable in various languages, but "mastery" is something I doubt I'll attain ever. Everything has its fractal of complexity. Claims of "mastery" are too brazen to possibly trust. That being said, to the original anon, if you study right, it shouldn't take all that long to become "competent", at least from the perspective of someone with no programming experience.

>"Uninitialized memory is 0 because I just tested it and it was 0"
cringed a lil bit

>> No.13195916

Thank you for your more appropriate awnsers
I didnt remember that, I haven't come to 4chan since last school break

>> No.13195928

>But I asked about Python because my current career track will steer me towards data processing and analytics, and I've been told that Python (along with R and hadoop) are the languages to learn when working with truly massive data sets. I have about six months of NEETdom between now and when I enter a Master's Degree and I want to spend my time doing something more useful than sitting around and reading the news all day.
Oh, ok. That's a lot more specific. Data processing and analysis is a precise topic and you aren't going to learn how to do it just by learning language fundamentals (although obviously you need to learn these first anyways). If you're going to learn Python for data crunching you're going to want to pick up NumPy, that being said.

>> No.13195954

Programing is so boring. In my years of NEET I wish I could learn it but it's so boring. I can't even force myself to do it. I'd rather do something like math.

>> No.13195964


One more question: Is SICP at all useful or is it just a /prog/ meme that /g/ took too seriously

>> No.13195986

I feel that programming is more fun if you have an auxiliary interest that dovetails with it.

I'm the anon asking about data crunching; that, along with web and app development, feeds into my nonprogramming training and interests.

>> No.13196027

SICP is a beginner's textbook in Computer Science. It's a very good beginner's textbook, and it is good at teaching the reader how to think in a way that is useful for writing programs. Beyond that, YMMV.

As a last thing, consider picking up Fortran. It's still the undisputed king of speed for numerical calculations (faster than C, even, because most C compilers don't take the restrict keyword into account and have to dance around memory barriers). Python and R are a case of "Many people picked up this language because it was easy, then tried to do X in it. As a result, it's somewhat usable for X". Fortran is a case of "This language was written with the intention of doing X and to prove to a hostile audience that it could be done as well as hand-coded ASM."

>> No.13196042

>I have about six months of NEETdom between now and when I enter a Master's Degree
Sounds a lot like you're enrolled in Education to me.

>> No.13196201

My gramps is a retired engineer, and he kept joining some projects even after he retired, kept learning languages and helped some kids learn math and calculus.

Retired gramps can still be productive.

>> No.13196217

W-well, I'm assuming that I'm going to be accepted into the university I applied to...

Besides, this thread is basically /jp/ - Career Advice now

>> No.13196238

Don't worry, you can still be a shut-in.

>Besides, this thread is basically /jp/ - Career Advice now
What's wrong with that?
I think that's way better than shitposting or the the "old /jp/" circlejerking.

>> No.13196270
File: 378 KB, 700x800, 12352570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think that's way better than shitposting or the the "old /jp/" circlejerking.
The medium is the message, anon

>> No.13196354

How am I supposed to make neetbux if I'm dumb and have no skills whatsoever?

>> No.13196382

You don't "make" neetbux they're given to you precisely because you are worthless and can't do anything on your own.

>> No.13196391

i think ahving no skills at all is one of the best ways to get neet life funds so thats a good starting point

>> No.13199082

It's NOT too late too change your hikikomori ways.
You WILL escape the eternal NEET hell.

>> No.13200172


>> No.13204673

I tried going back to college but I failed it out of stupidity. I am going to be a NEET forever.

>> No.13204703

Cheer up anon.

>> No.13204746

I am a neet 7 years, but now i have a job interview

Oh fuck.

Goodbye to everyboNEET.

>> No.13204779


>> No.13204795


Could be worse. Three separate times I've tried to get a qualification in something. Three separate times I've given up because I'm such a lazy, unmotivated shit.

>> No.13204818

Sometimes I wish I was a NEET. Studying something you hate so you can have a low-paid job that makes you work way too many hours a week doesn't sound so tempting right now.

>> No.13204870

they took it all from me now and een my friends are gone to now what do i do where do i go hwat do i FUCKING DO

>> No.13204982

drink some water buddy

>> No.13205433

If he had the backpack I would've kek so hard.

>> No.13205441

You are social garbage, nothing wrong with that I'm 22 years old and haven't done shit since I drop out of college on the first day.

>> No.13205458

And from time to time just spend the entire day laying down in bed.

>> No.13205463

Don't know how to prove you my 5 years of NEET

>> No.13205466

I do that sometimes.

it's comfortable...

>> No.13205470
File: 114 KB, 600x600, 1367427454425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've worked jobs
It's torture. Physically and mentally exhausting.
I've tried college
It's not as bad but I'm stupid so I don't get anywhere and just waste money.
I'll be out of NEET money in 1 month
Honestly I'm a little excited

>> No.13205474

This, job is war, NEET is peace.

I like peace...

>> No.13205504

I'm reaching that point too, are you considering WORKING? or like me looking for easy ways to do the honorable sudoku?

>> No.13205533

I'm getting old
I've worked several jobs, I was miserable at all of them. Sure I could try and scam for some disability but in America you get very little so it wouldn't really be worth trying to live like that. Job market around here sucks so it takes months to get a bad job, finding one that could afford to pay the bills is even harder.

I've come to realize that if you happen to roll as a non-normalfag in this world you're pretty much guaranteed suffering unless you have a well off family ready to bail you out. I did feel really bad but now I'm strangely calm, even with everything breaking down around me.

>> No.13205537

Don't give up anon ;_;

>> No.13210789

There's the multiprocessing module, which sidesteps the GIL. You lose some of the benefits of kernel based threads but it's good for most applications.

>> No.13210816

It is a book on how interpreted languages work. It won't teach you how to program.

>> No.13211098

I've been a NEET for over 11 years now.

Sadly my money is finally coming to an end.

I may last about 1 more year or so, but after that I have no clue what to do with my life.
I have never worked nor do I have any experience whatsoever in any specific field.
Plus I'm also getting old as HELL and I doubt anyone would hire me at this point.

I think I may just kill myself in a year or so, I don't really see any other options and every day I look back at every mistake I've made in my life for the last 16 years and cry myself to sleep.

I wish I had a time-machine, I really do, more than anything in the world.

You're the only one I've ever told this to, /jp/. I don't really have anyone else.

Man, I don't want to die.. I just want to take it easy every day funposting, watching Anime and playing video games.

>> No.13211155
File: 93 KB, 577x575, 1420362546916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being a burden to everyone and die already.

>> No.13211165



Not cool.

Not cool, dude.....

>> No.13211182

I've been a NEET for two years, and it completely destroyed my self-esteem.
I don't know how you can stand that.

>> No.13211185

you think i give a shit about you? you think anyone does? if you're gonna kill yourself sooner than later

>> No.13211210

I rarely leave my house.

Dude, you're pretty rude, you know.

That is not cool at all, man.

Not cool...

>> No.13211268
File: 15 KB, 250x250, 1419374038244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The longer you wait the worse it gets, anon. If you don't want to kill yourself, you're going to need a job. Try trade school and look into the job placement programs they offer. Might be your best option.

>> No.13211283

I know, dude.

I just wish I could sleep forever you know. Dying is scary as HELL.

>> No.13211289

Long story short, suck out the bullshit melodrama and make your life different today.

You can still do all those things you love with a part time job, jesus christ, its not like you are physically disabled, you are lucky to be able to walk

>> No.13211375

where was this thread hiding when I was shitposting five hours ago

>> No.13211384

>I just wish I could sleep forever you know. Dying is scary as HELL.
I feel the same way but the simple truth is we can't. Your comfort bubble is your enemy.

>> No.13214750
File: 345 KB, 599x846, c52963bdbeef39a033e90c15dfba94fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Antiwork – a radical shift in how we view “jobs”
>Over a decade into the 21st century, we seem as work-obsessed as ever. Is it time for a progressive reframing of work and leisure?

>> No.13214797

It'd never happen. Normies are brainwashed into obeying authority figures and see working as important, and thus villinise people who don't want to work because of jealousy. Governments want as many people paying taxes as possible, and they're terrified of the idea of free rides, which is why benefit systems have a hundred times more people policing them than big bank fraud.

The ideal NEET utopia is that everyone gets a standard wage which is enough to quite happily live on with maybe a 500-1000 bucks or so a year surplus to waste on minor distractions, while normie scum can't handle the idea of only having 500 bucks to spare because they want a big screen TV and a new car and an observatory they can't afford, so they get jobs to pay for people who are truly enlightened and understand that mindless consumption will never really improve your life, it simply serves as a minor distraction from the hell known as working.

>> No.13215486
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I was just talking to my "friend" about "pointless jobs" that only seem to exist to employ people for the sake of appearing employed. I'm glad I'm not the only one who was thinking this. Some people have real jobs, like being a fireman or doctor, but why the fug do telemarketers and human resources exist? "Human resources" even has such a delightful dystopian spin on it.

>> No.13215502

I can see the appeal in some pointless jobs, but it takes a specific type of person to enjoy them.

For example, I enjoy hanging laundry on the washing line. I wouldn't complain doing it as a job, but it'd obviously not be my first choice.

>> No.13215521

Hanging laundry is far more important than telemarketing. It's pointless because nobody wants or needs it, yet they do it to ``have a job''. When you have services and jobs directly countering the efforts of other services and jobs "block unwanted phone calls today!" you know you have two useless jobs.

>> No.13215525

Ah, I see what you mean. Yes, I agree.

>> No.13215911

Kind of but pretty passively.
Meh, only if its really something known to be good for its story. I dont fancy it though.
>reading manga
Never read a single one.
If the girl is cute then the girl is cute. I dont care if its cosplayed
Yes, 90% most of my waking hours.
>drawing fan art
I dont really like fan art at all. Though I like drawing. Got a graphics-job after all.
>shipping characters
What does that even mean? Importing figures? I have no such things.
>Messy room.
No, not at all. I love my shit tidy and neat.

Seriously, what a stupid image.
I am an idols/retro/loli otaku mostly, a 5years ex-neet (miss it) and still a pretty much fulltime hikki as I work from home.
But I am not lazy at all, I always run out of time because I want to get shit done.

This list doesnt even get its shit right, how is one related with the other?
What a shitty thread, you sould feel bad OP.

>> No.13215989

What a great article!
I always had belives and thoughts like this and I dont live the normie life. If you want to call it that.
Of course I work but I dont really see as the center of my life.

We could have the 'NEET utopia' for years already. A system where everyone receives a standard amount is nothing of the past anymore. Some countries already give out everything you need to live forever basically. Of course you are very limited in what you can do with that little money, including having to carefully manage your groceries etc.

But its frown upon. People look down on them. Understandably with the way society works as of now. But its a great 'net' kind of thing that catches you incase you loose your job and need some time to reapply to one.

Now, if you'd get rid of every useless job we have an average person would have to work for 15 minutes a day for everything he needs to live.
Obviously this requires entires countries to work together, including the politics and authorities.
We already know, THAT will never happen.
So enjoy what you have right now because we actually live in a very comfortable time and its not guaranteed to last forever.

>> No.13216543

Telemarketing exists because there are a few rich people who are able or think they are able to earn a few extra dollars if they blanket the world with unsolicited and likely unwanted phone calls.

When libertarians and conservatives claim that the market works for everyone, they conveniently forget to mention that the market works for idiots and ubernormie assholes as well. Probably works more for them than for us, since ubernormies would know how to better manipulate people into thinking that they're getting good value for their money.

Did you know that one of the big problems conservatives in the U.S. are facing are fake political action committees that solicit donations and spend 1% of the donations fighting campaigns? The other 99% goes to funding more fundraising and salaries for the people who run the charity. Man, that would be a sweet gig to have. It wouldn't even be work really. All you would do is rent out an email list and send out scary emails about how Obama is doing whatever and your $5, $10, or $20 donation is needed urgently to fight the LIEbrals. You could even work the other side of the aisle and scare donations out of liberals with global warming and rightwing militias.

>> No.13217083
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Exactly, really all I need is my internet and PC, my sound system, a bunch of basic household supplies, some stuff to decorate my place with, and food. Sometimes I like to eat out at some buffet or get take out/delivery food. I like to get out of the house just to go places for the sake of being somewhere else because I get claustrophobic sitting at home all day and night. The only issue is transportation since I can't drive myself places, cars are huge and dangerous burden too though.

I don't know what the hell it is with normies and always wanting everything to be a struggle and if something is easy for you or a problem has a easy solution and you still need help but only minimal help they get really pissed off at you. They are guilty for just having an easy going life with not much more than they feel they need to be comfortable even if they are productive with things. The guilt games with normies never ends, they always have something ridiculous to prove. They always want to make problems that can easily not exist just because they need something more to boost their already over inflated egos and I'm getting real fucking sick of the shit in my life. Why do I need to constantly make my life harder than it needs to be just because a bunch of insecure normies egos won't feel threatened by the fact that I'm choosing to not their game and doing better than them in the process while needing even less?

>> No.13217431
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Stop feeling bad about yourself and move on.

>Man, I don't want to die.. I just want to take it easy every day funposting, watching Anime and playing video games.
Then find a way to live your life.
Stop watching obsessively at your mistakes and at what's bad with you, and begin to appreciate what you have.

You could live on a pile of shit but still have a simple computer and do those things you enjoy.
You could also begin to explore life and find something else, you'll never know if you don't try.

I'm not a NEET, because I enjoy working with electricity, but I hate socializing. The world is huge and vast, there are many things made for you out there. Things you'd enjoy working on even without being paid, or something that isn't very tiring to you and can feed your lifestyle.

And I can't repeat this enough:
>I look back at every mistake I've made in my life for the last 16 years and cry myself to sleep.
When you do this you only make yourself miserable.You can learn to be happy even with a shitty life by learning to appreciate the things you get. A meal you loved? A anime episode you really liked? A thread that made you laugh so much it made your sides hurt? Think -everyday- on the happy highlights of your day before you sleep, and I can guarantee you'll have better nights.

>> No.13217465

fuck off normie your advice is the same regurgitated shit as every normy's

"if UR sad stop bein sad and b awesome instead!" thanks for nothing normking now fuck off back to normworld

>> No.13217477

Not him but what is it you want to hear? At least he offered you some advice.
Do you only want people to tell you everything will be fine?

If you want to change you actually have to do something about it, just sitting in front of your computer won't change much.

>> No.13217482

1/10, made me respond.

There's nothing wrong with being sad.
You can be sad without being pathetic and useless.

>> No.13218249

My room is always clean and tidy. You can be a neet without being a fucking pig. It helps your health too.
I lift to balance the time I spend immobile in front of my PC.
You don't need to be a normie and party to socialize, offer yourself to do things like doing the shopping for your family if you think you may lose your social skills. They're needed for when you stop being a NEET.

After saving up enough to live comfortably for a couple of years, I quit my job.
I still have 11 months of freedom before I crash. This is my 3rd time doing this.

You can still study something or hone a skill by yourself, in the privacy of your room.
Fucking internets man, fucking internets.

Working is HELL.
So don't be sad for being a neet, cherish that glorious time, you will miss it.
Be sad because those times will not last forever and you're not one of the privileged ones that won't have to work a single fucking day.
You should prepare for when that time comes. If you don't want your only choice to be to kill yourself, you must plan ahead.

Well, an hero will probably be my end anyways.
Fuck getting old and sick.
>tfw no qt vampire loli ojou-sama to spit in my mouth and slap me across the face.

Good Night.

>> No.13218312
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>study something or hone a skill by yourself

>> No.13218343


Fuck off failed normie

>> No.13218475

>failed normie

>> No.13218529

>tfw no qt vampire loli ojou-sama to spit in my mouth and slap me across the face.
This is the worst feel.

>> No.13218886

the notion that everyone has to work 38 hours a week to provide for themselves is quickly becoming obsolete (if it isn't already) and not realistic and certain not necessary to sustain our society

>> No.13219314


>> No.13219326


>> No.13219344
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>tfw want to achieve NEETdom but will never be able to
My parents are massive control freaks, I don't get along with either of them which makes dealing with them a massive fucking pain (The only good thing is that they seem to not bother if I'm in my room).
I've been stuck at a standstill for almost 7 years of no progress with my schooling or job due to pure laziness, lack of money, and interest.
The irony of it all is I feel like I NEED a source of income, to buy things I like, and mainly to have a car so I can have the freedom to go where I want.
Becoming a true NEET I feel would rob me of these things.

>> No.13219412

cool story bro

>> No.13219864

Fuck off, normie.

>> No.13219946

For christmas I got a certificate for maids to come to my apartment and clean it up. I don't know if I should use it because I don't really want people in my apartment but it's really messy and it would be nice if it could be clean without me having to do it myself.

>> No.13219950
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Sagebrush Steakhouse is having all you can eat ribs tomorrow time to mobilize, fatNEETs

>> No.13220005

I don't think you understand.
/r9k/ are wannabe normies. They don't like their lives.
Lifestyle NEETs like to live as they do and don't hate themselves like robots. They're happy or at least content for the most part.

>> No.13220012 [DELETED] 

Also, who are you quoting?

>> No.13220092

>/r9k/ are wannabe normies.
Actually it was proven numerous times that /r9k/ are just common normies hating on women until they finally have sex.

>> No.13220175

Don't worry OP, I cleaned up my room the other day.

>> No.13220237

/r9k/ isn't a single person
There are failed normies, normies pretending to be failed normies, and successful NEETs with weird humour.

There's also a lot of self loathing here on /jp/, I think that's a thing on every chan.

>> No.13220241

Anonymous (OP), and another Anonymous.

>> No.13220249

I don't agree but I will leave it as that.

Besides I don't think we should bring such topics in /jp/, won't do us any good.

>> No.13220263

you can always get a baito in a construction site and live off instant ramen like they do in chinese cartoons

>> No.13220383

I think /jp/ lost a lot of members over the last year or three. It's gone through a series of bad janitors. I don't really even come here anymore because of it.
