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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1317807 No.1317807 [Reply] [Original]

I want to buy Japanese clothing, but I'm too fat

is there anywhere online I can buy genuine Japanese apparel in size XXXL?

>> No.1317815

And on a diet you go, fatty.

I swear, being politically correct doesn't have to mean having to accommodate fatties.

>> No.1317817


>> No.1317821

In your dreams

>> No.1317823

then what do fat Japanese people do?

>> No.1317830


>politically correct

Stop being a faggot.

>> No.1317838

eat sushi

>> No.1317839

they wear curtains and call them kimonos, and use white bedsheets for underwear, look at sumos.

>> No.1317847

I'm not. The people everywhere that gasp whenever they hear offensive shit are, though.
Seriously, people think of "lipstick on a pig" as sexist?

>> No.1317859

Just move to Japan, that's what I did

the food tastes so bad that I hardly eat anything, and what little I do eat has hardly any nutritional value whatsoever. The only reason I'm not dead is because I take multivitamins.

I lost over 90 pounds without exercising.

>> No.1317895

He wasn't even talking about Palin, he was talking about the Bush economic plan. Fucking smear campaign took his words waaaaay out of context. McCain's campaign is built on lines, even Karl Rove recently said it was going too far.

>> No.1317900


>> No.1317902

>even Lucifer recently said it was going too far.
well shit

>> No.1317907

This is why there are NO fat Japanese people.

and Americans are fat fucks who all eat fast food every day of the week.

>> No.1317913

Source in case you care:


>> No.1317917


>> No.1317919
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>NO fat Japanese people.
so nan des car

>> No.1317923

ok, he's chubby.

There's no... morbidly obese japs?

>> No.1317930

If he were in America, he'd be twice as fat and he wouldn't need to get his stuff censored--it'll be naturally concealed.

>> No.1317933

there are plenty

just not as many as in the west

>> No.1317936

>ok, he's chubby.
that's not just "chubby" you fat fuck

>> No.1317937

It's kind of sad, because I used to like McCain and thought that even if Obama lost, the country would still be in decent hands. I don't think he even bothers running his own campaign anymore, he just lets his lackies do everything. The Straight Talk Express is rotting in a ditch somewhere.

>> No.1318016

>who all eat fast food every day of the week.

I honestly don't understand why this is bad. Other than health reasons of course.

>> No.1318032

You think fat is bad? Try buying Japanese clothes when you're 6' 6" or taller. Not that I'd ever try... Not much point trying to look like a local when you're a Giraffe stuck in the Zebra pen.
