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13157578 No.13157578 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>13125170

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.
What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.13157679

I study Japanese immensely
Is this for translating or just enjoyment of raw VNs?

>> No.13157787
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Reposted here because I refuse to let my rage die with the old thread.

Finally finished with 不良少年女体化.
I loved every Ruuen Rouga work until now, but he finally tanked. This was the worst eroge I've ever played.
Completely flat characters, a plot so barebones that it doesn't even qualify as cliched. It's so bare that it doesn't even have enough substance for me to complain about cliches.
The voice acting is beyond sub-par on every character ('every' means the only two characters with a face in the work), and their personalities can't even be called that. They're so devoid of any individuality, of just ANYTHING making them both more than walking plot devices, that you can't even call them bad on their own merit, there is NOTHING.

Even the h-scenes often make no sense, springing out of nowhere and being written like a bad parody of how eroge works.
The choices you're made to take are inconsequential, outside of whatever CG you unlock, making it seem even cheaper and badly done.

This is like someone took one of those shitty 14-page doujins that go "Oh no, I turned into a girl! And then I sucked fifty dicks" and thought "Brilliant! We should make a 20-hour novel out of that! Here's five bucks for your budget."
I have no idea why Ruuen Rouga, who has his own successful following and even a published manga, would put his name to this. It's abysmal, tastes don't even come into play. This is as close as you can get to "objectively bad".

>> No.13157791


Completely beyond me why some people do it for ungrateful nerds in /vnts/. I don't even have time to finish all of this backlog,

>> No.13157800

I'd assume it's either for the ego-trip, or they enjoy the act of translating, and figure they may as well release it.

>> No.13157809

I think it's a good hobby

>> No.13157822

>not letting 4chan rip you a new asshole for every single incorrect line until it's perfect
Not that I've ever seen anyone post anything here. Ungrateful nerds are an amazing resource.

>> No.13158035

How many chapters are there in Four Rhythm? Vndb says it's a 30-50h VN but with my Japanese it's probably more.

>> No.13158042

It's because they still remember those early days when they themselves were desperate shit-eating EOPs and want to give back to the community.

>> No.13158122

You got it backwards. They do it for grateful nerds in VNTS and on Fuwanovel, who'll be happy with anything that gets thrown at them.

Only sometimes someone rips the translator a new asshole like >>13157822 says. (For example from what I saw of Daitoshokan and AstralAir partial patches, their translators have no business translating, so it's hardly a bad thing someone calls it out.)

>> No.13158388
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Okay so I just finished all the routes of Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate a moment ago. I've been considering reading this much earlier but the reactions of a lot of the nips I've seen towards it wasn't that great so I held it off until I finally decided to give it a try last week. At first I was a bit confused when I started reading because it was a lot better than most VNs I've seen but now I understand. Those ridiculous plot bombs on Chisato and Michiru's routes made me speechless, I had a hard time believing I was still reading the same VN, and the MC going full retard on Aomi's route was just annoying. It's still above average in the end but I honestly think it could have done a whole lot better, the writers got greedy and tried too hard to shock the readers with plot twists.

>> No.13158500

I can't remember how many chapters, but it ends sooner than you would expect.
If you're only going for one girl's route then I'd say it's definitely not a long game compared to a lot of others.

>> No.13158502

Dont worry im not translating anything for you fucks.
Just curious
EOP scums time has come

>> No.13158782

Common route is 6 chapters and 2 more for each girl.

>> No.13159144 [DELETED] 

Almost finished with Kamimaho. The twists are really interesting but some of the scenes just feel like they drag on and the drama loses its impact. The chapter I'm on, chapter 10, in specific feels really repetitive. That's my only complaint. Oh, and Yoruko's route being sorta lame. It ended so abruptly I was pretty surprised.

>> No.13159443

>My Merry Maybe
How good is it?

>> No.13159466

The moogster gave it his seal of approval, so it must be epic win. That's the only reason OP's even heard of the game, after all.

>> No.13159478

Almost finished with Kamimaho. The twists are really interesting but some of the scenes just feel like they drag on and on. Chapter 10, in specific feels really repetitive. That's my only complaint. Oh, and Yoruko's route's ending. I was surprised how abruptly it ended, but really it made sense for it to end how it did.

>> No.13159512
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minori sure knows what's important in their games.

>> No.13159608
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Moogy didn't play the game as far as I know.
I learned about it because it's pretty famous

It's pretty great, one of the best I read last year.
You have to go through the prequel first though which isn't as good

>> No.13159732
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Haruka can be so creepy looking at times.

>> No.13159810

das it mane

>> No.13159813

Her neck being skinnier than her arms is quite unnerving.

>> No.13160126

So what do you guys think about march's games? For me its definitely best month of 2015 so far, There's Shirogane Spirits which is pretty similiar to majikoi (or maybe better since MC can fight in this one), Hanasaki Work Spring, Minato carnival's new game, 11gatsu no Arcadia and Walkure Runabou also seems great with their revenge themed mcs. And its not even all of them, there are still some moeges like Mousou Complete or Panical Confusion.

Yeah best month of 2015 so far for sure.

>> No.13160279

Is Majikoi considered good around here? It doesn't seem very appealing and I've always just figured it was an /a/ meme VN. But you know, certain crowds have been going CRAZY over it--and I can't tell if these people are just EOPs with little knowledge.

>> No.13160291

Japan loves it too. Personally I never saw the appeal. Tons of much better charage out there.

>> No.13160296

Seems like a game which invokes strong emotions, either positive or negative. I liked it. It's nothing special but an entertaining enough read. Just try it, I guess.

>> No.13160326

It's alright. Lots of fun little jokes here and there make it endearing to some people, I suppose. The VA jokes in particular are pretty good, though.

>> No.13160331

It's a love or hate thing really and depends on the person. At any rate don't talk about Takahiro here though, you'll set off the autism of a couple of people. I rather enjoyed the series myself but the last release was really half-assed

>/a/ meme VN
What? Majikoi is just a eroge /a/ really took to a couple of years back, and due to translation hell made it stay in their minds.

>> No.13160689

Personally, I'd say the male voice cast is basically all it has going for it, otherwise nothing stood out as being anything more than average to me except the art which I absolutely hate.

>> No.13160724
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>> No.13160902

> There’s nothing more to say about the story; it is what it is. What’s most interesting about Rosebleu’s latest title is its pricing structure. It costs 6800 yen to buy the base game with common route, Scana and Aika routes. Flora and Ruby’s routes are available for download on release day for 1000 yen each. Append discs for subheroines may be available for download at later dates.

Not sure if I should be frightened about this. Era of VN DLC is upon us.

>> No.13160947

Nothing is sacred.

>> No.13160948

Dang, that's pretty interesting. Good voice acting is nice but its not enough for me to pick up a game when I could be reading another great eroge. I'm relatively new to untranslated VNs so I feel that Majikoi is pretty low on my plan to read list, but I might check it out eventually.

>> No.13160974

Baseson also will do something close to this at Shin koihime kakumei ( you'll buy just one route for 8000 yen, so 24000 yen if you want to get entire game), but its because they have said that game will be x4 - x5 times longer than some average eroge.

>> No.13161073

Vendetta is out!

>> No.13161084

>best thing to happen to vns since animation

>> No.13161094

Please don't support DLC cancer!!!

>> No.13161106

Girlcelly foils plans of evil chinese overlords yet again.

>> No.13161110

>he thinks sequels aren't dlc
>he wants to wait several years instead of a couple of months

>> No.13161119

I want to get the complete package, thank you very much.

now I have to wait for months until a game is completed.

>> No.13161121

I wonder who leaked it this time.

>> No.13161122

If you're really bothered, you only have the "replayability" faggots to blame. IF everyone's going to play every route, might as well make them pay for them. People like me get a discount, and people who want to support the company get a better deal by paying for more routes over buying 10 copies of the same thing.

>> No.13161129

>he waited for all six xenosaga games to come out before starting the first one

>> No.13161136

Hmm, that's a bad analogy, but I did wait for all Higurashi parts to come out before playing it.

>> No.13161141

> IF everyone's going to play every route, might as well make them pay for them
At least Rosebleu actually lowered price of base package, so if you buy all routes, its your typical full-price stuff and you are not paying any extra.

>> No.13161146

But I like replayability....

>> No.13161348

I was away and without internet since the January. Was there any title that stood out so far this year?

>> No.13161362

You missed nothing really, the first "notable" titles come out at the end of this month apparently

>> No.13161402

I enjoyed the last leyline a fair bit.

>> No.13161403

Did I miss something? This month looks even worse than Feb to me.

>> No.13161437

see >>13160126, also notice the "apparently" part

>> No.13161445

Well, apparently we have different standards. I cannot bring myself to call pile of gakuenmono as something positive.

I would look forward to Rosebleu game, but it reminds me too much Sekai Sukuu Dake and how much I was disappointed with it. Not to mention whole "want to experience school life again", its one of most retarded cliches in eroge, and I hate it with passion.

Anekouji trial was horrible, so that one isn't working too.

>> No.13161459

>apparently we have different standards

That went right over your head I see.

>> No.13161464

I see... You're so desperate to be part of /jp/ that you imagine that there are people sharing your lame taste. I see what it is : you're delusional, and you hide your insecurity by referring to yourself as a group of people, denying the fact that you're all alone with your shit tastes.

>> No.13161472

You should work on your English comprehension before trolling here.

>> No.13161477

wow you totally proved your point with your epic counter-argument, what an awesome repartee, you clearly proved yourself

Oh wait, you didn't. You just went for the most generic reddit-tier answer to hide your massive butt wound.
You only shown where you came from.

>> No.13161483
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>> No.13161501

What is best KISS game if I want high degree of customization and nice 調教 gameplay, but no NTR or retarded protags?
I've heard CR4 is really bad regarding plot and protag, and CR5 is tagged as its sequel.

>> No.13161574

Nobody. Some other chink bought and shared it.

Same thing happened with Bokusen, except the uploader stated not to repost the game but some faggot sent it to girlcelly anyway.

>> No.13161580

>except the uploader stated not to repost the game but some faggot sent it to girlcelly anyway
You mean some hero.
The chineses would have kept it for months otherwise, look at what is happening with Teito Hiten

>> No.13161588

There is a difference between "I'm posting download links publicly but kindly ask you not to leak them" and "I have the game but you won't get it unless you pay me"

>> No.13161605

Out of CR games I've only played CR5 and there didn't seem to be any "plot" to speak of. It's practically 100% ero scenes with a little bit of management gameplay in between.
Not sure about others, but at least in that you're forced to pimp your girls out in order to get money and unlock shit. You can have 4 girls at once so you could theoretically only whore one out to avoid going out of business and keep others "pure". I can't really recommend playing it that way because the game recycles a lot of text no matter what heroine personality you pick, which kind of beats the point of having different personalities if their only difference if slight voice changes.

My memories of Kanotsuku2 are a bit hazy, but I remember enjoying it the most out of KISS games I've played so far. Pretty good consensual S&M scenes. NTR in that isn't forced and there's no game overs, but the date spots which do include NTR aren't marked so you could accidentally stumble into one. Though in both CR5 and Kanotsuku2 it's more about the protagonist letting others have their way with their girlfriend rather than her cheating out of her own will.

I tried a little bit of Make Me Lover which has simple RTS and town management gameplay, but I'm not sure if there's any 調教 outside the evil NTR route. They seem to have released an expansion that improves upon the said evil route so I might try the game out again some day.

Custom Maid 3D has the best customization for obvious reasons, but it's not really a VN and like CR5 there's no story.

>> No.13161626

I've played MML myself, its really sad they invested so much resources in it, yet made all the good stuff locked behind utterly retarded plot. I can comprehend evil protags, but MMLs protag is just insane and incomprehensible at all. Basically, I'd really want to play something like it but with sane characters.

Currently playing CRF, but there's surprisingly too few stuff between h-scenes.

>> No.13161680

No ... Sumire got delayed again, till May this time.

>> No.13161766

>1.0 sexual content
Fucking dropped.

>> No.13162079

I really wish they were able to make all six.

The first time I head Shuichi Ikeda's voice in that, I flipped out. I wonder how hard it was for them to hire him.

>> No.13162103

Finished Kyonyuu Fantasy 2 if yesterday. Man, I didn't think kyonyuu fantasy 2 the original could be beat but it was and 2if was so much better too. It's funny/kinda of sad how Shaharu has like no plot role anymore because Ruin became competent and is his own man so he no longer needed a deux ex machina to keep saving him. And it was great to see the prince get some character development.

>> No.13162141
File: 77 KB, 1200x691, 0596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished Kana's route from Primal Heart, and that was the worst forced drama I have ever seen.
So our heroine likes mc and even tells him with some indirect ways, gives handjob, blowjob, stays almost everyday at his home, becomes really angry when someone say something bad about him and becomes jealous of other girls. She even gives her pantsu so he wouldnt watch porn, but when our mc about to confess she always stops him because "maybe he would hate me when we grow up, I dont want to bind him and become trouble". Seriously what the fuck? Couldn't writer think a little better shit than this? Even the solution is really really dumb, her best friend just says "dont run away" and everything is just solved, she jumps into mc and says she loves him, want to become lovers and epilogue.

She was definitely best heroine of the game, but I think even a high-school student can write better theme than this.

>> No.13162265

You are not supposed to get good writing in moege, just enjoy the heroine going deredere for mc.

>> No.13162296

Protip: good writing has nothing to do with the game's genre

>> No.13162401

But I didnt say anything about "good writing". I'd be okay if there wasn't any theme or something like that, just ichaicha and sex would be good enough but writer just decided to throw some retarded drama into that and messed up. I mean heroine likes mc, does every erotic shit, also mc is in the love with heroine but she just doesn't accept being lovers just because maybe he would get tired of her and doesn't want to trouble him at that time.

>> No.13162463

My point is you are not supposed to take the drama in moeges too seriously, I once played one route where the mc and the heroine break up because they spend too much time together and neglects their families and get together at the end suddenly just because. In the heroine route you played you are supposed to go " oh, so she likes him too much to the point she is afraid to be abandoned by him if they got together for real? "
I know it's stupid but the appeal her is the heroine loving the mc too much for her own good.

>> No.13162473

is silvario written by MASADA if not im not going to read this peice of shit

>> No.13162476

I think you can try harder.
Or just try.

>> No.13162477

Light makes good non-masada games, if you didn't know.

>> No.13162483

Not that guy, but I've actually never tried non Masada light games.
Any recommendations?

>> No.13162496

so are you saying this shit wasn't written by MASADA? DROPPED DROPPED DROPPED DROPPED DROPPED SHIIIIIIIIIIIT how can you live with yourself reading non MASADA works?

>> No.13162507

Reminder to not take the bait.

>> No.13162664

That'a a cute girl
Does she have a route?

>> No.13162713

Misao has a route in May, she is a pretty major character

Reu is the cutest though, especially with her twintails

>> No.13162733

Fuck you now I have to download this VN.

>> No.13162763

Try Gunjou no Sora wo Koete or Electro Arms.

>> No.13162800
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Kuragano is the best girl with the best route.

>> No.13162934
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Komagata route was so sweet.

>> No.13162938

What is wrong with her body?

>> No.13162944

The only non-Masada light game I've read was Tapestry. It was okay.

>> No.13162951

Stupidly good flexibility

>> No.13163242

Love how righteous some people can act over the level of facilitating pirates from another country offer them.

>> No.13163251
File: 1.06 MB, 1034x1426, 328347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never read an otome title before but will start this because the heroine design pushes all the right buttons (blue long hair, slender body with huge rack).

>> No.13163256

I'm pretty sure you read otome for the hot guys because the girls are never seen.

>> No.13163269

I'm assuming he's trying to make some kind of joke. I can't figure out what it is though.

>> No.13163273

That face is disgusting.

>> No.13163275

The MC being half insect half KEY character?

>> No.13163284

That cat has some fat thighs for being so skinny otherwise.

>> No.13163334

Imagining her skull gives me goosebumps.

>> No.13163368

You can see the girl during the sex scenes.

>> No.13163531

That's gay

>> No.13163759

So some guy with 13 posts on anime-sharing named "low1219" is the one who got finally Silverio uploaded.

You worthless turboneets should try uploading something once in a while.

>> No.13163771

Buyingh, ripping and uploading games? Nah, rather complain about those dang Chinamen not letting me pirate Japanese porn games faster.

>> No.13163796

Maybe you should try buying something once in a while, faglord.

>> No.13163801

If you actually read this thread you'd see anons uploading games for others multiple times.
The last one I remember was Jisatsu 101.

>> No.13163826

Not to mention laughing at those filthy Chinamen every time they get blown the fuck out by some random uploader.

>> No.13164074
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It's only gay if you pretend to be the heroine. Im playing the role of the black haired bully and things are going better than expected

>> No.13164578

But every VN I buy has been uploaded by the time it arrives in my hands.

>> No.13165081

Not a priori but it is bad writing and sex CG count are highly correlated.

>> No.13165245

Please don't badmouth high sexual content games.

>> No.13165270
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This Kana (from Daitoshokan) clone is single-handledly saving this game. Goddamn her VA/character is awesome.

>> No.13165287

Only their writing, that doesn't mean they aren't good for other things

>> No.13165417

Whatever, I will still read high sexual content games and enjoy their writing!

>> No.13165450

This is one of those "correlation is not causation" cases.
Bad writers have bad writing. Bad writers are more often employed to write bad nukige.
But good writers are also employed to write nukige, and writing doesn't suffer because of it.
Venus Blood series have high sex CG count and are well-written.
There are some nukiges by fucking Mareni himself.
There are people like Izumi Banya who write good nukige games.

>> No.13165519

I didn't imply it was some kind of hardfast rule or anything, but you'd be delusional to deny that the correlation doesn't exist.

>> No.13165528

As long as it's not factual, I'm gonna deny it all days erry days!

>> No.13165587 [SPOILER] 
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Playing Kurogane Kaikitan. I was wondering how will this game turn out without ero, but this scene exceeded my expectations. Otherwise it has been fine so far.

>> No.13165750

is Narahara still alive?

>> No.13165753

Good thing she has a nice route too. I liked, but it's kinda corny sometimes.

>> No.13165759

Probably but he sure ain't writing anymore

>> No.13165922

I hate to be spoonfed but is there a guide for Shining Night floating around? Couldn't find any.

>> No.13165946 [DELETED] 

i downloaded it from anime-sharing a few weeks ago, you should try searching there

>> No.13165985

Any VN's with loveable hetare MC's? I can't get enough of them and I don't really like the 2COOL4U snarky MC's like the one from Hello Lady!

>> No.13165998

SubaHibi and Chaos;head if you ok with キモオタ characters.

>> No.13166082


>> No.13166138

Seconding Damekoi, the MC is a working adult too, so no colledge / high school business tossle.

>> No.13166354

Sometimes I wonder what kind of job scenario writers have when they're not writing.

>> No.13166543

Nakahara teaches Kendo (seriously)

>> No.13166618 [SPOILER] 
File: 218 KB, 1458x880, 1426083290046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as expected, Renna's route delivers. (Tsujidou-san spoiler)

>> No.13166623

It had my favourite climax of the bunch.

>> No.13166646

Me too. I expect writing 1-2 eroge per year isn't going to get you much to eat.

>> No.13167940
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Is Masada a NatSoc?
Or just chuuni?

>> No.13168477
File: 263 KB, 1314x898, ディエス・イレ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm at the wrong place here let me know.

So after using google in attempts to find a solution, yet not finding anything useful, I hope you guys can help me out here.
Attempting to play Dies Irae~Acta est fabula~, downloaded through sukebei.
In picture 1 are the files I downloaded, the lower one which is supposed to be the crack, and the upper one with installer and all the shit.
Picture 2 is the folder after the setup, located at default destination.
Picture 3 is the error it gives me when I attempt to replace malie.exe with the given crack. 「Dies Irae Also sprach Zarathustra]が見つかりませんでした。製品をインストール、起動してください。
This leads me to believe the crack is not for my version.
On the last picture is what I get when I launch with the original malie.exe.

Now the issue is I could neither find a serial number nor a proper crack, while I assume both methodes could fix the issue here.
Can anyone help me out please?
I'm sure this is something stupid to ask but I don't seem to be able to manage.

>> No.13168544

You probably downloaded the version that's supposed to be patched onto Also sprach Zarathustra."Dies Irae Acta est Fabula パッチ版" and your error message suggests so.

Get the full proper Acta est Fabula and then do this >>/jp/thread/S12035050#p12039960

>> No.13168555

For clarity, this is the patch edition, which you probably have.
And then there's the full Acta est Fabula.

>> No.13168662

Seems like it.
Thank you anon.

>> No.13168797
File: 1.46 MB, 1281x677, 2015-03-12_004234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy that was fast, and this is why i love you Kazusa.

>> No.13168871

Wow and I thought Setsuna was pathetic.

>> No.13170428

Am I doing something wrong or Atlach=Nacha doesn't even have BGM? I've heard some SE so far (third h-scene), but they are rare.
Its so weird to play soundless VN.

>> No.13170657

He’s buddhist

>> No.13170945

It requires a more specific setup, try googling for _inmmf.dll, go to patch, find atlach nacha, patch it, go to _innmm.ini, drag all the songs of Atlach Nacha into it ( you should be able to find the OST somewhere), and that should make it work. Also It has one of the most famous eroge soundtracks ever so make sure you fix this so you can listen to it.

>> No.13170982

Now I'm feeling stupid for not asking earlier. Maybe it should be added to vndb page.

>> No.13170989 [DELETED] 

How do you guys feel about text hookers?
I feel like they can be useful rather than constantly looking up words, but can get into the bad habit of reliance.

>> No.13171026 [DELETED] 

We've had this discussion a billion times. I personally think it's more whether you stop using jparser and switch to japanese dictionaries at one point, or not.

>> No.13171201

Spent 2 hours looking for OST around web, and only then noticed, that music is right there on cd itself, just recorded in different tracks, and this _inmmf.dll can be used to play music from tracks directly, no need to convert into mp3.

>> No.13171274

Did you guys also use this for Mahoyo?


>> No.13172308

Would you mind posting a link for OST if you find it?

>> No.13172314

Would you mind to upload OST?

>> No.13172376 [DELETED] 

Useless and laughable.

>> No.13172382 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure not having to look up words by radicals is useful and as time-saving as copypasting can be.

>> No.13172405 [DELETED] 

Of course it is, but most people here would never admit that. It's insulting their elitism.

>> No.13172431 [DELETED] 

Too bad "time-saving" doesn't equal useful.

>> No.13172451 [DELETED] 

Are you retarded?

>> No.13172502 [DELETED] 

Are you?

>> No.13172532 [DELETED] 


I'm actually kind of interested in this viewpoint, because from where I'm sitting it's a silly thing to say with no basis in reality. I must be missing something here.

Can you explain why you think using ITH to search unknown words in 大辞林 is a bad thing? I read Japanese novels as well and you obviously can't use it on those so it's not like I'm addicted to a text hooker, but I find it to be pretty useful when it is an option. I don't see the issue so long as people aren't relying heavily on edict or god forbid google translate for their knowledge.

>> No.13172766

For gods sake he is just baiting, dont take every fucking bait. I guess I'll have to warn every fucking time.

>> No.13172804

I recently had to uninstall cccp, will this have any adverse effects in modern or classic vns?

>> No.13172827


Nah, I see this opinion around pretty often in a serious manner so I'm just trying to see where these people are coming from but I guess it really is just trolling or ""elitism"". Not really trying to derail the thread into an argument about text hooker wars so I'll just fuck off with this topic now.

Anybody played the new Light game?

>> No.13172845

CCCP actually did some weird shit to my ffmpeg installs before because MPEG-2 priority went bonkers and certain VNs wanted the Windows encoder for MPEG-2 instead, but I've been using KCP since a few months back and had no trouble with default settings.

>> No.13172858 [DELETED] 

>I'm actually kind of interested in this viewpoint
Concept of time-saving != useful? It shouldn't be difficult to understand that even if something saves time it doesn't guarantee as good result as an alternative which took more time.

>Can you explain why you think using ITH to search unknown words in 大辞林 is a bad thing?
Why do you need ITH for that? Alternative methods give you far better overall results, because when you look up things by yourself you'll end up learning, and they don't they that much more time.

Personally I found using text hooker just waste of time even tho it made me finish titles faster, it didn't make my Japanese any better. Because of that I am endlessly bitter and I want that wasted time back. I got myself an electronic dictionary. It is not perfect but with good handwriting recognition and wide collection of dictionaries, for me it is the best compromise between learning, convenience and enjoyment.

Of course the usefulness is related to the goal, but I just assumed that often the goal is to learn more Japanese instead finishing more titles with half-assed understanding and limiting one's selection. If one's goal would be the latter, then using some machines translator would be enough.

>> No.13172866 [DELETED] 

Careful, simple logic may explode the hooker users' minds.

>> No.13172883 [DELETED] 

In the end you're going to have to look up a lot of Kanji when you're starting out, so why not choose the easiest method to do so? The best way to build recognition is seeing phrases/Kanji many times, and using ITH is simply the most efficient method to do so.

Why use old methods when new ones are faster and accomplish the exact same thing?

>> No.13172902

Listen. I've been good to your right? We're friends right? Could you do me a little favour and shut up?

>> No.13172910 [DELETED] 


I'd actually never heard of an electronic dictionary, those are pretty cool. I would like to have one but the price tag for the nice ones are a little too steep for me.

I look kanji up by radical search/handwriting recognition when I'm reading LNs or novels but I've found it does take about 5 times as long as a copy paste from ITH with eroge. I think I would probably switch completely if I was having issues with recalling the kanji I'm looking up, but I haven't run into that problem so the benefit is not apparent to me.

I guess it comes down to personal preference/learning styles in the end. I still don't understand all the hate ITH gets but it's not like it matters in the end anyways. Thanks for the response.

>> No.13172969 [DELETED] 

>alternative methods give far better results
Nice source, dude. What works for you may not work for others. Your method is comprehensible but there's literally nothing in your post that explains how or why text hookers make you have an "half-assed understanding". Using ITH to hook the texts for easy looking-up is the same crap you do, except he wastes less time. Although some people learn better by taking notes of words they looked up and having to find the kanji, etc. so that may be a reason, but you just sound bitter because you probably read a few VNs with jparser and noticed how it's pretty bad. I'm compelled to think you're just our regular troll trying to fuck the thread with off-topic discussion, though.
You can download the VN itself through an alicesoft torrent pack, just be sure to select atlach nacha (which should be in alice no yakata 4-5-6), and mount the CD.

>> No.13172975 [DELETED] 

>waste of time even tho it made me finish titles faster
That's called saving time, you moron.

>> No.13172978

Forgot to mention the OST comes in the CD.

>> No.13173019 [DELETED] 

And how does time saving make your comprehension worse? We're not talking about speed reading here, nor Jparser.

>> No.13173173 [DELETED] 

Or you can actually learn how the Japanese works before you start reading VNs. Seriously, if you understand how kanji work, it doesn't take that much time.

It is very basic knowledge of pedagogy that most of people learn by doing themself. Idea is easily applicable to this context too. Seeing words just momentarily is not considered effective learning by any standards. "Easy come, easy go".

>> No.13173185 [DELETED] 

>And how does time saving make your comprehension worse?
Has someone ever said such...?

>> No.13173252

- said no woman ever.

>> No.13173379 [DELETED] 

By your logic, looking up words in english also classifies as not learning. And what makes you think the person can't take note of the words they don't know so they can remember it later? Or perhaps make an anki deck to review said words daily? And what you said about pedagogy has nothing to do with using a text hooker to save you the trouble of looking up kanji. You're still learning by yourself except you'll take less time than the guy who looks up manually. And it's still learning by yourself. Once again you're making assumptions.

>> No.13173401

Take it to DJT or some shit like that already, please.

>> No.13173473


>> No.13173580
File: 71 KB, 640x480, 20150312_184908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've started Higurashi. I played a few hours of the PS2 remake and got bored so I'm just going through stuff I've already gone through.

But Rena is really cute. Also, why Mion carry a gun around.

>> No.13173629 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.60 MB, 1280x768, 1426203495463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, this guy can read emotions, yet he's obvious to the feelings of his childhood friend and too much of a coward to bang the girl who's getting wet by just seeing him. I don't get it.

>> No.13173649
File: 25 KB, 240x397, Mion_Matsuri2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't anymore ever since Matsuri though.

You don't need to get why Japan loves making donkan spineless heroes, they just do.

>> No.13173657

But how can he even be donkan when he's able to read the fucking emotions of everyone in a 10 meter radius. What kind of bullshit is this?

>> No.13173667

That's the point of donkan-- it's in their face (in their mind, literally, in this case) and they are lost. It's retarded, yeah, but what can you do, it's a cheap, easy way to create romantic tension.

>> No.13173910

What are some good VN ports for the PSP? With new content worthy of checking out, etc. I tried looking at vndb but it just shows otoge and/or very popular titles I already read.

>> No.13173912

ASa Project stuff maybe? I haven't tried them yet on the PSP but they were satisfying enough on PC.

>> No.13174294

Tenshin Ranman, Kisaragi, Mashimphony.

>> No.13174595

Thanks for warning, out of my PTR forever.

>> No.13175099 [DELETED] 

You still fail to understand process of looking up a kanji is valuable learning, not 'trouble'. Firstly because it is not straighforward, it makes you think, study, understand and learn. Secondly during process you learn much more than just receiving the copypastable letter. For example you won't only learn how the kanji is formed, you will also you learn how it is not formed. It is similar concept as trying to learn problem solving or out of box thinking, only way to learn those are by actually putting people in such situations, not giving them problem and answer, and tell them learn this. If you are serious about learning Japanese, it is something you have learn at some point, so why not just learn it early instead building up dependancy to some program which will just limit. "What goes around comes around" right?

Example: If one meets English word 'obstreperous' first time, what do you think is more effective for him to learn this word, just copy paste it into dictionary or trying to type it by himself? I think latter. It will probably take more time because first few tries will probably be "obsreperous" or "obstroperous", but by making these possible mistakes will help average learner to learn the correct spelling.

Of course it is up to learner is it important for him to learn such. We can dance around the question, is it necessary to learn to learn such as how look up kanji, because it is subjective and depends on your goals. One could even argue is it necessary to learn how to read kanji words correctly if the goal is just to understand what is going on. Again it is subjective, but the starting question was subjective, "how do you guys feel about text hookers?". Personally I am just trying to find objective arguments to support my own experience, and because of that I think text hookers are useless tools because they are something you don't need in first place and they will worsen your overall learning.

>> No.13175220

When will people learn this is a thread about eroge and not a thread about learning Japanese? Take your off-topic conversation to DJT or anywhere else but here

>> No.13175262

Good job shitting the thread, faggot.

>> No.13175301

He's doing this in every thread for almost a year. Should blame faggots who keep responding to baits no matter how many times they were asked to not do so.

>> No.13175589
File: 17 KB, 418x500, feel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing はつゆきさくら, how sad is it?

>> No.13175717
File: 18 KB, 440x310, 1422725681255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13175966
File: 68 KB, 304x446, ss+(2015-03-13+at+02.33.04).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god new Shunran is so cool. But I just cant understand why they didnt add Yue & Ei - Ren & Nene combos at this fd. I know they cant hire 60+ VA just for a low priced game, but those four were best characters at syoku for sure.

>> No.13176326

The poor writing quality is the saddest part

>> No.13176631
File: 2.01 MB, 850x2318, pmw_4koma_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking forward to Puramai Wars and the comedic interaction between prim and proper vs rude and lewd at the end of next month, hopefully it doesn't disappoint.

At the very least it should have interesting tachi-e.

>> No.13177492
File: 43 KB, 516x720, B27tuvkCQAAKBJQ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

相州戦神館學園 万仙陣 オープニングムービー

>> No.13177522

Yoshiya running in the beginning looks so bad.

>> No.13177769

I haven't kept up much with the news/story because exams, but how is this handled? By that, I mean is this a serious new story or "FD" material?

And who is Fem Heydrich?

>> No.13177792

It looks like it will have more of a story than the first game.
The blond woman is the third Rosei

>> No.13177963

Oh that's good to hear, it'll be at the top of my backlog then, thanks.

>> No.13179638
File: 252 KB, 1362x1532, machi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was a good ride!

>> No.13179680

I should start Machi already too
It's 2000 yens on Vita, I guess I'll buy it

>> No.13179829

think it's worth doing all the bad ends?

>> No.13179844

Prettyxcation 2 trial is out.
the voice samples are now available too.

>> No.13179851

I played through some of it yesterday, I liked it, art was better than in the first entry and I liked the heroines, music was pretty fitting too.
My one complaint would be the emote, I like it, but there should be an option to make it move slower, especially the lips sometimes.

>> No.13180196

Please tell me about your experience with Tigre Soft's VN レミニセンス /jp/

>> No.13180212


>> No.13180256

i reading it right now and it's funny, but some political stuff are boring.
i would recommend you to read AkaGoei first and if you like the humor then moving into Reminiscence.

>> No.13180276

Dropped sequel, because all characters are horrible (except Kaito) and never get better.
Setting itself was cool, but plot didn't make any sense, my internal critic was screaming "bullshit!" at whole "politics" stuff there all the time, and when shit got """real""" with 3rd city in sequel, I just couldn't take it anymore.

>> No.13180404

See >>13180212

Truly the saddest thing about it, there were lots of loose ends from the first game which weren't addressed. And the politics was ok especially when shit goes down. The disappointing thing was I was expecting the heroine to be shrewd, cunning and dominant being the leader of the new city and all.
She wasn't bad by all means, just a letdown.
And no twins route despite creating a perfect setting for it, goddamn.

>> No.13180420

> And the politics was ok especially when shit goes down
Hope town has almost complete monopoly over food and electricity. If they sever all communications with Dream, Dream population is going to die. Yet they keep losing ALL deals, being thoroughly beaten and somehow Dream town dominating financially. This alone screams "bullshit!" on both economics and politics of them. And if you look at particular deals, like joint reclamation project, its going even more insane. Hope town didn't get ANYTHING from the project, all land and all profit goes to Dream town, yet they invest money, technology and people into it. I cannot imagine any sane political leader doing this. I cannot imagine population simply agreeing to this shit.

>> No.13180426

I looked at the archive and the common sentiment is that he could not write a good conclusion, but there was no information on his prosaic or thematic qualities. I would appreciate it if you could supply your opinions.

>> No.13180473

I was mainly referring to the Yamato stuff in the sequel as they were a militaristic city.
And wasn't the entire Dream town win due to their double agents? All deals etc, were struck well before Hope town lost (and this stuff was an annual occurence wasn't it?), and I thought that they would never consider severing communications since everyone is simply used to this way of life. The populace is largely ignorant of a lot of things, for example hardly anyone knows about the surface because Hope town Mayor wants to cling to his power.

Have you read AkaGoei? The endings aren't as bad, but they aren't good either, especially the first game's. The guy has great worldbuilding, fantastic dialogue and pretty good characters, he just can't into endings.

>> No.13180515

Any chance you would also know why some CG in Atlach Nacha are displayed as just black screen, but there are thumbs for them in CG gallery?

Didn't even notice that it wasn't supposed to show black screens till I've reached end and got to CG gallery, and its pointless to play through other "routes" if I'm not going to see anything in most scenes.

>> No.13180547

I've had the same problem so I don't know either. Did you like it?

>> No.13180599

Well, I guess its pretty good for its age.
Twist with Shirogane was pretty cool. I figured there was some trick to him, but still didn't expect anything like that.
Protag herself was also great. Author managed to show her as cruel and inhuman, yet made me cheering for her and wishing for her to win.
Writing itself was good too. Even non-protag rape scenes were done in tasteful way, giving it enough detail and flavor but not going too far to become gross.
At same time CG bug significantly hurt my experience (from what I saw in gallery, it would work much better w/out the bug), and I just don't like whole bullying/blackmail business. Also, was playing w/out walkthrough and landed with darker results for most of characters. I bet I would like it more if I went with happy choices.

>> No.13182087
File: 62 KB, 640x480, rgdcomingsoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just completed Rose Guns Days volume 2 a few minutes ago. It was very good despite it isn't as good as Umineko.

Do we have news about the translation of the next volumes? It seems to be a while since the progress is at 100% translation/60% editing.

>> No.13182091

>It was very good despite it isn't as good as Umineko
Nice bait mate.

>> No.13182096

Can you leave this thread alone? EOP scum.

>> No.13182100
File: 13 KB, 165x165, rgdtroubled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13182103

Fuck off uminekofag.

>> No.13182114


Disregarding the obvious bait, how is Rose Guns Days? Umineko was actually pretty entertaining until it crawled up its own ass.

>> No.13182120

Honestly, it reminds me of the old Intouchables TV show. Except it's about prostitution, it's set in Japan, and there's no police.
There's less interaction than Higurashi or Umineko, you don't make your own theory while reading the story, and you don't have any choice to do. It's more a book than a game, so if you don't like the story, you can't enjoy the game, because the story (and the music) are literally everything it has.

That, and a good dose of self-pity "ablublu we are poor oppressed Japanese, everyone steps on us which is ununderstandable after what we did during WWII".

>> No.13182216
File: 127 KB, 761x1024, samviewrs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Looseboy really write this scenario? Trading the first dark protag with the self-righteous bitch was an epic troll-grade bait-and-switch. Seriously, how is this fag a Looseboy protag -- just because he's not a beta? With the goofball fantasy premise this might as well be written by any scenario writer. The only clue that Looseboy has anything to do with the story is the presence of a misunderstood evil old man that steals the scene that he's in.

>> No.13182253

You sound like those guys who spammed pictures of atomic bombs on /jp/ years ago. Also did you read the OP? It says untranslated thread.

>> No.13182274

Umineko was entertaining during Beatrice vs. Battler. Almost immediately afterwards it slowly turned to shit, accelerating into light-speed fail at the end. There were still moments (ie, Battler getting raped by a wedding ring), but the things that hooked me in the beginning generally went to hell.

>> No.13182291

Which kid game was the one with the sexy chick in the second panel?
Translation when?

>> No.13182308

Was there a reason why kid games always had amazing openings?

>> No.13182367

Does the last leyline game contain the previous 2 games? I mean, the limited trilogy box uploaded on nyaa

>> No.13182373

Did I miss the translation vn thread? what was the latest vn to be translated? Was 12 riven finished yet?

>> No.13182392

can you read the thread title?

>> No.13182398

Im asking if the vn translation thread died or something.

>> No.13182404

It's not time yet.

>> No.13182414
File: 105 KB, 964x501, (18禁ゲーム)_[150130]_[ユニゾンシフト:ブロッサム]_時計仕掛けのレイライン_-朝霧に_2015-03-14_22-12-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to not take the baits.

Trilogy Box contains the OST, the movie DVD, and a Drama CD along with only the third game.

>> No.13182423

Exactly what I did and was worth it.

Not absolutely all of them (some are very similar) but most are pretty fun and short anyway.

>> No.13182454

oh man, I need to download the other 2 as well then. thanks

>> No.13182479

so, how is Vendetta?

>> No.13182670

I've been studying Japanese for a little under a year now, and finally got the courage to give VNs another go, and surprisingly am doing quite well. While the language isn't a problem, the gameplay is. I'm really bad at decision making. In VNs in general, how do I make girls like me? It seems I can only make friends with them, or make them hate me. But getting them to feel the same way about me seems impossible. What kinds of decisions would normally be the best to make, in general? If I try to pursue a specific girl, she ends up thinking I"m creepy. It's like real life.

>> No.13182683


>> No.13182689

Try playing something more recent?
Games with choices that aren't "which gril fug" and that have bad ends are almost a rarity now.

>> No.13182718
File: 169 KB, 234x336, Caucasus_cover_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here every played Caucasus? I just downloaded it and it wants me to put in an ID before i can play it, no idea how to proceed

>> No.13182736

I miss bad ends. Meaningless choices suck, but it's nice to be able to somehow influence the story beyond just picking a route. But I suppose writing a proper branching story is hard.

>> No.13182739

Oh wow, I already fucked most of the routes. And I can't have the girl I want. That's silly. The choices had nothing to do with her even.

This feels like cheating, though.

>> No.13183159

Hope mods clear thins thread again.

>> No.13183377

>You sound like those guys who spammed pictures of atomic bombs on /jp/ years ago
And you sound like a weeaboo who's trying too hard to forget that Japan did some really disgusting stuff during WWII.
>Also did you read the OP? It says untranslated thread.
I don't give a fuck, a guy asked a question, I answered it. If it bothers your autism, don't read my posts.

>> No.13183476
File: 92 KB, 796x408, top_2015whiteday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like there's going to be Kara no Shoujo 3 soon.

>> No.13184181

I'm not even particularly invested in this argument, but your posts are pretty bad. I'd be cool with not reading your posts, but at the moment there isn't really a way to block them so...

>> No.13184182

I'm curious which game in particular you are talking about.

>> No.13184188

it is called hide post, i suggest more people use it

>> No.13184189
File: 142 KB, 1024x576, ev16a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try replacing the game exe with this.


>> No.13184488

Please suggest a fun dating sim that can be managed without a guide /jp/. I've only played Amagami before, but I want more freedom.

>> No.13184493

Kakyuusei isn't too terribly difficult.

>> No.13184496

But dude, you're simulating the very lack of freedom!

>> No.13184511

thanks, that was the issue, download didn't come with a nodvd crack

>> No.13184520

I was always scared of elf stuff because they seemed to be somewhat maniac, thanks for the opinion, will try it and their other sims too. Also looking at White Album.
wish my life was a simulation

>> No.13185628

Anyone know any good VNs featuring the themes of either gender/bodyswap or crossdressing?
I thought learning Japanese would give me access to more quality stuff, but so far it has only given me access to an endless mountain of low quality content.

>> No.13185650

Looks like you've been looking in the wrong places, in the beginning it was the complete opposite for me. And it still is.

>> No.13185673

I just scroll vndb and go to any that seem promising.
Trouble is, the ratings are given mostly by people who just look at the CGs and rate how much they fapped to them instead of judging the story, so I can't even use the score on the site as any indication of how good it's going to be.

>> No.13185680
File: 1.11 MB, 1299x784, tron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Electro Arms

I'm trying it now and the emote system is sort of creepy. Had a slow start but then what to expect from VNs? I'll also never find it not funny when characters explain their life philosophy in their first appearance.

>> No.13185700

It's not really a VN thing. It's more of a sign of poor writing in any medium, western or eastern, when a character has to plainly explain who they are and how they act, because the writer is too incompetent to show and don't tell.

>> No.13185754

Maybe use the other appropriate site. They have tags for everything, surely even for bodyswap or crossdressing. I think the crossdressing might be "女装もの" if I remember it correctly.

>> No.13185771

I'm afraid I don't know the other appropriate site, I come around only to post when I finish something.

I'm the second reply in the thread.

>> No.13185843


You might not be able to access it normally. Either use a proxy, the Google Translate method or message the owner on Twitter (@hiro_in) to whitelist your IP.

>> No.13185849

Do conventional proxies work or is it like futaba, which recognizes you even through a proxy by using unknown japanese magic?

>> No.13185851

Dunno actually, I usually use the Google Translate thing myself.

>> No.13185891

Telling and not showing can work just as fine, as long as you don't do shit like what >>13185680 described.

>> No.13185914

Proxies work like normal proxies.

>> No.13185923

Not all proxies are equal though.
Very few proxies, and like none of the freely available ones, actually try to mask that your connection is being proxied, beyond shooting it from a different place from the starting one.
It just works most of the times with shitty proxies because very few sites care enough to screen the IPs connecting to them.

>> No.13186228


To be fair I'm not yet sure if this is actually a problem here. If the characters aren't the focus then why not get the introduction out of the way so you can get to the meat of your project. The prologue is long enough as is.
And really this being a VN its really to early for me to judge.
Except for the emote system.

>> No.13187357

This is super autism. It's one thing to fail with real women, but to not understand how to get women in unrealistic VNs as well is just super autism.

>> No.13187373

>Games with choices that aren't "which gril fug" and that have bad ends are almost a rarity now.

This is something which bothers me for a good while. It's not exactly the most interactive medium and they seem to work hard to make it even more interactive with each passing year.

At least we still got elf who still make games with the old formula.

>> No.13187374

>even less

Don't bully, I have brain problems.

>> No.13187425

Interactivity in VNs always was a joke.
Its much better with obvious "fuck heroine <X>" single-branching-point choices than with obscure shit which you end up playing with kouryaku anyway.

>> No.13187428

I completely disagree.

>> No.13187572

Well...well...you can always enjoy both!!!

>> No.13187609

Choices are just annoying since it means you have to deal with annoying save bullshit and controlling through stuff you've read, and if new text is added in the early parts of the game then you have to jump into those parts with no context (or reread from the beginning again)

Overall, not a pleasant affair.

>> No.13187612


The word is "guide", and you never really needed one except if you were lazy.

I liked the idea of picking choices just to see how it turns out. It was one of the points which drew me to VNs in the first place.

>> No.13187616

> never really needed one
Pleb who never played France Shojo has no right to speak on these matters.

>> No.13187624

>At least we still got elf who still make games with the old formula.
elf still make games?

>> No.13187628

The one I found for that when I was going to try it really intimidated me.

>> No.13187642

Yeah, thats the point.
With 48 separate ends and fucking huge pile of choices and branching, you would go insane if you tried to clear it without 攻略.

And while its rare for devs to go that far, other "it will hurt if you don't use guides" exist in great number, like Totono or KnS.

>> No.13188133

>it will hurt if you don't use guides
I wish I knew all of those. It's annoying to have to decide if I'll use a walkthrough or not.

>> No.13188388
File: 156 KB, 857x1200, Eustia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I have a question regarding Aiyoku no Eustia. It says to read Eustia's route last but in what order does that mean? Do I play it the top way or the bottom way that I have outlined in my image?

>> No.13188444

The game is linear with short side routes every chapter featuring the central heroine in it.

>> No.13188445

Been out of the loop since December. Apart from Tsuriotsu 2 were any of the December releases worth reading? I remember there being some hyped up releases but the names escape me right now.

I got Silverio Vendetta and Sanoba Witch downloading right now. Anyone has any impressions for either of them? I guess I could start the Leyline trilogy as well if neither of those are worthwhile.

Happy to see vndb finally started listing staff for VNs. I could probably ask why the general turned into untranslated VN general but I have a feeling I already know the answer.

I really enjoyed https://vndb.org/v817.. It even has routes for the male side characters and I don't think I've seen that in any other VN I've played so far. I remember the voice actors doing a really good job at switching characters as well.

I used to use google translate but recently I started using this Chrome app called Hola that allows you to set VPN for websites. I just select Japan for EGS and it has been working flawlessly so far.

>> No.13188454

Thanks for the reccomendation, but I've already read everything by Crowd. They really are the masters of gender bender.

>> No.13188458

Do I do the side route before moving onto the next chapter? Or is it insignificant and I can do all the side routes all in one go before the ending?

>> No.13188461

You should do the side ends when their time comes, they are barely half an hour long.

>> No.13188515

Ok. Thanks.

>> No.13188586

Any idea where to get that VN? All I can find is dead links from file sharers, or divided into like 10 parts from those sites only allowing one download per eternity.
The only torrents for it on lewd nyaa are dead too.

>> No.13188658

It's in the crowd gold box, should be one of the bigger games but I can't remember which.

>Hola that allows you to set VPN for websites.
Is there a way to make it change automatically if it's on?

>> No.13188688

>Is there a way to make it change automatically if it's on?
You just go to a website and then select the country (VPN) and every time you go to that website it automatically switches to it. I've been using it for egs and Netflix and have had no issues with it so far.

>> No.13188701

I don't think it necessarily went to shit, just in a different direction than what many people wanted.

>> No.13188855

Is it really because Ryuukishi's "gay lover" died around when EP5 or EP6 came out?

I remember some people mentioning it back then.

>> No.13189107

More like ghostwriter.

>> No.13189224

Makes more sense.

>> No.13189263
File: 385 KB, 1292x848, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far, this is looking like the very worst eroge I've ever had the displeasure of infecting my computer with.
Something I mostly expected, given that title. I'm gonna keep reading.

>> No.13189330

Question is why doesn't she wear pantsu?

>> No.13189366

because she is a heroine in a nukige?

>> No.13189956

The art is not even good. I don't understand why are you torturing yourself with that shit.

>> No.13190113

Is WINE still the only option for VNs under Linux?

>> No.13190125

No, only real option everyone including me (gentoo user here) is using is VirtualBox + WinXP.

>> No.13190129

Write a polite email to some VN devs telling them to support GNU/Linux.

>> No.13190287

Guys can you please suggest me some games (preferably moeges) which have a heroine who is afraid of men? For some reason all I can find is those very shy ones, not scared.

>> No.13190332

Atlach Nacha.

>> No.13190345

Well shit.

I think Japanese devs believe Linux is some kind of black magic. They'll ride MS cock for eternity no matter what those filthy gaijin do.

>> No.13190500
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You could try そして煌めく乙女と秘密⁵.

>> No.13190737

Thank you, but that doesn't really seems like something I'd enjoy so I'll pass.

Thank you very much, To be honest I dont really like trap games but this one seems like fun and pretty interesting with his manly protag, I'm downloading right now.

Also if anyone else has some recommend I can still take a couple of more.

>> No.13190804

I have this downloaded but I haven't touched it. I love お嬢様s.

>> No.13190807

You can do them whenever the fuck you want faggot. That's why there are choices.

>> No.13191070
File: 303 KB, 800x600, capture_01032015_032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone recommend me something similar to OreTsuba? I finished it a few weeks ago and I haven't been able to get into anything I've played since.

>> No.13191094

Also, if I could read OreTsuba, how much harder is something like Muramasa or Dies Irae?

>> No.13191095

Similar in what way?

>> No.13191103

Masada and Narahara are much worse writers, so those games don't read nearly as nicely, so they might end up feeling a bit harder I guess.

>> No.13191142

The writing and comedy in particular. I liked the fights in Narita's route a lot too.

>> No.13191164

The difficulty has nothing to do with the writing quality, though.

>> No.13191288

Which VN is this one?

>> No.13191311


>> No.13191334


>> No.13191338

Thank you.

>> No.13191522

How good is that? Do all of the features of modern VNS work fine? Or are things choppy/weird?

>> No.13191528

お嬢様s aren't clutzy girls that trip over you and wear no panties.

>> No.13191581
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I thought the whole point of that game was about them having specific S or M traits "even though" they're ojous. That character in particular having an exhibitionism fetish which explains the no-pan. I honestly don't know what you were expecting.

>> No.13191587

Sentences that flow nicer are easier to read, so to some extent it does.

Muramasa, at least, is easier to read, although largely it is hard for very different reasons than Oretsuba. It's certainly easier than the Karura sections.

>> No.13191700

There are troubles with directx sometimes (at this point I gave up and just playing these on my windows notebook), but most VNs work as designed.

>> No.13192006

Sorechiru is really fun.
Itrs problems come afer you do your first route, but it's a blast.

>> No.13193064

Why though?
It seems mindlessly fun

>> No.13193098

Both Red and Silver caught my attention, but Yellow seems like the safest bet in terms of a good route.

>> No.13193152

If you just want a cute 'mindless fun' charage this is near the bottom of the rung. On top of nothing standing out as usual, the art is bad. I'd say at least decent art is pretty damn essential if you're making a bog-standard moe eroge and doing absolutely nothing to move ahead of the pack, so to speak.

But yeah, I guess you could just see it as 'mindless fun'. Depends on your standards.

>> No.13193160


I wonder why 親友/bro/best friend character is quite rare in eroge. Most of them is childhood friend who wanted the D from the start. I hope this one won't be dissapointing like Karumaruka.

>> No.13193167
File: 820 KB, 1004x800, top-title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silky's new thing. The guys who made Nanairo Reincarnation, which was quite good, especially the art.
The site is kind of vague regarding the plot, but it says it's suspense, and considering their previous work, I'm looking forward to it.
Also, unreasonably-sized tits.

>> No.13193303

>Also, unreasonably-sized tits.

Always a minus in my book.

>> No.13193310

I enjoyed nanairo and I can't say no to that art+interesting story. I hope it has actual routes this time around.

>> No.13193404

I'm getting a Biniku no Kaori vibes from it. Really looking forward to this one.

>> No.13194590

Me too, after reading about the story. This is good news!

>> No.13194642
File: 922 KB, 1298x782, EA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the person who recommended Electro Arms as a none Masada Light VN. Is there any point where you can drop it if its not grabbing you by then? Don't mind spoilers since at the moment I'm close to dropping it. Regular employment does terrible things to your patience.

>> No.13194657

It's not particularly good, kinda grating at times.
That said, Leona's route is quite good, but for non-Masada light VNs you'd have better luck with vermillion/zero infinity/silverio but I haven't finished it yet.

>> No.13194813
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I was getting worried they were going to delay it a third time.

>> No.13195025


Well OK, I really want to give the second team a fair shake. I think I'll just try Vendetta then. Maybe they improved.

>> No.13195137

Should I get Phenogram or Darling? How are they lengthwise?

>> No.13195234
File: 169 KB, 1136x640, 75600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished darling a few years ago.. was okay but it's really a fun disk, only "fun" stories

I am currently playing phenogram and I think it's better: it has more dark and serious stories, closer to the original game; plus exploring other perspectives is nice.

>> No.13195584

I'm glad, I wish they expand more on Renge as well.
Of course, more Happoubi Jin is welcome any time in my book with any excuse.

>> No.13195785

Damn, the H scenes in yorino are really way too long and boring. And I thought they knew how to make good ero after Natsuzora no Perseus.

>> No.13196749


>> No.13196847
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>> No.13196853
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>> No.13196865

This is one thing I would never expect from Marmalade. Guess PRIMALxHEARTS was a really big success for them.

>> No.13196914

personally i think vermilion > zero infinity > electro arms (meaning they're doing worse and worse imo)

>> No.13196991

Who the fuck is that guy? EGS says its his first work.

>> No.13197011
File: 720 KB, 1296x758, cOMpF9V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one of the Teito Hiten writers.

>> No.13197017

Moogy, upload us a copy, please.

>> No.13197269

Count me hyped.
Since they're already accepting preorders this month that means it's going to be out next month or the month after right?

>> No.13197309

No, I don't think April or May counts as early summer.

>> No.13197368

what the fuck? The first one wasn't even that good, and those heroines dont seems like as charming as first one either.

>> No.13197479

I missed him.

>> No.13198051
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Anyone know where I can get a copy of Magical Kanon? With the recent revival of Terios and their release of Magical Kanon 2 I kind of want to read the first one but all I can find is the anime adaptation.

>> No.13198577


New thread.
