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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 47 KB, 1280x720, programmedsun.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13167234 No.13167234 [Reply] [Original]

random is cheating

>> No.13167290

Fuck off.

>> No.13167296

Is Psun dead? I havent played since before the Pworld c&d was supposedly issued

>> No.13167305

The forums and webui are down but the network is still up

>> No.13167313

ded ded ded ded

>> No.13167362

Thanks. I hope nothing fatal happens.

>> No.13167423

>not programmed scum . jpg

>> No.13167658


>> No.13167883

anyone that plays everything nonran is a dirty practicer

>> No.13167898

having someone else scratch for you while you play is fucking cheating. prove me wrong

>> No.13167984

yeah, kinda. you practice to get better, anon.

>> No.13168220

does anyone actually fucking do this holy shit

>> No.13168238

I want to fuck Prim.

>> No.13168305

I want to fuck Nekomata Master.

>> No.13168521

I'm gonna fuck Dai

>> No.13168656

>fw upped my green number and instantly went from geteting B's to AA's

epic nice

>> No.13168676

nice compromise dude

>> No.13168701


sud+ must be cheating then, if it increased your score

>> No.13168710

what does this mean? im new to iidx

>> No.13168733


when you use the sud+ mod there's a green number which increases or decreases as you raise or lower the sud+

>> No.13168744

Seems kinda cheap

>> No.13168819

green number shows how long each note is visible (green number 300 = 30 frames = half a second) and changing the hi speed or sudden+ value affects it

>> No.13168834

So is this how everyone gets good ranks?

>> No.13168858

>not sharing the controls with a cute girl
I told you about bemani players.

>> No.13168884
File: 263 KB, 323x419, 1371531626593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>sharing iidx controls
>not playing pop'n two player with them instead

>> No.13168893
File: 102 KB, 600x800, coupleplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I achieve this?

>> No.13168896

>tfw no cute boy to play popn with

>> No.13168906

You know that's two dudes right?

>> No.13168913

I've done that too, and it's more fun, yes.
I've only shared iidx controls with a little kid.

>> No.13168922

Did I mention anything about girls?

>> No.13168964

the one on the right can't be a guy, she has a dress on

>> No.13168989

Hey tuxxy

>> No.13169083

where are my osufags? I've been looking at getting a new mouse. what are you opinions on how much weight affects your play?

>> No.13169118

*taps baseball bat menacingly* heh... looks like your in the wrong neighborhood, KID...

>> No.13169251

Having a consistent green number really helps with reading and timing. It won't make you a better player, but finding the green number that works best with your read speed and introducing that consistency can help you get better scores.

I started consistently getting As instead of Bs once I started using floating hi-speed and always set the same green number.

>> No.13169279

wow afro knuckle [a] looks like a really easy 11

>> No.13169898

i fucked prim

>> No.13169949


>> No.13169979

she's too pure to be fucked

>> No.13169991

Prim 2 pure 4 gajin scum

>> No.13169993

someone tell me when sdvx's songlist gets good

>> No.13169996

i don't think they'll ever remove all of the vocaloid or touhou songs

>> No.13169999

When they stop using the 'whoosh' sound effect thingies

>> No.13170018

Back when I played with a mouse I bought one with configurable weight because I wasn't sure what I wanted. The one I had before was way way too light, and I often missed really fast jumps.

>> No.13170089
File: 36 KB, 343x192, 78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favourite meme

>> No.13170095

what is a groove gauge

>> No.13170102

a retarded gimmick

>> No.13170105


normal groove gauge is cheating

>> No.13170114

Playing IIDX is cheating.

You should be playing Pop'n instead.

>> No.13170115

why would people play games with retarded gimmicks

>> No.13170130

hard is cheating too, as is ex hard

if you aren't playing hazard you are cheating

>> No.13170146

Can we all just agree that the only PROPER way to play iidx is nonrandom, no hi speed, no sud+, hazard mode only, and no anmitsu allowed?

>> No.13170148


>> No.13170160

s-ran is the only way pros play

>> No.13170168

You forgot the ":^)"

>> No.13170257

I think the one thing we can all agree on is that people who use easy deserve the death sentence.

>> No.13170259


>> No.13170264

E-Clear subhuman detected.

>> No.13170265

there is literally nothing wrong with using easy

>> No.13170269


easy is only acceptable in bms

>> No.13170273


>> No.13170278

I wanna get into playing the iidx thing
How do I get into playing the iidx thing

>> No.13170280

I think the one thing we can all agree on is that people who play Pop'n Lite (IIDX) deserve the death sentence.

>> No.13170289

Lunatic rave 2

>> No.13170298


get controller

get games

>> No.13170318

reminder that clearing a song with random doesn't count unless you can clear it without random as well

>> No.13170329

People do legitimately think this. Coincidentally, none of them are good players

>> No.13170331

don't worry maybe one day you'll be able to beat safari without random

>> No.13170334

What are you saying, is the safari a song harder on nonrandom or something? I don't concern myself with things as easy as 10s

>> No.13170336

>not knowing safari
Please new fag, don't try to fit.

>> No.13170340

I spent maybe 2 months playing 10s before moving on to 11s. not all of us are lazy

>> No.13170365

The following are cheating, definitively:

Speed mods
Any mods
Using more than one hand on the keys
Playing any song rated under 12

>> No.13170388

IMO Lighter is better.
You compensate by playing with really low DPI and a grippy playmat.

>> No.13170389

Why are Taka's DJ Amuro songs so much better than his others?

>> No.13170409

Will I get bullied if I mention osu!mania in here

>> No.13170426


>> No.13170450

buy a used ps2 beatmania controller, buy a cheap playstation 2 to usb adapter off amazon, download Lunatic Rave 2 and get your songs from bms.bemaniso.ws

>> No.13170457

this makes me angry just looking at it

>> No.13170590

But Drummania is objectively better than either of them.

>> No.13170598

Gameplay wise, yeah, score wise?, nein.

>> No.13170607


no one thinks that dm is better than iidx/pop'n except dm players

>> No.13170641

True, but I wouldn't worry about it too much. I got it down by mid 12s once you start somewhat timing. Trying to nail down your green number while still practicing mainly 9s or 10s isn't that important. Unless you're one of those people who focus on timing before clearing.

>> No.13170797


>> No.13170837

>Replying to ghostposting

>> No.13170847

Wasn't me, but keep that shit on warosu.
Or here. No use keeping secrets now.

>> No.13172040

>78% your first song on official eamuse
no thanks

>> No.13172340

Maybe you shouldn't be playing songs that are too hard for you.

>> No.13172479

Is it normal to slow down around 8's and 9's? I went through to 8's in a couple weeks, but I've been stuck here for over a month now.

>> No.13172545

why the fuck you niglets saying psun is down? i can connect just fine

>> No.13172558

this is sows bait

>> No.13172580

how do i adjust both sudden and floating hi speed? when i hold start and use the turntable it only adjusts sudden

>> No.13172585
File: 337 KB, 1280x720, launcher_2015_03_08_17_39_05_558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so how the fuck do I get past this screen to do the Dan rank shit?

>> No.13172640

put more coins in obviously

>> No.13172648

I dont know how

>> No.13172652

Mash the service key as many times as possible until it starts making noises

>> No.13172693

you trying to trick me m8

>> No.13172700

Nope, that's what you're supposed to do.

>> No.13172717

Well im pressing delete which is the service key and it aint working

>> No.13172737

It is making a noise when you hit it? if not try holding it down or something.

>> No.13172745

Its not making a noise when I press or hold it down

>> No.13172749

Map it to something else (Like w or something) and then try again.

>> No.13172763

Never thought I'd see the day when arcades are so dead people can't even get emulators working.

>> No.13172781

Didn't work. Man what the fuck. Is there a hex edit or something to disable the need for credits?

>> No.13172795

Nope, if you can't get it working you're sol I guess.

>> No.13172802

Maybe everything does need to be shut down for good if people this stupid are getting data.

>> No.13172832

Why don't you tell me how to get it to work instead of being condescending faggot?

>> No.13172837

Set your game to freeplay, and unbind service because the network autobans you if you spam it too hard. You're being rused, m8

also don't post screenshots of data

>> No.13172848

Dang I knew I was being tricked. And your advice worked, thanks.

>> No.13172877

Leechers detected

>> No.13172885

m8 I probably have more upload than you on sows

>> No.13172905

It only makes things worse and draws more negative attention when you fuck with someone like that. The best thing to do is just answer his question to shorten the discussion as much as possible, and make sure he knows not to post about it publicly in the future

>> No.13172907

If youre on sows why the heck are you asking about this here? Thats what sows is for.

>> No.13172934

I dont know. I felt like I would get a faster response here.

>> No.13172951

>he doesn't like the woosh

>> No.13172963

press the effect button and it switches between both

>> No.13173022

How easy would DJ hero be if you are decent at iidx?

>> No.13173031

Pretty simple. Most rhythm games you can direct skill from one to the other and be playing expert on new ones fairly quickly.

>> No.13173072

Not really at all as far as I'm aware, I think DJ hero is pretty different from a traditional "hit buttons to notes in lanes" game. I mean, general reading and coordination skills will carry over, but that's about it.

>> No.13173081

DJ Hero is a joke, even if you haven't played any rhythm game before.
Yes I'm still mad they sued the real dj game company into oblivion and shat out this abortion of a music game in its place.

>> No.13173089

wait, what? who sued who?

>> No.13173092

By the way, you literally cannot fail in DJ Hero. You only get points based on combo and it's version of star power from GH, and there is no accuracy.

>> No.13173106

>it's version of star power

>> No.13173151

i tried gitadora dm at an arcade today and it was fun as hell
i kinda wanna buy an edrum kit to play it at home but i have no interest in actual drumming so i dunno
i mean, what kind of loser would spend $400 just on a game controller

>> No.13173153

>the real dj game company
Is this what you're talking about?

Is that why it never came out?

>> No.13173253

Can someone tell me what those medal requirements in iidx are for and what they do?

>> No.13173270

It wasn't just following the beats, either. You could actually mix the tracks live in the game.
There was going to be a two table mode.
They had a massive contest where performers could get their mixes into the game.
The controller was made with professional parts that could detect when the disc was being touched.
All gone.

What kind of loser spends his time making pitiful trolls on 4chan?

>> No.13173287

Well, that's fucking depressing. It looks like a somewhat simpler IIDX but with more focus on the actual DJ mechanics, perfect to get people into IIDX but also fun on its own.

>> No.13173527

couldnt you rig up a rockband drumset to play dm with?

>> No.13173606

>The best thing to do is just answer his question
No, the best thing to do is to tell people to fuck off and ask on IRC or something instead. Answering questions here is the reason why people keep asking questions here.

>> No.13173617

>Answering questions here is the reason why people keep asking questions here
How awful

>> No.13173740

You seem mad mate.

>> No.13174064

i miss skub

>> No.13174093

>you will never see skub's penis

>> No.13174103

>wanting to see tiny asian dicks

>> No.13174121

>not wanting to see gay asians, the prettiest males on the planet

>> No.13174264

>the prettiest males on the planet

>> No.13174270
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>> No.13174270,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13174556

Would it be worth buying an sdvx controller at this point? I really want to get into the game but im worried if psun goes kill then I wont be able to play at all. Luckily I already generated a unique pcbid and shit ahead of time so it should run fine, I'm just not sure what the chances are of psun sticking around for long.

Also 8dan hype

>> No.13174563

psun will probably become more strict and go under a different name in the future. if it does die, i am sure there will be another service to replace it not long after.

>> No.13174571

it's never worth playing sdvx

>> No.13174572

If shit goes down you could always play K shoot mania. Also I think one of the games can be played offline with e-amuse emulation. I dont actually play SDVX so Im not sure, but pretty sure I've heard people saying such things

>> No.13174575

This, unless you like touhou shit and indie stuff.

>> No.13174577

theres one good song for every 50 shitty tohou and vocaloid songs

>> No.13174585

I downloaded the OST and it doesnt seem that bad, not a fan of touhou but iidx has its (very) fair share of shitty songs. I'm more interested in the actual gameplay regardless.

>> No.13174593

Ordered mine a couple days ago. Worst case scenario I just use it for K-shoot, but I don't think psun is going anywhere.

Fucking virgoo still hasn't shipped my ASC yet though.

>> No.13174638

>skub will never fuck you

>> No.13174644

>he thinks the music and the "gameplay" are separate

>wanting stds

>> No.13174646

I was actually gonna get a turbocharger as well, 270 bucks total is pretty sick considering dao's SVSE5 is ~250 with omrons and shipping

>> No.13174658

not to mention turbocharger has arcade quality encoders. dao charges $100+ extra for them

>> No.13174661

And the fact that dao's buttons are shit, while the turbocharger ones are decent replacements for sanwas.

>> No.13174673

and im sure we can all say that dao's svse5's design looks terrible in comparison to the turbocharger

>> No.13174675


>> No.13174699

Both are pretty bad honestly, but dao's looks like a cheap knockoff of the turbocharger.

>> No.13174723

how the fuck do you play reflec beat everything's flyin all over the place and you can't see the green balls for shit

>> No.13174847

Space dog best song ever.

>> No.13175000

Lots and lots of grinding. Find a song you like, and eventually it just clicks

Play only 10+ and everything will seem slow in comparison

>> No.13175035

>not seiya murai vs snoop lion : space lion

>> No.13175282

so whats the best single iidx asc?
been playing sdvx and I already know ill love iidx from listening to iidx osts
right now its real edition single vs rainbow for me

>> No.13175318

Dao FP7. Real edition is overkill, and the rainbow's TT height isn't AC accurate.

>> No.13175341

what prim song got you hooked

>> No.13175354

so lets say the fp7 and res are the same exact price
would it essentially be choose which one looks better to you?
from what I can tell the RES just has the leather handrest and "arcade accurate" looks

>> No.13175367

The hand rest is stupid and useless. If you want arcade dimensions, just get the PEE.

>> No.13175394

meh I cant justify spending more for bulkier shit
ill just go with the fp7, me and my wallet thanks you anon

>> No.13176972

prim is killing iidx

>> No.13177119

Can you play windowed mode in Spada? And does it remove input lag?

>> No.13177130

Any dao is pretty much fine, except for the RES.
The FP7 is the goto, but if you're tight on space and don't mind a KOC-sized turntable and uglier case you can take the FPS and if you want arcade accurate turntable size you can fork over for the PEE.
Like the other guy said, Rainbow isn't really recommended because the turntable height isn't AC accurate which is a lot more important than the diameter of it.

The RES is fucking massive, it's only really recommended if you're an aesthetics freak and it'll be staying put in some kind of home cab setup.

>> No.13177134

Yes and no.

>> No.13177211

What's the ghettoest possible IIDX controller? What's the ghettoest SDVX controller?

>> No.13177221
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, 1417833684353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the ghettoest possible IIDX controller?

>> No.13177493
File: 122 KB, 1024x764, ksTN_-3DSrDosYwAgXI449aua67ATMtm81CwwftMkxM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And for SDVX

>> No.13177495


>> No.13177599

lmao tuxdude's controller

>> No.13177639

How did tuxdude become so infamous?

>> No.13177644

By using the internet and actual forums at the age of 13 and thus looking like an absolute faggot everywhere.

>> No.13177651
File: 215 KB, 661x523, 952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skub would you fuck these dancing cakebois?

>> No.13177677

>right side
Is objectively the worst side to play on.

>> No.13177678

I would.

>> No.13177941

be glad you weren't playing beatmania pre-iidx

>> No.13178174

How long did your turbocharger take to arrive afte r you bought it? I just want to woosh.

>> No.13178196

i get noticeably more latency in fullscreen mode, and that's with gpu scaling off

>> No.13178203

how do you activate windowed mode

>> No.13178205


>> No.13178214

Things IIDX needs more of:
-hip hop

Things IIDX needs less of:
-GFDM songs

>> No.13178223

>less prim

suck my cock dude

>> No.13178254

House and Trance are EDM genres, and Prim could be considered Denpa on some songs

>> No.13178266


>> No.13178291
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, 1410944458427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Had Spada leak for a while
>Get in sows 2 weeks ago
>Can't build a ratio because non power users can't get arcade rips anymore. Seed 15 most popular music albums 24/7
>SPADA gets reuploaded with 30mb difference, I'm somehow able to get the torrent, probably a mistake with the upload
>In 30minutes I already have uploaded more than I have in two weeks

>> No.13178295

no one gives a shit about your fucking blogging you retarded shit

>> No.13178299

I do pleb face.

>> No.13178301

Things IIDX needs more of:
-Touhou music

Things IIDX needs less of:
-hip hop

>> No.13178306

Go back to your containment game.

>> No.13178316

Go back to osu mate.

>> No.13178347

Why is it cool to hate on touhou music here? The original music is great, and there are so many remixes in a shitload of genres, you can't tell me that they're all bad and not fit for IIDX/SDVX

>> No.13178353


if you want to play a ton of touhou remixes go play bms. live out your fantasy

>> No.13178354

I unmarked it as AC data so members can download it and recheck their data and get the torrent back.

You're welcome :P

>> No.13178357

Because it's popular.

>> No.13178364

i see you put your trip back on

>> No.13178375

Can I touch your butt?

>> No.13178387
File: 4 KB, 340x97, 2015-03-14_02-50-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever helps you sleep at night m8

Only if I can touch yours first.

>> No.13178390
File: 4 KB, 327x108, ss+(2015-03-13+at+10.52.56).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn't answer the question at all. I asked why people here didn't like Touhou music, I did not say I absolutely wanted some in my bemani games. And BMS simulators are poor men's IIDX, fuck that.

Yeah sure

>> No.13178403

i don't hate the music, i just don't feel it has any place in IIDX
the way i see it the bemani games are sortof split such that:
IIDX is largely original electronic music
pop'n is jpop and weird original music
jubeat is yoshitaka remaking flower/jomanda/evans/albida/vallis neria and a bit of jpop
sdvx is doujin music/community remixes
thus touhou tends to fall under sdvx, i wouldn't be overly surprised to see it cross into pop'n but i would rather it didn't

>> No.13178421

But what is the benefit of separating those? Just because they have different styles surrounding them doesn't mean there's any reason to keep them each contained.

What if SDVX players want to play jpop or original electronic music? What if IIDX players want to play doujin music?

>> No.13178424


ok. here's your real answer: because touhou remixes end up sounding samey, and most aren't particularly good. there are obviously exceptions. on top of that, they're already overdone in music games (even without having been in all that many on an official level) thanks to an intense fandom that makes charts for tons of them

>BMS simulators are poor men's IIDX

that's not how anyone views bms except people who are uninformed. there are lots of reasons people play bms, but the main two are for the more difficult charts and for the original songs. it's usually not a replacement for iidx, it's an adjunct to take your skill level further beyond

>> No.13178433

>and most aren't particularly good. there are obviously exceptions.
This applies to literally everything.
You just take the good ones, like you do for the music library in anything. Problem solved.

>> No.13178434

how do i do this without fucking up help

>> No.13178437

>is on /jp/
>hates touhou music

>> No.13178441

if everything had the same soundtrack people will just play whichever has their favourite gameplay
from the perspective of making money then it's better to split them into niches so that you can run crossover events or force somebody to play 2 of your games as opposed to 1 if they want to play a certain song

>> No.13178461

Well if you didn't already have a PCBID then you're pretty much fucked now that PSun is RIP.

You can try browsing the PSun thread and find other ways or ask for a PCBID in the invites thread but the odds of the latter working out for you are very low.

>> No.13178467

and this... is to go even further beyond!!!
*clicks lr2.exe*

>> No.13178487

No I was talking about this but I figured it out.
> download it and recheck their data and get the torrent back

>> No.13178491
File: 10 KB, 268x20, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw highest ratio on sows

>> No.13178495
File: 38 KB, 560x560, 539812745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only created 4 pcbids before webui went down

How will I survive

>> No.13178496

dont you use the same one for all games?

>> No.13178497

Oh basically. If you delete the old torrent but not the data, just get the new torrent file and point it to download in the directory that the torrents folder is in.
For example if my game is
I'd point the torrent to G:\

I have only one to my name, I'm pretty much fucked if I lose my configs

>> No.13178502

Hi vqtp

>> No.13178515
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>> No.13178658

Do you post dick pics too?

>> No.13178667

Aren't there people in the millions from having only downloaded kb?

>> No.13178671
File: 109 KB, 229x380, 1365822107825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wants less Prim while wanting more denpa

>> No.13178676

maybe he cares about quality

>> No.13178720

The real reason to hate SDVX is because it's disgraced gigadelic not once, but twice with shitty-ass remixes.

>> No.13178767

How is a bad gigadelic remix even possible?

>> No.13179021

does anyone non-ironically like guitar freaks?

>> No.13179640

Send an email to skub@bemaniso.ws for an invite to bemaniso, no strings attached. I have unlimited invites, and only 33 of them have been claimed by people responding to my tripfagging here.

>can't run spada offline
not sure if kosher to reveal how to do this publicly so i'll just link to a post i just made on sows
can't see it because you're not on sows? fucking ask me for an invite..

I feel so endeared :'^)

my penis is probably like on the cusp of below average size but its shape is pretty great

>implying i have any stds
well, technically i have the herpes simplex virus, but i didn't get it from sex. coldsores just appear around my mouth from time-to-time and it's been happening since i was a very young child. just check my lips for fever blisters before shoving your dick down my throat and it should be all good.

ok so like i don't really want to fuck dai (2skinny) but i would love to be dai and own his outfits from the i know you know video

almost want to recreate the outfits at h&m and then record a cover video but poverty, effort, etc.

why are you guys getting baited so hard by this post

>> No.13180594

how long does this step up mode go for?

>> No.13180747
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>Random isn't cheating

>> No.13180750

agreed except it needs no denpa at all

>> No.13180763

fat finger fucker here. i wanna get into ddr. whats the best foam pad?

>> No.13181178

That kind of herpes can't be spread. Fair game.

>> No.13181384

A cabinet. You missed the good home pad for ddr train by a few years anon.

>> No.13181669

foam/soft are all garbage.
Buy an old metal pad for cheap and modify it, full DIY, cabinet, or buy precision dance pad.

>> No.13182066

Before anyone asks, I'm quoting myself.

>paid for turbocharger 2 weeks ago
>no tracking number
>no shipping notification

What's going on? I just want to whoosh.

>> No.13182070

Did you buy it from Amazon?

>> No.13182074

No I'm not that dumb.

>> No.13182076

Okay then, try messaging their facebook and provide an order number.

>> No.13182460

how do i make lr2 realize I have a player 2 side controller? It shows up as a player 1 side controller in game.

>> No.13182641

i miss songs where the scratches are actually scratches

>> No.13182814

>tfw cute anime girls in the video distract you from getting that fc

Also why the fuck are the result screens in spada so boring?

>> No.13183008


>> No.13183125


could be because it's a screen to give you a rundown of numbers that lasts for a few seconds max, not a fucking art gallery

>> No.13183276

Just rebind the keys for the second controller.

>> No.13183398

Change playside in the skin settings, bind your controller as P1 regardless.

>> No.13183420

Oh I misread, I thought he was talking about having p1 and p2 set up at the same time.

>> No.13183574

yo reflec beat is chill as fuck

>> No.13183605

i've never played it, but it just looks like a big clusterfuck to me. i sort of want to get a touch screen monitor for it and jubeat just so i can try them out, but eh.

>> No.13184132

It's shit just buy an iPad. Both feel just as unsatisfying

>> No.13186261

When will I finally be able to play glorious Hinabita songs in IIDX?

>> No.13186271

Never heard of her before, but shit, this is the comfiest music I've ever heard.

>> No.13186279

Is there a iidx knowledge base out there that has info for every little detail about the game?

>> No.13186294

depends on what you mean by every little detail

>> No.13186305

Just detailed info on mechanics/modes/songs and shit

>> No.13186360

bemaniwiki and Remywiki are probably good enough.

>> No.13186570

Random is an excellent way to improve.

>> No.13186573

Playing different style songs is a way better to improve.

>> No.13186961

i drove 4 hours to the round 1 to play pendual and a group of fat mexicans hogged the machine all night

project diva and taiko are fun as fuck, though

>> No.13186970

But project diva is just a poor man's pop'n with dress up waifus instead of good gameplay.

>> No.13186973

nah its fun

>> No.13187061

probably should have told them you wanted to play next instead of staring at them

>> No.13187070

you cant expect that from anyone on /jp/

>> No.13187131

or you could've like, you know; asked for a turn

>> No.13187321

So doing both is the best, then?

>> No.13187351


be careful taking advice from anyone in this thread. from what I've seen very few people know what they're doing

if you're a newish player and want to get better do the following: play a lot, play on random, play a wide variety of songs

for increasing your clearing or combo ability, focus on songs that are slightly above your skill level. you have to push yourself and play outside of your comfort zone very often

>> No.13187556
File: 86 KB, 704x960, 11051145_10205303339116781_1076836628_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IIDX cabs are too short

>> No.13187662

Starting a coin line usually works for me.

>> No.13187671

mexicans will steal your coin.
also r1 doesn't use coins.

>> No.13187675

just line your r1 cards up on the machine :^)

>> No.13187679

mexicans will steal your card.
also r1 doesn't use cards.

>> No.13187683

How tall can you be before you need to stand like this to play comfortably?

>> No.13187687

Not me in the pic but I'm 6"4 and I have to sit to play comfortably. Otherwise I'm hunchback as fuck.

>> No.13187692

If you're too tall like me you do the split with one foot off the platform like a retard. Or just grab a chair/stool

>> No.13187699

r1 uses cards?

>> No.13187703

I'm 5"5 and can stand straight up with no issues playing ;)

>> No.13187711

That's really tall. I'm 6ft, which isn't really that tall, but I'm assuming these machines were made for manlets.

How tall are you?

Fucking nips and their inferior genetics.

>> No.13187713

in socal yes

>> No.13187714

no wonder my shoulders and back hurt like fuck after 7 hours at the arcade

>> No.13187715

tall enough for this to be an issue.

>> No.13187721

and in chicago

>> No.13187722

Yeah, clearly made for tiny Japanese guys. Shit sucks. I feel like it'd be fine without the pointless platform.

Last time I played I tried to grab a stool from the DM machine but the arcade owner got mad at me.

>> No.13187777

Which one out of all 100 of them?

>> No.13187785


I was disappointed when I found out they weren't all like this.

>> No.13187801

let me just point you towards the best one

>> No.13187812

This isn't nearly as comfy.

>> No.13188384

freeleech when

>> No.13188390

Major con or staff birthday or major holiday.

>> No.13188397

So why do people on sows quote a post without saying anything else? It's really dumb when 20 people do it to the same post.

>> No.13188404


because sows is the absolute worst bemani related community. you have literally chosen the worst possible place to read anything bemani related, out of all possibilities. good job

>> No.13188405

>Not knowing how forums work
Would you rather that or have people just type "I agree." after the quote 20 times over.

It's cleaner.

>> No.13188411

Or you could just agree silently without filling up 2 pages of the same shit.

>> No.13188416

Z-i-V has that title locked up.

>> No.13188609

Buy a $500 button box
Press buttons for at least five hours a day

>> No.13188644

>dump quoting is cleaner than two words
In a proper forum, both of those would get the poster banned.

>> No.13188652

B-but muh stylistic shitposting.

>> No.13188677

Gravity Wars when

>> No.13188680

it's a way to pad your post count without actually making any meaningful contribution

>> No.13188689

Never. Pendual is looking to be the last thing anyone is getting. Play k-shoot instead.

>> No.13188721

Gotta get 500 posts no matter what.

>> No.13188729

Pendual when
I can't stand this edgy spada shit.

What's the deal with 500 posts? I've seen that number thrown around quite a bit.

>> No.13188734

Was that even confirmed? Considering we got 2's final data not long ago

>> No.13188735

Never or maybe depending on whom you ask.
the 500 posts thing is an old joke. just don't be a moron in vip and noone will care.

>> No.13188772

>implying i can even use the vip forums

I'm not allowed to shitpost with the big boys yet.

>> No.13189091

iiidx when?

>> No.13189368

Beatmania III was a thing, it didn't do very well. It was 5key with a foot pedal.
Everyone just wanted to keep playing iidx I guess

>> No.13189550

My arcade has a bmiii cab but I've never seen the foot pedal used and I don't even know how notes for it would be shown on the screen.

How does it work?

>> No.13190293
File: 22 KB, 170x240, 416nIVd6GxL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any place I can still get the Pendual OST with the poster? I'd rather not use a deputy service.

>> No.13190305

>more denpa
>less Prim

>> No.13190840

how bout easter? thats coming up soon

>> No.13191090

Are you on Sows? If so you can use the Japanese proxy server that goes on in the market place.
PenguinMan is very reliable and has 127 positive feedback to 1 negative feedback so...

I've been meaning to use him myself imo for a few things from Konamistyle

>> No.13191136

dang thats pretty cool of him

>> No.13191203

How do I git good in slower speeds or without speed mods?

>> No.13191231

You don't

>> No.13191240

how do i make the graph go right next to my playfield instead of across the screen

>> No.13191247

You also don't.

>> No.13191277


>> No.13191278

press the other start when setting pacemaker
so p2 if you're on p1 side and vice versa

>> No.13191579


the same way you get better at anything in iidx: a whole lot of practice

>> No.13191695

wow hiding the judgement line in drummania made it way easier to time shit properly

>> No.13191710


>> No.13191714

Your mom.

>> No.13193825

Im a little new to iidx, and I dont really understand how the events work in tricoro (legend cross, omega attack, our war of the worlds)

Can someone explain to me what they are and how to access them?

>> No.13194323

little minigames you grind to unlock songs
the current event automatically pops up after you finish a credit
if you finish a game and just get taken to the card out screen then there's no event active

i don't know if any of them are even relevant anymore with the final tricoro data out

>> No.13194596

Is there a repository for scans of various things such as speaker pops and marquees other than the torrent section? I find them scattered through archived threads, but there has to be a better way

Also how the fuck do people even get their hands on legit marquees and cabinet prints? Is there a site that sells them in japan or what

>> No.13194607

I got a spada marquee and speaker pops from sows.

>> No.13194610

Yeah but I mean where do THOSE guys get them before selling them through the forums

>> No.13194723

Not on sows. I'll probably just have to use a proxy and get it off YAJ from the looks of it.

>> No.13194751

whats yaj?

>> No.13194758

yahoo auctions japan

>> No.13194790

do you buy the shit through a proxy service?

>> No.13194795


>> No.13195220

how to I set up my IIDX controller for LR2?

>> No.13195458

Yahoo auctions japan

>> No.13195461

Japan auctions yahoo

>> No.13195535

why doesnt sows have invite forums on other private trackers?

>> No.13195536

What do you mean?

>> No.13195543

Sorry I meant invite threads in the invite forums on other private trackers like What.cd

>> No.13195550

Virgoo a shit. Still no response.

But there is an invite thread, it's even stickied.

>> No.13195555

They do:

>> No.13195557

No I mean an invite thread to sows on other sites

>> No.13195558

Because there aren't a lot of sows users to begin with.

Email me if you want an invite. skub@bemaniso.ws

>> No.13195564

Probably because the average person who'd use any other typical private tracker really wouldn't give a shit about anything on sows. The audience is very specific.

>> No.13195568

Im already in, I was just curious.
Makes sense I guess

>> No.13195569

god fucking damn skub why hasnt corin or sherl0k cracked down on you for publicly giving invites away

youve been doing this for the past couple threads

>> No.13195570

Skub you seem like a pretty cool guy and I'd give you a big hug if I had the chance

>> No.13195573

sherl0k himself gave away plenty of invites here.

>> No.13195574

>implying they don't know and give a shit about that

>> No.13195576

because they both give away invites here too lmao

>> No.13195957

Tuxdude has finally reached the 500 post milestone.

>> No.13195966

There is a photo of tuxtude posted too, I'm scared.

>> No.13196152

rainbow/virgoo fucking sucks at communicating with their customers

>> No.13196264

What do people generally get banned from sows for? If I click back up invite trees on profiles I see roughly half of the people on the bigger trees banned and almost all of them have good ratios.

>> No.13196302

there's more rules than just ratio - streaming, sharing data, sharing accounts

>> No.13196358

Well yeah, I know, that's why I'm asking. If there are so many bans and most of them aren't for ratio, what are people most commonly getting slammed for? I always thought ratio was the big one.

>> No.13196542

they really do. their whole facebook page is full of people they've ignored. they're lucky their controller is the best available right now.

>> No.13196569

being a black person who gets mods angry by saying "nigga"

>> No.13196791


My tree: This tree has 96 entries, 30 branches, and a depth of 6. It has 41 Users (43%), 11 Members (11%) and 44 Power Users (46%). 10 users are disabled (10%), and 9 users have donated (9%).

Of the 10 banned, only 2 have passable ratios. They're from 7 years ago and might be dupe accounts or something.

>> No.13196999

Konamistyle just got stock back in earlier today, grabbed mine.
