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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 262 KB, 1536x2048, cindy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13144187 No.13144187 [Reply] [Original]

"go to bed, skub" edition

want an invite to bemaniso? send an email to skub@bemaniso.ws

>> No.13144193

previous thread: >>13121768

>> No.13144197

>trip owns the threads now

>> No.13144200

You really don't realise how many tripless sows are in here do you?
Shit doesn't matter.

>> No.13144216

random is cheating

>> No.13144237

so are you

>> No.13144250

EVERYONE trip, or no one.
It matters once they start using them, and you're fucking blind if you think the threads haven't drastically changed recently.

>> No.13144262
File: 18 KB, 822x324, 4chan1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not knowing how to hide and/or filter tripfags

>> No.13144293

>You still know it's him because he whores out his mail address with every single post he makes

>> No.13144304

I'm interested in this.

>> No.13144319

>>13144293 >>13144304
(Bloody spam filter)
Filter the email address itself then. Still easy as hell to do.

Install 4chan x from here: https://github.com/ccd0/4chan-x/

Find the filters section

Email filter (Under the comments section): /put_email_here/i

Trip filter (The trip section): /^(put trip here !! included)/

Enjoy your cleaner thread. You'll still see the fact he made a post but you won't see the post unless you make it show manually by clicking the plus sign next to it.

>> No.13144321

Agreed. I have however seen people doing nothing but playing at their limits. Mostly they can't time at all. Even at lower difficulty. They also fail lower stuff on hard. To me it seems all they're practicing is how to mash effectively.

I do believe people should push their limits, but it shouldn't mean only playing stuff they're bad at. There are those who focus on timing or clearing, but really they should work on both.

>> No.13144331

Skub is great

>> No.13144332


ehh, you shouldn't always be redlining it.

I usually play about 3 credits just going for timing on 7-9s before I go back to hacking away at 10s.

Also getting good p much requires getting good at random

>> No.13144334

Also, make sure you have the native extension disabled before doing this. It'll save you having to disable 4chanx to disable the native one later.

>> No.13144795

>They are on the official eamuse.

How did they even manage this? What about all the "only for use in japan" warning on the machines, did Konami just make an exception?
Are they going to try for full localization again?

>> No.13144812

Alternate file name:
"American female plays Pop'n"

>> No.13144829

I don't think they're going to try sit but are willing to make deals with anyone who has the money and wants to bother going through the trouble. The machines CAN operate outside of Japan with eAmuse, but there's no reason to make an effort to try to market it to a country with an arcade scene that has been dead for years.

>> No.13144840

>using a third party extension instead of the inline extension to ignore the problem instead of fixing it
And it's still pointless since neither one completely hides the post.

>> No.13144873

So PW got C&D'ed and is dead now.

Future of other things uncertain.

>> No.13144899

until i see a post from anthony or something i'm somewhat skeptical
sucks if true, at least it might mean that n-1 changes

>> No.13144902

So what does that ultimately mean for the arcade scene?

>> No.13144911

Why would PW get C&D'd but not PSun?

>> No.13144913
File: 37 KB, 1055x407, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the important question.

>> No.13144960

uhhhh, old popn games, Licle and before, and I think one or two jubeat games can run offline.

other fuck off sdvx lmao

>> No.13144978

>my work is finally paying off
Now we wait for peeson.

>> No.13144984

This is true, can confirm.
I was the guy from the last thread talking about the "big thing" happening.

Multiple arcades around the world got hit with the same Cease-and-Desist letter.

>> No.13144988

So does this mean without PW arcades in america no longer can play updated mixes without being online, outside of being on the official eamuse network? They won't be able to play them offline? What about older mixes?

>> No.13144989

Wait whats the difference between PW and PS?

>> No.13144991

Technically nothing, PSun can go at any time now. Enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.13144992

psst, the arcade scene was even more active in the days of no pw (for those worrying about iidx "dying" or something ridiculous)

>> No.13144993

You wont be able to play any new stuff at all. It has to handshake the server before it can launch. Spada and Lincle have been updates of Tricoro. So it all falls under the same rules.

And pretty much every other new bemani game is the same. Except a hand full of them. most of Jubeat, Reflec, SDVX, anything after Lincle, anyting after fantasia i think, and whatever other games

Otherwise old mixes/styles/whatever work offline

>> No.13145000

pssst. thats because the newest shit wasnt forced onto PW connections lmao

>> No.13145003

I dont see how konami could take down psun forever.

>> No.13145007

Do you know how long some arcades were stuck on old releases of Pop'n?

(The answer is: a very long time)

>> No.13145011

If psun gets taken down, will there be no way to run home setups at all offline? Doesn't that mean we wont be able to save scores? Whats the fun in that?

>> No.13145012

I dont think anyone has the source code for the servers. Unless the devs wanna release it (nope) or someone wants to remake it from the ground up.

>> No.13145018

It's not even the matter of being able to save scores. You just wont even be able to launch the game. Most games now will feed you an error of not being able to connect

ok tru. ya but all the new age rich kids with SDVX Daos will always bitch and it's really annoying

>> No.13145019

If you can get it running without internet, you won't have scores.
Thanks leaks/horo/streamers.

>> No.13145022

You'll finally start playing the game the way it was meant to be played. Or quit, or go back to the old days of writing everything down manually.

>> No.13145037

Thanks /jp/ for encouraging leaks

>> No.13145040


>> No.13145044

It wasn't that. It was the emails I sent. They don't give a shit about "leaks."

>> No.13145046

wouldnt it have happened anyways?? you know, the site being down n all.

fuck horo 2015

>> No.13145051

The e-amuse protocol is fairly easy to reverse. I can already play some stuff offline with my game server (but I can't save scores yet).
If psun dies, it'll only be a matter of time until someone write another one from the ground up.

>> No.13145060

Programmed World is what actual cabinets at paid arcades run on, and Programmed Sun is the network for home setups anyone can get an account on.

I just don't understand why they'd shut down one and not the other. Even if this means they have plans to do some kind of localization or make it easier for western machines to get on real e-amuse, you'd think they'd still want psun gone for that.

>> No.13145064

Don't forget Cirno.

>> No.13145065

Proof or fuck off.

>> No.13145080

Theyre most likely going down, both of them

cirno and horo such eachothers dicks in teamspeak ahahahaha

>> No.13145105

Probably has something to do with the fact that PW is more directly competing with the machines at R1. Making money off of someone else's game is sort of a huge no-no.

That said, hopefully they don't set their sights on PSun next. I can live without PW, but losing PSun too would kill me. Especially since I'm about halfway done with my bemani setup, and I've already bought a couple ASCs.

>> No.13145180

Anyone make a list of games that can be played offline without having to be connected to eamuse?

>> No.13145198

Stepmania, LR2, ReRave

>> No.13145200

>Anyone make a list of games that can be played offline without having to be connected to eamuse?

there are tons, try these for starters





>> No.13145202

you can do some janky shit to make spada run offline
sunny park works via eamuse emulation
not sure about jubeat/sdvx because who cares about them

>> No.13145203

Im talking about the arcade games, does this mean everyone will have to downgrade to lincle and fantasia?

>> No.13145214

>I'm taking about the arcade games
So was I. If you wan't not bemani, you have Cytus, Deemo and DJ Max for those needs.

>> No.13145216

thats just for legitimate arcade copies though right? Everything else can still be run off psun, at least until that gets shut down. That sucks dicks, I was hoping to get to momocon and try out SDVX III for the first time.

>> No.13145225

where were u when pw was kill

>> No.13145226

on /jp/

>> No.13145244

Shitposting about whether or not random was cheating.

>> No.13145245

/jp/ post and say pw was kill


>> No.13145260



>> No.13145347

It's probably not too bad if you have some packet logs (which someone should probably be recording and preserving right now while everything's still up), but without those I imagine you'd need to spend a bunch of time poking around netcode in a debugger.

>> No.13145523

skub is a fat attention whoring fat faggot who is a meme master and likes ironic shit unironically

>> No.13145551

Spada works fine offline with tiny little tweak. Even if psun goes down you should still be able to play and future releases are still valuable.

>> No.13145588
File: 52 KB, 640x628, Konami fucks me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Konami

>> No.13145617

I'm mainly worried about sdvx. I don't think there's any way to play either version of it offline.

>> No.13145619

have fun writing down all of your scores

>> No.13145625

1 yes 2 nope. Sucks to be you.
You didn't play bemani in 2003?

>> No.13145655

Yeah, I already reversed the encryption and compression by fucking around with a debugger and wireshark.
The payload itself is some kind of binary XML and it's a pain to understand and parse. I'm just mostly replaying trafic from psun at the moment (hence why I can't save scores).

>> No.13145657

Proof or fuck off.

>> No.13145672

Wow, not that person but calm down. It's not difficult to build another server but I really don't recommend trying to build another Programmed World.

>> No.13145673
File: 98 KB, 343x437, services.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.13145687

you guys better appreciate psun a million times more then ever

>> No.13145701

Well it looks like you're at least trying something.
Keep on pressing on then anon.

You on sows?

>> No.13145703

Konami sure know how to kill communities!

>> No.13145716

you aware if astro got a c&d?
from what i've read it's just individual arcades that got targetted, not necessarily the entire network

>> No.13145733


>> No.13145744

It wouldn't really matter much if they missed a few since the service is still going down either way.

>> No.13145752

So if Psun gets a cease and desist couldn't they just move servers to somewhere where they Konami can't do a thing?

>> No.13145759

Yeap we got a C&D too.

>> No.13145763

So did earlier versions of eamuse games require a connection to the server for scores to be saved, but not a required connection for the game to turn on? How would PW arcades play earlier mixes offline without a server anyway?

>> No.13145770

damn, i hope that you guys have a fantasia hdd lying about because going back to fever would be rough

>> No.13145779

That's exactly how they worked back then yes.

>> No.13145783

so then how were arcades with bemani playing before PW came out? Did everyone just write down their scores?

>> No.13145787

>Not playing bemani in 2005 back when score trackers were a thing.
You know how your phone has a camera on it?
Turn it on!

>> No.13145801

Id rather not play. Osu here I come!

>> No.13145802

Keep this sows only please.

>> No.13145803

Nah we do... kinda.

>> No.13145813

You'd have to do that anyways if thing shut down. Spada is still way more reliable for official charts than LR2.
Yeah. Hopefully it will be solved somehow.

>> No.13145997

I blame horo for this.

>> No.13146071

hit up e-amuemu with ilspy
that's what i did when i was trying to get an xg2 server going before getting lazy and just making a cheat engine script that grabs the scores right out of memory, saves them to a table and displays them by drawing onto the d3d scene

>> No.13146080
File: 219 KB, 750x550, `.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

specifically this
it's actually vc++ but the il translates into c# pretty well and most of the important stuff is managed code

>> No.13146104

If you don't mind, throw d3d part.

>> No.13146177

drawing text is easy

scorefont = createFont()
font_setName(scorefont, "Arial Bold")
scorefm = d3dhook_createFontmap(scorefont)
scoretc = d3dhook_createTextContainer(scorefm, 530, 106, "")

d3dhook_renderobject_setY(scoretc, 106)
d3dhook_textcontainer_setText(scoretc, "q")

here's the entire thing
the giant table at the top stems from it starting out as a thing to draw the names of songs added with the xg2 patch

cheat engine usually isn't the first thing that comes to mind for this kind of stuff but it beats the hell out of writing a d3d hook in c++

>> No.13146204

I wouldn't be surprised this >>13145044 is horo.

>> No.13146209

I was really just interested in offests, because I'm way too lazy to put in the minimal effort of finding those. Why do it when someone already has.


>> No.13146237

Pretty much. PSun is built on leaks. Horo got a good lesson. Being nice can sometimes bite you in the ass.

Darqs has shared leaks as well.

>> No.13146245

At least Darqs is cute.

>> No.13146324

fuck off darqs

>> No.13146373

Why are 9s like 5x as hard as 8s?

>> No.13146380

logarithmic scale

>> No.13146382


Hello this is the /jp/ police for assurance of a clean board, even though this general is an isolated community, we must ask you to please ask yourselves "Who am I quoting" before using the quoting feature and dragging the overall conversation level of the board as a whole down.
Thank you for your time.

>> No.13146396

Bravo, bravo!!!

>> No.13146471
File: 242 KB, 1024x1471, skindentation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody does zettai ryouiki quite like goli, the master. The way the plump, glistening thighs bulge out of the legging is truly inspirational.

>> No.13146477

reminder that pendual will NEVER, EVER have result screens

>> No.13146487

OH BOY, what is my life going to be without result screens, is such a sad thing to think.

>> No.13146531

>people still support Konami

>> No.13146560
File: 210 KB, 744x1052, 10714304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the best Goli girl?
Sakura makes me peepee feel funny.

>> No.13146561

reminder that pendual will NEVER, EVER be on psun

>> No.13146570

>dat butthurt
Feels good m8?

>> No.13146601

why wouldnt it come to psun? Theres no reason for it no to be released on sows

>> No.13146728

rolls and chords friend

>> No.13146763

But it will. There's just no reason to host it prior to the net style coming out.

>> No.13146778
File: 91 KB, 480x270, LJYX6.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13146779

is anything known apart from pworld being C&D'd?

am on phone and sows wont load

>> No.13146780

tfw no source code for lr2

>> No.13146835

yes, it has also been announced that konami has patented online score tracking and all score networks for all videogames will be shut down permanently and also in a rare doublewhammy patenting, they got to adult entertainment as well and porno in america has to be censored now or you get jailtime.

>> No.13146846

who watches western porn lmao

>> No.13146869

The kind of people who leave raunchy comments on RedTube.

>> No.13146893
File: 19 KB, 239x100, 1367561084381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13146907


>> No.13146923

Yeah, fuck fake and gay western porn, Jav porn GOAT.

>> No.13146934


>konami bans mosaic-blurring as being too random in nature, black boxes only now

>> No.13147104

miss u slake

>> No.13147224

Neat, thanks for the tip!

>> No.13147685

anyone know how to reverse the sdvx1 net patch that disables friend mode?
I dont wanna use my sows ratio up on sdvx1 when I just have this net patch ruining shit for me and my buddy

>> No.13147711

just verify the torrent on sows
i doubt ~20mb of ratio will kill you

>> No.13147739

using the sdvx leak, still got to get to 25 gigs to get AC data
thats a good idea though, now I can get sdvx1 with the patch removed and still have upload for sdvx2

>> No.13148907

>they actually put max period in an arcade game

Never thought I'd see the day

>> No.13148929


Thank you for playing.

>> No.13148978

Why do you need konami original songs?

>> No.13148989

No stop. This was painful during Extreme CS, now it just sounds like even more of a deathblow then it did then

>> No.13149047

sankyu fo purei-ing

>> No.13149093

>tfw you never got to play on a pw machine

If psun goes down too I might just kill myself

>> No.13149318

Woah anon, calm down there.

>> No.13149382


>> No.13149485
File: 217 KB, 685x720, random is OFFICIALLY cheating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13149752
File: 40 KB, 640x480, zLXSrmgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone play pop'n on homemade minicons?
I'm thinking of making one, it would be a fun, cheap and easy project.

>> No.13149762

Minicons are shit, don't bother.

>> No.13149778

How do you play that?, with your fingers?

>> No.13149787

>How do you play that?

very ineffectively.

>> No.13149829

But I don't have space for a full size asc, it's too loud for my apartment, I don't care about pop'n enough to worry about getting too used to a non-standard setup, and it would only cost me like $40-50.

I'm looking into building an SDXV controller further down the line so this would be a good way to practice building the case and wiring stuff up without spending a lot or really caring if it comes out as an ugly trial and error project.

Yeah, it's basically for playing pop'n as if it were IIDX with two more keys and no turntable

>> No.13149874

Downgrading a PENDUAL cab to Lincle is harder than what it sounds like...

>> No.13149893

whats the difference between a usbemani and the arcin? What do they even do?

>> No.13149982

No, seriously, watch the greentext.

>> No.13149984

Are you new m8?

>> No.13150021

As far as I'm aware, usbemani is meant to be a drop-in replacement for KOCs (the playstation controllers) to give them native and non laggy USB support and arcins are meant to do the same thing but for the older Dao controllers that were PS2 only.
I'm not sure if you can use one for the other's purpose, and as far as I'm aware usbemanis aren't even being made anymore.

Arcins are also meant to be used as PCBs for homemade controllers, they have enough inputs on the board to be used for IIDX, Pop'n, and SDVX.

>> No.13150037

I thought the only konami controllers for beatmania were for ps2, albeit that shity ASCII one for ps1. Or do you mean people used usbemani for the ps2 controllers, and arcsin for after market controllers? So im assuming usbemani is meant for people playing arcade rips right? What older dao controllers are you talking about?

>> No.13150051

It's like you didn't read anything he wrote.

>> No.13150069

I'm not really big into the iidx scene for the most part, was there a time when dao controllers were actually just ps2 only?

>> No.13150074

Did you know there was a time when you couldn't play iidx on a pc

>> No.13150078

Really!?, that's unbelievable!

>> No.13150088

Yeah, I meant PS2 by "playstation." Sorry for the confusion. The playerstation IIDX controllers are usually referred to as "KOCs" (konami official controller), with JPKOC/JKOC referring to the original japanese ones and USKOC referring to the US ones that came with the NA "beatmania" release that bombed horribly.

>Or do you mean people used usbemani for the ps2 controllers, and arcsin for after market controllers?
>So im assuming usbemani is meant for people playing arcade rips right?
Yes and yes, the usbemani is for people who want to use their playstation 2 controllers on PC arcade rips without having to go through a laggy adapter. It essentially replaces the board and cable to convert it from a PS2 controller into a USB PC controller.

>What older dao controllers are you talking about?
Dao's controllers used to only have PS2 connections just like the KOCs, so you'd need to use an adapter even for those if you wanted to play on PC. The difference is their internals and wiring are all different than the KOCs, so the usbemani drops into a KOC and the arcin drops into a Dao controller for the same purpose.

I think. I haven't actually used a usbemani, but this is based on what I've read about them.

>> No.13150111

Sorry for being a retard with this, but im trying to soak up all the information I can about everything I can learn before trying to break into the iidx scene from sdvx.

That makes sense now, but I still see people replacing modern dao controllers for iidx with arcin for updated polling responsiveness and 'game controlled lighting'. Is it worth it to do that with a modern dao controller?

>> No.13150146

I've got an uskoc laying around that I want to use for pc, can I use an arcin for that or would I have to hunt down a usbemani?

>> No.13150180

haven't read into it too much but afaik people used arcins with daos for better analog turntable support, which dao fixed recently in a firmware update

some ricers also say they can also tell the difference between an arcin with the usb polling at 1000hz and a dao board at 1000hz but i doubt it

>> No.13150203

Seconding this answer too, I might pick up a uskoc also, if I can figure out if I can get it working with an arcin. Do you suggest the jkoc or the uskoc?

>> No.13150239

Go away please. Cherry picking songs will surely change people's mind.

>> No.13150274

according to the thread you'd have to add in extra stuff to get it working with a koc

i hear jkoc buttons tend to stick after a while, but uskoc can only be taken to 250hz
i'd just get whatever's cheaper or closer

>> No.13150400

Should I buy an iPad exclusively for rhythm gaming?

Jubeat is what I mostly want, reflec beat and osu!stream seem nice too

>> No.13150443


>> No.13150504

No, save up and buy a touchscreen monitor

>> No.13150650

No. If you go that far buy dao's controller and some cheaper monitor.

>> No.13150669

you guys talking about jubeat right? How the fuck does that even work with dao's controller and a monitor? wouldnt it have to be touchscreen anyway?

>> No.13150675

Jubeat uses buttons not a touchscreen.
The iOS and Android versions are touchscreen-based.

>> No.13150676

It's basically a case with keys you plug into your computer. Inside the case goes the monitor. Look it up on the site. It's very simple.

>> No.13150678

You place the controller over the monitor and plug the controller into the computer.
I have a setup with an actual dao and it works pretty well.

>> No.13150722

I'm getting a
>Transaction Blocked
>We're sorry, but the seller of this item is unable to receive funds at this time.
error when trying to buy a turbocharger from virgoo on ebay. Anyone know what's going on with them?

>> No.13150742

Dunno, though I will offer my input that i've been wanting a turbocharger for awhile now, what model did you buy? Is it worth getting the omrons and the sanwa buttons?

Anyone on here actually have one that they can vouch for in terms of its worth and how it plays?

>> No.13150783

i have one. i got it in 5 days, no clue what anons issue is

>> No.13150784

I'm trying to buy the one with regular buttons and 50g omrons but it won't let me.

I've heard nothing but good things about the turbocharger. Omrons are definitely worth it, but sanwas aren't really necessary.

>> No.13150800

I got a $300 iPad mini 2 for rhythm games and I don't regret it, since Android doesn't seem like its audio latency will ever be as good as iOS (Lollipop is a lot closer but still worse).

Not to mention all of the Bemani games are really easy to pirate songs for.

>> No.13150816

Translate it, weebs.


>> No.13150832

Nah fuck you, and thanks for the link.

>> No.13150845

This probably has absolutely nothing to do with the US so don't get your hopes up.

>> No.13150855

>Global connection
>Not usa

>> No.13150864

Korea got a translated version of IIDX recently, this is probably all about them.

>> No.13150869

But why announce it as global if is going to be only in korea?

>> No.13150885

it's the most global Bemani's ever been.

>> No.13150960

グローバル (大東亜共栄圏的な意味で)

>> No.13150992

Koreans stream rips and tweet about them on the shitter and get their very own translation. The rest of the world sets up a pirate network that crosses oceans and gets nothing? I don't think so.

>> No.13151008

Oh, fuck.

>> No.13151059

Because when a Japenese company says "Global" it could mean literally anything from Korea + couple of East Asian countries, to Worldwide including EU and the US.

I hardly doubt that the later is going to happen. I don't see the market in the US or Europe for eAmusement. Yes there are fans but nearly not enough to justify the cost of providing a fully fledged localization of eAmuse services.

That would imply hiring extra staff for Konami for almost no extra incomes in return. How many arcades would invest in their hardware and services across the US/UK and main EU countries? Not many really.

A good example is a city like Paris who recently got Pendual and Jubeat Saucer in an arcade. And there are only a handful amount of players there. Maybe ~30 regular users. And it's a major city. Astro City in the UK is a bit far from civilization (London) but same here, it's only a bunch of bemani fans gathering and there are at best 100+~ different players and they're coming from all over the UK.

I don't know about the US and how much IIDX is played there, but the few times I went to Round One in California, there wasn't many players for IIDX either...

So why would Arcades even bother to invest in something knowing that the potential customer pool is really small and that business can only be viable if there isn't competition at all in a 100 miles radius? If there were more than couple arcades in the city I listed with IIDX/Jubeat, they wouldn't make any money at all.

>> No.13151109
File: 56 KB, 1024x768, B_jMGlxUYAAuFtPlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, it's not the end yet.

>> No.13151446


Why would konami bring arcade games over here in NA? Arcades are dead as fuck and I doubt they'd want to go through the hassle of getting rights and shit for music when they'd probably only bring it to a couple of locations in the whole continent

>> No.13151493

what's the deal with r1 anyway? why are they allowed to have licensed games?

>> No.13151530

secret japanese underworld dealings
the real question is why they licensed gitadora for us use but not pop'n considering they both have about the same amount of licensed songs

not that they made the wrong decision

>> No.13151551

Because they pay for the license, that's all.

>> No.13151719

>5 days

where do you live? i ordered mine 2 weeks ago

>> No.13151723

My guess is that they perceived Popn and Beatmania as being too similar and didn't want to bother with both.

>> No.13151859

Where did you got that?, is not in the site that was linked.

>> No.13153866
File: 435 KB, 1000x1759, PWorld End 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ProgrammedWorld - an eulogy in IIDX songs

>> No.13154400

Your combo makes up 15% of your score in GFDM and you guys don't bitch about it like you do about osu.

>> No.13154413

remind me again why omega pads are bad.


>> No.13154419

That's because nobody talks about it because so few people have access to it. And I don't think anyone out there actually likes playing GF.

I think GFDM's scoring system is garbage, so there's that.

>> No.13154426

It sucks in osu, it sucks in gfdm, it sucks in taiko, it sucks in anything without exceptions, your point?

>> No.13154428

The main thing against the maker is he thought at one point that duct tape was a valid replacement for soldering.
I've never tried playing on one, so I can't really rate them.
They're the only easily findable pad source now though.

>> No.13154592

Why do pop'n controllers ever come with additional buttons? Isn't every input handled by regular 9 buttons?

>> No.13154617

I think Start and/or Select had some uses in the CS versions, like to quit out of a song early.

>> No.13154676

Oh that makes sense and I am stupid for not thinking of it, thanks

>> No.13154701


>> No.13154707

Is anyone else getting this or is it just me?

>> No.13154712


>> No.13154721

It's just you.

>> No.13154763


>> No.13154808

8s are objectively the best difficulty in iidx
not mind-numbingly easy, not tryhard fake difficulty bullshit level

>> No.13154828

You sound bad.

>> No.13154835

looks like someone scrubs out on 9s lmao

>> No.13154852

Sounds like you're just a shitter that can't break into 9s

Don't worry, I'm bad too.

>> No.13154856

I think 9s and 10s are best, and I can AAA most of the 12s.

Taking it easy is nice.

>> No.13154867

>tfw i will never get an A on anything above 4

>> No.13154917
File: 71 KB, 558x209, darqs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another victory for Australia.

>> No.13154940

Almost nobody has access to GFDM because the peripherals are expensive and hard as shit to come by, but it's still an awful system.

I think 10s are the best overall. There are also plenty of nice 8s and 9s, as well. 11s tend to be dicey and 12s are a matter of "can you pass this, and if you can, do you even enjoy playing this chart as a form of recreation", and the answer to the ones I can't pass is "no", and to the ones I can clear the answer is still "no" except for a very small handful.

>> No.13154956

>they didn't put up that block of text in the thread

One job

>> No.13154963


9s/10s blend together too easily. outside of a few that have truly interesting charts like denim or dxy, most aren't that different from one another

11s get way better at fixing this, most have an identifiable thing going for them that is fun or satisfying in some way. 12s just take it a step further, and are the best imo. comparing my favorite charts in the game, they're overwhelmingly 12s and some 11s thrown in. much more fun to play

you can't really judge 12s as a whole if you struggle with them, just as someone who's clearing 2s and 3s can't really judge 8s or whatever

>> No.13155036

so is psun about to get shut down or what

>> No.13155041

Both ctrl and webui are down for me so i guess so

>> No.13155051

she ded


>> No.13155066

FUCK. THIS CANT BE REAL. Please tell me this is a joke because people were scared after programmed world. Admin were saying just yesterday that they never received any word for bemani, this must be a bad joke

>> No.13155072

nope, mouseish just confirmed it in the PSun thread. Fuck everything.

>> No.13155077

It was a nice ride, thank you all for playing.
You cunts.

>> No.13155079

No he didn't. And people are still connected and playing, only webUI and boards are down. Some are saying this is a moment of silence for pworld

>> No.13155095

I just got booted out of SPADA and can't connect anymore,

>> No.13155114

Stop spreading lies

>> No.13155127

Beatmania the Final isn't connecting!!!

>> No.13155273

Feel the beat then do it again.

>> No.13155277

prepare to start running your shit offline

>> No.13155288

[AratnitY] so how's this going to make it to idiots on /jp/ without mentioning ****?
[Corin] Lets hope streamers and /jp/ get the fucking hint
[Skub] yeah /jp/'s gonna talk about it

called the fuck out

>> No.13155295

What are they talking about?

>> No.13155321

Well of course

>> No.13155401 [DELETED] 

I can still ping psun.

don't lose your head.

go for a walk outside

>> No.13155406

Missing the fucking point.

>> No.13155434

Can we just not have these threads for like the next month.

>> No.13155471

>implying another one won't get made the instant this one hits 300 posts
Such is generals.

>> No.13155576

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be able to clear 9s soon enough!

>> No.13155586

>tryhard fake difficulty bullshit level
go play yoshida san [a] thats a fun 9

>> No.13155590

So I heard Skub was an osu player. Is this true?

>> No.13155598

who fucking cares

>> No.13155600

psun down for anyone else right now?

>> No.13155607

it's down permanently, effective starting today (the 8th)

>> No.13155610

no I mean programmed sun, I cant connect to the network in sdvx

>> No.13155617

It's down permanently, effective starting today (the 8th).

>> No.13155618

I can read what you wrote. Did I stutter?

>> No.13155621

my friend is in sdvx right now playing, I get that pw got shut down but theres been no source saying psun is going down so I just want an answer? All my other friends seem to connect just fine

>> No.13155624


no I know I mean programmed sun (psun) is no longer available. it was taken down permanently

>> No.13155629

please stop spreading misinformation

>> No.13155630

pack it up boys, psun is kill.

>> No.13155642

He asked for information on 4chan. He should know better.

>> No.13155703

psun still down..

>> No.13155712

Please do not discuss these things in public.

I don't know why /jp/ became the place to talk about it in the first place.

>> No.13155714

i can't believe mouseish got arrested...

>> No.13155721

There's like 5 people in here stfu

>> No.13156031

Welp, rest in pieces PW and PS, we will miss you.

>> No.13156065

Not missing it one bit since I'm still playing on it (PS)

>> No.13156086

You're incredibly dense.

>> No.13156365

so you guys are why shit like this happens

>> No.13156372

i dont understand people like tuxdude who are extremely active in the bemani community but rarely play the games
whats the point

>> No.13156375

he wants to make friends and be in the "in" crowd so desperately, without knowing how to relate to others

>> No.13156389

But anon, playing bemani games doesn't make you look cool.

>> No.13156393

he and epic kitten are so god damn annoying

i know you're here, kitten

>> No.13156405

There should be a way to filter his awful posts

>> No.13156414
File: 32 KB, 250x250, shitposting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13156468


and sorry, i try to be for you <3

>> No.13156474

speak for yourself lowlevel

>> No.13156485
File: 2 KB, 244x46, ss+(2015-03-09+at+04.55.00).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres the edge you guys wanted

>> No.13156488


>> No.13156535
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 1425530193228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw iidx full combo splashes

I will take the sweetest one second in the game as prize enough for a satisfying fc, and ask not for admiration. keep even the pretty fc lamp if you must, I do not care. that one second when the last note or scratch meets its red line and all of creation makes sense

give it to me, that I might gaze upon it

>> No.13156542

Or something like Happy Wedding where the video changes on FC.

>> No.13156679

I like it

>> No.13157875

Well it died in here. So is psun still dead or what?

>> No.13157950

>Now if only people on jp would shut the fuck up about it...

fuck off sows lol

>> No.13157965

Don't come crying to us when it goes down forever.

>> No.13157987

as if it would be only /jp/'s fault. this thread has only 64 ip's posting.

>> No.13157995

lmao at sows wanting people to keep this shit on the down low when you have your sows faggot offering invites right in the op

>> No.13158124

maybe you should be bitching at dumb shits like bemanilizzy going on some sort of attention whoring apology crusade as if japs give a fuck, or all the other normals who post shit on facebook

>> No.13158445

>isn't it entirely possible for someone at konmai to go undercover and ask for an invite, seeing this entire thread?

fucking kek

>> No.13158455

>Also if anyone talks about psun's stealth mode on reddit/twitter/facebook/4chan I'm coming after you.
psun is in stealth mode guys :^)

>> No.13158476

You should be banned from sows.

>> No.13158616

psun owner buy a DNS mask please....

>> No.13158655

Why? There's nothing to see.

>> No.13158820

So why did DARQs get banned from sows? Sharing leaks?

>> No.13158846

Broke the no-streaming rule multiple times.

>> No.13158858

>no-streaming rule
You what, mate? He's been streaming for years.

>> No.13158864

He streamed right after pworld shutdown was acknowledged.

>> No.13158878

I just bought a SDVX controller. Hopefully that wasn't a bad idea, given the circumstances.

>> No.13158881

They're just kicking him out for that hilarious random video. Rightfully so.

>> No.13158978

猫叉PrimMaster when

>> No.13159009



>> No.13159016

who is that and whats the importance of it

>> No.13159021

He means a song of nekomata master with prim m80.

>> No.13159027

No, that was completely a bad idea.
Better get used to k-shoot or using it for something else.

>> No.13159047

I don't think he'll remain banned though. He just has to get his lesson.

>> No.13159054

he's australian, he does it on purpose

>> No.13159059

Being banned for streaming generally means you don't get unbanned.

>> No.13159099

So he just streamed actual data? Why would he do that?

>> No.13159103

(Technically PW cabs from his garage)
Because he likes to dickwag.

>> No.13159121

what the hell is going on

>> No.13159126

Rip programmed sun and programmed world.

>> No.13159128

Thank you for playing.

>> No.13159145

He streamed cause PW was getting shut down a few hours after his stream and stopped caring about the 'no stream' rules since it was going to be irrelevant in a few hours.

>> No.13159154


Darqs attempted to stream privately too, someone blew the whistle when he decided it was a good idea to make a private group on facebook for this purpose

>> No.13159159

Welcome to me circa 5 hours ago finally having free time this week. What a horrible thing to realize.

I wish I had played more.
Is there any AC rip that you can play without a network, lincle? I don't think I can go back to dj troopers.

>> No.13159187

Beatmania lincle and below
Pop'n fantasia and below
Sdvx 1 and only that.

>> No.13159199

I think emotions are running too high. Sit down, chill out, play c-r-a-c-k-ER, and then come back so we can all complain about how fucking terrible 5th CS was.

>> No.13159229

but troopers has hell scaper and brainstorm

>> No.13159256

SDVX 1 can be played offline at least. And k-shoot isn't that bad

>> No.13159342

Only on the CS version.

>> No.13159392

why did PS die? very confused

>> No.13159408

A cease and desist letter from konami.

>> No.13159411

Thank you for playing.

>> No.13159423
File: 54 KB, 389x389, 1367373876179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


konami told them to knock it off

now the babies who think iidx will die or something are whining and quitting

they were never going to make it in the first place if they can't be happy with the first 19 styles of iidx and lr2, so it doesn't even matter

>> No.13159434

T-thanks leakers and anons that said the networks wasn't going to be shutdown, is very appreciated.

>> No.13159440
File: 168 KB, 400x400, 1418515629324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you should put up with old outdated styles like how we did in the olden days because konami is stupid

>> No.13159448

Weh cry harder.

>> No.13159464

There is nothing wrong with Lincle and earlier and it's not like your broke ass is paying for it

>> No.13159469


konami has always been stupid, and yes you should put up with them. you have enough songs to take you from 1dan to 100% kaiden between what's available in "outdated styles" and bms, so get to playing

>> No.13159501

How do I access the what i assume dan ranking mode in spada? it brings up a screen asking for credits or something and i dont know how to get passed it.

>> No.13159507

You can't do it offline mode iirc.

>> No.13159517

I remember being online a couple weeks ago and it did the same thing.

>> No.13159520

You play while the game is attached to a network. If you can't, you're shit outta luck and might as well delete it.

>> No.13159559

he had it coming

>> No.13159581

So haven't touched bms in a while, what has everyone been playing in lr2 in the last year or so.

It's more of, a lot of players are getting tired of the older content. Oh well I guess that means there are less 12s I have to worry about passing and I can work on tightening up a lot of 11s until the day Konami decides to love us and grace us with their big floppy eamuse dick.

>> No.13159685

tfw little japanese girls are better than me at drummania

>> No.13159697

how is konami stupid for preventing piracy

>> No.13159741


>> No.13159865

For not realizing there's potentially profitable market outside of Japan.

If they're absolutely certain they can't make money off of it why bother shutting down everyone else? I could understand if they're worried about people using pworld or psun with proxies, but there's already pworld-equivalent in Japan. Outside of few mishaps sows has been relatively reasonable. It feels like they did it because they could or that it looks bad on them.

In all honesty I doubt they would pull through with their threats. Smells a lot like scare-tactics and it worked for understandable reasons.

>> No.13159872

They tried m8, and it flopped awfully, that's why they don't care to try anymore.

>> No.13159878

even if pworld continued to function, do you think arcades that received cease and desist letters directly would risk it? calling their bluff, so to speak (if it is a scare tactic) is something pworld devs might do, but for an actual arcade it's risky

>> No.13159947

Yes. That's why I said it worked for understandable reasons. It's still a potential risk.

>> No.13159958

Was there anything like pworld back when they tested gold here? Were there even really any arcades running IIDX at all?

Because I think today the game is a lot more known the US and through recent events we know that konami themselves knows that we actually want access to the games.

>> No.13160083

ddr is a hell of a lot more well known than iidx ever was or ever will be and even that stopped coming over because arcades are just fucking dead period

>> No.13160131


the iidx machine at the arcade here gets steadier traffic than literally any other machine, and it has been that way for many years

>> No.13160164

Well whoop de doo for wherever the hell you live.

>> No.13160174
File: 102 KB, 600x600, 1398574850354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"arcades are fucking dead period"
>information contrary to your statement
>"well whoop de doo"

ps: I don't live in japan

>> No.13160191

that would apply if your "information" wasnt a single arcade fuckface

>> No.13160202


I'm sorry to have upset you irl with my greentext

what I said goes for most arcades with a well functioning iidx machine. perhaps you live in a shitty, boring part of the country without the opportunity to have seen this firsthand?

>> No.13160211

yeah dude arcades are totally healthy in the states man, you arent delusional at all

>> No.13160227


delusional would be if I was implying that they're on the rise and in an amazing state of unbound growth. the point is that they are not "fucking dead period." yes, most work hard to stay afloat. some, if they are lucky, do well. others are thriving because they are attached to non-arcade businesses

if you think arcades have just died, and that's it, you're the delusional one. they are very much alive

>> No.13160243

its cool you get an arcade but tell that to the vast majority of people who arent you

>> No.13160294

In my arena there's a Time Out that is on its knees holding on for dear life and a D&B which is just a bar surrounded by giant iPads and gambling machines. There's no market for real video games in the west unless you are fortunate to live on the east coast or got lucky off your ass and are anywhere close to a Round1.

>> No.13160323

>>information contrary to your statement
Which is anecdotal at best.

>> No.13160372

Mad Attack is a good song.

>> No.13160773

Maybe they did that because they realized there's a potentially profitable market outside of Japan?

>> No.13161221

So, it this thread kill now that we don't have psun and pworld?

>> No.13161244

Thank you for playing.

>> No.13161248

>now that we don't have psun

did i miss something? psun was working like 3 hours ago

>> No.13161261
File: 54 KB, 681x720, 1384680756262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unmotivated players are kill. so, yes.

>> No.13161263

Wut, psun is kill too, just check their website

>> No.13161349

Now's the perfect time to start grinding 発狂BMS!

>> No.13161378

If it's true we'll know one way or the other.

>> No.13161411

i want to fuck prim.

>> No.13161436

we all do

>> No.13161439

I don't.

>> No.13161479

who the fuck is prim

>> No.13161486

my waifu

>> No.13161488

post pics

>> No.13161764

Glad I didn't waste money on a DAO

>> No.13161778

>waste money on a DAO

Said no one who has ever bought and played iidx on a dao. They're a good deal and amazing controllers.

>> No.13161792

PS will be dead soon so you'll only be able to play shitty lr2 anyways m8

>> No.13161798

If only there were official iidx releases for home consoles this terrible hell of no iidx could end.

>> No.13161856

Sure it crashes every now and then but what planet are you on where simulators are shit?
Not financially worth the cost. It's not happening. Remember everyone begging for CS!SIRUS?

>> No.13161890 [SPOILER] 
File: 250 KB, 762x724, 1425994037789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13162050

I keep getting better score on 9s and am now getting A on songs like Flower and Mermaid Girl (DJ Command) but can't pass them anymore, and I passed them with barely a B a while ago. Should I see this as progress or decline?

>> No.13162159


This guy sure doesn't know how to set up LR2

>> No.13162164

It takes all of five minutes to do and your done. There are harder things to get running.

>> No.13162180


And yet he doesn't know how to set up LR2 so it doesn't crash.

How sad.

>> No.13162226

not him but i'd love to know how
everyone i've ever seen talk about it says it crashes

>> No.13162385

I want to tenderly love Mayumi Morinaga.

>> No.13162452

i want this too

>> No.13162482

got banned from sows

fuckin assholes, going to inform konami about psun's existence so I can ruin it all for you fgts

>> No.13162484
File: 28 KB, 220x293, nailable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that she's officially nailable

>> No.13162516

What were you banned for?

>> No.13162548

>Not financially worth the cost. It's not happening. Remember everyone begging for CS!SIRUS?
You are one daft cunt m8

>> No.13162689


Thank you for playing.

>> No.13162850

No. It's normal to see decline in maximal performance at times as you progress. Keep practicing and you'll break through. You could also take a break if you find it annoying and return later.

>> No.13163276

He's talking about networks going down you dingus

>> No.13163288

go away darqs

>> No.13163310

fuck off tuxdude

>> No.13163321

Hey, leave our mascot alone plebeian.

>> No.13164630


Konami already knows about psun


>> No.13164642

Leave him, he wants to feel important, kek.

>> No.13165264

attn: everyone who talked about rips in here is a complete retard and sealed the deal-

lmao, dead games

>> No.13165347

Suck my cock, dude.

>> No.13165348

Post pic with stamp.

>> No.13165371
File: 36 KB, 480x402, 1412522374340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a little salty I never got to try out SDVXII, does anyone know if people are going to try something new?

>> No.13165375

There are the simulators, I know they aren't the same, but you can play almost the same as the arcade game.

>> No.13165403

Is there all the SDVXIImaps? I really wanted it for the tracklist and some of the really cool looking maps.

>> No.13165411

I think there are, but I don't remember where can you find it, I checked once for curiosity.

>> No.13165454

you know it works with e-amuemu

>> No.13165455

Shit, just looked up k-shoot. I cant read moon.

>> No.13165462

Im not sekrit clubbed

>> No.13165488

>sekrit club
Kek, you must have shitty search skills.

>> No.13165515

e-amuemu is a offline tool yeh, but i dont even have the ROM/application + I dont speak moon

>> No.13165520

I don't either, is not hard to try man, it took me less than 5 minutes to get the last update of e-amuemu(which is somewhat old).
