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File: 91 B, 88x63, pipi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13121768 No.13121768 [Reply] [Original]

"osufags are scamming hard" Edition


>> No.13121778

no skub allowed edition

>> No.13121784

random is cheating

>> No.13121792

After months I finally got dj max trilogy to work and it feels good.

>> No.13121793

>thats my bad I popularized drugs with a bunch of people who couldnt handle them.
Is this supposed to be funny? I guess if you're high, everything goes.

>hahaha u are posting like brazoliange did u get banned for something. frankly if anthony and the other djhackers people manage to run something and provide hacks there is no reason u upstanding yung men couldnt go and source the data urself
No and true, but "it's about the community." Be honest, do you give a fuck about the said community at all or do you just enjoy the little active group you're in?

>> No.13121797

Has anyone here built a Bemani PC? Can you post your specs? I see the recommended gpu and cpu on the wiki but I have nowhere to go from there. I wanna run sdvx, newer iidx and newer pop'n.

>> No.13121810

Most people I know just snag an old optiplex and put in a graphics card that doesnt suck ass, put xp on it and then put the gamestart batch in the startup folder and hook up a usb keypad and youre good to go

>> No.13121815

Everything in darq's random video is wrong.
Ask me anything.

>> No.13121819

why is he wrong?

>> No.13121822

Please detail what is wrong. My opinion is that it's unfaire to have random scores count because you end up comparing people's performance on completely different charts, but I think he is right about faster progression by using random

>> No.13121938

Still handing out invites. Send me an email.



>> No.13121954

This comparison to eating noodles is really bad. It's not like you'll completely fail at the game unless you play random constantly, it's rather a question of how far you want to push it and in which direction (going for EX-Score over clear status).

That said I personally don't like random because I enjoy being able to "get" the patterns and feel the connection between what I'm playing and what notes appear in the song (like arpeggios feeling somewhat like actual arpeggios and not left-right slapping)

>> No.13121960

It's a fine video. The final part is a bit more complex than he makes it out to be, but that's fine. It's something you'll feel naturally. Too much randomization and huge change in variety lowers the so called cognitive processing and reinforcement.
You want to practice certain thing you've chosen in variety of ways (similar songs with random) one session at a time.
Overall it's an unnecessary discussion. People who are serious know very well how to progress and what to do. There is no question about random among toprankers or those who strive to be one.

>> No.13121980

>I think he is right about faster progression by using random
I would argue the opposite since you're infinitely more likely to not get tough-ass staircases, which is the hardest type of non-chord type of pattern to master. You really don't learn to do them properly if at all since you'll see them only on the occasional unlucky random now and again. Overall, it makes shit like Contract, Laser Cruster, or Kakumei a billion times easier to score on.

I still wouldn't consider it cheating since a bad random can fuck you in the ass, and if you can AAA a song with decent/good randoms, you would probably do fine with a shitty one/nonran. Random can be good to build on shit you already got the general idea of, but 99% of the time people use it to cheese the shit out of charts they hate playing normally.

>> No.13121989

>This comparison to eating noodles is really bad. It's not like you'll completely fail at the game unless you play random constantly, it's rather a question of how far you want to push it and in which direction (going for EX-Score over clear status).
Not really. Scoring or fc is the final goal. Clear state is completely irrelevant at the top.

>That said I personally don't like random because I enjoy being able to "get" the patterns and feel the connection between what I'm playing and what notes appear in the song (like arpeggios feeling somewhat like actual arpeggios and not left-right slapping)
Don't get mad, but you sound relatively low level player. You "get" the charts and patterns exactly the same way with random. You can anticipate and know what type of chart you're getting.

>> No.13122009

>I would argue the opposite since you're infinitely more likely to not get tough-ass staircases, which is the hardest type of non-chord type of pattern to master.
Look, he clearly says diversity and talks a shit-ton about it. Using non-random to practice and master some of the more uncommon things is part of it.

>> No.13122050

Different poster, but here's how I view it:
1) For most charts, the difference between randoms isn't that large. There are outliers (Go Beyond comes to mind) but generally you're not going to fluke a score well beyond your abilities just because some chord roll was on alternating hands.
2) As you become better, and as charts get harder and denser, it becomes more about not getting a really bad random than it is about getting a good random. The variance between your best score and your average score is going to go down a lot as you become able to hit more types of patterns.
3) Honestly, good players just stop caring about the fact that random scores aren't 100% comparable. I was all anti-random (and anti towel lol) when I was starting out, and then I begrudgingly started using them, and then I stopped caring. It's just not a big deal.
4) Playing everything nonrandom would be really boring~

>> No.13122059

Can someone explain to me what random is and why people hate it so much?

>> No.13122068

>Don't get mad, but you sound relatively low level player. You "get" the charts and patterns exactly the same way with random. You can anticipate and know what type of chart you're getting.

Not him,but I think you're completely misunderstanding the point. It's not about playability, it has nothing to do with skills, he's talking about the aesthetics of notes being intentionally placed to follow the pitch progressions you're hearing in the song.

I play non-ran when I'm not practicing just because I think it's more enjoyable. I like playing patterns that were specifically charted to be fun and go with the song.

>> No.13122086

We don't hate it. Hell, I couldn't live without it, and as >>13122050 said it would be boring to hit the same sequence of buttons all the time for a song.

Of course, this only applies to IIDX, as using random in other games like pop'n, DDR/ITG, and PIU makes the game significantly more difficult, if not, unruly.

>> No.13122108
File: 22 KB, 510x214, killyourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doxing yourself
Yeah no thanks.

In the meantime, looking at Skubs' Twitter....

>> No.13122112

this was my point, yes.

Obviously random is the best thing to go for if all you care for is highscores and being a top ranker. It's just that not all people go for that, so advice along the lines of "play random nonstop from 8s onward or otherwise you're gonna be bad at the game" kinda makes it sound like whoever makes that argument considers scoring to be the universal "endgoal" of playing (which Dao is actually admitting to in his video as well)

>> No.13122119

Let's see how many of you can spot the mistake.

>> No.13122125

charts mostly follow a certain sense of musicality, that is completely abandoned on random. I play 99% nonran and I have most of the game cleared. Yeah my scores suck compared to the top 1% but so do the rest of the 99% of players. These Kaidens are getting egotistic and assume everyone in the world who wants to get "better" wants to compete at a topranker level, which just isn't true, but they're so masturbatory with each other that it's impossible to get them to think otherwise.

>> No.13122131

>every forum should have identity politics discussion, even if it has nothing to do with the topic at hand or is derailing other discussion.

sounds like you're an ideologue buddy

>> No.13122133

13122125 here
u stole my post sorry i didnt see this lol

>> No.13122143

What the fuck are people talking about when they mention towel mode, I've been playing for months and still don't get it

>> No.13122145
File: 55 KB, 537x544, lmfao skub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao this guy is the biggest bemani lolcow

>> No.13122152

sudden+. people literally used to use towels.

>> No.13122157
File: 81 KB, 563x773, degeneracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe this guy posts about stealing from stores on a twitter connected to his real identity.

>> No.13122163

>that one faggot who would tape paper to the machine and ruin the screen

>> No.13122166

>Overall it's an unnecessary discussion. People who are serious know very well how to progress and what to do. There is no question about random among toprankers or those who strive to be one.

This is how I feel about these discussions as well. There's some tension between people who want to Have Fun and people who want to Get Good, but if the latter is what you want, then you use random. This isn't even a question. If you don't care that much about being good then I can see how it would be obnoxious to get people constantly telling you how to spend your time, though.

>> No.13122167

I see. That's totally fine, but it isn't considered as taking the game seriously. You're just having fun.

>> No.13122170

Do you know how many people make accounts like this "for the lulz?"

>> No.13122174

>applying for welfare
>doing drugs
>maxing credit cards
this guy is a good case in point of why homosexuals are degenerates and are basically niggers.

>> No.13122175

I still don't get how sudden+ is useful. I see people talking about slow songs and finding the right green number, but if you press Start + Effect you can tune the high speed decimally and up to 10x

>> No.13122178

he writes like that on his twitter because people think he's a serious literary genius. He also thinks this, and gets really anguished when people tell him he's not.

>> No.13122182

I went from playing like you to playing with half my screen covered and it made me shatter the low 12s wall. You just need to mess with it. When the notes aren't falling down the whole screen it can be a lot easier to process. It doesn't matter as much now with floating hi-speed, but a change of perspective can go a long way. Green number is really important for consistent play and higher scores. Where you put your towel exactly is a personal thing

>> No.13122183

>it's all a joke even though it's connected to my real life identity and refers to real people and talks about issues i have mentioned elsewhere at meetups, pms etc

Totally a joke account.

>> No.13122189

Scales are nothing compared to 12/67 rolls, butterfly patterns, etc.

Scales are common annoyances on nonran, but there are so many patterns that are almost nonexistent on nonran. I can't see how playing all patterns with an even distribution can ever be a bad thing for progression, and saying random players never learn to do scales properly is complete nonsense. That might be initially true if two equally skilled players branch off, one doing random all the time and one doing nonran. The nonran player might be slightly better than the random player at scales for a little while, but the random player will be so much better at everything else, and they'll likely fill in any initial skill gap on scales soon enough.

I don't know why people that aren't interested in progressing get upset at the suggestion that random helps make you a better player, because it does and there is no refuting it. People should stop being retarded and play how they want. If you're annoyed by people telling you that using random is the only way to play, just remind them that getting better isn't your goal, and they'll leave you alone, guaranteed.

Now, speed mods, those are cheating.

>> No.13122197

Has he posted any of his writing online?

>> No.13122198

I just assume people want to get better efficiently, but you can do whatever you want. There's always going to be a push and pull between the optimal thing to be doing and the thing you actually want to spend your time doing, and that's fine. It's just weird when people push so adamantly against doing things that are demonstratably good to do.

>> No.13122202

>If you're annoyed by people telling you that using random is the only way to play, just remind them that getting better isn't your goal, and they'll leave you alone, guaranteed.
yeah, they'll just belittle you for not taking the game 100% seriously to garner likes from their cocksucker friends

>> No.13122207


>> No.13122219

How can this NOT be a joke account

>> No.13122222

idk how to post links on 4chan its been a while but yeah


>> No.13122231

Put the trip back on, Skub. There's a lot of identity politics bullshit in your goodreads.

>> No.13122236

>ok so you know howthe world is mostly water and your body is mostly water well i'd be willing to bet that in the end pretty much everything is mostly water


>> No.13122240

random would have made me hate the game. fixing my green number and using towel helped me way more than random ever has, with the exception of some stupid shit like contract and what have you. I use it as a very sparing tool, and this is frowned upon for some reason. My scores don't stagnate either, idk. Telling every single person to use RANDOM once they get to the best part of the game may be far less beneficial and damaging to the community in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.13122248

Have anything else you want to talk about Skub?

>> No.13122268

>6/7 rolls
This is why I never nonran Gigadelic

>> No.13122277

sows is the worst

>> No.13122278

No I'm just confused about the whole thing. This is all like high school level shit.

>> No.13122279

people who adamantly use random refuse to admit that they ranfarm and then post their cockhigh scores. literally everybody who is good (even in japan) just plays the same chart over and over until they magically get a high score on it. Yeah, randoms come out bad, but random is used exclusively to avoid playing the written pattern because it's too hard to get a circlejerk worthy score on. But this is just how the game works, majority rule. It's annoying, and if I ever want to join the circlejerk I'll be sure to use random. In the meantime, I'll stick to nonran and have some fun (oh god no!)

>> No.13122281

>charts mostly follow a certain sense of musicality, that is completely abandoned on random.
This is probably the case in general, but it isn't entirely true. With enough experience, it's pretty easy to see "through" the random and get at what the chart is like.

>These Kaidens are getting egotistic and assume everyone in the world who wants to get "better" wants to compete at a topranker level
Egotistical is a weird word to describe this behavior. I don't know what is egotistical about giving advice and wanting more people to enjoy the game at the same skill level as them. They're probably confused by the mindset of "I want to get better, but I don't actually want to get good, or use the best method of getting better." Again, play how you want.

>yeah, they'll just belittle you for not taking the game 100% seriously

People find enjoyment in different things. This isn't new.

Gigadelic's rolls are slow enough that good players can just jam it as if it were any other slow 8th note chord type of pattern.

>> No.13122293
File: 41 KB, 609x480, medal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"i write at a grade school level!"
Here's your medal, Skub.

>> No.13122302

I haven't posted anything in this thread without a trip.

I'm just another depressed post-Tao Lin writer with an existentialist crisis taking up space.

I don't claim or aspire to be some kind of creative genius, I just do things and put it out.

I don't think I'm "radical" in any sense.

I've tied my online persona to my real life identity because I don't feel any need to separate the two from each other.

I'm still mildly in awe that people are actually talking about me.

>> No.13122323

Are you really gay?
What is the meaning of the name skub?

>> No.13122327

I think it's frowned upon for the same reason not using thumbs is frowned upon, which is just that it's worse. You can play any way you want, and it's more important to enjoy playing than it is to be stronger, but the initial response to "I don't use X" is always going to be "what, why?" You have a perfectly reasonable answer to that question, and anyone who gives you shit after that is an idiot.

>> No.13122362

This is only true of a handful of exceptionally dumb charts. You can theoretically restart any song in the game 50000000 times until every lane is in the correct position, but that's completely unnecessary, and stupid, and a waste of time. That doesn't mean people literally never do this, but nobody does it as often as you're implying. It's also worth noting that playing a song more than once per session isn't the same as retrying because you want a different random. Sometimes you just know you can get a better score, so you play something a few times until your performance matches up with your expectations. Random isn't a factor.

>> No.13122379

any game u have to use paper on u can jam the paper in the monitor bezel tho

>> No.13122403
File: 48 KB, 900x300, original skub comic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm p gay.

The term "skub" originated from an old Perry Bible Fellowship comic. It's meaningless, and easy to adapt to 3 characters for arcade game initials, but you will never see SKB on any meaningful arcade scoreboard because I fucking suck at everything, except for the following instance of complete fraudulence: I was playing Judgement Silversword on my friend's (known as colour_thief in the tetris and shmup communities) Xbox, and left a really mediocre score (using my initials) on the game. Later, he played the game and got a global high score (#2, iirc), but mashed through the name entry screen and accidentally submitted the score to the online leaderboards under SKB.

>> No.13122470
File: 3 KB, 195x198, 1397557287030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one except idiots care how you play iidx or what mods you use

there's nothing to argue about

just play iidx, damn

>> No.13122502
File: 19 KB, 200x200, 1357266541190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking into playing iidx for awhile after ive played the shit out of sound voltex, but the amount of information concerning what controller to buy, the amount of versions there are, sync and lag issues, alongside this random and towel shit I know nothing about makes me a little anxious. Am I too late to hop into the scene? Can someone give me a run down explaining iidx in general to someone who knows nothing about it?

>> No.13122516

it's like sound voltex but theres one more button and only one knob and the knob is rly big
also the lanes aren't at some fucking weird angle and they don't spin around the screen arbitrarily

>> No.13122529

I get that, but how are the versions handled? Does everyone play arcade rips or is there a benefit to importing console versions and playing those? And do the actual arcade cabinets just update to the newer versions like sound voltex? Does the newest version of iidx have all the old songs?

Theres so much shit that I dont know

>> No.13122530

dont think, feel

its never too late dude

>> No.13122534

Start off by buying a used uskoc (us ps2 iidx controller) off ebay, get a $5 ps2 to USB adapter off amazon, and play lunatic rave 2 with songs from bms.bemaniso.ws. Google "ultimate lunatic rave 2 guide" to get that set up.

The game is pretty intimidating, but you learn it and all the terminology and options bit by bit. Look for "DARQs" on YouTube for help with that kind of stuff, he has lots of great beginner stuff.
It's never too late to get started and it's the pinnacle of rhythm games, so the best thing you can do is just dive in.

Have fun smacking buttons, anon~

>> No.13122544

There's no need for old console releases if you have modern AC rips. Yes, the machines just update their software, and yes, each style has every previous one in it.

>> No.13122556

Nearly everyone uses AC data. Cabinets are generally updated when the new release comes out. IIRC online support for older games in Japan is terminated not too long after a new version comes out. A few old songs (and newer licensed songs) are typically cut in each new game, but there are still songs from every version of the game in the latest release.

>> No.13122575
File: 922 KB, 400x225, eyebrows.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and the knob is rly big

>> No.13122586

prob with the knob?

>> No.13122593
File: 742 KB, 2048x1536, iidx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you are not too late at all, everything will be fine

if you are interested in a high quality, arcade accurate controller, get a dj dao. they are expensive and have cool lights. otherwise look into used USKOCs/JKOCs (konami official controller)

most people right now play arcade rips probably? not sure but personally I like the simplicity of ps2 versions (no lag or sync or adapter stuff to worry about etc). the newest version of AC iidx has all old songs

honestly you can't go wrong just grabbing a cheap USKOC, a few ps2 styles, and going to town. it's the easiest and quickest option

don't worry about random/towel etc right now if you're not playing yet, you'll figure it out as you go along, and have a great time learning new things and having fun

>> No.13122601

Are the ps2 games even in production anymore? Ps2s themselves haven't been for years now.

>> No.13122604

why the shit are uskoc prices literally out the window holy fucking christ

>> No.13122609

yo where the drugs at

>> No.13122615


not sure, I bought a bunch off of playasia/ebay many years ago for fair prices. but yeah if they're too hard to find then the AC rips may be more convenient

>> No.13122635

you can always mod you ps2 with freemcboot and use esr to load the games

>> No.13122653

It kinda works like this. Do whatever you want if you're a scrub. If you're not a scrub, random, non-random, bad or good doesn't matter.
Competing against anyone but yourself is pointless. You can compare and do all that, but focusing on beating someone's score and doing it over and over again is only in the land of scrubbery.
If you're playing for fun please don't use big boy terms like "random." Leave it to the pros.

>> No.13122665

>they still think you can't git gud without random

>> No.13122668

why do high-level osu players tend to have such a toxic attitude about playing methods and transitionary skill level beatmaps? all five of the ones I've met (who don't know eachother, by the way, so it's not some kind of niche bias) are like that.

low tier ddr/sm player just dropping in.

>> No.13122671

They're bitter after having wasted so much time on such a bad game.

>> No.13122676


>> No.13122678

There are plenty of videos posted on YouTube showing you how to remove security devices from the goods you're about to steal without triggering them.

Thug life.

>> No.13122679

Obsessor's remorse?

>> No.13122681

No they don't

>> No.13122687
File: 54 KB, 347x219, 1425155942265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stealing anything other than food when you're starving from big-chain stores that frequently have computer inventory errors
srsly guys at least TRY not to ruin the world around you
chances are if you steal and you don't satisfy the above conditions then you don't need to do it or you're doing something very wrong

>> No.13122689

None of the anti's posts acknowledge this. They're only saying "don't look down on me for not using random (despite my skills ultimately being lower)". None of them are dealing with the real point.

>> No.13122696

Don't make it sound fancy. It's about people sitting behind their little table, probably in a small, smelly and messy room, playing relatively silly game for hours on end only to realize years later that it's probably the stupidest thing they've done.

>> No.13122700

Wait. What is the point?

>> No.13122707

There isn't one

>> No.13122767

food is really fucking hard to steal in decent quantities
it's much easier to take smaller, higher value items, sell them on craigslist or ebay
and use that money to buy necessities

not claiming that that's what i do, but it is an example of how one could justify shoplifting items that are not necessities

>> No.13122796

You're doing it wrong.
You steal from restaurants who order massive shipments of food each day and throw the unused leftovers out at night.

>> No.13122808

i thought it didn't count as stealing if you pulled it out of a dumpster or something
i remember some piece of media telling me that it was legally okay to look through someone's garbage if it was brought to the curb for collection
i could be entirely wrong

>> No.13122838

it doesn't count as stealing as long as you didn't use random I think?

>> No.13122853

Depends on the local law.

>> No.13122960

You're human shit.

>> No.13122967

He's a namefag. Of course he's bad.

>> No.13123024

Tao Lin is fucking garbage.

There is no such thing as "post-Tao Lin"

Is there a "post-Michael Bay" and "post-SHAFT" too you dumb fuck?

>> No.13123038


Holy fuck thank you. I don't know why everyone sucks SHAFT's shaft when it's a shit studio.

>> No.13123040

muh meguca

>> No.13123138

do you actually not understand what i meant when i said "post-Tao Lin"?
my writing is heavily inspired and influenced by (and often emulates) him
whether or not you think Tao Lin/my writing is good is irrelevant

i can't really hate SHAFT because their sayonara zetsubou sensei adaptation is on-fucking-point

>> No.13123148

>Can someone give me a run down explaining iidx in general to someone who knows nothing about it?
A real-time dance music game hard and extreme. That's beatmania IIDX, it's too cool!

>> No.13123180

I'm comparing your pitiable admiration of Tao Lin to other equally revolting paint lickers.

The fact that you were inspired by such tripe makes it hard to believe your entire persona isn't a act.

>> No.13123195

beatmania IIDX combines the coolest songs with fun, eye-catching graphics for game play that keeps players coming back for more.

>> No.13123209

Everything pre-Gold is cheaper than it was when it was originally at retail if you aren't fussy about used copies and Gold is around original retail price. For Troopers and Empress CS you will need to shell out serious cash for them, even for used.

If you want to know about accessibility into the series, 7th+Happy Sky are good together. 7th has a very old interface that you will need to adjust to, but if you are capable of doing so backtracking to earlier games isn't as jarring of an experience (plus you can get it used for under $20). Plus there's a lot of shit in it you won't find in Happy Sky, which can be a good backup option if you can't put up with the interface and lane flares of the pre-9th style titles. I would advise Empress, but shit be fucking expensive.

Gold is also a decent beginning choice, but used copies are twice as much as used HS, and with KOCs being the price they are, you don't want to put THAT hard of a dent in your wallet just yet because you're not even certain you'll like this series.

>> No.13123236

>I don't know why everyone sucks SHAFT's shaft when it's a shit studio.
woah woah WOAH. hold on a minute here!

SHAFT is genuinely a great studio. while not always technically superb (though quite a few works in recent years will show otherwise), they are excellent at adapting works and delivering what the fans want as one of the oldest studios to do more current gen otaku type works. they're no kyoani or golden-age gainax (though they've worked with them plenty), but they're leagues ahead of JC Staff and and a lot of these newer studios. look at what they have under their belt: moon phase, hidamari, SZS/katte ni kaizou, arakawa, monogatari series, madoka, PPD, lolivampire. it seems until madoka, they were severely underrated, but even if people will overrate them now (weird since the newer shows are a little meh), they still have a history of making pretty damn enjoyable works.

now that i've said some shit you can go back to hating on whoever. and yeah, fuck tao lin.

>> No.13123349

I'm still giving away invites to bemaniso.ws

Send an email to skub@bemaniso.ws if you want one. A photo of your penis would be appreciated but is not required.

That's nice.

>> No.13123383

Skub, these guys may shit on you but you seem like a cool dude, gay kleptomaniac or not :)

>> No.13123447

He is, but you know where we are, so that's just expected.

>> No.13124003

afro knuckle alone makes me want to make the hour long drive to the closest arcade

>> No.13124042

stop giving away invites to my sekrit club

>> No.13124540

do you just assume anyone who disagrees with you is whining?

>> No.13124556

You're not doing anything to prove him wrong with your whining.

>> No.13124612

you're not doing anything to prove me wrong with your whining

>> No.13124699

Learn punctuation.

>> No.13124866
File: 60 KB, 344x345, 1399262716228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw watching this trainwreck of a thread

dreadfully entertaining, bravo!! encore!!

>> No.13124884

>post-Tao Lin writer

>> No.13124925

But Michael Bay can make decent movies when he has more liberty. Also, you know literally nothing about animation if you think Shaft is a bad studio.

>> No.13125062

Thank you :)


Anyone who wants an invite to bemaniso should send me an email.


I don't even understand what point you're trying to make, lol.

>> No.13125086

aubrey i hate you

>> No.13125259

my point is you keep talking down to others saying the points they are making are just whining and being "babies"
im saying its ironic because the only one crying is you, and you seem to expect everyone else to see you as oppressed when only you and your group think you are
you cant change the issue out with something less significant either like "oh what about people talking about cars THATS NOT BEMANI!!11"
people talking about cars wont cause much friction in a community, now change it to politics
if a bunch of people are fighting over political oriented topics then why the fuck would mods tolerate it
the issue is that the whole tumblresque culture are absolutely one minded and get mad as fuck if someone says knock it off
they think they are always "correct" and incapable of being wrong since they are so "progressive"

>> No.13125264

>wasting your time talking to a namefag
I take it that you're a newfag too, otherwise you would know.

>> No.13125306


lmao did I do something to u

>> No.13125321

Yesterday there were people talking about Sudden+, I never tried it before and I did this morning. But I do not understand, how can I adjust the high speed precisely, using the turntable, while sudden+ is on? It seems that with the mod on, I can only change the high speed by increments of 0.50 using the buttons, because the turntable changes the size of the towel. And understood that with no mods, the green number represented the time a note is on screen, but there are now 2 numbers with sudden+, what are they?

>> No.13125329

this is all moot when you consider the fact that homosexuality should never have been a political issue to begin with, hence why it's oppression
>you seem to expect everyone else to see you as oppressed when only you and your group think you are
no, i expect people to have empathy and understand how someone can be oppressed without experiencing it themselves
>they think they are always "correct" and incapable of being wrong since they are so "progressive"
ok but this isn't really a tumblr or hive-mind concept
this is the case with literally anyone who has a political opinion

>> No.13125360

When you're using Sudden+ on newer mixes, you first set a green number by holding down START and adjusting your green number by moving the towel up/down and increasing/decreasing your high speed mod in 0.50 increments. Once you get to the green number you want, while still holding down start, you hit either the VEFX or EFFECTOR button (which one specifically is escaping me atm), which will switch you over to floating hi-speed. At this point, Sudden+ should still be on, and moving the turntable will move both the towel and the high speed simultaneously, but your green number will not change. After being set once, your towel length and green number will carry over to all other songs you play (as long as you are logged in).

It gets kinda dicey when you play songs with bpm changes but you can still hold start and tap buttons to change your hi-speed mod in 0.5 increments mid-song.

>> No.13125364

you can hide the cover by double tapping start, it remembers position so you can place it where you like and bring it back once you've fine tuned the highspeed
white number is just the length of the cover

>> No.13125366

fuk, i forgot to point to your post, lol. replied to in >>13125360

>> No.13125429

Thank you, I get it a little better now, but I'm having trouble finding numbers that actually help me. If I usually play with a green number around 345 with no mods, what numbers should I aim for?

>> No.13125433

it isnt political, that was just an example
and yes, it is specific to the group because its always the same ideologies infecting communities everytime
have you not stopped to think theres a reason its always the same type of clique causing problems everywhere
and dont say the problems not you guys because this is a relatively new affair, this sjw shit wasnt even around not that long ago

nope just an argumentative fag

this is my last post about it because theres no reason to fill this thread with this shit

>> No.13125458

it's entirely personal preference, just experiment to see what you like

>> No.13125686

skub am I gay if I like to suck on nice juicy dicks but I don't really want a boyfriend (unless he is a cute trap) and thinking kissing dudes and buttfucking is gross?

>> No.13125818


>> No.13125861


would u date a transpersn

>> No.13125867

just get w/ jenna ehue

>> No.13125878

Maybe if shes a qt and has a nice penis

>> No.13125883

are there any decent foam ddr pads out right now for pc? i don't need it to be arcade perfect or anything, just functional for casual play.

i really don't want to build my own because i'm shit at that sort of thing.

>> No.13125924

Omega is the only store left selling any sort of pads. No idea about the build quality because I've never played on one,
Getting lucky on ebay and/or craigslist is your other option.

>> No.13125943

something about sexuality being a fluidic construct and reasoning against the need for labels

just look for anything that has a removable, dense foam insert that can come apart into interlocking pieces. i think redoctane made the originals (ignition pads) but i could be wrong on that front. obviously getting one with a usb connector would be optimal but it's not the end of the world if you get a ps2 pad with a usb adapter.

omega pads are fucking garbage

>> No.13125978


how long have u even been playing

>> No.13125986

jenna is one of the mods on bemaniso

>> No.13126004

DDR? i think since like, max

>> No.13126157

rip rhythm games threads
you shall be missed

>> No.13126253

bye normie

>> No.13126262

Thank the fuck christ. I'd summarily globally permanently ban everyone in this thread, including myself, then delete the thread and ban /jp/ from talking about music games, especially IIDX


>> No.13126353
File: 107 KB, 700x700, I Am The Law.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I respect anyone who steals anything from a big-chain store. Fuck consumerism. Fuck capitalism.

>> No.13126372

>respecting low life degenerate thugs
end undurself

>> No.13126591


ngl she is ultra cute but she's only into girls so oh well

>> No.13126698

someone put "sows and trips pls go" in the next op

>> No.13126890

the ones from precisiondancepads?

what's wrong with them? seems like a lot of people like them, even if they are pretty expensive.

>> No.13126945


>> No.13126987

so all i have to do is wear a skirt

>> No.13127556

claim you're "transgender" or whatever and she'll buy it.

>> No.13127893

has there ever been a bigger attention whore faglord

fuck off back to your cesspool of dick monglers

>> No.13127949

now is a perfectly good time to stop playing and posting. /jp/ needs a rule banning sodomites and other sexual deviants.

>> No.13127988


yea lol

>> No.13128037

don't pay more than like $60 for one. it isn't worth it beyond that.
am I completely wrong in thinking that the ps2 isn't region free?
also for what it's worth ps2 is easily the lowest barrier of entry since getting a uskoc is cheaper than a dao even if you put a usbemani in it after, and getting ps2 isos is a cakewalk even for shit like iidx. if you want something simple it is by far the best choice. at some point you'll probably hit the wall where you're tired of playing the same shit on troopers/empress/premium best since they're on the best version of the ps2 engine that you'll want to make the move to ac. at that point you'll still have a fair number of options I guess.

>> No.13128394

PS2s aren't region free but if you're running isos it's almost irrelevant

>> No.13128727
File: 60 KB, 600x800, adea8f53-941c-4358-be60-0f4b092ccaf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these in the mail today, pretty excited to break one in at the arcade tomorrow on Pendual.

>> No.13128893

skub can't write for shit lmao

>> No.13128897

they sold me one at my local arcade for $5 but it doesnt work in the card readers for some reason on either side

i tried in the ddr machine too and it didnt work either, dunno whats going on
apparently the arcade has pworld support as well
should i complain or something

>> No.13128951
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depending on your arcade you might have to explain how it is supposed to function to the staff fixing whatever the problem is

people who just twirl their thumbs when things go wrong on the games they play the at arcade are irritating. doubly so if they have the nerve to complain about nothing being done about it, like there's a fucking alarm that goes off automatically to alert employees to it. I and two other players once stayed 40 minutes past closing time (midnight) to make sure all 18 keys were functioning without misfires, sticking, or non-registers, that the tt wasn't misfiring, that the replacement keys and switches weren't too stiff. if no one takes initiative, in general, it will continue virtually indefinitely

>> No.13128992
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>tfw no motivation to play becauses scores wont be saved

I probably won't even improve on anything. I just want to have fun

>> No.13128997

Use a sheet, the old style, is not really that bad.

>> No.13129010


use a phone or digital camera and take pictures if you get a score you want to save. this is how it was done at the arcade before programmed world

>> No.13129063

Jesus fucking Christ what happened in this thread

>> No.13129066

Beats me, I'm the same as you.

>> No.13129080

People who are bad at games but still want attention try to get it by tripfagging and shitposting. Meanwhile, people who play the game but aren't attention whores try to discuss music games

>> No.13129531

>anything you've done since october 30th 2014 isn't gonna be there.

>> No.13129544

Shit happens and things break. Suck it up.

>> No.13129549

Oh well. Just in time for me to do this on an actual controller instead of a keyboard.

>> No.13129551
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>> No.13129553

Fuck, I played a bit of LR2 to have my daily dose while psun is down, but I just can't get back into it, it's not the same

>> No.13129559

Play a PS2 version or Lincle. I recommend Red CS because Gambol [a] is one of the only charts that Omnimix can't do, so go yell at that after the novelty wears off.

>> No.13129565

Damn I actually forgot that I have a modded PS2 with burned Empress discs. I'll have to do that for my next play session if psun isn't back

>> No.13129566
File: 53 KB, 274x366, 1396593950359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people played AC for damn near a decade without any score tracking, and the babies panic not because it will no longer be available, but because some data from the last few months was lost

a hearty laugh

>> No.13129574

I'd love to play some LR2, but my arcin doesn't have a recent enough firmware and I can't seem to update it properly.

>> No.13129699

Like you?

>> No.13129736

go to bed, skub

>> No.13129749


people making noise for attention they wouldn't otherwise get in skill based games with high skill caps is pretty normal and is, or at least was, the worst aspect of the bemani (well, iidx) community. it's extremely pervasive

>> No.13129972


>should i complain or something

Of course you should. Why would you pay for a function that you can't use?

>> No.13129988

wow u r 1 hardcore dood

>> No.13130069

You need to ban Skub. Ban all trannies, sodomites and other degenerates really.

>> No.13130132

still handing out invites. 17/∞ taken.
send an email to skub@bemaniso.ws

am i the /jp/ rhythm games thread tao lin
are people going to suspect my presence when i'm no longer here


>> No.13130142

Are you forced to make introduction posts and be active on sows?

>> No.13130146


>> No.13130154

who the fuck is tao lin and why do you love him so much

>> No.13130157

No and no. Being active is fun though.

>> No.13130160

Back in the days we had to write our scores down, transcribe them to SSS (back when it was stilled called VJ Army), and almost everyone had to play on shitty KOCs because they were still somewhat affordable back then.

>> No.13130175

being an active forum member is entirely optional but recommended because people are funny and helps you meet other bemani players

Tao Lin is a writer who's notorious for being an asshole on /lit/, Vice, Thought Catalog, and Gawker. he used to self-promote on /lit/ and almost anything even remotely seeming like praise for his writing would be responded to with "go to bed, tao"

you act like CS releases didn't have score tracking

>> No.13130198

Got psun invites too skub? My account is gone with the data loss. :P

>> No.13130227

i only have like the standard 3 per week or whatever it is but i'll look into asking for more. send me an email asking for psun rather than sows i guess

>> No.13130259

ok so i haven't been following psun at all lately (lol) and only just now learned that psun is undergoing some major reconstruction so asking for invites to it at this current time is pointless

>> No.13130267

Every bemani player I've ever met outside vyarmy/solid state squad is fucking insane. I make it a point to avoid gamers whose primary means of play is through online competition.

>> No.13130292

every bemani player is fucking insane.

>> No.13130364


They're actually mostly normal (I've met and talked to more than you) and it's the actual dysfunctional ones that like to say they're all insane (I've met more of those than you too).

The most vocal, braindead, dramaloving idiots are always the loudest.

>> No.13130398

have you ever thought about what is required of a human being to have the desire to play bemani

>> No.13130406

the will to push buttons

>> No.13130445

Based psun devs

Everything is back

>> No.13130566

>have you ever thought about what is required of a human being to have the desire to do anything fun

>> No.13130589

To be fair, the amount of time that dedicated people put into becoming really, really good at bemani is probably the equivalent of becoming somewhat proficient on an actual instrument or applicable skill.

Of course, that could be said of browsing 4chan or jacking off plus bemani is just too fun to stop playing anyway help me

>> No.13130672

I played for fun. Making a few friends out of it was a bonus.

>> No.13130678

Okay, but what makes you think it's fun? Why doesn't literally everyone think it's fun?

>> No.13130687

>Okay, but what makes you think it's shitposting? Why doesn't literally everyone think it's shitposting?

>> No.13130699

Using random for any purpose at any time is insane.
Unless it's pop'n.

>> No.13130706

insane as in it's hard? cuz it's not.

>> No.13130851

yeah, it's cheating

>> No.13130968

Have you ever been on sows? Shiposting is the community. Seriously though, there aren't many problems outside of 4chan or sows. Most people are reasonable and friendly, but there are definitely few who have taken this 4chan mentality outside into the real world. The question really is, why are YOU here?

>> No.13131170

>shitting on sows

I beat you aren't welcomed there, skrub

>> No.13131243

It's actually all good.

>> No.13131381

eamuse ranks my random scores so it's really not

>> No.13131513


>> No.13131619

goddamn miko is a colossal faggot

>> No.13131656

If there were a separate, non-ran only ranking, would you participate?

>> No.13131663

Can you go participate in a separate, shitposting-friendly board?

>> No.13131671

if you think about it ran and nonran scores should be separate.

>> No.13131789

should mirror and non-mirror scores be separate too

>> No.13131794

No. It would be an enormous time commitment to fill out a score for every song again, and I don't care about nonrandom purity or whatever to begin with. The boards would be much less full, and I have a feeling the average level of the players that were fervent about playing nonrandom would be lower than the level PSun as a whole is currently at, which is already kinda low.

Like, if it's a big deal to you, just assume that every score better than yours uses random, so it doesn't count, and you're the best. That's probably fine. I don't mind at all.

>> No.13131820

Anyone else thinks that random is cheating but auto scratch is perfectly fine? The turntable is a stupid gimmick, I wish I can save scores with auto scratch.

>> No.13131842

It does save scores, though.

>> No.13132001

Anyone else think that random and auto scratch are cheating but 5keys is perfectly fine? It's how the series started, after all, and purple is a cool color anyway.

>> No.13132037


stop posting skub. or at least post your trip so you can get filtered.

>> No.13132113

I've yet to even post in this thread without the trip lmao

Anyone who wants an invite to bemaniso is still free to email me. skub@bemaniso.ws

>> No.13132191

fuck off casual
you can do better than that
and that. i want to lol and/or rage
do you still want dick pics? can I get a pic of yours?

>> No.13132213

>do you still want dick pics? can I get a pic of yours?
This. I'm already on sows. Instead of an invite for a dick pic, can I just get yours in return.

>> No.13132246

Under more intimate circumstances I would be happy to reciprocate but I feel like sending pictures of my dick to anonymous strangers who have access to much of my identity is a horrible idea considering I have yet to publically publish pornography starring myself.

>> No.13132456

Tiny dick detected.
Just send flaccid and say you're a grower. No one will know.

>> No.13133934

Dumb question, and not sure if related but this is the closest thread to Osu I could find

My stylus nib is feeling quite rough, is it time to change? I'm using Intuos Pen Small

>> No.13133937

Hand it to an artist and ask for their opinion. Also osu threads are for /a/

>> No.13133944

if the talk about non random vs random is earnest and not ironic, you guys still realize that playing on random will make you better at the non random charts than if you were to just play non random all the time right

>> No.13133951


>> No.13133955

You shouldn't even drag the tip of the pen on your tablet. Learn to hover

>> No.13133962

psun webui not working for anyone else?

>> No.13133995

because random full stop makes you better at all aspects of the game except scratching. there are no instances of strong "non random only" players, only strong players. this is true in asia and the west, and applies to bms as well.

>> No.13134027

the only exception to this btw is if you're using anmitsu techniques to combo non random charts like diavolo, mei, 3y3s, etc. those have to be learned on non random, of course

>> No.13134341

i just take the nib out completely. my pen and tablet has shown some wear but 3 years and its still working fine. fuck hovering

>> No.13135521


>> No.13135555

>everyone who has different opinions than me is automatically a shitposter

>> No.13135560

Is this a trap or something? Doesn't freely giving away invites on public forums get you banned?

>> No.13135611

skub is the local gayboi of sows. you wont get banned

>> No.13135622

Is it even worth playing IIDX/popn on a keyboard before getting the real controller

>> No.13135624

I'm already in, and I know skub is pretty well known and that's why I'm confused. If this isn't allowed like their rules say, he'd get the hammer pretty fast since everyone knows him and he's using a trip here

>> No.13135633

if you're using it solely as a replacement for the controller, no

>> No.13135638

sherl0k seems to be okay with it

>> No.13135644

Absolutely, it'll get you familiar with he two row button layout so you can make progress even faster once you've got a real controller.

Just don't use the osu!mania control scheme because that won't teach you shit

>> No.13135656

What, it logs out me.

>> No.13135668

log back in

>> No.13135672

I did, and it does it again m8.

>> No.13135675

i dont know man i just copied the link from the post in the forum. not sure why its doing that

>> No.13135696

unless we're talking about playing kb for a period of many months, new players will already progress so fast and make so many adaptations in such a short period of time that kb really isn't going to teach you appreciable reading ability or give you the muscle memory to make it worthwhile in the couple weeks, maybe? that he'll play it

if he's just wanting to tap around on kb for fun then do whatever, but if the goal is to get better by playing kb it's not gonna do much if anything

>> No.13135709

He's asking if he should wait until he has a real controller before playing at all. The answer is no, because the early fundamentals can be learned on anything with the same layout and reading charts doesn't even have anything to do with the controller at all.

>> No.13135830

If you aim to kill some time waiting for a controller on order, yeah, but to play on kb exclusively is going to lead you crashing into walls very quickly since a lot of keyboards lock out certain key combinations. Also, hitting long stretches of scratches is a huge bitch.

>> No.13135945

>all this denial
This wall isn't innocent, it's a dirty stack of bricks.

>> No.13135952


>> No.13135955


if u dont believe skub send me a pm over on zenius and ill invite u. I am bemaniso staff.

>> No.13135958


>> No.13135968

whats going on?

>> No.13136016


>> No.13136108

pls no leakerino.

>> No.13136116

Pls leak. It's more leak-worthy than pendual

>> No.13136481

is it sdvx3

>> No.13136485

>sdvx3 more worthy than pendual

>> No.13136596

If random isn't cheating, why can't you use it in dan courses?

>> No.13136607

to make sure they are completely standardized

>> No.13136609

because this [>>13136607]

>> No.13136622

because random is cheating

>> No.13136627

why do people think random is cheating if for like 90% of the songs in the game it makes charts harder

people don't recommend random because it's easier, they recommend it because it exposes you to unnatural difficult patterns which help you get gud fast

>> No.13136654

If random is cheating, why can you use it in the KAC finals?

It doesn't make things harder unless your catalog of 'understood' patterns is tiny. It's not like good players switch off random when they're trying for a new score or a new clear status (with some unique songs excepted, of course.)

>> No.13136668

>why do people think random is cheating if for like 90% of the songs in the game it makes charts harder

because they're inexperienced players who aren't familiar enough with the game to be arguing about what is and isn't "cheating"

>> No.13136670

well once you're used to the extra patterns random brings in, it doesn't matter as much but pretty much every player who starts random around level 8-10 experiences a spike in difficulty for a bit

>> No.13136676

yeah tbh i'm curious how many of these people are at least 8-9th dan

>> No.13136765

Random is cheating no matter how you look at it.

>> No.13137019

Thanks doc.

>> No.13137088
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>> No.13137094


>> No.13137096

>all this ran vs nonran talk

Can we just go back to shitting on Holo or something? At least that was entertaining.

>> No.13137104


>> No.13137108

Tuxdude best waifu in sows 2015.

>> No.13137109

instead of talking about if random is cheating or not, at least talk about if anmitsu is cheating or not. I mean, it's not, but it's less painful to see it discussed

>> No.13137112


>> No.13137149

Should I challenge him to VS mode if I see him at Yifans?

>> No.13137152

Yes anon, please do.

>> No.13137177

>implying (in)human calculators can into logic
>playing the same song with "different" patterns instead of playing different songs
>cares more about the players than the game
>brags about difficulty
>uses random
>"this isn't a forum"
>brings forum cancer here
Picking super turbo akuma isn't cheating but what would you say about those using him?

>> No.13137254


I know you're joking around but it's useful for people who honestly this this to consider the following:

there are no good players that don't use random. no one has gotten good at this video game without the "random" option. the players who are best at random are also the best at non random. you can't provide examples of good non random only players, because they don't exist

if random is cheating and the scores no longer saved, people who are better or worse than you will still be better or worse

>> No.13137306

ok i tried random and got some new high scores
when can i take it off

>> No.13137308

>local arcade has pendual
i don't even care if it's on psun lmao

>> No.13137328


>> No.13137360


>> No.13137623

Whenever you want to.

>> No.13137640


this if you care about long term goals and improving rapidly [>>13137306]

this if you just wanna press some buttons for fun and random isn't fun for you [>>13137623]

>> No.13137650

>this if you care about long term goals and improving rapidly [>>13137306]

I mean this [>>13137360]

>> No.13137827
File: 199 KB, 750x1000, chikara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my MA ok.

>> No.13137834
File: 45 KB, 375x500, heavenisa57metallicgreat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I don't like this song.

>> No.13138676

I suck at random, should I play random 7s or non-ran 9s? I can barely pass the 7s I can extraH clear when I put random on

>> No.13138684

Hold off on random until entering level 10s. A good random offers very little advantages up until that point while a bad random can be very annoying to deal with.

>> No.13138799

Pendual OST where

>> No.13138810

On sows

>> No.13138831

But I'm feeling generous today so there you go


>> No.13138925

Much appreciated

>> No.13138936

Pendual OST with menu BGM when

>> No.13138973

Probably never, and that's tragic

>> No.13139135

Better than what I can do.
I can PFC stuff but holy shit my MA sucks

>> No.13139192

>rock band 4 announced


>> No.13139274

>tfw no friends
>you will never be 12 years old playing rock band with your friends again

>> No.13139286

>being 12 when rock band came out

>> No.13139289

>rock band came out in 2007

>> No.13139356

Eh, that didn't stop me from playing the other games.

As long as the song list is a decent size with some good songs I'll probably buy it. Guitar/drums are pretty fun even if you're playing solo.

>> No.13139367

>having friends in the first place

I just hope some decent third-party drums get made again, for the sake of playing Drummania.

>> No.13139388

Guitar Hero was better (up until 3) at least, Rock Band was a casual fest and had nearly no difficult guitar tracks, and most of them were really boring because they were the kind of charts that made you strum the same chord for 5seconds, switch to another one and repeat for the majority of the song

>> No.13139595

>the kind of charts that made you strum the same chord for 5seconds, switch to another one and repeat for the majority of the song
I felt GH3 was extremely guilty of this. I never played a GH after the third, but I'm assuming it just got worse as time went on.

RB came out 2 years after GH, which was released in November 2005.

>> No.13140399


>> No.13140403


>> No.13140465

What did horo even do?

>> No.13140490

Leaked data rips to a japanese person from what I can remember. Basically violated the rules.

>> No.13140524

Then he wrote a 30 page essay on how it was everyone's fault but his own.

>> No.13140529

Yeah, and that. Thanks annon

>> No.13140586

What's your practice regime?
Do you tend to work on harder stuff or stick to what you can hit and time or both?

>> No.13140665


both with increasing emphasis on harder things as your skill level increases. the #1 mistake I see new players make is avoiding stuff they're bad at because they "can't do it." if you don't play outside of your comfort zone you're massively handicapping yourself

>> No.13140672

I just hit buttons.

>> No.13141143

If you're playing in an arcade setting I think it's natural to avoid things you don't think you can clear until final/extra stage.

>> No.13141174

In IIDX is "bad" a really off timed hit and "poor" a completely missed note?

>> No.13141260

Poors are:
Excessive hits (known as a mash poor)
and also a completely missed note.

You're correct about bad.

>> No.13141439

neat, with random off i can pass proof of the existence hyper maybe 1/5 of the time
i just tried it with random on and i passed 3 times in a row

almost like it's cheating

>> No.13142151

it really depends on the song
both elferia are full retard with random

>> No.13142225

Is it even possible to play EXHs on KshootMania with only a keyboard?

Is the game worth even getting into if you only have a keyboard and not a controller?

>> No.13142251

I mapped my ps3 controller to SDVX and its pretty retarded how good ive gotten at it, which is funny because im playing the game entirely wrong from how its meant to be played, and once I get my hands on a real controller ill have to stop all over again

>> No.13142300

You're using your Analog sticks for the twisty knobs right?

>> No.13142815

I have been reading something about towel strats, what is that and how do I do it?

>> No.13142853

What is the best map and why is it smooooch?

>> No.13143064
File: 218 KB, 1280x720, 1422357453278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skub can you upload this? Is it on sows?
I'm looking for it for ages

>> No.13143352

Sows only. You don't need it anyway.

>> No.13143488

Before Sudden+ was a thing people would use towels to get the same effect. That's it, really.

>> No.13143645

Big news coming in. Shit's going down for PWorld locations right now.

>> No.13143670


>> No.13143732

You'll hear about it in time. It's probably exactly what you're imagining.

>> No.13143740

Well what I'm imagining isn't good. Guess I should just pay more attention to irc/sows then?

>> No.13143770

Info about it isn't exactly "out there" yet. I'm just a person who coincidentally happened to hear about it in one of the affected arcades and who likes anonymously dickwagging with information that's supposed to be kept secret

>> No.13143780

Something having to do with those round 1s that are too close to pw locations and konami is going stop?

>> No.13143791

aw hell, im going up to a round 1 in a week. are they going down or something?

>> No.13143808

Round 1 isn't a PWorld location, so they won't be affected by this thing. They even have official contracts with Konami to be allowed to run their games. Most other locations, however...

>> No.13143810

Anon you just replied to here, I was just taking a guess. Let's not get scared yet.

>> No.13143945

Round 1 doesn't run PW? Are they connected to the official network then or is it their own? Their website isn't telling me anything.

>> No.13143952

They are on the official eamuse.

>> No.13144190


>> No.13144456

how would relying entirely on finger speed be a disadvantage

>> No.13144858


>> No.13145228

Wow, fuck
