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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13136961 No.13136961[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey gaise, Monster Grrls, amiright?

Remember to check out the blogspot!

>> No.13136967

Monster Girl Collections: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

>> No.13136974

Sorry janitor. Please delete this and ban whoever posted it.

>> No.13136975

This is an obvious troll. Janitor please delete this thread.

>> No.13136976

Stop shitposting with the unnecessary threads.

>> No.13136981

Stop getting butthurt and use the thread.

>> No.13136981,1 [INTERNAL] 

should have called for /w/ack-up

>> No.13136981,2 [INTERNAL] 

During lunch today on recess from jury duty I went to a nearby McDonald's to eat since it was within walking distance. It's was a larger franchise with a Play Place(TM). I generally prefer to eat in those areas during school hours since they tend to be relatively deserted and less noisy. While I was eating, a mother brought her 4-5 year old daughter into the area to play while she went to order their food. I don't think she saw me as I was sitting at a side table, slightly obstructed by a trash bin. The little girl immediately commenced climbing and playing which brought a smile to my face. Her laughter and excitement was a welcome relief after hours of boring testimony and deposition for a truly mundane civil litigation trial. I was mid-bite of my fish sandwich when the little girl fell hard and started bawling. My parental instincts kicked in (two boys, 12 and 7), and without even thinking I jumped up and ran to her to make sure she was okay. I was cooing and making soothing noises, telling her she was going to be okay while simultaneously looking for cuts, scrapes or potential broken bones. Again without thinking, after I saw she was physically unharmed, I hugged her tight and picked her up to comfort her. She was simply a bit shaken and frightened because of the fall. She did not seem afraid of me at all, and in fact hugged me back as tightly as I was hugging her. Just then, her mother comes in and screams at me to put her daughter down "right fucking now, pervert!" I immediately start trying to tell the mother about her daughters fall as I am handing the little girl over to her. I am trying to get it out that the girl is okay, just a little shaken up, but the mother has gone ballistic, and I am slowly realizing how this situation must seem to her. I felt my face immediately flush red with shame although I know I did nothing wrong. Insult to injury is added when the Manager and a few crew members rush in behind the still screaming mother and inform me that I need to leave or the police will be called. I look in their faces and see condemnation, judgment, disgust.... to them I am a monster, a pedophile about to hurt a little girl. Still in the grip of a feeling of shame I cannot overcome, I mumble some asinine apology and simply leave without even collecting my food. I hate the fact that as a man I cannot rush to the aid of a child in need without having to worry about how it might appear to others, but that is the sad truth of our society. A man expressing any interest in a child, not his own, is immediately viewed with hostility and distrust. Rationally, I know I did nothing wrong. The true fault lay with the mother for leaving her child unsupervised in a place where she might be injured. But all I can think about now is how quickly that feeling of shame washed over me. It was overpowering and almost immediate once my brain started processing the situation and how others must view it. I apologize for the long post, but I had to get this off my chest. I feel like a little piece of my soul died today.

>> No.13136981,3 [INTERNAL] 

>It's was a larger franchise with a Play Place(TM)
stopped reading there, kill urself pedobro

>> No.13136981,4 [INTERNAL] 

what the fuck this is seriously creepy what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.13136981,5 [INTERNAL] 

he's pasting it from somewhere else...

>> No.13136981,6 [INTERNAL] 


Why was he eating the the play place area and not inside the restaurant?

>> No.13136981,7 [INTERNAL] 

pedofreaks going to pedofreak

>> No.13136981,8 [INTERNAL] 

shut up bikenigger pedo bitch

>> No.13136981,9 [INTERNAL] 

furryfreaks are such whiny babies

>> No.13136981,10 [INTERNAL] 

all pro pedos know that you shouldn't act whenever parenst are nearby, what a dumbass

>> No.13136981,11 [INTERNAL] 

>A man expressing any interest in a child, not his own, is immediately viewed with hostility and distrust. Rationally, I know I did nothing wrong. The true fault lay with the mother for leaving her child unsupervised in a place where she might be injured


>> No.13136981,12 [INTERNAL] 

This could have easily been cousin rapist until the children part.

>> No.13136981,13 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13136981,14 [INTERNAL] 

cousin anon did nothing wrong

>> No.13136981,15 [INTERNAL] 

it'sa me, mario

>> No.13136981,16 [INTERNAL] 

on reddit

>> No.13136981,17 [INTERNAL] 

kemono are pretty sexy imho

>> No.13136981,18 [INTERNAL] 

I masturbated to the dog girl from animal crossings.

>> No.13136981,19 [INTERNAL] 

anyone find Blaze the Cat sexy

>> No.13136981,20 [INTERNAL] 

yo where the kemono anime at

>> No.13136981,21 [INTERNAL] 

there's gingitsune but that's shoujo shit

>> No.13136981,22 [INTERNAL] 

dog days

>> No.13136981,23 [INTERNAL] 

Reddit was very nice and supportive

>> No.13136981,24 [INTERNAL] 

i just looked at this image in the archive
and apparently the monster girl shitters are throwing a massive fit over it
what the hell, are these /a/ rejects really so misguided that they'd feign elitism and disgust over a fucking kemono loli?
these fuckers are on the same goddamn level as western furfaggots
in fact they're an even bigger stain to the site than furries ever have been
how they can have the gall to bitch and scream over kemono loli i'll never know
fucking /a/ vermin
