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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 394 KB, 1280x1024, 1209081149671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1311474 No.1311474 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss Japanese psychology.

>> No.1311481

Every last one of them is an insane motherfucker.

ZUN is a sane man in the land of the mad, but noone can hold onto it forever.

>> No.1311486

let's not

>> No.1311493


>> No.1311505

I have a question for you psych guys.

I think I might have something wrong with my head. I've fapped to every loli doujin on /rs/, almost every loli image on gelbooru, I've fapped to my loli imouto, and I've fapped to the few loli hentais I could find as well. On average I fap 3-6 times a day.

Is this unusual?

>> No.1311513

No, a lot of 14 year olds are like that.

>> No.1311523

But, I'm in my early 20's.

>> No.1311530
File: 16 KB, 483x354, 1221515562973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me

>> No.1311534

Then you fap too much.

>> No.1311537

Yeah, lets talk about Touhou shit again!

>> No.1311541
File: 44 KB, 450x638, 1221515664121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have a loli fetish and happen to masturbate a lot.
Don't have to be Freud to know you want to fuck your mother.

Nah but really it's just a fetish and you masturbate a lot.

>> No.1311543

Is it unhealthy?

>> No.1311547

>Is this unusual?

Perhaps. I will need pictures of your loli imouto to properly diagnose your case.

>> No.1311550

Masturbating 6 times a day to drawn children is unhealthy, yes.

>> No.1311557


Perhaps psychologically (masturbation addiction anyone), but physically the only threat is lowered fertility. It's rather healthy for the prostate, though.

>> No.1311570

Seconding this. You might have a porn addiction. Either that or you don't have anything engaging in your life.

>> No.1311622

No such thing as porn addiction. It's just a lie made up by batshit insane Christians and feminists.

>> No.1311628
File: 125 KB, 585x707, 1221516723535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japanese eat healthier and exercise more than most Americans, and are less afflicted with religious fundamentalism, all on average. Japan also has a much better health care system than the US. Any psychological problems they have are more likely to be real problems than undiagnosed medical illness.

>> No.1311627

Well, one out of two isn't that bad.

>> No.1311648
File: 10 KB, 191x243, 1221516896175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You obviously have hysteria, Anonymous.

>> No.1311665
File: 81 KB, 638x1112, 1221517069099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But there are aspects of religion that are beneficial to Japan.

Pic related.

>> No.1311678

Maybe, but beneficial effects don't cause many psychological disorders.

>> No.1311685

Die you heretics!

>> No.1311686

Psychology is a great load of poppycock. They give out ritalin like candy because some kids have a short attention span and call it psychiatry! Somebody likes to see other people in pain or dead and they give him antipsychotics!

It's ridiculous. Just because some people deviate from the perfect pristine normal level doesn't mean they're psychologically damaged. Psychological wounds come from extreme or prolonged emotional pain, like bottling up all of your hate, or being abused as a child.

>> No.1311691

>I don't know anything about psychology.

>> No.1311708

>I'm a scientologist

>> No.1311715

but they also have one of the highest suicide rates


>> No.1311741

lol russia

>> No.1311747

Corea has best suicides nida!

>> No.1311756

Korea invented suicide.

>> No.1311765

>Psychological wounds come from extreme or prolonged emotional pain, like bottling up all of your hate, or being abused as a child.
Congratulations, you're a Freudian psychologist! Too bad Freud's an utter hack.

>> No.1311769

Yes, people who say Psychology is all flawed/wrong etc. are idiots. However, I do believe the whole ADHD thing has sprung up from the poisonous ideology of egalitarianism that is embedded in the West today. We can't call these kids stupid/little shits, and instead blame their lack of education on some psychiatric disorder, instead of calling it being an asinine little shite. In the good old days, these kids would get a good caning, or at least some sort of punishment, not one of today's pale shadows of punishment. If you defer the punishment, as in the case of detention, and other such things, a backwards child may not associate the things well. Try training a dog by scolding it for punishments an hour or so after the foul. It won't understand, will interpret punishments as cruelty, and not be trained at all. Association of punishment with asocial behaviour should be used. Not telling them they're special for being retards.

>> No.1311780

Agreed. Just because some disorders seem made up doesn't made they all are. There are people with real, serious problems that do need help and treatment.

>> No.1311783

I bet than there are far more europeans that die in a car accident because of risky foolishnes in some countries than both suicides and car accidents in Japan.

>> No.1311784

Congratulations, you're an idiot!

>> No.1311797


>> No.1311811

Due to not having invisible sky magicians promising to torture them if they kill themselves. Also, America has nearly as high a homicide rate as Japan suicide rate. Better to kill yourself than those around you, at least the only people dying are those who want to.

>> No.1311813


>> No.1311814

>People's Republic of China (selected areas)
>(selected areas)


>> No.1311830

Well to be fair most of those kills are black on black and in ghetto neighborhoods. Even if you're a rare black anon you're probably whitified.

>> No.1311842
File: 244 KB, 400x600, 1221519486628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do believe the whole ADHD thing has sprung up from the poisonous ideology of egalitarianism that is embedded in the West today.

I'm not quite certain it's what you're saying, but ADHD is certainly real.
I've had it since I was young and even now I find it incredibly difficult to focus on anything that isn't a video game for more than an hour, and that standing still is torture.
My hands and feet are always in motion; even as I type this my toes are wriggling furiously.
Pic related, wriggle wriggle.

>> No.1311844

>Even if you're a rare black anon you're probably whitified.
How so?

>> No.1311851
File: 268 KB, 600x750, 1221519623427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well actually my concentration time is more like 20 minutes. Or maybe 5. Depends on how interesting it is.
But yeah, Ritalin actually helps. Too bad I've not filled my prescription in a month.

>> No.1311856

I wonder if those antenna are sturdy enough to be used for a forced blowjob.

>> No.1311859

You're lucky you can get an hour.

I have trouble doing ten minutes.

>> No.1311865

Kind of curious, does your concentration loss happen at one 'meh, fuck this' point, or does the interest in whatever you are doing just kind of fade out?

>> No.1311870
File: 179 KB, 1000x850, 1221519867319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


An hour is only if it's REAAALLY interesting.
Like StarCraft.
Fuck yeah I love StarCraft.
Too bad my router makes it so I can't play B.Net.
Attachin' Wriggle to every post so yous can knows whos I ams

>> No.1311877
File: 252 KB, 902x1280, 1221519973441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of this is Japan related.

>> No.1311882

Fades for me.

Of course, I pretty don't have interests anymore.

>> No.1311887
File: 74 KB, 700x709, 1221520061039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If it's interesting and I just get bored, it's "this is getting boring", obviously. Or I just get tired of doing it. It kind of blurs. So second one I guess.
If it wasn't very interesting to begin with, it's "urgh fuck this pointlessness".

>> No.1311992

What the fuck was that!?

>> No.1312010

Thanks for answering, it sounds pretty tough from a normal person's point of view. If it's something you are interested in, would you be able to focus on it for a long time, say 3+ hours?

>> No.1312011

He's probably bored of answering your questions by now.

>> No.1312023

can I get the artist's site/pixiv account of the OP pic?

>> No.1312086

Maybe he found out we're going to keep coming up with questions until we get his entire wriggle collection.

>> No.1312870

They must have need of MORE OVERLORDS.

>> No.1312883

everything japan knows about psychology came about through the rape, torture, and mutilation of woman during japan's entire history.

>> No.1312902

Woman? Just one?

>> No.1312934
File: 10 KB, 292x215, 1220938764241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, Psychology.

>> No.1312997

japs dont have a soul, that means psychology dont work in them
