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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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128259 No.128259 [Reply] [Original]

so how exactly do i combo?

>> No.128266

You'll see a circle and have to time it right...
If you've played Legend of Dragoon or Super Mario RPG:Seven stars then it shouldn't be too hard.. also it should be in the training section.

>> No.128523

click anytime before it closes or right as it closes?

>> No.128529

Right as it closes.

>> No.128536

Spoilers : The game runs too fast on lots of machines, try running in windowed + 16 bit.

>> No.128537

is defense and magic defense even worth putting points into?

>> No.128538

right as it closes, but you only see the circle in normal mode

>> No.129104

not really, though i haven't played much of it, is here just one ending?

>> No.129111

Uh... what? I saw it in both hard 3 and 5.

>> No.129144

Yes, and yes.

>> No.129164


I'm about 2/3 through Hard three and haven't added any magic defense to my characters. Defense is a must for some characters, but not all

>> No.129334

Yea, defense is pretty useful for Eruru.

>> No.129340

Defense, yes. Magic defense, no. Almost every enemy i the game uses physical attacks, making mafgic defense kinda pointless.

Also, do NOT spend BP on tech for both Urtori and Kamyu. Throw it all on attack.

>> No.129352

which ones?

>> No.129373

I don't think you should spend points on tech at all, with the possible exception of Eruruw and other characters with awfully expensive regular stats.

>> No.129394


you will never get past hard 3 doing that. the last boss takes around 200 or less damage from 99 attack, regular attacks. since he has around 8000 or more hit points, it will be impossible to kill him in the time limit before he starts attacking you back.

>> No.129804

Unless you are playing on normal, you do need tech points if you want to survive. The only characters that really have no use for techs are Eruru, Kamyu, and Urutoriy.

Characters who have a low defense and a high cost for it do not need upgrades since that stat will always be shit.

>> No.130023

so which characters need which stats

>> No.130066

Eruru only needs attack until she heals about 300 hp, the rest goes for defense.

Magic users will always have shit defense, put it all on attack.

I would say Touka needs to balance between attack and defense. I did the same for Hakuoro. For Karura, every after three points in attack, I increased one in defense. For Oboro, I used a 3 to 1 ratio. I prioritzed the archers attack seeing how rarely they got hit while I played.

This is not the only way to play, but it works for me on the hard difficulties. Except for the first levels, which are a pain in the ass.

>> No.130110

do you not give anybody any tech? i don't see how that works in hado modo

>> No.130240

in easy mode you may be able to get away with no tech, when i played i tried to have a cutoff for some characters whose tech was too expensive i think mine was 500 or something, oboro has one of the cheapest for 400 i think

>> No.130388

I omitted it because it has already been stated many time in this thread. It should be obvious that tech is always needed.

>> No.130411

Tech is very useful.

Do more damage = more experience. You can continue a combo even after an enemy is dead and milk more experience.

Killing an enemy using combo = Extra BP.

>> No.130998
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For most of the characters Tech level 2 is enough, so you can attack twice without using vitality. Why only 2nd lvl? Because only 1st and 2nd hit in combo cause real dammage.

For Eruru, Doiry and Gurra 2nd tech level is also max level so you have very quick access to their super move. Especially for twins since they can easilly eliminate earth-based soldiers that can be very dangerous for Oboro.

Well, Urto and Kamyu also have only 2 lvls of tech, but they have shorter range than normal magic users(in fack range as normal h2h characters). You will use them to magic attacs only so there's no need to increase their tech since the're not gonna use it anyway.

Hakuoro, Oboro, Benawi nad Kurou. They have no real use for maxed out tech. Finnishing blow is surely destructive, but you cannot use it very often (more likely you will use it only when shit hits the fan) and you need to invest truckload of BPs to reach it. Especially when it comes to Oboro, which can be easilly turned into most destructive team member.

Teoro, well, you have him only in first arc, so he doesn't really matter.

Karura, well, her Tech lvls aren't cheap (600BPs), but you need to increase it only twice to get to her ultimate move, and on top of that her vitality increase really fast, so she can use it more often.

Touka, Genjimaru - Their Tech is forced to max, so they were always weakest part of the team, unfortunetly.

>> No.131011
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For most of the characters Tech level 2 is enough, so you can attack twice without using vitality. Why only 2nd lvl? Because only 1st and 2nd hit in combo cause real dammage.

For Eruru, Doiry and Gurra 2nd tech level is also max level so you have very quick access to their super move. Especially for twins since they can easilly eliminate earth-based soldiers that can be very dangerous for Oboro.

Well, Urto and Kamyu also have only 2 lvls of tech, but they have shorter range than normal magic users(in fack range as normal h2h characters). You will use them to magic attacs only so there's no need to increase their tech since the're not gonna use it anyway.

Hakuoro, Oboro, Benawi nad Kurou. They have no real use for maxed out tech. Finnishing blow is surely destructive, but you cannot use it very often (more likely you will use it only when shit hits the fan) and you need to invest truckload of BPs to reach it. Especially when it comes to Oboro, which can be easilly turned into most destructive team member.

Teoro, well, you have him only in first arc, so he doesn't really matter.

Karura, well, her Tech lvls aren't cheap (600BPs), but you need to increase it only twice to get to her ultimate move, and on top of that her vitality increase really fast, so she can use it more often.

Aruru aslo have only 3 lvls of tech, though I haven't used her much. Dirt-cheap defence is not enough reason to use her.

Touka, Genjimaru - Their Tech is forced to max, so they were always weakest part of the team, unfortunetly.

>> No.131015

I always sage tripfags. Attention whores, who needs them? The "tripfriends" shit was started by tripfags.

/jp doesn't need tripfagotry if you need it to fucking bad.

>> No.131032

>weakest part of the team

>> No.131033

Reported for spamming. Email moot if you have a problem with the board features.

>> No.131039

link to torrent for game?

>> No.131061

teoro... ;_;

>> No.131083



Good night, sweet prince.

>> No.131110

>Touka, Genjimaru - Their Tech is forced to max, so they were always weakest part of the team, unfortunetly.
lol wut? Dont you mean the strongest people on the team?

>> No.131111

HP twice as normal don't make strong unit. His only strong point was fast-loading vitality bar. Moderate defence, and below average attack.

>> No.131116

I don't even remember what the vitality bar did, I just kicked everyone's ass.

>> No.131130

He also attacked more than usual, eh. Not talking about the Hard levels bonuses, but as an general impression.

>> No.131149

I expected battleship, got cruiser instead. Fine too, though he was much weaker than Karura or Oboro at this point of the game.

>> No.131732

Except Eruru doesnt need any techs because she later heals all HP in one hit.
