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13100278 No.13100278 [Reply] [Original]

People who use the PS2 sprites completely missed the purpose of Higurashi.

>> No.13100292

That might be, but that's because I prefer Ryu7 art on an originality and charming basis, still I wouldn't berate people for thinking otherwise.

>> No.13100643

Post the boxing one.

>> No.13100663

People who use the original BGM completely missed the purpose of Higurashi.

>> No.13101045

Respect Rika.

>> No.13101078

People who try and solve the mystery completely missed the purpose of Umineko.

>> No.13101133

The purpose is to be shit?

>> No.13102433
File: 81 KB, 640x480, hg141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their faces are fine IMO, but God look at their hands!

>> No.13102544

I always assumed this was obvious, and that no one uses the sprites patch.

>> No.13102588

I always kept the shit drawings. Most people turn around when they see how awful it looks, meaning they don't read the story and won't judge me for playing a game where a girl get her nails removed.

>> No.13102593


>> No.13103416

It was only three nails.

>> No.13103435

She must respect Hanyuu first

>> No.13103478

But what about people who use the ps2 sprites on umineko?

>> No.13103531

Nobody care about shitmineko but edgy kids that fancy themselves detectives.

>> No.13103621



>> No.13103939

Why would I choose to play with outdated inferior sprites?

>> No.13103952

Because you aren't a graphism whore that only plays a game if it's pretty and don't care for the depth, the gameplay or the lore?

>> No.13103968


Yes, but you can still enjoy all those things with the updated graphics. You don't lose anything by using them.

>> No.13104000

I guess you played the game on windowed mode on a 800*600 screen and shit speakers since you only care about the story of the game.

>> No.13104008

You lose the spirit of Higurashi.
Higurashi is not a professional VN, it's made by a bunch of amateurs. They don't have a whole bunch of money to sink in the game, they only get what they can do themselves.
Higurashi isn't a VN made by a group looking for brouzoufs, it's a VN made by a passionated fanfic writer who tries to write his first original novel. It's not following a preestablished schematic detailing each girl's behaviour according to clichés, it's literally babby's first novel, holding together with duct tape, faulty code, and the hope that it pleases the few people that will pick it.

Using the PS2 graphics means ignoring everything Ryukishi went through to make that VN from nothing, and admitting that, in the end, you care for the details. That you don't want these ugly-looking sprites that Ryukishi drew because he has no money to hire a pro.

>> No.13104010

People defending old sprites are just mad that they had to put up with them when they read it because there weren't other available. Nobody in their right maind would read higurashi for the first time today using the old ugly sprites.

>> No.13104017

>right maind

>> No.13104029

Hehehe you sure got him pal

>> No.13104037

I don't try to "get" people, as you say in your ghettospeak. I merely point out that he isn't native, and therefore will have trouble communicating.

>> No.13104154

So you merely voiced a poorly reasoned assumption on your part. Good job communicating your assumptions, Mr. Native.

>> No.13104180

Using a dictionary won't magically make you able to understand conversations. Everything will go over your head.

>> No.13104211

Autist-chan calm the fuck down, I only typed an extra 'a' because I'm too busy right now to proofread my posts.

>> No.13104220

Stop projecting, it's embarrassing for everyone.

>> No.13104228

Projecting what?

>> No.13104235

Your autism. People like you assume that because they're autists, everyone else is.
That's not the case, my autist friend. Sorry to teach you something cruel.

>> No.13104251

So by your logic are you projecting right now too?

>> No.13104260

i read it for the first time 2 years ago using music patch and original sprites because i thought they looked better

>> No.13104264

Ha, again you show your lack of logic. I can't blame you, that's just how you are.

>> No.13104273

I don't get it, are you projecting your own lack of logic now or what?

>> No.13104279

You're exactly as I feared : you don't understand because English isn't your native language, but you're so desperate to be relevant that you end up making a fool of yourself.
It would be better for you to stop now.

>> No.13104291

Now you are projecting being desperate, right?

>> No.13105175

>"my opinions are better than yours"

Every 07th sprite discussion ever.

>> No.13105188

Who u quote?

>> No.13105190

>stopping there instead of analyzing the people those opinions belong to
Every "discussion" ever.

>> No.13105266
File: 74 KB, 720x480, 000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R7 artstyle always looks like shit. The PS2 sprites aren't amazing, but at least look presentable. Some chuuni faggots pretend "Oh no, this is just some super unique amazing artstyle. You just don't get the purpose." The artstyle itself is actually generic, the typical anime look, except the artist doesn't know how to draw hands.

I love the pretentious snowflakes that think having big hands is some kind of special thing that makes the shitty art good. You can really see how hard they're trying. Rika was such a good girl.

>> No.13105298

But the PS2 sprites are terribly generic and soulless. They have the "typical anime look" even worse.

>> No.13105312

The old art also looks like generic anime. The only noticeable difference is bigger hands. I don't think bigger hands means something is more "soulful".

>> No.13105335

Expressions do.

>> No.13105382

Just generic anime expressions. Kaiji has really over the top expressions, but I've felt more soulful vibes from some more realistic manga. And the bigger hands don't really make it unique or special. There are a lot of fictional characters that have big hands.

I'm surprised nostalgiafags to this day are so insecure and needy for validation about their tastes that they're still making threads and arguing about this. R7 art will always be garbage and no desperate chuuni excuse is gonna change this. The art is cliche anime shit, except the artist can't draw hands.

If I drew my own manga and couldn't draw the feet well, it doesn't mean I'm this super creative master artist. It just means I'm a terrible artist that will be praised by pseudo-intellectuals on the internet because they think the girl characters in my story are cute.

>> No.13105449

Mittenhands a GREAT
Fug off nerd

>> No.13105453

Yeah, and so do the PS2 sprites. And it's not even the hands that makes them "soulfull," it's the big eyes. And as "generic" as you think they are, they're still better than the PS2 sprites.

The other thing people miss out on with the PS2 version is the backgrounds. The original backgrounds add a certain feeling to the game. Plus, they're pictures of real places. Do you really want to discard those for generic drawn backgrounds?

>> No.13105500

Please nigga, these girls will box you death with those hands.

>> No.13105512
File: 373 KB, 800x600, Higurashi_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Raging about ps2 sprites.
I wonder how you will feel about the steam version. I think it does have the option for original sprites though.

>> No.13105522

Yeah, I'm going to use the original sprites so I never care.

>> No.13105706

You're right. Letting a third party edit a finished product is ridiculous and should never be allowed because it detracts from the intention of the original creator

>> No.13105991

Those hands are a vital part of the syndrome.

>> No.13106018

Disagreeing with you doesn't mean raging, sorry to burst your bubble, autist-kun.

>> No.13106020

>"p-please answer"

>> No.13106060

original > steam >>> ps2

>> No.13106064

More like

>> No.13106341

>Muh Original vision

I'm not a great fan of Ayn Rand but your bitching about the changes reminds of the artistic architect in the Fountainhead who blows up his designed building because it was altered.

Changes to the sprites are necessary. You can't release a VN with retarded sprites like in the original in 2015.

>> No.13106357

Nice opinion, secondary fag. I bet you started reading the VN after watching the anime, like the rest of the pleb scum.

>> No.13107216

Fuck, this really puts things into perspective.
