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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13095622 No.13095622[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do newer memes suck or the lack of ability to be amused comes with age? Like, senile old wizards can do nothing but reminiscent about Japanese birds cooking or amazing dogs jumping through 8 flaming hoops.

>> No.13095638

Maymays always sucked. It's just that whatever maymays are popular whenever you first came here seem to suck less because back then you still thought that kind of repetitive humor was interesting. After all, if you didn't you wouldn't have stayed.

>> No.13095659

Newer memes suck because they are made by normies basically copying what we were doing over a decade ago. Our old memes are better because they were actually made by people privy to internet culture, not dumbasses that just started using the internet within the last 7 years.
These newfags are also the idiots that tend to side with PG rated humor because politically correct.

>> No.13095664
File: 2.93 MB, 848x480, armpit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2005 was 10 years ago

I think I'm perpetually stuck in 2001

>> No.13095692

A few of the newer memes have been good, but in the end they all got blanket banned (alongside a staggering majority of shit memes).

>> No.13095742

I really need to catch up on this. Last I saw she drugged him at the hot spring.

>> No.13095754

sauce plox

>> No.13095769

Reverse x Search

>> No.13095801

You probably grew out of them, coupled with the rise of "meme culture" in very recent times. Even the stupidest memes in the past had implications of exclusivity--that you knew about something most people didn't. Now everyone knows about them and you can get them on shirts and shit and with age you realize that that sort of "secret club" mentality is stupid.

Really tired of that "oh wow, i'm so 'internet'" kind of mentality that's behind memes; even worse now that memes are "ironic."

>> No.13095816

I'm strangely amused by Josh driver, niggy and even biblical.jpg, but maybe it's because Warosu still retains some of the old Jay funposting spirit, while this place is getting progressively stiffer.

>> No.13095820

Maybe you should stay there and not come back.

>> No.13095839

>old Jay funposting spirit
how far you do even need have to head up your ass to believe this

>> No.13095840
File: 64 KB, 553x546, 1330546251636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should suck his cock, dude.

Newer memers suck because they can't grasp something as simple as the concept of irony.

If you go to /a/ and/or /v/ they actually failed to grasp what was the point of ironic posting, that's how fucking retarded they are, and they are the majority so everything they say will became the norm, wanna blame someone? blame /a/ and /v/, all the rads meme are always born in /jp/ and get ruined by outside boards.

>> No.13095856

>the concept of irony.
It got abused as "a blanket justification for anything retarded you want to do" and most people lost their thirst for it.

>> No.13095880

The problem is the speed at which the internet moves now. Way back, if something was funny it would migrate from forum to forum over months, if not years. Now, everyone wants to be a part of the hot new thing before it's yesterday's news, there's no time to filter out the good from the bad and we end up with Harlem Shake.

>> No.13095885

>Harlem Shake

The first time I saw one of those videos, the feeling of "wanting to protect memes" blossomed with me, it died after a few weeks.

>> No.13095896

i cant do that on my mobile device, no way to save web.m

>> No.13095918

What is this?

>> No.13095921

The source of the webm, of course.

>> No.13095925

How can you find biblical amusing? It's just light gore spam.

>> No.13095933

I've never seen this cartoon where is it from? Why is the girl getting a boners?

>> No.13095939


>> No.13095941
File: 72 KB, 999x822, dank slayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only memes worth existing are one of sufficient dankness

>> No.13095945

/jp/ was a fucking mistake

>> No.13095952


>> No.13095987

Think about it this way;

When I first started watching anime on VHS i thought the high school rom-com was the best genre, until a few years later when I realized it was shit.

New things are mostly intriguing, but watch them over and over and you begin to hate them because they're actually shit.

Same thing as South Park, the first year was amazing since it was new and fresh potty humor, but then you realize it's actually shit.

Everything's shit, learn to deal with it.

>> No.13096076

>my taste is shit
>everything must be shit
k buddy beck

>> No.13096076,1 [INTERNAL] 

Today, I will bring the best new meme to the jay. Just you wait W, just you wait, you'll never forget this one

>> No.13096144

is Madoka and or Homura on jp a meme.

>> No.13096145

good one.

>> No.13096145,1 [INTERNAL] 

If you force it as hard as the rest of the recent garbage I won't have a chance to forget.

>> No.13096145,2 [INTERNAL] 

Don't worry, I won't need to force anything, the children shall do all the work for me…

>> No.13096145,3 [INTERNAL] 

a true meme catches on effortlessly

>> No.13096145,4 [INTERNAL] 

Tell me what you want made into a meme, and it shall be done. Believe in me, I shall grant your wish without fail

>> No.13096145,5 [INTERNAL] 

literally play runescape and i still dont get this meme

>> No.13096291

You just realized this, OP

>> No.13096291,1 [INTERNAL] 

runescape is for literal subhumans

>> No.13096291,2 [INTERNAL] 

yeah so what

>> No.13096313

>perpetually stuck in 2001
I'm stuck in 2005.
My brain keeps telling me that I'm 25 regardless of the years going by.
I'm not certain what it is about 25. Maybe that's when I wanted to stop aging?

>> No.13096313,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13096318


It is your mind desperately trying to pretend that you aren't actually a Christmas cake.

>> No.13096318,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why do japs like that shit
those things are literally disgusting

>> No.13096337

Hmm... I don't think so.
I had serious relationships in my 20's and it sucks .. I wish I hadn't.
And I don't want a relationship ever again.
Also, I was a dumbass in my 20's. And, women are very silly in their 20's.
Actually I think it is as I've got nothing in common with most men my age... most chose to become tools.

"Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen." -- Mark Twain

>> No.13096339

I got married at 25.. so I think that has something to do with it.
Thank Thor I didn't have a child.

>> No.13096348

Does playing video games on AOL kid portal make me Internet savvy or do I have to actually tslk to people and vlc are about community to make the cut?

>> No.13096356
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>> No.13096360

>and vlc are about community to make the cut?
How about doing your best to into English first?

>> No.13096380

vlc is bad, use mpc instead

>> No.13097220

epic thread
meta depression is the ne/v/ /jp/

>> No.13097451

>Now everyone knows about them and you can get them on shirts and shit and with age you realize that that sort of "secret club" mentality is stupid.

This was the major reason I enjoyed being around /jp/. The elitist attitude towards everything and the impression that we are different from the majority. Being proud of being a NEET and being a minor proxy of Futaba while playing a handful of porn with plot games. Now everybody knows about them, the games, the memes. We don't offer more than other places any more, there is no reason to be proud and looking down on normies any more because they already know everything we do. And being an elitist where this is coming from is just pointless. They know what we know, and even more.

>> No.13097469
File: 2.92 MB, 686x720, 1349680598733.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does a middle-aged normie divorcee end up on /jp/?

>> No.13097476

It was always fucking stupid to begin with.

>> No.13097478

How do the endless amounts of greentexting retards, general thread creating buttwipes and /v/ideogame enthusiasts end up on /jp/?

>> No.13097490

They want to be part of the ironic shitposting butthole that we are known for on the rest of the site?

>> No.13097496

Because there are constant redirects to said threads from /v/ and /vg/ and these people start going to other threads because they feel they belong here thanks to one shitty general?

Seriously, the amount of butt-mad and asinine mad I've seen in a few 2hu threads and even the usual fun threads is insane.

There are people who come from other boards, and get UPSET over things this board likes.

>> No.13097519

There's always a reason to look down on normies. It's just impossible to do it on behalf on /jp/ now that it's infested with them as much as the rest of 4chan.

I used to enjoy being around /jp/ because people here were actually trying to live up to the elitist image. It was an "exclusive" club of not acting like a meme-spouting idiot.

>> No.13097525

At some point if you hang around long enough you realize that most supposed elitists are actually just retards acting like elitists.

Still beats retards acting like retards, though.

>> No.13097661

moot's parting shot, the constant redirects, people from other boards thinking /jp/ must be for Japanese stuff and coming here to discuss what is in fact their board's material.

Also, janitor went into hibernation.

>> No.13097700

>people from other boards thinking /jp/ must be for Japanese stuff
It's really for NEET stuff and shitposting, amirite?

>> No.13097713

Those 'senile old wizards' are just as unfunny as yourselves and could have made memes just as shitty as what /jp/ has now. The problem with /jp/ is that while having 'been here since 2008' cred may impose some kind of seniority towards new people here they tend to associate them with the real geniuses that made this place worthwhile, developing a complex that makes such people try hard to please these people resulting in shitty unfunny half-assed turd cleansed before reaching page 1. The truth is that they're just the same whiny audiences just like you, the creative ones are the guys running the show.

>> No.13097735

Even if that's true (it isn't, just look at some proclaimed "Visual novel authorities" around the net and see for yourself), please do it for /jp/.

Elitism is a good tradition and it keeps the retards out.

I miss Aikido and other sort of spam to destroy shitty threads when needed.
It's about "otaku culture", which is beyond jap stuff.

A shame that the maniac definition wasn't used.

>> No.13097752

>NEET stuff
Otaku Culture is very very much related to NEET stuff
I'd like to see one board without it, this is one of those things that just happens on 4chan and I don't think there's any direct way to stop it from happening.

Seriously though, people do make threads outside of /jp/ rules all the time, like travel threads and threads that are already present on /int/.

>> No.13097753
File: 33 KB, 492x479, asuka_how_disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe that there is anyone on 4chan, or rather the entire internet that hasn't seen the source for this or at least know what it is. If you only watch shit like Naruto you still know what that webm is, Jesus Christ.

>> No.13097759

You were half right, NEET stuff does belong in /jp/, shitposting on the other hand, doesn't.

>> No.13097760

I'm sorry, anon, I'm not a anime buff ;_;

>> No.13097764
File: 75 KB, 1067x800, pictures of what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sorry, anon, I'm not a anime buff ;_;
>I'm not an anime buff
>not an anime buff

>> No.13097766

Oh wow, you have a whole fucking webm, and you can't source it. How useless.

I'm going to take pity on you, and te

>> No.13097770

-ll you to fuck off. wwwwwwwwwwwwwww

>> No.13097772

are you a anime pro?

>> No.13097772,1 [INTERNAL] 

shut up

>> No.13097772,2 [INTERNAL] 

lol at this faggot

/jp/ is a tragic comedy

>> No.13097772,3 [INTERNAL] 

can someone tell me what the op screencap is from like gimme a video link or something maybe?

>> No.13097772,4 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13097772,5 [INTERNAL] 

why would i ask if i wasn't being serious idiot
