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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13072458 No.13072458 [Reply] [Original]

Which MMOs are /jp/ playing these days? Pic related, I want a window into /jp/'s vidcon habits

>> No.13072462
File: 36 KB, 400x665, 1342923453379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, shit, wrong picture.

>> No.13072517

Uhhh Yume Nikki is not an mmo...
I know its not jp but i recently started playng elsword, before that i played Tera

>> No.13072531


I wouldn't mind playing Tera again, but I'm on a shitty ultrabook. no peropero for me

>> No.13072581

Is this the new rpg maker thread?
Why have battle-less games become so popular?

>> No.13072611


>> No.13072614

Guild Wars 2, but I have no one to play with so I've just been logging in and out for the daily stuff.

>> No.13072621

some people just want to play games for the story. battles get in the way.

>> No.13072624

battlefield 4

>> No.13072635
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Waiting on Skyforge and Black Desert, want to get back into WoW, but that sub and also get back into Guild wars 2.

>> No.13072644
File: 1.95 MB, 1920x1080, holy shit i'm doing it .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black desert, although i have no idea what the fuck i'm doing because of all the korean

>> No.13072670


That's depressingly honestly realistic. Looks like any Korean waitress in any Korean restaurant. Needs more plastic surgery

>> No.13072675

Your character is ugly as hell dude.

>> No.13072676

I don't really play it anymore because it's boring but I still go on Tera for the cute elin costumes.

>> No.13072680

don't worry. that's the default character, before anything was done

i was just excited to have made it that far, because it kept crashing

>> No.13072691

Do you still need to have a korean person make an account for you?

>> No.13072795
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who here

>> No.13073506
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HH reporting in.
Too bad ZUN sold his soul to Sony, the mainline games would have been a hood fit for the (N)3DS.

>> No.13074399
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I have never encountered such long downloading times

also thinking about resubscribing to jRO.

>> No.13074412

Good thing he didn't

>> No.13074437

Quit shilling for consoles.

>> No.13074452

No one playing FFXIV?

>> No.13074456

I was making a joke. I am aware that the announcement only concerned doujinshi games.
I am in no way affiliated with either Nintendo, Sony, or any other manufacturer of (handheld) gaming consoles.

>> No.13074467

You don't need to be "affiliated" to shill.

One can shill for free.

>> No.13074470

Why? What would I gain from that?
Are you trying to pull my leg?

>> No.13074478

I dunno, you have your reason, maybe you like them a little too much.

But people can shill for free, it's another word for "fanboying".

>> No.13074488

Phantasy Star Online 2 !

>> No.13074506

If it offends you less, I'd also like to see it on any other undisclosed console I currently own, since I'm paying about 50% on top of the retail price for shipping and import taxes currently, an absolutely redundant overhead that could be prevented using the consoles' manufacturers' retail channels, and prefer a gamepad-like input over keyboard and mouse for every type of game except grand strategy, real time strategy, 4X-exploration type games and classic/arena shooters.
Also, advertising is a bannable offence under global rule #11.

>> No.13074518

I personally don't care for what consoles you own or how you play, as long as you don't shill for Touhou or any games on consoles.

>> No.13074524

And vice versa?

>> No.13074530

And vice versa, you get another "please don't shill for consoles" post from me.

>> No.13074540

I was referring to whether or not you would say the same if I asked for a console game to be ported to PC.
Unless this was your answer to that question, in which case you're obviously biased, and I feel like we will not gain a common ground to walk on.

>> No.13074605

I guess I'd say "please don't shill for PC", and that'll be the end of it.

>> No.13075141
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Expensive useless armors simulator

>> No.13075390


>> No.13076575
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>> No.13076581

ffxiv was fun but im too neet for that monthly sub

>> No.13076693

Sell items for cash to self-fund.

>> No.13076700

Is that viable? I hear people do that on EVE but they have to put in 50+ hours a week

>> No.13076738

I have a friend that does Incursions. He can afford to PLEX his account after two hours. It's insane.

>> No.13076753

>they have to put in 50+ hours a week

You're a neet do that shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.13077038

Look up greedygoblin. It is absolutely absurd how easy it is to get insane amounts of money if you're not a moron.

>> No.13079452


>> No.13080565

It's just a game, anon.

>> No.13080887
File: 2.30 MB, 3200x1958, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much are you looking forward to Dragon's Dogma Online, /jp/?


>> No.13080920

Not at all, the first game was bad.

>> No.13080934

What did you dislike?

I guess the performance was pretty bad on both PS3 and X360, but besides that I'd say it was pretty good.

>> No.13080944

I played for a few hours and I really couldn't get interested. The experience just felt so generic to me, it might not have helped that I got it about a year after release because I heard it was good, maybe if I went in with no expectations I would have been pleasantly surprised instead of disappointed.

>> No.13081554

Why would anyone take a pretty okay game and design and ruin it with micro-transactions and MMO design?

Rather just keep playing Monster Hunter.

>> No.13081820

my nigga

>> No.13082207

please don't "my nigga" here
