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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 247 KB, 686x747, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13064743 No.13064743 [Reply] [Original]

last thread: >>13053982

Lord of Valkyrie:

Millennium War Aigis:

Lord of Valkyrie links:
>English wiki:
>Japanese wiki:
>/jp/ player list:
>Grind table by an anon:

Millennium War Aigis links:
>Newbie guide:
>Japanese ULMF thread:
>English ULMF thread:
>Japanese Wiki #1:
>Japanese Wiki #2:

Miscellaneous links:
>Staff Twitter:

>> No.13064756

and by the way, where'd video anon go

>> No.13064768

Reposting English Aigis wiki from the last thread, though it's pretty barren atm.


>> No.13064808
File: 101 KB, 935x332, Unbenannt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any point to keeping Bronze units around or should I just feed them off?

>> No.13064823

There is a male only map.
Low-cost battles, rush battles which would require low cost units to counter the zerg. Or having a quick save when you experience a block leakage. Bronze soldier can go down to 4 cost.

>> No.13064830

I see, so to cost reduce them I just have to feed the same type to one Unit?
Does it increase the chance if you feed four of them at once?

>> No.13064842

>same type
It has to be the same name/unit.
Also it would go down only by chance. I'm not sure if combining 4 copies would improve the chance than doing it one by one. Maybe someone else can confirm.

Bronze units go down by 2 cost, silver and above by 3.

>> No.13064886


Don't know if the chances are better, but the chances are bad enough that feeding 4 at a time isn't a bad move. Min-cost Bronze dudes are your saviours until you get so many Silver copies you can make them the same cost.

>> No.13065025

todays daily doesnt seem to be worth it, what do u think? at least the easy one but I heard the second one is damn hard

>> No.13065035
File: 89 KB, 675x440, 【鉄LV1のみ】 癒しの至宝 合成魔獣☆2+欠片全回収.flv_snapshot_01.00_[2015.02.17_04.51.42].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I underestimated irons until I saw

Basically the closer you get to min cost the worse the chance is. More units just mean more attempts.

Same type mattering for combining is not even a thing in JP until later this month.

That site has various stuff from data mining (from before they fixed being able to do that around Q4 2014 I gather)

tl;dr that last cost point is generally a 25% chance.

For the last skill level it's a LOL good luck 5% for combining a unit with the EXACT same skill, 25% if you're using a rainbow spirit.

>> No.13065083

>3 platinum spirits
>no gold or black

and only platinum I have is a princess

>> No.13065087

anyone knows the drop rate of black spirit from daily?

>> No.13065094

I need some advice on the last Witch Drill.
The last monster absolutely rapes my party, how do I 3 Star this mission?

>> No.13065100

This helped me

>> No.13065111
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what is the difference between Christy A and Furorika?

>> No.13065155

Is Gatehouse battle a huge roadblock for anyone else? I've only got 7 ranged and they can't beat the last wave of flying shit, neither can my ground forces survive there.

>> No.13065237

silver spirit palette swap is the black spirit
pink is rainbow spirit, raises skill levels

>> No.13065336

Before i potentially waste the rainbow spirit i got anyone mind clarifying how it works? Does using it by itself give a high a chance of skill up? or does it raise the chance of getting it when combining with another unit with same skill?

>> No.13065402
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This guy is a beast, I got extremely lucky after a bad streak with the summoning.

>> No.13065431
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>so i got this guy and large shield maiden bernice, any advice on which one i should focus on leveling for now?

>> No.13065483


>> No.13065513

after rolling in like 6 accounts the best ones I got:
acc1:Bernice Julian Themis
acc2:Nanaly and nothing more
Which one should I got with?I think the acc1 has some pretty decent units but Nanaly is my first black roll and is an archer

>> No.13065518

Bernice and Julian will carry you further than Nanaly. Themis on top of that is great. Go with acc1, IMO.

>> No.13065618

I would honestly go with Account 2. You would be horrified at how good a Black Ranged is at carrying your army. And a lot of Event Maps are most easily solved by high DPS.

>> No.13065695

nutaku devs pls if you are reading this thread, fix the aigis game deletion

>> No.13065790

looks like I'm going to need third opinion to break the tie
I have been back and forward for the last hour and I can't decide.
If only the account with Nanaly have gotten at least one more decent unit.

>> No.13065824

Fuck, give me the Nanaly Account if you're not going to use it; 7 rerolls and still no Black.

>> No.13065871

>gonna do my last 2 draws for a long while

RNG god pls

>> No.13065897

About 7 accounts too, best I got on one acc is a gold mage and gold healer.

Is the account reset fixed yet?

>> No.13065916
File: 340 KB, 939x631, phantom thief QTπ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does this treasure hunting skill work? i'm guessing she has to be deployed and not just in the party. does it increase the chance for every enemy killed or just the ones she kills?

>> No.13065922

She only needs to be in the party. In counts towards all enemies.

>> No.13065931

are some black more rare than others or do they all have same drop rate from the lottery? excluding the ones that dont drop from lottery

>> No.13065937

nice. 2% isn't a lot but i'll take it.

>> No.13065998

It's a lot higher than it looks because the 2% is a flat rate, rather than +2% of base.

>> No.13066024

In the jp aegis when you enter the shrine you will see a banner with the units who get a chance-up.
Meaning they got 1/3 to appear but only if you roll that rarity.

>> No.13066071
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>tfw you pick a mission and select the wrong party but pass anyway

>> No.13066080

What should be my goal after getting most of my team to Level 20?
Focus on one unit and bring it up to 50 for evolution?

>> No.13066103
File: 437 KB, 783x950, 48763294_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much longer til the strongest unit arrives?

>> No.13066188

roughly 2 years at Nutaku speed.

>> No.13066225
File: 242 KB, 546x363, Gems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So can anyone who plays JP Aegis tell me what these crystals are for? You can see them at day 6, 17, and 22.

>> No.13066237

SP crystals, you use 5 of them for a SP Summon. You can also get them from Great Subjugation.

>> No.13066239

Ohhhh ok I see now, thanks.

>> No.13066255

Whats the best way to level from 40 to 50?

I haven't managed to beat gatehouse battle but I have 90k gold to spend to help with leveling, I wanna use it efficiently.

>> No.13066355

just making sure we dont even have to plop her right?

>> No.13066401

Nope all she has to be is in your placeable units and you get the boost.

>> No.13066430
File: 77 KB, 583x399, Reroll #1 continued.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do multiple copies stack?
Do you know other characters that have farm worthy skills?

I'm glad I rerolled, to those rerolling, don't give up. Just don't force it or you'll question the meaning of life.

>> No.13066473

Multiple copies do not stack.
Only other farmer skills that are already in Nutaku are Betty (The Red Rouge you have there) after Awakening.

>> No.13066567

Either a level 20+ bronze with 3 matching fairies or a exp armor + 3 matching fairies if they are above plat.

>> No.13066571
File: 237 KB, 961x641, valerie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd fuck Valerie

>> No.13066625

is there a full list of titles somewhere? i'm just curious what they are

>> No.13066638
File: 528 KB, 960x640, SemenAngel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather a Chloe

>> No.13066640

Read the wiki.

>> No.13066649

no Chloe for u you ll have to do with Valerie

>> No.13066664

I uploaded 4 new videos today. But been a bit busy rerolling.

>> No.13066718

>remnant vanquish 2
>enemies spawn an inch away from the exit zones
>4 exit zones
>fucking zerg rush
>can't tell which exit zone any of them are headed toward based on the spawn
>doesn't matter not enough UPs and enemies just run by me


>> No.13066729

If I remember from my JP map, to 3 star it, I needed 4 lvl ~20 silver+ soldiers.

>> No.13066737

even the process of levelling units takes ages

>> No.13066742

I used 3 bronze soldiers (not even mincost) with my main army for 3 stars. Withoust bronzes for 2 stars.
You just need to block southern road and center point of map.

>> No.13066743

>Meanwhile on JP
>10 Platinum Armors
>No Fairies to feed them with
The ride just doesn't end.

>> No.13066746

Default drop Bronze Soldiers and Iron Heavy armors helped me there.

>> No.13066767

Wolf Pack is a pretty good farming spot.
Level 12 units for feeding and XP is nice too.

>> No.13066779

when it comes to evolving SR's is it best to have both cards be at max level or is it ok to have only card at max level?

>> No.13066784

does it worth spending 3 crystals for the 1.5g 15 days if I wont use cash on the game?

>> No.13066803

You probably get more value out of refilling stam for the monday gold armor daily.

>> No.13066812

Just do gold dailies and the gold won't be a problem. Spend it on permanent things like unit box expansion or risking it on premium summon.

>> No.13066816

I don't actually believe that. I get 3375 from farming Deep Forest Road, and that daily gave me 4500. I can do a LOT more Deep Forests in the 2 weeks than I can in 2 days of the daily.
And the fact that it applies everywhere.

>> No.13066819


Not bad, now you just need to get an EXP armour next Monday and you have 8000 EXP for your princess.


Personally I went with 3 Lv 12 bronze (from The Wolfpack) and 1 fairy.


None of them spawn in the upper half, so that middle chokepoint and the 2 lower exits are all that need to be blocked. You do have bronze soldiers right?

>> No.13066828


If you're going to grind at all, max out both halves before evolving. Not every SR deserves 4M though.


1.2 EXP however, makes a big difference since levelling up refills your Cha.

>> No.13066841

No, the armors sell for 6k a pop.

>> No.13066852

what SR's are considered best for 4m?

>> No.13066858

All of them are worth a 4m. They just outclass rares...Save for Luca, she is ridiculous.

>> No.13066864

What is more efficient with Stamina if I want Silver Fairies, doing this Daily or the 1 Stamina challenge quests?

>> No.13066874

1 stamina challenge quest

>> No.13066892

so any videos with the mens battle? not even gonna try it myself

>> No.13066910

I have got to get it in my head "wolves" = "zerg rush" in Aigis.


That's down to your damage tastes, but Sandra and Rebecca (coincidentally the easiest SRs to get) are not worth 4M. 2S2M gets you most of the way there and in the long-run they can't hit hard enough to matter for lategame bosses.

Your checklist should be:
- Wind type?
- Initiative
- Skill damage
- Crit rate

>> No.13066942

>implying we will ever get to see late game bosses

>> No.13066951


>> No.13066962

So I have a CC'd healer, archer, armour and mage. What should be my next CC target? Witch?

>> No.13066970

do they plan on doing the same events as nip?

>> No.13066982

i think they said they are planing too but not at the same speed as DMM

>> No.13066989

> not at the same speed
As expected

>> No.13067026

> not at the same speed as DMM

>> No.13067031

slower... and with no loli

>> No.13067036

aka just move to JP Aegis, there is actually NO reason to play Nutaki Aegis. If you played Nutaku Aegis you know what buttons do already, questions can be answered here easily.

>> No.13067042

B-But, I want to read semen demon H-Scenes.

Also, lewdness like Lilia asking to hold hands.

>> No.13067044

CCing Katie is the best thing I've done

>> No.13067046

>implying we'd have better chances of getting waifus there
>implying I'd abandon the waifus I have now

>> No.13067050

I still carry the EOP curse.
It's relaxing to see English letters while playing an already stressful game since I'm pushing through the story without grinding enough.

>> No.13067051

looking at kanji gives me headache

>> No.13067056

you're on a Japanese board and you don't know Japanese characters?

>> No.13067057

If you want to stick to a game that is not going to be updated or get events for upwards of 4-5 months that is your call.

If LoV is any indication with it's what 3 months of no updates, Aegis is going to be slow going too.

>> No.13067059

Unlike LoV though, the storyline actually takes awhile here, and is challenging. Honestly, it'll probably take most people around 3 months just to clear the vanilla storyline. Not mentioning the new story maps.

>> No.13067063

I only went as far as remembering hiragana and katakana. I can read a bit of kanji characters but that would add up to the stress while playing.

>> No.13067066

jokes on you i already cleared it without cash

>> No.13067068

You cleared 42 Charisma (possibly 72 Charisma for Nutaku Version, since it's using an outdated version) Immortal Demon with Triple Liches?

>> No.13067073

I find that hard to believe, screenshots.

>> No.13067077

While I don't doubt that Aigis updates will take their time, LoV isn't really a good example when Nutaku has gone on record saying... well, I'll quote it from the Q&A pastebin.

>Q: Also, any ETA for the walkure patch?
>A: The Walkure update, I don't have an ETA for. We've done everything on our end; the remaining work is on the JP side (Smilemaker).
We're asking them to finish it as swiftly as possible. I can say that there will be ~50 new Valkyries and 25 more quest levels.

Regardless, it hasn't even been a week since Aigis has been up, so it's far too early to call. I'm giving Nutaku the benefit of the doubt in that they're not understaffed or twiddling their thumbs or anything, since they're apparently still working on releasing future DMM titles. And thus far, they haven't been slouches with communication, for the most part.

>> No.13067087

the whole working on other DMM titles is what worries me. I have to wonder just how big the staff is. Now they have to update two games while working on future DMM titles.

Also if the JP side of things is taking this long to push out updates there was no point to even testing the waters for these games as people will just drop off after a dry period (months) of no updates, making it look like there was zero interest.

>> No.13067091

A strong single target unit, such as a valkyrie, rogue, or berserker.

>> No.13067099

Should I CC Tactictian Jerome if I have him instead?
I'm kinda torn as Male units seems harder to gain affection for.

>> No.13067110

what a coincidence me too :D

>> No.13067118

Fuck off.

>> No.13067120

Maybe we can get them to do another Q&A here for Aigis.

>> No.13067128

That would be nice, granted I think we would probably get more of the same responses we got last time but who knows.

>> No.13067130


LoV (and Aigis) was a case of "we don't know if this will float at all, let's get out the minimal viable product". As frustrating as it is for players, it's good business sense - you don't commit further until you have a proven demand. Now that we've provided the proof, they're assigning more resources (read: hiring more people). But all that takes time to setup. Strictly from a business perspective, LoV isn't moving slowly. It's just that from a gamer's perspective, not having fresh updates ready in advance is agony. But while you may disagree with Nutaku's risk strategy, you can't instantly dismiss it as stupid.

>> No.13067137


At max level CC, Katie's stats are
hp 1469 atk299 def229
Jerome's stats are
hp 1661 atk383 def258

At 100 favorability Katie would get 66 def which would put her at 295 def. At 50 favorability Jerome would get 25 atk and 10 def, putting him at 408 atk and 268 def.

The massive gap in health and atk isn't worth 27 more defense, and it'll only get larger when you awaken.

>> No.13067144

I never called it stupid by any means, I know full well it was a very smart business decision but from the perspective of someone playing the game it gives me the sense of "well this game is dead to me, I've done everything" and by the time they get out meaningful updates it may very well be too late.

>> No.13067164


Hmm, her cost would rise by 3 but she'd be generating 15 points... Very tempting. Kinda want Kerry as a mid-stage one-shotting valkyrie though. Well, I need to first get to gold fairy farming.

>> No.13067177

Kerry is actually considered worse than Silver Valkyrie Mischa until you Awaken Kerry. (50CC60).

>> No.13067183


True, they are going to lose players. But from a business perspective, this isn't a problem as they just attract new players in. A feat much easier once they have some more content and it's all fresh to them. We've laid out the community knowledge for them to get up to speed.

Yeah, it's no consolation to the first generation who feel it's time to move on.

>> No.13067185

so ure doing like one CC per day, how that even possible? :O Ive been nolifing for the whole day and only managed to get Soma from lvl 17 to 35, even tho I used a few silver fairies too

>> No.13067189

>it may very well be too late

...for people who started when the game was launched.

>> No.13067193

He likely got lucky during the Monday Daily (or spent tons of Crystals to restore Stamina/Charisma for it). A single Platinum Armor with 3 Fairies can bring a unit from lvl 1 to lvl 40.

>> No.13067204

Yeah that is true, it's all to be seen. It's too early to call it for Aegis. I wonder how LoV is doing player number wise though.

>> No.13067207

There's supposed to be an update this week, so likely the number will jump back up.

>> No.13067218

>A single Platinum Armor with 3 Fairies can bring a unit from lvl 1 to lvl 40.
Damn, is farming on Normal viable? I don't think I can handle hard with my mostly level 20 party.

>> No.13067223

Perhaps. I already hit level 70 in LoV with 3 4m SRs and the full op gear set (win stick, cup, and robe) so unless it's an event I can't see myself bothering. The whole "I've done everything worthwhile" problem showing.

>> No.13067227

Please lurk more.
It is considered improper etiquette to use emoticons on this site.

>> No.13067234
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>> No.13067237
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>> No.13067250

i'm trying the daily today one more time, first 2 tries i got no drops. this fucking game i swear

>> No.13067257

I've reduced my playtime to farming endgame quests and just focusing on leveling my Delta, and I'm holding off on spending my lottery points until the update. I have enough miles to get a Hana, but in case I make a purchase I'll regret...

>> No.13067263

Was like that for me on Friday too. Out of three easy runs, I only got one drop. Granted, it was a platinum fairy, but still.

>> No.13067283

acknowledged, forgive me fellow anons

>> No.13067288

who grinding the wolfpack here?

>> No.13067294

Right here, easiest units and XP by far. Just set up your units in a minute, fast forward and tab out to do something else.

>> No.13067301


The initial rush and the damn archers keep me from afk'ing it though. I probably need to level my units a bit more.

>> No.13067313


Wow, that really wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. I just brought all the fodder I had and all my bronze units. An iron mage was key to killing the fatty at the end. Until then, Eunice on point, min-cost bronze soldiers and archers, prince at back, cycle units as they get low on health. Since you fill your entire team with fodder, you won't run out of tanks before the 10 enemy units die.


1.2 EXP bonus for 3 crystals - makes your nolifing so much more efficient as you get your cha refills quicker. Burning more crystals to refill stamina to keep the fairy flow up - I think I've eaten 20 silver fairies by now. Not had to cash yet, I just didn't premium gacha.

Oh and lucked out on Monday with 2 EXP armours. That helped a lot (for just 1 crystal to refill stamina).


Was, but now that it's no longer weekend I'm grinding Return to Ruins for better fodder.

>> No.13067427

is there a reason to keep 2 same gold card or platinum or black? Should I just feed one of them to other or wait, CC them both and then feed?

>> No.13067440

It all depends on the unit.

>> No.13067445

Depends on each individual unit. Some units benefit very little from either skill up or cost reduction. For example, Black Archer Nanaly and Black Pirate Minerva both have skills that gain almost nothing from being skilled up. So a lot of people will just level and use both copies instead of feeding one to the other. Other units gain huge boosts in duration / effect from leveling up their skill.

>> No.13067453
File: 395 KB, 850x1200, 48788347_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest this waifu for the next OP.

>> No.13067462

I got 2 copies of this >>13065916
btw now I think about it if I add both in my team does the affection drop rate bonus become 4%?

>> No.13067470

No it does not stack, and you only really need 1 assassin at a time, so do what you will with the other one.

>> No.13067483


>> No.13067501

But when do I feed her? after CC?

>> No.13067505

can anyone clarify what rainbow fairy does? is it a freebie skill upgrade or just skill chance boost when upgrading with another unit of the same skill. meaning that i need another one. would help to know as to not waste it

>> No.13067537

You can do it now, you keep the -1 cost and stuff even after CC.

>> No.13067546

but I don't get the skill up after CC right? when the roman numeral increases

>> No.13067558
File: 427 KB, 721x824, 196a008b378caa8e92497b40e4c9132e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more waifu

>> No.13067565

Now that I'm not 100% sure on but I THINK the skill up carries over through CC. Someone else may be able to confirm.

>> No.13067582

Skill up doesn`t carry on if the skill changes after CC. Cuterie`s skill changes from HealⅡ→HealⅢ

>> No.13067600

so you have to go through all the CC process just to increase 1 skill point of Heal III?
how about awakening, does the skill changes after that too?

>> No.13067626

Assuming they release a first event for Aigis, is the average level of 30 enough to fully complete the event?

>> No.13067636

No, there is never a skill change after awakening. The ability Treasure Hunting (Gems) becomes 2%→4%

>> No.13067779

Not even close. You know the Dailies? Even the hardest dailies usually only match up with the "Noob-Tier" Event Maps. The DMM Devs recommend the following levels for your entire army:
Lvl 1 units for Beginner Tier
Lvl 25 units for Intermediate Tier
Lvl 50 for Senior Tier
Lvl 50CC25 for Extreme Tier
Lvl 50CC50 for God Tier (but only the ones that aren't DPS-reliant.)
By the way, these are the recommended levels to get a single star (in other words, at those levels, you're on the knife's edge of failing the mission entirely failing unless you figure out some super secret strategy).

>> No.13067785

Thanks for the info.

>> No.13067806

why is japan so autistic?

>> No.13067819

Because they know the Gaijin Piggu is willing to shell out plenty of money to avoid grinding. I've heard one of the Chinese Aegis Communities did a poll of how much their members cashed out for Aegis, and like ~60% of them paid $500 or more.

>> No.13067871
File: 640 KB, 941x1435, 46935082_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting the version of her cosplaying as Memento.

>> No.13067874

For god tier is that expecting plat/black tier units only too?

>> No.13067895

Not for the 1*, if you want 3* you could probably do it with only Golds though (as long as some of them are Awakened). The Tier doesn't always match up right though. As in there are some God Tier that feel like they should be in a Tier of their own (there was one really shitty God Tiery Map that made you fight like 6-7 Liches at once). There are also some God Tier maps that you can exploit (through super secret strategy) and get a 2* with shitty Silver units.

And then there's other retarded shit. Like in the current JP event, one of the Senior Tier maps is harder than the Extreme Tier. I saw people who were using full teams of Awakened Blacks (50CC80AW40+) who were struggling to get a 3* because of how multi-tasking intensive it was.

>> No.13067913

>~60% of them paid $500 or more
Jesus Christ, I vow to never pay a single cent on browser games.

>> No.13067954

This, i'm interested as well

>> No.13067961

You wait til you have a unit with almost maxed skill first. Because Rainbow Fairies have a much higher chance of success than using a regular unit.

>> No.13067984

Chances of skill up (Lv5MAX unit)
Normal / 100%→50%→25%→5%
Rainbow fairy / 100%→75%→50%→25%

>> No.13068008

when i class evolve a unit does the LV of the fodder matter?

>> No.13068022 [DELETED] 

What happened to Mischa as a reward for 3 Star Citadel?

>> No.13068029


Nutaku released the game incomplete, so a few early units are missing including: Mischa (Silver Valkyrie), Christopher (Male Silver Healer), Claire (Gold Archer), Bella (Gold Archer who will probably get either stuffed or replaced), Nenya (Silver Witch, also either stuffed or replaced probably).

I'm not sure if Nutaku is just gonna send out free copies to everyone later who made an account before X Date or what though.

>> No.13068257
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Just started playing and just wondered what class change does precisely, is it just a lvl reset with stat boosts or does the class actually change into something more useful?

>> No.13068261

I just got my second Luca. What should I do with them? Evolve now or max them first? I'm still kinda new, so I don't have unlimited gold yet.

>> No.13068266

The first one for sure, but sometimes the second as well, depending on the class. For example, Ninjas change into "Ninja Masters" but basically stay the same after Class Change, but reset back to lvl 1 with higher stats and slightly higher cost. But Soldiers after Class Change turn into "Soldier Chiefs" and can Block 3 enemies at once instead of just 2. Healers change into "Priests" and gain longer range.

>> No.13068279


>> No.13068316

anyone have a site that shows strategies for beating these maps?

I can't get past chapter 23

>> No.13068326

check the wiki they have videos, or you can search the quest on youtube

>> No.13068353

These people, seriously. He made a video for clearing a low-level map only with silvers. The catch is that all his silvers are 50CC'd. What's the fucking point?

>> No.13068433


>> No.13068444

is there any reason to choose rush battle 2 over anti air battle anti air is no work at all

>> No.13068476

Some maps have higher drop rates. Some enemies also have higher drop rates.

>> No.13068499

i see

>> No.13068507

oh a new healer awesome

>> No.13068578
File: 83 KB, 547x209, 2015-02-17 22_12_56-千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When's a good time to use fairies? I don't have any armors

>> No.13068613

When you're fusing Silver+ Units. Using fairies is a waste on anything else.

>> No.13068745

oh one more clear till rank up

>> No.13068966


Mischa, she's the full drop reward for Gatehouse battle. I guess I can put off doing that until the next update. Plenty to be spending my cha/sta on anyway.


Luca is considered one of the best Rs to 4M, though it's not essential (but do 2S2M her at least).


If you are flooding in fairies, you can use 1 with 3 high bronze fodder to get an intermediate boost.

>> No.13068983

i thought 2 healers would make bandit hideout a lot easier but its still brutal

although the main problem here was i ran out of melee units so if if i bring a few less ranged i should be able to manage i have beaten the level before with worse units

>> No.13069267

login bonus reset time

>> No.13069301

How do I class evolve?
I have 50% affection with a unit, a spare copy of them and spirits, but when i go to the page to select a base unit, they're all greyed out

>> No.13069312

Did you take off the lock of the units?

>> No.13069316

You need level 30 or higher, not 50% affection. Ideally you want them to be level 50.

>> No.13069390

oh male only battle this will be interesting

>> No.13069396

well it will be in an hour when my stamina goes up

>> No.13069440

i i think i will stick to a toast to men e i only just managed to pass a toast to men n

>> No.13069481

There is no need to rush your posts.
Always check what you typed out before hitting submit.

>> No.13069602

Trying to get Alissa to level 50 is making me broke.
What's a good way to farm Gold? I've got all these units ready for combination but no money.

>> No.13069626

the monday daily is a good source of gold

other then that you are just going to need to discharge a few units sadly

>> No.13069848

I would 4m Luca if you can, money starts to become a non issue once you get to emperors and above and you don't farm 1-1.

>> No.13069900
File: 131 KB, 325x192, Screenshot_9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, shit.

>> No.13069917

what are the rewards for today's dailies?

>> No.13069941

>attempting a toast to men on a higher difficulty than n without a healer

no thanks

>> No.13069942


>> No.13069982

It's not that bad, Sandra is currently a pretty solid card, imho, due to her high initiative. The only cards that are really better than her are the ones that are really hard to get, particularly Mabel would be my prime candidate for maxing, but good luck getting 4 of her.

The only other card with decent droprate I could justify as "better" than Sandra would be Marsha, simply because of her wind element, but Marsha's stats alone without the 50% bonus are horrible. Maybe Sharo as well for her crit chance, which makes her universally ok against any high defense boss if you don't have 3 cards that can get past the defense, but I have yet to get more than the 2 Sharos I got so far. The other thing you can do is spread out and get 2S2M characters from various different elements, in order to prepare for any elemental weakness that potential event bosses may bring in the future.

But for now, unless you already had 4 copies of one of the rare, better SRs, maxing Sandra is pretty alright, I think. It'll probably take quite a while until you can get 3 cards that are really better than a 4M Sandra.

>> No.13069984

awakening is not implemented yet?

>> No.13070002

Hmm so this is probably clear but I dont wanna do something stupid so I'll ask - to CC Soma I should rather use a copy of Daniela, not another Soma, since I wont need to train Daniela anyway, right?

>> No.13070229

Hi guys - someone mentioned you might have some questions for me.

Ask me about upcoming games, plans for Aigis & LoV, characters we're adding, etc.

Keep in mind that Nutaku is the publisher, not the game dev, so specific problems with game mechanics aren't really my field of expertise.

Proof: https://twitter.com/nutakugames/status/568077629653438464

>> No.13070277

When is the male healer coming? Are you censoring loli characters because you are bound by your country's laws? if so Which country and can you not change server location?
Also how can we talk in private?

>> No.13070304

About Aegis:
Why are you not including some characters at release like Mischa for example? Will they be included later and will players that already did the mission for them be reimbursed?
Are we going to get Events on par with the Japanese version?

>> No.13070355

We've requested the male healer to be in the upcoming update.

Our problems with Loli do not stem from personal feelings OR from the laws of the country we operate in. Changes are solely because of what type of content that major credit card companies are willing to work with.

Nutaku officially disagrees with any artistic censorship, including in gaming - but until our partners in the banking industry change their tune we have to respect their policies.

You can always send me a message at community@nutaku.net.

>> No.13070366

As many of you have noticed, we're using the (mostly) 'launch' version of Aigis. So if your favorite characters are missing, don't worry, they'll make it in. Our objective is 100% character parity for both LoV and Aigis, even if we need to tinker with the art a little. As for reimbursement, we'll figure out that hurdle when we come to it.

Yes, events are on their way.

>> No.13070382

are we going to get any events that aren't face book or twitter related cause so far with we only hot those competitions on twitter and i am not all about social media

>> No.13070390

Aside from in-game events and social media events, we'll probably get a booth at some of the upcoming Otaku conventions and give out some codes/gold/whatever there, if that's more your style.

What sort of events would you like? Always open to hearing some new ideas.

>> No.13070415

Conventions in NA I assume? Will be with you guys in spirit from Asia ;_;

Also, who does the translation and coding?

>> No.13070419

actually i was referring to the ingame events to get some new units , was just making sure we getting those at some points

>> No.13070431

I understand the Loli part and why you had to change that for the credit card companies. What I was curious about is why characters like that angel girl or the blue demon, who should've dropped from the rank 7 boss, are missing from LoV. Is it because they have wings and the credit card companies would see that as 'bestiality', or is it for religious reasons because some people might be offended by H-ing angels, or is there some completely different reason?

Since the demon is supposed to be the rank 7 drop, I doubt it's just because it's an old version of the game, but idk.

>> No.13070445

how long do you estimate it'll take for LoV and Aigis to get up to date with the JP versions?

>> No.13070462

Just NA for now, unfortunately. For those of you who can't join us, we'll run concurrent contests to at least give you a chance at scoring some of those rare characters.

Glad you asked about translation. After the somewhat mixed response to LoV dialogue, we have someone new handling that.

If you find any particularly bothersome errors, you can always mail me and we'll get it fixed.

Yes, for sure.

Those characters are all compliant and will be making it into the game without any alterations. The only one who was removed from religious reasons was Maria, and she'll be back with the next update.

>> No.13070467

There will probably always be lag of at least a month or so between content releases in JP and its adoption on our version. Not much we can do about that - we have a lot more hoops to jump through.

>> No.13070482

I have to wonder what credit card companies you are talking about, you can buy loli things from companies like Managagmer with a CC no problems. Imouto Paradise is far worse in terms of loli content and the credit card companies never blinked an eye at that.

>> No.13070507

Good point. JList has Girlish Grimoire, MangaGamer has all sorts of... interesting... content. They've beat the system, and if you find out how they do it, be sure to drop me a line.

It's possible that they're using VISA Asia, which is linked to a completely separate banking system and has a different compliance process. For a variety of technical reasons, that's not an option for us.

>> No.13070514

alright sent the mail to community@nutaku.net

>> No.13070515

Hmm, have you tried to directly ask mangagamer or JAST? I'm sure they would be more then willing to tell you.

>> No.13070551

Sort of veering into territory I can't discuss, sorry.

Regardless, we're linked to the NA/Euro banking system and we have to work within their rule set. That said, they've become considerably more flexible since launch, so expect a much greater variety of 18+ characters in our next LoV update.

>> No.13070587

Are you guys working on lag issues?

>> No.13070602

Interesting to see the word "flexible" here.

>> No.13070608

As a brief aside, I saw some comments on the previous thread about the best ways to get companies to provide full, uncensored content. Let me give my 2 cents on that.

The best way to get less censorship is to make the adult games that do come out successful. The smell of money travels very far. When iOS, Valve, etc. see the revenue they could potentially be generating, they will change their policies and open the doors to adult developers. Not only will adult games become much more widely available as distribution outlets increase (particularly now that the dreaded ESRB is increasingly becoming irrelevant), but the range of content that is considered 'acceptable' will change as well.

If you demand full uncensored games or nothing (an ironic position, since all of the Japanese content is behind pixel walls), it is very likely you will end up with nothing serious in English for at least the next decade.

>> No.13070616

Most of Aigis is handled client-side. There are a few fixes that have been suggested if you're experiencing lag, including switching to Chrome or turning off hardware acceleration. It's a resource intensive game, no doubt.

>> No.13070625

Eh I dunno about that, you say nothing but it's not that hard in the case of games like Aegis and LoW to just play it on the Japanese servers. They are not region blocked either. Now to mention there are forums and fansites that are completely dedicated to translating units, events and everything in between for us who can't speak or read moon.

I however do understand what you are saying and I kind of agree, BUT I don't expect steam to ever allow adult games onto it to be completely honest.

>> No.13070630

I won't argue with your first point - if you're willing to play in Japanese, go for it.

But in terms of Steam in particular, I disagree. They've already opened the door a crack by letting games like Hunie Pop and Everlasting Summer onto it, both of which have proven to be enormously successful.

>> No.13070641

You have a fair point, I forgot about Huniepop even if that was censored to be on steam the dev posted the way to uncensor it in the steam page itself so...Baby steps.

>> No.13070642

Question: What are the odds of an event removing silvers from summoning premium in Aigis? A coin flip chance of wasting 5 crystals on a silver are not odds I want to take, but if only gold of above could be summoned for a while...

>> No.13070646

Almost zero, JP Aegis has silver units in the 5 spin aswell. It's not going anywhere.

>> No.13070647

So Jews are why we get censorship
I finally understand it all

>> No.13070656

I've really enjoyed huniepop, I believe I've seen everlasting summer before, but the cryllic text on the title put me off a little. I'll give it a shot.

I was surprised that I didn't have to download the H content, all that had to be done was unlock files already in the assets.

tiffany is mai waifu

>> No.13070678

Yeah, sorry, there will always be a chance of "failure".

Everlasting Summer is like an eroge written by a Russian David Lynch. It's completely bizarre (and free). So check it out if you're into that sort of thing.

>> No.13070685

>Russian David Lynch

Holy shit why have I not heard of this before? I found what I'm doing today.

>> No.13070686

Drats. Well, it couldn't hurt to ask.

>> No.13070691

To be fair that "chance" of failure is like 40%, even in JP Aegis I feel that number is too high considering the cost of it.

>> No.13070694

Just booted up the game and now I've got the urge to shoot an AK

>> No.13070702

If you want to be all /pol/ about it, fine. Banks don't want to process money transfers when potential criminal liability might attach based on local statutes relating to pornography.

>> No.13070706

yeah it is just a matter of time we get unteralterbach on steam

>> No.13070710

I would laughed so fucking hard if that ever happens. I can just see the Internets response.

>> No.13070722

Make sure to download the H-patch, which is on the front page of their Steam profile.

You can always submit an in-game ticket to the developers; monetization is their call.

>> No.13070774

Alright, that's going to have to wrap it up for me today. I'll be getting back to working on the upcoming LoV update. We're aiming for next week, for those of you who are curious.

Thanks for all questions and I hope I shed some light on the direction we're taking the site. Cheers.

>> No.13070891


>> No.13070912

Thank you for stopping by the jay.

>> No.13070929

Come to jaypee again, it's always nice.

>> No.13071194


If you've done it then there's nothing to regret as what else would you have grinded up instead? You now have something solid for everything currently in the game and by the time lategame bosses show up you'll have something better prepared.


That is what I did, but I had a spare Daniela. I actually had 2 spares of Soma but did not want to sac one of them.

I suppose there is no need to have 2 silver archers for now once you have a CC'd Soma with min-cost bronze archers as backup. Don't take my word for it though, I don't know what future maps are like.


Ah darn I missed the window. But it's better your time is spent on the next update instead of answering one too many questions.

>> No.13071283

So... Anyone has a good strategy for Armor of the Dead? Trying to deal with both goblin rush and early heavies is not fun.

>> No.13071290

affection doesn't reset after CC right?

>> No.13071332

Soon I will have a 2S2M Marsha to grind up from Lv 1 again. Better get back to Quest 1-4 so I can finally start pumping a Luca too.



>> No.13071335

affection doesn't reset after CC right?

>> No.13071414

In aigis, where do I go to gather drinks for my bros?

>> No.13071480


Today's daily quest: secret drinks party (no women allowed). Until we get Christoph the sole male healer, this is much pain as you cycle through expendable dudes while deploying iron mages. Bandits make good pals when you can't afford a mage to take down fat armour.

I'm not gonna burn crystals for this until my men are stronger. I got to see Valerie's 30% trust dialogue scene at least.

>> No.13071491

At first I thought Valerie was a girl, until I tried searching for him when giving out gifts. It always hurts the first time ;_;.

>> No.13071496

>no Valerie CG
why live.

>> No.13071508

Why give him such a cute name ;_;

>> No.13071524
File: 10 KB, 293x49, Fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Badger. Cunt. Dicks.

>> No.13071533


Got stamina? Punch a quest or drill to refill.

>> No.13071555

See blue background when Aigis summons my free daily basic. Get a silver! It's Dorca...

>> No.13071569

What are the chances for each rarity out of that summon?

>> No.13071570

cant stand how slow nutaku's aigis is
oh well, not like I feel like playing it much. Im addicted to FKG for now

>> No.13071597


>> No.13071611

It's actually better if you look at it in another angle. Since the excess exp of another high exp run will carry over to the next level earning you less stamina per exp to reach next level because it refills on level up.

>> No.13071627
File: 16 KB, 293x52, exp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's going to happen a lot

>> No.13071635


>> No.13071713

Well, I also still have that auto max level evolve card I got at the start of the game. Would this be a good time to use it? I'd only have to max her I think 4 times this way.
Can we even get more of these evolve cards?

>> No.13071762

Shame, I missed NutakuDev because I was at work. Was hoping someone would ask about staff size or something. Ah well.

I like how we got Huniepop into the conversation for a moment. Kyu da best.

>> No.13071807

Tactician Jerome is frigging OP, and when you CC him he becomes an absolute beast. IMO, easily the best unit in the entire game.

>> No.13071819

Does his skill level up when you CC him?

>> No.13071828


>> No.13071839

He's not even the best unit in the Nutaku Version.

>> No.13071842

Who is then?

>> No.13071855

Black Princess Sybilla and Platinum White Lily Knight Thetis are generally accepted as the two most OP melee units in the entire game. (Both of which are already in the Nutaku Version).

Black Archer Nanaly is also better than him.

Tactician Jerome has an edge over Katie (and later Aria) because his skill starts out at Reinforcement III while theirs starts at II and becomes III after CC. But in the grand scheme of things, he's most loved for his Awakening Passive, rather than his stats as a unit.

>> No.13071989

I already got all of my crew to lvl 20.What should I do now?
Focus on cc someone?my archer?
I got Nanaly and Soma,Nanaly is better but I'm afraid shes also expensive,and I dont have any black fairy

>> No.13071993

A good CC archer will help you a lot yes, what archer would be the one you are trying to CC?

>> No.13072003

Man leveling units becomes so fucking expensive around 45.

>> No.13072008

>Unlock 1st scene for Unicorn Knight Clissa
>Dry humping, valks must be virgins.
Whoever made that rule is a fag.

>> No.13072016

Sybilla's awakening passive sounds sexy as hell. Ranged attack when not in melee combat? And it does her full attack damage? Sign me up.

>> No.13072018

Soma is a really good unit for a while due to her auto 30% favorability.

I have a lot of golds and platinums and she is one of the only two silver or lower. There's her and an iron mage I use for how cheap he costs compared to my higher rarity mages.

Though I would recommend you class change an armor, mage, or healer first. In my experience those three are the ones that have the most impact.

>> No.13072019

I happened to pull a pair of Black Witch Desparas. What the heck do I do with them? Level up both instead of the silver/gold witches, feed one to the other? I can't really imagine needing more than two witches, but maybe at some later map?

>> No.13072022
File: 332 KB, 960x640, 2015-02-18 15_33_19-千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least they were humping

>> No.13072028

Actually, correction.

One of three. Phyllis is there too.

>> No.13072051

Is it bad I got lancer Elaine to 25% affection when I don't even use her?

>> No.13072055
File: 135 KB, 799x569, Unbenannt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This capacity increase sure comes in handy.

>> No.13072065

>Unlock 1st scene for Sybilla
>Fapping together, princesses must be virgins until marriage


>> No.13072070

It's a bit of a waste, yeah. Not only that you don't use her, but her favorability gives HP only so it wouldn't have much of a impact if you do use her.

You should've used that on Mischa.

>> No.13072081


Like I said atm Nanaly and Soma are both lvl 20 I dont know who should be cc'ed first

>> No.13072095

Its fingers only for Sherry too for her first scene.

Its great how princesses can get to 100% affection without needing to evolve.

>> No.13072232
File: 250 KB, 960x640, 2015-02-18 16_25_53-千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just checked my gift box and saw her in there. Is she any good? I have no idea what I did to get her

>> No.13072236

It's the reward for reaching level 30, I believe.

>> No.13072298

oh awesome 5 whole crystals just for reaching level 20

>> No.13072309

Rogues with assassinate skill is based on RNG but when it procs, it can clean-up a bunch of fatty armors and bosses.

>> No.13072323
File: 532 KB, 872x544, 2015-02-18 16_48_35-千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that drastic change tho

>> No.13072329

woh philosopher barbastroff's event really makes you think

>> No.13072341

im still not sure what he is talking about with his staff oh wait i get it now

>> No.13072344


Exact question I wanted to ask.


I've never gotten another of those. Isn't the one you have for UC cards?


She's my go-to DPS tank when I have 2 healers in range. Heck, even with no healers in range, I can put her down to tank for herself as she kills a straggling fatty getting past the usual armour/mage gauntlet.

>> No.13072352

is there yaoi content in this game?

>> No.13072369

Well, not that I know of

>> No.13072454


there's at least one trap I know of. Dunno if they're in english though.

>> No.13072468

It seems every DMM game has at least one trap.

>> No.13072474

Can you cost reduce a CC'd unit with the regular one?
Do cost reductions carry over with the evolution?

>> No.13072476

do u know the name?

>> No.13072479

Hmm welp JP Aegis is down for maintenance, time to dabble in Nutaku Aegis for a bit I suppose.

>> No.13072481

Yes to both.

>> No.13072483


>> No.13072490

Games like these in general is a trap too. You start scheduling your time for maximum efficiency.

>> No.13072497


>> No.13072526

definitely not in game

>> No.13072527

Any advice for tomb of sorrow?Is the black armor random ?
I have seen toons of videos and in a lot of them he doesn't show up

>> No.13072540

Ran into the same problem, black armour showed up early and destroyed my crappy setup.

>> No.13072541

How exactly does Betty's awakening skill work? Every kill gets a certain amount of gold? Helps the chance of dropping gold armor in Monday daily?

>> No.13072574

20% chance of enemy dropping 100G when Betty kills a enemy. 1.5× Gold boosts from crystals is also added to this.
No, its doesn`t affect Gold Armor dropping in Monday daily.

>> No.13072594

Thank you dude.
I was thinking of investing on her and knowing that makes her a mainstay in my team.

>> No.13072630
File: 109 KB, 952x637, Unbenannt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my first CC unit.
Thank you for guiding me through these grindfilled days, /jp/.

>> No.13072724

>got basically everything i need from premium draw minus a black
>no gold or above archer

pls game, pls

>> No.13072771

Am i missing out on something? I'm reading that ppl are CCing Soma instead of Daniela, last time i checked Daniela has the higher base attack and that's what you want from an archer no?

>> No.13072779

3* Wolfpack (2 tries Hero lvl 24)
3* Tower Overwatch (1 try Hero lvl 24)
2* Armor of the Dead (1st try Hero lvl 29)
3* Return to Ruins (4 tries Hero lvl 30)

I 3 starred Return to Ruins just now. That was a tight level that needed a balanced level roster and I barely survived it. Why is this below the other missions?

>> No.13072789

it's faster to CC soma since she starts with 30 affection.

>> No.13072809

i suppose but on the other hand soma has a range boosting special

im not sure if that makes her better though

>> No.13072813

unless your me because i fucked up and used affection having soma as material instead of base for non affection having soma

>> No.13072838

It's the starting favorability.

That give her enough attack to have more than a gold archer with no favorability. Allows you to use your stuff on other girls instead.

>> No.13072843

woo new sword

>> No.13072882

That hurts. To prevent that from happening, I always look at the ACTIVE and level. If copies exist, I level the active one for more differences.

>> No.13072886

Thanks i do like soma more, but im prty close to CCin Daniela, cause stats...
another question, if i use a spare Daniela as the 3* fodder for CC, would she get the bonus? or is that only from combining?

>> No.13072897

Any advice for return to ruins?
I get to kill the black armor but he leaves me in a really bad shape for what comes after him.

>> No.13072903

shiiiit i accidentally used one of my Valkyries as combination material

i really need to be more carefull

luckily it was not an overly powerfull one but still

>> No.13072920

wait if cc is not combining what is it is it the class evolution

>> No.13072925

oh man this is tense will the finder get here in time to finish the beast off or will all our efforts be doomed to failure.

>> No.13072943

all iron level 1.
iron through silver only level 9-34.

Use tactics similar to these.
class change. Can do it level 30 or higher.

>> No.13072948

oh wait no wrong one

I thought you were the sorrow guy.

I'll write something up in a sec

>> No.13072963

yea cc=class change / class evolution
combining is feeding fodder for lvls

>> No.13072971

ah i see

>> No.13072999
File: 338 KB, 960x640, Return to Ruins stats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you quoted here.
This is what happened on my end. I maybe incorrect in the order past #5. Just be sure to have those archers on #3 and #4. My roster's level is all over the place even though I used two blacks. My Leeanne barely tanked the black armor + silver armor (they walked past my Betty, I would've been forced to retreat Betty if she faced them.) so having another healer might be better than having 2 mage.

>> No.13073001

i just got another archer soma i doubt i will make the same mistake again

>> No.13073013

oh i thought her range increase was nice before

>> No.13073024

your money really stacks up when your doing dailys that dont give any units

>> No.13073033
File: 350 KB, 960x530, cd5da27342de551c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay. jp aegis is down right now but here goes.

Level 20 min Archer at R
Level 20 min Archer at S
Level 15 or so reinforcement skill soldier at A. Ideally Katie or someone who gives 10 points.
Mage at K. I dunno what level is needed but I used a level 26 silver.
Level 30 armor at B
Healer at P. I used a level 20 gold but a lot of healers have vastly different magic. Just as high level as you can get is good.
If it's not enough put another healer at O.
Witch at Q. I used a level 12 gold from emergency mission.
Prince at F.
Mage at J. I used a level 30 gold.

Depending on how much your healers are doing to keep your armor alive, you can retreat one of the two mages for another healer. You could also retreat Katie and put another mage or witch at I, then an armor at A should your armor at B be unable to hold. If you do this you'll want to not put a emergency healer at K, rather put it at J.

You'll need to retreat the archer at S unless they're pretty strong. You can retreat the archer at R around 35 enemies dead since she won't do much at all against armor. You can replace her with another witch if you want.

>> No.13073036

so i assume the serial code is for special events and stuff where you get given codes for units

>> No.13073045

Yes, but those are JP Aegis only.

>> No.13073048

aww thats a shame

oh well

>> No.13073049

>>If it's not enough put another healer at O.
I forgot to add in that if you hadn't put it here now, put it after the prince at F.

>> No.13073090

>He doesn't know about the bullshit maps like Great Magic War.

>> No.13073105

thanks I am going to keep farming for fodder to get some more levels on my Ha and mage
ATM doing deep forest road not sure if is the better one but I need a break from gate

>> No.13073236

after a unit reaches max level is it still possible to combine it to bring down its unit cost and raise its skill level?

>> No.13073297
File: 370 KB, 941x630, WE BLACK NOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thank you /jp/ for supporting me through my shit draws it was all worth it in the end

>> No.13073453

i should wait for a stamina point to recharge so i can get more male bonding bonding gifts but its so tempting to crack open something else

>> No.13073588
File: 255 KB, 960x640, Semen Dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, the new Dragon Knight in JP looks OP. Her skill is 1.7x Damage + Armor Ignore. Also has a 80% cost refund if you retreat her.

>> No.13073604

>35 deployment cost


>> No.13073616

>He doesn't have multiple 35+ cost units in his army.

>> No.13073638


I don't recall exactly but Silver was ~5%.


Tomb of Sorrows had me cycling through 3 tanks: Elaine, Leanne (when that early black fatty shows up), Cypria (after the dire wolf rush - can use Eunice instead). A min-bronze archer gets replaced with Cloris when Leanne comes out. Elaine (and Katie + Phyllis) has to work hard to earn all the points to afford this.

>> No.13073640


>> No.13073658

Silver 3.5%
Gold 1%
Platinum/Black <.1%

>> No.13073711


Get used to this. Quest 21+ mega bosses typically come down to the last 5 minutes.


Deep Forest Road gives best gold returns. Tomb of Sorrow gives best fodder until you can farm Return to Ruins.

>> No.13073787

Click too fast. Start Return to Ruins with Men Only team. Still 2* it.

You really can't underestimate triple mage and a team full of expendable dudes.

>> No.13073816

Too weak to farm Return to ruins yet,
but i feel like The Wolfpack > Tomb of sorrow
I can clear wolfpack with minimal effort , meanwhile I have to tryhard on Tomb of Sorrow to clear it... the blackHA just fks things up...

or im just terrible at this game....

>> No.13073849

I got her from the first mission, what I'm supposed to do now, try to get more copies for cost reducing?
I'm probably too new to handle the hard maps.

>> No.13073857

Hello guys, just started playing Aigis and reading up on stuff.

I got that english version doesn't got events yet, but I'm still curious: how do they work in jap version?

Are they maps available for a time and then gone forever? Or do they stick around or cycle often?

>> No.13073862


Oh if you've already pushed past Return to Ruins then Wolfpack > Tomb of Sorrow definitely.

>> No.13073887

Yup. This is a regular farm event. Farm new copies if you want Cost Reduction / Skill Up.

Yes. But there are "Reprint" Events where they eventually come back for a weekend(s). Most of the time they're new events though.

>> No.13073987

New Extreme-Tier Event Map on JP drops Platinum Armors. If it's like the Rorone Event, 50%+ drop rate. Get farming you faggots.

>> No.13074016

I see. How long do the events last usually?

>> No.13074070

1-2 weeks.

>> No.13074111

equipment really leaps forward in power my unenhanced heros sword is better then my mithreal sword+8

>> No.13074173

oh i think i just worked out the trick to the deep forest road less wizards more archers

oops left my name on

>> No.13074350

almost login bonus time

>> No.13074411
File: 160 KB, 761x470, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 login proof
>Spin for an item
>Obtain Dragon Slaughter +15

As a newbie, I feel like I may have just hit a jackpot.

>> No.13074414

So, how hard are today's dailies? (Aigis, I don't even know if Valkyrie has them)

>> No.13074428


>> No.13074449

Not jackpot, but pretty good. There are a lot of stronger weapons, but this one is good enough to carry you through the current content. Normal weapons are hardly even able to get past a boss's defense, so getting any decent lottery weapon at all is a reason to celebrate. I'm still using a +12 dragon slaughterer myself and it made a huge difference compared to what I had before. I could probably get something better, but it's more than enough for the current content, so I'm saving my lottery gold right now until the update to see if there's new, better stuff to use it on (maybe new lottery weapons or SSR event cards come to mind).

In case you're not already doing that, get a set of armor and shield for each element, since it will massively boost your damage against bosses if you use their elemental weakness.

>> No.13074475

>24th roll
>fourth black unit
>rolled a second Berna

Well, okay.

I'm starting to get lots of copies now. Normally that'd be a sign to stop rolling, but I still want Lilia and Bashira. The suffering is real.

>> No.13074498

I didn't do too good on my first try on E, but I still managed to beat it and got 4 of those demon gem things. I wouldn't say it is THAT hard, I just wasn't using a good strategy for it.

>> No.13074598

Any tips for it? Gonna try it for the first time so that would be highly appreciated.

>> No.13074610

Ah and btw does anyone know if we get crystals for 3 starring dailies every week or just once? I mean are the maps the same every week?

>> No.13074615

Once only

>> No.13074625

Well that sucks. So the only truly not running out crystal source is daily login?

>> No.13074680

money does not run out

>> No.13074683

Yeah I'm not in any hurry to give them any actual shekels.

>> No.13074717

How long till they change the rewards in the trading post? Low level archers are hurting me.

>> No.13074768

Should I even bother (efficiency wise) trying to get the platinum healer for 200 demon crystals when I have a golden healer Fedora from gatcha? I guess I'll be better off saving the crystals till they change the rewards, what do u think? Not like I'd be able to collect 200 any soon lol, but with a lot of refills it's probably doable.

>> No.13074780

Can you outsiders stop typing like forum mouth-breathers?

>> No.13074785

oh wow todays daily is brutal

>> No.13074787


>> No.13074788

whoa we hit bump limit fast

>> No.13074794

>no punctuation

>> No.13074801

Well, he at least promised to knock off the emoticons.

>> No.13074805

ahha and the outsider bit

>> No.13074859

you might have autism

>> No.13074861
File: 43 KB, 400x302, moot where do you think we are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you think we are?

>> No.13074862


>> No.13075156

What are the minimum requirements to complete today daily on E?
Does it worth doing if I already have a golden mage?
